details += 'Number of reaches : ' + str(len(skeleton.l_Reach) - 1) + '\n'
details += 'Average width of the river : ' + str(
    scan.average_width_river * scale) + '\n\n\n'
details += 'Data about the sections ----------------------------------------\n\n'
for x in range(len(scan.l_average_width_section)):
    details += 'Section ' + str(x + 1) + ' -------------------------\n'
    details += '     Starting Distance : ' + str(x * interval_distance) + '\n'
    details += '     Number of channels : ' + str(scan.l_channels[x]) + '\n'
    details += '     Average width : ' + str(
        scan.l_average_width_section[x] * scale) + '\n\n'

with open('output.txt', 'w') as write_file:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Display the reference image -----------------------------------------------------------
a_Image = scan.getNullFigure()  # create a figure with all of its pixels - 0
a_Image.fill(255)  # fill all the pixels with - 1

scan.drawRiverContour(a_Image, rgbBLUE)  # draw the river contours
scan.drawSkeleton(a_Image, rgbBLACK, rgbBLACK)  # draw the skeleton
scan.drawJunction(a_Image, rgbRED)  # draw the junctions
scan.drawStream(a_Image, l2_stream,
                rgbGREEN)  # draw the green lines across all stream points

plt.figure(1)  # create a new figure
plt.imshow(a_Image)  # draw a_Image on the current figure  # display the figure
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------