Exemplo n.º 1
    def Run(self, Name, PloF, LinAlgFlag, ResType, ElPlotTimes=['1.0000']):
        f1=open( Name+".in.txt", 'r')
        f2=open( Name+".elemout.txt", 'w')
        f3=open( Name+".nodeout.txt", 'w')
        f6=open( Name+".protocol.txt", 'w')
        Echo(f"SimFem  {Name:s}", f6)
        f5, f7 = None, None
        NodeList, ElList, MatList, StepList, NoLabToNoInd, SecDic = ReadInputFile(f1, f6, False)  # read input file and create node, element, material and step lists -> in SimFemInOut.py
        NoIndToCMInd = [i for i in range(len(NodeList))]                # maps identical before Cuthill McKee
        EvNodeEl( NodeList, ElList, NoLabToNoInd)                                     # determine element indices belonging to each node - required for Cuthill McKee
        if LinAlgFlag:
#                NoIndToCMInd = WithoutBandwidthOpti( NodeList )  # NoIndToCMInd
#                NoIndToCMInd = CuthillMckee(NodeList, ElList)       # to reduce the skyline
            NoIndToCMInd = Sloan(NodeList, ElList)                      # to reduce the skyline
            NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.CMIndex)
        N, Mask, Skyline, SDiag, SLen = AssignGlobalDof( NodeList, ElList, MatList, NoIndToCMInd) # assign degrees of freedom (dof) to nodes and elements -> see above
        WrNodes, LineS = None, None
        MaxType = [] 
        if pth.isfile(Name+".opt.txt"):                                             # read options file if there is any
            f4=open( Name+".opt.txt", 'r')
            WrNodes, LineS, ReDes, MaxType = ReadOptionsFile(f4, NodeList, NoLabToNoInd,NoIndToCMInd)
            f5=open( Name+".timeout.txt", 'w')

        # Initializations
        VecU = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # current displacement vector
        VecC = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # displacement vector of previous time step
        VecI = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # internal nodal forces vector
        VecP = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # load vector
        VecP0= zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # nominal load vector
        VecT = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # current temperatures vector
        VecS = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # temperatures vector of previous time step
        BCIn = ones((N),dtype=int)                                                  # indices for dofs with prescribed displacements --> 0, --> 1 otherwise
        BCIi = zeros((N),dtype=int)                                                 # indices for dofs with prescribed displacements --> 1, --> 0 otherwise 
        VecB = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                              # nodal boundary reactions
        Time = 0.
        TimeS = 0.                                                                  # Target time of previous step
        TimeOld = 0.
        TimeEl = 0.
        TimeNo = 0.
        SymSys = IsSymSys( MatList )                                                # if there is at least one un-symmetric material the whole system is un-symmetric
        Echo(f"symmetric system {SymSys}, used LinAlg2 {LinAlgFlag}, used ConFemMatC {ConFemMatCFlag}, used CaeFemElemC {ConFemElemCFlag}", f6)
#        Echo(f"ndofs {N:d}, elems {len(ElList):d}, nodes {len(NodeList):d}, rel size {SLen/(N**2):.4f}, abs size {1.*SLen/1024:.4f} MWords", f6)
        Node.ActiveNodes = 0
        for no in NodeList: 
            if len(no.NodeEl)>0: Node.ActiveNodes +=1
        Echo(f"ndofs {N:d}, elems {len(ElList):d}, active nodes {Node.ActiveNodes:d}, rel size {SLen/(N**2):.4f}, abs size {1.*SLen/1024:.4f} MWords", f6)
        # Calculations
        i = 0
        stime = process_time()
        for i in range(len(StepList)):                                              # loop over steps
            StLi = StepList[i]
            Echo(f"{i:d} step starts, solution type {StLi.SolType:s}", f6)
            TimeTarg = StLi.TimeTarg                                                # time target for step
            if i>0: TimeS = StepList[i-1].TimeTarg                                  # time target of previous step
            StLi.current = i
            Stop = False                                                            # flag to stop computation
            counter = 0
            StLi.BoundOffset( NodeList,NoLabToNoInd,NoIndToCMInd, VecU)                                       # add offset for prescribed displacement from current displacement for OPT=ADD

            while not Stop:                                                         # loop over time steps
                counter = counter+1
                if len(StLi.ElFilList)>0 and Time+1.e-6>=TimeEl: TimeEl=Time + StLi.ElFilList[0].OutTime# set time for element output
                if len(StLi.NoFilList)>0 and Time+1.e-6>=TimeNo: TimeNo=Time + StLi.NoFilList[0].OutTime# set time for element output
                VecD = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                      # displacement increment vector
                VecR = zeros((N),dtype=double)                                      # residual nodal forces vector
                Time = Time + StLi.TimeStep
                for j in range(StLi.IterNum):                                       # equilibrium iteration loop
                    VecU = VecU + VecD                                              # update displacements
                    if LinAlgFlag:
                        KVecU = zeros(SLen, dtype=float)                            # Initialize upper right part of stiffness vector
                        KVecL = zeros(SLen, dtype=float)                            # Initialize lower left part of stiffness vector
                        IntForces( N, MatList,ElList, Time-TimeOld, VecC,VecU,VecD,VecS,VecT, VecI, None,None,KVecU,KVecL,Skyline,SDiag, 2,f6,StLi.NLGeom,SymSys,False, j)# internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
                        MatK = sparse.lil_matrix((N, N))                            # sparse stiffness matrix initialization
                        IntForces( N, MatList,ElList, Time-TimeOld, VecC,VecU,VecD,VecS,VecT, VecI, MatK,None,None,None,None,None,       2,f6,StLi.NLGeom,SymSys,False, j)# internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
                    StLi.NodalLoads( N, Time, TimeTarg, NodeList,NoLabToNoInd,NoIndToCMInd, VecP, VecP0)      # introduce concentrated loads into system -> in SimFemSteps.py
                    StLi.ElementLoads( Time, TimeTarg, ElList, VecP, VecP0)# introduce distributed loads into system -> in SimFemSteps.py
                    VecB[:] = VecI[:]-VecP[:] #copy(VecI-VecP)                                          # boundary reactions
                    if LinAlgFlag:
                        StLi.BoundCond( N, Time, TimeS, TimeTarg, NodeList,NoLabToNoInd,NoIndToCMInd, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn, BCIi, None,KVecU,KVecL,Skyline,SDiag, 2, SymSys)# introduce boundary conditions
                        StLi.BoundCond( N, Time, TimeS, TimeTarg, NodeList,NoLabToNoInd,NoIndToCMInd, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn, BCIi, MatK,[],None,None,None, 2, SymSys)# introduce boundary conditions
                    VecR = VecP - VecI                                              # residual vector
#                        for jj in xrange(len(VecI)): sys.stdout.write('%5i%16.8f%16.8f%16.8f\n'%(jj,VecI[jj],VecP[jj],VecR[jj]))
                    Resi = norm(VecR)                                               # residual norm
                    Echo(f"{i:d} {counter:3d} {TimeTarg:.3f} {Time:.5f} iter {j:d} {Resi:e}", f6)
                    if j>0 and Resi<StLi.IterTol: break                             # convergence criterium reached, continue after for-loop
                    if LinAlgFlag:
                        if SymSys:
                            LinAlg2.sim1_lu(      KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            LinAlg2.sim1_so(VecR, KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            LinAlg2.sim0_lu(      KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecR, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                        VecD[:] = VecR[:]
                        K_LU = linsolve.splu(MatK.tocsc(),permc_spec=3)             #triangulization of stiffness matrix
                        VecD = K_LU.solve( VecR )                                   # solution of K*u=R -> displacement increment

                if Time > StLi.TimeTarg-1.e-6: Stop = True                          # time target reached, finalize computation, eventually with one equilibrium iteration
                TimeOld = Time
                VecC[:] = VecU[:]                                                   # store current displacements as previous for next time step
                FinishEquilibIteration( MatList, ElList, NodeList,NoIndToCMInd, f6, StLi.NLGeom, True)     # update state variables etc.
                if Time+1.e-6>=TimeEl: 
                    WriteElemData( f2, f7, Time, ElList, NodeList,NoLabToNoInd,NoIndToCMInd, MatList, MaxType)# write element data
                    fd = open(Name+'.pkl', 'wb')                                    # Serialize data and store for restart
                    Flag, VecP0old, VecBold, VeaU, VevU, VeaC, VevC, VecY = None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None # for compatibility with confem

                if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.Label)
                if Time+1.e-6>=TimeNo:
                    WriteNodalData( f3, Time, NodeList, VecU, VecB)                 # write nodal data
                if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.CMIndex)
                if f5!=None:
                    WriteNodes( f5, WrNodes, Time, VecU, VecB, VecP, i, counter)
        Echo(f"total comp time {process_time()-stime:.0f} seconds", f6)
        if f5!=None: f5.close()
        RC = FinishAllStuff(PloF, Name, ElList, NodeList,NoIndToCMInd, MatList, f2, VecU, WrNodes, ResType, ElPlotTimes)
#        StiffAlloc(MatK)
        return RC
Exemplo n.º 2
    def Run(self, Name, LogName, PloF, LinAlgFlag, Restart, ResType):
        print Linalg_possible, ConFemElemCFlag, ConFemMatCFlag
        print "ConFem: ", Name
        logger.critical('Start of program')
        if Restart:
            fd = open(Name + '.pkl', 'r')  #
            uuu = cPickle.Unpickler(fd)
            NodeList, ElList, MatList, StepList, N, WrNodes, LineS, Flag, \
            VecU, VecC, VecI, VecP, VecP0, VecP0old, VecBold, VecT, VecS, VeaU, VevU, VeaC, VevC, VecY, BCIn, BCIi, Time, TimeOld, TimeEl, TimeNo, TimeS, i, Mask, Skyline, SDiag, SLen, SymSys \
                = uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load(), uuu.load()
            f1 = open(Name + ".in.txt", 'r')
            MatList, StepList = ReadInputFile(f1, Restart)  # read input file
            f2 = open(Name + ".elemout.txt", 'a')  #
            f3 = open(Name + ".nodeout.txt", 'a')  #
            f6 = open(Name + ".restart.txt", 'w')  #
            f5 = open(Name + ".timeout.txt", 'a')  #
            f7, MaxType = None, None
            f1 = open(Name + ".in.txt", 'r')
            NodeList, ElList, MatList, StepList = ReadInputFile(f1, Restart)  # read input file # print NodeList.__dict__
            #if LinAlgFlag:
            CuthillMckee(NodeList, ElList)  # to reduce the skyline
            NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.CMLabel_)
            N, Mask, Skyline, SDiag, SLen = AssignGlobalDof(NodeList, ElList, MatList)  # assign degrees of freedom (dof) to nodes and elements -> see above
            f2 = open(Name + ".elemout.txt", 'w')
            f3 = open(Name + ".nodeout.txt", 'w')
            f6 = open(Name + ".protocol.txt", 'w')
            print >> f6, "ConFem: ", Name
            WrNodes, LineS = None, None
            MaxType = []
            f5, f7 = None, None
            if pth.isfile(Name + ".opt.txt"):  # read options file if there is any
                f4 = open(Name + ".opt.txt", 'r')
                WrNodes, LineS, ReDes, MaxType = ReadOptionsFile(f4, NodeList)
                f5 = open(Name + ".timeout.txt", 'w')
                if len(MaxType) > 0: f7 = open(Name + ".elemmax.txt", 'w')
            for i in list(MatList.values()):  # check, whether particular material types are in system
                #                Flag = (isinstance(i,ConFemMat.ElasticLT) or isinstance(i,ConFemMat.WraElasticLTReShell) or isinstance( i.Conc, ConFemMat.ElasticLT)) and i.Used
                Flag = (isinstance(i, lib_Mat.ElasticLT) or isinstance(i.Conc, lib_Mat.ElasticLT)) and i.Used
                if Flag: break

            # Initializations
            VecU = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # current displacement vector
            VevU = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # current velocities
            VeaU = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # current accelerations
            VecC = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # displacement vector of previous time step
            VevC = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # previous time step velocities
            VeaC = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # previous time step accelerations
            VecI = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # internal nodal forces vector
            VecP = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # load vector of current Time
            VecP0 = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # nominal load vector of TimeTarg
            VecP0old = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # nominal load vector of previous calculation step
            VecBold = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # holds reaction forces of previous step
            VecT = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # current temperatures vector
            VecS = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # temperatures vector of previous time step
            VecY = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # previous time step displacement increment (for line search only) or for dynamics
            BCIn = ones((N), dtype=int)  # indices for dofs with prescribed displacements --> 0, --> 1 otherwise
            BCIi = zeros((N), dtype=int)  # indices for dofs with prescribed displacements --> 1, --> 0 otherwise
            Time = 0.
            TimeS = 0.  # Target time of previous step
            TimeOld = 0.
            SymSys = IsSymSys(MatList)  # if there is at least one un-symmetric material the whole system is un-symmetric
            i = 0  # step counter
        print 'symmetric system', SymSys
        print >> f6, 'symmetric system', SymSys
        # Calculations
        stime = time()
        while i < len(StepList):
            StLi = StepList[i]
            logger.critical('Step %s starts with SolType = %s' % (i,StLi.SolType))
            print i, 'step starts', StLi.SolType
            print >> f6, i, 'step starts', StLi.SolType
            if StLi.varTimeSteps:
                TimeVarL = len(StLi.TimeTargVar)
                TimeTarg = StLi.TimeTargVar[-1]
                if i > 0:
                    TimeS = StepList[i - 1].TimeTargVar[-1]  # time target of previous step
                    TimeS = 0.
                TimeTarg = StLi.TimeTarg  # time target for step
                if i > 0:
                    TimeS = StepList[i - 1].TimeTarg  # time target of previous step
                    TimeS = 0.
            TS = TimeTarg - TimeS
            if not StLi.Buckl:
                if TS < ZeroD:
                    raise NameError("ConFem: TimeS <= TimeTarg")
                    DTS = 1. / TS
            logger.critical('The computation below is from previous time step TimeS=%s to TimeTarg=%s' %(TimeS,TimeTarg))
            logger.critical('At this step(i=%s), constant DTS=1/(TimeTar-TimeS)= %s' %(i,DTS))
            TimeEl = TimeS  # !!!!!
            TimeNo = TimeS  # !!!!
            StLi.current = i

            MatM = None
            Stop, Stop_ = False, False  # flag to stop computation
            if LineS <> None and LineS[0] > 1:  # parameters for line search iteration
                LinS = LineS[0]
                LinT = LineS[1]
                LinS = 1
            counter = 0
            StLi.BoundOffset(NodeList, VecU)  # add offset for prescribed displacement from current displacement for OPT=ADD
            logger.critical('reset counter=%s' %(counter))
            logger.critical('enter in loop over time steps - TimeS=%s -->TimeTarg=%s' %(TimeS,TimeTarg))
            while not Stop:  # loop over time steps
                counter += 1
                logger.info('Increase counter+=1, so now counter=%s, Time=%s' % (counter, Time))
                #                if counter == 4: Stop = True   # 266
                if len(StLi.ElFilList) > 0 and Time + 1.e-6 >= TimeEl: TimeEl = Time + StLi.ElFilList[0].OutTime  # set time for element output
                if len(StLi.NoFilList) > 0 and Time + 1.e-6 >= TimeNo: TimeNo = Time + StLi.NoFilList[0].OutTime  # set time for element output
                A_BFGS = []  # BFGS auxiliary list of vectors
                B_BFGS = []  # BFGS auxiliary list of vectors
                rho_BFGS = []  # BFGS auxiliary list of scalars
                VecD = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # displacement incr vector
                VecR = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # residual nodal forces vector
                VecRP = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # residual nodal forces vector
                dt = 0  # initial value for time step in case of quasistatic computation
                tt = 0  # time increment in each equilibrium iteration
                LoFl = False  # flag to proceed with time / loading
                CalcType = 2  # 0: check system 1: internal forces only 2: internal forces and tangential stiffness matrix
                En0, En1 = 1., 1.  # initialization initial energy
                logger.info('reinitialize VecD,VecR,VecRP, and BFGS parameters')
                logger.info('reinitialize dt=0-initial value for time steps, and tt=0-time incre in each iteration')

                logger.info('enter in equilibrium Iteration loop of this counter=%s' %(counter))
                for j in xrange(StLi.IterNum):  # equilibrium iteration loop
                    logger.info('%s-th iteration of counter %s' %(j,counter))
                    S = [0.]  # line search auxiliary value
                    G = [dot(VecRP, VecD)]  # line search auxiliary value
                    sds = 1.0  # line search scalar
                    VecUP = copy(VecU)  # remember displacement result of last load increment
                    k_ = -1  # auxiliary counter for line search
                    logger.debug('before each equilibrium iteration, reinitialize Line search parameters -S,G,sds,k_')
                    logger.debug('in each equilibrium iteration, a small line search procedure is required \n'
                                  '        for better oriented dipls direction. Enter in Line search iteration')
                    for k in xrange(LinS):  # line search iteration
                        logger.debug('in xrange(LinS = %s), iteration k = %s' %(LinS,k))
                        logger.debug('update displacement VecU = VecUP + sds*VecD, displ incre dU = norm(VecU-VecC)')
                        VecU = VecUP + sds * VecD  # update displacements
                        dU = norm(VecU - VecC)  # displacement increment compared to last step
                        # make system vectors and matrices
                        logger.debug('Make system vectors and matrices')
                        StLi.NodalTemp(N, Time, NodeList, VecT)  # introduce nodal temperatures into system with computation of nodal temperatures -> in SimFemSteps.py
                        if Flag and j == 0:
                            IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time - TimeOld, VecC, VecU, VecS, VecT, VecI,
                                                      None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, f6, StLi.NLGeom, SymSys,
                                                      False)  # check system state for certain materials
                        if LinAlgFlag:
                            if CalcType == 2:
                                KVecU = zeros(SLen, dtype=float)  # Initialize upper right part of stiffness vector
                                if not SymSys:
                                    KVecL = zeros(SLen, dtype=float)  # Initialize lower left part of stiffness vector
                                    KVecL = None
                            IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time - TimeOld, VecC, VecU, VecS, VecT, VecI, None, None,
                                      KVecU, KVecL, Skyline, SDiag, CalcType, f6, StLi.NLGeom, SymSys,
                                      False)  # internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
                            if CalcType == 2:
                                MatK = sparse.lil_matrix((N, N))  # sparse stiffness matrix initialization
                            IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time - TimeOld, VecC, VecU, VecS, VecT, VecI, MatK, MatM,
                                      None, None, None, None, CalcType, f6, StLi.NLGeom, SymSys,
                                      StLi.Buckl)  # internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix

                        if CalcType == 2 : logger.debug('compute IntForces(VecC,VecU) and tangential Kt-these make update in VecI,VecP,VecP0,VecR')
                        else :             logger.debug('compute only IntForcecs(VecC,VecU), no more tangential Kt matricx')

                        logger.debug('Introduce c/d Loads and Boundary conditions into system')
                        StLi.NodalLoads(N, Time, TimeTarg, NodeList, VecP, VecP0)  # introduce concentrated loads into system -> in SimFemSteps.py
                        StLi.ElementLoads(Time, TimeTarg, ElList, NodeList, VecP, VecP0)  # introduce distributed loads into system -> in SimFemSteps.py
                        StLi.NodalPrestress(N, Time, ElList, NodeList, VecP, VecU, StLi.NLGeom)  # introduce prestressing
                        StLi.NodalPrestress(N, TimeTarg, ElList, NodeList, VecP0, VecU, StLi.NLGeom)  # nominal prestressing (maybe this works not optimal with P0-approach)
                        VecP0__ = copy(VecP0)
                        VecP0 = VecP0 - VecP0old  # only nominal load change compared to last step is relevant
                        VecB = copy(VecI - VecP)  # keep boundary forces from internal forces

                        if LinAlgFlag:
                            StLi.BoundCond(N, Time, TimeS, TimeTarg, NodeList, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn, BCIi,
                                           None, KVecU, KVecL, Skyline, SDiag, CalcType, SymSys)  # introduce boundary conditions
                            StLi.BoundCond(N, Time, TimeS, TimeTarg, NodeList, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn, BCIi,
                                           MatK, [], None, None, None, CalcType, SymSys)  # introduce boundary conditions
                        if CalcType == 2:
                            VecP0_ = copy(VecP0)  # remember nominal load in case stiffness matrix is not updated upcoming
                            VecP0 = copy(VecP0_)  # use previous value of nominal load in case stiffness matrix was not updated
                        VecR = VecP - VecI  # residual vector
                        logger.debug('These introductions make update in KvecU,VecI,VecP,VecP0 \n'
                                      '        then compute the new residual vector VecR = VecP-VecI')
                        # line search scaling, if prescribed
                        logger.debug('Base on these new (VecR,VecP,VecP0)&(VecRP,VecU,VecD)=cte in line search procedure \n'
                                      '        Compute line search parameters S,G,sds of this k=%sth line search iteration' %(k))
                        if j > 1 and LinS > 1:
                            G_ = dot(VecR, VecD)
                            G0 = dot(VecRP, VecD)
                            if G_ * G[k_] < 0.:
                                k_ = k_ + 1
                                S += [sds]
                                G += [G_]
                            if abs(G_) > LinT * abs(G0):
                                sds = S[k_] - G[k_] * (sds - S[k_]) / (G_ - G[k_])
                                if sds < 0.0:
                                    sds = 1.0
                                elif sds < 0.2:
                                    sds = 0.2
                                elif sds > 5.0:
                                    sds = 5.0
                                print 'line search', k_, 'G/G0', G_ / G0, 'step', sds
                                print >> f6, 'line search', k_, 'G/G0', G_ / G0, 'step', sds
                                logger.debug('line seach : sds=%s' %(sds))
                                logger.debug('end of line search iteration, sds=%s' %(sds))
                                break  # end of line search iteration
                            logger.debug('no line search iteration, sds=%s' %(sds))
                            break  # no line search iteration

                    logger.debug('end of Line search iteration')
                    # residuum
                    logger.debug('Calculate residuum and equilibrium control')
                    logger.debug('VecRD = VecRP-VecR+tt*DTS*VecP0 with tt=%s \n'
                                  '        then VecRP=copy(VecR)' %(tt))
                    Resi = norm(VecR)  # residual norm
                    VecRD = VecRP - VecR + tt * DTS * VecP0  # BFGS auxiliary vector
                    VecRP = copy(VecR)  # residual nodal forces vector of previous iteration

                    # equilibrium control
                    if j > 0:
                        VecBold = BCIi * (VecB - VecBold)
                        En1 = dot(VecD, (VecR + VecBold))
                        VecBold = copy(VecB)
                        if j == 1: En0 = En1  # for convergence control via energy criterion
                    if En0 > ZeroD:
                        Resi_ = abs(En1 / En0)  # energy based convergence indicator
                        Resi_ = 1.
                    print counter, i, TimeTarg, Time, j, Resi, dU, Resi_  # En1, En0 # report state to screen
                    print >> f6, counter, i, TimeTarg, Time, j, Resi, dU, Resi_  # report state to log file
                    logger.debug('Report : TimeTarg %s, counter %s, Time %s, eq iter j= %s, Resi %s, dU %s, Resi_ %s' %(TimeTarg,counter,Time,j,Resi,dU,Resi_))

                    if j > 0 or StLi.Dyn:
                        if Resi < StLi.IterTol:
                            logger.debug('j=%s>0. Convergence criterium reached - Resi<StLi.IterTol. Break, not need anymore compute new solution, new time increment, new displ' % j)
                            break  # convergence criterium reached, continue after for-loop
                        else: logger.debug('at j=%s, condition Resi<StLi.IterTol not meet' % j)
                    else:  # initial state of time step / loading increment
                        logger.debug('j=%s. Need to consider Stop_ even if Resi<StLi.IterTol' % j)
                        if Resi < StLi.IterTol:  # equilibrium found for initial state
                            if Stop_:
                                Stop = True
                                logger.debug('Break ! finish step in case of Flag and in case j=0 and Resi<StLi.IterTol. Stop_,Stop=%s, %s. Jump out of Equilibrium iteration loop' %(Stop_,Stop))
                                break  # finish step in case of Flag
                            LoFl = True  # initial system is in static equilibrium, proceed with time step / loading
                            logger.debug('at j=%s, Resi<StLi.IterTol satisfied, but Break in oder to jump out of Equilib iteration loop still not meet' % (j))
                        else: logger.debug('at j=%s. Condition Resi<StLi.IterTol not meet. LoFl=%s' % (j, LoFl))

                    # determine new solution
                    logger.debug('equilibrium isnt satisfied, determine new solution using %s method : compute new VecD, VecDI' %(StLi.SolType))
                    if j == 0 or StLi.SolType == 'NR':  # Newton Raphson
                        if LinAlgFlag:
                            if SymSys:
                                LinAlg2.sim1_lu(KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                                LinAlg2.sim0_lu(KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            VecD = copy(VecR)
                            if SymSys:
                                LinAlg2.sim1_so(VecD, KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                                LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecD, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            VecDI = copy(VecP0)
                            if SymSys:
                                LinAlg2.sim1_so(VecDI, KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                                LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecDI, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            K_LU = linsolve.splu(MatK.tocsc(), permc_spec=0)  # triangulization of stiffness matrix
                            VecD = K_LU.solve(VecR)  # solution of K*u=R -> displacement increment
                            VecDI = K_LU.solve(VecP0)  # solution contribution for arc length control
                        #                        for jj in xrange(len(VecRD)):sys.stdout.write('%5i%5i%16.8f%16.8f%16.8f%16.8f%16.8f%16.8f\n'%(j,jj,VecD_[jj],VecD[jj],VecD_[jj]-VecD[jj],VecDI_[jj],VecDI[jj],VecDI_[jj]-VecDI[jj]))
                        if StLi.SolType <> 'NR': CalcType = 1  # stiffness matrix not built anymore
                    elif StLi.SolType == 'BFGS':  # BFGS according to Matthies & Strang 1979 (S. 1617) for indefinite matrices
                        VecRD = VecRD * BCIn  # mask prescribed dofs
                        VecD = VecD * BCIn  # mask prescribed dofs
                        A_BFGS += [VecRD]       # append to list
                        B_BFGS += [sds * VecD]  # append to list
                        rho_BFGS += [1. / dot(transpose(VecRD), sds * VecD)]    # scalar
                        alpha_BFGS = []
                        for k in range(j - 1, -1, -1):
                            alpha = rho_BFGS[k] * dot(B_BFGS[k], VecR)      # scalar
                            VecR = VecR - alpha * A_BFGS[k]
                            alpha_BFGS += [alpha]               # append to list
                        if LinAlgFlag:
                            for jj in xrange(N): VecD[jj] = VecR[jj]
                            if SymSys:
                                LinAlg2.sim1_so(VecD, KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                                LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecD, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            VecD = K_LU.solve(VecR)
                        for k in range(j):
                            beta_BFGS = rho_BFGS[k] * dot(A_BFGS[k], VecD)          # scalar
                            VecD = VecD + (alpha_BFGS[k] - beta_BFGS) * B_BFGS[k]  # end BFGS
                        if LinAlgFlag:
                            if SymSys:
                                LinAlg2.sim1_so(VecR, KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                                LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecR, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            VecD = copy(VecR)
                            if SymSys:
                                LinAlg2.sim1_so(VecP0, KVecU, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                                LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecP0, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
                            VecDI = copy(VecP0)
                            VecD = K_LU.solve( VecR)  # solution of K*u=R -> displacement increment, modified Newton-Raphson
                            VecDI = K_LU.solve(VecP0)  # solution contribution for arc length control

                    # determine time increment / step and displacement increment
                    logger.debug('determine time incr/step and displacement incr')
                    logger.debug('set tt=0-initialize time incr for this iteration step. The TimeOld=%s, dt=%s' % (TimeOld,dt))
                    tt = 0  # initialize time increment for this iteration step
                    if not StLi.Dyn and LoFl:
                        if StLi.ArcLen:
                            tt = TS * ArcLength(StLi.ArcLenV, VecDI, VecD, VecU - VecC, VecY,
                                                Mask)  # time increment with arc length control
                        elif j == 0:
                            if StLi.varTimeSteps:
                                for targ_i in xrange(TimeVarL):  #
                                    if Time < StLi.TimeTargVar[targ_i]:
                                        tt = StLi.TimeStepVar[targ_i]
                                tt = StLi.TimeStep  # time increment prescribed
                        dt = dt + tt  # update time increment
                        Time = TimeOld + dt  # update time (dt = 0 in case of arc length control)
                        logger.debug('LoFl=%s, compute new tt=%s, dt=dt+tt=%s' %(LoFl,tt,dt))
                    logger.debug('tt is only incremented one time at j=0 and LoFl=true. After computing: LoFl=%s, tt = %s, dt=dt+tt=%s, Time=TimeOld+dt=%s' %(LoFl,tt,dt,Time))
                    VecD = VecD + tt * DTS * VecDI  # new displacement increment with two contributions
                    logger.debug('compute new VecD=VecD+tt*DTS*VecDI')

                # if j>=0: LogResiduals(LogName, counter, j, NodeList, VecRP, VecU)  #  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                logger.info('End of Equilibrium iteration loop in Time=%s' %(Time))
                TimeOld = Time
                VecY = VecU - VecC  # store current displacement time step increment
                VecC = copy(VecU)  # store current displacements as previous for next time step
                VecS = copy(VecT)  # store current temperatures as previous for next time step
                VevC = copy(VevU)  # store current velocities as previous for next time step
                VeaC = copy(VeaU)  # store current accelerations as previous for next time step
                logger.info('store current displ as previous for next step : TimeOld=Time=%s,VecY,VecC' % TimeOld)
                if j == (StLi.IterNum - 1):
                    LogResiduals(LogName, counter, j, NodeList, VecRP, VecU)
                    logger.info('j=%s reaches StLi.IterNum')
                logger.info('FinishEquilibIteration. Check if there is changed state (by func.UpdateStateVar) in certain material')
                FinishEquilibIteration(MatList, ElList, f6, StLi.NLGeom, LoFl)  # update state variables etc.

                if Time > TimeTarg - 1.e-6:
                    if not Flag or StLi.Dyn:
                        Stop = True  # time target reached, finalize computation, Flag for material ElasticLT, not Flag for all other materials
                        logger.info('Stop=True-time target reached')
                        Stop_ = True  # eventually with one more equilibrium iteration for ElasticLT in case of quasistatic computation, Stop is set elsewhere
                        logger.info('Stop_=True-eventually with one more equilibrium iteration for ElasticLT in case of quasistatic computation, Stop is set elsewhere')

                if ((Time + 1.e-6 >= TimeEl or Stop) and not Stop_) or (Stop and Stop_):
                    #                if counter in (582,553,526,1094,1111,1128): #   # data set E1-01 only
                    #                if counter in [iii for iii in range(1000) if iii%50==0 ]:
                    logger.debug('Vi Time=%s > TimeEL=%s, write data to file elemout' %(Time,TimeEl))
                    WriteElemData(f2, f7, Time, ElList, NodeList, MatList, MaxType)  # write element data
                    fd = open(Name + '.pkl', 'w')  # Serialize data and store for restart
                    ppp = cPickle.Pickler(fd)
                    ppp.dump(Flag); \
                    ppp.dump(VecY); \
                    print >> f6, 'Element Data written', Time, TimeEl
                if ((Time + 1.e-6 >= TimeNo or Stop) and not Stop_) or (Stop and Stop_):
                    if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.Label)
                    WriteNodalData(f3, Time, NodeList, VecU, VecB)  # write nodal data
                    if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.CMLabel_)
                    print >> f6, 'Nodal Data written', Time, TimeNo
                if f5 <> None:
                    WriteNodes(f5, WrNodes, Time, VecU, VecB, VecP)
            VecP0old = copy(VecP0__)  # remember nominal load of this step
            i += 1  # next step list
            logger.critical('i+=1=%s - next step list' %(i))

        print time() - stime  # end of computation loop, look for computation time
        print >> f6, time() - stime
        if f5 <> None: f5.close()
        if f7 <> None: f7.close()
        #        fX.close()
        print 'Characteristic size numbers: ', N, len(ElList), len(NodeList), '__', 1. * SLen / (
                    N ** 2), 1. * SLen / 1024

        RC = FinishAllStuff(PloF, Name, ElList, NodeList, MatList, f2, VecU, WrNodes, "elemout")
        logger.critical('End of program')
        return RC
Exemplo n.º 3
 def Run(self, Name, Key, LinAlgFlag, PloF):
     f1=open( Name+".in.txt", 'r')
     f2=open( Name+".elemout.txt", 'w')
     f3=open( Name+".nodeout.txt", 'w')
     print "ConPlaD: ", Name
     NodeList, ElList, MatList, StepList = ReadInputFile(f1, False) # read input file and create node, element, material and step lists -> in SimFemInOut.py
     N, Mask, Skyline, SDiag, SLen = AssignGlobalDof( NodeList, ElList, MatList)              # assign degrees of freedom (dof) to nodes and elements -> see above
     if pth.isfile(Name+".opt.txt"):                     # read options, mandatory for reinforcement design
         f4=open( Name+".opt.txt", 'r')
         WrNodes, LineS, ReDes, MaxType = ReadOptionsFile(f4, NodeList)
     else: raise NameError ("ConPlaD: options file missing")
     # Initializations
     # with N = Index = total number of Dofs
     VecU = zeros((N),dtype=double)                      # current displacement vector
     VecI = zeros((N),dtype=double)                      # internal nodal forces vector
     VecA = zeros((N),dtype=double)                      # nodal forces vector from prescribed constrained dofs
     VecP = zeros((N),dtype=double)                      # load vector
     VecP0= zeros((N),dtype=double)                      # dummy load vector
     VecZ = zeros((N),dtype=double)                      # zero vector
     BCIn = ones((N),dtype=int)                          # for compatibility with SimFem
     BCIi = zeros((N),dtype=int)                         # for compatibility with SimFem
     # FE Calculation
     stime = time()
     Time = StepList[0].TimeTarg                         # set time
     if LinAlgFlag:
         KVecU = zeros(SLen, dtype=float)                    # Initialize upper right part of stiffness vector
         KVecL = zeros(SLen, dtype=float)                    # Initialize lower left part of stiffness vector
         IntForces( N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecI, None,None,KVecU,KVecL,Skyline,SDiag, 2, None, False, False, False)# internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
         MatK = sparse.lil_matrix((N, N))                    # sparse stiffness matrix initialization
         IntForces( N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecI, MatK,None,None,None,None,None, 2, None, False, False, False)# internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
     StepList[0].NodalLoads( N, Time, Time, NodeList, VecP, VecP0)# introduce concentrated loads into system -> in SimFemSteps.py
     StepList[0].ElementLoads( Time, Time, ElList, NodeList, VecP, VecP0)# introduce distributed loads into system -> in SimFemSteps.py
     if LinAlgFlag:
         StepList[0].BoundCond( N, Time, 0, Time, NodeList, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn, BCIi, None,KVecU,KVecL,Skyline,SDiag, 2, False)# introduce boundary conditions
         StepList[0].BoundCond( N, Time, 0, Time, NodeList, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn, BCIi, MatK,[],None,None,None, 2, False)# introduce boundary conditions
     VecR = VecP + VecA - VecI                           # residual vector
     print StepList[0].TimeTarg, norm(VecR)
     if LinAlgFlag:
         LinAlg2.sim0_lu(      KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
         LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecR, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
         VecU = copy(VecR)
         K_LU = linsolve.splu(MatK.tocsc(),permc_spec=3)     #triangulization of stiffness matrix
         VecU = K_LU.solve( VecR )                           # solution of K*u=R -> displacement increment
     IntForces( N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecI, None,None,None,None,None,None, 1, None, False, False, False)# internal nodal forces
     WriteElemData( f2, f7, Time, ElList, NodeList, MatList, [])          # write element data
     if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.Label)
     WriteNodalData( f3, Time, NodeList, VecU, VecU)     # write nodal data
     if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.CMLabel_)
     # post processing
     f2=open( Name+".elemout.txt", 'r')                  #
     Sc, Sc1 = PostScales( ElList, NodeList, f2 )
     # Limit analysis
     f4=open( Name+".reinforcement.txt", 'w')
     ASx, ASy, Vol = Reinforcement2D( ElList, NodeList, ReDes, Sc, Key, f4)
     print ASx,ASy,Vol,ASx*7810/Vol,ASy*7810/Vol
     print time()-stime
     if PloF:
         return 0
         import hashlib
         mmm = hashlib.md5()
         fp= file( Name+".reinforcement.txt", "rb")
         while True:
             data= fp.read(65536)
             if not data: break
         RC = mmm.hexdigest()
         return RC
Exemplo n.º 4
 def Run(self, Name, LinAlgFlag, PloF, ElPlotTimes=['1.0000']):
     f1 = open(Name + ".in.txt", 'r')
     f2 = open(Name + ".elemout.txt", 'w')
     f3 = open(Name + ".nodeout.txt", 'w')
     f6 = open(Name + ".protocol.txt", 'w')
     f7 = None
     print("ConSim: ", Name)
     NodeList, ElList, MatList, StepList, NoLabToNoInd, SecDic = ReadInputFile(
         f1, f6, False
     )  # read input file and create node, element, material and step lists -> in ConFemInOut.py
     NoIndToCMInd = [i for i in range(len(NodeList))
                     ]  # maps identical before Cuthill McKee
     N, Mask, Skyline, SDiag, SLen = AssignGlobalDof(
         NodeList, ElList, MatList, NoIndToCMInd
     )  # assign degrees of freedom (dof) to nodes and elements -> see above
     # Initializations
     VecU = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # current displacement vector
     VecI = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # internal nodal forces vector
     VecA = zeros((N), dtype=double
                  )  # nodal forces vector from prescribed constrained dofs
     VecP = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # load vector
     VecP0 = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # dummy load vector
     VecZ = zeros((N), dtype=double)  # zero vector
     BCIn = ones((N), dtype=int)  # for compatibility with ConFem
     BCIi = zeros((N), dtype=int)  # for compatibility with SimFem
     # FE Calculation
     stime = process_time()
     Time = 1  #StepList[0].TimeStep                         # set time
     if LinAlgFlag:
         KVecU = zeros(
             dtype=float)  # Initialize upper right part of stiffness vector
         KVecL = zeros(
             dtype=float)  # Initialize lower left part of stiffness vector
         IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecZ,
                   VecI, None, None, KVecU, KVecL, Skyline, SDiag, 2, None,
                   False, False, False,
                   0)  # internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
         MatK = sparse.lil_matrix(
             (N, N))  # sparse stiffness matrix initialization
         IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecZ,
                   VecI, MatK, None, None, None, None, None, 2, None, False,
                   False, False,
                   0)  # internal nodal forces / stiffness matrix
         N, Time, Time, NodeList, NoLabToNoInd, NoIndToCMInd, VecP, VecP0
     )  # introduce concentrated loads into system -> in ConFemSteps.py
     if LinAlgFlag:
         StepList[0].BoundCond(N, Time, 0, Time, NodeList, NoLabToNoInd,
                               NoIndToCMInd, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn,
                               BCIi, None, KVecU, KVecL, Skyline, SDiag, 2,
                               False)  # introduce boundary conditions
         StepList[0].BoundCond(N, Time, 0, Time, NodeList, NoLabToNoInd,
                               NoIndToCMInd, VecU, VecI, VecP, VecP0, BCIn,
                               BCIi, MatK, [], None, None, None, 2,
                               False)  # introduce boundary conditions
     VecR = VecP + VecA - VecI  # residual vector
     print((StepList[0].TimeTarg, Time, norm(VecR)))
     if LinAlgFlag:
         LinAlg2.sim0_lu(KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
         LinAlg2.sim0_so(VecR, KVecU, KVecL, SDiag, Skyline, N)
         VecU[:] = VecR[:]  #copy(VecR)
         IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecZ,
                   VecI, None, None, KVecU, KVecL, Skyline, SDiag, 1, None,
                   False, False, False, 0)  # internal nodal forces
         K_LU = linsolve.splu(
             permc_spec=3)  #triangulization of stiffness matrix
         VecU = K_LU.solve(
             VecR)  # solution of K*u=R -> displacement increment
         IntForces(N, MatList, ElList, Time, VecZ, VecU, VecZ, VecZ, VecZ,
                   VecI, MatK, None, None, None, None, None, 1, None, False,
                   False, False, 0)  # internal nodal forces
     WriteElemData(f2, f7, Time, ElList, NodeList, NoLabToNoInd,
                   NoIndToCMInd, MatList, [])  # write element data
     if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.Label)
     WriteNodalData(f3, Time, NodeList, VecU, VecU)  # write nodal data
     if LinAlgFlag: NodeList.sort(key=lambda t: t.CMIndex)
     # post processing
     f2 = open(Name + ".elemout.txt", 'r')
     Sc = PostScales(ElList, NodeList, f2)
     PostElem2D(ElList, NodeList, NoIndToCMInd, MatList, f2, Sc, 1.0, 1.0,
     PostNode(ElList, NodeList, NoIndToCMInd, VecU, 1.0, None)
     # simplex
     f4 = open(Name + ".rigidplastic.txt", 'w')
     SetSimplexStage(N, NodeList, ElList, MatList, VecI,
                     StepList[0].BoundList, StepList[0].CLoadList, f4)
     print((process_time() - stime))
     if PloF:
         return 0
         import hashlib
         mmm = hashlib.md5()
         fp = open(Name + ".rigidplastic.txt", "r")
         while True:
             data = fp.read(65536)
             if not data: break
         RC = mmm.hexdigest()
         return RC
Exemplo n.º 5
    # fill load vector
    for i in LoadList:
        k = FindGlobalDof(NodeList[i[0]], i[1])
        pp[k] = pp[k] + i[2]  # global load vector, i[2] has load value

    # assign displacement boundary conditions
    for i in BoundList:
        k = FindGlobalDof(NodeList[i[0]], i[1])
        for j in xrange(N):
            pp[j] = pp[j] - KK[j, k] * i[2]
            KK[j, k] = 0.
            KK[k, j] = 0.
        KK[k, k] = 1.
        pp[k] = i[2]

    # solve system
    if Sparse:
        K_LU = linsolve.splu(
            KK.tocsc(), permc_spec=3)  # triangulization of stiffness matrix
        uu = K_LU.solve(pp)  # solution of K*u=R -> displacement increment
        uu = linalg.solve(KK, pp)
    print time() - stime
    print uu  #displacement vector that we've calculated and shall be writted in the output file
    DataOut("results.txt", uu)
    if not Sparse:
    print 'finish'