Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_private_gradvalues_noise(self):
        """Test if the noise std is around expected."""
        runs = 100
        alpha = 0.0001
        for use_norm_accumulation in [True, False]:
            for microbatch in [1, 10, self.ntrain]:
                for noise_multiplier in [0.1, 10.0]:
                    for l2_norm_clip in [0.01, 0.1]:
                        gv_priv = objax.Jit(
                                batch_axis=(0, 0),
                        # Repeat the run and collect all gradients.
                        g_privs = []
                        for i in range(runs):
                            g_priv, v_priv = gv_priv(self.data, self.labels)
                                    [g_n.reshape(-1) for g_n in g_priv]))
                        g_privs = np.array(g_privs)

                        # Compute empirical std and expected std.
                        std_empirical = np.std(g_privs, axis=0, ddof=1)
                        std_theoretical = l2_norm_clip * noise_multiplier / (
                            self.ntrain // microbatch)

                        # Conduct chi-square test for correct expected standard
                        # deviation.
                        chi2_value = (
                            runs - 1) * std_empirical**2 / std_theoretical**2
                        chi2_cdf = chi2.cdf(chi2_value, runs - 1)
                            np.all(alpha <= chi2_cdf)
                            and np.all(chi2_cdf <= 1.0 - alpha))

                        # Conduct chi-square test for incorrect expected standard
                        # deviations: expect failure.
                        chi2_value = (runs - 1) * std_empirical**2 / (
                            1.25 * std_theoretical)**2
                        chi2_cdf = chi2.cdf(chi2_value, runs - 1)
                            np.all(alpha <= chi2_cdf)
                            and np.all(chi2_cdf <= 1.0 - alpha))

                        chi2_value = (runs - 1) * std_empirical**2 / (
                            0.75 * std_theoretical)**2
                        chi2_cdf = chi2.cdf(chi2_value, runs - 1)
                            np.all(alpha <= chi2_cdf)
                            and np.all(chi2_cdf <= 1.0 - alpha))
def chiSqQuant1(x, y, num_states_x, num_states_y):
    if num_states_x == 1 or num_states_y == 1:
        return (1, 0)
    _, x = np.unique(x, return_inverse=True)
    _, y = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True)

    x = x - min(x)
    y = y - min(y)

    n_mat = hist3(x, y, range(num_states_x), range(num_states_y))

    p = np.sum(n_mat, axis=1)  # ?
    w = np.sum(n_mat, axis=0)  # ?
    nullerp = len(p) - np.count_nonzero(p)  # ?
    nullerw = len(w) - np.count_nonzero(w)
    lengthX = len(x)
    T = 0
    for i in range(num_states_x):
        for j in range(num_states_y):
            if p[i] and w[j] != 0:
                n_star = (p[i] * w[j] + 0.0) / (lengthX + 0.0)
                T += (n_mat[i][j] - n_star + 0.0)**2 / n_star * 1.0
    degrees = (num_states_x - 1 - nullerp) * (num_states_y - 1 - nullerw)
    if degrees == 0:
        degrees = 1
    result = 1 - chi2.cdf(T, degrees)
    return (result, T)
def BartlettTest(x, y):

    # Analyze data
    k = 2
    Ni = np.array([len(x), len(y)])
    s_i = np.array([np.std(x, ddof=1), np.std(y, ddof=1)])

    N = Ni.sum()
    S_pool = 0
    for i in range(k):
        S_pool += (Ni[i] - 1) * s_i[i]**2
    S_pool = S_pool / (N - k)

    # Perform test statistics
    Numerator1 = (N - k) * np.log(S_pool)

    Numerator2 = 0
    for i in range(k):
        Numerator2 += (Ni[i] - 1) * np.log(s_i[i]**2)

    Denominator = 0
    for i in range(k):
        Denominator += 1 / (Ni[i] - 1)
    Denominator = (Denominator - 1 / (N - k)) / (3 * (k - 1)) + 1

    X2 = (Numerator1 - Numerator2) / Denominator

    # Compute p value
    pValue = 1 - chi2.cdf(X2, k - 1)

    return X2, pValue
def chiSqQuant1(x, y, num_states_x, num_states_y):
    if num_states_x == 1 or num_states_y == 1:
        return (1, 0)
    _, x = np.unique(x, return_inverse=True)
    _, y = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True)
    x = x - min(x)
    y = y - min(y)

    n_mat = hist3(x, y, range(num_states_x), range(num_states_y))
    p = np.sum(n_mat, axis=1)  # ?
    w = np.sum(n_mat, axis=0)  # ?
    nullerp = len(p) - np.count_nonzero(p)  # ?
    nullerw = len(w) - np.count_nonzero(w)
    lengthX = len(x)
    T = 0
    for i in range(num_states_x):
        for j in range(num_states_y):
            if p[i] and w[j] != 0:
                n_star = (p[i] * w[j]+ 0.0) / (lengthX+0.0)
                T += (n_mat[i][j] - n_star + 0.0) ** 2 / n_star*1.0
    degrees = (num_states_x - 1 - nullerp) * (num_states_y - 1 - nullerw)
    if degrees == 0:
        degrees = 1
    result = 1 - chi2.cdf(T, degrees)
    return (result, T)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def gating_ok(self, MHD, sensor):
        # TODO Step 3: return True if measurement lies inside gate, otherwise False

        # limit = chi2.cdf(0.995, df=2)
        # if MHD < limit:
        #     return True
        # else:
        #     return False

        df = None
        gate_val = None
        if sensor.name == 'lidar':
            #While fine tuning the algorihm, we find that it's better to have a larger gate threshold for lidar
            #which means current lidar noise is a bit underestimated
            df = 2
            gate_val = params.gating_threshold_lidar
        if sensor.name == 'camera':
            gate_val = params.gating_threshold
            df = 1
        x = MHD * MHD
        limit = chi2.cdf(x, df)
        if sensor.name == 'lidar':
            print("lidar chisqr = {}".format(limit))
        if limit < gate_val:
            return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def Qstatistic(series, m, ljung_box=False):
    """Returns 'Q_m' and the corresponding pvalue.

    Q here refers to the Box and Pierce (1970) statistic. (Inspired by CLM p.49)

    @param series:    The series on which to compute Q.
    @param m:         The order up to which sum squared autocorrelations.
    @param ljung_box: If True, Q will be corrected according to Ljung and Box (1978).

    @return: Q_m, pvalue
    T = len(series)

    # Handling Ljung and Box correction
    correction = lambda k: 1.0
    if ljung_box:
        correction = lambda k: 1.0/(T-k)

    Q_m = 0.0
    for k in range(1, m+1): # Last index is not returned by range...
        Q_m += correction(k) * autocorrelation(series, k, biased=True)[0]**2

    Q_m *= T
    if ljung_box:
        Q_m *= (T+2)

    # Q_m is asymptotically distributed Chi^2(m).
    return Q_m, 1-chi2.cdf(abs(Q_m), m)
Exemplo n.º 7
def Qstatistic(series, m, ljung_box=False):
    """Returns 'Q_m' and the corresponding pvalue.

    Q here refers to the Box and Pierce (1970) statistic. (Inspired by CLM p.49)

    @param series:    The series on which to compute Q.
    @param m:         The order up to which sum squared autocorrelations.
    @param ljung_box: If True, Q will be corrected according to Ljung and Box (1978).

    @return: Q_m, pvalue
    T = len(series)

    # Handling Ljung and Box correction
    correction = lambda k: 1.0
    if ljung_box:
        correction = lambda k: 1.0 / (T - k)

    Q_m = 0.0
    for k in range(1, m + 1):  # Last index is not returned by range...
        Q_m += correction(k) * autocorrelation(series, k, biased=True)[0]**2

    Q_m *= T
    if ljung_box:
        Q_m *= (T + 2)

    # Q_m is asymptotically distributed Chi^2(m).
    return Q_m, 1 - chi2.cdf(abs(Q_m), m)
Exemplo n.º 8
def LikelihoodRatioTest(Model1, Model2, Delta_DOF):
    L1 = Model1.llf
    L2 = Model2.llf
    LRT = 2 * (L2 - L1)

    p = 1 - chi2.cdf(LRT, Delta_DOF)

    return p
Exemplo n.º 9
def g_huber2(t, r, qH=0.8, cH=None, bH=None, aH=None):
    Computes g(t) of the Huber distribution
    Possible input combinations:
        t, r
        t, r, qH
        t, r, cH, bH, aH . This option is provided to improve performance
        because it allows to avoid the calculation of the constants cH, bH and
        aH in every loop iteration
        t : 1darray of size N, squared Mahalanobis distances
        r : int, dimension
        qH : float, tuning parameter, standard value 0.8, choose qH > 0.701
        cH : float, tuning parameter
        bH : float, tuning parameter
        aH : float, tuning parameter
        g: 1darray of size N, g(t) of Huber distribution
        ValueError: If incorrect combination of inputs

    if sum([s is None for s in [cH, bH, aH]]) != 3 and sum(
        [s is None for s in [cH, bH, aH]]) != 0:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect combination of inputs")

    igamma = lambda a, b: gammaincc(a, b) * gamma(a)

    if sum([s is None for s in [cH, bH, aH]]) == 3:
        cH = np.sqrt(chi2.ppf(qH, r))
        bH = chi2.cdf(cH**2, r + 2) + cH**2 / r * (1 - chi2.cdf(cH**2, r))
        aH = gamma(r / 2) / np.pi**(r / 2) / (
            (2 * bH)**(r / 2) * (gamma(r / 2) - igamma(r / 2, cH**2 /
                                                       (2 * bH))) +
            (2 * bH * cH**r * np.exp(-cH**2 / (2 * bH))) / (cH**2 - bH * r))

    g = np.zeros(len(t))
    g[t <= cH**2] = aH * np.exp(-t[t <= cH**2] / (2 * bH))
    g[t > cH**2] = aH * (np.exp(1) * t[t > cH**2] / cH**2)**(-cH**2 / (2 * bH))

    return g
def main():
    bound = ''.ljust(40, '*')
    start = ' [ STARTED ] '.center(40, '*')
    end = ' [ FINISHED ] '.center(40, '*')
    print(bound + '\n' + start + '\n' + bound)

    fileName = 'lesson7_mahal_diamonds.csv'

    if fileName == 'lesson7_mahal_dataset_0.csv':
        # Read data
        # Taken from https://jamesmccaffrey.wordpress.com/2017/11/09/example-of-calculating-the-mahalanobis-distance/
        # We assumed that the three variables are independent
        data = pd.read_csv(fileName)
        test = pd.DataFrame([[66, 640, 44], [69, 595, 38]],
                            columns=list(['height', 'score', 'age']))
    elif fileName == 'lesson7_mahal_diamonds.csv':
        # Read data
        # Taken from https://www.machinelearningplus.com/statistics/mahalanobis-distance/
        data = pd.read_csv(fileName).iloc[:, [0, 4, 6]]
        test = data[['carat', 'depth', 'price']].head(5)
        sys.exit('[ERROR]: File not found!')

    # Mahalanobis distance
    test['mahalanobis'] = mahalanobis(test, data, None)

    # Probability (1-p) with which we are certain that, when the
    # squared Mahalanobis distance is greater than the critical
    # value (cv) associated with this probability and the proper DOF,
    # then the test vector (tv) is an outlier
    p = 0.001
    dof = 3
    cv = chi2.ppf(1 - p, dof)

    outlier = []
    critical_value = []
    for i in range(len(test['mahalanobis'])):
        if test['mahalanobis'][i] > cv:

    test['critical-value'] = np.asarray(critical_value)
    test['p_value'] = 1 - chi2.cdf(test['mahalanobis'], dof)
    test['outlier'] = np.asarray(outlier)

    print(bound + '\n' + end + '\n' + bound)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 11
def eta_huber2(t, r, qH=0.8, cH=None, bH=None):
    Computes eta(t) of the Huber distribution
    Possible input combinations:
        t, r
        t, r, qH
        t, r, cH, bH . This option is provided to improve performance
        because it allows to avoid the calculation of the constants cH, bH and
        aH in every loop iteration
        t : 1darray of size N, squared Mahalanobis distances
        r : int, dimension
        qH : float, tuning parameter, standard value 0.8, choose qH > 0.701
        cH : float, tuning parameter
        bH : float, tuning parameter

        eta: 1darray of size N, eta(t) of Huber distribution
        ValueError: If incorrect combination of inputs

    if sum([s is None
            for s in [cH, bH]]) != 2 and sum([s is None
                                              for s in [cH, bH]]) != 0:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect combination of inputs")

    if sum([s is None for s in [cH, bH]]) == 2:
        cH = np.sqrt(chi2.ppf(qH, r))
        bH = chi2.cdf(cH**2, r + 2) + cH**2 / r * (1 - chi2.cdf(cH**2, r))

    eta = np.zeros(len(t))

    eta[t > cH**2] = -cH**2 / (2 * bH * t[t > cH**2]**2)
    return eta
Exemplo n.º 12
def chi2stats(data):
    xs, stdevs, x, k, l, df, name = data

    sample_chi2 = chi2_old(x, k, l, xs, stdevs)
    print(chi_squared.isf(.05, df))
    print(1 - chi_squared.cdf(sample_chi2, df))

    plt.plot(xs, "o")
    plt.plot([model(x, k, l, i) for i in range(len(xs))])
Exemplo n.º 13
def chisquare_pvalue(obs, ex):
    Given a 2x2 contingency table both observed and expected, returns the
    corresponding chisquared p-value.

    @param obs An array (list of lists or numpy array) of observed values
    @param obs An array (list of lists or numpy array) of expected values

    _sum = 0
    for i in range(0, 2):
        for j in range(0, 2):
            _sum = _sum + (obs[i][j] - ex[i][j])**2 / ex[i][j]
    chi = 1 - chi2.cdf(_sum, 1)
    return chi
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _fisher_hsic_test(self, X, R, max_p_stat):
        """Conduct statistical test by HSIC and Fisher's method."""
        fisher_stat = 0
        n_features = X.shape[1]

        if n_features == 1:
            fisher_stat, fisher_p = hsic_test_gamma(X, R)
            for i in range(n_features):
                _, hsic_p = hsic_test_gamma(X[:, [i]], R)
                fisher_stat += np.inf if hsic_p == 0 else -2 * np.log(hsic_p)

                if fisher_stat > max_p_stat:
            fisher_p = 1 - chi2.cdf(fisher_stat, df=2 * n_features)

        return fisher_p, fisher_stat
 def gating_ok(self, MHD, sensor):
     # TODO Step 3: return True if measurement lies inside gate, otherwise False
     df = None
     gate_val = None
     if sensor.name == 'lidar':
         df = 2
         gate_val = params.gating_threshold_lidar
     if sensor.name == 'camera':
         gate_val = params.gating_threshold
         df = 1
     x = MHD * MHD
     per = chi2.cdf(x, df)
     if sensor.name == 'lidar':
         print("lidar chisqr = {}".format(per))
     if per < gate_val:
         return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 16
    def jarque_bera(self,alpha=0.05):
        """Returns the Jarque-Bera test of normality based on kurtosis and skewness
        Requires > 2000 samples

        Returns test statistics and the p-value

        Original in scipy:
            mu = x.mean()
            diffx = x - mu
            skewness = (1 / n * np.sum(diffx**3)) / (1 / n * np.sum(diffx**2))**(3 / 2.)
            kurtosis = (1 / n * np.sum(diffx**4)) / (1 / n * np.sum(diffx**2))**2
            jb_value = n / 6 * (skewness**2 + (kurtosis - 3)**2 / 4)
            p = 1 - distributions.chi2.cdf(jb_value, 2)

        Look at scipy.stats.jarque_bera"""
        JB = self.vcount/6*(self.vskewness**2 + 1/4*((self.vkurtosis-3)**2))
        if chi2 is None:
            p = "scipy missing"
            p = 1 - chi2.cdf(JB,2)
        return JB,p
Exemplo n.º 17
def survdiff(time, status, group, weight_type=None, strata=None, **kwargs):
    Test for the equality of two survival distributions.

    time : array-like
        The event or censoring times.
    status : array-like
        The censoring status variable, status=1 indicates that the
        event occured, status=0 indicates that the observation was
    group : array-like
        Indicators of the two groups
    weight_type : string
        The following weight types are implemented:
            None (default) : logrank test
            fh : Fleming-Harrington, weights by S^(fh_p),
                 requires exponent fh_p to be provided as keyword
                 argument; the weights are derived from S defined at
                 the previous event time, and the first weight is
                 always 1.
            gb : Gehan-Breslow, weights by the number at risk
            tw : Tarone-Ware, weights by the square root of the number
                 at risk
    strata : array-like
        Optional stratum indicators for a stratified test

    chisq : The chi-square (1 degree of freedom) distributed test
            statistic value
    pvalue : The p-value for the chi^2 test

    # TODO: extend to handle more than two groups

    time = np.asarray(time)
    status = np.asarray(status)
    group = np.asarray(group)

    gr = np.unique(group)
    if len(gr) != 2:
        raise ValueError("logrank only supports two groups")

    if strata is None:
        obs, var = _survdiff(time, status, group, weight_type, gr, **kwargs)
        strata = np.asarray(strata)
        stu = np.unique(strata)
        obs, var = 0., 0.
        for st in stu:
            # could be more efficient?
            ii = (strata == st)
            obs1, var1 = _survdiff(time[ii], status[ii], group[ii],
                                   weight_type, gr, **kwargs)
            obs += obs1
            var += var1

    zstat = obs / np.sqrt(var)

    # The chi^2 test statistic and p-value.
    chisq = zstat**2
    pvalue = 1 - chi2.cdf(chisq, 1)

    return chisq, pvalue
Exemplo n.º 18
def _main():
    # Pick an arbitrary number of labels
    n_classes = 10

    # Number of samples to generate
    n_samples = 10000
    X, y = make_multilabel_classification(n_samples=n_samples,

    # X is (10000,50), y is (10000,10) with an average of 5 labels per sample

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)

    # Just dump the correlation matrix to confirm that there is some inter-label correlation
    # along with the t-statistics and chi2 values to show that it is not insignificant
    df = pd.DataFrame(y)
    print('n_samples={}, corr'.format(n_samples))
    tvalue1 = 0.05 / np.sqrt((1 - 0.05**2) / (n_samples - 2))
    tvalue2 = 0.1 / np.sqrt((1 - 0.1**2) / (n_samples - 2))
    print('{}/sqrt( (1-{}**2)/(n_samples-2) ) == {}'.format(
        0.05, 0.05, tvalue1))
    print('{}/sqrt( (1-{}**2)/(n_samples-2) ) == {}'.format(0.1, 0.1, tvalue2))
    print('X-squared value: {}, {}'.format(0.05, chi2.cdf(tvalue1, 2)))
    print('X-squared value: {}, {}'.format(0.1, chi2.cdf(tvalue2, 2)))

    input_dim = X_train.shape[1]

    # First, build some hand-tooled network, obviously guessing at the optimal meta-parameters

    print('hand-tooling single fully-connected network...')
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Dense(1000, activation='relu', input_dim=input_dim))
    model.add(Dense(600, activation='relu'))
    model.add(Dense(n_classes, activation='sigmoid'))

    sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, nesterov=True, momentum=0.9)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd)

    model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=int(n_samples * 0.2))

    predictions = model.predict(X_test)

    print(classification_report(y_test, predictions.round()))

    # Now, specify some random, also non-optimal ranges to play with and create several
    # models within this space.  In the end, we will combine the predictions from each
    # of them in two-stages.  1.  Output n_ensembles predictions for each of the n class
    # labels.  These predictions train a ridge on it's particular class label.  2. Combine
    # all of the ridge predictions using another ridge and produce the predictions.

    n_ensembles = 100
        'ridge regression of {} semi-random estimators...'.format(n_ensembles))
    models = []
    for _ in xrange(n_ensembles):
        estimator_type = random.choice(['neuralnet'])

        if estimator_type == 'neuralnet':
            model = Sequential()
            for i in xrange(np.random.randint(2, 8)):
                n_neurons = np.random.randint(400, 1200)
                n_dropout = random.choice([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5])
                    Dense(n_neurons, activation='relu', input_dim=input_dim))

            model.add(Dense(n_classes, activation='sigmoid'))

            sgd = SGD(lr=random.choice([0.01, 0.02]),
                      nesterov=random.choice([True, False]),
                      momentum=random.choice([0.8, 0.9]))
            model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd)

                      epochs=np.random.randint(5, 8),
                      batch_size=int(n_samples *
                                     random.choice([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])))
        elif estimator_type == 'forest':
            model = RandomForestClassifier(
                n_estimators=random.choice(range(300, 600, 50)))
            model.fit(X_train, y_train)


    def ridgeit(X, models):
        ridge_predictions = np.array([])
        for model in models:
            X_ridge = model.predict(X)
            if len(ridge_predictions):
                ridge_predictions = np.hstack((ridge_predictions, X_ridge))
                ridge_predictions = X_ridge
        return ridge_predictions

    print('building ridges...')
    ridge = {
        i: {model: LogisticRegression(penalty='l2')
            for model in models}
        for i in xrange(n_classes)
    ensemble = {i: LogisticRegression(penalty='l2') for i in xrange(n_classes)}
    for label in xrange(n_classes):
        y_ridge = y_train[:, label]
        for model in models:
            X_ridge = model.predict(X_train)
            ridge[label][model].fit(X_ridge, y_ridge)

        ridge_predictions = ridgeit(X_train, ridge[label])
        ensemble[label].fit(ridge_predictions, y_ridge)

    print('making predictions...')
    y_predictions = np.zeros(y_test.shape)
    for label in xrange(n_classes):
        ridge_predictions = ridgeit(X_test, ridge[label])
        predictions = ensemble[label].predict(ridge_predictions)
        y_predictions[:, label] = predictions

    print(classification_report(y_test, y_predictions))

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 19
def GW_CPA_test(loss1: np.ndarray,
                loss2: np.ndarray,
                tau: int,
                alpha: float = 0.05,
                conditional: bool = False,
                verbose: bool = True):
    Giacomini-White Conditional Predictive Ability Test
    loss1: numpy array
        losses of model 1
    loss2: numpy array
        losses of model 2
    tau: int
        the past information treated as 'available' for the test.
    unconditional: boolean, 
        True if unconditional (DM test), False if conditional (GW test).
    verbose: boolean, 
        True if prints of test are needed

    test_stat: test statistic of the conditional predictive ability test
    crit_val: critical value of the chi-square test for a 5% confidence level
    p-vals: (k,) p-value of the test

    assert len(loss1) == len(loss2)

    lossdiff = loss1 - loss2
    t = len(loss1)
    instruments = np.ones_like(loss1)

    if conditional:
        instruments = np.hstack((instruments[:t - tau], lossdiff[:-tau]))
        lossdiff = lossdiff[tau:]
        t = t - tau

    reg = instruments * lossdiff

    if tau == 1:
        res_beta = np.linalg.lstsq(reg, np.ones((t)), rcond=None)[0]

        err = np.ones((t, 1)) - reg.dot(res_beta)
        r2 = 1 - np.mean(err**2)
        test_stat = t * r2


        zbar = np.mean(reg, axis=0)
        n_lags = tau - 1
        omega = Newey_West(Z=reg, n_lags=n_lags)
        test_stat = np.expand_dims(t*zbar,

    test_stat *= np.sign(np.mean(lossdiff))

    q = reg.shape[1]
    crit_val = chi2.ppf(1 - alpha, df=q)
    p_val = 1 - chi2.cdf(test_stat, q)

    av_diff_loss = np.mean(loss1 - loss2)
    s = '+' if np.mean(loss1 - loss2) > 0 else '-'

    if verbose:
        if conditional: print('\nConditional test:\n')
        if not conditional: print('\nUnconditional test:\n')
        print(f'Forecast horizon: {tau}, Nominal Risk Level: {alpha}')
        print(f'Test-statistic: {test_stat} ({s})')
        print(f'Critical value: {crit_val}')
        print(f'p-value: {p_val}\n')

    return test_stat, crit_val, p_val
Exemplo n.º 20
def survdiff(time, status, group, weight_type=None, strata=None, **kwargs):
    Test for the equality of two survival distributions.

    time : array-like
        The event or censoring times.
    status : array-like
        The censoring status variable, status=1 indicates that the
        event occured, status=0 indicates that the observation was
    group : array-like
        Indicators of the two groups
    weight_type : string
        The following weight types are implemented:
            None (default) : logrank test
            fh : Fleming-Harrington, weights by S^(fh_p),
                 requires exponent fh_p to be provided as keyword
                 argument; the weights are derived from S defined at
                 the previous event time, and the first weight is
                 always 1.
            gb : Gehan-Breslow, weights by the number at risk
            tw : Tarone-Ware, weights by the square root of the number
                 at risk
    strata : array-like
        Optional stratum indicators for a stratified test

    chisq : The chi-square (1 degree of freedom) distributed test
            statistic value
    pvalue : The p-value for the chi^2 test

    # TODO: extend to handle more than two groups

    time = np.asarray(time)
    status = np.asarray(status)
    group = np.asarray(group)

    gr = np.unique(group)
    if len(gr) != 2:
        raise ValueError("logrank only supports two groups")

    if strata is None:
        obs, var = _survdiff(time, status, group, weight_type, gr,
        strata = np.asarray(strata)
        stu = np.unique(strata)
        obs, var = 0., 0.
        for st in stu:
            # could be more efficient?
            ii = (strata == st)
            obs1, var1 = _survdiff(time[ii], status[ii], group[ii],
                                   weight_type, gr, **kwargs)
            obs += obs1
            var += var1

    zstat = obs / np.sqrt(var)

    # The chi^2 test statistic and p-value.
    chisq = zstat**2
    pvalue = 1 - chi2.cdf(chisq, 1)

    return chisq, pvalue
Exemplo n.º 21
                lambda freq, M, T: PlanckMod(freq, D, M, T, beta=k),
                p0=data4[i, 1::2],

        # Chi-squared Statistic
        # model flux values
        flux_chi2 = PlanckMod(freq[nonan], data[i, 11], *popt[j, i], beta=k)
        # reduced chi-sq
        chi2[j, i] = sum(
            ((flux_chi2 - flux[i][::2][nonan]) / flux[i][1::2][nonan])**
            2) / len(nonan[0])
        # probability of chi-sq with (no. of datapoints) d.o.f.
        prob[j, i] = chisq.cdf(len(nonan[0]) * chi2[j, i], len(nonan[0]))

    # median chi-sq value
    CHI2[j, 0] = np.median(chi2[j][np.where(np.isnan(chi2[j]) == False)])
    # mean chi-sq value
    CHI2[j, 1] = np.mean(chi2[j][np.where(np.isnan(chi2[j]) == False)])

# Best-fit parameters
bopt = np.argmin(CHI2[:, 0])  # arg of optimal beta (based on median value)
M, T = popt[bopt].T  # mass & temperature fits
# fit uncertainties
dM, dT = np.array([np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov[bopt, i]))
                   for i in range(len(data))]).T
logM = np.log10(M / Msol)  # log mass in solar units
alldata = np.column_stack((T, logM))  # all data (used in HistPlot method)
# Exporting best-fit Parameters
Exemplo n.º 22
                         & ~wrong_predictions[j, :, :],
        b_not_a = np.sum(~wrong_predictions[i, :, :]
                         & wrong_predictions[j, :, :],
        # An alterantive to the standard McNemar test is to include a
        # continuity correction term, resulting in:
        # mcnemar_corr_score = np.square(np.abs(a_not_b - b_not_a) - 1) / (a_not_b + b_not_a)
        # I tested both and came the conclusion, that we cannot reject the null hypotesis
        # for neither. The standard test however provide results that are easier to visualize.
        mcnemar_score[k, :] = np.square(a_not_b - b_not_a) / (a_not_b +
        k += 1
        mcnemar_name += [names[i] + " vs " + names[j]]

mcnemar = pd.DataFrame(1 - chi2.cdf(mcnemar_score, 1),
                       columns=diagnosis)  # p-value

# Save results
mcnemar.to_excel("./outputs/tables/mcnemar.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
mcnemar.to_csv("./outputs/tables/mcnemar.csv", float_format='%.3f')

# %% Kappa score classifiers (Supplementary Table 2(a))

names = ["DNN", "cardio.", "emerg.", "stud."]
predictors = [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]
kappa_name = []
kappa_score = np.empty((6, 6))
k = 0
for i in range(4):
Exemplo n.º 23
L_max = 2 * K_true  # search range

# Tukey:
cT = 4.685

# t:
nu = 3

# Huber:
qant = 0.8

igamma = lambda a, b: gammaincc(a, b) * gamma(a)

cH = np.sqrt(chi2.ppf(qant, r))
bH = chi2.cdf(cH**2, r + 2) + cH**2 / r * (1 - chi2.cdf(cH**2, r))
aH = gamma(r / 2) / np.pi**(r / 2) / (
    (2 * bH)**(r / 2) * (gamma(r / 2) - igamma(r / 2, cH**2 / (2 * bH))) +
    (2 * bH * cH**r * np.exp(-cH**2 / (2 * bH))) / (cH**2 - bH * r))

#%% Density definitions

g = [
    partial(t6.g_gaus, r=r),
    partial(t6.g_t, r=r, nu=nu),
    partial(t6.g_huber2, r=r, cH=cH, bH=bH, aH=aH)

rho = [
    partial(t6.rho_gaus, r=r),
    partial(t6.rho_t, r=r, nu=nu),
Exemplo n.º 24
def my_ancova(outcomelist,maindf,df14,df13=None,loglambdas=None,xvars=['hh_size','child_total','Loc'],outcomekind='Outcome',missing_y=0):

    if not loglambdas is None:
        print xvars
        print "loglambdas shape ", loglambdas.shape

    for x in outcomelist:
        ydf.rename(columns={x:("%s" % x).capitalize()},inplace=True)
        if not df13 is None:
            bdf=df13[[x]].rename(columns={x:("%s" % x).capitalize()}).stack()

        rdict=dict(zip(xvars,["%s_%s" % (s,("%s" % x).capitalize()) for s in xvars]))

        xdf.index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(i,("%s" % x).capitalize()) for i in xdf.index])

        if not df13 is None:
            xdf=pd.concat([xdf,pd.DataFrame({'Baseline_%s' % ("%s" % x).capitalize():bdf})],axis=1)

        locations=pd.get_dummies(xdf['Loc'],prefix='Loc_%s' % ("%s" % x).capitalize())
        del xdf['Loc']

        # Add row to restrict location dummies to sum to one
        ydf=pd.concat([ydf,pd.DataFrame([0],index=[(0,("%s" % x).capitalize())])])
        #xdf=pd.concat([xdf,pd.DataFrame([s.startswith('Loc_')+0. for s in xdf.columns],index=xdf.columns,columns=[(0,("%s" % x).capitalize())]).T])
        R=[s.startswith('Loc_')+0. for s in xdf.columns]
        R=pd.DataFrame(R,index=xdf.columns,columns=[(0,("%s" % x).capitalize())]).T

        if missing_y==0:












    # Test of significant differences between treatment and control:
    # Weighting matrix:
    J=e.shape[0]*g*A*g.T # Chi2 statistic


    chi2test="Chi2 test: %f (%f)" % (J,p)

                  for d in bothdf],index=[d.index.levels[1][0] for d in bothdf])

    sedf['Diff.']=np.sqrt(sedf['TUP']**2 + sedf['CTL']**2)



    if not loglambdas is None:

    return resultdf,sedf,tstats,chi2test
Exemplo n.º 25
# calculating the p-value for problem 1:
from scipy.stats.distributions import chi2

print("example 1: ", 1 - chi2.cdf(22.15, 2))

from scipy.stats import chisquare
    "example 1: ",
    chisquare([138, 83, 64, 64, 67, 84],
              [115.14, 85.5, 84.36, 86.86, 64.5, 63.64], 3))

# calculating the p-value for problem 2:
from scipy.stats import norm
print("example2: ", 1.0 - norm.cdf(1.28))

# example 3:
import pandas as pd
mpg = pd.read_csv("../data/jp-us-mpg.dat", delim_whitespace=True)
print("example 3: ", mpg.head())
from numpy import mean
print("Japan: ", mean(mpg["Japan"].dropna()))
print("USA: ", mean(mpg["US"].dropna()))
from numpy import var
japan = mpg["Japan"].dropna()
us = mpg["US"].dropna()
jp_var = (var(japan) * len(japan)) / (float(len(japan) - 1))
us_var = (var(us) * len(us)) / (float(len(us) - 1))
Exemplo n.º 26
def chi2_approx(calc_stat, x, y):
    n = x.shape[0]
    stat = calc_stat(x, y)
    pvalue = 1 - chi2.cdf(stat * n + 1, 1)

    return stat, pvalue
def survdiff(time,
    Test for the equality of two survival distributions.

    time : array_like
        The event or censoring times.
    status : array_like
        The censoring status variable, status=1 indicates that the
        event occurred, status=0 indicates that the observation was
    group : array_like
        Indicators of the two groups
    weight_type : str
        The following weight types are implemented:
            None (default) : logrank test
            fh : Fleming-Harrington, weights by S^(fh_p),
                 requires exponent fh_p to be provided as keyword
                 argument; the weights are derived from S defined at
                 the previous event time, and the first weight is
                 always 1.
            gb : Gehan-Breslow, weights by the number at risk
            tw : Tarone-Ware, weights by the square root of the number
                 at risk
    strata : array_like
        Optional stratum indicators for a stratified test
    entry : array_like
        Entry times to handle left truncation. The subject is not in
        the risk set on or before the entry time.

    chisq : The chi-square (1 degree of freedom) distributed test
            statistic value
    pvalue : The p-value for the chi^2 test

    time = np.asarray(time)
    status = np.asarray(status)
    group = np.asarray(group)

    gr = np.unique(group)

    if strata is None:
        obs, var = _survdiff(time, status, group, weight_type, gr, entry,
        strata = np.asarray(strata)
        stu = np.unique(strata)
        obs, var = 0., 0.
        for st in stu:
            # could be more efficient?
            ii = (strata == st)
            obs1, var1 = _survdiff(time[ii], status[ii], group[ii],
                                   weight_type, gr, entry, **kwargs)
            obs += obs1
            var += var1

    chisq = obs.dot(np.linalg.solve(var, obs))  # (O - E).T * V^(-1) * (O - E)
    pvalue = 1 - chi2.cdf(chisq, len(gr) - 1)

    return chisq, pvalue
mcnemar_score = np.empty((6, 6))
k = 0
for i in range(4):
    for j in range(i+1, 4):
        a_not_b = np.sum(wrong_predictions[i, :, :] & ~wrong_predictions[j, :, :], axis=0)
        b_not_a = np.sum(~wrong_predictions[i, :, :] & wrong_predictions[j, :, :], axis=0)
        # An alterantive to the standard McNemar test is to include a
        # continuity correction term, resulting in:
        # mcnemar_corr_score = np.square(np.abs(a_not_b - b_not_a) - 1) / (a_not_b + b_not_a)
        # I tested both and came the conclusion, that we cannot reject the null hypotesis
        # for neither. The standard test however provide results that are easier to visualize.
        mcnemar_score[k, :] = np.square(a_not_b - b_not_a) / (a_not_b + b_not_a)
        k += 1
        mcnemar_name += [names[i] + " vs " + names[j]]

mcnemar = pd.DataFrame(1-chi2.cdf(mcnemar_score, 1), index=mcnemar_name, columns=diagnosis) # p-value

# Save results
mcnemar.to_excel("./outputs/tables/mcnemar.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
mcnemar.to_csv("./outputs/tables/mcnemar.csv", float_format='%.3f')

# %% Kappa score classifiers (Supplementary Table 2(a))

names = ["DNN", "cardio.", "emerg.", "stud."]
predictors = [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]
kappa_name = []
kappa_score = np.empty((6, 6))
k = 0
for i in range(4):
    for j in range(i+1, 4):
        y_pred_1 = predictors[i]
Exemplo n.º 29
def main():
    # %% Read datasets
    # Get two annotators
    y_cardiologist1 = pd.read_csv(INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/cardiologist1.csv').values
    y_cardiologist2 = pd.read_csv(INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/cardiologist2.csv').values
    # Get true values
    y_true = pd.read_csv(INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/gold_standard.csv').values
    # Get residents and students performance
    y_cardio = pd.read_csv(INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/cardiology_residents.csv').values
    y_emerg = pd.read_csv(INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/emergency_residents.csv').values
    y_student = pd.read_csv(INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/medical_students.csv').values
    # get y_score for different models
    y_score_list = [np.load(m_output) for m_output in MODEL_OUTPUT_LIST]

    # %% Get average model model
    # Get micro average precision
    micro_avg_precision = [average_precision_score(y_true[:, :6], y_score[:, :6], average='micro')
                               for y_score in y_score_list]
    # get ordered index
    index = np.argsort(micro_avg_precision)
    print('Micro average precision')
    # get 6th best model (immediatly above median) out 10 different models
    k_dnn_best = index[0]
    y_score_best = y_score_list[k_dnn_best]
    # Get threshold that yield the best precision recall
    _, _, threshold = get_optimal_precision_recall(y_true, y_score_best)
    mask = y_score_best > threshold
    # Get neural network prediction
    # This data was also saved in INPUT_ANNOTATION_DIR + '/dnn.csv'
    y_neuralnet = np.zeros_like(y_score_best)
    y_neuralnet[mask] = 1

    # %% Generate table with scores for the average model (Table 2)
    scores_list = []
    for y_pred in [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]:
        # Compute scores
        scores = get_scores(y_true, y_pred, score_fun)
        # Put them into a data frame
        scores_df = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=diagnosis, columns=score_fun.keys())
        # Append
    # Concatenate dataframes
    scores_all_df = pd.concat(scores_list, axis=1, keys=['DNN', 'cardio.', 'emerg.', 'stud.'])
    # Change multiindex levels
    scores_all_df = scores_all_df.swaplevel(0, 1, axis=1)
    scores_all_df = scores_all_df.reindex(level=0, columns=score_fun.keys())
    # Save results
    scores_all_df.to_excel(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/scores.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
    scores_all_df.to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/scores.csv", float_format='%.3f')

    # %% Plot precision recall curves (Figure 2)
    for k, name in enumerate(diagnosis):
        precision_list = []
        recall_list = []
        threshold_list = []
        average_precision_list = []
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        lw = 2
        t = ['bo', 'rv', 'gs', 'kd']
        for j, y_score in enumerate(y_score_list):
            # Get precision-recall curve
            precision, recall, threshold = precision_recall_curve(y_true[:, k], y_score[:, k])
            recall[np.isnan(recall)] = 0  # change nans to 0
            precision[np.isnan(precision)] = 0  # change nans to 0
            # Plot if is the choosen option
            if j == k_dnn_best:
                ax.plot(recall, precision, color='blue', alpha=0.7)
            # Compute average precision
            average_precision = average_precision_score(y_true[:, k], y_score[:, k])
            precision_list += [precision]
            recall_list += [recall]
            average_precision_list += [average_precision]
            threshold_list += [threshold]
        # Plot shaded region containing maximum and minimun from other executions
        recall_all = np.concatenate(recall_list)
        recall_all = np.sort(recall_all)  # sort
        recall_all = np.unique(recall_all)  # remove repeated entries
        recall_vec = []
        precision_min = []
        precision_max = []
        for r in recall_all:
            p_max = [max(precision[recall == r]) for recall, precision in zip(recall_list, precision_list)]
            p_min = [min(precision[recall == r]) for recall, precision in zip(recall_list, precision_list)]
            recall_vec += [r, r]
            precision_min += [min(p_max), min(p_min)]
            precision_max += [max(p_max), max(p_min)]
        ax.plot(recall_vec, precision_min, color='blue', alpha=0.3)
        ax.plot(recall_vec, precision_max, color='blue', alpha=0.3)
        ax.fill_between(recall_vec, precision_min, precision_max,
                        facecolor="blue", alpha=0.3)
        # Plot iso-f1 curves
        f_scores = np.linspace(0.1, 0.95, num=15)
        for f_score in f_scores:
            x = np.linspace(0.0000001, 1, 1000)
            y = f_score * x / (2 * x - f_score)
            ax.plot(x[y >= 0], y[y >= 0], color='gray', ls=':', lw=0.7, alpha=0.25)
        # Plot values in
        for npred in range(4):
            ax.plot(scores_list[npred]['Recall'][k], scores_list[npred]['Precision'][k],
                    t[npred], label=predictor_names[npred])
        ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
        ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.02])
        if k in [3, 4, 5]:
            ax.set_xlabel('Recall (Sensitivity)', fontsize=17)
        if k in [0, 3]:
            ax.set_ylabel('Precision (PPV)', fontsize=17)
        # plt.title('Precision-Recall curve (' + name + ')')
        if k == 0:
            plt.legend(loc="lower left", fontsize=17)
        plt.savefig(OUTPUT_DIR + '/figures/precision_recall_{0}.pdf'.format(name))

    # %% Confusion matrices (Supplementary Table 1)

    M = [[confusion_matrix(y_true[:, k], y_pred[:, k], labels=[0, 1])
          for k in range(nclasses)] for y_pred in [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]]

    M_xarray = xr.DataArray(np.array(M),
                            dims=['predictor', 'diagnosis', 'true label', 'predicted label'],
                            coords={'predictor': ['DNN', 'cardio.', 'emerg.', 'stud.'],
                                    'diagnosis': diagnosis,
                                    'true label': ['not present', 'present'],
                                    'predicted label': ['not present', 'present']})
    confusion_matrices = M_xarray.to_dataframe('n')
    confusion_matrices = confusion_matrices.reorder_levels([1, 2, 3, 0], axis=0)
    confusion_matrices = confusion_matrices.unstack()
    confusion_matrices = confusion_matrices.unstack()
    confusion_matrices = confusion_matrices['n']
    confusion_matrices.to_excel(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/confusion matrices.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
    confusion_matrices.to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/confusion matrices.csv", float_format='%.3f')

    #%% Compute scores and bootstraped version of these scores

    bootstrap_nsamples = 1000
    percentiles = [2.5, 97.5]
    scores_resampled_list = []
    scores_percentiles_list = []
    for y_pred in [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]:
        # Compute bootstraped samples
        np.random.seed(123)  # NEVER change this =P
        n, _ = np.shape(y_true)
        samples = np.random.randint(n, size=n * bootstrap_nsamples)
        # Get samples
        y_true_resampled = np.reshape(y_true[samples, :], (bootstrap_nsamples, n, nclasses))
        y_doctors_resampled = np.reshape(y_pred[samples, :], (bootstrap_nsamples, n, nclasses))
        # Apply functions
        scores_resampled = np.array([get_scores(y_true_resampled[i, :, :], y_doctors_resampled[i, :, :], score_fun)
                                     for i in range(bootstrap_nsamples)])
        # Sort scores
        # Append

        # Compute percentiles index
        i = [int(p / 100.0 * bootstrap_nsamples) for p in percentiles]
        # Get percentiles
        scores_percentiles = scores_resampled[i, :, :]
        # Convert percentiles to a dataframe
        scores_percentiles_df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(x, index=diagnosis, columns=score_fun.keys())
                                           for x in scores_percentiles], keys=['p1', 'p2'], axis=1)
        # Change multiindex levels
        scores_percentiles_df = scores_percentiles_df.swaplevel(0, 1, axis=1)
        scores_percentiles_df = scores_percentiles_df.reindex(level=0, columns=score_fun.keys())
        # Append
    # Concatenate dataframes
    scores_percentiles_all_df = pd.concat(scores_percentiles_list, axis=1, keys=predictor_names)
    # Change multiindex levels
    scores_percentiles_all_df = scores_percentiles_all_df.reorder_levels([1, 0, 2], axis=1)
    scores_percentiles_all_df = scores_percentiles_all_df.reindex(level=0, columns=score_fun.keys())

    #%% Print box plot (Supplementary Figure 1)
    # Convert to xarray
    scores_resampled_xr = xr.DataArray(np.array(scores_resampled_list),
                                       dims=['predictor', 'n', 'diagnosis', 'score_fun'],
                                        'predictor': predictor_names,
                                        'n': range(bootstrap_nsamples),
                                        'diagnosis': ['1dAVb', 'RBBB', 'LBBB', 'SB', 'AF', 'ST'],
                                        'score_fun': list(score_fun.keys())})
    # Remove everything except f1_score
    for sf in score_fun:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        f1_score_resampled_xr = scores_resampled_xr.sel(score_fun=sf)
        # Convert to dataframe
        f1_score_resampled_df = f1_score_resampled_xr.to_dataframe(name=sf).reset_index(level=[0, 1, 2])
        # Plot seaborn
        ax = sns.boxplot(x="diagnosis", y=sf, hue="predictor", data=f1_score_resampled_df)
        # Save results
        plt.ylabel("", fontsize=16)
        if sf == "F1 score":
        plt.savefig(OUTPUT_DIR + '/figures/boxplot_bootstrap_{}.pdf'.format(sf))

    scores_resampled_xr.to_dataframe(name='score').to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + '/figures/boxplot_bootstrap_data.txt')

    #%% McNemar test  (Supplementary Table 3)
    # Get correct and wrong predictions for each of them (cm >= 2 correspond to wrong predictions)
    wrong_predictions = np.array([affer_results(y_true, y_pred)[4] >= 2
                                  for y_pred in [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]])

    # Compute McNemar score
    names = ["DNN", "cardio.", "emerg.", "stud."]
    mcnemar_name = []
    mcnemar_score = np.empty((6, 6))
    k = 0
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(i+1, 4):
            a_not_b = np.sum(wrong_predictions[i, :, :] & ~wrong_predictions[j, :, :], axis=0)
            b_not_a = np.sum(~wrong_predictions[i, :, :] & wrong_predictions[j, :, :], axis=0)
            # An alterantive to the standard McNemar test is to include a
            # continuity correction term, resulting in:
            # mcnemar_corr_score = np.square(np.abs(a_not_b - b_not_a) - 1) / (a_not_b + b_not_a)
            # I tested both and came the conclusion, that we cannot reject the null hypotesis
            # for neither. The standard test however provide results that are easier to visualize.
            mcnemar_score[k, :] = np.square(a_not_b - b_not_a) / (a_not_b + b_not_a)
            k += 1
            mcnemar_name += [names[i] + " vs " + names[j]]

    mcnemar = pd.DataFrame(1-chi2.cdf(mcnemar_score, 1), index=mcnemar_name, columns=diagnosis) # p-value

    # Save results
    mcnemar.to_excel(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/mcnemar.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
    mcnemar.to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/mcnemar.csv", float_format='%.3f')

    # %% Kappa score classifiers (Supplementary Table 2(a))

    names = ["DNN", "cardio.", "emerg.", "stud."]
    predictors = [y_neuralnet, y_cardio, y_emerg, y_student]
    kappa_name = []
    kappa_score = np.empty((6, 6))
    k = 0
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(i+1, 4):
            y_pred_1 = predictors[i]
            y_pred_2 = predictors[j]
            # Get "confusion matrix"
            negative_negative, positive_positive, positive_negative, negative_positive, _ = \
                affer_results(y_pred_1, y_pred_2)
            p_p = positive_positive.sum(axis=0)
            p_n = positive_negative.sum(axis=0)
            n_p = negative_positive.sum(axis=0)
            n_n = negative_negative.sum(axis=0)
            total_sum = p_p + p_n + n_p + n_n
            # Relative agreement
            r_agree = (p_p + n_n) / total_sum
            # Empirical probability of both saying yes
            p_yes = (p_p + p_n) * (p_p + n_p) / total_sum**2
            # Empirical probability of both saying no
            p_no = (n_n + n_p) * (n_n + p_n) / total_sum**2
            # Empirical probability of agreement
            p_agree = p_yes + p_no
            # Kappa score
            kappa_score[k, :] = (r_agree - p_agree) / (1 - p_agree)
            k += 1
            kappa_name += [names[i] + " vs " + names[j]]

    kappa = pd.DataFrame(kappa_score, index=kappa_name, columns=diagnosis)  # p-value

    # Save results
    kappa.to_excel(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/kappa.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
    kappa.to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/kappa.csv", float_format='%.3f')

    # %% Kappa score dataset generation (Supplementary Table 2(b))

    # Compute kappa score
    kappa_list = []
    names_list = []
    raters = [('DNN', y_neuralnet), ('Cert. cardiol. 1', y_cardiologist1), ('Certif. cardiol. 2', y_cardiologist2)]
    for r1, r2 in combinations(raters, 2):
        name1, y1 = r1
        name2, y2 = r2
        negative_negative, positive_positive, positive_negative, negative_positive, _ = \
            affer_results(y1, y2)
        p_p = positive_positive.sum(axis=0)
        p_n = positive_negative.sum(axis=0)
        n_p = negative_positive.sum(axis=0)
        n_n = negative_negative.sum(axis=0)
        total_sum = p_p + p_n + n_p + n_n
        # Relative agreement
        r_agree = (p_p + n_n) / total_sum
        # Empirical probability of both saying yes
        p_yes = (p_p + p_n) * (p_p + n_p) / total_sum ** 2
        # Empirical probability of both saying no
        p_no = (n_n + n_p) * (n_n + p_n) / total_sum ** 2
        # Empirical probability of agreement
        p_agree = p_yes + p_no
        # Kappa score
        kappa = (r_agree - p_agree) / (1 - p_agree)
        names_list.append('{} vs {}'.format(name1, name2))

    kappas_annotators_and_DNN = pd.DataFrame(np.stack(kappa_list), columns=diagnosis, index=names_list)
    kappas_annotators_and_DNN.to_excel(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/kappas_annotators_and_DNN.xlsx", float_format='%.3f')
    kappas_annotators_and_DNN.to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + "/tables/kappas_annotators_and_DNN.csv", float_format='%.3f')

    # %% Compute scores and bootstraped version of these scores on alternative splits
    bootstrap_nsamples = 1000
    scores_resampled_list = []
    scores_percentiles_list = []
    for name in ['normal_order', 'date_order', 'individual_patients', 'base_model']:
        # Get data
        yn_true = y_true
        yn_score = np.load('./dnn_predicts/other_splits/model_'+name+'.npy') if not name == 'base_model' else y_score_best
        # Compute threshold
        nclasses = np.shape(yn_true)[1]
        opt_precision, opt_recall, threshold = get_optimal_precision_recall(yn_true, yn_score)
        mask_n = yn_score > threshold
        yn_pred = np.zeros_like(yn_score)
        yn_pred[mask_n] = 1
        # Compute bootstraped samples
        np.random.seed(123)  # NEVER change this =P
        n, _ = np.shape(yn_true)
        samples = np.random.randint(n, size=n * bootstrap_nsamples)
        # Get samples
        y_true_resampled = np.reshape(yn_true[samples, :], (bootstrap_nsamples, n, nclasses))
        y_doctors_resampled = np.reshape(yn_pred[samples, :], (bootstrap_nsamples, n, nclasses))
        # Apply functions
        scores_resampled = np.array([get_scores(y_true_resampled[i, :, :], y_doctors_resampled[i, :, :], score_fun)
                                     for i in range(bootstrap_nsamples)])
        # Sort scores
        # Append

        # Compute percentiles index
        i = [int(p / 100.0 * bootstrap_nsamples) for p in percentiles]
        # Get percentiles
        scores_percentiles = scores_resampled[i, :, :]
        # Convert percentiles to a dataframe
        scores_percentiles_df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(x, index=diagnosis, columns=score_fun.keys())
                                           for x in scores_percentiles], keys=['p1', 'p2'], axis=1)
        # Change multiindex levels
        scores_percentiles_df = scores_percentiles_df.swaplevel(0, 1, axis=1)
        scores_percentiles_df = scores_percentiles_df.reindex(level=0, columns=score_fun.keys())
        # Append

    # %% Print box plot on alternative splits (Supplementary Figure 2 (a))
    scores_resampled_xr = xr.DataArray(np.array(scores_resampled_list),
                                       dims=['predictor', 'n', 'diagnosis', 'score_fun'],
                                        'predictor': ['random', 'by date', 'by patient', 'original DNN'],
                                        'n': range(bootstrap_nsamples),
                                        'diagnosis': ['1dAVb', 'RBBB', 'LBBB', 'SB', 'AF', 'ST'],
                                        'score_fun': list(score_fun.keys())})
    # Remove everything except f1_score
    sf = 'F1 score'
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    f1_score_resampled_xr = scores_resampled_xr.sel(score_fun=sf)
    # Convert to dataframe
    f1_score_resampled_df = f1_score_resampled_xr.to_dataframe(name=sf).reset_index(level=[0, 1, 2])
    # Plot seaborn
    ax = sns.boxplot(x="diagnosis", y=sf, hue="predictor", data=f1_score_resampled_df,
                     order=['1dAVb', 'SB', 'AF', 'ST', 'RBBB', 'LBBB'],
                     palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=8))
    plt.axvline(3.5, color='black', ls='--')
    plt.axvline(5.5, color='black', ls='--')
    plt.axvspan(3.5, 5.5, alpha=0.1, color='gray')
    # Save results
    plt.ylabel("F1 score", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylim([0.4, 1.05])
    plt.xlim([-0.5, 5.5])
    plt.savefig(OUTPUT_DIR + '/figures/boxplot_bootstrap_other_splits_{0}.pdf'.format(sf))
    f1_score_resampled_df.to_csv(OUTPUT_DIR + '/figures/boxplot_bootstrap_other_splits_data.txt', index=False)
Exemplo n.º 30



# Test of significant differences between treatment and control:
# Weighting matrix:
J=e.shape[0]*g*A*g.T # Chi2 statistic


chi2test="Chi2 test: %f (%f)" % (J,p)

N=pd.Series([d.shape[0]-1 for d in bothdf],index=[d.index.levels[1][0] for d in bothdf])

sedf['Diff.']=np.sqrt((sedf['TUP']**2) + (sedf['CTL']**2))

# Use svd (with missing data) to construct beta & log lambda

myb,myl = get_loglambdas(e,TEST=True)

Exemplo n.º 31
def Mscat(X,
    def tloss_consistency_factor(p, v):
        computes the concistency factor b = (1/p) E[|| x ||^2 u_v( ||x||^2)] when
        x ~N_p(0,I).
        sfun = lambda x: (x**(p / 2) / (v + x) * np.exp(-x / 2))
        c = 2**(p / 2) * sp.special.gamma(p / 2)
        q = (1/c)*\
        return ((v + p) / p) * q  #consistency factor

    X = np.asarray(X)
    n, p = X.shape
    realdata = np.isrealobj(X)

    # SCM initial start
    invC = np.linalg.pinv(X.conj().T @ X /
                          n) if invCx == None else np.copy(invCx)

    if loss == 'Huber':
        ufun = lambda t, c: ((t <= c) + (c / t) *
                             (t > c))  # weight function u(t)
        q = 0.9 if losspar == None else losspar
        if np.isreal(q) and np.isfinite(q) and 0 < q and q < 1:
            if realdata:
                upar = chi2.ppf(q, df=p)  # threshold for Huber's weight u(t;.)
                b = chi2.cdf(
                    upar, p + 2) + (upar / p) * (1 - q)  # consistency factor
                upar = chi2.ppf(q, 2 * p) / 2
                b = chi2.cdf(2 * upar, 2 * (p + 1)) + (upar / p) * (1 - q)
            raise ValueError(
                'losspar is a real number in [0,1] and not %s for Huber-loss' %
        const = 1 / (b * n)
    if loss == 't-loss':
        # d.o.f v=3 is used as the default parameter for t-loss
        # otherwise use d.o.f. v that was given
        upar = 3 if losspar == None else losspar
        if not np.isreal(upar) or not np.isfinite(upar) or upar < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'losspar should be a real number greater 0 and not %s for t-loss'
                % q)
        if realdata and upar != 0:
            # this is for real data
            ufun = lambda t, v: 1 / (v + t)  # weight function
            b = tloss_consistency_factor(p, upar)
            const = (upar + p) / (b * n)
        if not realdata and upar != 0:
            # this is for complex data
            ufun = lambda t, v: 1 / (v + 2 * t)  # weight function
            b = tloss_consistency_factor(2 * p, upar)
            const = (upar + 2 * p) / (b * n)
        if upar == 0:
            # Tylers M-estimator
            ufun = lambda t, v: 1 / t
            const = p / n

    for i in range(MAX_ITER):
        t = np.real(np.sum((X @ invC) * np.conj(X), axis=1))  # norms
        C = const * X.conj().T @ (X * ufun(t, upar)[:, None])
        d = np.max(np.sum(np.abs(np.eye(p) - invC @ C), axis=1))

        if printitn > 0 and (i + 1) % printitn == 0:
            print("At iter = %d, dis=%.6f\n" % (i, d))
        invC = np.linalg.pinv(C)
        if d <= EPS: break

    if i == MAX_ITER:
        print("WARNING! Slow convergence: the error of the solution is %f\n'" %
    return C, invC, i, i == MAX_ITER - 1