Exemplo n.º 1
    def solve_with_broyden_mixing(self, alpha, broyden_param):
        if self.dmft_param["occup_method"] == "broyden":

            def F(Delta_in, mu):
                if verbose():
                    print("(Broyden) Setting mu to %.18f" % mu)
                Delta_out = self.dmft_step(Delta_in)
                occup_factor = self.dmft_param.get("occup_factor", 1.0)
                return Delta_out - Delta_in, occup_factor * (
                    self.occupancy_goal - self.occupancy)

            npF = lambda x: wrap(*F(*unwrap(x, self.S, scalar=True))
                                 )  # unpack the tuples
            xin = wrap(self.Delta, self.mu)

            def F(Delta):
                return self.dmft_step(Delta) - Delta

            npF = lambda x: bgf_to_nparray(F(nparray_to_bgf(x, self.S)))
            xin = bgf_to_nparray(self.Delta)
        bp = {
            "reduction_method": "svd",
            "max_rank": 20,
            "f_tol": 1e-99
        }  # Loop forever (small f_tol!)
        optimize.broyden1(npF, xin, alpha=alpha, verbose=verbose(), **bp)
        raise Converged("broyden1() converged")
Exemplo n.º 2
def solve(n):
    h = 1.0 / (n + 1)
    starting_guess = np.array([i * h for i in range(0, n + 2)])
        Using finite difference,
        we have:
            (1/h**2)*(u_{i + 1} + u_{i - 1} - 2u_i) = 10u_i^3 + 3u_i + (ih)**2

        i = 1, 2, 3, ... n

            u_0 = 0
            u_{n + 1} = 0

        Hence, given x \in R^{n + 2}, we're finding the root to
        the above system of equations
    def f(x):
        ans = np.zeros(n + 2)
        ans[0] = x[0]
        ans[-1] = x[-1]
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            ans[i] = ((n + 1)**2) * (x[i + 1] + x[i - 1] - 2 * x[i]) + \
                - 10 * (x[i]**3) - 3 * x[i] - (i * h)**2
        return ans

    sol = broyden1(f, starting_guess, f_tol=EPS)
    return sol
Exemplo n.º 3
    def solve(self):
        """Solve the selfconsistent problem"""
        self.iterate()  # first iteration

        def r2z(v):  # convert real to complex
            n = v.shape[0] // 2
            return v[0:n] + 1j * v[n:2 * n]

        def z2r(v):  # convert complex to real
            return np.concatenate([v.real, v.imag])

        def fopt(cij):  # function to return the error
            self.cij = r2z(cij)  # store this vector
            self.cij2v()  # update the v vectors
            self.iterate()  # do an iteration
            self.v2cij()  # convert the v to cij
            return z2r(self.cij) - cij

        cij = optimize.broyden1(fopt, z2r(self.cij), f_tol=1e-8, max_rank=10)
        #    cij = optimize.fsolve(fopt,z2r(self.cij),xtol=1e-8)
        #    cij = optimize.anderson(fopt,z2r(self.cij),f_tol=1e-6,w0=0.1)
        #    cij = optimize.newton_krylov(fopt,z2r(self.cij),f_tol=1e-6,outer_k=8)
        self.cij = cij
        self.cij2v()  # update
Exemplo n.º 4
    def Solve(self):
        '''Determine the stellar Zanstra temperature from a nebular H or He 
           emission line flux and the stellar flux density.

        guess = 5.e+4
        return op.broyden1(self.Func, guess)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def siglog_normal_init_guess(self, reg_pnts_array, pos_traj):
        get initial guess from registration points for the parameters of siglognormal model

        def make_sigma_equation(reg_pnts):
            input is a series of registration points t1 - t5
            though only t1, t3, t5 are useful
            def sigma_estimator(sigma):
                #do float here, otherwise the second term will be ZERO!!
                return ((np.exp(-sigma**2+3*sigma) - 1) / (np.exp(sigma*6) - 1) - 
                    float(reg_pnts[2] - reg_pnts[0]) / (reg_pnts[4] - reg_pnts[0]))
                #return (np.exp(sigma**2) - 1) / (np.exp(6*sigma**2) - 1) - (reg_pnts[2] - reg_pnts[0]) / (reg_pnts[4] - reg_pnts[0])
            return sigma_estimator

        init_guess = []
        for reg_pnts in reg_pnts_array:
            #make an estimator for sigma
            sig_est_func = make_sigma_equation(reg_pnts)
            #solve it
            init_sigma = (reg_pnts[4] - reg_pnts[0])/2*self.dt
            #<hyin/Dec-24-2014> solving the equation is still not clear and the results seem not right
            #more investigation is needed to know the derivation of the equation, e.g., how the units are consistent...
            #currently, use an even more simple heuristics...
            sig_sln = sciopt.broyden1(sig_est_func, init_sigma, f_tol=1e-14)
            #try direct nonlinear optimization, note the returned function is modified with square
            #see sigma_estimator above
            #sig_sln = sciopt.fminbound(sig_est_func, 0, init_sigma*3) #search between (0, 3*init_sigma)
            #print sig_sln, sig_est_func(sig_sln)
            sig = sig_sln   #only need scalar value
            #sig = init_sigma
            if sig <= 0:
                #will this happen?
                #this will happen when actual mode locates on the right side of 'Gaussian mean'
                #lognormal distribution is asymmetrical in regards of mode, but does it always distribute more mass on left side? 
                #(okay, i know it's long tail, more mass means some more slopeness when going up)
                sig = np.abs(sig)
            a_array = np.array([3*sig, 1.5*sig**2+sig*np.sqrt(0.25*sig**2+1),
                sig**2, 1.5*sig**2-sig*np.sqrt(0.25*sig**2+1), -3*sig])
            #estimate mu
            mu_1 = np.log((reg_pnts[2]-reg_pnts[0])*self.dt/(np.exp(-a_array[2])-np.exp(-a_array[0])))
            mu_2 = np.log((reg_pnts[4]-reg_pnts[0])*self.dt/(np.exp(-a_array[4])-np.exp(-a_array[0])))
            mu = (mu_1 + mu_2)/2
            #estimate D
            D_array = np.array([np.sqrt(np.pi*2)*vel_profile[i]*np.exp(mu)*sig
                *np.exp((a_array[i]**2/(2*sig**2)-a_array[i])) for i in range(len(a_array))])
            D = np.average(D_array)
            #estimate t0
            t0_array = np.array([reg_pnts[i]*self.dt - np.exp(mu)*np.exp(-a_array[i]) for i in range(len(a_array))])
            t0 = np.average(t0_array)

            theta_s, theta_e = self.siglog_normal_init_ang_guess((D, t0, mu, sig),
                pos_traj, reg_pnts)
            init_guess.append((D, t0, mu, sig, theta_s, theta_e))
        return init_guess
Exemplo n.º 6
def _fetch_ic(x0, dx0, system, func, eps=0.001):
    if isinstance(x0, list):
        assert len(x0) == len(system.state_vars)
        X0 = np.array(x0, dtype=np.float64)
    elif isinstance(x0, dict):
        X0 = np.array([np.NaN for _ in system.state_vars], dtype=np.float64)
        for k, v in x0.items():
            *_, idx = str(k).split('_')
            idx = int(idx)
            X0[idx] = v
    elif isinstance(x0, (int, float, complex)) and len(system.state_vars) == 1:
        X0 = np.array([x0], dtype=np.float64)
    elif isinstance(x0, np.ndarray) and x0.shape == (len(system.state_vars), ):
        X0 = x0
        raise ModelException(f"Invalid Initial Conditions: {x0}")

    if dx0:
        DX0 = np.array(dx0, dtype=np.float64)
        DX0 = np.zeros(X0.shape, dtype=np.float64)

    # if we don't have consistent initial conditions; find them if we can
    # fail if we can't
    f = lambda y: func(y, X0, 0, 0)
    if np.linalg.norm(f(DX0)) > eps:

        DX0 = broyden1(f, DX0)
        if np.linalg.norm(f(DX0)) > 0.001:
            raise ModelException(f"Inconsistent initial conditions: "
                                 f"Could not find dx0 for the given x0 {x0}")

    return X0, DX0
Exemplo n.º 7
def method_of_moments_estimator(sequence=None, attributes=None, cache=None):

    Simple Method-of-Moments Estimator to estimate D (Haas et al, 1995)
    can be optimised (training rate, stopping value)

    d = d_moments(l -  e^(-n))/d_moments)

    solve for d_moments in d = d_moments(l -  e^(-n))/d_moments)

    :param sequence: sample sequence of integers
    :type sequence: array of ints
    :param attributes: dictionary with keys as the unique elements and values as
                        counts of those elements
    :type attributes: dictionary where keys can be any type, values must be integers
    :param cache: argument used by median methods to avoid recomputation of variables
    :type cache: dictionary with 4 elements
                 {"n":no_elements,"d":no_unique_elements,"attr": attribute_counts,
    :return: estimated distinct count
    :rtype: float

    if sequence is None and attributes is None and cache is None:
        raise Exception(
            "Must provide a sequence, or a dictionary of attribute counts ")

    if cache is not None:
        n, d, frequency_dictionary = cache["n"], cache["d"], cache["freq"]
    elif sequence is not None:
        n, d, _, frequency_dictionary = precompute_from_seq(sequence)
        n, d, _, frequency_dictionary = precompute_from_attr(attributes)

    if n == d:
        return _compute_birthday_problem_probability(d)

    def diff_eqn(D):
        return D * (1 - np.exp((-n / D))) - d


        d_moments_1 = float(broyden1(diff_eqn, d))
    except Exception as e:
        d_moments_1 = 1000000000000000000000000

        d_moments_2 = float(broyden2(diff_eqn, d))
        d_moments_2 = 1000000000000000000000000
    result = min(d_moments_1, d_moments_2)
    if result == 1000000000000000000000000:
        return d
        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
def WO_Model_con2(u):
    x_guess = np.ones((5, 1)) * 0.2
    WO_f_model = functools.partial(WO_nonlinear_f_model, u)
    x_solved = broyden1(WO_f_model, x_guess, f_tol=1e-12)

    # calculating con1
    con2 = x_solved[4, 0] - 0.08

    return -con2
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, sb, sf):
     self.L = (sb + sf) * 1.0
     self.f = sb / self.L
         self.h = opt.broyden1(self.totalLengthSolver, [1], f_tol=.0001)[0]
         self.h = 0
         self.x = self.f
         self.y = 0
             self.x = opt.broyden1(self.partialLengthSolver,
                                   [0.25 + ((self.f > 0.5) * 0.5)],
             self.y = self.h * (1.0 - 4.0 * (self.x - 0.5)**2.0)
             self.x = .5
             self.y = self.h
Exemplo n.º 10
def finda(u,lookup=True):
	if lookup:
		import pickle as pk
		with open('au_lookup') as f:
		for j,uu in enumerate(ul):
			if uu>u:
		if j>0:
			return a[j-1]
			return a[0]
	if u==0.5:
		return 0.0
	if u<.5:
		return broyden1(f,-10)
	return broyden1(f,10)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def SolveLambdaSystem(self, prec=1e-14):
     #        x = optimize.broyden1(self.LambdaSystem, [0.00001,0.00001], f_tol=prec)
     x = optimize.broyden1(self.LambdaSystem, [self.lh[0], self.lh[1]],
     self.l = x
     p0 = dot(self.MET, self.P0[0])
     p1 = dot(self.MET, self.P0[1])
     return [x, [p0, p1]]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def givePayOff(self, user, v):
     # returns the maximum pay-off of a user together with the effort needed for this maximum pay-off given the user's cost funciton, value of a badge, and the corresponding standard of that badge
     # pi(n) = v * p_win - c(n) = v * (1 - F(alpha - n)) - c(n)
     # solving the equation "v * f(alpha - n) - c'(n) = 0" gives you the effort that maximizes the pay-off
     F = pdf(self.pdf, v, self.standard, user, 0)
     effort = broyden1(F, 1)
     # print(effort)
     payOff = v * (1 - self.cdf(self.standard - effort)) - user.cost(effort)
     # print(1 - norm.cdf(self.standard - effort))
     # iprint(payOff)
     return payOff, effort
Exemplo n.º 13
	def __call__(self):
		"""Cumulative radiant energy at FSGP, savefig."""
		self.pin = self.Pin(self.time(), self.track.location, clear)
		self.pin *= (self.pin >= 0)
		self.E_in = cuml_integral_left(self.pin, self.time())
		self.E_total = self.car.E_0 + self.E_in[-1]
		self.P_avg = self.E_total / self.time.total()
		print(str(self.E_total) + " J")
		print(str(self.time.total()) + " s")
		print(str(self.P_avg) + " W")
		v = broyden1(lambda v: self.Pout(v, clear) - self.P_avg, 10)
		return v
Exemplo n.º 14
    def compute_ss(self, guess=None, method='fsolve', options={}):
        '''Attempts to solve for the steady state of the model.

            guess:      (Pandas Series, Numpy array, or list) An initial guess for the 
                            steady state solution. The result is highly sensisitve to the intial 
                            guess chosen, so be careful. If the guess is a Numpy ndarray or a list
                            then the elements must be ordered to conform with self.names['variables'].
            method:     (str) The function from the Scipy library to use. Your choices are:
                        a. root
                        b. fsolve (default)
                        c. broyden1
                        d. broyden2
            options:    (dict) A dictionary of optional arguments to pass to the numerical solver.
                            Check out the Scipy documentation to see the options available for each routine:


            ss: (Pandas Series) Steady state values of endogenous variables


        if guess is None:
            guess = np.ones(self.n_vars)
            if isinstance(guess, pd.Series):
                guess = guess[self.names['variables']]

        # Create function for nonlinear solver
        def ss_fun(variables):

            variables = pd.Series(variables, index=self.names['variables'])

            return self.equilibrium_fun(variables, variables, self.parameters)

        if method == 'fsolve':
            steady_state = fsolve(ss_fun, guess, **options)

        elif method == 'root':
            steady_state = root(ss_fun, guess, **options)['x']

        elif method == 'broyden1':
            steady_state = broyden1(ss_fun, guess, **options)

        elif method == 'broyden2':
            steady_state = broyden2(ss_fun, guess, **options)

        # Add ss attribute
        self.ss = pd.Series(steady_state, index=self.names['variables'])
Exemplo n.º 15
def getDensityAltitude_exact(rho):
    Solves the ISA equations to determine the equivalent density
    rho : float, kg/m^3
         atmospheric density 
    def _f(h):
        return atm.density-rho
    from scipy import optimize
    return alt
Exemplo n.º 16
def convert_inputs(mx, vx, rtype):

    mx, vx, rtype: see attr class:
    mean, relative std, random variable type

    KEEP CONSISTENT UNITS (cm^2, m^2 , N, kN etc)

    (loc,scale) or (scale,s --for ln), see scipy.stats package

    converts the input variables according to their rtype
    to a parameter form so that they keep the same mx and vx
    if putting the converts as parameters in the scipy.stats package
    if rtype == "n":
        loc = mx
        scale = vx * abs(mx)
        return (loc, scale)
    elif rtype == "ln":

        def f(s):
            return (math.sqrt(
                (math.exp(s**2) - 1) * math.exp(2 * (math.log(mx) -
                                                     (s**2) / 2.0) + s**2)) -
                    vx * mx)

        s = float(
            broyden1(f, [0.5], f_tol=mx *
                     1e-13))  ##was fixed 13 -> but relatively makes more sense
        scale = float(math.log(mx) - (s**2) / 2.0)
        return (scale, s)
    elif rtype == "g":
        scale = float(math.sqrt(((((vx * mx)**2) * 6) / (math.pi**2))))  #beta
        loc = float(mx - (euler_mascheroni * scale))
        return (loc, scale)
    elif rtype == "e":
        loc = mx - mx * vx
        scale = mx * vx
        return (loc, scale)
    elif rtype == "u":
        loc = mx
        scale = vx
        return (loc, scale)
        return ("rtype not found")
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __solver__(self, p):
     p.xk = p.x0.copy()
     p.fk = asfarray(max(abs(p.f(p.x0)))).flatten()
     if p.istop:
         p.xf, p.ff = p.xk, p.fk
     try: xf = broyden1(p.f, p.x0, iter = p.maxIter)
     except: return
     p.xk = p.xf = asfarray(xf)
     p.fk = p.ff = asfarray(max(abs(p.f(xf)))).flatten()
     p.istop = 1000
Exemplo n.º 18
def broyden_solver(scf):
    """Broyden solver for selfconsistency"""
    scf.mixing = 1.0 # perfect mixing
    scf.iterate() # do one iteration
    x0 = scf.cij # get the array with expectation values
    def fun(x): # function to solve
        scf.cij = x # impose those expectation values
        scf.cij2v() # update mean field
        scf.iterate() # perform an iteration
        return scf.cij - x # difference with respect to input
    from scipy.optimize import broyden1,broyden2,anderson
#    x = anderson(fun,x0)
    x = broyden1(fun,x0,f_tol=1e-7) # broyden solver
    scf.cij = x # impose those expectation values
    scf.cij2v() # update mean field
    scf.iterate() # perform an iteration
    return scf # return scf
Exemplo n.º 19
    def calibrate(cls, n, q, vol, r, iterations=100):
        n: number of periods
        q: upward probability
        vol: volatility
        r: spot rate
        def error(drift):
            rates = BDTrate(n, drift, vol)
            spot_rates = CashPricing(n, q, rates).get_spot_rates()
            error = spot_rates - r
            return error

        initial_guess = np.repeat(.05, n)
        drift = broyden1(error, initial_guess, iter=iterations)
        exp_error = (error(drift)**2).sum()
        return cls(n, drift, vol), exp_error
Exemplo n.º 20
def WO_Model_obj(u):
    x_guess = np.ones((5, 1)) * 0.2
    WO_f_model = functools.partial(WO_nonlinear_f_model, u)
    x_solved = broyden1(WO_f_model, x_guess, f_tol=1e-12)

    # definitions
    Fa = 1.8275
    Fb = u[0]
    Fr = Fa + Fb

    # calculating objective
    obj = -(1043.38 * x_solved[3, 0] * Fr +
            20.92 * x_solved[2, 0] * Fr -
            79.23 * Fa -
            118.34 * Fb)

    return obj
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __solver__(self, p):

        p.xk = p.x0.copy()
        p.fk = asfarray(max(abs(p.f(p.x0)))).flatten()

        if p.istop:
            p.xf, p.ff = p.xk, p.fk

            xf = broyden1(p.f, p.x0, iter=p.maxIter)
        p.xk = p.xf = asfarray(xf)
        p.fk = p.ff = asfarray(max(abs(p.f(xf)))).flatten()
        p.istop = 1000
    def __call__(self, acf):
        assert abs(acf[0] - 1.0) < 1e-10, "First element of ACF should be 1.0"
        # Maps provided ACF of sample series into corresponding white noise process ACF
        acf = np.asarray(acf)
        acf = acf[1:]  # discard acf(0) = 1
        n = acf.shape[0]
        m = self._cj.shape[0]
        acf = acf.reshape((n, ))

        def F(x):
            A = np.vander(x, m + 1,
                          increasing=True)[:, 1:m + 1]  # discard unit column
            Ac = np.dot(A, self._cj)
            return acf - Ac

        x0 = np.random.randn(n).reshape((n, ))
        normal_acf = sci_opt.broyden1(F, x0, f_tol=1e-8, maxiter=100)
        normal_acf = normal_acf.reshape((n, 1))
        return np.vstack((np.ones((1, 1)), normal_acf))
Exemplo n.º 23
def bootstrap(nom_t, mat_t, cp_y_t, pv_t):



    def p_except_last(pv,cf,mat,val,r):
        return pv + cf*np.exp(-mat*r) - val

    for i in range(size):
        cf_vect, mat_vect, zc_vect = cf_mat_zc_for_year(b_f,b_cp_y[i],b_mat[i],b_nom[i],mat_t, b_zc_r)

        pv= price(cf_vect[:idx],zc_vect[:idx],mat_vect[:idx])

        H=partial(p_except_last, pv, cf_vect[idx], mat_vect[idx], pv_t[i])

        b_zc_r[i]= sco.broyden1(H,0.05)

    return b_zc_r
Exemplo n.º 24
def peri_apo_to_random_w0(pericenter, apocenter, potential, frac_r_start=None):
    def _func(E, L, r):
        return 2 * (E - potential.value([r, 0, 0.]).value) - L**2 / r**2

    def f(p):
        E, L = p
        return np.array([_func(E, L, apocenter), _func(E, L, pericenter)])

    if frac_r_start is None:
        frac_r_start = np.random.uniform()
    r_start = frac_r_start * (apocenter - pericenter) + pericenter
    E0 = 0.5 * 0.2**2 + potential.value([(apocenter + pericenter) / 2., 0, 0
    L0 = 0.2 * r_start
    E, L = so.broyden1(f, [E0, L0])
    _rdot = np.sqrt(2 * (E - potential.value([r_start, 0, 0.]).value[0]) -
                    L**2 / r_start**2)

    w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[r_start, 0., 0] * u.kpc,
                                        vel=[_rdot, L / r_start, 0.] * u.kpc /

    T = 2 * np.pi * r_start / (L / r_start)
    logger.debug("Period: {}".format(T))

    # sample a random rotation matrix
    q = gc.Quaternion.random()
    random_R = q.rotation_matrix

    # now rotate by random rotation matrix
    new_pos = random_R.dot(w0.pos)
    new_vel = random_R.dot(w0.vel)
    w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=new_pos, vel=new_vel)

    orbit = potential.integrate_orbit(w0, dt=1., nsteps=10000)
        "Desired (peri,apo): ({:.1f},{:.1f}), estimated (peri,apo): ({:.1f},{:.1f})"
        .format(pericenter, apocenter, orbit.pericenter(), orbit.apocenter()))

    return w0, T
Exemplo n.º 25
    def calibrate(cls, n, q, vol, market_spot_rates, iterations=200):
        Calibrates the optimal drift for the given market spot rates
        Initializes the model from the corresponding optimal drift and vol

        n: int
            The number of periods

        q: float
            The probability of rates going upward in the binomial model
        vol: scalar / np.array
            The volatility for the model

        market_spot_rates: np.array
            The current spot rates for n periods to be used for optimization

        max_iter: int
            The number of iterations for which the optimization function should run

        (BDTRate, error): Returns a tuple of BDTRate instance calibrated from the given parameters and
                            the squared error in the result.
        def error(drift):
            rates = BDTRate(n, drift, vol)
            spot_rates = CashPricing(n, q, rates).get_spot_rates()

            error = spot_rates - market_spot_rates
            return error

        initial_guess = np.repeat(0.05, n)
        drift = broyden1(error, initial_guess, iter=iterations)
        exp_error = (error(drift)**2).sum()

        return cls(n, drift, vol), exp_error
Exemplo n.º 26
 def find_t(self):
     # find t to obtain user-set fractional mass within rs
     if self.f is None:
         self.t = 1.
         F = lambda t: self.frac_mass_within_rs(t) - self.f
             self.t = sopt.broyden1(F, self.t0).item()
         except sopt.nonlin.NoConvergence:
             # if the Broyden method fails, print warning and set f=None and t=1
                 '   WARNING: could not set f=%.3e. Setting f=None and t=1.'
                 % self.f)
             self.f = None
             self.t = 1.
Exemplo n.º 27
def plot_convergence():
    """Compare convergence of Newton's method, Broyden's method, and function iteration."""

    def f(x):
        fval = np.exp(x) - 1
        # Log x values in list x_values.
        return fval

    def get_log_error(x):
        return np.log10(np.abs(x)).flatten()

    # Newton's Method.
    x_values = []
    _ = newton(f, 2)
    error_newton = get_log_error(x_values)

    # Broyden's Method.
    x_values = []
    _ = broyden1(f, 2)
    error_broyden = get_log_error(x_values)

    # Function iteration.
    x_values = []
    _ = fixed_point(f, 2, xtol=1e-4)
    error_funcit = get_log_error(x_values)

    # Plot results.
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.plot(error_newton, label="Newton's Method")
    plt.plot(error_broyden, label="Broyden's Method")
    plt.plot(error_funcit, label="Function Iteration")
    plt.title(r"Convergence rates for $f(x)= exp(x)-1$ with $x_0=2$")
    plt.ylabel("Log10 Error")
    plt.xlim(0, 50)
    plt.ylim(-6, 2)
Exemplo n.º 28
def mu_p_q(L12, L23, L13):
    Calcula los valores de mu, p y q por fuerza bruta

    def equations(params):
        mu, p, q = params

        eqs = [mu*L12 - p + np.sin(p),
               mu*L23 - q + np.sin(q),
               mu*L13 - p - q + np.sin(p + q)
        return eqs

    res_mu0, res_p0, res_q0 = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])

    for mu0 in np.arange(0.01, 5, 0.01):
            for p0 in np.arange(0.01, 10, 0.01):
                for q0 in np.arange(0.01, 10, 0.01):
                    mu1, p1, q1 = broyden1(equations, (mu0, p0, q0))
                    res_mu, res_p, res_q = equations((mu1, p1, q1))
                    if (abs(np.array([res_mu, res_p, res_q])) <
                        abs(np.array([res_mu0, res_p0, res_q0]))).all()\
                        and mu1 > 0.0001:
                        res_mu0, res_p0, res_q0 = res_mu, res_p, res_q
                        mu, p, q = mu1, p1, q1

        return np.array([mu, p, q])
        print(mu1, p1, q1)
        raise ValueError("No se encontraron valores para mu, p, q")
def aplicarMetodosNL(f, x, y):
        print("Resultado con la funcion fsolve = {}".format(
            optimize.fsolve(f, [x, y], xtol=10**(-6))))
    except Exception as e:
        print("El metodo fsolve no converge")
        print("Resultado mediante el metodo de Newton-Krylov = {}".format(
            optimize.newton_krylov(f, [x, y], x_tol=10**(-6))))
    except Exception as e:
        print("El metodo de Newton-Krylov no converge")

        print("Resultado mediante el metodo de Broyden 1 = {}".format(
            optimize.broyden1(f, [x, y], x_tol=2**(-16))))
    except Exception as e:
        print("El metodo de Broyden 1 no converge")

        print("Resultado mediante el metodo de Broyden 2 = {}".format(
            optimize.broyden2(f, [x, y], x_tol=2**(-50))))
    except Exception as e:
        print("El metodo de Broyden 2 no converge")
Exemplo n.º 30
def chi_squared_limit(k, P):
    Find the P-percent certainty limit of the chi-squared distribution

    k: int
        number of dimensions of the distribution

    P: float
        certainty of the distrubtion, in percents

    limit: float
        limit of the distribution
    def CDF(x):
        return chi2.cdf(x, k) - P / 100.

    limit = broyden1(CDF, k, f_tol=1e-10)

    return limit
Exemplo n.º 31
  def solve(self):
    """Solve the selfconsistent problem"""
    self.iterate() # first iteration
    def r2z(v): # convert real to complex
      n = v.shape[0]//2
      return v[0:n] + 1j*v[n:2*n]
    def z2r(v): # convert complex to real
      return np.concatenate([v.real,v.imag])

    def fopt(cij): # function to return the error
      self.cij = r2z(cij) # store this vector
      self.cij2v()  # update the v vectors
      self.iterate() # do an iteration
      self.v2cij() # convert the v to cij
      return z2r(self.cij)-cij
    cij = optimize.broyden1(fopt,z2r(self.cij),f_tol=1e-8,max_rank=10)
#    cij = optimize.fsolve(fopt,z2r(self.cij),xtol=1e-8)
#    cij = optimize.anderson(fopt,z2r(self.cij),f_tol=1e-6,w0=0.1)
#    cij = optimize.newton_krylov(fopt,z2r(self.cij),f_tol=1e-6,outer_k=8)
    self.cij = cij
    self.cij2v() # update
Exemplo n.º 32
def peri_apo_to_random_w0(pericenter, apocenter, potential, frac_r_start=None):
    def _func(E, L, r):
        return 2*(E - potential.value([r,0,0.]).value) - L**2/r**2

    def f(p):
        E,L = p
        return np.array([_func(E,L,apocenter), _func(E,L,pericenter)])

    if frac_r_start is None:
        frac_r_start = np.random.uniform()
    r_start = frac_r_start * (apocenter - pericenter) + pericenter
    E0 = 0.5*0.2**2 + potential.value([(apocenter+pericenter)/2.,0,0]).value[0]
    L0 = 0.2 * r_start
    E,L = so.broyden1(f, [E0, L0])
    _rdot = np.sqrt(2*(E-potential.value([r_start,0,0.]).value[0]) - L**2/r_start**2)

    w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[r_start,0.,0]*u.kpc,
                                        vel=[_rdot, L/r_start, 0.]*u.kpc/u.Myr)

    T = 2*np.pi*r_start / (L/r_start)
    logger.debug("Period: {}".format(T))

    # sample a random rotation matrix
    q = gc.Quaternion.random()
    random_R = q.rotation_matrix

    # now rotate by random rotation matrix
    new_pos = random_R.dot(w0.pos)
    new_vel = random_R.dot(w0.vel)
    w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=new_pos, vel=new_vel)

    orbit = potential.integrate_orbit(w0, dt=1., nsteps=10000)
    logger.debug("Desired (peri,apo): ({:.1f},{:.1f}), estimated (peri,apo): ({:.1f},{:.1f})"
                 .format(pericenter, apocenter, orbit.pericenter(), orbit.apocenter()))

    return w0,T
Exemplo n.º 33
def cycloid(A, B, n = 100):
    Generates n uniformly spaced sample points of an 
    inverted cycloid between points A and B.

    x0, y0 = A 
    x1, y1 = B
    m = (y0 - y1) / (x1 - x0)

    def f(t):
        Objective function for Broyden solver
        return np.abs((1- np.cos(t)) / (t - np.sin(t)) - m)

    # find theta at B using a Broyden solver
    t = broyden1(f, [3.])[0]

    # now compute a
    a = (y1 - y0) / (1- np.cos(t))

    X,Y =[],[]
    # get sample points by varying theta
    for i in np.linspace(0, t, n):
        x = x0 - a*(i - np.sin(i))
        y = y0 + a*(1- np.cos(i))
    x,y = np.array(X),np.array(Y)

    # now resample the points uniformly in x
    X = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), x.size)
    Y = np.interp(X, x, y)

    return X, Y
Exemplo n.º 34
t = linspace(0, 5, 10000)

N, infodict = odeint(f, x0, t, full_output=True)
# print(infodict['message'])

N_rabbits, N_foxes = [], []
for x, y in N:

plt.figure('Task 4')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
curves = plt.plot(t, N_rabbits, t, N_foxes)

x_n1 = broyden1(f, [10, 10])  # or you can just wolfram your equation

values = linspace(0.5, 2, 150)
vcolors = plt.cm.autumn_r(linspace(0.7, 1, len(values)))

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
# trajectories
for v, col in zip(values, vcolors):
    P0 = [E * v for E in x_n1]
    P = odeint(f, P0, t)
    plt.plot(P[:, 0],
             P[:, 1],
             lw=0.1 * v,
             label='P0=(%.f, %.f)' % (P0[0], P0[1]))
def expected_only(strategy_one, strategy_two, payoff_matrix, continuation_probability, mistake_probability, epsilon):
    Compute the expected value of the payoff in an iterated prisoners dilemma using only the expected game length terms

    This takes an approximate approach to computing the expected payoff by only considerining the terms that arise
    from games with length equal to the expected game length
    # Compute the expected number of rounds
    expected_rounds = math.floor(1 / (1 - continuation_probability))

    # Set up a function that we can solve for the maximum number of mistakes above the threshold
    def max_mistakes(n):
        term = (continuation_probability ** (expected_rounds - 1)) * (1 - continuation_probability)
        term = term * ((1 - mistake_probability) ** (2 * expected_rounds - n))
        term = term * (mistake_probability ** n)
        return term

    # Solve for the maximum number of allowable mistakes
    max_mistakes = broyden1(lambda x: max_mistakes(x) - epsilon, 0)

    # Take the floor
    max_mistakes = math.floor(max_mistakes)

    # Set up an initial HistoryFrame
    initial_frame = HistoryFrame([], [], 0)

    # Add this to a frame list
    frame_list = [initial_frame]

    # Create strategy objects that we will use
    player_one = strategy_one(payoff_matrix.C, payoff_matrix.D)
    player_two = strategy_two(payoff_matrix.C, payoff_matrix.D)

    # Loop until we've got the right length of history
    for _ in range(expected_rounds):
        # We want to pull each value out of the frame_list and put the new values into a new list
        new_frame_list = []
        for frame in frame_list:
            # Load the histories into some strategy objects
            player_one.history = frame.player_one_history
            player_two.history = frame.player_two_history
            # Compute the next moves
            player_one_move = player_one.next_move(player_two.history)
            player_two_move = player_two.next_move(player_one.history)
            # Create a new frame with the no-mistake moves
            new_frame_list.append(HistoryFrame(player_one.history + [player_one_move],
                                               player_two.history + [player_two_move],
            # Make mistakes if we haven't made enough yet
            if frame.mistakes != max_mistakes:
                # Make one mistake
                new_frame_list.append(HistoryFrame(player_one.history + [player_one.opposite(player_one_move)],
                                                   player_two.history + [player_two_move],
                                                   frame.mistakes + 1))
                # Make the other mistake
                new_frame_list.append(HistoryFrame(player_one.history + [player_one_move],
                                                   player_two.history + [player_two.opposite(player_two_move)],
                                                   frame.mistakes + 1))
            # See if we can make two mistakes
            if frame.mistakes + 2 <= max_mistakes:
                # Add the frame to the list with both mistakes
                new_frame_list.append(HistoryFrame(player_one.history + [player_one.opposite(player_one_move)],
                                                   player_two.history + [player_two.opposite(player_two_move)],
                                                   frame.mistakes + 2))

        # Load the new frames into the old list
        frame_list = new_frame_list

    # Now we should have a list that contains all of the correct length games with upto the maximum number of mistakes
    # Now we loop through each case, compute the total payoff and multiply by the coefficient
    # Set up variables to hold the expected payoff
    player_one_expected_payoff = 0
    player_two_expected_payoff = 0
    # We want the game length portion of the coefficient, since this wont change
    game_length_coefficient = (continuation_probability ** (expected_rounds - 1)) * (1 - continuation_probability)

    for frame in frame_list:
        # Figure out the total payoff
        player_one_payoff = 0
        player_two_payoff = 0

        # Loop over the history, adding the payoff each time
        for player_one_move, player_two_move in zip(frame.player_one_history, frame.player_two_history):
            payoff = payoff_matrix.payoff(player_one_move, player_two_move)
            player_one_payoff += payoff[0]
            player_two_payoff += payoff[1]

        # Compute the coefficient for the number of mistakes
        mistake_coefficient = ((1 - mistake_probability) ** (2 * expected_rounds - frame.mistakes)) * (mistake_probability ** frame.mistakes)

        # Finally, multiply each player's payoff by the two coefficients and add to the total
        player_one_expected_payoff += player_one_payoff * game_length_coefficient * mistake_coefficient
        player_two_expected_payoff += player_two_payoff * game_length_coefficient * mistake_coefficient

    # Return the results
    return player_one_expected_payoff, player_two_expected_payoff
Exemplo n.º 36
def calculateRate(amount, total_repayment):
    from scipy.optimize import broyden1
    monthly=total_repayment/36 # monthly repayment rate for 36 month loan
    # solve for interest rate: monthly = rate/12 * amount / (1-(1+rate/12)^(-36))
    rate=broyden1(lambda r: monthly-r/12*amount/(1-(1+r/12)**(-36)), 0.05, f_tol=1e-8)
    return rate
Exemplo n.º 37
def PolynomialFit(x, y, anchors=None, avgrange=0, order=2, indf=None, verbose=True):
        Returns a fitted polynomial.
        Two scenarios are supported:
            1) A set of anchors is given, where the polynomial is being pinned.
               Then the degree equals the amount of anchors given minus 1.
               The y-values for the pins can be averaged over a given range.
               if no anchors are given, the following applies:
            2) An order of the polynomial is given and the polynomial is
               fitted accordingly. Optionally, a fit range can be given 
               via a masked array ``indf``.
            x : array of independent values
            y : array of dependent values
                anchors  : a set of x-positions where the polynomial
                           shall be pinned to the given curve.
                avgrange : float
                           a range in which the given curve will be averaged
                           to calculate the pin position.
                order : int
                        sets the order of the polynomial for fit.
                        ignored if anchors is not None
                indf : boolean array, same length as x and y
                       a mask for x and y to choose a range for fit.
    if anchors is None:
        N = order + 1
        func = lambda x, *v: sum([v[i]*x**(N - 1 - i) for i in reversed(range(N))])
        ind = ~np.isnan(y)
        if indf is not None:
            ind *= indf
        start = [1]
        popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(func, x[ind], y[ind], p0=start)
        if verbose:
        poly = func(x, *popt)
        if avgrange==0:
            indizes = [abs(xi - x).argmin() for xi in anchors]
            indizes = [(x > xi - avgrange)*(x < xi + avgrange) for xi in anchors]
        #print sum(indizes).any()
        anchors = np.array([x[ind].mean() for ind in indizes])
        yi      = np.array([y[ind].mean() for ind in indizes])
        #print anchors, yi
        N = len(indizes)
        v0 =  [0.] * (N - 1) + [1.]
        res = lambda v: sum([v[i]*anchors**(N - 1 - i) for i in range(N)]) - yi
        vopt = optimize.broyden1(res, v0)
        poly = sum([vopt[i]*x**(N - 1 - i) for i in range(N)])
        if verbose:
    return poly
Exemplo n.º 38
def get_dg0_from_metal():
    Hd      = np.sqrt(delta/(stokes+delta))
    dgguess = metal/Hd
    sol     = broyden1(metallicity_error,[dgguess],f_tol=1e-16)
    return sol[0]
Exemplo n.º 39
XTest = np.array([[1], [4], [10]])
# Set Orientation (all zero is pointing straigt to wall) 3-2-1 
yaw = 125;
pitch = 40;
roll =15;

zTest = np.array([[0],[0],[-1]]); # point towards wall
R = getRotMatrix(['z', 'y', 'x'], [np.radians(yaw), np.radians(pitch), np.radians(roll)])

VATest = np.dot(R,zTest);
VBTest = np.dot(np.dot(R,getRotMatrix(['y'],[np.radians(angle1)])),zTest)
VCTest0 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(R,getRotMatrix(['z'],[np.radians(-30*np.cos(np.radians(angle2)))])),getRotMatrix(['x'],[np.radians(-angle2)])),VATest)
tic = time.clock()
VCTest0 = np.array([[.03],[-.06],[-.06]])
VCTest  = fsolve(laserf,VCTest0)
VCTest2  = broyden1(laserf,VCTest0)
toc = time.clock()
VCTest = VCTest

#forcing VCTest to be what matlab found it to be
VCTest = np.array([[.3992],[-.6751],[-.6656]])
VCTest = VCTest/norm(VCTest)
print('forcing VCtest to match matlab...')

Aa = np.array([[1, 0, VATest[0]],
               [0, 1, VATest[1]],
               [0, 0, VATest[2]]]);
Exemplo n.º 40
    eqs = [mu*L12 - p + np.sin(p),
           mu*L23 - q + np.sin(q),
           mu*L13 - p - q + np.sin(p + q)
    return eqs

mu1, p1, q1 = np.array([0.03, 1.2, 1.])

res_mu0, res_p0, res_q0 = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])

for mu0 in np.arange(0.01, 0.08, 0.01):
        for p0 in np.arange(1, 2, 0.1):
            for q0 in np.arange(1, 2, 0.1):

                mu1, p1, q1 = broyden1(equations, (mu0, p0, q0))
                res_mu, res_p, res_q = equations((mu1, p1, q1))
                if (abs(np.array([res_mu, res_p, res_q])) <
                    abs(np.array([res_mu0, res_p0, res_q0]))).all():
                    res_mu0, res_p0, res_q0 = res_mu, res_p, res_q
                    mu, p, q = mu1, p1, q1

print(mu, p, q)

Exemplo n.º 41
def loop_fit(indirizzo, lim_current_inf, sup_current):
    data= genfromtxt(indirizzo)
    ydata = data[:,1]
    xdata = data[:,0]
    sigmay = 0.05
    sigmax = 0.0003
    p0lin = [2]
    p0exp = [2, 0.005, 20]
    #g_0, pcov_lin = optimize.curve_fit(linfit, xdata[:argmax(ydata>=lim_current_inf)], ydata[:argmax(ydata>=lim_current_inf)], p0lin, sigmay)
    g_0, pcov_lin = optimize.curve_fit(linexp, xdata[:argmax(ydata>=lim_current_inf)], ydata[:argmax(ydata>=lim_current_inf)], p0exp, sigmay)
    g_0 = g_0[0]
    pcov_lin = pcov_lin[0][0]
    g_var = sqrt(pcov_lin)
    #print('g0: ', g_0, '+-', g_var[0][0])
    p0_loop = [20, 0.005, 2]
    val_g = False
    val_B = False
    val_is = False
    val_Rs = False
    j = 0
    while val_g==False or val_B==False or val_is==False or val_Rs==False:
        #print(val_g==False & val_B==False & val_is==False & val_Rs==False)
    #step 2:
        jun_cur = ydata - g_0*xdata
    #step 3:
        p_loop, pcov_loop = optimize.curve_fit(tension_junc, abs(jun_cur[argmax(jun_cur>=sup_current):]), xdata[argmax(jun_cur>=sup_current):], p0_loop, sigmax)
        #p_loop, pcov_loop = optimize.curve_fit(tension_junc, abs(jun_cur), xdata, p0_loop, sigmax)
        loop_var = sqrt(pcov_loop.diagonal())
    #step 4:
        zero_func = lambda x: tension_junc_abs(x, p_loop[1], p_loop[0], p_loop[2])
        #jun_cur_1 = optimize.fsolve(fitsolve, jun_cur, (p_loop[1], p_loop[0], p_loop[2], xdata) )
        jun_cur_1 = optimize.broyden1(zero_func, jun_cur)
        jun_cur_10 = optimize.broyden2(zero_func, jun_cur[100], x_rtol=1)
        print(len(jun_cur_1), len(xdata))
    #step 5:
        tot_cur = g_0*xdata + jun_cur_1
    #step 6:
        delta_g, delta_g_pcov = optimize.curve_fit(linfit, xdata[:argmax(tot_cur>=lim_current_inf)], ydata[:argmax(tot_cur>=lim_current_inf)]-tot_cur[:argmax(tot_cur>=lim_current_inf)], g_0, sigmay)
        g_1 = g_0 + delta_g
    #check della convergenza
        if abs(g_1 - g_0) <= abs(delta_g):
            val_g = True
        elif abs(g_1 - g_0) <= 10**(-6):
            val_g = True
        if abs(p_loop[0] - p0_loop[0]) <= abs(loop_var[0]):
            val_B = True
        #print(abs(p_loop[0] - p0_loop[0]) - abs(loop_var[0]))
        if abs(p_loop[1] - p0_loop[1]) <= abs(loop_var[1])/100:
            val_is = True
        if abs(p_loop[2] - p0_loop[2]) <= abs(loop_var[2])/100:
            val_Rs = True
        print(val_g, val_B, val_is, val_Rs)
    #ridefinizione delle variabili
        print('B: ', p_loop[0], '+-', loop_var[0], ' I_s: ', p_loop[1], '+-', loop_var[1], ' R_s: ', p_loop[2], '+-', loop_var[2], 'G:', g_1[0], '+-', delta_g[0])
        deltaIj = jun_cur_1 - jun_cur
        g_0 = g_1
        p0_loop = p_loop
        j = j +1
        #plot(xdata, ydata-tot_cur)
    rc('font', size=16)
    title(r"Caratteristica I-V T=%s° - fit"%(data[:,2][1]), size=14.5)
    xlabel('Tensione V [V]')
    ylabel(r'Corrente I [$\mu $ A]')
    ylim(0.02, 10000)
    lim_err = 2300
    plot(xdata, current_v(xdata, p_loop[1], p_loop[0], p_loop[2]*10**(-6), jun_cur_1, g_0), color='blue', linewidth = 1.5)   
    errorbar(xdata[:argmax(ydata>=lim_err)], current_v(xdata, p_loop[1], p_loop[0], p_loop[2]*10**(-6), jun_cur_1, g_0)[:argmax(ydata>=lim_err)], prop_error(xdata,sigmax,p_loop[1],loop_var[1],p_loop[0],loop_var[0], p_loop[2], loop_var[2],g_1[0],delta_g[0],jun_cur_1,deltaIj)[:argmax(ydata>=lim_err)], sigmax, linestyle='None',  color="blue")
    errorbar(xdata, ydata, sigmay, sigmax, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=1, color="red")
    B  = r'B: $ %s  \pm  %s \, [V^{-1}] $'%(round(p_loop[0], 2), round(loop_var[0], 2))
    I_s  = r'$I_{S}$: $ %s  \pm  %s \, [nA] $'%(round(p_loop[1]*10**3, 2), round(loop_var[1]*10**3, 2))
    R_s  = r'$R_{S}$: $ %s  \pm  %s \, [\Omega] $'%(round(p_loop[2], 2), round(loop_var[2], 2))
    G  = r'G: $ %s  \pm  %s \, [\mu S]$ '%(round(g_1[0], 2), round(delta_g[0], 2))    
    text(0.45, 10, B, family='serif', style='italic', size=15)
    text(0.45, 3, I_s, family='serif', style='italic', size=15)
    text(0.45, 1, R_s, family='serif', style='italic', size=15)
    text(0.45, 0.3, G, family='serif', style='italic', size=15)
    #savefig('%s.png'%(indirizzo), dpi=400)
Exemplo n.º 42
def get_dg0_from_metal():
    Hd = np.sqrt(delta0 / (st0 + delta0))
    dgguess = metal / Hd
    sol = broyden1(metallicity_error, [dgguess], f_tol=1e-16)
    return sol[0]
Exemplo n.º 43
    return bal

def ofwh_balance(f):
    ff2 = (1-f[0])*x[6]*(1-f[1])
    ff11 = f[0]
    ff12 = (1-f[0])*(1-x[6])
    ff7 = (1-f[0])*x[6]*f[1]
    e_in = ff2*h[2]+ff11*h[11]+ff7*h[7]+ff12*h[12]
    e_out = h[3]
    bal = e_in - e_out
    return bal

def wrapped_function(f):
    return [np.abs(reheater_balance(f)), np.abs(ofwh_balance(f))]

f =opt.broyden1(wrapped_function,[0.1,0.1])

# f now holds a vector of flow fractions.
# f[0] corresponds to f1 on the given schematic
# f[1] corresponds to f2 on the given schematic

print "Flow fractions [f1,f2] = ",f

# calculate specific work of the turbines and pumps

w_mcp = (1-f[0])*x[6]*(1-f[1])*(h[1] - h[2])
w_mfp = h[3] - h[4]
w_hpt = (1-f[0])*(h[5] - h[6])
w_lpt = (1-f[0])*x[6]*(1-f[1])*(h[8] - h[9])

w_net = w_mcp + w_mfp + w_hpt + w_lpt