Exemplo n.º 1
def countblinks(seqarr, framecount):
    lsteady=savgol(lear, 31, 2)
    rsteady=savgol(rear, 31, 2)
    carr=np.union1d(linds, rinds)
    for i in range(len(carr))[1:]: #count number of contiguous frames with eyes closed
        if carr[i]<=carr[i-1]+20: #allow 1 second gap
    if len(cont)>0:
    return blinks, c_avg
Exemplo n.º 2
def savgolTrendLine(y, window=101, degree=3):

    if window > len(y):
        window = len(y)

    # savgol requires an odd number for the window --- enforce that here
    if window % 2 == 0:
        window -= 1
    stage1trend = savgol(np.array(y), window, degree)
    stage2trend = savgol(stage1trend, window, degree)

    return stage2trend  # This is a numpy.ndarray
Exemplo n.º 3
 def apply_savgol(self) -> None:
     Calculates and adds derivations 1 and 2 using Savitzky-Golay filter
     self.data['deriv1'] = savgol(self.data.soil_moisture,
     self.data['deriv2'] = savgol(self.data.soil_moisture,
Exemplo n.º 4
 def marsmodelorr(self, use_smY=True, slope_trunc=0.00001, savgol_window=151, savgol_order=3, ex_order=51):
     Xf, Yf = self.Xf_, self.Yf_
     X, Y = self.X_, self.Y_
     fom = {}
     # smooth the data
     smY = savgol(Y, savgol_window, savgol_order)
     # perform mars
     model = MARS()
     if use_smY:
         model.fit(X, smY)
         model.fit(X, Y)
     Y_h = model.predict(X)
     calculate dydx based on mars model to get knots and intercepts as this is 
     complicated to extract from hinge functions
     diff1 = np.diff(Y_h) / np.diff(X)
     tdiff1 = diff1 - np.nanmin(diff1)
     tdiff1 = tdiff1 / np.nanmax(tdiff1)
     #calculate slopes of linear segments
     ID = [i for i in range(1, len(tdiff1)) if np.abs(tdiff1[i] - tdiff1[i - 1]) > slope_trunc]
     ID.insert(0, 0)
     ID.append(np.argmax(X))  # this might cause an error
     slopes = [np.nanmean(diff1[ID[i - 1]:ID[i]]) for i in range(1, len(ID) - 1)]
     a = [Y_h[ID[i]] - slopes[i] * X[ID[i]] for i in range(len(ID) - 2)]
     IDM, IDm = np.argmax(slopes), np.argmin(np.abs(slopes))
     # intercept of highest slope and zero as well as highest slope and lowest slope
     fom['zinter'] = -a[IDM] / slopes[IDM]
     fom['lminter'] = (a[IDM] - a[IDm]) / (slopes[IDm] - slopes[IDM])
     fom['max_slope'] = slopes[IDM]
     fom['curr_lminter_model'] = fom['lminter'] * slopes[IDM] + a[IDM]
     fom['curr_lminter_data'] = np.mean(Y[np.where(np.abs(X - fom['lminter']) < 0.5)[0]])
     # calculate how the CV curves kight look like without the 'ORR part'
     srYs = smY - model.predict(X)
     srYf = savgol(Yf - model.predict(Xf), savgol_window, savgol_order)
     # calculate their derivative
     dsrYf = savgol(np.diff(srYf) / np.diff(Xf), savgol_window, savgol_order)
     # find the extrema in the derivatives for extraction of redox pots
     redID_f = argrelextrema(srYf, np.less, order=ex_order)
     oxID_f = argrelextrema(srYf, np.greater, order=ex_order)
     # calc some more foms like position of redox waves
     fom['redpot_f'], fom['redpot_f_var'] = np.nanmean(Xf[redID_f]), np.nanstd(Xf[redID_f])
     fom['oxpot_f'], fom['oxpot_f_var'] = np.nanmean(Xf[oxID_f]), np.nanstd(Xf[oxID_f])
     fom['X'], fom['Xf'] = X, Xf
     fom['srYs'], fom['srYf'], fom['smY'] = srYs, srYf, smY
     fom['Y'], fom['Yf'], fom['Y_h'] = Y, Yf, Y_h
     fom['noise_lvl'] = np.sum((Y_h - Y) ** 2, axis=0)
     self.fom = fom
Exemplo n.º 5
def average_component_spectra(zz):
    """Does the robust average of the component spectra."""
    # First read the data, throwing away the first row (which is k=0).
    iz = int(100*zz+0.01)
    fn = db+"pc_z{:03d}_R0_????.txt".format(iz)
    kk = read_column(fn,0)[0,1:]
    # Now we want to read in each of the remaining columns and average them.
    dd = np.loadtxt(db+"pc_z{:03d}_R0_{:04d}.txt".format(iz,seeds[1]))
    pk = np.zeros( (kk.size,dd.shape[1]) )
    pk[:,0] = kk
    # Now we compute robust averages, and here it matter more.
    for i in range(1,pk.shape[1]):
        dd     = read_column(fn,i)[:,1:]
        mu,sig = robust_avg(dd)
        pk[:,i]= mu.copy()
    # Some of the spectra are still a bit noisy, so we smooth them.
    for i in [3,4,7,8]:
        pk[:,i]= savgol(pk[:,i],7,polyorder=3)
    # and write the summary file.
    ff  = open(fout,"w")
    ff.write("# LPT component spectra.\n")
    ff.write("# Robust average of {:d} spectra using sqrt(1+x^2).\n".\
    ff.write("# z={:.3f}\n".format(zz))
    for i in range(kk.size):
        outstr = "{:15.5e}".format(kk[i])
        for j in range(1,pk.shape[1]):
            outstr += " {:15.5e}".format(pk[i,j])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def smooth(self,method = 'sg'):
     N = self.getNodd(self._filterLength)
     if method == 'sg':
             y = savgol(self.f, N, 6, 0)
             self.f = y
             method = 'basic'
     if method == 'basic':
         self.f = medfilt(self.f,N)
Exemplo n.º 7
def main(argv):
    showCritic = False
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "p:c", ['path='])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ['--path', '-p']:
            path = arg
        if opt == '-c':
            showCritic = True
    loss = None
        e, loss = np.loadtxt(path, unpack=True)
    except OSError:
        e, loss = np.loadtxt('weights/' + path, unpack=True)
    except ValueError:
            e, i, loss, loss_d = np.loadtxt(path, unpack=True)
        except OSError:
            e, i, loss, loss_d = np.loadtxt('weights/' + path, unpack=True)

    plt.plot(loss, label='raw')
    window = len(loss) // 6
    window += 1 if window % 2 == 0 else 0
    filterd_loss = savgol(loss, window, 2)
    plt.plot(filterd_loss, label='savgol')
    #plt.plot(np.convolve(loss, np.ones(N)/N, mode='valid'),label='convolve')

    plt.title('loss over time')
    if not type(loss_d) == type('') and showCritic:
        plt.plot(loss_d, label='raw')
        plt.plot(savgol(loss_d, window, 2), label='savgol')
        plt.title('critic loss over time')
Exemplo n.º 8
 def findLastEdge(self , bins , hist):
     nhist = hist/ max(hist)
     diff1 = savgol( np.diff(nhist) , 15 , 3)
     #plt.plot(bins[1:-1] , diff1)
     #plt.plot(bins[1:]   , nhist)
     found = False
     lastEdge = len(hist) - 10
     for i , val in reversed(list(enumerate(hist))):
         if i < len(hist) - 10:
             if (found == False and sum( diff1[i-5:i]) < 0 and sum(nhist[i-5:i]) > 0.008 ):
                 found = True
                 lastEdge = i
Exemplo n.º 9
def opt_filter(x, n):

    Nopt = 3
    N1 = 1

    while N1 != Nopt:

        N1 = int(np.floor(2 * Nopt / 2))
        if N1 % 2 == 0:
            N1 += 1
        y = savgol(x, N1, n)
        dy = savgol(np.diff(y, 1), N1, n)
        y2 = np.diff(dy, 3)
        c1 = np.mean(np.power(y2, 2))

        Nopt = np.power(
            ((2 * (n + 2)) * (np.power(np.math.factorial(2 * n + 3), 2)) *
             (np.var(x))) / ((np.power(np.math.factorial(n + 1), 2)) * (c1)),
            1 / (2 * n + 5))

    return Nopt
Exemplo n.º 10
def getps(file, day):

    data = fits.open(file)
    head = data[0].data
    dat = data[1].data
    time = dat['TIME']
    qual = dat['SAP_QUALITY']
    flux = dat['PDCSAP_FLUX']

    good = np.where(qual == 0)[0]
    time = time[good]
    flux = flux[good]

    ndays = (time[-1] - time[0]) / 1.
    time_1 = time
    flux_1 = flux


    # Duty cycle:
    total_obs_time = ndays * 24. * 60  #mins
    cadence = 30.  #mins
    expected_points = total_obs_time / cadence
    observed_points = len(flux)

    # Only analyze stars with light curve duty cycle > 60%:
    #     if observed_points/expected_points<0.5:
    #         continue

    res = sigclip(time, flux, 50, 3)
    good = np.where(res == 1)[0]
    time = time[good]
    flux = flux[good]
    time_2 = time
    flux_2 = flux

    width = day
    boxsize = width / (30. / 60. / 24.)
    box_kernel = Box1DKernel(boxsize)
    smoothed_flux = savgol(flux, int(boxsize) - 1, 1, mode='mirror')
    flux = flux / (smoothed_flux)
    time_3 = time
    flux_3 = smoothed_flux

    # Remove data points > 3*sigma:
    std = mad_std(flux, ignore_nan=True)
    med = np.median(flux)

    #idx =np.where(abs(flux-med)<3.*std)[0]

    # now let's calculate the fourier transform. the nyquist frequency is:
    nyq = 1. / (30. / 60. / 24.)
    fres = 1. / 90. / 0.0864

    fres_cd = 0.001
    fres_mhz = fres_cd / 0.0864

    freq = np.arange(0.001, 24., 0.001)

    # FT magic
    #freq, amp = LombScargle(time,flux).autopower(method='fast',samples_per_peak=10,maximum_frequency=nyq)

    amp = LombScargle(time, flux).power(freq)

    # unit conversions
    freq = 1000. * freq / 86.4
    bin = freq[1] - freq[0]
    amp = 2. * amp * np.var(flux * 1e6) / (np.sum(amp) * bin)

    # White noise correction:
    wnoise = getkp(file)
    amp1 = np.zeros(len(amp))
    for p in range(0, len(amp)):
        a = amp[p]
        if a - wnoise < 0.:
            amp1[p] = amp[p]
        if a - wnoise > 0.:
            amp1[p] = a - wnoise

    # smooth by 2 muHz
    n = np.int(2. / fres_mhz)
    n_wnoise = np.int(2. / fres_mhz)

    gauss_kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(n)
    gk_wnoise = Gaussian1DKernel(n_wnoise)

    pssm = convolve(amp, gauss_kernel)
    pssm_wnoise = convolve(amp1, gk_wnoise)
    timeseries = [time_1, flux_1, time_2, flux_2, time_3, flux_3]

    return timeseries, time, flux, freq, amp1, pssm, pssm_wnoise, wnoise
Exemplo n.º 11
    def findComptonEdges(self , bins , hist  , key):
        print("calibrating spectrum energy lines: " +  ' , '.join(str(e) for e in self.lines) + " MeV")
        print("Finding Compton Edges")
        splineWidth = int(math.ceil(self.bins/15))
        if splineWidth%2 == 0:
            splineWidth = splineWidth + 1
        nhist = savgol( (hist / hist.max())                   , splineWidth      , 3 )
        diff1 = savgol(  np.diff(hist/hist.max())             , splineWidth      , 3 )
        diff2 = savgol(  np.diff(np.diff(hist/hist.max() ))   , splineWidth*2+1  , 3 )
        #k  = np.where( diff1 == diff1.min() )
        #k2 = np.where( diff2 == diff2.min() )

        peakw = int(math.ceil(self.bins/20))
        peakid  = peaks( nhist ,  [peakw , peakw + 1 , peakw+2] )
        peakid2 = peaks( diff2 ,  [peakw , peakw + 1 , peakw+2] )
        #if len(peakid) < 3 or len(peakid2) < 3:
         #   raise NotImplementedError("Compton edges couldn't be found, and manual selection hasn't been implemented. Try again with more data!")
          #  return(0)

        if self.loud == True:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            ax.plot( bins[1:]   , nhist            , label="smoothed spectrum"       )

        #find first line
        print("Looking for " + str(self.lines[0]) + " MeV Compton edge.")
        found = False
        for pk in peakid2:
            if found == False and pk > peakid[1]:
                stopEdge = pk

        intermediate =  nhist[peakid[1]:stopEdge] - 0.8 * nhist[peakid[1]]
        k = peakid[1] + np.where( intermediate**2 == (intermediate**2).min() )
        if (self.loud == True):
            ax.plot( bins[k]    , nhist[k-1]  , '*r' , label="Compton Edge" )
        print("Got it!")

        for i, line in reversed(list(enumerate(self.lines))):
            if( i == 0 ):
                print("Looking for " + str(line) + " MeV Compton edge.")
                lastEdge = self.findLastEdge(bins , hist)

                    peak2 = peakid[np.where(peakid < lastEdge)].max()
                except ValueError:
                    raise NotImplementedError("Compton edges couldn't be found, and manual selection hasn't been implemented. Try again with more data!")

                intermediate = nhist[peak2:lastEdge] - 0.8 * nhist[peak2]
                k2 = peak2 + np.where( intermediate**2 == (intermediate**2).min() )
                if (self.loud == True):
                    ax.plot( bins[k2]    , nhist[k2-1]  , '*r' , label="Compton Edge" )
                nhist = nhist[:peak2]
                print("Got it!")

        if self.loud == True:
            plt.xlabel("Pulse Integral [V ns]")
            plt.ylabel("Relative Frequency")

            correct = input("Are the compton edges marked correctly? [yes/no]")
            if "y" in correct:
                return( [ bins[k[0][0]]  ]  )
                raise NotImplementedError("Sorry! We haven't added manually selected compton edges yet...")
            return( [ bins[k[0][0]]  , bins[k2[0][0]] ] )
Exemplo n.º 12

file = '/Users/nwinner/code/venv/dipoles.txt'

vel = pd.read_csv('/Users/nwinner/code/venv/vdatcar.csv')

x = ensemble_average(vel, power_spectrum, ['vx', 'vy', 'vz'],
                     ['Li', 'Be', 'F'])

x = np.power(np.abs(x), 2) / (3 * 98 * 973 * constants.kB)

time = vel['Timestep'].drop_duplicates().values * .001
wavenumber = time * 100

plt.plot(wavenumber[0:10000], x[0:10000], label="")
y = savgol(x, 51, 2)
plt.plot(wavenumber[0:10000], y[0:10000], label="")


with open(file) as f:

    lines = f.readlines()

    ionic = []
    electronic = []

    for l in range(0, len(lines) - 1, 2):
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_rtp_finder(signal, dic, plot=False):
    Simulates detection of peaks/troughs in real time

    signal : (N x 2) array_like
    dic : dictionary
        dic['log'] : str, logfile name
        dic['samplerate'] : list, samplerates for each channel
        dic['baseline'] : bool, whether a baseline session was run
        dic['channelloc'] : int, location of test channel from baseline data
    plot : bool, optional
        Whether to plot in real time w/threshold visualizations (WICKED SLOW).
        Default: False

    (N x 3) np.ndarray
        Detected peaks and troughs

    detected = []
    last_found = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                           [1, 0, 0],
                           [-1, 0, 0]] * 2)

    if plot:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
        ax.set(ylim=[signal[:, 1].min() - 2, signal[:, 1].max() + 2],
               xlim=[signal[0, 0], signal[-1, 0]])
        inds = np.arange(0, signal.shape[0],
                         np.ceil(1000. / dic['samplerate']),
        whole_sig, part_sig, all_peaks, all_troughs, hline, vline = ax.plot(
            signal[inds, 0], signal[inds, 1], 'blue',
            np.array([0]), np.array([0]), 'oc',
            np.array([0]), np.array([0]), 'or',
            np.array([0]), np.array([0]), 'og',
            np.array([0]), np.array([0]), 'r',
            np.array([0]), np.array([0]), 'black')

    if dic['baseline']:
        out = get_baseline(op.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', dic['log']),
        last_found = out.copy()
        t_thresh = gen_thresh(last_found[:-1])[0, 0]

        last_found[-1, 1] = signal[0, 0] - t_thresh

    thresh = gen_thresh(last_found[:-1])
    if plot: tdiff = thresh[0, 0] - thresh[0, 1]
    sig = np.atleast_2d(signal[0])

    st = np.ceil(1000. / dic['samplerate'])
    if plot: x = np.arange(signal[0, 0], signal[-1, 0], st)

    for i in signal[1:]:
        if i[0] < sig[-1, 0] + st: continue

        sig = np.vstack((sig, i))
        if len(sig) > 3: sig[:, 1] = savgol(sig[:, 1], 3, 1)
        peak, trough = peak_or_trough(sig, last_found, thresh, st)

        if plot:
            # if time since last det > upper bound of normal time interval
            # shrink height threshold by relative factor
            divide = ((sig[-1, 0] - last_found[-1, 1]) /
                      (thresh[0, 0] + thresh[0, 1]))
            divide = divide if divide > 1 else 1

            hdiff = (thresh[1, 0] - thresh[1, 1]) / divide

            # draw previously detected peaks and troughs
            m = last_found[last_found[:, 1] > signal[0, 0]]
            p, t = m[m[:, 0] == 1], m[m[:, 0] == 0]
            if len(t) > 0: all_troughs.set(xdata=t[:, 1], ydata=t[:, 2])
            if len(p) > 0: all_peaks.set(xdata=p[:, 1], ydata=p[:, 2])

            # set the moving blue dot denoting signal
            part_sig.set(xdata=np.array([sig[-1, 0]]),
                         ydata=np.array([sig[-1, 1]]))

            if last_found[-1, 0] != 1:  # if we're looking for a peak
                mult = last_found[-1, 2] + hdiff
                hline.set(color='r', xdata=x,
                          ydata=np.ones(x.size) * mult)
            if last_found[-1, 0] != 0:  # if we're looking for a trpugh
                mult = last_found[-1, 2] - hdiff
                hline.set(color='g', xdata=x,
                          ydata=np.ones(x.size) * mult)
            vline.set(xdata=np.array([last_found[-1, 1] + tdiff]),

            if len(t) > 0: ax.draw_artist(all_troughs)
            if len(p) > 0: ax.draw_artist(all_peaks)

        if peak is not None or trough is not None:
            # get index of extrema
            ex, l = peak or trough, int(bool(peak))

            # add to last_found
            last_found = np.vstack((last_found, np.append([l], sig[ex])))
            if (not dic['baseline'] and len(last_found) > 7 and
                    np.any(last_found[:, 1] == 0)):
                last_found = last_found[np.where(last_found[:, 1] != 0)[0]]
                last_found = np.vstack((last_found, last_found))
            thresh = gen_thresh(last_found[:-1])
            if plot: tdiff = thresh[0, 0] - thresh[0, 1]

            # if extrema was detected "immediately" then log detection
            if len(sig) - ex <= 3:
                detected.append(np.append(sig[-1], [l]))
                detected.append(np.append(sig[ex], [2]))

            # reset sig
            sig = np.atleast_2d(sig[-1])

    return np.array(detected)
Exemplo n.º 14
def smoothedSolutionDistribution(
        dist: np.ndarray, nsamples: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    sampledX, sampledY = sampledCdf(dist, nsamples)
    smoothedY = savgol(sampledY, 21, 3)

    return np.array(sampledX[:-1]), np.diff(smoothedY)
Exemplo n.º 15
labels = np.array(labels)[indSort]
values = np.array(values)[indSort]

indices = np.arange(len(labels))


# By default we look for a number of cells in a window of 500 to 5000.
# WINDOW = [500,5000]
WINDOW = parameter["WINDOW"]

from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as savgol
valdiff = np.diff((values))
yhat = savgol(valdiff, 151, 1)

NUM_OF_BARCODES = np.argmax(-yhat[WINDOW[0]:WINDOW[1]]) + WINDOW[0]
print "Cell_barcodes_detected:", NUM_OF_BARCODES


codewords = labels[:NUM_OF_BARCODES]

print "Calculating d_min..."

Ham_dist = np.zeros([len(codewords), len(codewords)])
for i in range(len(codewords)):
    codi = decode(codewords[i])
    for j in range(i + 1, len(codewords)):
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_amp(file):
    '''Given star's filename, get its frequency &
	white noise corrected power spectral density.'''
    file = file[0]
    file = file[0:-3]
    kicid = int(
    data = fits.open(file)
    head = data[0].data
    dat = data[1].data
    time = dat['TIME']
    qual = dat['SAP_QUALITY']
    flux = dat['PDCSAP_FLUX']

    good = np.where(qual == 0)[0]
    time = time[good]
    flux = flux[good]

    time_1 = time
    flux_1 = flux

    res = sigclip(time, flux, 50, 3)
    good = np.where(res == 1)[0]
    time = time[good]
    flux = flux[good]
    time_2 = time
    flux_2 = flux

    # Check Duty Cycle:
    ndays = time[-1] - time[0]
    nmins = ndays * 24. * 60.
    expected_points = nmins / 30.
    observed_points = len(time)

    kicid = int(

    if kicid in np.array(kepler_catalogue['KIC']):
        row = kepler_catalogue.loc[kepler_catalogue['KIC'] == kicid]
        rad = row['iso_rad'].item()
        teff = row['iso_teff'].item()
    elif kicid in np.array(gaia['KIC']):
        teff = gaia['teff'][um[0]]
        rad = gaia['rad'][um[0]]

    closestrad = getclosest(rad, fit_radii)
    idx = np.where(fit_radii == closestrad)[0]
    best_fit_width = fit_width[idx][0]
    width = best_fit_width

    boxsize = int(width / (30. / 60. / 24.))
    box_kernel = Box1DKernel(boxsize)
    if boxsize % 2 == 0:
        smoothed_flux = savgol(flux, int(boxsize) - 1, 1, mode='mirror')
        smoothed_flux = savgol(flux, int(boxsize), 1, mode='mirror')

    flux = flux / smoothed_flux

    time_3 = time
    flux_3 = smoothed_flux

    # Remove data points > 5*sigma:
    std = mad_std(flux, ignore_nan=True)
    med = np.median(flux)
    idx = np.where(abs(flux - med) < 5. * std)[0]
    time = time[idx]
    flux = flux[idx]

    # now let's calculate the fourier transform. the nyquist frequency is:
    nyq = 0.5 / (30. / 60. / 24.)
    fres = 1. / 90. / 0.0864

    freq = np.arange(0.01, 24., 0.01)  # critically sampled

    (values, counts) = np.unique(np.diff(time), return_counts=True)
    cadence = values[np.argmax(counts)]

    # FT magic
    #freq, amp = LombScargle(time,flux).autopower(method='fast',samples_per_peak=10,maximum_frequency=nyq)
    time_interp = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], cadence)
    flux_interp = np.interp(time_interp, time, flux)
    time, flux = time_interp, flux_interp
    amp = LombScargle(time, flux).power(freq)

    # unit conversions
    freq = 1000. * freq / 86.4
    bin = freq[1] - freq[0]
    amp = 2. * amp * np.var(flux * 1e6) / (np.sum(amp) * bin)

    # White noise correction:
    wnoise = getkp(file)
    amp_wn = np.zeros(len(amp))
    power_more_than_wnoise = 0
    for p in range(0, len(amp)):
        a = amp[p]
        if a - wnoise < 0.:
            amp_wn[p] = amp[p]
        if a - wnoise > 0.:
            amp_wn[p] = a - wnoise
            power_more_than_wnoise += 1

    snr = power_more_than_wnoise / len(amp)
    # smooth by 2 muHz
    fres_cd = 0.01  #to check if it's smoothed by 2muHz: print(freq[0],freq[0+n]) difference should be 2
    fres_mhz = fres_cd / 0.0864

    n = np.int(2. / fres_mhz)
    n_wnoise = np.int(2. / fres_mhz)

    gauss_kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(n)
    gk_wnoise = Gaussian1DKernel(n_wnoise)

    pssm = convolve(amp, gauss_kernel)
    pssm_wnoise = convolve(amp_wn, gk_wnoise)
    timeseries = [time_1, flux_1, time_2, flux_2, time_3, flux_3]

    return freq, amp
Exemplo n.º 17
            # === END


            ## if rads[i] <= 36.8.: #from width_vs_radius_test2.txt
            closestrad = getclosest(rads[i], fit_radii)
            idx = np.where(fit_radii == closestrad)[0]
            best_fit_width = fit_width[idx][0]
            width = best_fit_width
            print(i, kicid, width)

            boxsize = int(width / (30. / 60. / 24.))
            box_kernel = Box1DKernel(boxsize)
            if boxsize % 2 == 0:
                smoothed_flux = savgol(flux,
                                       int(boxsize) - 1,
                smoothed_flux = savgol(flux, int(boxsize), 1, mode='mirror')
            flux = flux / smoothed_flux

            # overplot this smoothed version, and then divide the light curve through it

            # plot the filtered light curve

            #plt.xlabel('Time (Days)')
Exemplo n.º 18
inputs_seq[2, 4, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[2, :, :, :]
inputs_seq[1, 0, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[0, :, :, :]
inputs_seq[1, 1, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[0, :, :, :]
inputs_seq[1, 2, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[0, :, :, :]
inputs_seq[1, 3, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[0, :, :, :]
inputs_seq[1, 4, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[1, :, :, :]
inputs_seq[0, :, :, :, :] = simple_inputs[0, :, :, :]

# =============== Labels ===============
wx = wx - np.mean(wx[:60])
wy = wy - np.mean(wy[:60])
wz = wz - np.mean(wz[:60])

wxf = savgol(wx, 23, 2)
wyf = savgol(wy, 23, 2)
wzf = savgol(wz, 23, 2)

labels = np.transpose(np.vstack((wxf, wyf, wzf)))

# =============== Time analysis ===============
ts = [float(i) for i in ts]
ts = np.array(ts)
tn = [float(i) for i in tn]
tn = np.array(tn)
tn = tn * 10**(-9)
time = ts + tn

T = np.zeros(len(time))
for i in range(1, len(time)):
indices = np.arange(len(labels))


# By default we look for a number of cells in a window of 500 to 5000. 
# WINDOW = [500,5000]

from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as savgol
yhat = savgol(valdiff, 151, 1)

print "Cell_barcodes_detected:",NUM_OF_BARCODES



print "Calculating d_min..."

for i in range(len(codewords)):
Exemplo n.º 20
def savgol_filter(x, h_freq, axis=None, sfreq=None, polyorder=5, verbose=None):
    """Filter the data using Savitzky-Golay polynomial method.

    This function is an adaptation of the mne-python one for xarray.DataArray.

    x : array_like
        Multidimensional array or DataArray
    h_freq : float
        Approximate high cut-off frequency in Hz. Note that this is not an
        exact cutoff, since Savitzky-Golay filtering is done using
        polynomial fits instead of FIR/IIR filtering. This parameter is
        thus used to determine the length of the window
    axis : int, string | None
        Position of the time axis. Can either be an integer when `x` is a
        NumPy array or a string (e.g 'times') when using a DataArray
    polyorder : int | 5
        Polynomial order

    x_filt : array_like
        Filtered data

    For Savitzky-Golay low-pass approximation, see:

    See also
    # inputs checking
    if isinstance(x, xr.DataArray):
        dims = list(x.dims)
        # get axis name
        if axis is None:
            axis = 'times'
        if isinstance(axis, str):
            axis = list(x.dims).index(axis)
        # get sfreq if possible
        if not isinstance(sfreq, (int, float)):
            assert 'times' in dims
            sfreq = 1. / (x['times'].data[1] - x['times'].data[0])
    assert isinstance(h_freq, (int, float))
    assert isinstance(axis, int)
    assert isinstance(sfreq, (int, float))
    if h_freq >= sfreq / 2.:
        raise ValueError('h_freq must be less than half the sample rate')

    # get window length
    window_length = (int(np.round(sfreq / h_freq)) // 2) * 2 + 1
    logger.info(f'    Using savgol length {window_length}')

    # apply savgol depending on input type
    kw = dict(axis=axis, polyorder=polyorder, window_length=window_length)
    if isinstance(x, xr.DataArray):
        x.data = savgol(x.data, **kw)
        return x
        return savgol(x, **kw)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_smoothed(self):
     smoothed_data = savgol(self.dataset, self.window, self.order,
     return smoothed_data
Exemplo n.º 22
def get_psd(FITSFILE, FACTOR):
    f = FITSFILE
    kicid = int(f.split('/')[-1].split('-')[0].split('kplr')[-1].lstrip('0'))
    s0 = TIME.time()
    data = fits.open(f)
    head = data[0].data
    dat = data[1].data
    time = dat['TIME']
    qual = dat['SAP_QUALITY']
    flux = dat['PDCSAP_FLUX']

    um = np.where(gaia['KIC'] == kicid)[0]
        row = kepler_catalogue.loc[kepler_catalogue['KIC'] == kicid]
        teff = row['iso_teff'].item()
        rad = row['iso_rad'].item()
        idx = np.where(gaia['KIC'] == kicid)[0]
        teff = gaia['teff'][idx][0]
        rad = gaia['rad'][idx][0]
    if math.isnan(rad) is True:
        idx = np.where(gaia['KIC'] == kicid)[0]
        teff = gaia['teff'][idx][0]
        rad = gaia['rad'][idx][0]

    # only keep data with good quality flags
    good = np.where(qual == 0)[0]
    time = time[good]
    flux = flux[good]

    # sigma-clip outliers from the light curve and overplot it
    res = sigclip(time, flux, 50, 3)
    good = np.where(res == 1)[0]
    time = time[good]
    flux = flux[good]

    # Check Duty Cycle:
    ndays = time[-1] - time[0]
    nmins = ndays * 24. * 60.
    expected_points = nmins / 30.
    observed_points = len(time)

    ## if rads[i] <= 36.8.: #from width_vs_radius_test2.txt
    closestrad = getclosest(rad, fit_radii)
    idx = np.where(fit_radii == closestrad)[0]
    best_fit_width = fit_width[idx][0]
    width = best_fit_width

    boxsize = int(width / (30. / 60. / 24.))
    box_kernel = Box1DKernel(boxsize)

    if boxsize % 2 == 0:
        smoothed_flux = savgol(flux, int(boxsize) - 1, 1, mode='mirror')
        smoothed_flux = savgol(flux, int(boxsize), 1, mode='mirror')
    flux = flux / smoothed_flux

    # Get Kp of star:
    row = kpdf.loc[kpdf['KIC'] == int(kicid)]
    kp = float(row['Kp'].item())

    # Remove data points > 5*sigma:
    std = mad_std(flux, ignore_nan=True)
    med = np.median(flux)
    idx = np.where(abs(flux - med) < 5. * std)[0]
    time = time[idx]
    flux = flux[idx]

    # Get expected time domain noise in photometry:
    idx2, nearest_kp = find_nearest(
        kp)  # find nearest Kp in our PPM vs. Kp file given Kp of our stars
    TD_noise = ppmkp_ppm[
        idx2]  # find time domain noise corresponding to that Kp
    TD_noise = TD_noise / 1e6
    factor = FACTOR * TD_noise
    flux = flux + np.random.randn(len(flux)) * factor


    # now let's calculate the fourier transform. the nyquist frequency is:
    nyq = 0.5 / (30. / 60. / 24.)
    fres = 1. / 90. / 0.0864

    freq = np.arange(0.01, 24., 0.01)  # long-cadence  critically sampled
    # freq  = np.arange(0.01, 734.1, 0.01) # short-cadence  critically sampled
    freq0 = freq

    (values, counts) = np.unique(np.diff(time), return_counts=True)
    cadence = values[np.argmax(counts)]
    # cadence=30./60./24.

    # time_interp = np.arange(time[0],time[-1],30./(60.*24.))
    time_interp = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], cadence)
    flux_interp = np.interp(time_interp, time, flux)
    time0, flux0 = time, flux  #non-interpolated data
    time, flux = time_interp, flux_interp

    amp = LombScargle(time, flux).power(freq)

    # FT magic
    # freq, amp = LombScargle(time,flux).autopower(method='fast',samples_per_peak=10,maximum_frequency=nyq)

    # unit conversions
    freq = 1000. * freq / 86.4
    bin = freq[1] - freq[0]
    amp = 2. * amp * np.var(flux * 1e6) / (np.sum(amp) * bin)

    # White noise correction:
    # wnoise=getkp(f)
    idx = np.where(freq > 270)[0]
    wnoise = np.mean(amp[idx])
    amp_wn = np.zeros(len(amp))
    # amp_wn0=np.zeros(len(amp0))

    power_more_than_wnoise = 0
    for p in range(0, len(amp)):
        a = amp[p]
        if a - wnoise < 0.:
            amp_wn[p] = amp[p]
        if a - wnoise > 0.:
            amp_wn[p] = a - wnoise
            power_more_than_wnoise += 1

    snr = power_more_than_wnoise / len(amp)

    # smooth by 2 muHz
    fres_cd = 0.01  #to check if it's smoothed by 2muHz: print(freq[0],freq[0+n]) difference should be 2
    fres_mhz = fres_cd / 0.0864

    n = np.int(2. / fres_mhz)

    gauss_kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(n)
    pssm = convolve(amp, gauss_kernel)
    wnpssm = convolve(amp_wn, gauss_kernel)
    # wnpssm0 = convolve(amp_wn0, gauss_kernel)

    #Save frequency & power spectrum arrays:
    um = np.where(freq > 10.)[0]

    return freq[um], wnpssm[um], kicid, snr