Exemplo n.º 1
def remove_space(img,
    # Filter horizontal
    imgfilt = ndimage.minimum_filter(img[6:-6].max(2), size=kernel_size)
    rows = np.max(imgfilt, 0) > threshold
    from_, to_ = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]]
    keeprand = np.random.choice(range(from_, to_), (to_ - from_) // keepprop,
    rows[keeprand] = True
    imgout = img[:, rows]
    # Filter vertical
    h, w, _ = imgout.shape
    imgfilt = ndimage.minimum_filter(imgout[:, vborder:-vborder].max(2),
    cols = np.where(np.max(imgfilt, 1) > threshold)[0]
    from_ = 0 if cols[0] < 2 else cols[0] + vborder
    to_ = h if cols[-2] == h - 2 * vborder - 1 else cols[-1]
    imgout = imgout[from_:to_]
    # rows = np.where(np.max(imgfilt, 0) > threshold)[0]
    if resize:
        # Rescale to imgin height
        scale = h / imgout.shape[0]
        imgout = cv2.resize(imgout, (int(round(scale * imgout.shape[1])), h))
    return imgout
Exemplo n.º 2
def fill_gaps(data, mask):
    """Interpolate in the gaps in the data

       data: np.ndarray
          data to have values filled in for

       mask: float or nd.ndarray
          If an nd.ndarray, it will be assumed to be a mask
          with values equal to 1 where they should be interpolated
          over.  If a float, pixels with that value will be replaced

    ys, xs = data.shape
    if isinstance(mask, numpy.ndarray):
        mask = (mask == 0)
        for i in range(ys):
            x = numpy.arange(xs)
            rdata = data[i, :]
            rmask = mask[i, :]
            rmask = nd.minimum_filter(rmask, size=3)
            rdata = numpy.interp(x, x[rmask], rdata[rmask])
            data[i, rmask == 0] = rdata[rmask == 0]
        mask = (data != mask)
        for i in range(ys):
            x = numpy.arange(xs)
            rdata = data[i, :]
            rmask = mask[i, :]
            rmask = nd.minimum_filter(rmask, size=3)
            rdata = numpy.interp(x, x[rmask], rdata[rmask])
            data[i, rmask == 0] = rdata[rmask == 0]

    return data
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_multiple_modes():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying a single mode.
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    mode1 = 'reflect'
    mode2 = ['reflect', 'reflect']

    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode2))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_locmin(self):
        arr = np.ones((9, 12))
        arr[4, 3] = -2
        arr[4, 7] = -5

        filter = ndimage.minimum_filter(arr,
                                        cval=np.min(arr) - 1)
        filter[filter == np.max(arr)] = -999
        maxoutt = (arr == filter)
        yy, xx = np.where((maxoutt == 1))

        assert (yy, xx) == (4, 7)

        filter = ndimage.minimum_filter(arr,
                                        cval=np.min(arr) - 1)
        filter[filter == np.max(arr)] = -999
        maxoutt = (arr == filter)
        yy, xx = np.where((maxoutt == 1))

        assert_array_equal(np.array([4, 4]), yy)
        assert_array_equal(np.array([3, 7]), xx)
Exemplo n.º 5
def bf_fluo_correlate(embryo_idx,
    """Plot correlation between bf/fluo images, pixel-by-pixel or smoothed in tiles."""
    norm_str = ('N' if normalized else 'Unn') + 'ormalized'
    smooth_str = 'unsmoothed'
    if normalized:
        bf_image = normalize_img(bf_image)
        fluo_image = normalize_img(fluo_image)
    if smoothed:
        if smoothed == 'avg':
            weights = [[1 / (dim**2)] * dim] * dim
            bf_image = correlate(bf_image, weights)
            fluo_image = correlate(fluo_image, weights)
        elif smoothed == 'max':
            bf_image = maximum_filter(bf_image, size=dim)
            fluo_image = maximum_filter(fluo_image, size=dim)
        elif smoothed == 'min':
            bf_image = minimum_filter(bf_image, size=dim)
            fluo_image = minimum_filter(fluo_image, size=dim)
            raise Exception('smoothed can only be avg, max, or min')
        smooth_str = 'smoothed by ' + smoothed
    plt.scatter(bf_image.flatten(), fluo_image.flatten())
    plt.xlabel(f"{norm_str} bf frame val")
    plt.ylabel(f"{norm_str} fluo frame val")
    plt.title(f"Correlation plot for {smooth_str} embryo {embryo_idx}")
def test_multiple_modes():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying a single mode.
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    mode1 = 'reflect'
    mode2 = ['reflect', 'reflect']

    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode2))
def quick_bg_fix(raw_data, npix=4112):
    left_xx = np.arange(npix/2)
    right_xx = np.arange(npix/2, npix)
    left_bg = ndimage.minimum_filter(ndimage.gaussian_filter(raw_data[:npix/2],3), size=100)
    right_bg = ndimage.minimum_filter(ndimage.gaussian_filter(raw_data[npix/2:],3), size=100)
    data = raw_data.copy()
    data[left_xx] = raw_data[left_xx] - left_bg
    data[right_xx] = raw_data[right_xx] - right_bg
    return data
Exemplo n.º 8
def filtroMin(I):
	If = I.copy()
	Ir = If[:,:,0]
	Iv = If[:,:,1]
	Ia = If[:,:,2]
	Ir = ndimage.minimum_filter(Ir, 3)
	Iv = ndimage.minimum_filter(Iv, 3)
	Ia = ndimage.minimum_filter(Ia, 3)
	If[:,:,0] = Ir 
	If[:,:,1] = Iv 
	If[:,:,2] = Ia 
	return If	
Exemplo n.º 9
def file_loop(f):
    print('Doing file: ' + f)
    dic = xr.open_dataset(f)
    res = []
    outt = dic['t_lag0'].values
    outp = dic['p'].values

    for nb in range(5):
        boole = np.isnan(outp)
        outp[boole] = -1000
        gg = np.gradient(outp)
        outp[boole] = np.nan
        outp[abs(gg[1]) > 300] = np.nan
        outp[abs(gg[0]) > 300] = np.nan

    gradi = np.gradient(outt)
    grad = gradi[1]

    maxoutt = (outt == ndimage.minimum_filter(outt, 20, mode='constant', cval=np.amin(outt) - 1))
    maxoutt = maxoutt.astype(int)
    yt, xt = np.where((maxoutt == 1) & (outt < -50))
    tstr = ['t'] * len(yt)

    maxoutp = (outp == ndimage.maximum_filter(outp, 20, mode='constant', cval=np.amax(outp) + 1))
    maxoutp = maxoutp.astype(int)
    yp, xp = np.where((maxoutp == 1) & (outp > 10))

    maxoutg = (grad == ndimage.minimum_filter(grad, 20, mode='constant', cval=np.amin(grad) - 1))
    maxoutg = maxoutg.astype(int)
    yg, xg = np.where((maxoutg == 1) & (grad < -10))
    gstr = ['g'] * len(yg)

    tglist = tstr
    tgx = [xt, xg]
    tgx = [item for sublist in tgx for item in sublist]
    tgy = [yt, yg]
    tgy = [item for sublist in tgy for item in sublist]
    points = np.array(list(zip(tgy, tgx)))

    for point in zip(yp, xp):
            pos = ua.closest_point(point, points)
        except ValueError:

        if tglist[pos] == 't':
            res.append((tglist[pos], outt[tuple(points[pos])], outp[point]))
        if tglist[pos] == 'g':
            res.append((tglist[pos], grad[tuple(points[pos])], outp[point]))
    return res
Exemplo n.º 10
def difference_of_gaussians(image, octaves_num=4, σ=1.6, scales_num=3):
    differences = []
    # computing all differences
    for oct in range(octaves_num):
        image_zoomed = ndim.zoom(image, 0.5 ** oct)
        differences.append(difference_of_gaussians_one_octave(image_zoomed, σ, scales_num))

    # find keypoints
    # computing maximal values in 3x3 windows from every difference
    footprint = np.ones((3,3,3))
    footprint[1,1,1] = 0
    keypoints_for_octaves = []
    for oct in range(octaves_num):
        diff = differences[oct]
        # computing indices of maximas
        maxima_around = ndim.maximum_filter(diff, footprint=footprint)[1:4]
        minima_around = ndim.minimum_filter(diff, footprint=footprint)[1:4]
        maxima_mask = diff[1:4] > maxima_around
        minima_mask = diff[1:4] < minima_around
        keypoints_candidates = np.argwhere(maxima_mask | minima_mask)
        draw_image_with_points('data/Episcopal_Gaudi/EG_2.jpg', np.fliplr(keypoints_candidates[:,1:]), (255,0,0), 'temp.jpg')

        # filter keypoints with low contrast
        keypoints = []
        for s in range(scales_num):
            keypoints_after_filtering = filter_low_contrast_keypoints(keypoints_candidates[keypoints_candidates[:,0] == s][:,1:], differences[oct][s:s+3,:,:])

        keypoints_for_octaves.append(np.concatenate(keypoints, axis=0))

    return keypoints_for_octaves
Exemplo n.º 11
    def extract_spectral_peaks_2(self, spectrogram):

        :param spectrogram:
        # computing local maximum points with the specified maximum filter dimension
        local_max_values = maximum_filter(input=spectrogram,
        # extracting time and frequency information for local maximum points
        j, i = np.where(spectrogram == local_max_values)
        peaks = list(zip(i, j))
        # computing local minimum points with specified minimum filter dimension
        local_min_values = minimum_filter(input=spectrogram,
        # extracting time and frequency information for local minimums
        k, m = np.where(spectrogram == local_min_values)
        lows = list(zip(m, k))
        # avoiding spectral points with are both local maximum and local minimum
        spectral_peaks = list(set(peaks) - set(lows))
        # time and frequency information for extracted spectral peaks
        time_indices = [i[0] for i in spectral_peaks]
        freq_indices = [i[1] for i in spectral_peaks]
        return spectral_peaks, time_indices, freq_indices
Exemplo n.º 12
def processImages():
    sims = cPickle.load(open('AmuInstSimMats.pkl'))
    for i,sim in enumerate(sims):
        pyplot.imshow(sim, vmin = 0, vmax = 1, cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('gray'), aspect = 'auto', origin = 'lower')
        pyplot.title('Unfiltered Sim Matrix ' + str(i))
        pyplot.savefig('Unfiltered Sim Matrix ' + str(i) + '.jpg')
        pyplot.imshow(filter.tv_denoise(numpy.array(sim,numpy.float64), weight = 1), vmin = 0, vmax = 1, cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('gray'), aspect = 'auto', origin = 'lower')
        pyplot.title('TV_Denoise ' + str(i))
        pyplot.savefig('TV_Denoise ' + str(i) + '.jpg')
        pyplot.imshow(filter.threshold_adaptive(numpy.array(sim,numpy.float64),21), vmin = 0, vmax = 1, cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('gray'), aspect = 'auto', origin = 'lower')
        pyplot.title('Threshold_Adaptive ' + str(i))
        pyplot.savefig('Threshold_Adaptive ' + str(i) + '.jpg')
        pyplot.imshow(ndimage.minimum_filter(numpy.array(sim,numpy.float64),size=2), vmin = 0, vmax = 1, cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('gray'), aspect = 'auto', origin = 'lower')
        pyplot.title('Local Minimum_Filter ' + str(i))
        pyplot.savefig('Local Minimum_Filter ' + str(i) + '.jpg')
        template = numpy.array([[0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1],
        pyplot.imshow(feature.match_template(numpy.array(sim,numpy.float64),template), vmin = 0, vmax = 1, cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('gray'), aspect = 'auto', origin = 'lower')
        pyplot.title('Match_Template with my own 8x8 beat diagonal template ' + str(i))
        pyplot.savefig('Match_Template with my own 8x8 beat diagonal template ' + str(i) + '.jpg')
Exemplo n.º 13
 def get_minimums(self, floor):
     return minimum_filter(
         footprint=[[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
     ) > floor
def split_on_dash(img, label, threshold=40, kernel_size=2):
    # Filter horizontal
    imgfilt = ndimage.minimum_filter(img[6:-6].max(2), size=kernel_size)
    # Image.fromarray(imgfilt)
    rows = np.where(np.max(imgfilt, 0) > threshold)[0]
    diff = rows[1:] - rows[:-1]

        nbigcuts = len(np.where(diff >= 15)[0])
        minbigcut = min(diff[diff >= 15])
        nmdlcuts = len(
            np.where((diff < minbigcut) & (diff > (minbigcut - 12)))[0])
        if not ((nbigcuts == 4) & (nmdlcuts == 0)):
            return None
        return None
    cuts = ((rows[np.where(diff > 15)[0] + 1] + rows[np.where(diff > 15)[0]]) /
    if (cuts[0] < 80) or (img.shape[1] - cuts[-1] < 80):
        return None
    imgl = [img[:, :cuts[0]], img[:, cuts[1]:cuts[2]], img[:, cuts[3]:]]
    labl = label.split('-')
    if random.choice([True, False]):
        for p1, p2 in [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1)]:
                remove_space(np.concatenate((imgl[p1], imgl[p2]), 1),
                             keepprop=random.randrange(3, 20)))
            labl.append(labl[p1] + labl[p2])
        outls = [(i, l) for i, l in zip(imgl[3:], labl[3:])]
        outls = [(remove_space(i, keepprop=random.randrange(3, 20)), l)
                 for i, l in zip(imgl, labl)]

    return outls
Exemplo n.º 15
    def extract_spectral_peaks(self, spectrogram):
        A method to extract spectral peaks given the spectrogram of an audio.

            spectrogram (numpy.ndarray): Time-Frequency representation of an audio.

            List : list of spectral peaks.
        # computing local maximum points with the specified maximum filter dimension
        local_max_values = maximum_filter(input=spectrogram, size=(self.maximum_filter_height,
        # extracting time and frequency information for local maximum points
        j, i = np.where(spectrogram == local_max_values)
        peaks = list(zip(i, j))
        # computing local minimum points with specified minimum filter dimension
        local_min_values = minimum_filter(input=spectrogram, size=(self.minimum_filter_height,
        # extracting time and frequency information for local minimums
        k, m = np.where(spectrogram == local_min_values)
        lows = list(zip(m, k))
        # avoiding spectral points with are both local maximum and local minimum
        spectral_peaks = list(set(peaks) - set(lows))
        # time and frequency information for extracted spectral peaks
        time_indices = [i[0] for i in spectral_peaks]
        freq_indices = [i[1] for i in spectral_peaks]
        return spectral_peaks, time_indices, freq_indices
Exemplo n.º 16
def clip(a):
    #return a
    result = ndimage.minimum_filter(gaussian_filter(a, 4), size=130)
    #bg = np.percentile(a, 45)
    #return(np.clip(a, -1e9, bg))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 17
def denoise(img):
    tmp = ndimage.minimum_filter(img, 3)
    tmp = wiener(tmp, 2)
    tmp = ndimage.maximum_filter(tmp, 2)
    tmp = ndimage.rank_filter(tmp, 2, 2)
    tmp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(tmp, 0.5)
    return tmp
def test_multiple_modes_sequentially():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying the filters with
    # different modes sequentially
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']

    expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(expected, 1, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(arr, 5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(expected, 5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))
Exemplo n.º 19
def find_corners(im, name):
    coherence, _, _ = structure.orientation_field(im, 11)
    pylab.imshow(im, cmap=pylab.cm.gray)

    local_mean = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(im.astype(float), 20)
    local_variance = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(im.astype(float) ** 2.0, 20) - local_mean ** 2

    pylab.imshow(np.sqrt(local_variance) / local_mean, cmap=pylab.cm.gray)
    pylab.title('std / mean')

    potential_corners = coherence / np.sqrt(local_variance)

    pylab.imshow(potential_corners, cmap=pylab.cm.gray) 


    # find local max with a suppression window of radius 11
    pc_max = nd.minimum_filter(potential_corners, (20, 20))
    corners = potential_corners == pc_max
    print np.sum(corners)
    corners = nd.maximum_filter(corners, (5, 5))

    imtmp = np.dstack((im, im, im))
    imtmp[:, :, 2][corners] = 255
    cv2.imshow(name, imtmp[::2, ::2])
def _roll_ball(file, DAPI_roi, size=20):
    blured = _gaussian_blur(file, DAPI_roi)
    result = np.empty(blured.shape)
    # Background substraction
    background = ndimage.minimum_filter(blured, size=8)
    result = blured - background
    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 21
def apply_min_filter(cells, start_pos, min_dist):
    from scipy.ndimage import minimum_filter

    ncells = cells.copy()
    ##    ncells[ncells == 0] = 2*ncells.max()
    ncells = farray(minimum_filter(ncells, size=min_dist))

    minima = [
        tuple(x) for x in transpose((
            logical_and(ncells == cells, ncells != ncells.max())).nonzero())

    class Duplicate:

    while True:
            for min1, min2 in combinations(minima, 2):
                if (farray(min1) - farray(min2)).norm() < min_dist:
                    print 'duplicate', min1, min2
                    raise Duplicate
        except Duplicate:
            d1 = (farray(min1) - farray(start_pos)).norm()
            d2 = (farray(min2) - farray(start_pos)).norm()
            print d1, d2
            if d1 < d2:
                print 'removing', min2
                print 'removing', min1

    return minima
Exemplo n.º 22
def adjacent_labels(labels):
    m1 = nd.maximum_filter(labels, size=3)
    m1[m1 == labels] = 0
    m2 = nd.minimum_filter(labels, size=3)
    m2[m2 == labels] = 0
    m1[m2 > 0] = m2[m2 > 0]
    return m1
Exemplo n.º 23
    def get_slopes(self, reso, n, fp, normalize=True, intersect=False):
        ds = buzz.DataSource()
        with ds.open_araster(self.dsm_path(reso, n)).close as r:
            if intersect:
                fp = r.fp.dilate(fp.rlength // 2) & fp
            arr = r.get_data(fp=fp.dilate(1))
            nodata_mask = arr == r.nodata
        nodata_mask = ndi.binary_dilation(nodata_mask)
        kernel = [
            [0, 1, 0],
            [1, 1, 1],
            [0, 1, 0],
        arru = ndi.maximum_filter(arr, None, kernel) - arr
        arru = np.arctan(arru / fp.pxsizex)
        arru = arru / np.pi * 180.
        arru[nodata_mask] = 0
        arru = arru[1:-1, 1:-1]

        arrd = arr - ndi.minimum_filter(arr, None, kernel)
        arrd = np.arctan(arrd / fp.pxsizex)
        arrd = arrd / np.pi * 180.
        arrd[nodata_mask] = 0
        arrd = arrd[1:-1, 1:-1]

        arr = np.dstack([arrd, arru])
        if normalize:
            arr = arr / 45 - 1
        return arr
Exemplo n.º 24
def sliding_minima(img=None,
    Subtracts the minimum calculated within a sliding window from the centre of
    the window.

    img : array_like
        Single image as numpy array or multiple images as array-like object
    weight : scalar
        Fraction of minima to be subtracted from each pixel.
        Value of `weight` should be in the interval (0.0,1.0).
    window_size : scalar or tuple
        Sets the size of the sliding window.
        Specifying `window_size=3` is equivalent to `window_size=(3,3)`.
    boundary_condition : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}
        Mode of handling array borders.

    img_out = img - weight * nd.minimum_filter(
        img, size=window_size, mode=boundary_condition)
    return img_out
Exemplo n.º 25
def find_v_cut(cut):
    overlap_x = cut.shape[1]
    if overlap_x < 3: return None
    w1height = cut.shape[0]

    min_vals = np.empty_like(cut)
    min_vals[0] = cut[0]

    for i in range(1, w1height, 1):
        min_vals[i] = cut[i] + ndimage.minimum_filter(min_vals[i - 1:i + 1],
                                                      footprint=[[1, 1, 1],
                                                                 [0, 0, 0]],
                 0] = cut[i, 0] + min(min_vals[i - 1, 0], min_vals[i - 1, 1])
        min_vals[i, -1] = cut[i, -1] + min(min_vals[i - 1, -1],
                                           min_vals[-i - 1, -1])

    res = np.empty(w1height)
    res[-1] = np.argmin(min_vals[-1])
    for i in range(w1height - 2, -1, -1):
        res[i] = res[i + 1] + np.argmin(min_vals[
            i, max(res[i + 1] - 1, 0):min(overlap_x, res[i + 1] +
                                          2)]) - 1 + int(res[i + 1] - 1 < 0)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 26
def adjacent_labels(labels):
    m1 = nd.maximum_filter(labels, size=3)
    m1[m1 == labels] = 0
    m2 = nd.minimum_filter(labels, size=3)
    m2[m2 == labels] = 0
    m1[m2 > 0] = m2[m2 > 0]
    return m1
Exemplo n.º 27
def pointFinder(image, seeing_pix, threshold):
    """Take an image file and identify where point sources are. This is done by utilizing
    Scipy maximum and minimum filters.
        image: an array of the image 
        seeing_pix: a guess of the seeing size in pixel used to define the size of max/min filters
        threshold: a threshold (in counts) used to determine a detection from noise fluctuation
        cutouts: list of cutouts of sources found in this image."""
    #First, find maxima in the image
    #peaks = maximum_filter(image, footprint = pattern)#size = seeing_pix) #filter to find max
    peaks = maximum_filter(image, size=0.1 * seeing_pix)
    maxima = (peaks == image
              )  #booleen array indicating locations of the maxima
    #now, compute the minimum for background subtraction. This will get rid of
    #"maxima" that are really just noise
    troughs = minimum_filter(
        size=4 * seeing_pix)  #to find min. make sure we erase the traces
    #now make sure that the real maxima are large enough from the backfround
    diff = (peaks - troughs) > threshold
    #label this such that every clump of '1's are labelled. Scipy magic!
    labeled, num_obj = label(diff)  #, structure = pattern)
    cutouts = find_objects(labeled)  #get cutouts of area with objects
    return cutouts
Exemplo n.º 28
    def computeLocalMaxima(self, harrisImage):
            harrisImage -- numpy array containing the Harris score at
                           each pixel.
            destImage -- numpy array containing True/False at
                         each pixel, depending on whether
                         the pixel value is the local maxima in
                         its 7x7 neighborhood.
        destImage = np.zeros_like(harrisImage, np.bool)

        # TODO 2: Compute the local maxima image
        # raise Exception("TODO in features.py not implemented")

        maximg = ndimage.maximum_filter(harrisImage, [7, 7])
        minimg = ndimage.minimum_filter(harrisImage, [7, 7])
        height, width = harrisImage.shape[:2]
        for i in range(0, height):
            for j in range(0, width):
                destImage[i, j] = (maximg[i, j] == harrisImage[i, j]) and (
                    maximg[i, j] != minimg[i, j])
                #destImage[i, j] = (maximg[i, j] == harrisImage[i, j])

        # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return destImage
Exemplo n.º 29
def find_peaks_minmax(z, distance=5., threshold=10.):
    """Method to locate the positive peaks in an image by comparing maximum
    and minimum filtered images.

    z : numpy.ndarray
        Matrix of image intensities.
    distance : float
        Expected distance between peaks.
    threshold : float
        Minimum difference between maximum and minimum filtered images.

    peaks : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (n_peaks, 2)
        Peak pixel coordinates.

    data_max = ndi.maximum_filter(z, distance)
    maxima = (z == data_max)
    data_min = ndi.minimum_filter(z, distance)
    diff = ((data_max - data_min) > threshold)
    maxima[diff == 0] = 0
    labeled, num_objects = ndi.label(maxima)
    peaks = np.array(ndi.center_of_mass(z, labeled, range(1, num_objects + 1)))

    return clean_peaks(np.round(peaks).astype(int))
Exemplo n.º 30
def new_id_slits(flat):
    ncols = flat.shape[1]
    midtrace = flat[:, ncols / 2].astype(scipy.float64)
    midtrace[midtrace <= 0.] = 1.

    laplace = scipy.array([-1., -1., -1., 1., 1., 1.])
    deriv = signal.convolve(midtrace, laplace, mode='same') / midtrace
    d2 = abs(signal.convolve(midtrace, [-1., 1.], mode='same'))
    deriv = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(deriv, 1)
    deriv[:5] = 0.
    deriv[-5:] = 0.
    tmp = deriv.copy()
    std = tmp[tmp.size * 0.01:tmp.size * 0.99].std()
    peaks = ndimage.maximum_filter(deriv, 9)
    right = scipy.where((peaks == deriv) & (peaks > std))[0]
    peaks = ndimage.minimum_filter(deriv, 9)
    left = scipy.where((peaks == deriv) & (peaks < -1. * std))[0]

    orders = []
    stars = []
    for i in range(len(left)):
        thresh = stats.stats.std(midtrace[left[i] + 3:right[i] - 3])
        good = scipy.where(d2[left[i]:right[i]] < thresh)[0] + left[i]
        orders.append([good[0], good[-1]])
        if deriv[right[i]] > 3. * std:
            stars.append([good[0], good[-1]])
    print orders
    print stars
    return orders
Exemplo n.º 31
def get_csf(image, x, y, params):
    res_image, mean_intensity, mean_x, mean_y, abs_steps, angle_steps, xs_AB, ys_AB, cols_AB = lib.make_preobr(
        image, x, y, params)

    maxes = ndimage.maximum_filter(res_image, size=wind4csf, mode="wrap")
    mines = ndimage.minimum_filter(res_image, size=wind4csf, mode="wrap")

    michelson_contrast = (maxes - mines) / (maxes + mines)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4)  #  , figsize=(15, 15)

    ax[0].imshow(image, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255)
    ax[1].imshow(res_image, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255)
    ax[2].imshow(michelson_contrast, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)

    center_line = michelson_contrast[Len_x // 2, Len_y // 2:]
    # wind = signal.parzen(35)
    # center_line = np.convolve(center_line, wind, "same")


    fig.savefig(params["outfile"] + ".png", dpi=200)


    return center_line
Exemplo n.º 32
    def compute_data(compute_fp, input_data, input_fps, selfraster):
        computes up and down slopes
        arr = input_data[0]
        assert arr.shape == tuple(compute_fp.dilate(1).shape)
        nodata_mask = arr == nodata
        nodata_mask = ndi.binary_dilation(nodata_mask)
        kernel = [
            [0, 1, 0],
            [1, 1, 1],
            [0, 1, 0],
        arru = ndi.maximum_filter(arr, None, kernel) - arr
        arru = np.arctan(arru / full_fp.pxsizex)
        arru = arru / np.pi * 180.
        arru[nodata_mask] = 0
        arru = arru[1:-1, 1:-1]

        arrd = arr - ndi.minimum_filter(arr, None, kernel)
        arrd = np.arctan(arrd / full_fp.pxsizex)
        arrd = arrd / np.pi * 180.
        arrd[nodata_mask] = 0
        arrd = arrd[1:-1, 1:-1]

        arr = np.dstack([arrd, arru])
        return arr
Exemplo n.º 33
def regional_minima(a, connectivity=1):
    """Find the regional minima in an ndarray."""
    values = unique(a)
    delta = (values - minimum_filter(values, footprint=ones(3)))[1:].min()
    marker = complement(a)
    mask = marker + delta
    return marker == morphological_reconstruction(marker, mask, connectivity)
def depth_discont_sobel(di, tol=0.5):
    import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
    dx = ndimage.convolve(di, [[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]])
    dy = ndimage.convolve(di, [[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])
    diff_im = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    diff_im[diff_im < tol] = 0
    #import pydb; pydb.set_trace()
    di_diff = np.zeros(di.shape)
    di_diff[diff_im > 0] = di[diff_im > 0]
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    #import pylab
    di_diff = ndimage.minimum_filter(di_diff, size=(2, 2))
    #for i in range(di_diff.shape[0]):
    #    for j in range(di_diff.shape[1]-1):
    #        p1 = di_diff[i,j]
    #        p2 = di_diff[i,j+1]
    #        if p1 == 0 or p2 == 0:
    #           continue
    #        if p1 > p2:
    #            p1 = 0
    #        elif p2 > p1:
    #            p2 = 0
    #        di_diff[i,j] = p1
    #        di_diff[i,j+1] = p2
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    return di_diff
Exemplo n.º 35
def regional_minima(a, connectivity=1):
    """Find the regional minima in an ndarray."""
    values = unique(a)
    delta = (values - minimum_filter(values, footprint=ones(3)))[1:].min()
    marker = complement(a)
    mask = marker+delta
    return marker == morphological_reconstruction(marker, mask, connectivity)
Exemplo n.º 36
def find_h_cut(cut):
    overlap_y = cut.shape[0]
    if overlap_y < 3: return None  # overlap too small
    w1width = cut.shape[1]

    min_vals = np.empty_like(cut)
    min_vals[:, 0] = cut[:, 0]

    for i in range(1, w1width, 1):
        min_vals[:, i] = cut[:, i] + ndimage.minimum_filter(
            min_vals[:, i - 1:i + 1],
            footprint=[[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]],
            mode='constant')[:, 1]
                 i] = cut[0, i] + min(min_vals[0, i - 1], min_vals[1, i - 1])
        min_vals[-1, i] = cut[-1, i] + min(min_vals[-1, i - 1],
                                           min_vals[-1, i - 1])

    res = np.empty(w1width)
    res[-1] = np.argmin(min_vals[:, -1])
    for i in range(w1width - 2, -1, -1):
        res[i] = res[i + 1] + np.argmin(
            min_vals[max(0, res[i + 1] - 1):min(overlap_y, res[i + 1] + 2),
                     i]) - 1 + int(res[i + 1] - 1 < 0)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_multiple_modes_sequentially():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying the filters with
    # different modes sequentially
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']

    expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(expected, 1, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(arr, 5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(expected, 5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))
Exemplo n.º 38
def argmax_translation(array, filter_pcorr, constraints=None, reports=None):
    if constraints is None:
        constraints = dict(tx=(0, None), ty=(0, None))

    # We want to keep the original and here is obvious that
    # it won't get changed inadvertently
    array_orig = array.copy()
    if filter_pcorr > 0:
        array = ndi.minimum_filter(array, filter_pcorr)

    ashape = np.array(array.shape, int)
    mask = np.ones(ashape, float)
    # first goes Y, then X
    for dim, key in enumerate(("ty", "tx")):
        if constraints.get(key, (0, None))[1] is None:
        pos, sigma = constraints[key]
        alen = ashape[dim]
        dom = np.linspace(-alen // 2, -alen // 2 + alen, alen, False)
        if sigma == 0:
            # generate a binary array closest to the position
            idx = np.argmin(np.abs(dom - pos))
            vals = np.zeros(dom.size)
            vals[idx] = 1.0
            vals = np.exp(-(dom - pos)**2 / sigma**2)
        if dim == 0:
            mask *= vals[:, np.newaxis]
            mask *= vals[np.newaxis, :]

    array *= mask

    # WE ARE FFTSHIFTED already.
    # ban translations that are too big
    thresh = ashape // 6
    mask2 = np.zeros(ashape, int)
    mask2[thresh[0]:-thresh[0], thresh[1]:-thresh[1]] = 1
    array *= mask2
    # Find what we look for
    tvec = _argmax_ext(array, 'inf')
    tvec = _interpolate(array_orig, tvec)
    if 0:
        print("tvec: %s" % tvec)
        import pylab as pyl
        pyl.imshow(array, cmap=pyl.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
        # pyl.show()

    # If we use constraints or min filter,
    # array_orig[tvec] may not be the maximum
    success = _get_success(array_orig, tuple(tvec), 2)

    if reports is not None:
        reports["amt-orig"] = array_orig.copy()
        reports["amt-postproc"] = array.copy()

    return tvec, success
Exemplo n.º 39
def fill_simple_depressions(values):
    """ Fill simple depressions in-place. """
    footprint = np.array([(1, 1, 1),
                          (1, 0, 1),
                          (1, 1, 1)], dtype='b1')
    edge = ndimage.minimum_filter(values, footprint=footprint)
    locs = edge > values
    values[locs] = edge[locs]
 def on_image_image(self, image_id):
 #def on_image_image(self, request, image_id):
     result = self.work.get_image(image_id).copy()
     seg = self.work.get_segmentation(image_id)
     border = ndimage.maximum_filter(seg.labels,size=(3,3)) != ndimage.minimum_filter(seg.labels,size=(3,3))
     result[border] = 0.0
     return image_response(result)
Exemplo n.º 41
def minfilt_thresh(array, t, rad):
    Applies a minimum filter to the input array and returns an array
    thresholded to the specified value.
    marray = ndi.minimum_filter(array, footprint=circlemask(rad))    
    thrarr = where(marray < t, 1, 0)
    return thrarr
Exemplo n.º 42
Arquivo: onsets.py Projeto: EQ4/madmom
def complex_flux(spectrogram, diff_frames=None, diff_max_bins=3,
                 temporal_filter=3, temporal_origin=0):
    Complex Flux with a local group delay based tremolo suppression.

    :param spectrogram:     Spectrogram instance
    :param diff_frames:     number of frames to calculate the diff to [int]
    :param diff_max_bins:   number of bins used for maximum filter [int]
    :param temporal_filter: temporal maximum filtering of the local group delay
    :param temporal_origin: origin of the temporal maximum filter
    :return:                complex flux onset detection function

    "Local group delay based vibrato and tremolo suppression for onset
    Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer.
    Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information
    Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2013.

    # create a mask based on the local group delay information
    from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, minimum_filter
    # take only absolute values of the local group delay and normalize them
    lgd = np.abs(spectrogram.stft.phase().lgd()) / np.pi
    # maximum filter along the temporal axis
    # TODO: use HPSS instead of simple temporal filtering
    if temporal_filter > 0:
        lgd = maximum_filter(lgd, size=[temporal_filter, 1],
    # lgd = uniform_filter(lgd, size=[1, 3])  # better for percussive onsets
    # create the weighting mask
        # if the magnitude spectrogram was filtered, use the minimum local
        # group delay value of each filterbank (expanded by one frequency
        # bin in both directions) as the mask
        mask = np.zeros_like(spectrogram)
        num_bins = lgd.shape[1]
        for b in range(mask.shape[1]):
            # determine the corner bins for the mask
            corner_bins = np.nonzero(spectrogram.filterbank[:, b])[0]
            # always expand to the next neighbour
            start_bin = corner_bins[0] - 1
            stop_bin = corner_bins[-1] + 2
            # constrain the range
            if start_bin < 0:
                start_bin = 0
            if stop_bin > num_bins:
                stop_bin = num_bins
            # set mask
            mask[:, b] = np.amin(lgd[:, start_bin: stop_bin], axis=1)
    except AttributeError:
        # if the spectrogram is not filtered, use a simple minimum filter
        # covering only the current bin and its neighbours
        mask = minimum_filter(lgd, size=[1, 3])
    # sum all positive 1st order max. filtered and weighted differences
    return np.sum(spectrogram.diff(diff_frames=diff_frames,
                                   positive_diffs=True) * mask, axis=1)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def __local_minima_fancy__(self,fits, window=50):
     from scipy.ndimage import minimum_filter
     fits = numpy.asarray(fits)
     minfits = minimum_filter(fits, size=window, mode="wrap")
     minima_mask = fits == minfits
     good_indices = numpy.arange(len(fits))[minima_mask]
     good_fits = fits[minima_mask]
     order = good_fits.argsort()
     return good_indices[order], good_fits[order] 
Exemplo n.º 44
def apply(array, **kwargs):
    Apply a set of standard filter to array data: 
    Call: apply(array-data, <list of key=value arguments>)

    The list of key-value define the filtering to be done and should be given in
    the order to be process. Possible key-value are:
      * smooth:  gaussian filtering, value is the sigma parameter (scalar or tuple)
      * uniform: uniform  filtering (2)
      * max:     maximum  filtering (1)
      * min:     minimum  filtering (1)
      * median:  median   filtering (1)
      * dilate: grey dilatation (1)
      * erode:  grey erosion    (1)
      * close:  grey closing    (1)
      * open:   grey opening    (1)
      * linear_map: call linear_map(), value is the tuple (min,max)   (3)
      * normalize:  call normalize(),  value is the method            (3)
      * adaptive:   call adaptive(),   value is the sigma             (3)
      * adaptive_:  call adaptive(),   with uniform kernel            (3)
    The filtering is done using standard scipy.ndimage functions.
    (1) The value given (to the key) is the width of the the filter: 
        the distance from the center pixel (the size of the filter is thus 2*value+1)
        The neighborhood is an (approximated) boolean circle (up to discretization)
    (2) Same as (*) but the neighborhood is a complete square
    (3) See doc of respective function
    for key in kwargs:
        value = kwargs[key]
        if key not in ('smooth','uniform'):
            fp = _kernel.distance(array.ndim*(2*value+1,))<=value  # circular filter
        if   key=='smooth' : array = _nd.gaussian_filter(array, sigma=value)
        elif key=='uniform': array = _nd.uniform_filter( array, size=2*value+1)
        elif key=='max'    : array = _nd.maximum_filter( array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='min'    : array = _nd.minimum_filter( array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='median' : array = _nd.median_filter(  array, footprint=fp)

        elif key=='dilate' : array = _nd.grey_dilation(  array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='erode'  : array = _nd.grey_erosion(   array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='open'   : array = _nd.grey_opening(   array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='close'  : array = _nd.grey_closing(   array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='linear_map': array = linear_map(array, min=value[0], max=value[1])
        elif key=='normalize' : array = normalize( array, method = value)
        elif key=='adaptive'  : array = adaptive(  array, sigma  = value, kernel='gaussian')
        elif key=='adaptive_' : array = adaptive(  array, sigma  = value, kernel='uniform')
            print '\033[031mUnrecognized filter :', key
    return array
Exemplo n.º 45
    def _lgd_mask(spec, lgd, filterbank=None, temporal_filter=0,
        Calculates a weighting mask for the magnitude spectrogram based on the
        local group delay.

        :param spec:            the magnitude spectrogram
        :param lgd:             local group delay of the spectrogram
        :param filterbank:      filterbank used for dimensionality reduction of
                                the magnitude spectrogram
        :param temporal_filter: temporal maximum filtering of the local group
        :param temporal_origin: origin of the temporal maximum filter

        "Local group delay based vibrato and tremolo suppression for onset
        Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer.
        Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2013.

        from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, minimum_filter
        # take only absolute values of the local group delay
        lgd = np.abs(lgd)

        # maximum filter along the temporal axis
        if temporal_filter > 0:
            lgd = maximum_filter(lgd, size=[temporal_filter, 1],
        # lgd = uniform_filter(lgd, size=[1, 3])  # better for percussive onsets

        # create the weighting mask
        if filterbank is not None:
            # if the magnitude spectrogram was filtered, use the minimum local
            # group delay value of each filterbank (expanded by one frequency
            # bin in both directions) as the mask
            mask = np.zeros_like(spec)
            num_bins = lgd.shape[1]
            for b in range(mask.shape[1]):
                # determine the corner bins for the mask
                corner_bins = np.nonzero(filterbank[:, b])[0]
                # always expand to the next neighbour
                start_bin = corner_bins[0] - 1
                stop_bin = corner_bins[-1] + 2
                # constrain the range
                if start_bin < 0:
                    start_bin = 0
                if stop_bin > num_bins:
                    stop_bin = num_bins
                # set mask
                mask[:, b] = np.amin(lgd[:, start_bin: stop_bin], axis=1)
            # if the spectrogram is not filtered, use a simple minimum filter
            # covering only the current bin and its neighbours
            mask = minimum_filter(lgd, size=[1, 3])
        # return the normalized mask
        return mask / np.pi
Exemplo n.º 46
def balanceimage(img, r, R):
    """Balance the brightness of an image by leveling.

    This is achieved here by applying a minimum filter over radius r
    and a uniform filter over radius R, and substracting the minimum
    of the two from the original image."""

    img_min = ndimage.minimum_filter(img, r)
    img_uni = ndimage.uniform_filter(img, R)
    return img - numpy.minimum(img_min, img_uni)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_locmin(self):
        arr = np.ones((9, 12))
        arr[4, 3] = -2
        arr[4, 7] = -5

        filter = ndimage.minimum_filter(arr, 8, mode='constant', cval=np.min(arr) - 1)
        filter[filter==np.max(arr)] = -999
        maxoutt = (arr==filter)
        yy, xx = np.where((maxoutt == 1))

        assert (yy, xx) == (4, 7)

        filter = ndimage.minimum_filter(arr, 3, mode='constant', cval=np.min(arr) - 1)
        filter[filter == np.max(arr)] = -999
        maxoutt = (arr == filter)
        yy, xx = np.where((maxoutt == 1))

        assert_array_equal(np.array([3, 7]), xx)
Exemplo n.º 48
def local_minima(fits, window=15):
    """fm Zachary Pinkus"""
    from scipy.ndimage import minimum_filter
    fits = np.asarray(fits)
    minfits = minimum_filter(fits, size=window, mode="wrap")
    minima_mask = fits == minfits
    good_indices = np.arange(len(fits))[minima_mask]
    good_fits = fits[minima_mask]
    order = good_fits.argsort()
    return good_indices[order], good_fits[order] 
Exemplo n.º 49
def select_region_slices(sci_data, badpix_mask, box_size=256, num_boxes=10):
    Find the optimal regions for calculating the noise autocorrelation (areas
    with the fewest objects/least signal)

    :param sci_data: Science image data array
    :param badpix_mask: Boolean array that is True for bad pixels
    :param box_size: Size of the (square) boxes to select
    :param num_boxes: Number of boxes to select. If insufficient good pixels can
        be found, will return as many boxes as possible
    :return: List of 2D slices, tuples of (slice_y, slice_x)
    # TODO: For large images this is pretty slow, due to 3 full-size filters
    img_boxcar = ndimg.uniform_filter(sci_data, size=box_size)

    # Smooth over mask with min filter, to ignore small areas of bad pixels
    # One tenth of box size in each dimension means ignoring bad pixel regions
    # comprising <1% of total box pixels
    smooth_size = box_size // 10
    badpix_mask = ndimg.minimum_filter(badpix_mask, size=smooth_size,
                                       mode='constant', cval=False)
    # Expand zone of avoidance of bad pixels, so we don't pick boxes that
    # contain them. mode=constant, cval=True means treat all borders as
    # if they were masked-out pixels
    badpix_mask = ndimg.maximum_filter(badpix_mask, size=smooth_size + box_size,
                                       mode='constant', cval=True)
    img_boxcar = np.ma.array(img_boxcar, mask=badpix_mask)

    box_slices = []
    for box in range(num_boxes):
        # Find the location of the minimum value of the boxcar image, excluding
        # masked areas. This will be a pixel with few nearby sources within one
        # box width
        min_loc = img_boxcar.argmin()
        min_loc = np.unravel_index(min_loc, img_boxcar.shape)
        lower_left = tuple(int(x - box_size / 2) for x in min_loc)
        # Negative values of lower_left mean argmin ran out of unmasked pixels
        if lower_left[0] < 0 or lower_left[1] < 0:
            warn('Ran out of good pixels when placing RMS calculation regions '
                 'for file {}. Only {:d} boxes selected.'.format(sci_data, box))
        min_slice = tuple(slice(x, x + box_size) for x in lower_left)
        box_slices += [min_slice]

        # Zone of avoidance (for center) is twice as big, since we are picking
        # box centers. Use clip to ensure avoidance slice stays within array
        # bounds
        lower_left = tuple(int(x - box_size) for x in min_loc)
        avoid_slice = tuple(slice(np.clip(x, 0, extent),
                                  np.clip(x + 2 * box_size, 0, extent))
                            for x, extent in zip(lower_left, img_boxcar.shape))

        # Add this box to the mask
        img_boxcar[avoid_slice] = np.ma.masked
    return box_slices
	def getCutoffCriteria(self, errorArray):
		#do a small minimum filter to  get rid of outliers
		size = int(len(errorArray)**0.3)+1
		errorArray2 = ndimage.minimum_filter(errorArray, size=size, mode='wrap')
		mean = ndimage.mean(errorArray2)
		stdev = ndimage.standard_deviation(errorArray2)
		### this is so arbitrary
		cut = mean + 5.0 * stdev + 2.0
		### anything bigger than 20 pixels is too big
		if cut > self.data['pixdiam']:
			cut = self.data['pixdiam']
		return cut
Exemplo n.º 51
def argmax_translation(array, filter_pcorr, constraints=None, reports=None):
    if constraints is None:
        constraints = dict(tx=(0, None), ty=(0, None))

    # We want to keep the original and here is obvious that
    # it won't get changed inadvertently
    array_orig = array.copy()
    if filter_pcorr > 0:
        array = ndi.minimum_filter(array, filter_pcorr)

    ashape = np.array(array.shape, int)
    mask = np.ones(ashape, float)
    # first goes Y, then X
    for dim, key in enumerate(("ty", "tx")):
        if constraints.get(key, (0, None))[1] is None:
        pos, sigma = constraints[key]
        alen = ashape[dim]
        dom = np.linspace(-alen // 2, -alen // 2 + alen, alen, False)
        if sigma == 0:
            # generate a binary array closest to the position
            idx = np.argmin(np.abs(dom - pos))
            vals = np.zeros(dom.size)
            vals[idx] = 1.0
            vals = np.exp(- (dom - pos) ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
        if dim == 0:
            mask *= vals[:, np.newaxis]
            mask *= vals[np.newaxis, :]

    array *= mask

    # WE ARE FFTSHIFTED already.
    # ban translations that are too big
    aporad = (ashape // 6).min()
    mask2 = get_apofield(ashape, aporad)
    array *= mask2
    # Find what we look for
    tvec = _argmax_ext(array, 'inf')
    tvec = _interpolate(array_orig, tvec)

    # If we use constraints or min filter,
    # array_orig[tvec] may not be the maximum
    success = _get_success(array_orig, tuple(tvec), 2)

    if reports is not None and reports.show("translation"):
        reports["amt-orig"] = array_orig.copy()
        reports["amt-postproc"] = array.copy()

    return tvec, success
Exemplo n.º 52
def cleanspectra(w, f, e=None, dw=2,  grow=6, neg=False):
    """Remove possible bad pixels"""
    if e is None: e = f*0.0+f.std()
    m = (w>0)
    #set a few unreliable sky lines to zero
    for l in [5577, 6300, 6364]:

    if neg: m = m * (f>0)

    #remove and grow the bad areas
    m = nd.minimum_filter(m, size=grow)

    return w[m],f[m],e[m]
Exemplo n.º 53
def local_maxima(data, span=10, sign=1):
    from scipy.ndimage import minimum_filter
    from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter
    data = numpy.asarray(data)
    print 'data size: ', data.shape
    if sign <= 0: # look for minima
        maxfits = minimum_filter(data, size=span, mode="wrap")
        maxfits = maximum_filter(data, size=span, mode="wrap")
    print 'maxfits shape: ', maxfits.shape
    maxima_mask = numpy.where(data == maxfits)
    good_indices = numpy.arange(len(data))[maxima_mask]
    print 'len good index: ', len(good_indices)
    good_fits = data[maxima_mask]
    order = good_fits.argsort()
    return good_indices[order], good_fits[order]
Exemplo n.º 54
def rolling_minimum_background(img, size=(31, 51), kernel=None,
                               geometry='rectangular', topography='flat',
    Instead of calculating the resulting image, just calculate the background and apply with
        img -= rolling_minimum_background(img)

    That way you can apply any amount of pre-filters without complex logic:
        img -= rolling_minimum_background(gaussian_filter(img, sigma=2))

        This doesn't work well with images with sharp boundaries, e.g. the edge of a gel.
        For best result, apply AFTER opening() and col+row leveling.

        size: int or 2-tuple with (height, width),
                     should be higher than the thickest band and wider than the widest smear. Square is usually OK.
        kernel: specify kernel / footprint / structuring element manually.
        percentile: Use percentile_filter with this percentile instead of minimum_filter (equivalent to percentile=0)

        background image

    if kernel is None:
        if isinstance(size, int):
            size = (size, size)
        if geometry in ('round', 'disk', 'ellipse'):
            # multiply with round binary kernel with ones round/elliptical shape.
            kernel = ellipse_binary(size)
        elif geometry == 'rectangular' or geometry is None:
            kernel = np.ones(size)
        if topography == 'ball':
            # topography generally doesn't work because ndimage filters takes boolean footprints.
            # I could probalby do it with a generic filter, or by some other means.

    if percentile:
        # percentile_filter; footprint must be boolean array; size=(n,m) is equivalent to footprint=np.ones((n,m))
        background = percentile_filter(img, percentile=percentile, footprint=kernel)
        background = minimum_filter(img, footprint=kernel)

    return background
Exemplo n.º 55
def non_extrema_suppression(features, size=None, output=None):
    """Set non-extrema to nan"""
    # Find maxima
    maxima = ndimage.maximum_filter(features, size) == features
    # Find minima
    minima = ndimage.minimum_filter(features, size) == features
    extrema = np.logical_xor(maxima, minima)
    if output is None:
        output = np.zeros_like(features)
    output[extrema] = features[extrema]
    output[np.logical_not(extrema)] = np.nan
    return output
Exemplo n.º 56
def find_h_cut(cut):
    overlap_y = cut.shape[0]
    if overlap_y < 3: return None # overlap too small
    w1width = cut.shape[1]

    min_vals = np.empty_like(cut)
    min_vals[:, 0] = cut[:, 0]

    for i in range(1, w1width, 1):
        min_vals[:, i] = cut[:, i] + ndimage.minimum_filter(min_vals[:,i-1:i+1], footprint = [[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]], mode = 'constant')[:,1]
        min_vals[0, i] = cut[0, i] + min (min_vals[0, i-1], min_vals[1, i-1])
        min_vals[-1, i] = cut[-1, i] + min (min_vals[-1, i-1], min_vals[-1, i-1])

    res = np.empty(w1width)
    res[-1] = np.argmin(min_vals[:,-1])
    for i in range(w1width-2, -1, -1):
        res[i] = res[i+1] + np.argmin(min_vals[max(0,res[i+1]-1): min(overlap_y,res[i+1]+2), i]) - 1 + int(res[i+1]-1 < 0)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 57
def find_v_cut(cut):
    overlap_x = cut.shape[1]
    if overlap_x < 3: return None
    w1height = cut.shape[0]

    min_vals = np.empty_like(cut)
    min_vals[0] = cut[0]

    for i in range(1, w1height, 1):
        min_vals[i] = cut[i] + ndimage.minimum_filter(min_vals[i-1:i+1], footprint = [[1,1,1], [0, 0, 0]], mode = 'constant')[1]
        min_vals[i, 0] = cut[i, 0] + min (min_vals[i-1, 0], min_vals[i-1, 1])
        min_vals[i, -1] = cut[i, -1] + min (min_vals[i-1, -1], min_vals[-i-1, -1])

    res = np.empty(w1height)
    res[-1] = np.argmin(min_vals[-1])
    for i in range(w1height-2, -1, -1):
        res[i] = res[i+1] + np.argmin(min_vals[i, max(res[i+1]-1, 0): min(overlap_x,res[i+1]+2)]) - 1 + int(res[i+1]-1 < 0)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 58
def find_all_nthres_fast(data, thres, msep, find_segs=False):
    Fast version of find_all_nthres_fast. See :py:func:`find_all_thres`.
    wsize = tuple([2 * i + 1 for i in msep])  # window size is 2*seperation+1

    # find local maxima mask
    mn = ndimage.minimum_filter(data, size=wsize, mode='constant') == data

    # find positive threshold mask
    nthres = np.ma.less(data, thres)

    # peaks are bitwise and of maximum mask and threshold mask
    locations = np.transpose(np.nonzero(np.bitwise_and(nthres, mn)))
    locations = [tuple(i) for i in locations]

    if find_segs:
        seg_slices = [find_pseg_slice(data, l, thres) for l in locations]
        return locations, seg_slices
        return locations
Exemplo n.º 59
def sliding_minima(img=None, weight=1., window_size=30,
    Subtracts the minimum calculated within a sliding window from the centre of
    the window.

    img : array_like
        Single image as numpy array or multiple images as array-like object
    weight : scalar
        Fraction of minima to be subtracted from each pixel.
        Value of `weight` should be in the interval (0.0,1.0).
    window_size : scalar or tuple
        Sets the size of the sliding window.
        Specifying `window_size=3` is equivalent to `window_size=(3,3)`.
    boundary_condition : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}
        Mode of handling array borders.

    img_out = img - weight * nd.minimum_filter(img,
    return img_out
Exemplo n.º 60
def binaryContour(A):
  x3d = numpy.zeros([3,3,3])
  x3d[1,1,:] = 1
  x3d[:,1,1] = 1
  x3d[1,:,1] = 1
  return A-ndimage.minimum_filter(A,footprint=x3d).astype(numpy.uint8)