Exemplo n.º 1
def cmpt_bunch_length_correction_factor(sigma_phi, noise_type):
    This function computes the correction factor, C, due to the bunch length, sigma_phi, assuming a 2D gaussian longitudinal distribution.
    - phase_noise = True (False): computes C for phase (amplitude) noise case
    - sigma_phi: bunch length in radians at the CC frequency

    - Io, I2l: Modified Bessel functions of the first kind.
    - I2l: It converges to zero for larger orders. Therefore, a summation up to a large integer, here 10000 is used,  gives us trustworthy resutls.

    Note: Possibility to compute the factors for a pillbox distribution which is the other extreme (email from Themis).

    if noise_type == 'PN':
        Io = iv(0, sigma_phi ** 2)  # The first argument is the order
        I2l_sum = 0
        for order in range(2, 10000, 2):
            I2l_sum = I2l_sum + iv(order, sigma_phi ** 2)

        C = np.exp(-sigma_phi ** 2) * (Io + 2 * I2l_sum)

        I2ll_sum = 0
        for order in range(0, 10000, 2):
            I2ll_sum = I2ll_sum + iv(order + 1, sigma_phi ** 2)

        C = np.exp(-sigma_phi ** 2) * I2ll_sum

    return C
Exemplo n.º 2
    def chebyshev_gaussian(self, A, a, order=10, mu=0.5, s=0.5):
        # NE Enhancement via Spectral Propagation
        print('Chebyshev Series -----------------')
        t1 = time.time()

        if order == 1:
            return a

        A = sp.eye(self.node_number) + A
        DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm='l1')
        L = sp.eye(self.node_number) - DA

        M = L - mu * sp.eye(self.node_number)

        Lx0 = a
        Lx1 = M.dot(a)
        Lx1 = 0.5 * M.dot(Lx1) - a

        conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0
        conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1
        for i in range(2, order):
            Lx2 = M.dot(Lx1)
            Lx2 = (M.dot(Lx2) - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0
            #         Lx2 = 2*L.dot(Lx1) - Lx0
            if i % 2 == 0:
                conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
                conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
            Lx0 = Lx1
            Lx1 = Lx2
            del Lx2
            print('Bessell time', i, time.time() - t1)
        mm = A.dot(a - conv)
        emb = self.get_embedding_dense(mm, self.dimension)
        return emb
Exemplo n.º 3
def to_sigma(zes, azs):
    from scipy.special import iv
    az_sigma = np.sqrt(1 - iv(1, np.square(azs)) /
                       iv(0, np.square(azs))) * 180 / np.pi
    ze_sigma = np.sqrt(1 - iv(1, np.square(zes)) /
                       iv(0, np.square(zes))) * 180 / np.pi
    return ze_sigma, az_sigma
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, mu, kappa):
     self._mu = mu
     self._kappa = kappa
     self.circular_mean = mu
     self.circular_var = 1 - iv(1, kappa) / iv(0, kappa)
     self.extent = (-numpy.pi, numpy.pi)
     self.name = 'vonmises'
Exemplo n.º 5
def KL_guu(k, d):
    kld = k * ((sp.iv(d / 2.0 + 1.0, k) \
                + sp.iv(d / 2.0, k) * d / (2.0 * k)) / sp.iv(d / 2.0, k) - d / (2.0 * k)) \
          + d * np.log(k) / 2.0 - np.log(sp.iv(d / 2.0, k)) \
          - sp.loggamma(d / 2 + 1) - d * np.log(2) / 2

    return kld
 def __init__(self, M, Betha):
     self.Betha = Betha
     alpha = M / 2
     self.window = iv(
         self.Betha * np.sqrt(1 - np.power(
             (np.arange(M) - alpha) / alpha, 2))) / iv(0, self.Betha)
    def kaiserBesselCoeffs(windowSize, cutoff_f, sampling_f):
        coeffs = []
        Np = (windowSize - 1) / 2

        # Assume we always want a attenuation of 60dB at cutoff frequency
        alpha = 5.65326
        Io_alpha = special.iv(0, alpha)

        # Calculate Kaiser-Bessel window coefficients
        window = []
        for i in range(0, windowSize):
            val = alpha * math.sqrt(1 - math.pow((i - Np) / Np, 2))
            window.append(special.iv(0, val) / Io_alpha)

        # Sinc function coefficients
        sinc = []
        for i in range(0, windowSize):
            val = 2 * (i - Np) * cutoff_f / sampling_f

        # Multiple the coeffs together
        for i in range(0, windowSize):
            coeffs.append(window[i] * sinc[i])

        return coeffs
Exemplo n.º 8
 def vonmises_modes(je, me, ji, mi, n=20):
     """ Computes Fourier modes of a given connectivity profile, built using
         Von Mises circular gaussian functions (see Marti, Rinzel, 2013)
     modes = np.arange(n)
     return je * special.iv(modes, me) / special.i0(me) - ji * special.iv(
         modes, mi) / special.i0(mi)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __fct2(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
     with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         delta = self.__delta(nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq)
         n0sq = (n3sq - n2sq) / (n2sq + n3sq)
         if s2 < 0:  # a
             b11 = iv(nu, u2r1)
             b12 = kn(nu, u2r1)
             b21 = iv(nu, u2r2)
             b22 = kn(nu, u2r2)
             b31 = iv(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = kn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b41 = iv(nu-2, u2r2)
             b42 = kn(nu-2, u2r2)
             g1 = b11 * delta + b31
             g2 = b12 * delta - b32
             f1 = b41*g2 - b42*g1
             f2 = b21*g2 - b22*g1
             b11 = jn(nu, u2r1)
             b12 = yn(nu, u2r1)
             b21 = jn(nu, u2r2)
             b22 = yn(nu, u2r2)
             b31 = jn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = yn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b41 = jn(nu-2, u2r2)
             b42 = yn(nu-2, u2r2)
             g1 = b11 * delta - b31
             g2 = b12 * delta - b32
             f1 = b41*g2 - b42*g1
             f2 = b22*g1 - b21*g2
         return f1 + n0sq*f2
Exemplo n.º 10
def approximation(kn_mat, y, num_iter=10):
    n = kn_mat.shape[0]
    mode, g, p = None, None, None  # mode, gradient and precision matrix
    kn_inv = np.linalg.inv(kn_mat)
    """Use Newton-Raphson method to find the mode"""
    for _ in range(num_iter):
        if mode is None:
            mode = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1,
                                    size=(2 * n, ))  # initialization
            delta = np.linalg.solve(p, g)  # alternative for inv(p).dot(g)
            mode += delta

        norm, bss0, bss1 = np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)
        for i in range(n):
            norm[i] = np.sqrt(mode[i]**2 + mode[i + n]**2)
            bss0[i] = special.iv(0, norm[i])  # Bessel function of order 0
            bss1[i] = special.iv(1, norm[i])  # Bessel function of order 1

        g = get_oracle_gradient(mode, y, kn_inv, bss1 / (bss0 * norm))
        if np.linalg.norm(g, ord=2) < 1e-5:
        p = get_oracle_precision(mode, kn_inv, norm, bss0, bss1)

    return mode, g, p
Exemplo n.º 11
def digital_filter(flow, fhigh, aGibbs, nterms):

    if fhigh < flow:
        fstop = float(1)
        fstop = float(0)

    # Computes Kaiser weights W(N,K) for digital filters
    # W = coef = returned array of Kaiser weights
    # N = value of N in W(N,K), ie number of terms
    # A = Size of gibbs phenomenon wiggles in -DB

    if aGibbs <= 21:
        alpha = 0.
    elif (aGibbs >= 50):
        alpha = 0.1102 * (aGibbs - 8.7)
        alpha = 0.5842 * (aGibbs - 21)**(0.4) + 0.07886 * (aGibbs - 21)

    arg = (np.arange(nterms) + 1) / nterms
    coef = special.iv(0, alpha * np.sqrt(1. - arg**2)) / special.iv(0, alpha)
    t = (np.arange(nterms) + 1) * np.pi
    coef = coef * (np.sin(t * fhigh) - np.sin(t * flow)) / t
    coef = np.concatenate((np.flip(coef), [fhigh - flow + fstop], coef))
    return coef
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __fct1(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
     if s2 < 0:  # a
         b11 = iv(nu, u2r1)
         b12 = kn(nu, u2r1)
         b21 = iv(nu, u2r2)
         b22 = kn(nu, u2r2)
         b31 = iv(nu+1, u2r1)
         b32 = kn(nu+1, u2r1)
         f1 = b31*b22 + b32*b21
         f2 = b11*b22 - b12*b21
         b11 = jn(nu, u2r1)
         b12 = yn(nu, u2r1)
         b21 = jn(nu, u2r2)
         b22 = yn(nu, u2r2)
         if s1 == 0:
             f1 = 0
             b31 = jn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = yn(nu+1, u2r1)
             f1 = b31*b22 - b32*b21
         f2 = b12*b21 - b11*b22
     if s1 == 0:
         delta = 1
         delta = self.__delta(nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq)
     return f1 + f2 * delta
Exemplo n.º 13
def rician_eqn(p, measured_mean, measured_variance):
    A, sigma = p
    nu = A**2/ (4.0 * sigma**2.0)
    b =  (1+2.0*nu)*iv(0, nu) + 2.0*nu*iv(1,nu)
    mean = sigma *np.sqrt(np.pi/2.0)*np.exp(-nu)*(b) - measured_mean
    var = A + 2.0*sigma**2.0 - np.pi*sigma**2.0/2.0*np.exp(-2.0*nu)*b**2.0 - measured_variance
    return (mean, var)
Exemplo n.º 14
def ChebyshevGaussian(A, a, order=5, mu=0.5, s=0.5):
    n = A.shape[0]
    logger.info('Chebyshev Series -----------------')
    t1 = time.time()

    if order == 1:
        return a

    A = sparse.eye(n) + A
    DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm='l1')
    L = sparse.eye(n) - DA

    M = L - mu * sparse.eye(n)

    Lx0 = a
    Lx1 = M.dot(a)
    Lx1 = 0.5 * M.dot(Lx1) - a

    conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0
    conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1
    for i in range(2, order):
        Lx2 = M.dot(Lx1)
        Lx2 = (M.dot(Lx2) - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0
        if i % 2 == 0:
            conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
            conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
        Lx0 = Lx1
        Lx1 = Lx2
        del Lx2
        logger.info('Bessell time %d %f', i, time.time() - t1)
    return A.dot(a - conv)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _vmf_kld(k, d):
     return np.array([
         (k * ((sp.iv(d / 2.0 + 1.0, k) + sp.iv(d / 2.0, k) * d /
                (2.0 * k)) / sp.iv(d / 2.0, k) - d / (2.0 * k)) +
          d * np.log(k) / 2.0 - np.log(sp.iv(d / 2.0, k)) -
          sp.loggamma(d / 2 + 1) - d * np.log(2) / 2).real
Exemplo n.º 16
    def magnetic_field(self, xy, field="secondary"):
        """Magnetic field due to a magnetic dipole over a half space

        The analytic expression is only valid for a source and receiver at the
        surface of the earth. For arbitrary source and receiver locations above
        the earth, use the layered solution.

        xy : numpy.ndarray
            receiver locations of shape (n_locations, 2)
        field : ("secondary", "total")
            Flag for the type of field to return.
        sig = self.sigma_hat # (n_freq, )
        f = self.frequency
        w = 2*np.pi*f
        k = np.sqrt(-1j*w*mu_0*sig)[:, None] # This will get it to broadcast over locations
        dxy = xy[:, :2] - self.location[:2]
        r = np.linalg.norm(dxy, axis=-1)
        x = dxy[:, 0]
        y = dxy[:, 1]

        em_x = em_y = em_z = 0
        src_x, src_y, src_z = self.orientation
        # Z component of source
        alpha = 1j*k*r/2.
        IK1 = iv(1, alpha)*kv(1, alpha)
        IK2 = iv(2, alpha)*kv(2, alpha)
        if src_z != 0.0:
            em_z += src_z*2.0/(k**2*r**5)*(9-(9+9*1j*k*r-4*k**2*r**2-1j*k**3*r**3)*np.exp(-1j*k*r))
            Hr = (k**2/r)*(IK1 - IK2)
            angle = np.arctan2(y, x)
            em_x += src_z*np.cos(angle)*Hr
            em_y += src_z*np.sin(angle)*Hr

        if src_x != 0.0 or src_y != 0.0:
            # X component of source
            phi = 2/(k**2*r**4)*(3 + k**2*r**2 - (3 + 3j*k*r - k**2*r**2)*np.exp(-1j*k*r))
            dphi_dr = 2/(k**2*r**5)*(-2*k**2*r**2 - 12 + (-1j*k**3*r**3 - 5*k**2*r**2 + 12j*k*r + 12)*np.exp(-1j*k*r))
            if src_x != 0.0:
                em_x += src_x*(-1.0/r**3)*(y**2*phi + x**2*r*dphi_dr)
                em_y += src_x*(1.0/r**3)*x*y*(phi - r*dphi_dr)
                em_z -= src_x*(k**2*x/r**2)*(IK1 - IK2)

            # Y component of source
            if src_y != 0.0:
                em_x += src_y*(1.0/r**3)*x*y*(phi - r*dphi_dr)
                em_y += src_y*(-1.0/r**3)*(x**2*phi + y**2*r*dphi_dr)
                em_z -= src_y*(k**2*y/r**2)*(IK1 - IK2)

        if field == "secondary":
            # subtract out primary field from above
            mdotr = src_x*x + src_y*y# + m[2]*(z=0)

            em_x -= 3*x*mdotr/r**5 - src_x/r**3
            em_y -= 3*y*mdotr/r**5 - src_y/r**3
            em_z -= -src_z/r**3 # + 3*(z=0)*mdotr/r**5

        return self.moment/(4*np.pi)*np.stack((em_x, em_y, em_z), axis=-1)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def update_jacobian(self):
        period, mscale, lscale, *_ = self.parameters.theta

        # index 0
        dq20_lscale = self._tmp * lscale**(-3)
        dq20_lscale *= (iv(0, lscale**(-2)) - iv(1, lscale**(-2)))

        # index 1 --> J
        dq2J_lscale = self._tmp * lscale**(-3) * 2.0
        dq2J_lscale *= ((1.0 + np.arange(1, self.J + 1) * lscale**2) *
                        iv(range(1, self.J + 1), lscale**(-2)) -
                        iv(range(0, self.J), lscale**(-2)))
        dq2_lscale = np.append(dq20_lscale, dq2J_lscale)

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(dq2_lscale)):
            raise ValueError("Derivative of spectral variance "
                             "coefficients are not finite!")

        dq_lscale = 0.5 / self._q * dq2_lscale

        dq_mscale = 0.5 / self._q * self._q2 * 2.0 / mscale

        self.dA["period"] = self._kron / -period**2

        self.dP0["lscale"][self._diag] = np.repeat(dq_lscale, 2)

        self.dP0["mscale"][self._diag] = np.repeat(dq_mscale, 2)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _hefield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        self._heceq(neff, wl, nu)
        for i, rho in enumerate(self.fiber._r):
            if r < rho:
            i += 1
        layer = self.fiber.layers[i]
        n = layer.maxIndex(wl)
        u = layer.u(rho, neff, wl)
        urp = u * r / rho

        c1 = rho / u
        c2 = wl.k0 * c1
        c3 = nu * c1 / r if r else 0  # To avoid div by 0
        c6 = constants.Y0 * n * n

        if neff < n:
            B1 = jn(nu, u)
            B2 = yn(nu, u)
            F1 = jn(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = yn(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            F3 = jvp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = yvp(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            c2 = -c2
            B1 = iv(nu, u)
            B2 = kn(nu, u)
            F1 = iv(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = kn(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            F3 = ivp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = kvp(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0

        A, B, Ap, Bp = layer.C[:, 0] + layer.C[:, 1] * self.alpha

        Ez = A * F1 + B * F2
        Ezp = A * F3 + B * F4
        Hz = Ap * F1 + Bp * F2
        Hzp = Ap * F3 + Bp * F4

        if r == 0 and nu == 1:
            # Asymptotic expansion of Ez (or Hz):
            # J1(ur/p)/r (r->0) = u/(2p)
            if neff < n:
                f = 1 / (2 * jn(nu, u))
                f = 1 / (2 * iv(nu, u))
            c3ez = A * f
            c3hz = Ap * f
            c3ez = c3 * Ez
            c3hz = c3 * Hz

        Er = c2 * (neff * Ezp - constants.eta0 * c3hz)
        Ep = c2 * (neff * c3ez - constants.eta0 * Hzp)

        Hr = c2 * (neff * Hzp - c6 * c3ez)
        Hp = c2 * (-neff * c3hz + c6 * Ezp)

        return numpy.array((Er, Ep, Ez)), numpy.array((Hr, Hp, Hz))
Exemplo n.º 19
def synth_3d_producer_hel(x, y, z, L, ns, ks, ABs):
    Function used for generating a synthetic field.  Should not be used in fitting routines.
    This function is not parallelized.

    P = L/(2*np.pi)

    r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)

    model_r = np.zeros(r.shape)
    model_z = np.zeros(r.shape)
    model_phi = np.zeros(r.shape)

    for n in range(ns):
        print('n:', n)
        for k in range(ks):
            iv = special.iv(k, (n/P)*np.abs(r))
            ivp = 0.5*(special.iv(-1+k, (n/P)*np.abs(r)) +
                       special.iv(1+k, (n/P)*np.abs(r)))

            A = ABs[f'A_{n}_{k}']
            B = ABs[f'B_{n}_{k}']

            model_r += (n/P)*(ivp*(A*np.cos(n*z/P+k*phi) + B*np.sin(n*z/P+k*phi)))

            model_z += (n/P)*(iv*(-A*np.sin(n*z/P+k*phi) + B*np.cos(n*z/P+k*phi)))

            model_phi += (1.0/r)*(-k*iv*(A*np.sin(n*z/P+k*phi)-B*np.cos(n*z/P+k*phi)))

    model_x = model_r*np.cos(phi)-model_phi*np.sin(phi)
    model_y = model_r*np.sin(phi)+model_phi*np.cos(phi)

    return (model_x, model_y, model_z)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def Kzz(self):
     sum=np.sum(iv(self.n,self.l)*( self.zeta(self.n)*self.Zp(self.n) + self.zeta(-self.n)*self.Zp(-self.n) ))
     nn = 0
     firstTerm = iv(nn,self.l)*( self.zeta(nn)*self.Zp(nn) + self.zeta(-nn)*self.Zp(-nn) )
     return 1 - self.Bzz()*( sum + 0.5*firstTerm )
Exemplo n.º 21
def hphi2(phi, mu, k1, k2, h1, h2):
    h1top = np.exp(k1 * np.cos(phi - mu))
    h1bot = 2.0 * np.pi * special.iv(0, k1)
    h2top = np.exp(k2 * np.cos(phi - mu))
    h2bot = 2.0 * np.pi * special.iv(0, k2)
    h = h1 * (h1top / h1bot) + h2 * (h2top / h2bot)
    return h
Exemplo n.º 22
 def _vmf_kld(k, d):
     tmp = (k * ((sp.iv(d / 2.0 + 1.0, k) + sp.iv(d / 2.0, k) * d / (2.0 * k)) / sp.iv(d / 2.0, k) - d / (2.0 * k)) \
            + d * np.log(k) / 2.0 - np.log(sp.iv(d / 2.0, k)) \
            - sp.loggamma(d / 2 + 1) - d * np.log(2) / 2).real
     if tmp != tmp:
     return np.array([tmp])
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_bessel(self): 
     n = 1000
     ds = math.pi/n
     ib0 = 0
     ib1 = 0
     x= 1.4
     for j in range (0, n):
         tt = (j - 0.5)*ds
         ib0 += math.exp(x*math.cos(tt))*ds 
         ib1 += +math.exp(x*math.cos(tt))*ds*math.cos(tt)
     ib0 = ib0/math.pi
     ib1 = ib1/math.pi
     kb0 = 0
     kb1 = 0
     ds = 2*math.pi/n
     for j in range(0, n):
         tt = (j - 0.5)*ds
         ch = (math.exp(tt) + math.exp(-tt))/2
         kb1 += math.exp(-x*ch)*ch*ds
         kb0 += math.exp(-x*ch)*ds
     i0 = sp.iv(0, x)
     i1 = sp.iv(1, x)
     k0 = sp.kv(0, x)
     k1 = sp.kv(1, x)
     self.assertTrue(((abs(ib0 - i0)<0.005)&(abs(ib1 - i1)<0.005)&(abs(kb0 - k0)<0.005)&(abs(kb1 - k1)<0.005)), msg = 'Deltas I0, I1, K0, K1: ' + str(abs(i0 - ib0)) + ', ' + str(abs(i1 - ib1)) + ', ' + str(abs(k0 - kb0)) + ', ' + str(abs(k1 - kb1)))
Exemplo n.º 24
def ecuacion_p4(z, N, ene):
    u = np.zeros(N)
    #Esto es para observar si la función es par. El código presenta un problema
    #pues sin(n*pi/2) donde n=par, ĺa función resulta ser demasiado pequeña
    #(de exponencias 10^{-16}), pero no es igual a 0, por lo que la función
    #presentara valores incorrectos en ciertos momentos.
    #Si el valor z es par, entonces hacemos que u[i]=0.
    if (z % 2 == 0):
        for i in range(0, N):
            u[i] = 0
    #Si el numero es no par, entonces procedemos a calcular el código de forma
        for i in range(0, N):
            suma = 0
            for n in range(1, ene, 2):
                valor = (n * math.pi) / 2
                I0 = special.iv(0, valor * (i))
                I0D = special.iv(0, valor)
                #La parte de arriba de la fracción.
                sumArriba = ((-1)**(n + 1)) * I0
                #La parte de abajo de la fracción.
                sumAbajo = (n * I0D)
                #Suma final.
                suma += (sumArriba / sumAbajo) * np.sin((n * math.pi / 2) * z)
            #El valor de la función u.
            u[i] = (40 / math.pi) * suma
    return u
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _chebyshev_gaussian(self, A, a, order=10, mu=0.5, s=0.5):
        # NE Enhancement via Spectral Propagation
        if order == 1:
            return a

        A = sp.eye(self.num_node) + A
        DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm="l1")
        L = sp.eye(self.num_node) - DA

        M = L - mu * sp.eye(self.num_node)

        Lx0 = a
        Lx1 = M.dot(a)
        Lx1 = 0.5 * M.dot(Lx1) - a

        conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0
        conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1
        for i in range(2, order):
            Lx2 = M.dot(Lx1)
            Lx2 = (M.dot(Lx2) - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0
            #         Lx2 = 2*L.dot(Lx1) - Lx0
            if i % 2 == 0:
                conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
                conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
            Lx0 = Lx1
            Lx1 = Lx2
            del Lx2
        mm = A.dot(a - conv)
        emb = self._get_embedding_dense(mm, self.dimension)
        return emb
Exemplo n.º 26
    def update_continuous_dssm(self):
        period, mscale, lscale, _, decay, *_ = self.parameters.theta

        q2 = 2.0 * mscale**2 * np.exp(-(lscale**(-2))) * iv(
            range(self.J + 1), lscale**(-2))
        q2[0] *= 0.5
        q = np.sqrt(q2)

        dq2 = np.empty(int(self.J + 1))
        dq2[:] = mscale**2 * lscale**(-3) * np.exp(-(lscale**(-2)))
        dq2[0] *= 2.0 * (iv(0, lscale**(-2)) - iv(1, lscale**(-2)))
        dq2[1:] *= -4.0 * iv(range(self.J), lscale**(-2)) + 4.0 * (
            1.0 + np.arange(1, self.J + 1) /
            (lscale**(-2))) * iv(range(1, self.J + 1), lscale**(-2))

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(dq2)):
            raise ValueError(
                'Derivative of spectral variance coefficients are not finite!')

        self.dA['period'][:] = self._kron / -(period**2)

        self.dA['decay'][:] = np.kron(
            np.eye(self.J + 1),
            np.array([[1.0 / (decay**2), 0.0], [0.0, 1.0 / (decay**2)]]))

        dql = 0.5 / q * dq2
        dqm = 0.5 / q * q2 * 2.0 / mscale
        self.dP0['lscale'][self._diag] = np.repeat(dql, 2)
        self.dP0['mscale'][self._diag] = np.repeat(dqm, 2)
        self.dQ['lscale'][:] = self.dP0['lscale'] * 2.0**0.5 * decay**(-0.5)
        self.dQ['mscale'][:] = self.dP0['mscale'] * 2.0**0.5 * decay**(-0.5)
        self.dQ['decay'][:] = -0.5 * self.Q / decay
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __call__(self, A, a, order=10, mu=0.1, s=0.5):
        # NE Enhancement via Spectral Propagation
        print("Chebyshev Series -----------------")

        if order == 1:
            return a

        node_number = a.shape[0]

        A = sp.eye(node_number) + A
        DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm="l1")
        L = sp.eye(node_number) - DA

        M = L - mu * sp.eye(node_number)

        Lx0 = a
        Lx1 = M.dot(a)
        Lx1 = 0.5 * M.dot(Lx1) - a

        conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0
        conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1
        for i in range(2, order):
            Lx2 = M.dot(Lx1)
            Lx2 = (M.dot(Lx2) - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0
            #         Lx2 = 2*L.dot(Lx1) - Lx0
            if i % 2 == 0:
                conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
                conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
            Lx0 = Lx1
            Lx1 = Lx2
            del Lx2
        mm = A.dot(a - conv)
        return mm
Exemplo n.º 28
def DeltaPs(s, rw, constantes, n, qw):
    (k, fi, pin, re, h, u, ct, B0) = constantes
    sn = math.sqrt(s/n)
    a = qw*u/(2*math.pi*k*h)
    b = s*sn*rw*(bessel.iv(1,sn*re)*bessel.kv(1,sn*rw)-bessel.iv(1,sn*rw)*bessel.kv(1,sn*re))
    c = bessel.iv(0,sn*rw)*bessel.kv(1,sn*re)+bessel.iv(1,sn*re)*bessel.kv(0,sn*rw)
    return a*c/b
Exemplo n.º 29
 def Cyz(self):
     sum=np.sum(( iv(self.n,self.l) - ivp(self.n,self.l) )*( self.zeta(self.n)*self.Z(self.n) + self.zeta(-self.n)*self.Z(-self.n) ))
     firstTerm = ( iv(0,self.l) - ivp(0,self.l) )*( self.zeta(0)*self.Z(0) + self.zeta(0)*self.Z(0) )
     return -self.Byz()*(sum + 0.5*firstTerm )
Exemplo n.º 30
    def fit_hypersphere(self, Z, kappa_prior = 0, mu_prior = None):
        """Fits the hypersphere using observations Z and von Mises-Fisher prior with parmeters 
        kappa_prior (concentration parameter) and mu_prior (mean direction). If kappa_prior = 0, it is equivalent to a uniform prior."""

        [n, d] = Z.shape
        if mu_prior is None :
            if kappa_prior == 0:
                mu_prior = np.zeros([d,1])
                print("Uniform prior is used")
                raise ValueError("Please provide also a prior for mu")  
            print("Von-Mises Fisher prior used with kappa =", kappa_prior,"and mu =",mu_prior)
        # Initialization
        c_em = np.mean(Z,axis=0)
        r_em = np.linalg.norm(Z-c_em,axis = 1).mean()
        sigma2_em = (1/d)*((np.linalg.norm(Z-c_em,axis = 1)**2).mean()-r_em**2)
        r_mem = np.zeros([self.n_iter+1])
        c_mem = np.zeros([d,self.n_iter+1])
        sigma2_mem = np.zeros([self.n_iter+1])
        r_mem[0] = r_em
        c_mem[:,0] = c_em
        sigma2_mem[0] = sigma2_em
        for k in range(self.n_iter):
            # E-step
            delta_i = r_em*(Z-c_em).transpose()+sigma2_em*kappa_prior*mu_prior
            mu_i = delta_i/np.linalg.norm(delta_i,axis = 0)
            kappa_i = np.linalg.norm(delta_i,axis = 0)/sigma2_em

            alpha_i = iv(d/2,kappa_i)/iv(d/2-1,kappa_i)*mu_i

            f = np.r_[np.sum(alpha_i.transpose()*Z),np.sum(Z,axis=0)]

            alpha = np.sum(alpha_i, axis = 1)
            # M-step
            H_inv = 1/(n**2-np.inner(alpha,alpha))*np.r_[np.r_[n,-alpha].reshape(1,d+1),\
            sol_em = np.dot(H_inv,f)
            r_em = sol_em[0]    
            c_em = sol_em[1:]

            M = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(Z,axis=1)**2)-np.dot(f,sol_em)
            sigma2_em = M/(n*d)
            r_mem[k] = r_em
            c_mem[:,k] = c_em
            sigma2_mem[k] = sigma2_em
        return r_em, c_em, sigma2_em, r_mem, c_mem, sigma2_mem
Exemplo n.º 31
def constant_potential_twosphere_identical(phi01, phi02, r1, r2, R, kappa, epsilon):
#   From Carnie+Chan 1993

    N = 20 # Number of terms in expansion
    qe = 1.60217646e-19
    Na = 6.0221415e23
    E_0 = 8.854187818e-12
    cal2J = 4.184 

    index = arange(N, dtype=float) + 0.5

    k1 = special.kv(index, kappa*r1)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r1))
    k2 = special.kv(index, kappa*r2)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r2))

    i1 = special.iv(index, kappa*r1)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r1))
    i2 = special.iv(index, kappa*r2)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r2))

    B = zeros((N,N), dtype=float)

    for n in range(N):
        for m in range(N):
            for nu in range(N):
                if n>=nu and m>=nu:
                    g1 = gamma(n-nu+0.5)
                    g2 = gamma(m-nu+0.5)
                    g3 = gamma(nu+0.5)
                    g4 = gamma(m+n-nu+1.5)
                    f1 = factorial(n+m-nu)
                    f2 = factorial(n-nu)
                    f3 = factorial(m-nu)
                    f4 = factorial(nu)
                    Anm = g1*g2*g3*f1*(n+m-2*nu+0.5)/(pi*g4*f2*f3*f4)
                    kB = special.kv(n+m-2*nu+0.5,kappa*R)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*R))
                    B[n,m] += Anm*kB 

    M = zeros((N,N), float)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            M[i,j] = (2*i+1)*B[i,j]*i1[i]
            if i==j:
                M[i,j] += k1[i]

    RHS = zeros(N)
    RHS[0] = phi01

    a = solve(M,RHS)

    a0 = a[0] 
    U = 4*pi * ( -pi/2 * a0/phi01 * 1/sinh(kappa*r1) + kappa*r1 + kappa*r1/tanh(kappa*r1) )

#    print 'E: %f'%U
    C0 = qe**2*Na*1e-3*1e10/(cal2J*E_0)
    C1 = r1*epsilon*phi01*phi01
    E_inter = U*C1*C0
    return E_inter
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_phantom():
    gtab = gen_gtab()
    DWI_clean = rfiw_phantom(gtab, snr=None)
    DWI, sigma = rfiw_phantom(gtab, snr=30)
    # To test without rician correction
    temp = (DWI_clean / sigma)**2
    DWI_clean_wrc = (sigma * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * np.exp(-0.5 * temp) *
                     ((1 + 0.5 * temp) * sps.iv(0, 0.25 * temp) + 0.5 * temp *
                     sps.iv(1, 0.25 * temp))**2)

    DWI_den = localpca(DWI, sigma, patch_radius=3)
    rmse_den = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean - DWI_den)) / np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean))
    rmse_noisy = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean - DWI)) / np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean))

    rmse_den_wrc = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_wrc - DWI_den)
                          ) / np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_wrc))
    rmse_noisy_wrc = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_wrc - DWI)) / \

    assert_(np.max(DWI_clean) / sigma < np.max(DWI_den) / sigma)
    assert_(np.max(DWI_den) / sigma < np.max(DWI) / sigma)
    assert_(rmse_den < rmse_noisy)
    assert_(rmse_den_wrc < rmse_noisy_wrc)

    # Check if the results of different PCA methods (eig, svd) are similar
    DWI_den_svd = localpca(DWI, sigma, pca_method='svd', patch_radius=3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(DWI_den, DWI_den_svd)

    assert_raises(ValueError, localpca, DWI, sigma, pca_method='empty')

    # Try this with a sigma volume, instead of a scalar
    sigma_vol = sigma * np.ones(DWI.shape[:-1])
    mask = np.zeros_like(DWI, dtype=bool)[..., 0]
    mask[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = True
    DWI_den = localpca(DWI, sigma_vol, mask, patch_radius=3)
    DWI_clean_masked = DWI_clean.copy()
    DWI_clean_masked[~mask] = 0
    DWI_masked = DWI.copy()
    DWI_masked[~mask] = 0
    rmse_den = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_masked - DWI_den)) / np.sum(np.abs(
    rmse_noisy = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_masked - DWI_masked)) / np.sum(np.abs(

    DWI_clean_wrc_masked = DWI_clean_wrc.copy()
    DWI_clean_wrc_masked[~mask] = 0
    rmse_den_wrc = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_wrc_masked - DWI_den)
                          ) / np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_wrc_masked))
    rmse_noisy_wrc = np.sum(np.abs(DWI_clean_wrc_masked - DWI_masked)) / \

    assert_(np.max(DWI_clean) / sigma < np.max(DWI_den) / sigma)
    assert_(np.max(DWI_den) / sigma < np.max(DWI) / sigma)
    assert_(rmse_den < rmse_noisy)
    assert_(rmse_den_wrc < rmse_noisy_wrc)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def get_internal_energy(self, temperature, verbose=True):
        """Returns the internal energy (including the zero point energy),
        in eV, in the hindered translator and hindered rotor model at a
        specified temperature (K)."""

        from scipy.special import iv

        self.verbose = verbose
        write = self._vprint
        fmt = '%-15s%13.3f eV'
        write('Internal energy components at T = %.2f K:' % temperature)
        write('=' * 31)

        U = 0.

        write(fmt % ('E_pot', self.potentialenergy))
        U += self.potentialenergy

        # Translational Energy
        T_t = units._k * temperature / (units._hplanck * self.freq_t)
        R_t = self.trans_barrier_energy / (units._hplanck * self.freq_t)
        dU_t = 2 * (-1. / 2 - 1. / T_t / (2 + 16 * R_t) + R_t / 2 / T_t -
                    R_t / 2 / T_t *
                    iv(1, R_t / 2 / T_t) / iv(0, R_t / 2 / T_t) +
                    1. / T_t / (np.exp(1. / T_t) - 1))
        dU_t *= units.kB * temperature
        write(fmt % ('E_trans', dU_t))
        U += dU_t

        # Rotational Energy
        T_r = units._k * temperature / (units._hplanck * self.freq_r)
        R_r = self.rot_barrier_energy / (units._hplanck * self.freq_r)
        dU_r = (-1. / 2 - 1. / T_r / (2 + 16 * R_r) + R_r / 2 / T_r -
                R_r / 2 / T_r *
                iv(1, R_r / 2 / T_r) / iv(0, R_r / 2 / T_r) +
                1. / T_r / (np.exp(1. / T_r) - 1))
        dU_r *= units.kB * temperature
        write(fmt % ('E_rot', dU_r))
        U += dU_r

        # Vibrational Energy
        dU_v = self._vibrational_energy_contribution(temperature)
        write(fmt % ('E_vib', dU_v))
        U += dU_v

        # Zero Point Energy
        dU_zpe = self.get_zero_point_energy()
        write(fmt % ('E_ZPE', dU_zpe))
        U += dU_zpe

        write('-' * 31)
        write(fmt % ('U', U))
        write('=' * 31)
        return U
def approxI1_I0(image):
    count = numpy.sum(image < 1.5)
    image_oct = 8 * image
    Mn = 1. - 3. / image_oct - 15. / 2. / (image_oct ** 2) - (3. * 5. * 21.) / 6. / (image_oct ** 3)
    Md = 1. + 1. / image_oct + 9. / 2. / (image_oct ** 2) + (25. * 9.) / 6. / (image_oct ** 3)
    M = Mn / Md
    if (count > 1):
        K = numpy.flatnonzero(image < 1.5)
        M.ravel()[K] = special.iv(1, image.ravel()[K]) / special.iv(0, image.ravel()[K])
    K = numpy.flatnonzero(image == 0)
    M.ravel()[K] = 0
    return M
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _tecoeq(self, v0, nu):
     u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)
     (f11a, f11b) = ((j0(u1r1), jn(2, u1r1)) if s1 > 0 else
                     (i0(u1r1), -iv(2, u1r1)))
     if s2 > 0:
         f22a, f22b = j0(u2r2), y0(u2r2)
         f2a = jn(2, u2r1) * f22b - yn(2, u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = j0(u2r1) * f22b - y0(u2r1) * f22a
     else:  # a
         f22a, f22b = i0(u2r2), k0(u2r2)
         f2a = kn(2, u2r1) * f22a - iv(2, u2r1) * f22b
         f2b = i0(u2r1) * f22b - k0(u2r1) * f22a
     return f11a * f2a - f11b * f2b
Exemplo n.º 36
        def MMSE(v, snr_post, Y):
            g = 0.8862269254527579 # gamma(1.5)

            output = np.zeros(len(v))

            for idx in range(len(Y)):
                if v[idx] > 10:
                    output[idx] = v[idx] * Y[idx] / snr_post[idx]
                    output[idx] = g * ( np.sqrt(v[idx]) / (snr_post[idx] + eps)) *\
                                  np.exp(-v[idx] / 2.) *\
                                  ((1 + v[idx]) * iv(0., v[idx] / 2.) +\
                                  v[idx] * iv(1., v[idx] / 2.)) * Y[idx]
            return output
Exemplo n.º 37
 def Psi(self, r, neff, wl, nu, C):
     u = self.u(r, neff, wl)
     if neff < self.maxIndex(wl):
         psi = (C[0] * jn(nu, u) + C[1] * yn(nu, u) if C[1] else
                C[0] * jn(nu, u))
         psip = u * (C[0] * jvp(nu, u) + C[1] * yvp(nu, u) if C[1] else
                     C[0] * jvp(nu, u))
         psi = (C[0] * iv(nu, u) + C[1] * kn(nu, u) if C[1] else
                C[0] * iv(nu, u))
         psip = u * (C[0] * ivp(nu, u) + C[1] * kvp(nu, u) if C[1] else
                     C[0] * ivp(nu, u))
     # if numpy.isnan(psi):
     #     print(neff, self.maxIndex(wl), C, r)
     return psi, psip
Exemplo n.º 38
def g_twiddle(N, epsilon, s, L):
    threshold = 50
    ns = np.linspace(1, N, N)
    BK0 = special.kn(0,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    BK1 = special.kn(1,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    BI0 = special.iv(0,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    BI1 = special.iv(1,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    g = np.zeros(N)

    g[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold] = s*BK1*BI1*np.pi / (L**2 * (s*BK1*BI0 + BI1*BK0))
    g[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L>=threshold] = s*np.pi/L**2*(1/(s+1))
    return g*ns
Exemplo n.º 39
    def __delta(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
        """s3 is sign of Delta"""
        if s1 < 0:
            f = ivp(nu, u1r1) / (iv(nu, u1r1) * u1r1)  # c
            jnnuu1r1 = jn(nu, u1r1)
            if jnnuu1r1 == 0:  # Avoid zero division error
                return float("inf")
            f = jvp(nu, u1r1) / (jnnuu1r1 * u1r1)  # a b d

        if s1 == s2:
            # b d
            kappa1 = -(n1sq + n2sq) * f / n2sq
            kappa2 = (n1sq * f * f / n2sq -
                      nu**2 * n3sq / n2sq * (1 / u1r1**2 - 1 / u2r1**2)**2)
            # a c
            kappa1 = (n1sq + n2sq) * f / n2sq
            kappa2 = (n1sq * f * f / n2sq -
                      nu**2 * n3sq / n2sq * (1 / u1r1**2 + 1 / u2r1**2)**2)

        d = kappa1**2 - 4 * kappa2
        if d < 0:
            return numpy.nan
        return u2r1 * (nu / u2r1**2 + (kappa1 + s3 * sqrt(d)) * 0.5)
Exemplo n.º 40
def convolve1(fn,r,sig,rmax):

    r = np.asarray(r)

    if r.ndim == 0: r.resize((1))

    nr = 200
    rp = np.zeros(shape=(r.shape[0],nr))
    rp[:] = np.linspace(0,rmax,nr)

    rp = rp.T

    dr = rmax/float(nr)

    sig2 = sig*sig

    x = r*rp/(sig2)

    j = spfn.iv(0,x)
    fnrp = fn(np.ravel(rp))
    fnrp = fnrp.reshape(j.shape)

#    plt.figure()
#    plt.plot(np.degrees(rp[:,50]),x[:,50])

#    plt.figure()
#    plt.plot(np.degrees(rp[:,50]),
#             rp[:,50]*j[:,50]*fnrp[:,50]*
#             np.exp(-(r[50]**2+rp[:,50]**2)/(2*sig2)))
#    plt.show()

    return np.sum(rp*j*fnrp/(sig2)*np.exp(-(r*r+rp*rp)/(2*sig2)),axis=0)*dr
Exemplo n.º 41
def vmlogpdf(alpha, thetahat=0.0, kappa=1.0):
    """Computes the circular Von Mises log-PDF with preferred
    direction thetahat and concentration kappa at each of the angles
    in alpha.

    The vmpdf is given by f(phi) =

    alpha : np.ndarray
        The array of angles
    thetahat : number
        The preferred direction
    kappa : number
        Concentration at each of the angles in alpha

    out : np.ndarray
        The Von Mises log-PDF for alpha

    Berens, P. (2009). CircStat: A MATLAB Toolbox for Circular
      Statistics. Journal of Statistical Software, 31(10). Available
      from http://www.jstatsoft.org/v31/i10


    C = -np.log(2 * np.pi * iv(0, kappa))
    p = C + (kappa * np.cos(alpha - thetahat))
    return p
Exemplo n.º 42
def fullDet(b, nu):
    a = rho * b
    i = ivp(nu, u1*a) / (u1*a * iv(nu, u1*a))

    if nu == 1:
        k2 = -2
        k = 0
        k2 = 2 * nu / (u2 * b)**2 - 1 / (nu - 1)
        k = -1

    X = (1 / (u1*a)**2 + 1 / (u2*a)**2)

    P1 = jn(nu, u2*a) * yn(nu, u2*b) - yn(nu, u2*a) * jn(nu, u2*b)
    P2 = (jvp(nu, u2*a) * yn(nu, u2*b) - yvp(nu, u2*a) * jn(nu, u2*b)) / (u2 * a)
    P3 = (jn(nu, u2*a) * yvp(nu, u2*b) - yn(nu, u2*a) * jvp(nu, u2*b)) / (u2 * b)
    P4 = (jvp(nu, u2*a) * yvp(nu, u2*b) - yvp(nu, u2*a) * jvp(nu, u2*b)) / (u2 * a * u2 * b)

    A = (n12 * i**2 - n32 * nu**2 * X**2)

    if nu == 1:
        B = 0
        B = 2 * n22 * n32 * nu * X * (P1 * P4 - P2 * P3)

    return (n32 * k2 * A * P1**2 +
            (n12 + n22) * n32 * i * k2 * P1 * P2 -
            (n22 + n32) * k * A * P1 * P3 -
            (n12*n32 + n22*n22) * i * k * P1 * P4 +
            n22 * n32 * k2 * P2**2 -
            n22 * (n12 + n32) * i * k * P2 * P3 -
            n22 * (n22 + n32) * k * P2 * P4 -
  def compute_fisher_information_theoretical(self, sigma=None):
            Compute the theoretical, large N limit estimate of the Fisher Information
            This one assumes a diagonal covariance matrix, wrong for the complete model.

    assert self.R <= 2, "Not implemented for R>2"

    if self.population_code_type == 'conjunctive':
      rho = 1. / (4 * np.pi**2 / (self.M))
      # rho = 1./(2*np.pi/(self.M))
    elif self.population_code_type == 'feature':
      # M/2 neuron per 2pi dimension.
      print "This looks wrong, doesnt fit at all"
      rho = 1. / (np.pi**2. / self.M**2.)
      print 'Fisher information not defined for population type ' + self.population_code_type
      return 0

    kappa1 = self.rc_scale[0]
    kappa2 = self.rc_scale[1]

    return kappa1**2. * rho * (
        scsp.i0(2 * kappa1) - scsp.iv(2, 2 * kappa1)
    ) * scsp.i0(2 * kappa2) / (
        sigma**2. * 8 * np.pi**2. * scsp.i0(kappa1)**2. * scsp.i0(kappa2)**2.)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def mag_field_function(a,b,z,cart=False):
        '''give r,phi,z, (or x,y,z) and return br,bphi,bz (or bx,by,bz)'''
        if cart:
            r = np.sqrt(a**2+b**2)
            phi = np.arctan2(b,a)
            r = a
            phi = b

        iv = np.empty((ns,ms))
        ivp = np.empty((ns,ms))
        for n in range(ns):
            iv[n,:] = special.iv(n,kms[n,:]*np.abs(r))
            ivp[n,:] = special.ivp(n,kms[n,:]*np.abs(r))

        br = 0.0
        bphi = 0.0
        bz = 0.0
        for n in range(ns):
            for m in range(ms):
                br += (Cs[n]*np.cos(n*phi)+Ds[n]*np.sin(n*phi))*ivp[n][m]*kms[n][m]*(As[n][m]*np.cos(kms[n][m]*z) + Bs[n][m]*np.sin(-kms[n][m]*z))
                if abs(r)>1e-10:
                    bphi += n*(-Cs[n]*np.sin(n*phi)+Ds[n]*np.cos(n*phi))*(1/abs(r))*iv[n][m]*(As[n][m]*np.cos(kms[n][m]*z) + Bs[n][m]*np.sin(-kms[n][m]*z))
                bz += -(Cs[n]*np.cos(n*phi)+Ds[n]*np.sin(n*phi))*iv[n][m]*kms[n][m]*(As[n][m]*np.sin(kms[n][m]*z) + Bs[n][m]*np.cos(-kms[n][m]*z))

        if cart:
            bx = br*np.cos(phi)-bphi*np.sin(phi)
            by = br*np.sin(phi)+bphi*np.cos(phi)
            return (bx,by,bz)
            return (br,bphi,bz)
Exemplo n.º 45
def modifiedRician(I, Ic, Is):
    MR pdf(I) = 1/Is * exp(-(I+Ic)/Is) * I0(2*sqrt(I*Ic)/Is)
    mean = Ic + Is
    variance = Is^2 + 2*Ic*Is
    mr = 1.0/Is * np.exp(-1.0*(I+Ic)/Is)* special.iv(0,2.0*np.sqrt(I*Ic)/Is)
    return mr
Exemplo n.º 46
	def __init__(self):
		for i in np.arange(0,10,0.01):
Exemplo n.º 47
 def lpConstants(self, r, neff, wl, nu, A):
     u = self.u(r, neff, wl)
     if neff < self.maxIndex(wl):
         W = constants.pi / 2
         return (W * (u * yvp(nu, u) * A[0] - yn(nu, u) * A[1]),
                 W * (jn(nu, u) * A[1] - u * jvp(nu, u) * A[0]))
         return ((u * kvp(nu, u) * A[0] - kn(nu, u) * A[1]),
                 (iv(nu, u) * A[1] - u * ivp(nu, u) * A[0]))
Exemplo n.º 48
def Fj(x,t):
		floor = 1E-4
		tmp = 3.0*M*M*M*nu/(l0*l0*l0*t)
		tmp = tmp*x**(.25)*exp(-(1+x*x)/t)*iv(.25,2*x/t) + floor

		for i in range(len(tmp)):
			if( isnan(tmp[i]) ):
				tmp[i] = floor
		return tmp
Exemplo n.º 49
    def _lpcoeq(self, v0, nu):
        u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)

        if s1 == 0:  # e
            return (jn(nu+1, u2r1) * yn(nu-1, u2r2) -
                    yn(nu+1, u2r1) * jn(nu-1, u2r2))

        (f11a, f11b) = ((jn(nu-1, u1r1), jn(nu, u1r1)) if s1 > 0 else
                        (iv(nu-1, u1r1), iv(nu, u1r1)))
        if s2 > 0:
            f22a, f22b = jn(nu-1, u2r2), yn(nu-1, u2r2)
            f2a = jn(nu, u2r1) * f22b - yn(nu, u2r1) * f22a
            f2b = jn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22b - yn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22a
        else:  # a
            f22a, f22b = iv(nu-1, u2r2), kn(nu-1, u2r2)
            f2a = iv(nu, u2r1) * f22b + kn(nu, u2r1) * f22a
            f2b = iv(nu-1, u2r1) * f22b - kn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22a
        return f11a * f2a * u1r1 - f11b * f2b * u2r1
Exemplo n.º 50
def marginalizedPulsarPhaseLike(psr, theta, phi, phase, inc, psi, freq, h, maximize=False):
    Compute the log-likelihood marginalized over pulsar phases

    @param psr: List of pulsar object instances
    @param theta: GW polar angle [radian]
    @param phi: GW azimuthal angle [radian]
    @param phase: Initial GW phase [radian]
    @param inc: GW inclination angle [radian]
    @param psi: GW polarization angle [radian]
    @param freq: GW initial frequency [Hz]
    @param h: GW strain
    @param maximize: Option to maximize over pulsar phases instead of marginalize


    # get number of pulsars
    npsr = len(psr)
    # get c and d
    c = np.cos(phase)
    d = np.sin(phase)

    # construct xi = M**5/3/D and omega
    xi = 0.25 * np.sqrt(5/2) * (np.pi*freq)**(-2/3) * h
    omega = np.pi*freq

    lnlike = 0
    for ct, pp in enumerate(psr):

        # compute relevant inner products
        cip = np.dot(np.cos(2*omega*pp.toas), np.dot(pp.invCov, pp.res)) 
        sip = np.dot(np.sin(2*omega*pp.toas), np.dot(pp.invCov, pp.res))
        N = np.dot(np.cos(2*omega*pp.toas), np.dot(pp.invCov, np.cos(2*omega*pp.toas)))

        # compute fplus and fcross
        fplus, fcross, cosMu = PALutils.createAntennaPatternFuncs(pp, theta, phi)

        # mind you p's and q's
        p = (1+np.cos(inc)**2) * (fplus*np.cos(2*psi) + fcross*np.sin(2*psi))
        q = 2*np.cos(inc) * (fplus*np.sin(2*psi) - fcross*np.cos(2*psi))

        # construct X Y and Z
        X = -xi/omega**(1/3) * (p*sip + q*cip - 0.5*xi/omega**(1/3)*N*c*(p**2+q**2))
        Y = -xi/omega**(1/3) * (q*sip - p*cip - 0.5*xi/omega**(1/3)*N*d*(p**2+q**2))
        Z = xi/omega**(1/3) * ((p*c+q*d)*sip - (p*d-q*c)*cip \

        # add to log-likelihood
        #print X, Y
        if maximize:
            lnlike += Z + np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
            lnlike += Z + np.log(ss.iv(0, np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)))

    return lnlike
Exemplo n.º 51
 def K1RI1r(self, rin, iaq, ipint):
     r = rin / self.aq.lab2[iaq, ipint]
     R = self.R / self.aq.lab2[iaq, ipint]
     if np.isinf(self.i1R[iaq, ipint]).any():
         rv = np.sqrt(1 / (4 * r * R)) * np.exp(r - R) * \
              (1 + 3 / (8 * R) - 15 / (128 * R ** 2) + 315 / (3072 * R ** 3)) * \
              (1 - 3 / (8 * r) - 15 / (128 * r ** 2) - 315 / (3072 * r ** 3))
         rv = self.k1R[iaq, ipint] * iv(1, r)
     return rv
Exemplo n.º 52
def sampleVMF(mu, tau, n):
    edmax = tau/(4.0*np.pi*spec.iv(0, tau))*np.exp(tau)
    #rejection sample from uniform
    tmpsamps = -np.pi+2.0*np.pi*np.random.rand(n)
    heights = np.random.rand(n)*edmax
    hits = tau/(4.0*np.pi*spec.iv(0, tau))*np.exp(tau*np.cos(tmpsamps)) > heights
    nhits = np.sum(hits.astype(int))
    samps = tmpsamps[hits == True]
    n -= nhits
    while (n > 0):
        tmpsamps = -np.pi+2.0*np.pi*np.random.rand(n)
        heights = np.random.rand(n)*edmax
        hits = tau/(4.0*np.pi*spec.iv(0, tau))*np.exp(tau*np.cos(tmpsamps)) > heights
        nhits = np.sum(hits.astype(int))
        samps = np.append(samps, tmpsamps[hits == True])
        n -= nhits
    vecx = np.cos(samps)*mu[0] - np.sin(samps)*mu[1]
    vecy = np.sin(samps)*mu[0] + np.cos(samps)*mu[1]
    return np.vstack((vecx, vecy))
Exemplo n.º 53
    def EH_fields(self, ri, ro, nu, neff, wl, EH, tm=True):

        modify EH in-place (for speed)

        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)

        if ri == 0:
            if nu == 0:
                if tm:
                    self.C = numpy.array([1., 0., 0., 0.])
                    self.C = numpy.array([0., 0., 1., 0.])
                self.C = numpy.zeros((4, 2))
                self.C[0, 0] = 1  # Ez = 1
                self.C[2, 1] = 1  # Hz = alpha
        elif nu == 0:
            self.C = numpy.zeros(4)
            if tm:
                c = constants.Y0 * n * n
                idx = (0, 3)
                self.C[:2] = self.tetmConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx)
                c = -constants.eta0
                idx = (1, 2)
                self.C[2:] = self.tetmConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx)
            self.C = self.vConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, nu, EH)

        # Compute EH fields
        if neff < n:
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            F3 = jvp(nu, u) / jn(nu, u)
            F4 = yvp(nu, u) / yn(nu, u)
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
            F3 = ivp(nu, u) / iv(nu, u)
            F4 = kvp(nu, u) / kn(nu, u)

        c2 = neff * nu / u * c1
        c3 = constants.eta0 * c1
        c4 = constants.Y0 * n * n * c1

        EH[0] = self.C[0] + self.C[1]
        EH[1] = self.C[2] + self.C[3]
        EH[2] = (c2 * (self.C[0] + self.C[1]) -
                 c3 * (F3 * self.C[2] + F4 * self.C[3]))
        EH[3] = (c4 * (F3 * self.C[0] + F4 * self.C[1]) -
                 c2 * (self.C[2] + self.C[3]))

        return EH
Exemplo n.º 54
def golovin(v,t,n0,v0,b): 
  x = v/v0
  T = b*n0*v0*t
  tau = 1-np.exp(-T)
  bessel = special.iv(1,2*x*np.sqrt(tau))
  result = 0.
  if(not np.isinf(bessel)): 
    result =   n0/v0 *  bessel * (1-tau) * np.exp(-x*(tau+1)) / x / np.sqrt(tau)
  if (np.isnan(result)):
    result = 0.
  return result 
Exemplo n.º 55
 def n(t, x):   # analytic solution
     if t == 0 or x == 0:
         return 0
         ratio = exp(-t - 2 * x + x * exp(-t)) / (x * sqrt(1 - exp(-t)))
         if ratio == 0:
             return 0
             bessel = iv(1, 2 * x * sqrt(1 - exp(-t)))
             result = ratio * bessel
             return result