def tridiag_eigs():
    # Most of this code is just constructing
    # tridiagonal matrices and calling functions
    # they have already written.
    m = 1000
    k = 100
    A = np.zeros((m, m))
    a = rand(m)
    b = rand(m-1)
    np.fill_diagonal(A, a)
    np.fill_diagonal(A[1:], b)
    np.fill_diagonal(A[:,1:], b)
    Amul = lambda u: tri_mul(a, b, u)
    alpha, beta = lanczos(rand(m), Amul, k)
    H = np.zeros((alpha.size, alpha.size))
    np.fill_diagonal(H, alpha)
    np.fill_diagonal(H[1:], beta)
    np.fill_diagonal(H[:,1:], beta)
    H_eigs = eig(H, right=False)
    H_eigs = H_eigs[::-1]
    print H_eigs[:10]
    A = np.zeros((m, m))
    np.fill_diagonal(A, a)
    np.fill_diagonal(A[1:], b)
    np.fill_diagonal(A[:,1:], b)
    A_eigs = eig(A, right=False)
    A_eigs = A_eigs[::-1]
    print A_eigs[:10]
    def algorithm3(self, e0, M):

        # Compute global maximum expansion rate
        Vtest = linspace(0,0.5,1000)
        muplot = []
        for Vi in Vtest:
            J = self.Jac(0,[Vi,0])
            muplot.append( 0.5*max(real(eig(J+J.T)[0])) )
        index = argmax(muplot)
        mustar = muplot[index]
        Vstar = Vtest[index]
        self.d1 = [e0]
        self.d2 = [e0]
        self.theta = [0]
        c = []
        for i in range(len(self.T)-1):
            # compute maximal expansion rate c_i in a neigbourhood of V[i] using global vector field bound M
            if abs(self.V[i] - Vstar) <= self.d1[i] + M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]):
            elif self.V[i] + self.d1[i] + M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]) < Vstar:
                J = Jac(0,[self.V[i] + self.d1[i] + M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]),0])
                J = Jac(0,[self.V[i] - self.d1[i] - M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]),0])
            # compute diameter of ball based on bound on expansion rate in neighbourhood of current state
Exemplo n.º 3
def plot_ritz(A, n, iters):
    ''' Plot the relative error of the Ritz values of `A'.
    Amul =
    b = np.random.rand(A.shape[0])
    Q = np.empty((len(b), iters+1), dtype = np.complex128)
    H = np.zeros((iters+1, iters), dtype = np.complex128)
    Q[:, 0] = b / la.norm(b)
    eigvals = np.sort(abs(la.eig(A)[0]))[::-1]
    eigvals = eigvals[:n]
    abs_err = np.zeros((iters,n))

    for j in xrange(iters):
        Q[:, j+1] = Amul(Q[:, j])
        for i in xrange(j+1):
            H[i,j] = np.vdot(Q[:,i].conjugate(), (Q[:, j+1]))
            Q[:,j+1] = Q[:,j+1] - H[i,j] * (Q[:,i])

        H[j+1, j] = np.sqrt(np.vdot(Q[:, j+1], Q[:, j+1].conjugate()))
        Q[:,j+1] = Q[:,j+1] / H[j+1, j]

        if j < n:
            rit = np.zeros(n, dtype = np.complex128)
            rit[:j+1] = np.sort(la.eig(H[:j+1, :j+1])[0])[::-1]
            abs_err[j,:] = abs(eigvals - rit) / abs(eigvals)
            rit = np.sort(la.eig(H[:j+1,:j+1])[0])[::-1]
            rit = rit[:n]
            abs_err[j,:] = abs(eigvals - rit) / abs(eigvals)

    for i in xrange(n):
Exemplo n.º 4
def SlowDownFactor(temporalnet):    
    """Returns a factor S that indicates how much slower (S>1) or faster (S<1)
    a diffusion process in the temporal network evolves on a second-order model 
    compared to a first-order model. This value captures the effect of order
    correlations on dynamical processes.
    g2 = temporalnet.iGraphSecondOrder().components(mode="STRONG").giant()
    g2n = temporalnet.iGraphSecondOrderNull().components(mode="STRONG").giant()
    A2 = np.matrix(list(g2.get_adjacency()))
    T2 = np.zeros(shape=(len(g2.vs), len(g2.vs)))
    D2 = np.diag(g2.strength(mode='out',["weight"]))
    for i in range(len(g2.vs)):
        for j in range(len(g2.vs)):
            T2[i,j] = A2[i,j]/D2[i,i]
    A2n = np.matrix(list(g2n.get_adjacency()))
    T2n = np.zeros(shape=(len(g2n.vs), len(g2n.vs)))
    D2n = np.diag(g2n.strength(mode='out',["weight"]))
    for i in range(len(g2n.vs)):
        for j in range(len(g2n.vs)):
            T2n[i,j] = A2n[i,j]/D2n[i,i]
    w2, v2 = spl.eig(T2, left=True, right=False)
    w2n, v2n = spl.eig(T2n, left=True, right=False)
    return np.log(np.abs(w2n[1]))/np.log(np.abs(w2[1]))
Exemplo n.º 5
def eig_linearised(Z, modes):
    """Solves a linearised approximation to the eigenvalue problem from
    the impedance calculated at some fixed frequency.

    The equation :math:`L = -s^2 S` is solved for `s`

    Z : EfieImpedanceMatrixLoopStar
        The impedance matrix calculated in a loop-star basis
    modes : ndarray (int)
        A list or array of the mode numbers required

    s_mode : ndarray, complex
        The resonant frequencies of the modes (in Hz)
        The complex pole `s` corresponding to the mode's eigenfrequency
    j_mode : ndarray, complex
        Columns of this matrix contain the corresponding modal currents

    modes = np.asarray(modes)

    L = Z.matrices['L']
    S = Z.matrices['S']

        # Try to find the loop and star parts of the matrix (all relevant
        # matrices and vectors follow the same decomposition)
        loop, star = loop_star_indices(L)
    except AttributeError:
        loop = [[], []]
        star = [slice(None), slice(None)]

    if len(loop[0]) > 0 and len(loop[1]) > 0:
        L_conv = la.solve(L[loop[0], loop[1]],
                          L[loop[0], star[1]])
        L_red = (L[star[0], star[1]] -
       [star[0], loop[1]], L_conv))

        # find eigenvalues, and star part of eigenvectors
        w, v_s = la.eig(S[star[0], star[1]], -L_red)

        vr = np.empty((L.shape[0], len(w)), np.complex128)
        vr[star[1]] = v_s
        vr[loop[1]] =, v_s)
        # Matrix does not have loop-star decomposition, so use the whole thing
        # TODO: implement some filtering to eliminate null-space solutions?
        w, vr = la.eig(S, -L)

    w_freq = np.sqrt(w)
    # make sure real part is negative
    w_freq = np.where(w_freq.real > 0, -w_freq, w_freq)

    w_selected =, abs(w_freq.real) > abs(w_freq.imag))
    which_modes = np.argsort(abs(w_selected.imag))[modes]

    return w_freq[which_modes], vr[:, which_modes]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def coupled_modes(self, w, ignore_damping=False, **kwargs):
        M, B, C = self.linearised_matrices(w, **kwargs)
        if ignore_damping:
            wn, vn = linalg.eig(C, M)
            order = np.argsort(abs(wn))
            wn = np.sqrt(abs(wn[order]))
            vn = vn[:, order]
            AA = r_[c_[zeros_like(C), C], c_[C, B]]
            BB = r_[c_[C, zeros_like(C)], c_[zeros_like(C), -M]]
            wn, vn = linalg.eig(AA, BB)
            order = np.argsort(abs(wn))
            wn = abs(wn[order])
            # Mode shapes are the first half of the rows; the second
            # half of the rows should be same multiplied by eigenvalues.
            vn = vn[:M.shape[0], order]

            # We expect all the modes to be complex conjugate; return
            # every other one.
            # First: make sure all are the same sign
            norm_vn = vn / vn[np.argmax(abs(vn), axis=0), range(vn.shape[1])]
            assert (np.allclose(wn[::2], wn[1::2], rtol=1e-4) and
                    np.allclose(norm_vn[:, ::2], norm_vn[:, 1::2].conj(), atol=1e-2)), \
                "Expect conjugate modes"
            wn = wn[::2]
            vn = norm_vn[:, ::2]
        return wn, vn
Exemplo n.º 7
def spatialFilter(Ra,Rb):
	R = Ra + Rb
	E,U = la.eig(R)

	# CSP requires the eigenvalues E and eigenvector U be sorted in descending order
	ord = np.argsort(E)
	ord = ord[::-1] # argsort gives ascending order, flip to get descending
	E = E[ord]
	U = U[:,ord]

	# Find the whitening transformation matrix
	P =,np.transpose(U))

	# The mean covariance matrices may now be transformed
	Sa =,,np.transpose(P)))
	Sb =,,np.transpose(P)))
	# Find and sort the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvector	# Find and sort the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvector

	E1,U1 = la.eig(Sa,Sb)
	ord1 = np.argsort(E1)
	ord1 = ord1[::-1]
	E1 = E1[ord1]
	U1 = U1[:,ord1]

	# The projection matrix (the spatial filter) may now be obtained
	SFa =,P)
	return SFa.astype(np.float32)
Exemplo n.º 8
def FLQTEB(engine,app):
    if app.path!=None:
        if len(app.path.mesh[key].shape)==1:
        for i,parameter in enumerate(list(app.path.mesh[key])):
    if app.save_data:
    if app.plot:
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_streamline_tensors():
    # Small streamline
    streamline = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]
    # Non-default eigenvalues:
    evals = [0.0012, 0.0006, 0.0004]
    streamline_tensors = life.streamline_tensors(streamline, evals=evals)
                                  np.array([[0.0009, 0.0003, 0.],
                                            [0.0003, 0.0009, 0.],
                                            [0., 0., 0.0004]]))

    # Get the eigenvalues/eigenvectors:
    eigvals, eigvecs = la.eig(streamline_tensors[0])
    eigvecs = eigvecs[np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]]
    eigvals = eigvals[np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]]

                                  np.array([0.0012, 0.0006, 0.0004]))

                                  np.array([0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0.]))
    # Another small streamline
    streamline = [[1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0]]
    streamline_tensors = life.streamline_tensors(streamline, evals=evals)

    for t in streamline_tensors:
        eigvals, eigvecs = la.eig(t)
        eigvecs = eigvecs[np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]]
        # This one has no rotations - all tensors are simply the canonical:
  [0], [1, 0, 0]))), 0)
  [1], [0, 1, 0]))), 0)
  [2], [0, 0, 1]))), 0)
def regular_svd_by_pca(K, k=0):
    K_size = K.shape;
    if( K_size[0] < K_size[1] ):
        K_squared =, K.T);        
        tsp, tUp = la.eig(K_squared);
        K_squared =, K);
        tsp, tVp = la.eig(K_squared);
    # As la.eig returns complex number, use its absolute value.
    tsp = abs(tsp);
    tsp = np.sqrt(tsp);
    n_pos_sigs = sum(tsp > 0);
    tSp = np.diag(map(lambda s: 1.0/s, tsp[0:n_pos_sigs]));
    if( K_size[0] < K_size[1] ):
        tVp =, tUp);
        tVp[:, 0:n_pos_sigs] =[:, 0:n_pos_sigs], tSp);
        tUp =, tVp);
        tUp[:, 0:n_pos_sigs] =[:, 0:n_pos_sigs], tSp);
    if( 0 < k and k < min(K_size) ):
        tUp = tUp[:, 0:k];
        tVp = tVp[:, 0:k];
        tsp = tsp[0:k];
    return tUp, tsp, tVp;
Exemplo n.º 11
def FindMaximumQAQ(A, vertices, tetra):
  lambdas = []
  Q = np.zeros((4,4))
  for i in range(4):
    Q[:,i] = vertices[tetra[i],:]
  print "Q", Q
  # Full problem:
  A_ = 
  B_ =  
  e, V = eig(A_, B_)
  alpha = np.real(V[:,np.argmax(e)])
  if np.all(alpha >= 0.) or np.all(alpha <= 0.):
  # Only three qs: 
  for comb in combinations(range(4), 3):
    A__ = np.array([[A_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
    B__ = np.array([[B_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
    e, V = eig(A__, B__)
    alpha = np.real(V[:,np.argmax(e)])
    if np.all(alpha >= 0.) or np.all(alpha <= 0.):
  # Only two qs: 
  for comb in combinations(range(4), 2):
    A__ = np.array([[A_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
    B__ = np.array([[B_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
    e, V = eig(A__, B__)
    alpha = np.real(V[:,np.argmax(e)])
    if np.all(alpha >= 0.) or np.all(alpha <= 0.):
  # Only one q: 
  for i in range(4):
  print lambdas
  return np.max(np.array(lambdas))
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: Projeto: id774/sandbox
def pca(data, base_num=1):
    N, dim = data.shape

    data_m = data.mean(0)
    data_new = data - data_m

    # データ数 > 次元数
    if N > dim:
        # データ行列の共分散行列
        cov_mat =, data_new) / float(N)
        # 固有値・固有ベクトルを計算
        l, vm = linalg.eig(cov_mat)
        # 固有値が大きい順に並び替え
        axis = vm[:, l.argsort()[-min(base_num, dim) :][::-1]].T

    # 次元数 > データ数
        base_num = min(base_num, N)
        cov_mat =, data_new.T) / float(N)
        l, v = linalg.eig(cov_mat)
        # 固有値と固有ベクトルを並び替え
        idx = l.argsort()[::-1]
        l = l[idx]
        v = vm[:, idx]
        # 固有ベクトルを変換
        vm =, v[:, :base_num])
        # (主成分の)基底を計算
        axis = sp.zeros([base_num, dim], dtype=sp.float64)
        for ii in range(base_num):
            if l[ii] <= 0:
            axis[ii] = vm[:, ii] / linalg.norm(vm[:, ii])

    return axis
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_create(self):
        basis_set = SphericalGTOSet()
        xyz = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        r0 = 10.0
        for n in range(-10, 10):
            z = 2.0**n
            basis_set.add_one_basis(0, 0, xyz, z)
            for L in [0]:
                basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, 0.0, +r0), z)
                basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, 0.0, -r0), z)
                basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, +r0, 0.0), z)
                basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, -r0, 0.0), z)
                basis_set.add_basis(L, (+r0, 0.0, 0.0), z)
                basis_set.add_basis(L, (-r0, 0.0, 0.0), z)

        smat = basis_set.s_mat()
        for e in sorted(abs(la.eig(smat)[0]))[0:10]:
            print e

        print "-----"
        hmat = basis_set.t_mat() + basis_set.v_mat(1.0, xyz)
        zmat = basis_set.xyz_mat((0, 0, 1))
        for e in  sorted(la.eig(hmat, smat)[0].real)[0:10]:
            print e
Exemplo n.º 14
def eig(A,B):
	To ensure matlab compatibility, we need to
	swap matrices A and B around !!
	(XX1,XX2) = LIN.eig(A,B)
	(XX3,XX4) = LIN.eig(B,A)
	return (mat(XX4),mat(XX1))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self,matrix,error,overlap=None,overlap_err=None):
   if overlap_err is None:
     self.func = lambda mat:lin.eig(mat,overlap)[0]
     self.resample = lambda: gaussian_matrix_resample(matrix,error)
     self.func = lambda mats:lin.eig(mats[0],mats[1])[0]
     self.resample = lambda: (gaussian_matrix_resample(matrix,error),
Exemplo n.º 16
    def compute_method(self,  parametro= None):
        ''' eigenvalues and eigen vectors '''
        #first era method
#         self.__eraresOut.A, self.__eraresOut.B, self.__eraresOut.C = mr.compute_ERA_model(np.array(self._signalOut), 2)
        # second, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        self.__eraresOut.lambdaValues, self.__eraresOut.lambdaVector = linalg.eig(self.__eraresOut.A)
#         self.__eraresRef.A, self.__eraresRefB, self.__eraresRefC = mr.compute_ERA_model(np.array(self._signalRef), 2)
        # second, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        self.__eraresRef.lambdaValues, self.__eraresRef.lamdaVector = linalg.eig(self.__eraresRef.A)
Exemplo n.º 17
def designCSP(dataA, dataB, nb):

    # return v, a, d
    n_channels = dataA.shape[0]
    q = dataA.shape[1]

    cA = np.zeros([dataA.shape[0], n_channels, n_channels])
    cB = np.zeros([dataB.shape[0], n_channels, n_channels])

    # Compute the covariance matrix of each epoch of the same class (A and B)
    for i in range(dataA.shape[0]):
        # cA[i,...] = np.cov(dataA[i,:,:])
        c =[i, :, :], dataA[i, :, :].transpose())
        cA[i, ...] = c / (np.trace(c) * q)
        # cA[i,...] = c

    # compute the mean of the covariance matrices of each epoch
    cA_mean = cA.mean(0)

    for i in range(dataB.shape[0]):
        # cB[i,...] = np.cov(dataB[i,:,:])
        c =[i, :, :], dataB[i, :, :].transpose())
        cB[i, ...] = c / (np.trace(c) * q)
        # cB[i,...] = c

    # compute the mean of the covariance matrices of each epoch
    cB_mean = cB.mean(0)

    lamb, v = lg.eig(cA_mean + cB_mean)  # eigvalue and eigvector decomposition

    lamb = lamb.real  # return only real part of eigen vector

    # returns the index of array lamb in crescent order
    index = np.argsort(lamb)

    # reverse the order, now index has the positon of lamb in descendent order
    index = index[::-1]

    lamb = lamb[index]  # sort the eingenvalues in descendent order

    # the same goes for the eigenvectors along axis y
    v = v.take(index, axis=1)

    # whitening matrix computation
    Q = / np.sqrt(lamb)), v.transpose())

    # eig decomposition of whiten cov matrix
    D, V = lg.eig(,, Q.transpose())))

    W_full =, Q)

    # select only the neighbours defined in NB; get the first 3 eigenvectors
    W = W_full[:nb, :]
    W = np.vstack((W, W_full[-nb:, :]))  # get the three last eigenvectors

    return W
Exemplo n.º 18
def mysqrtm(m):
    m = 0.5 * (m.H + m)
    ls, vs = la.eigh(m)
    vs = np.matrix(vs)
        ls = [math.sqrt(max(l.real, 0)) for l in ls]
    except ValueError:
        print m.H - m
        print la.eig(m)
        raise ValueError
    return vs * np.diag(ls) * vs.H
Exemplo n.º 19
def printEigen(A, F):
    print 'Pole Locations:'
    (w_A, v_A) = la.eig(A)
    (w_F, v_F) = la.eig(F)
    for i in range(0, len(w_A)):
        print 'w_A = ', w_A[i]
        print 'v_A = \n', v_A[:,i]
    for i in range(0, len(w_F)):
        print 'w_F = ', w_F[i]
        print 'v_F = \n', v_F[:,i]
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: Projeto: Tyboon/MOCAD
def main() :
    print power_iteration(Q, A)
    w, pi = ln.eig(A, left=True, right=False)
    print w
    print pi
    print power_iteration(Q, B)
    w, pi = ln.eig(B, left=True, right=False)
    print w
    print pi
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_aligned_mem():
    """Check linalg works with non-aligned memory"""
    # Allocate 804 bytes of memory (allocated on boundary)
    a = arange(804, dtype=np.uint8)

    # Create an array with boundary offset 4
    z = np.frombuffer(, offset=4, count=100, dtype=float)
    z.shape = 10, 10

    eig(z, overwrite_a=True)
    eig(z.T, overwrite_a=True)
Exemplo n.º 22
def eigen(A, B=None):
    This function is used to sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    e.g. for a given system linalg.eig will return eingenvalues as:
    (array([ 0. +89.4j,  0. -89.4j,  0. +89.4j,  0. -89.4j,  0.+983.2j,  0.-983.2j,  0. +40.7j,  0. -40.7j])
    This function will sort this eigenvalues as:
    (array([ 0. +40.7j,  0. +89.4j,  0. +89.4j,  0.+983.2j,  0. -40.7j,  0. -89.4j,  0. -89.4j,  0.-983.2j])
    Correspondent eigenvectors will follow the same order.

    A: array
        A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        will be computed.
    B: float or str
        Right-hand side matrix in a generalized eigenvalue problem.
        Default is None, identity matrix is assumed.

    evalues: array
        Sorted eigenvalues
    evectors: array
        Sorted eigenvalues

    >>> L = sp.array([[2, -1, 0],
    ...               [-4, 8, -4],
    ...               [0, -4, 4]])
    >>> lam, P = eigen(L)
    >>> lam
    array([  0.56258062+0.j,   2.63206172+0.j,  10.80535766+0.j])
    if B is None:
        evalues, evectors = la.eig(A)
        evalues, evectors = la.eig(A, B)

    if all(eigs == 0 for eigs in evalues.imag):
        if all(eigs > 0 for eigs in evalues.real):
            idxp = evalues.real.argsort()  # positive in increasing order
            idxn = sp.array([], dtype=int)
            idxp = evalues.real.argsort()[int(len(evalues)/2):]  # positive in increasing order
            idxn = evalues.real.argsort()[int(len(evalues)/2) - 1::-1]  # negative in decreasing order

        idxp = evalues.imag.argsort()[int(len(evalues)/2):]  # positive in increasing order
        idxn = evalues.imag.argsort()[int(len(evalues)/2) - 1::-1]  # negative in decreasing order

    idx = sp.hstack([idxp, idxn])

    return evalues[idx], evectors[:, idx]
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_aligned_mem_complex():
    """Check that complex objects don't need to be completely aligned"""
    # Allocate 1608 bytes of memory (allocated on boundary)
    a = zeros(1608, dtype=np.uint8)

    # Create an array with boundary offset 8
    z = np.frombuffer(, offset=8, count=100, dtype=complex)
    z.shape = 10, 10

    eig(z, overwrite_a=True)
    # This does not need special handling
    eig(z.T, overwrite_a=True)
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: Projeto: pymor/pymor
def _poles_and_tangential_directions(rom):
    """Compute the poles and tangential directions of a reduced order model."""
    if isinstance(rom.E, IdentityOperator):
        poles, Y, X = spla.eig(to_matrix(rom.A, format='dense'),
                               left=True, right=True)
        poles, Y, X = spla.eig(to_matrix(rom.A, format='dense'), to_matrix(rom.E, format='dense'),
                               left=True, right=True)
    Y = rom.B.range.make_array(Y.conj().T)
    X = rom.C.source.make_array(X.T)
    b = rom.B.apply_adjoint(Y)
    c = rom.C.apply(X)
    return poles, b, c
Exemplo n.º 25
def transitionMatrix(cg, minstrength=0.1):
    A = gk.CG2adj(cg)
    edges = scipy.where(A == 1)
    A[edges] = randweights(edges[0].shape[0], c=minstrength)
    l = linalg.eig(A)[0]
    c = 0
    pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Searching for weights: ', Percentage(), ' '], maxval=10000).start()
    while max(l*scipy.conj(l)) > 1:
        A[edges] = randweights(edges[0].shape[0], c=c)
        c += 1
        l = linalg.eig(A)[0]
    return A
Exemplo n.º 26
def ps_contour_plot(A, m = 20,epsilon_vals=None):
    '''Plots the pseudospectrum of the matrix A as a contour plot.  Also,
    plots the eigenvalues.
        A : square, 2D ndarray
            The matrix whose pseudospectrum is to be plotted
        m : int
        epsilon_vals : list of floats
            If k is in epsilon_vals, then the epsilon-pseudospectrum
            is plotted for epsilon=10**-k
            If epsilon_vals=None, the defaults of plt.contour() are used
            instead of any specified values.
    n = A.shape[0]
    T = la.schur(A)[0]
    eigsA = np.diagonal(T)
    xvals, yvals = ps_grid(eigsA, m)
    sigmin = np.zeros((m, m))
    for k in xrange(m):
        for j in xrange(m):
            T1 = (xvals[k] + 1j*yvals[j]) * np.eye(n) - T
            T2 = T1.T.conjugate()
            sigold = 0
            qold = np.zeros((n, 1))
            beta = 0
            H = np.zeros((n, n))
            q = np.random.normal(size=(n, 1)) + 1j * np.random.normal(size=(n, 1))
            q = q/la.norm(q, ord=2)
            for p in xrange(n-1):
                b1 = la.solve(T2, q)
                b2 = la.solve(T1, b1)
                v = b2 - beta * qold
                alpha = np.real(np.vdot(q,v))
                v = v - alpha * q
                beta = la.norm(v)
                qold = q
                q = v/beta
                H[p+1, p] = beta
                H[p, p+1] = beta
                H[p, p] = alpha
                sig = np.abs(np.max(la.eig(H[:p+1,:p+1])[0]))
                if np.abs(sigold/sig - 1) < .001:
                sigold = sig
            sigmin[j, k] = np.sqrt(sig)
    plt.contour(xvals,yvals,np.log10(sigmin), levels=epsilon_vals)
    plt.scatter(la.eig(A)[0].real, la.eig(A)[0].imag)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_approximate_spectral_radius(self):
        cases = []

        cases.append( matrix([[-4-4.0j]]) )
        cases.append( matrix([[-4+8.2j]]) )
        cases.append( matrix([[2.0-2.9j,0],[0,1.5]]) )
        cases.append( matrix([[-2.0-2.4j,0],[0,1.21]]) )
        cases.append( matrix([[100+1.0j,0,0],[0,101-1.0j,0],[0,0,99+9.9j]]) )
        for i in range(1,6):
            cases.append( matrix(rand(i,i)+1.0j*rand(i,i)) )
        # method should be almost exact for small matrices
        for A in cases:
            Asp = csr_matrix(A)
            [E,V] = linalg.eig(A)
            E = abs(E)
            largest_eig = (E == E.max()).nonzero()[0]
            expected_eig = E[largest_eig]
            expected_vec = V[:,largest_eig]

            assert_almost_equal( approximate_spectral_radius(A),   expected_eig )
            assert_almost_equal( approximate_spectral_radius(Asp), expected_eig )
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(A, return_vector=True)[1]
            rayleigh = abs( dot(ravel(A*vec), ravel(vec)) / dot(ravel(vec), ravel(vec)) )
            assert_almost_equal(rayleigh, expected_eig, decimal=4 )
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(Asp, return_vector=True)[1]
            rayleigh = abs( dot(ravel(Asp*vec), ravel(vec)) / dot(ravel(vec), ravel(vec)) )
            assert_almost_equal(rayleigh, expected_eig, decimal=4 )

            AA = mat(A).H*mat(A)
            AAsp = csr_matrix(AA)
            [E,V] = linalg.eig(AA)
            E = abs(E)
            largest_eig = (E == E.max()).nonzero()[0]
            expected_eig = E[largest_eig]
            expected_vec = V[:,largest_eig]

            assert_almost_equal( approximate_spectral_radius(AA),   expected_eig )
            assert_almost_equal( approximate_spectral_radius(AAsp), expected_eig )
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(AA, return_vector=True)[1]
            rayleigh = abs( dot(ravel(AA*vec), ravel(vec)) / dot(ravel(vec), ravel(vec)) )
            assert_almost_equal(rayleigh, expected_eig, decimal=4 )
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(AAsp, return_vector=True)[1]
            rayleigh = abs( dot(ravel(AAsp*vec), ravel(vec)) / dot(ravel(vec), ravel(vec)) )
            assert_almost_equal(rayleigh, expected_eig, decimal=4 )
Exemplo n.º 28
    def process(self, X, V, C):
        BifPoint.process(self, X, V, C)

        J_coords = C.sysfunc.jac(X, C.coords)

        eigs, VL, VR = linalg.eig(J_coords, left=1, right=1)

        # Check for nonreal multipliers
        found = False
        for i in range(len(eigs)):
            for j in range(i+1,len(eigs)):
                if abs(imag(eigs[i])) > 1e-10 and \
                   abs(imag(eigs[j])) > 1e-10 and \
                   abs(eigs[i]*eigs[j] - 1) < 1e-5:
                    found = True

        if not found:
            del self.found[-1]
            return False

        self.found[-1].eigs = eigs, -1)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_eq_from_eig(m):   
    ''' get the equilibrium frequencies from the matrix. the eq freqs are the left eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue of 0. 
        Code here is largely taken from Bloom. See here -, specifically in the fxn StationaryStates
    (w, v) = linalg.eig(m, left=True, right=False)
    max_i = 0
    max_w = w[max_i]
    for i in range(1, len(w)):
        if w[i] > max_w:
            max_w = w[i]
            max_i = i
    assert( abs(max_w) < ZERO ), "Maximum eigenvalue is not close to zero."
    max_v = v[:,max_i]
    max_v /= np.sum(max_v)
    eq_freqs = max_v.real # these are the stationary frequencies
    assert np.allclose(np.zeros(61),, m)) # should be true since eigenvalue of zero
    pi_inv = np.diag(1.0 / eq_freqs)
    s =, pi_inv)
    assert np.allclose(m,, np.diag(eq_freqs)), atol=ZERO, rtol=1e-5), "exchangeability and equilibrium does not recover matrix"
    # And for some impressive overkill, double check pi_i*q_ij = pi_j*q_ji
    for i in range(61):
        pi_i = eq_freqs[i]
        for j in range(61):
            pi_j = eq_freqs[j]
            forward  = pi_i * m[i][j] 
            backward = pi_j * m[j][i]
            assert(abs(forward - backward) < ZERO), "Detailed balance violated."    
    return eq_freqs
Exemplo n.º 30
def propagator_steadystate(U):
    """Find the steady state for successive applications of the propagator

    U : qobj
        Operator representing the propagator.

    a : qobj
        Instance representing the steady-state density matrix.


    evals, evecs = la.eig(U.full())

    ev_min, ev_idx = _get_min_and_index(abs(evals - 1.0))

    evecs = evecs.T
    rho = Qobj(vec2mat(evecs[ev_idx]), dims=U.dims[0])
    rho = rho * (1.0 /
    rho = 0.5 * (rho + rho.dag())  # make sure rho is herm
    return rho
Exemplo n.º 31
def Checkvalid(Object,Order,alpha,inorout,mur,sig):
    Object = Object[:-4]+".vol"
    #Set order Ordercheck to be of low order to speed up computation.
    Ordercheck = 1 
    #Accuracy is increased by increaing noutput, but at greater cost

    #Set up the Solver Parameters
    Solver,epsi,Maxsteps,Tolerance = SolverParameters()

    #Loading the object file
    ngmesh = ngmeshing.Mesh(dim=3)

    #Creating the mesh and defining the element types
    mesh = Mesh("VolFiles/"+Object)
    mesh.Curve(5)#This can be used to refine the mesh

    #Set materials
    mu_coef = [ mur[mat] for mat in mesh.GetMaterials() ]
    mu = CoefficientFunction(mu_coef)
    inout_coef = [inorout[mat] for mat in mesh.GetMaterials() ]
    inout = CoefficientFunction(inout_coef)
    sigma_coef = [sig[mat] for mat in mesh.GetMaterials() ]
    sigma = CoefficientFunction(sigma_coef)

    Mu0 = 4*np.pi*10**(-7)

    #Setup the finite element space
    dom_nrs_metal = [0 if mat == "air" else 1 for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()]

    femfull = H1(mesh, order=Ordercheck,dirichlet="default|outside")
    freedofs = femfull.FreeDofs()

    Output = np.zeros([ndof,noutput],dtype=float)
    Averg = np.zeros([1,3],dtype=float)

    # we want to create a list of coordinates where we would like to apply BCs
    for el in mesh.Elements(BND):

        if el.mat == "default":
            #determine the average coordinate
            for v in el.vertices:
            if npp < noutput:

    print(" solving problems", end='\r')
    sval=(Integrate(inout, mesh))**(1/3)
    for i in range(noutput):
        sol.Set(exp(-((x-list[i,0])**2 + (y-list[i,1])**2 + (z-list[i,2])**2)/sval**2),definedon=mesh.Boundaries("default"))

        u = femfull.TrialFunction()
        v = femfull.TestFunction()

    	# the bilinear-form
        a = BilinearForm(femfull, symmetric=True,  condense=True)
        a += 1/alpha**2*grad(u)*grad(v)*dx
        a += u*v*dx

		# the right hand side
        f = LinearForm(femfull)
        f += 0 * v * dx

        if Solver=="bddc":
            c = Preconditioner(a,"bddc")#Apply the bddc preconditioner
        if Solver=="local":
            c = Preconditioner(a,"local")#Apply the local preconditioner

        #Solve the problem += a.harmonic_extension_trans * f.vec
        res = f.vec.CreateVector() = f.vec - a.mat * sol.vec
        inverse= CGSolver(a.mat, c.mat, precision=Tolerance, maxsteps=Maxsteps) += inverse  * res += a.inner_solve * f.vec += a.harmonic_extension * sol.vec

        Output[:,i] = sol.vec.FV().NumPy()
    print(" problems solved        ")
    Mc = np.zeros([noutput,noutput],dtype=float)
    M0 = np.zeros([noutput,noutput],dtype=float)

    print(" computing matrices", end='\r')
    # create numpy arrays by passing solutions back to NG Solve
    for i in range(noutput):
        Soli.Set(exp(-((x-list[i,0])**2 + (y-list[i,1])**2 + (z-list[i,2])**2)/sval**2),definedon=mesh.Boundaries("default"))

        for j in range(i,noutput):
            Solj.Set(exp(-((x-list[j,0])**2 + (y-list[j,1])**2 + (z-list[j,2])**2)/sval**2),definedon=mesh.Boundaries("default"))
            Mc[i,j] = Integrate(inout * (InnerProduct(grad(Soli),grad(Solj))/alpha**2+ InnerProduct(Soli,Solj)),mesh)
            Mc[j,i] = Mc[i,j]
            M0[i,j] = Integrate((1-inout) * (InnerProduct(grad(Soli),grad(Solj))/alpha**2+ InnerProduct(Soli,Solj)),mesh)
            M0[j,i] = M0[i,j]
    print(" matrices computed       ")
	# solve the eigenvalue problem
    print(" solving eigenvalue problem", end='\r')
    out=slin.eig(Mc+M0,Mc,left=False, right=False)
    print(" eigenvalue problem solved    ")

	# compute contants
    etasq = np.max((out.real))
    C = 1 # It is not clear what this value is.
    C1 = C * ( 1 + np.sqrt(etasq) )**2
    C2 = 2 * etasq

    epsilon = 8.854*10**-12
    sigmamin = Integrate(inout * sigma, mesh)/Integrate(inout, mesh)
    mumax = Integrate(inout * mu * Mu0, mesh)/Integrate(inout, mesh)
    volume = Integrate(inout, mesh)
    D = (volume * alpha**3)**(1/3)
    cond1 = np.sqrt(1/epsilon/mumax/D**2/C1)
    cond2 = 1/epsilon*sigmamin/C2
    cond = min(cond1,cond2)

    print(" maximum recomeneded frequency is ",str(round(cond/100)))
    return cond/100
Exemplo n.º 32
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Oct 18 17:14:57 2017

@author: justinwu

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg as la

A = np.array([[1, 5, 2], [2, 4, 1], [3, 6, 2]])
lna, v = la.eig(A)
l1, l2, l3 = lna
print(l1, l2, l3)
print(v[:, 0])
print(v[:, 1])
print(v[:, 2])
v1 = np.array(v[:, 0]).T
print(linalg.norm( - l1 * v1))
Exemplo n.º 33

# Legendre Gauss-Lobatto nodes

# Derivative matrix for Legendre at Gauss-Lobatto nodes

# Get eigenvalues and right-eigenvectors using scipy.linalg.eig
# Notice: lam,V in reverse order that in Matlab where it's [V,Lam]=eig(D2)
# Also notice the difference In Matlab we get diagonal matrix lam, and here an numpy array lam!!!
ii = np.argsort(-lam)          # sort eigenvalues

fig = plt.figure()
#fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, ncols=1)
eigs=np.linspace(5,30,6)       # plot 6 eigenmodes
for j in eigs:              
    lv = np.shape(V)[0]+2
    u = np.zeros(lv)
    u[1:lv-1] = V[:,int(j)]  
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,j/5)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.9)
Exemplo n.º 34
	H = knn(M,k)
	for u,vec in H.iteritems():
		for v in vec:
			d = ker(M[u],M[v])
			A[u,v] = d
	A = A + A.T
	D = np.diag( [sum(v) for v in A] )
	#print A
	#return A
	return D-A
L_EN = L(EN,0)
L_ES = L(ES,1)

evals1, enpvecs = eig(L_EN)
evals2, eshvecs = eig(L_ES)

New_EN = []
New_ES = []
for e,n in seeded:
	print e,n,evals1[en[e]].real, n,evals2[es[n]]
	b_en = enpvecs[en[e]]
	b_es = eshvecs[es[n]]
EN2 = np.array(New_EN).T
ES2 = np.array(New_ES).T

print EN2.shape, ES2.shape
Exemplo n.º 35
iArr = slg.inv(arr)
print('iArr:', iArr)

# 奇异值分解
arr = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3)) + np.diag([1, 0, 1])

u, sigma, v = slg.svd(arr)
print(u, sigma, v)
# sig3 = np.mat([[sigma[0], 0, 0], [0, sigma[1], 0], [0, 0, sigma[2]]])  # 重构原始矩阵
# newArr = u*sig3*v
# print('arr:', arr)
# print('newArr', newArr)
sig3 = np.diag(sigma)  # 重构原始矩阵
newArr =
print('arr:', arr)
print('newArr', newArr)

# QR
q, r = slg.qr(arr)
print('q:', q)
print('r:', r)

# 求解
b = np.array([6, 14])
arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print('Solve:', slg.solve(arr, b))

# 特征值和特征向量
# arr = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3]])
print('eig:', slg.eig(arr))
Exemplo n.º 36
def olf_bulb_10(Nmitral,H_in,W_in,P_odor_in,dam):   
#    Nmitral = 10 #number of mitral cells
    Ngranule = np.copy(Nmitral) #number of granule cells     pg. 383 of Li/Hop
    Ndim = Nmitral+Ngranule #total number of cells
    t_inh = 25 ; # time when inhalation starts
    t_exh = 205; #time when exhalation starts
    finalt = 395; # end time of the cycle

    #y = zeros(ndim,1);
    Sx = 1.43     #Sx,Sx2,Sy,Sy2 are parameters for the activation functions
    Sx2 = 0.143
    Sy = 2.86     #These are given in Li/Hopfield pg 382, slightly diff in her thesis
    Sy2 = 0.286
    th = 1       #threshold for the activation function
    tau_exh = 33.3333; #Exhale time constant, pg. 382 of Li/Hop
    exh_rate = 1/tau_exh
    alpha = .15 #decay rate for the neurons
                                    #Li/Hop have it as 1/7 or .142 on pg 383
    P_odor0=np.zeros(Nmitral) #odor pattern, no odor

    H0 = H_in #weight matrix: to mitral from granule
    W0 = W_in #weights: to granule from mitral
    Ib = np.ones((Nmitral,1))*.243 #initial external input to mitral cells
    Ic = np.ones((Ngranule,1))*.1 #initial input to granule cells, these values are
                                  #given on pg 382 of Li/Hop
    signalflag = 1 # 0 for linear output, 1 for activation function
    noise = np.zeros((Ndim,1)) #noise in inputs
    noiselevel =  .00143
    noisewidth = 7 #noise correlation time, given pg 383 Li/Hop as 9, but 7 in thesis
    lastnoise = np.zeros((Ndim,1)) #initial time of last noise pule

    #Calculating equilibrium value with no input
    rest0 = np.zeros((Ndim,1))
    restequi = fsolve(lambda x: equi(x,Ndim,Nmitral,Sx,Sx2,Sy,Sy2,th,alpha,\
                                     t_inh,H0,W0,P_odor0,Ib,Ic,dam),rest0) #about 20 ms to run this
    #init0 = restequi+np.random.rand(Ndim)*.00143 #initial conditions plus some noise
                                               #for no odor input
    init0 = restequi+np.random.rand(Ndim)*.00143 #initial conditions plus some noise
                                           #for no odor input                 
    #Now calculate equilibrium value with odor input
    lastnoise = lastnoise + t_inh - noisewidth  #initialize lastnoise value
                                                #But what is it for? to have some
                                                #kind of correlation in the noise
    #find eigenvalues of A to see if input produces oscillating signal
    xequi = fsolve(lambda x: equi(x,Ndim,Nmitral,Sx,Sx2,Sy,Sy2,th,alpha,\
                        #equilibrium values with some input, about 20 ms to run
    diffgy = celldiff(xequi[Nmitral:],Sy,Sy2,th)
    diffgx = celldiff(xequi[0:Nmitral],Sx,Sx2,th)
    H1 =,diffgy)  
    W1 =,diffgx)  #intermediate step in constructing A
    A =,W1)   #Construct A
    dA,vA = lin.eig(A) #about 20 ms to run this
                        #Find eigenvalues of A
    diff = (1j)*(dA)**.5 - alpha   #criteria for a growing oscillation
    negsum = -(1j)*(dA)**.5 - alpha #Same
    diff_re = np.real(diff)     
                               #Take the real part
    negsum_re = np.real(negsum)
    #do an argmax to return the eigenvalue that will cause the fastest growing oscillations
    #Then do a spectrograph to track the growth of the associated freq through time
    indices = np.where(diff_re>0)   #Find the indices where the criteria is met
    indices2 = np.where(negsum_re>0)
    #eigenvalues that could lead to growing oscillations
#    candidates = np.append(np.real((dA[indices])**.5),np.real((dA[indices2])**.5))
    largest = np.argmax(diff_re)
    check = np.size(indices)
    check2 = np.size(indices2)
    if check==0 and check2==0:
    #    print("No Odor Recognized")
        dominant_freq = 0
        dominant_freq = np.real((dA[largest])**.5)/(2*np.pi) #find frequency of the dominant mode
                                                #Divide by 2pi to get to cycles/ms
    #    print("Odor detected. Eigenvalues:",dA[indices],dA[indices2],\
    #          "\nEigenvectors:",vA[indices],vA[indices2],\
    #          "\nDominant Frequency:",dominant_freq)
        #differential equation to solve
    teval = np.r_[0:finalt]                                              
    #solve the differential equation
    sol = solve_ivp(lambda t,y: diffeq(t,y,Nmitral,Ngranule,Ndim,lastnoise,\
                    noise,noisewidth,noiselevel, t_inh,t_exh,exh_rate,alpha,Sy,\
                    [0,395],init0,t_eval = teval,method = 'RK45') 
    t = sol.t
    y = sol.y
    y = np.transpose(y)
    yout = np.copy(y)
    #convert signal into output signal given by the activation fn
    if signalflag ==1:
        for i in np.arange(np.size(t)):
            yout[i,:Nmitral] = cellout(y[i,:Nmitral],Sx,Sx2,th)
            yout[i,Nmitral:] = cellout(y[i,Nmitral:],Sy,Sy2,th)
    #solve diffeq for P_odor = 0
    #first, reinitialize lastnoise & noise
    noise = np.zeros((Ndim,1))
    lastnoise = np.zeros((Ndim,1))
    lastnoise = lastnoise + t_inh - noisewidth
    sol0 = sol = solve_ivp(lambda t,y: diffeq(t,y,Nmitral,Ngranule,Ndim,lastnoise,\
                    noise,noisewidth,noiselevel, t_inh,t_exh,exh_rate,alpha,Sy,\
                    [0,395],init0,t_eval = teval,method = 'RK45')
    y0 = sol0.y
    y0 = np.transpose(y0)
    y0out = np.copy(y0)
    #convert signal into output signal given by the activation fn
    if signalflag ==1:
        for i in np.arange(np.size(t)):
            y0out[i,:Nmitral] = cellout(y0[i,:Nmitral],Sx,Sx2,th)
            y0out[i,Nmitral:] = cellout(y0[i,Nmitral:],Sy,Sy2,th)
    #Filtering the signal - O_mean: Lowpass fitered signal, under 20 Hz
    #S_h: Highpass filtered signal, over 20 Hz
    fs = 1/(.001*(t[1]-t[0]))  #sampling freq, converting from ms to sec
    f_c = 15/fs     # Cutoff freq at 20 Hz, written as a ratio of fc to sample freq
    flter = np.sinc(2*f_c*(t - (finalt-1)/2))*np.blackman(finalt) #creating the
                                                        #windowed sinc filter
                                                        #centered at the middle
                                                        #of the time data
    flter = flter/np.sum(flter)  #normalize
    hpflter = -np.copy(flter)
    hpflter[int((finalt-1)/2)] += 1  #convert the LP filter into a HP filter
    Sh = np.zeros(np.shape(yout))
    Sl = np.copy(Sh)
    Sl0 = np.copy(Sh)
    Sbp = np.copy(Sh)
    for i in np.arange(Ndim):
        Sh[:,i] = np.convolve(yout[:,i],hpflter,mode='same')
        Sl[:,i] = np.convolve(yout[:,i],flter,mode='same')
        Sl0[:,i] = np.convolve(y0out[:,i],flter,mode='same')
    #find the oscillation period Tosc (Tosc must be greater than 5 ms to exclude noise)
    Tosc0 = np.zeros(np.size(np.arange(5,50)))
    for i in np.arange(5,50):
        Tosc0[i-5] = np.sum(np.diagonal([:,:Nmitral]),Sh_shifted[:,:Nmitral])))
        #That is, do the correlation matrix (time correlation), take the diagonal to
        #get the autocorrelations, and find the max
    Tosc = np.argmax(Tosc0)
    Tosc = Tosc + 5
    f_c2 = 1000*(1.3/Tosc)/fs  #Filter out components with frequencies higher than this
                            #to get rid of noise effects in cross-correlation
                            #times 1000 to get units right
    flter2 = np.sinc(2*f_c2*(t - (finalt-1)/2))*np.blackman(finalt)
    flter2 = flter2/np.sum(flter2)
    for i in np.arange(Ndim):
        Sbp[:,i] = np.convolve(Sh[:,i],flter2,mode='same')
    #calculate phase via cross-correlation with each cell
    phase = np.zeros(Nmitral)
    for i in np.arange(1,Nmitral):
        crosscor = signal.correlate(Sbp[:,0],Sbp[:,i])
        tdiff = np.argmax(crosscor)-(finalt-1)
        phase[i] = tdiff/Tosc * 2*np.pi
    #Problem with the method below is that it will only give values from 0 to pi
    #for i in np.arange(1,Nmitral):
    #    phase[i]=np.arccos([:,0],Sbp[:,i])/(lin.norm(Sbp[:,0])*lin.norm(Sbp[:,i])))
    OsciAmp = np.zeros(Nmitral)
    Oosci = np.copy(OsciAmp)*0j
    Omean = np.zeros(Nmitral)
    for i in np.arange(Nmitral):
        OsciAmp[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(Sh[125:250,i]**2)/np.size(Sh[125:250,i]))
        Oosci[i] = OsciAmp[i]*np.exp(1j*phase[i])
        Omean[i] = np.average(Sl[:,i] - Sl0[:,i])
    Omean = np.maximum(Omean,0)
    Ooscibar = np.sqrt(,np.conjugate(Oosci)))/Nmitral #can't just square b/c it's complex
    Omeanbar = np.sqrt(,Omean))/Nmitral

    maxlam = np.max(np.abs(np.imag(np.sqrt(dA))))    
    return yout,y0out,Sh,t,OsciAmp,Omean,Oosci,Omeanbar,Ooscibar,dominant_freq,maxlam
Exemplo n.º 37
def pagerank_weighted_scipy(graph):
    matrix = build_matrix(graph)
    vals, vecs = eig(matrix.todense(), left=True, right=False)
    return process_results(graph, vecs)
Exemplo n.º 38
def rsw_rect(grid):

    H = 5e2  # Fluid Depth
    beta = 2e-11  # beta parameter
    f0 = 1e-4  # Mean Coriolis parameter
    g = 9.81  # gravity
    Lx = np.sqrt(2) * 1e5  # Zonal qidth
    Ly = 1e5  # Meridional width

    Nx = grid[0]
    Ny = grid[1]

    # # Using Finite Difference
    # [Dx,Dx2,x]  = fd2(Nx);        [Dy,Dy2,y]  = fd2(Ny)
    # x           = Lx/2*x;         y           = Ly/2*y
    # Dx          = 2/Lx*Dx;        Dy          = 2/Ly*Dy
    # Dx2         = (2/Lx)**2*Dx2;  Dy2         = (2/Ly)**2*Dy2

    # Using cheb
    # x derivative
    Dx, x = cheb(Nx)
    x = Ly / 2 * x
    Dx = 2 / Lx * Dx
    # y derivative
    Dy, y = cheb(Ny)
    y = Ly / 2 * y
    Dy = 2 / Ly * Dy

    # Define Differentiation Matrices using kronecker product

    F = np.kron(np.diag(np.ravel(f0 + beta * y)), np.eye(Nx + 1))
    Z = np.zeros([(Nx + 1) * (Ny + 1), (Nx + 1) * (Ny + 1)])
    DX = np.kron(np.eye(Ny + 1), Dx)
    DY = np.kron(Dy, np.eye(Nx + 1))

    # Sx and Sy are used to select which rows/columns need to be
    # deleted for the boundary conditions.
    Sy = np.ones((Nx + 1) * (Ny + 1), dtype=bool)
    Sy[0:Nx + 1] = 0
    Sy[Ny * (Nx + 1):] = 0

    Sx = np.ones((Nx + 1) * (Ny + 1), dtype=bool)
    Sx[0:((Nx + 1) * (Ny + 1)):(Nx + 1)] = 0
    Sx[Nx:((Nx + 1) * (Ny + 1)):(Nx + 1)] = 0

    # Define Matrices
    Zx = Z[Sx, :]
    Fx = F[Sx, :]
    Zxx = Zx[:, Sx]
    Fxy = Fx[:, Sy]

    Fy = F[Sy, :]
    Zy = Z[Sy, :]
    Fyx = Fy[:, Sx]
    Zyy = Zy[:, Sy]

    A0 = np.hstack([Zxx, Fxy, -g * DX[Sx, :]])
    A1 = np.hstack([-Fyx, Zyy, -g * DY[Sy, :]])
    A2 = np.hstack([-H * DX[:, Sx], -H * DY[:, Sy], Z])

    #size = (Nx-1)(Ny+1)+(Nx+1)(Ny-1)+(Nx+1)(Ny+1) = 3*Nx*Ny + Ny + Nx + 1  ^2
    A = np.vstack([A0, A1, A2])
    # B = np.eye(A.shape[0])

    # Using eig
    eigVals, eigVecs = spalg.eig(1j * A)
    ind = (np.real(eigVals)).argsort()  #get indices in ascending order
    eigVecs = eigVecs[:, ind]
    eigVals = eigVals[ind]
    omega = eigVals

    # # Using eigs
    # evals_all, evecs_all = eigs(1j*A,80,which='SR',maxiter=500)
    # print evals_all[0:5]
    # omega = eigVals

    evals = len(eigVals)  # how many eigenvalues we have

    # for i in range(evals):
    #     plt.plot(np.arange(0,evals_all.shape[0]),evals_all[:].real, 'o')
    #     plt.title("Plot of Real Part of Eigenvalues Using eigs")

    # for i in range(evals):
    #     plt.plot(np.arange(0,eigVals.shape[0]),eigVals[:].real, 'o')
    #     plt.title("Plot of Real Part of Eigenvalues Using eig")

    print "First 5 eigenvalues:"
    posReal = eigVals[eigVals.real > 1e-10]
    print posReal[0:5]

    omega = eigVals.real
    fieldNames = ["u_x", "u_y", "eta"]
    nsol = eigVecs.shape[1]

    fields = np.empty(3, dtype='object')
    fields = [np.reshape(eigVecs[0:(Nx-1)*(Ny+1),:], [Ny+1,Nx-1,nsol]), \
              np.reshape(eigVecs[(Nx-1)*(Ny+1):2*Nx*Ny-2,:], [Ny-1, Nx+1, nsol]), \
              np.reshape(eigVecs[2*Nx*Ny-2:,:],   [Nx+1, Ny+1, nsol])]

    om = omega.real
    om[om <= f0] = np.Inf
    ii = (abs(om.real)).argmin(0)
    for i in range(ii - 2, ii + 9):
        uf = fields[0]
        u = np.squeeze(uf[:, :, i])
        vf = fields[1]
        v = np.squeeze(vf[:, :, i])
        hf = fields[2]
        h = np.squeeze(hf[:, :, i])

        v = np.vstack([np.zeros([1, Nx + 1]), v, np.zeros([1, Nx + 1])])
        u = np.hstack([np.zeros([Ny + 1, 1]), u, np.zeros([Ny + 1, 1])])

        X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
        plt.contourf(X / 1e3, Y / 1e3, (u.real).conj().transpose(), 20)

        plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
        plt.contourf(X / 1e3, Y / 1e3, (u.imag).conj().transpose(), 20)

        plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
        plt.contourf(X / 1e3, Y / 1e3, (v.real).conj().transpose(), 20)

        plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
        plt.contourf(X / 1e3, Y / 1e3, (v.imag).conj().transpose(), 20)

        plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
        plt.contourf(X / 1e3, Y / 1e3, (h.real).conj().transpose(), 20)

        plt.subplot(3, 2, 6)
        plt.contourf(X / 1e3, Y / 1e3, (h.imag).conj().transpose(), 20)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def CalAbsorb(self):
        Energyp = []
        Epsreal = []
        Absorpv = []
        Epsimag = []
        Reflexd = []
        Energyp, Epsreal, Epsimag = self.GetEpsilon()
        for i in range(len(Epsimag)):
            Energy = 0.
            ImagXX = 0.
            ImagYY = 0.
            ImagZZ = 0.
            RealXX = 0.
            RealYY = 0.
            RealZZ = 0.
            ImagXY = 0.
            ImagYZ = 0.
            ImagZX = 0.
            RealXY = 0.
            RealYZ = 0.
            RealZX = 0.

            Energy = float(Energyp[i])
            ImagXX = float(Epsimag[i][1])
            ImagYY = float(Epsimag[i][2])
            ImagZZ = float(Epsimag[i][3])
            RealXX = float(Epsreal[i][1])
            RealYY = float(Epsreal[i][2])
            RealZZ = float(Epsreal[i][3])
            ImagXY = float(Epsimag[i][4])
            ImagYZ = float(Epsimag[i][5])
            ImagZX = float(Epsimag[i][6])
            RealXY = float(Epsreal[i][4])
            RealYZ = float(Epsreal[i][5])
            RealZX = float(Epsreal[i][6])

            Cxx = complex(RealXX, ImagXX)
            Cyy = complex(RealYY, ImagYY)
            Czz = complex(RealZZ, ImagZZ)
            Cxy = complex(RealXY, ImagXY)
            Cyz = complex(RealYZ, ImagYZ)
            Czx = complex(RealZX, ImagZX)

            C_eps = mat([[Cxx, Cxy, conj(Czx)], [conj(Cxy), Cyy, Cyz],
                         [Czx, conj(Cyz), Czz]])

            eps_eig, eps_v = linalg.eig(C_eps)
            hv = Energy
            alpha_a1 = hv * 71618.96076 * sqrt(
                abs(eps_eig[0]) - real(eps_eig[0]))
            alpha_a2 = hv * 71618.96076 * sqrt(
                abs(eps_eig[1]) - real(eps_eig[1]))
            alpha_a3 = hv * 71618.96076 * sqrt(
                abs(eps_eig[2]) - real(eps_eig[2]))
            alpha_av = (alpha_a1 + alpha_a2 + alpha_a3) / 3

            n1 = sqrt(0.5 * (abs(eps_eig[0]) + real(eps_eig[0])))
            n2 = sqrt(0.5 * (abs(eps_eig[1]) + real(eps_eig[1])))
            n3 = sqrt(0.5 * (abs(eps_eig[2]) + real(eps_eig[2])))
            n_av = (n1 + n2 + n3) / 3.0

        return Energyp, Absorpv, Reflexd
Exemplo n.º 40
def matrix_eigenvalues(a):
    return la.eig(a)
Exemplo n.º 41
        trans_m = np.delete(trans_m, row, axis=1)
        for icbin, cbin in enumerate(CBINS):
            if cbin > row:
                CBINS[icbin] -= 1
            elif cbin == row:
                del CBINS[icbin]
        if INIT_BINS[0] > row:
            INIT_BINS[0] -= 1
        if TARGET_BINS[0] > row:
            TARGET_BINS[0] -= 1
K = np.nan_to_num(trans_m)

eigvals, eigvecs = LA.eig(K.T)
unity = (np.abs(np.real(eigvals) - 1)).argmin()
print(eigvals, eigvecs)
eq_pop = np.abs(np.real(eigvecs)[unity])
eq_pop /= eq_pop.sum()

# probability of starting in init bin A.
distr_prob = np.random.rand(len(INIT_BINS))
paths = []
# t_bins: all bins which are not target bins.
t_bins = list(x for x in range(0, NBINS) if x not in TARGET_BINS)
# lower_bound = mfpt - error
# lower_bound = 121.8
lower_bound = 116

Exemplo n.º 42
def numpy_eigen():
    A = np.array([[1, 3, 5], [3, 5, 3], [5, 3, 9]])
    evals, evecs = la.eig(A)
    return la.eigvalsh(A)
            r+=t+" NO es normal "+str(ks)+" \n"
        elif ks>0.01 : 
            r+=t+" es normal\n"
    if not "no " in r: print("¡Todo parece ser normal!\n")
    else: print(r)

#------------------- Cálculo de Matriz de componentes principales -----------------------------#
import scipy.linalg as la
from math import log

CV = Trait_matrix.cov()

vals,vects = la.eig(CV)
perct = [] #Porcentaje de varianza explicada
for i in vals: 

p=len(traits) #número de variames
N=Trait_matrix[[traits[0]]].size #Tamaño muestral
def eme (m,lg=False): #la sumatoria de los valores propios hasta m
    if lg: #si es la suma de los logaritmos
        for i in range(m,len(vals)+1): s+=log(vals[i-1].real,10)
        for i in range(m,len(vals)+1): s+=vals[i-1].real
    return s
x_2 = 0 
gl = 0
Exemplo n.º 44
# File:
import math
import scipy.linalg as la
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

A = [[1,4],[-4,1]]
eigvals,eigvecs = la.eig(A)

new = []
old = []

norm1 = [0,0]
norm1dup = []
norm2 = [0,0]
norm2dup = []
norminf = [0,0]
norminfdup = []

x, y = -1.001, 0
for k in range(2000):
    x += 0.001
    y = 1
    a, a_inv = np.matmul(A, [x, y]), np.matmul(A, [x, -y])

    if abs(a[0]) + abs(a[1]) > abs(norm1[0]) + abs(norm1[1]):
        norm1 = a
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                    Main
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# == Compute the optimal rule == #
optimal_lq = qe.lqcontrol.LQ(Q, R, A, B, C, beta)
Po, Fo, do = optimal_lq.stationary_values()

# == Compute a robust rule given theta == #
baseline_robust = qe.robustlq.RBLQ(Q, R, A, B, C, beta, theta)
Fb, Kb, Pb = baseline_robust.robust_rule()

# == Check the positive definiteness of worst-case covariance matrix to == #
# == ensure that theta exceeds the breakdown point == #
test_matrix = np.identity(Pb.shape[0]) -, / theta
eigenvals, eigenvecs = eig(test_matrix)
assert (eigenvals >= 0).all(), 'theta below breakdown point.'

emax = 1.6e6

optimal_best_case = value_and_entropy(emax, Fo, 'best')
robust_best_case = value_and_entropy(emax, Fb, 'best')
optimal_worst_case = value_and_entropy(emax, Fo, 'worst')
robust_worst_case = value_and_entropy(emax, Fb, 'worst')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.set_xlim(0, emax)
Exemplo n.º 46
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Nset = [100, 200, 400, 800]
nset = [2, 5, 10, 20]
m = 2
p = 8
MC = 100

tim_res = np.zeros((4, 4))
nidx = 0
for n in nset:
    Nidx = 0
    for N in Nset:
        A = np.random.randn(n, n)
        lam = linalg.eig(A)[0]
        rho = np.max(np.abs(lam))
        ## Here we create a random stable DT system
        A = A / rho / 1.01
        B = np.random.randn(n, m)
        C = np.random.randn(p, n)
        D = np.random.randn(p, m)
        fset = np.arange(0, N, dtype='float') / N
        u = np.random.randn(N, m)
        y = fsid.lsim((A, B, C, D), u, dtype='float')

        yf = np.fft.fft(y, axis=0)
        uf = np.fft.fft(u, axis=0)
        fset = np.arange(0, N, dtype='float') / N
        wexp = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * fset)
        W = np.zeros((N, p, p))
Exemplo n.º 47
    def process(self):
        after = self.after
        before = self.before
        (rows, cols, bands) = after.shape

        after = np.transpose(np.reshape(after, (rows * cols, bands)), (1, 0))
        before = np.transpose(np.reshape(before, (rows * cols, bands)), (1, 0))

        after_mean = np.mean(after, axis=1)
        after_var = np.std(after, axis=1)
        before_mean = np.mean(before, axis=1)
        before_var = np.std(before, axis=1)

        # for i in range(bands):
        #     #test = after[:, i] - after_mean[i]
        #     after[i,:] = (after[i,:]-after_mean[i])/after_var[i]
        #     before[i,:] = (before[i,:]-before_mean[i])/before_var[i]

        cov_aa_mari = np.cov(after)
        cov_aa_mat_i = np.linalg.inv(cov_aa_mari)
        con_cov = np.cov(after, before)
        cov_xx = con_cov[0:bands, 0:bands]
        cov_xy = con_cov[0:bands, bands:]
        cov_yx = con_cov[bands:, 0:bands]
        cov_yy = con_cov[bands:, bands:]
        # yy_cov = np.cov(before)
        A = inv(cov_xx) @ cov_xy @ inv(cov_yy) @ cov_yx
        B = inv(cov_yy) @ cov_yx @ inv(cov_xx) @ cov_xy  # 与A特征值相同,但特征向量不同

        # A的特征值与特征向量 av 特征值, ad 特征向量
        [av, ad] = eig(A)

        # 对特征值从小到大排列 与 CCA相反
        swap_av_index = np.argsort(av)
        swap_av = av[swap_av_index[:av.size:1]]
        swap_ad = ad[swap_av_index[:av.size:1], :]

        # 满足st 条件
        ma = inv(sqrtm(swap_ad.T @ cov_xx @ swap_ad))  # 条件一

        swap_ad = swap_ad @ ma

        # 对应b的值
        [bv, bd] = eig(B)
        swap_bv = bv[swap_av_index[:bv.size:1]]
        swap_bd = bd[swap_av_index[:bd.size:1]]
        mb = inv(sqrtm(swap_bd.T @ cov_yy @ swap_bd))  # 条件二

        swap_bd = swap_bd @ mb
        # ab = np.linalg.inv(cov_yy) @ cov_yx @ swap_ad
        # bb = np.linalg.inv()

        MAD = swap_ad.T @ after - (swap_bd.T @ before)
        [i, j] = MAD.shape
        var_mad = np.zeros(i)
        for k in range(i):
            var_mad[k] = np.var(MAD[k])
        var_mad = np.transpose(np.matlib.repmat(var_mad, j, 1), (1, 0))
        res = MAD * MAD / var_mad
        T = res.sum(axis=0)
        # T = np.zeros(j)
        # #for row in range(j):
        # sum = 0.
        # for col in range(i):
        #     sum = np.sum(np.square(MAD[col,:] / np.var(MAD[col])))
        #     T[i] = sum
        # Kmeans 聚类

        re = np.reshape(T, (j, 1))
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(re)
        img = np.reshape(kmeans.labels_, (
        center = kmeans.cluster_centers_
        # scipy.misc.imsave('c.jpg', img)
Exemplo n.º 48
        JAC[M - 1, :] = concatenate((BBOT, zeros(2 * M)))

        # V
        JAC[2 * M - 2, :] = concatenate((zeros(M), BTOP, zeros(M)))
        JAC[2 * M - 1, :] = concatenate((zeros(M), BBOT, zeros(M)))

        B = zeros((3 * M, 3 * M), dtype='complex')
        B[:2 * M, :2 * M] = eye(2 * M, 2 * M)

        ### BCs on RHS matrix
        B[M - 2, :] = 0
        B[M - 1, :] = 0
        B[2 * M - 2, :] = 0
        B[2 * M - 1, :] = 0

        eigenvalues = linalg.eig(JAC, B, left=False, right=False)
        eigenvalues = eigenvalues[~isnan(eigenvalues * conj(eigenvalues))]
        eigenvalues = eigenvalues[~isinf(eigenvalues * conj(eigenvalues))]

        eigarr = zeros((len(eigenvalues), 2))
        eigarr[:, 0] = real(eigenvalues)
        eigarr[:, 1] = imag(eigenvalues)
        #savetxt("eigs.txt", eigarr)

        actualDecayRate = amax(eigarr[:, 0])

        while actualDecayRate > 100:
            eigarr[argmax(eigarr[:, 0]), 0] = -10.0
            actualDecayRate = amax(eigarr[:, 0])

        evals.append([kx, actualDecayRate])
Exemplo n.º 49
    I_eps_zz = I_eps_zz * dE / sqrt(2.0 * pi) / sigma
    I_eps_xy = I_eps_xy * dE / sqrt(2.0 * pi) / sigma
    I_eps_yz = I_eps_yz * dE / sqrt(2.0 * pi) / sigma
    I_eps_zx = I_eps_zx * dE / sqrt(2.0 * pi) / sigma

    Cxx = complex(R_eps_xx, I_eps_xx)
    Cyy = complex(R_eps_yy, I_eps_yy)
    Czz = complex(R_eps_zz, I_eps_zz)
    Cxy = complex(R_eps_xy, I_eps_xy)
    Cyz = complex(R_eps_yz, I_eps_yz)
    Czx = complex(R_eps_zx, I_eps_zx)

    C_eps = mat([[Cxx, Cxy, conj(Czx)], [conj(Cxy), Cyy, Cyz],
                 [Czx, conj(Cyz), Czz]])

    eps_eig, eps_v = linalg.eig(C_eps)

    #   print hv, imag(eps_eig[0]),imag(eps_eig[1]),imag(eps_eig[2])
    alpha_a1 = hv * 71618.96076 * sqrt(abs(eps_eig[0]) - real(eps_eig[0]))
    alpha_a2 = hv * 71618.96076 * sqrt(abs(eps_eig[1]) - real(eps_eig[1]))
    alpha_a3 = hv * 71618.96076 * sqrt(abs(eps_eig[2]) - real(eps_eig[2]))
    alpha_av = (alpha_a1 + alpha_a2 + alpha_a3) / 3

    n1 = sqrt(0.5 * (abs(eps_eig[0]) + real(eps_eig[0])))
    n2 = sqrt(0.5 * (abs(eps_eig[1]) + real(eps_eig[1])))
    n3 = sqrt(0.5 * (abs(eps_eig[2]) + real(eps_eig[2])))
    n_av = (n1 + n2 + n3) / 3.0

    f.write("%9.4f %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %9.4f\n" %
            (hv, alpha_a1, alpha_a2, alpha_a3, alpha_av, n_av**2))
    alpha.append([hv, alpha_av, n_av**2])
Exemplo n.º 50
def lda_train2(data=None, label=None):

    Perform Linear Discriminant Analysis on input data.

        data (array): input data array of shape (number samples x number features).

        label (array): input data label array of shape (number of samples x 1). Must start in 0 (e.g., label = [0,0,0,1,2] for 5 samples).

        success (boolean): indicates whether training was successful (True) or not (False).

    Configurable fields:{"name": "dimreduction.lda.train", "config": {"": ""}, "inputs": ["data", "label"], "outputs": ["success"]}

    See Also:



        .. [1]    ...
        .. [2]    ...
        .. [3]    ...
    # Check inputs
    if data is None:
        raise TypeError, "Please provide input data."
    if label is None:
        raise TypeError, "Please provide input data label."
    if 0 not in label:
        raise TypeError, "Label must start in 0 (e.g., label = [0,0,0,1,2] for 5 samples)."
    # success = False
        # Compute mean of each set (mi)
        m = []
        for c in set(label):
            m.append(scipy.mean(data[label == c], axis=0))
        m = scipy.array(m)
        # Compute Scatter Matrix of eah set (Si)
        S = []
        for c in set(label):
            S.append(scipy.cov(scipy.array(data[label == c]).T))
        # Compute Within Scatter Matrix (SW)
        SW = 0
        for s in S:
            SW += s
        # Compute Total Mean (mt)
        mt = scipy.mean(data, axis=0)
        # Compute Total Scatter Matrix (ST)
        ST = 0
        for xi in data:
            aux = scipy.matrix(xi - mt)
            ST += aux.T * aux
        # Compute Between Scatter Matrix (SB)
        SB = 0
        for c in set(label):
            aux = scipy.matrix(m[c, :] - mt)
            SB += len(pylab.find(label == c)) * aux.T * aux
        # Solve (Sb - li*Sw)Wi = 0 for the eigenvectors wi
        eigenvalues, v = linalg.eig(SB, SW)
        # Get real part and sort eigenvalues
        real_sorted_eigenvalues = []
        for i in xrange(len(eigenvalues)):
            real_sorted_eigenvalues.append([scipy.real(eigenvalues[i]), i])
        # Get the (nclasses-1) main eigenvectors
        # Assures eigenvalue is not NaN
        nclasses = len(set(label)) - 1
        # nclasses = 5
        eigenvectors = []
        for i in xrange(-1, -len(real_sorted_eigenvalues) - 1, -1):
            if not scipy.isnan(real_sorted_eigenvalues[i][0]):
            if len(eigenvectors) == nclasses: break

        # Updates variables
        # self.eigen_values = real_sorted_eigenvalues
        # self.eigen_vectors = eigenvectors
        # self.transform_matrix = scipy.matrix(eigenvectors)
        transform_matrix = scipy.matrix(eigenvectors)

        # success = True
        # self.is_trained = True
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        print traceback.format_exc()
    # return success
    return transform_matrix
Exemplo n.º 51
def my_LDA(X, Y):
    Train a LDA classifier from the training set
    X: training data
    Y: class labels of training data


    classLabels = np.unique(Y)  # different class labels on the dataset
    classNum = len(classLabels)
    datanum, dim = X.shape  # dimensions of the dataset
    totalMean = np.mean(X, 0)  # total mean of the data

    # ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
    # Instructions: Implement the LDA technique, following the
    # steps given in the pseudocode on the assignment.
    # The function should return the projection matrix W,
    # the centroid vector for each class projected to the new
    # space defined by W and the projected data X_lda.
    # =============================================================

    # partition class labels per label - list of arrays per label
    partition = [np.where(Y == label)[0] for label in classLabels]

    # find mean value per class (per attribute) - list of arrays per label
    classMean = [(np.mean(X[idx], 0), len(idx)) for idx in partition]

    # Compute the within-class scatter matrix
    Sw = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    for idx in partition:
        Sw += np.cov(X[idx], rowvar=0) * len(
            idx)  # covariance matrix * fraction of instances per class

    # Compute the between-class scatter matrix
    Sb = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    for mu, class_size in classMean:
        mu = mu.reshape(dim, 1)  #make column vector
        Sb += class_size *
            (mu - totalMean), np.transpose((mu - totalMean)))

    # Solve the eigenvalue problem for discriminant directions to maximize class seperability while simultaneously minimizing
    # the variance within each class
    # The exception code can be ignored for the example dataset
        S =, Sb)
        eigval, eigvec = linalg.eig(S)
    except:  #SingularMatrix
        print "Singular matrix"
        eigval, eigvec = linalg.eig(Sb, Sw + Sb)

    idx = eigval.argsort()[::-1]  # Sort eigenvalues
    eigvec = eigvec[:, idx]  # Sort eigenvectors according to eigenvalues
    W = np.real(
        eigvec[:, :classNum -
               1])  # eigenvectors correspond to k-1 largest eigenvalues

    # Project data onto the new LDA space
    X_lda = np.real(, np.real(W)))

    # project the mean vectors of each class onto the LDA space
    projected_centroid = [, np.real(W)) for mu, class_size in classMean

    return W, projected_centroid, X_lda
    slice_height, slice_width = det_pixels.shape

    # The '300' is the width/height of the image
    if slice_height > 300 / np.sqrt(2.) or slice_width > 300 / np.sqrt(2.):
        det_pixels = (det_pixels == i + 1)
        x = np.arange(slice_width)
        y = np.arange(slice_height)
        flux = np.sum(det_pixels)
        x_cen = np.sum(x[np.newaxis, :] * det_pixels) / flux
        y_cen = np.sum(y[:, np.newaxis] * det_pixels) / flux
        c_xx = np.sum(((x - x_cen)**2)[np.newaxis, :] * det_pixels) / flux
        c_yy = np.sum(((y - y_cen)**2)[:, np.newaxis] * det_pixels) / flux
        c_xy = np.sum((x - x_cen)[np.newaxis, :] *
                      (y - y_cen)[:, np.newaxis] * det_pixels) / flux
        C = np.array([[c_xx, c_xy], [c_xy, c_yy]])
        w, v = sl.eig(C)
        a, b = np.max(2.0 * np.sqrt(np.real(w))), \
               np.min(2.0 * np.sqrt(np.real(w)))

        # The final check whether we have a track:
        if a > (300 / (2. * np.sqrt(2.))) and b / a < 0.1:
            track_pixels[slc] = det_pixels

# make a plot from original image and track pixels if track(s) were found:
if np.sum(track_pixels) > 0:
    print('Track(s) detected! Creating plot %s' % (out_plot))
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
    ax1.imshow(data, origin='lower', cmap='gray_r', vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val)
    ax1.set_xlabel('x [pix]')
    ax1.set_ylabel('y [pix]')
    ax1.set_title('original data')
Exemplo n.º 53
import datetime
starttime =

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la

A = np.array([[17.125, -8, 0, -8], [-8, 16.2815, -8, 0], [0, -8, 16, -8],
              [-8, 0, -8, 16.28125]])

endtime =
print("total time used", endtime - starttime)
Exemplo n.º 54
def ex17(exclude=sc.array([3]),
         parsigma=[1, m.pi / 200., .1],
    """ex17: solve exercise 17 by MCMC
       exclude        - ID numbers to exclude from the analysis
       plotfilename   - filename for the output plot
       nburn          - number of burn-in samples
       nsamples       - number of samples to take after burn-in
       parsigma       - proposal distribution width (Gaussian)
       2010-05-07 - Written - Bovy (NYU)
    #Read the data
    data = read_data('data_allerr.dat', allerr=True)
    ndata = len(data)
    nsample = ndata - len(exclude)
    #First find the chi-squared solution, which we will use as an
    #initial gues
    #Put the dat in the appropriate arrays and matrices
    Y = sc.zeros(nsample)
    X = sc.zeros(nsample)
    A = sc.ones((nsample, 2))
    C = sc.zeros((nsample, nsample))
    Z = sc.zeros((nsample, 2))
    yerr = sc.zeros(nsample)
    ycovar = sc.zeros((2, nsample, 2))  #Makes the easier
    jj = 0
    for ii in range(ndata):
        if sc.any(exclude == data[ii][0]):
            Y[jj] = data[ii][1][1]
            X[jj] = data[ii][1][0]
            Z[jj, 0] = X[jj]
            Z[jj, 1] = Y[jj]
            A[jj, 1] = data[ii][1][0]
            C[jj, jj] = data[ii][2]**2.
            yerr[jj] = data[ii][2]
            ycovar[0, jj, 0] = data[ii][3]**2.
            ycovar[1, jj, 1] = data[ii][2]**2.
            ycovar[0, jj, 1] = data[ii][4] * m.sqrt(
                ycovar[0, jj, 0] * ycovar[1, jj, 1])
            ycovar[1, jj, 0] = ycovar[0, jj, 1]
            jj = jj + 1
    #Now compute the best fit and the uncertainties
    bestfit =, Y.T)
    bestfit =, bestfit)
    bestfitvar =, A)
    bestfitvar =, bestfitvar)
    bestfitvar = linalg.inv(bestfitvar)
    bestfit =, bestfit)
    #Now sample
    inittheta = m.acos(1. / m.sqrt(1. + bestfit[1]**2.))
    if bestfit[1] < 0.:
        inittheta = m.pi - inittheta
    initialguess = sc.array(
        [bestfit[0] * m.cos(inittheta), inittheta,
         sc.log(1.)])  #(m,b,logV)
    #With this initial guess start off the sampling procedure
    initialX = objective(initialguess, Z, ycovar)
    currentX = initialX
    bestX = initialX
    bestfit = initialguess
    currentguess = initialguess
    naccept = 0
    samples = []
    for jj in range(nburn + nsamples):
        #Draw a sample from the proposal distribution
        newsample = sc.zeros(3)
        newsample[0] = currentguess[0] + stats.norm.rvs() * parsigma[0]
        newsample[1] = currentguess[1] + stats.norm.rvs() * parsigma[1]
        newsample[2] = currentguess[2] + stats.norm.rvs() * parsigma[2]
        #Calculate the objective function for the newsample
        newX = objective(newsample, Z, ycovar)
        #Accept or reject
        #Reject with the appropriate probability
        u = stats.uniform.rvs()
            test = m.exp(newX - currentX)
        except OverflowError:
            test = 2.
        if u < test:
            currentX = newX
            currentguess = newsample
            naccept = naccept + 1
        if currentX > bestX:
            bestfit = currentguess
            bestX = currentX
    if double(naccept) / (nburn + nsamples) < .5 or double(naccept) / (
            nburn + nsamples) > .8:
        print "Acceptance ratio was " + str(
            double(naccept) / (nburn + nsamples))

    samples = sc.array(samples).T[:, nburn:-1]
    print "Best-fit, overall"
    print bestfit, sc.mean(samples[2, :]), sc.median(samples[2, :])

    histmb, edges = sc.histogramdd(samples.T[:, 0:2],
                                   bins=round(sc.sqrt(nsamples) / 2.))
    indxi = sc.argmax(sc.amax(histmb, axis=1))
    indxj = sc.argmax(sc.amax(histmb, axis=0))
    print "Best-fit, marginalized"
    print edges[0][indxi - 1], edges[1][indxj - 1]
    print edges[0][indxi], edges[1][indxj]
    print edges[0][indxi + 1], edges[1][indxj + 1]

    t = edges[1][indxj]
    bcost = edges[0][indxi]
    mf = m.sqrt(1. / m.cos(t)**2. - 1.)
    b = bcost / m.cos(t)
    print b, mf

    hist, bins, patchess = plot.bovy_hist(sc.exp(samples.T[:, 2] / 2.),
                                          bins=round(sc.sqrt(nsamples) / 2.),
    cumhist = sc.cumsum(hist) / sc.sum(hist) / (bins[1] - bins[0])
    ninefive = 0.
    ninenine = 0.
    foundfive = False
    foundnine = False
    for ii in range(len(cumhist)):
        if cumhist[ii] * (bins[1] - bins[0]) > 0.95 and not foundfive:
            ninefive = bins[ii]
            foundfive = True
        if cumhist[ii] * (bins[1] - bins[0]) > 0.99 and not foundnine:
            ninenine = bins[ii]
            foundnine = True
    print ninefive, ninenine
    axvline(ninefive, color='0.5', lw=2.)
    axvline(ninenine, color='0.5', lw=2.)


    #Plot result
    xrange = [0, 300]
    yrange = [0, 700]
                   mf * sc.array(xrange) + b,
    for ii in range(10):
        #Random sample
        ransample = sc.floor((stats.uniform.rvs() * nsamples))
        ransample = samples.T[ransample, 0:2]
        mf = m.sqrt(1. / m.cos(ransample[1])**2. - 1.)
        b = ransample[0] / m.cos(ransample[1])
        bestb = b
        bestm = mf
                       bestm * sc.array(xrange) + bestb,

    #Add labels
    nsamples = samples.shape[1]
    for ii in range(nsample):
        Pb = 0.
        for jj in range(nsamples):
            Pb += Pbad(samples[:, jj], Z[ii, :], ycovar[:, ii, :])
        Pb /= nsamples
        text(Z[ii, 0] + 5, Z[ii, 1] + 5, '%.1f' % Pb, color='0.5', zorder=3)

    #Plot the data OMG straight from
    data = read_data('data_allerr.dat', True)
    ndata = len(data)
    #Create the ellipses and the data points
    id = sc.zeros(nsample)
    x = sc.zeros(nsample)
    y = sc.zeros(nsample)
    ellipses = []
    ymin, ymax = 0, 0
    xmin, xmax = 0, 0
    jj = 0
    for ii in range(ndata):
        if sc.any(exclude == data[ii][0]):
        id[jj] = data[ii][0]
        x[jj] = data[ii][1][0]
        y[jj] = data[ii][1][1]
        #Calculate the eigenvalues and the rotation angle
        ycovar = sc.zeros((2, 2))
        ycovar[0, 0] = data[ii][3]**2.
        ycovar[1, 1] = data[ii][2]**2.
        ycovar[0, 1] = data[ii][4] * m.sqrt(ycovar[0, 0] * ycovar[1, 1])
        ycovar[1, 0] = ycovar[0, 1]
        eigs = linalg.eig(ycovar)
        angle = m.atan(-eigs[1][0, 1] / eigs[1][1, 1]) / m.pi * 180.
        thisellipse = Ellipse(sc.array([x[jj], y[jj]]), 2 * m.sqrt(eigs[0][0]),
                              2 * m.sqrt(eigs[0][1]), angle)
        if (x[jj] + m.sqrt(ycovar[0, 0])) > xmax:
            xmax = (x[jj] + m.sqrt(ycovar[0, 0]))
        if (x[jj] - m.sqrt(ycovar[0, 0])) < xmin:
            xmin = (x[jj] - m.sqrt(ycovar[0, 0]))
        if (y[jj] + m.sqrt(ycovar[1, 1])) > ymax:
            ymax = (y[jj] + m.sqrt(ycovar[1, 1]))
        if (y[jj] - m.sqrt(ycovar[1, 1])) < ymin:
            ymin = (y[jj] - m.sqrt(ycovar[1, 1]))
        jj = jj + 1

    #Add the error ellipses
    ax = gca()
    for e in ellipses:
    ax.plot(x, y, color='k', marker='o', linestyle='None')

Exemplo n.º 55
def dmd(A,
    """Dynamic Mode Decomposition.

    Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is a data processing algorithm which
    allows to decompose a matrix `A` in space and time. The matrix `A` is
    decomposed as `A = F * B * V`, where the columns of `F` contain the dynamic modes.
    The modes are ordered corresponding to the amplitudes stored in the diagonal
    matrix `B`. `V` is a Vandermonde matrix describing the temporal evolution.

    A : array_like, shape `(m, n)`.
        Input array.

    rank : int
        If `rank < (n-1)` low-rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition is computed.

    dt : scalar or array_like, optional (default: 1)
        Factor specifying the time difference between the observations.

    modes : str `{'standard', 'exact', 'exact_scaled'}`
        - 'standard' : uses the standard definition to compute the dynamic modes, `F = U * W`.
        - 'exact' : computes the exact dynamic modes, `F = Y * V * (S**-1) * W`.
        - 'exact_scaled' : computes the exact dynamic modes, `F = (1/l) * Y * V * (S**-1) * W`.

    return_amplitudes : bool `{True, False}`
        True: return amplitudes in addition to dynamic modes.

    return_vandermonde : bool `{True, False}`
        True: return Vandermonde matrix in addition to dynamic modes and amplitudes.

    order :  bool `{True, False}`
        True: return modes sorted.

    F : array_like
        Matrix containing the dynamic modes of shape `(m, n-1)`  or `(m, k)`.

    b : array_like, if `return_amplitudes=True`
        1-D array containing the amplitudes of length `min(n-1, rank)`.

    V : array_like, if `return_vandermonde=True`
        Vandermonde matrix of shape `(n-1, n-1)`  or `(rank, n-1)`.

    omega : array_like
        Time scaled eigenvalues: `ln(l)/dt`.

    J. H. Tu, et al.
    "On Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Theory and Applications" (2013).
    (available at `arXiv <>`_).

    N. B. Erichson and C. Donovan.
    "Randomized Low-Rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Motion Detection" (2015).
    Under Review.
    # converts A to array, raise ValueError if A has inf or nan
    A = np.asarray_chkfinite(A)
    m, n = A.shape

    if modes not in _VALID_MODES:
        raise ValueError('modes must be one of %s, not %s' %
                         (' '.join(_VALID_MODES), modes))

    if A.dtype not in _VALID_DTYPES:
        raise ValueError('A.dtype must be one of %s, not %s' %
                         (' '.join(_VALID_DTYPES), A.dtype))

    if rank is not None and (rank < 1 or rank > n):
        raise ValueError('rank must be > 1 and less than n')

    #Split data into lef and right snapshot sequence
    X = A[:, :(n - 1)]  #pointer
    Y = A[:, 1:n]  #pointer

    #Singular Value Decomposition
    U, s, Vh = linalg.svd(X,

    if rank is not None:
        U = U[:, :rank]
        s = s[:rank]
        Vh = Vh[:rank, :]

    #Solve the LS problem to find estimate for M using the pseudo-inverse
    #real: M = U.T * Y * Vt.T * S**-1
    #complex: M = U.H * Y * Vt.H * S**-1
    #Let G = Y * Vt.H * S**-1, hence M = M * G
    G =, conjugate_transpose(Vh)) / s
    M =, G)

    #Eigen Decomposition
    l, W = linalg.eig(M, right=True, overwrite_a=True)
    omega = np.log(l) / dt

    if order:
        # return ordered result
        sort_idx = np.argsort(np.abs(omega))
        W = W[:, sort_idx]
        l = l[sort_idx]
        omega = omega[sort_idx]

    #Compute DMD Modes
    if modes == 'standard':
        F =, W)
        F =, W)
        if modes == 'exact_scaled':
            F /= l

    result = [F]
    if return_amplitudes:
        #Compute amplitueds b using least-squares: Fb=x1
        b = _get_amplitudes(F, A)

    if return_vandermonde:
        #Compute Vandermonde matrix
        V = np.fliplr(np.vander(l, N=n))

    return result
Exemplo n.º 56
    def __init__(self,
        :param x: list, x coordinates
        :param y: list, y coordinates
        :param y: list, z coordinates
        :param dim: int, dimension
        :param file: str, path to trajectory
        :param percentage_max_n: float, percentage of length of the trajectory for msd generating
        :param typ: str, type of diffusion i.e sub, super, rand
        :param motion: str, mode of diffusion eg. normal, directed

        CharacteristicFour.__init__(self, x, y, z, dim, file, percentage_max_n,
                                    typ, motion)

        self.velocity_autocorrelation, self.velocity_autocorrelation_names = self.get_velocity_autocorrelation(
            [1, 2])
        self.ksstat = self.get_ksstat()
        self.dagostino_stats, self.dagostino_stats_names = self.get_dagostino_stats(
        self.mv_features, self.mv_features_names = self.moving_window(
            windows=[10, 20])
        self.eM, self.eL, self.eJ = self.get_exponents()
        self.maximum_ts = self.get_maximum_test_statistic()
        self.radius_gyration_tensor = self.get_tensor()
        self.trappedness = self.get_trappedness()
        self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors = LA.eig(
        self.asymmetry = self.get_asymmetry()
        self.diff_kurtosis = self.get_kurtosis_corrected()
        self.efficiency = self.get_efficiency()

        self.max_std_x, self.max_std_y = self.max_min_std()
        self.max_std_change_x, self.max_std_change_y = self.max_std_change()
        self.velocity_autocorrelation, self.velocity_autocorrelation_names = self.get_velocity_autocorrelation(
            [1, 2])
        self.dma, self.dma_names = self.get_dma([1, 2])

        self.values = [self.file, self.type, self.motion, self.D, self.alpha,
                       self.alpha_n_1, self.alpha_n_2, self.alpha_n_3,
                       self.fractal_dimension, self.mean_gaussianity,
                       self.mean_squared_displacement_ratio, self.straightness,
                       self.p_variation, self.max_excursion_normalised, self.ksstat,
                       self.eM, self.eL, self.eJ, self.maximum_ts, self.trappedness,
                       self.asymmetry, self.diff_kurtosis, self.efficiency,
                       self.max_std_x, self.max_std_y, self.max_std_change_x, self.max_std_change_y] \
                       + list(self.velocity_autocorrelation) \
                       + list(self.p_variations) + self.dagostino_stats + self.mv_features + list(self.dma)

        self.columns = ["file", "Alpha", "motion", "D", "alpha",
                        "alpha_n_1", "alpha_n_2", "alpha_n_3",
                        "fractal_dimension", "mean_gaussianity",
                        "mean_squared_displacement_ratio", "straightness",
                        "p-variation", "max_excursion_normalised", "ksstat_chi2",
                        "M", "L", "J", "max_ts", "trappedness", 'asymmetry',
                        "diff_kurtosis", "efficiency", 'max_std_x', 'max_std_y',
                        'max_std_change_x', 'max_std_change_y'] + self.velocity_autocorrelation_names \
                        + self.p_variation_names + self.dagostino_stats_names + self.mv_features_names \
                        + list(self.dma_names) = pd.DataFrame([self.values], columns=self.columns)
Exemplo n.º 57
def compute_cca(views, k=300, eps=1e-12):
    views: list of views, each N x v_i_emb where N is the number of observations and v_i_emb is the embedding dimensionality of that view
    k: integer for the dimensionality of the joint projection space
    eps: float added to diagonals of matrices A and B for stability

    m = views[0].size(0)
    t = views[0].type()
    o = [v.size(1) for v in views]
    os = sum(o)
    A = torch.zeros(os, os).type(t)
    B = torch.zeros(os, os).type(t)

    print('doing generalised eigendecomposition...')

    row_i = 0
    for i, V_i in enumerate(views):
        V_i = V_i.t()
        o_i = V_i.size(0)
        mu_i = V_i.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)

        # mean center view i
        V_i_bar = V_i - mu_i.expand_as(V_i)  # o_i x N

        col_i = 0
        for j, V_j in enumerate(views):

            V_j = V_j.t()
            o_j = V_j.size(0)

            if i > j:
                col_i += o_j
            mu_j = V_j.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)

            # mean center view j
            V_j_bar = V_j - mu_j.expand_as(V_j)  # o_j x N

            C_ij = (1.0 /
                    (m - 1)) *, V_j_bar.t())  # o_i x o_j

            A[row_i:row_i + o_i, col_i:col_i + o_j] = C_ij
            A[col_i:col_i + o_j, row_i:row_i + o_i] = C_ij.t()
            if i == j:
                B[row_i:row_i + o_i, col_i:col_i + o_j] = C_ij.clone()

            col_i += o_j
        row_i += o_i


    A = A.cpu().numpy()
    B = B.cpu().numpy()

    l, v = la.eig(A, B)
    idx = l.argsort()[-k:][::-1]
    l = l[idx]  # eigenvalues
    v = v[:, idx]  # eigenvectors

    l = torch.from_numpy(l.real)
    v = torch.from_numpy(v.real)

    # extracting projection matrices
    proj_matrices = [
        v[sum(o[:i]):sum(o[:i]) + views[i].size(1)].type(t)
        for i in range(len(views))
    return l.type(t), proj_matrices
Exemplo n.º 58
 def compute_eigvals(self):
     self.eigvals = []
     for i in range(len(self.J)):
         w, _ = eig(self.J[i])
Exemplo n.º 59

ans = integral(this_func, 0, 1)
print("integral:", ans)

# scipy integrate!!
value, error = integrate.quad(this_func, 0, 1)
print("scipy integrate value", value)
print("scipy integrate error", error)

# scipy linear algebra
A = np.random.rand(3, 3)
b = np.random.rand(3)
x = linalg.solve(A, b)  # solve A x = b
eigen = linalg.eig(A)  # eigens
det = linalg.det(A)  # determinant
U, s, Vh = linalg.svd(A)  # singular value decomposition

# statistics in scipy
y = stats.norm.cdf(0.311)  # norm CDF

# data fitting
def func(x, a, b, c):
    return a * np.exp(-b * x) + c

Exemplo n.º 60

# labelled source
Xs = np.row_stack(Xs)
Xs = Xs / Xs.std(0)  # scale
Ys = np.concatenate(Ys)
# unlabelled target
Xt = np.row_stack(Xt)
Xt = Xt / Xt.std(0)  # scale
Yt = np.concatenate(Yt)

Zd = 2  # dimensionality of the subspace
# weights
_, w = eig(np.cov(np.row_stack([Xs[0:-1:2], Xt[0:-1:2]]).T))  # train with even
# project
pcaZs = Xs @ w[:, :Zd]
pcaZt = Xt @ w[:, :Zd]

# -- plot
# train (even idxs)
plt.scatter(pcaZs[0:-1:2, 0],
            pcaZs[0:-1:2, 1],
            c=np.take(clr, Ys[0:-1:2] - 1),
plt.scatter(pcaZt[0:-1:2, 0],
            pcaZt[0:-1:2, 1],
            ec=np.take(clr, Yt[0:-1:2] - 1),