Exemplo n.º 1
    def generateCSV(self, schemas):
        file = open("../docs/jsonBrowser/json_fields.csv", "w")


        for path in schemas:
            schema = get_json_from_file(path)

            required = []

            if "required" in schema:
                required = schema["required"]

            for property in schema["properties"]:

                file.write(property + "," +
                      ("\"" +schema["properties"][property]["user_friendly"] +"\"" if "user_friendly" in schema["properties"][property] else "N/A") + "," +
                      ("\"" + schema["properties"][property]["description"] + "\"" if "description" in schema["properties"][property] else "N/A") + "," +
                       schema["title"] + "," +
                        ("1" if property in required else "0")  + "\n")

# Flag for tracking the exit status of validate() calls
status_flag = True

pwd = subprocess.check_output('pwd').decode("utf-8").rstrip()
print('pwd: %s' % pwd)
base_uri = "file://" + pwd + "/"
print('base URI: %s' % base_uri)

# Specific JSON file example tests

# Testing valid project JSON example
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
print('Validating project/test_pass_project_0.json JSON against schema')
p1 = get_json_from_file(
if not validate(sv, p1):
    status_flag = False

# Testing invalid project JSON example
# It is missing required project_shortname field
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
    'Validating project/test_fail_project_0.json JSON against schema\n(This should fail, missing project_shortname)'
p1 = get_json_from_file(
if validate(sv, p1):
    status_flag = False
    def generateMarkdown(self, schemas, entity_type):
        file = open("../docs/jsonBrowser/" + entity_type + ".md", "w")
        file.write("# " + entity_type.capitalize() + "\n")

        self.required_file.write("## " + entity_type.capitalize() + "\n")


        for path in schemas:

            schema = get_json_from_file(path)

            if (entity_type == "module" or entity_type == "core"):
                file.write("## " + schema["title"] + "<a name='" +
                           schema["title"] + "'></a>\n")
                self.required_file.write("### " + schema["title"] +
                                         "<a name='" + schema["title"] +

                file.write("## " + schema["title"] + "\n")
                self.required_file.write("### " + schema["title"] + "\n")
            file.write("_" + schema["description"] + "_\n")
            file.write("Location: " + path.replace("../json_schema/", "") +

                "Property name | Description | Type | Required? | Object reference? | User friendly name | Allowed values | Example \n"
            # file.write("Property name | Description | Type  \n")
            file.write("--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- \n")

            required = []

            if "required" in schema:
                required = schema["required"]

                    "Property name | Description | Type | Object reference? | User friendly name | Allowed values | Example \n"
                    "--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- \n")

                    "_There are no required properties in schema " +
                    schema["title"] + "_\n")

            for property in schema["properties"]:

                if property not in boiler_plate:

                    if "$ref" in schema["properties"][property]:
                        ref = schema["properties"][property]["$ref"]
                        if "definitions" not in ref:
                            if "core" in ref:
                                dir = "core"
                            elif "module" in ref:
                                dir = "module"
                                dir = ""
                            mod = ref.split("/")[-1]
                            mod = mod.replace(".json", "")
                            link = "[See " + dir + "  " + mod + "](" + dir + ".md/#" + mod + ")"
                            link = ""

                    elif "items" in schema["properties"][
                            property] and "$ref" in schema["properties"][
                        ref = schema["properties"][property]["items"]["$ref"]
                        if "definitions" not in ref:
                            if "core" in ref:
                                dir = "core"
                            elif "module" in ref:
                                dir = "module"
                                dir = ""
                            mod = ref.split("/")[-1]
                            mod = mod.replace(".json", "")
                            link = "[See " + dir + "  " + mod + "](" + dir + ".md/#" + mod + ")"
                            link = ""
                        link = ""

                    # if link is not "":
                    #     print(schema["title"] + "\t "+ property + "\t"+ link)

                        property + " | " +
                         if "description" in
                         schema["properties"][property] else "") + " | " +
                        (schema["properties"][property]["type"] if "type" in
                         schema["properties"][property] else "") + " | " +
                        ("yes" if property in required else "no") + " | " +
                        link + " | " +
                         if "user_friendly" in
                         schema["properties"][property] else "") + " | " +
                        (", ".join(schema["properties"][property]["enum"])
                         if "enum" in schema["properties"][property] else "") +
                        " | " +
                        (str(schema["properties"][property]["example"]) if
                         "example" in schema["properties"][property] else "") +

                    if property in required:
                            property + " | " +
                             if "description" in
                             schema["properties"][property] else "") + " | " +
                            (schema["properties"][property]["type"] if "type"
                             in schema["properties"][property] else "") +
                            " | " + link + " | " +
                             if "user_friendly" in
                             schema["properties"][property] else "") + " | " +
                            (", ".join(schema["properties"][property]["enum"]
                                       ) if "enum" in
                             schema["properties"][property] else "") + " | " +
                                 ) if "example" in
                             schema["properties"][property] else "") + "\n")


Exemplo n.º 4
    def _gatherValues(self, basepath, schema, dependencies, local, userFriendly):

        if local:
            jsonRaw = get_json_from_file(schema)

            if basepath not in schema:
                schema = basepath + schema
            # get the schema of HTTP
            req = requests.get(schema)

            # if the schema is successfully retrieved, process it, else return an error message
            if (req.status_code == requests.codes.ok):
                jsonRaw = req.json()
                self.logger.error(schema + " does not exist")

        entities = {}
        entity_title = jsonRaw["title"]

        properties = jsonRaw["properties"]

        values = []

        for prop in properties:
            # if a property has an array of references (potential 1-to-many relationship), gather the properties for the references and format them to become
            # their own spreadsheet tab
            if ("items" in properties[prop] and "$ref" in properties[prop]["items"] and "ontology" not in properties[prop]["items"]["$ref"]):
                module = properties[prop]["items"]["$ref"]
                if local:
                    el = module.split("/")
                    del el[0:3]
                    del el[-2]

                    module = basepath

                    for e in el:
                        module = module + "/" + e
                    module = module + ".json"
                if module in dependencies:
                    module_values = self._gatherValues(basepath, module, None, local, userFriendly)
                    # add primary entity ID to cross reference with main entity
                    for primary in values:
                        if "id" in primary["header"].lower() or "shortname" in primary["header"]:
                            for key in module_values.keys():
                                t = primary["header"]
                                if "ID" in t:
                                    t = t.replace(" ID", "").lower()
                                    d = "ID for " + t + " this " + key + " relates to"
                                    t = t.replace(" shortname", "").lower()
                                    d = "Shortname for " + t + " this " + key + " relates to"
                                module_values[key].append({"header": primary["header"],
                                                           "description": d,
                                                           "example": None})

                    # special name cases for publication tabs
                    if entity_title == "project" and "publication" in module_values.keys():
                        module_values["project.publications"] = module_values.pop("publication")
                    if entity_title == "cell_line" and "publication" in module_values.keys():
                        module_values["cell_line.publications"] = module_values.pop("publication")

            # if a property does not include a user_friendly tag but includes a reference, fetch the contents of that reference and add them
            # directly to the properties for this sheet
            elif("$ref" in properties[prop] and "ontology" not in properties[prop]["$ref"]):
                module = properties[prop]["$ref"]
                if local:
                    el = module.split("/")
                    del el[0:3]
                    del el[-2]

                    module = basepath

                    for e in el:
                        module = module + "/" + e
                    module = module + ".json"

                if "_core" in module or module in dependencies:
                    module_values = self._gatherValues(basepath, module, None, local, userFriendly)

                    prefix = ""
                # if module in dependencies:
                    if userFriendly:
                        if "user_friendly" in properties[prop]:
                            prefix = properties[prop]["user_friendly"] + " - "
                            print(prop + " in " + entity_title + " has no user friendly name")
                        prefix = prop + "."

                for key in module_values.keys():
                    for entry in module_values[key]:
                        entry["header"] = prefix + entry["header"]

            # if a property has a user_friendly tag, include it as a direct field. This includes ontology module references as these should not be
            # exposed to users
            elif (userFriendly and "user_friendly" in properties[prop]):
                description = None
                example = None
                if "description" in properties[prop]:
                    description = properties[prop]["description"]
                if "example" in properties[prop]:
                    example = properties[prop]["example"]

                values.append({"header": properties[prop]["user_friendly"], "description": description,
                               "example": example})
            elif not userFriendly:
                if prop not in excluded_fields:
                    description = None
                    example = None
                    if "description" in properties[prop]:
                        description = properties[prop]["description"]
                    if "example" in properties[prop]:
                        example = properties[prop]["example"]

                    if(("$ref" in properties[prop] and "ontology" in properties[prop]["$ref"]) or
                            (("items" in properties[prop] and "$ref" in properties[prop]["items"]) and ("ontology" in properties[prop]["items"]["$ref"]))):
                        prop = prop + ".text"

                    values.append({"header": prop, "description": description,
                                   "example": example})

        if "type/biomaterial" in schema:
            if userFriendly:
                    {"header": "Process IDs", "description": "IDs of processes for which this biomaterial is an input",
                                   "example": None})
                    {"header": "process_ids", "description": "IDs of processes for which this biomaterial is an input",
                     "example": None})
        if "type/process" in schema:
            if userFriendly:
                    {"header": "Protocol IDs", "description": "IDs of protocols which this process implements",
                     "example": None})
                    {"header": "protocol_ids", "description": "IDs of protocols which this process implements",
                     "example": None})

        if "type/file" in schema:
            if userFriendly:
                    {"header": "Biomaterial ID", "description": "ID of the biomaterial to which this file relates",
                     "example": None})
                    {"header": "Sequencing process ID", "description": "ID of the sequencing process to which this file relates",
                    "example": None})
                    {"header": "biomaterial_id", "description": "ID of the biomaterial to which this file relates",
                     "example": None})
                    {"header": "process_id",
                     "description": "ID of the sequencing process to which this file relates",
                     "example": None})

        entities[entity_title] = values
        return entities
Exemplo n.º 5
# Flag for tracking the exit status of validate() calls
status_flag = True

pwd = subprocess.check_output('pwd').decode("utf-8").rstrip()
base_uri = "file://" + pwd + "/"

print('\nValidating sample.json')
sv = get_validator('sample.json', base_uri)

# Specific schema tests follow

print('\nValidating schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_donor_0.json')
dt1 = get_json_from_file('../schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_donor_0.json')
if not validate(sv, dt1): # will return False if fails (show return value)
    status_flag = False

print('\nValidating schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_sample_0.json')
sfo1 = get_json_from_file('../schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_sample_0.json')
if not validate(sv, sfo1):
    status_flag = False

print('\nValidating schema_tests/sample/fail/sample-test-current.json\n(This should fail)')
sf1 = get_json_from_file('../schema_tests/sample/fail/sample-test-current.json')
# This should fail. If it fails, keep status_flag = True
if validate(sv, sf1):
    status_flag = False

# Specific bundle tests follow
# Flag for tracking the exit status of validate() calls
status_flag = True

pwd = subprocess.check_output('pwd').decode("utf-8").rstrip()
print('pwd: %s' % pwd)
base_uri = "file://" + pwd + "/"
print('base URI: %s' % base_uri)

# Specific JSON file example tests

# Testing valid project JSON example
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
print('Validating project/test_pass_project_0.json JSON against schema')
p1 = get_json_from_file(
if not validate(sv, p1):
    status_flag = False

# Testing invalid project JSON example
# It is missing required project_shortname field
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
    'Validating project/test_fail_project_0.json JSON against schema\n(This should fail, missing project_shortname)'
p1 = get_json_from_file(
if validate(sv, p1):
    status_flag = False
Exemplo n.º 7
    def lintSchema(self, path):
        schema = get_json_from_file(path)
        properties = schema['properties']


        schema_filename = path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]

        # Check that all root level fields in the schema are part of the list of allowed root level fields
        for key in schema.keys():
            if key not in allowed_root_level_keywords:
                print("Root level field `" + key + "` in schema " + path +
                      " not part of allowed root level properties")

        # Check that all required root level fields are present in the schema
        for prop in required_root_level_keywords:
            if prop not in schema.keys():
                print(schema_filename +
                      ".json: Missing required root level field `" + prop +

        # Check that additionalProperties is set to false
        if "additionalProperties" in schema and schema[
                'additionalProperties'] == True:
            print(schema_filename +
                  ".json: Should not allow additional properties")

        # Check that $schema is set to draft-07
        if "$schema" in schema and schema[
                '$schema'] != "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#":
                schema_filename +
                ".json: Must have $schema set to http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"

        # Check that the name of the schema in the describedBy URL is set to the schema filename
        if properties['describedBy']['pattern'].split(
                "/")[-1] != schema_filename:
            print(schema_filename + ".json: End of `describedBy` URL (" +
                  properties['describedBy']['pattern'].split("/")[-1] +
                  ") must match schema filename (" + schema_filename + ")")

        # Check that the schema name attribute is set to the schema filename
        if "name" in schema and schema['name'] != schema_filename:
            print(schema_filename + ".json: The `name` attribute (" +
                  schema['name'] + ") must match the schema filename (" +
                  schema_filename + ")")

        # Check that schema type is set to object
        if "type" in schema and schema['type'] != "object":
            print(schema_filename +
                  ".json: The `type` attribute must be set to object")

        # Check that all required fields are actually in the schema
        if "required" in schema:
            for req_prop in schema["required"]:
                if req_prop not in properties:
                    print("Property `" + req_prop + "` is required in " +
                          schema_filename + ".json but is undefined")


        # Check that essential properties `describedBy` and `schema_version` are present
        for ep in essential_properties:
            if ep not in properties:
                print(schema_filename + ".json: Missing required property `" +
                      ep + "`")

        for property in properties:
            # print(property)
            # Check that property name contains only lowercase letters and underscore
            if not re.match("^[a-z_]+$", property) and property not in [
                print(schema_filename + ".json: Property `" + property +
                      "` contains non-lowercase/underscore characters")

            # Check that property contains description attribute
            if 'description' not in properties[property].keys():
                print(schema_filename +
                      ".json: Keyword `description` missing from property `" +
                      property + "`")

            # Check that description attribute is a sentence - start with capital letter and end with full stop
            if 'description' in properties[property].keys() and not re.match(
                    '^[A-Z][^?!]*[.]$', properties[property]['description']):
                print(schema_filename +
                      ".json: The `description` for property `" + property +
                      "` is not a sentence (" +
                      properties[property]['description'] + ")")

            # Check that property contains user-friendly attribute
            # Currently excludes ingest-supplied fields
            # Currently excludes links.json and provenance.json
            if property not in [
                    'provenance', 'schema_version', 'schema_type',
            ] and 'user_friendly' not in properties[property].keys():
                if schema_filename not in ["links", "provenance"]:
                        schema_filename +
                        ".json: Keyword `user_friendly` missing from property `"
                        + property + "`")

            # Check that if property contains format attribute, format is valid JSON format
            if 'format' in properties[property].keys(
            ) and properties[property]['format'] not in [
                    "date", "date-time", "email"
                print(schema_filename + ".json: Format `" +
                      properties[property]['format'] +
                      "` is not a valid JSON format)")

            # Check that guidelines attribute is a sentence
            if 'guidelines' in properties[property].keys() and not re.match(
                    '^[A-Z][^?!]*[.]$', properties[property]['guidelines']):
                print(schema_filename +
                      ".json: The `guidelines` for property `" + property +
                      "` is not a sentence (" +
                      properties[property]['guidelines'] + ")")

            # Check that property contains type attribute
            if 'type' not in properties[property].keys():
                print(schema_filename +
                      ".json: Keyword `type` missing from property `" +
                      property + "`")

                # Check that 'type' attribute is set to one of the valid JSON types
                if properties[property]['type'] not in [
                        "string", "number", "boolean", "array", "object",
                    print(schema_filename + ".json: Type `" +
                          properties[property]['type'] +
                          "` is not a valid JSON type")

                # Check that property of type array also contains the attribute items
                if properties[property][
                        'type'] == "array" and 'items' not in properties[
                    print(schema_filename + ".json: Property `" + property +
                          "` is type array but doesn't contain items")

                # Check that a property of type array contains the attribute items and items has either the type or $ref attribute
                if properties[property][
                        'type'] == "array" and 'items' in properties[
                            property].keys() and '$ref' not in properties[
                                ) and 'type' not in properties[property][
                        schema_filename + ".json: Property `" + property +
                        "` is type array but items attribute doesn't contain type or $ref attribute"

                # Check that property of type object also contains the attribute $ref
                if properties[property][
                        'type'] == "object" and '$ref' not in properties[
                    print(schema_filename + ".json: Property `" + property +
                          "` is type object but doesn't contain $ref")

            # Check that property contains example attribute
            # Except for system-supplied fields
            # Except when importing module ($ref)
            if 'example' not in properties[property].keys(
            ) and property not in system_supplied_properties and schema_filename not in [
                    'links', 'provenance'
                if 'items' in properties[property].keys(
                ) and '$ref' not in properties[property]['items'].keys():
                    print(schema_filename +
                          ".json: Keyword `example` missing from property `" +
                          property + "`")
                elif 'items' not in properties[property].keys(
                ) and '$ref' not in properties[property].keys():
                    print(schema_filename +
                          ".json: Keyword `example` missing from property `" +
                          property + "`")
            # Check that there are 1 or 2 examples separated by semicolon
            # Excludes enums that list all valid values (Should be one of)
            elif 'example' in properties[property].keys(
            ) and property not in system_supplied_properties and schema_filename not in [
                    'links', 'provenance'
                if not re.match("^Should be one of",
                    ex = str(properties[property]['example']).split(";")
                    if len(ex) == 1 and re.search(",", ex[0]):
                            schema_filename + ".json: Property `" + property +
                            "` might have multiple examples that aren't separated by a semicolon ("
                            + str(properties[property]['example']) + ")")

            # Check that _unit properties having matching property w/o unit
            if re.match("^[a-z_]+_unit$", property):
                if property.split("_unit")[0] not in properties:
                    print(schema_filename + ".json: Has unit property `" +
                          property + "` but no corresponding `" +
                          property.split("_unit")[0] + "` property")

            for kw in properties[property].keys():
                if property == 'ontology' and kw == 'graph_restriction':
                    nested_keywords = properties[property][kw]
                    for nkw in nested_keywords.keys():
                        if nkw not in ontology_keywords:
                                "Keyword `" + nkw +
                                "` is not in the list of acceptable ontology keyword properties"
                elif kw not in property_keywords:
                        "Keyword `" + kw + "` in property `" + property +
                        "` is not in the list of acceptable keyword properties"

                if isinstance(properties[property][kw],
                              dict) and property != 'ontology':
                    for nkw in properties[property][kw].keys():
                        if nkw not in property_keywords:
                                "Keyword `" + nkw + "` in property `" +
                                property +
                                "` is not in the list of acceptable keyword properties"