Exemplo n.º 1
def migration25(tdset):
  Add _grist_Filters table and populate based on existing filters stored
  in _grist_Views_section_field.

  From this version on, filter in _grist_Views_section_field is deprecated.
    doc_actions = [
        actions.AddTable('_grist_Filters', [
            schema.make_column("viewSectionRef", "Ref:_grist_Views_section"),
            schema.make_column("colRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
            schema.make_column("filter", "Text"),

    # Move existing field filters to _grist_Filters.
    fields = list(
    col_info = {'filter': [], 'colRef': [], 'viewSectionRef': []}
    for f in fields:
        if not f.filter:


    num_filters = len(col_info['filter'])
    if num_filters > 0:
            actions.BulkAddRecord('_grist_Filters', [None] * num_filters,

    return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
Exemplo n.º 2
def migration2(tdset):
  Add TableViews table, and populate based on existing sections.
  Add TabBar table, and populate based on existing views.
  Add PrimaryViewId to Tables and populated using relatedViews
    # Maps tableRef to viewRef
    primary_views = {}

    # Associate each view with a single table; this dict includes primary views.
    views_to_table = {}

    # For each table, find a view to serve as the primary view.
    view_sections = actions.transpose_bulk_action(
    for s in view_sections:
        if s.tableRef not in primary_views and s.parentKey == "record":
            # The view containing this section is a good candidate for primary view.
            primary_views[s.tableRef] = s.parentId

        if s.parentId not in views_to_table:
            # The first time we see a (view, table) combination, associate the view with that table.
            views_to_table[s.parentId] = s.tableRef

    def create_primary_views_action(primary_views):
        row_ids = sorted(primary_views.keys())
        values = {'primaryViewId': [primary_views[r] for r in row_ids]}
        return actions.BulkUpdateRecord('_grist_Tables', row_ids, values)

    def create_tab_bar_action(views_to_table):
        row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(views_to_table) + 1))
        return actions.ReplaceTableData(
            '_grist_TabBar', row_ids,
            {'viewRef': sorted(views_to_table.keys())})

    def create_table_views_action(views_to_table, primary_views):
        related_views = sorted(
            set(views_to_table.keys()) - set(primary_views.values()))
        row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(related_views) + 1))
        return actions.ReplaceTableData(
            '_grist_TableViews', row_ids, {
                'tableRef': [views_to_table[v] for v in related_views],
                'viewRef': related_views,

    return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
        actions.AddTable('_grist_TabBar', [
            schema.make_column('viewRef', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
        actions.AddTable('_grist_TableViews', [
            schema.make_column('tableRef', 'Ref:_grist_Tables'),
            schema.make_column('viewRef', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
        add_column('_grist_Tables', 'primaryViewId', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
        create_table_views_action(views_to_table, primary_views)
Exemplo n.º 3
def migration24(tdset):
    return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
                schema.make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
                schema.make_column("eventTypes", "ChoiceList"),
                schema.make_column("actions", "Text"),  # JSON
Exemplo n.º 4
def migration20(tdset):
  Add _grist_Pages table and populate based on existing TableViews entries, ie: tables are sorted
  alphabetically by their `tableId` and views are gathered within their corresponding table and
  sorted by their id.
    tables = list(
    table_map = {t.id: t for t in tables}
    table_views = list(
    # Old docs may include "Other views", not associated with any table. Don't include those in
    # table_views_map: they'll get included but not sorted or grouped by tableId.
    table_views_map = {
        tv.viewRef: table_map[tv.tableRef].tableId
        for tv in table_views if tv.tableRef in table_map
    views = list(

    def view_key(view):
    Returns ("Table1", 2) where "Table1" is the view's tableId and 2 the view id. For
    primary view (ie: not referenced in _grist_TableViews) returns ("Table1", -1). Useful
    to get the list of views sorted in the same way as in the Table side pane. We use -1
    for primary view to make sure they come first among all the views of the same table.
        if view.id in table_views_map:
            return (table_views_map[view.id], view.id)
        # the name of primary view's is the same as the tableId
        return (view.name, -1)

    row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(views) + 1))
    return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
        actions.AddTable('_grist_Pages', [
            schema.make_column('viewRef', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
            schema.make_column('pagePos', 'PositionNumber'),
            schema.make_column('indentation', 'Int'),
            '_grist_Pages', row_ids, {
                'viewRef': [v.id for v in views],
                'pagePos': row_ids,
                [1 if v.id in table_views_map else 0 for v in views]
Exemplo n.º 5
def migration1(tdset):
  Add TabItems table, and populate based on existing sections.
    doc_actions = []

    # The very first migration is extra-lax, and creates some tables that are missing in some test
    # docs. That's only because we did not distinguish schema version before migrations were
    # implemented. Other migrations should not need such conditionals.
    if '_grist_Attachments' not in tdset.all_tables:
            actions.AddTable("_grist_Attachments", [
                schema.make_column("fileIdent", "Text"),
                schema.make_column("fileName", "Text"),
                schema.make_column("fileType", "Text"),
                schema.make_column("fileSize", "Int"),
                schema.make_column("timeUploaded", "DateTime")

    if '_grist_TabItems' not in tdset.all_tables:
            actions.AddTable("_grist_TabItems", [
                schema.make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
                schema.make_column("viewRef", "Ref:_grist_Views"),

    if 'schemaVersion' not in tdset.all_tables['_grist_DocInfo'].columns:
        doc_actions.append(add_column('_grist_DocInfo', 'schemaVersion',

        add_column('_grist_Attachments', 'imageHeight', 'Int'),
        add_column('_grist_Attachments', 'imageWidth', 'Int'),

    view_sections = actions.transpose_bulk_action(
    rows = sorted({(s.tableRef, s.parentId) for s in view_sections})
    if rows:
        values = {
            'tableRef': [r[0] for r in rows],
            'viewRef': [r[1] for r in rows]
        row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(rows) + 1))
            actions.ReplaceTableData('_grist_TabItems', row_ids, values))

    return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
Exemplo n.º 6
def migration14(tdset):
    # Create the ACL table AND also the default ACL groups, default resource, and the default rule.
    # These match the actions applied to new document by 'InitNewDoc' useraction (as of v14).
    return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
        actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLMemberships', [
            schema.make_column('parent', 'Ref:_grist_ACLPrincipals'),
            schema.make_column('child', 'Ref:_grist_ACLPrincipals'),
        actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLPrincipals', [
            schema.make_column('userName', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('groupName', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('userEmail', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('instanceId', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('type', 'Text'),
        actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLResources', [
            schema.make_column('colIds', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('tableId', 'Text'),
        actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLRules', [
            schema.make_column('aclFormula', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('principals', 'Text'),
            schema.make_column('resource', 'Ref:_grist_ACLResources'),
            schema.make_column('aclColumn', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'),
            schema.make_column('permissions', 'Int'),

        # Set up initial ACL data.
            '_grist_ACLPrincipals', [1, 2, 3, 4], {
                'type': ['group', 'group', 'group', 'group'],
                'groupName': ['Owners', 'Admins', 'Editors', 'Viewers'],
        actions.AddRecord('_grist_ACLResources', 1, {
            'tableId': '',
            'colIds': ''
        actions.AddRecord('_grist_ACLRules', 1, {
            'resource': 1,
            'permissions': 0x3F,
            'principals': '[1]'
Exemplo n.º 7
def add_column(table_id, col_id, col_type, *args, **kwargs):
    return actions.AddColumn(
        table_id, col_id, schema.make_column(col_id, col_type, *args,