Exemplo n.º 1
def test_encode_options():
    est = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=[2, 3, 3, 3],
    Xt_1 = est.transform(X)
    est = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=[2, 3, 3, 3],
    Xt_2 = est.transform(X)
    assert not sp.issparse(Xt_2)
                           categories=[np.arange(i) for i in [2, 3, 3, 3]],
                       .fit_transform(Xt_1), Xt_2)
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, "inverse_transform only supports "
                         "'encode = ordinal'. Got encode='onehot-dense' "
                         "instead.", est.inverse_transform, Xt_2)
    est = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=[2, 3, 3, 3],
    Xt_3 = est.transform(X)
    assert sp.issparse(Xt_3)
                           categories=[np.arange(i) for i in [2, 3, 3, 3]],
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, "inverse_transform only supports "
                         "'encode = ordinal'. Got encode='onehot' "
                         "instead.", est.inverse_transform, Xt_2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt):
        result = ProjectPoints.compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt)
        if result is None:
            return None

        if sp.issparse(result):
            drz = self.z_coords.dr_wrt(wrt).tocoo()
            result = result.tocoo()
            result.row = result.row*3/2
            IS = np.concatenate((result.row, drz.row*3+2))
            JS = np.concatenate((result.col, drz.col))
            data = np.concatenate((result.data, drz.data))
            result = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)), shape=(self.v.r.size, wrt.r.size))
                bigger = np.zeros((result.shape[0]/2, 3, result.shape[1]))
                bigger[:, :2, :] = result.reshape((-1, 2, result.shape[-1]))
                drz = self.z_coords.dr_wrt(wrt)
                if drz is not None:
                    if sp.issparse(drz):
                        drz = drz.todense()
                    bigger[:,2,:] = drz.reshape(bigger[:,2,:].shape)

                result = bigger.reshape((-1, bigger.shape[-1]))
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        return result            
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, e1, e2=None, axis=1):
        Method for calculating distances.

        :param e1: input data instances
        :type e1: :class:`Orange.data.Table` or :class:`Orange.data.RowInstance` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param e2: optional second argument for data instances
           if provided, distances between each pair, where first item is from e1 and second is from e2, are calculated
        :type e2: :class:`Orange.data.Table` or :class:`Orange.data.RowInstance` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param axis: if axis=1 we calculate distances between rows,
           if axis=0 we calculate distances between columns
        :type axis: int
        :return: the matrix with distances between given examples
        :rtype: :class:`Orange.misc.DistMatrix`
        x1 = _orange_to_numpy(e1)
        x2 = _orange_to_numpy(e2)
        if axis == 0:
            x1 = x1.T
            if x2 is not None:
                x2 = x2.T
        if not sparse.issparse(x1):
            x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
        if e2 is not None and not sparse.issparse(x2):
            x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
        dist = skl_metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(x1, x2, metric=self.metric)
        if isinstance(e1, data.Table) or isinstance(e1, data.RowInstance):
            dist = DistMatrix(dist, e1, e2)
            dist = DistMatrix(dist)
        return dist
Exemplo n.º 4
def kmeans(X, centres, delta=.001, maxiter=10, metric="euclidean", p=2, verbose=0):
    if not issparse(X):
        X = numpy.asanyarray(X)
    centres = centres.todense() if issparse(centres) else centres.copy()
    N, dim = X.shape
    k, cdim = centres.shape
    if dim != cdim:
        raise ValueError("kmeans: X %s and centres %s must have the same number of columns" % (X.shape, centres.shape))
    if verbose:
        print("kmeans: X %s  centres %s  delta=%.2g  maxiter=%d  metric=%s" % (X.shape, centres.shape, delta, maxiter, metric))
    allx = numpy.arange(N)
    prevdist = 0
    jiter = None
    xtoc = None
    distances = None
    for jiter in range(1, maxiter + 1):
        D = cdist_sparse(X, centres, metric=metric, p=p)  # |X| x |centres|
        xtoc = D.argmin(axis=1)  # X -> nearest centre
        distances = D[allx, xtoc]
        avdist = distances.mean()  # median ?
        if verbose >= 2:
            print("kmeans: av |X - nearest centre| = %.4g" % avdist)
        if (1 - delta) * prevdist <= avdist <= prevdist or jiter == maxiter:
        prevdist = avdist
        for jc in range(k):  # (1 pass in C)
            c = numpy.where(xtoc == jc)[0]
            if len(c) > 0:
                centres[jc] = X[c].mean(axis=0)
    if verbose:
        print("kmeans: %d iterations  cluster sizes:" % jiter, numpy.bincount(xtoc))
    return centres, xtoc, distances
Exemplo n.º 5
def as_float_array(X, copy=True, force_all_finite=True):
    """Converts an array-like to an array of floats

    The new dtype will be np.float32 or np.float64, depending on the original
    type. The function can create a copy or modify the argument depending
    on the argument copy.

    X : {array-like, sparse matrix}

    copy : bool, optional
        If True, a copy of X will be created. If False, a copy may still be
        returned if X's dtype is not a floating point type.

    XT : {array, sparse matrix}
        An array of type np.float
    if isinstance(X, np.matrix) or (not isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
                                    and not sp.issparse(X)):
        return safe_asarray(X, dtype=np.float64, copy=copy,
    elif sp.issparse(X) and X.dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
        return X.copy() if copy else X
    elif X.dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:  # is numpy array
        return X.copy('F' if X.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] else 'C') if copy else X
        return X.astype(np.float32 if X.dtype == np.int32 else np.float64)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def coef_(self):
        if self.kernel != 'linear':
            raise ValueError('coef_ is only available when using a '
                             'linear kernel')

        if self.dual_coef_.shape[0] == 1:
            # binary classifier
            coef = -safe_sparse_dot(self.dual_coef_, self.support_vectors_)
            # 1vs1 classifier
            coef = _one_vs_one_coef(self.dual_coef_, self.n_support_,
            if sp.issparse(coef[0]):
                coef = sp.vstack(coef).tocsr()
                coef = np.vstack(coef)

        # coef_ being a read-only property it's better to mark the value as
        # immutable to avoid hiding potential bugs for the unsuspecting user
        if sp.issparse(coef):
            # sparse matrix do not have global flags
            coef.data.flags.writeable = False
            # regular dense array
            coef.flags.writeable = False
        return coef
Exemplo n.º 7
def safe_sparse_dot(a, b):
    """Dot product that handle the sparse matrix case correctly"""
    from scipy import sparse
    if sparse.issparse(a) or sparse.issparse(b):
        return a * b
        return np.dot(a,b)
Exemplo n.º 8
def chol_solve(U, b, out=None):
    if isinstance(U, np.ndarray):
        if sparse.issparse(b):
            b = b.toarray()

        # Allocate memory
        U = np.atleast_2d(U)
        B = np.atleast_1d(b)
        sh_u = U.shape[:-2]
        sh_b = B.shape[:-1]
        l_u = len(sh_u)
        l_b = len(sh_b)

        # Check which axis are iterated over with B along with U
        ind_b = [Ellipsis] * l_b
        l_min = min(l_u, l_b)
        jnd_b = tuple(i for i in range(-l_min, 0) if sh_b[i] == sh_u[i])

        if out == None:
            # Shape of the result (broadcasting rules)
            sh = utils.broadcasted_shape(sh_u, sh_b)
            # out = np.zeros(np.shape(B))
            out = np.zeros(sh + B.shape[-1:])
        for i in utils.nested_iterator(np.shape(U)[:-2]):

            # The goal is to run Cholesky solver once for all vectors of B
            # for which the matrices of U are the same (according to the
            # broadcasting rules). Thus, we collect all the axes of B for
            # which U is singleton and form them as a 2-D matrix and then
            # run the solver once.

            # Select those axes of B for which U and B are not singleton
            for j in jnd_b:
                ind_b[j] = i[j]

            # Collect all the axes for which U is singleton
            b = B[tuple(ind_b) + (Ellipsis,)]

            # Reshape it to a 2-D (or 1-D) array
            orig_shape = b.shape
            if b.ndim > 1:
                b = b.reshape((-1, b.shape[-1]))

            # Ellipsis to all preceeding axes and ellipsis for the last
            # axis:
            if len(ind_b) < len(sh):
                ind_out = (Ellipsis,) + tuple(ind_b) + (Ellipsis,)
                ind_out = tuple(ind_b) + (Ellipsis,)

            out[ind_out] = linalg.cho_solve((U[i], False), b.T).T.reshape(orig_shape)

        return out

    elif isinstance(U, cholmod.Factor):
        if sparse.issparse(b):
            b = b.toarray()
        return U.solve_A(b)
        raise ValueError("Unknown type of Cholesky factor")
Exemplo n.º 9
def inner(A, B):
    if sparse.issparse(A) and sparse.issparse(B):
        return (A*B.T)[0,0]
    if not sparse.issparse(A) and not sparse.issparse(B):
        return np.inner(A, B)
        raise ValueError('sparsity of arguments is not consistant')
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_fetch_rcv1():
        data1 = fetch_rcv1(shuffle=False, download_if_missing=False)
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            raise SkipTest("Download RCV1 dataset to run this test.")

    X1, Y1 = data1.data, data1.target
    cat_list, s1 = data1.target_names.tolist(), data1.sample_id

    # test sparsity
    assert_equal(60915113, X1.data.size)
    assert_equal(2606875, Y1.data.size)

    # test shapes
    assert_equal((804414, 47236), X1.shape)
    assert_equal((804414, 103), Y1.shape)
    assert_equal((804414,), s1.shape)
    assert_equal(103, len(cat_list))

    # test ordering of categories
    first_categories = [u'C11', u'C12', u'C13', u'C14', u'C15', u'C151']
    assert_array_equal(first_categories, cat_list[:6])

    # test number of sample for some categories
    some_categories = ('GMIL', 'E143', 'CCAT')
    number_non_zero_in_cat = (5, 1206, 381327)
    for num, cat in zip(number_non_zero_in_cat, some_categories):
        j = cat_list.index(cat)
        assert_equal(num, Y1[:, j].data.size)

    # test shuffling and subset
    data2 = fetch_rcv1(shuffle=True, subset='train', random_state=77,
    X2, Y2 = data2.data, data2.target
    s2 = data2.sample_id

    # test return_X_y option
    fetch_func = partial(fetch_rcv1, shuffle=False, subset='train',
    check_return_X_y(data2, fetch_func)

    # The first 23149 samples are the training samples
    assert_array_equal(np.sort(s1[:23149]), np.sort(s2))

    # test some precise values
    some_sample_ids = (2286, 3274, 14042)
    for sample_id in some_sample_ids:
        idx1 = s1.tolist().index(sample_id)
        idx2 = s2.tolist().index(sample_id)

        feature_values_1 = X1[idx1, :].toarray()
        feature_values_2 = X2[idx2, :].toarray()
        assert_almost_equal(feature_values_1, feature_values_2)

        target_values_1 = Y1[idx1, :].toarray()
        target_values_2 = Y2[idx2, :].toarray()
        assert_almost_equal(target_values_1, target_values_2)
Exemplo n.º 11
def check_svm_model_equal(dense_svm, sparse_svm, X_train, y_train, X_test):
    dense_svm.fit(X_train.toarray(), y_train)
    if sparse.isspmatrix(X_test):
        X_test_dense = X_test.toarray()
        X_test_dense = X_test
    sparse_svm.fit(X_train, y_train)
    assert sparse.issparse(sparse_svm.support_vectors_)
    assert sparse.issparse(sparse_svm.dual_coef_)
    if dense_svm.kernel == "linear":
        assert sparse.issparse(sparse_svm.coef_)
        assert_array_almost_equal(dense_svm.coef_, sparse_svm.coef_.toarray())
    assert_array_almost_equal(dense_svm.support_, sparse_svm.support_)
    if isinstance(dense_svm, svm.OneClassSVM):
        msg = "cannot use sparse input in 'OneClassSVM' trained on dense data"
                                  sparse_svm.predict_proba(X_test), 4)
        msg = "cannot use sparse input in 'SVC' trained on dense data"
    if sparse.isspmatrix(X_test):
        assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, dense_svm.predict, X_test)
Exemplo n.º 12
def solveLinear(A, b):
    """ Solve the linear equation Ax=b. Return tuple (x, time to solve). """
    error = np.inf  # just to be safe, initialize error variable here
    if sp.issparse(A):
    # print 'sparse', type(A)
        start_log_time = clock()
        result = slinalg.spsolve(A, b)
        solve_time = deltaT(start_log_time)
        error = linalg.norm((A * result.reshape(-1, 1) - b.reshape(-1, 1))[0])
        # For extensive comparision of methods refer to InversionComparison.txt
        # print 'not sparse, type',type(A)
        if sp.issparse(A):
            A = A.todense()
        # Regularize A
        # result = linalg.lstsq(A,b); result = result[0] # Extract just the
        # answer
        start_log_time = clock()
        result = linalg.solve(A, b)
        solve_time = deltaT(start_log_time)

        # use numpy matrix multiplication
        if isinstance(A, np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix):
            error = np.linalg.norm(
                (A * result.reshape(-1, 1) - b.reshape(-1, 1))[0])
        elif isinstance(A, np.ndarray):  # use array multiplication
            error = np.linalg.norm(
                (np.dot(A, result.reshape(-1, 1)) - b.reshape(-1, 1))[0])
            print 'Attempted to solve linear equation Ax=b in solveLinear() of Tools.py with a non-numpy (array / matrix) type.'

    if error > RESEDUAL_THRESHOLD:
        print "||Ax-b|| = %0.1f" % error
    return result.ravel(), solve_time
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_sgd_l1(self):
        """Test L1 regularization"""
        n = len(X4)
        rng = np.random.RandomState(13)
        idx = np.arange(n)

        X = X4[idx, :]
        Y = Y4[idx]

        clf = self.factory(penalty="l1", alpha=0.2, fit_intercept=False, n_iter=2000, shuffle=False)
        clf.fit(X, Y)
        assert_array_equal(clf.coef_[0, 1:-1], np.zeros((4,)))
        pred = clf.predict(X)
        assert_array_equal(pred, Y)

        # test sparsify with dense inputs
        pred = clf.predict(X)
        assert_array_equal(pred, Y)

        # pickle and unpickle with sparse coef_
        clf = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(clf))
        pred = clf.predict(X)
        assert_array_equal(pred, Y)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def predict_presence_absence_evidences(self, X):
     X = check_array(X, accept_sparse="csr")
     absence_log_prob_ = np.log(1 - np.exp(self.feature_log_prob_))
     presence_log_ratios = self.feature_log_prob_[1] - self.feature_log_prob_[0]
     absence_log_ratios = absence_log_prob_[1] - absence_log_prob_[0]
     presence_neg_log_ratios = presence_log_ratios * (presence_log_ratios<0)
     presence_pos_log_ratios = presence_log_ratios * (presence_log_ratios>0)
     if issparse(X):
         p_neg_evi = X * presence_neg_log_ratios
         p_pos_evi = X * presence_pos_log_ratios
         p_neg_evi = np.dot(X, presence_neg_log_ratios)
         p_pos_evi = np.dot(X, presence_pos_log_ratios)
     absence_neg_log_ratios = absence_log_ratios * (absence_log_ratios<0)
     absence_pos_log_ratios = absence_log_ratios * (absence_log_ratios>0)
     default_a_neg_evi = absence_neg_log_ratios.sum()
     default_a_pos_evi = absence_pos_log_ratios.sum()
     if issparse(X):
         a_neg_evi = -(X * absence_neg_log_ratios) + default_a_neg_evi
         a_pos_evi = -(X * absence_pos_log_ratios) + default_a_pos_evi
         a_neg_evi = -np.dot(X, absence_neg_log_ratios) + default_a_neg_evi
         a_pos_evi = -np.dot(X, absence_pos_log_ratios) + default_a_pos_evi
     return p_neg_evi, p_pos_evi, a_neg_evi, a_pos_evi
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _generate_sample(self, X, nn_data, nn_num, row, col, step):
        """Generate a synthetic sample with an additional steps for the
        categorical features.

        Each new sample is generated the same way than in SMOTE. However, the
        categorical features are mapped to the most frequent nearest neighbors
        of the majority class.
        rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        sample = super(SMOTENC, self)._generate_sample(X, nn_data, nn_num,
                                                       row, col, step)
        # To avoid conversion and since there is only few samples used, we
        # convert those samples to dense array.
        sample = (sample.toarray().squeeze()
                  if sparse.issparse(sample) else sample)
        all_neighbors = nn_data[nn_num[row]]
        all_neighbors = (all_neighbors.toarray()
                         if sparse.issparse(all_neighbors) else all_neighbors)

        categories_size = ([self.continuous_features_.size] +
                           [cat.size for cat in self.ohe_.categories_])

        for start_idx, end_idx in zip(np.cumsum(categories_size)[:-1],
            col_max = all_neighbors[:, start_idx:end_idx].sum(axis=0)
            # tie breaking argmax
            col_sel = rng.choice(np.flatnonzero(
                np.isclose(col_max, col_max.max())))
            sample[start_idx:end_idx] = 0
            sample[start_idx + col_sel] = 1

        return sparse.csr_matrix(sample) if sparse.issparse(X) else sample
Exemplo n.º 16
def safe_sparse_dot(a, b, dense_output=False):
    """Dot product that handle the sparse matrix case correctly

    Uses BLAS GEMM as replacement for numpy.dot where possible
    to avoid unnecessary copies.

    a : array or sparse matrix
    b : array or sparse matrix
    dense_output : boolean, default False
        When False, either ``a`` or ``b`` being sparse will yield sparse
        output. When True, output will always be an array.

    dot_product : array or sparse matrix
        sparse if ``a`` or ``b`` is sparse and ``dense_output=False``.
    if issparse(a) or issparse(b):
        ret = a * b
        if dense_output and hasattr(ret, "toarray"):
            ret = ret.toarray()
        return ret
        return np.dot(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 17
def check_equal(x, y):
    Returns True iff x[0] and y[0] are equal (checks the dtype and shape if x
    and y are numpy.ndarray instances). Used internally.

    # I put the import here to allow using theano without scipy.
    import scipy.sparse as sp
    x, y = x[0], y[0]

    # TODO: bug in current scipy, two sparse matrices are never equal,
    # remove when moving to 0.7
    if sp.issparse(x):
        x = x.todense()
    if sp.issparse(y):
        y = y.todense()

    if isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(y, numpy.ndarray):
        if (x.dtype != y.dtype or
                x.shape != y.shape or
                numpy.any(abs(x - y) > 1e-10)):
            raise Exception("Output mismatch.",
                            {'performlinker': x, 'clinker': y})
        if x != y:
            raise Exception("Output mismatch.",
                            {'performlinker': x, 'clinker': y})
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_svc():
    """Check that sparse SVC gives the same result as SVC"""

    clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, random_state=0)
    clf.fit(X, Y)
    sp_clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, random_state=0)
    sp_clf.fit(X_sp, Y)

    assert_array_equal(sp_clf.predict(T), true_result)


    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.dual_coef_, sp_clf.dual_coef_.toarray())

    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.coef_, sp_clf.coef_.toarray())
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.support_, sp_clf.support_)
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.predict(T), sp_clf.predict(T))

    # refit with a different dataset
    clf.fit(X2, Y2)
    sp_clf.fit(X2_sp, Y2)
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.dual_coef_, sp_clf.dual_coef_.toarray())
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.coef_, sp_clf.coef_.toarray())
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.support_, sp_clf.support_)
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.predict(T2), sp_clf.predict(T2))
                              sp_clf.predict_proba(T2), 4)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def getKM(self, X):
     """Returns the kernel matrix between the basis vectors and X.
     X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
     K : array, shape = [n_samples, n_bvectors]
         kernel matrix
     X = array_tools.as_2d_array(X, True)
     test_X = X 
     if sp.issparse(test_X):
         test_X = array_tools.spmat_resize(test_X, self.train_X.shape[1])
         test_X = array_tools.as_dense_matrix(test_X)
     gamma = self.gamma
     m = self.train_X.shape[0]
     n = test_X.shape[0]
     #The Gaussian kernel matrix is constructed from a linear kernel matrix
     linkm = self.train_X * test_X.T
     linkm = array_tools.as_dense_matrix(linkm)
     if sp.issparse(test_X):
         test_norms = ((test_X.T.multiply(test_X.T)).sum(axis=0)).T
         test_norms = (np.multiply(test_X.T, test_X.T).sum(axis=0)).T
     K = mat(np.ones((m, 1), dtype = float64)) * test_norms.T
     K = K + self.train_norms * mat(np.ones((1, n), dtype = float64))
     K = K - 2 * linkm
     K = - gamma * K
     K = np.exp(K)
     return K.A.T
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _superdot(self, lhs, rhs):
            if lhs is None:
                return None
            if rhs is None:
                return None
            if isinstance(lhs, np.ndarray) and lhs.size==1:
                lhs = lhs.ravel()[0]
            if isinstance(rhs, np.ndarray) and rhs.size==1:
                rhs = rhs.ravel()[0]
            if isinstance(lhs, numbers.Number) or isinstance(rhs, numbers.Number):
                return lhs * rhs

            if isinstance(rhs, LinearOperator):
                return LinearOperator((lhs.shape[0], rhs.shape[1]), lambda x : lhs.dot(rhs.dot(x)))

            if isinstance(lhs, LinearOperator):                
                if sp.issparse(rhs):
                    return LinearOperator((lhs.shape[0], rhs.shape[1]), lambda x : lhs.dot(rhs.dot(x)))
                    return lhs.dot(rhs)
            # TODO: Figure out how/whether to do this.
            #lhs, rhs = utils.convert_inputs_to_sparse_if_possible(lhs, rhs)

            if not sp.issparse(lhs) and sp.issparse(rhs):
                return rhs.T.dot(lhs.T).T
            return lhs.dot(rhs)
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Exemplo n.º 21
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        """Compute the centroids on X by chunking it into mini-batches.

        X: array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Coordinates of the data points to cluster
        self.random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        X = check_arrays(X, sparse_format="csr", copy=False)[0]
        warn_if_not_float(X, self)
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        if n_samples < self.k:
            raise ValueError("Number of samples smaller than number "\
                             "of clusters.")

        if hasattr(self.init, '__array__'):
            self.init = np.asarray(self.init)

        X_shuffled = shuffle(X, random_state=self.random_state)

        if sp.issparse(X_shuffled):
            x_squared_norms = _k_means.csr_row_norm_l2(X)
            x_squared_norms = np.sum(X ** 2.0, axis=1)

        self.cluster_centers_ = _init_centroids(
            X_shuffled, self.k, self.init, random_state=self.random_state,
        self.counts = np.zeros(self.k, dtype=np.int32)

        n_batches = int(np.ceil(float(n_samples) / self.chunk_size))
        batch_slices = list(gen_even_slices(n_samples, n_batches))
        n_iterations = xrange(int(self.max_iter * n_batches))
        if sp.issparse(X_shuffled):
            _mini_batch_step = _mini_batch_step_sparse
            tol = self.tol
            _mini_batch_step = _mini_batch_step_dense
            tol = np.mean(np.var(X_shuffled, axis=0)) * self.tol

        for i, batch_slice in izip(n_iterations, cycle(batch_slices)):
            old_centers = self.cluster_centers_.copy()
            _mini_batch_step(X_shuffled, batch_slice, self.cluster_centers_,
                             self.counts, x_squared_norms=x_squared_norms)

            if np.sum((old_centers - self.cluster_centers_) ** 2) < tol:
                if self.verbose:
                    print 'Converged to similar centers at iteration', i

        self.inertia_ = 0
        self.labels_ = np.empty((n_samples,), dtype=np.int)
        for batch_slice in batch_slices:
            batch_inertia, batch_labels = _calculate_labels_inertia(
            X[batch_slice], self.cluster_centers_)
            self.inertia_ += batch_inertia
            self.labels_[batch_slice] = batch_labels

        return self
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_pair_transformer():
    """Test for PairTransformer."""
    X = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 5]], dtype=np.float)
    tf = PairTransformer(element_transformer=FuncTransformer(lambda v: v + 1))
    Xt = tf.fit_transform(X)
    assert_array_almost_equal(Xt, X + 1)

    X = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 5],
                  [0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 5]], dtype=np.float)
    tf = PairTransformer(element_transformer=FuncTransformer(lambda v: v + 1),
                         groupby=lambda r: r[0])
    Xt = tf.fit_transform(X)
    assert_array_almost_equal(Xt, X + 1)

    X = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]], dtype=np.float)
    Xt = PairTransformer(element_transformer=MinMaxScaler()).fit_transform(X)
    assert_array_almost_equal(Xt, [[0, 0.2], [0.4, 0.6], [0.8, 1.0]])

    X = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], dtype=np.float)
    tf = PairTransformer(element_transformer=OneHotEncoder(sparse=True))
    Xt = tf.fit_transform(X)
    assert sp.issparse(Xt)
    assert_array_almost_equal(Xt.todense(), [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                                             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])

    X = sp.csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], dtype=np.float))
    tf = PairTransformer(element_transformer=StandardScaler(with_mean=False))
    Xt = tf.fit_transform(X)
    assert sp.issparse(Xt)
    assert_array_almost_equal(Xt.todense(), [[0, 0.89442719],
                                             [1.78885438, 2.68328157]])
Exemplo n.º 23
def cdist_sparse( X, Y, **kwargs ):
    """ -> |X| x |Y| cdist array, any cdist metric
        X or Y may be sparse -- best csr
        # todense row at a time, v slow if both v sparse
    sxy = 2*issparse(X) + issparse(Y)
    if sxy == 0:
        if kwargs["metric"] == "cosine":
            return 1 - cdist( X, Y, **kwargs )
            return d
    d = np.empty( (X.shape[0], Y.shape[0]), np.float64 )
    if sxy == 2:
        for j, x in enumerate(X):
            d[j] = cdist( x.todense(), Y, **kwargs ) [0]
    elif sxy == 1:
        for k, y in enumerate(Y):
            d[:,k] = cdist( X, y.todense(), **kwargs ) [0]
        for j, x in enumerate(X):
            for k, y in enumerate(Y):
                d[j,k] = cdist( x.todense(), y.todense(), **kwargs ) [0]
    if kwargs["metric"] == "cosine":
        return 1 - d
        return d
Exemplo n.º 24
def _assert_allclose_sparse(a, b, **kwargs):
    # helper function that can deal with sparse matrices
    if sparse.issparse(a):
        a = a.toarray()
    if sparse.issparse(b):
        b = a.toarray()
    assert_allclose(a, b, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _compute_output(self, X):
        """Get the outputs of the network, for use in prediction methods."""

        if not self._is_fitted:
            raise NotFittedError("Call fit before prediction")

        X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csr', 'dok', 'lil', 'csc', 'coo'])

        if self.is_sparse_:
            # For sparse input, make the input a CSR matrix since it can be
            # indexed by row.
            X = X.tocsr() if sp.issparse(X) else sp.csr_matrix(X)
        elif sp.issparse(X):
            # Convert sparse input to dense.
            X = X.todense().A

        # Make predictions in batches.
        pred_batches = []
        start_idx = 0
        n_examples = X.shape[0]
        with self.graph_.as_default():
            while start_idx < n_examples:
                X_batch = \
                    X[start_idx:min(start_idx + self.batch_size, n_examples)]
                feed_dict = self._make_feed_dict(X_batch)
                start_idx += self.batch_size
                    self._session.run(self.output_layer_, feed_dict=feed_dict))
        y_pred = np.concatenate(pred_batches)
        return y_pred
Exemplo n.º 26
    def commit(self):
        metric = METRICS[self.metric_idx]
        distances = None
        data = self.data
        if data is not None and issparse(data.X) and \
                not metric.supports_sparse:
            data = None

        if data is not None:
            if isinstance(metric, distance.MahalanobisDistance):
                metric.fit(self.data, axis=1-self.axis)

            if not any(a.is_continuous for a in self.data.domain.attributes):
                self.error(1, "No continuous features")
                data = None
            elif any(a.is_discrete for a in self.data.domain.attributes) or \
                    (not issparse(self.data.X) and numpy.any(numpy.isnan(self.data.X))):
                data = distance._preprocess(self.data)
                if len(self.data.domain.attributes) - len(data.domain.attributes) > 0:
                    self.warning(1, "Ignoring discrete features")
                data = self.data

        if data is not None:
            shape = (len(data), len(data.domain.attributes))
            if numpy.product(shape) == 0:
                self.error(1, "Empty data (shape == {})".format(shape))
                distances = metric(data, data, 1 - self.axis, impute=True)

        self.send("Distances", distances)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_SVC():
    """Check that sparse SVC gives the same result as SVC"""

    clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(X, Y)
    sp_clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(X_sp, Y)

    assert_array_equal(sp_clf.predict(T), true_result)


    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.dual_coef_, sp_clf.dual_coef_.todense())

    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.coef_, sp_clf.coef_.todense())
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.predict(T), sp_clf.predict(T))

    # refit with a different dataset
    clf.fit(X2, Y2)
    sp_clf.fit(X2_sp, Y2)
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.dual_coef_, sp_clf.dual_coef_.todense())
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.coef_, sp_clf.coef_.todense())
    assert_array_almost_equal(clf.predict(T2), sp_clf.predict(T2))
def test_column_transformer_sparse_array():
    X_sparse = sparse.eye(3, 2).tocsr()

    # no distinction between 1D and 2D
    X_res_first = X_sparse[:, 0]
    X_res_both = X_sparse

    for col in [0, [0], slice(0, 1)]:
        for remainder, res in [('drop', X_res_first),
                               ('passthrough', X_res_both)]:
            ct = ColumnTransformer([('trans', Trans(), col)],
            assert sparse.issparse(ct.fit_transform(X_sparse))
            assert_allclose_dense_sparse(ct.fit_transform(X_sparse), res)

    for col in [[0, 1], slice(0, 2)]:
        ct = ColumnTransformer([('trans', Trans(), col)],
        assert sparse.issparse(ct.fit_transform(X_sparse))
        assert_allclose_dense_sparse(ct.fit_transform(X_sparse), X_res_both)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def encode(table, include_class=False):
        Return a tuple of
        (bool (one hot) ndarray, {col: (variable_index, value_index)} mapping)

        If the input table is sparse, a list of nonzero column indices
        per row (LIL rows) is returned instead of the one-hot ndarray.
        X, encoded, mapping = table.X, [], {}
        if issparse(X):
            encoded = X.tolil().rows.tolist()
            for i, var in enumerate(table.domain.attributes):
                mapping[i] = i, 0
            for i, var in enumerate(table.domain.attributes):
                if not var.is_discrete: continue
                for j, val in enumerate(var.values):
                    mapping[len(mapping)] = i, j
                    encoded.append(X[:, i] == j)

        if include_class and table.domain.has_discrete_class:
            i, var = len(table.domain.attributes), table.domain.class_var
            for j, val in enumerate(var.values):
                mapping[len(mapping)] = i, j
                if issparse(X):
                    for row in encoded:
                        row.append(i + j)
                    encoded.append(table.Y == j)

        if not issparse(X):
            encoded = np.column_stack(encoded)
        return encoded, mapping
Exemplo n.º 30
def patch(data, rows, cols = None):
	data = data matrix, 1D or 2D array (matrix) 
	rows = iterator of rows (list) to select, None means selecting all rows
	cols = iterator of cols (list) to select, None means selecting all cols 
	return np.array (of the patch shape), but the DIM of return should be 
	the same as data (1D or 2D)
	if data is a sparse matrix, the return the matrix will be dense np.array
	if not sparse.issparse(data):
		data = np.asarray(data)
	dim = get_dim(data)
	if dim == 1:
		## ignore cols
		return data[rows] if rows is not None else data
	elif dim == 2:
		nrows, ncols = data.shape
		rows = rows if rows is not None else xrange(nrows)
		cols = cols if cols is not None else  xrange(ncols)
		if sparse.issparse(data):
			return data.toarray()[np.ix_(rows, cols)]
			return data[np.ix_(rows, cols)]
		raise RuntimeError('only supports 1D or 2D array') 
Exemplo n.º 31
    def fit(self,
        """Build a decision tree from the training set (X, y, group).

        X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. Internally, it will be converted to
            ``dtype=np.float32`` and if a sparse matrix is provided
            to a sparse ``csc_matrix``.

        y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs]
            The target values (class labels in classification, real numbers in
            regression). In the regression case, use ``dtype=np.float64`` and
            ``order='C'`` for maximum efficiency.

        group : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs]
            The group values, 0 for control, 1 for target.

        sample_weight : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or None
            Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted. Splits
            that would create child nodes with net zero or negative weight are
            ignored while searching for a split in each node. In the case of
            classification, splits are also ignored if they would result in any
            single class carrying a negative weight in either child node.

        check_input : boolean, (default=True)
            Allow to bypass several input checking.
            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you do.

        X_idx_sorted : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features], optional
            The indexes of the sorted training input samples. If many tree
            are grown on the same dataset, this allows the ordering to be
            cached between trees. If None, the data will be sorted here.
            Don't use this parameter unless you know what to do.

        self : object
            Returns self.

        random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        if check_input:
            X = check_array(X, dtype=DTYPE, accept_sparse="csc")
            y = check_array(y, ensure_2d=False, dtype=None)
            group = check_array(group, ensure_2d=False, dtype=None)
            if issparse(X):

                if X.indices.dtype != np.intc or X.indptr.dtype != np.intc:
                    raise ValueError("No support for np.int64 index based "
                                     "sparse matrices")

        # Determine output settings
        n_samples, self.n_features_ = X.shape
        is_classification = isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin)

        y = np.atleast_1d(y)
        group = np.atleast_1d(group)
        expanded_class_weight = None

        if y.ndim == 1:
            y = np.reshape(y, (-1, 1))

        if group.ndim == 1:
            group = np.reshape(group, (-1, 1))

        self.n_outputs_ = y.shape[1]

        if is_classification:

            # Encode y & group together before passing to the builder.
            y = np.copy(2 * group + y)

            self.classes_ = []
            self.n_classes_ = []

            if self.class_weight is not None:
                y_original = np.copy(y)

            y_encoded = np.zeros(y.shape, dtype=np.int)
            for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
                classes_k, y_encoded[:, k] = np.unique(y[:, k],
            y = y_encoded

            # TODO check if binary

            if self.class_weight is not None:
                expanded_class_weight = compute_sample_weight(
                    self.class_weight, y_original)

            self.classes_ = [None] * self.n_outputs_
            self.n_classes_ = [1] * self.n_outputs_

        # TODO encode group and check if binary

        self.n_classes_ = np.array(self.n_classes_, dtype=np.intp)

        if getattr(y, "dtype", None) != DOUBLE or not y.flags.contiguous:
            y = np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=DOUBLE)

        # Check parameters
        max_depth = ((2**31) - 1 if self.max_depth is None else self.max_depth)
        max_leaf_nodes = (-1 if self.max_leaf_nodes is None else

        if isinstance(self.min_samples_leaf, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
            min_samples_leaf = self.min_samples_leaf
        else:  # float
            min_samples_leaf = int(ceil(self.min_samples_leaf * n_samples))

        stat_param = self.stat_param

        if isinstance(self.min_samples_split, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
            min_samples_split = self.min_samples_split
        else:  # float
            min_samples_split = int(ceil(self.min_samples_split * n_samples))
            min_samples_split = max(2, min_samples_split)

        min_samples_split = max(min_samples_split, 2 * min_samples_leaf)

        if isinstance(self.max_features, str):
            if self.max_features == "auto":
                if is_classification:
                    max_features = max(1, int(np.sqrt(self.n_features_)))
                    max_features = self.n_features_
            elif self.max_features == "sqrt":
                max_features = max(1, int(np.sqrt(self.n_features_)))
            elif self.max_features == "log2":
                max_features = max(1, int(np.log2(self.n_features_)))
                raise ValueError(
                    'Invalid value for max_features. Allowed string '
                    'values are "auto", "sqrt" or "log2".')
        elif self.max_features is None:
            max_features = self.n_features_
        elif isinstance(self.max_features, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
            max_features = self.max_features
        else:  # float
            if self.max_features > 0.0:
                max_features = max(1,
                                   int(self.max_features * self.n_features_))
                max_features = 0

        self.max_features_ = max_features

        if len(y) != n_samples:
            raise ValueError("Number of labels=%d does not match "
                             "number of samples=%d" % (len(y), n_samples))
        if not (0. < self.min_samples_split <= 1.
                or 2 <= self.min_samples_split):
            raise ValueError("min_samples_split must be in at least 2"
                             " or in (0, 1], got %s" % min_samples_split)
        if not (0. < self.min_samples_leaf <= 0.5
                or 1 <= self.min_samples_leaf):
            raise ValueError("min_samples_leaf must be at least than 1 "
                             "or in (0, 0.5], got %s" % min_samples_leaf)

        if not 0 <= self.min_weight_fraction_leaf <= 0.5:
            raise ValueError("min_weight_fraction_leaf must in [0, 0.5]")
        if max_depth <= 0:
            raise ValueError("max_depth must be greater than zero. ")
        if not (0 < max_features <= self.n_features_):
            raise ValueError("max_features must be in (0, n_features]")
        if not isinstance(max_leaf_nodes, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
            raise ValueError("max_leaf_nodes must be integral number but was "
                             "%r" % max_leaf_nodes)
        if -1 < max_leaf_nodes < 2:
            raise ValueError(("max_leaf_nodes {0} must be either smaller than "
                              "0 or larger than 1").format(max_leaf_nodes))

        if sample_weight is not None:
            if (getattr(sample_weight, "dtype", None) != DOUBLE
                    or not sample_weight.flags.contiguous):
                sample_weight = np.ascontiguousarray(sample_weight,
            if len(sample_weight.shape) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Sample weights array has more "
                                 "than one dimension: %d" %
            if len(sample_weight) != n_samples:
                raise ValueError("Number of weights=%d does not match "
                                 "number of samples=%d" %
                                 (len(sample_weight), n_samples))

        if expanded_class_weight is not None:
            if sample_weight is not None:
                sample_weight = sample_weight * expanded_class_weight
                sample_weight = expanded_class_weight

        # Set min_weight_leaf from min_weight_fraction_leaf
        if self.min_weight_fraction_leaf != 0. and sample_weight is not None:
            min_weight_leaf = (self.min_weight_fraction_leaf *
            min_weight_leaf = 0.

        presort = self.presort
        # Allow presort to be 'auto', which means True if the dataset is dense,
        # otherwise it will be False.
        if self.presort == 'auto' and issparse(X):
            presort = False
        elif self.presort == 'auto':
            presort = True

        if presort is True and issparse(X):
            raise ValueError("Presorting is not supported for sparse "

        # If multiple trees are built on the same dataset, we only want to
        # presort once. Splitters now can accept presorted indices if desired,
        # but do not handle any presorting themselves. Ensemble algorithms
        # which desire presorting must do presorting themselves and pass that
        # matrix into each tree.
        if X_idx_sorted is None and presort:
            X_idx_sorted = np.asfortranarray(np.argsort(X, axis=0),

        if presort and X_idx_sorted.shape != X.shape:
            raise ValueError("The shape of X (X.shape = {}) doesn't match "
                             "the shape of X_idx_sorted (X_idx_sorted"
                             ".shape = {})".format(X.shape,

        # Build tree
        criterion = self.criterion
        if not isinstance(criterion, Criterion):
            if is_classification:
                criterion = CRITERIA_CLF[self.criterion](self.n_outputs_,
                criterion = CRITERIA_REG[self.criterion](self.n_outputs_)


        splitter = self.splitter
        if not isinstance(self.splitter, Splitter):
            splitter = SPLITTERS[self.splitter](criterion, self.max_features_,
                                                min_weight_leaf, random_state,
                                                self.presort, stat_param)

        self.tree_ = Tree(self.n_features_, self.n_classes_, self.n_outputs_)

        # Use BestFirst if max_leaf_nodes given; use DepthFirst otherwise
        if max_leaf_nodes < 0:
            builder = DepthFirstTreeBuilder(splitter, min_samples_split,
                                            min_samples_leaf, min_weight_leaf,
                                            max_depth, stat_param)
            builder = BestFirstTreeBuilder(splitter, min_samples_split,
                                           min_samples_leaf, min_weight_leaf,
                                           max_depth, max_leaf_nodes,

        builder.build(self.tree_, X, y, sample_weight, X_idx_sorted)

        if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
            self.n_classes_ = self.n_classes_[0]
            self.classes_ = self.classes_[0]

        return self
def predict_loop(model,
    """Abstract method to loop over some data in batches.

    # Arguments
        model: Keras model instance.
        f: Keras function returning a list of tensors.
        ins: list of tensors to be fed to `f`.
        batch_size: integer batch size.
        verbose: verbosity mode.
        steps: Total number of steps (batches of samples)
            before declaring `predict_loop` finished.
            Ignored with the default value of `None`.
        callbacks: List of callbacks or an instance of
            `keras.callbacks.CallbackList` to be called during prediction.

    # Returns
        Array of predictions (if the model has a single output)
        or list of arrays of predictions
        (if the model has multiple outputs).
    num_samples = check_num_samples(ins,

    # Check if callbacks have not been already configured
    if not isinstance(callbacks, cbks.CallbackList):
        callbacks = cbks.CallbackList(callbacks)
        callback_model = model._get_callback_model()
        callback_params = {
            'batch_size': batch_size,
            'steps': steps,
            'samples': num_samples,
            'verbose': verbose,

    if verbose == 1:
        if steps is not None:
            progbar = Progbar(target=steps)
            progbar = Progbar(target=num_samples)

    indices_for_conversion_to_dense = []
    for i in range(len(model._feed_inputs)):
        if issparse(ins[i]) and not K.is_sparse(model._feed_inputs[i]):

    callbacks.model.stop_training = False

    if steps is not None:
        # Step-based predictions.
        # Since we do not know how many samples
        # we will see, we cannot pre-allocate
        # the returned Numpy arrays.
        # Instead, we store one array per batch seen
        # and concatenate them upon returning.
        unconcatenated_outs = []
        for step in range(steps):
            batch_logs = {'batch': step, 'size': 1}
            callbacks._call_batch_hook('predict', 'begin', step, batch_logs)
            batch_outs = f(ins)
            batch_outs = to_list(batch_outs)
            if step == 0:
                for batch_out in batch_outs:
            for i, batch_out in enumerate(batch_outs):

            batch_logs['outputs'] = batch_outs
            callbacks._call_batch_hook('predict', 'end', step, batch_logs)
            if verbose == 1:
                progbar.update(step + 1)
        if len(unconcatenated_outs) == 1:
            return np.concatenate(unconcatenated_outs[0], axis=0)
        return [
            np.concatenate(unconcatenated_outs[i], axis=0)
            for i in range(len(unconcatenated_outs))
        # Sample-based predictions.
        outs = []
        batches = make_batches(num_samples, batch_size)
        index_array = np.arange(num_samples)
        for batch_index, (batch_start, batch_end) in enumerate(batches):
            batch_ids = index_array[batch_start:batch_end]
            if ins and isinstance(ins[-1], float):
                # Do not slice the training phase flag.
                ins_batch = slice_arrays(ins[:-1], batch_ids) + [ins[-1]]
                ins_batch = slice_arrays(ins, batch_ids)
            for i in indices_for_conversion_to_dense:
                ins_batch[i] = ins_batch[i].toarray()

            batch_logs = {'batch': batch_index, 'size': len(batch_ids)}
            callbacks._call_batch_hook('predict', 'begin', batch_index,
            batch_outs = f(ins_batch)
            batch_outs = to_list(batch_outs)
            if batch_index == 0:
                # Pre-allocate the results arrays.
                for batch_out in batch_outs:
                    shape = (num_samples, ) + batch_out.shape[1:]
                    outs.append(np.zeros(shape, dtype=batch_out.dtype))
            for i, batch_out in enumerate(batch_outs):
                outs[i][batch_start:batch_end] = batch_out

            batch_logs['outputs'] = batch_outs
            callbacks._call_batch_hook('predict', 'end', batch_index,
            if verbose == 1:
        return unpack_singleton(outs)
def fit_loop(model,
    """Abstract fit function for `fit_function(fit_inputs)`.

    Assumes that fit_function returns a list, labeled by out_labels.

    # Arguments
        model: Keras model instance.
        fit_function: Keras function returning a list of tensors
        fit_inputs: List of tensors to be fed to `fit_function`
        out_labels: List of strings, display names of
            the outputs of `fit_function`
        batch_size: Integer batch size or None if unknown.
        epochs: Number of times to iterate over the data
        verbose: Verbosity mode, 0, 1 or 2
        callbacks: List of callbacks to be called during training and validation
            (if `val_function` and `val_inputs` are not `None`).
        val_function: Keras function to call for validation
        val_inputs: List of tensors to be fed to `val_function`
        shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data at the beginning of each epoch
        callback_metrics: List of strings, the display names of the metrics
            passed to the callbacks. They should be the
            concatenation of list the display names of the outputs of
             `fit_function` and the list of display names
             of the outputs of `fit_inputs`.
        initial_epoch: Epoch at which to start training
            (useful for resuming a previous training run)
        steps_per_epoch: Total number of steps (batches of samples)
            before declaring one epoch finished and starting the
            next epoch. Ignored with the default value of `None`.
        validation_steps: Number of steps to run validation for
            (only if doing validation from data tensors).
            Ignored with the default value of `None`.
        validation_freq: Only relevant if validation data is provided. Integer
            or list/tuple/set. If an integer, specifies how many training
            epochs to run before a new validation run is performed, e.g.
            validation_freq=2` runs validation every 2 epochs. If a list,
            tuple, or set, specifies the epochs on which to run validation,
            e.g. `validation_freq=[1, 2, 10]` runs validation at the end
            of the 1st, 2nd, and 10th epochs.

    # Returns
        `History` object.
    do_validation = False
    if val_function and val_inputs:
        do_validation = True
        if (verbose and fit_inputs and hasattr(fit_inputs[0], 'shape')
                and hasattr(val_inputs[0], 'shape')):
            print('Train on %d samples, validate on %d samples' %
                  (fit_inputs[0].shape[0], val_inputs[0].shape[0]))
    if validation_steps:
        do_validation = True
        if steps_per_epoch is None:
            raise ValueError('Can only use `validation_steps` '
                             'when doing step-wise '
                             'training, i.e. `steps_per_epoch` '
                             'must be set.')
    elif do_validation:
        if steps_per_epoch:
            raise ValueError('Must specify `validation_steps` '
                             'to perform validation '
                             'when doing step-wise training.')

    num_train_samples = check_num_samples(fit_inputs,
    if num_train_samples is not None:
        index_array = np.arange(num_train_samples)

    model.history = cbks.History()
    _callbacks = [
    if verbose:
        if steps_per_epoch is not None:
            count_mode = 'steps'
            count_mode = 'samples'
    _callbacks += (callbacks or []) + [model.history]
    callbacks = cbks.CallbackList(_callbacks)
    out_labels = out_labels or []

    # it's possible to callback a different model than itself
    # (used by Sequential models)
    callback_model = model._get_callback_model()

        'batch_size': batch_size,
        'epochs': epochs,
        'steps': steps_per_epoch,
        'samples': num_train_samples,
        'verbose': verbose,
        'do_validation': do_validation,
        'metrics': callback_metrics or [],
    callbacks.model.stop_training = False
    for cbk in callbacks:
        cbk.validation_data = val_inputs

    # To prevent a slowdown,
    # we find beforehand the arrays that need conversion.
    feed = (model._feed_inputs + model._feed_targets +
    indices_for_conversion_to_dense = []
    for i in range(len(feed)):
        if issparse(fit_inputs[i]) and not K.is_sparse(feed[i]):

    for epoch in range(initial_epoch, epochs):
        # Reset stateful metrics
        for m in model.stateful_metric_functions:
        epoch_logs = {}
        if steps_per_epoch is not None:
            for step_index in range(steps_per_epoch):
                batch_logs = {'batch': step_index, 'size': 1}
                callbacks._call_batch_hook('train', 'begin', step_index,
                outs = fit_function(fit_inputs)

                outs = to_list(outs)
                for l, o in zip(out_labels, outs):
                    batch_logs[l] = o

                callbacks._call_batch_hook('train', 'end', step_index,
                if callback_model.stop_training:

            if do_validation and should_run_validation(validation_freq, epoch):
                val_outs = test_loop(model,
                val_outs = to_list(val_outs)
                # Same labels assumed.
                for l, o in zip(out_labels, val_outs):
                    epoch_logs['val_' + l] = o
            if shuffle == 'batch':
                index_array = batch_shuffle(index_array, batch_size)
            elif shuffle:

            batches = make_batches(num_train_samples, batch_size)
            for batch_index, (batch_start, batch_end) in enumerate(batches):
                batch_ids = index_array[batch_start:batch_end]
                    if isinstance(fit_inputs[-1], float):
                        # Do not slice the training phase flag.
                        ins_batch = slice_arrays(fit_inputs[:-1],
                                                 batch_ids) + [fit_inputs[-1]]
                        ins_batch = slice_arrays(fit_inputs, batch_ids)
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError('TypeError while preparing batch. '
                                    'If using HDF5 input data, '
                                    'pass shuffle="batch".')
                batch_logs = {'batch': batch_index, 'size': len(batch_ids)}
                callbacks._call_batch_hook('train', 'begin', batch_index,
                for i in indices_for_conversion_to_dense:
                    ins_batch[i] = ins_batch[i].toarray()

                outs = fit_function(ins_batch)
                outs = to_list(outs)
                for l, o in zip(out_labels, outs):
                    batch_logs[l] = o

                callbacks._call_batch_hook('train', 'end', batch_index,
                if callbacks.model.stop_training:

            if batch_index == len(batches) - 1:  # Last batch.
                if do_validation and should_run_validation(
                        validation_freq, epoch):
                    val_outs = test_loop(model,
                    val_outs = to_list(val_outs)
                    # Same labels assumed.
                    for l, o in zip(out_labels, val_outs):
                        epoch_logs['val_' + l] = o

        callbacks.on_epoch_end(epoch, epoch_logs)
        if callbacks.model.stop_training:
    return model.history
Exemplo n.º 34
def _linprog_highs(lp,
    Solve the following linear programming problem using one of the HiGHS

    User-facing documentation is in _linprog_doc.py.

    lp :  _LPProblem
        A ``scipy.optimize._linprog_util._LPProblem`` ``namedtuple``.
    solver : "ipm" or "simplex" or None
        Which HiGHS solver to use.  If ``None``, "simplex" will be used.

    maxiter : int
        The maximum number of iterations to perform in either phase. For
        ``solver='ipm'``, this does not include the number of crossover
        iterations.  Default is the largest possible value for an ``int``
        on the platform.
    disp : bool
        Set to ``True`` if indicators of optimization status are to be printed
        to the console each iteration; default ``False``.
    time_limit : float
        The maximum time in seconds allotted to solve the problem; default is
        the largest possible value for a ``double`` on the platform.
    presolve : bool
        Presolve attempts to identify trivial infeasibilities,
        identify trivial unboundedness, and simplify the problem before
        sending it to the main solver. It is generally recommended
        to keep the default setting ``True``; set to ``False`` if presolve is
        to be disabled.
    dual_feasibility_tolerance : double
        Dual feasibility tolerance.  Default is 1e-07.
        The minimum of this and ``primal_feasibility_tolerance``
        is used for the feasibility tolerance when ``solver='ipm'``.
    primal_feasibility_tolerance : double
        Primal feasibility tolerance.  Default is 1e-07.
        The minimum of this and ``dual_feasibility_tolerance``
        is used for the feasibility tolerance when ``solver='ipm'``.
    ipm_optimality_tolerance : double
        Optimality tolerance for ``solver='ipm'``.  Default is 1e-08.
        Minimum possible value is 1e-12 and must be smaller than the largest
        possible value for a ``double`` on the platform.
    simplex_dual_edge_weight_strategy : str (default: None)
        Strategy for simplex dual edge weights. The default, ``None``,
        automatically selects one of the following.

        ``'dantzig'`` uses Dantzig's original strategy of choosing the most
        negative reduced cost.

        ``'devex'`` uses the strategy described in [15]_.

        ``steepest`` uses the exact steepest edge strategy as described in

        ``'steepest-devex'`` begins with the exact steepest edge strategy
        until the computation is too costly or inexact and then switches to
        the devex method.

        Curently, using ``None`` always selects ``'steepest-devex'``, but this
        may change as new options become available.

    unknown_options : dict
        Optional arguments not used by this particular solver. If
        ``unknown_options`` is non-empty, a warning is issued listing all
        unused options.

    sol : dict
        A dictionary consisting of the fields:

            x : 1D array
                The values of the decision variables that minimizes the
                objective function while satisfying the constraints.
            fun : float
                The optimal value of the objective function ``c @ x``.
            slack : 1D array
                The (nominally positive) values of the slack,
                ``b_ub - A_ub @ x``.
            con : 1D array
                The (nominally zero) residuals of the equality constraints,
                ``b_eq - A_eq @ x``.
            success : bool
                ``True`` when the algorithm succeeds in finding an optimal
            status : int
                An integer representing the exit status of the algorithm.

                ``0`` : Optimization terminated successfully.

                ``1`` : Iteration or time limit reached.

                ``2`` : Problem appears to be infeasible.

                ``3`` : Problem appears to be unbounded.

                ``4`` : The HiGHS solver ran into a problem.

            message : str
                A string descriptor of the exit status of the algorithm.
            nit : int
                The total number of iterations performed.
                For ``solver='simplex'``, this includes iterations in all
                phases. For ``solver='ipm'``, this does not include
                crossover iterations.
            crossover_nit : int
                The number of primal/dual pushes performed during the
                crossover routine for ``solver='ipm'``.  This is ``0``
                for ``solver='simplex'``.
            ineqlin : OptimizeResult
                Solution and sensitivity information corresponding to the
                inequality constraints, `b_ub`. A dictionary consisting of the

                residual : np.ndnarray
                    The (nominally positive) values of the slack variables,
                    ``b_ub - A_ub @ x``.  This quantity is also commonly
                    referred to as "slack".

                marginals : np.ndarray
                    The sensitivity (partial derivative) of the objective
                    function with respect to the right-hand side of the
                    inequality constraints, `b_ub`.

            eqlin : OptimizeResult
                Solution and sensitivity information corresponding to the
                equality constraints, `b_eq`.  A dictionary consisting of the

                residual : np.ndarray
                    The (nominally zero) residuals of the equality constraints,
                    ``b_eq - A_eq @ x``.

                marginals : np.ndarray
                    The sensitivity (partial derivative) of the objective
                    function with respect to the right-hand side of the
                    equality constraints, `b_eq`.

            lower, upper : OptimizeResult
                Solution and sensitivity information corresponding to the
                lower and upper bounds on decision variables, `bounds`.

                residual : np.ndarray
                    The (nominally positive) values of the quantity
                    ``x - lb`` (lower) or ``ub - x`` (upper).

                marginals : np.ndarray
                    The sensitivity (partial derivative) of the objective
                    function with respect to the lower and upper

            mip_node_count : int
                The number of subproblems or "nodes" solved by the MILP
                solver. Only present when `integrality` is not `None`.

            mip_dual_bound : float
                The MILP solver's final estimate of the lower bound on the
                optimal solution. Only present when `integrality` is not

            mip_gap : float
                The difference between the final objective function value
                and the final dual bound. Only present when `integrality`
                is not `None`.

    The result fields `ineqlin`, `eqlin`, `lower`, and `upper` all contain
    `marginals`, or partial derivatives of the objective function with respect
    to the right-hand side of each constraint. These partial derivatives are
    also referred to as "Lagrange multipliers", "dual values", and
    "shadow prices". The sign convention of `marginals` is opposite that
    of Lagrange multipliers produced by many nonlinear solvers.

    .. [15] Harris, Paula MJ. "Pivot selection methods of the Devex LP code."
            Mathematical programming 5.1 (1973): 1-28.
    .. [16] Goldfarb, Donald, and John Ker Reid. "A practicable steepest-edge
            simplex algorithm." Mathematical Programming 12.1 (1977): 361-371.


    # Map options to HiGHS enum values
    simplex_dual_edge_weight_strategy_enum = _convert_to_highs_enum(
            'steepest-devex': HIGHS_SIMPLEX_EDGE_WEIGHT_STRATEGY_CHOOSE,
            None: None

    c, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, bounds, x0, integrality = lp

    lb, ub = bounds.T.copy()  # separate bounds, copy->C-cntgs
    # highs_wrapper solves LHS <= A*x <= RHS, not equality constraints
    lhs_ub = -np.ones_like(b_ub) * np.inf  # LHS of UB constraints is -inf
    rhs_ub = b_ub  # RHS of UB constraints is b_ub
    lhs_eq = b_eq  # Equality constaint is inequality
    rhs_eq = b_eq  # constraint with LHS=RHS
    lhs = np.concatenate((lhs_ub, lhs_eq))
    rhs = np.concatenate((rhs_ub, rhs_eq))

    if issparse(A_ub) or issparse(A_eq):
        A = vstack((A_ub, A_eq))
        A = np.vstack((A_ub, A_eq))
    A = csc_matrix(A)

    options = {
        'presolve': presolve,
        'solver': solver,
        'time_limit': time_limit,
        'highs_debug_level': MESSAGE_LEVEL_NONE,
        'dual_feasibility_tolerance': dual_feasibility_tolerance,
        'ipm_optimality_tolerance': ipm_optimality_tolerance,
        'log_to_console': disp,
        'output_flag': disp,
        'primal_feasibility_tolerance': primal_feasibility_tolerance,
        'simplex_strategy': HIGHS_SIMPLEX_STRATEGY_DUAL,
        'simplex_crash_strategy': HIGHS_SIMPLEX_CRASH_STRATEGY_OFF,
        'ipm_iteration_limit': maxiter,
        'simplex_iteration_limit': maxiter,

    # np.inf doesn't work; use very large constant
    rhs = _replace_inf(rhs)
    lhs = _replace_inf(lhs)
    lb = _replace_inf(lb)
    ub = _replace_inf(ub)

    if integrality is None or np.sum(integrality) == 0:
        integrality = np.empty(0)
        integrality = np.array(integrality)

    res = _highs_wrapper(c, A.indptr, A.indices, A.data, lhs, rhs, lb, ub,
                         integrality.astype(np.uint8), options)

    # HiGHS represents constraints as lhs/rhs, so
    # Ax + s = b => Ax = b - s
    # and we need to split up s by A_ub and A_eq
    if 'slack' in res:
        slack = res['slack']
        con = np.array(slack[len(b_ub):])
        slack = np.array(slack[:len(b_ub)])
        slack, con = None, None

    # lagrange multipliers for equalities/inequalities and upper/lower bounds
    if 'lambda' in res:
        lamda = res['lambda']
        marg_ineqlin = np.array(lamda[:len(b_ub)])
        marg_eqlin = np.array(lamda[len(b_ub):])
        marg_upper = np.array(res['marg_bnds'][1, :])
        marg_lower = np.array(res['marg_bnds'][0, :])
        marg_ineqlin, marg_eqlin = None, None
        marg_upper, marg_lower = None, None

    # this needs to be updated if we start choosing the solver intelligently
    solvers = {"ipm": "highs-ipm", "simplex": "highs-ds", None: "highs-ds"}

    # Convert to scipy-style status and message
    highs_status = res.get('status', None)
    highs_message = res.get('message', None)
    status, message = _highs_to_scipy_status_message(highs_status,

    x = np.array(res['x']) if 'x' in res else None
    sol = {
            'residual': slack,
            'marginals': marg_ineqlin,
            'residual': con,
            'marginals': marg_eqlin,
            'residual': None if x is None else x - lb,
            'marginals': marg_lower,
            'residual': None if x is None else ub - x,
            'marginals': marg_upper
        res['status'] == MODEL_STATUS_OPTIMAL,
        res.get('simplex_nit', 0) or res.get('ipm_nit', 0),

    if np.any(x) and integrality is not None:
            'mip_node_count': res.get('mip_node_count', 0),
            'mip_dual_bound': res.get('mip_dual_bound', 0.0),
            'mip_gap': res.get('mip_gap', 0.0),

    return sol
Exemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self,

        if len(ident) != exog_vc.shape[1]:
            msg = "len(ident) should match the number of columns of exog_vc"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Get the fixed effects parameter names
        if fep_names is None:
            if hasattr(exog, "columns"):
                fep_names = exog.columns.tolist()
                fep_names = ["FE_%d" % (k + 1) for k in range(exog.shape[1])]

        # Get the variance parameter names
        if vcp_names is None:
            vcp_names = ["VC_%d" % (k + 1) for k in range(int(max(ident)) + 1)]
            if len(vcp_names) != len(set(ident)):
                msg = "The lengths of vcp_names and ident should be the same"
                raise ValueError(msg)

        endog = np.asarray(endog)
        exog = np.asarray(exog)

        if not sparse.issparse(exog_vc):
            exog_vc = sparse.csr_matrix(exog_vc)

        ident = ident.astype(np.int)
        vcp_p = float(vcp_p)
        fe_p = float(fe_p)

        # Number of fixed effects parameters
        if exog is None:
            k_fep = 0
            k_fep = exog.shape[1]

        # Number of variance component structure parameters and
        # variance component realizations.
        if exog_vc is None:
            k_vc = 0
            k_vcp = 0
            k_vc = exog_vc.shape[1]
            k_vcp = max(ident) + 1

        # power would be better but not available in older scipy
        exog_vc2 = exog_vc.multiply(exog_vc)

        super(_BayesMixedGLM, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs)

        self.exog_vc = exog_vc
        self.exog_vc2 = exog_vc2
        self.ident = ident
        self.family = family
        self.k_fep = k_fep
        self.k_vc = k_vc
        self.k_vcp = k_vcp
        self.fep_names = fep_names
        self.vcp_names = vcp_names
        self.vc_names = vc_names
        self.fe_p = fe_p
        self.vcp_p = vcp_p
Exemplo n.º 36
    def partial_fit(self, X, y, monitor=None, sample_weight=None, **kwargs):
        """Fit the model on a batch of training data.

        X : numpy array or sparse matrix of shape [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data
        y : numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_targets]
            Target values
        monitor : callable, optional
            The monitor is called after each iteration with the current
            iteration, a reference to the estimator, and a dictionary with
            {'loss': loss_value} representing the loss calculated by the
            objective function at this iteration.
            If the callable returns True the fitting procedure is stopped.
            The monitor can be used for various things such as computing
            held-out estimates, early stopping, model introspection,
            and snapshoting.
        sample_weight : numpy array of shape [n_samples,]
            Per-sample weights. Re-scale the loss per sample.
            Higher weights force the estimator to put more emphasis
            on these samples. Sample weights are normalized per-batch.

        self : returns an instance of self.

        X, y = self._check_inputs(X, y)
        assert self.batch_size > 0, "batch_size <= 0"

        if sample_weight is not None:
            sample_weight = check_array(sample_weight, ensure_2d=False)

        # Initialize the model if it hasn't been already by a previous call.
        if self._is_fitted:
            y = self._transform_targets(y)
            self._random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
            self._fit_targets(y, **kwargs)
            y = self._transform_targets(y)

            self.is_sparse_ = sp.issparse(X)
            self.input_layer_sz_ = X.shape[1]

            # Set which layer transform function points to
            if self.transform_layer_index is None:
                self._transform_layer_index = len(self.hidden_units) - 1
                self._transform_layer_index = self.transform_layer_index

            if (self._transform_layer_index < -1 or
                    self._transform_layer_index >= len(self.hidden_units)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "`transform_layer_index` must be in the range "
                    "[-1, len(hidden_units)-1]!")

            # Instantiate the graph.  TensorFlow seems easier to use by just
            # adding to the default graph, and as_default lets you temporarily
            # set a graph to be treated as the default graph.
            self.graph_ = Graph()
            with self.graph_.as_default():
                    self._random_state.randint(0, 10000000))



                # Train model parameters.

            # Set an attributed to mark this as at least partially fitted.
            self._is_fitted = True

        # Train the model with the given data.
        with self.graph_.as_default():
            n_examples = X.shape[0]
            indices = np.arange(n_examples)

            for epoch in range(self.n_epochs):
                for start_idx in range(0, n_examples, self.batch_size):
                    batch_ind = indices[start_idx:start_idx + self.batch_size]

                    if sample_weight is None:
                        batch_sample_weight = None
                        batch_sample_weight = sample_weight[batch_ind]

                    feed_dict = self._make_feed_dict(
                    obj_val, _ = self._session.run(
                        [self._obj_func, self._train_step],
                    _LOGGER.debug("objective: %.4f, epoch: %d, idx: %d",
                                  obj_val, epoch, start_idx)

                _LOGGER.info("objective: %.4f, epoch: %d, idx: %d",
                             obj_val, epoch, start_idx)

                if monitor:
                    stop_early = monitor(epoch, self, {'loss': obj_val})
                    if stop_early:
                            "stopping early due to monitor function.")
                        return self

        return self
Exemplo n.º 37
    def transform(self, X):
        """Impute all missing values in X.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The input data to complete.

        X = self._validate_input(X, in_fit=False)
        statistics = self.statistics_

        if X.shape[1] != statistics.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("X has %d features per sample, expected %d" %
                             (X.shape[1], self.statistics_.shape[0]))

        # compute mask before eliminating invalid features
        missing_mask = _get_mask(X, self.missing_values)

        # Delete the invalid columns if strategy is not constant
        if self.strategy == "constant":
            valid_statistics = statistics
            valid_statistics_indexes = None
            # same as np.isnan but also works for object dtypes
            invalid_mask = _get_mask(statistics, np.nan)
            valid_mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask)
            valid_statistics = statistics[valid_mask]
            valid_statistics_indexes = np.flatnonzero(valid_mask)

            if invalid_mask.any():
                missing = np.arange(X.shape[1])[invalid_mask]
                if self.verbose:
                    warnings.warn("Deleting features without "
                                  "observed values: %s" % missing)
                X = X[:, valid_statistics_indexes]

        # Do actual imputation
        if sp.issparse(X):
            if self.missing_values == 0:
                raise ValueError("Imputation not possible when missing_values "
                                 "== 0 and input is sparse. Provide a dense "
                                 "array instead.")
                # if no invalid statistics are found, use the mask computed
                # before, else recompute mask
                if valid_statistics_indexes is None:
                    mask = missing_mask.data
                    mask = _get_mask(X.data, self.missing_values)
                indexes = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X.indptr) - 1, dtype=int),

                X.data[mask] = valid_statistics[indexes].astype(X.dtype,
            # use mask computed before eliminating invalid mask
            if valid_statistics_indexes is None:
                mask_valid_features = missing_mask
                mask_valid_features = missing_mask[:, valid_statistics_indexes]
            n_missing = np.sum(mask_valid_features, axis=0)
            values = np.repeat(valid_statistics, n_missing)
            coordinates = np.where(mask_valid_features.transpose())[::-1]

            X[coordinates] = values

        X_indicator = super()._transform_indicator(missing_mask)

        return super()._concatenate_indicator(X, X_indicator)
Exemplo n.º 38
def _fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
    # check X and y
    if check_input:
        X, y = check_X_y(
            dtype=[np.float64, np.float32],
        y = check_array(y, copy=False, dtype=X.dtype.type, ensure_2d=False)

    if not sp.issparse(X):
        self.fit_shape_good_for_daal_ = \
            True if X.ndim <= 1 else True if X.shape[0] >= X.shape[1] else False
        self.fit_shape_good_for_daal_ = False

    log_str = "sklearn.linear_model." + self.__class__.__name__ + ".fit: "
    sklearn_ready = sp.issparse(X) or not self.fit_shape_good_for_daal_ or \
        X.dtype not in [np.float64, np.float32] or sample_weight is not None

    if sklearn_ready:
        if hasattr(self, 'daal_model_'):
            del self.daal_model_
            log_str + get_patch_message("sklearn")
        if sklearn_check_version('0.23'):
            res_new = super(ElasticNet, self).fit(
                X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=check_input)
            res_new = super(ElasticNet, self).fit(
                X, y, check_input=check_input)
        self._gap = res_new.dual_gap_
        return res_new
    self.n_iter_ = None
    self._gap = None

    if not check_input:
        # only for compliance with Sklearn,
        # this assert is not required for Intel(R) oneAPI Data
        # Analytics Library
        print(type(X), X.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'])
        if isinstance(X, np.ndarray) and \
                X.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] is False:
            # print(X.flags)
            raise ValueError("ndarray is not Fortran contiguous")

    if sklearn_check_version('1.0'):
        self._normalize = _deprecate_normalize(

    # only for pass tests
    # "check_estimators_fit_returns_self(readonly_memmap=True) and
    # check_regressors_train(readonly_memmap=True)
    if not X.flags.writeable:
        X = np.copy(X)
    if not y.flags.writeable:
        y = np.copy(y)
    logging.info(log_str + get_patch_message("daal"))

    if self.__class__.__name__ == "ElasticNet":
        res = _daal4py_fit_enet(self, X, y, check_input=check_input)
        res = _daal4py_fit_lasso(self, X, y, check_input=check_input)
    if res is None:
        if hasattr(self, 'daal_model_'):
            del self.daal_model_
            log_str + get_patch_message("sklearn_after_daal")
        if sklearn_check_version('0.23'):
            res_new = super(ElasticNet, self).fit(
                X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=check_input)
            res_new = super(ElasticNet, self).fit(
                X, y, check_input=check_input)
        self._gap = res_new.dual_gap_
        return res_new
    return res
Exemplo n.º 39
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        """Fit Ridge regression model

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data

        y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets]
            Target values

        sample_weight : float or array-like of shape [n_samples]
            Sample weight

        self : Returns self.
        X, y = check_X_y(X,
                         y, ['csr', 'csc', 'coo'],

        n_samples, n_features = X.shape

        X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = LinearModel._center_data(

        gcv_mode = self.gcv_mode
        with_sw = len(np.shape(sample_weight))

        if gcv_mode is None or gcv_mode == 'auto':
            if sparse.issparse(X) or n_features > n_samples or with_sw:
                gcv_mode = 'eigen'
                gcv_mode = 'svd'
        elif gcv_mode == "svd" and with_sw:
            # FIXME non-uniform sample weights not yet supported
            warnings.warn("non-uniform sample weights unsupported for svd, "
                          "forcing usage of eigen")
            gcv_mode = 'eigen'

        if gcv_mode == 'eigen':
            _pre_compute = self._pre_compute
            _errors = self._errors
            _values = self._values
        elif gcv_mode == 'svd':
            # assert n_samples >= n_features
            _pre_compute = self._pre_compute_svd
            _errors = self._errors_svd
            _values = self._values_svd
            raise ValueError('bad gcv_mode "%s"' % gcv_mode)

        v, Q, QT_y = _pre_compute(X, y)
        n_y = 1 if len(y.shape) == 1 else y.shape[1]
        cv_values = np.zeros((n_samples * n_y, len(self.alphas)))
        C = []

        scorer = check_scoring(self, scoring=self.scoring, allow_none=True)
        error = scorer is None

        for i, alpha in enumerate(self.alphas):
            weighted_alpha = (sample_weight *
                              alpha if sample_weight is not None else alpha)
            if error:
                out, c = _errors(weighted_alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y)
                out, c = _values(weighted_alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y)
            cv_values[:, i] = out.ravel()

        if error:
            best = cv_values.mean(axis=0).argmin()
            # The scorer want an object that will make the predictions but
            # they are already computed efficiently by _RidgeGCV. This
            # identity_estimator will just return them
            def identity_estimator():

            identity_estimator.decision_function = lambda y_predict: y_predict
            identity_estimator.predict = lambda y_predict: y_predict

            out = [
                scorer(identity_estimator, y.ravel(), cv_values[:, i])
                for i in range(len(self.alphas))
            best = np.argmax(out)

        self.alpha_ = self.alphas[best]
        self.dual_coef_ = C[best]
        self.coef_ = safe_sparse_dot(self.dual_coef_.T, X)

        self._set_intercept(X_mean, y_mean, X_std)

        if self.store_cv_values:
            if len(y.shape) == 1:
                cv_values_shape = n_samples, len(self.alphas)
                cv_values_shape = n_samples, n_y, len(self.alphas)
            self.cv_values_ = cv_values.reshape(cv_values_shape)

        return self
 def test_sparse(self):
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_dump():
    X_sparse, y_dense = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
    X_dense = X_sparse.toarray()
    y_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(y_dense)

    # slicing a csr_matrix can unsort its .indices, so test that we sort
    # those correctly
    X_sliced = X_sparse[np.arange(X_sparse.shape[0])]
    y_sliced = y_sparse[np.arange(y_sparse.shape[0])]

    for X in (X_sparse, X_dense, X_sliced):
        for y in (y_sparse, y_dense, y_sliced):
            for zero_based in (True, False):
                for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64]:
                    f = BytesIO()
                    # we need to pass a comment to get the version info in;
                    # LibSVM doesn't grok comments so they're not put in by
                    # default anymore.

                    if (sp.issparse(y) and y.shape[0] == 1):
                        # make sure y's shape is: (n_samples, n_labels)
                        # when it is sparse
                        y = y.T

                    # Note: with dtype=np.int32 we are performing unsafe casts,
                    # where X.astype(dtype) overflows. The result is
                    # then platform dependent and X_dense.astype(dtype) may be
                    # different from X_sparse.astype(dtype).asarray().
                    X_input = X.astype(dtype)

                    dump_svmlight_file(X_input, y, f, comment="test",

                    comment = f.readline()
                    comment = str(comment, "utf-8")

                    assert_in("scikit-learn %s" % sklearn.__version__, comment)

                    comment = f.readline()
                    comment = str(comment, "utf-8")

                    assert_in(["one", "zero"][zero_based] + "-based", comment)

                    X2, y2 = load_svmlight_file(f, dtype=dtype,
                    assert_equal(X2.dtype, dtype)
                    assert_array_equal(X2.sorted_indices().indices, X2.indices)

                    X2_dense = X2.toarray()
                    if sp.issparse(X_input):
                        X_input_dense = X_input.toarray()
                        X_input_dense = X_input

                    if dtype == np.float32:
                        # allow a rounding error at the last decimal place
                            X_input_dense, X2_dense, 4)
                            y_dense.astype(dtype), y2, 4)
                        # allow a rounding error at the last decimal place
                            X_input_dense, X2_dense, 15)
                            y_dense.astype(dtype), y2, 15)
Exemplo n.º 42
def dbscan(X,
    """Perform DBSCAN clustering from vector array or distance matrix.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <dbscan>`.

    X : array or sparse (CSR) matrix of shape (n_samples, n_features), or \
            array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
        A feature array, or array of distances between samples if

    eps : float, optional
        The maximum distance between two samples for them to be considered
        as in the same neighborhood.

    min_samples : int, optional
        The number of samples (or total weight) in a neighborhood for a point
        to be considered as a core point. This includes the point itself.

    metric : string, or callable
        The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a
        feature array. If metric is a string or callable, it must be one of
        the options allowed by :func:`sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances` for
        its metric parameter.
        If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix and
        must be square. X may be a sparse matrix, in which case only "nonzero"
        elements may be considered neighbors for DBSCAN.

    metric_params : dict, optional
        Additional keyword arguments for the metric function.

        .. versionadded:: 0.19

    algorithm : {'auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute'}, optional
        The algorithm to be used by the NearestNeighbors module
        to compute pointwise distances and find nearest neighbors.
        See NearestNeighbors module documentation for details.

    leaf_size : int, optional (default = 30)
        Leaf size passed to BallTree or cKDTree. This can affect the speed
        of the construction and query, as well as the memory required
        to store the tree. The optimal value depends
        on the nature of the problem.

    p : float, optional
        The power of the Minkowski metric to be used to calculate distance
        between points.

    sample_weight : array, shape (n_samples,), optional
        Weight of each sample, such that a sample with a weight of at least
        ``min_samples`` is by itself a core sample; a sample with negative
        weight may inhibit its eps-neighbor from being core.
        Note that weights are absolute, and default to 1.

    n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None)
        The number of parallel jobs to run for neighbors search.
        ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context.
        ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>`
        for more details.

    core_samples : array [n_core_samples]
        Indices of core samples.

    labels : array [n_samples]
        Cluster labels for each point.  Noisy samples are given the label -1.

    See also
        An estimator interface for this clustering algorithm.
        A similar estimator interface clustering at multiple values of eps. Our
        implementation is optimized for memory usage.

    For an example, see :ref:`examples/cluster/plot_dbscan.py

    This implementation bulk-computes all neighborhood queries, which increases
    the memory complexity to O(n.d) where d is the average number of neighbors,
    while original DBSCAN had memory complexity O(n). It may attract a higher
    memory complexity when querying these nearest neighborhoods, depending
    on the ``algorithm``.

    One way to avoid the query complexity is to pre-compute sparse
    neighborhoods in chunks using
    <sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors.radius_neighbors_graph>` with
    ``mode='distance'``, then using ``metric='precomputed'`` here.

    Another way to reduce memory and computation time is to remove
    (near-)duplicate points and use ``sample_weight`` instead.

    :func:`cluster.optics <sklearn.cluster.optics>` provides a similar
    clustering with lower memory usage.

    Ester, M., H. P. Kriegel, J. Sander, and X. Xu, "A Density-Based
    Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise".
    In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
    and Data Mining, Portland, OR, AAAI Press, pp. 226-231. 1996
    if not eps > 0.0:
        raise ValueError("eps must be positive.")

    X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
    if sample_weight is not None:
        sample_weight = np.asarray(sample_weight)
        check_consistent_length(X, sample_weight)

    # Calculate neighborhood for all samples. This leaves the original point
    # in, which needs to be considered later (i.e. point i is in the
    # neighborhood of point i. While True, its useless information)
    if metric == 'precomputed' and sparse.issparse(X):
        neighborhoods = np.empty(X.shape[0], dtype=object)
        X.sum_duplicates()  # XXX: modifies X's internals in-place

        # set the diagonal to explicit values, as a point is its own neighbor
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning)
            X.setdiag(X.diagonal())  # XXX: modifies X's internals in-place

        X_mask = X.data <= eps
        masked_indices = X.indices.astype(np.intp, copy=False)[X_mask]
        masked_indptr = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(X_mask)))
        masked_indptr = masked_indptr[X.indptr[1:-1]]

        # split into rows
        neighborhoods[:] = np.split(masked_indices, masked_indptr)
        neighbors_model = NearestNeighbors(radius=eps,
        # This has worst case O(n^2) memory complexity
        neighborhoods = neighbors_model.radius_neighbors(X,

    if sample_weight is None:
        n_neighbors = np.array([len(neighbors) for neighbors in neighborhoods])
        n_neighbors = np.array(
            [np.sum(sample_weight[neighbors]) for neighbors in neighborhoods])

    # Initially, all samples are noise.
    labels = np.full(X.shape[0], -1, dtype=np.intp)

    # A list of all core samples found.
    core_samples = np.asarray(n_neighbors >= min_samples, dtype=np.uint8)
    dbscan_inner(core_samples, neighborhoods, labels)
    return np.where(core_samples)[0], labels
Exemplo n.º 43
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        Fit linear model.

        X : numpy array or sparse matrix of shape [n_samples,n_features]
            Training data

        y : numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_targets]
            Target values. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary

        sample_weight : numpy array of shape [n_samples]
            Individual weights for each sample

            .. versionadded:: 0.17
               parameter *sample_weight* support to LinearRegression.

        self : returns an instance of self.

        n_jobs_ = self.n_jobs
        X, y = check_X_y(X,
                         accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo'],

        if sample_weight is not None and np.atleast_1d(sample_weight).ndim > 1:
            raise ValueError("Sample weights must be 1D array or scalar")

        X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale = self._preprocess_data(

        if sample_weight is not None:
            # Sample weight can be implemented via a simple rescaling.
            X, y = _rescale_data(X, y, sample_weight)

        if sp.issparse(X):
            if y.ndim < 2:
                out = sparse_lsqr(X, y)
                self.coef_ = out[0]
                self._residues = out[3]
                # sparse_lstsq cannot handle y with shape (M, K)
                outs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs_)(
                    delayed(sparse_lsqr)(X, y[:, j].ravel())
                    for j in range(y.shape[1]))
                self.coef_ = np.vstack(out[0] for out in outs)
                self._residues = np.vstack(out[3] for out in outs)
            self.coef_, self._residues, self.rank_, self.singular_ = \
                linalg.lstsq(X, y)
            self.coef_ = self.coef_.T

        if y.ndim == 1:
            self.coef_ = np.ravel(self.coef_)
        self._set_intercept(X_offset, y_offset, X_scale)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 44
def ridge_regression(X,
    """Solve the ridge equation by the method of normal equations.

    X : {array-like, sparse matrix, LinearOperator},
        shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        Training data

    y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets]
        Target values

    alpha : {float, array-like},
        shape = [n_targets] if array-like
        The l_2 penalty to be used. If an array is passed, penalties are
        assumed to be specific to targets

    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver.
        The default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg.

    sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape [n_samples]
        Individual weights for each sample. If sample_weight is set, then
        the solver will automatically be set to 'cholesky'

    solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg'}
        Solver to use in the computational routines:

        - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data.

        - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge
          coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than

        - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to
          obtain a closed-form solution via a Cholesky decomposition of
          dot(X.T, X)

        - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in
          scipy.sparse.linalg.cg. As an iterative algorithm, this solver is
          more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data
          (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`).

        - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine
          scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fatest but may not be available
          in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure.

        All three solvers support both dense and sparse data.

    tol : float
        Precision of the solution.

    verbose : int
        Verbosity level. Setting verbose > 0 will display additional information
        depending on the solver used.

    coef : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features]
        Weight vector(s).

    This function won't compute the intercept.

    n_samples, n_features = X.shape

    if y.ndim > 2:
        raise ValueError("Target y has the wrong shape %s" % str(y.shape))

    ravel = False
    if y.ndim == 1:
        y = y.reshape(-1, 1)
        ravel = True

    n_samples_, n_targets = y.shape

    if n_samples != n_samples_:
        raise ValueError("Number of samples in X and y does not correspond:"
                         " %d != %d" % (n_samples, n_samples_))

    has_sw = sample_weight is not None

    solver = _deprecate_dense_cholesky(solver)

    if solver == 'auto':
        # cholesky if it's a dense array and cg in
        # any other case
        if not sparse.issparse(X) or has_sw:
            solver = 'cholesky'
            solver = 'sparse_cg'

    elif solver == 'lsqr' and not hasattr(sp_linalg, 'lsqr'):
        warnings.warn("""lsqr not available on this machine, falling back
                      to sparse_cg.""")
        solver = 'sparse_cg'

    if has_sw:
        if np.atleast_1d(sample_weight).ndim > 1:
            raise ValueError("Sample weights must be 1D array or scalar")

        # Sample weight can be implemented via a simple rescaling.
        X, y = _rescale_data(X, y, sample_weight)

    # There should be either 1 or n_targets penalties
    alpha = np.asarray(alpha).ravel()
    if alpha.size not in [1, n_targets]:
        raise ValueError("Number of targets and number of penalties "
                         "do not correspond: %d != %d" %
                         (alpha.size, n_targets))

    if alpha.size == 1 and n_targets > 1:
        alpha = np.repeat(alpha, n_targets)

    if solver not in ('sparse_cg', 'cholesky', 'svd', 'lsqr'):
        raise ValueError('Solver %s not understood' % solver)

    if solver == 'sparse_cg':
        coef = _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter, tol, verbose)

    elif solver == "lsqr":
        coef = _solve_lsqr(X, y, alpha, max_iter, tol)

    elif solver == 'cholesky':
        if n_features > n_samples:
            K = safe_sparse_dot(X, X.T, dense_output=True)
                dual_coef = _solve_cholesky_kernel(K, y, alpha)

                coef = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, dual_coef, dense_output=True).T
            except linalg.LinAlgError:
                # use SVD solver if matrix is singular
                solver = 'svd'

                coef = _solve_cholesky(X, y, alpha)
            except linalg.LinAlgError:
                # use SVD solver if matrix is singular
                solver = 'svd'

    if solver == 'svd':
        if sparse.issparse(X):
            raise TypeError('SVD solver does not support sparse'
                            ' inputs currently')
        coef = _solve_svd(X, y, alpha)

    if ravel:
        # When y was passed as a 1d-array, we flatten the coefficients.
        coef = coef.ravel()

    return coef
def test_enet_sample_weight_consistency(fit_intercept, alpha, normalize,
    """Test that the impact of sample_weight is consistent."""
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_samples, n_features = 10, 5

    X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features)
    y = rng.rand(n_samples)
    params = dict(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept,
                  precompute=precompute, tol=1e-6, l1_ratio=0.5)

    reg = ElasticNet(**params).fit(X, y)
    coef = reg.coef_.copy()
    if fit_intercept:
        intercept = reg.intercept_

    # sample_weight=np.ones(..) should be equivalent to sample_weight=None
    sample_weight = np.ones_like(y)
    reg.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    assert_allclose(reg.coef_, coef, rtol=1e-6)
    if fit_intercept:
        assert_allclose(reg.intercept_, intercept)

    # sample_weight=None should be equivalent to sample_weight = number
    sample_weight = 123.
    reg.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    assert_allclose(reg.coef_, coef, rtol=1e-6)
    if fit_intercept:
        assert_allclose(reg.intercept_, intercept)

    # scaling of sample_weight should have no effect, cf. np.average()
    sample_weight = 2 * np.ones_like(y)
    reg.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    assert_allclose(reg.coef_, coef, rtol=1e-6)
    if fit_intercept:
        assert_allclose(reg.intercept_, intercept)

    # setting one element of sample_weight to 0 is equivalent to removing
    # the corresponding sample
    sample_weight = np.ones_like(y)
    sample_weight[-1] = 0
    reg.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    coef1 = reg.coef_.copy()
    if fit_intercept:
        intercept1 = reg.intercept_
    reg.fit(X[:-1], y[:-1])
    assert_allclose(reg.coef_, coef1, rtol=1e-6)
    if fit_intercept:
        assert_allclose(reg.intercept_, intercept1)

    # check that multiplying sample_weight by 2 is equivalent
    # to repeating corresponding samples twice
    if sparse.issparse(X):
        X = X.toarray()

    X2 = np.concatenate([X, X[:n_samples//2]], axis=0)
    y2 = np.concatenate([y, y[:n_samples//2]])
    sample_weight_1 = np.ones(len(y))
    sample_weight_1[:n_samples//2] = 2

    reg1 = ElasticNet(**params).fit(
            X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight_1

    reg2 = ElasticNet(**params).fit(
            X2, y2, sample_weight=None
    assert_allclose(reg1.coef_, reg2.coef_)
Exemplo n.º 46
def _preprocess_data(X,
    Centers data to have mean zero along axis 0. If fit_intercept=False or if
    the X is a sparse matrix, no centering is done, but normalization can still
    be applied. The function returns the statistics necessary to reconstruct
    the input data, which are X_offset, y_offset, X_scale, such that the output

        X = (X - X_offset) / X_scale

    X_scale is the L2 norm of X - X_offset. If sample_weight is not None,
    then the weighted mean of X and y is zero, and not the mean itself. If
    return_mean=True, the mean, eventually weighted, is returned, independently
    of whether X was centered (option used for optimization with sparse data in

    This is here because nearly all linear models will want their data to be
    centered. This function also systematically makes y consistent with X.dtype

    if isinstance(sample_weight, numbers.Number):
        sample_weight = None

    if check_input:
        X = check_array(X,
                        accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc'],
    elif copy:
        if sp.issparse(X):
            X = X.copy()
            X = X.copy(order='K')

    y = np.array(y, dtype=X.dtype, copy=copy, order='C')

    if fit_intercept:
        if sp.issparse(X):
            X_offset, X_var = mean_variance_axis(X, axis=0)
            if not return_mean:
                X_offset[:] = X.dtype.type(0)

            if normalize:

                # TODO: f_normalize could be used here as well but the function
                # inplace_csr_row_normalize_l2 must be changed such that it
                # can return also the norms computed internally

                # transform variance to norm in-place
                X_var *= X.shape[0]
                X_scale = np.sqrt(X_var, X_var)
                del X_var
                X_scale[X_scale == 0] = 1
                inplace_column_scale(X, 1. / X_scale)
                X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype)

            X_offset = np.average(X, axis=0, weights=sample_weight)
            X -= X_offset
            if normalize:
                X, X_scale = f_normalize(X,
                X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype)
        y_offset = np.average(y, axis=0, weights=sample_weight)
        y = y - y_offset
        X_offset = np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype)
        X_scale = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype)
        if y.ndim == 1:
            y_offset = X.dtype.type(0)
            y_offset = np.zeros(y.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype)

    return X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale
Exemplo n.º 47
def plot_contours(A, Cn, thr=None, thr_method='max', maxthr=0.2, nrgthr=0.9, display_numbers=True, max_number=None,
                  cmap=None, swap_dim=False, colors='w', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plots contour of spatial components against a background image and returns their coordinates

     A:   np.ndarray or sparse matrix
               Matrix of Spatial components (d x K)

     Cn:  np.ndarray (2D)
               Background image (e.g. mean, correlation)

     thr_method: [optional] string
              Method of thresholding: 
                  'max' sets to zero pixels that have value less than a fraction of the max value
                  'nrg' keeps the pixels that contribute up to a specified fraction of the energy

     maxthr: [optional] scalar
                Threshold of max value

     nrgthr: [optional] scalar
                Threshold of energy

     thr: scalar between 0 and 1
               Energy threshold for computing contours (default 0.9)
               Kept for backwards compatibility. If not None then thr_method = 'nrg', and nrgthr = thr

     display_number:     Boolean
               Display number of ROIs if checked (default True)

     max_number:    int
               Display the number for only the first max_number components (default None, display all numbers)

     cmap:     string
               User specifies the colormap (default None, default colormap)

     Coor: list of coordinates with center of mass, contour plot coordinates and bounding box for each component
    if issparse(A):
        A = np.array(A.todense())
        A = np.array(A)

    if swap_dim:
        Cn = Cn.T
        print('Swapping dim')

    d1, d2 = np.shape(Cn)
    d, nr = np.shape(A)
    if max_number is None:
        max_number = nr

    if thr is not None:
        thr_method = 'nrg'
        nrgthr = thr
        warn("The way to call utilities.plot_contours has changed. Look at the definition for more details.")

    x, y = np.mgrid[0:d1:1, 0:d2:1]

    ax = pl.gca()
    if vmax is None and vmin is None:
        pl.imshow(Cn, interpolation=None, cmap=cmap,
                  vmin=np.percentile(Cn[~np.isnan(Cn)], 1), vmax=np.percentile(Cn[~np.isnan(Cn)], 99))
        pl.imshow(Cn, interpolation=None, cmap=cmap,
                  vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

    coordinates = []
    cm = com(A, d1, d2)
    for i in range(np.minimum(nr, max_number)):
        pars = dict(kwargs)
        if thr_method == 'nrg':
            indx = np.argsort(A[:, i], axis=None)[::-1]
            cumEn = np.cumsum(A[:, i].flatten()[indx]**2)
            cumEn /= cumEn[-1]
            Bvec = np.zeros(d)
            Bvec[indx] = cumEn
            thr = nrgthr

        else:  # thr_method = 'max'
            if thr_method != 'max':
                warn("Unknown threshold method. Choosing max")
            Bvec = A[:, i].flatten()
            Bvec /= np.max(Bvec)
            thr = maxthr

        if swap_dim:
            Bmat = np.reshape(Bvec, np.shape(Cn), order='C')
            Bmat = np.reshape(Bvec, np.shape(Cn), order='F')
        cs = pl.contour(y, x, Bmat, [thr], colors=colors)
        # this fix is necessary for having disjoint figures and borders plotted correctly
        p = cs.collections[0].get_paths()
        v = np.atleast_2d([np.nan, np.nan])
        for pths in p:
            vtx = pths.vertices
            num_close_coords = np.sum(np.isclose(vtx[0, :], vtx[-1, :]))
            if num_close_coords < 2:
                if num_close_coords == 0:
                    # case angle
                    newpt = np.round(old_div(vtx[-1, :], [d2, d1])) * [d2, d1]
                    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
                    vtx = np.concatenate((vtx, newpt[np.newaxis, :]), axis=0)

                    # case one is border
                    vtx = np.concatenate((vtx, vtx[0, np.newaxis]), axis=0)
                    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

            v = np.concatenate((v, vtx, np.atleast_2d([np.nan, np.nan])), axis=0)

        pars['CoM'] = np.squeeze(cm[i, :])
        pars['coordinates'] = v
        pars['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.min(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.max(v[:, 1])),
                        np.floor(np.min(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.max(v[:, 0]))]
        pars['neuron_id'] = i + 1

    if display_numbers:
        for i in range(np.minimum(nr, max_number)):
            if swap_dim:
                ax.text(cm[i, 0], cm[i, 1], str(i + 1), color=colors)
                ax.text(cm[i, 1], cm[i, 0], str(i + 1), color=colors)

    return coordinates
Exemplo n.º 48
def _sort_if_sparse(X):
    if issparse(X) and not X.has_sorted_indices:
Exemplo n.º 49
    def fit(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None):
        Fit estimator.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The input samples. Use ``dtype=np.float32`` for maximum
            efficiency. Sparse matrices are also supported, use sparse
            ``csc_matrix`` for maximum efficiency.

        y : Ignored
            Not used, present for API consistency by convention.

        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None
            Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.

        self : object
            Fitted estimator.
        X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csc'])
        if issparse(X):
            # Pre-sort indices to avoid that each individual tree of the
            # ensemble sorts the indices.

        rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        y = rnd.uniform(size=X.shape[0])

        # ensure that max_sample is in [1, n_samples]:
        n_samples = X.shape[0]

        if isinstance(self.max_samples, str):
            if self.max_samples == 'auto':
                max_samples = min(256, n_samples)
                raise ValueError('max_samples (%s) is not supported.'
                                 'Valid choices are: "auto", int or'
                                 'float' % self.max_samples)

        elif isinstance(self.max_samples, numbers.Integral):
            if self.max_samples > n_samples:
                warn("max_samples (%s) is greater than the "
                     "total number of samples (%s). max_samples "
                     "will be set to n_samples for estimation." %
                     (self.max_samples, n_samples))
                max_samples = n_samples
                max_samples = self.max_samples
        else:  # float
            if not 0. < self.max_samples <= 1.:
                raise ValueError("max_samples must be in (0, 1], got %r" %
            max_samples = int(self.max_samples * X.shape[0])

        self.max_samples_ = max_samples
        max_depth = int(np.ceil(np.log2(max(max_samples, 2))))

        if self.contamination == "auto":
            # 0.5 plays a special role as described in the original paper.
            # we take the opposite as we consider the opposite of their score.
            self.offset_ = -0.5
            return self

        # else, define offset_ wrt contamination parameter
        self.offset_ = np.percentile(self.score_samples(X),
                                     100. * self.contamination)

        return self
Exemplo n.º 50
def label_binarize(y, classes, neg_label=0, pos_label=1, sparse_output=False):
    """Binarize labels in a one-vs-all fashion

    Several regression and binary classification algorithms are
    available in scikit-learn. A simple way to extend these algorithms
    to the multi-class classification case is to use the so-called
    one-vs-all scheme.

    This function makes it possible to compute this transformation for a
    fixed set of class labels known ahead of time.

    y : array-like
        Sequence of integer labels or multilabel data to encode.

    classes : array-like of shape [n_classes]
        Uniquely holds the label for each class.

    neg_label : int (default: 0)
        Value with which negative labels must be encoded.

    pos_label : int (default: 1)
        Value with which positive labels must be encoded.

    sparse_output : boolean (default: False),
        Set to true if output binary array is desired in CSR sparse format

    Y : numpy array or CSR matrix of shape [n_samples, n_classes]
        Shape will be [n_samples, 1] for binary problems.

    >>> from mrex.preprocessing import label_binarize
    >>> label_binarize([1, 6], classes=[1, 2, 4, 6])
    array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
           [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    The class ordering is preserved:

    >>> label_binarize([1, 6], classes=[1, 6, 4, 2])
    array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
           [0, 1, 0, 0]])

    Binary targets transform to a column vector

    >>> label_binarize(['yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes'], classes=['no', 'yes'])

    See also
    LabelBinarizer : class used to wrap the functionality of label_binarize and
        allow for fitting to classes independently of the transform operation
    if not isinstance(y, list):
        # XXX Workaround that will be removed when list of list format is
        # dropped
        y = check_array(y, accept_sparse='csr', ensure_2d=False, dtype=None)
        if _num_samples(y) == 0:
            raise ValueError('y has 0 samples: %r' % y)
    if neg_label >= pos_label:
        raise ValueError("neg_label={0} must be strictly less than "
                         "pos_label={1}.".format(neg_label, pos_label))

    if (sparse_output and (pos_label == 0 or neg_label != 0)):
        raise ValueError("Sparse binarization is only supported with non "
                         "zero pos_label and zero neg_label, got "
                         "pos_label={0} and neg_label={1}"
                         "".format(pos_label, neg_label))

    # To account for pos_label == 0 in the dense case
    pos_switch = pos_label == 0
    if pos_switch:
        pos_label = -neg_label

    y_type = type_of_target(y)
    if 'multioutput' in y_type:
        raise ValueError("Multioutput target data is not supported with label "
    if y_type == 'unknown':
        raise ValueError("The type of target data is not known")

    n_samples = y.shape[0] if sp.issparse(y) else len(y)
    n_classes = len(classes)
    classes = np.asarray(classes)

    if y_type == "binary":
        if n_classes == 1:
            if sparse_output:
                return sp.csr_matrix((n_samples, 1), dtype=int)
                Y = np.zeros((len(y), 1), dtype=np.int)
                Y += neg_label
                return Y
        elif len(classes) >= 3:
            y_type = "multiclass"

    sorted_class = np.sort(classes)
    if (y_type == "multilabel-indicator" and classes.size != y.shape[1]):
        raise ValueError("classes {0} missmatch with the labels {1}"
                         "found in the data".format(classes, unique_labels(y)))

    if y_type in ("binary", "multiclass"):
        y = column_or_1d(y)

        # pick out the known labels from y
        y_in_classes = np.in1d(y, classes)
        y_seen = y[y_in_classes]
        indices = np.searchsorted(sorted_class, y_seen)
        indptr = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(y_in_classes)))

        data = np.empty_like(indices)
        Y = sp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr),
                          shape=(n_samples, n_classes))
    elif y_type == "multilabel-indicator":
        Y = sp.csr_matrix(y)
        if pos_label != 1:
            data = np.empty_like(Y.data)
            Y.data = data
        raise ValueError("%s target data is not supported with label "
                         "binarization" % y_type)

    if not sparse_output:
        Y = Y.toarray()
        Y = Y.astype(int, copy=False)

        if neg_label != 0:
            Y[Y == 0] = neg_label

        if pos_switch:
            Y[Y == pos_label] = 0
        Y.data = Y.data.astype(int, copy=False)

    # preserve label ordering
    if np.any(classes != sorted_class):
        indices = np.searchsorted(sorted_class, classes)
        Y = Y[:, indices]

    if y_type == "binary":
        if sparse_output:
            Y = Y.getcol(-1)
            Y = Y[:, -1].reshape((-1, 1))

    return Y
Exemplo n.º 51
    def _declare_partials(self,
        Store subjacobian metadata for later use.

        of : str or list of str
            The name of the residual(s) that derivatives are being computed for.
            May also contain a glob pattern.
        wrt : str or list of str
            The name of the variables that derivatives are taken with respect to.
            This can contain the name of any input or output variable.
            May also contain a glob pattern.
        dependent : bool(True)
            If False, specifies no dependence between the output(s) and the
            input(s). This is only necessary in the case of a sparse global
            jacobian, because if 'dependent=False' is not specified and
            declare_partials is not called for a given pair, then a dense
            matrix of zeros will be allocated in the sparse global jacobian
            for that pair.  In the case of a dense global jacobian it doesn't
            matter because the space for a dense subjac will always be
            allocated for every pair.
        rows : ndarray of int or None
            Row indices for each nonzero entry.  For sparse subjacobians only.
        cols : ndarray of int or None
            Column indices for each nonzero entry.  For sparse subjacobians only.
        val : float or ndarray of float or scipy.sparse
            Value of subjacobian.  If rows and cols are not None, this will
            contain the values found at each (row, col) location in the subjac.
        if dependent and val is not None and not issparse(val):
            val = np.atleast_1d(val)
            # np.promote_types  will choose the smallest dtype that can contain both arguments
            safe_dtype = np.promote_types(val.dtype, float)
            val = val.astype(safe_dtype, copy=False)

        if dependent and rows is not None:
            rows = np.array(rows, dtype=int, copy=False)
            cols = np.array(cols, dtype=int, copy=False)

            if rows.shape != cols.shape:
                raise ValueError('rows and cols must have the same shape,'
                                 ' rows: {}, cols: {}'.format(
                                     rows.shape, cols.shape))

            if val is not None and val.shape != (
                    1, ) and rows.shape != val.shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    'If rows and cols are specified, val must be a scalar or have the '
                    'same shape, val: {}, rows/cols: {}'.format(
                        val.shape, rows.shape))

            if val is None:
                val = np.zeros_like(rows, dtype=float)

        pattern_matches = self._find_partial_matches(of, wrt)

        multiple_items = False

        for of_bundle, wrt_bundle in product(*pattern_matches):
            of_pattern, of_matches = of_bundle
            wrt_pattern, wrt_matches = wrt_bundle
            if not of_matches:
                raise ValueError(
                    'No matches were found for of="{}"'.format(of_pattern))
            if not wrt_matches:
                raise ValueError(
                    'No matches were found for wrt="{}"'.format(wrt_pattern))

            make_copies = (multiple_items or len(of_matches) > 1
                           or len(wrt_matches) > 1)
            # Setting this to true means that future loop iterations (i.e. if there are multiple
            # items in either of or wrt) will make copies.
            multiple_items = True

            for rel_key in product(of_matches, wrt_matches):
                abs_key = rel_key2abs_key(self, rel_key)
                if not dependent:
                    if abs_key in self._subjacs_info:
                        del self._subjacs_info[abs_key]

                meta_changes = {
                    'rows': rows,
                    'cols': cols,
                    'value': deepcopy(val) if make_copies else val,
                    'dependent': dependent
                if abs_key in self._subjacs_info:
                    meta = self._subjacs_info[abs_key]
                    meta = SUBJAC_META_DEFAULTS.copy()
                self._check_partials_meta(abs_key, meta)
                self._subjacs_info[abs_key] = meta
Exemplo n.º 52
    def _integrate(self, model, t_eval, inputs=None):
        Solve a model defined by dydt with initial conditions y0.

        model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            The model whose solution to calculate.
        t_eval : numeric type
            The times at which to compute the solution
        inputs : dict, optional
            Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving

        derivs = model.rhs_eval
        y0 = model.y0
        events = model.terminate_events_eval
        jacobian = model.jacobian_eval

        def eqsydot(t, y, return_ydot):
            return_ydot[:] = derivs(t, y)

        def rootfn(t, y, return_root):
            return_root[:] = [event(t, y) for event in events]

        if jacobian:
            jac_y0_t0 = jacobian(t_eval[0], y0)
            if sparse.issparse(jac_y0_t0):

                def jacfn(t, y, fy, J):
                    J[:][:] = jacobian(t, y).toarray()

                def jac_times_vecfn(v, Jv, t, y, userdata):
                    Jv[:] = userdata._jac_eval * v
                    return 0


                def jacfn(t, y, fy, J):
                    J[:][:] = jacobian(t, y)

                def jac_times_vecfn(v, Jv, t, y, userdata):
                    Jv[:] = np.matmul(userdata._jac_eval, v)
                    return 0

            def jac_times_setupfn(t, y, fy, userdata):
                userdata._jac_eval = jacobian(t, y)
                return 0

        extra_options = {
            "old_api": False,
            "rtol": self.rtol,
            "atol": self.atol,
            "linsolver": self.linsolver,

        if jacobian:
            if self.linsolver in ("dense", "lapackdense"):
                extra_options.update({"jacfn": jacfn})
            elif self.linsolver in ("spgmr", "spbcgs", "sptfqmr"):
                    "jac_times_setupfn": jac_times_setupfn,
                    "jac_times_vecfn": jac_times_vecfn,
                    "user_data": self,

        if events:
            extra_options.update({"rootfn": rootfn, "nr_rootfns": len(events)})

        ode_solver = scikits_odes.ode(self.method, eqsydot, **extra_options)
        sol = ode_solver.solve(t_eval, y0)

        # return solution, we need to tranpose y to match scipy's ivp interface
        if sol.flag in [0, 2]:
            # 0 = solved for all t_eval
            if sol.flag == 0:
                termination = "final time"
            # 2 = found root(s)
            elif sol.flag == 2:
                termination = "event"
            if sol.roots.t is None:
                t_root = None
                t_root = sol.roots.t
            return pybamm.Solution(
            raise pybamm.SolverError(sol.message)
Exemplo n.º 53
    def transform(self, X):
        """Impute all missing values in X.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The input data to complete.
        if self.axis == 0:
            check_is_fitted(self, 'statistics_')
            X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csc', dtype=FLOAT_DTYPES,
                            force_all_finite=False, copy=self.copy)
            statistics = self.statistics_
            if X.shape[1] != statistics.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError("X has %d features per sample, expected %d"
                                 % (X.shape[1], self.statistics_.shape[0]))

        # Since two different arrays can be provided in fit(X) and
        # transform(X), the imputation data need to be recomputed
        # when the imputation is done per sample
            X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=FLOAT_DTYPES,
                            force_all_finite=False, copy=self.copy)

            if sparse.issparse(X):
                statistics = self._sparse_fit(X,

                statistics = self._dense_fit(X,

        # Delete the invalid rows/columns
        invalid_mask = np.isnan(statistics)
        valid_mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask)
        valid_statistics = statistics[valid_mask]
        valid_statistics_indexes = np.where(valid_mask)[0]
        missing = np.arange(X.shape[not self.axis])[invalid_mask]

        if self.axis == 0 and invalid_mask.any():
            if self.verbose:
                warnings.warn("Deleting features without "
                              "observed values: %s" % missing)
            X = X[:, valid_statistics_indexes]
        elif self.axis == 1 and invalid_mask.any():
            raise ValueError("Some rows only contain "
                             "missing values: %s" % missing)

        # Do actual imputation
        if sparse.issparse(X) and self.missing_values != 0:
            mask = _get_mask(X.data, self.missing_values)
            indexes = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X.indptr) - 1, dtype=np.int),

            X.data[mask] = valid_statistics[indexes].astype(X.dtype,
            if sparse.issparse(X):
                X = X.toarray()

            mask = _get_mask(X, self.missing_values)
            n_missing = np.sum(mask, axis=self.axis)
            values = np.repeat(valid_statistics, n_missing)

            if self.axis == 0:
                coordinates = np.where(mask.transpose())[::-1]
                coordinates = mask

            X[coordinates] = values

        return X
Exemplo n.º 54
    def partial_fit(self, X, y=None, check_input=True):
        """Incremental fit with X. All of X is processed as a single batch.

        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and
            n_features is the number of features.

        check_input : bool, default=True
            Run check_array on X.

        y : Ignored

        self : object
            Returns the instance itself.
        first_pass = not hasattr(self, "components_")
        if check_input:
            if sparse.issparse(X):
                raise TypeError(
                    "IncrementalPCA.partial_fit does not support "
                    "sparse input. Either convert data to dense "
                    "or use IncrementalPCA.fit to do so in batches.")
            X = self._validate_data(X,
                                    dtype=[np.float64, np.float32],
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        if first_pass:
            self.components_ = None

        if self.n_components is None:
            if self.components_ is None:
                self.n_components_ = min(n_samples, n_features)
                self.n_components_ = self.components_.shape[0]
        elif not 1 <= self.n_components <= n_features:
            raise ValueError("n_components=%r invalid for n_features=%d, need "
                             "more rows than columns for IncrementalPCA "
                             "processing" % (self.n_components, n_features))
        elif not self.n_components <= n_samples:
            raise ValueError("n_components=%r must be less or equal to "
                             "the batch number of samples "
                             "%d." % (self.n_components, n_samples))
            self.n_components_ = self.n_components

        if (self.components_ is not None) and (self.components_.shape[0] !=
            raise ValueError("Number of input features has changed from %i "
                             "to %i between calls to partial_fit! Try "
                             "setting n_components to a fixed value." %
                             (self.components_.shape[0], self.n_components_))

        # This is the first partial_fit
        if not hasattr(self, 'n_samples_seen_'):
            self.n_samples_seen_ = 0
            self.mean_ = .0
            self.var_ = .0

        # Update stats - they are 0 if this is the first step
        col_mean, col_var, n_total_samples = \
                X, last_mean=self.mean_, last_variance=self.var_,
                last_sample_count=np.repeat(self.n_samples_seen_, X.shape[1]))
        n_total_samples = n_total_samples[0]

        # Whitening
        if self.n_samples_seen_ == 0:
            # If it is the first step, simply whiten X
            X -= col_mean
            col_batch_mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
            X -= col_batch_mean
            # Build matrix of combined previous basis and new data
            mean_correction = \
                np.sqrt((self.n_samples_seen_ / n_total_samples) *
                        n_samples) * (self.mean_ - col_batch_mean)
            X = np.vstack((self.singular_values_.reshape(
                (-1, 1)) * self.components_, X, mean_correction))

        U, S, Vt = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False, check_finite=False)
        U, Vt = svd_flip(U, Vt, u_based_decision=False)
        explained_variance = S**2 / (n_total_samples - 1)
        explained_variance_ratio = S**2 / np.sum(col_var * n_total_samples)

        self.n_samples_seen_ = n_total_samples
        self.components_ = Vt[:self.n_components_]
        self.singular_values_ = S[:self.n_components_]
        self.mean_ = col_mean
        self.var_ = col_var
        self.explained_variance_ = explained_variance[:self.n_components_]
        self.explained_variance_ratio_ = \
        if self.n_components_ < n_features:
            self.noise_variance_ = \
            self.noise_variance_ = 0.
        return self
Exemplo n.º 55
    def query(self, query_point, num_results=None, distance_func=None):
        """ Takes `query_point` which is a sparse CSR matrix of 1 x `input_dim`,
        returns `num_results` of results as a list of tuples that are ranked
        based on the supplied metric function `distance_func`.

        :param query_point:
            A sparse CSR matrix. The dimension needs to be 1 * `input_dim`.
            Used by :meth:`._hash`.
        :param num_results:
            (optional) Integer, specifies the max amount of results to be
            returned. If not specified all candidates will be returned as a
            list in ranked order.
            NOTE: You do not save processing by limiting the results. Currently,
            a similarity ranking and sort is done on all items in the hashtable.
        :param distance_func:
            (optional) The distance function to be used. Currently it needs to
            be one of ("hamming", "euclidean", "true_euclidean",
            "centred_euclidean", "cosine", "l1norm"). By default "euclidean"
            will used.
        assert sparse.issparse(query_point), "query_point needs to be sparse"

        candidates = []
        if not distance_func:
            distance_func = "euclidean"

            for i, table in enumerate(self.hash_tables):
                # get hash of query point
                binary_hash = self._hash(self.uniform_planes[i], query_point)
                for key in list(table.keys()):
                    # calculate distance from query point hash to all hashes
                    distance = LSH.hamming_dist(
                    # NOTE: we could make this threshold user defined
                    if distance < 2:
                        members = table.get_list(key)

            d_func = LSH.euclidean_dist_square


            if distance_func == "euclidean":
                d_func = LSH.euclidean_dist_square
            elif distance_func == "true_euclidean":
                d_func = LSH.euclidean_dist
            elif distance_func == "centred_euclidean":
                d_func = LSH.euclidean_dist_centred
            elif distance_func == "cosine":
                d_func = LSH.cosine_dist
            elif distance_func == "l1norm":
                d_func = LSH.l1norm_dist
                raise ValueError("The distance function name is invalid.")

            # TODO: pull out into fn w/ optional threshold arg
            for i, table in enumerate(self.hash_tables):
                binary_hash = self._hash(self.uniform_planes[i], query_point)

        # # rank candidates by distance function
        ranked_candidates = []
        for ix in candidates:
            point = self._as_np_array(ix)
            dist = d_func(query_point, point)
            ranked_candidates.append((ix, dist))

        # TODO: stop sorting when we have top num_results, instead of truncating
        # TODO: (do this by replacing set with ordered set)
        # after we've done the entire list
        ranked_candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

        return ranked_candidates[:num_results] if num_results else ranked_candidates
Exemplo n.º 56
def resample(*arrays, **options):
    """Resample arrays or sparse matrices in a consistent way

    The default strategy implements one step of the bootstrapping

    *arrays : sequence of indexable data-structures
        Indexable data-structures can be arrays, lists, dataframes or scipy
        sparse matrices with consistent first dimension.

    replace : boolean, True by default
        Implements resampling with replacement. If False, this will implement
        (sliced) random permutations.

    n_samples : int, None by default
        Number of samples to generate. If left to None this is
        automatically set to the first dimension of the arrays.
        If replace is False it should not be larger than the length of

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None)
        The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling
        the data.  If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number
        generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number
        generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState
        instance used by `np.random`.

    resampled_arrays : sequence of indexable data-structures
        Sequence of resampled views of the collections. The original arrays are
        not impacted.

    It is possible to mix sparse and dense arrays in the same run::

      >>> X = np.array([[1., 0.], [2., 1.], [0., 0.]])
      >>> y = np.array([0, 1, 2])

      >>> from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
      >>> X_sparse = coo_matrix(X)

      >>> from sklearn.utils import resample
      >>> X, X_sparse, y = resample(X, X_sparse, y, random_state=0)
      >>> X
      array([[ 1.,  0.],
             [ 2.,  1.],
             [ 1.,  0.]])

      >>> X_sparse                   # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
      <3x2 sparse matrix of type '<... 'numpy.float64'>'
          with 4 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

      >>> X_sparse.toarray()
      array([[ 1.,  0.],
             [ 2.,  1.],
             [ 1.,  0.]])

      >>> y
      array([0, 1, 0])

      >>> resample(y, n_samples=2, random_state=0)
      array([0, 1])

    See also
    random_state = check_random_state(options.pop('random_state', None))
    replace = options.pop('replace', True)
    max_n_samples = options.pop('n_samples', None)
    if options:
        raise ValueError("Unexpected kw arguments: %r" % options.keys())

    if len(arrays) == 0:
        return None

    first = arrays[0]
    n_samples = first.shape[0] if hasattr(first, 'shape') else len(first)

    if max_n_samples is None:
        max_n_samples = n_samples
    elif (max_n_samples > n_samples) and (not replace):
        raise ValueError("Cannot sample %d out of arrays with dim %d "
                         "when replace is False" % (max_n_samples,


    if replace:
        indices = random_state.randint(0, n_samples, size=(max_n_samples,))
        indices = np.arange(n_samples)
        indices = indices[:max_n_samples]

    # convert sparse matrices to CSR for row-based indexing
    arrays = [a.tocsr() if issparse(a) else a for a in arrays]
    resampled_arrays = [safe_indexing(a, indices) for a in arrays]
    if len(resampled_arrays) == 1:
        # syntactic sugar for the unit argument case
        return resampled_arrays[0]
        return resampled_arrays
Exemplo n.º 57
def correlation_matrix(
    adata: AnnData,
    name_list: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
    groupby: Optional[str] = None,
    group: Optional[int] = None,
    n_genes: int = 20,
    data: Literal['Complete', 'Group', 'Rest'] = 'Complete',
    method: Literal['pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman'] = 'pearson',
    annotation_key: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    Calculate correlation matrix.

    Calculate a correlation matrix for genes strored in sample annotation
    using :func:`~scanpy.tl.rank_genes_groups`.

        Annotated data matrix.
        Takes a list of genes for which to calculate the correlation matrix
        If no name list is passed, genes are selected from the
        results of rank_gene_groups. Then this is the key of the sample grouping to consider.
        Note that in this case also a group index has to be specified.
        Group index for which the correlation matrix for top_ranked genes should be calculated.
        Currently only int is supported, will change very soon
        For how many genes to calculate correlation matrix? If specified, cuts the name list
        (in whatever order it is passed).
        At the moment, this is only relevant for the case that name_list is drawn from rank_gene_groups results.
        If specified, collects mask for the called group and then takes only those cells specified.
        If 'Complete', calculate correlation using full data
        If 'Group', calculate correlation within the selected group.
        If 'Rest', calculate corrlation for everything except the group
        Which kind of correlation coefficient to use

            standard correlation coefficient
            Kendall Tau correlation coefficient
            Spearman rank correlation
        Allows to define the name of the anndata entry where results are stored.

    # TODO: At the moment, only works for int identifiers

    # If no genes are passed, selects ranked genes from sample annotation.
    # At the moment, only calculate one table (Think about what comes next)
    if name_list is None:
        name_list = list()
        for j, k in enumerate(adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names']):
            if j >= n_genes:
        if len(name_list) > n_genes:
            name_list = name_list[0:n_genes]

    # If special method (later) , truncate
    adata_relevant = adata[:, name_list]
    # This line just makes group_mask access easier. Nothing else but 'all' will stand here.
    groups = 'all'
    if data == 'Complete' or groupby is None:
        if issparse(adata_relevant.X):
            Data_array = adata_relevant.X.todense()
            Data_array = adata_relevant.X
        # get group_mask
        groups_order, groups_masks = select_groups(adata, groups, groupby)
        if data == 'Group':
            if issparse(adata_relevant.X):
                Data_array = adata_relevant.X[groups_masks[group], :].todense()
                Data_array = adata_relevant.X[groups_masks[group], :]
        elif data == 'Rest':
            if issparse(adata_relevant.X):
                Data_array = adata_relevant.X[
                    ~groups_masks[group], :].todense()
                Data_array = adata_relevant.X[~groups_masks[group], :]
                'data argument should be either <Complete> or <Group> or <Rest>'

    # Distinguish between sparse and non-sparse data

    DF_array = pd.DataFrame(Data_array, columns=name_list)
    cor_table = DF_array.corr(method=method)
    if annotation_key is None:
        if groupby is None:
            adata.uns['Correlation_matrix'] = cor_table
            adata.uns['Correlation_matrix' + groupby + str(group)] = cor_table
        adata.uns[annotation_key] = cor_table
Exemplo n.º 58
def explain_prediction_xgboost(
        feature_re=None,  # type: Pattern[str]
        vectorized=False,  # type: bool
        is_regression=None,  # type: bool
        missing=None,  # type: bool
    """ Return an explanation of XGBoost prediction (via scikit-learn wrapper
    XGBClassifier or XGBRegressor, or via xgboost.Booster) as feature weights.

    See :func:`eli5.explain_prediction` for description of
    ``top``, ``top_targets``, ``target_names``, ``targets``,
    ``feature_names``, ``feature_re`` and ``feature_filter`` parameters.

    vec : vectorizer, optional
        A vectorizer instance used to transform
        raw features to the input of the estimator ``xgb``
        (e.g. a fitted CountVectorizer instance); you can pass it
        instead of ``feature_names``.

    vectorized : bool, optional
        A flag which tells eli5 if ``doc`` should be
        passed through ``vec`` or not. By default it is False, meaning that
        if ``vec`` is not None, ``vec.transform([doc])`` is passed to the
        estimator. Set it to True if you're passing ``vec``,
        but ``doc`` is already vectorized.

    is_regression : bool, optional
        Pass if an ``xgboost.Booster`` is passed as the first argument.
        True if solving a regression problem ("objective" starts with "reg")
        and False for a classification problem.
        If not set, regression is assumed for a single target estimator
        and proba will not be shown.

    missing : optional
        Pass if an ``xgboost.Booster`` is passed as the first argument.
        Set it to the same value as the ``missing`` argument to ``xgboost.DMatrix``.
        Matters only if sparse values are used. Default is ``np.nan``.

    Method for determining feature importances follows an idea from
    Feature weights are calculated by following decision paths in trees
    of an ensemble.
    Each leaf has an output score, and expected scores can also be assigned
    to parent nodes.
    Contribution of one feature on the decision path is how much expected score
    changes from parent to child.
    Weights of all features sum to the output score of the estimator.
    booster, is_regression = _check_booster_args(xgb, is_regression)
    xgb_feature_names = booster.feature_names
    vec, feature_names = handle_vec(xgb,
    if feature_names.bias_name is None:
        # XGBoost estimators do not have an intercept, but here we interpret
        # them as having an intercept
        feature_names.bias_name = '<BIAS>'

    X = get_X(doc, vec, vectorized=vectorized)
    if sp.issparse(X):
        # Work around XGBoost issue:
        # https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/issues/1238#issuecomment-243872543
        X = X.tocsc()

    if missing is None:
        missing = np.nan if isinstance(xgb, Booster) else xgb.missing
    dmatrix = DMatrix(X, missing=missing)

    if isinstance(xgb, Booster):
        prediction = xgb.predict(dmatrix)
        n_targets = prediction.shape[-1]  # type: int
        if is_regression is None:
            # When n_targets is 1, this can be classification too,
            # but it's safer to assume regression.
            # If n_targets > 1, it must be classification.
            is_regression = n_targets == 1
        if is_regression:
            proba = None
            if n_targets == 1:
                p, = prediction
                proba = np.array([1 - p, p])
                proba, = prediction
        proba = predict_proba(xgb, X)
        n_targets = _xgb_n_targets(xgb)

    if is_regression:
        names = ['y']
    elif isinstance(xgb, Booster):
        names = np.arange(max(2, n_targets))
        names = xgb.classes_

    scores_weights = _prediction_feature_weights(booster, dmatrix, n_targets,

    x = get_X0(add_intercept(X))
    x = _missing_values_set_to_nan(x, missing, sparse_missing=True)

    return get_decision_path_explanation(
        is_multiclass=n_targets > 1,
        get_score_weights=lambda label_id: scores_weights[label_id],
Exemplo n.º 59
def ROC_AUC_analysis(
    adata: AnnData,
    groupby: str,
    group: Optional[str] = None,
    n_genes: int = 100,
    Calculate correlation matrix.

    Calculate a correlation matrix for genes strored in sample annotation

        Annotated data matrix.
        The key of the sample grouping to consider.
        Group name or index for which the correlation matrix for top ranked
        genes should be calculated.
        If no parameter is passed, ROC/AUC is calculated for all groups
        For how many genes to calculate ROC and AUC. If no parameter is passed,
        calculation is done for all stored top ranked genes.
    if group is None:
        # TODO: Loop over all groups instead of just taking one.

    # Assume group takes an int value for one group for the moment.
    name_list = list()
    for j, k in enumerate(adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names']):
        if j >= n_genes:

    # TODO: For the moment, see that everything works for comparison against the rest. Resolve issues later.
    groups = 'all'
    groups_order, groups_masks = select_groups(adata, groups, groupby)

    # Use usual convention, better for looping later.
    mask = groups_masks[group]

    # TODO: Allow for sample weighting requires better mask access... later

    # We store calculated data in dict, access it via dict to dict. Check if this is the best way.
    fpr = {}
    tpr = {}
    thresholds = {}
    roc_auc = {}
    y_true = mask
    for i, j in enumerate(name_list):
        vec = adata[:, [j]].X
        if issparse(vec):
            y_score = vec.todense()
            y_score = vec

        ) = metrics.roc_curve(y_true,
        roc_auc[name_list[i]] = metrics.auc(fpr[name_list[i]],
    adata.uns['ROCfpr' + groupby + str(group)] = fpr
    adata.uns['ROCtpr' + groupby + str(group)] = tpr
    adata.uns['ROCthresholds' + groupby + str(group)] = thresholds
    adata.uns['ROC_AUC' + groupby + str(group)] = roc_auc
Exemplo n.º 60
import scanpy.api as sc
import scipy.sparse as sp_sparse

# andata = sc.read_h5ad("./ExprMatrix.h5ad")
andata = sc.read_h5ad("./100_test_data.h5ad")
print("Finished reading.")
if sp_sparse.issparse(andata.X):
    andata.X = andata.X.toarray()
    # andata = andata
partial_data = andata[:100, :]
print("Finished processing")
sc.write("100_test_data.h5ad", partial_data)
print("Finished writing.")