Exemplo n.º 1
def mse_exp(theoretical_distribution, estimated_distribution):
    theoretical_lambda = theoretical_distribution[1]
    theoretical_scale = 1 / theoretical_lambda

    estimated_lambda = estimated_distribution[1]
    estimated_scale = 1 / estimated_lambda

    linspace = np.linspace(expon.ppf(0.001, scale=theoretical_scale),
                           expon.ppf(0.999, scale=theoretical_scale), 1000)
    theoretical_pdf = expon.pdf(linspace, scale=theoretical_scale)
    estimated_pdf = expon.pdf(linspace, scale=estimated_scale)

    mse_pdf = mean_squared_error(theoretical_pdf, estimated_pdf)

    theoretical_cdf = expon.cdf(linspace, scale=theoretical_scale)
    estimated_cdf = expon.cdf(linspace, scale=estimated_scale)

    mse_cdf = mean_squared_error(theoretical_cdf, estimated_cdf)

    theoretical_reliability = 1 - expon.cdf(linspace, scale=theoretical_scale)
    estimated_reliability = 1 - expon.cdf(linspace, scale=estimated_scale)

    mse_reliability = mean_squared_error(theoretical_reliability,

    return [mse_pdf, mse_cdf, mse_reliability]
Exemplo n.º 2
def DecayBoot():
    days = 100
    b = []

    for i in range(1, days):
        b.extend([1 - expon.cdf(i, scale=100) for _ in range(390)])
    a = [
        1 - expon.cdf(j, scale=100) + 0.003
        for j in np.linspace(1, days, len(b))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 6))

    for nr, axs in enumerate(ax):
        if nr == 0:
            axs.plot(b, label='Discrete Exponential Decay', color=c[1], lw=1)
            axs.plot(a, label='Strictly Exponential Decay', color=c[2], lw=1)
            axs.set_ylabel('Relative probability of selecting observation')
            axs.set_xlabel('Days since observation')
            axs.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
            axs.set_xlim(-2500, len(b) + 2500)
            axs.set_xticks(range(0, len(b) + 3900, 3900))
            axs.set_xticklabels(range(0, 110, 10))
            axs.plot(b, label='Discrete Exponential Decay', color=c[1])
            axs.plot(a, label='Strictly Exponential Decay', color=c[2])
            axs.set_xlim(-250, 3900 + 250)
            axs.set_ylim(0.87, 1.01)
            axs.set_xticks(range(0, 3900 + 390, 390))
            axs.set_xticklabels(range(0, 11, 1))

    plt.savefig('Graphs/ExponDecay.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Exemplo n.º 3
def DecayBoot():
    days = 100
    b = []

    for i in range(1, days):
        b.extend([1-expon.cdf(i,scale=100) for _ in range(390)])
    a = [1-expon.cdf(j, scale=100) + 0.003 for j in np.linspace(1, days, len(b))]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(18,6))

    for nr,axs in enumerate(ax):
        if nr == 0:
            axs.plot(b, label='Discrete Exponential Decay', color=c[1],lw=1)
            axs.plot(a, label='Strictly Exponential Decay', color=c[2],lw=1)
            axs.set_ylabel('Relative probability of selecting observation')
            axs.set_xlabel('Days since observation')
            axs.plot(b, label='Discrete Exponential Decay', color=c[1])
            axs.plot(a, label='Strictly Exponential Decay', color=c[2])

Exemplo n.º 4
def ExponBoot2(data):
    d1 = datetime.datetime(2013,03,1)

    shapeval = 100

    data = data[datetime.datetime(2013,3,1)-datetime.timedelta(50):'20130228']
    data['days_since'] = [(d1-j).days+1 for j in data.index]
    data['days_since_2'] = [1-expon.cdf(((d1-j).days+1),scale=shapeval) for j in data.index]
    data['days_since_2'] /= np.sum(data['days_since_2'])
    data['obs_since'] = [len(data)-j+1 for j in range(len(data))]
    data['obs_since_2'] = [1-expon.cdf((len(data)-j+1)/10000,scale=shapeval) for j in range(len(data))]

    data = data[::-1]

    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(20,8))

    ax = ax.ravel()

    ax[0].set_ylabel('Probability of being extracted in bootstrapping procedure')
    ax[0].set_xlabel('Observations Since')

    ax[1].set_xlabel('Days Since')

def func_2b11(repeat_times, sample_number):
    result = [0] * repeat_times
    result_mean = 0
    result_variance = 0
    lamda = 1.0 / (np.log(function1(0.8) / function1(1.8)))
    envelope_size = expon.cdf(3, loc=0, scale=lamda) - expon.cdf(
        0.8, loc=0, scale=lamda)
    for i in range(0, repeat_times):
        for j in range(0, sample_number):
            x = rd.uniform(0.8, 3)
            result[i] += (function1(x) * envelope_size) / (
                expon.pdf(x, loc=0, scale=lamda) * sample_number)
        result_mean += result[i] / repeat_times
    for i in range(0, repeat_times):
        result_variance += (result[i] - result_mean)**2
    result_variance /= repeat_times
    print "The Variance of the 50 samples is ", result_variance
    print "The average of this", repeat_times, "samples is: ", result_mean
    plt.scatter(np.arange(0, repeat_times), result)
        "Function 1 with Monte Carlo Estimation Imported with Importance Sampling"
    plt.ylabel("Estimation Result")
    print "\n\n\n\n"
Exemplo n.º 6
 def fit_censored_data(s, t, x_cen, censor):
     scale0 = Exponential.fit_censored_data(s, censor)
     scale1 = Exponential.fit_censored_data(t, censor)
     censor0_prob = 1 - expon.cdf(censor, loc=0, scale=scale0)
     censor1_prob = 1 - expon.cdf(censor, loc=0, scale=scale1)
     u = (len(x_cen)/(len(s) + len(t) + len(x_cen)) - censor1_prob) \
                 / (censor0_prob - censor1_prob)
     return 1 / scale0, 1 / scale1, u
Exemplo n.º 7
def truncexponprior_pdf(data, prior, c):
    epsilon = 1e-200
    term1 = prior * (data == 1.0)
    term2 = (1 - prior) * (expon.pdf(data, scale=c, loc=0.0) /
                           (expon.cdf(1.0, scale=c, loc=0.0) -
                            expon.cdf(0.0, scale=c, loc=0.0))) * (data < 1.0)

    return term1 + term2 + epsilon
    def predict(self, next_n_predict):
        if not self.has_spike:
            predictions = [self.data[-1]] * next_n_predict
            predictions = []
            for diff in range(next_n_predict):
                since_latest_spike = len(self.data) - self.spike[-1] + diff

                if since_latest_spike <= self.avg_decline_length:
                    decline_step = self.avg_decline_length - since_latest_spike
                    if self.decline_strategy == "exponential":
                        pred = self.decline_alpha**decline_step
                    elif self.decline_strategy == "expectation":
                        pred = expon.cdf(0, -decline_step,
                    elif self.decline_strategy == "linear":
                        pred = self.decline_k * decline_step
                        raise Exception("unknown decline strategy: %s" %

                    rise_step = since_latest_spike - self.avg_decline_length
                    confidence = expon.cdf(0, -rise_step, self.expon_params[1])
                    if self.height_limit == "average":
                        limit = self.avg_spike_height
                    elif "max_" in self.height_limit:
                        n = int(self.height_limit.split("_")[1])
                        limit = max(self.spike_height[-n:])
                        raise Exception("unknown height limit: %s" %

                    if math.log(limit) < rise_step * math.log(self.rise_alpha):
                        pred_eia = limit
                        pred_eia = self.rise_alpha**rise_step
                    pred_ee = confidence * (self.avg_spike_height)
                    pred_li = min(limit, self.rise_k * rise_step)
                    if self.rise_strategy == "exponential":
                        pred = pred_eia
                    elif self.rise_strategy == "expectation":
                        pred = pred_ee
                    elif self.rise_strategy == "linear":
                        pred = pred_li
                    elif self.rise_strategy == "auto":
                        if confidence < self.confidence_threshold:
                            pred = pred_ee
                            pred = max(pred_eia, pred_ee)
                        raise Exception("unknown rise strategy: %s" %

        return self.round_non_negative_int_func(predictions)
Exemplo n.º 9
def ivt_expon(lam, a=0, b=inf, n_samples=1):
    """Generate random samples from an exponential function defined
    by rate lambda and between points a and b.
    a_update = expon.cdf(a, scale=1 /
                         lam)  # Convert to uniform distribution space
    b_update = expon.cdf(b, scale=1 / lam)  # and here
    # Get uniform distribution over [a, b] in transformed space
    rv_unif = uniform.rvs(loc=a_update,
                          scale=(b_update - a_update),
    rv_exp = (-1 / lam) * np.log(1 - rv_unif)
    return rv_exp
Exemplo n.º 10
def bar_graph(dist, mu):
    figure, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    # Гистограмма
    n = len(dist)
    minim = min(dist)
    maxim = max(dist)
    count_of_interval = round(1.72 * (n**(1 / 3)))
    x = (maxim - minim) / float(count_of_interval)
    h = [0] * count_of_interval
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(1, count_of_interval):
            if x * j >= dist[i] >= x * (j - 1):
                h[j - 1] += 1

    hi = [step for step in arange(minim, maxim + x, x)]
    e = [(expon.cdf(hi[i], loc=0, scale=mu) -
          expon.cdf(hi[i - 1], loc=0, scale=mu)) * n
         for i in range(1, len(hi))]
    hi_square = chisquare(h[:min(len(h), len(e))],
                          e[:min(len(h), len(e))],

    for j in range(5):
        for i in range(len(h)):
            if i >= len(h):
            if h[i] <= 5:
                h[i - 1] += h[i]
                del h[i]
                count_of_interval -= 1
                i = 0
    for j in range(1, count_of_interval + 1):
        print(x * (j - 1), x * j)

    # print(h)
    # print(e)
    ax.hist(dist, density=True, bins=count_of_interval, edgecolor='black')

    f_exp = [
        1 / mu * exp(-value_x / mu) for value_x in range(0, int(max(dist)))
    ax.plot(range(0, int(max(dist))), f_exp, c='#f3a870')

    # ax.text(count_of_interval - count_of_interval / 2, 1 / float(mu) - 1 / float(mu) / 2,
    #         'hi2 = ' + str(round(hi_square[0], 2)) + ' < ' + str(round(chi2.ppf(0.95, df=count_of_interval - 1), 2)),
    #         fontsize=16, c='#f3a870')

    # print(round(hi_square[0], 2), round(chi2.ppf(0.95, df=count_of_interval - 1), 2))
Exemplo n.º 11
def uniform_rescaled_ISIs(conditional_intensity,
    '''Rescales the interspike intervals (ISIs) to unit rate Poisson,
    adjusts for short time intervals, and transforms the ISIs to a
    uniform distribution for easier analysis.

    conditional_intensity : ndarray, shape (n_time,)
        The fitted model mean response rate at each time.
    is_spike : bool ndarray, shape (n_time,)
        Whether or not the neuron has spiked at that time.
    adjust_for_short_trials : bool, optional
        If the trials are short and neuron does not spike often, then
        the interspike intervals can be longer than the trial. In this
        situation, the interspike interval is censored. If
        `adjust_for_short_trials` is True, we take this censoring into
        account using the adjustment in [1].

    uniform_rescaled_ISIs : ndarray, shape (n_spikes,)

    .. [1] Wiener, M.C. (2003). An adjustment to the time-rescaling method
           for application to short-trial spike train data. Neural
           Computation 15, 2565-2576.

        integrated_conditional_intensity = integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(
            conditional_intensity, initial=0.0)
    except AttributeError:
        # Older versions of scipy
        integrated_conditional_intensity = integrate.cumtrapz(
            conditional_intensity, initial=0.0)
    rescaled_ISIs = _rescaled_ISIs(integrated_conditional_intensity, is_spike)

    if adjust_for_short_trials:
        max_transformed_interval = expon.cdf(
                                      is_spike, rescaled_ISIs))
        max_transformed_interval = 1

    return expon.cdf(rescaled_ISIs) / max_transformed_interval
Exemplo n.º 12
    def cdf(self, x: float):
        """Find the CDF for a certain x value.

            x (float): The value for which the CDF is needed.
        return expon.cdf(x, scale=self.scale)
Exemplo n.º 13
def expon_dcdf(x, d, scale=1):
    """ d^th derivative of the cumulative distribution function at x of the given RV.

    :param x:  array_like
    :param d: positive integer
        derivative order of the cumulative distribution function
    :param scale: positive number
        scale parameter (default=1)
    :return: array_like
     If d = 0: the cumulative distribution function evaluated at x
     If d = 1: the probability density function evaluated at x
     If d => 2: the (d-1)-density derivative evaluated at x

    if d < 0 | (not isinstance(d, int)):
            print("D must be a non-negative integer.")
            return float('nan')

    if d == 0:
            output = expon.cdf(x, scale=scale)

    if d >= 1:
            output = ((-1/scale) ** (d - 1)) * expon.pdf(x, scale=scale)

    return output
Exemplo n.º 14
def bootstrapExpDecayGraph(data, nIterations):
    d1 = data.index[-1]
    d1 = datetime.datetime(d1.year, d1.month, d1.day)

    shapeval = 10
    daysSince = [(d1 - j).days + 1 for j in data.index]

    probDist = [1 - expon.cdf(j, scale=shapeval) for j in np.unique(daysSince)]
    probDist /= np.sum(probDist)
    probDist = np.cumsum(sorted(probDist, reverse=True))

    minsPerDay = data.resample("d", how="count").values[:, 0]
    utilizedLags = int(391 - minsPerDay[0])
    bootstrapLength = 391 + utilizedLags

    print data
    data = np.insert(data.values, 0, np.empty_like(data.ix[:utilizedLags, :]), axis=0)

    data = data.reshape((len(data) / 391, 391, data.shape[1]))
    uninumbers = np.random.uniform(size=(bootstrapLength, nIterations))

    a = np.array([np.digitize(uninumbers[_], probDist) for _ in range(bootstrapLength)])

    print a.shape

    b = np.array([[random.choice(data[-i, :, :]) for i in a[:, q]] for q in range(nIterations)])
    return b
 def __init__(self, id):
     self._id = id
     self._rnd = np.random
     self._healthState = HealthStat.NO_UTI
     self._probUTI = expon.cdf(3 * Data.DELTA_T)
     self._countUTIs = 0
     self._probpyelonphritis = Data.PROB_PYELO
     self._countnopyelonephritis = 0
     self._proburinalysis = Data.PROB_URINALYSIS
     self._counturinalysis = 0
     self._countnourinalysis = 0
     self._probUTIdiagnosed = Data.PROB_UTI_DIAGNOSED
     self._countUTIdiagnosis = 0
     self._noUTIdiagnosis = 0
     self._probUTIcured = Data.PROB_UTI_CURED
     self._countUTIcured = 0
     self._countUTInotcured = 0
     self._probpersistantinfection = Data.PROB_PERSISTANT_INFECTION  # inverse of prob of pylonephritis
     self._countpersistantinfection = 0
     self._countpyelonephritis = 0
     self._probmodifiedantibiotics = Data.PROB_MODIFIED_ANTIBIOTICS
     self._countmodifiedantibiotics = 0
     self._countextendedtreatment = 0
     self._probinpatienttreatment = Data.PROB_INPATIENT  # inverse of prob of outpatient treatment
     self._countinpatienttreatment = 0
     self._countoutpatienttreatment = 0
     self._probSTIorvaginitis = Data.PROB_STI_OR_VAG
     self._countSTIorvaginitis = 0
     self._countnodisorderpresent = 0
     self._extended_treatment_cost = 0
     self._inpatient_treatment_cost = 0
     self._outpatient_treatment_cost = 0
Exemplo n.º 16
	def healthMonitor(self):
		if len(self.hb_intervals) > 1:
			avg_hb_int = mean(self.hb_intervals)
			p_of_life= 1- expon.cdf(time(),self.last_hb,scale= avg_hb_int)
			return p_of_life
			return 1
Exemplo n.º 17
def testExpon1(seed):
    # Check that exponential distribution is parameterized correctly
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("a", "(expon 4.0)", label="pid")
    observed = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    expon_cdf = lambda x: expon.cdf(x, scale=1. / 4)
    return reportKnownContinuous(expon_cdf, observed)
 def __init__(self, id):
     self._id = id
     self._rnd = np.random
     self._healthState = HealthStat.NO_UTI
     self._probUTI = expon.cdf(3 * Data.DELTA_T)
     self._countUTIs = 0
     self._probpyelonphritis = 0.04
     self._countnopyelonephritis = 0
     self._proburinalysis = 0.769
     self._counturinalysis = 0
     self._countnourinalysis = 0
     self._probUTIdiagnosed = 0.8481
     self._countUTIdiagnosis = 0
     self._noUTIdiagnosis = 0
     self._probUTIcured = 0.94
     self._countUTIcured = 0
     self._countUTInotcured = 0
     self._probpersistantinfection = 0.96  # inverse of prob of pylonephritis
     self._countpersistantinfection = 0
     self._countpyelonephritis = 0
     self._probmodifiedantibiotics = 0.75
     self._countmodifiedantibiotics = 0
     self._countextendedtreatment = 0
     self._probinpatienttreatment = 0.2  # inverse of prob of outpatient treatment
     self._countinpatienttreatment = 0
     self._countoutpatienttreatment = 0
     self._probSTIorvaginitis = 0.291
     self._countSTIorvaginitis = 0
     self._countnodisorderpresent = 0
     self._extended_treatment_cost = 0
     self._inpatient_treatment_cost = 0
     self._outpatient_treatment_cost = 0
Exemplo n.º 19
def calc_prob(R, eps, C, k, N, scale):
    """Calculates the probability that GMRES converges in fewer than R
    iterations when the L^\infty norm of the difference is

    if R >= N:
        total_prob = 1.0

        def G_single(x):
            return G(x, eps, C, k, N)

        def G_single_R(y):
            return G_single(y) - R

        # Find the point at which we revert to the worst-case GMRES estimate
        endpoint = 1.0 / (C * k)

        # Find the point at which the gradient is zero
        # And therefore the maximum on the part alpha < 1
        # One can calculate this by hand
        gradpoint = 1.0 / (3.0 * C * k)

        total_prob = 0.0

        if G_single(gradpoint) < R:
            # integrate [0,end]
            total_prob += expon.cdf(endpoint, scale=scale)


            if G_single(0.0) < R:
                lower_point = bisect(G_single_R, 0.0, gradpoint)

                # integrate [0,lower_point]
                total_prob += expon.cdf(lower_point, scale=scale)

            nearly_end = endpoint - 10.0**-10.0

            if G_single(nearly_end) < R:
                higher_point = bisect(G_single_R, gradpoint, nearly_end)

                # integrate [higher_point,end]
                total_prob += (expon.cdf(endpoint, scale=scale) -
                               expon.cdf(higher_point, scale=scale))

    return total_prob
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _update_infection(self):
        Update the infection dynamics for one time increment [t, t+dt].
        # Do nothing if no infected (to speed up simulation)
        if np.sum(self.I) < 1:
        S = self.S
        I = self.I
        R = self.R

        # Home force of infection
        I_ij_sumj = I.sum(axis=1)
        N_ij_sumj = S.sum(axis=1) + I.sum(axis=1) + R.sum(axis=1)
        lambda_home = 0.5 * self.beta * I_ij_sumj / N_ij_sumj
        # Work force of infection
        I_ji_sumj = I.sum(axis=0)
        N_ji_sumj = S.sum(axis=0) + I.sum(axis=0) + R.sum(axis=0)
        lambda_work = 0.5 * self.beta * I_ji_sumj / N_ji_sumj

        M = self.S.shape[0] # number of subpopulations
        for i in range(M):
            # Normal infection rate
            if self.quarantine_mode in [None, 'isolation']:
                lambda_home_eff = lambda_home[i]
                lambda_work_eff = lambda_work
            # Distancing scenario: Modify transmission rate linearly with kappa
            elif self.quarantine_mode == 'distancing':
                lambda_home_eff = self.kappa[i, :] * lambda_home[i]
                lambda_work_eff = self.kappa[:, i] * lambda_work
            # Calculate infections
            # Home force of infection
            dSI_i = binom.rvs(S[i], expon.cdf(
                (lambda_home_eff + lambda_work_eff) * self.dt))
            # Calculate recoveries
            dIR_i = binom.rvs(I[i], expon.cdf(self.mu * self.dt))
            # Update system
            S[i] = S[i] - dSI_i
            I[i] = I[i] + dSI_i - dIR_i
            R[i] = R[i] + dIR_i

        self.S = S
        self.I = I
        self.R = R
Exemplo n.º 21
def kolmogorov(alpha):
    :param alpha: the scale parameter
    :return: line about accepting or rejecting a hypothesis
    arr = np.random.exponential(scale=1 / alpha, size=n)  # sample of size n from an exponential distribution

    arr = np.sort(arr)  # order statistic
    k = np.array(range(1, len(arr) + 1))

    D = np.maximum(expon.cdf(x=arr, loc=0, scale=1) - (k - 1) / len(arr),
                   k / len(arr) - expon.cdf(x=arr, loc=0, scale=1)).max()

    if np.sqrt(len(arr)) * D < kolmogi(gamma):
        return f'D = {D:0.4f}. \nThe statistical data do NOT CONFLICT with the H0 hypothesis.\n'
        return f'D = {D:0.4f}. \nThe statistical data do CONFLICT with the H0 hypothesis.\n'
 def _margin_tail_cdf(self, x, i):
     # CDF of GP approximation (no need to weight it by p, that's done elsewhere)
     # i = component index
     if self.shapes[i] != 0:
         return gp.cdf(x,
         return expdist.cdf(x, loc=self.u[i], scale=self.scales[i])
def func_2b1(repeat_times, sample_number):
    #use pdf of exponential distribution to determine the importance of each interval
    #determine the parameter for exponential pdf
    lamda = 1.0 / (np.log(function1(0.8) / function1(1.8)))
    sample_allocation = [0] * 10
    for i in range(0, 10):
        x1 = expon.cdf(0.22 * i + 0.8, loc=0, scale=lamda)
        x2 = expon.cdf(0.22 * i + 1.02, loc=0, scale=lamda)
        sample_allocation[i] = sample_number * (x2 - x1)
    condition = expon.cdf(3, loc=0, scale=lamda) - expon.cdf(
        0.8, loc=0, scale=lamda)
    sum_allocation = 0
    for i in range(0, 9):
        sample_allocation[9 - i] = int(sample_allocation[9 - i] / condition)
        sum_allocation += sample_allocation[9 - i]
    sample_allocation[0] = sample_number - sum_allocation
    print "The allocation of Sample Numbers Derived from Exponential pdf with Lamda=", lamda, "is:\n"
    print sample_allocation
    result = [0] * repeat_times
    result_mean = 0
    result_variance = 0
    for i in range(0, repeat_times):
        for j in range(0, 10):
            for k in range(0, sample_allocation[j]):
                result[i] += 0.22 * function1(
                    rd.uniform(0.22 * j + 0.8,
                               0.22 * j + 1.02)) / sample_allocation[j]
        result_mean += result[i] / repeat_times
    for i in range(0, repeat_times):
        result_variance += (result[i] - result_mean)**2
    result_variance /= repeat_times
    print "The Variance of the 50 samples is ", result_variance
    print "The average of this", repeat_times, "samples is: ", result_mean
    plt.scatter(np.arange(0, repeat_times), result)
        "Function 1 with Monte Carlo Estimation Imported with stratification")
    plt.ylabel("Estimation Result")
    print "\n\n\n\n"
Exemplo n.º 24
def plot_():
    fig, subplot = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #lambda_ = distribution[1]
    #scale_ = 1 / lambda_
    linspace = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

    rel = (1 - expon.cdf(linspace, expon.pdf(linspace, scale=5)))

    subplot.plot(linspace, rel)

Exemplo n.º 25
def expon_test_mq():
    λ, λs, nof_arrivals = 6, [4, 3], 10000
    runner = MQueueATMSimulator(λ, λs, nof_arrivals)
    ws, w̅, s = runner.yield_waiting_time_results()

    nof_sim = 1000
    nof_samples = len(ws)
    d0 = D([expon.cdf(w) for w in ws])
    p_value = kolmogorov_smirnov(nof_sim, nof_samples, d0)
    print(f'Valor observado d0 ≅ {d0}')
    print(f'p_value ≅ {p_value}')
Exemplo n.º 26
    def predict(self, next_n):
        if not self.params:
            pred = [0] * next_n
        elif self.fit_model == "Sampling":
            pred = self.generate_samples(self.params, next_n, self.time_since_last_spike, self.spike_width_avg, self.spike_max)
        elif self.time_since_last_spike== 0:
            return [self.last]*next_n
        elif self.fit_model == "Weibull":
            pred = exponweib.cdf([x for x in range(next_n)], a = self.params[0], c= self.params[1], loc=-self.time_since_last_spike, scale = self.params[3]) * self.spike_avg
        else: # self.fit_model == "Expon":
            pred = expon.cdf([x for x in range(next_n)], -self.time_since_last_spike, self.params[1]) * self.spike_avg

        return self.round_non_negative_int_func(pred)
Exemplo n.º 27
def ExponBoot2(data):
    d1 = datetime.datetime(2013, 03, 1)

    shapeval = 100

    data = data[datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 1) -
    data['days_since'] = [(d1 - j).days + 1 for j in data.index]
    data['days_since_2'] = [
        1 - expon.cdf(((d1 - j).days + 1), scale=shapeval) for j in data.index
    data['days_since_2'] /= np.sum(data['days_since_2'])
    data['obs_since'] = [len(data) - j + 1 for j in range(len(data))]
    data['obs_since_2'] = [
        1 - expon.cdf((len(data) - j + 1) / 10000, scale=shapeval)
        for j in range(len(data))

    data = data[::-1]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 8))

    ax = ax.ravel()

    ax[0].plot(range(len(data)), data['obs_since_2'])
        'Probability of being extracted in bootstrapping procedure')
    ax[0].set_xlabel('Observations Since')

    ax[1].plot(range(len(data)), data['days_since_2'])
    ax[1].set_xlabel('Days Since')
    plt.xticks(range(len(data))[::1300], data['days_since'][::1300])

    plt.savefig('Graphs/ExponDecay.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _cdf(self, value: float):
     Defines the  cumulative exponential distribution function
     :param value: x-value
     :return: Function value at point x
     if self._research_mode:
         return expon.cdf(value, scale=1/self.rate)
         if value >= 0:
             return 1 - math.exp(-self._rate * value)
             return 0
Exemplo n.º 29
def _get_exponential_relative_log_likelihoods(tmin, tmax, scales):

    total_lls = np.zeros(scales.shape)

    interval_t = tmin != tmax
    exact_t = tmin == tmax

    for i in range(len(scales)):
        # Compute likelihood.
        scale = scales[i]

        interval_log_likelihoods = np.log(
            expon.cdf(tmax[interval_t], scale=scale) -
            expon.cdf(tmin[interval_t], scale=scale))
        exact_log_likelihoods = np.log(expon.pdf(tmin[exact_t], scale=scale))
        total_log_likelihood = interval_log_likelihoods.sum(
        ) + exact_log_likelihoods.sum()
        total_lls[i] = total_log_likelihood

    max_ll = max(total_lls)
    relative_likelihoods = np.exp(total_lls - max_ll)

    return relative_likelihoods
Exemplo n.º 30
def smirnov(alpha):

    Compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic on 2 samples.
    :param alpha: the scale parameter
    :return: line about accepting or rejecting a hypothesis
    sample_1 = np.sort(np.random.exponential(scale=1, size=n))
    sample_2 = np.sort(np.random.exponential(scale=1 / alpha, size=int(n / 2)))

    k = np.array(range(1, len(sample_2) + 1))

    D = np.maximum(expon.cdf(x=sample_2, loc=0, scale=1) - (k - 1) / len(sample_2),
                   k / len(sample_2) - expon.cdf(x=sample_2, loc=0, scale=1)).max()

    criteria = kolmogi(gamma) * np.sqrt((1 / n) + (1 / (n / 2)))

    if D < criteria:
        return f'D = {D:0.4f}, criteria = {criteria:0.4f}. \n' \
               f'The statistical data do NOT CONFLICT with the H0 hypothesis.'
        return f'D = {D:0.4f}, criteria = {criteria:0.4f}. \n' \
               f'The statistical data do CONFLICT with the H0 hypothesis.'
Exemplo n.º 31
    def _cdf(self, x, w, lambda_, mu, sigma):
        The distribution's CDF function.

        :param x: np.array of point values
        :param w: the weight parameter. The exponential is multiplied by w and the gaussian by (1 - w)
        :param lambda_: The exponential distribution's parameter
        :param mu: The gaussian's mean parameter
        :param sigma: The gaussian's standard deviation parameter

        :return: The cdf values as an np.array the same shape as x

        return w * expon.cdf(x, scale=1 / lambda_) \
               + (1 - w) * norm.cdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
Exemplo n.º 32
def dtruncExp(params):
    Mirrors the dtruncExp truncated exponential distribution function in MGDrive-Kernels.cpp
    x the place in the support of the density function ( support of the normal is the whole real line, poisson is nonneg int )
    r is 1/scale = rate param
    a is upper truncatin bounds
    b is lower truncation bounds
    x, r, a, b = params
    loc = 0
    if a >= b:
        return "argument a is greater than or equal to b"
    scale = 1.0 / r
    Ga = expon.cdf(a, loc, scale)
    Gb = expon.cdf(b, loc, scale)

    if approxEqual(Ga, Gb):
            "Truncation interval is not inside the domain of the density function"
    density = expon.pdf(x, loc, scale) / expon.cdf(b, loc, scale) - expon.cdf(
        a, loc, scale)
    print("density is ", density)
    return density
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_expon(self):
        from scipy.stats import expon
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        mean, var, skew, kurt = expon.stats(moments='mvsk')

        x = np.linspace(expon.ppf(0.01), expon.ppf(0.99), 100)
        ax.plot(x, expon.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='expon pdf')

        rv = expon()
        ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')

        vals = expon.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999])
        np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], expon.cdf(vals))
        self.assertEqual(str(ax), "AxesSubplot(0.125,0.11;0.775x0.77)")
Exemplo n.º 34
def get_residuals(s, tau_fit, offset=0.5):
    """Returns residuals of sample `s` CDF vs an exponential CDF.

        s (array of floats): sample
        tau_fit (float): mean waiting-time of the exponential distribution
            to use as reference
        offset (float): Default 0.5. Offset to add to the empirical CDF.
            See :func:`get_ecdf` for details.

        residuals (array): residuals of empirical CDF compared with analytical
        CDF with time constant `tau_fit`.
    x, y = get_ecdf(s, offset=offset)
    ye = expon.cdf(x, scale=tau_fit)
    residuals = y - ye
    return x, residuals
Exemplo n.º 35
def expected_gain_given_exponential_expiration(options, sc, max_samples):

    ev_high = expected_value(options['H'])
    ev_low = expected_value(options['L'])
    ev_random = 0.5 * ev_high + 0.5 * ev_low

    p  = np.zeros(max_samples, float)
    eg = np.zeros(max_samples, float)

    for trial in range(max_samples):

        # get cumulative probability according to normal
        if trial == 0:
            p_exp_cum = 0.
            p_exp_cum = 1 - expon.cdf(max_samples - trial, loc=0, scale=sc)
        pH = prob_choose_H_all_allocations(options, trial + 1)
        p[trial] = (1 - p_exp_cum) * pH + p_exp_cum * 0.5
        eg[trial] = (1 - p_exp_cum) * (pH * ev_high + (1 - pH) * ev_low) + p_exp_cum * ev_random

    return p, eg
Exemplo n.º 36
def bootstrapExpDecay(data, nIterations):
    d1 = data.index[-1]
    d1 = datetime.datetime(d1.year, d1.month, d1.day)

    shapeval = 100
    daysSince = [(d1 - j).days + 1 for j in data.index]

    probDist = [1 - expon.cdf(j, scale=shapeval) for j in np.unique(daysSince)]
    probDist /= np.sum(probDist)
    probDist = np.cumsum(sorted(probDist, reverse=True))

    minsPerDay = data.resample("d", how="count").values[:, 0]
    utilizedLags = int(391 - minsPerDay[0])
    bootstrapLength = 391 + utilizedLags
    data = np.insert(data.values, 0, np.zeros_like(data.ix[:utilizedLags, :]), axis=0)
    data = data.reshape((len(data) / 391, 391, data.shape[1]))
    uninumbers = np.random.uniform(size=(bootstrapLength, nIterations))

    a = np.array([np.digitize(uninumbers[_], probDist) for _ in range(bootstrapLength)])
    b = np.array([[random.choice(data[-i, :, :]) for i in a[:, q]] for q in range(nIterations)])

    return b
Exemplo n.º 37
from scipy.stats import expon
Exemplo n.º 38
    def features_to_gaussian(header, row, limits):
        # Does this look like a mean-variance feature file?
        if len(header) == 3:
            mean = None
            if 'mean' in header:
                mean = float(row[header.index('mean')])
            if 'mode' in header:
                mean = float(row[header.index('mode')])
            if .5 in header:
                mean = float(row[header.index(.5)])
            if mean is None:
                return None
            if 'var' in header:
                var = float(row[header.index('var')])
            elif 'sdev' in header:
                var = float(row[header.index('sdev')]) * float(row[header.index('sdev')])
                return None

            if np.isnan(var) or var == 0:
                return SplineModelConditional.make_single(mean, mean, [])

            # This might be uniform
            if mean - 2*var < limits[0] or mean + 2*var > limits[1]:
                return None

            return SplineModelConditional.make_gaussian(limits[0], limits[1], mean, var)
        elif len(header) == 4:
            # Does this look like a mean and evenly spaced p-values?
            header = header[1:] # Make a copy of the list
            row = row[1:]
            mean = None
            if 'mean' in header:
                mean = float(row.pop(header.index('mean')))
            elif 'mode' in header:
                mean = float(row.pop(header.index('mode')))
            elif .5 in header:
                mean = float(row.pop(header.index(.5)))
                return None

            # Check that the two other values are evenly spaced p-values
            row = map(float, row[0:2])
            if np.all(np.isnan(row)):
                return SplineModelConditional.make_single(mean, mean, [])
            if header[1] == 1 - header[0] and abs(row[1] - mean - (mean - row[0])) < abs(row[1] - row[0]) / 1000.0:
                lowp = min(header)
                lowv = np.array(row)[np.array(header) == lowp][0]

                if lowv == mean:
                    return SplineModelConditional.make_single(mean, mean, [])

                lowerbound = 1e-4 * (mean - lowv)
                upperbound = np.sqrt((mean - lowv) / lowp)

                sdev = brentq(lambda sdev: norm.cdf(lowv, mean, sdev) - lowp, lowerbound, upperbound)
                if float(limits[0]) < mean - 3*sdev and float(limits[1]) > mean + 3*sdev:
                    return SplineModelConditional.make_gaussian(limits[0], limits[1], mean, sdev*sdev)
                    return None
                # Heuristic best curve: known tails, fit to mean
                lowp = min(header)
                lowv = np.array(row)[np.array(header) == lowp][0]

                lowerbound = 1e-4 * (mean - lowv)
                upperbound = np.log((mean - lowv) / lowp)

                low_sdev = brentq(lambda sdev: norm.cdf(lowv, mean, sdev) - lowp, lowerbound, upperbound)
                if float(limits[0]) > mean - 3*low_sdev:
                    return None
                low_segment = SplineModelConditional.make_gaussian(float(limits[0]), lowv, mean, low_sdev*low_sdev)

                highp = max(header)
                highv = np.array(row)[np.array(header) == highp][0]

                lowerbound = 1e-4 * (highv - mean)
                upperbound = np.log((highv - mean) / (1 - highp))

                high_scale = brentq(lambda scale: .5 + expon.cdf(highv, mean, scale) / 2 - highp, lowerbound, upperbound)
                if float(limits[1]) < mean + 3*high_scale:
                    return None

                # Construct exponential, starting at mean, with full cdf of .5
                high_segment = SplineModelConditional.make_single(highv, float(limits[1]), [np.log(1/high_scale) + np.log(.5) + mean / high_scale, -1 / high_scale])

                sevenys = np.linspace(lowv, highv, 7)
                ys = np.append(sevenys[0:2], [mean, sevenys[-2], sevenys[-1]])

                lps0 = norm.logpdf(ys[0:2], mean, low_sdev)
                lps1 = expon.logpdf([ys[-2], ys[-1]], mean, high_scale) + np.log(.5)

                #bounds = [norm.logpdf(mean, mean, low_sdev), norm.logpdf(mean, mean, high_sdev)]

                result = minimize(lambda lpmean: FeaturesInterpreter.skew_gaussian_evaluate(ys, np.append(np.append(lps0, [lpmean]), lps1), low_segment, high_segment, mean, lowp, highp), .5, method='Nelder-Mead')
                print np.append(np.append(lps0, result.x), lps1)
                return FeaturesInterpreter.skew_gaussian_construct(ys, np.append(np.append(lps0, result.x), lps1), low_segment, high_segment)
Exemplo n.º 39
# add a decsription of genotype allele
hgdp_snp_idx = 0
hgdp_snp_pos = int(posCommon[hgdp_snp_idx])
n_sample = len(laiList)
n_topmed_snp = len(posListTopmed)
first_hgdp_snp_pos = int(posCommon[0])
last_hgdp_snp_pos = int(posCommon[-1])
f.writelines("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\t" + "\t".join(idList) + "\n")
for h in xrange(n_topmed_snp):
    if h % 100000 == 0:
        print str(h) + "/" + str(n_topmed_snp) + " SNPs done"
    topmed_snp_pos = int(posListTopmed[h][1])
    if topmed_snp_pos < first_hgdp_snp_pos:
        gtList = []
        # need to employ weight to the closest HGDP marker
        w = 1 - expon.cdf(first_hgdp_snp_pos - topmed_snp_pos, scale=5000000)  # p(recom=FALSE) mean length is 5MB
        for i in xrange(n_sample):
            # print str(i) + " " + str(h)
            # if (first_hgdp_snp_pos - topmed_snp_pos) > 5000000: #use 5MB as cut off
            # 	result = gaiListGT[i]
            # else:
            # 	result = laiListGT[i][0]
            result = convertGT_LI(gaiListGT[i], laiListGT[i][0], w)
            # result = [gaiListGT[i][j]*w + (1-w)*laiListGT[i][0] for j in xrange(7)]
            gtList.append(convertGT_2_LAI(result) + ":" + ",".join(result))
            "\t".join(posListTopmed[h]) + "\t.\t.\t.\t.\tEDGE\t.\tCOMB:COMB_DOSAGE\t" + "\t".join(gtList) + "\n"
        )  #
    if topmed_snp_pos > last_hgdp_snp_pos:
        gtList = []