Exemplo n.º 1
    def test__last_harvest_time_gt_lastmod(self,
        SCENARIO:  We have a valid sitemap and valid documents.  One of the
        documents, though, was harvested since it was last modified.

        EXPECTED RESULT:  No errors are logged.  A message is logged that the
        one record was skipped.  The single sitemap is tracked.

        # Set the harvest time ahead of the lastmod time.  If we're still
        # running this code in the 23rd century, well dang...
        mock_harvest_time.return_value = '2200-01-01T00:00:00Z'
        mock_check_if_identifier_exists.return_value = {'outcome': 'no'}
        mock_load_science_metadata.return_value = True

        harvester = SchemaDotOrgHarvester(host='test.arm.gov')
        harvester.sitemap_url = 'https://www.archive.arm.gov/metadata/adc/sitemap.xml'  # noqa: E501

        # External calls to read the:
        #   1) sitemap
        #   2) HTML document for record 1
        #   3) XML document for record 1
        contents = [
            ir.read_binary('tests.data.arm', 'sitemap-1.xml'),
        status_codes = [200, 200, 200]
        headers = [
            {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'},
            {'Content-Type': 'text/html'},
            {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'},

        z = zip(contents, status_codes, headers)
        with aioresponses() as m:
            for content, status_code, headers in z:
                      body=content, status=status_code, headers=headers)

            with self.assertLogs(logger=harvester.logger, level='DEBUG') as cm:

                self.assertLogLevelCallCount(cm.output, level='ERROR', n=0)
                expected = "Successfully processed 0 records."
                self.assertInfoLogMessage(cm.output, expected)

                expected = '1 records skipped'
                self.assertInfoLogMessage(cm.output, expected)

        # Verify that we kept track of that single sitemap.
        expected = [harvester.sitemap_url]
        actual = harvester.get_sitemaps()
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

        # Verify that there are NO items in the sitemap URL set (harvest time
        # was impossibly too old).
        actual = harvester.get_sitemaps_urlset()
        self.assertEqual(len(actual), 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test__last_harvest_time_lt_lastmod__no_harvest(self,
        SCENARIO:  We have a valid sitemap and one valid document.  One of the
        documents, though, was harvested since it was last modified.  However,
        we supply the no_harvest document.

        EXPECTED RESULT:  No errors are logged.  A message is logged that the
        one record was skipped.  The single sitemap is tracked.

        mock_harvest_time.return_value = '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'

        harvester = SchemaDotOrgHarvester(host='test.arm.gov', no_harvest=True)
        harvester.sitemap_url = 'https://www.archive.arm.gov/metadata/adc/sitemap.xml'  # noqa: E501

        # External calls to read the:
        #   1) sitemap
        #   2) HTML document for record 1
        #   3) XML document for record 1
        contents = [
            ir.read_binary('tests.data.arm', 'sitemap-1.xml'),
        status_codes = [200, 200, 200]
        headers = [
            {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'},
            {'Content-Type': 'text/html'},
            {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'},

        z = zip(contents, status_codes, headers)
        with aioresponses() as m:
            for content, status_code, headers in z:
                      body=content, status=status_code, headers=headers)

            with self.assertLogs(logger=harvester.logger, level='DEBUG') as cm:

                self.assertLogLevelCallCount(cm.output, level='ERROR', n=0)
                msg = "Successfully processed 1 records."
                self.assertNotIn(msg, '\n'.join(cm.output))

                exp = 'Created a new object identified as doi:10.5439/1027370'
                self.assertNotIn(exp, '\n'.join(cm.output))

        # Verify that we kept track of that single sitemap.
        expected = [harvester.sitemap_url]
        actual = harvester.get_sitemaps()
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

        # Verify that there is an item in the sitemap URL set.
        actual = harvester.get_sitemaps_urlset()

        doc = lxml.etree.parse(io.BytesIO(contents[0]))
        nsmap = schema_org.core.SITEMAP_NS
        url_elt = doc.xpath('sm:url/sm:loc', namespaces=nsmap)[0]
        date_elt = doc.xpath('sm:url/sm:lastmod', namespaces=nsmap)[0]
        date = dt.datetime.strptime(date_elt.text, '%Y-%m-%d')
        date = date.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)

        expected = [(url_elt.text, date)]
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)