Exemplo n.º 1
    def calculate_sift_grid(self,image,gridH,gridW):
        This function calculates the unnormalized sift features
        It is called by process_image().
        H,W = image.shape
        Npatches = gridH.size
        feaArr = np.zeros((Npatches,Nsamples*Nangles))

        # calculate gradient
        GH,GW = Gen_DGauss(self.sigma)
        IH = signal.convolve2d(image,GH,mode='same')
        IW = signal.convolve2d(image,GW,mode='same')
        Imag = np.sqrt(IH**2+IW**2)
        Itheta = np.arctan2(IH,IW)
        Iorient = np.zeros((Nangles,H,W))
        for i in range(Nangles):
            Iorient[i] = Imag * np.maximum(np.cos(Itheta - angles[i])**alpha,0)
        for i in range(Npatches):
            currFeature = np.zeros((Nangles,Nsamples))
            for j in range(Nangles):
                currFeature[j] = np.dot(self.weights,\
                        Iorient[j,gridH[i]:gridH[i]+self.pS, gridW[i]:gridW[i]+self.pS].flatten())
            feaArr[i] = currFeature.flatten()
        return feaArr
Exemplo n.º 2
	def ssim(self, img1, img2, K = (0.01, 0.03), L = 255):

		img1 = img1.astype(float)
		img2 = img2.astype(float)

		C1 = (K[0]*L) ** 2
		C2 = (K[1]*L) ** 2
		window = fspecial()
		window /= window.sum()

		mu1 = sc.convolve2d( img1, window, mode ='valid')
		mu2 = sc.convolve2d( img2, window, mode = 'valid')

		mu1_sq = mu1 * mu1
		mu2_sq = mu2 * mu2
		mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2
		sigma1_sq = sc.convolve2d( img1*img1, window,  mode = 'valid') - mu1_sq;
		sigma2_sq = sc.convolve2d( img2*img2, window,  mode = 'valid') - mu2_sq;
		sigma12 = sc.convolve2d( img1*img2, window, mode = 'valid') - mu1_mu2;

		ssim_map = 	((2*mu1_mu2 + C1)*(2*sigma12 + C2))/((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1)*(sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2))

		return ssim_map.mean()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_conv_halide(self):
        """Test convolution lin op in halide.

        #Load image
        testimg_filename = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data', 'angela.jpg' )
        img = Image.open(testimg_filename)  # opens the file using Pillow - it's not an array yet
        np_img = np.asfortranarray( im2nparray(img) )

        #Convert to gray
        np_img = np.mean( np_img, axis=2)

        #Test problem
        output = np.zeros_like(np_img);
        K = np.ones((11,11), dtype=np.float32, order='FORTRAN')
        K /= np.prod( K.shape )

        #Convolve in halide
        Halide('A_conv.cpp').A_conv(np_img, K, output)

        #Convolve in scipy
        output_ref = signal.convolve2d(np_img,K, mode='same', boundary='wrap')

        output_corr = np.zeros_like(np_img);
        Halide('At_conv.cpp').At_conv(np_img, K, output_corr) #Call

        output_corr_ref = signal.convolve2d(np_img, np.flipud(np.fliplr(K)), mode='same', boundary='wrap')

        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(output, output_ref)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(output_corr, output_corr_ref)
Exemplo n.º 4
def deformed_patch_based(lim_patch_list, rim_patch_list, image_patch, patch_list):
    deformed_list = []
    #print len(image_patch)
    #print len(patch_list)
    #print np.mean((np.asarray(image_patch)-np.asarray(patch_list))**2)**0.5

    fx = np.asarray([[1.0, -1.0]], dtype='float')
    fy = np.asarray([[1.0], [-1.0]], dtype='float')

    for i in range(len(lim_patch_list)):
        grad_x = convolve2d(patch_list[i], fx, mode='same')*0.1
        grad_y = convolve2d(patch_list[i], fy, mode='same')*0.1

        grad_x[:, 0] = grad_x[:, 0]*0+1
        grad_y[0, :] = grad_y[0, :]*0+1
        # ====================== 这里手动构造梯度 ===================
        Def = Deformed.deformed_patch()
        cp, c = Def.deform(patch_list[i], image_patch[i],grad_x,grad_y)
        #print np.mean((patch_list[i]-image_patch[i])**2)**0.5
        #print np.mean((cp-image_patch[i])**2)**0.5

        print "变形完成:%0.2f %%" % (i*1.0/len(lim_patch_list)*100)
    print np.mean((np.asarray(deformed_list)-np.asarray(patch_list))**2)**0.5
    return deformed_list
Exemplo n.º 5
def sharpen(img, k=11, lo_pass=True, min_diff=0.05, alpha=1.0):
    Sharpens the input image with unsharp masking. See Wikipedia
    (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsharp_masking) for details. Note that
    this function only changes pixel values by a maximum of max_difference
    at each iteration.

    Optionally applies a low-pass Gaussian filter at the end, 
    to reduce the effect of high frequency noise.
    # sharpen each color channel separately
    out = np.zeros(img.shape)
    sharp_mask = bf.gauss_mask(k)
    blur_mask = bf.gauss_mask(2 * int(1.0 + (k - 1) / 4.0) + 1) 
    for i in range(0, img.shape[2]):
        blurred = convolve2d(img[:, :, i], sharp_mask, 
                             mode="same", boundary="symm")
        diff = img[:, :, i] - blurred
        scaled = alpha * diff

        if lo_pass:
            # if necessary, blur each color channel separately
            diff = convolve2d(diff, blur_mask, 
                              mode="same", boundary="symm")

        diff[np.abs(diff) < min_diff] = 0.0
        out[:, :, i] = img[:, :, i] + scaled

    # truncate to [0, 1]
    out = bf.truncate(out)  
    return out
Exemplo n.º 6
def sobelFilter(gray,threshold):
    sobelX = np.array([[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1]])
    sobelY = np.array([[1,1,1],[0,0,0],[-1,-1,-1]])

    gradX = signal.convolve2d(gray,sobelX,boundary='wrap',mode='same')
    gradY = signal.convolve2d(gray,sobelY,boundary='wrap',mode='same')
    edgeStrength = 0.5*(np.abs(gradX) + np.abs(gradY))
    edgeStrength *= 255/np.max(edgeStrength)

    #Applies threshold transformation to edges strength
    T = np.arange(256)
    T[T < threshold] = 0
    edgeStrength = edgeStrength.astype(np.uint8)
    edgeStrength = T[edgeStrength]

    directAngle = np.zeros(gray.shape)
    rows, columns = gray.shape
    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(columns):
            if(gradX[i,j] != 0):
                directAngle[i,j] = np.arctan(gradY[i,j]/gradX[i,j])
                directAngle[i,j] = np.pi/2

    directAngle[directAngle < 0.0] += np.pi
    directAngle *= 180/np.pi
    directAngle = np.mod(directAngle.astype(np.uint8),180)

    return (edgeStrength,directAngle)
def convolucion_RGB(img, kernel):

    channelR = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), "uint8")
    channelG = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), "uint8")
    channelB = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), "uint8")

    for x in range(img.shape[0]):
        for y in range(img.shape[1]):
            channelR[x, y] = img[x, y][0]
            channelG[x, y] = img[x, y][1]
            channelB[x, y] = img[x, y][2]

    matrixR = sg.convolve2d(channelR, kernel, "same")
    matrixG = sg.convolve2d(channelG, kernel, "same")
    matrixB = sg.convolve2d(channelB, kernel, "same")

    img_conv = np.zeros((matrixR.shape[0], matrixR.shape[1], 3), "double")

    for x in range(matrixR.shape[0]):
        for y in range(matrixR.shape[1]):
            img_conv[x, y, 0] = matrixR[x, y]
            img_conv[x, y, 1] = matrixG[x, y]
            img_conv[x, y, 2] = matrixB[x, y]

    return img_conv
Exemplo n.º 8
def run_cycle(vacancy_matrix, spin_matrix, non_vacants, vacants):
    global neighbour_count
    global spinup_count

    for k in range(N*N):
        # Pick an occupied site at random
        rand_occupied = random.randrange(len(non_vacants))
        (i,j) = non_vacants[rand_occupied]
        spin  = spin_matrix[i,j]
        happy = is_happy(spin, (i,j))
        #print ('%d,%d is happy?' % (i,j), happy)

        if not happy:
            # Not happy, trying to move
            rand_vacant = random.randrange(len(vacants))
            (newI,newJ) = vacants[rand_vacant]
         #   print('Trying to move to %d,%d' % (newI,newJ))
            happy = is_happy(spin, (newI, newJ))
            if (happy):
                #print('Yay he is happy, moving')
                vacancy_matrix[i,j] = 0
                vacancy_matrix[newI, newJ] = 1
                spin_matrix[i,j] = 0
                spin_matrix[newI, newJ] = spin


                neighbour_count = signal.convolve2d(vacancy_matrix, NEIGHBORS, mode='same')
                spinup_count = signal.convolve2d(spin_matrix, NEIGHBORS, mode='same')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def feedforward(self, x=None):
     n = len(self.layers);
     if x is None:
         x = self.x;
     self.layers[0].a = [np.reshape(np.array(x) / 255.0, (self.inputsize[1], self.inputsize[2]))];
     inputmaps = self.inputsize[0];
     for l in range(1, n):
         self.layers[l].a = [];
         if self.layers[l].type == 'c':
             for j in range(self.layers[l].outputmaps):
                 rs, cs = np.shape(self.layers[l - 1].a[0]);
                 z = np.zeros((rs - self.layers[l].kernelsize + 1, cs - self.layers[l].kernelsize + 1));
                 for i in range(inputmaps):
                     z += convolve2d(self.layers[l - 1].a[i], self.layers[l].kernels[i][j], mode='valid');
                 self.layers[l].a.append(sigmoid(z + self.layers[l].b[j]));
             inputmaps = self.layers[l].outputmaps;
         elif self.layers[l].type == 's':
             for j in range(inputmaps):
                 z = convolve2d(self.layers[l - 1].a[j], np.ones((self.layers[l].scale, self.layers[l].scale)) / np.square(self.layers[l].scale), mode='valid');
                 self.layers[l].a.append(z[::self.layers[l].scale, ::self.layers[l].scale]);
         elif self.layers[l].type == 'r':
             fv = [];
             for j in range(len(self.layers[l - 1].a)):
                 rs, cs = np.shape(self.layers[l - 1].a[j]);
                 if j == 0:
                     fv = np.reshape(self.layers[l - 1].a[j], (rs * cs));
                     fv = np.append(fv, np.reshape(self.layers[l - 1].a[j], (rs * cs)), axis = 1);
             self.layers[l].a = fv;
         elif self.layers[l].type == 'o':
             self.layers[l].a = sigmoid(np.mat(self.layers[l - 1].a) * np.mat(self.layers[l - 1].w).T + np.mat(self.layers[l - 1].b).T);
     return self.layers[n - 1].a;
Exemplo n.º 10
def el_distor(im,  kernel_dim, Sigma, alpha):
    out = np.zeros(im.shape)
    displace_x = np.array([[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(im.shape[0])] \
                            for y in xrange(im.shape[1])]) * alpha
    displace_y = np.array([[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(im.shape[0])] \
                            for y in xrange(im.shape[1])]) * alpha
    kernel = create_gaussian_kernel(kernel_dim, Sigma)
    #kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(kernel_dim,Sigma)
    displace_x = convolve2d(displace_x, kernel)
    displace_y = convolve2d(displace_y, kernel)
    for row in xrange(im.shape[1]):
        for col in xrange(im.shape[0]):
            low_x = row + int(math.floor(displace_x[row, col]))
            high_x = row + int(math.ceil(displace_x[row, col]))

            low_y = col + int(math.floor(displace_y[row, col]))
            high_y = col + int(math.ceil(displace_y[row, col]))

            if  high_x >= im.shape[1] -1 or high_y >= im.shape[0] - 1:

            res = im[low_x, low_y]/4 + im[low_x, high_y]/4 + \
                    im[high_x, low_y]/4 + im[high_x, high_y]/4

            out[row, col] = res   
    n,m = out.shape
    out = out.reshape(n*m,)    
    return out
Exemplo n.º 11
def depthwise_conv2d_python_nhwc(input_np, filter_np, stride, padding):
    """Depthwise convolution operator in nchw layout.

    input_np : numpy.ndarray
        4-D with shape [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channel]

    filter_np : numpy.ndarray
        4-D with shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channel, channel_multiplier]

    stride : list / tuple of 2 ints
        [stride_height, stride_width]

    padding : str
        'VALID' or 'SAME'

    output_np : np.ndarray
        4-D with shape [batch, out_height, out_width, out_channel]
    batch, in_height, in_width, in_channel = input_np.shape
    filter_height, filter_width, _, channel_multiplier = filter_np.shape
    if isinstance(stride, int):
        stride_h = stride_w = stride
        stride_h, stride_w = stride

    # calculate output shape
    if padding == 'VALID':
        out_channel = in_channel * channel_multiplier
        out_height = (in_height - filter_height) // stride_h + 1
        out_width = (in_width - filter_width) // stride_w + 1
        output_np = np.zeros((batch, out_height, out_width, out_channel))
        for i in range(batch):
            for j in range(out_channel):
                output_np[i, :, :, j] = signal.convolve2d(input_np[i, :, :, j//channel_multiplier], \
                    np.rot90(filter_np[:, :, j//channel_multiplier, j%channel_multiplier], 2), \
                    mode='valid')[0:(in_height - filter_height + 1):stride_h, 0:(in_width - filter_height + 1):stride_w]
    if padding == 'SAME':
        out_channel = in_channel * channel_multiplier
        out_height = np.int(np.ceil(float(in_height) / float(stride_h)))
        out_width = np.int(np.ceil(float(in_width) / float(stride_w)))
        output_np = np.zeros((batch, out_height, out_width, out_channel))
        pad_along_height = np.int(np.max((out_height - 1) * stride_h + filter_height - in_height, 0))
        pad_along_width = np.int(np.max((out_width - 1) * stride_w + filter_width - in_width, 0))
        pad_top_tvm = np.int(np.ceil(float(pad_along_height) / 2))
        pad_left_tvm = np.int(np.ceil(float(pad_along_width) / 2))
        pad_top_scipy = np.int(np.ceil(float(filter_height - 1) / 2))
        pad_left_scipy = np.int(np.ceil(float(filter_width - 1) / 2))
        index_h = pad_top_scipy - pad_top_tvm
        index_w = pad_left_scipy - pad_left_tvm
        for i in range(batch):
            for j in range(out_channel):
                output_np[i, :, :, j] = signal.convolve2d(input_np[i, :, :, j//channel_multiplier], \
                    np.rot90(filter_np[:, :, j//channel_multiplier, j%channel_multiplier], 2), \
                    mode='same')[index_h:in_height:stride_h, index_w:in_width:stride_w]

    return output_np
def log_likelihoodC(theta, x, y, data, var, size=21):
    Logarithm of the likelihood function.
    #unpack the parameters
    amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius, focus, width_x, width_y, width_d = theta

    #1)Generate a model Airy disc
    airy = models.AiryDisk2D(amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius)
    adata = airy.eval(x, y, amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius).reshape((size, size))

    #2)Apply Focus
    f = models.Gaussian2D(1., center_x, center_y, focus, focus, 0.)
    focusdata = f.eval(x, y, 1., center_x, center_y, focus, focus, 0.).reshape((size, size))
    focusmodel = signal.convolve2d(adata, focusdata, mode='same')

    #3)Apply CCD diffusion kernel
    kernel = np.array([[width_d, width_y, width_d],
                       [width_x, 1., width_x],
                       [width_d, width_y, width_d]])
    kernel /= kernel.sum()
    #model = ndimage.convolve(focusmodel, kernel)
    model = signal.convolve2d(focusmodel, kernel, mode='same').flatten()

    #true for Gaussian errors, but not really true here because of mixture of Poisson and Gaussian noise
    lnL = - 0.5 * np.sum((data - model)**2 / var)

    return lnL
def log_likelihood(theta, x, y, data, var, size):
    Logarithm of the likelihood function.
    #unpack the parameters
    peak, center_x, center_y, radius, focus, width_x, width_y = theta

    #1)Generate a model Airy disc
    amplitude = _amplitudeFromPeak(peak, center_x, center_y, radius, x_0=int(size[0]/2.-0.5), y_0=int(size[1]/2.-0.5))
    airy = models.AiryDisk2D(amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius)
    adata = airy.eval(x, y, amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius).reshape(size)

    #2)Apply Focus
    f = models.Gaussian2D(1., center_x, center_y, focus, focus, 0.)
    focusdata = f.eval(x, y, 1., center_x, center_y, focus, focus, 0.).reshape(size)
    model = signal.convolve2d(adata, focusdata, mode='same')

    #3)Apply CCD diffusion, approximated with a Gaussian
    CCDdata = np.array([[0.0, width_y, 0.0],
                        [width_x, (1.-width_y-width_y-width_x-width_x), width_x],
                        [0.0, width_y, 0.0]])
    model = signal.convolve2d(model, CCDdata, mode='same').flatten()

    #true for Gaussian errors
    #lnL = - 0.5 * np.sum((data - model)**2 / var)
    #Gary B. said that this should be from the model not data so recompute var (now contains rn**2)
    var += model.copy()
    lnL = - (np.size(var)*np.sum(np.log(var))) - (0.5 * np.sum((data - model)**2 / var))

    return lnL
Exemplo n.º 14
def sobelEdgeFeaturesDigit(datum):
  from scipy import signal
  import numpy

  features = util.Counter()
  opx = numpy.array([[1, 0, -1],
                     [2, 0, -2],
                     [1, 0, -1]])
  opy = numpy.array([[1, 2, 1],
                     [0, 0, 0],
                     [-1, -2, -1]])
  pixels = numpy.empty([DIGIT_DATUM_WIDTH, DIGIT_DATUM_HEIGHT])

  for x in range(DIGIT_DATUM_WIDTH):
    for y in range(DIGIT_DATUM_HEIGHT):
      pixels[x, y] = datum.getPixel(x, y)

  gx = signal.convolve2d(pixels, opx)
  gy = signal.convolve2d(pixels, opy)
  gx = numpy.absolute(gx)
  gy = numpy.absolute(gy)

  for x in range(DIGIT_DATUM_WIDTH):
    for y in range(DIGIT_DATUM_HEIGHT):
      mag = gx[x, y] + gy[x, y]
      features[(x, y, "edge")] = 1 if mag >= 3 else 0

  return features
Exemplo n.º 15
	def prewitt(self, gray_image):
		# Construct the mask
		kx = np.matrix('\
			-1 -1 -1;\
			 0  0  0;\
			 1  1  1 \
			') / 6.0

		ky = np.matrix('\
			-1  0  1;\
			-1  0  1;\
			-1  0  1 \
			') / 6.0

		# Convolute
		gx = convolve2d(gray_image, kx, 'same')
		gy = convolve2d(gray_image, ky, 'same')

		height,width = gray_image.shape[:2]
		result = gray_image.copy()
		max_p = 0
		for y in range(0, height):
			for x in range(0, width):
				result[y,x] = math.sqrt(gx[y,x]**2 + gy[y,x]**2)
				max_p = max(max_p, result[y,x])

		return np.uint8(result > 0.08995 * max_p) * 255
def log_likelihoodG(theta, x, y, data, var, size=21):
    Logarithm of the likelihood function.
    #unpack the parameters
    amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius, focus, width_x, width_y = theta

    #1)Generate a model Airy disc
    airy = models.AiryDisk2D(amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius)
    adata = airy.eval(x, y, amplitude, center_x, center_y, radius).reshape((size, size))

    #2)Apply Focus
    f = models.Gaussian2D(1., center_x, center_y, focus, focus, 0.)
    focusdata = f.eval(x, y, 1., center_x, center_y, focus, focus, 0.).reshape((size, size))
    model = signal.convolve2d(adata, focusdata, mode='same')

    #3)Apply CCD diffusion, approximated with a Gaussian
    CCD = models.Gaussian2D(1., size/2.-0.5, size/2.-0.5, width_x, width_y, 0.)
    CCDdata = CCD.eval(x, y, 1., size/2.-0.5, size/2.-0.5, width_x, width_y, 0.).reshape((size, size))
    model = signal.convolve2d(model, CCDdata, mode='same').flatten()

    #true for Gaussian errors, but not really true here because of mixture of Poisson and Gaussian noise
    lnL = - 0.5 * np.sum((data - model)**2 / var)

    return lnL
def test_GaussianKernel():
    # Gaussian kernel tests
    sourceImage = readImageFileRGB("ship-at-sea.jpg")
    grayImage = color.rgb2gray(sourceImage)
    xWindow = 9
    yWindow = 9
    sigma = 1.4
    xRange, yRange = createKernalWindowRanges(xWindow, yWindow, increment)
    g_kernel = gaussian_kernel(xWindow, yWindow, sigma)
    print "Gaussian kernel range:: ", np.min(g_kernel), np.max(g_kernel)
    plotKernel(xRange, yRange, g_kernel, "Gaussian kernel, sigma= + " + str(sigma) + ", window=(" + str(xWindow) + "," + str(yWindow) + ")")
    filteredImage = signal.convolve2d(grayImage, g_kernel, mode='same')
    plotImageComparison(grayImage, filteredImage)
    log_kernel = laplacianOfGaussian_kernel(xWindow, yWindow, sigma)
    print "Laplacian of Gaussian kernel range:: ", np.min(log_kernel), np.max(log_kernel)
    plotKernel(xRange, yRange, log_kernel, "LOG kernel, sigma= + " + str(sigma) + ", window=(" + str(xWindow) + "," + str(yWindow) + ")")
    filteredImage = signal.convolve2d(grayImage, log_kernel, mode='same')
    plotImageComparison(grayImage, filteredImage)
    g_dx_kernel = gaussian_1xDerivative_kernel(xWindow, yWindow, sigma)
    print "Gaussian X derivative kernel range:: ", np.min(g_dx_kernel), np.max(g_dx_kernel)
    plotKernel(xRange, yRange, g_dx_kernel, "G_dx kernel, sigma= + " + str(sigma) + ", window=(" + str(xWindow) + "," + str(yWindow) + ")")
    filteredImage = signal.convolve2d(grayImage, g_dx_kernel, mode='same')
    plotImageComparison(grayImage, filteredImage)

    g_dy_kernel = gaussian_1yDerivative_kernel(xWindow, yWindow, sigma)
    print "Gaussian Y derivative kernel range:: ", np.min(g_dy_kernel), np.max(g_dy_kernel)
    plotKernel(xRange, yRange, g_dy_kernel, "G_dy kernel, sigma= + " + str(sigma) + ", window=(" + str(xWindow) + "," + str(yWindow) + ")")
    filteredImage = signal.convolve2d(grayImage, g_dy_kernel, mode='same')
    plotImageComparison(grayImage, filteredImage)
Exemplo n.º 18
def gradient_magnitude(image):
    Returns the L1 gradient magnitude of the given image.
    The result is an n x m numpy array of floating point values,
    where n is the number of rows in the image and m is the number of columns.
    # First, convert the input image to a 32-bit floating point grayscale.
    # Be sure to scale it such that the intensity varies between 0 and 1.
    Is = np.mean(image,axis=2,dtype=np.float64)
    Is = normalize2D(Is)
    # Next, compute the graient in the x direction using the sobel operator with a kernel size of 5
    sobelX = [[2.0,1.0,0.0,-1.0,-2.0],
    #gradientX = applyConvolution(Is,sobelX) #apparently there's a np.convolute2d - and it is so much faster!
    gradientX = signal.convolve2d(Is,sobelX,mode='same')
    # Compute the graient in the y direction using the sobel operator with a kernel size of 5
    gradientY = signal.convolve2d(Is,np.transpose(sobelX),mode='same')
    #gradientY = applyConvolution(Is,np.transpose(sobelX))    

    # Finally, compute the l1 norm of the x and y gradients at each pixel value.
    # The l1 norm is the sum of their absolute values.
    # convert the final image from a double-precision floating point to single.
    gradientX = np.absolute(gradientX)
    gradientY = np.absolute(gradientY)
    energy = gradientX + gradientY
    print 'found energy ',energy.shape

    # and return the result
    return energy
Exemplo n.º 19
def run_edges(image):
  ''' This function finds and colors all edges in the given image.

  # Convert image to gray
  if len(image.shape) > 2:
    grayimage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    grayimage = image

  # blur so the gradient operation is less noisy.
  # uses a gaussian filter with sigma = 2
  grayimage = gaussian_filter(grayimage, 2).astype(float)

  # Filter with x and y sobel filters
  dx = convolve2d(grayimage, sobel_filter_x())
  dy = convolve2d(grayimage, sobel_filter_y())

  # Convert to orientation and magnitude images
  theta = transform_xy_theta(dx, dy)
  mag = transform_xy_mag(dx, dy)

  outimg = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3), dtype = np.uint8)

  # Fill with corresponding color.
  for r in range(outimg.shape[0]):
    for c in range(outimg.shape[1]):
      outimg[r,c,:] = get_color(theta[r,c], mag[r,c])

  return outimg
Exemplo n.º 20
def extract(im, keypoints):
	for keypoint in keypoints:
		position = keypoint["position"]
		scale = keypoint["scale"]

		s = 20*scale
		x = position[0]
		y = position[1]

		window = im[y-s/2:y+s/2, x-s/2:x+s/2]

		ks = int(2*scale)
		kdx = np.ones((ks, ks), dtype=np.double)
		kdx[:,:ks/2] = -1
		kdy = np.ones((ks, ks), dtype=np.double)
		kdy[:ks/2,:] = -1

		des = []
		ws = s/4

		for i in range(4):
			for j in range(4):
				subwindow = window[i*ws:(i+1)*ws, j*ws:(j+1)*ws]

				dx = signal.convolve2d(subwindow, kdx, mode='valid')
				dy = signal.convolve2d(subwindow, kdy, mode='valid')

				des+=[np.sum(dx), np.sum(dy), np.sum(np.abs(dx)), np.sum(np.abs(dy))]

		sumsq=math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in des))

		for i in range(len(des)):
			des[i] = des[i]/sumsq

		keypoint["des"] = des
Exemplo n.º 21
    def convolve(self, npImage, filters):
        Return the 2D convolution of each colorband by its respective filter.

        npImage : 3D numpy array where the dimensions represent respectively
        the height, the width and the colorbands. There must be 3 colorbands.
            The image to filter
        filters : a triplet of filters of the same size. The filters are
        2D array like structure (usually numpy array).
            The respective filters. They are applied in the same order to the

        filtered :3D numpy array where the dimensions represent respectively
        the height, the width and the colorbands
            The result of the convolution of each colorband by its respective
        redFilter, greenFilter, blueFilter = filters
        red, green, blue = npImage[:,:,0], npImage[:,:,1], npImage[:,:,2]

        newRed = sg.convolve2d(red, redFilter, "same")
        newGreen = sg.convolve2d(green, greenFilter, "same")
        newBlue = sg.convolve2d(blue, blueFilter, "same")

        return np.dstack((newRed, newGreen, newBlue))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, image, shape, sig):
        self.sig = sig
        self.image = cv2.imread(image, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
        self.g_masks = [cv2.GaussianBlur(self.image, (x, 1), sig) for x in range(1,31,4)]
        #print self.g_masks
        #print self.k_masks
        #return 0
        # criar convultions da imagem para cada uma das masks
        self.k_convultions = [signal.convolve2d(self.image, self.k_masks[x]) for x in range(len(self.k_masks))]
        self.g_convultions = [signal.convolve2d(self.image, self.g_masks[x]) for x in range(len(self.g_masks))]
        self.ldnk = np.array([[0 for x in self.image] for x in self.image[0]])
        self.ldng = np.array([[0 for x in self.image] for x in self.image[0]])
        for x in range(len(self.image)):
            for y in range(len(self.image[0])):
                self.ldnk[x][y] = self.LDNk(x,y)
                self.ldng[x][y] = self.LDNg(x,y)

        # histogramas
        lenx = len(self.ldnk)
        leny = len(self.ldnk[0])
        self.ldnk = []
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(5):
                cur = self.ldnk[i*lenx/5:i*lenx/5 + lenx/5, j*leny/5: j*leny/5 + leny/5]
                hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(cur, 5, density=True, weights=cur)
                ret = np.frombuffer(hist * np.diff(bin_edges))
                self.ldnk = np.concatenate((self.ldnk, ret))
                cur = ldng[i*lenx/5:i*lenx/5 + lenx/5, j*leny/5: j*leny/5 + leny/5]
                hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(cur, 5, density=True, weights=cur)
                ret = np.frombuffer(hist * np.diff(bin_edges))
                self.ldng = np.concatenate((self.ldng, ret))
Exemplo n.º 23
def twoDsmooth(mat,ker):
        kmat = ker
        kmat = np.ones((ker,ker))
        kmat = kmat / pow(ker, 2)

    [kr,kc] = list(kmat.shape)
    if (kr%2 == 0):
        conmat = np.ones((2,1))
        kmat = signal.convolve2d(kmat,conmat,'symm','same')
        kr = kr + 1

    if (kc%2 == 0):
        conmat = np.ones((2,1))
        kmat = signal.convolve2d(kmat,conmat,'symm','same')
        kc = kc + 1

    [mr,mc] = list(mat.shape)
    fkr = math.floor(kr/2)
    fkc = math.floor(kc/2)
    rota = np.rot90(kmat,2)
    return mat
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, phasemap, thre):
        assert thre > 0 and thre < 1.0

        super(BrayPSMap, self).__init__(*phasemap.data.shape)
        nablaX = np.array([ [-0.5,  0, 0.5], [ -1, 0, 1], [-0.5,  0, 0.5] ], dtype = np.float32)
        nablaY = np.array([ [ 0.5,  1, 0.5], [  0, 0, 0], [-0.5, -1,-0.5] ], dtype = np.float32)
        def phaseComplement(phase_diff):
            out = np.copy(phase_diff)
            mask = (phase_diff > np.pi )*1
            out -= mask*(2*np.pi)
            mask = (phase_diff < -np.pi )*1
            out += mask*(2*np.pi)
            return out
        diffX = np.zeros_like(phasemap.data)
        diffY = np.zeros_like(phasemap.data)
        diffX[:,:,1:] = phaseComplement( phasemap.data[:,:,1:] - phasemap.data[:,:,0:-1])
        diffY[:,1:,:] = phaseComplement( phasemap.data[:,1:,:] - phasemap.data[:,0:-1,:])
        for frame in range(self.data.shape[0]):
            img_dx = diffX[frame, :,:]
            img_dy = diffY[frame, :,:]
            img_x = convolve2d(img_dx, nablaY, boundary='symm', mode='same')
            img_y = convolve2d(img_dy, nablaX, boundary='symm', mode='same')
            self.data[frame, :, :] = ((np.abs(img_y+img_x)/(2*np.pi))>thre)*1.0

        self.roi = np.copy(phasemap.roi)
        self.roi = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion(self.roi, structure=np.ones((2,2))).astype(phasemap.roi.dtype)
        self.data *= self.roi

        self.vmin = 0.0
        self.vmax = 1.0
        self.cmap = 'gray'
Exemplo n.º 25
def ldp(image):
	x,y = image[:,:,0].shape
	#image = image[:,:,2]	
	image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
	ldp_image = np.zeros((x,y,8),dtype='int')
	mask1 = np.array([[-3,-3,5],[-3,0,5],[-3,-3,5]],dtype=int);
	mask2 = np.array([[-3,5,5],[-3,0,5],[-3,-3,-3]],dtype=int);
	for i in xrange(4):
		m1 = mask1;
		m2 = mask2;
		for j in xrange(i):
			m1 = np.rot90(m1);
			m2 = np.rot90(m2);
		ldp_image[:,:,2*i] = convolve2d(image,m1,mode='same');
		ldp_image[:,:,2*i+1] = convolve2d(image,m2,mode='same');
	ldp_hist = np.zeros(image.shape,dtype='uint8');
	max_image = np.zeros(image.shape,dtype='uint8')
	for i in xrange(x):	
		for j in xrange(y):
			a = ldp_image[i,j,:];
			a = abs(a);
			b = np.sort(a);
			thresh = b[4];
			a = a -thresh;
			a[a>0] = 1;
			a[a<=0] = 0;
			c = np.packbits(a,axis=None);
			ldp_hist[i,j] = int(c);
			max_image[i,j] = b[0];
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __calcHarrisMat__(self):
        # M = SUM( 3X3 window )
        # H = det(M) - k*(trace(M))*(trace(M))
        # k = 0.04 <=> 0.06 , we will assume it is 0.05
        # det(M) = (Ix*Ix)*(Iy*Iy) - (Ix*Iy)*(Ix*Iy) ,  trace(M) = (Ix*Ix) + (Iy*Iy)
        gaussianKernel1D = cv2.getGaussianKernel(3, self.sigma)
        window = gaussianKernel1D * gaussianKernel1D.transpose()
        # window = np.array([ [ 1 , 1 , 1 ] ,
        #                     [ 1 , 1 , 1 ] ,
        #                     [ 1 , 1 , 1 ] ])

        gradXSquared = self.gradientX * self.gradientX
        gradYSquared = self.gradientY * self.gradientY
        gradXgradY = self.gradientX * self.gradientY

        # Calculate the summation of the window's value ( IxIx, IyIy, IxIy)

        mIxIx = convolve2d(gradXSquared, window, mode='same')
        mIyIy = convolve2d(gradYSquared, window, mode='same')
        mIxIy = convolve2d(gradXgradY, window, mode='same')

        # Calculate the |M|
        detOfMatrix = (mIxIx * mIyIy) - (mIxIy * mIxIy)
        # Calculate the trace()
        traceOfMatrix = mIxIx + mIyIy

        self.responseMat = detOfMatrix - 0.05 * traceOfMatrix * traceOfMatrix
Exemplo n.º 27
def fresh():
    URL = 'http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2014/sandbox/news/140630/1994/will-smith-600x450.jpg'
    file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib2.urlopen(URL).read())
    firstIm = Image.open(file)
    im = firstIm.convert('L')
    im_array = np.asarray(im)
    im = im.convert('RGB')
    fresh_array = im_array.copy()
    #using 2d gaussian filter
    prince_convolved = gaussconvolve2d(fresh_array, 3)
    prince = Image.fromarray(prince_convolved)
    prince = prince.convert('RGB')
    #using box filter
    princebox = signal.convolve2d(fresh_array,boxfilter(19),'same')
    princebox = Image.fromarray(princebox)
    princebox = princebox.convert('RGB')
    #sharpening box filter
    princesharp = signal.convolve2d(fresh_array,sharpen(19),'same')
    princesharp = Image.fromarray(princesharp)
    princesharp = princesharp.convert('RGB')
    #display images side by side comparing gaussian and box filter at the bottom
    dims = (im.size[0]*2, im.size[1]*2)
    compare = Image.new('RGB', dims)
    compare.paste(im, (0,0))
    compare.paste(princesharp, (im.size[0],0))
    compare.paste(prince, (0, im.size[1]))
    compare.paste(princebox, (im.size[0], im.size[1]))
    return compare
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _get_riesz_triple(self, img):
     """:param img: 2D input image of shape (h, w)
     :return: 3D image of shape (h, w, 3), where the 3 channels correspond to
     amplitude, phase * cos(orient), phase * sin(orient)
     assert img.ndim == 2
     img = img.astype(floatX)
     r1 = signal.convolve2d(img, self.riesz_kernel, mode='valid')
     r2 = signal.convolve2d(img, self.riesz_kernel.T, mode='valid')
     kh, kw = self.riesz_kernel.shape
     assert kh % 2 == 1 and kw % 2 == 1 and kh == kw
     img = img[kh/2:-(kh/2), kw/2:-(kw/2)]
     amp = np.sqrt(np.square(img) + np.square(r1) + np.square(r2))
     phase = np.arccos(img / (amp + self.EPS))
     t = np.sqrt(np.square(r1) + np.square(r2)) + self.EPS
     v0 = phase * r1 / t
     v1 = phase * r2 / t
     if self.spatial_blur:
         amp_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(
             amp, self.spatial_ksize, self.spatial_blur)
         def blur(v):
             a = cv2.GaussianBlur(
                 amp * v, self.spatial_ksize, self.spatial_blur)
             return a / amp_blur
         v0 = blur(v0)
         v1 = blur(v1)
     rst = np.concatenate(map(lambda a: np.expand_dims(a, axis=2),
                              (amp, v0, v1)), axis=2)
     assert np.all(np.isfinite(rst))
     return rst
Exemplo n.º 29
def simple_sift(patch, grid_number):

    I_x = convolve2d(patch, sobel_vertical_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm')
    I_y = convolve2d(patch, sobel_horizontal_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm')

    sift_orientation_histogram_bins = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 9)

    magnitude_weights = np.sqrt(I_x**2 + I_y**2)

    orientation = np.arctan2(I_y, I_x)

    magnitude_weights_blocks = split_matrix_into_blocks(magnitude_weights, grid_number)
    orientation_blocks = split_matrix_into_blocks(orientation, grid_number)

    descriptor = []

    for magnitude_weight_block, orientation_block in zip(magnitude_weights_blocks, orientation_blocks):

        block_descriptor, _ = np.histogram(orientation_block, bins=sift_orientation_histogram_bins, weights=magnitude_weight_block)


    descriptor = np.asarray(descriptor)
    descriptor = descriptor / norm(descriptor)
    descriptor[descriptor > 0.2] = 0.2
    descriptor = descriptor / norm(descriptor)

    return descriptor
Exemplo n.º 30
def cnnbp(net, y):
    n = len(net.layers);
    net.e = net.o - y; # error
    net.L = 0.5 * np.sum(np.square(net.e)) / np.shape(net.e)[1];
    net.od = np.multiply(net.e, np.multiply(net.o, 1 - net.o));
    net.fvd = np.mat(net.od) * np.mat(net.ffw); # (50, 192)

    if net.layers[n-1]['type'] == 'c':
        net.fvd = np.multiply(net.fvd, np.multiply(net.fv, (1 - net.fv)));
    tm, tr, tc = np.shape(net.layers[n - 1]['a'][0]);
    fvnum = tr * tc;
    net.layers[n - 1]['d'] = [];
    for j in range(len(net.layers[n - 1]['a'])):
        net.layers[n - 1]['d'].append(np.array(net.fvd[:, j * fvnum : (j + 1) * fvnum]).reshape(tm, tr, tc));
    for l in range(n - 2, 0, -1):
        if net.layers[l]['type'] == 'c':
            net.layers[l]['d'] = [];
            for j in range(len(net.layers[l]['a'])):
                dtmp = [];
                for dl in range(len(net.layers[l]['a'][j])):
                    dtmp.append(np.multiply(np.multiply(net.layers[l]['a'][j][dl], 1 - net.layers[l]['a'][j][dl]),
                                (kronecker(net.layers[l + 1]['d'][j][dl], np.ones((net.layers[l + 1]['scale'],net.layers[l + 1]['scale'])) / np.square(float(net.layers[l + 1]['scale']))))));
        elif net.layers[l]['type'] == 's':
            net.layers[l]['d'] = [];
            for i in range(len(net.layers[l]['a'])):
                tm, tr, tc = np.shape(net.layers[l]['a'][0]);
                z = np.zeros((tm, tr, tc));
                for j in range(len(net.layers[l + 1]['a'])):
                    ztmp = [];
                    for dl in range(len(net.layers[l + 1]['d'][j])):
                        ztmp.append(convolve2d(net.layers[l + 1]['d'][j][dl], np.rot90(net.layers[l + 1]['k'][i][j], 2), mode='full'));
                    z += ztmp;
    for l in range(1, n):
        if net.layers[l]['type'] == 'c':
            dk = [];
            for i in range(len(net.layers[l - 1]['a'])):
                dkj = [];
                for j in range(len(net.layers[l]['a'])):
                    tdk = [];
                    for dl in range(len(net.layers[l - 1]['a'][i])):
                        tdk.append(convolve2d(np.rot90(net.layers[l - 1]['a'][i][dl], 2), net.layers[l]['d'][j][dl], mode='valid'));
                    dkj.append(np.sum(tdk, 0) / np.shape(tdk)[0]);
            net.layers[l]['dk'] = dk;
            net.layers[l]['db'] = [];
            for j in range(len(net.layers[l]['a'])):
                net.layers[l]['db'].append(np.sum(net.layers[l]['d'][j]) / np.shape(net.layers[l]['d'][j])[0]);
    net.dffw = np.mat(net.od).T * np.mat(net.fv) / np.shape(net.od)[0];
    net.dffb = np.mean(net.od, 0).T;
    return net;
Exemplo n.º 31
def _fast_kde_2d(x, y, gridsize=(128, 128), circular=False):
    2D fft-based Gaussian kernel density estimate (KDE).

    The code was adapted from https://github.com/mfouesneau/faststats

    x : Numpy array or list
    y : Numpy array or list
    gridsize : tuple
        Number of points used to discretize data. Use powers of 2 for fft optimization
    circular: bool
        If True, use circular boundaries. Defaults to False
    grid: A gridded 2D KDE of the input points (x, y)
    xmin: minimum value of x
    xmax: maximum value of x
    ymin: minimum value of y
    ymax: maximum value of y
    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)
    x = x[np.isfinite(x)]
    y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float)
    y = y[np.isfinite(y)]

    xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
    ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max()

    len_x = len(x)
    weights = np.ones(len_x)
    n_x, n_y = gridsize

    d_x = (xmax - xmin) / (n_x - 1)
    d_y = (ymax - ymin) / (n_y - 1)

    xyi = _stack(x, y).T
    xyi -= [xmin, ymin]
    xyi /= [d_x, d_y]
    xyi = np.floor(xyi, xyi).T

    scotts_factor = len_x**(-1 / 6)
    cov = _cov(xyi)
    std_devs = np.diag(cov**0.5)
    kern_nx, kern_ny = np.round(scotts_factor * 2 * np.pi * std_devs)

    inv_cov = np.linalg.inv(cov * scotts_factor**2)

    x_x = np.arange(kern_nx) - kern_nx / 2
    y_y = np.arange(kern_ny) - kern_ny / 2
    x_x, y_y = np.meshgrid(x_x, y_y)

    kernel = _stack(x_x.flatten(), y_y.flatten())
    kernel = _dot(inv_cov, kernel) * kernel
    kernel = np.exp(-kernel.sum(axis=0) / 2)
    kernel = kernel.reshape((int(kern_ny), int(kern_nx)))

    boundary = "wrap" if circular else "symm"

    grid = coo_matrix((weights, xyi), shape=(n_x, n_y)).toarray()
    grid = convolve2d(grid, kernel, mode="same", boundary=boundary)

    norm_factor = np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * cov * scotts_factor**2)
    norm_factor = len_x * d_x * d_y * norm_factor**0.5

    grid /= norm_factor

    return grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
Exemplo n.º 32
        actual_image[x:x + 8, y:y + 8] = puz[(i, j)][0][1:-1, 1:-1]

with open('d20_actual_image.npy', 'wb') as f:
    np.save(f, actual_image)

with open('d20_actual_image.npy', 'rb') as f:
    acutal_image = np.load(f)

sea_monster_str = """                  # 
#    ##    ##    ###
 #  #  #  #  #  #   """
sea_monster = np.array([[1 if c == "#" else 0 for c in line]
                        for line in sea_monster_str.split('\n')])
sea_monster_count = np.sum(sea_monster)

from scipy.signal import convolve2d

searched_image = convolve2d(actual_image, sea_monster, mode='valid')

for oriented_monster in all_orientations(sea_monster):
    searched_image = convolve2d(actual_image, oriented_monster, mode='valid')
    sea_monster_squares = np.sum(
        searched_image == sea_monster_count) * sea_monster_count
    print(np.sum(actual_image) - sea_monster_squares)
    if np.max(searched_image) == sea_monster_count:
        sea_monster_squares = np.sum(
            searched_image == sea_monster_count) * sea_monster_count
        print(np.sum(actual_image) - sea_monster_squares)
        # break
Exemplo n.º 33
def lacosmic(sciframe,
    Identify cosmic rays using the L.A.Cosmic algorithm
    (article : U{http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0108003})
    This routine is mostly courtesy of Malte Tewes

        sigclip (float):
            Threshold for identifying a CR

        ndarray: mask of cosmic rays (0=no CR, 1=CR)

    msgs.info("Detecting cosmic rays with the L.A.Cosmic algorithm")
    #    msgs.work("Include these parameters in the settings files to be adjusted by the user")
    # Set the settings
    scicopy = sciframe.copy()
    crmask = np.cast['bool'](np.zeros(sciframe.shape))
    sigcliplow = sigclip * sigfrac

    # Determine if there are saturated pixels
    satpix = np.zeros_like(sciframe)
    #    satlev = settings_det['saturation']*settings_det['nonlinear']
    satlev = saturation * nonlinear
    wsat = np.where(sciframe >= satlev)
    if wsat[0].size == 0: satpix = None
        satpix[wsat] = 1.0
        satpix = np.cast['bool'](satpix)

    # Define the kernels
    laplkernel = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0],
                           [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]])  # Laplacian kernal
    growkernel = np.ones((3, 3))
    for i in range(1, maxiter + 1):
        msgs.info("Convolving image with Laplacian kernel")
        # Subsample, convolve, clip negative values, and rebin to original size
        subsam = utils.subsample(scicopy)
        conved = signal.convolve2d(subsam,
        cliped = conved.clip(min=0.0)
        lplus = utils.rebin_evlist(cliped, np.array(cliped.shape) / 2.0)

        msgs.info("Creating noise model")
        # Build a custom noise map, and compare  this to the laplacian
        m5 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(scicopy, size=5, mode='mirror')
        if varframe is None:
            noise = np.sqrt(np.abs(m5))
            noise = np.sqrt(varframe)
        msgs.info("Calculating Laplacian signal to noise ratio")

        # Laplacian S/N
        s = lplus / (2.0 * noise
                     )  # Note that the 2.0 is from the 2x2 subsampling

        # Remove the large structures
        sp = s - ndimage.filters.median_filter(s, size=5, mode='mirror')

        msgs.info("Selecting candidate cosmic rays")
        # Candidate cosmic rays (this will include HII regions)
        candidates = sp > sigclip
        nbcandidates = np.sum(candidates)

        msgs.info("{0:5d} candidate pixels".format(nbcandidates))

        # At this stage we use the saturated stars to mask the candidates, if available :
        if satpix is not None:
            msgs.info("Masking saturated pixels")
            candidates = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(satpix), candidates)
            nbcandidates = np.sum(candidates)

                "{0:5d} candidate pixels not part of saturated stars".format(

        msgs.info("Building fine structure image")

        # We build the fine structure image :
        m3 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(scicopy, size=3, mode='mirror')
        m37 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(m3, size=7, mode='mirror')
        f = m3 - m37
        f /= noise
        f = f.clip(min=0.01)

        msgs.info("Removing suspected compact bright objects")

        # Now we have our better selection of cosmics :

        if remove_compact_obj:
            cosmics = np.logical_and(candidates, sp / f > objlim)
            cosmics = candidates
        nbcosmics = np.sum(cosmics)

        msgs.info("{0:5d} remaining candidate pixels".format(nbcosmics))

        # What follows is a special treatment for neighbors, with more relaxed constains.

        msgs.info("Finding neighboring pixels affected by cosmic rays")

        # We grow these cosmics a first time to determine the immediate neighborhod  :
        growcosmics = np.cast['bool'](signal.convolve2d(

        # From this grown set, we keep those that have sp > sigmalim
        # so obviously not requiring sp/f > objlim, otherwise it would be pointless
        growcosmics = np.logical_and(sp > sigclip, growcosmics)

        # Now we repeat this procedure, but lower the detection limit to sigmalimlow :

        finalsel = np.cast['bool'](signal.convolve2d(
        finalsel = np.logical_and(sp > sigcliplow, finalsel)

        # Unmask saturated pixels:
        if satpix is not None:
            msgs.info("Masking saturated stars")
            finalsel = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(satpix), finalsel)

        ncrp = np.sum(finalsel)

        msgs.info("{0:5d} pixels detected as cosmics".format(ncrp))

        # We find how many cosmics are not yet known :
        newmask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(crmask), finalsel)
        nnew = np.sum(newmask)

        # We update the mask with the cosmics we have found :
        crmask = np.logical_or(crmask, finalsel)

            "Iteration {0:d} -- {1:d} pixels identified as cosmic rays ({2:d} new)"
            .format(i, ncrp, nnew))
        if ncrp == 0: break
    # Additional algorithms (not traditionally implemented by LA cosmic) to remove some false positives.
        "The following algorithm would be better on the rectified, tilts-corrected image"
    filt = ndimage.sobel(sciframe, axis=1, mode='constant')
    filty = ndimage.sobel(filt / np.sqrt(np.abs(sciframe)),
    filty[np.where(np.isnan(filty))] = 0.0

    sigimg = cr_screen(filty)

    sigsmth = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(sigimg, 1.5)
    sigsmth[np.where(np.isnan(sigsmth))] = 0.0
    sigmask = np.cast['bool'](np.zeros(sciframe.shape))
    sigmask[np.where(sigsmth > sigclip)] = True
    crmask = np.logical_and(crmask, sigmask)
    msgs.info("Growing cosmic ray mask by 1 pixel")
    crmask = grow_masked(crmask.astype(np.float), grow, 1.0)

    return crmask.astype(bool)
Exemplo n.º 34
2. 加過雜訊的用較小的gaussian去抹掉雜訊
平滑化 Gaussian Smooth
I, W, H, data = loadImage(filename)
#M = np.ones((20,20))/400
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, 10), np.linspace(-1, 1, 10))
d = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
sigma, mu = 0.2, 0.0
M = np.exp(-((d - mu)**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2)))
M = M / np.sum(M[:])
R = data[:, :, 0]
G = data[:, :, 1]
B = data[:, :, 2]
R2 = signal.convolve2d(R, M, boundary='symm', mode='same')
G2 = signal.convolve2d(G, M, boundary='symm', mode='same')
B2 = signal.convolve2d(B, M, boundary='symm', mode='same')

data2 = data.copy()
data2[:, :, 0] = R2.astype('uint8')
data2[:, :, 1] = G2.astype('uint8')
data2[:, :, 2] = B2.astype('uint8')

I2 = Image.fromarray(data2, 'RGB')

Exemplo n.º 35
def lpq(img_filepath, winSize=3, freqestim=1, mode='im'):

    img = cv2.imread(img_filepath, 0)
    rho = 0.90

    STFTalpha = 1 / winSize  # alpha in STFT approaches (for Gaussian derivative alpha=1)
    sigmaS = (winSize - 1
              ) / 4  # Sigma for STFT Gaussian window (applied if freqestim==2)
    sigmaA = 8 / (
        winSize - 1
    )  # Sigma for Gaussian derivative quadrature filters (applied if freqestim==3)

    convmode = 'valid'  # Compute descriptor responses only on part that have full neigborhood. Use 'same' if all pixels are included (extrapolates np.image with zeros).

    img = np.float64(img)  # Convert np.image to double
    r = (winSize - 1) / 2  # Get radius from window size
    x = np.arange(-r, r + 1)[np.newaxis]  # Form spatial coordinates in window

    if freqestim == 1:  #  STFT uniform window
        #  Basic STFT filters
        w0 = np.ones_like(x)
        w1 = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * x * STFTalpha * 1j)
        w2 = np.conj(w1)

    ## Run filters to compute the frequency response in the four points. Store np.real and np.imaginary parts separately
    # Run first filters
    filterResp1 = convolve2d(convolve2d(img, w0.T, convmode), w1, convmode)
    filterResp2 = convolve2d(convolve2d(img, w1.T, convmode), w0, convmode)
    filterResp3 = convolve2d(convolve2d(img, w1.T, convmode), w1, convmode)
    filterResp4 = convolve2d(convolve2d(img, w1.T, convmode), w2, convmode)

    # Initilize frequency domain matrix for four frequency coordinates (np.real and np.imaginary parts for each frequency).
    freqResp = np.dstack([
        filterResp1.real, filterResp1.imag, filterResp2.real, filterResp2.imag,
        filterResp3.real, filterResp3.imag, filterResp4.real, filterResp4.imag

    ## Perform quantization and compute LPQ codewords
    inds = np.arange(freqResp.shape[2])[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
    LPQdesc = ((freqResp > 0) * (2**inds)).sum(2)

    ## Switch format to uint8 if LPQ code np.image is required as output
    if mode == 'im':
        LPQdesc = np.uint8(LPQdesc)

        pyplot.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
        pyplot.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
        pyplot.title("Original image")

        pyplot.imshow(LPQdesc, cmap='gray')

    ## Histogram if needed
    if mode == 'nh' or mode == 'h':
        LPQdesc = np.histogram(LPQdesc.flatten(), range(256))[0]

    ## Normalize histogram if needed
    if mode == 'nh':
        LPQdesc = LPQdesc / LPQdesc.sum()

Exemplo n.º 36
# 2-d convolution-*-
Created on Sun Aug 19 19:34:11 2018

@author: SRIKANT

from scipy import signal

Exemplo n.º 37
def sobel(img):
    r = np.array([[3, 0, -3], [10, 0, -10], [3, 0, -3]]) / 32
    d = r + r.T * 1j
    sob1 = signal.convolve2d(img, r, mode='valid')
    sob2 = signal.convolve2d(img, r.T, mode='valid')
    return sob1, sob2
Exemplo n.º 38
def elastic_transform(image, kernel_dim=13, sigma=6, alpha=36, negated=False):
    Source: https://github.com/vsvinayak/mnist-helper/blob/master/mnist_helpers.py
    This method performs elastic transformations on an image by convolving
    with a gaussian kernel.
    NOTE: Image dimensions should be a sqaure image

    :param image: the input image
    :type image: a numpy nd array
    :param kernel_dim: dimension(1-D) of the gaussian kernel
    :type kernel_dim: int
    :param sigma: standard deviation of the kernel
    :type sigma: float
    :param alpha: a multiplicative factor for image after convolution
    :type alpha: float
    :param negated: a flag indicating whether the image is negated or not
    :type negated: boolean
    :returns: a nd array transformed image
    # TEMP FIX
    import math

    from numpy.random import random_integers
    from scipy.signal import convolve2d
    import cv2

    # convert the image to single channel if it is multi channel one
    if image.ndim == 3:
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # check if the image is a negated one
    if not negated:
        image = 255 - image

    # check if the image is a square one
    if image.shape[0] != image.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("Image should be of sqaure form")

    # check if kernel dimesnion is odd
    if kernel_dim % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError("Kernel dimension should be odd")

    # create an empty image
    result = np.zeros(image.shape)

    # create random displacement fields
    displacement_field_x = np.array(
        [[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(image.shape[0])]
         for y in xrange(image.shape[1])]) * alpha
    displacement_field_y = np.array(
        [[random_integers(-1, 1) for x in xrange(image.shape[0])]
         for y in xrange(image.shape[1])]) * alpha

    # create the gaussian kernel
    kernel = create_2d_gaussian(kernel_dim, sigma)

    # convolve the fields with the gaussian kernel
    displacement_field_x = convolve2d(displacement_field_x, kernel)
    displacement_field_y = convolve2d(displacement_field_y, kernel)

    # make the distortrd image by averaging each pixel value to the neighbouring
    # four pixels based on displacement fields

    for row in xrange(image.shape[1]):
        for col in xrange(image.shape[0]):
            low_ii = row + int(math.floor(displacement_field_x[row, col]))
            high_ii = row + int(math.ceil(displacement_field_x[row, col]))

            low_jj = col + int(math.floor(displacement_field_y[row, col]))
            high_jj = col + int(math.ceil(displacement_field_y[row, col]))

            if low_ii < 0 or low_jj < 0 or high_ii >= image.shape[1] - 1 \
               or high_jj >= image.shape[0] - 1:

            res = image[low_ii, low_jj]/4 + image[low_ii, high_jj]/4 + \
                image[high_ii, low_jj]/4 + image[high_ii, high_jj]/4

            result[row, col] = res

    # if the input image was not negated, make the output image also a non
    # negated one
    if not negated:
        result = 255 - result

    return result
Exemplo n.º 39
def LoG(image,sigma,kSize,_boundary='fill',_fillValue = 0):
    #构建 LoG 卷积核
    loGKernel = createLoGKernel(sigma,kSize)
    #图像与 LoG 卷积核卷积
    img_conv_log = signal.convolve2d(image,loGKernel,'same',boundary =_boundary)
    return img_conv_log
def myCanny(image, tl, th):
    '''Canny edge detection algorithm 
    inputs : Grayscale image , tl : low threshold, th : high threshold
    output : Edge image or Canny image
    Basic steps of canny are : 
        1. Image smoothing using gaussian kernel for de-noising 
        2. Getting gradient magnitude image
        3. None maxima suppression: 
            Suppression of week edges at the same direction to have a thin edge
        4. Double thresholding : 
            Suppress globally weak edges that bellow tl, and keep that above th 
        5. Edge tracking:
            track remaining pixels with values in between tl and th. Suppress them
            if they haven't a strong edge in its neighbors.
    # 1. Image smoothing
    sigma = 1.4
    im1 = filters.gaussian_filter(image, (sigma, sigma))

    # 2. Getting gradient magnitude image
    sobelx = np.array([[-1, 0, 1],
                       [-2, 0, 2],
                       [-1, 0, 1]])
    sobely = sobelx.T

    Gx = signal.convolve2d(im1, sobelx, "same")
    Gy = signal.convolve2d(im1, sobely, "same")

    G = np.sqrt(Gx**2 + Gy**2)

    # 3. None maxima suppression
    # Getting gradient direction at first
    theta = np.arctan2(Gy, Gx)
    theta = 180 + (180/np.pi)*theta
    x0, y0 = np.where(((theta < 22.5)+(theta > 157.5)*(theta < 202.5)
                       + (theta > 337.5)) == True)
    x45, y45 = np.where(((theta > 22.5)*(theta < 67.5)
                         + (theta > 202.5)*(theta < 247.5)) == True)
    x90, y90 = np.where(((theta > 67.5)*(theta < 112.5)
                         + (theta > 247.5)*(theta < 292.5)) == True)
    x135, y135 = np.where(((theta > 112.5)*(theta < 157.5)
                           + (theta > 292.5)*(theta < 337.5)) == True)
    # Apply none-max suppression
    theta[x0, y0] = 0
    theta[x45, y45] = 1
    theta[x90, y90] = 2
    theta[x135, y135] = 3
    dirs = theta
    edgeCoords = np.array(G.nonzero()).T
    for c in edgeCoords:
        gradDir = dirs[c[0], c[1]]
            if gradDir == 0:
                idx = [[c[0], c[1]+1],
                       [c[0],  c[1]-1],
                       [c[0], c[1]+2],
                       [c[0], c[1]-2]]
            elif gradDir == 1:
                idx = [[c[0]+1, c[1]+1],
                       [c[0]-1,  c[1]-1],
                       [c[0]+2, c[1]+2],
                       [c[0]-2, c[1]-2]]
            elif gradDir == 2:
                idx = [[c[0]+1, c[1]],
                       [c[0]-1,  c[1]],
                       [c[0]+2, c[1]],
                       [c[0]-2, c[1]]]
            elif gradDir == 3:
                idx = [[c[0]+1, c[1]-1],
                       [c[0]-1,  c[1]+1],
                       [c[0]+2, c[1]-2],
                       [c[0]-2, c[1]+2]]
            for i in idx:
                if G[i[0], i[1]] > G[c[0], c[1]]:
                    G[c[0], c[1]] = 0

    # 4. Double Thresholding
    remainingEdges = np.array(G.nonzero()).T
    for e in remainingEdges:
        if G[e[0], e[1]] < tl:
            G[e[0], e[1]] = 0
        elif G[e[0], e[1]] > th:
            G[e[0], e[1]] = 255

    # 5. Edge tracking by hysteresis
    remEdges = np.array(G.nonzero()).T
    for re in remEdges:
        if G[re[0], re[1]] != 255:
                neighbors = G[re[0]-1:re[0]+2, re[1]-1:re[1]+2].flatten()
                if np.max(neighbors) == 255:
                    G[re[0], re[1]] = 255
                    G[re[0], re[1]] = 0
                G[re[0], re[1]] = 0
    return G
Exemplo n.º 41
def laplacian(img):
    lablacian_kernal = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, -4, 1], [0, 1, 0]])

    image_laplacian = signal.convolve2d(img, lablacian_kernal, 'same')
Exemplo n.º 42
    gauss_blur_filter[1][0] = 1 / 8
    gauss_blur_filter[1][1] = 1 / 4
    gauss_blur_filter[1][2] = 1 / 8
    gauss_blur_filter[2][0] = 1 / 16
    gauss_blur_filter[2][1] = 1 / 8
    gauss_blur_filter[2][2] = 1 / 16

    image = cv2.imread('hough.jpg')

    image_1 = cv2.imread('hough.jpg')

    image_2 = cv2.imread('hough.jpg')

    grey_image = cv2.imread('hough.jpg', 0)

    sharpen_image = signal.convolve2d(grey_image, gauss_blur_filter, 'same')

    image_edge_filtered = edge_detection_sobel(copy.deepcopy(sharpen_image))

    threshold_image = threshold_operation(copy.deepcopy(image_edge_filtered))

    cv2.imwrite('threshold.jpg', threshold_image)

    accumulator_Cells = houghTransform(copy.deepcopy(threshold_image))

    detect_red_lines_and_blue_lines(accumulator_Cells, image, 91, 87,
                                    'red_line.jpg', 15)

    detect_red_lines_and_blue_lines(accumulator_Cells, image_1, 58, 53,
                                    'blue_lines.jpg', 100)
Exemplo n.º 43
def prewit(img):
    image_prewit_h = signal.convolve2d(img, prewitt_h, 'same')
    image_prewit_v = signal.convolve2d(img, prewitt_v, 'same')
    gradient = np.sqrt(image_prewit_h * image_prewit_h +
                       image_prewit_v * image_prewit_v)
Exemplo n.º 44
def sharpen(img):
    sharpen_kernel = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 5, -1], [0, -1, 0]])
    im_sharpened = np.ones(img.shape)
    im_sharpened = signal.convolve2d(img, sharpen_kernel, mode='same')
Exemplo n.º 45
def norm_bv( data_p , data_n , norm_type='None' , smooth='None' , sigma='None',cutoff='None' , xi='None' , xe='None' , yi='None' , ye='None', zi='None', ze='None'):
#Computes the bv in a similar way as the breeding fortran module does.
#Sigma is the standard deviation of the gaussian filter in units of grid points.
#Smooth is a filter option. Currently gaussian filter is supported.

    if norm_type == 'None' : #UVT, UV or T 
       norm_type = 'UVT'

    if smooth == 'None'    : #None, Gaussian or Lanczos
    else                   :

    if sigma == 'None' or sigma==0  : 
       sigma = 1
       print('Warning : Sigma = 1 ')

    if cutoff == 'None'    : #Convolution function size for the Gaussian filter 

    tmp=np.array( data_p['U'] )
    tmp_shape = np.shape( tmp )

    if norm_type == 'UVT' :
       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['U'] - data_n['U'] , 2. )

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['V'] - data_n['V'] , 2. )

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['T'] - data_n['T'] , 2. )

    if norm_type == 'UV' :

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['U'] - data_n['U'] , 2. )

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['V'] - data_n['V'] , 2. )

    if norm_type == 'W' :

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['W'] - data_n['W'] , 2. )

    if norm_type == 'T'  :

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['T'] - data_n['T'] , 2. )

    if norm_type == 'QV'  :

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['QV'] - data_n['QV'] , 2. )

    if norm_type == 'QHYD'  :

       norm= norm + np.power( data_p['QHYD'] - data_n['QHYD'] , 2. )

    if filter_norm :
      if smooth == 'Gaussian'  :
         filter_size=np.around( 2*cutoff*sigma , 0 ).astype(int)

         gaussian_conv_func=np.zeros([ 2*filter_size+1 , 2*filter_size+1 ])
         for ii in range(0,2*filter_size+1) : 
            for jj in range(0,2*filter_size+1) :
               gaussian_conv_func[ii,jj] = np.exp( -0.5*(np.power( ii-filter_size,2 ) + np.power( jj-filter_size, 2) ) /np.power(sigma,2)   )
         #Normalize the convolving function.
         gaussian_conv_func=gaussian_conv_func/np.sum( gaussian_conv_func)

         #plt.pcolor( gaussian_conv_func )

         for iz in range(0,nz) :

             norm[:,:,iz]=signal.convolve2d(norm[:,:,iz],gaussian_conv_func, boundary='symm', mode='same')

      #elif smooth == 'Lanczos'  :
      #   for iz in range(0,nz) :
      #       mask=np.ones((nx,ny))
      #       norm[:,:,iz]=s2d.filter_2d(inputvar2d=norm[:,:,iz],mask=mask,lambdaf=sigma,ctyp=smooth,nx=nx,ny=ny)
      else                      :   #TODO add lanczos 2D filter option.

         print('Smooth option not recognized, we will not smooth the norm')


    norm_mean , norm_max , norm_min = get_regional_average(norm,xi=xi,xe=xe,yi=yi,ye=ye,zi=zi,ze=ze)

    return norm_mean , norm_max , norm_min  , norm  #Generate a tuple as output.
Exemplo n.º 46
def setFilters(text):
    #prewit FILTER
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 1:
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 2:
#laplacian FILTER
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 3:
        noisy1 = addnoise(dig.image)
#laplacian of gaussian FILTER
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 4:
        noisy2 = addnoise(dig.image)
#difference of gaussian Filter
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 5:
        noisy = addnoise(dig.image)

    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 6:

        noisy = salt_n_pepper(dig.image)

        filtered_img_box9 = signal.convolve2d(noisy, box_filter(9), 'same')

    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 7:

        noisy = salt_n_pepper(dig.image)

        filtered_img_g7_std10 = signal.convolve2d(noisy,
                                                                  .3), 'same')

    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 8:

        noisy = salt_n_pepper(dig.image)

        med_image3 = ndimage.median_filter(noisy, (3, 3))

#sharpen FILTER
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 9:

#sharpen FILTER
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 9:


    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 10:
        dig.valueChannel = extractValueChannel(dig.image)
        dig.FT = fftpack.fft2(dig.valueChannel)
        v1 = np.log(1 + np.abs(dig.FT))

    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 11:
        ShiftedFT = fftpack.fftshift(dig.FT)
        v2 = np.log(1 + np.abs(ShiftedFT))

#Log effect on Shifted FT
    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 12:
        dig.ShiftedFT = fftpack.fftshift(dig.FT)
        v3 = np.abs(dig.ShiftedFT)

    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 13:
        LPF = generateFilter(dig.ShiftedFT, 0.5, 0.05, "LPF")

    if dig.comboBox.currentIndex() == 14:
        HPF = generateFilter(dig.ShiftedFT, 0.025, 0.025, "HPF")
def Convolution1dy(Big, y_middle):
        Small = np.array([[1,y_middle,1]]).T
        return sig.convolve2d(Big,Small, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0)
# importing necessary packages
from skimage import color
from skimage import exposure
import numpy as np
import imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import convolve2d

# load the image
pic = imageio.imread('<image location>')
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

# Convert the image to grayscale
img = color.rgb2gray(pic)

# outline kernel - used for edge detection
kernel = np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]])

# we use 'valid' which means we do not add zero padding to our image
edges = convolve2d(img, kernel, mode='valid')

# Adjust the contrast of the filtered image by applying Histogram Equalization
edges_equalized = exposure.equalize_adapthist(edges / np.max(np.abs(edges)),

# plot the edges_clipped
plt.imshow(edges_equalized, cmap='gray')
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_convolution(self):
        #        print '\n\n*************************************************'
        #        print '           TEST CONVOLUTION'
        #        print '*************************************************'

        # fixed parameters
        bsize = 10  # batch size
        imshp = (28, 28)
        kshp = (5, 5)
        nkern = 5
        ssizes = ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4))
        convmodes = ('full', 'valid')

        # symbolic stuff
        bias = tensor.dvector()
        kerns = tensor.dmatrix()
        input = tensor.dmatrix()
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(3423489)
        filters = rng.randn(nkern, numpy.prod(kshp))
        biasvals = rng.randn(nkern)

        for mode in ('FAST_COMPILE', 'FAST_RUN'):  # , profmode):
            ttot, ntot = 0, 0
            for conv_mode in convmodes:
                for ss in ssizes:

                    output, outshp = sp.convolve(kerns, kshp, nkern, input,\
                            imshp, ss, bias=bias, mode=conv_mode)
                    f = function([kerns, bias, input], output, mode=mode)

                    # now test with real values
                    img2d = numpy.arange(bsize * numpy.prod(imshp)).reshape(( \
                                                            bsize,) + imshp)
                    img1d = img2d.reshape(bsize, -1)

                    # create filters (need to be flipped to use convolve2d)
                    filtersflipped = numpy.zeros((nkern, ) + kshp)
                    for k in range(nkern):
                        it = reversed(filters[k, :])
                        for i in range(kshp[0]):
                            for j in range(kshp[1]):
                                filtersflipped[k, i, j] = next(it)

                    # compute output with convolve2d
                    if conv_mode == 'valid':
                        fulloutshp = numpy.array(imshp) - numpy.array(kshp) + 1
                        fulloutshp = numpy.array(imshp) + numpy.array(kshp) - 1
                    ntime1 = time.time()
                    refout = numpy.zeros((bsize, ) + tuple(fulloutshp) +
                                         (nkern, ))
                    for b in range(bsize):
                        for n in range(nkern):
                            refout[b, ...,
                                   n] = convolve2d(img2d[b, :, :],
                                                   filtersflipped[n, ...],
                    ntot += time.time() - ntime1

                    # need to flatten images
                    bench1 = refout[:, 0::ss[0],
                                    0::ss[1], :].reshape(bsize, -1, nkern)
                    bench1 += biasvals.reshape(1, 1, nkern)

                    # swap the last two dimensions (output needs to be nkern x outshp)
                    bench1 = numpy.swapaxes(bench1, 1, 2)
                    ttime1 = time.time()
                    out1 = f(filters, biasvals, img1d)
                    ttot += time.time() - ttime1
                    temp = bench1.flatten() - out1.flatten()

                    assert (temp < 1e-5).all()
def Convolution(Big):
    Small = np.array([[1,90,1],[15,100,15],[1,90,1]])
    #Small = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,2,1],[1,1,1]])
    return sig.convolve2d(Big,Small, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0)
Exemplo n.º 51
	def lacosmiciteration(self, verbose = None):
		Performs one iteration of the L.A.Cosmic algorithm.
		It operates on self.cleanarray, and afterwards updates self.mask by adding the newly detected
		cosmics to the existing self.mask. Cleaning is not made automatically ! You have to call
		clean() after each iteration.
		This way you can run it several times in a row to to L.A.Cosmic "iterations".
		See function lacosmic, that mimics the full iterative L.A.Cosmic algorithm.
		Returns a dict containing
			- niter : the number of cosmic pixels detected in this iteration
			- nnew : among these, how many were not yet in the mask
			- itermask : the mask of pixels detected in this iteration
			- newmask : the pixels detected that were not yet in the mask
		If findsatstars() was called, we exclude these regions from the search.
		if verbose is None:
			verbose = self.verbose

		if verbose:
			print "Convolving image with Laplacian kernel ..."
		# We subsample, convolve, clip negative values, and rebin to original size
		subsam = subsample(self.cleanarray)
		conved = signal.convolve2d(subsam, laplkernel, mode="same", boundary="symm")
		cliped = conved.clip(min=0.0)
		#cliped = np.abs(conved) # unfortunately this does not work to find holes as well ...
		lplus = rebin2x2(cliped)
		if verbose:
			print "Creating noise model ..."
		# We build a custom noise map, so to compare the laplacian to
 		m5 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(self.cleanarray, size=5, mode='mirror')
 		# We keep this m5, as I will use it later for the interpolation.
 		m5clipped = m5.clip(min=0.00001) # As we will take the sqrt
 		noise = (1.0/self.gain) * np.sqrt(self.gain*m5clipped + self.readnoise*self.readnoise)
 		if verbose:
			print "Calculating Laplacian signal to noise ratio ..."
 		# Laplacian signal to noise ratio :
 		s = lplus / (2.0 * noise) # the 2.0 is from the 2x2 subsampling
 		# This s is called sigmap in the original lacosmic.cl
 		# We remove the large structures (s prime) :
 		sp = s - ndimage.filters.median_filter(s, size=5, mode='mirror')
		if verbose:
			print "Selecting candidate cosmic rays ..."
 		# Candidate cosmic rays (this will include stars + HII regions)
 		candidates = sp > self.sigclip	
		nbcandidates = np.sum(candidates)
		if verbose:
			print "  %5i candidate pixels" % nbcandidates
 		# At this stage we use the saturated stars to mask the candidates, if available :
 		if self.satstars is not None:
 			if verbose:
 				print "Masking saturated stars ..."
 			candidates = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(self.satstars), candidates)
 			nbcandidates = np.sum(candidates)
			if verbose:
				print "  %5i candidate pixels not part of saturated stars" % nbcandidates
		if verbose:
			print "Building fine structure image ..."
 		# We build the fine structure image :
 		m3 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(self.cleanarray, size=3, mode='mirror')
		m37 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(m3, size=7, mode='mirror')
		f = m3 - m37
		# In the article that's it, but in lacosmic.cl f is divided by the noise...
		# Ok I understand why, it depends on if you use sp/f or L+/f as criterion.
		# There are some differences between the article and the iraf implementation.
		# So I will stick to the iraf implementation.
		f = f / noise
		f = f.clip(min=0.01) # as we will divide by f. like in the iraf version.
		if verbose:
			print "Removing suspected compact bright objects ..."
		# Now we have our better selection of cosmics :
		cosmics = np.logical_and(candidates, sp/f > self.objlim)
		# Note the sp/f and not lplus/f ... due to the f = f/noise above.
		nbcosmics = np.sum(cosmics)
		if verbose:
			print "  %5i remaining candidate pixels" % nbcosmics
		# What follows is a special treatment for neighbors, with more relaxed constains.
		if verbose:
			print "Finding neighboring pixels affected by cosmic rays ..."
		# We grow these cosmics a first time to determine the immediate neighborhod  :
		growcosmics = np.cast['bool'](signal.convolve2d(np.cast['float32'](cosmics), growkernel, mode="same", boundary="symm"))
		# From this grown set, we keep those that have sp > sigmalim
		# so obviously not requiring sp/f > objlim, otherwise it would be pointless
		growcosmics = np.logical_and(sp > self.sigclip, growcosmics)
		# Now we repeat this procedure, but lower the detection limit to sigmalimlow :
		finalsel = np.cast['bool'](signal.convolve2d(np.cast['float32'](growcosmics), growkernel, mode="same", boundary="symm"))
		finalsel = np.logical_and(sp > self.sigcliplow, finalsel)
		# Again, we have to kick out pixels on saturated stars :
		if self.satstars is not None:
 			if verbose:
 				print "Masking saturated stars ..."
 			finalsel = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(self.satstars), finalsel)
		nbfinal = np.sum(finalsel)
		if verbose:
			print "  %5i pixels detected as cosmics" % nbfinal
		# Now the replacement of the cosmics...
		# we outsource this to the function clean(), as for some purposes the cleaning might not even be needed.
		# Easy way without masking would be :
		#self.cleanarray[finalsel] = m5[finalsel]
		# We find how many cosmics are not yet known :
		newmask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(self.mask), finalsel)
		nbnew = np.sum(newmask)
		# We update the mask with the cosmics we have found :
		self.mask = np.logical_or(self.mask, finalsel)
		# We return
		# (used by function lacosmic)
		return {"niter":nbfinal, "nnew":nbnew, "itermask":finalsel, "newmask":newmask}
t = 280
b = t + 520
i = 680
o = i + 190
cropped = img[t:b, i:o]

# Create figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

gblur = ((1 / 256., 4 / 256., 6 / 256., 4 / 256.,
          1 / 256.), (4 / 256., 16 / 256., 24 / 256., 16 / 256., 4 / 256.),
         (6 / 256., 24 / 256., 36 / 256., 24 / 256.,
          6 / 256.), (4 / 256., 16 / 256., 24 / 256., 16 / 256., 4 / 256.),
         (1 / 256., 4 / 256., 6 / 256., 4 / 256., 1 / 256.))
conv = signal.convolve2d(cropped, gblur)
#conv[conv>1.5] = 1
# edged = ((-1,-1,-1),(-1,8,-1),(-01,-1,-1))
# conv = signal.convolve2d(cropped, kernel)
# conv[conv>0] = 100

from BMMcontrols import DCM
dcm = DCM()
com = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(conv)
print "%7.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f" % (dcm.current_energy(), com[0] + t,
                                             com[1] + i, com[0], com[1])

with open("com.dat", "a") as myfile:
        "%7.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f\n" %
        (dcm.current_energy(), com[0] + t, com[1] + i, com[0], com[1]))
Exemplo n.º 53
# load the image as grayscale
f = mpimg.imread("../data/lena.png")

# "Gaussian" kernel defined in Lecture 3b. Page3
g = 1.0 / 256 * np.array([[1, 4, 6, 4, 1], [2, 8, 12, 8, 2], [
    6, 24, 36, 24, 6
], [2, 8, 12, 8, 2], [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]])
# show image
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(g, cmap='gray')

h1 = signal.convolve2d(f, g, mode='full')
H1 = np.fft.fft2(h1)

# padding zeros in the end of f and g
padf = np.pad(f, ((0, 4), (0, 4)), 'constant')
padg = np.pad(g, ((0, 255), (0, 255)), 'constant')

# compute the Fourier transforms of f and g
F = np.fft.fft2(padf)
G = np.fft.fft2(padg)

# compute the product
H2 = np.multiply(F, G)

# inverse Fourier transform
h2 = np.fft.ifft2(H2)
Exemplo n.º 54
def smooth(array, bin_size, room_shape):
    ''' Apply a filter to smooth rates.
        Convolve with the filters, then adjust 
        by the appropriate weight.'''

    assert (room_shape[0][1] - room_shape[0][0]) / bin_size == array.shape[0]
    assert (room_shape[1][1] - room_shape[1][0]) / bin_size == array.shape[1]

    ins_mask = inside(bin_size, room_shape)

    #assert np.sum(( 1-ins_mask)*array) == 0
    # Debug code
    if np.sum((1 - ins_mask) * array) != 0:
        print 'Something is going on outside!'
        import pdb
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.pcolor((1 - ins_mask) * array)
        import pdb
        raise Exception('Something is going on outside!')

    filt = gauss_kernel().astype(np.complex)

    pre_adjusted_rates = np.real(
        convolve2d(array.astype(np.complex), filt, mode='same'))
    weight_adjustment = np.real(
        convolve2d(ins_mask.astype(np.complex), filt, mode='same'))

    # Adjust weight_adjustment so we don't get any division by 0 errors
    weight_adjustment += 1 - ins_mask

    adjusted_rates = pre_adjusted_rates * ins_mask / weight_adjustment
    if np.sum(adjusted_rates) != np.sum(rates):
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        print 'Smoothing did not work properly.'
        #raise Exception('Smoothing did not work properly.')
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    return np.real(adjusted_rates)
Exemplo n.º 55
    pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z / np.pi,
                          cmap=cm, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
    plt.axis([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()])
    cbar = fig.colorbar(pmesh)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Phase [pi]')

    theta = np.pi * 0
    omega = 1

    filts = get_quadratures(25)
    theta = 90
    sinusoid = genSinusoid((100, 100), 1, (omega * np.sin(theta), omega * np.cos(theta)), 0)

    filt = filts[0]
    sin_conv = convolve2d(sinusoid, filt[0], mode='same')


    filts = get_quadratures(5)
    for theta in np.arange(0, np.pi, np.pi / 8):
        sinusoid = genSinusoid((100, 100), 1, (omega * np.sin(theta), omega * np.cos(theta)), 0)
        magnitudes = []

        im = sinusoid
        for filt in filts:
            sin_conv = convolve2d(im, filt[1], mode='same')
            cos_conv = convolve2d(im, filt[0], mode='same')

            magnitudes.append(np.sqrt(sin_conv ** 2 + cos_conv ** 2))
Exemplo n.º 56
def life_step_2(X):
    """Game of life step using scipy tools"""
    from scipy.signal import convolve2d
    nbrs_count = convolve2d(X, np.ones(
        (3, 3)), mode='same', boundary='wrap') - X
    return (nbrs_count == 3) | (X & (nbrs_count == 2))
Exemplo n.º 57
import cv2
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import signal
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
X = cv2.imread('UBCampus.jpg', 0)

X1 = np.array(X)
m3 = np.asmatrix([[0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0], [0, -2, -3, -3, -3, -2, 0],
                  [-1, -3, 5, 5, 5, -3, -1], [-1, -3, 5, 16, 5, -3, -1],
                  [-1, -3, 5, 5, 5, -3, -1], [0, -2, -3, -3, -3, -2, 0],
                  [0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0]])

x1 = signal.convolve2d(X1, m3, boundary='symm', mode='same')
cv2.imwrite('image.png', x1)
[row, col] = np.shape(x1)

cv2.imwrite('DoG.png', x1)
zero_cross = np.zeros(np.shape(x1))

for i in range(0, row - 1):
    for j in range(0, col - 1):
        if x1[i][j] * x1[i][j + 1] < 0:
            zero_cross[i][j] = 255
        if x1[i][j] * x1[i + 1][j] < 0:
            zero_cross[i][j] = 255

cv2.imwrite('zerocrossing_DoG.png', zero_cross)

dx = cv2.Sobel(X1, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=3)
dy = cv2.Sobel(X1, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=3)
Exemplo n.º 58
# histshow(new_im_np)
# histshow(new_im_np_2)

# plot_multi_img(['image1', 'mean1', 'image2', 'mean2'], [im_np, new_im_np, im_np_2, new_im_np_2], [2,2])

mask = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, -8, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
# image = np.array([[15,15,5],
#                  [10,25,20],
#                  [5,20,11]])
# print(np.mean(im_np))
# im = laplacian_of_gaussian(im_np)
# print(np.mean(im))
# im2 = laplacian_of_gaussian(im)
# print(np.mean(im2))
# imshow(im2)

im = signal.convolve2d(im_np_2, -mask)
# im2 = signal.convolve2d(im, mask)
# im3 = signal.convolve2d(im2, mask)
# im4 = signal.convolve2d(im3, mask)
# im5 = signal.convolve2d(im4, mask)
imshow(im[1:-1, 1:-1] + im_np_2)
# im_ori = ft.img2fft(im_np_2)
# im_f = ft.img2fft(im)
# mag = ft.mag_resp(im_ori)
# mag1 = ft.mag_resp(im_f)
# imshow(mag)
# imshow(mag1)
# print(im_f[2,2])
Exemplo n.º 59
 def Train(self,numEpochs,learningRate,batchSize):
     """Train the CNN+NN network"""
     for i in range(numEpochs):
         #iterate thorugh each sample
         for j in range(self.InputDataList.shape[0]):
             #do forward pass
             #print("Forward passing")
             #error is computed as (a-y)^2
             trainingError += np.sum(np.square(res - self.OutputLabels[j]) )
             #print("Back prop in NN")
             # ----------Back prop in NN layers--------------
             for count in range(len(self.LayerList)-1,-1,-1):
                 if count==len(self.LayerList)-1:#last layer
                     layer.Delta=layer.A-self.OutputLabels[j] #Softmax by default
                     if layer.activationType==ActivationFunction.SIGMOID or layer.activationType==ActivationFunction.TANH :
                     elif layer.activationType==ActivationFunction.ReLU:
                 else:#not the last layer
                     #(W^T*Deltas)_prevlayer * APRime_thisLayer
                     layer.Delta=np.dot(self.LayerList[count+1].W.T , self.LayerList[count+1].Delta)
                     if layer.activationType==ActivationFunction.SIGMOID or layer.activationType==ActivationFunction.TANH :
                     elif layer.activationType==ActivationFunction.ReLU:
                 #compute gradient of weights
                 #compute gradient of weights
                 if count==0: #first layer
                     layer.GradW+= np.dot(layer.Delta, self.Flatten.T)
                     layer.GradW+= np.dot(layer.Delta, self.LayerList[count-1].A.T)
             # compute delta on the output of SS layer of all feature maps
             deltaSSFlat=np.dot(self.LayerList[0].W.T , self.LayerList[0].Delta)
             #print("Back prop in CNN")
             #----------Back prop in CNN  layers------------------
             # do reverse flattening and distribute the deltas on
             # each feature map's SS
             for fmp in self.CNNLayerList[-1].FeatureMapList:
                 for m in range(fmp.OutPutSS.shape[0]):
                     for n in range(fmp.OutPutSS.shape[1]):
             #----iterate each CNN layers in reverse order
             for cnnCount in range(len(self.CNNLayerList)-1,-1,-1):
                 #compute deltas on C layers - distribute deltas from SS layer
                 #then multiply by activation function
                 #------reverse subsampling, compute delta*fprime
                 # (2Nx2N) <-----(NxN)
                 for fmp in self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].FeatureMapList:
                     for m in range(fmp.DeltaSS.shape[0]):
                         for n in range(fmp.DeltaSS.shape[1]):
                             if fmp.activationType==ActivationFunction.SIGMOID or fmp.activationType==ActivationFunction.TANH:
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm, indexn] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] * fmp.APrime[indexm, indexn] 
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm, indexn + 1] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] * fmp.APrime[indexm, indexn + 1]
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm + 1, indexn] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] * fmp.APrime[indexm + 1, indexn]
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm + 1, indexn + 1] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] * fmp.APrime[indexm + 1, indexn + 1]
                             elif fmp.activationType==ActivationFunction.ReLU:
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm, indexn] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n]  if fmp.Sum[indexm,indexn]>0 else 0
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm, indexn + 1] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] if fmp.Sum[indexm,indexn+1]>0 else 0
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm + 1, indexn] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] if fmp.Sum[indexm+1,indexn]>0 else 0
                                 fmp.DeltaCV[indexm + 1, indexn + 1] = (1 / 4.0) * fmp.DeltaSS[m, n] if fmp.Sum[indexm+1,indexn+1]>0 else 0
                 #-------compute BiasGrad in current CNN Layer
                 for fmp in self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].FeatureMapList:
                 #----compute gradients for pxq kernels in current CNN layer
                 if cnnCount>0:# not first layer
                     for p in range(len(self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount-1].FeatureMapList)):
                         for q in range(len(self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].FeatureMapList)):
                             self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].KernelGrads[p][q]+= sc.convolve2d(inputRot180,deltaCV,"valid")
                     #back propagate to previous CNN layer
                     for p in range(len(self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount-1].FeatureMapList)):
                         "TO-DO: make this work with rectangular matrix"
                         for q in range(len(self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].FeatureMapList)):
                             #full convol of delta with kernel rotated 180
                     #first layer connected to output
                     for p in range(1):
                         for q in range(len(self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].FeatureMapList)):
                             self.CNNLayerList[cnnCount].KernelGrads[p][q]+= sc.convolve2d(inputRot180,deltaCV,"valid")
             if j%batchSize==0:
         if i%10==0:
         print("epochs: %d train error: %f"%(i,trainingError))
Exemplo n.º 60
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("data/", one_hot=True)

w_cov = np.random.randn(5, 5)
w_cov1 = np.random.randn(5, 5)
w_fc = np.random.randn(16, 10)
b_fc = np.zeros(10)
rate = 0.8

for k in range(10000):
    x = mnist.train.images[k]
    y = mnist.train.labels[k]

    x = np.reshape(x, [28, 28])
    p = signal.convolve2d(x, w_cov, "valid")
    p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-p))

    fc = np.zeros([12, 12])
    for i in range(12):
        for j in range(12):
            fc[i][j] = p[i * 2:(i + 1) * 2, j * 2:(j + 1) * 2].max()

    p = signal.convolve2d(fc, w_cov1, "valid")
    p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-p))

    fc = np.zeros([4, 4])
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            fc[i][j] = p[i * 2:(i + 1) * 2, j * 2:(j + 1) * 2].max()