Exemplo n.º 1
def predict(Theta1, Theta2, X, y):
	m = X.shape[0]
	h1 = sigmoid(X.dot(Theta1.T))
	h1 = hstack((ones((m,1)),h1))
	h2 = sigmoid(h1.dot(Theta2.T))
	p = argmax(h2,axis=1)
	return mean(p == y.T.tolist())*100\
Exemplo n.º 2
def predict_value(Theta1, Theta2, frame):
	m = X.shape[0]
	h1 = sigmoid(X.dot(Theta1.T))
	h1 = hstack((ones((m,1)),h1))
	h2 = sigmoid(h1.dot(Theta2.T))
	p = argmax(h2,axis=1)
	return p
 def eval_mixed_guidance(data, v):
     assert False, "TODO: Normalize by amount of guidance"
     x = data.x_neighbor
     x_low = data.x_low
     x_high = data.x_high
     scale = data.scale
     w, b = unpack_linear(v)
     y = apply_linear(x, w, b)
     y_low = apply_linear(x_low, w, b)
     y_high = apply_linear(x_high, w, b)
     if (y_low + eps >= y_high).any() or (y + eps >= y_high).any():
         return np.inf
     sig1 = sigmoid((y_high - y_low) / scale)
     sig2 = sigmoid((2 * y - y_high - y_low) / scale)
     diff = sig1 - sig2
     # assert (np.sign(diff) > 0).all()
     small_constant = getattr(data, "eps", eps)
     # assert False, 'Should this be infinity instead?'
     # diff[diff < 0] = 0
     vals2 = -np.log(diff + small_constant)
     I = np.isnan(vals2)
     if I.any():
         # print 'eval_linear_neighbor_logistic: inf = ' + str(I.mean())
         return np.inf
     val2 = vals2.sum()
     # assert norm(val - val2)/norm(val) < 1e-6
     return val2
 def eval_mixed_guidance(data, v):
     assert False, "TODO: Normalize by amount of guidance"
     w, b = unpack_linear(v)
     x = data.x_bound
     bounds = data.bounds
     scale = data.scale
     y = apply_linear(x, w, b)
     assert y.size == bounds.shape[0]
     c1 = bounds[:, 0]
     c2 = bounds[:, 1]
     y_c1 = (y-c1)/scale
     y_c2 = (y-c2)/scale
     loss_num = np.log(np.exp(y_c1) - np.exp(y_c2))
     loss_denom = np.log(1 + np.exp(y_c1) + np.exp(y_c2) + np.exp(y_c1+y_c2))
     vals = (-loss_num + loss_denom)
     val = vals.sum()
     sig1 = sigmoid((c2 - y) / scale)
     sig2 = sigmoid((c1 - y) / scale)
     small_constant = getattr(data, "eps", eps)
     diff = sig1 - sig2 + small_constant
     vals2 = -np.log(sig1 - sig2 + small_constant)
     val2 = vals2.sum()
     I = np.isnan(vals2)
     if I.any():
         assert False
     # assert norm(val - val2)/norm(val) < 1e-6
     return val2
Exemplo n.º 5
def cost(Theta, X, y, lmda):

	Theta1 = Theta[:401*25].reshape((25,401))
	Theta2 = Theta[401*25:].reshape((10,26))
	m = X.shape[0]
	a1 = X
	z2 = a1.dot(Theta1.T)
	a2 =hstack((ones((m,1)),sigmoid(z2)))
	z3 =a2.dot(Theta2.T)
	h = sigmoid(z3)

	k = h.shape[1]
	Y = zeros((m,k))
	Y[arange(m),y.T] = 1
	d3 = h-Y
	d2 = d3.dot(Theta2[:,1:])*(sigmoid(z2)*(1-sigmoid(z2)))
	D2 = d3.T.dot(a2)
	D1 = d2.T.dot(a1)
	reg = lmda/float(m)

	Theta1_grad = (D1/m)+(reg*hstack(((zeros((Theta1.shape[0],1))), Theta1[:,1:])))
	Theta2_grad = (D2/m)+reg*hstack(((zeros((Theta2.shape[0],1))), Theta2[:,1:]))

	reg = sum(sum(Theta1[:,1:]**2,axis=1))+sum(sum(Theta2[:,1:]**2,axis=1))
	J = (1.0/m)*sum(sum(-Y*log(h)-((1-Y)*log(1-h)),axis=1))+(lmda/(2.0*m))*reg

	grad = hstack((Theta1_grad.ravel(),Theta2_grad.ravel()))
	return J,grad
Exemplo n.º 6
def elbo_grad(z_sample, mu, sigma_sq, y, X, P, prior_sigma):
    score_mu = (z_sample - mu)/(sigma_sq)
    score_logsigma_sq = (-1/(2*sigma_sq) + np.power((z_sample - mu),2)/(2*np.power(sigma_sq,2))) * sigma_sq
    log_p = np.sum(y * np.log(sigmoid(np.dot(X,z_sample))) + (1-y) * np.log(1-sigmoid(np.dot(X,z_sample))))\
        + np.sum(norm.logpdf(z_sample, np.zeros(P), prior_sigma*np.ones(P)))
    log_q = np.sum(norm.logpdf(z_sample, mu, np.sqrt(sigma_sq)))
    return np.concatenate([score_mu,score_logsigma_sq])*(log_p - log_q)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def feed_forward(self, input_value):

        self._input_layer = np.insert(input_value, 0, 1, axis=1)
        # print self._input_layer
        self._hidden_layer = np.insert(sigmoid(np.dot(self._input_layer, self._hidden_layer_weights)), 0, 1, axis=1)
        self._output_layer = sigmoid(np.dot(self._hidden_layer, self._output_layer_weights))
        # print self._output_layer
        return self._output_layer
Exemplo n.º 8
 def pushdown(self, hid_pats):
     """ push hidden pats into visible, BUT JUST CALC PROBS """
     if self.DROPOUT:
         dropout = rng.randint(2, size=(hid_pats.shape[0], self.num_hid))
         vis_prob1 = sigmoid(np.dot(hid_pats*dropout, self.W) + self.vis_bias)
         FACTOR = 0.5
         vis_prob1 = sigmoid(np.dot(hid_pats, FACTOR*self.W) + self.vis_bias)
     return vis_prob1  
Exemplo n.º 9
 def pushup(self, vis_pats, noise=True):
     """ push visible pats into hidden layer"""
     psi = np.dot(vis_pats, self.W.T) + self.hid_bias
     if self.hid_type == 'logistic': # BERNOULLI units
         hid_prob1 = sigmoid(psi)
         if noise == False:
             return hid_prob1
         elif noise == True:
             return 1*(hid_prob1 > rng.random(size=hid_prob1.shape))
     elif self.hid_type == 'relu':  # ReLU units
         if noise == True:
             psi = psi + rng.normal(0.,0.001+np.sqrt(sigmoid(psi)), size=psi.shape)
         return np.maximum(0.0, psi)
def _train(start, stop):
    X = alias.train_x
    y = alias.train_y
    N = alias.N
    weights = alias.weights
    weights0 = alias.weights0
    weights1 = alias.weights1
    weights10 = alias.weights10
    alpha = alias.alpha


    w1 = np.zeros_like(weights1)
    w10 = np.zeros_like(weights10)
    w = np.zeros_like(weights)
    w0 = np.zeros_like(weights0)

    for i in range(start, stop):
        x = X[i]
        a1 = x
        z2 = x @ weights + weights0
        a2 = sigmoid(z2)
        z3 = a2 @ weights1 + weights10
        a3 = sigmoid(z3)

        delta3 = -(y[i] - a3)
        delta2 = weights1 @ delta3 * a2 * (1 - a2)

        w1 += alpha * (a2[:, None] @ delta3[None, :])
        w10 += alpha * delta3

        w += alpha * (a1[:, None] @ delta2[None, :])
        w0 += alpha * delta2

    w0 /= N
    w /= N
    w10 /= N
    w1 /= N
    # wc = WeightCache()
    # wc.weights = w
    # wc.weights0 = w0
    # wc.weights1 = w1
    # wc.weights10= w10
    # update_cache_weight.delay(wc.key)
    # with one_lock:
    alias.weights -= w
    alias.weights0 -= w0
    alias.weights1 -= w1
    alias.weights10 -= w10

    cache.incr('n_s', stop-start)
Exemplo n.º 11
def transform(in_vector, conn_matrix):
    Transform in_vector into out_vector using conn_matrix
    Last column of conn_matrix is bias
    raw_out = conn_matrix.dot(np.append(in_vector, 1.0))
    return sigmoid(raw_out)
Exemplo n.º 12
def predictions(dbhandler, theta, candidates, expected_prob):
    for c in candidates:
        # [Intercept item, Degree, Python, Octave, C++, Java]
        test = np.array([1, c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]])
        p = sigmoid(test.dot(theta))
        # If the algorithm predicts a value > expected_prob, HR will contact the candidate
        if p > expected_prob:
            query = "INSERT INTO good_candidates VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            data = (
            )  # Must cast to float because mysqlconnector doesn't recognize numpy formats
            dbhandler.execute(query, data)
            # Add a new entry to the training set with this candidate info
            query = "INSERT INTO training_set VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            data = (c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], 1)
            dbhandler.execute(query, data)
        # Otherwise, save the candidates just in case HR need to contact them
            query = "INSERT INTO bad_candidates VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            data = (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], float(p))
            dbhandler.execute(query, data)
            query = "INSERT INTO training_set VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            data = (c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], 0)
            dbhandler.execute(query, data)

Exemplo n.º 13
def data_simple_sigmoid(N):
    X = np.random.uniform(-10., 10., N)
    Y = sigmoid(X)
    Y += np.random.normal(0., .1, N)
    Y += np.random.binomial(1, .5, N)
    Y, X = Y.reshape((N, 1)), X.reshape((N, 1))
    return X, Y
def prob_function_sigmoid_rd(candidates, cand_available, inst, inst_rank, school_info, weights, **kwargs):
    cand_p = np.zeros(len(candidates), dtype=float)
    for i, (candidate, candidate_rank) in enumerate(candidates):
        if cand_available[i]:
            cand_p[i] = sigmoid(weights[0] + weights[1]*(inst_rank-candidate_rank))
    #cand_p /= cand_p.sum()
    return cand_p
 def grad_mixed_guidance(data, v):
     x_low = data.x_low
     x_high = data.x_high
     if x_low is None:
         return 0
     scale = data.scale
     n = x_low.shape[0]
     d = (apply_linear(x_high, v) - apply_linear(x_low, v)) / scale
     sig = sigmoid(d)
     g = np.zeros(v.size)
     for i in range(n):
         dx = (x_high[i,:] - x_low[i,:])/scale
         t = 1-sig[i]
         g[0:-1] += t*dx
         g[-1] += t
     dx = x_high - x_low / scale
     g_fast = (dx.T * (1 - sig)).sum(1)
     g_fast = np.append(g_fast, (1 - sig).sum())
     g = g_fast
     # rel_err =  array_functions.relative_error(g,g_fast)
     g *= -1
     g[-1] *= 0
     g_m = g / n
     return g_m
 def lr_gradient(self, w, X, y, lambda_):
     # y must be in {-1, +1}
     num_obs, num_features = X.shape
     grad = np.zeros((1, num_features))
     grad += mat((1 - sigmoid(y * np.dot(X, w))) * y) * mat(X)
     # do not regularize intercep
     grad -= lambda_ * np.concatenate(([0], w[1:]))
     return -grad[0]
Exemplo n.º 17
 def fit(self, X, y, n_epochs=4000, lr=0.01, n_units=10):
     self.w = np.random.rand(X.shape[1], n_units)
     self.v = np.random.rand(n_units, y.shape[1])
     for _ in range(n_epochs):
         h_out = sigmoid(X.dot(self.w))
         out = softmax(h_out.dot(self.v))
         self.v -= lr * h_out.T.dot(out - y)
         self.w -= lr * X.T.dot((out - y).dot(self.v.T) * (h_out * (1 - h_out)))
def prob_function_sigmoid_pd(candidates, cand_available, inst, inst_rank, school_info, weights, **kwargs):
    cand_p = np.zeros(len(candidates), dtype=float)
    for i, (candidate, candidate_rank) in enumerate(candidates):
        if cand_available[i]:
            cand_p[i] = sigmoid(np.dot(weights, [1, 
    #cand_p /= cand_p.sum()
    return cand_p
    def grad_mixed_guidance(data, v):
        assert False, "TODO: Normalize by amount of guidance"
        x = data.x_neighbor
        x_low = data.x_low
        x_high = data.x_high
        scale = data.scale
        w, b = unpack_linear(v)
        y = apply_linear(x, w, b)
        y_low = apply_linear(x_low, w, b)
        y_high = apply_linear(x_high, w, b)

        sig1 = sigmoid((y_high - y_low) / scale)
        sig2 = sigmoid((2 * y - y_high - y_low) / scale)
        small_constant = getattr(data, "eps", eps)
        diff = sig1 - sig2
        # diff[diff < 0] = 0
        denom = diff + small_constant
        val = np.zeros(v.shape)
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            x1 = (x_high[i,:] - x_low[i,:])/scale
            x2 = (2*x[i,:] - x_low[i,:] - x_high[i,:])/scale
            num1 = sig1[i]*(1-sig1[i])*x1
            num2 = sig2[i]*(1-sig2[i])*x2
            val[0:-1] += (num1-num2)*(1/denom[i])

        val[-1] = 0
        x1 = (x_high - x_low) / scale
        x2 = (2 * x - x_low - x_high) / scale

        num1 = sig1 * (1 - sig1)
        num2 = sig2 * (1 - sig2)
        d = x1.T * num1 - x2.T * num2
        g_fast = (d / denom).sum(1)
        g_fast = np.append(g_fast, 0)

        # err = array_functions.relative_error(val, g_fast)
        val = g_fast
        val *= -1
        I = np.isnan(val) | np.isinf(val)
        if I.any():
            # print 'grad_linear_neighbor_logistic: nan!'
            val[I] = 0
        return val
Exemplo n.º 20
 def predict_adoption(self, context, max_len=DEFAULT_MAX_LEN):
     # type: (List[str], int) -> List[str]
     max_len = max(max_len, len(context))
     context = [c for c in context if c in self.weights.index]
     logits = self.weights.loc[context].dot(self.weights.T)
     probabilities = sigmoid(logits).sum(axis=0).drop(context)
     top_idx = np.argpartition(probabilities.values, -max_len)[-max_len:]
     top = probabilities.iloc[top_idx].sort_values(ascending=False)
     return top.index.to_list()
Exemplo n.º 21
 def predict(self, X):
     Run prediction based on trained model
     if self.w is None:
         print("Weight w is not yet optimized. Call fit() first.")
     pred_proba = sigmoid(np.dot(X, self.w))
     y_pred = pred_proba > 0.5
     return y_pred
Exemplo n.º 22
    def getDataExpectations(self, batch):

        hidden_probs = sigmoid(
            np.matmul(batch, self.weights) + self.hidden_bias)

        w_expectation = np.matmul(batch.T, hidden_probs)
        v_expectation = batch
        h_expectation = hidden_probs
        return w_expectation, v_expectation, h_expectation
Exemplo n.º 23
def predict(test, W):

    Oh = np.tanh(np.dot(W[0], test.transpose()))
    Oh = np.expand_dims(Oh, axis=1)
    Ino_ones = np.ones((1, 1))
    Ino = np.vstack((Ino_ones, Oh))
    Oo = sigmoid(np.dot(W[1], Ino))

    return Oo
Exemplo n.º 24
def forward_backward_propagation(main_word, context_words, negsamples, W_input, W_output, learning_rate, vocab_size):
	# print(W_input)	
	# print('********************8')
	targets = list()
	for context_word in context_words:

	for negsample in negsamples:

	targets = np.array(targets)


	h = W_input[targets,:]

	prediction = h.dot(W_output[main_word].T)
	prediction = sigmoid(prediction)

	tj = np.zeros(len(targets))
	for i in range(len(context_words)):
		tj[i] = 1

	pred_error = prediction - tj

	# print(h.shape)
	# print(prediction.shape)
	# print(pred_error.shape)
	# print(W_output[:,targets].T.shape)
	# print('*****************************')	

	del_W_input = np.outer(pred_error, W_output[main_word])
	# print(del_W_input.shape)

	# print(h.shape)

	del_W_output = np.dot(pred_error.T,h)

	# print(del_W_output.shape)

	# print('@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@')

	for index in range(len(targets)):
		W_input[targets[index]] -= learning_rate*del_W_input[index]

	W_output[main_word] -= learning_rate*del_W_output

	costr = tj * np.log(prediction + 1e-10) + (1 - tj) * np.log(1 - prediction + 1e-10)

	# cost = pred_error.sum()
	cost = -1*costr.sum()
	# print(W_input.shape())	

	return W_input, W_output, cost
Exemplo n.º 25
def generate_data(dataset_size):
    x, y = [], []
    for _ in range(dataset_size):
        x_i = 20 * np.random.random() - 10
        p_i = sigmoid(np.sin(x_i))
        y_i = np.random.binomial(1, p_i)
    return np.array(x), np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 26
def binary_crossentropy_pseudo_residuals(y_true, logits):
    """Pseudo residuals between true label values and predicted logits.

    Arguments need equal shape

    :param y_true: True values (np.array)
    :param logits: predicted logit values (np.array)
    return y_true - sigmoid(logits)
Exemplo n.º 27
def score_vecs(vecs):
    vec_list = [vecs[0].T]
    for v in vecs[1:-1]:
        vec_list.extend([v, v.T])
    score = 1.0
    for i in range(len(vec_list) - 1):
        score = score * sigmoid(np.dot(vec_list[i], vec_list[i + 1]))
    return score
def inspect_and_evaluate_model(model, games_tourney_train, games_tourney_test):
    # Print the model weights
    # Print the training data means

    weight = 0.14
    # Print the approximate win probability predicted close game
    print(sigmoid(1 * weight))
    # Print the approximate win probability predicted blowout game
    print(sigmoid(10 * weight))

    # Evaluate the model on new data
            games_tourney_test[['seed_diff', 'pred']],
            [games_tourney_test[['score_diff']], games_tourney_test[['won']]],
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_hazard_and_hidden(simple_feature_matrix):
    X = simple_feature_matrix
    Id = np.identity(3)

    # Exp( first column of X )
    assert np.allclose(hazard(X, Id[0]), np.exp([0, 1, 2, 0]))
    # Exp ( second column of X )
    assert np.allclose(hazard(X, Id[1]), np.exp([1, 0, 5, 2]))
    # Exp ( third column of X )
    assert np.allclose(hazard(X, Id[2]), np.exp([3, 1, -2, -2]))

    # sigmoid ( first column of X )
    assert np.allclose(conv_prob(X, Id[0]), sigmoid(np.asarray([0, 1, 2, 0])))
    # sigmoid ( second column of X )
    assert np.allclose(conv_prob(X, Id[1]), sigmoid(np.asarray([1, 0, 5, 2])))
    # sigmoid ( third column of X )
    assert np.allclose(conv_prob(X, Id[2]), sigmoid(np.asarray([3, 1, -2,
def prob_function_sigmoid_gg(candidates, cand_available, inst, inst_rank, school_info, weights, **kwargs):
    job_region = school_info[inst]['Region']
    cand_p = np.zeros(len(candidates), dtype=float)
    for i, (candidate, candidate_rank) in enumerate(candidates):
        if cand_available[i]:
            cand_p[i] = sigmoid(np.dot(weights, [1, 
                                                 int(job_region == candidate.phd_region)]))
    #cand_p /= cand_p.sum()
    return cand_p
Exemplo n.º 31
 def fit(self, X, y, n_epochs=4000, lr=0.01, n_units=10):
     self.w = np.random.rand(X.shape[1], n_units)
     self.v = np.random.rand(n_units, y.shape[1])
     for _ in range(n_epochs):
         h_out = sigmoid(X.dot(self.w))
         out = softmax(h_out.dot(self.v))
         self.v -= lr * h_out.T.dot(out - y)
         self.w -= lr * X.T.dot(
             (out - y).dot(self.v.T) * (h_out * (1 - h_out)))
def prob_function_sigmoid_rd_rh(candidates, cand_available, inst, inst_rank,
                                school_info, weights, **kwargs):
    cand_p = np.zeros(len(candidates), dtype=float)
    for i, (candidate, candidate_rank) in enumerate(candidates):
        if cand_available[i]:
            cand_p[i] = sigmoid(
                np.dot(weights, [1, inst_rank - candidate_rank, inst_rank]))
    #cand_p /= cand_p.sum()
    return cand_p
Exemplo n.º 33
def initialize(input, hidden, output, examples):

    print("examples", examples, "input", input, "hidden", hidden, "output", output)

    x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (examples, input))

    y = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (examples, output))

    weightsin = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(input, hidden))

    weights2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1, size = (hidden+1, hidden))

    weightsout = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(hidden+1, output))

    error = 1
    while(error !=0):
        #forward propogation
        layer1 = sigmoid(np.dot(x, weightsin))
        layer1 = np.append(layer1, np.ones((examples, 1)), axis = 1)

        layer2 = sigmoid(np.dot(layer1,weights2))
        layer2 = np.append(layer2, np.ones((examples, 1)), axis = 1)

        predict = sigmoid(np.dot(layer2, weightsout))
        alpha = 0.006

        error = 1/2 * (y - predict) ** 2
        error = error.sum()

        #backward propogation
        change3 = -1 * (y - predict) * dsigmoid(predict)
        DJWo = np.dot(layer2.transpose(), change3)
        weightsout = weightsout + -alpha * DJWo

        change2 = np.dot(change3, weightsout[0:np.shape(weightsout)[0]-1].transpose()) * dsigmoid(layer2[:, 0:np.shape(layer2)[1]-1])
        DJW2 = np.dot(layer1.transpose(), change2)
        weights2 = weights2 + -alpha*DJW2

        change1 = np.dot(change2, weights2[0:np.shape(weights2)[0]-1, :].transpose())*dsigmoid(layer1[:, 0:np.shape(layer1)[1]-1])
        DjWi = np.dot(x.transpose(), change1)
        weightsin += -alpha*DjWi

    print("Final Error", error)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def getDataExpectations(self, batch):
        from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid

        hidden_probs = sigmoid(
            np.matmul(batch, self.weights) + self.hidden_bias)

        w_expectation = np.matmul(batch.T, hidden_probs)
        v_expectation = batch
        h_expectation = hidden_probs
        return w_expectation, v_expectation, h_expectation
 def _process_pred(self, pred):
     """Standarizes pred to be an integer array."""
     assert pred.ndim == 3, f"expected 3-dim array, got {pred.ndim}-dim"
     if pred.shape[-1] == 1:  # binary case
         if self.from_logits:
             pred = sigmoid(pred)
         pred = pred[..., 0] * 255
     else:  # multiclass
         pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=-1)
     return pred
Exemplo n.º 36
    def cost(self,theta, X, y, l):
        m = len(y)
        J = 0
        grad = np.zeros(shape=(len(theta),1))

        H = sigmoid(X.dot(theta))
        y_T = y.transpose()

        J = 1./m * np.sum(-y_T.dot(np.log(H)) - (1-y_T).dot(np.log(1-H))) + l/(2.*m) * np.sum(theta[1:]**2)
        return J
def propagateForward(X_row, thetas):
    features = X_row
    for i in range(len(thetas)):
        theta = thetas[i]
        z = np.dot(theta, features)
        a = sigmoid(z)
        if i == len(thetas)-1:
            return a
        a = np.insert(a,0,1)    #add bias unit
        features = a
Exemplo n.º 38
 def forward(self, sample):
     # forward propogation through the network
     in_data = sample
     self.nodes = []
     for i in range(len(self.layers[:-1])):
         layer_data = sigmoid(np.dot(in_data, self.weights[i]))
         in_data = copy.deepcopy(layer_data)
     return self.nodes[-1][
         0]  #prediction after softmax -- do percentage on it somewhere?
Exemplo n.º 39
    def predict(self, x):
        z = 0

        for (field, index, value) in x:
            w = self.get_weight(field, index)
            z += w * value

        p = sigmoid(z)

        return p
Exemplo n.º 40
def Execute_SGD_TT(X_norm, alpha, num_iters):

    X_train, X_test = splitTT(0.6, X_norm)
    theta = np.zeros((X_norm.shape[1] - 1, 1))
    theta = stochasticGD(X_train, theta, alpha, num_iters)
    prediction_set = sigmoid(np.dot(X_test[:, 0:5], theta))
    acc = getAccuracy(prediction_set, X_test[:, 5:6])
    error = errCompute(X_test, theta)

    return acc, error
Exemplo n.º 41
def create_data(N, P, z_real, seed = 0):
  # N = 200
  # P = 4
  N = int(N)
  P = int(P)
  rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
  X = rs.randn(N,P)
  # z_real = rs.randn(P)
  y = rs.binomial(1,sigmoid(np.dot(X,z_real)))
  return X, y
Exemplo n.º 42
 def activate(self, inputs):
     inputs = numpy array of input values, one per input neuron.
     outputs = numpy array of outputs, one per neuron in this layer.
     Outputs calculated using a sigmodal activation function.
     internal_activations = np.dot(self.weights, inputs)
     if self._apply_bias:
         internal_activations += self.biases
     return sigmoid(internal_activations)
def forward_jax(X, t, U, b, W, c):
    N = X.shape[0]
    # Perform forwards computation.
    G = jnp.dot(X, U.T)  + b
    H = jnp.tanh(G)
    z = jnp.dot(H, W.T) + c
    y = sigmoid(z)

    return (1./N) * jnp.sum(-t * jnp.log(y) - (1 - t) * jnp.log(1 - y))
Exemplo n.º 44
def nnCostFunc(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y, lmbda):
    Theta1 = nn_params[0:(input_layer_size+1)*hidden_layer_size]
    Theta1 = Theta1.reshape((hidden_layer_size,input_layer_size+1),order='F')
    Theta2 = nn_params[(input_layer_size+1)*hidden_layer_size:]
    Theta2 = Theta2.reshape((num_labels,hidden_layer_size+1),order='F')

    m = size(X, 0);

    J = 0;
    #Theta1_grad = np.zeros(size(Theta1));
    #Theta2_grad = np.zeros(size(Theta2));
    eye_matrix = np.eye(num_labels)
    if num_labels == 1:
        y_matrix = y.astype(int)
        y_matrix = eye_matrix[y-1,:]
    y_matrix.shape = (size(y,0),num_labels)
#forward propagation

    X = np.concatenate((np.ones(((size(X,0)),1)), X),1)
    hidden = sigmoid([email protected])
    hidden = np.concatenate((np.ones(((size(hidden,0)),1)), hidden),1)
    prediction = sigmoid([email protected])
    for i in range(num_labels):
        J = J + (1/m)*(((np.log(prediction[:,i]).T)@(-y_matrix[:,i])) - (np.log(1-prediction[:,i]).T)@(1-y_matrix[:,i]))
    for i in range(1,size(Theta1,1)):
        J= J + lmbda/(2*m)*np.sum(np.square(Theta1[:,i]))
    for i in range(1,size(Theta2,1)):
        J= J + lmbda/(2*m)*np.sum(np.square(Theta2[:,i]))
    J = np.sum(np.sum(J))
    print (J)
    return J
def prob_function_sigmoid_gg(candidates, cand_available, inst, inst_rank,
                             school_info, weights, **kwargs):
    job_region = school_info[inst]['Region']
    cand_p = np.zeros(len(candidates), dtype=float)
    for i, (candidate, candidate_rank) in enumerate(candidates):
        if cand_available[i]:
            cand_p[i] = sigmoid(
                np.dot(weights, [1, int(job_region == candidate.phd_region)]))
    #cand_p /= cand_p.sum()
    return cand_p
    def forward(self, W_in, X):
        # construct network
        tmp = X
        for i in xrange(len(W_in)):
            if i == 0:
                W, W_b = W_in[i][:self.n_in], W_in[i][self.n_in:]
                W, W_b = W_in[i][:self.n_hidden[i-1]], W_in[i][self.n_hidden[i-1]:]
            tmp = sigmoid(np.dot(tmp, W) + W_b)

        return tmp
Exemplo n.º 47
 def compare(i, j):
     if np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[0.9, 0.1]):
         # draw
         return 0
     z_i = np.random.normal(mu[i], sigma[i])
     z_j = np.random.normal(mu[j], sigma[j])
     p = sigmoid(z_i - z_j)
     if np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[1 - p, p]):
         return 1
         return 2
Exemplo n.º 48
def errCompute(X_norm, theta):

    actual_response = X_norm[:, 5:6]
    predictor_set = X_norm[:, 0:5]
    prediction_set = sigmoid(np.dot(predictor_set, theta))

    cost = (-1) * np.sum(actual_response * np.log(prediction_set) +
                         (1 - actual_response) *
                         np.log(1 - prediction_set)) / len(X_norm)

    return cost
Exemplo n.º 49
    def fit(self, y, x, n=1, epsilon=.01, regularization=None, _lambda=1.0):
        Learn the weights for a Logistic Regression Classifier from the data
        y : Numpy array
            - The binary class labels for the data points
        x : Numpy array
            - A list of features for each data point
        n : int - Default: 1
            - The number of iterations for the training algorithm
        epsilon : float - Default: 0.01
            - Hyperparamter controlling overfitting of the model to the data
        regularization : {None, 'L1', 'L2'} - Default: None
            - Type of regularization to employ on the model
        _lambda : float
            - Hyper parameter for regularization
        # Initialize the weight vector
        w_0 = np.zeros(x.shape[1])
        # Variables used for learning weights
        self._epsilon = epsilon
        self._num_training = x.shape[0]
        self._lambda = _lambda
        print 'Epsilon: {}'.format(self._epsilon)
        # Pick the correct update method
        if regularization == 'l1':
            print 'L1 regularization'
            print 'Lambda: {}'.format(self._lambda)
            update_func = self._l1
        elif regularization == 'l2':
            print 'L2 regularization'
            print 'Lambda: {}'.format(self._lambda)
            update_func = self._l2
            print 'No regularization'
            update_func = self._no_reg
        # Number of iterations
        for _ in range(n):

            # Loop over all the data points
            for i in range(x.shape[0]):
                y_minus_g = y[i] - sigmoid( np.dot(w_0, x[i]) )
                w_0 = update_func(y[i], x[i], y_minus_g, w_0)

        # Save the learned weights
        self.weights = w_0
        return None
Exemplo n.º 50
def predict(images, V, W):
    predicted_labels = []
    for img in images:
        z1 = np.dot(V, img.T)
        activation = np.tanh(z1)
        z1 = np.append(activation, 1)
        z1 = np.reshape(z1, (len(z1), 1))
        z1 = np.dot(W, z1)
        z = sigmoid(z1)
        predicted_labels.append(np.argmax(z) + 1)
    return predicted_labels
Exemplo n.º 51
def plot_bond_encoding(theta=None, start=1.0, end=6.0, slope=20., segments=5, show=False):
    if theta is None:
        theta = numpy.linspace(start, end, segments)
    distance = numpy.linspace(0, 8, 250)
    value = sigmoid(slope*numpy.subtract.outer(theta, distance)).T
    plt.plot(distance, value)
    plt.yticks(numpy.linspace(0, 1.1, 4))
    plt.xlabel("Bond Length ($\AA$)")
    if show:
Exemplo n.º 52
 def decision_function(self, X):
     if not self.fitted_:
         raise ValueError('This ELMClassifier instance is not fitted yet.')
     X = self._validate_X(X)
     if self.random_projection:
         H = sigmoid(dot(X, self.W) + self.b)
         H = X
     if hasattr(self, 'fit_intercept') and self.fit_intercept:
         H = np.hstack((H, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1))))
     return dot(H, self.beta)
Exemplo n.º 53
def data_sigm_multi(N, p):
    if not isinstance(p, (list, tuple)):
        assert isinstance(p, int)
        p = [1. / p] * p
    X = np.random.uniform(-10., 10., N)
    Y = sigmoid(X)
    Y += np.random.normal(0., .1, N)
    y = np.random.multinomial(1, p, size=N)
    Y += np.nonzero(y)[1]
    Y, X = Y.reshape((N, 1)), X.reshape((N, 1))
    return X, Y
Exemplo n.º 54
    def _simulate_single_equaiton_daring(X, scale, hidden=100):
        pa_size = X.shape[1]

        z = _simulate_noise(scale)
        W1 = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=2.0, size=[pa_size, hidden])
        W1[np.random.rand(*W1.shape) < 0.5] *= -1
        W2 = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=2.0, size=hidden)
        W2[np.random.rand(hidden) < 0.5] *= -1
        x = sigmoid(X @ W1) @ W2 + z

        return x
Exemplo n.º 55
Arquivo: data.py Projeto: TZ2016/snn
def data_sigm_multi(N, p):
    if not isinstance(p, (list, tuple)):
        assert isinstance(p, int)
        p = [1. / p] * p
    X = np.random.uniform(-10., 10., N)
    Y = sigmoid(X)
    Y += np.random.normal(0., .1, N)
    y = np.random.multinomial(1, p, size=N)
    Y += np.nonzero(y)[1]
    Y, X = Y.reshape((N, 1)), X.reshape((N, 1))
    return X, Y
Exemplo n.º 56
def feedforward(X, W):

    X_input = X[:, 0:len(X[0]) - 1]

    Oh = np.tanh(np.dot(W[0], X_input.transpose()))
    n, m = Oh.shape
    Ino_ones = np.ones((1, m))
    Ino = np.vstack((Ino_ones, Oh))
    Oo = sigmoid(np.dot(W[1], Ino))

    return [Oh, Ino, Oo]
Exemplo n.º 57
def ML_crp(counts_list):
    params = np.zeros(2)
    print("ML optimization starting at obj = ",
          logprob_obj(params, counts_list))
    res = minimize(logprob_obj, params, args=(counts_list))
    params = res.x
    print("ML optimization ended at obj = ", logprob_obj(params, counts_list))
    spi_alpha, logit_beta = params
    alpha = softplus(spi_alpha)
    beta = sigmoid(logit_beta)
    return CRP(alpha, beta)
def predict(theta, X, y):
	# number of training examples
	m = shape(X)[0]
	# find hypothesis
	h = sigmoid( X.dot(theta.T) )
	# make prediction using 
	# index of max value in
	# each training example (row)
	prediction = argmax(h,axis=1)
	# find accuracy
	accuracy = (float(sum(prediction == y))/m)*100
	return prediction,accuracy
    def grad_mixed_guidance(data, v):
        bounds = data.bounds
        x = data.x_bound
        scale = data.scale
        w, b = unpack_linear(v)
        y = apply_linear(x, w, b)
        assert y.size == bounds.shape[0]
        c1 = bounds[:, 0]
        c2 = bounds[:, 1]

        sig1 = sigmoid((c2 - y) / scale)
        sig2 = sigmoid((c1 - y) / scale)
        small_constant = getattr(data, "eps", eps)
        denom = sig1 - sig2 + small_constant
        val = np.zeros(v.shape)
        assert (denom > -1).all()
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            num1 = sig1[i]*(1-sig1[i])
            num2 = sig2[i]*(1-sig2[i])
            val[0:-1] += (num1-num2)*(1/denom[i])*x[i,:]/scale
            val[-1] += (num1-num2)*(1/denom[i])
        # assert not np.isnan(val).any()
        # Why isn't this necessary?
        # val *= -1
        num = sig1 * (1 - sig1) - sig2 * (1 - sig2)
        num /= scale
        num /= denom
        g_fast = (x.T * num).sum(1)
        g_fast = np.append(g_fast, num.sum())
        # rel_error = array_functions.relative_error(val, g_fast)
        val = g_fast
        if np.isnan(val).any():
            print "grad_linear_bound_logistic: nan!"
            val[np.isnan(val)] = 0
        if np.isinf(val).any():
            # print 'grad_linear_bound_logistic: inf!'
            val[np.isinf(val)] = 0
        return val
Exemplo n.º 60
 def _sigmoidLikelihood(self, x, label):
     Returns the sigmoid likelihood p(y=label|features; weights)
     x : Numpy array
         Feature set for a single data point
     logit = sigmoid(np.dot(x, self.weights))
     if label == 0:
         return (1-logit)
     elif label == 1:
         return logit