Exemplo n.º 1
def cof(f,s,l):
    first_frame_dap = netCDF4.Dataset(fetch_gini(hind_time_step = f))
    first_frame_grid = gini_grid(first_frame_dap)
    second_frame_dap = netCDF4.Dataset(fetch_gini(hind_time_step = s))
    second_frame_grid = gini_grid(second_frame_dap)
    new_ir = copy.deepcopy(first_frame_grid.fields['IR'])
    img = new_ir['data'][0,:]
    level = 200
    img[np.where(img > img.max()-level)] = ndimage.median_filter(img, 2)[np.where(img > img.max()-level)]
    new_ir['data'][0, :] = img
    first_frame_grid.fields.update({'IR_filt' : new_ir})
    new_ir = copy.deepcopy(second_frame_grid.fields['IR'])
    img = new_ir['data'][0,:]
    level =200
    img[np.where(img > img.max()-level)] = ndimage.median_filter(img, 2)[np.where(img > img.max()-level)]
    new_ir['data'][0, :] = img
    second_frame_grid.fields.update({'IR_filt' : new_ir})
    umot, vmot = doflow_lk(first_frame_grid, second_frame_grid, winSize = (5,5), filter_len = 5)
    umot_fb, vmot_fb = doflow_fb(first_frame_grid, 
                                 second_frame_grid, winSize = (20,20), filter_len = 10,
                                 levels = l)
    second_frame_grid.fields.update({'u' : umot, 'v' : vmot})
    second_frame_grid.fields.update({'u_fb' : umot_fb, 'v_fb' : vmot_fb})
    return second_frame_grid
Exemplo n.º 2
def doflow_fb(first_frame, second_frame, winSize = (5,5), filter_len = 10, sig_min = 150, n_iter = 40, levels = 1):
    im0 = copy.deepcopy(first_frame.fields['IR_filt']['data'])
    im0[np.where(im0 < sig_min)] = sig_min
    im1 = copy.deepcopy(second_frame.fields['IR_filt']['data'])
    im1[np.where(im1 < sig_min)] = sig_min
    sim0 = (im0 - im0.min())*(im0.max()/(im0.max()-im0.min()))
    sim1 = (im1 - im1.min())*(im1.max()/(im1.max()-im1.min()))
    u, v = get_optic_flow_fb(sim0[0], 
                          winSize = winSize[0], n_iter=n_iter, levels=levels)
    t1 = netCDF4.num2date(second_frame.axes['time']['data'][0], units = second_frame.axes['time']['units'])
    t0 = netCDF4.num2date(first_frame.axes['time']['data'][0], units = first_frame.axes['time']['units'])
    dt = (t1-t0).seconds
    dx = np.expand_dims(np.gradient(second_frame.fields['x']['data'])[1], 0)
    dy = np.expand_dims(np.gradient(second_frame.fields['y']['data'])[0], 0)
    u_fld = {'data' : dt * ndimage.median_filter(u.reshape([1,u.shape[0], u.shape[1]]),filter_len)/dx,
                                        'units' :'pixels',
                                        'standard_name' : 'disp',
                                        'long name' : 'todo'}

    v_fld = {'data' : dt * ndimage.median_filter( v.reshape([1,v.shape[0], v.shape[1]]),filter_len)/dy,
                                        'units' :'pixels',
                                        'standard_name' : 'disp',
                                        'long name' : 'todo'}

    return u_fld, v_fld
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getpic(self,img_name,channel_num):
        self.img_name = img_name
        os.system('streamer -c /dev/video'+str(channel_num)+' -f jpeg -o '+ self.img_name + '.jpeg')
#        print 'streamer -c /dev/video0 -f jpeg -o '+ self.img_name + '.jpeg'
        img = mpimg.imread(self.img_name+'.jpeg', 'jpeg')
        return img
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_thrustermask(dtheta):
    Identify thruster fire events.

    Delta theta is the change in telescope roll angle compared to the
    previous cadence. We establish the typical scatter in delta theta
    by computing the median absolute deviation of points in regions of
    100 measurements. We identfy thruster fires as cadences where the
    change in telescope roll angle exceeds the median absolute
    deviation by > 15.

    dtheta : roll angle for contiguous observations

    thrustermask : boolean array where True means thruster fire
    medfiltwid = 10 # Filter width to identify discontinuities in theta
    sigfiltwid = 100 # Filter width to establish local scatter in dtheta
    thresh = 10 # Threshold to call something a thruster fire (units of sigma)

    medtheta = nd.median_filter(dtheta,medfiltwid)
    diffdtheta = np.abs(dtheta - medtheta)
    sigma = nd.median_filter(diffdtheta,sigfiltwid) * 1.5
    thrustermask = np.array(diffdtheta > thresh*sigma)
    idx = np.where(thrustermask)[0]
    mask_after = idx + 1 # mask cadence after
    mask_after = mask_after[mask_after < len(thrustermask)]
    print "{} masked after thruster fire ".format(len(mask_after))
    thrustermask[mask_after] = True
    return thrustermask
Exemplo n.º 5
def detect_vortices(cloud, radius=70, showplots=False):
    Detects whether there are vortex-like features within a given radius
    of the peak density in the TOF image of an expanded BEC
    OD = cloud.get_OD()    
    peak_coord = cloud.results['peak coordinates']
    center_region = ROI(center=peak_coord,
                        size=(1.5 * radius, 1.5 * radius)).slices
    smooth_cloud = ndi.median_filter(OD[center_region], size=4)
    minOD = smooth_cloud.min()
    maxOD = smooth_cloud.max()
    cloud_median = ndi.median_filter(smooth_cloud, size=10)
    belowthresh = where(smooth_cloud < cloud_median * 0.75, 1, 0)
    opened = ndi.binary_opening(belowthresh, iterations=1)
    closed = ndi.binary_closing(opened, iterations=1)
    vort_found = ndi.label(closed)[1]
    cloud.results['vort_found'] = vort_found
    if showplots == True:
        fig = plt.figure(1999)
        fig.add_subplot(221, xticks=[], yticks=[])   
        plt.imshow(smooth_cloud, interpolation='nearest', vmin=minOD,
        fig.add_subplot(222, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(cloud_median, interpolation='nearest', vmin=minOD,
        fig.add_subplot(223, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(closed, interpolation='nearest',
        fig.add_subplot(224, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(belowthresh, interpolation='nearest',
    return vort_found
Exemplo n.º 6
def detect_current(cloud, showplots=False):
    Detects whether there is a vortex-like signature of persistent
    current in the center of a TOF image of an expanded ring BEC
    OD = cloud.get_OD()    
    peak_coord = cloud.results['peak coordinates']
    center_region = ROI(center=peak_coord, size=(40, 40)).slices
    cloud_center = ndi.median_filter(OD[center_region], size=2)
    minOD = cloud_center.min()
    maxOD = cloud_center.max()
    cloud_median = ndi.median_filter(cloud_center, size=10)
    belowthresh = where(cloud_center < cloud_median * 0.75, 1, 0)
    opened = ndi.binary_opening(belowthresh, iterations=1)
    closed = ndi.binary_closing(opened, iterations=3)
    current_found = ndi.label(closed)[1]
    cloud.results['current_found'] = current_found
    if showplots == True:
        fig = plt.figure(1999)
        fig.add_subplot(221, xticks=[], yticks=[])   
        plt.imshow(cloud_center, interpolation='nearest', vmin=minOD,
        fig.add_subplot(222, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(cloud_median, interpolation='nearest', vmin=minOD,
        fig.add_subplot(223, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(closed, interpolation='nearest',
        fig.add_subplot(224, xticks=[], yticks=[]) 
        plt.imshow(belowthresh, interpolation='nearest',
    return current_found, asum(closed)     
Exemplo n.º 7
def pepareImage(image):
    """Remove background and fit data to 8-bit range"""
    image = image.astype(float) #convert to floating point (integers lose 99% of data!)
    colonies_blurred = spim.median_filter(colonies,2)/spim.median_filter(colonies,20)*numpy.mean(colonies) # remove stongly blurred 'background' from slightly blurred foregound
    minval = numpy.min(colonies_blurred)
    colonies_blurred = colonies_blurred - minval
    maxval = numpy.max(colonies_blurred)
    colonies_blurred = colonies_blurred * (256/maxval)
Exemplo n.º 8
def bandpass_m(array, small=2, big=30):
    Applies a small-radius median filter to the array, then subtracts the 
    result of applying a large-radius median filter.
    mS = ndi.median_filter(array, size=small)
    mB = ndi.median_filter(array, size=big)
    return(mS - mB)
def estimateHSflow(frame1, frame2, lam = 80):
    H, W = frame1.shape

    # build the image pyramid
    pyramid_spacing = 1.0 / 0.8
#    pyramid_levels = 1 + np.floor(np.log(min(W, H) / 16.0) / np.log(pyramid_spacing * 1.0))
#    pyramid_levels = int(pyramid_levels)
    pyramid_levels = 4
    smooth_sigma = np.sqrt(2.0)

    pyramid1 = []
    pyramid2 = []

    t_H = H
    t_W = W
    gau_frame1 = frame1
    gau_frame2 = frame2

    for m in range(1, pyramid_levels):
        # TODO #1: build Gaussian pyramid for coarse-to-fine optical flow
        # estimation
        # use cv2.GaussianBlur
        t_H = int(t_H*0.8)
        t_W = int(t_W*0.8)
        gau_frame1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(gau_frame1,(3,3),smooth_sigma)
        gau_frame2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(gau_frame2,(3,3),smooth_sigma)
        gau_frame1 = cv2.resize(gau_frame1,(t_W,t_H))
        gau_frame2 = cv2.resize(gau_frame2,(t_W,t_H))                        
    # coarst-to-fine compute the flow
    uv = np.zeros(((H, W, 2)))

    for levels in range(pyramid_levels - 1, -1, -1):
        print "level %d" % (levels)
        H1, W1 = pyramid1[levels].shape
        uv = cv2.resize(uv, (W1, H1))
        uv = estimateHSflowlayer(pyramid1[levels], pyramid2[levels], uv, lam)

        # TODO #6: use median filter to smooth the flow result in each level in each iteration
    	uv[:,:,0] = af.median_filter(uv[:,:,0], 7)
    	uv[:,:,1] = af.median_filter(uv[:,:,1], 7)
#         uv = uv.astype('uint8')
#         c1,c2 = cv2.split(uv)
#         c1 = cv2.medianBlur(c1, 3)
#         c2 = cv2.medianBlur(c2, 3)
#         uv = cv2.merge([c1,c2])
#         uv = uv.astype('float')
    return uv
Exemplo n.º 10
 def center_on_peak(self):
     Re-centers the ROI on the peak OD in the present ROI
     OD = self.get_OD()
     ndi.median_filter(OD, 3)
     rel_y, rel_x = find_peak_coords(OD)
     new_center = (self.roi.tblr[0] + rel_y, self.roi.tblr[2] + rel_x)
     self.results = {}
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _apply_prefilters(self):
     Allows prefiltering of the raw image data before processing.
     if self.proc_info['prefilt'] == 'median':
         adjacent = ((0.5, 1, 0.5), (1, 1, 1), (0.5, 1, 0.5))
         img = ndi.median_filter(self.img, footprint=adjacent)
         pro = ndi.median_filter(self.pro, footprint=adjacent)
         bac = ndi.median_filter(self.bac, footprint=adjacent)
         return (img, pro, bac)
         return(self.img, self.pro, self.bac)
	def medianClicked(self):
		global _img, red, green, blue
		red = ndimage.median_filter(red, size = 15)
		green = ndimage.median_filter(green, size = 15)
		blue = ndimage.median_filter(blue, size =15)
		for a in range(0, _img.shape[0]):
			for b in range(0, _img.shape[1]):
				_img[a, b, 0] = red[a, b]
				_img[a, b, 1] = green[a, b]
				_img[a, b, 2] = blue[a, b]
Exemplo n.º 13
def baseline_and_deglitch(orig_spec,
    (1) Calculate a rolling standard deviation (s) in a window
        of 2*ww pixels
    (2) Mask out portions of the spectrum where s is more than
        sigma_cut times the median value for s. This seems to 
        be mis-calibrated (perhaps not independent?). A value 
        of 1.5 works well to remove all signal.
    (3) Downsample the masked spectrum (to avoid memory bug)
        and find the minimum order polynomial baseline that 
        does a good job of fitting the data.
    (3) Median filter (with a filter width of filt_width)
        to remove the single-channel spikes seen.
    ya = rolling_window(orig_spec,ww*2)
    #Calculate standard dev and pad the output
    stds = my_pad.pad(np.std(ya,-1),(ww-1,ww),mode='edge')
    #Figure out which bits of the spectrum have signal/glitches
    med_std = np.median(stds)
    std_std = np.std(stds)
    sigma_x_bar = med_std/np.sqrt(ww)
    sigma_s = (1./np.sqrt(2.))*sigma_x_bar
    #Mask out signal for baseline
    masked = ma.masked_where(stds > med_std+sigma_cut*sigma_s,orig_spec)
    #Down-sample for the polyfit.
    #For speed, but mostly for memory
    masked = im.median_filter(masked,filt_width)[::filt_width]
    xx = np.arange(masked.size)
    npoly = find_best_baseline(masked,xx)
    basepoly = fit_baseline(masked,xx,ndeg=npoly)
    #Some kludgy code to refactor the baseline polynomial to
    #the full size spectra
    xxx = np.arange(orig_spec.size)
    params = np.asarray(basepoly)
    rr = filt_width
    newparams = []
    for i,p in enumerate(params[::-1]):
    newparams = newparams[::-1]
    newpoly = np.poly1d(newparams)
    newbaseline = newpoly(xxx) 
    #Subtract off baseline
    sub = orig_spec-newbaseline
    #Filter out glitches in baseline-subtracted version
    final = im.median_filter(sub,filt_width)[::filt_width]
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: alexbw/ida
def process(img,downsample_fact=0.05):

    # Downsample the image
    r = []
    for i in range(3):
        r.append(ndimage.zoom(img[:,:,i], downsample_fact))
    r = np.dstack(r)
    rs = r.mean(2)

    # Extract light/dark boundaries
    h = ndimage.median_filter(np.max(rs,axis=1), (rs.shape[1]/10.0,))
    w = ndimage.median_filter(np.max(rs,axis=0), (rs.shape[0]/50.0,))

    # Find the index of the boundaries
    height_ticks = find_highs(h,min_length=100)
    width_ticks = find_highs(w,min_length=10)

    # Extract the sub-images
    test_imgs_bw = []
    test_imgs = []
    position = []
    for iheight,height_tick in enumerate(height_ticks):
        h1,h2 = height_tick
        for iwidth,width_tick in enumerate(width_ticks):
            w1,w2 = width_tick
            Ibw = rs[h1:h2,w1:w2]
            I = r[h1:h2,w1:w2,:]
    # Save a copy of the extracted images
    out_imgs = test_imgs[:]
    # Shift the sub-images to remove the plug. 
    shifts = []
    for test_img, pos in zip(test_imgs, position):
        plug_data = np.mean(test_img[:,:,0] - test_img.mean(2), axis=1)
        plug_data = plug_data[2:] - plug_data[:-2] # lagged derivative, smooths things out a little
        locs = np.argwhere(local_maxima(plug_data[:20])).ravel() # only look at the beginning of the tube for the plug
        highs = [h+1 for h in locs[np.argsort(plug_data[locs])[::-1]]]
        if len(highs) == 0:
            print "NO PLUG FOUND FOR POSITION %s" % str(pos)
    test_imgs = [I[shift:,:,:] for I,shift in zip(test_imgs, shifts)]

    # Extract fittable data
    data = [-np.median(test_img,axis=1).mean(1) for test_img in test_imgs]

    return data, position, out_imgs, shifts
Exemplo n.º 15
def local_median_val( u, v, u_threshold, v_threshold, size=1 ):
    """Eliminate spurious vectors with a local median threshold.
    This validation method tests for the spatial consistency of the data.
    Vectors are classified as outliers and replaced with Nan (Not a Number) if
    the absolute difference with the local median is greater than a user 
    specified threshold. The median is computed for both velocity components.
    u : 2d np.ndarray
        a two dimensional array containing the u velocity component.
    v : 2d np.ndarray
        a two dimensional array containing the v velocity component.
    u_threshold : float
        the threshold value for component u
    v_threshold : float
        the threshold value for component v
    u : 2d np.ndarray
        a two dimensional array containing the u velocity component, 
        where spurious vectors have been replaced by NaN.
    v : 2d np.ndarray
        a two dimensional array containing the v velocity component, 
        where spurious vectors have been replaced by NaN.
    mask : boolean 2d np.ndarray 
        a boolean array. True elements corresponds to outliers.
    um = median_filter( u, size=2*size+1 )
    vm = median_filter( v, size=2*size+1 )
    ind = (np.abs( (u-um) ) > u_threshold) | (np.abs( (v-vm) ) > v_threshold)
    u[ind] = np.nan
    v[ind] = np.nan
    mask = np.zeros(u.shape, dtype=bool)
    mask[ind] = True
    return u, v, mask
def make_gif2():
  t = sp.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.01)
  for sigma in range(1, 10):
    pylab.axis([-6.0, 6.0, -1.1, 1.1])
    A = ndi.median_filter(shallow(t), 2.0**sigma)
    B = ndi.median_filter(steep(t), 2.0**sigma)
    pylab.plot(t, A, 'b')
    pylab.plot(t, B, 'r')
    pylab.plot(t, -1.0 * (A > 0), 'b')
    pylab.plot(t, (B > 0), 'r')
    pylab.plot(t, zero(t), 'k')
Exemplo n.º 17
def prep_data(dataset):
    df = dataset.copy()

    latlon = list(zip(df.lat, df.lon))
    dist = np.array([distance(latlon[i + 1], latlon[i]) for i in range(len((latlon[:-1])))])

    df["dist"] = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(dist)))

    slope = np.abs(100 * np.diff(df.alt) / (1000 * dist))
    slope[np.where(                 slope <  4) ] = 0 # "green"
    slope[np.where((slope >=  4) & (slope <  6))] = 1 # "yellow"
    slope[np.where((slope >=  6) & (slope < 10))] = 2 # "pink"
    slope[np.where((slope >= 10) & (slope < 15))] = 3 # "orange"
    slope[np.where( slope >= 15                )] = 4 # "red"
    slope = im.median_filter(slope, 6)

    colors = np.empty_like(slope, dtype=object)
    colors[np.where(slope == 0)] = "green"
    colors[np.where(slope == 1)] = "yellow"
    colors[np.where(slope == 2)] = "pink"
    colors[np.where(slope == 3)] = "orange"
    colors[np.where(slope == 4)] = "red"
    df["colors"] = list(colors) + [None]              # NOTE: add [None] just make pandas happy

    return df
Exemplo n.º 18
def _rs_large(sinogram, snr, size, matindex):
    Remove large stripes by: locating stripes, normalizing to remove
    full stripes, using the sorting technique to remove partial stripes.    
    badpixelratio = 0.05
    (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape
    ndrop = np.int16(badpixelratio * nrow)
    sinosorted = np.sort(sinogram, axis=0)
    sinosmoothed = median_filter(sinosorted, (1, size))
    list1 = np.mean(sinosorted[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0)
    list2 = np.mean(sinosmoothed[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0)
    listfact = list1 / list2
    # Locate stripes
    listmask = _detect_stripe(listfact, snr)
    listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype)
    matfact = np.tile(listfact, (nrow, 1))
    # Normalize
    sinogram = sinogram / matfact
    sinogram1 = np.transpose(sinogram)
    matcombine = np.asarray(np.dstack((matindex, sinogram1)))
    matsort = np.asarray(
        [row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in matcombine])
    matsort[:, :, 1] = np.transpose(sinosmoothed)
    matsortback = np.asarray(
        [row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in matsort])
    sino_corrected = np.transpose(matsortback[:, :, 1])
    listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0]
    sinogram[:, listxmiss] = sino_corrected[:, listxmiss]
    return sinogram
Exemplo n.º 19
 def remove_large_stripe(self, matindex, sinogram, snr, size):
     Algorithm 5 in the paper. Use to remove large stripes
     Parameters: - sinogram: 2D array.
                 - snr: ratio used to discriminate between useful
                     information and noise.
                 - size: window size of the median filter.
     Return:     - stripe-removed sinogram.
     badpixelratio = 0.05
     (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape
     ndrop = np.int16(badpixelratio * nrow)
     sinosorted = np.sort(sinogram, axis=0)
     sinosmoothed = median_filter(sinosorted, (1, size))
     list1 = np.mean(sinosorted[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0)
     list2 = np.mean(sinosmoothed[ndrop:nrow - ndrop], axis=0)
     listfact = list1 / list2
     listmask = self.detect_stripe(listfact, snr)
     listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype)
     matfact = np.tile(listfact,(nrow,1))
     sinogram = sinogram / matfact
     sinogram1 = np.transpose(sinogram)
     matcombine = np.asarray(np.dstack((matindex, sinogram1)))
     matsort = np.asarray(
         [row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in matcombine])
     matsort[:, :, 1] = np.transpose(sinosmoothed)
     matsortback = np.asarray(
         [row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in matsort])
     sino_corrected = np.transpose(matsortback[:, :, 1])
     listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0]
     sinogram[:, listxmiss] = sino_corrected[:, listxmiss]
     return sinogram
Exemplo n.º 20
def _rs_dead(sinogram, snr, size, matindex):
    Remove unresponsive and fluctuating stripes.
    sinogram = np.copy(sinogram)  # Make it mutable
    (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape
    sinosmoothed = np.apply_along_axis(uniform_filter1d, 0, sinogram, 10)
    listdiff = np.sum(np.abs(sinogram - sinosmoothed), axis=0)
    nmean = np.mean(listdiff)
    listdiffbck = median_filter(listdiff, size)
    listdiffbck[listdiffbck == 0.0] = nmean
    listfact = listdiff / listdiffbck
    listmask = _detect_stripe(listfact, snr)
    listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype)
    listmask[0:2] = 0.0
    listmask[-2:] = 0.0
    listx = np.where(listmask < 1.0)[0]
    listy = np.arange(nrow)
    matz = sinogram[:, listx]
    finter = interpolate.interp2d(listx, listy, matz, kind='linear')
    listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0]
    if len(listxmiss) > 0:
        matzmiss = finter(listxmiss, listy)
        sinogram[:, listxmiss] = matzmiss
    # Use algorithm 5 to remove residual stripes
    sinogram = _rs_large(sinogram, snr, size, matindex)
    return sinogram
Exemplo n.º 21
def filter_fmap(in_file, in_mask=None, out_file=None):
    from pyacwereg.filters import wavelets_denoise, laplacian_filter
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import os.path as op
    from math import pi
    from scipy.ndimage import median_filter

    if out_file is None:
        fname, fext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
        if fext == '.gz':
            fname, _ = op.splitext(fname)
        out_file = op.abspath('./%s_filtered.nii.gz' % fname)

    filtered = wavelets_denoise(laplacian_filter(in_file, in_mask))

    im = nb.load(filtered)
    result = im.get_data()
    result = median_filter(result, 10)
    result -= np.median(result)
    result *= (pi / np.percentile(result, 99.97))
    nb.Nifti1Image(result, im.get_affine(),

    return out_file
def center_galaxy(image, original_image, centroid=None):
    if centroid is None:
        # apply median filter to find the galaxy centroid
        centroid = median_filter(image, size=10).argmax()
        centroid = np.unravel_index(centroid, image.shape)
    # recenter image
    roffset = centroid[0] - image.shape[0] / 2
    if roffset < 0:
        # add more white space to top of image
        extra_rows = image.shape[0] - 2 * centroid[0]
        image = np.vstack((np.zeros((extra_rows, image.shape[1])), image))
    elif roffset > 0:
        # add more white space to bottom of image
        extra_rows = 2 * centroid[0] - image.shape[0]
        image = np.vstack((image, np.zeros((extra_rows, image.shape[1]))))
    coffset = centroid[1] - image.shape[1] / 2
    if coffset > 0:
        # add more white space to right of image
        extra_columns = 2 * centroid[1] - image.shape[1]
        image = np.column_stack((image, np.zeros((image.shape[0], extra_columns))))
    elif coffset < 0:
        # add more white space to left of image
        extra_columns = image.shape[1] - 2 * centroid[1]
        image = np.column_stack((np.zeros((image.shape[0], extra_columns)), image))

    return image, centroid
Exemplo n.º 23
def grey_processing(inputImg):
#    fp = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]
    fp = np.ones((3, 3))
    data = nd.median_filter(inputImg, size=7)
    data = nd.grey_closing(data, footprint=fp)
    data = nd.grey_opening(data,footprint=fp)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 24
def bfixpix(image_file, mask_file, outsuffix='_f', msksuffix='_s'):
    image_file : string
        input image file to fix bad pixels on

    mask_file : string
        mask file (0 == good pixels, >0 == bad pixels

    outsuffix : string
        suffix for fixed image. default = '_f'

    msksuffix : string
        suffix for bad pixels significance mask. default = '_s'
    outf = image_file.replace('.fits', outsuffix + '.fits')
    outm = image_file.replace('.fits', msksuffix + '.fits')
    util.rmall([outf, outm])
    print("bfixpix: {0} -> {1}".format(image_file, outf))

    # fetch the image, fetch the mask
    img, hdr = fits.getdata(image_file, header=True)
    msk = fits.getdata(mask_file)

    # median the image
    medimg = ndimage.median_filter(img, 3, mode='nearest')

    # generate the pixel files
    outf_img = np.where(msk == 0, img, medimg)
    outm_img = np.where(msk == 1, (img - medimg), 0)

    fits.writeto(outf, outf_img, hdr)
    fits.writeto(outm, outm_img, hdr)
Exemplo n.º 25
	def testAcquire(self):
		im = self.acquireImage()
		if im is None:

		# filter
		im = numpy.asarray(im, dtype=numpy.float32)
		medfilt = int(self.settings['medfilt'])
		lowfilt = float(self.settings['lowfilt'])
		if medfilt > 1:
			im = ndimage.median_filter(im, size=medfilt)
		if lowfilt > 0:
			im = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, lowfilt)

		# find regions
		minsize = self.settings['minsize']
		maxsize = self.settings['maxsize']
		timeout = 300
		#regions, image  = libCVwrapper.FindRegions(im, minsize, maxsize)
		self.logger.info('running libCV.FindRegions, timeout = %d' % (timeout,))
			regions,image = pyami.timedproc.call('leginon.libCVwrapper', 'FindRegions', args=(im,minsize,maxsize), timeout=timeout)
			self.logger.error('libCV.FindRegions failed')
			regions = []
			image = None

		# this is copied from targetfinder:
		#regions,image = libCVwrapper.FindRegions(self.mosaicimage, minsize, maxsize)
		n = len(regions)
		self.logger.info('Regions found: %s' % (n,))
def Highpass(image):
    Returns: image after passing it through a highpass filter. 
    Parameters: image
    return image - median_filter(image,size=9)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def remove_unresponsive_and_fluctuating_stripe(self, sinogram, snr, size):
     Algorithm 6 in the paper. Remove unresponsive or fluctuating stripes.
     Parameters: - sinogram: 2D array.
                 - snr: ratio used to discriminate between useful
                     information and noise
                 - size: window size of the median filter.
     Return:     - stripe-removed sinogram.
     (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape
     sinosmoothed = np.apply_along_axis(uniform_filter1d, 0, sinogram, 10)
     listdiff = np.sum(np.abs(sinogram - sinosmoothed), axis=0)
     nmean = np.mean(listdiff)
     listdiffbck = median_filter(listdiff, size)
     listdiffbck[listdiffbck == 0.0] = nmean
     listfact = listdiff / listdiffbck
     listmask = self.detect_stripe(listfact, snr)
     listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype)
     listmask[0:2] = 0.0
     listmask[-2:] = 0.0
     listx = np.where(listmask < 1.0)[0]
     listy = np.arange(nrow)
     matz = sinogram[:, listx]
     finter = interpolate.interp2d(listx, listy, matz, kind='linear')
     listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0]
     if len(listxmiss) > 0:
         matzmiss = finter(listxmiss, listy)
         sinogram[:, listxmiss] = matzmiss
     return sinogram
        def processAndSaveFFT(self, imgdata, fftpath):
                if os.path.isfile(fftpath):
                        print "FFT file found"
                        if fftpath in self.freqdict.keys():
                                print "Freq found"
                                return False
                        print "Freq not found"
                print "creating FFT file: ", fftpath

                ### downsize and filter leginon image
                if self.params['uncorrected']:
                        imgarray = imagefilter.correctImage(imgdata, params)
                        imgarray = imgdata['image']

                ### calculate power spectra
                apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
                fftarray, freq = ctfpower.power(imgarray, apix, mask_radius=0.5, fieldsize=self.params['fieldsize'])
                #fftarray = imagefun.power(fftarray, mask_radius=1)

                fftarray = ndimage.median_filter(fftarray, 2)

                ## preform a rotational average and remove peaks
                rotfftarray = ctftools.rotationalAverage2D(fftarray)
                stdev = rotfftarray.std()
                rotplus = rotfftarray + stdev*4
                fftarray = numpy.where(fftarray > rotplus, rotfftarray, fftarray)

                ### save to jpeg
                self.freqdict[fftpath] = freq
                mrc.write(fftarray, fftpath)


                return True
Exemplo n.º 29
 def process_frames(self, data):
     Algorithm 5 in the paper. Remove large stripes by: locating stripes,
     normalizing to remove full stripes, using the sorting technique to
     remove partial stripes.
     sinogram = np.copy(data[0])
     badpixelratio = 0.05 # To avoid false detection        
     ndrop = np.int16(badpixelratio * self.height1)
     sinosorted = np.sort(sinogram, axis=0)
     sinosmoothed = median_filter(sinosorted, (1, self.size))
     list1 = np.mean(sinosorted[ndrop:self.height1 - ndrop], axis=0)
     list2 = np.mean(sinosmoothed[ndrop:self.height1 - ndrop], axis=0)
     listfact = list1 / list2
     listmask = self.detect_stripe(listfact, self.snr)
     listmask = binary_dilation(listmask, iterations=1).astype(listmask.dtype)
     matfact = np.tile(listfact,(self.height1,1))
     sinogram = sinogram / matfact
     sinogram1 = np.transpose(sinogram)
     matcombine = np.asarray(np.dstack((self.matindex, sinogram1)))
     matsort = np.asarray(
         [row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in matcombine])
     matsort[:, :, 1] = np.transpose(sinosmoothed)
     matsortback = np.asarray(
         [row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in matsort])
     sino_corrected = np.transpose(matsortback[:, :, 1])
     listxmiss = np.where(listmask > 0.0)[0]
     sinogram[:, listxmiss] = sino_corrected[:, listxmiss]
     return sinogram
Exemplo n.º 30
def blur_predict(model, X, type="median", filter_size=3, sigma=1.0):
    if type == "median":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: ndimage.median_filter(x, filter_size), 
    elif type == "gaussian":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: ndimage.gaussian_filter(x, filter_size),
    elif type == "f_gaussian":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: filters.gaussian_filter(x.reshape((28, 28)), sigma=sigma).reshape(784),
    elif type == "tv_chambolle":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle(x.reshape((28, 28)), weight=0.2).reshape(784),
    elif type == "tv_bregman":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: restoration.denoise_tv_bregman(x.reshape((28, 28)), weight=5.0).reshape(784),
    elif type == "bilateral":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: restoration.denoise_bilateral(np.abs(x).reshape((28, 28))).reshape(784),
    elif type == "nl_means":
        blured_X = np.array(list(map(lambda x: restoration.nl_means_denoising(x.reshape((28, 28))).reshape(784),
    elif type == "none":
        blured_X = X 

        raise ValueError("unsupported filter type", type)

    return predict(model, blured_X)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def run(self, ips, snap, img, para = None):
     nimg.median_filter(snap, para['size'], output=img)
Exemplo n.º 32
f = 530

time, data = sft.ctime2data(data_dir, ti, tf)

spec = data[0]  # BE SURE TO LOOK AT THE POL11 STUFF TOO!!

# show only this freq range in the rfi removed plot and SVD plot
plot_if = 0
plot_ff = 2100

logdata = np.log10(spec)

median_f = np.median(logdata, axis=0)
flattened = logdata - median_f

filtered = median_filter(flattened, [1, med_win])

noisy_corrected = flattened - filtered

corrected = uniform_filter(noisy_corrected, uni_win)

MAD = np.median(np.abs(corrected))

flags = (corrected > sensitivity * MAD)

rfi_removed = np.ma.masked_where(flags, corrected)

rfi_occ_freq = np.sum(flags, axis=0) / flags.shape[0]
rfi_occ_time = np.sum(flags, axis=1) / flags.shape[1]

rfi_removed_dB = 10 * rfi_removed
Exemplo n.º 33
def PSNR(original, compressed):  # This function for calculating PSNR value
    mse = np.mean((original - compressed)**2)
    maxl = 255.0
    psnr = 10 * log10(maxl**2 / mse)
    return psnr

img = mpimg.imread("noisy.jpg")  # For reading the image
noisy = np.array(img, dtype=float)  # Convert to floating point

img = mpimg.imread("original.jpg")  # For reading the image
original = np.array(img, dtype=float)  # Convert to floating point

# We use constant mode with 0 because default value of median filter on matlab is zeros as padding option
result = ndimage.median_filter(noisy, size=3, mode='constant', cval=0)
result2 = ndimage.median_filter(result, size=3, mode='constant', cval=0)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)
axs[0, 0].imshow(original)
axs[0, 0].set_title("Original Image")
axs[0, 1].imshow(noisy)
axs[0, 1].set_title("Noisy Image")
axs[1, 0].imshow(result)
axs[1, 0].set_title("After first filter")
axs[1, 1].imshow(result2)
axs[1, 1].set_title("After second filter")

print("PSNR value between original and noisy image : ", end="")
Exemplo n.º 34
    def run(self, show=False):

        # Load data
        filename = self.filename
        d = pyfits.getdata(filename)
        h = pyfits.getheader(filename)
        path, filename = os.path.split(filename)

        # Get wavelength calibration
        z = np.arange(h['naxis3'])
        w = h['CRVAL3'] + h['CDELT3'] * (z - h['CRPIX3'])

        # Signal-to-noise clipping
        s = d.sum(axis=2)
        s = s.sum(axis=1)

        gauss_pw, _ = self.fit_gaussian(z, s)
        log.debug("Gaussian parameters ---")
        log.debug("p[0] = %.2f" % gauss_pw[0])
        log.debug("p[1] = %.2f" % gauss_pw[1])
        log.debug("p[2] = %.2f" % gauss_pw[2])
        log.debug("p[3] = %.2f" % gauss_pw[3])

        lor_p = self.fit_lorentzian(z, s)
        log.debug("Lorentzian parameters ---")
        log.debug("p[0] = %.2f" % lor_p[0])
        log.debug("p[1] = %.2f" % lor_p[1])
        log.debug("p[2] = %.2f" % lor_p[2])
        log.debug("p[3] = %.2f" % lor_p[3])

        fwhm = np.abs(gauss_pw[2] * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
        filter_ = np.where(np.abs(z - gauss_pw[1]) < fwhm, True, False)

        if show:
                     self.gaussian(gauss_pw, z),
                     label='Gaussian Fit')
                     self.lorentzian(lor_p, z),
                     label='Lorentzian Fit')
            plt.plot(z, s, 'ko')
            plt.plot(z[filter_], s[filter_], 'ro')
            plt.title('Cube collapsed in XY and fits.')
            plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)

        signal = d[filter_].mean(axis=0)
        noise = d[np.logical_not(filter_)].mean(axis=0)
        target_snr = 3
        snr = signal / noise
        snr = ndimage.median_filter(snr, 3)
        snr_mask = np.where(signal > target_snr * noise, True, False)

        snr_laplacian = ndimage.morphological_laplace(snr * snr_mask, size=3)
        snr_mask *= np.where(np.abs(snr_laplacian) < 5.0, True, False)

        snr_mask = ndimage.binary_opening(snr_mask, iterations=5)
        snr_mask = ndimage.binary_closing(snr_mask, iterations=5)

        # SNR MASK Based on circular aperture
        # aperture_radius = 1 # arcmin
        # aperture_radius = aperture_radius / 60 # arcmin to deg
        # aperture_radius = np.abs(aperture_radius / h['CD1_1']) # deg to pix
        # print(aperture_radius)
        # c = SkyCoord('7:41:55.400', '-18:12:33.00', frame=h['RADECSYS'].lower(), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        # x, y = np.arange(h['NAXIS1']), np.arange(h['NAXIS2'])
        # X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        # center_wcs = wcs.WCS(h)
        # center = center_wcs.wcs_world2pix(c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg, 6563, 1)
        # snr_mask = np.sqrt((X - center[0]) ** 2 + (Y - center[1]) ** 2)
        # snr_mask = np.where(snr_mask < aperture_radius, True, False)
        # plt.imshow(snr_mask)
        # plt.show()

        # SNR MASK Based on squared area
        aperture_width = 256 * 4.048e-1  # arcsec (from original image)
        aperture_width /= 3600  # arcsec to deg
        aperture_width /= np.abs(h['CD1_1'])  # deg to pix
        c = SkyCoord('7:41:55.197',
                     unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        x, y = np.arange(h['NAXIS1']), np.arange(h['NAXIS2'])
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        center_wcs = wcs.WCS(h)
        center = center_wcs.wcs_world2pix(c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg, 6563, 1)
        print(center, np.abs(X - center[0]), np.abs(Y - center[1]),
        X = np.where(np.abs(X - center[0]) < aperture_width / 2, True, False)
        Y = np.where(np.abs(Y - center[1]) < aperture_width / 2, True, False)
        snr_mask = X * Y
        plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)

        if show:

            fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
            plt.title('Signal-to-Noise Ratio')
            gs = GridSpec(1, 3)

            ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
            im1 = ax1.imshow(snr,
            div1 = make_axes_locatable(ax1)
            cax1 = div1.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
            cbar1 = plt.colorbar(mappable=im1,

            ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
            im2 = ax2.imshow(np.where(snr_mask, 1, 0),
            div2 = make_axes_locatable(ax2)
            cax2 = div2.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
            cbar2 = plt.colorbar(mappable=im2,

            cmap = plt.get_cmap('cubehelix')
            cmap.set_bad('w', 1.0)
            ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2])
            im3 = ax3.imshow(np.ma.masked_where(~snr_mask, snr),
            div3 = make_axes_locatable(ax3)
            cax3 = div3.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
            cbar3 = plt.colorbar(mappable=im3,

            plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)

        pyfits.writeto(filename.replace('.', '.SNR.'), snr, h, clobber=True)
        pyfits.writeto(filename.replace('.', '.SNR_LAPLACIAN.'),

        # Adjust continuum
        continuum = self.fit_continuum(d)

        # Subtract continuum
        continuum = np.reshape(continuum, (continuum.size, 1, 1))
        continuum = np.repeat(continuum, d.shape[1], axis=1)
        continuum = np.repeat(continuum, d.shape[2], axis=2)
        d -= continuum
        del continuum

        # Integrate along the planetary nebulae
        d = d * snr_mask
        d = d.sum(axis=2)
        d = d.sum(axis=1)
        d = d / np.float(h['EXPTIME'])

        gauss_pw, _ = self.fit_gaussian(w, d)
        gauss_pc, _ = self.fit_gaussian(z, d)
        log.info("Gaussian parameters ---")
        log.info("p[0] = %.4f ADU/s" % gauss_pw[0])
        log.info("p[1] = %.4f A = %.4f channels" % (gauss_pw[1], gauss_pc[1]))
        log.info("p[2] = %.4f A = %.4f channels" % (gauss_pw[2], gauss_pc[2]))
        log.info("p[3] = %.4f ADU/s" % gauss_pw[3])

        # total_flux = (gauss_pc[0] - gauss_pc[3]) * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) \
        #              * gauss_pc[2]
        # log.info("Total flux = (a - d) * sqrt(2pi) * c")
        # log.info(" %.5E ADU/s" % total_flux)

        fwhm = np.abs(gauss_pw[2] * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
        filter_ = np.where(np.abs(w - gauss_pw[1]) < fwhm, True, False)

        # d = d - d[~filter_].mean()

        if show:
                     self.gaussian(gauss_pw, w),
                     label='Gaussian Fit')
            # plt.plot(w, self.lorentzian(lor_p, w), 'b-', lw=2, label='Lorentzian Fit')
            plt.plot(w[~filter_], d[~filter_], 'ko')
            plt.plot(w[filter_], d[filter_], 'ro')
            plt.title('Spectral profile of the masked area.')
            plt.xlabel(u'Wavelenght [$\AA$]')
            plt.ylabel(u'Integrated Count Level [ADU/s]')
            plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)

        integrated_flux = (gauss_pc[0] - gauss_pc[3]) \
                          * (gauss_pc[2] * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        log.info("Total flux: %.4E adu/s" % (integrated_flux))

        snr_mask = np.where(snr_mask, 1, 0)
                                    filename.replace('.fits', '.mask.fits')),

Exemplo n.º 35
plt.plot(np.arange(logdata[:,f2].size)[np.where(lowf_max > 1e10)],logdata[:,f2][np.where(lowf_max > 1e10)], 'r.')
plt.savefig(f"{plot_dir}/{name}_logdata_{f2}f", dpi=600)
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(logdata, 0)

for i in range(1,5):
    first_modes = np.matmul(u[:,:i], np.matmul(np.diag(s[:i]), v[:i,:]))
    plt.imshow(logdata - first_modes, aspect='auto',vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.01)

corrected = copy.deepcopy(logdata)

filtered = median_filter(corrected, size=[wint,winf])

corrected -= filtered

#corrected = corrected + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=noise_scale, size=corrected.shape)

plt.imshow(corrected[:,plot_if:plot_ff], aspect='auto', vmin=-0.001, vmax=0.002)
plt.savefig(f"{plot_dir}/{name}_corrected", dpi=600)

MAD = np.median(np.abs(corrected), axis=0)

globalMAD = np.median(np.abs(corrected))

axes = plt.gca()
Exemplo n.º 36
def validate(theta1, theta2, X, act='sig'):
    aa1 = h(theta1, X, act)
    aa1 = np.insert(aa1, 0, 1, axis=0)
    aa2 = h(theta2, aa1.T, 'softmax')
    accu_matrix = np.argmax(aa2, axis=0)
    return accu_matrix

for imagepath in paths.list_images(
    ## Extracting the Info from Training Set Results from tmp dir
    inp_image = ms.imread(imagepath, mode="L")
    ## Rescalling the Inputs
    #inp_image = inp_image.flatten()
    inp_image = nd.median_filter(inp_image, 3)
    orig_reso = (964, 1280)
    #inp_image = resize(inp_image, orig_reso)
    inp_image = ms.imresize(inp_image.reshape(orig_reso[0], orig_reso[1]),
                            (100, 100),
    inp_image = inp_image / 255.0

    inp_image = np.insert(inp_image, 0, 1, axis=0)
    ## Orignal Resolution Of Image

    ## construct the argument parse and parse the arguments
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
Exemplo n.º 37
def median_filter(array):
    return im.median_filter(array, size=(2, 2))
Exemplo n.º 38
def remove_saturated_pixel(ds, threshold=0.1, minimum=None, maximum=None):
    Remove saturated fixes from an array inplace.

    :param ds: a dataset as ndarray
    :param float threshold: what is the upper limit?
        all pixel > max*(1-threshold) are discareded.
    :param float minimum: minumum valid value (or True for auto-guess)
    :param float maximum: maximum valid value
    :return: the input dataset
    shape = ds.shape
    if ds.dtype == numpy.uint16:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 65535.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.int16:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 32767.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.uint8:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 255.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.int8:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 127.0
        if maximum is None:
            maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * ds.max()
            maxt = maximum
    if maximum is not None:
        maxt = min(maxt, maximum)
    invalid = (ds > maxt)
    if minimum:
        if minimum is True:
            # automatic guess of the best minimum TODO: use the HWHM to guess the minumum...
            data_min = ds.min()
            x, y = numpy.histogram(numpy.log(ds - data_min + 1.0), bins=100)
            f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0,
            max_low = fmin(f, y[1], disp=0)
            max_hi = fmin(f, y[-1], disp=0)
            if max_hi > max_low:
                f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0, x, bounds_error=False)
                min_center = fminbound(f, max_low, max_hi)
                min_center = max_hi
            minimum = float(numpy.exp(y[(
                (min_center / y) > 1).sum() - 1])) - 1.0 + data_min
            logger.debug("removeSaturatedPixel: best minimum guessed is %s",
        ds[ds < minimum] = minimum
        ds -= minimum  # - 1.0

    if invalid.sum(dtype=int) == 0:
        logger.debug("No saturated area where found")
        return ds
    gi = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(invalid)
    lgi, nc = ndimage.label(gi)
    if nc > 100:
            "More than 100 saturated zones were found on this image !!!!")
    for zone in range(nc + 1):
        dzone = (lgi == zone)
        if dzone.sum(dtype=int) > ds.size // 2:
        min0, min1, max0, max1 = bounding_box(dzone)
        ksize = min(max0 - min0, max1 - min1)
        subset = ds[max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize),
                    max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize)]
        while subset.max() > maxt:
            subset = ndimage.median_filter(subset, ksize)
        ds[max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize),
           max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize)] = subset
    return ds
Exemplo n.º 39
def findOutlierPixels(data, tolerance=1, worry_about_edges=True):
    """This function finds the hot or dead pixels in a 2D dataset. 
    tolerance is the number of standard deviations used to cutoff the hot pixels
    If you want to ignore the edges and greatly speed up the code, then set
    worry_about_edges to False.
    The function returns a list of hot pixels and also an image with with hot pixels removed"""

    from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
    blurred = median_filter(data, size=2)
    difference = data - blurred
    threshold = tolerance * np.std(difference)

    #Find the hot pixels, but ignore the edges
    hot_pixels = np.nonzero((np.abs(difference[1:-1, 1:-1]) > threshold))
    hot_pixels = np.array(
        hot_pixels) + 1  #because we ignored the first row and first column

    fixed_image = np.copy(data)  #This is the image with the hot pixels removed
    for y, x in zip(hot_pixels[0], hot_pixels[1]):
        fixed_image[y, x] = blurred[y, x]

    if worry_about_edges == True:
        height, width = np.shape(data)

        ###Now get the pixels on the edges (but not the corners)###

        #left and right sides
        for index in range(1, height - 1):
            #left side:
            med = np.median(data[index - 1:index + 2, 0:2])
            diff = np.abs(data[index, 0] - med)
            if diff > threshold:
                hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[index], [0]]))
                fixed_image[index, 0] = med

            #right side:
            med = np.median(data[index - 1:index + 2, -2:])
            diff = np.abs(data[index, -1] - med)
            if diff > threshold:
                hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[index], [width - 1]]))
                fixed_image[index, -1] = med

        #Then the top and bottom
        for index in range(1, width - 1):
            med = np.median(data[0:2, index - 1:index + 2])
            diff = np.abs(data[0, index] - med)
            if diff > threshold:
                hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[0], [index]]))
                fixed_image[0, index] = med

            med = np.median(data[-2:, index - 1:index + 2])
            diff = np.abs(data[-1, index] - med)
            if diff > threshold:
                hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[height - 1], [index]]))
                fixed_image[-1, index] = med

        ###Then the corners###

        #bottom left
        med = np.median(data[0:2, 0:2])
        diff = np.abs(data[0, 0] - med)
        if diff > threshold:
            hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[0], [0]]))
            fixed_image[0, 0] = med

        #bottom right
        med = np.median(data[0:2, -2:])
        diff = np.abs(data[0, -1] - med)
        if diff > threshold:
            hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[0], [width - 1]]))
            fixed_image[0, -1] = med

        #top left
        med = np.median(data[-2:, 0:2])
        diff = np.abs(data[-1, 0] - med)
        if diff > threshold:
            hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[height - 1], [0]]))
            fixed_image[-1, 0] = med

        #top right
        med = np.median(data[-2:, -2:])
        diff = np.abs(data[-1, -1] - med)
        if diff > threshold:
            hot_pixels = np.hstack((hot_pixels, [[height - 1], [width - 1]]))
            fixed_image[-1, -1] = med
    return fixed_image
Exemplo n.º 40
# --- Error height (h) --- #

print("detrending and calc std ...")

std = np.apply_along_axis(std_residuals, 2, ds.dh)

mask_nan = np.isnan(std)

print("filtering std field ...")

std[std > 1] = 1.0  # Limit max std to 1m (to avoid garbage)

std = interpolate_replace_nans(std, Gaussian2DKernel(2), boundary="extend")

std = median_filter(std, size=3)

std[mask_nan] = np.nan

err_std = std / np.sqrt(6)  # four missions and two modes (ice/oce)

# NOTE: Do not use this!

if 0:
    # Using each mission error (3D)
    err_ra = np.array([0.23, 0.21, 0.13, 0.11]) / np.sqrt(2)  # One per mission

    err_full = [np.sqrt(err_std ** 2 + e_ra ** 2) for e_ra in err_ra]  # Four 2D fields

    # 2Ds -> 3D
    err_dh = np.dstack(
Exemplo n.º 41
from scipy import ndimage

dat = imread('MV_HFV_012.jpg')
dat = dat[60:]
filtdat = ndimage.median_filter(dat, size=(7,7))

hi_dat = np.histogram(dat, bins=np.arange(256))
hi_filtdat = np.histogram(filtdat, bins=np.arange(256))

void = filtdat <= 50
sand = np.logical_and(filtdat>50, filtdat<=114)
glass = filtdat > 114

phases = void.astype(np.int) + 2*glass.astype(np.int) +\

sand = ndimage.binary_opening(sand, iterations=2)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def set_images(self, sample):
     tmp = sample
     tmp = tmp.resize(self.img_size, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
     tmp = np.array(tmp)
     tmp = ndimage.median_filter(tmp, 5)
     self.sample = np.array(tmp)
    def predict(model,
        # Compute the best label for each timesteo
        if type(Xi) is list:
            out = []
            for i in range(len(Xi)):
                Yi_ = None if Yi is None else Yi[i]
                out += [
                    model.predict(Xi[i], Yi_, is_training, output_latent,
                                  inference, known_order)
            return out

        # Check that Xi is of size FxT
        if Xi.shape[0] > Xi.shape[0]:
            Xi = Xi.T

        if Yi is not None:
            assert Xi.shape[1] == Yi.shape[
                0], "Error: Xi and Yi are of shapes {} and {}".format(
                    Xi.shape[1], Yi.shape[0])

        _, n_timesteps = Xi.shape
        n_nodes = model.n_nodes

        # Initialize score
        score = np.zeros([n_nodes, n_timesteps], np.float64)

        # loss augmented inference (if training)
        if is_training:
            if model.is_latent:
                score += ssvm.latent_loss_augmented_unaries(
                    score, Yi, model.n_latent)
                score += ssvm.loss_augmented_unaries(score, Yi)

        # Add potentials to score
        for key in model.potentials:
            score = model.potentials[key].compute(model, Xi, score)

        if model.is_latent and (not is_training and not output_latent):
            score = ssvm.reduce_latent_states(score, model.n_latent,

        # Get predictions
        inference_type = inference if inference is not None else model.inference_type
        if inference_type is "framewise":
            path = score.argmax(0)

        elif inference_type is "filtered":
            assert hasattr(model, "filter_len"), "filter_len must be set"
            path = score.argmax(0)
            path = nd.median_filter(path, model.filter_len)

        elif "segmental" in inference_type:
            normalized = True if "normalized" in inference_type else False

            if known_order is not None:
                path = infer_known_ordering(score.T, known_order)
                assert hasattr(model, "max_segs"), "max_segs must be set"
                # Check if there is a segmental pw.pairwise term
                seg_term = [
                    p.name for p in model.potentials.values()
                    if type(p) is pw.segmental_pairwise
                if len(seg_term) >= 1:
                    path = segmental_inference(score.T,
                    path = segmental_inference(score.T,

        return path
Exemplo n.º 44
def rgb2gray(rgbImg):
    return np.dot(rgbImg[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]).astype(np.uint8)

averageMask3x3 = np.array([[1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9], [1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9],
                           [1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9]])

img2 = misc.imread('/Users/jadson/Desktop/DL04_Img2.2.jpg')
img3 = misc.imread('/Users/jadson/Desktop/DL04_Img2.1.jpg')

img2Gray = rgb2gray(img2)
img3Gray = rgb2gray(img3)

# apply the media filter
medianImg = ndimage.median_filter(img2Gray, 3)

# apply the average 3x3 filter
averageImg = ndimage.convolve(img2Gray, averageMask3x3)

plt.imshow(medianImg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
plt.suptitle('Reconstruction with Median Filter 3x3')

plt.imshow(averageImg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
plt.suptitle('Reconstruction with Average Filter 3x3')

plt.imshow(img3Gray, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
plt.suptitle('Original Image')
Exemplo n.º 45
    def apply_modifier(self):
        Apply a selected filter to a image.

        input_image : nparray
            Represents the image to be filtered
        filter_type: str
            Must in one of:
        *args: Arguments of the selected filter,
            see details for more information.
        **kwargs: The key arguments of the selected filter,
            see details for more information.

            The filtered image as the same format of the input.

        Arguments for the filters and the default values:
        =============  ===========================
        Filter         Kwargs
        =============  ===========================
        'gaussian'     sigma: 3
        'uniform'      size: 3
        'median'       size: 3
        'maximum'      size: 3
        'minimum'      size: 3
        'sharpening'   alpha: 30, filter_sigma: 1
        'percentile'   percentile: 75, size: 3
        'wiener'       noise power and size
        'sobel'        None
        =============  ===========================
        This details also are defined in this module as a argument.
        complete_file_name = self.imagem.edited_image.path
        # Open the image file
        input_image = imageio.imread(complete_file_name)
        # Apply the Modifier
        if self.filter_type == self.GAUSSIAN:
            output_image = ndimage.gaussian_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.UNIFORM:
            output_image = ndimage.uniform_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.MEDIAN:
            output_image = ndimage.median_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.MAXIMUM:
            output_image = ndimage.maximum_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.MINIMUM:
            output_image = ndimage.minimum_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.SHARPENING:
            output_image = self.sharpenning_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.PERCENTILE:
            output_image = ndimage.percentile_filter(
        elif self.filter_type == self.WIENER:
            noise = None
            if self.filter_argument_value >= 0:
                noise = float(self.filter_argument_value)
            output_image = signal.wiener(
                mysize=int(self.size_value),  # TODO: Should be odd, add clean
        elif self.filter_type == self.SOBEL:
            output_image = self.sobel_filter(

        # Save the result
        output_image = output_image.astype(input_image.dtype)
        imageio.imwrite(complete_file_name, output_image)
        return output_image
Exemplo n.º 46
 def __init__(self, image=[[0.0]], size=1, **options):
     from scipy import ndimage
     self.ax = ndimage.median_filter(image, size, **options)
def removebadpix(data, mask):
    medianed_image = median_filter(data, size=2)
    data[np.where(mask > 0)] = medianed_image[np.where(mask > 0)]
    return data
Exemplo n.º 48
def threshold_local(image,
    """Compute a threshold mask image based on local pixel neighborhood.

    Also known as adaptive or dynamic thresholding. The threshold value is
    the weighted mean for the local neighborhood of a pixel subtracted by a
    constant. Alternatively the threshold can be determined dynamically by a
    given function, using the 'generic' method.

    image : (N, M) ndarray
        Input image.
    block_size : int
        Odd size of pixel neighborhood which is used to calculate the
        threshold value (e.g. 3, 5, 7, ..., 21, ...).
    method : {'generic', 'gaussian', 'mean', 'median'}, optional
        Method used to determine adaptive threshold for local neighbourhood in
        weighted mean image.

        * 'generic': use custom function (see ``param`` parameter)
        * 'gaussian': apply gaussian filter (see ``param`` parameter for custom\
                      sigma value)
        * 'mean': apply arithmetic mean filter
        * 'median': apply median rank filter

        By default the 'gaussian' method is used.
    offset : float, optional
        Constant subtracted from weighted mean of neighborhood to calculate
        the local threshold value. Default offset is 0.
    mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional
        The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled, where
        cval is the value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
        Default is 'reflect'.
    param : {int, function}, optional
        Either specify sigma for 'gaussian' method or function object for
        'generic' method. This functions takes the flat array of local
        neighbourhood as a single argument and returns the calculated
        threshold for the centre pixel.
    cval : float, optional
        Value to fill past edges of input if mode is 'constant'.

    threshold : (N, M) ndarray
        Threshold image. All pixels in the input image higher than the
        corresponding pixel in the threshold image are considered foreground.

    .. [1] https://docs.opencv.org/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.html?highlight=threshold#adaptivethreshold

    >>> from skimage.data import camera
    >>> image = camera()[:50, :50]
    >>> binary_image1 = image > threshold_local(image, 15, 'mean')
    >>> func = lambda arr: arr.mean()
    >>> binary_image2 = image > threshold_local(image, 15, 'generic',
    ...                                         param=func)
    if block_size % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError("The kwarg ``block_size`` must be odd! Given "
                         "``block_size`` {0} is even.".format(block_size))
    check_nD(image, 2)
    thresh_image = np.zeros(image.shape, 'double')
    if method == 'generic':
    elif method == 'gaussian':
        if param is None:
            # automatically determine sigma which covers > 99% of distribution
            sigma = (block_size - 1) / 6.0
            sigma = param
    elif method == 'mean':
        mask = 1. / block_size * np.ones((block_size, ))
        # separation of filters to speedup convolution
    elif method == 'median':
        raise ValueError("Invalid method specified. Please use `generic`, "
                         "`gaussian`, `mean`, or `median`.")

    return thresh_image - offset
Exemplo n.º 49
	def start(self):
		### start the outfile name
		fileroot = os.path.splitext(self.params['filename'])[0]
		fileroot += "-"+self.timestamp

		self.params['box'] = apVolume.getModelDimensions(self.params['file'])

		if self.params['ampfile'] is not None:
			### run amplitude correction
			spifile = apVolume.MRCtoSPI(self.params['file'], self.params['rundir'])
			tmpfile = apAmpCorrect.createAmpcorBatchFile(spifile, self.params)

			### check if spider was successful
			fileroot += ".amp"
			if not os.path.isfile(tmpfile) :
				apDisplay.printError("amplitude correction failed")

			### convert amplitude corrected file back to mrc
			fileroot += ".amp"
			a = spider.read(tmpfile)
			outfile = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], "ampl-fix.mrc" )
			mrc.write(a, outfile)
			curfile = outfile
		elif self.params['bfactor'] is True:
			outfile = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], "bfactor-fix.mrc" )
			outfile = apAmpCorrect.applyBfactor(self.params['file'], fscfile=self.params['fscfile'], 
				apix=self.params['apix'], mass=self.params['mass'], outfile=outfile)
			curfile = outfile
		else :
			### just run proc3d
			curfile = self.params['file']
			emancmd = "proc3d "+self.params['file']+" "
		emancmd = "proc3d "+curfile+" "

		if self.params['median'] is not None:
			data = mrc.read(curfile)
			data = ndimage.median_filter(data, size=self.params['median'])
			mrc.write(data, curfile)

		emancmd+="apix=%s " %self.params['apix']
		if self.params['lp'] is not None:
			fileroot += (".lp%d" % ( int(self.params['lp']), ))
			emancmd += "lp=%d " %self.params['lp']
		if self.params['hp'] is not None:
			fileroot += (".hp%d" % ( int(self.params['hp']), ))
			emancmd += "hp=%d " %self.params['hp']

		if self.params['yflip'] is True:
			fileroot += ".yflip"
			emancmd +="yflip "

		if self.params['invert'] is True:
			fileroot += ".inv"
			emancmd +="mult=-1 "

		if self.params['viper'] is True:
			fileroot += ".vip"
			emancmd +="icos5fTo2f "

		if self.params['mask'] is not None:
			# convert ang to pixels
			fileroot += (".m%d" % ( int(self.params['mask']), ))
			emancmd += "mask=%d " %maskpix
			self.params['mask'] = maskpix

		if self.params['imask'] is not None:
			# convert ang to pixels
			fileroot += (".im%d" % ( int(self.params['imask']), ))
			emancmd += "imask=%d " %maskpix
			self.params['imask'] = maskpix

		if self.params['norm'] is True:
			fileroot += ".norm"
			emancmd += "norm=0,1 "

		### add output filename to emancmd string
		fileroot += ".mrc"
		self.params['name'] = fileroot

		outfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], fileroot)
		emancmd = re.sub(" apix=",(" %s apix=" % outfile), emancmd)


		if self.params['description'] is None:
			self.params['description'] = "Volume from recon with amplitude adjustment"

		### clean up files created during amp correction
		if self.params['ampfile'] is not None:

		if self.params['commit'] is True:
			symdata  = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params['sym'])
			symmetry = symdata['eman_name']
			self.params['reconid'] = self.params['reconiterid']
			### render chimera images of model

			apChimera.filterAndChimera(outfile, res=self.params['res'], apix=self.params['apix'], box=self.params['box'],
				chimtype='snapshot', mass=self.params['mass'], contour=self.params['contour'], 
				zoom=self.params['zoom'], sym=symmetry)
Exemplo n.º 50
         	        # identify frame where the difference in tongue shape is lowest.
                min_val, min_idx = min((val,idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(difflist))
	               # add frame to array
                frame_n = imlist[min_idx]
                frame_number = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(frame_n)[0])[1][1:] # actual frame number, not INDEX
                openframe = np.array(Image.open(os.path.join(bmpdir,frame_n)))
                myrframe = ndimage.median_filter(openframe,5)
                rpca[tindex,:,:] = myrframe
                    sm = audiolabel.LabelManager(from_file = syncfile, from_type = 'table', sep = '\t', fields_in_head = False, fields = 't1,frameidx')
                    rmidfrm = int(sm.tier('frameidx').label_at(rt_frmtime).text)
                except ValueError:
                    syncfile = os.path.join(utt, (timestamp + '.bpr.sync.TextGrid'))
                    # print(syncfile)
                    sm = audiolabel.LabelManager(from_file = syncfile, from_type='praat')#,sep = '\t', fields_in_head = True, fields = 'seconds,pulse_idx,raw_data_idx')
#                    print(sm)
                    rmidfrm = int(sm.tier('pulse_idx').label_at(rt_frmtime).text)
                framename = timestamp + '.' + str(rmidfrm) + '.jpg'
                if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bmpdir,framename)):
Exemplo n.º 51
def statistical_analysis(outname, image, image_mri, mzs, n, is_ratio, top,
                         post_process, is_norm, is_denoise, is_memmap,

    if is_denoise:
        size = (5, 5, 1)
        if len(image.shape) == 4:
            size += (1, )
        image = median_filter(image, size=size)

    # image[image_mri == 0] = 0

    if is_ratio:
        ratio_images, ratio_mzs = fusion.extract_ratio_images(image, mzs)
        image = np.concatenate((image, ratio_images), axis=-1)
        mzs = np.concatenate((mzs, ratio_mzs))
        indices_delete = fusion.remove_indices(image)
        image = np.delete(image, indices_delete, axis=-1)
        mzs = np.delete(mzs, indices_delete)

    memmap_dir = os.path.dirname(outname) + os.path.sep + "mmap" + os.path.sep
    memmap_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outname))[0]
    memmap_image_filename = memmap_dir + memmap_basename + ".npy"
    memmap_files_exist = (os.path.exists(memmap_dir)
                          and os.path.exists(memmap_image_filename))
    if is_memmap and not memmap_files_exist:
        print("Writing mem-map")
        os.makedirs(memmap_dir, exist_ok=True)
        np.save(memmap_image_filename, image)
    if is_memmap:
        print("Reading mem-map")
        image = np.load(memmap_image_filename, mmap_mode="r")

    image_norm = imzmlio.normalize(image)
    mri_norm = imzmlio.normalize(image_mri)


    if is_norm:
        image_norm = image_norm.astype(np.float64)
        mri_norm = mri_norm.astype(np.float64)

        for index in range(image_norm.shape[-1]):
            current_image = image_norm[..., index]
            norm = np.linalg.norm(current_image)
            if norm > 0:
                current_image /= norm
                image_norm[..., index] = current_image
        mri_norm /= np.linalg.norm(mri_norm)
    image_norm = fusion.flatten(image_norm, is_spectral=True)
    mri_norm = fusion.flatten(mri_norm)

    print("Computing Dimension reduction")

    nmf = NMF(n_components=n,

    # fit_red = nmf.fit(image_norm.T)
    # eigenvectors = fit_red.components_ #H
    # image_eigenvectors = nmf.transform(image_norm.T); #W
    # mri_eigenvectors = nmf.transform(mri_norm.T)

    # shape_mri = image_mri.shape + (mri_eigenvectors.shape[-1],)
    # mri_eigenvectors = mri_eigenvectors.reshape(shape_mri)

    fit_red = nmf.fit(image_norm)

    W = fit_red.transform(image_norm)
    H = fit_red.components_

    image_eigenvectors = H.T
    new_shape = image.shape[:-1] + (image_eigenvectors.shape[-1], )
    image_eigenvectors = image_eigenvectors.reshape(new_shape)

    image_eigenvectors_translated = image_eigenvectors

    H_translated = H
    if translate_components:
        image_eigenvectors_translated, translated_image = reg.register_component_images(
            image_mri, image, image_eigenvectors, 3)

        H_translated = image_eigenvectors_translated.reshape(H.T.shape).T

    # We use translated components ONLY for MRI reconstruction
    fit_red.components_ = H_translated
    point = fit_red.transform(mri_norm)

    #Normal components for MS images
    fit_red.components_ = H
    X_r = fit_red.transform(image_norm)

    centers = X_r
    point_mri = point

    print("Explained variance ratio=", fusion.get_score(fit_red, image_norm))

    if post_process:
        X_train, X_test = fusion.post_processing(X_r, point)
        centers = X_train
        point_mri = X_test
        clustering = fusion.clustering_kmeans(X_train)
        plt.plot(X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], "b.")
        plt.plot(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], "ro")

    if not is_ratio:
        X_all = np.concatenate((centers, point_mri), axis=0)
        tsne_all = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X_all)
        X_r_all = np.concatenate((X_r, point), axis=0)
        pca_all = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X_r_all)
        mri = StandardScaler().fit_transform(point)
        pca_all = pca_all[..., :2]
        size = (100, 100)
        if len(image.shape) == 3:
            images_maldi = [cv2.resize(i, size) for i in image.T]
            image_mri = cv2.resize(image_mri.T, size)
            # visualize_scatter_with_images(pca_all,
            #                              images_maldi,
            #                              image_mri,
            #                              figsize=size,
            #                              image_zoom=0.7)
        elif len(image.shape) == 4:
            images_maldi = [
                cv2.resize(i[..., i.shape[-1] // 2], size)
                for i in np.transpose(image, (3, 0, 1, 2))
            thumbnail_mri = image_mri.copy()
            thumbnail_mri = cv2.resize(
                thumbnail_mri[..., thumbnail_mri.shape[-1] // 2], size)
            #                              images_maldi,
            #                              thumbnail_mri,
            #                              figsize=size,
            #                              image_zoom=0.7)

    # plt.plot(X_r[:, 0], X_r[:, 1], "b.")
    # plt.plot(point[:, 0], point[:, 1], "ro")
    # plt.show()
    # plt.close()

    labels = None
    weights = [1 for i in range(centers.shape[1])]

    if top is not None:
        af = fusion.clustering_kmeans(image_norm, X_r)
        labels = af.labels_
        centers = af.cluster_centers_

    similar_images, similar_mzs, distances = fusion.select_images(
        image, point_mri, centers, weights, mzs, labels, None)

    print("Selecting images end")
    diff = fusion.closest_reconstruction(image, X_r, point, image_eigenvectors,
    print(similar_mzs[:10], mzs[diff.argsort()][:10])

    similar_images = similar_images[..., 0:100]
    similar_images = imzmlio.normalize(similar_images)

    index_closest = np.where(mzs == similar_mzs[0])
    index = index_closest[0]

    w = X_r[index, ...] / np.sum(X_r[index, ...])

    image_closest = fusion.reconstruct_image_from_components(
        image_eigenvectors, w.T)
    image_closest = image_closest.T
    image_closest = imzmlio.normalize(image_closest)

    w_mri = point / np.sum(point)
    mri_reconstructed = fusion.reconstruct_image_from_components(
        image_eigenvectors_translated, w_mri.T)
    mri_reconstructed = mri_reconstructed.T
    i = np.where((mri_reconstructed > 0))
    img_tmp = np.reshape(mri_norm, image_mri.shape)
    mri_reconstructed = imzmlio.normalize(mri_reconstructed)
    mri_reconstructed_diff = mri_reconstructed.copy().astype(float)
    if is_norm:
        mri_reconstructed_diff /= np.linalg.norm(mri_reconstructed_diff)
    diff_reconstruction = np.mean(
        np.abs(mri_reconstructed_diff[i] - img_tmp[i])) / np.max(img_tmp)
    print("Average diff NMF reconstruction (percentage)=",

    if len(similar_images.shape) == 3:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4)
        ax[0].imshow(similar_images[..., 0], cmap="gray")
        ax[1].imshow(np.reshape(mri_norm, image_mri.shape), cmap="gray")
        ax[2].imshow(image_closest, cmap="gray")
        ax[3].imshow(mri_reconstructed, cmap="gray")
        # plt.show()
    elif len(similar_images.shape) == 4:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4)

        tracker = SliceViewer(ax,
                              np.transpose(similar_images[..., 0], (2, 1, 0)),
                                  np.reshape(mri_norm, image_mri.shape),
                                  (2, 1, 0)),
                              np.transpose(image_closest, (2, 1, 0)),
                              np.transpose(mri_reconstructed, (2, 1, 0)),
        fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', tracker.onscroll)
        # plt.show()

    if len(similar_images.shape) == 4:
        s = similar_images.shape
        similar_images = similar_images.reshape(s[0],
        tifffile.imwrite(outname, similar_images.T, imagej=True)
        itk_similar_images = sitk.GetImageFromArray(similar_images.T)
        sitk.WriteImage(itk_similar_images, outname)
                    os.path.splitext(outname)[0] + "_reconstruction.tif")

    outname_csv = os.path.splitext(outname)[0] + ".csv"
               np.transpose((similar_mzs, distances)),
Exemplo n.º 52
def get_heightmap(color_img, depth_img, cam_intrinsics, cam_pose, workspace_limits, heightmap_resolution, background_heightmap=None, median_filter_pixels=5):

    if median_filter_pixels > 0:
        depth_img = ndimage.median_filter(depth_img, size=median_filter_pixels)

    # Compute heightmap size
    heightmap_size = np.round(((workspace_limits[1][1] - workspace_limits[1][0])/heightmap_resolution, (workspace_limits[0][1] - workspace_limits[0][0])/heightmap_resolution)).astype(int)
    depth_heightmap = np.zeros(heightmap_size)

    # Get 3D point cloud from RGB-D images
    surface_pts, color_pts = get_pointcloud(color_img, depth_img, cam_intrinsics)

    # Transform 3D point cloud from camera coordinates to robot coordinates
    surface_pts = np.transpose(np.dot(cam_pose[0:3,0:3],np.transpose(surface_pts)) + np.tile(cam_pose[0:3,3:],(1,surface_pts.shape[0])))

    # Sort surface points by z value
    sort_z_ind = np.argsort(surface_pts[:,2])
    surface_pts = surface_pts[sort_z_ind]
    color_pts = color_pts[sort_z_ind]

    # Filter out surface points outside heightmap boundaries
    heightmap_valid_ind = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(surface_pts[:,0] >= workspace_limits[0][0], surface_pts[:,0] < workspace_limits[0][1]), surface_pts[:,1] >= workspace_limits[1][0]), surface_pts[:,1] < workspace_limits[1][1]), surface_pts[:,2] < workspace_limits[2][1])
    surface_pts = surface_pts[heightmap_valid_ind]
    color_pts = color_pts[heightmap_valid_ind]

    # Create orthographic top-down-view RGB-D depth heightmap
    heightmap_pix_x = np.floor((surface_pts[:,0] - workspace_limits[0][0])/heightmap_resolution).astype(int)
    heightmap_pix_y = np.floor((surface_pts[:,1] - workspace_limits[1][0])/heightmap_resolution).astype(int)
    depth_heightmap[heightmap_pix_y,heightmap_pix_x] = surface_pts[:,2]
    z_bottom = workspace_limits[2][0]
    depth_heightmap = depth_heightmap - z_bottom
    depth_heightmap[depth_heightmap < 0] = 0
    if median_filter_pixels > 0:
        depth_heightmap = ndimage.median_filter(depth_heightmap, size=median_filter_pixels)
    depth_heightmap[depth_heightmap == -z_bottom] = np.nan
    # subtract out the scene background heights, if available
    if background_heightmap is not None:
        depth_heightmap -= background_heightmap
        min_z = np.nanmin(depth_heightmap)
        if min_z < 0:
            depth_heightmap = np.clip(depth_heightmap, 0, None)
            if min_z < -0.005:
                print('WARNING: get_heightmap() depth_heightmap contains negative heights with min ' + str(min_z) + ', '
                    'saved depth heightmap png files may be invalid! '
                    'See README.md for instructions to collect the depth heightmap again. '
                    'Clipping the minimum to 0 for now.')

    # Create orthographic top-down-view RGB-D color heightmaps
    color_heightmap_r = np.zeros((heightmap_size[0], heightmap_size[1], 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    color_heightmap_g = np.zeros((heightmap_size[0], heightmap_size[1], 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    color_heightmap_b = np.zeros((heightmap_size[0], heightmap_size[1], 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    color_heightmap_r[heightmap_pix_y,heightmap_pix_x] = color_pts[:,[0]]
    color_heightmap_g[heightmap_pix_y,heightmap_pix_x] = color_pts[:,[1]]
    color_heightmap_b[heightmap_pix_y,heightmap_pix_x] = color_pts[:,[2]]
    if median_filter_pixels > 0:
        color_heightmap_r = ndimage.median_filter(color_heightmap_r, size=median_filter_pixels)
        color_heightmap_b = ndimage.median_filter(color_heightmap_b, size=median_filter_pixels)
        color_heightmap_g = ndimage.median_filter(color_heightmap_g, size=median_filter_pixels)
    color_heightmap = np.concatenate((color_heightmap_r, color_heightmap_g, color_heightmap_b), axis=2)

    return color_heightmap, depth_heightmap
Exemplo n.º 53
def hpss(S, kernel_size=31, power=2.0, mask=False):
    """Median-filtering harmonic percussive source separation (HPSS).

    Decomposes an input spectrogram `S = H + P`
    where `H` contains the harmonic components,
    and `P` contains the percussive components.

    This implementation is based upon the algorithm described by [1]_.

    .. [1] Fitzgerald, Derry.
        "Harmonic/percussive separation using median filtering."
        13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX10),
        Graz, Austria, 2010.

    S : np.ndarray [shape=(d, n)]
        input spectrogram. May be real (magnitude) or complex.

    kernel_size : int or tuple (kernel_harmonic, kernel_percussive)
        kernel size(s) for the median filters.

        - If scalar, the same size is used for both harmonic and percussive.
        - If iterable, the first value specifies the width of the
          harmonic filter, and the second value specifies the width
          of the percussive filter.

    power : float >= 0 [scalar]
        Exponent for the Wiener filter when constructing mask matrices.

        Mask matrices are defined by
        `mask_H = (r_H ** power) / (r_H ** power + r_P ** power)`
        where `r_H` and `r_P` are the median-filter responses for
        harmonic and percussive components.

    mask : bool
        Return the masking matrices instead of components

    harmonic : np.ndarray [shape=(d, n)]
        harmonic component (or mask)

    percussive : np.ndarray [shape=(d, n)]
        percussive component (or mask)

    Separate into harmonic and percussive

    >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file(), duration=15)
    >>> D = librosa.stft(y)
    >>> H, P = librosa.decompose.hpss(D)

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> plt.figure()
    >>> plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    >>> librosa.display.specshow(librosa.logamplitude(np.abs(D)**2,
    ...                                               ref_power=np.max),
    ...                          y_axis='log')
    >>> plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB')
    >>> plt.title('Full power spectrogram')
    >>> plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    >>> librosa.display.specshow(librosa.logamplitude(np.abs(H)**2,
    ...                          ref_power=np.max),
    ...                          y_axis='log')
    >>> plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB')
    >>> plt.title('Harmonic power spectrogram')
    >>> plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    >>> librosa.display.specshow(librosa.logamplitude(np.abs(P)**2,
    ...                          ref_power=np.max),
    ...                          y_axis='log')
    >>> plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB')
    >>> plt.title('Percussive power spectrogram')
    >>> plt.tight_layout()

    Or with a narrower horizontal filter

    >>> H, P = librosa.decompose.hpss(D, kernel_size=(13, 31))

    Just get harmonic/percussive masks, not the spectra

    >>> mask_H, mask_P = librosa.decompose.hpss(D, mask=True)
    >>> mask_H
    array([[ 1.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.]])
    >>> mask_P
    array([[ 0.,  1., ...,  1.,  1.],
           [ 0.,  1., ...,  1.,  1.],
           [ 1.,  1., ...,  1.,  1.],
           [ 1.,  1., ...,  1.,  1.]])


    if np.iscomplexobj(S):
        S, phase = core.magphase(S)
        phase = 1

    if np.isscalar(kernel_size):
        win_harm = kernel_size
        win_perc = kernel_size
        win_harm = kernel_size[0]
        win_perc = kernel_size[1]

    # Compute median filters. Pre-allocation here preserves memory layout.
    harm = np.empty_like(S)
    harm[:] = median_filter(S, size=(1, win_harm), mode='reflect')

    perc = np.empty_like(S)
    perc[:] = median_filter(S, size=(win_perc, 1), mode='reflect')

    if mask or power < util.SMALL_FLOAT:
        mask_harm = (harm > perc).astype(float)
        mask_perc = 1 - mask_harm
        if mask:
            return mask_harm, mask_perc
        perc = perc**power
        zero_perc = (perc < util.SMALL_FLOAT)
        perc[zero_perc] = 0.0

        harm = harm**power
        zero_harm = (harm < util.SMALL_FLOAT)
        harm[zero_harm] = 0.0

        # Find points where both are zero, equalize
        harm[zero_harm & zero_perc] = 0.5
        perc[zero_harm & zero_perc] = 0.5

        # Compute harmonic mask
        mask_harm = harm / (harm + perc)
        mask_perc = perc / (harm + perc)

    return ((S * mask_harm) * phase, (S * mask_perc) * phase)
Exemplo n.º 54
 def update_dual(self, dual, primal):
     dual += primal - spimg.median_filter(primal, self.filt_size)
Exemplo n.º 55
    def getClusters(self,plot=False):

        from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
        from iDBSCAN import iDBSCAN
        from sklearn import metrics
        from scipy.spatial import distance
        from scipy.stats import pearsonr
        from random import random

        outname = self.options.plotDir
        if outname and not os.path.exists(outname):
            os.system("mkdir -p "+outname)
            os.system("cp utils/index.php "+outname)
        #   Plot parameters  #
        #   IDBSCAN parameters  #
        tip = self.options.tip
        scale              = 1
        iterative          = self.options.iterative                         # number of iterations for the IDBSC
        vector_eps         = self.options.vector_eps
        vector_min_samples = self.options.vector_min_samples

        vector_eps         = list(np.array(vector_eps, dtype=float)*scale)
        vector_min_samples = list(np.array(vector_min_samples, dtype=float)*scale)
        cuts               = self.options.cuts
        nb_it              = 3

        filtimage = median_filter(self.image_fr_zs, size=2)
        edges = self.ct.arrrebin(filtimage,self.rebin)
        edcopy = edges.copy()
        edcopyTight = tl.noisereductor(edcopy,rescale,self.options.min_neighbors_average)

        # make the clustering with DBSCAN algo
        # this kills all macrobins with N photons < 1
        points = np.array(np.nonzero(np.round(edcopyTight))).astype(int).T
        lp = points.shape[0]

        ## apply vignetting (if not applied, vignette map is all ones)
        ## this is done only for energy calculation, not for clustering (would make it crazy)
        image_fr_vignetted = self.ct.vignette_corr(self.image_fr,self.vignette)
        image_fr_zs_vignetted = self.ct.vignette_corr(self.image_fr_zs,self.vignette)
        if tip=='3D':
            Xl = [(ix,iy) for ix,iy in points]          # Aux variable to simulate the Z-dimension
            X1 = np.array(Xl).copy()                    # variable to keep the 2D coordinates
            for ix,iy in points:                        # Looping over the non-empty coordinates
                nreplicas = int(self.image[ix,iy])-1
                for count in range(nreplicas):                                # Looping over the number of 'photons' in that coordinate
                    Xl.append((ix,iy))                              # add a coordinate repeatedly 
            X = np.array(Xl)                                        # Convert the list to an array
            X = points.copy()
            X1 = X       
        if self.options.debug_mode == 0:
            self.options.flag_plot_noise = 0

        # returned collections
        clusters = []
        superclusters = []

        # clustering will crash if the vector of pixels is empty (it may happen after the zero-suppression + noise filtering)
        if len(X)==0:
            return clusters,superclusters

        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        db = iDBSCAN(iterative = iterative, vector_eps = vector_eps, vector_min_samples = vector_min_samples, cuts = cuts, flag_plot_noise = self.options.flag_plot_noise).fit(X)
        t1 = time.perf_counter()
        if self.options.debug_mode: print(f"basic clustering in {t1 - t0:0.4f} seconds")
        if self.options.debug_mode == 1 and self.options.flag_plot_noise == 1:         
            for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='0th',ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
        # Returning to '2' dimensions
        if tip == '3D':
            db.labels_              = db.labels_[range(0,lp)]               # Returning theses variables to the length
            db.tag_                 = db.tag_[range(0,lp)]                  # of the 'real' edges, to exclude the fake repetitions.
        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        labels = db.labels_
        # Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present.
        n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)

        ##################### plot
        # the following is to preserve the square aspect ratio with all the camera pixels
        # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal','box')
        # plt.ylim(0,2040)
        # plt.xlim(0,2040)

        # Black removed and is used for noise instead.
        unique_labels = set(labels)

        colors = [(random(),random(),random(),1.0) for each in range(len(unique_labels))]

        # colors = [plt.cm.Spectral(each)
        #           for each in np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_labels))]
        #canv = ROOT.TCanvas('c1','',600,600)
        if plot:
            #fig_edges = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
            #plt.imshow(self.image.T, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower' ) 
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
            plt.imshow(self.image,cmap='viridis', vmin=1, vmax=10, interpolation=None, origin='lower' ) 
        for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colors):
            if k == -1:
                col = [0, 0, 0, 1]
                break # noise: the unclustered

            class_member_mask = (labels == k)
            #xy = X[class_member_mask & core_samples_mask]
            xy = X1[class_member_mask]
            x = xy[:, 0]; y = xy[:, 1]
            # only add the cores to the clusters saved in the event
            if k>-1 and len(x)>1:
                cl = Cluster(xy,self.rebin,image_fr_vignetted,image_fr_zs_vignetted,self.options.geometry,debug=False)
                cl.iteration = db.tag_[labels == k][0]
                cl.nclu = k
                #corr, p_value = pearsonr(x, y)
                cl.pearson = 999#p_value
                if plot:
                    xri,yri = tl.getContours(y,x)
                    cline = {1:'r',2:'b',3:'y'}
                # if plot: cl.plotAxes(plot=plt,num_steps=100)
                # cl.calcProfiles(plot=None)
                # for dir in ['long','lat']:
                #     prof = cl.getProfile(dir)
                #     if prof and cl.widths[dir]>10: # plot the profiles only of sufficiently long snakes
                #         prof.Draw()
                #         for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                #             canv.SaveAs('{pdir}/{name}_snake{iclu}_{dir}profile.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,iclu=k,dir=dir,ext=ext))

        t2 = time.perf_counter()
        if self.options.debug_mode: print(f"label basic clusters in {t2 - t1:0.4f} seconds")

        from supercluster import SuperClusterAlgorithm
        superclusterContours = []
        scAlgo = SuperClusterAlgorithm(self.options,shape=rescale)
        u,indices = np.unique(db.labels_,return_index = True)
        allclusters_it1 = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 1)[0])].tolist()]
        allclusters_it2 = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 2)[0])].tolist()]
        allclusters_it12 = allclusters_it1 + allclusters_it2
        t3 = time.perf_counter()
        if self.options.debug_mode: print(f"supercl prep in {t3 - t2:0.4f} seconds")
        # note: passing the edges, not the filtered ones for deeper information
        superclusters,superclusterContours = scAlgo.findSuperClusters(allclusters_it12,edges,image_fr_vignetted,image_fr_zs_vignetted,0)

        t4 = time.perf_counter()
        if self.options.debug_mode: print(f"supercl in {t4 - t3:0.4f} seconds")
        if plot:
            for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
        ## DEBUG MODE
        if self.options.debug_mode == 1:
            print('[DEBUG-MODE ON]')
            print('[%s Method]' % (self.options.tip))

            if self.options.flag_full_image or self.options.flag_rebin_image or self.options.flag_edges_image or self.options.flag_first_it or self.options.flag_second_it or self.options.flag_third_it or self.options.flag_all_it or self.options.flag_supercluster :
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            if self.options.flag_full_image == 1:
                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                #plt.imshow(np.flipud(self.image_fr_zs),cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=0, vmax=10,origin='upper' )
                plt.imshow(np.flipud(self.image_fr_zs),cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='upper' )
                plt.title("Original Image")
                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='oriIma',ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
                with open('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.pkl'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='oriIma',ext=ext), "wb") as fp:
                    pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4)
            if self.options.flag_rebin_image == 1:
                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=1, vmax=vmax, origin='lower' )
                plt.title("Rebin Image")
                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='rebinIma',ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
            if self.options.flag_edges_image == 1:
                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(edcopyTight, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower' )
                plt.title('Edges after Filtering')
                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='edgesIma',ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
            if self.options.flag_stats == 1:
                n_clusters_ = len(set(db.labels_)) - (1 if -1 in db.labels_ else 0)
                print("Total number of Clusters: %d" % (n_clusters_))
                u,indices = np.unique(db.labels_,return_index = True)
                print("Clusters found in iteration 1: %d" % (sum(db.tag_[indices] == 1)))
                print("Clusters found in iteration 2: %d" % (sum(db.tag_[indices] == 2)))
                print("Clusters found in iteration 3: %d" % (sum(db.tag_[indices] == 3)))
                print("SuperClusters found: %d" % len(superclusters))
            if self.options.flag_first_it == 1:
                print('[Plotting 1st iteration]')
                u,indices = np.unique(db.labels_,return_index = True)
                clu = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 1)[0])].tolist()]

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower' )
                plt.title("Clusters found in iteration 1")

                for j in range(0,np.shape(clu)[0]):

                    ybox = clu[j][:,0]
                    xbox = clu[j][:,1]

                    if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                        contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                        for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                            plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-r',linewidth=2.5)

                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname, name=self.name, esp='1st', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
                with open('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='1st',ext=ext,tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp:
                    pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4)

            if self.options.flag_second_it == 1:
                print('[Plotting 2nd iteration]')
                u,indices = np.unique(db.labels_,return_index = True)
                clu = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 2)[0])].tolist()]

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower' )
                plt.title("Clusters found in iteration 2")

                for j in range(0,np.shape(clu)[0]):

                    ybox = clu[j][:,0]
                    xbox = clu[j][:,1]

                    if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                        contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                        for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                            plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-b',linewidth=2.5)

                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname, name=self.name, esp='2nd', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
                with open('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='2nd',ext=ext,tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp:
                    pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4)

            if self.options.flag_third_it == 1:
                print('[Plotting 3rd iteration]')
                u,indices = np.unique(db.labels_,return_index = True)
                clu = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 3)[0])].tolist()]

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower' )
                plt.title("Clusters found in iteration 3")

                for j in range(0,np.shape(clu)[0]):

                    ybox = clu[j][:,0]
                    xbox = clu[j][:,1]

                    if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                        contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                        for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                            plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-y',linewidth=2.5)

                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname, name=self.name, esp='3rd', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
            if self.options.flag_all_it == 1:
                print('[Plotting ALL iteration]')
                u,indices = np.unique(db.labels_,return_index = True)
                clu = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 1)[0])].tolist()]

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower' )
                plt.title("Final Image")

                for j in range(0,np.shape(clu)[0]):

                    ybox = clu[j][:,0]
                    xbox = clu[j][:,1]

                    if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                        contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                        for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                            line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-r',linewidth=2.5)
                        if j == 0:
                            line.set_label('1st Iteration')

                clu = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 2)[0])].tolist()]

                for j in range(0,np.shape(clu)[0]):

                    ybox = clu[j][:,0]
                    xbox = clu[j][:,1]
                    if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                        contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                        for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                            line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-b',linewidth=2.5)
                        if j == 0:
                            line.set_label('2nd Iteration')

                clu = [X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 3)[0])].tolist()]

                for j in range(0,np.shape(clu)[0]):

                    ybox = clu[j][:,0]
                    xbox = clu[j][:,1]

                    if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                        contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                        for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                            line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-y',linewidth=2.5)
                        if j == 0:
                            line.set_label('3rd Iteration')
                plt.legend(loc='upper left')

                if len(superclusters):
                    supercluster_contour = plt.contour(superclusterContours, [0.5], colors='limegreen', linewidths=2)
                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname, name=self.name, esp='all', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
                with open('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='all',ext=ext,tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp:
                    pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4)


            #################### PLOT SUPERCLUSTER ONLY ###############################
            if self.options.flag_supercluster == 1:
                if len(superclusters):
                    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                    supercluster_contour = plt.contour(superclusterContours, [0.5], colors='limegreen', linewidths=2,alpha=0.5)
                    #supercluster_contour.collections[0].set_label('supercluster it 1+2')
                    plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower' )
                    plt.title("Superclusters found")
                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname, name=self.name, esp='sc', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
                with open('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format(pdir=outname,name=self.name,esp='sc',ext=ext,tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp:
                    pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4)

            #################### PLOT SUPERCLUSTER ONLY ###############################

            if self.options.nclu >= 0:
                print('[Plotting just the cluster %d]' % (self.options.nclu))

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY))
                plt.imshow(self.image,cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,origin='lower' )
                plt.title('Plotting just the cluster %d' % (self.options.nclu))
                cl_mask = (db.labels_ == self.options.nclu)
                xy = X1[cl_mask]
                xbox = xy[:, 1] 
                ybox = xy[:, 0]

                if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0):
                    contours = tl.findedges(ybox,xbox,self.geometry.npixx,self.rebin)
                    for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
                        line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1],contour[:, 0], '-r',linewidth=2.5)
                for ext in ['png','pdf']:
                    plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{tip}_{nclu}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname, name=self.name, ext=ext, tip = self.options.tip, nclu = self.options.nclu), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

        return clusters,superclusters
Exemplo n.º 56
        #fit_up_pos = ffit_up_pos/conductance_quantumf


        print('Delta B', np.abs(B2-B1))

        linear_vector = np.linspace(0, 14, 100)

        # Up-Sweep Positive

        conductance_fit = 1/ffit_up_pos/conductance_quantum

        diff_up_pos = median_filter(np.abs(1/ffit_up_pos(field_up_pos[small_locs])/conductance_quantum - 1/resistance_up_pos[small_locs]/conductance_quantum),4)

        # Down Sweep Positive

        resistance_down_pos = resistance[sweep_down_locs_pos_field]
        field_down_pos = field[sweep_down_locs_pos_field]
        conductance_down_pos = 1 / resistance_down_pos / conductance_quantum

        ffit_down_pos, B1, B2, area, small_locs = fit_wo_step(resistance_down_pos, field_down_pos,return_field=True, return_area=True,return_shortened_locs=True)

        linear_vector = np.linspace(0, 14, 100)
Exemplo n.º 57
def findEdgesFluor(imagestack,
    # Determine the centre and angle of each image from analysis of fluorescence signal

    ### Threshold, binary, and denoise image.
    threshold = threshold_otsu(imagestack[int(imagenumber), :, :])

    binary = imagestack[int(imagenumber), :, :] > threshold
    binimg = np.where(binary == True, 1.0, 0.0)

    if max_ind > (4 * min_ind):  # Define low contrast images.
        denoise = ndimage.median_filter(binimg, size=2)
        denoise = ndimage.median_filter(
            binimg, size=6)  # <<<<===== size=6 for low-constrast

    edges = feature.canny(
        sigma=sigma)  # Find edges using skimage canny. # <<<<<<<<========

    shape = np.shape(edges)
    limiter = np.zeros(number_of_slices)
    section = np.zeros(number_of_slices * int(shape[1])).reshape(
        number_of_slices, int(shape[1]))
    locs = np.zeros(2 * number_of_slices).reshape(number_of_slices, 2)
    loclist = []

    ### Centre locator
    ycentre = shape[1] / 2
    centrepeaks = np.nonzero(edges[int(ycentre), :] != 0)[0]

    # We need to ensure we have only two non-zero locations for edges:
    if len(centrepeaks) > 2:
        a = np.arange(len(centrepeaks))
        b = centrepeaks
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, n_init=1)
        kmeans.fit_predict(np.transpose(np.stack((a.T, b.T))))
        c = kmeans.cluster_centers_
        centrepeaks = np.sort(c[:, 1])
        centrepeaks = centrepeaks
    centre = np.average(centrepeaks)

    ### Angle calculation

    for i in range(number_of_slices):
        limiter[i] = int(shape[1] * (i + 1) / (number_of_slices + 1))
        section[i] = edges[int(limiter[i]), :]
        loclist.append(np.nonzero(section[i] != 0)[0])

        # We need to ensure we have only two non-zero locations for edges:
        if len(loclist[i]) > 2:
            a = np.arange(len(loclist[i]))
            b = loclist[i]
            kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, n_init=1)
                (a.T, b.T))))  # Reduce edge locations to 2.
            c = kmeans.cluster_centers_
            locs[i] = c[:, 1]
        elif len(loclist[i]) < 2:
            locs[i] = loclist[i]

    angle1 = np.zeros(number_of_slices - 1)
    angle2 = np.zeros(number_of_slices - 1)

    for i in range(number_of_slices - 1):
        dx1 = locs[i + 1, 0] - locs[i, 0]
        dx2 = locs[i + 1, 1] - locs[i, 1]
        dy = shape[0] / (number_of_slices + 1)
        angle1[i] = (np.arctan(
            dx1 / dy)) / (2 * np.pi) * 360  # Calculate angle from vertical.
        angle2[i] = (np.arctan(
            dx2 / dy)) / (2 * np.pi) * 360  # Calculate angle from vertical.
    angles = np.concatenate((angle1, angle2))
    angle_avg = np.average(angles)

    return (angle_avg, centre)
Exemplo n.º 58
def brain_masker(in_file, out_file=None, padding=5):
    """Use grayscale morphological operations to obtain a quick mask of EPI data."""
    from pathlib import Path
    import re
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import ndimage
    from skimage.morphology import ball
    from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
    from skimage.segmentation import random_walker

    # Load data
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    data = np.pad(img.get_fdata(dtype="float32"), padding)
    hdr = img.header.copy()

    # Cleanup background and invert intensity
    data[data < np.percentile(data[data > 0], 15)] = 0
    data[data > 0] -= data[data > 0].min()
    datainv = -data.copy()
    datainv -= datainv.min()
    datainv /= datainv.max()

    # Grayscale closing to enhance CSF layer surrounding the brain
    closed = ndimage.grey_closing(datainv, structure=ball(1))
    denoised = ndimage.median_filter(closed, footprint=ball(3))
    th = threshold_otsu(denoised)

    # Rough binary mask
    closedbin = np.zeros_like(closed)
    closedbin[closed < th] = 1
    closedbin = ndimage.binary_opening(closedbin, ball(3)).astype("uint8")

    label_im, nb_labels = ndimage.label(closedbin)
    sizes = ndimage.sum(closedbin, label_im, range(nb_labels + 1))
    mask = sizes == sizes.max()
    closedbin = mask[label_im]
    closedbin = ndimage.binary_closing(closedbin, ball(5)).astype("uint8")

    # Prepare markers
    markers = np.ones_like(closed, dtype="int8") * 2
    markers[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 0
    closedbin_dil = ndimage.binary_dilation(closedbin, ball(5))
    markers[closedbin_dil] = 0
    closed_eroded = ndimage.binary_erosion(closedbin, structure=ball(5))
    markers[closed_eroded] = 1

    # Run random walker
    closed[closed > 0.0] -= closed[closed > 0.0].min()
    segtarget = (2 * closed / closed.max()) - 1.0
    labels = random_walker(segtarget,
                           return_full_prob=True)[..., padding:-padding,

    out_mask = Path(out_file or "brain_mask.nii.gz").absolute()

    img.__class__((labels[0, ...] >= 0.5).astype("uint8"), img.affine,

    out_probseg = re.sub(r"\.nii(\.gz)$", r"_probseg.nii\1",
                         str(out_mask).replace("_mask.", "."))
    img.__class__((labels[0, ...]), img.affine, hdr).to_filename(out_probseg)

    out_brain = re.sub(r"\.nii(\.gz)$", r"_brainmasked.nii\1",
                       str(out_mask).replace("_mask.", "."))
    data = np.asanyarray(img.dataobj)
    data[labels[0, ...] < 0.5] = 0
    img.__class__(data, img.affine, img.header).to_filename(out_brain)

    return str(out_brain), str(out_probseg), str(out_mask)
Exemplo n.º 59
def med_filt_1d(ecg):
    first_filtered = ndimage.median_filter(ecg, size=7)
    second_filtered =  ndimage.median_filter(first_filtered, 215)
    ecg_deno = ecg - second_filtered
    return ecg_deno
Exemplo n.º 60
def execute(chunk: np.ndarray, size: tuple = (3, 1, 1), mode: str = 'reflect'):
    chunk = median_filter(chunk, size=size, mode=mode)
    return [chunk]