Exemplo n.º 1
def riccati(c_yy, x, y,t): 
		Solves the Riccati equation, specifically AOA^T - O + Q = 0
		c_yy: a whitened covariance matrix, used in calculation of Q
		x,y: matrices that are used to calculate koopman estimators
		t: timelaga
		The matrix, O, solved in the above equation.

	# c_xx, c_yy = whitening(x,y)
	K_xx, K_xy = koopman_est(x, y ,t)
	evals_xx,evect_xx = np.linalg.eigh(K_xx) #hermetian
	# evals_xy,evect_xy = np.linalg.eigh(K_xy)

	print ('\n', evals_xx, '\n \n', evect_xx)

	v_x = evect_xx[:,list(evals_xx).index(1)]
		v_y = np.linalg.solve(K_xy, v_x) # I think this v_y is extraneous, there isn't v_y used anywhere
		raise Error('cannot find eigenvalue = 1')
	chi_bar = np.mean(chi(x).T, axis =1)
	gamma_bar = np.mean(gamma(y).T, axis =1)

	A = K_xx - np.outer(v_x*chi_bar)
	B = K_xy - np.outer(v_x*gamma_bar)
	Q = B.dot(np.inverse(c_yy)).dot(B.T)

	return solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, Q)
Exemplo n.º 2
def ComputeG(A0, A1, d, Q0, tau0, beta, mu):
    COMPUTEG Compute government income given mu and return tax revenues, and
    Policy matrixes for the planner.  Here A0,A1,d,Q0,tau0,beta and mu are all
    asssumed to be floats
    #Create Matrixes
    R = array([[0, -A0 / 2, 0, 0], [-A0 / 2, A1 / 2, -mu / 2, 0],
               [0, -mu / 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, d / 2]])
    A = array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0],
               [-A0 / d, A1 / d, 0, A1 / d + 1 / beta]])
    B = array([0, 0, 1, 1 / d]).reshape(-1, 1)
    Q = 0
    #OLRP to solve the Ramsey Problem.
    F, P = olrp(beta, A, B, -R, Q)
    #Need y_0 to compute government tax revenue.
    P21 = P[3, :3]
    P22 = P[3, 3]
    z0 = array([1, Q0, tau0]).reshape(-1, 1)
    u0 = -P22**(-1) * P21.dot(z0)
    y0 = vstack([z0, u0])
    #Define A_F and S matricies
    AF = A - B.dot(F)
    S = array([0, 1, 0, 0]).reshape(-1,
                                    1).dot(array([0, 0, 1, 0]).reshape(1, -1))
    #Solves equation (25)

    #Omega = solve_sylvester(beta*AF.T,-linalg.inv(AF),-beta*AF.T.dot(S))
    Omega = solve_discrete_lyapunov(
        sqrt(beta) * AF.T,
        beta * AF.T.dot(S).dot(AF))
    T0 = y0.T.dot(Omega).dot(y0)
    return T0, A, B, F, P
Exemplo n.º 3
def ComputeG( A0,A1,d,Q0,tau0,beta,mu ):
    COMPUTEG Compute government income given mu and return tax revenues, and
    Policy matrixes for the planner.  Here A0,A1,d,Q0,tau0,beta and mu are all
    asssumed to be floats
    #Create Matrixes
    R = array([[0,-A0/2,0,0],[-A0/2,A1/2, -mu/2, 0],[0,-mu/2,0,0],[0,0,0,d/2]])
    A = array([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,0,0],[-A0/d,A1/d,0,A1/d+1/beta]])
    B = array([0,0,1,1/d]).reshape(-1,1)
    Q = 0;
    #OLRP to solve the Ramsey Problem.
    F,P = olrp(beta,A,B,-R,Q)
    #Need y_0 to compute government tax revenue.
    P21 = P[3,:3]; P22 = P[3,3];
    z0 = array([1,Q0,tau0]).reshape(-1,1)
    u0 = -P22**(-1)*P21.dot(z0)
    y0 = vstack([z0,u0])
    #Define A_F and S matricies
    AF = A-B.dot(F);
    S =array([0,1,0,0]).reshape(-1,1).dot(array([0,0,1,0]).reshape(1,-1))
    #Solves equation (25)

    #Omega = solve_sylvester(beta*AF.T,-linalg.inv(AF),-beta*AF.T.dot(S))
    Omega = solve_discrete_lyapunov(sqrt(beta)*AF.T,beta*AF.T.dot(S).dot(AF))
    T0 = y0.T.dot(Omega).dot(y0)
    return T0,A,B,F,P
Exemplo n.º 4
def matrin_dist_for_LDS(lds1, lds2):

    # According to the formula (9) of the paper, the final matrix A is obtained, and the dimension is (2D, 2D)
    A = torch.zeros((lds1[0].shape[0] * 2, lds1[0].shape[1] * 2))
    A[:lds1[0].shape[0], :lds1[0].shape[0]] = lds1[0]
    A[lds1[0].shape[0]:, lds1[0].shape[0]:] = lds2[0]

    # According to the formula (10) of the paper, the final matrix C is obtained, and the dimension is (D, 2D)
    C = torch.zeros((lds1[0].shape[0], lds1[0].shape[1] * 2))
    C[:, :lds1[0].shape[0]] = lds1[1]
    C[:, lds1[0].shape[0]:] = lds2[1]

    # According to the paper, find the solution to the Lyapunov equation (A_t P A - P = -Q, where Q is C_t C)
    # First find Q in the Lyapunov equation, and then use the scipy package to solve to get P
    Q = torch.mm(C.transpose(0, 1), C)
    P = solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, Q)

    # According to the formula (8) of the paper, the P of the corresponding position is obtained
    P11 = P[:lds1[0].shape[0], :lds1[0].shape[0]]
    P12 = P[:lds1[0].shape[0], lds1[0].shape[0]:]
    P21 = P[lds1[0].shape[0]:, :lds1[0].shape[0]]
    P22 = P[lds1[0].shape[0]:, lds1[0].shape[0]:]

    # According to the formula (11) of the paper, the corresponding eigenvalues are obtained
    eig_P = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(P11), P12)
    eig_P = np.matmul(eig_P, np.linalg.inv(P22))
    eig_P = np.matmul(eig_P, P21)
    eig_P = np.linalg.eig(eig_P)[0]

    # According to the paper formula (12), the final distance is obtained
    return np.sqrt(-np.log(np.prod(eig_P**2)))
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_stationary_initialization_2dim(dtype=float):
    endog = np.zeros(10, dtype=dtype)
    # 2-dimensional example
    mod = MLEModel(endog, k_states=2, k_posdef=2)
    intercept = np.array([2.3, -10.2], dtype=dtype)
    phi = np.array([[0.8, 0.1], [-0.2, 0.7]], dtype=dtype)
    sigma2 = np.array([[1.4, -0.2], [-0.2, 4.5]], dtype=dtype)

    mod['state_intercept'] = intercept
    mod['transition'] = phi
    mod['selection'] = np.eye(2).astype(dtype)
    mod['state_cov'] = sigma2


    _statespace = mod.ssm._statespace
    initial_state = np.array(_statespace.initial_state)
    initial_state_cov = np.array(_statespace.initial_state_cov)

    desired = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(2).astype(dtype) - phi, intercept)
    assert_allclose(initial_state, desired)
    desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(phi, sigma2)
    # precision reductions only required for single precision float / complex
    assert_allclose(initial_state_cov, desired, atol=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 6
def check_stationary_initialization_1dim(dtype=float):
    endog = np.zeros(10, dtype=dtype)

    # 1-dimensional example
    mod = MLEModel(endog, k_states=1, k_posdef=1)
    intercept = np.array([2.3], dtype=dtype)
    phi = np.diag([0.9]).astype(dtype)
    sigma2 = np.diag([1.3]).astype(dtype)

    mod['state_intercept'] = intercept
    mod['transition'] = phi
    mod['selection'] = np.eye(1).astype(dtype)
    mod['state_cov'] = sigma2


    _statespace = mod.ssm._statespace
    initial_state = np.array(_statespace.initial_state)
    initial_state_cov = np.array(_statespace.initial_state_cov)
    # precision reductions only required for float complex case

    # mean = intercept + phi * mean
    # intercept = (1 - phi) * mean
    # mean = intercept / (1 - phi)
    assert_allclose(initial_state, intercept / (1 - phi[0, 0]))
    desired = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(1) - phi).dot(intercept)
    assert_allclose(initial_state, desired)
    # var = phi**2 var + sigma2
    # var = sigma2 / (1 - phi**2)
    assert_allclose(initial_state_cov, sigma2 / (1 - phi**2))
    assert_allclose(initial_state_cov, solve_discrete_lyapunov(phi, sigma2))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self,
     self.Y, self.A0, self.A1, self.U0, self.U1, self.Q, self.Phi, self.initV, self.X0, self.V0, self.statevar_names = Y, A0, A1, U0, U1, \
                                                                                                  Q, Phi, initV, X0, V0, statevar_names
     n = self.U0.size
     if self.X0 is None:  # initialize X0 at unconditional mean
         self.X0 = np.mat(np.linalg.inv(np.identity(n) - self.U1) * self.U0)
     if self.V0 is None:
         if initV == 'steady_state':  # solve discrete Ricatti equation
             self.V0 = np.mat(
                                    np.array(self.A1.T), np.array(self.Q),
         elif initV == 'unconditional':  # solve discrete Lyapunov equation
             self.V0 = np.mat(
         elif initV == 'identity':
             self.V0 = np.mat(np.identity(n))
     if statevar_names is None:
         self.statevar_names = np.arange(len(self.X0))
     Kalman.kalmanCount += 1
Exemplo n.º 8
def check_stationary_initialization_2dim(dtype=float):
    endog = np.zeros(10, dtype=dtype)
    # 2-dimensional example
    mod = MLEModel(endog, k_states=2, k_posdef=2)
    intercept = np.array([2.3, -10.2], dtype=dtype)
    phi = np.array([[0.8, 0.1],
                    [-0.2, 0.7]], dtype=dtype)
    sigma2 = np.array([[1.4, -0.2],
                       [-0.2, 4.5]], dtype=dtype)

    mod['state_intercept'] = intercept
    mod['transition'] = phi
    mod['selection'] = np.eye(2).astype(dtype)
    mod['state_cov'] = sigma2


    _statespace = mod.ssm._statespace
    initial_state = np.array(_statespace.initial_state)
    initial_state_cov = np.array(_statespace.initial_state_cov)

    desired = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(2).astype(dtype) - phi, intercept)
    assert_allclose(initial_state, desired)
    desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(phi, sigma2)
    # precision reductions only required for single precision float / complex
    assert_allclose(initial_state_cov, desired, atol=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 9
def gen_results(i):
    This function follows Zha to redraw coefficients from the regression and
    re-estimate the model parameters using those coefficients. Each of these
    draws has the ability to be weighted in relative importance by the marginal
    likelihood of X0 given the drawn VAR coefficients. Note that this function
    makes calls to np.block and la.solve_discrete_lyapunov, which as of yet are
    not compatible with numba's jit compiler.

    i (int):    Keeps track of the iteration number of the specific call. Used
                    for random number generator seeding
    if current_process().pid % cpus == 0:
        pbar.update(cpus)  # Track progress on one core only

    # Get coefficient draws
    [G, BB, mx] = MLEVARsim(n, T, b_hat0, Lam, dt, lags, cn, i + current_seed,
    # Check if the matrix G is explosive; if so, discard the draw. Otherwise, proceed.
    if np.all(np.abs(la.eigvals(G)) <= 1):
        Sigma = la.solve_discrete_lyapunov(
            G, BB)  # Written as Sigma_j in the paper
        # Check Sigma_j for invertibility conditions
        if np.linalg.cond(Sigma) <= cond_tol:
            return process_VAR(G, Sigma, num_vars, uc, mx, BB, X0)
    return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False
Exemplo n.º 10
def check_stationary_initialization_1dim(dtype=float):
    endog = np.zeros(10, dtype=dtype)

    # 1-dimensional example
    mod = MLEModel(endog, k_states=1, k_posdef=1)
    intercept = np.array([2.3], dtype=dtype)
    phi = np.diag([0.9]).astype(dtype)
    sigma2 = np.diag([1.3]).astype(dtype)

    mod['state_intercept'] = intercept
    mod['transition'] = phi
    mod['selection'] = np.eye(1).astype(dtype)
    mod['state_cov'] = sigma2


    _statespace = mod.ssm._statespace
    initial_state = np.array(_statespace.initial_state)
    initial_state_cov = np.array(_statespace.initial_state_cov)
    # precision reductions only required for float complex case

    # mean = intercept + phi * mean
    # intercept = (1 - phi) * mean
    # mean = intercept / (1 - phi)
    assert_allclose(initial_state, intercept / (1 - phi[0, 0]))
    desired = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(1) - phi).dot(intercept)
    assert_allclose(initial_state, desired)
    # var = phi**2 var + sigma2
    # var = sigma2 / (1 - phi**2)
    assert_allclose(initial_state_cov, sigma2 / (1 - phi**2))
    assert_allclose(initial_state_cov, solve_discrete_lyapunov(phi, sigma2))
Exemplo n.º 11
def _H2P(A, B, analog):
    """Computes the positive-definite P matrix for determining the H2-norm."""
    if analog:
        P = solve_lyapunov(A, -np.dot(B, B.T))  # AP + PA^T = -BB^T
        # Note: discretization is not performed for the user
        P = solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, np.dot(B, B.T))  # APA^T - P = -BB^T
    return P
def steady_state_cost(A, B, Q, R, w_covr, e_covr, K):
    AK = A + np.dot(B, K)
    QK = Q + mdot(K.T, R, K)
    # Steady-state covariance of the state
    Xss = sla.solve_discrete_lyapunov(AK, w_covr + mdot(B, e_covr, B.T))
    # Steady-state cost
    css = np.trace(np.dot(QK, Xss))
    return css
Exemplo n.º 13
def checkdstable(A):
    n = len(A)
    P = solve_discrete_lyapunov(A.T, np.identity(n))
    S = sqrtm(P)
    invS = np.linalg.inv(S)
    UB = S.dot(A).dot(invS)
    [U, B] = polar(UB)
    B = projectPSD(B, 0, 1)
    return P, S, U, B
Exemplo n.º 14
 def P_and_Pe_associated_to_K(self, K):
     if self.is_stable(K):
         cl_map = self.a_cl(K)
         P = LA.solve_discrete_lyapunov(cl_map.T, self.Q + K.T @ self.R @ K)
         distP = LA.norm(P - self.P_opt, 2) / LA.norm(self.P_opt, 2)
         P = 100.0 * np.eye(self.n)
         distP = float("inf")
     return P, distP
    def log_lik(self, p0, y=None, return_filtered=False):

        yy = np.array(self.yy)

        TT, RR, QQ, DD, ZZ, HH = self.system_matrices(p0)
        EXPeffect_f = self.get_EXPeffect(p0)

        RQR = np.dot(np.dot(RR, QQ), RR.T)

            Pt = solve_discrete_lyapunov(TT, RQR)
            Pt = TT @ Pt @ TT.T + RQR
            return -1000000000.0

        initial_distribution = np.array(self.initial_distribution(p0),

        strans = self.transition(p0)
        sigrq = np.asarray(np.sqrt(self.conditional_variance(p0))).squeeze()
        epsr_m = self.conditional_mean(p0).squeeze()

        nobs = yy.shape[0]
        shocks = np.zeros(nobs)
        for t in range(1, nobs):
            shocks[t] = self.construct_shock(p0, yy[t], yy[t - 1])

        epsr_m = np.atleast_1d(np.array(epsr_m))

            res = _markov_switching_learning_lik(
                yy, TT, RR, QQ, DD.squeeze(), np.asarray(ZZ, dtype=float), HH,
                EXPeffect_f, Pt, self.obs_ind, self.shock_ind,
                np.asarray(np.atleast_1d(initial_distribution), dtype=float),
                           dtype=float), self.shock_scaling,
                np.asarray(epsr_m, dtype=float), sigrq**2, shocks)

            res = -100000000.0, 0.0, 0.0

        loglh, filtered_mean_mat, filtered_prob_mat = res

        if return_filtered:
            Ats = p.DataFrame(filtered_mean_mat,
            xts = p.DataFrame(filtered_prob_mat,
                              columns=['pj%d' % d for d in range(nj)],

            res = p.concat([Ats, xts], axis=1)
            return loglh, res
            if np.isnan(loglh): loglh = -10000000000
            return loglh
Exemplo n.º 16
def dlyap(A, Q):
    Solve the discrete-time Lyapunov equation.
    Wrapper around scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov.
    Pass a copy of input matrices to protect them from modification.
        return solve_discrete_lyapunov(np.copy(A), np.copy(Q))
    except ValueError:
        return np.full_like(Q, np.inf)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def update_secondary_params(self):
        if self.Q is not None:  # Given QRS
                A_Eigs = linalg.eig(self.A)[0]
            except Exception as e:
                print('Error in eig ({})... Tying again!'.format(e))
                A_Eigs = linalg.eig(self.A)[0]  # Try again!
            isStable = np.max(np.abs(A_Eigs)) < 1
            if isStable:
                self.XCov = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.A, self.Q)
                self.G = self.A @ self.XCov @ self.C.T + self.S
                self.YCov = self.C @ self.XCov @ self.C.T + self.R
                self.YCov = (self.YCov + self.YCov.T) / 2
                self.XCov = np.ones(self.A.shape)
                self.XCov[:] = np.nan
                self.YCov = np.ones(self.A.shape)
                self.XCov[:] = np.nan

                self.Pp = linalg.solve_discrete_are(
                    self.A.T, self.C.T, self.Q, self.R,
                    s=self.S)  # Solves Katayama eq. 5.42a
                self.innovCov = self.C @ self.Pp @ self.C.T + self.R
                innovCovInv = np.linalg.pinv(self.innovCov)
                self.K = (self.A @ self.Pp @ self.C.T + self.S) @ innovCovInv
                self.Kf = self.Pp @ self.C.T @ innovCovInv
                self.Kv = self.S @ innovCovInv
                self.A_KC = self.A - self.K @ self.C
                print('Could not solve DARE')
                self.Pp = np.empty(self.A.shape)
                self.Pp[:] = np.nan
                self.K = np.empty((self.A.shape[0], self.R.shape[0]))
                self.K[:] = np.nan
                self.Kf = np.array(self.K)
                self.Kv = np.array(self.K)
                self.innovCov = np.empty(self.R.shape)
                self.innovCov[:] = np.nan
                self.A_KC = np.empty(self.A.shape)
                self.A_KC[:] = np.nan

            self.P2 = self.XCov - self.Pp  # (should give the solvric solution) Proof: Katayama Theorem 5.3 and A.3 in pvo book
        elif self.K is not None:  # Given K
            self.XCov = None
            self.G = None
            self.YCov = None

            self.Pp = None
            self.Kf = None
            self.Kv = None
            self.A_KC = self.A - self.K @ self.C
            self.P2 = None
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_invariant_distribution(self, transition_matrix, noise_covariance):
        A = transition_matrix - np.eye(transition_matrix.shape[0])
        B = np.zeros(transition_matrix.shape[0], dtype='float')

        print("get invariant distribution")

        s_0 = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
        p_0 = scipy.solve_discrete_lyapunov(transition_matrix,

        return NormalVectorDistribution(s_0, np.matrix(p_0, dtype=float))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _terminalObj(self):
        # estado terminal
        XN = self.X_pred[-1]  # terminal state
        XdN = XN[self.nxs:self.nxs+self.nxd]
        Vt = 0
        # Adição do custo terminal
        # Q terminal
        Q_lyap = [email protected]@[email protected]@self.sys.F
        Q_bar = solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.sys.F, Q_lyap, method='bilinear')
        Vt = csd.dot(XdN**2, csd.diag(Q_bar))
        self.Q_bar = Q_bar
        return Vt
def test_global_stationary():
    # Test for global approximate diffuse initialization

    # - 1-dimensional -
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(1, 0, 0), trend='c')

    # no intercept
    intercept = 0
    phi = 0.5
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0], np.diag([0]),
                         np.eye(1) * sigma2 / (1 - phi**2))

    # intercept
    intercept = 1.2
    phi = 0.5
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    check_initialization(mod, init, [intercept / (1 - phi)], np.diag([0]),
                         np.eye(1) * sigma2 / (1 - phi**2))

    # - n-dimensional -
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(2, 0, 0), trend='c')

    # no intercept
    intercept = 0
    phi = [0.5, -0.2]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    T = np.array([[0.5, 1],
                  [-0.2, 0]])
    Q = np.diag([sigma2, 0])
    desired_cov = solve_discrete_lyapunov(T, Q)
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0], np.diag([0, 0]), desired_cov)

    # intercept
    intercept = 1.2
    phi = [0.5, -0.2]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    desired_intercept = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(2) - T).dot([intercept, 0])
    check_initialization(mod, init, desired_intercept, np.diag([0, 0]),
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_univariate(self):
        # Real case
        a = np.array([[0.5]])
        q = np.array([[10.]])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a complex
        # function)
        a = np.array([[0.5+1j]])
        q = np.array([[10.]])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a real
        # function)
        a = np.array([[0.5+1j]])
        q = np.array([[10.]])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, complex_step=True)
        desired = self.solve_dicrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q, complex_step=True)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_univariate(self):
        # Real case
        a = np.array([[0.5]])
        q = np.array([[10.]])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a complex
        # function)
        a = np.array([[0.5 + 1j]])
        q = np.array([[10.]])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a real
        # function)
        a = np.array([[0.5 + 1j]])
        q = np.array([[10.]])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, complex_step=True)
        desired = self.solve_dicrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q, complex_step=True)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)
def test_global_stationary():
    # Test for global approximate diffuse initialization

    # - 1-dimensional -
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(1, 0, 0), trend='c')

    # no intercept
    intercept = 0
    phi = 0.5
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0], np.diag([0]),
                         np.eye(1) * sigma2 / (1 - phi**2))

    # intercept
    intercept = 1.2
    phi = 0.5
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    check_initialization(mod, init, [intercept / (1 - phi)], np.diag([0]),
                         np.eye(1) * sigma2 / (1 - phi**2))

    # - n-dimensional -
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(2, 0, 0), trend='c')

    # no intercept
    intercept = 0
    phi = [0.5, -0.2]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    T = np.array([[0.5, 1], [-0.2, 0]])
    Q = np.diag([sigma2, 0])
    desired_cov = solve_discrete_lyapunov(T, Q)
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0], np.diag([0, 0]), desired_cov)

    # intercept
    intercept = 1.2
    phi = [0.5, -0.2]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[intercept, phi, sigma2])
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    desired_intercept = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(2) - T).dot([intercept, 0])
    check_initialization(mod, init, desired_intercept, np.diag([0, 0]),
Exemplo n.º 24
	def is_controllable(self):
		"""Tests if the disc object is controllable.
			bool: Boolean, true if the disc configuration is controllable
			ndarray: Controllability gramiam from discrete Lyapunov equation
		if (self.ready()):
			if (self.B is not None):
				q = np.matmul(self.B,self.B.conj().T)
				x_c = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.A.conj().T,q)
				controllable = (linalg.eigvals(x_c)>0).sum() == np.shape(self.A)[0]
				return [controllable,x_c]
				print("Please set B.")
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_p_init_lyapunov(self, Q):

    pmat = self.precalc_mat[0]
    qmat = self.precalc_mat[1]

    F = np.vstack(
        (pmat[1, 0][:, :-self.neps], qmat[1, 0][:-self.neps, :-self.neps]))

    E = np.vstack((pmat[1, 0][:, -self.neps:], qmat[1, 0][:-self.neps,
    Q = E @ Q @ E.T

    p4 = sl.solve_discrete_lyapunov(F[self.dimp:, :], Q[self.dimp:,

    return F @ p4 @ F.T + Q
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, Y, A0, A1, U0, U1, Q, Phi, initV='unconditional', X0 = None, V0 = None, statevar_names = None):
     self.Y, self.A0, self.A1, self.U0, self.U1, self.Q, self.Phi, self.initV, self.X0, self.V0, self.statevar_names = Y, A0, A1, U0, U1, \
                                                                                                  Q, Phi, initV, X0, V0, statevar_names
     n = self.U0.size
     if self.X0 is None: # initialize X0 at unconditional mean
         self.X0 = np.mat(np.linalg.inv(np.identity(n) - self.U1)*self.U0)
     if self.V0 is None:
         if initV == 'steady_state':  # solve discrete Ricatti equation
             self.V0 = np.mat(solve_discrete_are(np.array(self.U1.T), np.array(self.A1.T), np.array(self.Q), np.array(self.Phi.T)))
         elif initV == 'unconditional':  # solve discrete Lyapunov equation
             self.V0 = np.mat(solve_discrete_lyapunov(np.array(self.U1.T), np.array(self.Q)))
         elif initV == 'identity':
             self.V0 = np.mat(np.identity(n))
     if statevar_names is None:
         self.statevar_names = np.arange(len(self.X0))
     Kalman.kalmanCount += 1
Exemplo n.º 27
    def controllability_gramian(self):
        """Controllability gramian matrix."""

        from scipy import linalg

        B = self.B.evaluate()
        Q = -B @ B.T

        # Find Wc given A @ Wc + Wc @ A.T = Q
        # Wc > o if (A, B) controllable
        Wc = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.A.evaluate(), Q)

        # Wc should be symmetric positive semi-definite
        Wc = (Wc + Wc.T) / 2

        return Matrix(Wc)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def observability_gramian(self):
        """Observability gramian matrix."""

        from scipy import linalg

        C = self.C.evaluate()
        Q = -C.T @ C

        # Find Wo given A.T @ Wo + Wo @ A = Q
        # Wo > o if (C, A) observable
        Wo = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.A.evaluate().T, Q)

        # Wo should be symmetric positive semi-definite
        Wo = (Wo + Wo.T) / 2

        return Matrix(Wo)
Exemplo n.º 29
def initial_state(TT, RR, C, QQ):
    Compute the initial state x_0 and state covariance matrix P_0

    Ns = TT.shape[0]
    e = np.linalg.eigvals(TT)

    if all(np.abs(e) < 1.0):
        x_0 = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(Ns) - TT) @ C
        P_0 = solve_discrete_lyapunov(TT, RR @ QQ @ RR.T)
        x_0 = C
        P_0 = 1e+6 * np.eye(Ns)

    return x_0, P_0
Exemplo n.º 30
	def is_observable(self):
		"""Tests if the disc object is observable.
			bool: Boolean, true if the disc configuration is observable
			ndarray: Observability gramiam from discrete Lyapunov equation
		if (self.ready()):
			if (self.C is not None):
				q = np.matmul(self.C.conj().T,self.C)
				y_o = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.A,q)
				y_o = y_o.conj().T
				observable = (linalg.eigvals(y_o)>0).sum() == np.shape(self.A)[0]
				return [observable,y_o]
				print("Please set C.")
def cost_inf_K(A,B,Q,R,K):
      State transition matrices (A,B)
      LQR Costs (Q,R)
      Control Gain K
      cost: Infinite time horizon LQR cost of static gain K
  cl_map = A+B.dot(K)
  if np.amax(np.abs(LA.eigvals(cl_map)))<(1.0-1.0e-6):
    cost = np.trace(LA.solve_discrete_lyapunov(cl_map.T,Q+np.dot(K.T,R.dot(K))))
    cost = float("inf")

  return cost
Exemplo n.º 32
    def evaluate_F(self, F):
        Given a fixed policy F, with the interpretation u = -F x, this
        function computes the matrix P_F and constant d_F associated with
        discounted cost J_F(x) = x' P_F x + d_F. 

        F : array_like
            A self.k x self.n array

        P_F : array_like, dtype = float
            Matrix for discounted cost

        d_F : scalar
            Constant for discounted cost

        K_F : array_like, dtype = float
            Worst case policy
        O_F : array_like, dtype = float
            Matrix for discounted entropy
        o_F : scalar
            Constant for discounted entropy

        # == Simplify names == #
        Q, R, A, B, C = self.Q, self.R, self.A, self.B, self.C
        beta, theta = self.beta, self.theta
        # == Solve for policies and costs using agent 2's problem == #
        K_F, neg_P_F = self.F_to_K(F)
        P_F = - neg_P_F
        I = np.identity(self.j)
        H = inv(I - C.T.dot(P_F.dot(C)) / theta)
        d_F = log(det(H))
        # == Compute O_F and o_F == #
        sig = -1.0 / theta
        AO = sqrt(beta) * (A - dot(B, F) + dot(C, K_F))
        O_F = solve_discrete_lyapunov(AO.T, beta * dot(K_F.T, K_F))
        ho = (trace(H - 1) - d_F) / 2.0
        tr = trace(dot(O_F, C.dot(H.dot(C.T))))
        o_F = (ho + beta * tr) / (1 - beta)
        return K_F, P_F, d_F, O_F, o_F
Exemplo n.º 33
    def evaluate_F(self, F):
        Given a fixed policy F, with the interpretation u = -F x, this
        function computes the matrix P_F and constant d_F associated with
        discounted cost J_F(x) = x' P_F x + d_F. 

        F : array_like
            A self.k x self.n array

        P_F : array_like, dtype = float
            Matrix for discounted cost

        d_F : scalar
            Constant for discounted cost

        K_F : array_like, dtype = float
            Worst case policy
        O_F : array_like, dtype = float
            Matrix for discounted entropy
        o_F : scalar
            Constant for discounted entropy

        # == Simplify names == #
        Q, R, A, B, C = self.Q, self.R, self.A, self.B, self.C
        beta, theta = self.beta, self.theta
        # == Solve for policies and costs using agent 2's problem == #
        K_F, neg_P_F = self.F_to_K(F)
        P_F = -neg_P_F
        I = np.identity(self.j)
        H = inv(I - C.T.dot(P_F.dot(C)) / theta)
        d_F = log(det(H))
        # == Compute O_F and o_F == #
        sig = -1.0 / theta
        AO = sqrt(beta) * (A - dot(B, F) + dot(C, K_F))
        O_F = solve_discrete_lyapunov(AO.T, beta * dot(K_F.T, K_F))
        ho = (trace(H - 1) - d_F) / 2.0
        tr = trace(dot(O_F, C.dot(H.dot(C.T))))
        o_F = (ho + beta * tr) / (1 - beta)
        return K_F, P_F, d_F, O_F, o_F
Exemplo n.º 34
    def riccati(self):
        # if (1-self.epsilon) <= np.linalg.eigh(self.K_xx)[0][-1] <= 1 + self.epsilon:
        #     self.v_x = np.linalg.eigh(self.K_xx)[1][-1]

        self.v_x = np.linalg.eigh(self.K_xx)[1][-1]  # just setting the value of v_x to the largest evals evect
        # else:
        #     raise  # Something bad
        self.chi_bar = np.vstack(self.x_whitened).mean(0)  # are these suppose to uphold K_xx.T(chi_bar) = chi_bar
        self.gamma_bar = np.vstack(self.y_whitened).mean(0)  # and K_xy.T(chi_bar) = gamma_bar

        self.chi_bar = np.insert(self.chi_bar, len(self.chi_bar), 1)  # Adding the final element to chi and gamma bar to match shape with Kxx and Kxy
        self.gamma_bar = np.insert(self.gamma_bar, len(self.gamma_bar), 1)

        self.A = self.K_xx - np.outer(self.v_x, self.chi_bar)
        self.B = self.K_xy - np.outer(self.v_x, self.gamma_bar)
        Q = np.dot(self.B, self.B.T)
        self.O = solve_discrete_lyapunov(self.A,Q)
        return self.O
Exemplo n.º 35
def controllability_gramian_discrete(mat_a, mat_b):
    Calculates the controllabilty gramian of a discrete time LTI system.
    mat_a : ndarray
        The state matrix.
    mat_b : ndarray
        The input matrix.
    mat_wc : ndarray
        The controllability gramian.
    mat_q = mat_b @ mat_b.T
    mat_wc = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(mat_a, mat_q)
    return mat_wc
Exemplo n.º 36
def observability_gramian_discrete(mat_a, mat_c):
    Calculates the observability gramian of a discrete time LTI system.
    mat_a : ndarray
        The state matrix.
    mat_c : ndarray
        The output matrix.
    mat_wo : ndarray
        The observability gramian.
    mat_q = mat_c.T @ mat_c
    mat_wo = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(mat_a.T, mat_q)
    return mat_wo
def test_nested():
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(6, 0, 0))
    phi = [0.5, -0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[phi, sigma2])

    # Create the initialization object as a series of nested objects
    init1_1 = Initialization(3)
    init1_1_1 = Initialization(2, 'stationary')
    init1_1_2 = Initialization(1, 'approximate_diffuse',
    init1_1.set((0, 2), init1_1_1)
    init1_1.set(2, init1_1_2)

    init1_2 = Initialization(3)
    init1_2_1 = Initialization(1, 'known', constant=[1], stationary_cov=[[2.]])
    init1_2.set(0, init1_2_1)
    init1_2_2 = Initialization(1, 'diffuse')
    init1_2.set(1, init1_2_2)
    init1_2_3 = Initialization(1, 'approximate_diffuse')
    init1_2.set(2, init1_2_3)

    init = Initialization(6)
    init.set((0, 3), init1_1)
    init.set((3, 6), init1_2)

    # Check the output
    desired_cov = np.zeros((6, 6))
    T = np.array([[0.5, 1],
                  [-0.2, 0]])
    Q = np.array([[sigma2, 0],
                  [0, 0]])
    desired_cov[:2, :2] = solve_discrete_lyapunov(T, Q)
    desired_cov[2, 2] = 1e9
    desired_cov[3, 3] = 2.
    desired_cov[5, 5] = 1e6
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                         np.diag([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]),
Exemplo n.º 38
 def _trainVARMA(self, data):
   Train correlated ARMA model on white noise ARMA, with Fourier already removed
   @ In, data, np.array(np.array(float)), data on which to train with shape (# pivot values, # targets)
   @ Out, results, statsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARMAResults, fitted VARMA
   @ Out, stateDist, Distributions.MultivariateNormal, MVN from which VARMA noise is taken
   @ Out, initDist, Distributions.MultivariateNormal, MVN from which VARMA initial state is taken
     Pmax = self.Pmax
     Qmax = self.Qmax
     model = sm.tsa.VARMAX(endog=data, order=(Pmax, Qmax))
     self.raiseADebug('... fitting VARMA ...')
     results = model.fit(disp=False, maxiter=1000)
     lenHist, numVars = data.shape
     # train multivariate normal distributions using covariances, keep it around so we can control the RNG
     ## it appears "measurement" always has 0 covariance, and so is all zeros (see _generateVARMASignal)
     ## all the noise comes from the stateful properties
     stateDist = self._trainMultivariateNormal(
         numVars, np.zeros(numVars), model.ssm['state_cov'.encode('ascii')])
     # train initial state sampler
     ## Used to pick an initial state for the VARMA by sampling from the multivariate normal noise
     #    and using the AR and MA initial conditions.  Implemented so we can control the RNG internally.
     #    Implementation taken directly from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.kalman_filter.KalmanFilter.simulate
     ## get mean
     smoother = model.ssm
     mean = np.linalg.solve(
         np.eye(smoother.k_states) -
         smoother['transition'.encode('ascii'), :, :, 0],
         smoother['state_intercept'.encode('ascii'), :, 0])
     ## get covariance
     r = smoother['selection'.encode('ascii'), :, :, 0]
     q = smoother['state_cov'.encode('ascii'), :, :, 0]
     selCov = r.dot(q).dot(r.T)
     cov = solve_discrete_lyapunov(
         smoother['transition'.encode('ascii'), :, :, 0], selCov)
     # FIXME it appears this is always resulting in a lowest-value initial state.  Why?
     initDist = self._trainMultivariateNormal(len(mean), mean, cov)
     # NOTE: uncomment this line to get a printed summary of a lot of information about the fitting.
     #self.raiseADebug('VARMA model training summary:\n',results.summary())
     return model, stateDist, initDist
def test_nested():
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(6, 0, 0))
    phi = [0.5, -0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[phi, sigma2])

    # Create the initialization object as a series of nested objects
    init1_1 = Initialization(3)
    init1_1_1 = Initialization(2, 'stationary')
    init1_1_2 = Initialization(1,
    init1_1.set((0, 2), init1_1_1)
    init1_1.set(2, init1_1_2)

    init1_2 = Initialization(3)
    init1_2_1 = Initialization(1, 'known', constant=[1], stationary_cov=[[2.]])
    init1_2.set(0, init1_2_1)
    init1_2_2 = Initialization(1, 'diffuse')
    init1_2.set(1, init1_2_2)
    init1_2_3 = Initialization(1, 'approximate_diffuse')
    init1_2.set(2, init1_2_3)

    init = Initialization(6)
    init.set((0, 3), init1_1)
    init.set((3, 6), init1_2)

    # Check the output
    desired_cov = np.zeros((6, 6))
    T = np.array([[0.5, 1], [-0.2, 0]])
    Q = np.array([[sigma2, 0], [0, 0]])
    desired_cov[:2, :2] = solve_discrete_lyapunov(T, Q)
    desired_cov[2, 2] = 1e9
    desired_cov[3, 3] = 2.
    desired_cov[5, 5] = 1e6
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                         np.diag([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]), desired_cov)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_multivariate(self):
        # Real case
        a = tools.companion_matrix([1, -0.4, 0.5])
        q = np.diag([10., 5.])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a complex
        # function)
        a = tools.companion_matrix([1, -0.4 + 0.1j, 0.5])
        q = np.diag([10., 5.])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, complex_step=False)
        desired = self.solve_dicrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q, complex_step=False)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a real
        # function)
        a = tools.companion_matrix([1, -0.4 + 0.1j, 0.5])
        q = np.diag([10., 5.])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, complex_step=True)
        desired = self.solve_dicrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q, complex_step=True)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_multivariate(self):
        # Real case
        a = tools.companion_matrix([1, -0.4, 0.5])
        q = np.diag([10., 5.])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        desired = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a complex
        # function)
        a = tools.companion_matrix([1, -0.4+0.1j, 0.5])
        q = np.diag([10., 5.])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, complex_step=False)
        desired = self.solve_dicrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q, complex_step=False)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)

        # Complex case (where the Lyapunov equation is taken as a real
        # function)
        a = tools.companion_matrix([1, -0.4+0.1j, 0.5])
        q = np.diag([10., 5.])
        actual = tools.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, complex_step=True)
        desired = self.solve_dicrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q, complex_step=True)
        assert_allclose(actual, desired)
Exemplo n.º 42
def computeG(A0, A1, d, Q0, tau0, beta, mu):
    Compute government income given mu and return tax revenues and
    policy matrixes for the planner.  

    A0 : float
        A constant parameter for the inverse demand function
    A1 : float
        A constant parameter for the inverse demand function
    d : float
        A constant parameter for quadratic adjustment cost of production
    Q0 : float
        An initial condition for production
    tau0 : float
        An initial condition for taxes
    beta : float
        A constant parameter for discounting
    mu : float
        Lagrange multiplier

    T0 : array(float)
        Present discounted value of government spending
    A : array(float)
        One of the transition matrices for the states
    B : array(float)
        Another transition matrix for the states
    F : array(float)
        Policy rule matrix
    P : array(float)
        Value function matrix
    # Create Matrices for solving Ramsey problem
    R = np.array([[0, -A0/2, 0, 0],
                 [-A0/2, A1/2, -mu/2, 0],
                 [0, -mu/2, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, d/2]])

    A = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 1, 0, 1],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [-A0/d, A1/d, 0, A1/d+1/beta]])

    B = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1/d]).reshape(-1, 1)

    Q = 0

    # Use LQ to solve the Ramsey Problem.
    lq = LQ(Q, -R, A, B, beta=beta)
    P, F, d = lq.stationary_values()

    # Need y_0 to compute government tax revenue.
    P21 = P[3, :3]
    P22 = P[3, 3]
    z0 = np.array([1, Q0, tau0]).reshape(-1, 1)
    u0 = -P22**(-1) * P21.dot(z0)
    y0 = np.vstack([z0, u0])

    # Define A_F and S matricies
    AF = A - B.dot(F)
    S = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1).dot(np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0]]))

    # Solves equation (25)
    temp = beta * AF.T.dot(S).dot(AF)
    Omega = solve_discrete_lyapunov(np.sqrt(beta) * AF.T, temp)
    T0 = y0.T.dot(Omega).dot(y0)

    return T0, A, B, F, P
Exemplo n.º 43
Cit = convert_arb_mat(Ct)
Dit = convert_arb_mat(Dt)

# version numpy.mat+arb
Anit = arb(1)*At
Bnit = arb(1)*Bt
Cnit = arb(1)*Ct
Dnit = arb(1)*Dt

# Résolution de l'Equation de Lyapunov: W = A W At + B Bt

# References
Wscipy = solve_discrete_lyapunov( A, B*Bt)
#ref = A*Wscipy*At + B*Bt
#print( "\"Précision\" résolution scipy: " + str(np.amax( Wscipy - ref)) )

Wschur = dlyap_schur( A, B*Bt)
#ref = A*Wschur*At + B*Bt
#print( "Précision résolution schur: " + str(np.amax( Wschur - ref)) )

Wslycot = dlyap_slycot( A, B*Bt)
#ref = A*Wslycot*At + B*Bt
#print( "\"Précision\" résolution slycot: " + str(np.amax( Wslycot - ref)) )

# Méthodes "maison"
Wnaiv = lyap_naiv(A, B*Bt)
#ref = A*Wnaiv*At + B*Bt
Exemplo n.º 44
 def check_discrete_case(self, a, q):
     x = solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
     assert_array_almost_equal(np.dot(np.dot(a, x),a.conj().transpose()) - x, -1.0*q)
Exemplo n.º 45
def _compute_multivariate_acovf_from_coefficients(
        coefficients, error_variance, maxlag=None,
    Compute multivariate autocovariances from vector autoregression coefficient

    coefficients : array or list
        The coefficients matrices. If a list, should be a list of length
        `order`, where each element is an array sized `k_endog` x `k_endog`. If
        an array, should be the coefficient matrices horizontally concatenated
        and sized `k_endog` x `k_endog * order`.
    error_variance : array
        The variance / covariance matrix of the error term. Should be sized
        `k_endog` x `k_endog`.
    maxlag : integer, optional
        The maximum autocovariance to compute. Default is `order`-1. Can be
        zero, in which case it returns the variance.
    forward_autocovariances : boolean, optional
        Whether or not to compute forward autocovariances
        :math:`E(y_t y_{t+j}')`. Default is False, so that backward
        autocovariances :math:`E(y_t y_{t-j}')` are returned.

    autocovariances : list
        A list of the first `maxlag` autocovariance matrices. Each matrix is
        shaped `k_endog` x `k_endog`.



        \Gamma(j) = E(y_t y_{t-j}')

    for j = 1, ..., `maxlag`, unless `forward_autocovariances` is specified,
    in which case it computes:


        E(y_t y_{t+j}') = \Gamma(j)'

    Coefficients are assumed to be provided from the VAR model:

    .. math::
        y_t = A_1 y_{t-1} + \dots + A_p y_{t-p} + \varepsilon_t

    Autocovariances are calculated by solving the associated discrete Lyapunov
    equation of the state space representation of the VAR process.

    from scipy import linalg

    # Convert coefficients to a list of matrices, for use in
    # `companion_matrix`; get dimensions
    if type(coefficients) == list:
        order = len(coefficients)
        k_endog = coefficients[0].shape[0]
        k_endog, order = coefficients.shape
        order //= k_endog

        coefficients = [
            coefficients[:k_endog, i*k_endog:(i+1)*k_endog]
            for i in range(order)

    if maxlag is None:
        maxlag = order-1

    # Start with VAR(p): w_{t+1} = phi_1 w_t + ... + phi_p w_{t-p+1} + u_{t+1}
    # Then stack the VAR(p) into a VAR(1) in companion matrix form:
    # z_{t+1} = F z_t + v_t
    companion = companion_matrix(
        [1] + [-coefficients[i] for i in range(order)]

    # Compute the error variance matrix for the stacked form: E v_t v_t'
    selected_variance = np.zeros(companion.shape)
    selected_variance[:k_endog, :k_endog] = error_variance

    # Compute the unconditional variance of z_t: E z_t z_t'
    stacked_cov = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(companion, selected_variance)

    # The first (block) row of the variance of z_t gives the first p-1
    # autocovariances of w_t: \Gamma_i = E w_t w_t+i with \Gamma_0 = Var(w_t)
    # Note: these are okay, checked against ArmaProcess
    autocovariances = [
        stacked_cov[:k_endog, i*k_endog:(i+1)*k_endog]
        for i in range(min(order, maxlag+1))

    for i in range(maxlag - (order-1)):
        stacked_cov = np.dot(companion, stacked_cov)
        autocovariances += [
            stacked_cov[:k_endog, -k_endog:]

    if forward_autocovariances:
        for i in range(len(autocovariances)):
            autocovariances[i] = autocovariances[i].T

    return autocovariances
Exemplo n.º 46
def kalman_filter(model, return_loglike=False):
    # Parameters
    dtype = model.dtype

    # Kalman filter properties
    filter_method = model.filter_method
    inversion_method = model.inversion_method
    stability_method = model.stability_method
    conserve_memory = model.conserve_memory
    tolerance = model.tolerance
    loglikelihood_burn = model.loglikelihood_burn

    # Check for acceptable values
    if not filter_method == FILTER_CONVENTIONAL:
        warn('The pure Python version of the kalman filter only supports the'
             ' conventional Kalman filter')
    if not inversion_method & implemented_inv_methods:
        warn('The pure Python version of the kalman filter only performs'
             ' inversion using `numpy.linalg.inv`.')
    if not tolerance == 0:
        warn('The pure Python version of the kalman filter does not check'
             ' for convergence.')

    # Convergence (this implementation does not consider convergence)
    converged = False
    period_converged = 0

    # Dimensions
    nobs = model.nobs
    k_endog = model.k_endog
    k_states = model.k_states
    k_posdef = model.k_posdef

    # Allocate memory for variables
    filtered_state = np.zeros((k_states, nobs), dtype=dtype)
    filtered_state_cov = np.zeros((k_states, k_states, nobs), dtype=dtype)
    predicted_state = np.zeros((k_states, nobs+1), dtype=dtype)
    predicted_state_cov = np.zeros((k_states, k_states, nobs+1), dtype=dtype)
    forecast = np.zeros((k_endog, nobs), dtype=dtype)
    forecast_error = np.zeros((k_endog, nobs), dtype=dtype)
    forecast_error_cov = np.zeros((k_endog, k_endog, nobs), dtype=dtype)
    loglikelihood = np.zeros((nobs+1,), dtype=dtype)

    # Selected state covariance matrix
    selected_state_cov = (
            np.dot(model.selection[:, :, 0],
                   model.state_cov[:, :, 0]),
            model.selection[:, :, 0].T

    # Initial values
    if model.initialization == 'known':
        initial_state = model._initial_state.astype(dtype)
        initial_state_cov = model._initial_state_cov.astype(dtype)
    elif model.initialization == 'approximate_diffuse':
        initial_state = np.zeros((k_states,), dtype=dtype)
        initial_state_cov = (
            np.eye(k_states).astype(dtype) * model._initial_variance
    elif model.initialization == 'stationary':
        initial_state = np.zeros((k_states,), dtype=dtype)
        initial_state_cov = solve_discrete_lyapunov(
            np.array(model.transition[:, :, 0], dtype=dtype),
            np.array(selected_state_cov[:, :], dtype=dtype),
        raise RuntimeError('Statespace model not initialized.')

    # Copy initial values to predicted
    predicted_state[:, 0] = initial_state
    predicted_state_cov[:, :, 0] = initial_state_cov
    # print(predicted_state_cov[:, :, 0])

    # Setup indices for possibly time-varying matrices
    design_t = 0
    obs_intercept_t = 0
    obs_cov_t = 0
    transition_t = 0
    state_intercept_t = 0
    selection_t = 0
    state_cov_t = 0

    # Iterate forwards
    time_invariant = model.time_invariant
    for t in range(nobs):
        # Get indices for possibly time-varying arrays
        if not time_invariant:
            if model.design.shape[2] > 1:             design_t = t
            if model.obs_intercept.shape[1] > 1:      obs_intercept_t = t
            if model.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1:            obs_cov_t = t
            if model.transition.shape[2] > 1:         transition_t = t
            if model.state_intercept.shape[1] > 1:    state_intercept_t = t
            if model.selection.shape[2] > 1:          selection_t = t
            if model.state_cov.shape[2] > 1:          state_cov_t = t

        # Selected state covariance matrix
        if model.selection.shape[2] > 1 or model.state_cov.shape[2] > 1:
            selected_state_cov = (
                    np.dot(model.selection[:, :, selection_t],
                           model.state_cov[:, :, state_cov_t]),
                    model.selection[:, :, selection_t].T

        # #### Forecast for time t
        # `forecast` $= Z_t a_t + d_t$
        # *Note*: $a_t$ is given from the initialization (for $t = 0$) or
        # from the previous iteration of the filter (for $t > 0$).
        forecast[:, t] = (
            np.dot(model.design[:, :, design_t], predicted_state[:, t]) +
            model.obs_intercept[:, obs_intercept_t]

        # *Intermediate calculation* (used just below and then once more)  
        # `tmp1` array used here, dimension $(m \times p)$  
        # $\\#_1 = P_t Z_t'$  
        # $(m \times p) = (m \times m) (p \times m)'$
        tmp1 = np.dot(predicted_state_cov[:, :, t],
                      model.design[:, :, design_t].T)

        # #### Forecast error for time t
        # `forecast_error` $\equiv v_t = y_t -$ `forecast`
        forecast_error[:, t] = model.obs[:, t] - forecast[:, t]

        # #### Forecast error covariance matrix for time t
        # $F_t \equiv Z_t P_t Z_t' + H_t$
        forecast_error_cov[:, :, t] = (
            np.dot(model.design[:, :, design_t], tmp1) +
            model.obs_cov[:, :, obs_cov_t]
        # Store the inverse
        if k_endog == 1 and inversion_method & INVERT_UNIVARIATE:
            forecast_error_cov_inv = 1.0 / forecast_error_cov[0, 0, t]
            determinant = forecast_error_cov[0, 0, t]
            tmp2 = forecast_error_cov_inv * forecast_error[:, t]
            tmp3 = forecast_error_cov_inv * model.design[:, :, design_t]
        elif inversion_method & SOLVE_CHOLESKY:
            U, info = lapack.dpotrf(forecast_error_cov[:, :, t])
            determinant = np.product(U.diagonal())**2
            tmp2, info = lapack.dpotrs(U, forecast_error[:, t])
            tmp3, info = lapack.dpotrs(U, model.design[:, :, design_t])
            forecast_error_cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(forecast_error_cov[:, :, t])
            determinant = np.linalg.det(forecast_error_cov[:, :, t])
            tmp2 = np.dot(forecast_error_cov_inv, forecast_error[:, t])
            tmp3 = np.dot(forecast_error_cov_inv, model.design[:, :, design_t])

        # #### Filtered state for time t
        # $a_{t|t} = a_t + P_t Z_t' F_t^{-1} v_t$  
        # $a_{t|t} = 1.0 * \\#_1 \\#_2 + 1.0 a_t$
        filtered_state[:, t] = (
            predicted_state[:, t] + np.dot(tmp1, tmp2)

        # #### Filtered state covariance for time t
        # $P_{t|t} = P_t - P_t Z_t' F_t^{-1} Z_t P_t$  
        # $P_{t|t} = P_t - \\#_1 \\#_3 P_t$  
        filtered_state_cov[:, :, t] = (
            predicted_state_cov[:, :, t] -
                np.dot(tmp1, tmp3),
                predicted_state_cov[:, :, t]

        # #### Loglikelihood
        loglikelihood[t] = -0.5 * (
            np.log((2*np.pi)**k_endog * determinant) +
            np.dot(forecast_error[:, t], tmp2)

        # #### Predicted state for time t+1
        # $a_{t+1} = T_t a_{t|t} + c_t$
        predicted_state[:, t+1] = (
            np.dot(model.transition[:, :, transition_t],
                   filtered_state[:, t]) +
            model.state_intercept[:, state_intercept_t]

        # #### Predicted state covariance matrix for time t+1
        # $P_{t+1} = T_t P_{t|t} T_t' + Q_t^*$
        predicted_state_cov[:, :, t+1] = (
                np.dot(model.transition[:, :, transition_t],
                       filtered_state_cov[:, :, t]),
                model.transition[:, :, transition_t].T
            ) + selected_state_cov

        # Enforce symmetry of predicted covariance matrix
        predicted_state_cov[:, :, t+1] = (
            predicted_state_cov[:, :, t+1] + predicted_state_cov[:, :, t+1].T
        ) / 2

    if return_loglike:
            return np.array(loglikelihood)
        kwargs = dict(
            (k, v) for k, v in locals().items()
            if k in _kalman_filter._fields
        kwargs['model'] = _statespace(
            initial_state=initial_state, initial_state_cov=initial_state_cov
        kfilter = _kalman_filter(**kwargs)
        return FilterResults(model, kfilter)
def test_mixed_stationary():
    # More specific tests when one or more blocks are initialized as stationary
    endog = np.zeros(10)
    mod = sarimax.SARIMAX(endog, order=(2, 1, 0))
    phi = [0.5, -0.2]
    sigma2 = 2.
    mod.update(np.r_[phi, sigma2])

    init = Initialization(mod.k_states)
    init.set(0, 'diffuse')
    init.set((1, 3), 'stationary')
    desired_cov = np.zeros((3, 3))
    T = np.array([[0.5, 1],
                  [-0.2, 0]])
    Q = np.diag([sigma2, 0])
    desired_cov[1:, 1:] = solve_discrete_lyapunov(T, Q)
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0, 0], np.diag([1, 0, 0]), desired_cov)

    init.set(0, 'diffuse')
    init.set(1, 'stationary')
    init.set(2, 'approximate_diffuse')
    T = np.array([[0.5]])
    Q = np.diag([sigma2])
    desired_cov = np.diag([0, np.squeeze(solve_discrete_lyapunov(T, Q)), 1e6])
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0, 0], np.diag([1, 0, 0]), desired_cov)

    init.set(0, 'diffuse')
    init.set(1, 'stationary')
    init.set(2, 'stationary')
    desired_cov[2, 2] = 0
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0, 0], np.diag([1, 0, 0]), desired_cov)

    # Test with a VAR model
    endog = np.zeros((10, 2))
    mod = varmax.VARMAX(endog, order=(1, 0), )
    intercept = [1.5, -0.1]
    transition = np.array([[0.5, -0.2],
                           [0.1, 0.8]])
    cov = np.array([[1.2, -0.4],
                    [-0.4, 0.4]])
    tril = np.tril_indices(2)
    params = np.r_[intercept, transition.ravel(),

    # > stationary, global
    init = Initialization(mod.k_states, 'stationary')
    desired_intercept = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(2) - transition, intercept)
    desired_cov = solve_discrete_lyapunov(transition, cov)
    check_initialization(mod, init, desired_intercept, np.diag([0, 0]),

    # > diffuse, global
    init.set(None, 'diffuse')
    check_initialization(mod, init, [0, 0], np.eye(2), np.diag([0, 0]))

    # > stationary, individually
    init.set(0, 'stationary')
    init.set(1, 'stationary')
    a, Pinf, Pstar = init(model=mod)
    desired_intercept = [intercept[0] / (1 - transition[0, 0]),
                         intercept[1] / (1 - transition[1, 1])]
    desired_cov = np.diag([cov[0, 0] / (1 - transition[0, 0]**2),
                           cov[1, 1] / (1 - transition[1, 1]**2)])
    check_initialization(mod, init, desired_intercept, np.diag([0, 0]),