Exemplo n.º 1
def Eq2Cart(ra, dec, ra0, dec0):
    # conversion from RA/Dec to standard coords; Snyder (1987) ch 22
    # from matlab version; not fully tested

    rads = np.pi / 180.
    dec = rads * dec
    ra_norm = rads * (ra - ra0)

    if dec0 == 90:
        # north or south pole so use polar gnomic
        x = np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra_norm)
        y = -cotdg(dec / rads) * np.cos(ra_norm)

    elif dec0 == -90:
        x = -np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra_norm)
        y = cotdg(dec / rads) * np.cos(ra_norm)

        # oblique gnomic
        dec0 = rads * dec0
        cos0 = np.cos(dec0)
        sin0 = np.sin(dec0)
        cosdec = np.cos(dec)
        sindec = np.sin(dec)
        cos_ra_norm = np.cos(ra_norm)
        den = cos0 * cosdec * cos_ra_norm + sin0 * sindec
        x = (cosdec * np.sin(ra_norm)) / den
        y = (cos0 * sindec - sin0 * cosdec * cos_ra_norm) / den

    return -x, y  # reverse RA axis
Exemplo n.º 2
def laplacian_matrix(X, Tri):

    print("  Calculating Laplacian on atrial mesh")

    RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / np.pi

    # approximately normalize edge lengths, to help with units in area calculation
    av_edge = X[Tri[:, 0:2]]
    av_edge_length = np.linalg.norm(av_edge[:, 1, :] - av_edge[:, 0, :],
    X = (X - X.mean(axis=0)) / av_edge_length

    mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=X, faces=Tri, process=False)

    areas = mesh.area_faces
    angles = mesh.face_angles  # angles within each face, ordered same way as vertices are listed in face

    # make the mass matrix
    vertex_faces = mesh.vertex_faces
    MA = np.ma.masked_array(
        vertex_faces < 0)  # vertex_faces is padded with -1s
    M = MA.sum(
    ) / 3.0  # NOTE: this is the Barycentric area, which is a standard approx for the Voronoi cell

    # fill out Laplacian by loop over faces
    L = lil_matrix((mesh.vertices.shape[0], mesh.vertices.shape[0]))

    for ff, face in enumerate(mesh.faces):

        cot_ang = cotdg(RAD_TO_DEG * angles[ff, 2])
        L[face[0], face[1]] += cot_ang
        L[face[1], face[0]] += cot_ang

        cot_ang = cotdg(RAD_TO_DEG * angles[ff, 0])
        L[face[1], face[2]] += cot_ang
        L[face[2], face[1]] += cot_ang

        cot_ang = cotdg(RAD_TO_DEG * angles[ff, 1])
        L[face[2], face[0]] += cot_ang
        L[face[0], face[2]] += cot_ang

    # set the diagonals as -sum(rows)
    L.setdiag(-L.sum(axis=1), k=0)

    # convert to csr
    L = L.tocsr()
    L = L.multiply(
    )  # multiply by the half factor, and by -1 to form the negative laplacian

    # do not multiply by inverse mass matrix, instead use this mass matrix in the eigensolver routine
    #L = L.multiply((1.0/M)).tocsr() # need tocsr because otherwise it because a coo_matrix

    M = diags(M)

    return L, M
def convert_polar_to_slope_intercept(n_pixels_from_center, projection_angle,
    """ From Eric Denovellis """
    velocity = -cotdg(-projection_angle)
    start_position = (
        n_pixels_from_center / np.sin(-np.deg2rad(projection_angle)) -
        velocity * center_pixel[0] + center_pixel[1])
    return start_position, velocity
def perspective(fovy,aspect,zNear,zFar):
    f = cotdg(fovy/2)
    M = np.zeros((4,4))
    M[0,0] = f/aspect
    M[1,1] = f
    M[2,2] = (zFar+zNear)/(zNear-zFar)
    M[2,3] = (2*zFar*zNear)/(zNear-zFar)
    M[3,2] = -1
    return M
Exemplo n.º 5
def periodic(x, phase_length=.25):
    sawtooth = -2 / np.pi * np.arctan(
        cotdg(np.rad2deg((x * np.pi) / phase_length)))
    transform = (1 + sawtooth) / 2.
    return transform
Exemplo n.º 6
def find_hit_position(angle, pos, track_map, dl=1.0):
    This function returns the point at which
        a beam coming from point pos at angle given by angle variable
         for the first time crosses a non zero point on the map
         Timing at Marcin computer: dl = 5.0 -> about max 0.4 ms;
         It is roughly valid: dl/n -> time*n
     :param angle: angle (deg) in which the beam is going, e.g the body angle of the car
     :param pos: point ((x,y) in pixels) where the beam starts, e.g. position of the car
     :param track_map: a SPECIAL map which is non-zero in sand region and zero on track. Use map_lidar for it.
     :param dl: determines the precision of the collision point determination
                - the algorithm moves along the beam and checks every dl pixels (does not need to be integer)
                if it left the track
     :return the point on the track boundary which the beam first hits ((x,y) in pixels)
                    (e.g. which the car would hit if it would go on a straight line)
    (h, w) = track_map.shape
    found = False

    # x = meters2pixels(pos[0])
    # y = meters2pixels(pos[1])

    x = pos[0]
    y = pos[1]

    # Depending on direction we take y = ax+b or x = ay+b
    if (45.0 < angle < 135.0) or (225.0 < angle < 315.0):
        # x = ay+b

        dy = dl * sindg(angle)
        # dy = dl
        a = cotdg(angle)
        b = x - a * y

        while 0 < x < w and 0 < y < h:
            if track_map[int(y), int(x)] > 0:
                found = True
                y = y + dy
                x = a * y + b

        # dx = dl
        dx = dl * cosdg(angle)
        a = tandg(angle)
        b = y - a * x

        while 0 < x < w and 0 < y < h:
            if track_map[int(y), int(x)] > 0:
                found = True
                x = x + dx
                y = a * x + b

    if found:
        hit_pos = (x, y)
        hit_pos = None

    return hit_pos