Exemplo n.º 1
def __sliding_window_fast(array: np.ndarray,
                          window_size: int,
                          mode: str = "attack") -> np.ndarray:
    if mode == "attack":
        window_size = make_odd(window_size)
        return maximum_filter1d(array, size=(2 * window_size - 1))
    half_window_size = (window_size - 1) // 2
    array = np.pad(array, (half_window_size, 0))
    return maximum_filter1d(array, size=window_size)[:-half_window_size]
Exemplo n.º 2
def prominent_peaks(image, min_xdistance, min_ydistance, threshold=None):
    img = image.copy()
    rows, cols = img.shape
    if threshold is None:
        threshold = 0.5 * np.max(img)
    yc_size = 2 * min_ydistance + 1
    xc_size = 2 * min_xdistance + 1
    img_max = maximum_filter1d(img,
    img_max = maximum_filter1d(img_max,
    mask = (img == img_max)
    img *= mask
    img_t = img > threshold

    label_img = measure.label(img_t)
    props = measure.regionprops(label_img, img_max)
    props = sorted(props, key=lambda x: x.max_intensity)[::-1]
    coords = np.array([np.round(p.centroid) for p in props], dtype=int)
    yc_peaks = []
    xc_peaks = []

    yc_ext, xc_ext = np.mgrid[-min_ydistance:min_ydistance + 1,
                              -min_xdistance:min_xdistance + 1]
    for yc_idx, xc_idx in coords:
        accum = img_max[yc_idx, xc_idx]
        if accum > threshold:
            yc_nh = yc_idx + yc_ext
            xc_nh = xc_idx + xc_ext

            yc_in = np.logical_and(yc_nh > 0, yc_nh < rows)
            yc_nh = yc_nh[yc_in]
            xc_nh = xc_nh[yc_in]

            xc_low = xc_nh < 0
            yc_nh[xc_low] = rows - yc_nh[xc_low]
            xc_nh[xc_low] += cols
            xc_high = xc_nh >= cols
            yc_nh[xc_high] = rows - yc_nh[xc_high]
            xc_nh[xc_high] -= cols

            img_max[yc_nh, xc_nh] = 0

    return np.transpose(np.vstack(
        (np.array(xc_peaks), np.array(yc_peaks)))).astype(int)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _find_peak_locations_fn(logits, size, threshold):

        assert size % 2 == 1
        assert logits.ndim == 2 and logits.shape[1] == 88
        logits_max = maximum_filter1d(logits,
        assert logits_max.shape == logits.shape
        logits_peak_ids = np.logical_and(logits == logits_max,
                                         logits > threshold)

        # Due to numerical precision, there could be multiple peaks within a window.
        # In this case, we use the first peak and remove the other peaks.
        num_frames = len(logits)
        hs = (size - 1) // 2
        for pitch in xrange(88):
            for frame_idx in xrange(num_frames - hs):
                if logits_peak_ids[frame_idx, pitch]:
                    for fidx in xrange(hs):
                        if logits_peak_ids[frame_idx + 1 + fidx, pitch]:
                            logits_peak_ids[frame_idx + 1 + fidx,
                                            pitch] = False

        logits_peak_ids = np.where(logits_peak_ids)

        return logits_peak_ids
Exemplo n.º 4
def preprocessFeatureMat(X, Lfilt):
	Binarizes and blurs the feature matrix

	X : 2D array
		The original feature matrix (presumably output by buildFeatureMat())
	Lfilt : int
		The width of the hamming filter used to blur the feature matrix.

	X : 2D array
		The modified feature matrix without blur
	Xblur : 2D array
		The modified feature matrix with blur
	Xblur = _filterRows(X, Lfilt)

	# ensure that the maximum value in Xblur is 1; we do this by dividing
	# by the largets value within Lfilt / 2, rather than just clamping, so
	# that there's a smooth dropoff as you move away from dense groups of
	# 1s in X; otherwise it basically ends up max-pooled
	maxima = filters.maximum_filter1d(Xblur, Lfilt // 2, axis=1, mode='constant')
	Xblur[maxima > 0] /= maxima[maxima > 0]

	# have columns be adjacent in memory
	return np.asfortranarray(X), np.asfortranarray(Xblur)
Exemplo n.º 5
def dff(C, sig_baseline=10, win_baseline=300, sig_output=3, method='maximin'):
    delta F / F using maximin method from Suite2P
    inputs: C - neuropil subtracted fluorescence (neurons x timepoints)
    outputs dFF -  neurons x timepoints

    :param C:
    :param sig_baseline:
    :param win_baseline:
    :param sig_output:
    :param method:

    if method == 'maximin':  # windowed baseline estimation
        flow = filters.gaussian_filter(C, [0, sig_baseline])
        flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(flow, win_baseline, axis=1)
        flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(flow, win_baseline, axis=1)
        flow = None
        raise NotImplementedError

    C -= flow  # substract baseline (dF)
    C /= flow  # divide by baseline (dF/F)
    return filters.gaussian_filter(C, [0, sig_output])  # smooth result
Exemplo n.º 6
def _rolling_nanmax_1d(a, w=None):
    Compute the rolling max for 1-D while ignoring NaNs.

    This essentially replaces:

        `np.nanmax(rolling_window(T[..., start:stop], m), axis=T.ndim)`

    a : ndarray
        The input array

    w : ndarray, default None
        The rolling window size

    output : ndarray
        Rolling window nanmax.
    if w is None:
        w = a.shape[0]

    half_window_size = int(math.ceil((w - 1) / 2))
    return maximum_filter1d(a, size=w)[half_window_size:half_window_size +
                                       a.shape[0] - w + 1]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def detect(self, threshold, combine=30, pre_avg=100, pre_max=30,
               post_avg=30, post_max=70, delay=0):
        Detects the onsets.

        :param threshold: threshold for peak-picking
        :param combine:   only report 1 onset for N miliseconds
        :param pre_avg:   use N miliseconds past information for moving average
        :param pre_max:   use N miliseconds past information for moving maximum
        :param post_avg:  use N miliseconds future information for mov. average
        :param post_max:  use N miliseconds future information for mov. maximum
        :param delay:     report the onset N miliseconds delayed

        In online mode, post_avg and post_max are set to 0.

        Implements the peak-picking method described in:

        "Evaluating the Online Capabilities of Onset Detection Methods"
        Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs and Markus Schedl
        Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2012

        # online mode?
        if self.online:
            post_max = 0
            post_avg = 0
        # convert timing information to frames
        pre_avg = int(round(self.fps * pre_avg / 1000.))
        pre_max = int(round(self.fps * pre_max / 1000.))
        post_max = int(round(self.fps * post_max / 1000.))
        post_avg = int(round(self.fps * post_avg / 1000.))
        # convert to seconds
        combine /= 1000.
        delay /= 1000.
        # init detections
        self.detections = []
        # moving maximum
        max_length = pre_max + post_max + 1
        max_origin = int(np.floor((pre_max - post_max) / 2))
        mov_max = maximum_filter1d(self.activations, max_length,
                                   mode='constant', origin=max_origin)
        # moving average
        avg_length = pre_avg + post_avg + 1
        avg_origin = int(np.floor((pre_avg - post_avg) / 2))
        mov_avg = uniform_filter1d(self.activations, avg_length,
                                   mode='constant', origin=avg_origin)
        # detections are activation equal to the maximum
        detections = self.activations * (self.activations == mov_max)
        # detections must be greater or equal than the mov. average + threshold
        detections = detections * (detections >= mov_avg + threshold)
        # convert detected onsets to a list of timestamps
        last_onset = 0
        for i in np.nonzero(detections)[0]:
            onset = float(i) / float(self.fps) + delay
            # only report an onset if the last N miliseconds none was reported
            if onset > last_onset + combine:
                # save last reported onset
                last_onset = onset
Exemplo n.º 8
def preprocessFeatureMat(X, Lfilt):
	Binarizes and blurs the feature matrix

	X : 2D array
		The original feature matrix (presumably output by buildFeatureMat())
	Lfilt : int
		The width of the hamming filter used to blur the feature matrix.

	X : 2D array
		The modified feature matrix without blur
	Xblur : 2D array
		The modified feature matrix with blur
    Xblur = _filterRows(X, Lfilt)

    # ensure that the maximum value in Xblur is 1; we do this by dividing
    # by the largets value within Lfilt / 2, rather than just clamping, so
    # that there's a smooth dropoff as you move away from dense groups of
    # 1s in X; otherwise it basically ends up max-pooled
    maxima = filters.maximum_filter1d(Xblur,
                                      Lfilt // 2,
    Xblur[maxima > 0] /= maxima[maxima > 0]

    # have columns be adjacent in memory
    return np.asfortranarray(X), np.asfortranarray(Xblur)
Exemplo n.º 9
def Undersampled_Lip_Tragectory(phrase, Sleep_Time):
    A = "espeak -z -s 100 -v female5 -w test.wav "
    A = A + "'" + phrase + "'"
    #os.system("espeak -z -s 80 -v female5 -w test.wav 'Hey, why no one is looking at me? I feel neglected. I feel it! I am afraid!' ")
    samplerate, data = wavfile.read('test.wav')
    dt = 1 / float(samplerate)
    times = np.arange(len(data)) / float(samplerate)
    N = len(times)
    max_data = maximum_filter1d(data, size=1000)
    max_data = gaussian_filter(max_data, sigma=100)
    max_Amplitude = 10
    Amplitude = max_Amplitude * (max_data / float(np.max(max_data)))
    n = Sleep_Time * samplerate
    Amp = []
    T = []
    i = 0
    while (i * n < N):
        Amp.append(Amplitude[int(i * n)])
        T.append(times[int(i * n)])
        i = i + 1
    Amp = np.array(Amp)
    T = np.array(T)
    return Amp, T
Exemplo n.º 10
def Undersampled_Lip_Tragectory(phrase, Sleep_Time):
    A = "espeak -z -s 80 -v female5 -w test.wav "
    A = A + "'" + phrase + "'"
    samplerate, data = wavfile.read('test.wav')
    dt = 1 / float(samplerate)
    times = np.arange(len(data)) / float(samplerate)
    N = len(times)
    max_data = maximum_filter1d(data, size=1000)
    max_data = gaussian_filter(max_data, sigma=100)
    max_Amplitude = 10
    Amplitude = max_Amplitude * (max_data / float(np.max(max_data)))
    n = Sleep_Time * samplerate
    Amp = []
    T = []
    i = 0
    while (i * n < N):
        Amp.append(Amplitude[int(i * n)])
        T.append(times[int(i * n)])
        i = i + 1

    Amp = np.array(Amp)
    T = np.array(T)

    return Amp, T
Exemplo n.º 11
def Speech(phrase):
    flag = Event()
    A = "espeak -z -s 80 -w temp.wav "
    A = A + "'" + phrase + "'"
    samplerate, data = wavfile.read('temp.wav')
    times = np.arange(len(data)) / float(samplerate)
    max_data = maximum_filter1d(data, size=500)
    max_Amplitude = 10
    Amplitude = max_Amplitude * (max_data / float(np.max(max_data)))

    plt.plot(times, data)
    plt.plot(times, max_data, 'r')
    plt.plot(times, Amplitude)
    thread_movement = Thread(target=MoveLips, args=(times, Amplitude, flag))
    thread_talk = Thread(target=Talk, args=(phrase, flag))



Exemplo n.º 12
def get_2D_peaks(arr2D, plot=False, amp_min=DEFAULT_AMP_MIN):
    #  http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.iterate_structure.html#scipy.ndimage.iterate_structure
    struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    neighborhood = iterate_structure(struct, PEAK_NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE)
    # find local maxima using our filter shape
    local_max = maximum_filter1d(arr2D,
                                 size=PEAK_NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE * 2 + 1,
    local_max = maximum_filter1d(local_max,
                                 size=PEAK_NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE * 2 + 1,
    local_max = local_max == arr2D
    background = (arr2D == 0)
    eroded_background = binary_erosion(background,

    # Boolean mask of arr2D with True at peaks (Fixed deprecated boolean operator by changing '-' to '^')
    detected_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background

    # extract peaks
    amps = arr2D[detected_peaks]
    j, i = np.where(detected_peaks)

    # filter peaks
    amps = amps.flatten()
    peaks = zip(i, j, amps)
    peaks_filtered = filter(lambda x: x[2] > amp_min, peaks)  # freq, time, amp
    # get indices for frequency and time
    frequency_idx = []
    time_idx = []
    for x in peaks_filtered:

    if plot:
        # scatter of the peaks
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.scatter(time_idx, frequency_idx)

    return zip(frequency_idx, time_idx)
Exemplo n.º 13
def validate_signal(t, y, t_ref, y_ref, num=1000, dx=20, dy=0.1):
    """ Validate a signal y(t) against a reference signal y_ref(t_ref) by creating a band
    around y_ref and finding the values in y outside the band


        t       time of the signal
        y       values of the signal
        t_ref   time of the reference signal
        y_ref   values of the reference signal
        num     number of samples for the band
        dx      horizontal width of the band in samples
        dy      vertical distance of the band to y_ref


        t_band  time values of the band
        y_min   lower limit of the band
        y_max   upper limit of the band
        i_out   indices of the values in y outside the band

    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d, minimum_filter1d
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    # re-sample the reference signal into a uniform grid
    t_band = np.linspace(start=t_ref[0], stop=t_ref[-1], num=num)

    # make t_ref strictly monotonic by adding epsilon to duplicate sample times
    for i in range(1, len(t_ref)):
        while t_ref[i - 1] >= t_ref[i]:
            t_ref[i] = t_ref[i] + 1e-13

    interp_method = 'linear' if y.dtype == np.float64 else 'zero'
    y_band = interp1d(x=t_ref, y=y_ref, kind=interp_method)(t_band)

    y_band_min = np.min(y_band)
    y_band_max = np.max(y_band)

    # calculate the width of the band
    if y_band_min == y_band_max:
        w = 0.5 if y_band_min == 0 else np.abs(y_band_min) * dy
        w = (y_band_max - y_band_min) * dy

    # calculate the lower and upper limits
    y_min = minimum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) - w
    y_max = maximum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) + w

    # find outliers
    y_min_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_min)
    y_max_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_max)
    i_out = np.logical_or(y < y_min_i, y > y_max_i)

    # do not count outliers outside the t_ref
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t > t_band[0])
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t < t_band[-1])

    return t_band, y_min, y_max, i_out
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_mask(y, rpad=20, nmax=20):
    xp = y[1, :, :].flatten().astype('int32')
    yp = y[0, :, :].flatten().astype('int32')
    _, Ly, Lx = y.shape
    xm, ym = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Lx), np.arange(Ly))

    xedges = np.arange(-.5 - rpad, xm.shape[1] + .5 + rpad, 1)
    yedges = np.arange(-.5 - rpad, xm.shape[0] + .5 + rpad, 1)
    #xp = (xm-dx).flatten().astype('int32')
    #yp = (ym-dy).flatten().astype('int32')
    h, _, _ = np.histogram2d(xp, yp, bins=[xedges, yedges])

    hmax = maximum_filter1d(h, 5, axis=0)
    hmax = maximum_filter1d(hmax, 5, axis=1)

    yo, xo = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(h - hmax > -1e-6, h > 10))
    Nmax = h[yo, xo]
    isort = np.argsort(Nmax)[::-1]
    yo, xo = yo[isort], xo[isort]
    pix = []
    for t in range(len(yo)):
        pix.append([yo[t], xo[t]])

    for iter in range(5):
        for k in range(len(pix)):
            ye, xe = extendROI(pix[k][0], pix[k][1], h.shape[0], h.shape[1], 1)
            igood = h[ye, xe] > 2
            ye, xe = ye[igood], xe[igood]
            pix[k][0] = ye
            pix[k][1] = xe

    ibad = np.ones(len(pix), 'bool')
    for k in range(len(pix)):
        if pix[k][0].size < nmax:
            ibad[k] = 0

    #pix = [pix[k] for k in ibad.nonzero()[0]]

    M = np.zeros(h.shape)
    for k in range(len(pix)):
        M[pix[k][0], pix[k][1]] = 1 + k

    M0 = M[rpad + xp, rpad + yp]
    M0 = np.reshape(M0, xm.shape)
    return M0, pix
Exemplo n.º 15
def compute_sliding_minmax(array, Window, sig=2):
    if sig > 0:
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter1d(array, sig)
        Flow = array
    Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, Window, mode='wrap')
    Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, Window, mode='wrap')
    return Flow
Exemplo n.º 16
def filtermax(f, maxfiltsize=10):
    """Apply  maximum filter to the spectrum to ignore deeper fluxes of absorption lines."""
    # Maximum filter to ignore deeper fluxes of absorption lines
    f_maxfilt = maximum_filter1d(f, size=maxfiltsize)
    # Find points selected by maximum filter
    idxmax = np.array([i for i in range(len(f)) if f[i] - f_maxfilt[i] == 0.])

    return f_maxfilt, idxmax
Exemplo n.º 17
def center_baseline(V, sigma=100, window=500):
    ''' centers V so the baseline is at 0 '''
    Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(V.T, [0.,sigma])
    Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, window)
    Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, window)
    V_centered = (V.T - Flow).T
    #V_centered = (V.T - Flow.mean(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]).T
    return V_centered
Exemplo n.º 18
def find_reps(y, threshold, open_size, close_size):
    From the Y profile of a barbell's path, determine the concentric phase of each rep.

    The algorithm is as follows:
        1. Compute the gradient (dy/dt) of the Y motion
        2. Binarize the gradient signal by a minimum threshold value to eliminate noise.
        3. Perform 1D opening by open_size using a minimum then maximum filter in series.
        4. Perform 1D closing by close_size using a maximum then minimum filter in series.

    The result is a step function that is true for every time point that the concentric (+Y) phase of the rep
    is being performed.

    y : (N) array
        Y component of the motion of the barbell path.
    threshold : float
        Miniumum acceptable value of the gradient (dY/dt) to indicate a rep.
        Increasing this can help eliminate noise, but may cause a small delay after a rep begins to when it is
        counted, therefore underestimating the time to complete a rep.
    open_size : int
        Minimum threshold of length of time that it takes to complete a rep (in frames).
        Increase this if there are false positive spikes in the rep step signal that are small in width.
    close_size : int
        Minimum length of time that could be between reps.
        Increase this if there are false breaks between reps that should be continuous.

    (N) array
        Step signal representing when reps are performed. (1 indicates concentric phase of rep, 0 indicates no rep).
    ygrad = np.gradient(y)
    rep_signal = np.where(ygrad > threshold, 1, 0)

    # Opening to remove spikes
    rep_signal = maximum_filter1d(minimum_filter1d(rep_signal, open_size),

    # Closing to connect movements (as in the step up from the jerk)
    rep_signal = minimum_filter1d(maximum_filter1d(rep_signal, close_size),

    return rep_signal
Exemplo n.º 19
def Synch_framestart(signal, L, spread=300, threshold=0.8):
    P = Synch_P(signal, L)
    R = Synch_R(signal, L)
    R = maximum_filter1d(R, spread)
    M = ((np.abs(P))**2) / (R**2)
    start, end = longest_block((M > threshold), 0)[:2]
    frame_start = int((start + end) / 2)
    freq_offset = np.mean(np.angle(P[start:end]))
    return frame_start, freq_offset, end
Exemplo n.º 20
def connectedRegion(mLam, rsmall, d0):
    mLam0 = np.zeros(rsmall.shape)
    mLam1 = np.zeros(rsmall.shape)
    # non-zero lam's
    mLam0[rsmall<=d0] = mLam>0
    mLam1[rsmall<=d0] = mLam

    mmax = mLam1.argmax()
    mask = np.zeros(rsmall.size)
    mask[mmax] = 1
    mask = np.resize(mask, (2*d0+1, 2*d0+1))

    for m in range(int(np.ceil(mask.shape[0]/2))):
        mask = filters.maximum_filter1d(mask, 3, axis=0) * mLam0
        mask = filters.maximum_filter1d(mask, 3, axis=1) * mLam0
        #mask = filters.maximum_filter(mask, footprint=rsmall<=1.5) * mLam0

    mLam *= mask[rsmall<=d0]
    return mLam
Exemplo n.º 21
 def smoothingInput(self):
     print(self.edge_det_window, self.smoothing_window, self.smoothing_var)
     depths = np.array(self.data_list[0][self.fileIndex])
     smoothing_filter = gaussian(self.smoothing_window, self.smoothing_var) / \
                        np.sum(gaussian(self.smoothing_window, self.smoothing_var))
     union_depths = maximum_filter1d(
         depths, self.edge_det_window)  ## MAX POOL to extract boarder lines
     final_depth = np.convolve(union_depths, smoothing_filter,
                               mode='same')  ## Smoothing boarder lines
     return final_depth
Exemplo n.º 22
def smooth_covars(cov, size):
    T = cov.shape[0]
    dX = cov.shape[1]
    traces = np.empty([T])
    for t in range(T):
        traces[t] = np.trace(cov[t])
    smoothed_traces = maximum_filter1d(traces, size)
    for t in range(T):
        if smoothed_traces[t] > traces[t]:
            cov[t] += np.eye(dX) * (smoothed_traces[t] - traces[t]) / dX
Exemplo n.º 23
def preprocess(F: np.ndarray,
               baseline: str,
               win_baseline: float,
               sig_baseline: float,
               fs: float,
               prctile_baseline: float = 0.9) -> np.ndarray:
    """ preprocesses fluorescence traces for spike deconvolution

    baseline-subtraction with window 'win_baseline'

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], in pipeline uses neuropil-subtracted fluorescence

    baseline : str
        setting that describes how to compute the baseline of each trace

    win_baseline : float
        window (in seconds) for max filter

    sig_baseline : float
        width of Gaussian filter in seconds

    fs : float
        sampling rate per plane

    prctile_baseline : float
        percentile of trace to use as baseline if using `constant_prctile` for baseline

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], baseline-corrected fluorescence

    win = int(win_baseline * fs)
    if baseline == 'maximin':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig_baseline])
        Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, win)
        Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, win)
    elif baseline == 'constant':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig_baseline])
        Flow = np.amin(Flow)
    elif baseline == 'constant_prctile':
        Flow = np.percentile(F, prctile_baseline, axis=1)
        Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis=1)
        Flow = 0.

    F = F - Flow

    return F
Exemplo n.º 24
def _make_noise_gradient_color(grad):
    Make a noise gradient color.

    TODO: Improve noise gradient quality.


            'Nm  ': 'Custom\x00',
            'GrdF': (b'GrdF', b'ClNs'),
            'ShTr': False,
            'VctC': False,
            'ClrS': (b'ClrS', b'RGBC'),
            'RndS': 3650322,
            'Smth': 2048,
            'Mnm ': [0, 0, 0, 0],
            'Mxm ': [0, 100, 100, 100]
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d, uniform_filter1d
    logger.debug('Noise gradient is not accurate.')
    roughness = grad.get(Key.Smoothness).value / 4096.  # Larger is sharper.
    maximum = np.array([x.value for x in grad.get(Key.Maximum)],
    minimum = np.array([x.value for x in grad.get(Key.Minimum)],
    seed = grad.get(Key.RandomSeed).value
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    Y = rng.binomial(1, .5, (256, len(maximum))).astype(np.float32)
    size = max(1, int(roughness))
    Y = maximum_filter1d(Y, size, axis=0)
    Y = uniform_filter1d(Y, size * 64, axis=0)
    Y = Y / np.max(Y, axis=0)
    Y = ((maximum - minimum) * Y + minimum) / 100.
    X = np.linspace(0, 1, 256, dtype=np.float32)
    if grad.get(Key.ShowTransparency):
        G = interpolate.interp1d(X,
                                 Y[:, :-1],
                                 fill_value=(Y[0, :-1], Y[-1, :-1]))
        Ga = interpolate.interp1d(X,
                                  Y[:, -1],
                                  fill_value=(Y[0, -1], Y[-1, -1]))
        G = interpolate.interp1d(X,
                                 Y[:, :3],
                                 fill_value=(Y[0, :3], Y[-1, :3]))
        Ga = None
    return G, Ga
Exemplo n.º 25
def validate_signal(t, y, t_ref, y_ref, num=1000, dx=20, dy=0.1):
    """ Validate a signal y(t) against a reference signal y_ref(t_ref) by creating a band
    around y_ref and finding the values in y outside the band


        t       time of the signal
        y       values of the signal
        t_ref   time of the reference signal
        y_ref   values of the reference signal
        num     number of samples for the band
        dx      horizontal width of the band in samples
        dy      vertical distance of the band to y_ref


        t_band  time values of the band
        y_min   lower limit of the band
        y_max   upper limit of the band
        i_out   indices of the values in y outside the band

    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d, minimum_filter1d

    # re-sample the reference signal into a uniform grid
    t_band = np.linspace(start=t_ref[0], stop=t_ref[-1], num=num)

    # sort out the duplicate samples before the interpolation
    m = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(t_ref) > 0))

    y_band = np.interp(x=t_band, xp=t_ref[m], fp=y_ref[m])

    y_band_min = np.min(y_band)
    y_band_max = np.max(y_band)

    # calculate the width of the band
    if y_band_min == y_band_max:
        w = 0.5 if y_band_min == 0 else np.abs(y_band_min) * dy
        w = (y_band_max - y_band_min) * dy

    # calculate the lower and upper limits
    y_min = minimum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) - w
    y_max = maximum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) + w

    # find outliers
    y_min_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_min)
    y_max_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_max)
    i_out = np.logical_or(y < y_min_i, y > y_max_i)

    # do not count outliers outside the t_ref
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t > t_band[0])
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t < t_band[-1])

    return t_band, y_min, y_max, i_out
Exemplo n.º 26
def preprocessFeatureMat(X, Lfilt, logX=False, logXblur=False, capXblur=True, **sink):
	# if not capXblur:
	# 	X = localMaxFilterSimMat(X)
	# X = localMaxFilterSimMat(X)

	# Lfilt *= 2 # TODO remove after test
	featureMeans = np.mean(X, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
	if logX and logXblur:
		X *= -np.log2(featureMeans) # variable encoding costs for rows
		Xblur = filterSimMat(X, Lfilt, 'hamming', scaleFilterMethod='max1')
	if logX and not logXblur:
		Xblur = filterSimMat(X, Lfilt, 'hamming', scaleFilterMethod='max1')
		X *= -np.log2(featureMeans)
	if not logX and logXblur:
		Xblur = filterSimMat(X, Lfilt, 'hamming', scaleFilterMethod='max1')
		Xblur *= np.log2(featureMeans)
	if not logX and not logXblur:
		Xblur = filterSimMat(X, Lfilt, 'hamming', scaleFilterMethod='max1')
		# Xblur = filterSimMat(X, Lfilt, 'flat', scaleFilterMethod='max1')

	if capXblur: # don't make long stretches also have large values
		maxima = filters.maximum_filter1d(Xblur, Lfilt // 2, axis=1, mode='constant')
		# maxima = filters.maximum_filter1d(Xblur, Lfilt, axis=1, mode='constant')
		Xblur[maxima > 0] /= maxima[maxima > 0]
		# print "preprocessFeatureMat(): max value in Xblur: ", np.max(Xblur) # 1.0
		# import sys
		# sys.exit()
		# Xblur = np.minimum(Xblur, 1.)

	# plt.figure()
	# viz.imshowBetter(X)
	# plt.figure()
	# viz.imshowBetter(Xblur)

	# have columns be adjacent in memory
	X = np.asfortranarray(X)
	Xblur = np.asfortranarray(Xblur)

	# assert(np.all((X > 0.) <= (Xblur > 0.)))

	assert(np.all(np.sum(X, axis=1) > 0))
	assert(np.all(np.sum(Xblur, axis=1) > 0))

	# if np.max(X) > 1.:
	# 	print "X min"

	print "preprocessFeatureMat(): X shape, logX, logXblur", X.shape, logX, logXblur
	print "preprocessFeatureMat(): Lfilt", Lfilt
	print "preprocessFeatureMat(): X min, max", X.min(), X.max()
	print "preprocessFeatureMat(): Xblur min, max", Xblur.min(), Xblur.max()

	# import sys
	# sys.exit()

	return X, Xblur
Exemplo n.º 27
def filter1d_same(a: np.ndarray, W: int, max_or_min: str, fillna=np.nan):
    out_dtype = np.full(0, fillna).dtype
    hW = (W - 1) // 2  # Half window size
    if max_or_min == 'max':
        out = maximum_filter1d(a, size=W, origin=hW)
        out = minimum_filter1d(a, size=W, origin=hW)
    if out.dtype is out_dtype:
        out[:W - 1] = fillna
        out = np.concatenate((np.full(W - 1, fillna), out[W - 1:]))
    return out
Exemplo n.º 28
def process_cut(spect, stddevs=3, ignore=2):
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d
    # "loudness" curve
    loud = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(spect), axis=1))
    # normieren
    nloud = (loud - np.mean(loud)) / np.std(loud)
    lowloud = nloud < -stddevs
    # schauen, ob innerhalb von 3 stddevs, Klicks darin (bis zu 2 Frames lang) ignorieren.
    fltloud = ~maximum_filter1d(lowloud, ignore + 1)
    where_ok = np.where(fltloud)[0]
    cut_front = np.min(where_ok)
    cut_back = np.max(where_ok)
    return cut_front, cut_back + 1
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _gradient_nms(self, accumulated_grad, win_size=3):
        Non-maximum suppression to find local maximum of accumulated gradient.

            np.array, input accumulated gradient.
            int, sliding window length. It decides how much you refer to neighbor field values.
            list, local maximum accumulated gradient indexs.
        indexs = []
        maximas = maximum_filter1d(accumulated_grad, win_size)
        for i in range(len(accumulated_grad)):
            if accumulated_grad[i] > 0 and abs(accumulated_grad[i] -
                                               maximas[i]) < 1e-6:
        return indexs
Exemplo n.º 30
def preprocess(F,ops):
    sig = ops['sig_baseline']
    win = int(ops['win_baseline']*ops['fs'])
    if ops['baseline']=='maximin':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F,    [0., sig])
        Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow,    win)
        Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow,    win)
    elif ops['baseline']=='constant':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F,    [0., sig])
        Flow = np.amin(Flow)
    elif ops['baseline']=='constant_prctile':
        Flow = np.percentile(F, ops['prctile_baseline'], axis=1)
        Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis = 1)
        Flow = 0.

    F = F - Flow

    return F
Exemplo n.º 31
def generate_Lip_Tragectory(phrase):
    A = "espeak -z -s 80 -v female5 -w test.wav "
    A = A + "'" + phrase + "'"
    #os.system("espeak -z -s 80 -v female5 -w test.wav 'Hey, why no one is looking at me? I feel neglected. I feel it! I am afraid!' ")
    samplerate, data = wavfile.read('test.wav')
    dt = 1 / float(samplerate)
    times = np.arange(len(data)) / float(samplerate)
    N = len(times)
    max_data = maximum_filter1d(data, size=1000)
    max_data = gaussian_filter(max_data, sigma=100)
    max_Amplitude = 10
    Amplitude = np.round(max_Amplitude * (max_data / np.max(max_data)))
    Extrema = argrelextrema(max_data, np.less_equal, order=100)[0]
    Amplitude = Amplitude[Extrema]
    Sleep_Time = []
    for i in range(len(Extrema)):
        if (i + 1 < len(Extrema)):
            Sleep_Time.append(dt * (times[Extrema[i + 1]] - times[Extrema[i]]))

    return np.array(Amplitude), np.array(Sleep_Time), Extrema
Exemplo n.º 32
def preprocess(F, ops):
    """ preprocesses fluorescence traces for spike deconvolution

    baseline-subtraction with window 'win_baseline'

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], in pipeline uses neuropil-subtracted fluorescence

    ops : dictionary
        'baseline', 'win_baseline', 'sig_baseline', 'fs',
        (optional 'prctile_baseline' needed if ops['baseline']=='constant_prctile')

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], baseline-corrected fluorescence

    sig = ops['sig_baseline']
    win = int(ops['win_baseline'] * ops['fs'])
    if ops['baseline'] == 'maximin':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig])
        Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, win)
        Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, win)
    elif ops['baseline'] == 'constant':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig])
        Flow = np.amin(Flow)
    elif ops['baseline'] == 'constant_prctile':
        Flow = np.percentile(F, ops['prctile_baseline'], axis=1)
        Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis=1)
        Flow = 0.

    F = F - Flow

    return F
Exemplo n.º 33
  # Compute errors.
  max_errors = []
  av_errors = []

  for color in range(0, 3):
    max_error = np.zeros(6)
    av_error = np.zeros(6)

    for c in range(0, num_checkers):
      # Get min. absolute diff to envelopes.
      env_diff = np.minimum(np.fabs(checker_int[color][c, :] - envelopes[color][:, 0]),
                            np.fabs(checker_int[color][c, :] - envelopes[color][:, 2]))

      # Reject values within vincinity of envelopes.
      reject_mask = img_filters.maximum_filter1d(np.int_(env_diff <= 0.02), 7)

      if np.min(reject_mask) != 1:
         int_vals = checker_int[color][c, :];
         int_vals = int_vals[reject_mask != 1]
         median = np.median(int_vals)
         max_error[c] = np.max(np.fabs(int_vals - median))
         av_error[c] = np.std(int_vals)


  color_name = [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ]

  print "Average error: "
  for color in range(0, 3):
Exemplo n.º 34
    def detect(self, threshold, combine=0.03, pre_avg=0.15, pre_max=0.01,
               post_avg=0, post_max=0.05, delay=0):
        Detects the onsets.

        :param threshold: threshold for peak-picking
        :param combine:   only report 1 onset for N seconds
        :param pre_avg:   use N seconds past information for moving average
        :param pre_max:   use N seconds past information for moving maximum
        :param post_avg:  use N seconds future information for moving average
        :param post_max:  use N seconds future information for moving maximum
        :param delay:     report the onset N seconds delayed

        In online mode, post_avg and post_max are set to 0.

        Implements the peak-picking method described in:

        "Evaluating the Online Capabilities of Onset Detection Methods"
        Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs and Markus Schedl
        Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2012

        # online mode?
        if self.online:
            post_max = 0
            post_avg = 0
        # convert timing information to frames
        pre_avg = int(round(self.fps * pre_avg))
        pre_max = int(round(self.fps * pre_max))
        post_max = int(round(self.fps * post_max))
        post_avg = int(round(self.fps * post_avg))
        # convert to seconds
        combine /= 1000.
        delay /= 1000.
        # init detections
        self.detections = []
        # moving maximum
        max_length = pre_max + post_max + 1
        max_origin = int(np.floor((pre_max - post_max) / 2))
        mov_max = maximum_filter1d(self.activations, max_length,
                                   mode='constant', origin=max_origin)
        # moving average
        avg_length = pre_avg + post_avg + 1
        avg_origin = int(np.floor((pre_avg - post_avg) / 2))
        mov_avg = uniform_filter1d(self.activations, avg_length,
                                   mode='constant', origin=avg_origin)
        # detections are activation equal to the moving maximum
        detections = self.activations * (self.activations == mov_max)
        # detections must be greater or equal than the mov. average + threshold
        detections *= (detections >= mov_avg + threshold)
        # convert detected onsets to a list of timestamps
        detections = np.nonzero(detections)[0].astype(np.float) / self.fps
        # shift if necessary
        if delay != 0:
            detections += delay
        # always use the first detection and all others if none was reported
        # within the last `combine` seconds
        if detections.size > 1:
            # filter all detections which occur within `combine` seconds
            combined_detections = detections[1:][np.diff(detections) > combine]
            # add them after the first detection
            self.detections = np.append(detections[0], combined_detections)
            self.detections = detections