Exemplo n.º 1
def sum(SS1, SS2, negative=False):
	Given 2 systems or gain matrices (or a combination of the two) having the
	same amount of input/output, the function returns a gain or state space 
	model summing the two. Namely, given:
		u -> SS1 -> y1
		u -> SS2 -> y2
	we obtain:
		u -> SStot -> y1+y2 	if negative=False
    type_dlti = scsig.ltisys.StateSpaceDiscrete

    if isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray):
        SStot = SS1 + SS2

    elif isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti):
        Kmat = SS1
        A = SS2.A
        B = SS2.B
        C = SS2.C
        D = SS2.D + Kmat
        SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS2.dt)

    elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray):
        Kmat = SS2
        A = SS1.A
        B = SS1.B
        C = SS1.C
        D = SS1.D + Kmat

        SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS2.dt)

    elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti):

        assert np.abs(1.-SS1.dt/SS2.dt)<1e-13,\
                               'State-space models must have the same time-step'

        Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.inputs, SS1.outputs
        Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.inputs, SS2.outputs
        Nx01, Nx02 = SS1.A.shape[0], SS2.A.shape[0]

        A = np.block([[SS1.A, np.zeros((Nx01, Nx02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nx02, Nx01)), SS2.A]])
        B = np.block([[
        ], [SS2.B]])
        C = np.block([SS1.C, SS2.C])
        D = SS1.D + SS2.D

        SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS1.dt)

        raise NameError(
            'Input types not recognised in any implemented option!')

    return SStot
def ss_concatenate(sys1, sys2, F1=None, H1=None):
    """ Concatenate two systems in series.
     w    ----   u1   ------   y1   ----   u2   ------   y2
    ---> | F1 | ---> | sys1 | ---> | H1 | ---> | sys2 | --->
          ----        ------        ----        ------

        sys1 (StateSpace): The first state space system
        sys2 (StateSpace): The second state space system
        F1 (matrix, optional): The first system's input selection matrix.
            Defaults to the identity matrix
        H1 (matrix, optional): The first system's output selection matrix.
            Defaults to the identity matrix
        StateSpace: The series system where 
                [ x1 ]
            x = [----], u = w, y = y2
                [ x2 ]

    A1 = sys1.A
    B1 = sys1.B
    C1 = sys1.C
    D1 = sys1.D
    A2 = sys2.A
    B2 = sys2.B
    C2 = sys2.C
    D2 = sys2.D
    (n1, p1) = B1.shape
    (q1, n1) = C1.shape
    (n2, p2) = B2.shape
    (q2, n2) = C2.shape
    if F1 is None:
        F1 = np.matrix(np.eye(p1))
    if F2 is None:
        F2 = np.matrix(np.eye(p2))
    if H1 is None:
        H1 = np.matrix(np.eye(q1))
    if H2 is None:
        H2 = np.matrix(np.eye(q2))

    A_top_row = np.concatenate((A1, np.zeros((n1, n2))), axis=1)
    A_bot_row = np.concatenate(B2*H1*C1, A2), axis=1)
    A = np.concatenate((A_top_row, A_bot_row), axis=0)

    B = np.concatenate((B1*F1, B2*H1*D1*F1), axis=0)

    C = np.concatenate((D2*H1*C1, C2), axis=1)

    D = np.matrix(D2*H1*D1*F1)
    return signal.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
Exemplo n.º 3
	def discrete_ss(self, dt):
		''' Convert the continuous system to a discrete system '''

		# system = signal.cont2discrete((self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D), dt)
		self.sys_d = signal.StateSpace(self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D).to_discrete(dt)

		return self.sys_d
Exemplo n.º 4
  def _generate_system(self):

    Prepared by Arpan Mukherjee
    :return: state-space representation of the 1-D Shallow Water Model
    return signal.StateSpace(self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D, dt=self.dt)
Exemplo n.º 5
  def _generate_system_clusters(self, clust_matrix):

    Prepared by Arpan Mukherjee
    :param clust_matrix: 
    :return: list of shallow water equation objects for specific length of cluster
    A = self.A
    B = self.B
    C = self.C
    D = self.D

    number_cluster = clust_matrix.shape[0]

    _state_space_clust = []

    for k in range(number_cluster):
      cluster = clust_matrix[k, :]
      cl = cluster.astype(bool)
      A_cl = A[cl][:, cl]
      B_cl = B[cl]

      C_cl = C[cl][:, cl]
      D_cl = D[cl]

      _state_space_clust.append(signal.StateSpace(A_cl, B_cl, C_cl, D_cl, dt=self.dt))

    return _state_space_clust
Exemplo n.º 6
    def linearize(self):
        """Return the linearized system.

        a : ndarray
            The state matrix.
        b : ndarray
            The action matrix.

        gravity = self.gravity
        length = self.length
        friction = self.friction
        inertia = self.inertia

        A = np.array([[0, 1], [gravity / length, -friction / inertia]],

        B = np.array([[0], [1 / inertia]], dtype=config.np_dtype)

        if self.normalization is not None:
            Tx, Tu = map(np.diag, self.normalization)
            Tx_inv, Tu_inv = map(np.diag, self.inv_norm)

            A = np.linalg.multi_dot((Tx_inv, A, Tx))
            B = np.linalg.multi_dot((Tx_inv, B, Tu))

        sys = signal.StateSpace(A, B, np.eye(2), np.zeros((2, 1)))
        sysd = sys.to_discrete(self.dt)
        return sysd.A, sysd.B
Exemplo n.º 7
    def system_cluster(self, cluster_matrix):

        A = self._ss.A
        B = self._ss.B
        C = self._ss.C
        D = self._ss.D

        dt = self._ss.dt

        number_cluster = cluster_matrix.shape[0]

        _state_space_clust = []

        for k in range(number_cluster):
            cluster = cluster_matrix[k, :]
            cl = cluster.astype(bool)
            A_cl = A[cl][:, cl]
            B_cl = B[cl]

            C_cl = C[cl][:, cl]
            D_cl = D[cl]

            _state_space_clust.append(signal.StateSpace(A_cl, B_cl, C_cl, D_cl, dt=dt))

        return _state_space_clust
Exemplo n.º 8
    def linearize(self):
        """Return the linearized system.
            a : ndarray
            The state matrix.
            b : ndarray
            The action matrix.
        k = self.k
        mass = self.mass
        c = self.c
        m = self.m

        A = np.array([[0, 1], [k / mass, -c / m]], dtype=config.np_dtype)

        B = np.array([[0], [1 / (m * mass**2)]], dtype=config.np_dtype)

        if self.normalization is not None:
            Tx, Tu = map(np.diag, self.normalization)
            Tx_inv, Tu_inv = map(np.diag, self.inv_norm)

            A = np.linalg.multi_dot((Tx_inv, A, Tx))
            B = np.linalg.multi_dot((Tx_inv, B, Tu))

        sys = signal.StateSpace(A, B, np.eye(2), np.zeros((2, 1)))
        sysd = sys.to_discrete(self.dt)
        return sysd.A, sysd.B
def createStateSpace(order, stateLength, t, omg, zeta, gamma_d, gamma_omg):
    Ac = np.zeros([stateLength, stateLength], dtype=float)
    Bc = np.zeros([stateLength, 1], dtype=float)
    Cc = np.zeros([1, stateLength], dtype=float)
    Dc = 0

    #This is to populate State matrices
    #   -Python takes the LHS which forms a 2x2 matrix, matches it to the RHS which, to python looks like a
    #    2x2 matrix and assigns each element accordingly. Process follows suite for Bc matrix
    for k in range(order):
        i = (1 + k) * 2
        k = k + 1  #handles the one off error
        Ac[i - 2:i, i - 2:i] = [[0, 1], [float(-(k * omg)**2), 0]]
        Bc[i - 2:i] = [[0], [(k * omg)**2]]
        Cc[0][i - 1] = (2 * zeta) / (k * omg)

    #Assigns edge values
    Bc[len(Bc) - 1][0] = gamma_d
    Cc[0][len(Cc[0]) - 1] = 1

    #uses the "scipy" library and converts the continuous matrixes into a SS
    #   -Then takes the continuous system and decritizes it (NOTE: method for c2d may not match model)
    dt = float(t[1] - t[0])
    contSystem = signal.StateSpace(Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc)
    discSystem = contSystem.to_discrete(dt)

    #Posible solution if .to_discrete system does not work.
    #   -function for computing matrix exponenetal (Future implimentation)
    #   -might need to maintain stability
    #discSystem = signal.cont2discrete(contSystem,dt,'impulse')

    return discSystem
Exemplo n.º 10
    def get_state_space(self):
        """Get a state space representation of this filter

          ss: a scipy.signal state space representation of the filter
        zs, ps, k = self.get_zpk(Hz=False)
        return sig.StateSpace(*sig.zpk2ss(assertArr(zs), assertArr(ps), k))
Exemplo n.º 11
def ss_common_in(sys1, sys2, F1=None):
    """ Connection of two systems with a common input
                          ------   y1
                   |---> | sys1 | --->
                   |      ------
     w    ----   u |
    ---> | F1 | ---|
          ----     |
                   |      ------   y2
                   |---> | sys2 | --->

        sys1 (StateSpace): The first state space system
        sys2 (StateSpace): The second state space system
        F1 (matrix, optional): Each system's input selection matrix.
            Defaults to the identity matrix
        StateSpace: The common input system where 
                [ x1 ]             [ y1 ]
            x = [----], u = w, y = [----]
                [ x2 ]             [ y2 ]
    A1 = sys1.A
    B1 = sys1.B
    C1 = sys1.C
    D1 = sys1.D
    A2 = sys2.A
    B2 = sys2.B
    C2 = sys2.C
    D2 = sys2.D
    (n1, p1) = B1.shape
    (q1, n1) = C1.shape
    (n2, p2) = B2.shape
    (q2, n2) = C2.shape
    if F1 is None:
        F1 = np.matrix(np.eye(p1))
    A_top_row = np.concatenate((A1, np.zeros((n1, n2))), axis=1)
    A_bot_row = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n2, n1)), A2), axis=1)
    A = np.concatenate((A_top_row, A_bot_row), axis=0)
    B = np.concatenate((B1*F1, B2*F1), axis=0)
    C_top_row = np.concatenate((C1, np.zeros((q1, n2))), axis=1)
    C_bot_row = np.concatenate((np.zeros((q2, n1)), sys), axis=1)
    C = np.concatenate((C_top_row, C_bot_row), axis=0)

    D = np.concatenate((D1*F1, D2*F1), axis=0)
    return signal.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
Exemplo n.º 12
def continous_time_step_response(A, B, C, D, plot=True):
    ss = sig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    t, ys = sig.step(system=ss)

    if plot:
        for i in range(ys.shape[1]):
            plt.plot(t, ys[:, i])
            plt.title("Response Y" + str(i))
    return (t, ys)
Exemplo n.º 13
def plot_w1w2(Ra,La,Kg,K1,Km,N1,N2,J2,c,br,grid):
    # Pembuatan model transfer function
    A= [[(-Ra/La),(-Kg/La)],[Km/((N2/N1)**2 * J2),(-c+br)]]
    B= [[(K1/La)],[0]]
    C= [[0,1],[0,(N2/N1)]]
    D= [[0],[0]]
    plt.title("Plot $\\omega_1$ dan $\\omega_2$")
Exemplo n.º 14
def MotorControl():
    J = .01  # kgm**2
    b = .1  # N.m.s
    Ke = .01  # V/rad/sec
    Kt = .01  # N.m/Amp
    R = 1  # Electrical resistance
    L = .5  # Henries
    K = Kt  # or Ke, Ke == Kt here
    # State Space Model
    A = np.matrix([[-b / J, K / J], [-K / L, -R / L]])
    B = np.matrix([[0], [1 / L]])
    C = np.matrix([1, 0])
    D = np.matrix([0])
    dt = .025  # Discrete Sample Time

    ss = sig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    ssd = sig.cont2discrete((A, B, C, D), dt)
    Ad = ssd[0]
    Bd = ssd[1]
    Cd = ssd[2]
    evc, evecc = np.linalg.eig(A)
    evd, evecd = np.linalg.eig(Ad)
    # Create Bode
    #w, mag, phase = sig.bode(ss)
    #plot_SISO(w,mag, "Freq Response Mag vs w")
    #plot_SISO(w, phase, "Freq Response Phase vs w")
    # Transfer Function
    tf = ss.to_tf()
    t, y = sig.step(ss)
    td, yd = sig.dstep(ssd)
    yd = np.reshape(yd, -1)
    #plot_SISO(td, yd)
    #pole_zeros(A, B, C, plot=True)
    #pole_zeros(Ad, Bd, Cd, plot=True)
    T = 10
    N = T / dt
    times = np.arange(0, T, dt)
    U = np.ones(int(N))
    x0 = np.matrix([0, 0]).T
    xr = np.matrix([2.5, 0])
    kp = 15
    kd = 4
    ki = 100
    Q = Cd.T * Cd
    R = np.matrix([.0005])
    discrete_time_response(Ad, Bd, Cd, U, x0, dt, plot=True)
    discrete_time_frequency_repsonse(Ad, Bd, Cd, 20, dt)
    continous_time_frequency_repsonse(A, B, C)
    discrete_pid_response((Ad, Bd, Cd), x0, xr, times, kp, ki, kd)
    sim_dlqr(Ad, Bd, Cd, Q, R, x0, xr, dt, T)
    x = 9
Exemplo n.º 15
def fullModel(IsPfc, angles, Rc, time):
    Is2Bpol2 = buildIs2BpolB(isttok_mag_2)
    RIc = isttok_mag['RM'] + isttok_mag['Rcopper'] * np.cos(anglesIc)
    ZIc = isttok_mag['Rcopper'] * np.sin(anglesIc)
    A2, Bs2, C2, Ds2 = buildLtiModelB(RIc, ZIc, isttok_mag_2, Rc)
    Ic2Bpol = buildIc2Bpol(RIc, ZIc)
    magSys2 = signal.StateSpace(A2, Bs2, C2, Ds2)
    bPolIs2 = np.matmul(Is2Bpol2, IsPfc)
    tout2, Ic2, x2 = signal.lsim(magSys2, IsPfc.T, time)
    bPolIc2 = np.matmul(Ic2Bpol, Ic2.T)
    bPolTot2 = (bPolIs2.T + bPolIc2.T) * 50 * 49e-6
    return bPolTot2, (RIc, ZIc)
Exemplo n.º 16
def mass_spring_damper():
    m = .25
    k = 10  # n/m
    b = .2  # Nm/s

    A = np.matrix([[0, 1], [-k / m, -b / m]])
    B = np.matrix([0, 1 / m]).T
    C = np.matrix([1, 0])
    D = np.matrix([0])
    dt = .025

    ss = sig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    ssd = sig.cont2discrete((A, B, C, D), dt)
    ctrb_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(ctrb(A, B))
Exemplo n.º 17
def data_gen():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Generate Training and Testing Samples')
    parser.add_argument('-n', action="store", dest="ts1", type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-t', action="store", dest="ts2", type=int)

    trainingsample = parser.parse_args().ts1
    testingsample = parser.parse_args().ts2
    # Simulate two mass spring system
    A = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [-2, 1, 0, 0], [1, -2, 0, 0]])
    B = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])
    C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
    D = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
    sys = sg.StateSpace(A, B, C, D).to_discrete(0.1)  #sample period 0.1s
    print "Two Mass Spring System:\n", sys, '\n'
    x = np.array([[10], [20], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float64)  #initial state
    ls = []
    for i in range(trainingsample):
        mu, sigma = 0, 0.25  # mean and standard deviation
        #s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 2)# generate noise for the training
        f = 2 * (np.random.rand(2, 1) - 0.5)  #random force to the mass
        x = sys.A.dot(x) + sys.B.dot(f)
        y = sys.C.dot(x) + sys.D.dot(f)
        ls.append([f, y])
    #store the training data in a file for future analysis
    with open(r'./traindata.log', 'wb') as afile:
        pickle.dump(ls, afile)

    #reload object from the file
	with open(r'./td', 'rb') as _load_file:
		new_d = pickle.load(_load_file)

    ls = []
    for i in range(testingsample):

        f = 2 * (np.random.rand(2, 1) - 0.5)  #random force to the mass
        x = sys.A.dot(x) + sys.B.dot(f)
        y = sys.C.dot(x) + sys.D.dot(f)
        ls.append([f, y])

    #store the training data in a file for future analysis
    with open(r'./testdata.log', 'wb') as afile:
        pickle.dump(ls, afile)
Exemplo n.º 18
def InvertedPendulum():
    x0 = 0
    dx0 = 0
    theta0 = np.pi
    dtheta0 = 0
    M = .5
    m = 0.2
    b = 0.1
    I = 0.006
    g = 9.8
    l = 0.3
    F = symbols('F')
    x, theta, dx, dtheta = symbols('x, theta, dx, dtheta')
    X = Matrix([x, dx, theta, dtheta])
    U = Matrix([F])
    RHS = Matrix([[M + m, -m * l * cos(theta)],
                  [m * l * cos(theta), I + m * l**2]])
    LHS1 = RHS.inv() * Matrix([
        -b * x + m * l * dtheta**2 * sin(theta), -m * l * g * sin(theta)
    ])  #Dynamics
    LHS2 = RHS.inv() * Matrix([F, 0])  #Input Force
    A = LHS1.jacobian(X).subs([(x, x0), (theta, theta0), (dx, dx0),
                               (dtheta, dtheta0)])
    B = LHS2.jacobian(U).subs([(x, x0), (theta, theta0), (dx, dx0),
                               (dtheta, dtheta0)])
    A = np.reshape(
            (np.matrix([0, 1, 0, 0]), A[0, :], np.matrix([0, 0, 0,
                                                          1]), A[1, :])),
                  dtype=np.float), (4, 4))
    B = np.matrix([0, B[0, 0], 0, B[1, 0]], dtype=np.float).T
    C = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    D = np.matrix([[0], [0]])
    ss = sig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    dt = .025
    ssd = sig.cont2discrete((A, B, C, D), dt)
    tc, yc = sig.impulse(ss)
    td, yd = sig.dimpulse(ssd)
    plt.plot(td, [y[0, 0] for y in yd])
    plt.plot(td, [y[1, 0] for y in yd])
    f00 = 9
Exemplo n.º 19
def cruise_control():
    m = 1000
    b = 50
    u = 500

    A = np.matrix([[0, .99], [0, -b / m]])
    B = np.matrix([[0], [u / m]])
    C = np.matrix(np.eye(2))
    D = np.matrix([[0], [0]])
    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(A)
    pole_zeros(A, B, C[1, :])
    ss = sig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    continous_time_impulse_response(A, B, C, D, plot=True)
    continous_time_step_response(A, B, C, D, plot=True)
    #continous_time_frequency_repsonse(A,B,C, plot = True)
    Gc = gram_ctrb(A, B)
    U = continous_time_least_norm_input(A, B, np.matrix([0, 10]), 5, .025)

    #Go = gram_obsv(A,C)
    foo = 0
Exemplo n.º 20
def discrete_model(env, measurements):
    # linearized continuous model
    J = 1 / 12 * (env.masspole * 2)**2
    beta = env.masspole * env.masscart * env.length**2 + J * (env.masspole +
    ac = -(env.masspole**2 * env.length**2 * env.gravity) / beta
    bc = (J + env.masspole * env.length**2) / beta
    cc = env.masspole * env.length * env.gravity * (env.masscart +
                                                    env.masspole) / beta
    dc = -env.masspole * env.length / beta

    A_c = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, ac, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, cc, 0]])
    B_c = np.array([[0], [bc], [0], [dc]])
    # C_c = np.array([[1,env.tau,0,0],
    #                 [0,1,0,0],
    #                [0,0,0,1]])
    # D_c = np.array([[0],
    #                 [0],
    #                [0]])
    # C_c = np.array([[1,0,0,0]])
    # D_c = np.array([[0]])
    if measurements is 2:
        C_c = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        D_c = np.array([[0], [0]])
    elif measurements is 1:
        C_c = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
        D_c = np.array([[0]])
    # discrete linearized model
    sys = signal.StateSpace(A_c, B_c, C_c, D_c)
    discrete_sys = sys.to_discrete(env.tau)
    A = discrete_sys.A
    B = discrete_sys.B
    C = discrete_sys.C
    D = discrete_sys.D

    # print(A)
    # print(B)
    # print(C)
    # while True:
    #     pass
    return A, B, C, D
Exemplo n.º 21
def cavity_ss(RoverQ, Qg, Q0, Qprobe, bw, Kg_r, Kg_i, Ib,

        Rg = RoverQ * Qg
        Kdrive = 2 * np.sqrt(Rg)
        Ql = 1.0 / (1.0/Qg + 1.0/Q0 + 1.0/Qprobe)
        K_beam = RoverQ * Ql
        w_d = 2 * np.pi * foffset

        a = Kdrive * bw
        b = K_beam * bw
        c = bw

	A = -c
	B = a
	C = 1.0
	D = 0

	sys = signal.StateSpace(A,B,C,D)
	t,y = signal.step(sys)

        return t, y
Exemplo n.º 22
def SerialPlotIdentify(signals):
    ''' Remove voltage from output vector. '''
    labels = signals['labels']
    data = signals['data']
    speedidx = labels.index('Speed')
    curridx = labels.index('Current')
    voltidx = labels.index('Voltage')
    yvec = np.array([data[:, speedidx], data[:, curridx]]).T
    yvec = yvec[1:, :]
    xvec = np.array([data[:, speedidx], data[:, curridx], data[:, voltidx]]).T
    xvec = xvec[:-1, :]
    logging.debug('XVec dims: {}'.format(xvec.shape))
    logging.debug('YVec dims: {}'.format(yvec.shape))
    params, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(xvec, yvec, rcond=None)
    logging.debug('Params: {}'.format(params))
    logging.debug('Params Dims: {}'.format(params.shape))
    yhat = xvec.dot(params)
    amtx = params[:yhat.shape[1], :].T
    bmtx = params[-1, :].reshape(1, 2)
    cmtx = np.eye(amtx.shape[0])
    dmtx = np.zeros([2, 1])
    logging.debug('A-Mat Shape: {}'.format(amtx.shape))
    logging.debug('B-Mat Shape: {}'.format(bmtx.T.shape))
    logging.debug('C-Mat Shape: {}'.format(cmtx.shape))
    logging.debug('D-Mat Shape: {}'.format(dmtx.shape))
    sys = signal.StateSpace(amtx, bmtx.T, cmtx, dmtx, dt=T_SAMPLE)
    u = data[:, voltidx]
    t = np.arange(len(u)) * T_SAMPLE
    x0 = xvec[0, :-1]
    yhat = np.squeeze(signal.dlsim(sys, u, x0=x0)[-1])
    ylabels = [labels[speedidx], labels[curridx]]
    for i in range(yhat.shape[1]):
        plt.subplot(yhat.shape[1], 1, i + 1)
        plt.plot(yvec[:, i])
        plt.plot(yhat[:, i], 'r--', LineWidth=0.9)
        plt.legend(['Actual', 'Estimate'])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def linearize(self):
        """Return the linearized system.

        a : ndarray
            The state matrix.
        b : ndarray
            The action matrix.

        gravity = self.gravity
        length = self.length
        friction = self.friction
        inertia = self.inertia

        a = np.array([[0, 1], [gravity / length, -friction / inertia]])

        b = np.array([[0], [1 / inertia]])

        sys = signal.StateSpace(a, b, np.eye(2), np.zeros((2, 1)))
        sysd = sys.to_discrete(self.step_size)
        return LinearSystem(sysd.A, sysd.B)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_unstable_system(self):
        T = 15
        Ts = 1e-1
        A = [[1.178, 0.001, 0.511, -0.403], [-0.051, 0.661, -0.011, 0.061],
             [0.076, 0.335, 0.560, 0.382], [0., 0.335, 0.089, 0.849]]

        B = [[0.004, -0.087], [0.467, 0.001], [0.213, -0.235], [0.213, -0.016]]

        A = np.array(A)
        B = np.array(B)
        n, m = B.shape

        sys = scipysig.StateSpace(A,
                                  np.zeros((n, m)),
        u = np.random.randn(T + 1, m)
        _, _, x = scipysig.dlsim(sys, u)
        Qs = [np.identity(n), 0 * np.identity(n)]
        Rs = [np.identity(m), 0 * np.identity(m)]

        for Q in Qs:
            for R in Rs:
                if np.all(Q == Qs[1]):
                    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                        K, V = optimal_control(x, u, Q, R)
                    # Solve optimal control problem with Riccati equation
                    P = dare(A, B, Q, R)
                    trueK = -np.linalg.inv(B.T @ P @ B + R) @ B.T @ P @ A

                    # Solve using Willems' lemma
                    K, V = optimal_control(x, u, Q, R)

                    # Compare results
                    self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(K - trueK) < 1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def discretize_state_space(self, dt):
        Calculate discrete state space matrices

        - dt: timestep length

        - discrete state space matrices A, B, C, D
        # model constants
        lf = self.lf
        lr = self.lr
        Caf = self.Caf
        Car = self.Car
        Iz = self.Iz
        m = self.m

        vx = self.vx

        self.A = np.array([
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
                0, -2 * (Caf + Car) / (m * vx), 2 * (Caf + Car) / m,
                2 * (Car * lr - Caf * lf) / (m * vx)
            [0, 0, 0, 1],
                0, -2 * (lf * Caf - lr * Car) / (Iz * vx),
                2 * (Caf * lf - Car * lr) / Iz,
                -2 * (lf**2 * Caf + lr**2 * Car) / (Iz * vx)

        Gcont = signal.StateSpace(self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D)
        Gdisc = Gcont.to_discrete(dt)
        return Gdisc.A, Gdisc.B, Gdisc.C, Gdisc.D
Exemplo n.º 26
Bm[1, 1] = alpha2.value[0] / c5

Cm[0, 2] = 1
Cm[1, 3] = 1

# state space simulation
ss = GEKKO()
x, y, u = ss.state_space(Am, Bm, Cm, D=None)
u[0].value = data['Q1'].values
u[1].value = data['Q2'].values
ss.time = data['Time'].values
ss.options.IMODE = 7

# state space simulation with scipy
sys = signal.StateSpace(Am, Bm, Cm, Dm)
tsys = data['Time'].values
Qsys = np.vstack((data['Q1'].values, data['Q2'].values))
Qsys = Qsys.T
tsys, ysys, xsys = signal.lsim(sys, Qsys, tsys)

sae = 0.0
for i in range(len(data)):
    sae += np.abs(data['T1'][i] - TC1.value[i])
    sae += np.abs(data['T2'][i] - TC2.value[i])
print('SAE Energy Balance: ' + str(sae))

# Create plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def control_update(self):

        traj = self.traj
        vehicle = self.vehicle

        lr = vehicle.lr
        lf = vehicle.lf
        Ca = vehicle.Ca
        Iz = vehicle.Iz
        f = vehicle.f
        m = vehicle.m
        g = vehicle.g

        delT = 0.05

        #reading current vehicle states
        X = vehicle.state.X
        Y = vehicle.state.Y
        xdot = vehicle.state.xd
        ydot = vehicle.state.yd
        phi = vehicle.state.phi
        phidot = vehicle.state.phid
        delta = vehicle.state.delta
        vx = xdot

        # ---------------|Lateral Controller|-------------------------

        dist, index1 = closest_node(X, Y, traj)

        n = 180

        index = index1 + n

        if (index >= 8203):
            index = 8202

        X_new = traj[index][0]
        Y_new = traj[index][1]

        K_p = 2500
        K_i = 0.0001
        K_d = 1.5

        dist1 = math.sqrt((Y_new - Y)**2 + (X_new - X)**2)

        v_d = dist1 / ((n - 80) * delT)
        v_d = 8

        v = math.sqrt(xdot**2 + ydot**2)

        # e22 = wrap2pi(phi - np.arctan2(Y_new-Y, X_new-X))

        # curv=self.curv
        # ------------|Lateral Controller|---------------------------------

        A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0],
                          0, -(4 * Ca) / (m * xdot), (4 * Ca) / m,
                          (-(2 * Ca * lf) + (2 * Ca * lr)) / (m * xdot)
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 1],
                          0, (-(2 * Ca * lf) + (2 * Ca * lr)) / (Iz * xdot),
                          ((2 * Ca * lf) - (2 * Ca * lr)) / (Iz),
                          (-(2 * Ca * lf * lf) - (2 * Ca * lr * lr)) /
                          (Iz * xdot)

        # print(np.shape(A))
        B = np.array([[0], [(2 * Ca) / m], [0], [(2 * Ca * lf) / Iz]])
        C = np.identity(4)
        D = [[0], [0], [0], [0]]

        syscont = signal.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)

        sysdisc = syscont.to_discrete(delT)
        Ad = sysdisc.A
        Bd = sysdisc.B

        R = np.zeros((1, 1))
        R[0][0] = 0.06

        Q = 0.8 * np.identity(4)

        S = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_are(Ad, Bd, Q, R))

        r = wrap2pi(phi - np.arctan2(Y_new - Y, X_new - X))
        e21 = 0.1
        e22 = ydot + (vx * r)
        e23 = r
        e24 = phidot

        e = np.matrix([e21, e22, e23, e24])
        #print(len(e), len(e[0]))

        K = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.inv((Bd.T @ S @ Bd) + R) @ (Bd.T @ S @ Ad))
        #W= np.identity(4)
        V = (np.identity(4)) * 500
        W = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.05]]

        xk_km = (Ad) @ (self.xkm) + (Bd) * (self.Z)
        Pk_km = ((Ad) @ (self.Pkm)) @ (Ad.T) + W
        yk = e.T
        Lk = ((Pk_km) @ (C.T)) @ (np.linalg.inv(((C) @ (Pk_km) @ (C.T) + V)))
        xk_k = xk_km + Lk @ (yk - C @ xk_km)
        Pk_k = (np.identity(4) - (Lk @ C)) @ Pk_km
        deltades = float(-K @ (xk_k))

        deltad = ((deltades - delta)) / 0.05

        # deltad = float(-K*(e))

        #delta = np.matmul(K, xk_k)

        #deltad = -delta[0][0]
        #deltad = float(deltad)

        #--------|Longitudinal Controller|------------------------------
        e11 = (v_d - v)

        F = K_p * (e11) + K_i * (self.e + e11) + K_d * (e11 - self.e111)
        self.e += e11
        self.e111 = e11
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------

        # Communicating the control commands with the BuggySimulator
        controlinp = vehicle.command(F, deltad)
        self.Z = deltades
        self.xkm = xk_k
        self.Pkm = Pk_k
        # F: Force
        # deltad: desired rate of steering command

        return controlinp
Exemplo n.º 28
def join(SS1, SS2):
	Join two state-spaces or gain matrices such that, given:
		u1 -> SS1 -> y1
		u2 -> SS2 -> y2
	we obtain:
		u -> SStot -> y
	with u=(u1,u2)^T and y=(y1,y2)^T.

	The output SStot is either a gain matrix or a state-space system according
	to the input SS1 and SS2

    type_dlti = scsig.ltisys.StateSpaceDiscrete

    if isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray):

        Nin01, Nin02 = SS1.shape[1], SS2.shape[1]
        Nout01, Nout02 = SS1.shape[0], SS2.shape[0]
        SStot = np.block([[SS1, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))],
                          [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2]])

    elif isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti):

        Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.shape[1], SS1.shape[0]
        Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.inputs, SS2.outputs
        Nx02 = SS2.A.shape[0]

        A = SS2.A
        B = np.block([np.zeros((Nx02, Nin01)), SS2.B])
        C = np.block([[np.zeros((Nout01, Nx02))], [SS2.C]])
        D = np.block([[SS1, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2.D]])

        SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS2.dt)

    elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray):

        Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.inputs, SS1.outputs
        Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.shape[1], SS2.shape[0]
        Nx01 = SS1.A.shape[0]

        A = SS1.A
        B = np.block([SS1.B, np.zeros((Nx01, Nin02))])
        C = np.block([[SS1.C], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nx01))]])
        D = np.block([[SS1.D, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2]])

        SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS1.dt)

    elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti):

        assert SS1.dt == SS2.dt, 'State-space models must have the same time-step'

        Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.inputs, SS1.outputs
        Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.inputs, SS2.outputs
        Nx01, Nx02 = SS1.A.shape[0], SS2.A.shape[0]

        A = np.block([[SS1.A, np.zeros((Nx01, Nx02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nx02, Nx01)), SS2.A]])
        B = np.block([[SS1.B, np.zeros((Nx01, Nin02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nx02, Nin01)), SS2.B]])
        C = np.block([[SS1.C, np.zeros((Nout01, Nx02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nout02, Nx01)), SS2.C]])
        D = np.block([[SS1.D, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))],
                      [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2.D]])
        SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS1.dt)

        raise NameError(
            'Input types not recognised in any implemented option!')

    return SStot
Exemplo n.º 29
    # check parallel connector
    Nout = 2
    Nin01, Nin02 = 2, 3
    Nst01, Nst02 = 4, 2

    # build random systems
    fac = 0.1
    A01, A02 = fac * np.random.rand(Nst01, Nst01), fac * np.random.rand(
        Nst02, Nst02)
    B01, B02 = np.random.rand(Nst01, Nin01), np.random.rand(Nst02, Nin02)
    C01, C02 = np.random.rand(Nout, Nst01), np.random.rand(Nout, Nst02)
    D01, D02 = np.random.rand(Nout, Nin01), np.random.rand(Nout, Nin02)

    dt = 0.1
    SS01 = scsig.StateSpace(A01, B01, C01, D01, dt=dt)
    SS02 = scsig.StateSpace(A02, B02, C02, D02, dt=dt)

    # simulate
    NT = 11
    U01, U02 = np.random.rand(NT, Nin01), np.random.rand(NT, Nin02)

    # reference
    Y01, X01 = simulate(SS01, U01)
    Y02, X02 = simulate(SS02, U02)
    Yref = Y01 + Y02

    # parallel
    SStot = parallel(SS01, SS02)
    Utot = np.block([U01, U02])
    Ytot, Xtot = simulate(SStot, Utot)
Exemplo n.º 30
        if x0[i] > xg[i]:
            u[i] = 0.0
    return u

c = 0.0001  #room transfer coef
cu = 0.02  #heating on coef

A = [[-c, c], [c, -c]]
B = [[cu, 0.0], [0.0, cu]]
C = A
D = B
x0 = [50.0, 10.0]
xg = [50.0, 200.0]

sys1 = signal.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
simTime = 60 * 60 * 1
controlStep = 15 * 60
c = greedyController(x0, xg)
tall = []
uall = np.array([]).reshape((0, len(x0)))
xall = np.array([]).reshape((0, len(x0)))

for ti in range(0, simTime, 1):
    t = np.linspace(ti, ti + 1, 10)
    if ti % controlStep == 0:
        c = greedyController(x0, xg)
    u = np.transpose([np.ones(len(t)) * c[0], np.ones(len(t)) * c[1]])
    t1, y1, x1 = signal.lsim(sys1, u, t, x0)
    x0 = x1[len(x1) - 3]
    tall = np.concatenate((tall, t1), axis=0)