Exemplo n.º 1
def scheduleSex(baseParent, donorParent, randGen):
    #A new child schedule is created by first cloning the baseParent.  The child
    #is then modified via accepting a few "traits" of the donorParent.
    newSched = copy.deepcopy(baseParent)
    searchingForEntry = 1
    swapsCount = randGen.randint(1, MAX_SWAPS_PER_RHOMP)
    index1 = 0
    index2 = -1
    tempEntry = {}

    #start = time.time()

    for x in list(range(swapsCount)):

        searchingForEntry = 1

        while searchingForEntry:
            index1 = randGen.randint(0, (len(newSched['lst'])) - 1)
            if 'entry' in newSched['lst'][index1]:
                searchingForEntry = 0
        #end loop

        #print('Searching %s %s' % (newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']['school'], newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']['entryTitle']))
        if 'entry' in donorParent['lst'][index1]:
            tempEntry = donorParent['lst'][index1]['entry']

            #Now find where the entry from parent 2 is located in parent 1
            for y in list(range(len(newSched['lst']))):
                if 'entry' in newSched['lst'][y] and \
                   newSched['lst'][y]['entry']['index'] == tempEntry['index']:
                    index2 = y
                print('newSched[\'lst\'][index1] :')
                schedIO.printSched(newSched, 'newSched.txt')  #WILL FAIL
                schedIO.printSched(donorParent, 'donorParent.txt')
                sys.exit("No match in donorParent")
            #donorParent has an unfilled session in that spot.  Find a corresponding one in newSched
            newSchedIndexList = list(range(len(newSched['lst'])))
            randGen.shuffle(newSchedIndexList)  #Randomize the list
            for z in newSchedIndexList:
                if 'entry' not in newSched['lst'][z]      and \
                   newSched['lst'][z]['isBreak'] == False and \
                   newSched['lst'][z]['catShort'] == newSched['lst'][index1]['catShort']:
                    index2 = z
        #end if

        if index1 == index2:
            #The random entry to swap is already in the same place
            #in both parents, no need to do anything
            #This is possibly not needed since the swap algorithm won't
            #harm anything.

        if newSched['lst'][index1]['catShort'] != newSched['lst'][index2][
            #This algorithm assumes that for any index (q) in baseParent array,
            #the catagory of baseParent(q) is equal to the catagory of donorParent(q)
            sys.exit("Woa nelly sumthins mixed up")

        #Its possible that index2 doesn't have an entry.
        if 'entry' in newSched['lst'][index2]:
            tempEntry = newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']
            newSched['lst'][index1]['entry'] = newSched['lst'][index2]['entry']
            newSched['lst'][index2]['entry'] = tempEntry

            newSched['lst'][index2]['entry'] = newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']
            del (newSched['lst'][index1]['entry'])

        #if checkSchedForDupes(newSched):
        #  schedIO.printSched(newSched, 'newSched.txt')
        #  sys.exit('Got dupes printed newSched')
        #entryCount = 0
        #for sched in newSched:
        #  if 'entry' in sched:
        #    entryCount += 1
        #if entryCount != len(entriesList):
        #  sys.exit('Entry count fail after 2')

    #end loop
    schedFitness.fitnessTest(newSched, False)
    #end = time.time()
    #print ('Sex %d %f' % (swapsCount,(end - start)))

    return newSched
Exemplo n.º 2
    if swapSchool2 == 'E':
        schedule['lst'][choice2ListIdx]['entry'] = schedule['lst'][choice1ListIdx]['entry']
        del schedule['lst'][choice1ListIdx]['entry']
       temp1Copy = schedule['lst'][choice1ListIdx]['entry']
       schedule['lst'][choice1ListIdx]['entry'] = schedule['lst'][choice2ListIdx]['entry']
       schedule['lst'][choice2ListIdx]['entry'] = temp1Copy

    schedFitness.fitnessTest (schedl     = schedule,   \
                              saveReport = False)

    newSchedFolder = os.path.join(schedDir, 'edits', str(int(schedule['score'])))
    tempDir = newSchedFolder
    while os.path.isdir(tempDir):
       tempDir    = newSchedFolder + folderChar
       folderChar = chr(ord(folderChar) + 1)
    newSchedFolder = tempDir

    schedIO.printSched       (schedule   = schedule,               \
                              schoolInf  = schoolInfo,             \
                              entriesLst = entryList,              \
                              outFolder  = newSchedFolder)

    schedFitness.fitnessTest (schedl     = schedule,        \
                              saveReport = True,            \
                              fileName   = os.path.join(newSchedFolder,'fitnessReport.txt'))
    print ('New Score %d' % schedule['score'])

    userIn = input('Press [x] to exit, [ENTER] to continue editing schedule: ')
    userContinue = userIn.find('x') == -1
Exemplo n.º 3
      taskQueue.put({'cmd':'Mutate', 'idx':mutateIdx, 'sch1':rdm[mutateIdx]})
  taskQueue.put({'cmd':'Done'})  #End of job marker
  jobCurrentSize = min(jobCurrentSize + jobSizeIncr,  jobMaxSize)
  if jobCurrentSize == jobMaxSize - 10:

  #This is a good time to do work while waiting for the child procs to finish
  #Print out the best score every so often
  if time.time() - lastScorePrintTime > config['BEST_SCORE_PRINT_MINS'] * 60:
    if stageNum == 1 and len(topScores) > 0:
      (lowestScore, lowestScoreIdx) = computeTopScore (topScores)
      scorePrintFolder              = os.path.join(outFolder, str(math.floor(lowestScore)))
      if not os.path.exists(scorePrintFolder):
        schedIO.printSched (schedule   = topScores[lowestScoreIdx],  \
                            schoolInf  = schoolInfo,                 \
                            outFolder  = scorePrintFolder)
        schedFitness.fitnessTest (schedl     = topScores[lowestScoreIdx],    \
                                  saveReport = True,                         \
                                  fileName   = os.path.join(scorePrintFolder, 'FitnessReport.txt'))
        validateSched(topScores[lowestScoreIdx], sessionList, entriesList, logger)
    elif stageNum == 2 and len(rdm) > 0:
      (lowestScore, lowestScoreIdx) = computeTopScore (rdm)
      scorePrintFolder              = os.path.join(outFolder, str(math.floor(lowestScore)))
      if not os.path.exists(scorePrintFolder):
        schedIO.printSched (schedule   = rdm[lowestScoreIdx],   \
                            schoolInf = schoolInfo,            \
                            outFolder  = scorePrintFolder)
        schedFitness.fitnessTest (schedl     = rdm[lowestScoreIdx],    \
                                  saveReport = True,                   \
                                  fileName   = os.path.join(scorePrintFolder, 'FitnessReport.txt'))
Exemplo n.º 4
def scheduleSex(baseParent, donorParent, randGen):
  #A new child schedule is created by first cloning the baseParent.  The child
  #is then modified via accepting a few "traits" of the donorParent.
  newSched          = copy.deepcopy(baseParent)
  searchingForEntry = 1
  swapsCount        = randGen.randint(1,MAX_SWAPS_PER_RHOMP)
  index1            = 0
  index2            = -1
  tempEntry         = {}

  #start = time.time()

  for x in list(range(swapsCount)):

    searchingForEntry = 1

    while searchingForEntry:
      index1 = randGen.randint(0, (len(newSched['lst']))-1)
      if 'entry' in newSched['lst'][index1]:
        searchingForEntry = 0
    #end loop

    #print('Searching %s %s' % (newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']['school'], newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']['entryTitle']))
    if 'entry' in donorParent['lst'][index1]:
      tempEntry = donorParent['lst'][index1]['entry']

      #Now find where the entry from parent 2 is located in parent 1
      for y in list(range(len(newSched['lst']))):
        if 'entry' in newSched['lst'][y] and \
           newSched['lst'][y]['entry']['index'] == tempEntry['index']:
          index2 = y
        print ('newSched[\'lst\'][index1] :')
        print (newSched['lst'][index1])
        schedIO.printSched(newSched, 'newSched.txt')       #WILL FAIL
        schedIO.printSched(donorParent, 'donorParent.txt')
        sys.exit ("No match in donorParent")
      #donorParent has an unfilled session in that spot.  Find a corresponding one in newSched
      newSchedIndexList = list(range(len(newSched['lst'])))
      randGen.shuffle (newSchedIndexList)  #Randomize the list
      for z in newSchedIndexList:
        if 'entry' not in newSched['lst'][z]      and \
           newSched['lst'][z]['isBreak'] == False and \
           newSched['lst'][z]['catShort'] == newSched['lst'][index1]['catShort']:
          index2 = z
    #end if

    if index1 == index2:
      #The random entry to swap is already in the same place
      #in both parents, no need to do anything
      #This is possibly not needed since the swap algorithm won't
      #harm anything.

    if newSched['lst'][index1]['catShort'] != newSched['lst'][index2]['catShort']:
      #This algorithm assumes that for any index (q) in baseParent array,
      #the catagory of baseParent(q) is equal to the catagory of donorParent(q)
      sys.exit ("Woa nelly sumthins mixed up")

    #Its possible that index2 doesn't have an entry.
    if 'entry' in newSched['lst'][index2]:
      tempEntry                        = newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']
      newSched['lst'][index1]['entry'] = newSched['lst'][index2]['entry']
      newSched['lst'][index2]['entry'] = tempEntry

      newSched['lst'][index2]['entry'] = newSched['lst'][index1]['entry']

    #if checkSchedForDupes(newSched):
    #  schedIO.printSched(newSched, 'newSched.txt')
    #  sys.exit('Got dupes printed newSched')
    #entryCount = 0
    #for sched in newSched:
    #  if 'entry' in sched:
    #    entryCount += 1
    #if entryCount != len(entriesList):
    #  sys.exit('Entry count fail after 2')

  #end loop
  schedFitness.fitnessTest(newSched, False)
  #end = time.time()
  #print ('Sex %d %f' % (swapsCount,(end - start)))

  return newSched
Exemplo n.º 5
prevBestScore = 999999999999
bestPrintedScore = 999999999999
scoreLastImprovedTime = time.time()

jobMaxSize = 1000
jobMinSize = 10
jobSizeIncr = 10

lastScorePrintTime = time.time()

logger.msg('Start Main Loop')
jobCurrentSize = jobMinSize

#DEBUG for getting a quick printout
schedIO.printSched (schedule   = rdm[2],                \
                    schoolInf  = schoolInfo,            \
                    entriesLst = entriesList,           \
                    outFolder  = outFolder + '/xx')

schedFitness.fitnessTest (schedl     = rdm[2],                                               \
                          saveReport = True,                                                 \
                          fileName   = os.path.join(outFolder + '/xx', 'FitnessReport.txt'))
if dryRunMode:
    logger.msg('Finished dry run')

while True:
    parentsList = findParentSchedules(rdm, jobCurrentSize, randGenMain)
    for x in parentsList:
            'cmd': 'XOver',
            'idx': x[0],