Exemplo n.º 1
def psi_dns_initial_no_ext(gradTx, gradTy, x, y, X, Y, max_len):

    yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y, x)

    # compute normal of s-l interface: X,Y
    nhat_x = np.zeros(X.size)
    nhat_y = np.zeros(Y.size)

    gx_interp = itp2d(x, y, gradTx.T, kind='linear')
    gy_interp = itp2d(x, y, gradTy.T, kind='linear')

    for j in range(X.size):

        vx = gx_interp(X[j], Y[j])
        vy = gy_interp(X[j], Y[j])
        vn = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)

        nhat_x[j] = vx / vn
        nhat_y[j] = vy / vn

    ds = np.sqrt((x[1] - x[0])**2 + (y[1] - y[0])**2)
    nstep = int(max_len / ds)

    X_char = np.zeros((X.size, 2 * nstep - 1))
    Y_char = np.zeros((X.size, 2 * nstep - 1))
    psi_char = np.zeros((X.size, 2 * nstep - 1))

    for kk in range(nstep):

        if kk == 0:

            X_char[:, 0] = X
            Y_char[:, 0] = Y
            psi_char[:, 0] = 0


            # follow characteristic in the dirction of the interior
            X_char[:, kk] = X_char[:, kk - 1] + nhat_x * ds
            Y_char[:, kk] = Y_char[:, kk - 1] + nhat_y * ds
            psi_char[:, kk] = psi_char[:, kk - 1] - ds

            # follow characteristic in the direction of the exterior
            X_char[:, -kk] = X_char[:, -kk + 1] - nhat_x * ds
            Y_char[:, -kk] = Y_char[:, -kk + 1] - nhat_y * ds
            psi_char[:, -kk] = psi_char[:, -kk + 1] + ds

    # pts= np.array( ( X_char.flatten(), Y_char.flatten() ) ).T

    # val= psi_char.flatten()

    # psi0 = griddata( pts, val, ( xx, yy ), method = 'cubic')
    # psi1 = griddata( pts, val, ( xx, yy ), method = 'nearest')

    # psi0[np.isnan(psi0)] = psi1[np.isnan(psi0)]

    # fig,ax=plt.subplots()
    # ax.pcolormesh( xx, yy , psi0)

    return X_char, Y_char, psi_char
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_sl_interface(T2d, x, y, x_top, Tl):

    # T2d is 2d temperature
    # x : 1d array, e.g. x_dns
    # y : 1d array, e.g. y_dns
    # x_top: x-coordinate on the top boundary
    # Tl the temperature of your target interface
    # The solver loops over x_top, shoots a ray from x_top[j], and find the intersection with T=Tl
    # if no intersection is found, fill with nan.

    T_interp = itp2d(x, y, T2d.T)

    X = np.zeros(x_top.size)
    Y = np.zeros(x_top.size)

    for j in range(x_top.size):

        f = lambda s: T_interp(x_top[j], s) - Tl


            X[j] = x_top[j]
            Y[j] = brentq(f, y.min(), 0)
        except ValueError:

            X[j] = np.nan
            Y[j] = np.nan

    return X, Y
Exemplo n.º 3
def trajectory(xj_arrn, yj_arrn, gTx_n, gTy_n, R, y_n, y_np):
    # calculate coordinates for time at n+1 and output interpered gradTx gradTy, R

    T_n = np.reshape(y_n, (ny, nx), order='F')
    T_np = np.reshape(y_np, (ny, nx), order='F')

    num_sam = len(xj_arrn)

    Tj_arrn = np.zeros(num_sam)
    gTxj_arrn = np.zeros(num_sam)
    gTyj_arrn = np.zeros(num_sam)
    Rj_arrn = np.zeros(num_sam)
    sj_arr = np.zeros(num_sam)

    T_itp = itp2d(x, ycoor, T_np,
                  kind='linear')  # get interp object for next time step t_n+1

    gTxn_itp = itp2d(x, ycoor, gTx_n, kind='linear')
    gTyn_itp = itp2d(x, ycoor, gTy_n, kind='linear')
    R_itp = itp2d(x, ycoor, R, kind='linear')
    Tn_itp = itp2d(x, ycoor, T_n, kind='linear')

    for ii in range(num_sam):

        x_j = xj_arrn[ii]
        y_j = yj_arrn[ii]
        Tj_arrn[ii] = Tn_itp(x_j, y_j)
        gTxj_arrn[ii] = gTxn_itp(x_j, y_j)
        gTyj_arrn[ii] = gTyn_itp(x_j, y_j)
        Rj_arrn[ii] = R_itp(x_j, y_j)

        arg = (x_j, y_j, T_itp, gTxj_arrn[ii], gTyj_arrn[ii])
        sj_arr[ii] = fsolve(stepj, [0.0], args=arg)

    Gj_arrn = np.sqrt(gTxj_arrn**2 + gTyj_arrn**2)
    betaj_arrn = np.arctan(gTyj_arrn / gTxj_arrn) * 180 / pi

    return  xj_arrn + sj_arr*gTxj_arrn, yj_arrn + sj_arr*gTyj_arrn,\
        xj_arrn, yj_arrn, Tj_arrn, Gj_arrn, betaj_arrn, Rj_arrn
Exemplo n.º 4
def tem_dis(tp):
    time = int(t0 / dt) + t_st + tp + 1  #479, 349

    G = np.reshape(G_arr[:, time], (ny, nx), order='F')
    T = np.reshape(temp[:, time], (ny, nx), order='F')

    Titp = itp2d(x, ycoor, T, kind='cubic')
    Gitp = itp2d(x, ycoor, G, kind='cubic')

    for i in range(T_len):

        Ttarg[i] = Titp(xtarg[i], ytarg[i])

    G0 = Gitp(xtarg[tp], ytarg[tp])

    print(tp, G0)

    for i in range(T_len):

        T_FR[i] = Ttarg[tp] + G0 * (zl[i] - zl[tp])

    return Ttarg, T_FR
Exemplo n.º 5
def psi_dns_initial(gradTx, gradTy, x, y, X, Y, max_len):

    yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y, x)

    # compute normal of s-l interface: X,Y
    nhat_x = np.zeros(X.size)
    nhat_y = np.zeros(Y.size)

    gx_interp = itp2d(x, y, gradTx.T, kind='linear')
    gy_interp = itp2d(x, y, gradTy.T, kind='linear')

    for j in range(X.size):

        vx = gx_interp(X[j], Y[j])
        vy = gy_interp(X[j], Y[j])
        vn = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)

        nhat_x[j] = vx / vn
        nhat_y[j] = vy / vn

    ds = np.sqrt((X[0] - X[1])**2 + (Y[0] - Y[1])**2)
    u = (X[0] - X[1]) / ds
    v = (Y[0] - Y[1]) / ds

    npts_ext = int((X[0] - x[0]) / ds)
    print('number of extension points = %d' % (npts_ext))

    x_ext = np.zeros(npts_ext)
    y_ext = np.zeros(npts_ext)
    for k in range(npts_ext):

        x_ext[k] = X[0] + u * ds * k
        y_ext[k] = Y[0] + v * ds * k

    # compute normal of extended interface
    nhat_x_ext = y_ext[1:] - y_ext[:-1]
    nhat_y_ext = -x_ext[1:] + x_ext[:-1]
    n2_ext = np.sqrt(nhat_x_ext**2 + nhat_y_ext**2)
    nhat_x_ext = nhat_x_ext / n2_ext
    nhat_y_ext = nhat_y_ext / n2_ext

    # append extended interface with original
    X = np.append(x_ext[1:], X)
    Y = np.append(y_ext[1:], Y)
    nhat_x = np.append(nhat_x_ext, nhat_x)
    nhat_y = np.append(nhat_y_ext, nhat_y)

    ds = np.sqrt((X[-1] - X[-2])**2 + (Y[-1] - Y[-2])**2)
    u = (X[-1] - X[-2]) / ds
    v = (Y[-1] - Y[-2]) / ds

    x_ext = np.zeros(npts_ext)
    y_ext = np.zeros(npts_ext)
    for k in range(npts_ext):

        x_ext[k] = X[-1] + u * ds * k
        y_ext[k] = Y[-1] + v * ds * k

    # compute normal of extended interface
    nhat_x_ext = -y_ext[1:] + y_ext[:-1]
    nhat_y_ext = x_ext[1:] - x_ext[:-1]
    n2_ext = np.sqrt(nhat_x_ext**2 + nhat_y_ext**2)
    nhat_x_ext = nhat_x_ext / n2_ext
    nhat_y_ext = nhat_y_ext / n2_ext

    # append extended interface with original
    X = np.append(X, x_ext[1:])
    Y = np.append(Y, y_ext[1:])
    nhat_x = np.append(nhat_x, nhat_x_ext)
    nhat_y = np.append(nhat_y, nhat_y_ext)

    # characteristics step size
    ds = np.sqrt((x[1] - x[0])**2 + (y[1] - y[0])**2)
    nstep = int(max_len / ds)

    X_char = np.zeros((X.size, 2 * nstep - 1))
    Y_char = np.zeros((X.size, 2 * nstep - 1))
    psi_char = np.zeros((X.size, 2 * nstep - 1))

    for kk in range(nstep):

        if kk == 0:

            X_char[:, 0] = X
            Y_char[:, 0] = Y
            psi_char[:, 0] = 0


            # follow characteristic in the dirction of the interior
            X_char[:, kk] = X_char[:, kk - 1] + nhat_x * ds
            Y_char[:, kk] = Y_char[:, kk - 1] + nhat_y * ds
            psi_char[:, kk] = psi_char[:, kk - 1] - ds

            # follow characteristic in the direction of the exterior
            X_char[:, -kk] = X_char[:, -kk + 1] - nhat_x * ds
            Y_char[:, -kk] = Y_char[:, -kk + 1] - nhat_y * ds
            psi_char[:, -kk] = psi_char[:, -kk + 1] + ds

    # pts= np.array( ( X_char.flatten(), Y_char.flatten() ) ).T

    # val= psi_char.flatten()

    # psi0 = griddata( pts, val, ( xx, yy ), method = 'cubic')
    # psi1 = griddata( pts, val, ( xx, yy ), method = 'nearest')

    # psi0[np.isnan(psi0)] = psi1[np.isnan(psi0)]

    # fig,ax=plt.subplots()
    # ax.pcolormesh( xx, yy , psi0)

    return X_char, Y_char, psi_char
Exemplo n.º 6
    # b = u + lat*A_l*u
    b = u + inv_Ste * A_l * u

    # u_top = u[0:-1:simu.ny]
    u_top = u[-simu.nx:]

    qs = heat_source(x, t * 0, simu.source_x[0])

    set_top_bc(b, qs, u_top, t)

    unew, stat, num_iter = sparse_cg(A, Q @ b, u, simu.cg_tol, M, simu.maxit)

    dTdt_new = np.abs((unew - u) / simu.dt)

    u2d = np.reshape(unew, (simu.nx, simu.ny), order='F')
    u_interp = itp2d(x, y, u2d.T)


        pd = comp_pool_depth(u_interp, simu.source_x)

        print('cur depth', len_dim(pd))

    except ValueError:

        print('Temperature is below T_liquid')

    u = unew
    dTdt = dTdt_new
    t += simu.dt
    iter_melt += 1
Exemplo n.º 7
    set_top_bc(b, qs_x, u_top, t)
    unew,stat,num_iter = sparse_cg(A, Q@b, u, TOL, M, maxit)
    dTdt = np.abs((unew - u)/dt) 
    print('max cooling rate = ', dTdt.max())

    # G,R, grad_x, grad_y = compute_GR(unew, u, dx)
    G,R, grad_x, grad_y = gradients(unew, u, dx)
    u2d = np.reshape(unew, (ny,nx), order='F')
    u_interp = itp2d(x,y,u2d)
    R_interp = itp2d(x_i, y_i, R)
    G_interp = itp2d(x_i, y_i, G)
    gx = itp2d(x_i, y_i, grad_x)
    gy = itp2d(x_i, y_i, grad_y)

    print('iter = %d'%(iter_melt))
    if reach_bottom_check(unew, R) :
        print('reach the bottom at %d'%(iter_melt+1))
        reach_bottom = True