Exemplo n.º 1
def whittW(k, m, z):
    """Evaluates the Whitaker function W(k, m, z) as defined in Abramowitz &
    Stegun, Section 13.1.
    from scipy.special import hyperu
    if k is int or m is int:
        return np.exp(-0.5 * z) * np.power(z, 0.5 + float(m)) * hyperu(0.5 + float(m - k), 1 + 2 * m, z)
    elif k is int and m is int:
        return np.exp(-0.5 * z) * np.power(z, 0.5 + float(m)) * hyperu(0.5 + float(m - k), 1 + 2 * m, z)
        return np.exp(-0.5 * z) * np.power(z, 0.5 + m) * hyperu(0.5 + m - k, 1.0 + 2.0 * m, z)
 def _K_ds_n(self,n,k,lmax=8,power=0):
     ksq = k**2
     ret = 0
     if power == 0 or power == 1:
         for ll in range(lmax):
             ret += self.Hlfac**ll * self._H0_l(ll,k) * hyperu(-ll,n-ll+1,-ksq*self.Bfac_ds)
     elif power == 2:
         B = ksq * self.Bfac_ds
         for ll in range(lmax):
             ret += self.Hlfac**ll * self._H0_l(ll,k) * (hyperu(-ll,n-ll+1,-B) \
                                                    + n/B*hyperu(-ll,n-ll,-B))
     return ret/self.sqrtpi # put the numerical factor here to avoid many evaluations
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _K_ds_n(self, n, k, lmax=10, power=0):
        ksq = k**2
        ret = 0

        if power == 0 or power == 1:
            for ll in range(lmax):
                ret += self.Hlfac**ll * self._H0_l(ll, k) * hyperu(
                    -ll, n - ll + 1, -ksq * self.Bfac_ds)
        elif power == 2:
            B = ksq * self.Bfac_ds
            for ll in range(lmax):
                ret += self.Hlfac**ll * self._H0_l(ll,k) * (hyperu(-ll,n-ll+1,-B) \
                                                       + n/B*hyperu(-ll,n-ll,-B))

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_negative_x(self):
     a, b, x = np.meshgrid(
         [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
         [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
         np.linspace(-100, -1, 10),
     assert np.all(np.isnan(sc.hyperu(a, b, x)))
def pdf_algebraic_gaussian(
    returns: np.ndarray, K: float, l: float, N: float, Lambda: float
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Computes de one dimensional Algebraic-Gaussian PDF.

    :param returns: numpy array with the returns values.
    :param K: number of companies.
    :param l: shape parameter.
    :param N: strength of the fluctuations around the mean.
    :param Lambda: variance of the returns.
    :return: numpy array with the pdf values.

    m: np.float = 2 * l - K - 2

    numerator: np.float = gamma(l - (K - 1) / 2) * gamma(l - (K - N) / 2)
    denominator: np.float = (
        gamma(l - K / 2) * gamma(N / 2) * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * Lambda * m / N)

    frac: np.float = numerator / denominator

    function: np.ndarray = hyperu(
        l - (K - 1) / 2, (1 - N) / 2 + 1, (N * returns ** 2) / (2 * m * Lambda)

    return frac * function
Exemplo n.º 6
  def WhittakerW(k: float, m: float, x: float) -> float:
    """Gives the Whittaker function W_{k,m}(x).

        k, m: parameters.
        x : point of evaluation.

        Value of Whittaker function W_{k,m} function at point x.

    return np.exp(-x / 2) * pow(x, m + 0.5) * special.hyperu(0.5 + m - k,
                                                             1 + 2 * m, x)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_special_cases(self):
     assert sc.hyperu(0, 1, 1) == 1.0
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, z, q=False, funct=None):
        if funct is None:
            funct = self.__call__
        if q:
            return self.__call__(cmath.log(z) / complex(0.0, 2 * math.pi),
            y = z.imag()
        except TypeError:
            y = z.imag
        if 0 < abs(z) < 1:
            z = -1 / z
            return (z**self.weight()) * (
                self.weilrep()._evaluate(0, -1, 1, 0) * funct(z))
                y = z.imag()
            except TypeError:
                y = z.imag
            if y <= 0:
                raise ValueError('Not in the upper half plane.')
            elif y < 0.5:
                    x = z.real()
                except TypeError:
                    x = z.real
                if abs(x) > 0.5:
                        f = x.round()
                    except AttributeError:
                        f = round(x)
                    return self.weilrep()._evaluate(1, f, 0, 1) * funct(z - f)
                return (z**self.weight()) * (
                    self.weilrep()._evaluate(0, -1, 1, 0) * funct(z))
        two_pi = 2 * math.pi
        exp = cmath.exp
            zbar = z.conjugate()
        except TypeError:
            zbar = z.conjugate
        f = self.holomorphic_part().n().__call__(z)
        four_pi_y = 2 * two_pi * y
        k = self.weight()
        psi = lambda n: hyperu(k, k, four_pi_y * n) * (2 * two_pi * n)**(k - 1)
        d = self.xi().coefficients()
        dsdict = self.weilrep().ds_dict()
        normlist = self.weilrep().norm_list()
        z = complex(0.0, 0.0)

        def correction():
            s = vector([z for _ in f])
            for g, a in d.items():
                i = dsdict[tuple(g[:-1])]
                n = g[-1]
                if n:
                    s[i] += psi(n) * exp(-complex(0.0, two_pi) * zbar * n) * a
                    s[i] += y**(1 - k) * a / (k - 1)
            return s

            s = correction()
        except TypeError:
            y = y.n()
            four_pi_y = 2 * two_pi * y
            psi = lambda n: hyperu(k, k, four_pi_y * n) * (2 * two_pi * n)**(
                k - 1)
            s = correction()
        a = f - s * self.__shadow_multiplier_n
        return a
Exemplo n.º 9
    def calc_power_rsd(self, ki, q, P, front, exponent_k_squared, zero_lag_1,
                       kmax, alpha_0, alpha_1, C, xi, kappa, gamma, sigma,
                       rsd_exponent_1, rsd_exponent_2, sigma_psi, A, f_val,

        # Function to calculate the redshift space power spectrum

        Power = 0.0

        # Calculate the low k approximation if ki<5e-4

        if ki < 5e-5:

            Power = calc_low_k_approx_rsd(ki, P, sigma_psi, A, kmax, f_val,

            for n in range(0, 32):

                K_n = 0.0
                I = ZeldovichPowerIntegral(q, n)

                if n > 0:

                    for l in range(0, 1):

                        K_n += np.exp(
                            -0.5 * ki**2 * rsd_exponent_1 -
                            0.5 * ki**2 * rsd_exponent_2) * calc_F_l(
                                l, alpha_0, alpha_1, -0.5 * ki**2 * C, xi,
                                kappa, gamma, sigma) * (-1)**l * np.power(
                                    n) * np.power(kappa, n - l) * np.power(
                                        gamma**2 / sigma, l) * hyperu(
                                            -l, n - l + 1.0,
                                            0.5 * ki**2 * C * kappa * alpha_1)

                    f = (ki * front)**n * np.exp(
                        -0.5 * ki**2 * exponent_k_squared) * K_n


                    for l in range(0, 1):

                        K_n += np.exp(
                            -0.5 * ki**2 * rsd_exponent_1 -
                            0.5 * ki**2 * rsd_exponent_2) * calc_F_l(
                                l, alpha_0, alpha_1, -0.5 * ki**2 * C, xi,
                                kappa, gamma, sigma) * (-1)**l * np.power(
                                    kappa, -l) * np.power(
                                        gamma**2 / sigma, l) * hyperu(
                                            -l, -l + 1.0,
                                            0.5 * ki**2 * C * kappa * alpha_1)

                    f = (np.exp(-0.5 * ki**2 * exponent_k_squared) -
                         np.exp(-ki**2 * zero_lag_1)) * K_n

                kk, this_Pzel = I(f, extrap=False)

                Power += spline(kk, this_Pzel)(ki)

            return Power
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_nan_inputs(self, a, b, x):
     assert np.isnan(sc.hyperu(a, b, x)) == np.any(np.isnan([a, b, x]))