Exemplo n.º 1
    def resourceOffers(self, driver, offers):
        Invoked when resources have been offered to this framework. A single
        offer will only contain resources from a single slave.  Resources
        associated with an offer will not be re-offered to _this_ framework
        until either (a) this framework has rejected those resources (see
        SchedulerDriver.launchTasks) or (b) those resources have been
        rescinded (see Scheduler.offerRescinded).  Note that resources may be
        concurrently offered to more than one framework at a time (depending
        on the allocator being used).  In that case, the first framework to
        launch tasks using those resources will be able to use them while the
        other frameworks will have those resources rescinded (or if a
        framework has already launched tasks with those resources then those
        tasks will fail with a TASK_LOST status and a message saying as much).

        See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.resourceOffers`.

        if self.debug:

        # Compile a list of all of the offers and register nodes
        scale_offers = self._create_scale_offers(driver, offers)

            for scale_offer in scale_offers:
                logger.debug('Offer of %f CPUs, %f MiB memory, and %f MiB disk space from %s', scale_offer.cpus,
                             scale_offer.mem, scale_offer.disk, scale_offer.hostname)

            # Schedule any needed tasks for Scale jobs that are currently running even if the scheduler or individual nodes
            # are paused
            for scale_offer in scale_offers:
                slave_id = scale_offer.slave_id

                    logger.exception('Error updating node last offer for slave_id %s', slave_id)

                with self.current_jobs_lock:
                    current_job_exes = self.current_jobs[slave_id]

                    for scale_job_exe in current_job_exes:
                        # Get updated remaining resources from offer
                        cpus = scale_offer.cpus
                        mem = scale_offer.mem
                        disk = scale_offer.disk
                        if scale_job_exe.is_next_task_ready(cpus, mem, disk):
                                # We need to have the current_jobs lock when we do this
                                # and be using the real scale_job_exe not a copy
                                task = scale_job_exe.start_next_task()
                                cpus, mem, disk = scale_job_exe.get_current_task_resources()
                                scale_offer.add_task(task, cpus, mem, disk)
                                logger.exception('Error trying to create Mesos task for job execution: %s',

            # Schedule jobs off of the queue. If the scheduler is paused, don't add new jobs
            #TODO: discuss into first() instead
            if models.Scheduler.objects.is_master_active():
                for scale_offer in scale_offers:
                    if scale_offer.can_run_new_jobs:
                            scheduled_job_exes = Queue.objects.schedule_jobs_on_node(scale_offer.cpus, scale_offer.mem,
                                                                                     scale_offer.disk, scale_offer.node)
                            for job_exe in scheduled_job_exes:
                                scale_job_exe = ScaleJobExecution(job_exe, job_exe.cpus_scheduled, job_exe.mem_scheduled,
                                                                  job_exe.disk_in_scheduled, job_exe.disk_out_scheduled,
                                task = scale_job_exe.start_next_task()
                                cpus, mem, disk = scale_job_exe.get_current_task_resources()
                                self._add_job_exe(scale_offer.slave_id, scale_job_exe)
                                scale_offer.add_task(task, cpus, mem, disk)
                            logger.exception('Error trying to schedule a job off of the queue')

            # Tell Mesos to launch tasks!
            while len(scale_offers) > 0:
                scale_offer = scale_offers.pop(0)
                num_tasks = len(scale_offer.tasks)
                if num_tasks > 0:
                    logger.info('Scheduling %i task(s) on node: %s', num_tasks, scale_offer.hostname)
                    logger.debug('No tasks to schedule on node: %s', scale_offer.hostname)

                driver.launchTasks(scale_offer.offer_id, scale_offer.tasks)
        except: # we must accept or decline all offers so there's a catch all here to ensure this happens
            for scale_offer in scale_offers:
                driver.launchTasks(scale_offer.offer_id, [])