Exemplo n.º 1
    def _fit_start_params_hr(self, order):
        Get starting parameters for fit.

        order : iterable
            (p,q,k) - AR lags, MA lags, and number of exogenous variables
            including the constant.

        start_params : array
            A first guess at the starting parameters.

        If necessary, fits an AR process with the laglength selected according
        to best BIC.  Obtain the residuals.  Then fit an ARMA(p,q) model via
        OLS using these residuals for a first approximation.  Uses a separate
        OLS regression to find the coefficients of exogenous variables.

        Hannan, E.J. and Rissanen, J.  1982.  "Recursive estimation of mixed
            autoregressive-moving average order."  `Biometrika`.  69.1.
        p,q,k = order
        start_params = zeros((p+q+k))
        endog = self.endog.copy() # copy because overwritten
        exog = self.exog
        if k != 0:
            ols_params = GLS(endog, exog).fit().params
            start_params[:k] = ols_params
            endog -= np.dot(exog, ols_params).squeeze()
        if q != 0:
            if p != 0:
                armod = AR(endog).fit(ic='bic', trend='nc')
                arcoefs_tmp = armod.params
                p_tmp = armod.k_ar
                resid = endog[p_tmp:] - np.dot(lagmat(endog, p_tmp,
                                trim='both'), arcoefs_tmp)
                if p < p_tmp + q:
                    endog_start = p_tmp + q - p
                    resid_start = 0
                    endog_start = 0
                    resid_start = p - p_tmp - q
                lag_endog = lagmat(endog, p, 'both')[endog_start:]
                lag_resid = lagmat(resid, q, 'both')[resid_start:]
                # stack ar lags and resids
                X = np.column_stack((lag_endog, lag_resid))
                coefs = GLS(endog[max(p_tmp+q,p):], X).fit().params
                start_params[k:k+p+q] = coefs
                start_params[k+p:k+p+q] = yule_walker(endog, order=q)[0]
        if q==0 and p != 0:
            arcoefs = yule_walker(endog, order=p)[0]
            start_params[k:k+p] = arcoefs
        return start_params
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _fit_start_params_hr(self, order):
        Get starting parameters for fit.

        order : iterable
            (p,q,k) - AR lags, MA lags, and number of exogenous variables
            including the constant.

        start_params : array
            A first guess at the starting parameters.

        If necessary, fits an AR process with the laglength selected according
        to best BIC.  Obtain the residuals.  Then fit an ARMA(p,q) model via
        OLS using these residuals for a first approximation.  Uses a separate
        OLS regression to find the coefficients of exogenous variables.

        Hannan, E.J. and Rissanen, J.  1982.  "Recursive estimation of mixed
            autoregressive-moving average order."  `Biometrika`.  69.1.
        p, q, k = order
        start_params = zeros((p + q + k))
        endog = self.endog.copy()  # copy because overwritten
        exog = self.exog
        if k != 0:
            ols_params = GLS(endog, exog).fit().params
            start_params[:k] = ols_params
            endog -= np.dot(exog, ols_params).squeeze()
        if q != 0:
            if p != 0:
                armod = AR(endog).fit(ic='bic', trend='nc')
                arcoefs_tmp = armod.params
                p_tmp = armod.k_ar
                resid = endog[p_tmp:] - np.dot(
                    lagmat(endog, p_tmp, trim='both'), arcoefs_tmp)
                X = np.column_stack(
                    (lagmat(endog, p, 'both')[p_tmp + (q - p):],
                     lagmat(resid, q, 'both')))  # stack ar lags and resids
                coefs = GLS(endog[p_tmp + q:], X).fit().params
                start_params[k:k + p + q] = coefs
                start_params[k + p:k + p + q] = yule_walker(endog, order=q)[0]
        if q == 0 and p != 0:
            arcoefs = yule_walker(endog, order=p)[0]
            start_params[k:k + p] = arcoefs
        return start_params
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setupClass(cls):
     from scikits.statsmodels.datasets.sunspots import load
     data = load()
     cls.rho, cls.sigma = yule_walker(data.endog, order=4,
     cls.R_params = [1.2831003105694765, -0.45240924374091945,
             -0.20770298557575195, 0.047943648089542337]
Exemplo n.º 4
def pacf_yw(x, nlags=40, method='unbiased'):
    '''Partial autocorrelation estimated with non-recursive yule_walker

    x : 1d array
        observations of time series for which pacf is calculated
    maxlag : int
        largest lag for which pacf is returned
    method : 'unbiased' (default) or 'mle'
        method for the autocovariance calculations in yule walker

    pacf : 1d array
        partial autocorrelations, maxlag+1 elements

    This solves yule_walker for each desired lag and contains
    currently duplicate calculations.
    xm = x - x.mean()
    pacf = [1.]
    for k in range(1, nlags + 1):
        pacf.append(yule_walker(x, k, method=method)[0][-1])
    return np.array(pacf)
Exemplo n.º 5
def pacf_yw(x, nlags=40, method='unbiased'):
    '''Partial autocorrelation estimated with non-recursive yule_walker

    x : 1d array
        observations of time series for which pacf is calculated
    maxlag : int
        largest lag for which pacf is returned
    method : 'unbiased' (default) or 'mle'
        method for the autocovariance calculations in yule walker

    pacf : 1d array
        partial autocorrelations, maxlag+1 elements

    This solves yule_walker for each desired lag and contains
    currently duplicate calculations.
    xm = x - x.mean()
    pacf = [1.]
    for k in range(1, nlags+1):
        pacf.append(yule_walker(x, k, method=method)[0][-1])
    return np.array(pacf)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setupClass(cls):
     from scikits.statsmodels.datasets.sunspots import load
     data = load()
     cls.rho, cls.sigma = yule_walker(data.endog, order=4,
     cls.R_params = [1.2831003105694765, -0.45240924374091945,
             -0.20770298557575195, 0.047943648089542337]
examples_all = range(10) + ['test_copy']

examples = examples_all #[5]

if 0 in examples:
    print '\n Example 0'
    X = np.arange(1,8)
    X = sm.add_constant(X)
    Y = np.array((1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 9))
    rho = 2
    model = GLSAR(Y, X, 2)
    for i in range(6):
        results = model.fit()
        print "AR coefficients:", model.rho
        rho, sigma = yule_walker(results.resid, order = model.order)
        model = GLSAR(Y, X, rho)

    par0 = results.params
    print par0
    model0if = GLSAR(Y, X, 2)
    res = model0if.iterative_fit(6)
    print 'iterativefit beta', res.params
    results.tvalues # is this correct? it does equal params/bse
    # but isn't the same as the AR example (which was wrong in the first place..)
    print results.t_test([0,1])  # are sd and t correct? vs
    print results.f_test(np.eye(2))

rhotrue = [0.5, 0.2]
rhotrue = np.asarray(rhotrue)
Exemplo n.º 8
examples_all = range(10) + ['test_copy']

examples = examples_all  #[5]

if 0 in examples:
    print '\n Example 0'
    X = np.arange(1, 8)
    X = sm.add_constant(X)
    Y = np.array((1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 9))
    rho = 2
    model = GLSAR(Y, X, 2)
    for i in range(6):
        results = model.fit()
        print "AR coefficients:", model.rho
        rho, sigma = yule_walker(results.resid, order=model.order)
        model = GLSAR(Y, X, rho)

    par0 = results.params
    print par0
    model0if = GLSAR(Y, X, 2)
    res = model0if.iterative_fit(6)
    print 'iterativefit beta', res.params
    results.tvalues  # is this correct? it does equal params/bse
    # but isn't the same as the AR example (which was wrong in the first place..)
    print results.t_test([0, 1])  # are sd and t correct? vs
    print results.f_test(np.eye(2))

rhotrue = [0.5, 0.2]
rhotrue = np.asarray(rhotrue)
nlags = np.size(rhotrue)