Exemplo n.º 1
def UDP_layer(attributes):
    layer4 = UDP()
    layer4.sport = attributes['sport']
    layer4.dport = attributes['dport']
    layer4.len = attributes['len']

    return layer4
Exemplo n.º 2
def makePacket(dstip, ethaddr, rthdr):
    # MAC address of router interface on senderSend private network.
    # Don't know why Scapy can't figure this out on its own.
    eth = Ether(dst=ethaddr)

    iphdr = IPv6()
    iphdr.dst = dstip
    # this is necessary for srh
    iphdr.src = C.senderSendIp
    # Routing Header = 43, UDP = 17
    iphdr.nh = 17 if rthdr == "" else 43

    udphdr = UDP()
    udphdr.sport = 11111
    udphdr.dport = 3000

    payload = "$"

    return eth / iphdr / rthdr / udphdr / payload
Exemplo n.º 3
Sample script to send a DHCP discover
import scapy
from scapy.sendrecv import sendp, sniff
from scapy.all import DHCP, ARP, BOOTP, Ether, UDP, TCP, IP

# data link layer
ethernet = Ether()
ethernet.dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'

# network layer
ip = IP()
ip.dst = ''

# transport layer
udp = UDP()
udp.sport = 68
udp.dport = 67

# application layer
bootp = BOOTP()
bootp.flags = 1

dhcp = DHCP()
dhcp.options = [("message-type", "discover"), "end"]

packet = ethernet / ip / udp / bootp / dhcp

ans = srp1(packet)
Exemplo n.º 4
from scapy.all import IP,UDP,RandIP,send
from random import randrange
ip = raw_input("Target IP: ")
port = input("Port: ")
times = input("Packet Nums: ")
    randport = randrange(1025,65535,1)
    c.sport = randport
    if (tmp == times):
        tmp = tmp + 1
Exemplo n.º 5
from scapy.all import DHCP, ARP, BOOTP, Ether, UDP, TCP, IP

# data link layer
ethernet = Ether()
ethernet.dst = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"

# network layer
ip = IP()
ip.dst = ""

# transport layer
udp = UDP()
udp.sport = 68
udp.dport = 67

# application layer
bootp = BOOTP()
bootp.flags = 1

dhcp = DHCP()
dhcp.options = [("message-type", "discover"), "end"]

packet = ethernet / ip / udp / bootp / dhcp

Exemplo n.º 6
def create_packet(packet_proto=PacketProto.TCP, **kwargs):
    """Creates network packet of  IP and associated TCP or UDP corresponding packets via Scapy

    :param: packet_proto denotes IP packet layer (protocol) to create, ex: TCP, UDP, ICMP
    :type: PacketProto
    :param: flags TCP flags to enabel in packet, ex: 'AFS'
    :type: str
    :param: kwargs dictionary for packet creation
        src = IP address of source
        sport = IP source port
        dst = IP address of destination
        dport = IP destination port
        src_mac = Ethernet MAC address of source
    :rtype: dict
    :return: scapy packet
    :rtype: pkt
    :raise: ValidationError if method parameter validation fails
    errors = {}
    if 'flags' in kwargs and not valid_flags(kwargs.get('flags')):
        errors["tcp_flags"] = "Invalid TCP flag(s): " + kwargs.get('flags')
    if 'flags' in kwargs and packet_proto != PacketProto.TCP:
        errors["flags"] = "Invalid flags cannot be passed non TCP packet"
    if 'dport' in kwargs and not valid_port(kwargs.get("dport")):
        errors["dport"] = "Invalid destination port " + str(
    if 'sport' in kwargs and not valid_port(kwargs.get("sport")):
        errors["sport"] = "Invalid source port " + str(kwargs.get("sport"))
    if 'src' in kwargs and not valid_ip(kwargs.get("src")):
        errors["src"] = "Invalid source IP address " + kwargs.get("src")
    if 'dst' in kwargs and not valid_ip(kwargs.get("dst")):
        errors["dst"] = "Invalid destination IP address " + kwargs.get("dst")
    if 'src_mac' in kwargs and not valid_mac(kwargs.get("src_mac")):
        errors["src_mac"] = "Invalid source MAC address " + kwargs.get(
    if 'dst' not in kwargs:
        errors["dst"] = "Destination IP address required"
    if packet_proto == PacketProto.TCP and 'dport' not in kwargs:
        errors["tcp_dport"] = "Destination port required for TCP packet"
    if errors:
        raise ValidationError("Invalid IP creation", errors)

    # create scapy packet
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ip = IP(dst=kwargs.get("dst"))
    if 'src' in kwargs:
        ip.src = kwargs.get("src")
        LOGGER.debug("Set Src IP " + ip.src)

    if packet_proto == PacketProto.TCP:
        tcp = TCP(dport=int(kwargs.get("dport")))
        if 'sport' in kwargs:
            tcp.sport = int(kwargs.get("sport"))
        tcp.flags = kwargs.get("flags")
        LOGGER.debug("Set TCP Flags " + str(tcp.flags))
        packet = ip / tcp
    elif packet_proto == PacketProto.UDP:
        udp = UDP(dport=int(kwargs.get("dport")))
        LOGGER.debug("Set UDP Dest Port " + str(udp.dport))
        if 'sport' in kwargs:
            udp.sport = int(kwargs.get("sport"))
            LOGGER.debug("Set UDP Src Port " + str(udp.sport))
        packet = ip / udp
    elif packet_proto == PacketProto.ICMP:
        LOGGER.debug("Set ICMP packet")
        icmp = ICMP()
        packet = ip / icmp
            "packet_proto"] = "Invalid packet protocol passed (unrecognized)"
        raise ValidationError("Invalid IP creation", errors)

    if 'src_mac' in kwargs:
        ether = Ether(src=kwargs.get("src_mac"))
        LOGGER.debug("Set Ethernet MAC Addr " + ether.src)
        packet = ether / packet

    return packet