Exemplo n.º 1
class MKADistributedCAKParamSet(MKAParamSet):
    Distributed CAK Parameter Set (802.1X-2010, section 11.11).

    # IEEE 802.1X-2010 standard
    # Section 11.11

    name = "Distributed CAK parameter set"
    fields_desc = [
        ShortField("param_set_body_len", 0),
        XStrField("cak_key_name", "")
Exemplo n.º 2
class ESP(Packet):
    Encapsulated Security Payload

    See https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4303.txt
    name = 'ESP'

    fields_desc = [
        XIntField('spi', 0x0),
        IntField('seq', 0),
        XStrField('data', None),

    overload_fields = {
        IP: {
            'proto': socket.IPPROTO_ESP
        IPv6: {
            'nh': socket.IPPROTO_ESP
        IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop: {
            'nh': socket.IPPROTO_ESP
        IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt: {
            'nh': socket.IPPROTO_ESP
        IPv6ExtHdrRouting: {
            'nh': socket.IPPROTO_ESP
Exemplo n.º 3
class TLSInnerPlaintext(_GenericTLSSessionInheritance):
    name = "TLS Inner Plaintext"
    fields_desc = [
        _TLSMsgListField("msg", []),
        ByteEnumField("type", None, _tls_type),
        XStrField("pad", "")

    def pre_dissect(self, s):
        We need to parse the padding and type as soon as possible,
        else we won't be able to parse the message list...
        if len(s) < 1:
            raise Exception("Invalid InnerPlaintext (too short).")

        tmp_len = len(s) - 1
        if s[-1] != b"\x00":
            msg_len = tmp_len
            n = 1
            while s[-n] != b"\x00" and n < tmp_len:
                n += 1
            msg_len = tmp_len - n
        self.fields_desc[0].length_from = lambda pkt: msg_len

        self.type = struct.unpack("B", s[msg_len:msg_len + 1])[0]

        return s
Exemplo n.º 4
class WireguardTransport(Packet):
    name = "Wireguard Transport"

    fields_desc = [
        XLEIntField("receiver_index", 0),
        XLELongField("counter", 0),
        XStrField("encrypted_encapsulated_packet", None)
Exemplo n.º 5
class ZigbeeSecurityHeader(Packet):
    name = "Zigbee Security Header"
    fields_desc = [
        # Security control (1 octet)
        FlagsField("reserved1", 0, 2, ['reserved1', 'reserved2']),
        BitField("extended_nonce", 1, 1),  # set to 1 if the sender address field is present (source)  # noqa: E501
        # Key identifier
        BitEnumField("key_type", 1, 2, {
            0: 'data_key',
            1: 'network_key',
            2: 'key_transport_key',
            3: 'key_load_key'
        # Security level (3 bits)
        BitEnumField("nwk_seclevel", 0, 3, {
            0: "None",
            1: "MIC-32",
            2: "MIC-64",
            3: "MIC-128",
            4: "ENC",
            5: "ENC-MIC-32",
            6: "ENC-MIC-64",
            7: "ENC-MIC-128"
        # Frame counter (4 octets)
        XLEIntField("fc", 0),  # provide frame freshness and prevent duplicate frames  # noqa: E501
        # Source address (0/8 octets)
        ConditionalField(dot15d4AddressField("source", 0, adjust=lambda pkt, x: 8), lambda pkt: pkt.extended_nonce),  # noqa: E501
        # Key sequence number (0/1 octet): only present when key identifier is 1 (network key)  # noqa: E501
        ConditionalField(ByteField("key_seqnum", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval("key_type") == 1),  # noqa: E501
        # Payload
        # the length of the encrypted data is the payload length minus the MIC
        XStrField("data", ""),  # noqa: E501
        # Message Integrity Code (0/variable in size), length depends on nwk_seclevel  # noqa: E501
        XStrField("mic", ""),

    def post_dissect(self, s):
        # Get the mic dissected correctly
        mic_length = util_mic_len(self)
        if mic_length > 0:  # Slice "data" into "data + mic"
            _data, _mic = self.data[:-mic_length], self.data[-mic_length:]
            self.data, self.mic = _data, _mic
        return s
Exemplo n.º 6
class SSLv2RequestCertificate(_SSLv2Handshake):
    In order to parse a RequestCertificate, the exact message string should be
    fed to the class. This is how SSLv2 defines the challenge length...
    name = "SSLv2 Handshake - Request Certificate"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("msgtype", 7, _sslv2_handshake_type),
                   ByteEnumField("authtype", 1, {1: "md5_with_rsa"}),
                   XStrField("challenge", "")]

    def tls_session_update(self, msg_str):
        super(SSLv2RequestCertificate, self).tls_session_update(msg_str)
        self.tls_session.sslv2_challenge_clientcert = self.challenge
Exemplo n.º 7
class SSLv2ServerFinished(_SSLv2Handshake):
    In order to parse a ServerFinished, the exact message string should be fed
    to the class. SSLv2 does not offer any other way to know the sid length.
    name = "SSLv2 Handshake - Server Finished"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("msgtype", 6, _sslv2_handshake_type),
                   XStrField("sid", "")]

    def build(self, *args, **kargs):
        fval = self.getfieldval("sid")
        if fval == b"":
            self.sid = self.tls_session.sid
        return super(SSLv2ServerFinished, self).build(*args, **kargs)

    def post_dissection_tls_session_update(self, msg_str):
        self.tls_session.sid = self.sid
Exemplo n.º 8
class SSLv2ClientFinished(_SSLv2Handshake):
    In order to parse a ClientFinished, the exact message string should be fed
    to the class. SSLv2 does not offer any other way to know the c_id length.
    name = "SSLv2 Handshake - Client Finished"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("msgtype", 3, _sslv2_handshake_type),
                   XStrField("connection_id", "")]

    def build(self, *args, **kargs):
        fval = self.getfieldval("connection_id")
        if fval == b"":
            self.connection_id = self.tls_session.sslv2_connection_id
        return super(SSLv2ClientFinished, self).build(*args, **kargs)

    def post_dissection(self, pkt):
        s = self.tls_session
        if s.sslv2_connection_id is not None:
            if self.connection_id != s.sslv2_connection_id:
                pkt_info = pkt.firstlayer().summary()
                log_runtime.info("TLS: invalid client Finished received [%s]", pkt_info)
Exemplo n.º 9
class SSLv2ServerVerify(_SSLv2Handshake):
    In order to parse a ServerVerify, the exact message string should be
    fed to the class. This is how SSLv2 defines the challenge length...
    name = "SSLv2 Handshake - Server Verify"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("msgtype", 5, _sslv2_handshake_type),
                   XStrField("challenge", "")]

    def build(self, *args, **kargs):
        fval = self.getfieldval("challenge")
        if fval is None:
            self.challenge = self.tls_session.sslv2_challenge
        return super(SSLv2ServerVerify, self).build(*args, **kargs)

    def post_dissection(self, pkt):
        s = self.tls_session
        if s.sslv2_challenge is not None:
            if self.challenge != s.sslv2_challenge:
                pkt_info = pkt.firstlayer().summary()
                log_runtime.info("TLS: invalid ServerVerify received [%s]", pkt_info)
Exemplo n.º 10
class DoIP(Packet):
    Implementation of the DoIP (ISO 13400) protocol. DoIP packets can be sent
    via UDP and TCP. Depending on the payload type, the correct connection
    need to be chosen:

    | Payload Type | Payload Type Name                                            | Connection Kind |
    | 0x0000       | Generic DoIP header negative acknowledge                     | UDP / TCP       |
    | 0x0001       | Vehicle Identification request message                       | UDP             |
    | 0x0002       | Vehicle identification request message with EID              | UDP             |
    | 0x0003       | Vehicle identification request message with VIN              | UDP             |
    | 0x0004       | Vehicle announcement message/vehicle identification response | UDP             |
    | 0x0005       | Routing activation request                                   | TCP             |
    | 0x0006       | Routing activation response                                  | TCP             |
    | 0x0007       | Alive Check request                                          | TCP             |
    | 0x0008       | Alive Check response                                         | TCP             |
    | 0x4001       | IP entity status request                                     | UDP             |
    | 0x4002       | DoIP entity status response                                  | UDP             |
    | 0x4003       | Diagnostic power mode information request                    | UDP             |
    | 0x4004       | Diagnostic power mode information response                   | UDP             |
    | 0x8001       | Diagnostic message                                           | TCP             |
    | 0x8002       | Diagnostic message positive acknowledgement                  | TCP             |
    | 0x8003       | Diagnostic message negative acknowledgement                  | TCP             |

    Example with UDP:
        >>> socket = L3RawSocket(iface="eth0")
        >>> resp = socket.sr1(IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=13400)/DoIP(payload_type=1))

    Example with TCP:
        >>> socket = DoIPSocket("")
        >>> pkt = DoIP(payload_type=0x8001, source_address=0xe80, target_address=0x1000) / UDS() / UDS_RDBI(identifiers=[0x1000])
        >>> resp = socket.sr1(pkt, timeout=1)

    Example with UDS:
        >>> socket = UDS_DoIPSocket("")
        >>> pkt = UDS() / UDS_RDBI(identifiers=[0x1000])
        >>> resp = socket.sr1(pkt, timeout=1)
    """  # noqa: E501
    payload_types = {
        0x0000: "Generic DoIP header NACK",
        0x0001: "Vehicle identification request",
        0x0002: "Vehicle identification request with EID",
        0x0003: "Vehicle identification request with VIN",
        "Vehicle announcement message/vehicle identification response message",  # noqa: E501
        0x0005: "Routing activation request",
        0x0006: "Routing activation response",
        0x0007: "Alive check request",
        0x0008: "Alive check response",
        0x4001: "DoIP entity status request",
        0x4002: "DoIP entity status response",
        0x4003: "Diagnostic power mode information request",
        0x4004: "Diagnostic power mode information response",
        0x8001: "Diagnostic message",
        0x8002: "Diagnostic message ACK",
        0x8003: "Diagnostic message NACK"
    name = 'DoIP'
    fields_desc = [
        XByteField("protocol_version", 0x02),
        XByteField("inverse_version", 0xFD),
        XShortEnumField("payload_type", 0, payload_types),
        IntField("payload_length", None),
                "nack", 0, {
                    0: "Incorrect pattern format",
                    1: "Unknown payload type",
                    2: "Message too large",
                    3: "Out of memory",
                    4: "Invalid payload length"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x0]),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("vin", b"", 17),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [3, 4]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("logical_address", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("eid", b"", 6),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [2, 4]),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("gid", b"", 6),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
                "further_action", 0, {
                    "No further action required",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    "Routing activation required to initiate central security",
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
                "vin_gid_status", 0, {
                    0x00: "VIN and/or GID are synchronized",
                    0x01: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x02: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x03: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x04: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x05: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x06: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x07: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x08: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x09: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0a: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0b: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0c: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0d: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0e: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x0f: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x10: "Incomplete: VIN and GID are NOT synchronized"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [4]),
            XShortField("source_address", 0), lambda p: p.payload_type in
            [5, 8, 0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003]),  # noqa: E501
                "activation_type", 0, {
                    0: "Default",
                    1: "WWH-OBD",
                    0xe0: "Central security",
                    0x16: "Default",
                    0x116: "Diagnostic",
                    0xe016: "Central security"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [5]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("logical_address_tester", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [6]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("logical_address_doip_entity", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [6]),
                    "Routing activation denied due to unknown source address.",
                    "Routing activation denied because all concurrently supported TCP_DATA sockets are registered and active.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied because an SA different from the table connection entry was received on the already activated TCP_DATA socket.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied because the SA is already registered and active on a different TCP_DATA socket.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied due to missing authentication.",
                    "Routing activation denied due to rejected confirmation.",
                    "Routing activation denied due to unsupported routing activation type.",  # noqa: E501
                    "Routing activation denied because the specified activation type requires a secure TLS TCP_DATA socket.",  # noqa: E501
                    0x08: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x09: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0a: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0b: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0c: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0d: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0e: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x0f: "Reserved by ISO 13400.",
                    0x10: "Routing successfully activated.",
                    0x11: "Routing will be activated; confirmation required."
            lambda p: p.payload_type in [6]),
        ConditionalField(XIntField("reserved_iso", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [5, 6]),
        ConditionalField(XStrField("reserved_oem", b""),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [5, 6]),
            XByteEnumField("diagnostic_power_mode", 0, {
                0: "not ready",
                1: "ready",
                2: "not supported"
            }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4004]),
            ByteEnumField("node_type", 0, {
                0: "DoIP gateway",
                1: "DoIP node"
            }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(XByteField("max_open_sockets", 1),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(XByteField("cur_open_sockets", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(IntField("max_data_size", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x4002]),
        ConditionalField(XShortField("target_address", 0),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003
                                                      ]),  # noqa: E501
        ConditionalField(XByteEnumField("ack_code", 0, {0: "ACK"}),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8002]),
                "nack_code", 0, {
                    0x00: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x01: "Reserved by ISO 13400",
                    0x02: "Invalid source address",
                    0x03: "Unknown target address",
                    0x04: "Diagnostic message too large",
                    0x05: "Out of memory",
                    0x06: "Target unreachable",
                    0x07: "Unknown network",
                    0x08: "Transport protocol error"
                }), lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8003]),
        ConditionalField(XStrField("previous_msg", b""),
                         lambda p: p.payload_type in [0x8002, 0x8003])

    def answers(self, other):
        # type: (Packet) -> int
        """DEV: true if self is an answer from other"""
        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
            if self.payload_type == 0:
                return 1

            matches = [(4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (6, 5), (8, 7),
                       (0x4002, 0x4001), (0x4004, 0x4003), (0x8001, 0x8001),
                       (0x8003, 0x8001)]
            if (self.payload_type, other.payload_type) in matches:
                if self.payload_type == 0x8001:
                    return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
                return 1
        return 0

    def hashret(self):
        # type: () -> bytes
        if self.payload_type in [0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003]:
            return bytes(self)[:2] + struct.pack(
                "H", self.target_address ^ self.source_address)
        return bytes(self)[:2]

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        # type: (bytes, bytes) -> bytes
        This will set the Field 'payload_length' to the correct value.
        if self.payload_length is None:
            pkt = pkt[:4] + struct.pack("!I", len(pay) + len(pkt) - 8) + \
        return pkt + pay

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        # type: (bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, Optional[bytes]]
        if self.payload_type == 0x8001:
            return s[:self.payload_length - 4], None
            return b"", None
Exemplo n.º 11
    name = "NTLM Authenticate"
    messageType = 3
    OFFSET = 88
    fields_desc = [
        # LmChallengeResponseFields
        LEShortField('LmChallengeResponseLen', None),
        LEShortField('LmChallengeResponseMaxLen', None),
        LEIntField('LmChallengeResponseBufferOffset', None),
        # NtChallengeResponseFields
        LEShortField('NtChallengeResponseLen', None),
        LEShortField('NtChallengeResponseMaxLen', None),
        LEIntField('NtChallengeResponseBufferOffset', None),
        # DomainNameFields
        LEShortField('DomainNameLen', None),
        LEShortField('DomainNameMaxLen', None),
        LEIntField('DomainNameBufferOffset', None),
        # UserNameFields
        LEShortField('UserNameLen', None),
        LEShortField('UserNameMaxLen', None),
        LEIntField('UserNameBufferOffset', None),
        # WorkstationFields
        LEShortField('WorkstationLen', None),
        LEShortField('WorkstationMaxLen', None),
        LEIntField('WorkstationBufferOffset', None),
        # EncryptedRandomSessionKeyFields
        LEShortField('EncryptedRandomSessionKeyLen', None),
        LEShortField('EncryptedRandomSessionKeyMaxLen', None),
        LEIntField('EncryptedRandomSessionKeyBufferOffset', None),
        # NegotiateFlags
        FlagsField('NegotiateFlags', 0, -32, _negotiateFlags),
        # VERSION
        # MIC
        XStrFixedLenField('MIC', b"", length=16),
        # Payload
        _NTLMPayloadField('Payload', OFFSET, [
                (PacketField('LmChallengeResponse', LMv2_RESPONSE(),
                             LMv2_RESPONSE), lambda pkt: pkt.NTLM_VERSION == 2)
            ], PacketField('LmChallengeResponse', LM_RESPONSE(), LM_RESPONSE)),
                'NtChallengeResponse', NTLMv2_RESPONSE(),
                NTLMv2_RESPONSE), lambda pkt: pkt.NTLM_VERSION == 2)],
                                          NTLM_RESPONSE(), NTLM_RESPONSE)),
            _NTLMStrField('DomainName', b''),
            _NTLMStrField('UserName', b''),
            _NTLMStrField('Workstation', b''),
            XStrField('EncryptedRandomSessionKey', b''),

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        # type: (bytes, bytes) -> bytes
        return _NTML_post_build(
            self, pkt, self.OFFSET, {
                "LmChallengeResponse": 12,
                "NtChallengeResponse": 20,
                "DomainName": 28,
                "UserName": 36,
                "Workstation": 44,
                "EncryptedRandomSessionKey": 52
            }) + pay