Exemplo n.º 1
def _minimize_qpso(fun,
    """Internal implementation for ``psopy.minimize_qpso``.

    See Also
    psopy.minimize_qpso : The SciPy compatible interface to this function. Refer to
        its documentation for an explanation of the parameters.
    psopy.gen_confunc : Utility function to convert SciPy style constraints
        to the form required by this function.

    x0 : array_like of shape (N, D)
        Initial position to begin QPSO from, where ``N`` is the number of points
        and ``D`` the dimensionality of each point. For the constrained case
        these points should satisfy all constraints.
    fun : callable
        The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form
        ``fun(pos, *args)``. The argument ``pos``, is a 2-D array for initial
        positions, where each row specifies the position of a different
        particle, and ``args`` is a tuple of any additional fixed parameters
        needed to completely specify the function.
    confunc : callable
        The function that describes constraints. Must be of the form
        ``confunc(pos)`` that returns the constraint matrix.

    levy_rate: float
        Whether to run the levy decay qpso or not. > 0 value turns on levy walk

    decay_rate: float
        Whether to turn on the decay function or not. > 0 value turns on the decay rate 

    Chaotic Quantum PSO
    Using this function directly allows for a slightly faster implementation
    that does away with the need for the additional recursive calls needed to
    wrap the constraint and objective functions for compatibility with Scipy. 

    if verbose:
        message = setup_print(x0.shape[1], max_iter, confunc is not None)
    if savefile:
        iterinfo = []

    position = np.copy(x0)
    nparam = len(position)
    pbest = np.copy(position)
    gbest = pbest[np.argmin(fun(pbest))]
    oldfit = fun(gbest[None])[0]
    stable_count = 0
    dimension = len(position[0])

    #simple levy walk. Make a decay function which will push particles around using stable_iter,max_iter is reached, pushing them away from pbest
    beta = 3 / 2
    sigma = (gamma(1 + beta) * sin(pi * beta / 2) / (gamma(
        (1 + beta) / 2) * beta * 2**((beta - 1) / 2)))**(1 / beta)
    decay = 1
    stepsize = 1.0
    for ii in range(max_iter):
        mbest = np.sum(pbest, axis=0) / pbest.shape[0]
        u = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=dimension) * sigma
        v = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=dimension)
        step = u / abs(v)**(1 / beta)
        psi_1 = uniform(0, 1)
        psi_2 = uniform(0, 1)
        dv_g = psi_1 * gbest

        if confunc is not None:
            leaders = np.argmin(distance.cdist(position, pbest, 'sqeuclidean'),
            dv_l = psi_2 * pbest[leaders]
            dv_l = psi_2 * pbest

        P = (dv_g + dv_l) / (psi_1 + psi_2)
        u = uniform(0, 1, nparam)

        stepsize = 1.0
        for i in range(0, nparam):
            if levy_rate > 0:
                stepsize = 0.01 * step * (1 /
                                          (0.0000001 + position[i] - gbest[i]))
                if decay_rate > 0:
                    decay = stepsize * 5 * (0.001)**(ii /
                                                     (max_iter * 0.05)) + 1

            if uniform(0, 1) > 0.5:
                position[i] = P[i] - mbest * np.log(1 / u[i]) * decay
                position[i] = P[i] + mbest * np.log(1 / u[i]) * decay

        to_update = (fun(position) < fun(pbest))
        if confunc is not None:
            to_update &= (confunc(position).sum(axis=1) < ctol)

        if to_update.any():
            pbest[to_update] = position[to_update]
            gbest = pbest[np.argmin(fun(pbest))]

        # Termination criteria.
        fval = fun(gbest[None])[0]
        if np.abs(oldfit - fval) < ptol:
            stable_count += 1
            if stable_count == stable_iter:
            stable_count = 0
        oldfit = fval

        if verbose or savefile:
            info = [ii, gbest, fval]
            if confunc is not None:
                cv = np.max(confunc(gbest[None]))

            if verbose:

            if savefile:

        # Final callback.
        if callback is not None:
            position = callback(position)

    if savefile:
        save_info(savefile, iterinfo, constraints=confunc is not None)

    result = OptimizeResult(x=gbest,

    violation = False
    if confunc is not None:
        convec = confunc(gbest[None])
        result.maxcv = np.max(convec)
        result.cvec = convec
        if convec.sum() > ctol:
            violation = True

    if violation:
        result.status = 2
    elif ii == max_iter:
        result.status = 1
        result.status = 0

    result.success = not result.status
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def _minimize_pso(fun,
    """Internal implementation for ``psopy.minimize``.

    See Also
    psopy.minimize : The SciPy compatible interface to this function. Refer to
        its documentation for an explanation of the parameters.
    psopy.gen_confunc : Utility function to convert SciPy style constraints
        to the form required by this function.

    x0 : array_like of shape (N, D)
        Initial position to begin PSO from, where ``N`` is the number of points
        and ``D`` the dimensionality of each point. For the constrained case
        these points should satisfy all constraints.
    fun : callable
        The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form
        ``fun(pos, *args)``. The argument ``pos``, is a 2-D array for initial
        positions, where each row specifies the position of a different
        particle, and ``args`` is a tuple of any additional fixed parameters
        needed to completely specify the function.
    confunc : callable
        The function that describes constraints. Must be of the form
        ``confunc(pos)`` that returns the constraint matrix.

    Using this function directly allows for a slightly faster implementation
    that does away with the need for the additional recursive calls needed to
    wrap the constraint and objective functions for compatibility with Scipy.

    These examples are identical to those laid out in ``psopy.minimize`` and
    serve to illustrate the additional overhead in ensuring compatibility.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from psopy import _minimize_pso

    Consider the problem of minimizing the Rosenbrock function implemented as

    >>> from scipy.optimize import rosen
    >>> fun = lambda x: np.apply_along_axis(rosen, 1, x)

    Initialize 1000 particles and run the minimization function.

    >>> x0 = np.random.uniform(0, 2, (1000, 5))
    >>> res = _minimize_pso(fun, x0, stable_iter=50)
    >>> res.x
    array([1.00000003, 1.00000017, 1.00000034, 1.0000006 , 1.00000135])

    Consider the constrained optimization problem with the objective function
    defined as:

    >>> fun = lambda x: (x[0] - 1)**2 + (x[1] - 2.5)**2
    >>> fun_ = lambda x: np.apply_along_axis(fun, 1, x)

    and constraints defined as:

    >>> cons = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:  x[0] - 2 * x[1] + 2},
    ...         {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: -x[0] - 2 * x[1] + 6},
    ...         {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: -x[0] + 2 * x[1] + 2},
    ...         {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[0]},
    ...         {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[1]})

    Initializing the constraint function and feasible solutions:

    >>> from psopy import init_feasible, gen_confunc
    >>> x0 = init_feasible(cons, low=0., high=2., shape=(1000, 2))
    >>> confunc = gen_confunc(cons)

    Running the constrained version of the function:

    >>> res = _minimize_pso(fun_, x0, confunc=confunc, options={
    ...     'g_rate': 1., 'l_rate': 1., 'max_velocity': 4., 'stable_iter': 50})
    >>> res.x
    array([ 1.39985398,  1.69992748])

    if verbose:
        message = setup_print(x0.shape[1], max_iter, confunc is not None)
    if savefile:
        iterinfo = []

    position = np.copy(x0)
    velocity = np.random.uniform(-max_velocity, max_velocity, position.shape)
    pbest = np.copy(position)
    gbest = pbest[np.argmin(fun(pbest))]
    oldfit = fun(gbest[None])[0]
    stable_count = 0

    for ii in range(max_iter):
        # Determine global and local gradient.
        dv_g = g_rate * uniform(0, 1) * (gbest - position)
        if confunc is not None:
            leaders = np.argmin(distance.cdist(position, pbest, 'sqeuclidean'),
            dv_l = l_rate * uniform(0, 1) * (pbest[leaders] - position)
            dv_l = l_rate * uniform(0, 1) * (pbest - position)

        # Update velocity and position of particles.
        velocity *= friction
        velocity += (dv_g + dv_l)
        np.clip(velocity, -max_velocity, max_velocity, out=velocity)

        position += velocity
        to_update = (fun(position) < fun(pbest))
        if confunc is not None:
            to_update &= (confunc(position).sum(axis=1) < ctol)

        if to_update.any():
            pbest[to_update] = position[to_update]
            gbest = pbest[np.argmin(fun(pbest))]

        # Termination criteria.
        fval = fun(gbest[None])[0]
        if np.abs(oldfit - fval) < ptol:
            stable_count += 1
            if stable_count == stable_iter:
            stable_count = 0
        oldfit = fval

        if verbose or savefile:
            info = [ii, gbest, fval]
            if confunc is not None:
                cv = np.max(confunc(gbest[None]))

            if verbose:

            if savefile:

        # Final callback.
        if callback is not None:
            position = callback(position)

    if savefile:
        save_info(savefile, iterinfo, constraints=confunc is not None)

    result = OptimizeResult(x=gbest,

    violation = False
    if confunc is not None:
        convec = confunc(gbest[None])
        result.maxcv = np.max(convec)
        result.cvec = convec
        if convec.sum() > ctol:
            violation = True

    if violation:
        result.status = 2
    elif ii == max_iter:
        result.status = 1
        result.status = 0

    result.success = not result.status
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def optimize_minimize_mhmcmc_cluster(objective,
    Minimize objective function and return up to N local minima solutions.

    :param objective: Objective function to minimize. Takes unpacked args as function call arguments and returns
        a float.
    :type objective: Callable(\*args) -> float
    :param bounds: Bounds of the parameter space.
    :type bounds: scipy.optimize.Bounds
    :param args: Any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the objective function.
    :type args: tuple or list
    :param x0: Initial guess. If None, will be selected randomly and uniformly within the parameter bounds.
    :type x0: numpy.array with same shape as elements of bounds
    :param T: The "temperature" parameter for the accept or reject criterion. To sample the domain well,
        should be in the order of the typical difference in local minima objective valuations.
    :type T: float
    :param N: Maximum number of minima to return
    :type N: int
    :param burnin: Number of random steps to discard before starting to accumulate statistics.
    :type burnin: int
    :param maxiter: Maximum number of steps to take (including burnin).
    :type maxiter: int
    :param target_ar: Target acceptance rate of point samples generated by stepping.
    :type target_ar: float between 0 and 1
    :param ar_tolerance: Tolerance on the acceptance rate before actively adapting the step size.
    :type ar_tolerance: float
    :param cluster_eps: Point proximity tolerance for DBSCAN clustering, in normalized bounds coordinates.
    :type cluster_eps: float
    :param rnd_seed: Random seed to force deterministic behaviour
    :type rnd_seed: int
    :param collect_samples: If not None and integral type, collect collect_samples at regular intervals
        and return as part of solution.
    :type collect_samples: int or NoneType
    :param logger: Logger instance for outputting log messages.
    :return: OptimizeResult containing solution(s) and solver data.
    :rtype: scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult with additional attributes
    def obj_counted(*args):
        return objective(*args)

    # end func

    assert maxiter >= 2 * burnin, "maxiter {} should be at least twice burnin steps {}".format(
        maxiter, burnin)
    main_iter = maxiter - burnin

    if collect_samples is not None:
        assert isinstance(collect_samples,
                          int), "collect_samples expected to be integral type"
        assert collect_samples > 0, "collect_samples expected to be positive"
    # end if

    beta = 1.0 / T

    if rnd_seed is None:
        rnd_seed = int(time.time() * 1000) % (1 << 31)
    # end if
    if logger:
        logger.info('Using random seed {}'.format(rnd_seed))
    # end

    if x0 is None:
        x0 = np.random.uniform(bounds.lb, bounds.ub)
    # end if
    assert np.all((x0 >= bounds.lb) & (x0 <= bounds.ub))
    x = x0.copy()
    funval = obj_counted(x, *args)

    # Set up stepper with adaptive acceptance rate
    stepper = BoundedRandNStepper(bounds)
    stepper = AdaptiveStepsize(stepper,

    # -------------------------------
    # DO BURN-IN
    rejected_randomly = 0
    accepted_burnin = 0
    tracked_range = tqdm(range(burnin), total=burnin, desc='BURN-IN')
    if logger:
        stepper.logger = lambda msg: tracked_range.write(logger.name + ':' +
        stepper.logger = tracked_range.write
    # end if
    for _ in tracked_range:
        x_new = stepper(x)
        funval_new = obj_counted(x_new, *args)
        log_alpha = -(funval_new - funval) * beta
        if log_alpha > 0 or np.log(np.random.rand()) <= log_alpha:
            x = x_new
            funval = funval_new
            accepted_burnin += 1
        elif log_alpha <= 0:
            rejected_randomly += 1
        # end if
    # end for
    ar = float(accepted_burnin) / burnin
    if logger:
        logger.info("Burn-in acceptance rate: {}".format(ar))
    # end if

    # -------------------------------
    if collect_samples is not None:
        nsamples = min(collect_samples, main_iter)
        sample_cadence = main_iter / nsamples
        samples = np.zeros((nsamples, len(x)))
        samples_fval = np.zeros(nsamples)
    # end if
    accepted = 0
    rejected_randomly = 0
    minima_sorted = SortedList(
        key=lambda rec: rec[1])  # Sort by objective function value
    hist = HistogramIncremental(bounds, nbins=100)
    # Cached a lot of potential minimum values, as these need to be clustered before return N results
    N_cached = int(np.ceil(N * main_iter / 500))
    next_sample = 0.0
    sample_count = 0
    tracked_range = tqdm(range(main_iter), total=main_iter, desc='MAIN')
    if logger:
        stepper.logger = lambda msg: tracked_range.write(logger.name + ':' +
        stepper.logger = tracked_range.write
    # end if
    for i in tracked_range:
        if collect_samples and i >= next_sample:
            assert sample_count < collect_samples
            samples[sample_count] = x
            samples_fval[sample_count] = funval
            sample_count += 1
            next_sample += sample_cadence
        # end if
        x_new = stepper(x)
        funval_new = obj_counted(x_new, *args)
        log_alpha = -(funval_new - funval) * beta
        if log_alpha > 0 or np.log(np.random.rand()) <= log_alpha:
            x = x_new
            funval = funval_new
            minima_sorted.add((x, funval))
            if len(minima_sorted) > N_cached:
            # end if
            hist += x
            accepted += 1
        elif log_alpha <= 0:
            rejected_randomly += 1
        # end if
    # end for
    stepper.logger = None
    ar = float(accepted) / main_iter
    if logger:
        logger.info("Acceptance rate: {}".format(ar))
        logger.info("Best minima (before clustering):\n{}".format(
            np.array([_mx[0] for _mx in minima_sorted[:10]])))
    # end if

    # -------------------------------
    # Cluster minima and associate each cluster with a local minimum.
    # Using a normalized coordinate space for cluster detection.
    x_range = bounds.ub - bounds.lb
    pts = np.array([x[0] for x in minima_sorted])
    fvals = np.array([x[1] for x in minima_sorted])
    pts_norm = (pts - bounds.lb) / x_range
    _, labels = dbscan(pts_norm, eps=cluster_eps, min_samples=21, n_jobs=-1)

    # Compute mean of each cluster and evaluate objective function at cluster mean locations.
    minima_candidates = []
    for grp in range(max(labels) + 1):
        mask = (labels == grp)
        mean_loc = np.mean(pts[mask, :], axis=0)
        # Evaluate objective function precisely at the mean location of each cluster
        fval = obj_counted(mean_loc, *args)
        minima_candidates.append((mean_loc, grp, fval))
    # end for

    # Rank minima locations by objective function.
    minima_candidates.sort(key=lambda c: c[2])

    # Pick up to N solutions
    solutions = minima_candidates[:N]

    # Put results into OptimizeResult container.
    # Add histograms to output result (in form of scipy.stats.rv_histogram)
    solution = OptimizeResult()
    solution.x = np.array([s[0] for s in solutions])
    solution.clusters = [pts[(labels == s[1])] for s in solutions]
    solution.cluster_funvals = [fvals[(labels == s[1])] for s in solutions]
    solution.bins = hist.bins
    solution.distribution = hist.histograms
    solution.acceptance_rate = ar
    solution.success = True
    solution.status = 0
    if len(solutions) > 0:
        solution.message = 'SUCCESS: Found {} local minima'.format(
        solution.message = 'WARNING: Found no clusters within tolerance {}'.format(
    # end if
    solution.fun = np.array([s[2] for s in solutions])
    solution.jac = None
    solution.nfev = obj_counted.counter
    solution.njev = 0
    solution.nit = main_iter
    solution.maxcv = None
    solution.samples = samples if collect_samples else None
    solution.sample_funvals = samples_fval if collect_samples else None
    solution.bounds = bounds
    solution.version = 's0.3'  # Solution version for future traceability
    solution.rnd_seed = rnd_seed

    return solution