Exemplo n.º 1
 def convert_image(self, rgb, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zscale):
     Convert image to data2D
     x_len = len(rgb[0])
     y_len = len(rgb)
     x_vals = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=x_len)
     y_vals = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num=y_len)
     # Instantiate data object
     output = Data2D()
     output.filename = os.path.basename(self.title)
     output.id = output.filename
     detector = Detector()
     detector.pixel_size.x = None
     detector.pixel_size.y = None
     # Store the sample to detector distance
     detector.distance = None
     # Initiazed the output data object
     output.data = zscale * self.rgb2gray(rgb)
     output.err_data = np.zeros([x_len, y_len])
     output.mask = np.ones([x_len, y_len], dtype=bool)
     output.xbins = x_len
     output.ybins = y_len
     output.x_bins = x_vals
     output.y_bins = y_vals
     output.qx_data = np.array(x_vals)
     output.qy_data = np.array(y_vals)
     output.xmin = xmin
     output.xmax = xmax
     output.ymin = ymin
     output.ymax = ymax
     output.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', '\AA^{-1}')
     output.yaxis('\\rm{Q_{y}}', '\AA^{-1}')
     # Store loading process information
     output.meta_data['loader'] = self.title.split('.')[-1] + "Reader"
     output.is_data = True
     output = reader2D_converter(output)
     if self.base is not None:
         data = self.base.create_gui_data(output, self.title)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def convert_image(self, rgb, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zscale):
     Convert image to data2D
     x_len = len(rgb[0])
     y_len = len(rgb)
     x_vals = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=x_len)
     y_vals = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num=y_len)
     # Instantiate data object
     output = Data2D()
     output.filename = os.path.basename(self.title)
     output.id = output.filename
     detector = Detector()
     detector.pixel_size.x = None
     detector.pixel_size.y = None
     # Store the sample to detector distance
     detector.distance = None
     # Initiazed the output data object
     output.data = zscale * self.rgb2gray(rgb)
     output.err_data = np.zeros([x_len, y_len])
     output.mask = np.ones([x_len, y_len], dtype=bool)
     output.xbins = x_len
     output.ybins = y_len
     output.x_bins = x_vals
     output.y_bins = y_vals
     output.qx_data = np.array(x_vals)
     output.qy_data = np.array(y_vals)
     output.xmin = xmin
     output.xmax = xmax
     output.ymin = ymin
     output.ymax = ymax
     output.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', '\AA^{-1}')
     output.yaxis('\\rm{Q_{y}}', '\AA^{-1}')
     # Store loading process information
     output.meta_data['loader'] = self.title.split('.')[-1] + "Reader"
     output.is_data = True
     output = reader2D_converter(output)
     if self.base is not None:
         data = self.base.create_gui_data(output, self.title)
         self.base.add_data({data.id: data})
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
            Create a flat 2D distribution. All averaging results
            should return the predefined height of the distribution (1.0).
        x_0 = np.ones([100, 100])
        dx_0 = np.ones([100, 100])

        self.data = data_info.Data2D(data=x_0, err_data=dx_0)
        detector = data_info.Detector()
        detector.distance = 1000.0  # mm
        detector.pixel_size.x = 1.0  # mm
        detector.pixel_size.y = 1.0  # mm

        # center in pixel position = (len(x_0)-1)/2
        detector.beam_center.x = (len(x_0) - 1) / 2  # pixel number
        detector.beam_center.y = (len(x_0) - 1) / 2  # pixel number

        source = data_info.Source()
        source.wavelength = 10.0  # A
        self.data.source = source

        # get_q(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength) where units are mm,mm,mm,and A
        # respectively.
        self.qmin = get_q(1.0, 1.0, detector.distance, source.wavelength)
        self.qmax = get_q(49.5, 49.5, detector.distance, source.wavelength)

        self.qstep = len(x_0)
        x = np.linspace(start=-1 * self.qmax,
        y = np.linspace(start=-1 * self.qmax,
        self.data.x_bins = x
        self.data.y_bins = y
        self.data = reader2D_converter(self.data)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def setUp(self):
            Create a flat 2D distribution. All averaging results
            should return the predefined height of the distribution (1.0).
        x_0  = numpy.ones([100,100])
        dx_0 = numpy.ones([100,100])
        self.data = data_info.Data2D(data=x_0, err_data=dx_0)
        detector = data_info.Detector()
        detector.distance = 1000.0  #mm
        detector.pixel_size.x = 1.0 #mm
        detector.pixel_size.y = 1.0 #mm
        # center in pixel position = (len(x_0)-1)/2
        detector.beam_center.x = (len(x_0)-1)/2 #pixel number
        detector.beam_center.y = (len(x_0)-1)/2 #pixel number
        source = data_info.Source()
        source.wavelength = 10.0 #A
        self.data.source = source
        # get_q(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength) where units are mm,mm,mm,and A respectively.
        self.qmin = get_q(1.0, 1.0, detector.distance, source.wavelength)

        self.qmax = get_q(49.5, 49.5, detector.distance, source.wavelength)
        self.qstep = len(x_0)
        x=  numpy.linspace(start= -1*self.qmax,
                               stop= self.qmax,
                               num= self.qstep,
                               endpoint=True )  
        y = numpy.linspace(start= -1*self.qmax,
                               stop= self.qmax,
                               num= self.qstep,
                               endpoint=True )
        self.data = reader2D_converter(self.data)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def read(self, filename=None):
        Open and read the data in a file
        @param file: path of the file

        read_it = False
        for item in self.ext:
            if filename.lower().find(item) >= 0:
                read_it = True

        if read_it:
                datafile = open(filename, 'r')
                raise RuntimeError, "danse_reader cannot open %s" % (filename)

            # defaults
            # wavelength in Angstrom
            wavelength = 10.0
            # Distance in meter
            distance = 11.0
            # Pixel number of center in x
            center_x = 65
            # Pixel number of center in y
            center_y = 65
            # Pixel size [mm]
            pixel = 5.0
            # Size in x, in pixels
            size_x = 128
            # Size in y, in pixels
            size_y = 128
            # Format version
            fversion = 1.0

            output = Data2D()
            output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            detector = Detector()

            output.data = numpy.zeros([size_x, size_y])
            output.err_data = numpy.zeros([size_x, size_y])

            data_conv_q = None
            data_conv_i = None

            if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                data_conv_q = Converter('1/A')
                # Test it
                data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit)

            if has_converter == True and output.I_unit != '1/cm':
                data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm')
                # Test it
                data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit)

            read_on = True
            while read_on:
                line = datafile.readline()
                if line.find("DATA:") >= 0:
                    read_on = False
                toks = line.split(':')
                if toks[0] == "FORMATVERSION":
                    fversion = float(toks[1])
                if toks[0] == "WAVELENGTH":
                    wavelength = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "DISTANCE":
                    distance = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "CENTER_X":
                    center_x = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "CENTER_Y":
                    center_y = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "PIXELSIZE":
                    pixel = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "SIZE_X":
                    size_x = int(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "SIZE_Y":
                    size_y = int(toks[1])

            # Read the data
            data = []
            error = []
            if fversion == 1.0:
                data_str = datafile.readline()
                data = data_str.split(' ')
                read_on = True
                while read_on:
                    data_str = datafile.readline()
                    if len(data_str) == 0:
                        read_on = False
                        toks = data_str.split()
                            val = float(toks[0])
                            err = float(toks[1])
                            if data_conv_i is not None:
                                val = data_conv_i(val, units=output._yunit)
                                err = data_conv_i(err, units=output._yunit)
                            logging.info("Skipping line:%s,%s" %
                                         (data_str, sys.exc_value))

            # Initialize
            x_vals = []
            y_vals = []
            ymin = None
            ymax = None
            xmin = None
            xmax = None

            # Qx and Qy vectors
            theta = pixel / distance / 100.0
            stepq = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)
            for i_x in range(size_x):
                theta = (i_x - center_x + 1) * pixel / distance / 100.0
                qx = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)

                if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                    qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)

                if xmin == None or qx < xmin:
                    xmin = qx
                if xmax == None or qx > xmax:
                    xmax = qx

            ymin = None
            ymax = None
            for i_y in range(size_y):
                theta = (i_y - center_y + 1) * pixel / distance / 100.0
                qy = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)

                if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                    qy = data_conv_q(qy, units=output.Q_unit)

                if ymin == None or qy < ymin:
                    ymin = qy
                if ymax == None or qy > ymax:
                    ymax = qy

            # Store the data in the 2D array
            i_x = 0
            i_y = -1

            for i_pt in range(len(data)):
                    value = float(data[i_pt])
                    # For version 1.0, the data were still
                    # stored as strings at this point.
                    msg = "Skipping entry (v1.0):%s,%s" % (str(
                        data[i_pt]), sys.exc_value)

                # Get bin number
                if math.fmod(i_pt, size_x) == 0:
                    i_x = 0
                    i_y += 1
                    i_x += 1

                output.data[i_y][i_x] = value
                if fversion > 1.0:
                    output.err_data[i_y][i_x] = error[i_pt]

            # Store all data
            # Store wavelength
            if has_converter == True and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A':
                conv = Converter('A')
                wavelength = conv(wavelength,
            output.source.wavelength = wavelength

            # Store distance
            if has_converter == True and detector.distance_unit != 'm':
                conv = Converter('m')
                distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit)
            detector.distance = distance

            # Store pixel size
            if has_converter == True and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm':
                conv = Converter('mm')
                pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit)
            detector.pixel_size.x = pixel
            detector.pixel_size.y = pixel

            # Store beam center in distance units
            detector.beam_center.x = center_x * pixel
            detector.beam_center.y = center_y * pixel

            # Store limits of the image (2D array)
            xmin = xmin - stepq / 2.0
            xmax = xmax + stepq / 2.0
            ymin = ymin - stepq / 2.0
            ymax = ymax + stepq / 2.0

            if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit)
                xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit)
                ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit)
                ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit)
            output.xmin = xmin
            output.xmax = xmax
            output.ymin = ymin
            output.ymax = ymax

            # Store x and y axis bin centers
            output.x_bins = x_vals
            output.y_bins = y_vals

            # Units
            if data_conv_q is not None:
                output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit)
                output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit)
                output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}')
                output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}')

            if data_conv_i is not None:
                output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.I_unit)
                output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", "cm^{-1}")

            if not fversion >= 1.0:
                msg = "Danse_reader can't read this file %s" % filename
                raise ValueError, msg
                logging.info("Danse_reader Reading %s \n" % filename)

            # Store loading process information
            output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
            output = reader2D_converter(output)
            return output

        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def read(self, filename=None):
        Open and read the data in a file

        :param file: path of the file
            import Image
            import TiffImagePlugin
            Image._initialized = 2
            msg = "tiff_reader: could not load file. Missing Image module."
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Instantiate data object
        output = Data2D()
        output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        # Read in the image
            im = Image.open(filename)
            raise RuntimeError("cannot open %s" % (filename))
        data = im.getdata()

        # Initiazed the output data object
        output.data = np.zeros([im.size[0], im.size[1]])
        output.err_data = np.zeros([im.size[0], im.size[1]])
        output.mask = np.ones([im.size[0], im.size[1]], dtype=bool)

        # Initialize
        x_vals = []
        y_vals = []

        # x and y vectors
        for i_x in range(im.size[0]):

        itot = 0
        for i_y in range(im.size[1]):

        for val in data:
                value = float(val)
                logger.error("tiff_reader: had to skip a non-float point")

            # Get bin number
            if math.fmod(itot, im.size[0]) == 0:
                i_x = 0
                i_y += 1
                i_x += 1

            output.data[im.size[1] - 1 - i_y][i_x] = value

            itot += 1

        output.xbins = im.size[0]
        output.ybins = im.size[1]
        output.x_bins = x_vals
        output.y_bins = y_vals
        output.qx_data = np.array(x_vals)
        output.qy_data = np.array(y_vals)
        output.xmin = 0
        output.xmax = im.size[0] - 1
        output.ymin = 0
        output.ymax = im.size[0] - 1

        # Store loading process information
        output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
        output = reader2D_converter(output)
        return output
Exemplo n.º 7
    def read(self, filename=None):
        Open and read the data in a file
        :param file: path of the file
            import Image
            import TiffImagePlugin
            msg = "tiff_reader: could not load file. Missing Image module."
            raise RuntimeError, msg
        # Instantiate data object
        output = Data2D()
        output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        # Read in the image
            im = Image.open(filename)
            raise  RuntimeError, "cannot open %s"%(filename)
        data = im.getdata()

        # Initiazed the output data object
        output.data = numpy.zeros([im.size[0], im.size[1]])
        output.err_data = numpy.zeros([im.size[0], im.size[1]])
        output.mask = numpy.ones([im.size[0], im.size[1]], dtype=bool)
        # Initialize
        x_vals = []
        y_vals = []

        # x and y vectors
        for i_x in range(im.size[0]):
        itot = 0
        for i_y in range(im.size[1]):

        for val in data:
                value = float(val)
                logging.error("tiff_reader: had to skip a non-float point")
            # Get bin number
            if math.fmod(itot, im.size[0]) == 0:
                i_x = 0
                i_y += 1
                i_x += 1
            output.data[im.size[1] - 1 - i_y][i_x] = value
            itot += 1
        output.xbins = im.size[0]
        output.ybins = im.size[1]
        output.x_bins = x_vals
        output.y_bins = y_vals
        output.qx_data = numpy.array(x_vals)
        output.qy_data = numpy.array(y_vals)
        output.xmin = 0
        output.xmax = im.size[0] - 1
        output.ymin = 0
        output.ymax = im.size[0] - 1
        # Store loading process information
        output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
        output = reader2D_converter(output)
        return output
Exemplo n.º 8
    def read(self, filename=None):
        Open and read the data in a file
        @param file: path of the file
        read_it = False
        for item in self.ext:
            if filename.lower().find(item) >= 0:
                read_it = True
        if read_it:
                datafile = open(filename, 'r')
                raise  RuntimeError,"danse_reader cannot open %s" % (filename)
            # defaults
            # wavelength in Angstrom
            wavelength = 10.0
            # Distance in meter
            distance   = 11.0
            # Pixel number of center in x
            center_x   = 65
            # Pixel number of center in y
            center_y   = 65
            # Pixel size [mm]
            pixel      = 5.0
            # Size in x, in pixels
            size_x     = 128
            # Size in y, in pixels
            size_y     = 128
            # Format version
            fversion   = 1.0
            output = Data2D()
            output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            detector = Detector()
            output.data = numpy.zeros([size_x,size_y])
            output.err_data = numpy.zeros([size_x, size_y])
            data_conv_q = None
            data_conv_i = None
            if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                data_conv_q = Converter('1/A')
                # Test it
                data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit)
            if has_converter == True and output.I_unit != '1/cm':
                data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm')
                # Test it
                data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit)
            read_on = True
            while read_on:
                line = datafile.readline()
                if line.find("DATA:") >= 0:
                    read_on = False
                toks = line.split(':')
                if toks[0] == "FORMATVERSION":
                    fversion = float(toks[1])
                if toks[0] == "WAVELENGTH":
                    wavelength = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "DISTANCE":
                    distance = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "CENTER_X":
                    center_x = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "CENTER_Y":
                    center_y = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "PIXELSIZE":
                    pixel = float(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "SIZE_X":
                    size_x = int(toks[1])
                elif toks[0] == "SIZE_Y":
                    size_y = int(toks[1])
            # Read the data
            data = []
            error = []
            if fversion == 1.0:
                data_str = datafile.readline()
                data = data_str.split(' ')
                read_on = True
                while read_on:
                    data_str = datafile.readline()
                    if len(data_str) == 0:
                        read_on = False
                        toks = data_str.split()
                            val = float(toks[0])
                            err = float(toks[1])
                            if data_conv_i is not None:
                                val = data_conv_i(val, units=output._yunit)
                                err = data_conv_i(err, units=output._yunit)
                            logging.info("Skipping line:%s,%s" %(data_str,
            # Initialize
            x_vals = []
            y_vals = []
            ymin = None
            ymax = None
            xmin = None
            xmax = None
            # Qx and Qy vectors
            theta = pixel / distance / 100.0
            stepq = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)
            for i_x in range(size_x):
                theta = (i_x - center_x + 1) * pixel / distance / 100.0
                qx = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)
                if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                    qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)
                if xmin == None or qx < xmin:
                    xmin = qx
                if xmax == None or qx > xmax:
                    xmax = qx
            ymin = None
            ymax = None
            for i_y in range(size_y):
                theta = (i_y - center_y + 1) * pixel / distance / 100.0
                qy = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0)
                if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                    qy = data_conv_q(qy, units=output.Q_unit)
                if ymin == None or qy < ymin:
                    ymin = qy
                if ymax == None or qy > ymax:
                    ymax = qy
            # Store the data in the 2D array
            i_x = 0
            i_y = -1
            for i_pt in range(len(data)):
                    value = float(data[i_pt])
                    # For version 1.0, the data were still
                    # stored as strings at this point.
                    msg = "Skipping entry (v1.0):%s,%s" % (str(data[i_pt]),
                # Get bin number
                if math.fmod(i_pt, size_x) == 0:
                    i_x = 0
                    i_y += 1
                    i_x += 1
                output.data[i_y][i_x] = value
                if fversion>1.0:
                    output.err_data[i_y][i_x] = error[i_pt]
            # Store all data
            # Store wavelength
            if has_converter == True and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A':
                conv = Converter('A')
                wavelength = conv(wavelength,
            output.source.wavelength = wavelength
            # Store distance
            if has_converter == True and detector.distance_unit != 'm':
                conv = Converter('m')
                distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit)
            detector.distance = distance
            # Store pixel size
            if has_converter == True and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm':
                conv = Converter('mm')
                pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit)
            detector.pixel_size.x = pixel
            detector.pixel_size.y = pixel

            # Store beam center in distance units
            detector.beam_center.x = center_x * pixel
            detector.beam_center.y = center_y * pixel
            # Store limits of the image (2D array)
            xmin = xmin - stepq / 2.0
            xmax = xmax + stepq / 2.0
            ymin = ymin - stepq /2.0
            ymax = ymax + stepq / 2.0
            if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit)
                xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit)
                ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit)
                ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit)
            output.xmin = xmin
            output.xmax = xmax
            output.ymin = ymin
            output.ymax = ymax
            # Store x and y axis bin centers
            output.x_bins = x_vals
            output.y_bins = y_vals
            # Units
            if data_conv_q is not None:
                output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit)
                output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit)
                output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}')
                output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}')
            if data_conv_i is not None:
                output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.I_unit)
                output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", "cm^{-1}")
            if not fversion >= 1.0:
                msg = "Danse_reader can't read this file %s" % filename
                raise ValueError, msg
                logging.info("Danse_reader Reading %s \n" % filename)
            # Store loading process information
            output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
            output = reader2D_converter(output)
            return output
        return None
Exemplo n.º 9
    def read(self, filename=None):
        """ Read file """
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ValueError("Specified file %s is not a regular "
                             "file" % filename)

        output = Data2D()

        output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        detector = Detector()
        if len(output.detector):

        data_conv_q = data_conv_i = None

        if has_converter and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            data_conv_q = Converter('1/A')
            # Test it
            data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit)

        if has_converter and output.I_unit != '1/cm':
            data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm')
            # Test it
            data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit)

        data_row = 0
        wavelength = distance = center_x = center_y = None
        dataStarted = isInfo = isCenter = False

        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                data_row += 1
                # Find setup info line
                if isInfo:
                    isInfo = False
                    line_toks = line.split()
                    # Wavelength in Angstrom
                        wavelength = float(line_toks[1])
                    except ValueError:
                        msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing wavelength"
                        raise ValueError(msg)
                    # Distance in meters
                        distance = float(line_toks[3])
                    except ValueError:
                        msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing distance"
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                    # Distance in meters
                        transmission = float(line_toks[4])
                        msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, "
                        msg += "missing transmission"
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                if line.count("LAMBDA"):
                    isInfo = True

                # Find center info line
                if isCenter:
                    isCenter = False
                    line_toks = line.split()

                    # Center in bin number: Must subtract 1 because
                    # the index starts from 1
                    center_x = float(line_toks[0]) - 1
                    center_y = float(line_toks[1]) - 1

                if line.count("BCENT"):
                    isCenter = True

                # Find data start
                if line.count("***"):
                    # now have to continue to blank line
                    dataStarted = True

                    # Check that we have all the info
                    if (wavelength is None or distance is None
                            or center_x is None or center_y is None):
                        msg = "IgorReader:Missing information in data file"
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                if dataStarted:
                    if len(line.rstrip()):

        # The data is loaded in row major order (last index changing most
        # rapidly). However, the original data is in column major order (first
        # index changing most rapidly). The swap to column major order is done
        # in reader2D_converter at the end of this method.
        data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=data_row)
        size_x = size_y = int(np.rint(np.sqrt(data.size)))
        output.data = np.reshape(data, (size_x, size_y))
        output.err_data = np.zeros_like(output.data)

        # Det 640 x 640 mm
        # Q = 4 * pi/lambda * sin(theta/2)
        # Bin size is 0.5 cm
        # Removed +1 from theta = (i_x - center_x + 1)*0.5 / distance
        # / 100.0 and
        # Removed +1 from theta = (i_y - center_y + 1)*0.5 /
        # distance / 100.0
        # ToDo: Need  complete check if the following
        # convert process is consistent with fitting.py.

        # calculate qx, qy bin centers of each pixel in the image
        theta = (np.arange(size_x) - center_x) * 0.5 / distance / 100.
        qx = 4 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta / 2)

        theta = (np.arange(size_y) - center_y) * 0.5 / distance / 100.
        qy = 4 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta / 2)

        if has_converter and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)
            qy = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)

        xmax = np.max(qx)
        xmin = np.min(qx)
        ymax = np.max(qy)
        ymin = np.min(qy)

        # calculate edge offset in q.
        theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0
        xstep = 4.0 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta / 2.0)

        theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0
        ystep = 4.0 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta / 2.0)

        # Store all data ######################################
        # Store wavelength
        if has_converter and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A':
            conv = Converter('A')
            wavelength = conv(wavelength, units=output.source.wavelength_unit)
        output.source.wavelength = wavelength

        # Store distance
        if has_converter and detector.distance_unit != 'm':
            conv = Converter('m')
            distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit)
        detector.distance = distance

        # Store transmission
        output.sample.transmission = transmission

        # Store pixel size (mm)
        pixel = 5.0
        if has_converter and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm':
            conv = Converter('mm')
            pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit)
        detector.pixel_size.x = pixel
        detector.pixel_size.y = pixel

        # Store beam center in distance units
        detector.beam_center.x = center_x * pixel
        detector.beam_center.y = center_y * pixel

        # Store limits of the image (2D array)
        xmin -= xstep / 2.0
        xmax += xstep / 2.0
        ymin -= ystep / 2.0
        ymax += ystep / 2.0
        if has_converter and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit)
            xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit)
            ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit)
            ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit)
        output.xmin = xmin
        output.xmax = xmax
        output.ymin = ymin
        output.ymax = ymax

        # Store x and y axis bin centers
        output.x_bins = qx.tolist()
        output.y_bins = qy.tolist()

        # Units
        if data_conv_q is not None:
            output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit)
            output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit)
            output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}')
            output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}')

        if data_conv_i is not None:
            output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.I_unit)
            output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", "cm^{-1}")

        # Store loading process information
        output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
        output = reader2D_converter(output)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 10
    def read(self, filename=None):
        """ Read file """
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ValueError("Specified file %s is not a regular "
                             "file" % filename)
        output = Data2D()

        output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        detector = Detector()
        if len(output.detector):

        data_conv_q = data_conv_i = None
        if has_converter and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            data_conv_q = Converter('1/A')
            # Test it
            data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit)
        if has_converter and output.I_unit != '1/cm':
            data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm')
            # Test it
            data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit)

        data_row = 0
        wavelength = distance = center_x = center_y = None
        dataStarted = isInfo = isCenter = False

        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                data_row += 1
                # Find setup info line
                if isInfo:
                    isInfo = False
                    line_toks = line.split()
                    # Wavelength in Angstrom
                        wavelength = float(line_toks[1])
                    except ValueError:
                        msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing wavelength"
                        raise ValueError(msg)
                    # Distance in meters
                        distance = float(line_toks[3])
                    except ValueError:
                        msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing distance"
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                    # Distance in meters
                        transmission = float(line_toks[4])
                        msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, "
                        msg += "missing transmission"
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                if line.count("LAMBDA"):
                    isInfo = True

                # Find center info line
                if isCenter:
                    isCenter = False
                    line_toks = line.split()

                    # Center in bin number: Must subtract 1 because
                    # the index starts from 1
                    center_x = float(line_toks[0]) - 1
                    center_y = float(line_toks[1]) - 1

                if line.count("BCENT"):
                    isCenter = True

                # Find data start
                if line.count("***"):
                    # now have to continue to blank line
                    dataStarted = True

                    # Check that we have all the info
                    if (wavelength is None
                            or distance is None
                            or center_x is None
                            or center_y is None):
                        msg = "IgorReader:Missing information in data file"
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                if dataStarted:
                    if len(line.rstrip()):

        # The data is loaded in row major order (last index changing most
        # rapidly). However, the original data is in column major order (first
        # index changing most rapidly). The swap to column major order is done
        # in reader2D_converter at the end of this method.
        data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=data_row)
        size_x = size_y = int(np.rint(np.sqrt(data.size)))
        output.data = np.reshape(data, (size_x, size_y))
        output.err_data = np.zeros_like(output.data)

        # Det 640 x 640 mm
        # Q = 4 * pi/lambda * sin(theta/2)
        # Bin size is 0.5 cm
        # Removed +1 from theta = (i_x - center_x + 1)*0.5 / distance
        # / 100.0 and
        # Removed +1 from theta = (i_y - center_y + 1)*0.5 /
        # distance / 100.0
        # ToDo: Need  complete check if the following
        # convert process is consistent with fitting.py.

        # calculate qx, qy bin centers of each pixel in the image
        theta = (np.arange(size_x) - center_x) * 0.5 / distance / 100.
        qx = 4 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta/2)

        theta = (np.arange(size_y) - center_y) * 0.5 / distance / 100.
        qy = 4 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta/2)

        if has_converter and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)
            qy = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)

        xmax = np.max(qx)
        xmin = np.min(qx)
        ymax = np.max(qy)
        ymin = np.min(qy)

        # calculate edge offset in q.
        theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0
        xstep = 4.0 * np.pi / wavelength * np.sin(theta / 2.0)
        theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0
        ystep = 4.0 * np.pi/ wavelength * np.sin(theta / 2.0)
        # Store all data ######################################
        # Store wavelength
        if has_converter and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A':
            conv = Converter('A')
            wavelength = conv(wavelength, units=output.source.wavelength_unit)
        output.source.wavelength = wavelength

        # Store distance
        if has_converter and detector.distance_unit != 'm':
            conv = Converter('m')
            distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit)
        detector.distance = distance
        # Store transmission
        output.sample.transmission = transmission
        # Store pixel size (mm)
        pixel = 5.0
        if has_converter and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm':
            conv = Converter('mm')
            pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit)
        detector.pixel_size.x = pixel
        detector.pixel_size.y = pixel
        # Store beam center in distance units
        detector.beam_center.x = center_x * pixel
        detector.beam_center.y = center_y * pixel
        # Store limits of the image (2D array)
        xmin -= xstep / 2.0
        xmax += xstep / 2.0
        ymin -= ystep / 2.0
        ymax += ystep / 2.0
        if has_converter and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit)
            xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit)
            ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit)
            ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit)
        output.xmin = xmin
        output.xmax = xmax
        output.ymin = ymin
        output.ymax = ymax
        # Store x and y axis bin centers
        output.x_bins = qx.tolist()
        output.y_bins = qy.tolist()
        # Units
        if data_conv_q is not None:
            output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit)
            output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit)
            output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}')
            output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}')
        if data_conv_i is not None:
            output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.I_unit)
            output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", "cm^{-1}")
        # Store loading process information
        output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
        output = reader2D_converter(output)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 11
    def read(self, filename=None):
        """ Read file """
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ValueError, \
            "Specified file %s is not a regular file" % filename
        # Read file
        f = open(filename, 'r')
        buf = f.read()
        # Instantiate data object
        output = Data2D()
        output.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        detector = Detector()
        if len(output.detector) > 0:
            print str(output.detector[0])
        # Get content
        dataStarted = False
        lines = buf.split('\n')
        itot = 0
        x = []
        y = []
        ncounts = 0
        xmin = None
        xmax = None
        ymin = None
        ymax = None
        i_x = 0
        i_y = -1
        i_tot_row = 0
        isInfo = False
        isCenter = False
        data_conv_q = None
        data_conv_i = None
        if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            data_conv_q = Converter('1/A')
            # Test it
            data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit)
        if has_converter == True and output.I_unit != '1/cm':
            data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm')
            # Test it
            data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit)
        for line in lines:
            # Find setup info line
            if isInfo:
                isInfo = False
                line_toks = line.split()
                # Wavelength in Angstrom
                    wavelength = float(line_toks[1])
                    msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing wavelength"
                    raise ValueError, msg
            #Find # of bins in a row assuming the detector is square.
            if dataStarted == True:
                    value = float(line)
                    # Found a non-float entry, skip it
                # Get total bin number
            i_tot_row += 1
        i_tot_row = math.ceil(math.sqrt(i_tot_row)) - 1
        #print "i_tot", i_tot_row
        size_x = i_tot_row  # 192#128
        size_y = i_tot_row  # 192#128
        output.data = numpy.zeros([size_x, size_y])
        output.err_data = numpy.zeros([size_x, size_y])
        #Read Header and 2D data
        for line in lines:
            # Find setup info line
            if isInfo:
                isInfo = False
                line_toks = line.split()
                # Wavelength in Angstrom
                    wavelength = float(line_toks[1])
                    msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing wavelength"
                    raise ValueError, msg
                # Distance in meters
                    distance = float(line_toks[3])
                    msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, missing distance"
                    raise ValueError, msg
                # Distance in meters
                    transmission = float(line_toks[4])
                    msg = "IgorReader: can't read this file, "
                    msg += "missing transmission"
                    raise ValueError, msg
            if line.count("LAMBDA") > 0:
                isInfo = True
            # Find center info line
            if isCenter:
                isCenter = False
                line_toks = line.split()
                # Center in bin number: Must substrate 1 because
                #the index starts from 1
                center_x = float(line_toks[0]) - 1
                center_y = float(line_toks[1]) - 1

            if line.count("BCENT") > 0:
                isCenter = True
            # Find data start
            if line.count("***")>0:
                dataStarted = True
                # Check that we have all the info
                if wavelength == None \
                    or distance == None \
                    or center_x == None \
                    or center_y == None:
                    msg = "IgorReader:Missing information in data file"
                    raise ValueError, msg
            if dataStarted == True:
                    value = float(line)
                    # Found a non-float entry, skip it
                # Get bin number
                if math.fmod(itot, i_tot_row) == 0:
                    i_x = 0
                    i_y += 1
                    i_x += 1
                output.data[i_y][i_x] = value
                ncounts += 1
                # Det 640 x 640 mm
                # Q = 4pi/lambda sin(theta/2)
                # Bin size is 0.5 cm 
                #REmoved +1 from theta = (i_x-center_x+1)*0.5 / distance
                # / 100.0 and 
                #REmoved +1 from theta = (i_y-center_y+1)*0.5 /
                # distance / 100.0
                #ToDo: Need  complete check if the following
                # covert process is consistent with fitting.py.
                theta = (i_x - center_x) * 0.5 / distance / 100.0
                qx = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0)

                if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                    qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit)

                if xmin == None or qx < xmin:
                    xmin = qx
                if xmax == None or qx > xmax:
                    xmax = qx
                theta = (i_y - center_y) * 0.5 / distance / 100.0
                qy = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)

                if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
                    qy = data_conv_q(qy, units=output.Q_unit)
                if ymin == None or qy < ymin:
                    ymin = qy
                if ymax == None or qy > ymax:
                    ymax = qy
                if not qx in x:
                if not qy in y:
                itot += 1
        theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0
        xstep = 4.0 * math.pi / wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)
        theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0
        ystep = 4.0 * math.pi/ wavelength * math.sin(theta / 2.0)
        # Store all data ######################################
        # Store wavelength
        if has_converter == True and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A':
            conv = Converter('A')
            wavelength = conv(wavelength, units=output.source.wavelength_unit)
        output.source.wavelength = wavelength

        # Store distance
        if has_converter == True and detector.distance_unit != 'm':
            conv = Converter('m')
            distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit)
        detector.distance = distance
        # Store transmission
        output.sample.transmission = transmission
        # Store pixel size
        pixel = 5.0
        if has_converter == True and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm':
            conv = Converter('mm')
            pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit)
        detector.pixel_size.x = pixel
        detector.pixel_size.y = pixel
        # Store beam center in distance units
        detector.beam_center.x = center_x * pixel
        detector.beam_center.y = center_y * pixel
        # Store limits of the image (2D array)
        xmin = xmin - xstep / 2.0
        xmax = xmax + xstep / 2.0
        ymin = ymin - ystep / 2.0
        ymax = ymax + ystep / 2.0
        if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A':
            xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit)
            xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit)
            ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit)
            ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit)
        output.xmin = xmin
        output.xmax = xmax
        output.ymin = ymin
        output.ymax = ymax
        # Store x and y axis bin centers
        output.x_bins = x
        output.y_bins = y
        # Units
        if data_conv_q is not None:
            output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit)
            output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit)
            output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}')
            output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}')
        if data_conv_i is not None:
            output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.I_unit)
            output.zaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", "cm^{-1}")
        # Store loading process information
        output.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name
        output = reader2D_converter(output)

        return output