Exemplo n.º 1
    def _to_cartesian(self):
        if (self.verbose): print(" convert to cartesian coordinates ...")
        r = self.r
        r2 = r**2
        R1 = random.rand(self.N)
        R2 = random.rand(self.N)
        self.x = (1 - 2 * R1) * self.r
        self.y = sqrt(r2 - self.x**2) * cos(2 * pi * R2)
        self.z = sqrt(r2 - self.x**2) * sin(2 * pi * R2)
        if (self.ani):
            R1 = random.rand(self.N)
            vphi = self.vt * cos(2 * pi * R1)
            vtheta = self.vt * sin(2 * pi * R1)
            theta = numpy.arccos(self.z / r)
            phi = numpy.arctan2(self.y, self.x)

            self.vx = self.vr * sin(theta) * cos(phi) + vtheta * cos(
                theta) * cos(phi) - vphi * sin(phi)
            self.vy = self.vr * sin(theta) * sin(phi) + vtheta * cos(
                theta) * sin(phi) + vphi * cos(phi)
            self.vz = self.vr * cos(theta) - vtheta * sin(theta)
            v2 = self.v**2
            R1 = random.rand(self.N)
            R2 = random.rand(self.N)
            self.vx = (1 - 2 * R1) * self.v
            self.vy = sqrt(v2 - self.vx**2) * cos(2 * pi * R2)
            self.vz = sqrt(v2 - self.vx**2) * sin(2 * pi * R2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _to_cartesian(self):
        if (self.verbose): print " convert to cartesian coordinates ..."
        r = self.r
        r2 = r**2
        R1 = random.rand(self.N)
        R2 = random.rand(self.N)
        self.x = (1-2*R1)*self.r
        self.y = sqrt(r2 - self.x**2)*cos(2*pi*R2)
        self.z = sqrt(r2 - self.x**2)*sin(2*pi*R2)
        if (self.ani):
            R1 = random.rand(self.N)
            vphi = self.vt*cos(2*pi*R1)
            vtheta = self.vt*sin(2*pi*R1)
            theta = numpy.arccos(self.z/r)
            phi = numpy.arctan2(self.y, self.x)

            self.vx = self.vr*sin(theta)*cos(phi) + vtheta*cos(theta)*cos(phi) - vphi*sin(phi)
            self.vy = self.vr*sin(theta)*sin(phi) + vtheta*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + vphi*cos(phi)
            self.vz = self.vr*cos(theta) - vtheta*sin(theta)
            v2 = self.v**2
            R1 = random.rand(self.N)
            R2 = random.rand(self.N)
            self.vx = (1-2*R1)*self.v
            self.vy = sqrt(v2 - self.vx**2)*cos(2*pi*R2)
            self.vz = sqrt(v2 - self.vx**2)*sin(2*pi*R2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    train_sample_num = 1000
    test_sample_num = 200
    label_ratio = 1.32
    data_name = "fake1"
    dim = 20
    mean_pos = random.rand(dim) * 10 - 5
    mean_neg = random.rand(dim) * 10 - 5
    temp = random.rand(dim, dim) * 2
    var_pos = np.dot(temp, temp.transpose())
    temp = random.rand(dim, dim) * 2
    var_neg = np.dot(temp, temp.transpose())
    var_noise = random.rand(dim, dim) * 1.5
    var_noise = np.dot(var_noise, var_noise.transpose())
    data1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_neg, var_neg, [int(train_sample_num * label_ratio)]) + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), var_noise, [int(train_sample_num * label_ratio)]) 
    data2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_pos, var_pos, [train_sample_num]) + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), var_noise, [train_sample_num]) 
    data3 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_neg, var_neg, [int(test_sample_num * label_ratio)]) + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), var_noise, [int(test_sample_num * label_ratio)]) 
    data4 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_pos, var_pos, [test_sample_num]) + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), var_noise, [test_sample_num]) 
    #print(data3, data4)
            "train_set": np.vstack([data1, data2]),
            "test_set": np.vstack([data3, data4]),
            "train_label": np.vstack([np.zeros([int(train_sample_num * label_ratio), 1]), np.ones([train_sample_num, 1])]),
            "test_label": np.vstack([np.zeros([int(test_sample_num * label_ratio), 1]), np.ones([test_sample_num, 1])])
        open('../data/' + data_name, 'wb')
    save_plot(data1, data2, data3, data4, data_name)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _sample_k(self, jbin):
        # y(x) = y_j
        # cdf(x) = ycum_j + y_j*(x - x_j)
        # x = R/y_j + x_j
        N = self.N
        iter = 0

        c = numpy.zeros(N, dtype='bool') + True

        if self.mod.multi:
            sta, end = self.Nstart[jbin], self.Nend[jbin]
            c[0:sta] = False
            c[end::] = False

        ycum = self.ycum[:, c]
        rtmp = self.r[c]

        ftmp = self.phihat[c]
        y = self.y[:, c]
        x = self.x[:, c]

        if self.mod.multi:
            c = numpy.zeros(self.Nj[jbin], dtype='bool') + True

        while (sum(c) > 0):
            nc = sum(c)

            ycum = ycum[:, c]
            rtmp = rtmp[c]
            ftmp = ftmp[c]
            y = y[:, c]
            x = x[:, c]

            R = random.rand(nc) * ycum[-1]
            xtmp = numpy.zeros(nc)
            P = numpy.zeros(nc)

            for j in range(self.nx):
                cr = (R >= ycum[j]) & (R < ycum[j + 1])
                if (sum(cr) > 0):
                    xtmp[cr] = (R[cr] - ycum[j, cr]) / y[j, cr] + x[j, cr]
                    P[cr] = y[j, cr]

            R2 = random.rand(nc) * P
            f = self._pdf_k32(rtmp, ftmp, xtmp, jbin)

            c = (R2 > f)

            if (iter == 0):
                xsamp = xtmp[~c]
                r = rtmp[~c]
                xsamp = numpy.r_[xsamp, xtmp[~c]]
                r = numpy.r_[r, rtmp[~c]]
            iter += 1

        # Assign final velocities and update r because of shuffling
        self.k = numpy.r_[self.k, xsamp**(2. / 3)]
        self.v = numpy.r_[self.v, sqrt(2 * xsamp**(2 / 3) * self.mod.s2)]
        self.rfinal = numpy.r_[self.rfinal, r]
Exemplo n.º 5
def cftp(P, T=1, u=None):
    """Single draw with coupling from the past

    P : (n, n) ndarray
         Transition matrix
    T : int
        Number of iterations
    u : (t <= T, ) ndarray
        Draws from a uniform distribution

    X : int
    T : int
        Number of iterations until convergence

    if u is not None:
        m = len(u)
        ## If u is shorter than T then add new u
        if T - m > 0:
            u = sp.concatenate((random.rand(T - m), u))
        ## If u is too long, then remove extra entries
        elif T - m < 0:
            u = u[:T]
        ## Otherwise T = m
    ## u is not defined, add new u
        u = random.rand(T)
        m = 0

    ## Define state space from P
    S = sp.r_[0:P.shape[0]]
    ## P is defined
    ## Define map from P matrix
    def phi(S, u):
        return sp.unique(sp.array([multinomial(u, P[i, ])
                                   for i in S]))

    ## Initialize X_T = S
    X = S
    ## I number them 0 to T because I append
    ## new u's to the front.
    for t in range(0, T):
        X = phi(X, u[t])

    # If more than one state in X, call cftp again
    # Double the length of the chain
    if len(X) > 1:
        X, T = cftp(P, T*2, u)

    return X, T
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_pos_matrix(size):
    M = 10 * random.rand(size, size)
    P = np.matmul(M, M.transpose())
    eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(P)
    while (min(eigval) < 0.5):
        M = 10 * random.rand(size, size)
        P = np.matmul(M, M.transpose())
        eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(P)
    return P
Exemplo n.º 7
def randSymMat(size):
    Generates a random symmetric matrix of size M x M.
    A = random.rand(size, size)
    Q, R = np.linalg.qr(A)
    v = random.rand(size)
    D = np.diag(v)
    return np.dot(Q, np.dot(D, Q.T))
Exemplo n.º 8
def split_dataset(fl, nofl, test_size=0.3, mode='random'):
  splits two datasets of flaring and non-flaring regions with given ratio of non-flaring (N)
  to flaring regions (P) into a training and a test set with same ratio of N/P
  fl: 2D np array (Nobs, Nattr) of flaring regions
  nofl: 2D np array (Nobs, Nattr) of non-flaring regions
  test_size: float, the ratio of number of test observations to total number of observations
  mode: string, either 'random' or 'contiguous', indicates whether the fl, nofl datasets
    will be split randomly to form training and test sets or by preserving the order of the
    observations (for example first 7 in training set and next 3 in test set). Contiguous
    mode should be used for data that their ordering in non-arbitrary (e.g. nth observation
    may be correlated with n+1 observation). See also '3.1.3. A note on shuffling' at:
  train, test: 2D np arrays to be used for training and testing
  ytrain, ytest: 1D np arrays that contain the corresponding labels  
  yfl = np.ones(np.shape(fl)[0]); ynofl = np.zeros(np.shape(nofl)[0])
  Nfl = np.shape(fl)[0]; Nnofl = np.shape(nofl)[0]  
  if mode == 'random':  
    fltrain, fltest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(fl, yfl, test_size=test_size)
    nofltrain, nofltest, ynotrain, ynotest = train_test_split(nofl, ynofl, test_size=test_size)
    train = np.concatenate((fltrain, nofltrain), axis=0)
    test = np.concatenate((fltest, nofltest), axis=0)
    ytrain = np.concatenate((ytrain, ynotrain), axis=0)
    ytest = np.concatenate((ytest, ynotest), axis=0)
    return train, test, ytrain, ytest
  elif mode == 'contiguous':
    Nfltrain = int(round(Nfl*(1.0-test_size))); Nfltest = Nfl - Nfltrain
    Nnofltrain = int(round(Nnofl*(1.0-test_size))); Nnofltest = Nnofl - Nnofltrain    
    fl = np.concatenate((fl, fl[0:Nfltrain-1]), axis=0)
    nofl = np.concatenate((nofl, nofl[0:Nnofltrain-1]), axis=0)
    index = int(round(Nfl*random.rand()))
    fltrain = fl[index:index+Nfltrain, :]; ytrain = np.ones(Nfltrain)
#    temp = index+Nnofltrain-Nnofl; start_index = max(0, temp)
    fltest = np.concatenate((fl[0:index, :], fl[index+Nfltrain:Nfl,:]), axis=0) 
    ytest = np.ones(Nfltest)

    index = int(round(Nnofl*random.rand()))
    nofltrain = nofl[index:index+Nnofltrain, :]; ynotrain = np.zeros(Nnofltrain)
#    temp = index+Nnofltrain-Nnofl; start_index = max(0, temp)
    nofltest = np.concatenate((nofl[0:index, :], nofl[index+Nnofltrain:Nnofl,:]), axis=0)
    ynotest = np.zeros(Nnofltest)
    train = np.concatenate((fltrain, nofltrain), axis=0)
    test = np.concatenate((fltest, nofltest), axis=0)
    ytrain = np.concatenate((ytrain, ynotrain), axis=0)
    ytest = np.concatenate((ytest, ynotest), axis=0)
    return train, test, ytrain, ytest
Exemplo n.º 9
def initParameters(numDim):# {{{
    sig1 = random.rand(numDim,numDim)
    sig1 = np.dot(sig1,sig1.transpose())
    sig2 = random.rand(numDim,numDim)
    sig2 = np.dot(sig2,sig2.transpose())
    for i in range(len(sig2)):
        sig1[i][i] = 1
        sig2[i][i] = 1
    u1,u2 = random.rand(1,numDim)[0],random.rand(1,numDim)[0]
    pi1 = np.random.random()
    pi2 = 1 - pi1
    return u1,u2,sig1,sig2,pi1,pi2# }}}
Exemplo n.º 10
def generate_random_data(size):

    matrix = random.rand(size, size)
    matrix = np.dot(matrix, matrix.transpose())
    identity_matrix = np.identity(size) * np.random.random_sample()
    matrix = matrix + identity_matrix 
    inital_vector = random.rand(size)

    inital_decision = np.zeros(len(inital_vector), float)

    return matrix, inital_decision, inital_vector
Exemplo n.º 11
def generate_clusters(n_points=100, n_clusters=5, n_dim=3, noise=0.15):
    X = np.zeros((n_points * n_clusters, n_dim))
    y = np.zeros(n_points * n_clusters)
    for cluster in range(n_clusters):
        mean = (np.ones(n_dim) * (cluster + 1)) + (random.rand(n_dim))
        random_mat = random.rand(n_dim, n_dim)
        cov = np.dot(random_mat, random_mat.transpose())  # pos semi-definite
        sample = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, n_points)
        sample += (noise * np.random.random_sample((n_points, n_dim)))
        X[cluster * n_points: (cluster + 1) * n_points] = sample
        y[cluster * n_points: (cluster + 1) * n_points] = cluster
    return X, y
 def AdvanceTime(TimeList,ObservableList):
     TranslateableLinks = MyLattice.TranslateableList
     AnnihilateableLinks = MyLattice.AnnihilateableList
     Norm = len(TranslateableLinks)*TranslateRate + len(AnnihilateableLinks)*AnnihilationRate + \
     ((2*(MyLattice.Dimension)**2) - len(AnnihilateableLinks) - len(TranslateableLinks))*SpawnRate
     PTrans = len(TranslateableLinks)*TranslateRate/Norm
     PAnnih = len(AnnihilateableLinks)*AnnihilationRate/Norm
     PSpawn = ((2*(MyLattice.Dimension)**2) - len(AnnihilateableLinks) - len(TranslateableLinks))*SpawnRate/Norm
     print "Normalization: " + str(Norm)
     r = random.rand()
     DeltaTau = (-1./Norm)*log(r)
     if len(MyLattice.AnnihilateableList)>0:
         print MyLattice.AnnihilateableList
         print [str(l) + "\t" for l in [PTrans,PAnnih,PSpawn]]
         print r
Exemplo n.º 13
def gm_params_generator(d, k, sparse_proba=None, alpha=5, min_center_dist=None):
    We generate centers in [-0.5, 0.5] and verify that they are separated enough
    alpha is the size of the grid
    #  we scatter the unit square on k squares, the min distance is given by alpha/sqrt(k)
    if min_center_dist == None:
        min_center_dist = alpha / np.sqrt(k)
    centers = [alpha*(np.random.rand(1, d)[0]-0.5)]
    for i in range(k-1):
        center = alpha*(np.random.rand(1, d)[0]-0.5)
        distances = np.linalg.norm(
            np.array(centers) - np.array(center),
        while len(distances[distances < min_center_dist]) > 0:
            center = alpha*(np.random.rand(1, d)[0]-0.5)
            distances = np.linalg.norm(
                np.array(centers) - np.array(center),
    # if sparse_proba is set :
    #    generate covariance matrix with the possibility to set the sparsity on the precision matrix,
    # we multiply by 1/k^2 to avoid overlapping
    if sparse_proba == None:
        A = [random.rand(d, d) for _ in range(k)]
        cov = [alpha * 1e-2 / (k ** 2) * (np.diag(np.ones(d)) + np.dot(a, a.transpose())) for a in A]
        cov = np.array([np.linalg.inv(make_sparse_spd_matrix(d, alpha=sparse_proba)) for _ in range(k)])
    p = np.random.randint(1000, size=(1, k))[0]
    weights = 1.0*p/p.sum()
    return weights, centers, cov
Exemplo n.º 14
def generateSamples(N, means0, Covs0, m1, C1, class_prior):
    '''generate samples, shape(N, d)'''
    # sample dimension
    d = m1.size

    # preallocation
    N = np.int(N)
    X = np.zeros((N, d))
    y = np.zeros(N)

    temp = random.rand(N)

    # class 0: GMM
    ind0 = (temp <= class_prior[0])
    y[ind0] = 0

    # components number
    M = Covs0.shape[0]

    weights = np.ones(M) / M

    X[ind0, :], dummy = generateGMM(d, ind0.sum(), weights, means0, Covs0)

    # class 1: Gaussian
    ind1 = (temp > class_prior[0])
    y[ind1] = 1

    X[ind1, :] = random.multivariate_normal(m1, C1, ind1.sum())

    return X, y
Exemplo n.º 15
def create_dataset(n_clusters, n_dim, n_samples, mean=None, std=None, seed=None):
    """Create n_clusters clusters of n_dim dimensions, n_samples of it."""
    if seed is not None:

    if mean is None:
        means = [np.random.randint(-(i + 1), (i + 1),
                                   n_dim).astype(np.float32) for i in range(n_clusters)]
    if std is None:
        stds = []
        for _ in range(n_clusters):
            a = np.diag(random.rand(n_dim))

    data_set = []
    cluster_id = []
    for i, mean, std in zip(range(n_clusters), means, stds):
        data_set.append(np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, std, n_samples))
        cluster_id.append(np.ones(n_samples) * i)

    data_set = np.concatenate(data_set)
    cluster_id = np.concatenate(cluster_id)
    sample_idx = np.random.choice(data_set.shape[0], n_samples, replace=False)

    # Return correct amount of samples
    return data_set[sample_idx, :], cluster_id[sample_idx]
Exemplo n.º 16
def even_time(start, stop, rate, jitter=0):
    Produce an evenly-distributed set of times which has some jitter.

    start : int
       The gps start time of the set.
    stop : int
       The gps end time of the set.
    rate : int
       The rate of events per year.
    jitter : float
       The number of seconds around which the time can "jitter".
       This has the effect of adding a small random time on to each
       time returned in the distribution, up to a maximum of half 
       the jitter value, or taking away up to half the jitter value.

    times : ndarray
       A numpy array of gps times where injections should be made.
    expnum_exact = (stop-start) * rate / 365.0 / 24 / 3600
    interval = (stop - start) / expnum_exact
    time = numpy.array(map(lambda i: start + i*interval + jitter *(random.rand()-0.5), range(1,int(expnum_exact)+1)))
    return time
Exemplo n.º 17
def generate_random_positive_matrix(D):
    Generate a random semidefinite positive matrix
    :param D: Dimension
    :return: DxD matrix
    aux = random.rand(D, D)
    return np.dot(aux, aux.transpose())
Exemplo n.º 18
def maximize_shadow():
    random_bases = random.rand(low_dimension, high_dimension - 2)
    res_bh = basinhopping(negative_volume, random_bases, disp=True, niter=200)
    optimal_bases = add_columns(
        res_bh.x.reshape((low_dimension, high_dimension - 2)))

    orth_optimal_bases = orth(optimal_bases.T).T
    return (-res_bh.fun, orth_optimal_bases)
Exemplo n.º 19
def main():
    N = 10000
    D = 10

    mean, covar = moments_from_samples(random.rand(N), random.randn(D, N))

    print("residual norm^2:",
          linalg.norm(covar - eye(D))**2)
Exemplo n.º 20
def PINVIT(mata,
    """preconditioned inverse iteration"""

    r = mata.CreateRowVector()
    Av = mata.CreateRowVector()
    Mv = mata.CreateRowVector()

    uvecs = []
    for i in range(num):

    vecs = []
    for i in range(2 * num):

    for v in uvecs:
        r.FV().NumPy()[:] = random.rand(len(r.FV()))
        v.data = pre * r

    asmall = Matrix(2 * num, 2 * num)
    msmall = Matrix(2 * num, 2 * num)
    lams = num * [1]

    for i in range(maxit):

        for j in range(num):
            vecs[j].data = uvecs[j]
            r.data = mata * vecs[j] - lams[j] * matm * vecs[j]
            vecs[num + j].data = pre * r

        if GramSchmidt:
            Orthogonalize(vecs, matm)

        for j in range(2 * num):
            Av.data = mata * vecs[j]
            Mv.data = matm * vecs[j]
            for k in range(2 * num):
                asmall[j, k] = InnerProduct(Av, vecs[k])
                msmall[j, k] = InnerProduct(Mv, vecs[k])

        ev, evec = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=asmall, b=msmall)
        lams[:] = ev[0:num]
        if printrates:
            print(i, ":", lams)

        for j in range(num):
            uvecs[j][:] = 0.0
            for k in range(2 * num):
                uvecs[j].data += float(evec[k, j]) * vecs[k]

    return lams, uvecs
 def AdvanceTime(TimeList,ObservableList):
     PTrans, PAnnih, PSpawn, Norm, TranslateableLinks, AnnihilateableLinks, SpawnableLinks = Probabilities()
     r = random.rand()
     DeltaTau = (-1./Norm)*log(r)
     if (r < PTrans):
         RandLink = random.randint(len(TranslateableLinks))
         LinkCoords = TranslateableLinks[RandLink]
         XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
         YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]
         MyLattice.TranslateExcitation(MyLattice.ReturnExcitationIndex(LinkCoords[0]%MyLattice.Dimension,LinkCoords[1]%MyLattice.Dimension), XDisplacement, YDisplacement)
     if (r >= PTrans and r < PTrans + PAnnih):
         RandLink = random.randint(len(AnnihilateableLinks))
         LinkCoords = AnnihilateableLinks[RandLink]
         XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
         YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]
         #if(LinkCoords[2]==MyLattice.Dimension or LinkCoords[0] == MyLattice.Dimension - 1):
             #print str(LinkCoords[2]) + "\t" + str(LinkCoords[0])
             #print str(LinkCoords[3]) + "\t" + str(LinkCoords[1])
         MyLattice.CheckSector(LinkCoords[0]%MyLattice.Dimension,LinkCoords[1]%MyLattice.Dimension, XDisplacement, YDisplacement)
     if (r >= PTrans + PAnnih):
         RandLink = random.randint(len(SpawnableLinks))
         LinkCoords = SpawnableLinks[RandLink]
         XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
         YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]
         #if(LinkCoords[2]==MyLattice.Dimension or LinkCoords[0] == MyLattice.Dimension - 1):
         RandLink = random.randint(len(AnnihilateableLinks))
         LinkCoords = AnnihilateableLinks[RandLink]
         XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
         YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]
         #if(LinkCoords[2]==MyLattice.Dimension or LinkCoords[0] == MyLattice.Dimension - 1):
             #print str(LinkCoords[2]) + "\t" + str(LinkCoords[0])
             #print str(LinkCoords[3]) + "\t" + str(LinkCoords[1])
         MyLattice.CheckSector(LinkCoords[0]%MyLattice.Dimension,LinkCoords[1]%MyLattice.Dimension, XDisplacement, YDisplacement)
     if (r >= PTrans + PAnnih):
         RandLink = random.randint(len(SpawnableLinks))
         LinkCoords = SpawnableLinks[RandLink]
         XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
         YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]
         #if(LinkCoords[2]==MyLattice.Dimension or LinkCoords[0] == MyLattice.Dimension - 1):
             #print str(LinkCoords[2]) + "\t" + str(LinkCoords[0])
             #print str(LinkCoords[3]) + "\t" + str(LinkCoords[1])
         MyLattice.CheckSector(LinkCoords[0]%MyLattice.Dimension,LinkCoords[1]%MyLattice.Dimension, XDisplacement, YDisplacement)
     return DeltaTau, MyLattice.Sector
Exemplo n.º 22
def solving_time(A,b):
    U = Function(V)
    #print sqrt(sum((x-xe)**2))/len(x)
    return t1-t0
Exemplo n.º 23
    def draw(self):
        Draws the best arm with probability (1 - epsilon)
        Draws any arm at random with probility epsilon

        :return: The numerical index of the selected arm
        if random.rand() < self.epsilon:
            return random.choice(self.n_arms)
            return argmax(self._metric_fn())
Exemplo n.º 24
def generate_data(n,numDim=2):# {{{
    sig1 = random.rand(numDim,numDim)
    sig1 = np.dot(sig1,sig1.transpose())
    sig2 = random.rand(numDim,numDim)
    sig2 = np.dot(sig2,sig2.transpose())
    for i in range(len(sig2)):
        sig1[i][i] = 1
        sig2[i][i] = 1
    u1,u2 = random.rand(1,numDim)[0],random.rand(1,numDim)[0]
    pi1 = np.random.random()
    pi2 = 1 - pi1

    original_params = [u1,sig1,pi1,u2,sig2,pi2]
    data = []
    for i in range(n):
        obs_generator = np.random.random()
        if obs_generator > pi1:
    return data,original_params# }}}
Exemplo n.º 25
    def draw(self):
        Draws the best arm with probability (1 - epsilon * temp)
        Draws any arm with probability epsilon * temp

        :return: The numerical index of the selected arm
        temp = self._schedule_fn(self.total_draws)
        if random.rand() < self.epsilon * temp:
            return random.choice(self.n_arms)
            return argmax(self._metric_fn())
    def AdvanceTime(TimeList,ObservableList):
        TranslateableLinks = MyLattice.TranslateableList
        AnnihilateableLinks = MyLattice.AnnihilateableList
        Norm = len(TranslateableLinks)*TranslateRate + len(AnnihilateableLinks)*AnnihilationRate + \
        ((2*(MyLattice.Dimension)**2) - len(AnnihilateableLinks) - len(TranslateableLinks))*SpawnRate
        PTrans = len(TranslateableLinks)*TranslateRate/Norm
        PAnnih = len(AnnihilateableLinks)*AnnihilationRate/Norm
        PSpawn = ((2*(MyLattice.Dimension)**2) - len(AnnihilateableLinks) - len(TranslateableLinks))*SpawnRate/Norm
        r = random.rand()
        DeltaTau = (-1./Norm)*log(r)
        if (r < PTrans):
            RandLink = random.randint(len(TranslateableLinks))
            LinkCoords = [TranslateableLinks[RandLink].x1,TranslateableLinks[RandLink].y1,TranslateableLinks[RandLink].x2,TranslateableLinks[RandLink].y2]
            XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
            YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]
            MyLattice.TranslateExcitations(MyLattice.ReturnExcitationIndex(LinkCoords[0],LinkCoords[1]), XDisplacement, YDisplacement)
        if (r >= PTrans and r < PTrans + PAnnih):
            RandLink = random.randint(len(AnnihilateableLinks))
            LinkCoords = [AnnihilateableLinks[RandLink].x1,AnnihilateableLinks[RandLink].y1,AnnihilateableLinks[RandLink].x2,AnnihilateableLinks[RandLink].y2]
            XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
            YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]

        if (r >= PTrans + PAnnih):
            Occupancies = MyLattice.ReturnOccupancies()
            FoundCreatableLink = False
            RandX = 0
            RandY = 0
            RandDir = 0
            while FoundCreatableLink == False:
                RandX = random.randint(MyLattice.Dimension)
                RandY = random.randint(MyLattice.Dimension)
                RandDir = random.randint(2)
                if(Occupancies[RandX,RandY]==0 and \
                   Occupancies[(RandX + RandDir)%MyLattice.Dimension,(RandY + (1-RandDir))%MyLattice.Dimension] == 0):
                    FoundCreatableLink = True
            LinkCoords = [RandX,RandY,RandX + RandDir, RandY + (1-RandDir)]
            XDisplacement = LinkCoords[2] - LinkCoords[0]
            YDisplacement = LinkCoords[3] - LinkCoords[1]

        return DeltaTau, MyLattice.Sector, len(MyLattice.ExcitationList)
Exemplo n.º 27
def getThetaComplex(model, S):
    theta = []
    if (model == 0):
        return theta
        mu = np.ones(model) * 5
        A = random.rand(model, model)
        cov = np.dot(A, A.transpose()) * 1000
        print("Mean for Model" + str(model))
        print("Varaince for Model" + str(model))
        return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, S)
 def TrialMove(InitLat):
     InitialLattice = deepcopy(InitLat)
     InitialEnergy = 2*Je*len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList)
     i = 0
     ListLength = len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList)
     while i < ListLength:
         RandomDirection = random.randint(0,5)
         if InitialLattice.MoveExcitation(i,RandomDirection) == False:
             #if there was a collision, and this collision killed all the excitations
             #exit the loop
             if len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList) == 0:
                 i = 1
             #else, you've just popped the excitation under consideration, so now i is
             #point to something else
                 i = i
         #if you didn't collide with anything, continue iterating over excitations
             i += 1
         #The number of excitations may have gone down, so we need to keep track of that:
         ListLength = len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList)
     for x in xrange(InitialLattice.Dimension):
         for y in xrange(InitialLattice.Dimension):
             SpawnPairUpDown = random.randint(0,2)
             SpawnPairLeftRight = random.randint(0,2)
             if SpawnPairUpDown == 1:
             if SpawnPairLeftRight == 1:
     FinalEnergy = 2*Je*len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList)
     if(FinalEnergy <= InitialEnergy):
         return InitialLattice
         r = random.rand()
         if r < exp(-(FinalEnergy-InitialEnergy)/Temperature):
             return InitialLattice
             return InitLat
Exemplo n.º 29
def generateGMM(d, N, alpha, means, Covs):
    alpha_cum = np.insert(np.cumsum(alpha), 0, 0)

    X = np.zeros((N, d))
    temp = random.rand(N)
    gmm_label = np.zeros(N)

    for i in range(alpha.size):
        ind = (temp >= alpha_cum[i]) & (temp < alpha_cum[i + 1])
        gmm_label[ind] = i + 1
        X[ind, :] = random.multivariate_normal(means[i, :].flatten(),
                                               Covs[i, :, :], ind.sum())

    return X, gmm_label
Exemplo n.º 30
def getPriorCov(typPriorCov, matrixSize, maxOnSize, koef):
    assert (typPriorCov <= 6)
    half = matrixSize / 2
    if (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNOTKOVA):
        priorCov = np.identity(matrixSize)
    #elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY):
    #    priorCov = np.ones((matrixSize, matrixSize))
    elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.KOLEM_JEDNOTKOVE):
        priorCov = almost_diag(matrixSize, 1) + almost_diag(
            matrixSize, 2) + almost_diag(matrixSize, 3)
        priorCov = priorCov.dot(priorCov.transpose())
    elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VLEVO_NAHORE
          or typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VPRAVO_DOLE):
        jednicky = np.ones((maxOnSize, maxOnSize))
        nulyPravo = np.zeros((maxOnSize, matrixSize - maxOnSize))
        nulyDole = np.zeros((matrixSize - maxOnSize, matrixSize))
        if (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VLEVO_NAHORE):
            dorovnano = np.hstack((jednicky, nulyPravo))
            priorCov = np.vstack((dorovnano, nulyDole))
            for i in range(0, maxOnSize):
                priorCov[i, i] += 1
            for i in range(maxOnSize, matrixSize):
                priorCov[i, i] = 10e-30
            dorovnano = np.hstack((nulyPravo, jednicky))
            priorCov = np.vstack((nulyDole, dorovnano))
            for i in range(0, maxOnSize):
                j = matrixSize - i - 1
                priorCov[j, j] += 1
            for i in range(maxOnSize, matrixSize):
                j = matrixSize - i - 1
                priorCov[j, j] = 10e-30

            #print priorCov.shape

    elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VPRAVO_DOLE):
        priorCov = np.vstack((np.zeros((maxOnSize, matrixSize)),
                                  (maxOnSize, maxOnSize - maxOnSize)),
                                         np.ones((maxOnSize, maxOnSize))))))
        for i in range(0, matrixSize):
            priorCov = 1
    elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.RANDOM):
        priorCov = random.rand(matrixSize, matrixSize)
        priorCov = priorCov.dot(priorCov.transpose())

    assert (np.linalg.inv(priorCov).shape == (matrixSize, matrixSize))
    return priorCov * koef
Exemplo n.º 31
def positive_definite_matrix(size=3, alpha=1.0):

    :param size: size of matrix
    :param alpha: arbitrary positive number
    :return: A positive definite matrix

    For alpha > 0 the eigenvalues should be >= alpha,
    which makes the returned matrix a PDM (I hope)

    M = random.rand(size, size)
    I = np.dot(np.identity(size), alpha)
    return np.dot(M, M.T) + I
Exemplo n.º 32
 def __init__(self,
     Define a model with known number of clusters and dimensions.
         - k: Number of Gaussian clusters
         - dim: Dimension 
         - init_mu: initial value of mean of clusters (k, dim)
                    (default) random from uniform[-10, 10]
         - init_sigma: initial value of covariance matrix of clusters (k, dim, dim)
                       (default) Identity matrix for each cluster
         - init_pi: initial value of cluster weights (k,)
                    (default) equal value to all cluster i.e. 1/k
         - colors: Color valu for plotting each cluster (k, 3)
                   (default) random from uniform[0, 1]
     self.k = k
     self.dim = dim
     if (init_mu is None):
         init_mu = random.rand(k, dim) * 20 - 10
     self.mu = init_mu
     if (init_sigma is None):
         init_sigma = np.zeros((k, dim, dim))
         for i in range(k):
             init_sigma[i] = np.eye(dim)
     self.sigma = init_sigma
     if (init_pi is None):
         init_pi = np.ones(self.k) / self.k
     self.pi = init_pi
     if (colors is None):
         colors = random.rand(k, 3)
     self.colors = colors
Exemplo n.º 33
def generate_data(num_dims, n_components):
    X = np.empty([0, num_dims])
    all_means = []
    for i in range(n_components):
        # Con esto aseguramos de generar matriz positiva semi definida
        cov = random.rand(num_dims, num_dims)
        cov = np.dot(cov, cov.transpose())
        means = []
        for j in range(num_dims):
            # Medias aleatorias
            means.append(random.uniform(-5, 5))
        new_data = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, cov,
                                                 random.randint(100, 400))
        X = np.concatenate((X, new_data))
    return X
    def random_mean_and_matrix_semidefinite(self,
            random_means: Matrix 
                    Have in each row a two column vector [(low = a,high = b)]
                    means = [[0,1],[2,3],[6,7]]
                    Where each row indicates in which range the uniform random generator can takes values
            random_covariances: Matrix
                    Is a square matrix, where each row has a column vector, who has inside a vector with two components
                    A matrix 3x3.
                    covariance = [[[a11,b11],[a12,b12],[a13,b13]],[[a21,b21],[a22,b22],[a23,b23]],[[a31,b31],[a32,b32],[a33,b33]]]
                    Where each row indicates in which range the uniform random generator can takes values
                    a = [[[1,2],[-5,5],[-100,6]],[[135,683],[2,285],[-135,13]],[[58,135],[16,35],[5,68478]]]
        mean = []
        for random_mean in random_means:

        if array == True:
            covariance = random.rand(
                random_means.shape[0], random_means.shape[0]) * (
                    random_covariances[1] -
                    random_covariances[0]) + random_covariances[0]
            covariance = covariance * covariance.transpose()
            covariance = []
            for random_covariance in random_covariances:
                for points in random_covariance:
                        random.uniform(low=points[0], high=points[1]))
            covariance = np.array(covariance)
            #A*A' is a semedefinite matrix
            covariance = covariance * covariance.transpose()

        return [mean, multivariate_normal(mean, covariance, num_points)]
Exemplo n.º 35
def random_data(N, kernel_type="rbf", sigma=0.1):
    N - number of data points to generate
    kernel - which kernel to use, for now only rbf is implemented

    X - data
    K - kernel matrix
    # choose a random dimension for the data
    dimension = 100
    X = random.rand(N, dimension)

    # get a kernel matrix
    K = compute_kernel(X, kernel_type, sigma)

    return X, K
Exemplo n.º 36
def getPriorCov(typPriorCov, matrixSize, maxOnSize, koef):
        if (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNOTKOVA):
            priorCov = np.identity(matrixSize)
        #elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY):
        #    priorCov = np.ones((matrixSize, matrixSize))
        elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.KOLEM_JEDNOTKOVE):
            priorCov = almost_diag(matrixSize,1)+almost_diag(matrixSize,2)+almost_diag(matrixSize,3)
            priorCov = priorCov.dot(priorCov.transpose())
        elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VLEVO_NAHORE
             or typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VPRAVO_DOLE):
            jednicky = np.ones((maxOnSize,maxOnSize))
            nulyPravo = np.zeros((maxOnSize, matrixSize-maxOnSize))
            nulyDole = np.zeros((matrixSize-maxOnSize,matrixSize))
            if (typPriorCov==TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VLEVO_NAHORE):
                dorovnano = np.hstack((jednicky, nulyPravo))
                priorCov = np.vstack((dorovnano, nulyDole)) 
                for i in range(0,maxOnSize): priorCov[i,i]+=1
                for i in range(maxOnSize,matrixSize): priorCov[i,i]=10e-30
                dorovnano = np.hstack((nulyPravo,jednicky))
                priorCov = np.vstack((nulyDole,dorovnano)) 
                for i in range(0,maxOnSize): 
                for i in range(maxOnSize,matrixSize): 
                #print priorCov.shape

        elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.JEDNICKY_VPRAVO_DOLE):
            priorCov = np.vstack((np.zeros((maxOnSize,matrixSize)),np.hstack((np.zeros((maxOnSize,maxOnSize-maxOnSize)),np.ones((maxOnSize,maxOnSize)))))) 
            for i in range(0,matrixSize): priorCov=1
        elif (typPriorCov == TypPriorCov.RANDOM):
            priorCov = random.rand(matrixSize,matrixSize)
            priorCov = priorCov.dot(priorCov.transpose())

        assert (np.linalg.inv(priorCov).shape == (matrixSize, matrixSize))
        return priorCov*koef
Exemplo n.º 37
    def _sample_r(self, m):
        # Sample radial distances from cumulative mass profile
        if (self.verbose): print " sample r ..."
        ran = random.rand(self.N)

        if not m.multi:
            self.r = numpy.interp(ran, m.mc/m.mc[-1], m.r)
            self.rmark = self.r

        if m.multi:
            self.r = numpy.zeros(self.N)
            for j in range(m.nmbin):
                s, e = self.Nstart[j], self.Nend[j]
                m.mcj[j][0] = 0.5*m.mcj[j][1]
                self.r[s:e] = numpy.interp(ran[s:e], m.mcj[j]/m.mcj[j][-1], m.r)

        # get dimensionless potential
        self.phihat = m.interp_phi(self.r)/m.s2
Exemplo n.º 38
def dmat(pix):

    dm = sp.zeros(np * nt * ntm * npm)
    wdm = sp.zeros(np * nt)
    rpeff = sp.zeros(ntm * npm)
    rteff = sp.zeros(ntm * npm)
    zeff = sp.zeros(ntm * npm)
    weff = sp.zeros(ntm * npm)

    npairs = 0
    npairs_used = 0
    for p in pix:
        for d1 in data[p]:
            print("\rcomputing xi: {}%".format(
                round(counter.value * 100. / ndata, 3)),
            with lock:
                counter.value += 1
            order1 = d1.order
            r1 = d1.r_comov
            w1 = d1.we
            l1 = d1.ll
            z1 = d1.z
            r = random.rand(len(d1.neighs))
            w = r > rej
            npairs += len(d1.neighs)
            npairs_used += w.sum()
            for d2 in sp.array(d1.neighs)[w]:
                same_half_plate = (d1.plate == d2.plate) and\
                        ( (d1.fid<=500 and d2.fid<=500) or (d1.fid>500 and d2.fid>500) )
                order2 = d2.order
                ang = d1 ^ d2
                r2 = d2.r_comov
                w2 = d2.we
                l2 = d2.ll
                z2 = d2.z
                fill_dmat(l1, l2, r1, r2, z1, z2, w1, w2, ang, wdm, dm, rpeff,
                          rteff, zeff, weff, same_half_plate, order1, order2)
            setattr(d1, "neighs", None)

    return wdm, dm.reshape(np * nt, npm *
                           ntm), rpeff, rteff, zeff, weff, npairs, npairs_used
Exemplo n.º 39
 def __generate_covariance(self, idx_1, idx_0, idx_e):
     # idx_1, idx_0, idx_e are indicator vectors of length p
     # this function generates a covariance matrix with block structure
     # according to intersections of idx_1, idx_0, idx_e
     # We assume the noise covariates are uncorrelated.
     cov = np.identity(self.p)
     for i1 in [False, True]:
         for i0 in [False, True]:
             for ie in [False, True]:
                 if ~i1 & ~i0 & ~ie:
                     # noise covariates are uncorrelated
                 b = (idx_1 == i1) & (idx_0 == i0) & (idx_e == ie)
                 k = np.sum(b)  # block size
                 if k == 0:
                 idx_block = np.outer(b, b)
                 A = random.rand(k, k)
                 cov[idx_block] = np.dot(A, A.transpose()).ravel()
     self.cov = cov
Exemplo n.º 40
    def _sample_angles(self,N):
        if (self.verbose): print "   sample angles ..."
        R = random.rand(N)

        if self.ani:
            # Anisotropic systems sample angles: cdf(q) = erfi(a*q)/erfi(a), a = sqrt(k)*p
            p = self.r/self.ra
            a = p*sqrt(self.k)
            if self.mod.multi:
                a *= sqrt(self.mod.s2/self.s2j)
            self.q = numpy.zeros(N)

            for j in range(N):
                self.q[j] = optimize.brentq(self._pdf_angle, 0, 1, args=(a[j], R[j]))
            # Isotropic: cdf(q) = q
            self.q = R

        self.vr = self.v*self.q*random.choice((-1,1),size=self.N)
        self.vt = self.v*sqrt(1-self.q**2)
def GenerateCholesky(matrixSize=7):

    #Generate a positive semi-definite 'covariance' matrix
    # (generate a random matrix, multiply it by its own transpose)

    A = random.rand(matrixSize, matrixSize)
    B = np.dot(A, A.transpose())

    #Convert this random 'covariance' matrix into a correlation matrix
    B = np.asanyarray(B)
    std = np.sqrt(np.diag(B))

    corr = B / np.outer(std, std)

    print 'random positive semi-define matrix for today is\n', corr

    #Calculate the Cholesky decomposition so we can throw
    # random vectors with correlations
    c = cholesky(corr, lower=True)

    return c
Exemplo n.º 42
def maximize_shadow():
    # generators = [0.378556, 0.326643, 0.100944, 0.489704 ]
    # generators = [0.711917, 0.203285]
    generators = random.rand(2, 1)
    # generators = [math.pi/4, math.pi/4]
    print "Initial generator is:"
    print generators
    print "Initial bases are:"
    print get_bases(generators) * math.sqrt(2) * 2
    print "Initial Volume is:", shadow_volume(get_bases(generators))

    bounds = Bounds([math.pi / 4, math.pi / 4], [0, 0])
    res_bh = basinhopping(negative_volume,
    print "Optimal generator is:"
    print res_bh.x
    optimal_bases = get_bases(res_bh.x)
    return (-res_bh.fun, optimal_bases)
 def TrialMove2(InitLat):
     InitialLattice = deepcopy(InitLat)
     InitialEnergy = 2*Je*len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList)
         RandomExcitation = random.randint(len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList))
         RandomDirection = random.randint(0,5)
     SpawnOrientation = random.randint(0,3) #0 don't do anything, 1 updown, 2 leftright
     if(SpawnOrientation == 1):
         RandomX = random.randint(0,InitialLattice.Dimension)
         RandomY = random.randint(0,InitialLattice.Dimension)
     if(SpawnOrientation == 2):
         RandomX = random.randint(0,InitialLattice.Dimension)
         RandomY = random.randint(0,InitialLattice.Dimension)
     FinalEnergy = 2*Je*len(InitialLattice.ExcitationList)
     if(FinalEnergy <= InitialEnergy):
         return InitialLattice
         r = random.rand()
         if r < exp(-(FinalEnergy-InitialEnergy)/Temperature):
             return InitialLattice
             return InitLat
 def random_mean_and_matrix_semidefinite(self,random_means,random_covariances,array = True, num_points = 1):
         random_means: Matrix 
                 Have in each row a two column vector [(low = a,high = b)]
                 means = [[0,1],[2,3],[6,7]]
                 Where each row indicates in which range the uniform random generator can takes values
         random_covariances: Matrix
                 Is a square matrix, where each row has a column vector, who has inside a vector with two components
                 A matrix 3x3.
                 covariance = [[[a11,b11],[a12,b12],[a13,b13]],[[a21,b21],[a22,b22],[a23,b23]],[[a31,b31],[a32,b32],[a33,b33]]]
                 Where each row indicates in which range the uniform random generator can takes values
                 a = [[[1,2],[-5,5],[-100,6]],[[135,683],[2,285],[-135,13]],[[58,135],[16,35],[5,68478]]]
     mean = []
     for random_mean in random_means:        
     if array == True:
         covariance = random.rand( random_means.shape[0] , random_means.shape[0])*(random_covariances[1] - random_covariances[0]) + random_covariances[0]
         covariance = covariance * covariance.transpose()
         covariance = []
         for random_covariance in random_covariances:
             for points in random_covariance:
         covariance = np.array(covariance)
         #A*A' is a semedefinite matrix 
         covariance = covariance*covariance.transpose()
     return  [mean,multivariate_normal(mean,covariance,num_points)]
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_mahalanobis():
    this is a little test function to make sure i am using scipy special distance mahalanobis properly
    from scipy import random, linalg
    matrixSize = 10
    A = random.rand(matrixSize, matrixSize)
    B = np.dot(A, A.transpose())

    v = np.random.randn(matrixSize)
    u = np.random.randn(matrixSize)

    #manual mahalanobis
    manual_result = np.sqrt((u - v).dot(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(B), u - v)))

    #automatic mahalanobis
    from scipy.spatial.distance import mahalanobis
    auto_result = mahalanobis(u, v, np.linalg.inv(B))

    assert np.isclose(
        manual_result, auto_result
    ), f"auto_result: {auto_result}; manual_result: {manual_result}"
Exemplo n.º 46
def t123(pix):
    t123_loc = sp.zeros([np * nt, np * nt])
    w123 = sp.zeros(np * nt)
    npairs = 0
    npairs_used = 0
    for ipix in pix:
        for d1 in data[ipix]:
            print("\rcomputing xi: {}%".format(
                round(counter.value * 100. / ndata, 3)),
            with lock:
                counter.value += 1
            v1 = v1d(d1.ll)
            w1 = d1.we
            c1d_1 = (w1 * w1[:, None]) * c1d(
                abs(d1.ll - d1.ll[:, None])) * sp.sqrt(v1 * v1[:, None])
            r1 = d1.r_comov
            z1 = 10**d1.ll / lambda_abs - 1
            r = random.rand(len(d1.neighs))
            w = r > rej
            npairs += len(d1.neighs)
            npairs_used += w.sum()
            for d2 in sp.array(d1.neighs)[w]:
                ang = d1 ^ d2

                same_half_plate = (d1.plate == d2.plate) and\
                        ( (d1.fid<=500 and d2.fid<=500) or (d1.fid>500 and d2.fid>500) )
                v2 = v1d(d2.ll)
                w2 = d2.we
                c1d_2 = (w2 * w2[:, None]) * c1d(
                    abs(d2.ll - d2.ll[:, None])) * sp.sqrt(v2 * v2[:, None])
                r2 = d2.r_comov
                z2 = 10**d2.ll / lambda_abs - 1

                fill_t123(r1, r2, ang, w1, w2, z1, z2, c1d_1, c1d_2, w123,
                          t123_loc, same_half_plate)
            setattr(d1, "neighs", None)

    return w123, t123_loc, npairs, npairs_used
Exemplo n.º 47
from stats_util import *
import numpy as np
from scipy import random, linalg
p = 10 
A = random.rand(p,p)
B = np.dot(A,A.transpose())
print 'random positive semi-define matrix for today is', B

print sample_invwishart(B,15)
Exemplo n.º 48
 def __call__(self, P):
     return (random.rand(len(P)) < P.state_(self.state)[:] * P.clock.dt).nonzero()[0]
from scipy import random

if __name__ == '__main__':

    n_samples = 400
    n_variables = 5

    var_names = []
    for n in range(n_variables):

    # Generate random mean vector and covariance matrix
    mu = random.sample(n_variables)
    A = random.rand(n_variables, n_variables)
    R = np.dot(A, A.transpose())

    # Generate random samples of correlated variables
    data = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, R, size=n_samples)

    # For continuous data we discretize.
    bin_size = 3

    # Set parameters for the random graph generator
    max_parents = 2
    p_link = 0.7

    max_iter = 100

    # Hyperparameters for the Genetic Algorithm
Exemplo n.º 50
Arquivo: gen.py Projeto: jwegrzy/OORA
from scipy import random, linalg
import numpy
matrixSize = 500 
A = random.rand(matrixSize,matrixSize)
B = numpy.dot(A,A.transpose())
for row in B:
	rowT = []
	for cell in row:
	print ",".join(rowT)
Exemplo n.º 51
def generate_random_data(size):
    matrix = random.rand(size, size)
    matrix = np.dot(matrix, matrix.transpose())
    identity_matrix = np.identity(size) * np.random.random_sample()
    matrix = matrix + identity_matrix   
    return matrix
 def timeme(n):
     p = [(random.rand()*1.8-0.9, random.rand()*1.8-0.9) for i in range(n)]
     d = Delaunay( p )
Exemplo n.º 53
    def _sample_k(self, jbin):
        # y(x) = y_j
        # cdf(x) = ycum_j + y_j*(x - x_j)
        # x = R/y_j + x_j
        N = self.N

        c = numpy.zeros(N, dtype='bool')+True

        if self.mod.multi:
            sta, end = self.Nstart[jbin], self.Nend[jbin]
            c[0:sta] = False
            c[end::] = False

        ycum = self.ycum[:,c]
        rtmp = self.r[c]

        ftmp = self.phihat[c]
        y = self.y[:,c]
        x = self.x[:,c]

        if self.mod.multi:
            c = numpy.zeros(self.Nj[jbin], dtype='bool')+True

        while (sum(c) > 0):
            nc = sum(c)

            ycum = ycum[:,c]
            rtmp = rtmp[c]
            ftmp = ftmp[c]
            y = y[:,c]
            x = x[:,c]

            R = random.rand(nc)*ycum[-1]
            xtmp = numpy.zeros(nc)
            P = numpy.zeros(nc)

            for j in range(self.nx):
                cr = (R>=ycum[j])&(R<ycum[j+1])
                if (sum(cr)>0):
                    xtmp[cr] = (R[cr]-ycum[j,cr])/y[j,cr] + x[j,cr]
                    P[cr] = y[j,cr]

            R2 = random.rand(nc)*P
            f = self._pdf_k32(rtmp, ftmp, xtmp, jbin)

            c = (R2>f)

            if (iter==0):
                xsamp = xtmp[~c]
                r = rtmp[~c]
                xsamp = numpy.r_[xsamp, xtmp[~c]]
                r = numpy.r_[r, rtmp[~c]]

        # Assign final velocities and update r because of shuffling
        self.k = numpy.r_[self.k, xsamp**(2./3)]
        self.v = numpy.r_[self.v, sqrt(2*xsamp**(2/3)*self.mod.s2)]
        self.rfinal = numpy.r_[self.rfinal, r]
Exemplo n.º 54
            edges.append( (li, rcand) )
            ri = rcand
            edges.append( (ri, lcand) )
            li = lcand

    edges.extend( l )
    edges.extend( r )
    return edges

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
    from matplotlib.pyplot import *
    from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
    points = [(random.rand()*1.8-0.9, random.rand()*1.8-0.9) for i in range(100)]

##    points = [
##            (0., 1.),
##            (1., 1.),
##            (0.2, 0.8),
##            (0.8, 0.8),
##            (0.5, 0.2),
##            (0.48, 0.18),
##            (0.52, 0.22)
##        ]

    rs = [ 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 ]
    tstep = [ pi, pi/2, pi/4, pi/8, pi / 16 ]
    points = [(r*cos(t), r*sin(t))
     for i, r in enumerate(rs)
Exemplo n.º 55
def ortho_basis(normal, ref_vec=None):
    """Generates an orthonormal basis in the plane perpendicular to `normal`

    The orthonormal basis generated spans the plane defined with `normal` as
    its normal vector.  The handedness of `on1` and `on2` in the returned
    basis is such that:

    .. math::

            \\mathsf{on1} \\times \\mathsf{on2} =
            {\\mathsf{normal} \\over \\left\\| \\mathsf{normal}\\right\\|}

    `normal` must be expressible as a one-dimensional |nparray| of length 3.

        length-3 |npfloat_| --
        The orthonormal basis output will span the plane perpendicular
        to `normal`.

        length-3 |npfloat_|, optional --
        If specified, `on1` will be the normalized projection of `ref_vec`
        onto the plane perpendicular to `normal`. Default is |None|.

        length-3 |npfloat_| --
        First vector defining the orthonormal basis in the plane
        normal to `normal`

        length-3 |npfloat_| --
        Second vector defining the orthonormal basis in the plane
        normal to `normal`

        If `normal` or `ref_vec` is not expressible as a 1-D vector
        with 3 elements

        (typecode :attr:`~opan.error.VectorError.NONPRL`)
        If `ref_vec` is specified and it is insufficiently non-
        parallel with respect to `normal`


    # Imports for library functions
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import linalg as spla
    from scipy import random as sprnd
    from ..const import PRM
    from ..error import VectorError

    # Internal parameters
    # Magnitude of the perturbation from 'normal' in constructing a random rv
    RAND_MAG = 0.25

    # Test 'normal' for shape and length
    if not len(normal.shape) == 1:
        raise ValueError("'normal' is not a vector")
    ## end if
    if not normal.shape[0] == 3:
        raise ValueError("Length of 'normal' is not three")
    ## end if

    # Normalize to concise variable 'nv'
    nv = normal / spla.norm(normal)

    # Test for specification of ref_vec in the function call
    if ref_vec is None:
        # ref_vec not specified.
        # Generate reference vector by generation of a random perturbation
        #  vector suitably non-parallel to norm_vec
        # Generate suitable randomizer, looping as needed
        rv = nv
        while parallel_check(nv, rv):
            rv = np.float64(1.0 - RAND_MAG + 2 * RAND_MAG * sprnd.rand(3))
        ## do loop

        # Calculate rejection of perturbed vector on the normal, then
        #  normalize
        rv = rej(rv, nv)
        rv = rv / spla.norm(rv)

        # ref_vec specified, go ahead and use.  Start with validity check.
        if not len(ref_vec.shape) == 1:
            raise ValueError("ref_vec is not a vector")
        ## end if
        if not ref_vec.shape[0] == 3:
            raise ValueError("ref_vec length is not three")
        ## end if

        # Normalize ref_vec to 'rv'
        rv = ref_vec / spla.norm(ref_vec)

        # Check for collinearity of nv and rv; raise error if too close
        if parallel_check(nv, rv):
            # Essentially equal or opposite vectors, making them too nearly
            #  parallel.
            raise VectorError(VectorError.NONPRL,
                    "'normal' and 'ref_vec' are too nearly parallel.", "")
        ## end if

        # rv is ok to use from here

    ## end try

    # on2 is the unit vector parallel to nv x rv
    on2 = np.cross(nv, rv)
    on2 = on2 / spla.norm(on2)

    # on1 is on2 x nv (normalization should not be necessary here, but is
    #  performed just in case)
    on1 = np.cross(on2, nv)
    on1 = on1 / spla.norm(on1)

    # Return the spanning vectors
    return on1, on2
Exemplo n.º 56
def uniform_time(tstart, tstop, number):
    Get a set of randomized (integer) event times.
    return random.randint(tstart, tstop, number) + random.rand(number)
Exemplo n.º 57
 def sampler(self, probabilities):
     result = probabilities > random.rand(self.rbm.hiddenDim)
     return result.astype('int32')
Exemplo n.º 58
# LCT of the FP sum

# statistic of the true positives
# LCT of the TP sum

Lruns = 3000
for ir in range(Lruns):
#    FN=N1-TP
#    recall=TP / (TP+FN)
    recall = TP/N1
    precision = TP/(TP+FP)

meanpz, varpz, pz = asymptoticFalpha(alpha,N1,m0,m1,sigma20,sigma21,x=0.1)

print [meanpz, mean(F)]

print [varpz**0.5, std(F)]