def watershed_3d(sphere):
    Markers should be int8
    Image should be uint8
    sphere = median_filter(sphere, 3)
    thresh = threshold_otsu(sphere)
    sphere = (sphere >= thresh) * 1
    sphere = sobel(sphere)
    size = (sphere.shape[0], sphere.shape[1], sphere.shape[2])
    marker = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.int16)
    # mark everything outside as background
    marker[5, :, :] = -1
    marker[size[0] - 5, :, :] = -1
    marker[:, :, 5] = -1
    marker[:, :, size[2] - 5] = -1
    marker[:, 5, :] = -1
    marker[:, size[1] - 5, :] = -1
    marker[:,0,0] = -1
    # mark everything inside as a sphere
    marker[size[0] / 2., size[1] / 2., size[2] / 2.] = 5

    result = measurements.watershed_ift(sphere.astype(dtype=np.uint16), marker)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def watershed_3d(sphere):
    Markers should be int8
    Image should be uint8

    sphere = median_filter(sphere, 3)
    thresh = threshold_otsu(sphere)
    sphere = (sphere >= thresh) * 1
    sphere = sobel(sphere)

    size = (sphere.shape[0], sphere.shape[1], sphere.shape[2])

    marker = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.int16)
    pl.imshow(sphere[:, :, 50])
    # mark everything outside as background
    marker[5, :, :] = -1
    marker[size[0] - 5, :, :] = -1
    marker[:, :, 5] = -1
    marker[:, :, size[2] - 5] = -1
    marker[:, 5, :] = -1
    marker[:, size[1] - 5, :] = -1
    marker[:, 0, 0] = -1
    # mark everything inside as a sphere
    marker[size[0] / 2., size[1] / 2., size[2] / 2.] = 5

    result = measurements.watershed_ift(sphere.astype(dtype=np.uint16), marker)
    pl.imshow(result[:, :, 50])

    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def watershed2(img, markers):
    markers = np.int8(imtransform.setMarkersValues(markers, black=1, gray=-1, white=0))
#    markers2 = np.zeros(markers.shape, np.uint8)
#    markers2[markers == 1] = 0
#    markers2[markers ==-1] = 127
#    markers2[markers == 0] = 255
#    imsave(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER + '/markers222222.png', markers2)
    greyImg = imtransform.rgb_2_greyscale(img)
    mask = watershed_ift(greyImg, markers)
    mask[mask < 0] = 0
    mask = 255 * mask
    return np.array(mask, dtype=np.uint8)
Exemplo n.º 4
def watershed2(img, markers):
    markers = np.int8(
        imtransform.setMarkersValues(markers, black=1, gray=-1, white=0))
    #    markers2 = np.zeros(markers.shape, np.uint8)
    #    markers2[markers == 1] = 0
    #    markers2[markers ==-1] = 127
    #    markers2[markers == 0] = 255
    #    imsave(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER + '/markers222222.png', markers2)
    greyImg = imtransform.rgb_2_greyscale(img)
    mask = watershed_ift(greyImg, markers)
    mask[mask < 0] = 0
    mask = 255 * mask
    return np.array(mask, dtype=np.uint8)
 def processImage(self):        
     log.debug("IMAGE: " +  self.image.z + ',' + self.image.t + ',' +
     print 'In process image'
     if int(self.image.z) == 1  and  int(self.image.t) == 1 and (int( ==1 or int( == 3):
         # read image from Bisque system
         resp, content = request(self.image.src + '?format=tiff', "GET", userpass = self.userpass )
         # convert stream into Image
         im = cStringIO.StringIO(content)            
         img =
         log.debug("IMAGE: " +  str(img.format) + ',' + str(img.size) + ',' + str(img.mode))
         ''' IMAGE PROCESSING '''
         # convert color image into grayscale image
         grayimg = ImageOps.grayscale(img)
         # convert Image into numpy array
         in_im = asarray(grayimg)
         # normalize image
         norm_im = self.normalizeImage(in_im)
         # set the threshold value
         thNorm = double((double(self.thValue)/100.0))
         # threshold image with thNorm value
         th_im = norm_im < thNorm;
         # label image with 8conn
         structure = [[1,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,1,1]]
         th_im = binary_erosion(~th_im,structure)            
         label_tuple = label(th_im,structure) #(data, dtype, number of labels)
         label_im = label_tuple[0]-1
         # wathershed
         wh_im = watershed_ift(in_im, label_im)
         # convert numpy array into Image
         img_out = Image.fromarray(wh_im.astype('uint8'))
         ''' IMAGE PROCESSING '''
         # convert Image into stream
         buffer = StringIO.StringIO(), 'TIFF')
         # upload image into Bisque system = 'file.tif'
         fields = { 'file' :  buffer }
         resp, content =  post_files (self.client_server + '/bisquik/upload_images', fields=fields, userpass = self.userpass,)
         log.debug("RESP: " +  str(content))
         self.image_out_url = str(content)
from scipy.cluster.vq import vq, kmeans2, whiten
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import watershed_ift

from scipy.misc.pilutil import imread, imsave
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow
import color

img = imread("blue.jpg")
markers = imread("bluem2.jpg")
markers = int32(markers[:, :, 1])
markers = threshold(markers, 100, None, 1)  # black to 1
print max(markers)
print min(markers)
markers = threshold(markers, None, 200, -1)  # white to -1
print max(markers)
print min(markers)
markers = threshold(markers, None, 2, 0)  # gray to 0
markers = int8(markers)
mask = watershed_ift(img[:, :, 1], markers)

print mask
mask = mask + 1
print mask
print max(mask)
mask = threshold(mask, None, 1, 1)
print max(mask)
mask = 255 * mask
imsave("mask_watershed.jpg", mask)

a = 1
from scipy.cluster.vq import vq, kmeans2, whiten
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import watershed_ift

from scipy.misc.pilutil import imread, imsave
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow
import color

img = imread("blue.jpg")
markers = imread("bluem2.jpg")
markers = int32(markers[:, :, 1])
markers = threshold(markers, 100, None, 1) # black to 1
print max(markers)
print min(markers)
markers = threshold(markers, None, 200, -1) # white to -1
print max(markers)
print min(markers)
markers = threshold(markers, None, 2, 0) # gray to 0
markers = int8(markers)
mask = watershed_ift(img[:, :, 1], markers)

print mask
mask = mask + 1
print mask
print max(mask)
mask = threshold(mask, None, 1, 1)
print max(mask)
mask = 255 * mask
imsave("mask_watershed.jpg", mask)

a = 1