Exemplo n.º 1
def teredoAddrExtractInfo(x):
    Extract information from a Teredo address. Return value is
    a 4-tuple made of IPv4 address of Teredo server, flag value (int),
    mapped address (non obfuscated) and mapped port (non obfuscated).
    No specific checks are performed on passed address.
    addr = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
    server = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, addr[4:8])
    flag = struct.unpack("!H", addr[8:10])[0]
    mappedport = struct.unpack("!H", strxor(addr[10:12], b'\xff' * 2))[0]
    mappedaddr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, strxor(addr[12:16], b'\xff' * 4))
    return server, flag, mappedaddr, mappedport
Exemplo n.º 2
def teredoAddrExtractInfo(x):
    Extract information from a Teredo address. Return value is
    a 4-tuple made of IPv4 address of Teredo server, flag value (int),
    mapped address (non obfuscated) and mapped port (non obfuscated).
    No specific checks are performed on passed address.
    addr = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
    server = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, addr[4:8])
    flag = struct.unpack("!H", addr[8:10])[0]
    mappedport = struct.unpack("!H", strxor(addr[10:12], b'\xff' * 2))[0]
    mappedaddr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, strxor(addr[12:16], b'\xff' * 4))
    return server, flag, mappedaddr, mappedport
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: prf.py Projeto: Epiann1/shiva
def _tls_PRF(secret, label, seed, req_len):
    Provides the implementation of TLS PRF function as defined in
    section 5 of RFC 4346:

    PRF(secret, label, seed) = P_MD5(S1, label + seed) XOR
                               P_SHA-1(S2, label + seed)

    Parameters are:

    - secret: the secret used by the HMAC in the 2 expansion
              functions (S1 and S2 are the halves of this secret).
    - label: specific label as defined in various sections of the RFC
             depending on the use of the generated PRF keystream
    - seed: the seed used by the expansion functions.
    - req_len: amount of keystream to be generated
    l = (len(secret) + 1) / 2
    S1 = secret[:l]
    S2 = secret[-l:]

    a1 = _tls_P_MD5(S1, label + seed, req_len)
    a2 = _tls_P_SHA1(S2, label + seed, req_len)

    return strxor(a1, a2)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: prf.py Projeto: commial/scapy
def _tls_PRF(secret, label, seed, req_len):
    Provides the implementation of TLS PRF function as defined in
    section 5 of RFC 4346:

    PRF(secret, label, seed) = P_MD5(S1, label + seed) XOR
                               P_SHA-1(S2, label + seed)

    Parameters are:

    - secret: the secret used by the HMAC in the 2 expansion
              functions (S1 and S2 are the halves of this secret).
    - label: specific label as defined in various sections of the RFC
             depending on the use of the generated PRF keystream
    - seed: the seed used by the expansion functions.
    - req_len: amount of keystream to be generated
    tmp_len = (len(secret) + 1) // 2
    S1 = secret[:tmp_len]
    S2 = secret[-tmp_len:]

    a1 = _tls_P_MD5(S1, label + seed, req_len)
    a2 = _tls_P_SHA1(S2, label + seed, req_len)

    return strxor(a1, a2)
Exemplo n.º 5
def pkcs_emsa_pss_verify(M, EM, emBits, h, mgf, sLen):
    Implements EMSA-PSS-VERIFY() function described in Sect. 9.1.2 of RFC 3447

       M     : message to be encoded, an octet string
       EM    : encoded message, an octet string of length emLen=ceil(emBits/8)
       emBits: maximal bit length of the integer resulting of pkcs_os2ip(EM)
       h     : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
               'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
               the hash function output.
       mgf   : the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
       sLen  : intended length in octets of the salt

       True if the verification is ok, False otherwise.

    # 1) is not done
    hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]  # 2)
    hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][2]
    mHash = hFunc(M)
    emLen = int(math.ceil(emBits / 8.))  # 3)
    if emLen < hLen + sLen + 2:
        return False
    if EM[-1] != '\xbc':  # 4)
        return False
    l = emLen - hLen - 1  # 5)
    maskedDB = EM[:l]
    H = EM[l:l + hLen]
    l = (8 * emLen - emBits) / 8  # 6)
    rem = 8 * emLen - emBits - 8 * l  # additionnal bits
    andMask = l * '\xff'
    if rem:
        val = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: 1 << x, range(8 - rem)))
        j = chr(~val & 0xff)
        andMask += j
        l += 1
    if strand(maskedDB[:l], andMask) != '\x00' * l:
        return False
    dbMask = mgf(H, emLen - hLen - 1)  # 7)
    DB = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask)  # 8)
    l = (8 * emLen - emBits) / 8  # 9)
    rem = 8 * emLen - emBits - 8 * l  # additionnal bits
    andMask = l * '\x00'
    if rem:
        j = chr(
            reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: 1 << x, range(8 - rem))))
        andMask += j
        l += 1
    DB = strand(DB[:l], andMask) + DB[l:]
    l = emLen - hLen - sLen - 1  # 10)
    if DB[:l] != '\x00' * (l - 1) + '\x01':
        return False
    salt = DB[-sLen:]  # 11)
    MPrime = '\x00' * 8 + mHash + salt  # 12)
    HPrime = hFunc(MPrime)  # 13)
    return H == HPrime  # 14)
Exemplo n.º 6
def pkcs_emsa_pss_verify(M, EM, emBits, h, mgf, sLen):
    Implements EMSA-PSS-VERIFY() function described in Sect. 9.1.2 of RFC 3447

       M     : message to be encoded, an octet string
       EM    : encoded message, an octet string of length emLen = ceil(emBits/8)
       emBits: maximal bit length of the integer resulting of pkcs_os2ip(EM)
       h     : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
               'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
               the hash function output.
       mgf   : the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
       sLen  : intended length in octets of the salt

       True if the verification is ok, False otherwise.

    # 1) is not done
    hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]                             # 2)
    hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
    mHash = hFunc(M)
    emLen = int(math.ceil(emBits/8.))                        # 3)
    if emLen < hLen + sLen + 2:
        return False
    if EM[-1] != '\xbc':                                     # 4)
        return False
    l = emLen - hLen - 1                                     # 5)
    maskedDB = EM[:l]
    H = EM[l:l+hLen]
    l = (8*emLen - emBits)/8                                 # 6)
    rem = 8*emLen - emBits - 8*l # additionnal bits
    andMask = l*'\xff'
    if rem:
        val = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: 1<<x, range(8-rem)))
        j = chr(~val & 0xff)
        andMask += j
        l += 1
    if strand(maskedDB[:l], andMask) != '\x00'*l:
        return False
    dbMask = mgf(H, emLen - hLen - 1)                        # 7)
    DB = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask)                            # 8)
    l = (8*emLen - emBits)/8                                 # 9)
    rem = 8*emLen - emBits - 8*l # additionnal bits
    andMask = l*'\x00'
    if rem:
        j = chr(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: 1<<x, range(8-rem))))
        andMask += j
        l += 1
    DB = strand(DB[:l], andMask) + DB[l:]
    l = emLen - hLen - sLen - 1                              # 10)
    if DB[:l] != '\x00'*(l-1) + '\x01':
        return False
    salt = DB[-sLen:]                                        # 11)
    MPrime = '\x00'*8 + mHash + salt                         # 12)
    HPrime = hFunc(MPrime)                                   # 13)
    return H == HPrime                                       # 14)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def hash(self):
     s1 = struct.pack("!H", self.sport)
     s2 = struct.pack("!H", self.dport)
     family = socket.AF_INET
     if ':' in self.ipsrc:
         family = socket.AF_INET6
     s1 += socket.inet_pton(family, self.ipsrc)
     s2 += socket.inet_pton(family, self.ipdst)
     return strxor(s1, s2)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def hash(self):
     s1 = struct.pack("!H", self.sport)
     s2 = struct.pack("!H", self.dport)
     family = socket.AF_INET
     if ':' in self.ipsrc:
         family = socket.AF_INET6
     s1 += socket.inet_pton(family, self.ipsrc)
     s2 += socket.inet_pton(family, self.ipdst)
     return strxor(s1, s2)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def hashret(self):
     if (self.proto == socket.IPPROTO_ICMP) and (isinstance(
             self.payload, ICMP)) and (self.payload.type
                                       in [3, 4, 5, 11, 12]):
         return self.payload.payload.hashret()
     if not conf.checkIPinIP and self.proto in [4, 41]:  # IP, IPv6
         return self.payload.hashret()
     if self.dst == "":  # mDNS
         return struct.pack("B", self.proto) + self.payload.hashret()
     if conf.checkIPsrc and conf.checkIPaddr:
         return strxor(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, self.src),
                           socket.AF_INET, self.dst)) + struct.pack(
                               "B", self.proto) + self.payload.hashret()
     return struct.pack("B", self.proto) + self.payload.hashret()
Exemplo n.º 10
def pkcs_emsa_pss_encode(M, emBits, h, mgf, sLen):
    Implements EMSA-PSS-ENCODE() function described in Sect. 9.1.1 of RFC 3447

       M     : message to be encoded, an octet string
       emBits: maximal bit length of the integer resulting of pkcs_os2ip(EM),
               where EM is the encoded message, output of the function.
       h     : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
               'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
               the hash function output.
       mgf   : the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
       sLen  : intended length in octets of the salt

       encoded message, an octet string of length emLen = ceil(emBits/8)

    On error, None is returned.

    # 1) is not done
    hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]  # 2)
    hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][2]
    mHash = hFunc(M)
    emLen = int(math.ceil(emBits / 8.))
    if emLen < hLen + sLen + 2:  # 3)
        warning("encoding error (emLen < hLen + sLen + 2)")
        return None
    salt = randstring(sLen)  # 4)
    MPrime = '\x00' * 8 + mHash + salt  # 5)
    H = hFunc(MPrime)  # 6)
    PS = '\x00' * (emLen - sLen - hLen - 2)  # 7)
    DB = PS + '\x01' + salt  # 8)
    dbMask = mgf(H, emLen - hLen - 1)  # 9)
    maskedDB = strxor(DB, dbMask)  # 10)
    l = (8 * emLen - emBits) / 8  # 11)
    rem = 8 * emLen - emBits - 8 * l  # additionnal bits
    andMask = l * '\x00'
    if rem:
        j = chr(
            reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: 1 << x, range(8 - rem))))
        andMask += j
        l += 1
    maskedDB = strand(maskedDB[:l], andMask) + maskedDB[l:]
    EM = maskedDB + H + '\xbc'  # 12)
    return EM  # 13)
Exemplo n.º 11
def pkcs_emsa_pss_encode(M, emBits, h, mgf, sLen):
    Implements EMSA-PSS-ENCODE() function described in Sect. 9.1.1 of RFC 3447

       M     : message to be encoded, an octet string
       emBits: maximal bit length of the integer resulting of pkcs_os2ip(EM),
               where EM is the encoded message, output of the function.
       h     : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
               'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
               the hash function output.
       mgf   : the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
       sLen  : intended length in octets of the salt

       encoded message, an octet string of length emLen = ceil(emBits/8)

    On error, None is returned.

    # 1) is not done
    hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]                             # 2)
    hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
    mHash = hFunc(M)
    emLen = int(math.ceil(emBits/8.))
    if emLen < hLen + sLen + 2:                              # 3)
        warning("encoding error (emLen < hLen + sLen + 2)")
        return None
    salt = randstring(sLen)                                  # 4)
    MPrime = '\x00'*8 + mHash + salt                         # 5)
    H = hFunc(MPrime)                                        # 6)
    PS = '\x00'*(emLen - sLen - hLen - 2)                    # 7)
    DB = PS + '\x01' + salt                                  # 8)
    dbMask = mgf(H, emLen - hLen - 1)                        # 9)
    maskedDB = strxor(DB, dbMask)                            # 10)
    l = (8*emLen - emBits)/8                                 # 11)
    rem = 8*emLen - emBits - 8*l # additionnal bits
    andMask = l*'\x00'
    if rem:
        j = chr(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: 1<<x, range(8-rem))))
        andMask += j
        l += 1
    maskedDB = strand(maskedDB[:l], andMask) + maskedDB[l:]
    EM = maskedDB + H + '\xbc'                               # 12)
    return EM                                                # 13)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _rsaes_oaep_encrypt(self, M, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
        Internal method providing RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT as defined in Sect.
        7.1.1 of RFC 3447. Not intended to be used directly. Please, see
        encrypt() method for type "OAEP".

           M  : message to be encrypted, an octet string of length mLen
                where mLen <= k - 2*hLen - 2 (k denotes the length in octets
                of the RSA modulus and hLen the length in octets of the hash
                function output)
           h  : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
                'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
                the hash function output. 'sha1' is used by default if not
           mgf: the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
           L  : optional label to be associated with the message; the default
                value for L, if not provided is the empty string

           ciphertext, an octet string of length k

        On error, None is returned.
        # The steps below are the one described in Sect. 7.1.1 of RFC 3447.
        # 1) Length Checking
        # 1.a) is not done
        mLen = len(M)
        if h is None:
            h = "sha1"
        if not _hashFuncParams.has_key(h):
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(): unknown hash function %s.", h)
            return None
        hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
        hFun = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
        k = self.modulusLen / 8
        if mLen > k - 2 * hLen - 2:  # 1.b)
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(): message too long.")
            return None

        # 2) EME-OAEP encoding
        if L is None:  # 2.a)
            L = ""
        lHash = hFun(L)
        PS = '\x00' * (k - mLen - 2 * hLen - 2)  # 2.b)
        DB = lHash + PS + '\x01' + M  # 2.c)
        seed = randstring(hLen)  # 2.d)
        if mgf is None:  # 2.e)
            mgf = lambda x, y: pkcs_mgf1(x, y, h)
        dbMask = mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1)
        maskedDB = strxor(DB, dbMask)  # 2.f)
        seedMask = mgf(maskedDB, hLen)  # 2.g)
        maskedSeed = strxor(seed, seedMask)  # 2.h)
        EM = '\x00' + maskedSeed + maskedDB  # 2.i)

        # 3) RSA Encryption
        m = pkcs_os2ip(EM)  # 3.a)
        c = self._rsaep(m)  # 3.b)
        C = pkcs_i2osp(c, k)  # 3.c)

        return C  # 4)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _get_nonce(self, seq_num):
     padlen = self.fixed_iv_len - len(seq_num)
     padded_seq_num = b"\x00" * padlen + seq_num
     return strxor(padded_seq_num, self.fixed_iv)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _rsaes_oaep_encrypt(self, M, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
        Internal method providing RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT as defined in Sect.
        7.1.1 of RFC 3447. Not intended to be used directly. Please, see
        encrypt() method for type "OAEP".

           M  : message to be encrypted, an octet string of length mLen
                where mLen <= k - 2*hLen - 2 (k denotes the length in octets
                of the RSA modulus and hLen the length in octets of the hash
                function output)
           h  : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
                'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
                the hash function output. 'sha1' is used by default if not
           mgf: the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
           L  : optional label to be associated with the message; the default
                value for L, if not provided is the empty string

           ciphertext, an octet string of length k

        On error, None is returned.
        # The steps below are the one described in Sect. 7.1.1 of RFC 3447.
        # 1) Length Checking
                                                    # 1.a) is not done
        mLen = len(M)
        if h is None:
            h = "sha1"
        if not _hashFuncParams.has_key(h):
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(): unknown hash function %s.", h)
            return None
        hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
        hFun = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
        k = self.modulusLen / 8
        if mLen > k - 2*hLen - 2:                   # 1.b)
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(): message too long.")
            return None

        # 2) EME-OAEP encoding
        if L is None:                               # 2.a)
            L = ""
        lHash = hFun(L)
        PS = '\x00'*(k - mLen - 2*hLen - 2)         # 2.b)
        DB = lHash + PS + '\x01' + M                # 2.c)
        seed = randstring(hLen)                     # 2.d)
        if mgf is None:                             # 2.e)
            mgf = lambda x,y: pkcs_mgf1(x,y,h)
        dbMask = mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1)
        maskedDB = strxor(DB, dbMask)               # 2.f)
        seedMask = mgf(maskedDB, hLen)              # 2.g)
        maskedSeed = strxor(seed, seedMask)         # 2.h)
        EM = '\x00' + maskedSeed + maskedDB         # 2.i)

        # 3) RSA Encryption
        m = pkcs_os2ip(EM)                          # 3.a)
        c = self._rsaep(m)                          # 3.b)
        C = pkcs_i2osp(c, k)                        # 3.c)

        return C                                    # 4)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _rsaes_oaep_decrypt(self, C, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
        Internal method providing RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT as defined in Sect.
        7.1.2 of RFC 3447. Not intended to be used directly. Please, see
        encrypt() method for type "OAEP".

           C  : ciphertext to be decrypted, an octet string of length k, where
                k = 2*hLen + 2 (k denotes the length in octets of the RSA modulus
                and hLen the length in octets of the hash function output)
           h  : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
                'sha256', 'sha384'). 'sha1' is used if none is provided.
           mgf: the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
           L  : optional label whose association with the message is to be
                verified; the default value for L, if not provided is the empty

           message, an octet string of length k mLen, where mLen <= k - 2*hLen - 2

        On error, None is returned.
        # The steps below are the one described in Sect. 7.1.2 of RFC 3447.

        # 1) Length Checking
                                                    # 1.a) is not done
        if h is None:
            h = "sha1"
        if not _hashFuncParams.has_key(h):
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): unknown hash function %s.", h)
            return None
        hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
        hFun = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
        k = self.modulusLen / 8
        cLen = len(C)
        if cLen != k:                               # 1.b)
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(cLen != k)")
            return None
        if k < 2*hLen + 2:
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(k < 2*hLen + 2)")
            return None

        # 2) RSA decryption
        c = pkcs_os2ip(C)                           # 2.a)
        m = self._rsadp(c)                          # 2.b)
        EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, k)                       # 2.c)

        # 3) EME-OAEP decoding
        if L is None:                               # 3.a)
            L = ""
        lHash = hFun(L)
        Y = EM[:1]                                  # 3.b)
        if Y != '\x00':
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(Y is not zero)")
            return None
        maskedSeed = EM[1:1+hLen]
        maskedDB = EM[1+hLen:]
        if mgf is None:
            mgf = lambda x,y: pkcs_mgf1(x, y, h)
        seedMask = mgf(maskedDB, hLen)              # 3.c)
        seed = strxor(maskedSeed, seedMask)         # 3.d)
        dbMask = mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1)            # 3.e)
        DB = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask)               # 3.f)

        # I am aware of the note at the end of 7.1.2 regarding error
        # conditions reporting but the one provided below are for _local_
        # debugging purposes. --arno

        lHashPrime = DB[:hLen]                      # 3.g)
        tmp = DB[hLen:].split('\x01', 1)
        if len(tmp) != 2:
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(0x01 separator not found)")
            return None
        PS, M = tmp
        if PS != '\x00'*len(PS):
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(invalid padding string)")
            return None
        if lHash != lHashPrime:
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(invalid hash)")
            return None
        return M                                    # 4)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _get_nonce(self, seq_num):
     padlen = self.fixed_iv_len - len(seq_num)
     padded_seq_num = b"\x00" * padlen + seq_num
     return strxor(padded_seq_num, self.fixed_iv)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _rsaes_oaep_decrypt(self, C, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
        Internal method providing RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT as defined in Sect.
        7.1.2 of RFC 3447. Not intended to be used directly. Please, see
        encrypt() method for type "OAEP".

           C  : ciphertext to be decrypted, an octet string of length k, where
                k = 2*hLen + 2 (k denotes the length in octets of the RSA modulus
                and hLen the length in octets of the hash function output)
           h  : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
                'sha256', 'sha384'). 'sha1' is used if none is provided.
           mgf: the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
           L  : optional label whose association with the message is to be
                verified; the default value for L, if not provided is the empty

           message, an octet string of length k mLen, where mLen <= k - 2*hLen - 2

        On error, None is returned.
        # The steps below are the one described in Sect. 7.1.2 of RFC 3447.

        # 1) Length Checking
        # 1.a) is not done
        if h is None:
            h = "sha1"
        if not _hashFuncParams.has_key(h):
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): unknown hash function %s.", h)
            return None
        hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
        hFun = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
        k = self.modulusLen / 8
        cLen = len(C)
        if cLen != k:  # 1.b)
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(cLen != k)")
            return None
        if k < 2 * hLen + 2:
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(k < 2*hLen + 2)")
            return None

        # 2) RSA decryption
        c = pkcs_os2ip(C)  # 2.a)
        m = self._rsadp(c)  # 2.b)
        EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, k)  # 2.c)

        # 3) EME-OAEP decoding
        if L is None:  # 3.a)
            L = ""
        lHash = hFun(L)
        Y = EM[:1]  # 3.b)
        if Y != '\x00':
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(Y is not zero)")
            return None
        maskedSeed = EM[1:1 + hLen]
        maskedDB = EM[1 + hLen:]
        if mgf is None:
            mgf = lambda x, y: pkcs_mgf1(x, y, h)
        seedMask = mgf(maskedDB, hLen)  # 3.c)
        seed = strxor(maskedSeed, seedMask)  # 3.d)
        dbMask = mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1)  # 3.e)
        DB = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask)  # 3.f)

        # I am aware of the note at the end of 7.1.2 regarding error
        # conditions reporting but the one provided below are for _local_
        # debugging purposes. --arno

        lHashPrime = DB[:hLen]  # 3.g)
        tmp = DB[hLen:].split('\x01', 1)
        if len(tmp) != 2:
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(0x01 separator not found)")
            return None
        PS, M = tmp
        if PS != '\x00' * len(PS):
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(invalid padding string)")
            return None
        if lHash != lHashPrime:
            warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
                    "(invalid hash)")
            return None
        return M  # 4)