Exemplo n.º 1
def get_color_solve(mark_color_yuv, mark_binary, wd=1):
    shape = mark_color_yuv.shape
    n = shape[0]
    m = shape[1]
    img_size = n * m
    out_img_yuv = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float)
    out_img_yuv[:, :, 0] = mark_color_yuv[:, :, 0]
    indexM = np.arange(img_size).reshape((n, m), order='F')

    len = 0
    consts_len = 0
    col_inds = np.zeros(img_size * (2 * wd + 1)**2, dtype=np.int)
    row_inds = np.zeros(img_size * (2 * wd + 1)**2, dtype=np.int)
    vals = np.zeros(img_size * (2 * wd + 1)**2, dtype=np.float)
    gvals = np.zeros((2 * wd + 1)**2, dtype=np.float)

    A = sps.lil_matrix((img_size, img_size), dtype=np.float)
    bU = np.zeros((A.shape[0]), dtype=np.float)
    bV = np.zeros((A.shape[0]), dtype=np.float)

    for j in range(m):
        for i in range(n):
            if (mark_binary[i, j]):
                bU[consts_len] = 1 * mark_color_yuv[i, j, 1]
                bV[consts_len] = 1 * mark_color_yuv[i, j, 2]
                vals[len] = 1
                tlen = 0
                for ii in range(max(0, i - wd), min(i + wd, n - 1) + 1):
                    for jj in range(max(0, j - wd), min(j + wd, m - 1) + 1):
                        if (ii != i or jj != j):
                            row_inds[len] = consts_len
                            col_inds[len] = indexM[ii, jj]
                            gvals[tlen] = mark_color_yuv[ii, jj, 0]
                            len += 1
                            tlen += 1
                gvals[tlen] = mark_color_yuv[i, j, 0]
                gvals = get_exp_weights(gvals, tlen)
                #gvals = get_linear_weights(gvals, tlen)
                vals[len - tlen:len] = gvals[0:tlen]
                vals[len] = 1

            row_inds[len] = consts_len
            col_inds[len] = indexM[i, j]
            len += 1
            consts_len += 1

    for i in range(len):
        A[row_inds[i], col_inds[i]] = vals[i]

    A = A.tocsr()
    xU = linsolve.spsolve(A, bU)
    xV = linsolve.spsolve(A, bV)

    out_img_yuv[:, :, 1] = xU.reshape((n, m), order='F')
    out_img_yuv[:, :, 2] = xV.reshape((n, m), order='F')

    return out_img_yuv
Exemplo n.º 2
	def diffuse_one_time_step(self, enzyme_concentration = None,
								external_add_subtract = None):
		"""Solve a single time step in the diffusion problem"""

		if self.breakdown_k:
		if self.enzyme_limited_breakdown_Vmax:
		if external_add_subtract.__class__ == numpy.ndarray:
		A = self.A.tocsr()
		B = self.B.tocsr()
		if self.linear_or_radial == "linear":
			c_old = self.conc
		elif self.linear_or_radial == "radial":
			c_old = self.convert_radial_to_linear(self.conc)
			self.R = self.convert_radial_to_linear(self.R)
		c_new = linsolve.spsolve(A, ((B * c_old) + self.C + 2*self.R))
		if self.linear_or_radial == "linear":
			self.conc = c_new
		elif self.linear_or_radial == "radial":
			self.conc = self.convert_linear_to_radial(c_new)
		self.conc[self.conc<0] = 0	#needed if enzyme brings conc<0
		self.R = numpy.zeros(self.n, dtype = numpy.float32) #Reset reaction matrix
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_solve_umfpack(self):
     """Solve with UMFPACK: double precision"""
     linsolve.use_solver( useUmfpack = True )
     a = self.a.astype('d')
     b = self.b
     x = linsolve.spsolve(a, b)
     #print x
     #print "Error: ", a*x-b
     assert_array_almost_equal(a*x, b)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_solve_sparse_rhs(self):
     """Solve with UMFPACK: double precision, sparse rhs"""
     linsolve.use_solver( useUmfpack = True )
     a = self.a.astype('d')
     b = csc_matrix( self.b.reshape((5,1)) )
     x = linsolve.spsolve(a, b)
     #print x
     #print "Error: ", a*x-b
     assert_array_almost_equal(a*x, self.b)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def solve_with_initial_guess(self, initial_guess, solver="LU"):
        A = self.matrix.get_csr_matrix()

        if(solver == "AMG"):
            ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)
            M = ml.aspreconditioner()
            self.sol = gmres(A, self.rhs.val, x0=initial_guess, M=M)[0]
        elif( solver == "LU"):
            self.sol = linsolve.spsolve(A, self.rhs.val)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_solve_without_umfpack(self):
     """Solve: single precision"""
     linsolve.use_solver( useUmfpack = False )
     a = self.a.astype('f')
     b = self.b
     x = linsolve.spsolve(a, b.astype('f'))
     #print x
     #print "Error: ", a*x-b
     # single precision: be more generous...
     assert_array_almost_equal(a*x, b, decimal = 5)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_solve_complex_without_umfpack(self):
     """Solve: single precision complex"""
     linsolve.use_solver( useUmfpack = False )
     a = self.a
     a.data = a.data.astype('F',casting='unsafe')
     b = self.b
     b = b.astype('F')
     x = linsolve.spsolve(a, b)
     #print x
     #print "Error: ", a*x-b
     assert_array_almost_equal(a*x, b)
Exemplo n.º 8
def poissonneumann(k,N,g,f, points):
    tag = "B1"
    elements = H1Elements(k)
    quadrule = pyramidquadrature(k+1)
    system = SymmetricSystem(elements, quadrule, lambda m: buildcubemesh(N,m,tag), [])
    SM = system.systemMatrix(True)
    S = SM[1:,:][:,1:] # the first basis fn is guaranteed to be associated with an external degree, so is a linear comb of all the others 
    F = 0 if f is None else system.loadVector(f)
    G = 0 if g is None else system.boundaryLoad({tag:g}, squarequadrature(k+1), trianglequadrature(k+1), False)    
    U = numpy.concatenate((numpy.array([0]), spsolve(S, G[tag][1:]-F[1:])))[:,numpy.newaxis]
    return system.evaluate(points, U, {}, False)    
Exemplo n.º 9
def oopsi_est_map(F, P):
    # extract parameters from dict (turples)
    T, dt, gam, a, b, sig, lam = (
        P[k] for k in ('T', 'dt', 'gamma', 'alpha', 'beta', 'sigma', 'lambda')
    # initialize n,C,llam
    n = 0.01 + np.zeros(T)
    C = lfilter([1.0], [1.0, -gam], n)
    llam = (lam * dt) * np.ones(T)
    # M, H, H1, H2 are 'sparse' matrix, therefore
    # we can directly multiply it with a vector (without np.dot)
    M = oopsi_m(gam, T)
    grad_lnprior = M.T * llam
    H1 = (a ** 2) / (sig ** 2) * eye(T)
    z = 1.0  # weight on barrier function
    while z > 1e-13:
        D = F - a * C - b  # residual
        lik = 1 / (2 * (sig ** 2)) * np.dot(D.T, D)
        post = lik + np.dot(llam.T, n) - z * np.sum(np.log(n))  # calculate L
        s = 1.0
        d = 1.0
        while (lp.norm(d) > 5e-2) and (s > 1e-3):  # conv for z
            glik = -a / (sig ** 2) * (F - a * C - b)
            g = glik + grad_lnprior - z * (M.T * (1 / n))  # gradient, g
            H2 = spdiags(1 / (n ** 2), 0, T, T)
            H = H1 + z * (M.T * H2 * M)  # Hessian, H
            d = linsolve.spsolve(H, g)  # direction to step
            # find s
            hit = n / (M * d)  # steps within constraint boundaries
            hit = hit[hit > 0]
            if any(hit < 1):
                s = 0.99 * hit.min()
                s = 1.0
            # loop over s
            post1 = post + 1.0
            while post1 > post + 1e-7:  # goal: newton step decrease objective
                C1 = C - s * d
                n = M * C1
                D = F - a * C1 - b
                lik1 = 1 / (2 * (sig ** 2)) * np.dot(D.T, D)
                post1 = lik1 + np.dot(llam.T, n) - z * np.sum(np.log(n))
                s = s / 5.0
                if s < 1e-20:
            C = C1  # update C
            post = post1  # update post
        z = z / 10.0  # reduce z (sequence of z reductions is arbitrary)
    # clearing n[0],n[1] and normalize n between [0,1]
    n[0:2] = 1e-8
    n = n / n.max()
    return n, C, post
Exemplo n.º 10
    def solve(self, rhs):
        '''Construct the matrix and use the solver to get 
        the solution for the supplied rhs. 
        ij = vstack((self.x_l, self.y_l))

        # Assemble the system matrix from the flattened data and
        # sparsity map containing two rows - first one are the row
        # indices and second one are the column indices.
        mtx = sparse.coo_matrix((self.data_l, ij))

        u_vct = linsolve.spsolve(mtx, rhs)
        return u_vct
Exemplo n.º 11
    def solve( self, rhs ):
        '''Construct the matrix and use the solver to get 
        the solution for the supplied rhs. 
        ij = vstack( ( self.x_l, self.y_l ) )

        # Assemble the system matrix from the flattened data and 
        # sparsity map containing two rows - first one are the row
        # indices and second one are the column indices.
        mtx = sparse.coo_matrix( ( self.data_l, ij ) )

        u_vct = linsolve.spsolve( mtx, rhs )
        return u_vct
Exemplo n.º 12
def oopsi_est_map(F,P):
    # extract parameters from dict (turples)
    T,dt,gam,a,b,sig,lam = \
        (P[k] for k in ('T','dt','gamma','alpha','beta','sigma','lambda'))
    # initialize n,C,llam
    n = 0.01 + np.zeros(T)
    C = lfilter([1.0],[1.0,-gam],n)
    llam = (lam*dt) * np.ones(T)
    # M, H, H1, H2 are 'sparse' matrix, therefore
    # we can directly multiply it with a vector (without np.dot)
    M = oopsi_m(gam,T)
    grad_lnprior = M.T*llam
    H1 = (a**2)/(sig**2) * eye(T)
    z = 1.0 # weight on barrier function
    while z>1e-13:
        D = F - a*C - b # residual
        lik = 1/(2*(sig**2))*np.dot(D.T,D);
        post = lik + np.dot(llam.T,n) - z*np.sum(np.log(n)) # calculate L
        s = 1.0
        d = 1.0
        while (lp.norm(d) > 5e-2) and (s > 1e-3): # conv for z
            glik = -a/(sig**2)*(F - a*C - b)
            g    = glik +  grad_lnprior - z*(M.T*(1/n)) # gradient, g
            H2   = spdiags(1/(n**2),0,T,T)
            H    = H1 + z*(M.T*H2*M) # Hessian, H
            d    = linsolve.spsolve(H,g) # direction to step
            # find s
            hit  = n/(M*d) # steps within constraint boundaries
            hit  = hit[hit>0]
            if any(hit<1):
                s = 0.99*hit.min()
                s = 1.0
            # loop over s
            post1 = post + 1.0
            while (post1 > post + 1e-7): #goal: newton step decrease objective
                C1 = C - s*d
                n = M*C1
                D = F - a*C1 - b
                lik1 = 1/(2*(sig**2)) * np.dot(D.T,D)
                post1 = lik1 + np.dot(llam.T,n) - z*np.sum(np.log(n))
                s = s/5.0
                if (s<1e-20):
            C = C1 # update C
            post = post1 # update post
        z = z/10.0 # reduce z (sequence of z reductions is arbitrary)
    # clearing n[0],n[1] and normalize n between [0,1]
    n[0:2] = 1e-8
    n = n / n.max()
    return n, C, post
Exemplo n.º 13
def laplacedirichlet(k, N, g, points):    
    tag = "B1"
    elements = H1Elements(k)
    quadrule = pyramidquadrature(k+1)
    system = SymmetricSystem(elements, quadrule, lambda m: buildcubemesh(N, m, tag), [tag])

    SM = system.systemMatrix(True)
    S, SIBs, Gs = system.processBoundary(SM, {tag:g})

    SG = SIBs[tag] * Gs[tag]
    print S.shape
    U = spsolve(S, -SG)[:,numpy.newaxis]

    return system.evaluate(points, U, Gs, False)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def solve(self):
        self.nb_dof_condensed = self.nb_dof_FEM - self.nb_dof_master
        start = timeit.default_timer()

        index_A = np.where(((self.A_i * self.A_j) != 0))
        A = coo_matrix(
             (self.A_i[index_A] - 1, self.A_j[index_A] - 1)),
            shape=(self.nb_dof_master - 1, self.nb_dof_master - 1)).tocsr()
        F = np.zeros(self.nb_dof_master - 1, dtype=complex)
        for _i, f_i in enumerate(self.F_i):
            F[f_i - 1] += self.F_v[_i]

        # Resolution of the sparse linear system
        if self.verbose:
            print("Resolution of the linear system")
        X = linsolve.spsolve(A, F)
        # Concatenation of the first (zero) dof at the begining of the vector
        X = np.insert(X, 0, 0)
        # Concatenation of the slave dofs at the end of the vector
        T = coo_matrix(
            (self.T_v, (self.T_i, self.T_j)),
            shape=(self.nb_dof_condensed, self.nb_dof_master)).tocsr()
        X = np.insert(T @ X, 0, X)
        stop = timeit.default_timer()
        if self.verbose:
            print("Elapsed time for linsolve = {} ms".format(
                (stop - start) * 1e3))

        for _vr in self.vertices[1:]:
            for i_dim in range(4):
                _vr.sol[i_dim] = X[_vr.dofs[i_dim]]
        for _ed in self.edges:
            for i_dim in range(4):
                _ed.sol[i_dim] = X[_ed.dofs[i_dim]]
        for _fc in self.faces:
            for i_dim in range(4):
                _fc.sol[i_dim] = X[_fc.dofs[i_dim]]
        for _bb in self.bubbles:
            for i_dim in range(4):
                _bb.sol[i_dim] = X[_bb.dofs[i_dim]]
        if self.export_paraview is not False:
        return X
Exemplo n.º 15
def poissondirichlet(k,N,g,f, points):
    tag = "B1"
    elements = H1Elements(k)
    quadrule = pyramidquadrature(k+1)
    system = SymmetricSystem(elements, quadrule, lambda m: buildcubemesh(N, m, tag), [tag])
    SM = system.systemMatrix(True)
    S, SIBs, Gs = system.processBoundary(SM, {tag:g})    
    SG = SIBs[tag] * Gs[tag]
    if f: 
        F = system.loadVector(f)
    else: F = 0
    print SM.shape, S.shape, SIBs[tag].shape, Gs[tag].shape, F.shape, SG.shape
    t = Timer().start()
    U = spsolve(S, -F-SG)[:,numpy.newaxis]
    return system.evaluate(points, U, Gs, False)
 def solve(self):
     debug = True
     sol = None  # np.zeros((self.mod.M, self.mod.N), dtype=float)
     for k in range(self.mod.T):
         print "Generating RHS  # %s" % k
         LHS = self._generate_LHS()
         RHS = self._generate_RHS()
         print "Solving % s system" % k
         sol = linsolve.spsolve(LHS, RHS)
         sol = sol + self.buff
         stable = self.is_stable(sol)
         if not stable:
             print "No stability!"
             self.buff = self.initial_state
         self.buff = sol
     for i in range(len(self.solutions)):
         self.solutions[i] = self.solutions[i].reshape((self.mod.M, self.mod.N))
     self.buff = self.initial_state
Exemplo n.º 17
    def solve(self, rhs, check_pos_dev=False):
        '''Construct the matrix and use the solver to get 
        the solution for the supplied rhs
        pos_dev - test the positive definiteness of the matrix. 
        ij = vstack((self.x_l, self.y_l))

        # Assemble the system matrix from the flattened data and
        # sparsity map containing two rows - first one are the row
        # indices and second one are the column indices.
        mtx = sparse.coo_matrix((self.data_l, ij))
        mtx_csr = mtx.tocsr()

        pos_def = True
        if check_pos_dev:
            evals_small, evecs_small = eigsh(mtx_csr, 3, sigma=0, which='LM')
            min_eval = np.min(evals_small)
            pos_def = min_eval > 1e-10

        u_vct = linsolve.spsolve(mtx_csr, rhs)
        return u_vct, pos_def
Exemplo n.º 18
	def wiener(self, F, dt=0.020, iter_max=25, update=True):
	    # normalize
	    F = (F-F.mean())/np.abs(F).max() # fluor
	    T = F.shape[0]
	    gam = 1.0 - dt/1.0
	    gtol = 1e-4 # global tolerance

	    M = spdiags([-gam*np.ones(T), np.ones(T)],[-1,0],T,T) # conv mat
	    C = np.ones(T) # calcium 
	    n = M*C
	    lam = 1.0
	    llam = (lam*dt)
	    sig = 0.1*lp.norm(F) # 0.1 is arbitrary

	    D0 = F - C # assume a=1.0, b=0.0
	    D1 = n - llam

	    # likelihood
	    lik = np.dot(D0.T,D0)/(2*sig**2) + np.dot(D1.T,D1)/(2*llam) # eq 11.b

	    # See appendix B Vogelstein et. al., 2010.
	    for i in range(iter_max):
	        g = -(F-C)/sig**2 + (M.T*(M*C)-llam*(M.T*np.ones(T)))/llam
	        H = eye(T)/sig**2 + M.T*M/llam
	        d = linsolve.spsolve(H,g)
	        C = C - d
	        N = M*C
	        old_lik = lik
	        D0 = F - C
	        D1 = n - llam
	        lik = np.dot(D0.T,D0)/(2*sig**2) + np.dot(D1.T,D1)/(2*llam) 
	        if lik <= old_lik - gtol: # NR step until convergence
	            n = N
	            if update:
	                sig = np.sqrt(np.dot(D0.T,D0)/T)
	    n = n/n.max()
	    return n, C
Exemplo n.º 19
def solve_direct(grid, ivar, rvar, verbose=False):
    """Solve the Poisson system using a direct solver.

    grid : Grid object
        Grid containing data.
    ivar : string
        Name of the grid variable of the numerical solution.
    rvar : string
        Name of the grid variable of the right-hand side.

    residual: float
        Final residual.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Set True to display convergence information;
        default: False.


    phi = grid.get_values(ivar)
    b = grid.get_values(rvar)
    nx, ny = grid.nx, grid.ny
    dx, dy = grid.dx, grid.dy

    A = mtx(grid, ivar)
    x = linsolve.spsolve(A, b[1:-1, 1:-1].flatten())
    residual = numpy.linalg.norm(A * x - b[1:-1, 1:-1].flatten())

    phi[1:-1, 1:-1] = numpy.reshape(x, (nx, ny))

    if verbose:
        print('Direct Solver:')
        print('- Final residual: {}'.format(residual))

    return residual
Exemplo n.º 20
 def cal_numerical_solution(self):
     for k in range(self.num_triangles):
         #if ( k == 0 ):
         # print(self.B_tilde)
         for l in range(3):
             i = int(self.triangles[k, l] - 1)
             #print('Value of i={}, k={}, l={}'.format(i,k,l))
             for m in range(3):
                 j = int(self.triangles[k, m] - 1)
                 #print('Value of j: {}'.format(j))
                 if (i < self.num_inner_points) and (j <
                     self.alpha1 = (
                         self.B_tilde[0, 0] * self.basis[l, 0] +
                         self.B_tilde[0, 1] * self.basis[l, 1]) * (
                             self.B_tilde[0, 0] * self.basis[m, 0] +
                             self.B_tilde[0, 1] * self.basis[m, 1])
                     self.alpha2 = (
                         self.B_tilde[1, 0] * self.basis[l, 0] +
                         self.B_tilde[1, 1] * self.basis[l, 1]) * (
                             self.B_tilde[1, 0] * self.basis[m, 0] +
                             self.B_tilde[1, 1] * self.basis[m, 1])
                     self.alpha = self.alpha1 + self.alpha2
                     self.A[i, j] = self.A[
                         i, j] + self.alpha / (4 * abs(self.triangle_area))
             if (i < self.num_inner_points):
                 self.f[i] = self.f[i] + (self.triangle_area / 3) * (
                     2 * np.pi**2 * np.sin(np.pi * self.vertices[l, 0]) *
                     np.sin(np.pi * self.vertices[l, 1]))
     self.A = self.A.tocsr()
     self.numerical_solution = linsolve.spsolve(self.A, self.f)
     #self.numerical_solution = np.linalg.solve(self.A,self.f)
     print('Max: {}, min: {}'.format(np.max(self.f), np.min(self.f)))
     print('Max: {}, min: {}'.format(np.max(self.A), np.min(self.A)))
Exemplo n.º 21
def wiener(F, dt=0.020, iter_max=20, update=True):
    # normalize
    F = (F - F.mean()) / np.abs(F).max()
    T = F.shape[0]
    gam = 1.0 - dt / 1.0
    M = spdiags([-gam * np.ones(T), np.ones(T)], [-1, 0], T, T)
    C = np.ones(T)
    n = M * C
    lam = 1.0
    llam = (lam * dt)
    sig = 0.1 * lp.norm(F)  # 0.1 is arbitrary
    D0 = F - C  # we assume a=1.0, b=0.0
    D1 = n - llam
    lik = np.dot(D0.T, D0) / (2 * sig**2) + np.dot(D1.T, D1) / (2 * llam)
    gtol = 1e-4
    for i in xrange(iter_max):
        # g = -(F-C)/sig**2 + ((M*C).T*M-llam*(M.T*np.ones(T)))/llam
        g = -(F - C) / sig**2 + (M.T * (M * C) - llam *
                                 (M.T * np.ones(T))) / llam
        H = eye(T) / sig**2 + M.T * M / llam
        d = linsolve.spsolve(H, g)
        C = C - d
        N = M * C
        old_lik = lik
        D0 = F - C
        D1 = n - llam
        lik = np.dot(D0.T, D0) / (2 * sig**2) + np.dot(D1.T, D1) / (2 * llam)
        if lik <= old_lik - gtol:  # NR step decreases likelihood
            n = N
            if update:
                sig = np.sqrt(np.dot(D0.T, D0) / T)
    n = n / n.max()
    return n, C
Exemplo n.º 22
def wiener(F,dt=0.020,iter_max=20,update=True):
    # normalize
    F = (F-F.mean())/np.abs(F).max()
    T = F.shape[0]
    gam = 1.0 - dt/1.0
    M = spdiags([-gam*np.ones(T), np.ones(T)],[-1,0],T,T)
    C = np.ones(T)
    n = M*C
    lam = 1.0
    llam = (lam*dt)
    sig = 0.1*lp.norm(F) # 0.1 is arbitrary
    D0 = F - C # we assume a=1.0, b=0.0
    D1 = n - llam
    lik = np.dot(D0.T,D0)/(2*sig**2) + np.dot(D1.T,D1)/(2*llam)
    gtol = 1e-4
    for i in xrange(iter_max):
        # g = -(F-C)/sig**2 + ((M*C).T*M-llam*(M.T*np.ones(T)))/llam
        g = -(F-C)/sig**2 + (M.T*(M*C)-llam*(M.T*np.ones(T)))/llam
        H = eye(T)/sig**2 + M.T*M/llam
        d = linsolve.spsolve(H,g)
        C = C - d
        N = M*C
        old_lik = lik
        D0 = F - C
        D1 = n - llam
        lik = np.dot(D0.T,D0)/(2*sig**2) + np.dot(D1.T,D1)/(2*llam)
        if lik <= old_lik - gtol: # NR step decreases likelihood
            n = N
            if update:
                sig = np.sqrt(np.dot(D0.T,D0)/T)
    n = n/n.max()
    return n, C
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _fsolve(self, params, alphas, visualize=False, save_fig=False):
        mu, tauchar, beta = [x for x in params]
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        if visualize:
            print 'tauchar = %.2f,  beta = %.2f,' %(tauchar, beta)
            print 'Tf = %.2f' %self.getTf()
            print 'xmin = %.f, dx = %f, dt = %f' %(self.getXmin(), dx,dt)
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        fs = zeros((self._num_nodes(),
                    self._num_steps() ));
        #Impose Dirichlet BCs: = Automatic 
        #Impose ICs: 
        fs[:,0] = self._getICs(xs, alphas[0], beta)
        if visualize:
            plot(xs, fs[:,-1]); 
            title(r'$\alpha=%.2f, \tau=%.2f, \beta=%.2f$'%(alphas[0],tauchar, beta) + ':ICs', fontsize = 24);
            xlabel('x'); ylabel('f')
            plot(ts, fs[-1, :]);
            title('BCs at xth', fontsize = 24) ; xlabel('t'); ylabel('f')
            plot(ts, alphas);
            title('Control Input', fontsize = 24) ; xlabel('t'); ylabel(r'\alpha')
        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = beta * beta / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
        #Allocate mass mtx:    
        active_nodes = self._num_nodes() - 1
        M = lil_matrix((active_nodes, active_nodes));
        #Centre Diagonal:        
        e = ones(active_nodes);
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
        soln_fig = None;  
        if visualize:
            soln_fig = figure()
        for tk in xrange(1, self._num_steps()):
            #Rip the forward-in-time solution:
            f_prev = fs[:,tk-1];

            #Rip the control:
            alpha_prev = alphas[tk-1]
            alpha_next = alphas[tk]
            #Calculate the velocity field
            U_prev = (mu + alpha_prev - xs/ tauchar)
            U_next = (mu + alpha_next - xs/ tauchar)
            #Form the RHS:
            L_prev = -(U_prev[2:]*f_prev[2:] - U_prev[:-2]*f_prev[:-2]) / (2.* dx) + \
                      D * diff(f_prev, 2) / dx_sqrd;  
            #impose the x_min BCs: homogeneous Newmann: and assemble the RHS: 
            RHS = r_[0.,
                     f_prev[1:-1] + .5 * dt * L_prev];
            #Reset the Mass Matrix:
            #Lower Diagonal
            u =  U_next / (2*dx);
            d_off = D / dx_sqrd;
            L_left = -.5*dt*(d_off + u[:-2]);
            M.setdiag(L_left, -1);
            #Upper Diagonal
            L_right = -.5*dt*(d_off - u[2:]);
                         L_right], 1);
            #Bottome BCs:
            M[0,0] = U_next[0] + D / dx;
            M[0,1] = -D / dx;
            #add the terms coming from the upper BC at the backward step to the end of the RHS
            #RHS[-1] += 0 #Here it is 0!!!
            #Convert mass matrix to CSR format:
            Mx = M.tocsr();            
            #and solve:
            f_next = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
            #Store solutions:
            fs[:-1, tk] = f_next;
            if visualize:
                mod_steps = 4;  num_cols = 4;
                num_rows = ceil(double(self._num_steps())/num_cols / mod_steps)
                step_idx = tk;
                if 0 == mod(step_idx,mod_steps) or 1 == tk:
                    plt_idx = floor(tk / mod_steps) + 1
                    ax = soln_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                    ax.plot(xs, fs[:,tk], label='k=%d'%tk); 
                    if 1 == tk:
                        ax.plot(xs, fs[:,tk-1], 'r', label='ICs')
                    ax.legend(loc='upper left')
#                        ax.set_title('k = %d'%tk); 
                    if False : #(self._num_steps()-1 != tk):
                        ticks = ax.get_xticklabels()
                        for t in ticks:
                        ax.set_xlabel('$x$'); ax.set_ylabel('$f$')
                        for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
        if visualize:
            for fig in [soln_fig]:

            if save_fig:
                file_name = os.path.join(FIGS_DIR, 'f_t=%.0f_b=%.0f.png'%(10*tauchar, 10*beta))
                print 'saving to ', file_name
        return fs
Exemplo n.º 24
def sparseLM(x0,
    Levenberg-Marquard optimization, see: http://people.duke.edu/~hpgavin/ce281/lm.pdf
    :param x0: initial estimate
    :param func: function callback that returns cost
    :param fjaco: function callback that returns Jacobian matrix
    :param ferr: function callback that returns per equation error
    :param fcallback: function callback that is called every iteration
    :param lambda0: initial lambda
    :param eps_grad: gradient convergence threshold
    :param eps_param: parameter convergence threshold
    :param eps_cost: cost convergence treshold
    :param eps_improv: improvement threshold
    :param eps_es: early stopping threshold, stop when objective decreased by this factor
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    :param Lp: increase factor of lambda
    :param Lm: decrease factor of lambda
    :param retall: returns list, including cost over iterations, otherwise only optimized values
    :param disp: display intermediate information
    :param damping: select damping range: eye, max, diag
    :param args: additional arguments passed to func, fjaco, ferr, fcallback, etc
    :return: optimized values

    errs = []
    x_intermed = []

    x = x0.copy()
    lambdai = lambda0
    i = 0
    if max_iter is None:
        max_iter = numpy.inf
    while i < max_iter:
        func_x = func(x, *args)
        if disp:
            print "Error {} at iteration {}, lambdai {}".format(
                func_x, i, lambdai)

        # log errors
        if len(errs) <= i:
            errs[i - 1] = func_x

        # get parts of equation
        j_mtx = fjaco(x, *args).tocsr()
        jtj = j_mtx.T.dot(j_mtx)
        dy = ferr(x, *args)
        rhs = j_mtx.T.dot(dy)

        # solve system
        # (J^T*J + lambda*I)*db = J^T*dy
        if damping == 'eye':
            diag = sps.eye(jtj.shape[0])
        elif damping == 'diag':
            diag = sps.spdiags(jtj.diagonal(), 0, jtj.shape[0], jtj.shape[1])
        elif damping == 'max':
            diag = numpy.max(jtj.diagonal()) * sps.eye(jtj.shape[0])
            raise NotImplementedError("!")
        h = linsolve.spsolve(jtj + lambdai * diag, rhs)

        # calculate update
        func_xh = func(x + h, *args)
        rho_h = (func_x - func_xh) / (numpy.sum(h *
                                                (lambdai * diag * h + rhs)))
        if disp:
            print "rho={}, fun delta={}".format(rho_h, func_x - func_xh)

        if rho_h > eps_improv:
            x += h
            lambdai = max(lambdai / Lm, 1e-8)
            if fcallback is not None:
                fcallback(i, x)
            i += 1
            lambdai = min(lambdai * Lp, 1e8)

            # test convergence, test separately so this is not a full iteration
            if lambdai >= 1e8:
                if disp:
                    print "Convergence lambdai {} >= {}".format(lambdai, 1e8)

        if errs[0] / func_x > eps_es:
            if disp:
                print "Early stopping objective {}/{} > {}".format(
                    errs[0], func_x, eps_es)

        if numpy.abs(rhs).max() < eps_grad:
            if disp:
                print "Convergence gradient {} < {}".format(
                    numpy.abs(rhs).max(), eps_grad)

        if numpy.nanmax(numpy.abs(h / x)) < eps_param:
            if disp:
                print "Convergence parameters {} < {}".format(
                    numpy.abs(h / x).max(), eps_param)

        if func_x < eps_cost:
            if disp:
                print "Convergence cost {} < {}".format(func_x, eps_cost)

    if i == max_iter:
        if disp:
            print "Maximum number of iteration {} reached!".format(i)

    if retall:
        return [x, errs, x_intermed]
        return x
Construct a 1000x1000 lil_matrix and add some values to it, convert it
to CSC format and solve A x = b for x with a direct solver.
%pylab inline --no-import-all
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps
from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve import linsolve
import time

rand = np.random.rand

A = sps.lil_matrix((10000, 10000), dtype=np.float64)
A[0::100, 2000:3000] = rand(1000)

A = A.tocsc() # Compressed Sparse Column format

# Spy matrix
plt.spy(mtx, marker='.', markersize=2)

b = rand(10000) # random rhs

t1 = time.time() # initial time
x = linsolve.spsolve(A, b) # solve system
t2 = time.time() # final time
print 'residual:', np.linalg.norm(A * x - rhs) 
print t2-t1
Exemplo n.º 26
    def simcond(self, xo, method='approx', i_unknown=None):
        Simulate values conditionally on observed known values

        x : vector
            timeseries including missing data.
            (missing data must be NaN if i_unknown is not given)
            Assumption: The covariance of x is equal to self and have the
            same sample period.
        method : string
            defining method used in the conditional simulation. Options are:
            'approximate': Condition only on the closest points. Quite fast
            'exact' : Exact simulation. Slow for large data sets, may not
                return any result due to near singularity of the covariance
        i_unknown : integers
            indices to spurious or missing data in x

        sample : ndarray
            a random sample of the missing values conditioned on the observed
        mu, sigma : ndarray
            mean and standard deviation, respectively, of the missing values
            conditioned on the observed data.

        SIMCOND generates the missing values from x conditioned on the observed
        values assuming x comes from a multivariate Gaussian distribution
        with zero expectation and Auto Covariance function R.

        See also

        Brodtkorb, P, Myrhaug, D, and Rue, H (2001)
        "Joint distribution of wave height and wave crest velocity from
        reconstructed data with application to ringing"
        Int. Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol 11, No. 1,
        pp 23--32

        Brodtkorb, P, Myrhaug, D, and Rue, H (1999)
        "Joint distribution of wave height and wave crest velocity from
        reconstructed data"
        in Proceedings of 9th ISOPE Conference, Vol III, pp 66-73
        x = atleast_1d(xo).ravel()
        acf = self._get_acf()

        num_x = len(x)
        num_acf = len(acf)

        if i_unknown is not None:
            x[i_unknown] = nan
        i_unknown = flatnonzero(isnan(x))
        num_unknown = len(i_unknown)

        mu1o = zeros((num_unknown, ))
        mu1o_std = zeros((num_unknown, ))
        sample = zeros((num_unknown, ))
        if num_unknown == 0:
            warnings.warn('No missing data, no point to continue.')
            return sample, mu1o, mu1o_std
        if num_unknown == num_x:
            warnings.warn('All data missing, returning sample from' +
                          ' the apriori distribution.')
            mu1o_std = ones(num_unknown) * sqrt(acf[0])
            return self.sim(ns=num_unknown, cases=1)[:, 1], mu1o, mu1o_std

        i_known = flatnonzero(1 - isnan(x))

        if method.startswith('exac'):
            # exact but slow. It also may not return any result
            if num_acf > 0.3 * num_x:
                Sigma = toeplitz(hstack((acf, zeros(num_x - num_acf))))
                acf[0] = acf[0] * 1.00001
                Sigma = sptoeplitz(hstack((acf, zeros(num_x - num_acf))))
            Soo, So1, S11 = self._split_cov(Sigma, i_known, i_unknown)

            if issparse(Sigma):
                So1 = So1.todense()
                S11 = S11.todense()
                S1o_Sooinv = spsolve(Soo + Soo.T, 2 * So1).T
                Sooinv_So1, _res, _rank, _s = lstsq(Soo + Soo.T,
                                                    2 * So1,
                S1o_Sooinv = Sooinv_So1.T
            mu1o = S1o_Sooinv.dot(x[i_known])
            Sigma1o = S11 - S1o_Sooinv.dot(So1)
            if (diag(Sigma1o) < 0).any():
                raise ValueError('Failed to converge to a solution')

            mu1o_std = sqrt(diag(Sigma1o))
            sample[:] = rndnormnd(mu1o, Sigma1o, cases=1).ravel()

        elif method.startswith('appr'):
            # approximating by only condition on the closest points

            Nsig = min(2 * num_acf, num_x)

            Sigma = toeplitz(hstack((acf, zeros(Nsig - num_acf))))
            overlap = int(Nsig / 4)
            # indices to the points used
            idx = r_[0:Nsig] + max(0, min(i_unknown[0] - overlap,
                                          num_x - Nsig))
            mask_unknown = zeros(num_x, dtype=bool)
            # temporary storage of indices to missing points
            mask_unknown[i_unknown] = True
            t_unknown = where(mask_unknown[idx])[0]
            t_known = where(1 - mask_unknown[idx])[0]
            ns = len(t_unknown)  # number of missing data in the interval

            num_restored = 0  # number of previously simulated points
            x2 = x.copy()

            while ns > 0:
                Soo, So1, S11 = self._split_cov(Sigma, t_known, t_unknown)
                if issparse(Soo):
                    So1 = So1.todense()
                    S11 = S11.todense()
                    S1o_Sooinv = spsolve(Soo + Soo.T, 2 * So1).T
                    Sooinv_So1, _res, _rank, _s = lstsq(Soo + Soo.T,
                                                        2 * So1,
                    S1o_Sooinv = Sooinv_So1.T
                Sigma1o = S11 - S1o_Sooinv.dot(So1)
                if (diag(Sigma1o) < 0).any():
                    raise ValueError('Failed to converge to a solution')

                ix = slice((num_restored), (num_restored + ns))
                # standard deviation of the expected surface
                mu1o_std[ix] = np.maximum(mu1o_std[ix], sqrt(diag(Sigma1o)))

                # expected surface conditioned on the closest known
                # observations from x
                mu1o[ix] = S1o_Sooinv.dot(x2[idx[t_known]])
                # sample conditioned on the known observations from x
                mu1os = S1o_Sooinv.dot(x[idx[t_known]])
                sample[ix] = rndnormnd(mu1os, Sigma1o, cases=1)
                if idx[-1] == num_x - 1:
                    ns = 0  # no more points to simulate
                    x2[idx[t_unknown]] = mu1o[ix]  # expected surface
                    x[idx[t_unknown]] = sample[ix]  # sampled surface
                    # removing indices to data which has been simulated
                    mask_unknown[idx[:-overlap]] = False
                    # data we want to simulate once more
                    nw = sum(mask_unknown[idx[-overlap:]] is True)
                    num_restored += ns - nw  # update # points simulated so far

                    idx = self._update_window(idx, i_unknown, num_x, num_acf,
                                              overlap, nw, num_restored)

                    # find new interval with missing data
                    t_unknown = flatnonzero(mask_unknown[idx])
                    t_known = flatnonzero(1 - mask_unknown[idx])
                    ns = len(t_unknown)  # # missing data in the interval
        return sample, mu1o, mu1o_std
Exemplo n.º 27
    def solve(self, params,
               alpha_bounds = (-1, 1.),
                energy_eps = 1.0,
                 visualize=False, save_fig=False):
        mu, tauchar, beta = params[0], params[1], params[2]
        alpha_min, alpha_max = alpha_bounds[0],alpha_bounds[1]
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        if visualize:
            print 'tauchar = %.2f,  beta = %.2f,' %(tauchar, beta)
            print 'amin = %.2f, amax = %.2f, energy_eps=%.3f,'%(alpha_min, alpha_max,energy_eps)
            print 'Tf = %.2f' %self.getTf()
            print 'xmin = %.1f, dx = %f, dt = %f' %(self.getXmin(), dx,dt)
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        vs = empty((self._num_nodes(),
                    self._num_steps() ));
        cs = empty((self._num_nodes()-1,

        #Impose TCs: 
        vs[:,-1] = self._getTCs(xs, alpha_max+mu, tauchar, beta)
        #Impose Dirichlet BCs: 
        vs[-1,:] = self._getBCs(ts, self.getTf() )
        if visualize:
            plot(xs, vs[:,-1]); 
            title(r'$\alpha=%.2f, \tau=%.2f, \beta=%.2f$'%(alpha_max,tauchar, beta) + ':TCs', fontsize = 24); xlabel('x'); ylabel('v')
            plot(ts, vs[-1, :]);
            title('BCs at xth', fontsize = 24) ; xlabel('t'); ylabel('v')

        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = beta * beta / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
        #Allocate mass mtx:    
        active_nodes = self._num_nodes() - 1
        M = lil_matrix((active_nodes, active_nodes));
        #Centre Diagonal:        
        e = ones(active_nodes);
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
        #Bottome BCs:
        M[0,0] = -1.;
        controls_fig, soln_fig = None,None;  
        if visualize:
            soln_fig = figure()
            controls_fig = figure()
        def calc_control(di_x_v):
            alpha_reg = -di_x_v / (2.*energy_eps)
            e = ones_like(alpha_reg)
            alpha_bounded_below = amax(c_[alpha_min*e, alpha_reg], axis=1)
            return amin(c_[alpha_max*e, alpha_bounded_below], axis=1)
        for tk in xrange(self._num_steps()-2,-1, -1):
            #Rip the forward-in-time solution:
            v_forward = vs[:,tk+1];
            di_x_v_forward = (v_forward[2:] - v_forward[:-2]) / (2*dx)
            di2_x_v_forward = (v_forward[2:] - 2*v_forward[1:-1] + v_forward[:-2]) / (dx_sqrd)
            #Calculate the control:
            alpha = calc_control(di_x_v_forward)
            #Form the velocity field:
            U = (mu + alpha - xs[1:-1]/tauchar) 
            #Form the right hand side:
            L_prev =  D * di2_x_v_forward + \
                      U * di_x_v_forward + \
                      2*energy_eps * alpha*alpha

            #impose the x_min BCs: homogeneous Neumann: and assemble the RHS: 
            RHS = r_[(.0,
                      v_forward[1:-1] + .5 * dt * L_prev)];
            #Reset the Mass Matrix:
            #Lower Diagonal
            u =  U / (2*dx);
            d_off = D / dx_sqrd;
            L_left = -.5*dt*(d_off - u);
            M.setdiag(L_left, -1);
            #Upper Diagonal
            L_right = -.5*dt*(d_off + u);
            M.setdiag(r_[(1.0, L_right)], 1);
            #add the terms coming from the upper BC at the backward step to the end of the RHS
            v_upper_boundary = vs[-1,tk]
            RHS[-1] += .5* dt*(D * v_upper_boundary / dx_sqrd + U[-1] *v_upper_boundary / (2*dx) )
            #Convert mass matrix to CSR format:
            Mx = M.tocsr();            
            #and solve:
            v_backward = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
            #Store solutions:
            vs[:-1, tk] = v_backward;
#            cs[:, tk+1] = r_[0.0, alpha]
            cs[:, tk+1] = r_[ alpha[0], alpha]
            if visualize:
                mod_steps = 8;
                num_cols = 2;
                num_rows = ceil(double(self._num_steps())/num_cols / mod_steps) + 1
                step_idx = self._num_steps() - 2 - tk;
                if 0 == mod(step_idx,mod_steps) or 0 == tk:
                    plt_idx = 1 + floor(tk / mod_steps) + int(0 < tk)
                    ax = soln_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                    ax.plot(xs, vs[:,tk], label='k=%d'%tk); 
                    if self._num_steps() - 2 == tk:
                        ax.plot(xs, vs[:,tk+1], 'r', label='TCs')
#                        ax.set_title('k = %d'%tk); 
                    if (0 != tk):
                        ticks = ax.get_xticklabels()
                        for t in ticks:
                        ax.set_xlabel('$x$'); ax.set_ylabel('$v$')
                        for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
                    ax = controls_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                    ax.plot(xs[1:-1], alpha, label='k = %d'%tk)
                    ax.set_ylim(alpha_min-.1, alpha_max+.1)
                    ax.legend(); #ax.set_title('k = %d'%tk); 
                    if (0 != tk):
                        for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
                        ax.set_xlabel('$x$'); ax.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha$')
                        for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
        #//end time loop
        #Now store the last control:
        v_init = vs[:,0];
        cs[1:, 0] = calc_control( (v_init[2:] - v_init[:-2]) / (2*dx) );
        cs[0,0] = cs[1,0]
        if visualize:
            for fig in [soln_fig, controls_fig]:

            if save_fig:
                file_name = os.path.join(FIGS_DIR, 'soln_al=%.0f_au=%.0f__t=%.0f_b=%.0f.png'%(10*alpha_min, 10*alpha_max,10*tauchar, 10*beta))
                print 'saving to ', file_name
                file_name = os.path.join(FIGS_DIR, 'control_al=%.0f_au=%.0f__t=%.0f_b=%.0f.png'%(10*alpha_min, 10*alpha_max,10*tauchar, 10*beta))
                print 'saving to ', file_name
        return  xs, ts, vs, cs
Exemplo n.º 28
triplets.insert(1, 0, -0.25)
triplets.insert(1, 1, 0.25)

# add impact of R2
triplets.insert(1, 1, 0.5)

# add impact of V1
triplets.insert(0, 2, 1)
triplets.insert(2, 0, 1)

print(triplets, "\n")

# setup matrix
mtx = sparse.coo_matrix((triplets.data, (triplets.rows, triplets.cols)),
                        shape=(3, 3))

del triplets

# convert to CSR
A = mtx.tocsr()

print(A, "\n")

b = np.array([0, 2, 3])
print("\nB:", b)

x = linsolve.spsolve(A, b)
print("\nX:", x)
Exemplo n.º 29
def solveSystem(A, b):
    x = linsolve.spsolve(A, b)
    return x
Exemplo n.º 30
Solve a linear system

Construct a 1000x1000 lil_matrix and add some values to it, convert it
to CSR format and solve A x = b for x:and solve a linear system with a
direct solver.
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve import linsolve

rand = np.random.rand

mtx = sps.lil_matrix((1000, 1000), dtype=np.float64)
mtx[0, :100] = rand(100)
mtx[1, 100:200] = mtx[0, :100]

plt.spy(mtx, marker='.', markersize=2)

mtx = mtx.tocsr()
rhs = rand(1000)

x = linsolve.spsolve(mtx, rhs)

print('rezidual: %r' % np.linalg.norm(mtx * x - rhs))
Exemplo n.º 31
m.set_icntl(3, -1)
m.set_icntl(6, 5)
m.set_icntl(12, 2)

m.n = A.shape[0]
m.nz = A.nnz

print "Initializing arrays"
print "IRN..."
print "JCN..."
print "A..."
print "RHS..."

#lets have fun!
t3 = time.time()
solution = m.get_rhs()
t2 = time.time()
print "MUMPS -> %s"%(t2-t1)

A = A.tocsc()
t1 = time.time()
solution = spsolve(A, np.ones(m.n))
t2 = time.time()
print "SLU -> %s"%(t2-t1)

Exemplo n.º 32
    def _psolve(self, tb, alphas, alpha_max, visualize=False, save_fig=False):
        tauchar, beta = tb[0], tb[1]
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        if visualize:
            print 'tauchar = %.2f,  beta = %.2f,' %(tauchar, beta)
            print 'amax = %.2f,'%alpha_max
            print 'Tf = %.2f' %self.getTf()
            print 'xmin = %.f, dx = %f, dt = %f' %(self.getXmin(), dx,dt)
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        ps = zeros((self._num_nodes(),
                    self._num_steps() ));
        #Impose TCs: 
        ps[:,-1] = self._getTCs(xs, alpha_max, tauchar, beta)
        #Impose BCs at upper end: 
        ps[-1,:] = self._getAdjointBCs(ts, self.getTf())
        if visualize:
            plot(xs, ps[:,-1]); 
            title(r'$\alpha=%.2f, \tau=%.2f, \beta=%.2f$'%(alphas[-1], tauchar, beta) +
                   ':TCs', fontsize = 24);
            xlabel('x'); ylabel('p')
            plot(ts, ps[-1, :]);
            title('BCs at xth', fontsize = 24) ; xlabel('t'); ylabel('p')
            plot(ts, alphas);
            title('Control Input', fontsize = 24) ; xlabel('t'); ylabel(r'\alpha')
        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = beta * beta / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
        #Allocate mass mtx:    
        active_nodes = self._num_nodes() - 1
        M = lil_matrix((active_nodes, active_nodes));
        #Centre Diagonal:        
        e = ones(active_nodes);
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
        #Bottome BCs:
        M[0,0] = -1.;
        soln_fig = None;  
        if visualize:
            soln_fig = figure()
        for tk in xrange(self._num_steps()-2,-1, -1):
            #Rip the forward-in-time solution:
            p_forward = ps[:,tk+1];

            #Rip the control:
            alpha_forward = alphas[tk+1]
            alpha_current = alphas[tk]
            #Calculate the velocity field
            U_forward = (alpha_forward - xs[1:-1]/ tauchar)
            U_current = (alpha_current - xs[1:-1]/ tauchar)
            #Form the RHS:
            L_forward = U_forward*(p_forward[2:] - p_forward[:-2]) / (2.* dx) + \
                        D        * diff(p_forward, 2) / dx_sqrd;  
            #Impose the x_min BCs: homogeneous Newmann: and assemble the RHS: 
            RHS = r_[0.,
                     p_forward[1:-1] + .5 * dt * L_forward];
            #Reset the Mass Matrix:
            #Lower Diagonal
            u =  U_current / (2*dx);
            d_off = D / dx_sqrd;
            L_left = -.5*dt*(d_off - u[1:-1]);
            M.setdiag(L_left, -1);
            #Upper Diagonal
            L_right = -.5*dt*(d_off + u[1:]);
                         L_right], 1);
            #Bottome BCs:
            M[0,1] = 1.0;
            #add the terms coming from the upper BC at the backward step to the end of the RHS
            p_upper_boundary = ps[-1,tk];
            RHS[-1] += .5* dt*(D * p_upper_boundary / dx_sqrd + U_current[-1] *p_upper_boundary / (2*dx) )
            #Convert mass matrix to CSR format:
            Mx = M.tocsr();            
            #and solve:
            p_current = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
            #Store solutions:
            ps[:-1, tk] = p_current;
            if visualize:
                mod_steps = 4;  num_cols = 4;
                num_rows = ceil(double(self._num_steps())/num_cols / mod_steps) + 1
                step_idx = self._num_steps() - 2 - tk;
                if 0 == mod(step_idx,mod_steps) or 0 == tk:
                    plt_idx = 1 + floor(tk / mod_steps) + int(0 < tk)
                    ax = soln_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                    ax.plot(xs, ps[:,tk], label='k=%d'%tk); 
                    if self._num_steps() - 2 == tk:
                        ax.plot(xs, ps[:,tk+1], 'r', label='TCs')
                    ax.legend(loc='upper left')
#                        ax.set_title('k = %d'%tk); 
                    if False : #(self._num_steps()-1 != tk):
                        ticks = ax.get_xticklabels()
                        for t in ticks:
                        ax.set_xlabel('$x$'); ax.set_ylabel('$p$')
                        for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
        if visualize:
            for fig in [soln_fig]:

            if save_fig:
                file_name = os.path.join(FIGS_DIR, 'f_t=%.0f_b=%.0f.png'%(10*tauchar, 10*beta))
                print 'saving to ', file_name
        return ps
Exemplo n.º 33
    def _bsolve(self, tcs, pAs, fs,
        sigma, = [x for x in params]
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        if visualize:
            print 'x-,+', xs[[0,-1]]
            print 'Tf = %.2f' %self.getTf()
            print 'pAs', pAs
            print 'tcs', tcs
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        ps = zeros((len(tcs),
                    self._num_nodes()   ));
        fs[fs<0]= 1e-8;
        fs_averaged = tensordot(pAs, fs, axes=1);
        adjoint_source = ones_like(fs);
        for idx, pA in enumerate(pAs):
            adjoint_source[idx, :, :]
            fAs = fs[idx, :, :];
            adjoint_source[idx,:,:] += -pA*fAs / fs_averaged + log( fAs / fs_averaged );
        #Impose TCs: 
        #already done they are 0
        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = sigma * sigma / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
        #Allocate mass mtx:    
        active_nodes = self._num_nodes()
        M = lil_matrix((active_nodes, active_nodes));
        #Centre Diagonal:        
        e = ones(active_nodes);
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
        for tk in xrange(self._num_steps()-2,-1, -1):
            for tc_idx, tc in enumerate(tcs):
            #Rip the forward-in-time solution:
                p_forward = ps[tc_idx, tk+1,:];
                di_x_p_forward = (p_forward[2:] - p_forward[:-2]) / (2*dx)
                di2_x_p_forward = (p_forward[2:] - 2*p_forward[1:-1] + p_forward[:-2]) / (dx_sqrd)
                #Calculate the velocity field
                Us_internal_field = -(xs/tc)[1:-1];
                Us_forward = Us_internal_field + alphas[tk-1,:]
                Us_current = Us_internal_field + alphas[tk,:] 
                source_term = adjoint_source[tc_idx, tk,:];
                #Form the RHS:
                L_forward  =  D * di2_x_p_forward + \
                            Us_forward * di_x_p_forward + \
                #impose the x_min BCs: homogeneous Neumann: and assemble the RHS: 
                RHS = r_[(.0,
                          p_forward[1:-1] + .5 * dt * L_forward,
                #Reset the Mass Matrix:
                #Lower Diagonal
                u =  Us_current/ (2*dx);
                d_off = D / dx_sqrd;
                L_left = -.5*dt*(d_off - u);
                M.setdiag(L_left, -1);
                #Upper Diagonal
                L_right = -.5*dt*(d_off + u);
                             L_right], 1);
                #Bottom BCs \di_x w = 0:
                M[0,0] = -1;    M[0,1] = 1;
                #Upper BCs:
                M[-1,-2] = -1;  M[-1,-1] = 1;
                #Convert mass matrix to CSR format:
                Mx = M.tocsr();            
                #and solve:
                p_current = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
                #Store solutions:
                ps[tc_idx, tk,:] = p_current;
            #A loop
        #t loop
        def visualize_me(ps, tcs, adjoint_source):
            soln_fig = figure()
            rewards_fig = figure();

            mod_steps = 20#64;  
            num_cols = 4;
            num_rows = ceil(double(self._num_steps())/num_cols / mod_steps) + 1
            #time plots:
            for tk in xrange(1,self._num_steps()):
                step_idx = self._num_steps() - tk - 2;
                if 0 == mod(step_idx,mod_steps) or 0 == tk or self._num_steps() - 2 == tk:
                    plt_idx = 1 + floor(step_idx / mod_steps) + int(0 == tk)
                    #param plots:
                    for tc_idx, A in enumerate(tcs):
                        ax = soln_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                        ax.plot(xs, ps[tc_idx,tk,:]);
                        if self._num_steps() - 2 == tk:
                            ax.plot(xs,ps[tc_idx, tk+1,:], 'k+', label='TCs')
                        ax = rewards_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                        ax.plot(xs[1:-1], adjoint_source [tc_idx, tk,:])
                        ax.set_ylabel(r'$r(x | \theta)$')
            for fig in [soln_fig, rewards_fig]:
        if visualize:
            visualize_me(ps, tcs, adjoint_source)    
        return ps
Exemplo n.º 34
nn = 10000  # size of the matrix
nz = 3 * nn  # number of non zero terms

i = np.random.randint(0, nn - 1, nz)
j = np.random.randint(0, nn - 1, nz)
x = np.random.normal(size=nz)
dd = pd.DataFrame({"i": i, "j": j, "x": x})
dd = pd.concat([dd, dd.rename(columns={
    'i': 'j',
    'j': 'i'
})], sort=False).query('i!=j')
diag = pd.DataFrame({'i': range(nn), 'j': range(nn), 'x': 10})
dd = pd.concat([dd, diag])

M = csc_matrix((dd.x, (dd.i, dd.j)), shape=(nn, nn))
b = np.random.normal(size=nn)

#M = M.tocsr()
time_start = time.clock()
#lu = sla.splu(M)
#x = spla.spsolve(M,b,use_umfpack=False)
#x = lu.solve(b)
# x = spla.cg(M,b)[0]
# x = pypardiso.spsolve(M,b)
x = linsolve.spsolve(M, rhs)
time_elapsed = (time.clock() - time_start)
mse = np.power(M.dot(x) - b, 2.0).mean()
#mse= 0

print(" time = {} error = {}".format(time_elapsed, mse))
Exemplo n.º 35
    def solve(self, alphas, thetas, visualize=False):
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        mu, beta = self._mu, self._beta
        num_thetas = len(thetas)
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        Fs = zeros((num_thetas,
                      self._num_nodes() ));
        #Impose ICs:
        initial_distribution = ones_like(xs) * (xs > .0);
        Fs[:, 0, :] = array(list(initial_distribution)*num_thetas).reshape((num_thetas,-1)); 
        if visualize:
            figure(100); hold(True)
            for theta_idx in xrange(num_thetas):
                plot(xs, Fs[theta_idx, 0, :]); 
                title('INITIAL CONDITIONS:');
                xlim((xs[0], xs[-1]) )
                ylim((-.1, 1.1))             
        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = beta * beta / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        #AlloCATE mass mtx:    
        M = lil_matrix((self._num_nodes() - 1, self._num_nodes() - 1));
        e = ones(self._num_nodes() - 1);
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
        centre_diag[-1] = 1.0;

        for tk in xrange(1, self._num_steps()):
#            t_prev = ts[tk-1]
            t_next = ts[tk]
            alpha_prev = alphas[tk-1]
            alpha_next = alphas[tk]

            for theta_idx, theta in enumerate(thetas):
                #Rip the previous time solution:
                F_prev = Fs[theta_idx, tk - 1, :];
                if max(abs(F_prev)) < 1e-5:
                #Advection coefficient:
                U_prev = -(mu + alpha_prev  - theta*xs);
                U_next = -(mu + alpha_next - theta*xs);
                #Form the right hand side:
                L_prev = U_prev[1:] * r_[ ((F_prev[2:] - F_prev[:-2]) / 2. / dx,
                                               (F_prev[-1] - F_prev[-2]) / dx)] + \
                                D * r_[(diff(F_prev, 2),
                                           - F_prev[-1] + F_prev[-2])] / dx_sqrd; #the last term comes from the Neumann BC:
                RHS = F_prev[1:] + .5 * dt * L_prev;
                #impose the right BCs:
                RHS[-1] = 0.;
                #Reset the 'mass' matrix:
                flow = .5 * dt / dx / 2. * U_next[1:];
                d_off = -.5 * D * dt / dx_sqrd;
    #            d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
                #With Scipy .11 we have the nice diags function:
                #TODO: local Peclet number should determine whether we central diff, or upwind it! 
                L_left = d_off + flow;
                M.setdiag(r_[(L_left[1:-1], -1.0)], -1);
                L_right = d_off - flow;
                M.setdiag(r_[(L_right[:-1])], 1);
                #Thomas Solve it:
                Mx = M.tocsr()
                F_next = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
                if visualize:
                    if rand() < 1./ (1+ log(self._num_steps())):
                        plot(xs[1:], F_next);
                        title('t=' + str(t_next) + ' \theta = %.2g'%theta);
                #Store solution:
                Fs[theta_idx, tk, 1:] = F_next;  
            #Break out of loop?
            if amax(Fs[:, tk, :]) < 1e-5:

        return Fs
Exemplo n.º 36
    def _vsolve(self, As, pAs, fs,
                  visualize=False, save_fig=False):
        c, sigma = [x for x in params]
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        Ahat = dot(As,pAs)
        if visualize:
            print 'abounds = ',alpha_bounds
            print 'Tf = %.2f' %self.getTf()
            print 'Ahat  = ', Ahat
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        ws = zeros((self._num_steps(),
                    self._num_nodes() ));
        cs = zeros((self._num_steps(),
                    self._num_nodes()-2 ))
        fs[fs<0]= 1e-8;
        fs_averaged = tensordot(pAs, fs, axes=1);
        incremental_MI = -log(fs_averaged);
        for idx, pA in enumerate(pAs):
            incremental_MI += log(fs[idx,:,:])*pA
#        incremental_MI[:, 99:] = incremental_MI[:, 98::-1]
#        incremental_MI = tile(-(xs[1:-1] - xs[0])*(xs[1:-1] - xs[-1]),
#                              (self._num_steps(),1))
        #Impose TCs: 
        #already done they are 0
        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = sigma * sigma / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
        #Allocate mass mtx:    
        active_nodes = self._num_nodes()
        M = lil_matrix((active_nodes, active_nodes));
        #Centre Diagonal:        
        e = ones(active_nodes);
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
#        #Bottom BCs \di_x w = 0:
#        M[0,0] = -1;
#        M[0,1] = 1;
#        #Upper BCs:
#        M[-1,-2] = -1;
#        M[-1,-1] = 1;
        soln_fig = None;  
        rewards_fig = None;
        if visualize:
            soln_fig = figure()
            rewards_fig = figure();
        energy_eps, alpha_min, alpha_max = .0001, alpha_bounds[0], alpha_bounds[1]
        def calc_control(di_x_v):
            alpha_reg = -di_x_v / (2.*energy_eps)
            e = ones_like(alpha_reg)
            alpha_bounded_below = amax(c_[alpha_min*e, alpha_reg], axis=1)
            return  amin(c_[alpha_max*e, alpha_bounded_below], axis=1)
        for tk in xrange(self._num_steps()-2,-1, -1):
            #Rip the forward-in-time solution:
            w_forward = ws[tk+1,:];
            di_x_w_forward = (w_forward[2:] - w_forward[:-2]) / (2*dx)
            di2_x_w_forward = (w_forward[2:] - 2*w_forward[1:-1] + w_forward[:-2]) / (dx_sqrd)
            #Rip the control:
            alpha= calc_control(di_x_w_forward)
#            alpha = ones_like(di_x_w_forward)*sign(xs[1:-1])
            #Calculate the velocity field
            active_xs = xs[1:-1]
            U = -(4*active_xs**3 -\
                   Ahat*active_xs*exp(-1/2*(active_xs/c)**2 ) / c**2 - \
                   4*active_xs) + alpha;
            incremental_MI_forward = incremental_MI[tk+1,:];
            #Form the RHS:
            L_prev =  D * di2_x_w_forward + \
                      U * di_x_w_forward + \

            #impose the x_min BCs: homogeneous Neumann: and assemble the RHS: 
            RHS = r_[(.0,
                      w_forward[1:-1] + .5 * dt * L_prev,
            #Reset the Mass Matrix:
            #Lower Diagonal
            u =  U / (2*dx);
            d_off = D / dx_sqrd;
            L_left = -.5*dt*(d_off - u);
            M.setdiag(L_left, -1);
            #Upper Diagonal
            L_right = -.5*dt*(d_off + u);
                         L_right], 1);

            #Bottom BCs \di_x w = 0:
            M[0,0] = -1;    M[0,1] = 1;
            #Upper BCs:
            M[-1,-2] = -1;  M[-1,-1] = 1;
            #Convert mass matrix to CSR format:
            Mx = M.tocsr();            
            #and solve:
            w_current = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
            #Store solutions:
            ws[tk,:] = w_current;
            #store control:
            cs[tk,:] = alpha;
            if visualize:
                mod_steps = 20#64;  
                num_cols = 4;
                num_rows = ceil(double(self._num_steps())/num_cols / mod_steps) + 1
                step_idx = self._num_steps() - 2 - tk;
                if 0 == mod(step_idx,mod_steps) or 0 == tk or self._num_steps() - 2 == tk:
                    plt_idx = 1 + floor(step_idx / mod_steps) + int(0 == tk)
                    ax = soln_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                    ax.plot(xs, ws[tk,:], 'b');
                    if self._num_steps() - 2 == tk:
                        ax.plot(xs, ws[tk+1,:], 'k+', label='TCs')
                    ax = rewards_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                    ax.plot(xs[1:-1], incremental_MI[tk,:])
#                    ax.legend(loc='upper left')
#                        ax.set_title('k = %d'%tk); 
#                        ticks = ax.get_xticklabels()
#                        for t in ticks:
#                            t.set_visible(False)
#                    ax.set_xlabel('$x$'); 
        if visualize:
            control_fig = figure()
            for tk in xrange(0, cs.shape[0], 50):
                plot(xs[1:-1], cs[tk, :], label='tk='+str(tk))
            for fig in [soln_fig, rewards_fig]:

#            if save_fig:
#                file_name = os.path.join(FIGS_DIR, 'f_t=%.0f_b=%.0f.png'%(10*tauchar, 10*beta))
#                print 'saving to ', file_name
#                soln_fig.savefig(file_name)
        return ws, cs
Exemplo n.º 37
e03 = 2
e04 = 3
e12 = 4
e13 = 5
e14 = 6
e23 = 7
e24 = 8
e34 = 9

# A, the potential difference matrix
A[[e01, e02, e03, e04], 0] = -1
A[[e12, e13, e14], 1] = -1
A[[e23, e24], 2] = -1
A[e34, 3] = -1
A[[e03, e13, e23], 3] = 1
A[[e02, e12], 2] = 1
A[e01, 1] = 1

x = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
for i in xrange(100):
    #Y = [Y01, Y02, 0, 0, 0, Y13, Yg, Y23, Yg, Yg]
    Y = [Y01, Y02, 0, 0, 0, Y13*x[2], Yg, Y23*x[1], Yg, Yg]
    G = make_diag(Y)
    f = np.array(([1,0,0,0]))

    S = A.T * G * A
    x = linsolve.spsolve(S, f)
    #x = (x + newx) / 2
    x /= x[0]
    print x
Exemplo n.º 38
    def solve_radiating(self, energy):
        data = self.compute_bcs(energy)
        domain = self.domain  # shorthand
        dx = domain.dx
        dy = domain.dy

        Ad = defaultdict(np.complex)
        b = np.zeros(domain.variables, dtype=np.complex)

        def processUpper(x, y):
            i = domain.mapping[x][y]
            if domain.cells[x][y + 1] == CellType.DOMAIN:
                ni = domain.mapping[x][y + 1]
                Ad[(i, ni)] += 1 / dy**2
            elif domain.cells[x][y + 1] == CellType.DIRICHLET:
                b[i] -= 1 / dy**2 * data[x][y + 1]
                raise RuntimeError("SHH")
            # TODO handle radiating BCs

        def processLower(x, y):
            i = domain.mapping[x][y]
            if domain.cells[x][y - 1] == CellType.DOMAIN:
                ni = domain.mapping[x][y - 1]
                Ad[(i, ni)] += 1 / dy**2
            elif domain.cells[x][y - 1] == CellType.DIRICHLET:
                b[i] -= 1 / dy**2 * data[x][y - 1]
                raise RuntimeError("SHH")
            # TODO handle radiating BCs

        def processLeft(x, y):
            i = domain.mapping[x][y]
            ncell = domain.cells[x - 1][y]
            if ncell == CellType.DOMAIN:
                ni = domain.mapping[x - 1][y]
                Ad[(i, ni)] += 1 / dx**2
            elif ncell == CellType.RADIATING_FROM_RIGHT:
                # psi = psi_inc + R e^{-i kk1 x}
                # (psi - psi_inc)' = -i kk1 (psi - psi_inc)
                # (psi_{n + 1} - psi_{n - 1}) / 2 dx -psi_inc' = -i kk1 (psi_n - psi_inc)
                # psi_{n - 1} = psi_{n + 1} + 2 dx (-psi_inc' + i kk1 psi_n - i kk1 psi_inc)
                (inc, incdx, kk) = data[x - 1][y]
                ri = domain.mapping[x + 1][y]
                Ad[(i, ri)] += 1 / dx**2
                Ad[(i, i)] += 1 / dx**2 * (2 * dx * I * kk)
                b[i] -= 1 / dx**2 * (2 * dx * (-incdx - I * kk * inc))
            elif ncell == CellType.DIRICHLET:
                b[i] -= 1 / dx**2 * data[x - 1][y]
                raise RuntimeError("SHH")

        def processRight(x, y):
            i = domain.mapping[x][y]
            ncell = domain.cells[x + 1][y]
            if ncell == CellType.DOMAIN:
                ri = domain.mapping[x + 1][y]
                Ad[(i, ri)] += 1 / dx**2
            elif ncell == CellType.RADIATING_FROM_LEFT:
                # psi = T e^{i kk1 x}
                # psi' = i kk psi
                # (psi_{n + 1} - psi_{n - 1}) / 2 dx = i kk psi_n
                # psi_{n + 1} = psi_{n - 1} + 2 dx i kk psi_n
                (inc, incdx, kk) = data[x + 1][y]
                li = domain.mapping[x - 1][y]
                Ad[(i, i)] += 1 / dx**2 * (2 * dx * I * kk)
                Ad[(i, li)] += 1 / dx**2 * 1  # TODO use data
            elif ncell == CellType.DIRICHLET:
                b[i] -= 1 / dx**2 * data[x + 1][y]
                raise RuntimeError("SHH")

        def process(x, y):
            i = domain.mapping[x][y]
            Ad[(i, i)] += -2 / dx**2
            Ad[(i, i)] += -2 / dy**2
            Ad[(i, i)] += energy

        for x in range(domain.L):
            for y in range(domain.H):
                if domain.cells[x][y] == CellType.DOMAIN:
                    process(x, y)
                    processLeft(x, y)
                    processRight(x, y)
                    processLower(x, y)
                    processUpper(x, y)

        row = [i for (i, _) in Ad.keys()]
        col = [j for (_, j) in Ad.keys()]
        data = list(Ad.values())
        A = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), dtype=np.complex)
        # print(A.todense())
        # print(b)
        w = spsolve(A, b)
        wf = np.zeros((domain.L, domain.H), dtype=np.complex)
        for x in range(domain.L):
            for y in range(domain.H):
                if domain.cells[x][y] == CellType.DOMAIN:
                    i = domain.mapping[x][y]
                    wf[x][y] = w[i]

        return wf
Exemplo n.º 39
e03 = 2
e04 = 3
e12 = 4
e13 = 5
e14 = 6
e23 = 7
e24 = 8
e34 = 9

# A, the potential difference matrix
A[[e01, e02, e03, e04], 0] = -1
A[[e12, e13, e14], 1] = -1
A[[e23, e24], 2] = -1
A[e34, 3] = -1
A[[e03, e13, e23], 3] = 1
A[[e02, e12], 2] = 1
A[e01, 1] = 1

x = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
for i in xrange(100):
    #Y = [Y01, Y02, 0, 0, 0, Y13, Yg, Y23, Yg, Yg]
    Y = [Y01, Y02, 0, 0, 0, Y13 * x[2], Yg, Y23 * x[1], Yg, Yg]
    G = make_diag(Y)
    f = np.array(([1, 0, 0, 0]))

    S = A.T * G * A
    x = linsolve.spsolve(S, f)
    #x = (x + newx) / 2
    x /= x[0]
    print x
Exemplo n.º 40
    def simcond(self, xo, method='approx', i_unknown=None):
        Simulate values conditionally on observed known values

        x : vector
            timeseries including missing data.
            (missing data must be NaN if i_unknown is not given)
            Assumption: The covariance of x is equal to self and have the
            same sample period.
        method : string
            defining method used in the conditional simulation. Options are:
            'approximate': Condition only on the closest points. Quite fast
            'exact' : Exact simulation. Slow for large data sets, may not
                return any result due to near singularity of the covariance
        i_unknown : integers
            indices to spurious or missing data in x

        sample : ndarray
            a random sample of the missing values conditioned on the observed
        mu, sigma : ndarray
            mean and standard deviation, respectively, of the missing values
            conditioned on the observed data.

        SIMCOND generates the missing values from x conditioned on the observed
        values assuming x comes from a multivariate Gaussian distribution
        with zero expectation and Auto Covariance function R.

        See also

        Brodtkorb, P, Myrhaug, D, and Rue, H (2001)
        "Joint distribution of wave height and wave crest velocity from
        reconstructed data with application to ringing"
        Int. Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol 11, No. 1,
        pp 23--32

        Brodtkorb, P, Myrhaug, D, and Rue, H (1999)
        "Joint distribution of wave height and wave crest velocity from
        reconstructed data"
        in Proceedings of 9th ISOPE Conference, Vol III, pp 66-73
        x = atleast_1d(xo).ravel()
        acf = self._get_acf()

        num_x = len(x)
        num_acf = len(acf)

        if i_unknown is not None:
            x[i_unknown] = nan
        i_unknown = flatnonzero(isnan(x))
        num_unknown = len(i_unknown)

        mu1o = zeros((num_unknown,))
        mu1o_std = zeros((num_unknown,))
        sample = zeros((num_unknown,))
        if num_unknown == 0:
            warnings.warn('No missing data, no point to continue.')
            return sample, mu1o, mu1o_std
        if num_unknown == num_x:
            warnings.warn('All data missing, returning sample from' +
                          ' the apriori distribution.')
            mu1o_std = ones(num_unknown) * sqrt(acf[0])
            return self.sim(ns=num_unknown, cases=1)[:, 1], mu1o, mu1o_std

        i_known = flatnonzero(1 - isnan(x))

        if method.startswith('exac'):
            # exact but slow. It also may not return any result
            if num_acf > 0.3 * num_x:
                Sigma = toeplitz(hstack((acf, zeros(num_x - num_acf))))
                acf[0] = acf[0] * 1.00001
                Sigma = sptoeplitz(hstack((acf, zeros(num_x - num_acf))))
            Soo, So1, S11 = self._split_cov(Sigma, i_known, i_unknown)

            if issparse(Sigma):
                So1 = So1.todense()
                S11 = S11.todense()
                S1o_Sooinv = spsolve(Soo + Soo.T, 2 * So1).T
                Sooinv_So1, _res, _rank, _s = lstsq(Soo + Soo.T, 2 * So1,
                S1o_Sooinv = Sooinv_So1.T
            mu1o = S1o_Sooinv.dot(x[i_known])
            Sigma1o = S11 - S1o_Sooinv.dot(So1)
            if (diag(Sigma1o) < 0).any():
                raise ValueError('Failed to converge to a solution')

            mu1o_std = sqrt(diag(Sigma1o))
            sample[:] = rndnormnd(mu1o, Sigma1o, cases=1).ravel()

        elif method.startswith('appr'):
            # approximating by only condition on the closest points

            Nsig = min(2 * num_acf, num_x)

            Sigma = toeplitz(hstack((acf, zeros(Nsig - num_acf))))
            overlap = int(Nsig / 4)
            # indices to the points used
            idx = r_[0:Nsig] + max(0, min(i_unknown[0] - overlap,
                                          num_x - Nsig))
            mask_unknown = zeros(num_x, dtype=bool)
            # temporary storage of indices to missing points
            mask_unknown[i_unknown] = True
            t_unknown = where(mask_unknown[idx])[0]
            t_known = where(1 - mask_unknown[idx])[0]
            ns = len(t_unknown)  # number of missing data in the interval

            num_restored = 0  # number of previously simulated points
            x2 = x.copy()

            while ns > 0:
                Soo, So1, S11 = self._split_cov(Sigma, t_known, t_unknown)
                if issparse(Soo):
                    So1 = So1.todense()
                    S11 = S11.todense()
                    S1o_Sooinv = spsolve(Soo + Soo.T, 2 * So1).T
                    Sooinv_So1, _res, _rank, _s = lstsq(Soo + Soo.T, 2 * So1,
                    S1o_Sooinv = Sooinv_So1.T
                Sigma1o = S11 - S1o_Sooinv.dot(So1)
                if (diag(Sigma1o) < 0).any():
                    raise ValueError('Failed to converge to a solution')

                ix = slice((num_restored), (num_restored + ns))
                # standard deviation of the expected surface
                mu1o_std[ix] = np.maximum(mu1o_std[ix], sqrt(diag(Sigma1o)))

                # expected surface conditioned on the closest known
                # observations from x
                mu1o[ix] = S1o_Sooinv.dot(x2[idx[t_known]])
                # sample conditioned on the known observations from x
                mu1os = S1o_Sooinv.dot(x[idx[t_known]])
                sample[ix] = rndnormnd(mu1os, Sigma1o, cases=1)
                if idx[-1] == num_x - 1:
                    ns = 0  # no more points to simulate
                    x2[idx[t_unknown]] = mu1o[ix]  # expected surface
                    x[idx[t_unknown]] = sample[ix]  # sampled surface
                    # removing indices to data which has been simulated
                    mask_unknown[idx[:-overlap]] = False
                    # data we want to simulate once more
                    nw = sum(mask_unknown[idx[-overlap:]] is True)
                    num_restored += ns - nw  # update # points simulated so far

                    idx = self._update_window(idx, i_unknown, num_x, num_acf,
                                              overlap, nw,  num_restored)

                    # find new interval with missing data
                    t_unknown = flatnonzero(mask_unknown[idx])
                    t_known = flatnonzero(1 - mask_unknown[idx])
                    ns = len(t_unknown)  # # missing data in the interval
        return sample, mu1o, mu1o_std
Exemplo n.º 41
    def _fsolve(self, tcs, 
                ICs = None,
        #The parameters are in order: A, c, sigma
        sigma, = [x for x in params]
        num_prior_params = len(tcs);
        dx, dt = self._dx, self._dt;
        xs, ts = self._xs, self._ts;
        if visualize:
            print 'tcs,c,sigma', tcs,c,sigma
            print 'Tf = %.2f' %self.getTf()
            print 'x-,x+ %f,%f, dx = %f, dt = %f' %(self.getXbounds()[0], 
        #Allocate memory for solution:
        fs = zeros((num_prior_params,
        #Impose ICs:
        if None == ICs:
            ICs = self._getICs(xs);
        fs[:, 0,:] = tile( ICs ,
                           (num_prior_params, 1))
#        if visualize:
#            figure()
#            subplot(311)
#            plot(xs, fs[0, 0,:]); 
##            title(r'$\alpha=%.2f, \tau=%.2f, \beta=%.2f$'%(alphas[0],tauchar, beta) + ':ICs', fontsize = 24);
#            xlabel('x'); ylabel('f')
#            subplot(312)
#            plot(xs, alphas);
#            title('Control Input', fontsize = 24) ;
#            xlabel('x'); ylabel(r'\alpha')
        #Solve it using C-N/C-D:
        D = sigma**2 / 2.; #the diffusion coeff
        dx_sqrd = dx * dx;
#            if visualize:
#                title('Drift Field', fontsize = 24) ;
#                xlabel('x'); ylabel(r'$U$')
#                subplot(313)     
#                plot(xs, Us);
            #Allocate mass mtx:
        active_nodes = self._num_nodes()
        M = lil_matrix((active_nodes, active_nodes));
        #Centre Diagonal:        
        e = ones(active_nodes);
        d_on = D * dt / dx_sqrd;
        centre_diag = e + d_on;
        #Off Diagonals:
        d_off = D / dx_sqrd;
            #Convert mass matrix to CSR format:
        for tk in xrange(1, self._num_steps()):
            for tc_idx, tc in enumerate(tcs):
                #Rip the forward-in-time solution:
                f_prev = fs[tc_idx, tk-1,:];
                #load the drift field:
                Us_internal_field = -xs/tc;
                Us_prev = Us_internal_field + alphas[tk-1,:]
                Us_next = Us_internal_field + alphas[tk,:] 
                #Form the RHS:
                L_prev = -(Us_prev[2:]*f_prev[2:] - Us_prev[:-2]*f_prev[:-2]) / (2.* dx) + \
                           D * diff(f_prev, 2) / dx_sqrd;
                #impose the x_min BCs: homogeneous Newmann: and assemble the RHS: 
                RHS = r_[0.,
                         f_prev[1:-1] + .5 * dt * L_prev,

#                TODO Upwind:
                #Lower Diagonal
                u =  Us_next / (2*dx);
                L_left = -.5*dt*(d_off + u[:-2]);
                M.setdiag(L_left, -1);
                #Upper Diagonal
                L_right = -.5*dt*(d_off - u[2:]);
                             L_right], 1);
                #Bottom BCs:
                M[0,0] = Us_next[0] + D / dx;
                M[0,1] = -D / dx;
                #Upper BCs:
                M[-1,-2] = D / dx;
                M[-1,-1] = Us_next[-1] - D / dx;
                #and solve:
                Mx = M.tocsr();  
                f_next = spsolve(Mx, RHS);
                #Store solutions:
                fs[tc_idx, tk, :] = f_next;
             #End ak loop
        #end tk loop:
        def visualize_me(fs, As): #this is a function b/c i'm too lazy to make a bookmark:
            soln_fig = figure()
            mod_steps = 20;
            num_cols = 4;
            num_rows = ceil(double(self._num_steps())/num_cols / mod_steps)
#            fs_stat = calculateStationary();
            for tk in xrange(1,self._num_steps()):
                step_idx = tk;
                if 0 == mod(step_idx,mod_steps) or 1 == tk:
                    for tc_idx, A in enumerate(As):
                        plt_idx = floor(step_idx / mod_steps) + (mod_steps != 1) 
                        ax = soln_fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plt_idx)
                        ax.plot(xs, fs[tc_idx, tk,:], label='A=%f'%As[tc_idx]);
#                        ax.plot(xs, fs_stat[tc_idx,:], '--') 
                        if 1 == tk:
                            ax.plot(xs, fs[tc_idx,tk-1,:], 'r', label='ICs')
            #                        ax.legend(loc='upper left')
            #                        ax.set_title('k = %d'%tk); 
            #                        if False : #(self._num_steps()-1 != tk):
            #                            ticks = ax.get_xticklabels()
            #                            for t in ticks:
            #                                t.set_visible(False)
            #                        else:
                        ax.set_xlabel('$x$'); ax.set_ylabel('$f$')
                        for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
        if visualize:
            visualize_me(fs, tcs)
        return fs