Exemplo n.º 1
    def __new__(cls,
                name,  # type: str
                bases,  # type: Tuple[type, ...]
                dct  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        # type: (...) -> Type[ASN1_Class]
        for b in bases:
            for k, v in six.iteritems(b.__dict__):
                if k not in dct and isinstance(v, ASN1Tag):
                    dct[k] = v.clone()

        rdict = {}
        for k, v in six.iteritems(dct):
            if isinstance(v, int):
                v = ASN1Tag(k, v)
                dct[k] = v
                rdict[v] = v
            elif isinstance(v, ASN1Tag):
                rdict[v] = v
        dct["__rdict__"] = rdict

        ncls = cast('Type[ASN1_Class]',
                    type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct))
        for v in six.itervalues(ncls.__dict__):
            if isinstance(v, ASN1Tag):
                # overwrite ASN1Tag contexts, even cloned ones
                v.context = ncls
        return ncls
Exemplo n.º 2
    def multiplot(self,
                  f,  # type: Callable[..., Any]
                  lfilter=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[..., Any]]
                  plot_xy=False,  # type: bool
                  **kargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> Line2D
        """Uses a function that returns a label and a value for this label, then
        plots all the values label by label.

        A list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D is returned.
        # Defer imports of matplotlib until its needed
        # because it has a heavy dep chain
        from scapy.libs.matplot import (

        # Python 2 backward compatibility
        f = lambda_tuple_converter(f)
        if lfilter is not None:
            lfilter = lambda_tuple_converter(lfilter)

        # Get the list of packets
        if lfilter is None:
            lst_pkts = (f(*e) for e in self.res)
            lst_pkts = (f(*e) for e in self.res if lfilter(*e))

        # Apply the function f to the packets
        d = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[float]]
        for k, v in lst_pkts:
            d.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

        # Mimic the default gnuplot output
        if not kargs:

        if plot_xy:
            lines = [plt.plot(*zip(*pl), **dict(kargs, label=k))
                     for k, pl in six.iteritems(d)]
            lines = [plt.plot(pl, **dict(kargs, label=k))
                     for k, pl in six.iteritems(d)]
        plt.legend(loc="center right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.5))

        # Call show() if matplotlib is not inlined
        if not MATPLOTLIB_INLINED:

        return lines
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __repr__(self):
     # type: () -> str
     lst = []
     for num, layer in six.iteritems(self.num2layer):
         if layer in self.layer2num and self.layer2num[layer] == num:
             dir = "<->"
             dir = " ->"
         lst.append((num, "%#6x %s %-20s (%s)" % (num, dir, layer.__name__,
     for layer, num in six.iteritems(self.layer2num):
         if num not in self.num2layer or self.num2layer[num] != layer:
             lst.append((num, "%#6x <-  %-20s (%s)" % (num, layer.__name__,
     return "\n".join(y for x, y in lst)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
     # type: (str) -> _K
         return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)  # type: ignore
     except AttributeError:
         for k, v in six.iteritems(self.d):
             if self.ident(v) == attr:
                 return cast(_K, k)
     raise AttributeError
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __repr__(self):
     # type: () -> str
     s = []
     if self:
         mk = max(len(k) for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__))
         fmt = "%%-%is %%s" % (mk + 1)
         for item in six.iteritems(self.__dict__):
             s.append(fmt % item)
     return "\n".join(s)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def update(self,  # type: ignore
            other,  # type: Any
            **kwargs  # type: Any
     # type: (...) -> None
     for key, value in six.iteritems(other):
         # We only update an element from `other` either if it does
         # not exist in `self` or if the entry in `self` is older.
         if key not in self or self._timetable[key] < other._timetable[key]:
             dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
             self._timetable[key] = other._timetable[key]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def conversations(self,
                      getsrcdst=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[Packet], Tuple[Any, ...]]]  # noqa: E501
                      **kargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> Any
        """Graphes a conversations between sources and destinations and display it
        (using graphviz and imagemagick)

        :param getsrcdst: a function that takes an element of the list and
            returns the source, the destination and optionally
            a label. By default, returns the IP source and
            destination from IP and ARP layers
        :param type: output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's
            "-T" option
        :param target: filename or redirect. Defaults pipe to Imagemagick's
            display program
        :param prog: which graphviz program to use
        if getsrcdst is None:
            def _getsrcdst(pkt):
                # type: (Packet) -> Tuple[str, str]
                """Extract src and dst addresses"""
                if 'IP' in pkt:
                    return (pkt['IP'].src, pkt['IP'].dst)
                if 'IPv6' in pkt:
                    return (pkt['IPv6'].src, pkt['IPv6'].dst)
                if 'ARP' in pkt:
                    return (pkt['ARP'].psrc, pkt['ARP'].pdst)
                raise TypeError()
            getsrcdst = _getsrcdst
        conv = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[Any, ...], Any]
        for p in self.res:
            p = self._elt2pkt(p)
                c = getsrcdst(p)
            except Exception:
                # No warning here: it's OK that getsrcdst() raises an
                # exception, since it might be, for example, a
                # function that expects a specific layer in each
                # packet. The try/except approach is faster and
                # considered more Pythonic than adding tests.
            if len(c) == 3:
                conv.setdefault(c[:2], set()).add(c[2])
                conv[c] = conv.get(c, 0) + 1
        gr = 'digraph "conv" {\n'
        for (s, d), l in six.iteritems(conv):
            gr += '\t "%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"]\n' % (
                s, d, ', '.join(str(x) for x in l) if isinstance(l, set) else l
        gr += "}\n"
        return do_graph(gr, **kargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
def nmap_search(sigs):
    guess = 0, []
    for osval, fprint in conf.nmap_kdb.get_base():
        score = 0.0
        for test, values in six.iteritems(fprint):
            if test in sigs:
                score += nmap_match_one_sig(sigs[test], values)
        score /= len(sigs)
        if score > guess[0]:
            guess = score, [osval]
        elif score == guess[0]:
    return guess
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _load(
         dat,  # type: Dict[str, NetworkInterface]
         prov,  # type: InterfaceProvider
     # type: (...) -> None
     for ifname, iface in six.iteritems(dat):
         if ifname in self.data:
             # Handle priorities: keep except if libpcap
             if prov.libpcap:
                 self.data[ifname] = iface
             self.data[ifname] = iface
Exemplo n.º 10
    def build_graph(self):
        # type: () -> str
        s = 'digraph "%s" {\n' % self.__class__.__name__

        se = ""  # Keep initial nodes at the beginning for better rendering
        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            if st.atmt_initial:
                se = (
                    '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=blue, shape=box, root=true];\n'
                    % st.atmt_state) + se  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_final:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=green, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_error:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=red, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_stop:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=orange, shape=box, root=true ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
        s += se

        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            for n in st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_names + st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_consts:  # noqa: E501
                if n in self.states:
                    s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [ color=green ];\n' % (
                        st.atmt_state, n)  # noqa: E501

        for c, k, v in (
            [("purple", k, v)
             for k, v in self.conditions.items()] +  # noqa: E501
            [("red", k, v)
             for k, v in self.recv_conditions.items()] +  # noqa: E501
            [("orange", k, v) for k, v in self.ioevents.items()]):
            for f in v:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names + f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        line = f.atmt_condname
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            line += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s", color=%s];\n' % (
                            k, n, line, c)  # noqa: E501
        for k, v2 in six.iteritems(self.timeout):
            for t, f in v2:
                if f is None:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names + f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        line = "%s/%.1fs" % (f.atmt_condname, t)
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            line += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s",color=blue];\n' % (
                            k, n, line)  # noqa: E501
        s += "}\n"
        return s
Exemplo n.º 11
 def self_build(self, **kwargs):
     ''' Takes an HTTPRequest or HTTPResponse object, and creates its
     string representation.'''
     if not isinstance(self.underlayer, HTTP):
             "An HTTPResponse/HTTPRequest should always be below an HTTP")
     # Check for cache
     if self.raw_packet_cache is not None:
         return self.raw_packet_cache
     p = b""
     # Walk all the fields, in order
     for f in self.fields_desc:
         if f.name == "Unknown_Headers":
         # Get the field value
         val = self.getfieldval(f.name)
         if not val:
             # Not specified. Skip
         if f.name not in [
                 'Method', 'Path', 'Reason_Phrase', 'Http_Version',
             val = _header_line(f.real_name, val)
         # Fields used in the first line have a space as a separator,
         # whereas headers are terminated by a new line
         if isinstance(self, HTTPRequest):
             if f.name in ['Method', 'Path']:
                 separator = b' '
                 separator = b'\r\n'
         elif isinstance(self, HTTPResponse):
             if f.name in ['Http_Version', 'Status_Code']:
                 separator = b' '
                 separator = b'\r\n'
         # Add the field into the packet
         p = f.addfield(self, p, val + separator)
     # Handle Unknown_Headers
     if self.Unknown_Headers:
         headers_text = b""
         for name, value in six.iteritems(self.Unknown_Headers):
             headers_text += _header_line(name, value) + b"\r\n"
         p = self.get_field("Unknown_Headers").addfield(
             self, p, headers_text)
     # The packet might be empty, and in that case it should stay empty.
     if p:
         # Add an additional line after the last header
         p = f.addfield(self, p, b'\r\n')
     return p
Exemplo n.º 12
    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if len(payload) < self._min_ieo_len:
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)

        # Look at fields of the generic ICMPExtensionObject to determine which
        # bound extension type to use.
        ieo = ICMPExtensionObject(payload)
        if ieo.len < self._min_ieo_len:
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)

        for fval, cls in self.payload_guess:
            if all(
                    hasattr(ieo, k) and v == ieo.getfieldval(k)
                    for k, v in six.iteritems(fval)):
                return cls
        return ICMPExtensionObject
Exemplo n.º 13
    def reverse_lookup(self, name, case_sensitive=False):
        # type: (str, bool) -> Dict[str, str]
        Find all MACs registered to a OUI

        :param name: the OUI name
        :param case_sensitive: default to False
        :returns: a dict of mac:tuples (Name, Extended Name)
        if case_sensitive:
            filtr = lambda x, l: any(x in z for z in l)  # type: Callable[[str, Tuple[str, str]], bool]  # noqa: E501
            name = name.lower()
            filtr = lambda x, l: any(x in z.lower() for z in l)
        return {k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(self.d)
                if filtr(name, v)}
Exemplo n.º 14
    def load(self, NetworkInterface_Win=NetworkInterface_Win):
        results = {}
        if not conf.cache_pcapiflist:
            # Try a restart

        windows_interfaces = dict()
        for i in get_windows_if_list():
            # Detect Loopback interface
            if "Loopback" in i['name']:
                i['name'] = conf.loopback_name
            if i['guid']:
                if conf.use_npcap and i['name'] == conf.loopback_name:
                    i['guid'] = NPCAP_LOOPBACK_NAME
                windows_interfaces[i['guid']] = i

        index = 0
        for netw, if_data in six.iteritems(conf.cache_pcapiflist):
            name, ips, flags, _ = if_data
            guid = _pcapname_to_guid(netw)
            data = windows_interfaces.get(guid, None)
            if data:
                # Exists in Windows registry
                data['network_name'] = netw
                data['ips'] = list(set(data['ips'] + ips))
                data['flags'] = flags
                # Only in [Wi]npcap
                index -= 1
                data = {
                    'name': name,
                    'description': name,
                    'index': index,
                    'guid': guid,
                    'network_name': netw,
                    'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
                    'ipv4_metric': 0,
                    'ipv6_metric': 0,
                    'ips': ips,
                    'flags': flags
            # No KeyError will happen here, as we get it from cache
            results[guid] = NetworkInterface_Win(self, data)
        return results
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, name, default, *args, **kwargs):
     # type: (str, Any, *_CHOICE_T, **Any) -> None
     if "implicit_tag" in kwargs:
         err_msg = "ASN1F_CHOICE has been called with an implicit_tag"
         raise ASN1_Error(err_msg)
     self.implicit_tag = None
     for kwarg in ["context", "explicit_tag"]:
         setattr(self, kwarg, kwargs.get(kwarg))
     super(ASN1F_CHOICE, self).__init__(name,
     self.default = default
     self.current_choice = None
     self.choices = {}  # type: Dict[int, _CHOICE_T]
     self.pktchoices = {}
     for p in args:
         if hasattr(p, "ASN1_root"):
             p = cast('ASN1_Packet', p)
             # should be ASN1_Packet
             if hasattr(p.ASN1_root, "choices"):
                 root = cast(ASN1F_CHOICE, p.ASN1_root)
                 for k, v in six.iteritems(root.choices):
                     # ASN1F_CHOICE recursion
                     self.choices[k] = v
                 self.choices[p.ASN1_root.network_tag] = p
         elif hasattr(p, "ASN1_tag"):
             p = cast(Union[ASN1F_PACKET, Type[ASN1F_field[Any, Any]]], p)
             if isinstance(p, type):
                 # should be ASN1F_field class
                 self.choices[int(p.ASN1_tag)] = p
                 # should be ASN1F_field instance
                 self.choices[p.network_tag] = p
                 if p.implicit_tag is not None:
                     self.choices[p.implicit_tag & 0x1f] = p
                 self.pktchoices[hash(p.cls)] = (p.implicit_tag,
                                                 )  # noqa: E501
             raise ASN1_Error("ASN1F_CHOICE: no tag found for one field")
Exemplo n.º 16
def s2i_frameid(x):
    """ Get pnio frame ID from a representation name

    Performs a reverse look-up in PNIO_FRAME_IDS dictionary

    :param x: a value of PNIO_FRAME_IDS dict
    :returns: integer
        return {
            "RT_CLASS_3": 0x0100,
            "RT_CLASS_1": 0x8000,
            "RT_CLASS_UDP": 0xC000,
            "FragmentationFrameID": 0xFF80,
    except KeyError:
        return next(key for key, value in six.iteritems(PNIO_FRAME_IDS)
                    if value == x)
    except StopIteration:
    return x
Exemplo n.º 17
 def get_URL_dict(cls):
     return {
         x: y.URL
         for (x, y) in six.iteritems(cls.__dict__) if isinstance(y, File)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def values(self):
     # type: () -> Any
     if self.timeout is None:
         return list(six.itervalues(self))
     t0 = time.time()
     return [v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 19
 def items(self):
     # type: () -> Any
     if self.timeout is None:
         return super(CacheInstance, self).items()
     t0 = time.time()
     return [(k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 20
 def itervalues(self):
     # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]
     if self.timeout is None:
         return six.itervalues(self.__dict__)  # type: ignore
     t0 = time.time()
     return (v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 21

DHCPRevOptions = {}

for k, v in six.iteritems(DHCPOptions):
    if isinstance(v, str):
        n = v
        v = None
        n = v.name
    DHCPRevOptions[n] = (k, v)
del (n)
del (v)
del (k)

class RandDHCPOptions(RandField):
    def __init__(self, size=None, rndstr=None):
        if size is None:
            size = RandNumExpo(0.05)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __repr__(self):
     # type: () -> str
     return "<Message %s>" % " ".join(
         "%s=%r" % (k, v)
         for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__)  # noqa: E501
         if not k.startswith("_"))
Exemplo n.º 23
def _ltp_guess_payload(pkt, *args):
    for k, v in six.iteritems(_ltp_payload_conditions):
        if v(pkt):
            return k
    return conf.raw_layer
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        # type: (str, Tuple[Any], Dict[str, Any]) -> Type[Automaton]
        cls = super(Automaton_metaclass, cls).__new__(  # type: ignore
            cls, name, bases, dct)
        cls.states = {}
        cls.recv_conditions = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[_StateWrapper]]
        cls.conditions = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[_StateWrapper]]
        cls.ioevents = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[_StateWrapper]]
        cls.timeout = {
        }  # type: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, _StateWrapper]]] # noqa: E501
        cls.actions = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[_StateWrapper]]
        cls.initial_states = []  # type: List[_StateWrapper]
        cls.stop_states = []  # type: List[_StateWrapper]
        cls.ionames = []
        cls.iosupersockets = []

        members = {}
        classes = [cls]
        while classes:
            c = classes.pop(
            )  # order is important to avoid breaking method overloading  # noqa: E501
            classes += list(c.__bases__)
            for k, v in six.iteritems(c.__dict__):
                if k not in members:
                    members[k] = v

        decorated = [
            v for v in six.itervalues(members) if hasattr(v, "atmt_type")

        for m in decorated:
            if m.atmt_type == ATMT.STATE:
                s = m.atmt_state
                cls.states[s] = m
                cls.recv_conditions[s] = []
                cls.ioevents[s] = []
                cls.conditions[s] = []
                cls.timeout[s] = []
                if m.atmt_initial:
                if m.atmt_stop:
            elif m.atmt_type in [
            ]:  # noqa: E501
                cls.actions[m.atmt_condname] = []

        for m in decorated:
            if m.atmt_type == ATMT.CONDITION:
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.RECV:
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.IOEVENT:
                if m.atmt_as_supersocket is not None:
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.TIMEOUT:
                cls.timeout[m.atmt_state].append((m.atmt_timeout, m))
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.ACTION:
                for co in m.atmt_cond:

        for v in six.itervalues(cls.timeout):
            v.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
            v.append((None, None))
        for v in itertools.chain(six.itervalues(cls.conditions),
            v.sort(key=lambda x: x.atmt_prio)
        for condname, actlst in six.iteritems(cls.actions):
            actlst.sort(key=lambda x: x.atmt_cond[condname])

        for ioev in cls.iosupersockets:
                cls, ioev.atmt_as_supersocket,
                                     cast(Type["Automaton"], cls)))

        # Inject signature
            import inspect
            cls.__signature__ = inspect.signature(
                cls.parse_args)  # type: ignore  # noqa: E501
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):

        return cast(Type["Automaton"], cls)
Exemplo n.º 25
def nmap_match_one_sig(seen, ref):
    cnt = sum(val in ref.get(key, "").split("|")
              for key, val in six.iteritems(seen))
    if cnt == 0 and seen.get("Resp") == "N":
        return 0.7
    return float(cnt) / len(seen)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def get_local_dict(cls):
     return {
         x: y.name
         for (x, y) in six.iteritems(cls.__dict__) if isinstance(y, File)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
     # type: (*Dict[str, _V], **Dict[str, _V]) -> None
     for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(*args, **kwargs)):
         self[k] = v
Exemplo n.º 28
def _FlagsList(myfields):
    flags = ["Reserved%02d" % i for i in range(32)]
    for i, value in six.iteritems(myfields):
        flags[i] = value
    return flags