Exemplo n.º 1
 def draw(self, K = 10, N = 1*10**5, m = 3, gaussian = False):
     if self.seed is not None:
     alphas = gamma.rvs(5, size=m)               # shape parameter
     #print(sum(alphas))                              # equivalent sample size
     self.p = dirichlet.rvs(alpha = alphas, size = 1)[0]
     self.phi_is = multinomial.rvs(1, self.p, size=N)       # draw from categorical p.m.f
     self.x_draws = np.zeros((N,K))
     self.hyper_loc, self.hyper_scale, self.thetas, self.var, self.covs, self.rdraws = dict(), dict(), dict(), tuple(), tuple(), tuple()
     for i in range(m):
           self.hyper_loc["mean"+str(i+1)] = norm.rvs(size = 1, loc = 0, scale = 5)
           self.hyper_scale["scale"+str(i+1)] = 1/gamma.rvs(5, size=1)
           self.thetas["mean"+str(i+1)] = norm.rvs(size = K, loc = self.hyper_loc["mean"+str(i+1)], 
                       scale = self.hyper_scale["scale"+str(i+1)])
           self.thetas["Sigma"+str(i+1)] = np.eye(K)*(1/gamma.rvs(5, size=K))
           self.thetas["nu"+str(i+1)] = randint.rvs(K+2, K+10, size=1)[0]
           if gaussian:
              self.covs += (self.thetas['Sigma'+str(i+1)], )
              self.covs += (wishart.rvs(df = self.thetas['nu'+str(i+1)], scale = self.thetas['Sigma'+str(i+1)], size=1),)
              self.var += (self.thetas["nu"+str(i+1)]/(self.thetas["nu"+str(i+1)]-2)*self.covs[i],)       # variance covariance matrix of first Student-t component
           self.rdraws += (np.random.multivariate_normal(self.thetas["mean"+str(i+1)], self.covs[i], N),)
           self.Phi = np.tile(self.phi_is[:,i], K).reshape(K,N).T              # repeat phi vector to match with random matrix
           self.x_draws += np.multiply(self.Phi, self.rdraws[i])                
     return self.x_draws
Exemplo n.º 2
def part_b(fname=fname):
    fname += '_b'
    n0_list = np.arange(1,250)
    n = int(1e5)
    pA = gamma.rvs(alpha, scale=1.0/beta, size=n)
    Pr = np.zeros(n0_list.size) 
    for j, n0 in enumerate(n0_list):
        y = 0.0
        pB = gamma.rvs(alpha, scale=1.0/beta, size=n)
        for i in range(n):
            if (pB[i] < pA[i]):
                y += 1.0
        Pr[j] = y/float(n)
    plt.plot(n0_list, Pr, lw=1.5)
    plt.ylabel(r'$Pr(\theta_B < \theta_A \mid y_A, y_B)$',fontsize=labelFontSize)
    plt.savefig(fname+'.'+imgFmt, format=imgFmt)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def generate_posterior_predictive_simplex_3d(self, cols, m = 20):
        keep_idx = np.array(sample(range(self.nSamp), self.nDat), dtype = int)

        delta = self.samples.delta[keep_idx]
        alpha = [self.samples.alpha[i][:,cols] for i in keep_idx]
        beta  = [self.samples.beta[i][:,cols] for i in keep_idx]
        eta   = self.samples.eta[keep_idx]
        mu    = self.samples.mu[keep_idx][:,cols]
        Sigma = self.samples.Sigma[keep_idx][:,cols][:,:,cols]

        postpred = np.empty((self.nDat, len(cols)))
        for n in range(self.nDat):
            dmax = delta[n].max()
            njs = cu.counter(delta[n], dmax + 1 + m)
            ljs = njs + (njs == 0) * eta[n] / m
            new_log_alpha = mu[n].reshape(1,-1) + \
                    (cholesky(Sigma[n]) @ normal.rvs(size = (len(cols), m))).T
            new_alpha = np.exp(new_log_alpha)
            if cols[0] == 0:
                new_beta = np.hstack((
                    np.ones((m, 1)),
                    gamma.rvs(a = 2., scale = 1/2., size = (m, len(cols) - 1))
                new_beta = gamma.rvs(a = 2., scale = 1/2, size = (m, len(cols)))
            prob = ljs / ljs.sum()
            a = np.vstack((alpha[n], new_alpha))
            b = np.vstack((beta[n], new_beta))
            delta_new = np.random.choice(range(dmax + 1 + m), 1, p = prob)
            postpred[n] = gamma.rvs(a = a[delta_new], scale = 1 / b[delta_new])
        np.nan_to_num(postpred, copy = False)
        return (postpred.T / postpred.sum(axis = 1)).T
Exemplo n.º 4
def gibbs(x, E = 5200, BURN_IN = 200,  frequency=100):
    # Initialize the chain
    n       = int(round(uniform.rvs()*N))
    lambda1 = gamma.rvs(a,scale=1./b)
    lambda2 = gamma.rvs(a,scale=1./b)
    # Store the samples
    chain_n       = np.array([0.]*(E-BURN_IN))
    chain_lambda1 = np.array([0.]*(E-BURN_IN))
    chain_lambda2 = np.array([0.]*(E-BURN_IN))
    for e in range(E):
        if e%frequency==0:
            print (f'At iteration {e}')
        # sample lambda1 and lambda2 from their posterior conditionals, Equation 8 and Equation 9, respectively.
        lambda1 = gamma.rvs(a+sum(x[0:n]), scale=1./(n+b))
        lambda2 = gamma.rvs(a+sum(x[n:N]), scale=1./(N-n+b))
        # sample n, Equation 10
        mult_n = np.array([0]*N)
        for i in range(N):
            mult_n[i] = sum(x[0:i])*log(lambda1) - i*lambda1 + sum(x[i:N])*log(lambda2) - (N-i)*lambda2
        mult_n = exp(mult_n-max(mult_n))
        n      = np.where(multinomial(1,mult_n/sum(mult_n),size=1)==1)[1][0]
        # store
        if e>=BURN_IN:
            chain_n[e-BURN_IN]       = n
            chain_lambda1[e-BURN_IN] = lambda1
            chain_lambda2[e-BURN_IN] = lambda2
    return (chain_lambda1,chain_lambda2,chain_n)
Exemplo n.º 5
def part_a(fname=fname):
    fname = fname + '_a'
    nsamps = int(5000)
    yA = np.zeros(nsamps)
    yB = np.zeros(nsamps)
    for i in range(nsamps):   # do Monte Carlo
        thetaA = gamma.rvs(56, scale=1.0/59)
        yA[i] = poisson.rvs(thetaA)    
        thetaB = gamma.rvs(307, scale=1.0/219)
        yB[i] = poisson.rvs(thetaB)
    bins = range(9)
    plt.hist(yA, bins=bins, normed=True)
    plt.ylabel(r'$p(\tilde{Y}_A \mid \mathbf{y}_A)$',fontsize=labelFontSize)
    plt.title(r"4.8a  Bachelor's Degree",fontsize=titleFontSize)
    plt.xticks(bins, fontsize=tickFontSize)
    plt.savefig(fname+'bach_density.'+imgFmt, format=imgFmt)
    plt.hist(yB, bins=bins, normed=True)
    plt.ylabel(r'$p(\tilde{Y}_B \mid \mathbf{y}_B)$',fontsize=labelFontSize)
    plt.title(r"4.8a  No Bachelor's Degree",fontsize=titleFontSize)
    plt.xticks(bins, fontsize=tickFontSize)
    plt.savefig(fname+'nobach_density.'+imgFmt, format=imgFmt)
def updateHyperparameters(r, zeta, xi, tau, niu, ellInverse, rhoSquare, means,
                          lambdaInverse, A):
    D = A.shape[1]
    M = len(tau)
    inverseRhoSquare = 1.0 / rhoSquare

    for m in range(0, M):
        for d in range(0, D):
            ellInverse[m][d] = gamma.rvs((1 + r[m]) / 2.0,
                                         (lambdaInverse[m][d] + zeta[d]) / 2.0,

        inverseSigmam = np.linalg.inv(returnCovarianceMatrix(lambdaInverse[m]))
        sigmaHat = np.linalg.inv(inverseRhoSquare * np.identity(D) +
                                 tau[m] * inverseSigmam)
        newmean = np.dot(
            inverseRhoSquare * niu + tau[m] * np.dot(inverseSigmam, means[m]))

        if np.isnan(sigmaHat).any():
            sigmaHat = 0.0001 * np.identity(sigmaHat.shape[0])
            xi[m] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=newmean, cov=sigmaHat, size=1)
        except ValueError:
            print "stop"
        alpha = D + 1
        beta = 1.0 / rhoSquare + np.dot(
            np.dot((means[m] - xi[m]), inverseSigmam), (means[m] - xi[m]))
        tau[m] = gamma.rvs(alpha / 2.0, beta / 2.0, size=1)

    #gibbs sampling, so we accept
    return xi, tau, ellInverse
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_line_nikita(tries, workers, chr, n, a):
    res = []

    def append_to_res():
        bpg = g.make_bg_real_data_graph()
            [n, breaks, chr,
             bpg.p_even()] + [bpg.p_m(m) for m in range(p_m_max)] + [bpg.c()] +
            [bpg.c_m(m) for m in range(1, c_m_max)])

    for i in range(int(tries / workers)):
        print(i, "of", int(tries / workers), ";",
              round(i / tries * workers * 100, 1), "%", datetime.now())
        if chr == 0:
            dist = gamma.rvs(a, size=n)
            dist /= sum(dist)
            g = DirichletBPGraph(n, dist)
            dist = gamma.rvs(a, size=(n + chrs))
            dist /= sum(dist)
            g = GenomeGraph(n, chr)
        breaks = 0

        for x_index, x in enumerate(xs):
            while breaks <= int(round(x * n / 2)):
                # print("____K =", breaks + 1, "of", int(round(X_MAX * n / 2)))
                breaks += 1
    # print(ys)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 8
def simulate_gamma(psth, trials, duration, num_trials=20):

    #rescale the ISIs
    dt = 0.001
    rs_isis = []
    for trial in trials:
        if len(trial) < 1:
        csum = np.cumsum(psth) * dt
        for k, ti in enumerate(trial[1:]):
            tj = trial[k]
            if ti > duration or tj > duration or ti < 0.0 or tj < 0.0:
            ti_index = int((ti / duration) * len(psth))
            tj_index = int((tj / duration) * len(psth))
            #print 'k=%d, ti=%0.6f, tj=%0.6f, duration=%0.3f' % (k, ti, tj, duration)
            #print '  ti_index=%d, tj_index=%d, len(psth)=%d, len(csum)=%d' % (ti_index, tj_index, len(psth), len(csum))
            #get rescaled time as difference in cumulative intensity
            ui = csum[ti_index] - csum[tj_index]
            if ui < 0.0:
                print 'ui < 0! ui=%0.6f, csum[ti]=%0.6f, csum[tj]=%0.6f' % (
                    ui, csum[ti_index], csum[tj_index])
    rs_isis = np.array(rs_isis)
    rs_isi_x = np.arange(rs_isis.min(), rs_isis.max(), 1e-5)

    #fit a gamma distribution to the rescaled ISIs
    gamma_alpha, gamma_loc, gamma_beta = gamma.fit(rs_isis)
    gamma_pdf = gamma.pdf(rs_isi_x,
    print 'Rescaled ISI Gamma Fit Params: alpha=%0.3f, beta=%0.3f, loc=%0.3f' % (
        gamma_alpha, gamma_beta, gamma_loc)

    #simulate new trials using rescaled ISIs
    new_trials = []
    for nt in range(num_trials):
        ntrial = []
        next_rs_time = gamma.rvs(gamma_alpha, loc=gamma_loc, scale=gamma_beta)
        csum = 0.0
        for t_index, pval in enumerate(psth):
            csum += pval * dt
            if csum >= next_rs_time:
                t = t_index * dt
                #reset integral and generate new rescaled ISI
                csum = 0.0
                next_rs_time = gamma.rvs(gamma_alpha,
    #plt.hist(rs_isis, bins=20, normed=True)
    #plt.plot(rs_isi_x, gamma_pdf, 'r-')
    #plt.title('Rescaled ISIs')

    return new_trials
def generer ():
    graphe = Graphe()
    i = 0
    L = list()
    Delta = list()
    while i < 10:
        i += 1

    i = 0
    cascade = SetCascade(graphe,200)

    j = 1
    pile_depart = []
    pile_depart.append((int(floor(10*random())), 5., gamma.rvs(8)))
    while j < 10:
        gam = gamma.rvs(8)
        inserer_dans_liste((j, float(j*5), gam),pile_depart)
        inserer_dans_liste((j,float(j*5)+gam, - gam),pile_depart)
        j += 1


Exemplo n.º 10
    def random(cls,
        Creates a random GTR model

        L : int, optional
            number of sites for which to generate a model
        avg_mu : float
           Substitution rate
        alphabet : str
           Alphabet name (should be standard: 'nuc', 'nuc_gap', 'aa', 'aa_gap')
        pi_dirichlet_alpha : float, optional
            parameter of dirichlet distribution
        W_dirichlet_alpha : float, optional
            parameter of dirichlet distribution
        mu_gamma_alpha : float, optional
            parameter of dirichlet distribution

            model with randomly sampled frequencies

        from scipy.stats import gamma
        alphabet = alphabets[alphabet]
        gtr = cls(alphabet=alphabet, seq_len=L)
        n = gtr.alphabet.shape[0]

        # Dirichlet distribution == l_1 normalized vector of samples of the Gamma distribution
        if pi_dirichlet_alpha:
            pi = 1.0 * gamma.rvs(pi_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n, L))
            pi = np.ones((n, L))

        pi /= pi.sum(axis=0)
        if W_dirichlet_alpha:
            tmp = 1.0 * gamma.rvs(W_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n, n))
            tmp = np.ones((n, n))
        tmp = np.tril(tmp, k=-1)
        W = tmp + tmp.T

        if mu_gamma_alpha:
            mu = gamma.rvs(mu_gamma_alpha, size=(L, ))
            mu = np.ones(L)

        gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, pi=pi, W=W)
        gtr.mu *= avg_mu / np.mean(gtr.average_rate())

        return gtr
Exemplo n.º 11
def rprior(size, hyperparameters):
    """ returns untransformed parameters """
    sigma = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["sigma_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["sigma_scale"], size = size)
    tau = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["tau_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["tau_scale"], size = size)
    parameters = zeros((2, size))
    parameters[0, :] = sigma
    parameters[1, :] = tau
    return parameters
Exemplo n.º 12
def rprior(size, hyperparameters):
    """ returns untransformed parameters """
    sigma = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["sigma_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["sigma_scale"], size = size)
    tau = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["tau_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["tau_scale"], size = size)
    parameters = zeros((2, size))
    parameters[0, :] = sigma
    parameters[1, :] = tau
    return parameters
Exemplo n.º 13
def rprior(size, hyperparameters):
    """ returns untransformed parameters """
    sigma_w = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["sigma_w_shape"], scale =
            hyperparameters["sigma_w_scale"], size = size)
    sigma_v = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["sigma_v_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["sigma_v_scale"], size = size)
    parameters = zeros((2, size))
    parameters[0, :] = sigma_w
    parameters[1, :] = sigma_v
    return parameters
Exemplo n.º 14
    def draw(self, K=10, N=1 * 10**5, m=3, gaussian=False):
        N: sample size
        K: Dimension of Normal/Student distr.
        m: number of mixture components
        self.st0 = np.random.get_state()  # get initial state of RNG
        print("Drawing from", m, "component mixture distribution.")
        alphas = gamma.rvs(5, size=m)  # shape parameter
        #print(sum(alphas))                              # equivalent sample size
        self.p = dirichlet.rvs(alpha=alphas, size=1)[0]
        self.phi_is = multinomial.rvs(1, self.p,
                                      size=N)  # draw from categorical p.m.f

        self.x_draws = np.zeros((N, K))
        self.hyper_loc, self.hyper_scale, self.thetas, self.var, self.covs, self.rdraws = dict(
        ), dict(), dict(), tuple(), tuple(), tuple()

        for i in range(m):

            self.hyper_loc["mean" + str(i + 1)] = norm.rvs(size=1,
            self.hyper_scale["scale" + str(i + 1)] = 1 / gamma.rvs(5, size=1)

            self.thetas["mean" + str(i + 1)] = norm.rvs(
                loc=self.hyper_loc["mean" + str(i + 1)],
                scale=self.hyper_scale["scale" + str(i + 1)])
            self.thetas["Sigma" +
                        str(i + 1)] = np.eye(K) * (1 / gamma.rvs(5, size=K))
            self.thetas["nu" + str(i + 1)] = randint.rvs(K + 2, K + 10,

            if gaussian:
                self.covs += (self.thetas['Sigma' + str(i + 1)], )
                self.covs += (wishart.rvs(df=self.thetas['nu' + str(i + 1)],
                                          scale=self.thetas['Sigma' +
                                                            str(i + 1)],
                                          size=1), )
                self.var += (
                    self.thetas["nu" + str(i + 1)] /
                    (self.thetas["nu" + str(i + 1)] - 2) * self.covs[i],
                )  # variance covariance matrix of first Student-t component
            self.rdraws += (np.random.multivariate_normal(
                self.thetas["mean" + str(i + 1)], self.covs[i], N), )

            self.Phi = np.tile(self.phi_is[:, i], K).reshape(
                K, N).T  # repeat phi vector to match with random matrix
            self.x_draws += np.multiply(self.Phi, self.rdraws[i])

        return self.x_draws, np.argmax(self.phi_is, 1)  # X, latent
Exemplo n.º 15
 def rvs(self, n=None):
     """ Returns independent observations of this random variable.
     a = self.__a
     b = self.__b
     if n is None:
         return gamma.rvs(a, scale=b)
         return [gamma.rvs(a, scale=b) for i in range(n)]
Exemplo n.º 16
 def send(self, socket, address, pkt, indice):
     if self._simulate:
         ret = self.send_simulate(socket, address, pkt, indice)
         if ret == 0:
             self._delay = gamma.rvs(self._alpha_d, scale=self._scale_d, size=1000)
             self._evento = gamma.rvs(self._alpha_e, scale=self._scale_e, size=1000)
             self._perdita = gamma.rvs(self._alpha_p, scale=self._scale_p, size=1000)
     else:  # ci sarà un ritardo e una perdita reale
         pkt = pkt + (bytearray(struct.pack("d", time.time())))
         self.send_pkt(socket, address, pkt)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def levy(self, n, beta=1.5):
     sigma = math.pow(
         gamma.rvs(1, 1 + beta) * sin(beta * pi / 2) /
                    (1 + beta) / 2)) * beta * math.pow(2, (beta - 1) / 2),
         1 / beta)
     v = np.random.normal(0, sigma, n)
     u = np.random.normal(0, 1, n)
     z = u / np.power(np.abs(v), (1 / beta))
     return z
Exemplo n.º 18
 def sample(self):
     if self.max_range == None:
         return self.post_process(
             gamma.rvs(self.shape, self.loc, self.scale))
         x = self.max_range + 1
         while x > self.max_range:
             x = self.post_process(
                 gamma.rvs(self.shape, self.loc, self.scale))
         return x
Exemplo n.º 19
def credint(a,b,c,d,conf=0.95):
  return (l[int((1-conf)/2*nit)], l[nit//2], l[int((1+conf)/2*nit)])
Exemplo n.º 20
def ClimateInit():
    Genera valores iniales para theta 
    a partir de su distribución a priori.
    theta = [alpha1, phi2, psi2, sig_T2, sig_V1, sig_C1].
    alpha1 = gamma.rvs(a=0.01, scale=1 / 3.33e-6)
    phi2 = gamma.rvs(a=0.01, scale=1 / 5e-4)
    psi2 = gamma.rvs(a=0.01, scale=1 / 4.34783e-8)
    return array([alpha1, phi2, psi2])
Exemplo n.º 21
def ProductionInit():
    Genera valores iniales para theta 
    a partir de su distribución a priori.
    theta = [nu, a, b, sigma_F].
    nu = random.random()
    a = gamma.rvs(a=0.01, scale=1 / 3.03e-3)
    b = random.random()
    sigma_F = gamma.rvs(a=16, scale=1 / 16)
    return array([nu, a, b, sigma_F])
	def sample_from_prior(self, periods=1, length=720):
		#now sample from distribution,
		#start by drawing alpha hats and sigma hats for the distribution
		alpha_hats = gamma.rvs(a=self.shape_alpha, 
			loc=self.location_alpha, scale=self.scale_alpha, size=periods)
		sigma_hats = gamma.rvs(a=self.shape_sigma,
		 loc=self.location_sigma, scale=self.scale_sigma, size=periods)
		gamma_params = [i for i in zip(alpha_hats, sigma_hats)]
		month_sims = [self.generate_winds(i, length) for i in gamma_params]
		results=[month_sims, gamma_params]
		return(results) #returns a list of monthly simulated data
Exemplo n.º 23
def gen_graph_mal_workers(dataset, num_mal_workers, avg_labels, ansfile): 
    ag,bg,cg = getDistributionNormalData(ansfile, dataset)
    if dataset == 'product': 
        #number of tasks per mal_workers
        samples = gamma.rvs(ag,bg,cg, num_mal_workers)
        while np.mean(samples) > avg_labels + 10: 
            samples = gamma.rvs(ag,bg,cg, num_mal_workers)
    return samples
Exemplo n.º 24
def simulate_gamma(psth, trials, duration, num_trials=20):

    #rescale the ISIs
    dt = 0.001
    rs_isis = []
    for trial in trials:
        if len(trial) < 1:
        csum = np.cumsum(psth)*dt
        for k,ti in enumerate(trial[1:]):
            tj = trial[k]
            if ti > duration or tj > duration or ti < 0.0 or tj < 0.0:
            ti_index = int((ti / duration) * len(psth))
            tj_index = int((tj / duration) * len(psth))
            #print 'k=%d, ti=%0.6f, tj=%0.6f, duration=%0.3f' % (k, ti, tj, duration)
            #print '  ti_index=%d, tj_index=%d, len(psth)=%d, len(csum)=%d' % (ti_index, tj_index, len(psth), len(csum))
            #get rescaled time as difference in cumulative intensity
            ui = csum[ti_index] - csum[tj_index]
            if ui < 0.0:
                print 'ui < 0! ui=%0.6f, csum[ti]=%0.6f, csum[tj]=%0.6f' % (ui, csum[ti_index], csum[tj_index])
    rs_isis = np.array(rs_isis)
    rs_isi_x = np.arange(rs_isis.min(), rs_isis.max(), 1e-5)

    #fit a gamma distribution to the rescaled ISIs
    gamma_alpha,gamma_loc,gamma_beta = gamma.fit(rs_isis)
    gamma_pdf = gamma.pdf(rs_isi_x, gamma_alpha, loc=gamma_loc, scale=gamma_beta)
    print 'Rescaled ISI Gamma Fit Params: alpha=%0.3f, beta=%0.3f, loc=%0.3f' % (gamma_alpha, gamma_beta, gamma_loc)

    #simulate new trials using rescaled ISIs
    new_trials = []
    for nt in range(num_trials):
        ntrial = []
        next_rs_time = gamma.rvs(gamma_alpha, loc=gamma_loc,scale=gamma_beta)
        csum = 0.0
        for t_index,pval in enumerate(psth):
            csum += pval*dt
            if csum >= next_rs_time:
                t = t_index*dt
                #reset integral and generate new rescaled ISI
                csum = 0.0
                next_rs_time = gamma.rvs(gamma_alpha, loc=gamma_loc,scale=gamma_beta)
    #plt.hist(rs_isis, bins=20, normed=True)
    #plt.plot(rs_isi_x, gamma_pdf, 'r-')
    #plt.title('Rescaled ISIs')

    return new_trials
Exemplo n.º 25
def sample(G, n, t=3, alpha_portion=0.9, seed=None, node_order=None):
  Sample <n> random values according to a distribution specified by G.
  Each value is a len(node_order) size vector of positive reals.

  If a node in G has no parents, its value is drawn according to Gamma(t^alpha_portion, t^(1-alpha_portion)).
  t is a reparameterization so that t is a location parameter.
  The default alpha_portion is chosen to be high so that the distribution is less uniform and more peaked around that location.

  Nodes which are present in <node_order> but not <G> are also have values drawn according to the aforementioned distribution.

  A node Y which has parents X_1, ..., X_k is specified by Y = \sum_k Gamma(X_k^alpha_portion, X_k^(1-alpha_portion))
  Y also has a Gamma distribution but it is not easily expressed. For Y = \sum_k Gamma(alpha_k, beta),
  Y ~ Gamma(\sum_k alpha_k, beta). The Y here is different but close.
    loc = 0
    # TODO assumes connected
    if not G.is_directed():
        raise FactorLibException('G must be directed')
    if seed is not None:
    if node_order is None:
        node_order = G.nodes()

    m = len(node_order)
    rv = np.zeros((m, n))
    node_to_ind = {}
    for i, node in enumerate(node_order):
        node_to_ind[node] = i

    roots = [n for n, d in G.in_degree().items() if d == 0]
    for j in range(n):
        for root in roots:
            root_ind = node_to_ind[root]
            alpha = math.pow(t, alpha_portion)
            beta = math.pow(t, 1 - alpha_portion)
            rv[root_ind, j] = gamma.rvs(alpha, loc, beta)
            for source, target in nx.dfs_edges(G, root):
                source_ind = node_to_ind[source]
                target_ind = node_to_ind[target]
                alpha = math.pow(rv[source_ind, j], alpha_portion)
                beta = math.pow(rv[source_ind, j], 1 - alpha_portion)
                rv[target_ind, j] += gamma.rvs(alpha, loc, beta)

    other_nodes = set(node_order) - set(G.nodes())
    for j in range(n):
        for node in other_nodes:
            node_ind = node_to_ind[node]
            alpha = math.pow(t, alpha_portion)
            beta = math.pow(t, 1 - alpha_portion)
            rv[node_ind, j] = gamma.rvs(alpha, loc, beta)

    return rv
Exemplo n.º 26
 def move(i, sample):
     if i == 0:
         return gamma.rvs(a + sum(x[0:int(sample[2])]),
                          scale=1. / (int(sample[2]) + b))
     elif i == 1:
         return gamma.rvs(a + sum(x[int(sample[2]):N]),
                          scale=1. / (N - int(sample[2]) + b))
     elif i == 2:
         mult_n = np.array([0] * N)
         for i in range(N):
             mult_n[i] = sum(x[0:i])*log(sample[0]) - i*sample[0]\
                         + sum(x[i:N])*log(sample[1]) - (N-i)*sample[1]
         mult_n = exp(mult_n - max(mult_n))
         return np.where(multinomial(1, mult_n /
                                     sum(mult_n), size=1) == 1)[1][0]
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: gsm.py Projeto: afcarl/isa
    def initialize(self, method='cauchy'):
        if method.lower() == 'student':
            self.scales = 1. / sqrt(gamma.rvs(1, 0, 1, size=self.num_scales))

        elif method.lower() == 'cauchy':
            self.scales = 1. / sqrt(gamma.rvs(0.5, 0, 2, size=self.num_scales))

        elif method.lower() == 'laplace':
            self.scales = rayleigh.rvs(size=self.num_scales)

            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown initialization method \'{0}\'.'.format(method))

def gamma_expect(f,
    Computes the expectation of f(z), where z=(point, x) which is equal to:
        mean(f((point, x)): x in domain_random), where
    z[index_points[i]] = point[i].

    If double is True, it computes the mean over all the points. Used for the variance.

    :param f: function
    :param point: np.array(1xk)
    :param index_points: [int]
    :param index_random: [int]
    :param parameters_dist: {'scale':[float], 'a': [int]}
    :param n_samples: int
    :param double: boolean
    :return: np.array

    if double:
        n_samples = 100

    a = parameters_dist['a'][0]
    scale = parameters_dist['scale'][0]

    dim_w = len(index_random)

    new_points = np.zeros((n_samples, len(index_random) + point.shape[1]))
    new_points[:, index_points] = np.repeat(point, n_samples, axis=0)
    random = gamma.rvs(a, scale=scale, size=(n_samples, dim_w))
    new_points[:, index_random] = random

    if double:
        random_2 = gamma.rvs(a, scale=scale, size=(n_samples, dim_w))
        new_points_2 = new_points.copy()
        new_points_2[:, index_random] = random_2
        new_points = np.concatenate([new_points, new_points_2], axis=1)
        values = f(new_points)
        return np.mean(values)

    values = f(new_points)

    return np.mean(values, axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def random(cls,
        Creates a random GTR model


         mu : float
            Substitution rate

         alphabet : str
            Alphabet name (should be standard: 'nuc', 'nuc_gap', 'aa', 'aa_gap')

        from scipy.stats import gamma
        alphabet = alphabets[alphabet]
        gtr = cls(alphabet=alphabet, seq_len=L)
        n = gtr.alphabet.shape[0]

        if pi_dirichlet_alpha:
            pi = 1.0 * gamma.rvs(pi_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n, L))
            pi = np.ones((n, L))

        pi /= pi.sum(axis=0)
        if W_dirichlet_alpha:
            tmp = 1.0 * gamma.rvs(W_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n, n))
            tmp = np.ones((n, n))
        tmp = np.tril(tmp, k=-1)
        W = tmp + tmp.T

        if mu_gamma_alpha:
            mu = gamma.rvs(mu_gamma_alpha, size=(L, ))
            mu = np.ones(L)

        gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, pi=pi, W=W)
        gtr.mu *= avg_mu / np.mean(gtr.mu)

        return gtr
def _clayton(M, N, alpha):
        raise ValueError('Alpha must be >=0 for Clayton Copula Family')
        raise ValueError('Dimensionality Argument [N] must be an integer >= 2')
        u1 = uniform.rvs(size=M)
        p = uniform.rvs(size=M)
            u2 = p
            u2 = u1*np.power((np.power(p,(-alpha/(1.0+alpha))) - 1 + np.power(u1,alpha)),(-1.0/alpha))
        U = np.column_stack((u1,u2))
        # Algorithm 1 described in both the SAS Copula Procedure, as well as the
        # paper: "High Dimensional Archimedean Copula Generation Algorithm"
        U = np.empty((M,N))
        for ii in range(0,M):
            shape = 1.0/alpha
            loc = 0
            scale = 1
            v = gamma.rvs(shape)
            # sample N independent uniform random variables
            x_i = uniform.rvs(size=N)
            t = -1*np.log(x_i)/v
                tmp = np.maximum(0, 1.0-t)
                tmp = 1.0 + t
            U[ii,:] = np.power(tmp, -1.0/alpha)

    return U
Exemplo n.º 31
 def ts(self, n): 
     Z = G.rvs(2, scale=2, size=n) 
     X = np.empty(n)
     X[0] = self.beta / (1 - self.alpha)  # Stationary mean
     for t in range(1, n): 
         X[t] = self.beta + self.alpha * X[t-1] + self.s * Z[t]
     return X
Exemplo n.º 32
def gamma_test_case():
    Runs a test case with simulated data from a normal distribution.
    obs, fa, dur = [], [], []
    delta_angle = np.arange(180)
    for n in range(15):
        mode = piecewise_predictor(
            100 + plt.randn()*20,
            250 + plt.randn()*20,
            1 + plt.randn()/2.0,
            -1 + plt.randn()/2.0)
        a, b = np_gamma_params(mode, 10)
        for _ in range(10):
            d = gamma.rvs(a=a, scale=1.0/b)
    dur, fa, obs = np.concatenate(dur), np.concatenate(fa), np.concatenate(obs)
    m = gamma_model(dur, fa, obs.astype(int))
    trace = sample_model(m, 5000)
    predict(trace, 5, 2500 )
    traceplot(trace, 2, 2500)
    return dur, fa, obs, trace
def run(src_dir, mod, random_state=1234):

    if isinstance(src_dir, str):
        mat, labels_arr = load_mat_and_labels(src_dir, mod)
        mat, labels_arr = (src_dir, mod)

    masker = SimpleMaskerPipeline(threshold=.2)
    svc = SVC(kernel='linear')

    pipeline = Pipeline([('masker', masker),
                         ('anova', SelectKBest(k=500)),
                         ('svc', svc)])

    c_range = gamma.rvs(size=100, a=1.99, random_state=random_state)

    param_dist = {"svc__C": c_range}

    n_iter = 100
    cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(labels_arr, n_iter=n_iter, test_size=1/6.0, random_state=random_state)

    total_runs = n_iter
    scorer = verbose_scorer(total_runs)

    search = RandomizedSearchCV(pipeline, param_distributions=param_dist, cv=cv, scoring=scorer,
    search.fit(mat, labels_arr)

    return search
Exemplo n.º 34
def gen_new_proposal(network, funds, supply, trigger_func):
    j = len([node for node in network.nodes])
    network.nodes[j]['type'] = "proposal"

    network.nodes[j]['conviction'] = 0
    network.nodes[j]['status'] = 'candidate'
    network.nodes[j]['age'] = 0

    rescale = scale_factor * funds
    r_rv = gamma.rvs(3, loc=0.001, scale=rescale)
    network.node[j]['funds_requested'] = r_rv

    network.nodes[j]['trigger'] = trigger_func(r_rv, funds, supply)

    participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant')
    proposing_participant = np.random.choice(participants)

    for i in participants:
        network.add_edge(i, j)
        if i == proposing_participant:
            network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = 1
            rv = np.random.rand()
            a_rv = 1 - 4 * (1 - rv) * rv  #polarized distribution
            network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = a_rv

        network.edges[(i, j)]['conviction'] = 0
        network.edges[(i, j)]['tokens'] = 0
    return network
Exemplo n.º 35
async def iot_handler(websocket, path):
    await websocket.send(motd)
    # mode_query = "What kind of sensor would you like? (temperature,occupancy)"
    # await websocket.send(mode_query)

    # mode = await websocket.recv()
    mode = "all"

    rooms = get_simulated_rooms()

    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(erlang.rvs(1, 0, size=1))

        room = random.choice(list(rooms.keys()))
        dat = {"time": datetime.now().isoformat()}

        if mode.startswith(("all", "tem")):
            dat["temperature"] = cauchy.rvs(loc=rooms[room]["loc"],
        if mode.startswith(("all", "occ")):
            dat["occupancy"] = poisson.rvs(rooms[room]["occ"], size=1).tolist()
        if mode.startswith(("all", "co")):
            dat["co2"] = gamma.rvs(rooms[room]["co"], size=1).tolist()

        await websocket.send(json.dumps({room: dat}))
Exemplo n.º 36
    def add_chemical_noise(self, nb_of_noise_peaks, noise_fraction):
        Adds additional peaks with uniform distribution in the m/z domain
        and gamma distribution in the intensity domain. The spectrum does NOT need
        to be normalized. Accordingly, the method does not normalize the intensity afterwards!
        noise_fraction controls the amount of noise signal in the spectrum.
        nb_of_noise_peaks controls the number of peaks added.

        Return: list
            A boolean list indicating if a given peak corresponds to noise
        span = min(x[0] for x in self.confs), max(x[0] for x in self.confs)
        span_increase = 1.2  # increase the mass range by a factor of 1.2
        span = [
            span_increase * x + (1 - span_increase) * sum(span) / 2
            for x in span
        noisex = uniform.rvs(loc=span[0],
                             scale=span[1] - span[0],
        noisey = gamma.rvs(a=2, scale=2, size=nb_of_noise_peaks)
        noisey /= sum(noisey)
        signal = sum(x[1] for x in self.confs)
        noisey *= signal * noise_fraction / (1 - noise_fraction)
        noise = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(noisex, noisey)]
        self.confs += noise
        return [
            True if mz in noisex else False
            for mz in [x[0] for x in self.confs]
def poissonGammaRVS(lambda_, alpha, beta):
    # パラメタ(λ,α,β)を設定しPoisson-Gamma乱数を生成
    Po = poisson.rvs(mu=lambda_)  #Poisson乱数
    res = np.ones_like(lambda_) * Po
    res[Po > 0] = gamma.rvs(alpha * Po[Po > 0],
                            1 / beta[Po > 0])  #Gamma(N*alpha, beta)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 38
    def sample_forecast_max_hail(self, dist_model_name, condition_model_name,
                                 num_samples, condition_threshold=0.5, query=None):
        Samples every forecast hail object and returns an empirical distribution of possible maximum hail sizes.

        Hail sizes are sampled from each predicted gamma distribution. The total number of samples equals
        num_samples * area of the hail object. To get the maximum hail size for each realization, the maximum
        value within each area sample is used.

            dist_model_name: Name of the distribution machine learning model being evaluated
            condition_model_name: Name of the hail/no-hail model being evaluated
            num_samples: Number of maximum hail samples to draw
            condition_threshold: Threshold for drawing hail samples
            query: A str that selects a subset of the data for evaluation

            A numpy array containing maximum hail samples for each forecast object.
        if query is not None:
            dist_forecasts = self.matched_forecasts["dist"][dist_model_name].query(query)
            dist_forecasts = dist_forecasts.reset_index(drop=True)
            condition_forecasts = self.matched_forecasts["condition"][condition_model_name].query(query)
            condition_forecasts = condition_forecasts.reset_index(drop=True)
            dist_forecasts = self.matched_forecasts["dist"][dist_model_name]
            condition_forecasts = self.matched_forecasts["condition"][condition_model_name]
        max_hail_samples = np.zeros((dist_forecasts.shape[0], num_samples))
        areas = dist_forecasts["Area"].values
        for f in np.arange(dist_forecasts.shape[0]):
            condition_prob = condition_forecasts.loc[f, self.forecast_bins["condition"][0]]
            if condition_prob >= condition_threshold:
                max_hail_samples[f] = np.sort(gamma.rvs(*dist_forecasts.loc[f, self.forecast_bins["dist"]].values,
                                                        size=(num_samples, areas[f])).max(axis=1))
        return max_hail_samples
def run(full, target_col, random_state=1234, c_range_alpha=.05, c_range_size=100, normalize=False,

    svr = linearSVRPermuteCoefFactory()
    pipeline_steps = [('svr', svr)]

    pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline_steps)

    c_range = gamma.rvs(size=c_range_size, a=c_range_alpha, random_state=random_state)

    param_dist = {"svr__C": c_range}

    data, target = separate(full, target_col)
    if normalize:
        data = scale(data)

    n_iter = 100
    cv = ShuffleSplit(len(target), n_iter=n_iter, test_size=1/6.0, random_state=random_state)

    total_runs = n_iter
    scorer = verbose_scorer(total_runs, score_fn)

    search = RandomizedSearchCV(pipeline, param_distributions=param_dist, cv=cv, scoring=scorer,

    search.fit(data, target)

    return search
Exemplo n.º 40
def add_proposals_and_relationships_to_network(
        n: nx.DiGraph, proposals: int, funding_pool: float,
        token_supply: float) -> nx.DiGraph:
    participant_count = len(n)
    for i in range(proposals):
        j = participant_count + i
        n.add_node(j, type="proposal", conviction=0, status="candidate", age=0)

        r_rv = gamma.rvs(3, loc=0.001, scale=10000)
        n.nodes[j]['funds_requested'] = r_rv
        n.nodes[j]['trigger'] = trigger_threshold(r_rv, funding_pool,

        for i in range(participant_count):
            n.add_edge(i, j)
            rv = np.random.rand()
            a_rv = 1 - 4 * (1 - rv) * rv  #polarized distribution
            n.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = a_rv
            n.edges[(i, j)]['tokens'] = 0
            n.edges[(i, j)]['conviction'] = 0
            n.edges[(i, j)]['type'] = 'support'

# Conflict Rate is a potential variable to optimize
# Relative Influence is a potential variable to optimize
        n = initial_conflict_network(n, rate=.25)
        n = initial_social_network(n, scale=1)
    return n
Exemplo n.º 41
    def __get_distribution_scale_parameter():
        Get sample shape parameter for the gamma distribution of firing rate over objects.
        See derivation in kurtosis_fit.py.

        :rtype : scale parameter.
        return np.float(gamma.rvs(37.4292, scale=0.062, loc=0, size=1))
Exemplo n.º 42
def make_fake_data(times, omega, A0, A1, B1, s2mu, B, VB, Vsigma, S, VS):
    Implement the full generative model from the paper.  Is this
    mus = mu(times, omega, A0, A1, B1)
    sigma2s = Gamma.rvs(S**2/VS, scale=VS/S, size=times.size)
    sobs2s = np.array([Gamma.rvs(m**2/Vsigma, scale=Vsigma/m, size=1)[0] for m in sigma2s])
    fobss = mus + np.sqrt(sigma2s + s2mu) * Norm.rvs(size=times.size)
    bs = B + np.sqrt(VB) * Norm.rvs(size=times.size)
    good = fobss > bs
    bad = good == False
    f0 = 1.e-6
    ms = flux2mag(fobss[good])
    ferrs = np.sqrt(sobs2s[good])
    merrs = 0.5 * (flux2mag(fobss[good] - ferrs) - flux2mag(fobss[good] + ferrs))
    return times[good], ms, merrs, times[bad]
Exemplo n.º 43
    def propose(self):
        ret = copy(self)
        ret.value = gamma.rvs(self.value * self.proposal_scale, scale=1./self.proposal_scale)

        fb = gamma.logpdf(ret.value, self.value * self.proposal_scale, scale=1./self.proposal_scale) -\
             gamma.logpdf(self.value, ret.value * self.proposal_scale, scale=1./self.proposal_scale)

        return ret, fb
Exemplo n.º 44
    def __init__(self, value=None, a=1.0, scale=1.0, proposal_scale=1.0, **kwargs):
        Stochastic.__init__(self, value=value, **kwargs)
        self.a = a
        self.scale = scale
        self.proposal_scale = proposal_scale

        if value is None:
            self.set_value(gamma.rvs(a, scale=scale))
Exemplo n.º 45
def N_sample(x , mu, sigma, prior_normal, prior_gamma, trace=0):
    sample mu and sigma from a normal distribution using the usual theory
    x - data vector
    mu - mean
    sigma - sd
    prior_normal, a 2-vector (prior_mu, prior_sigma)
    prior_gamma, a 2-vector (prior_a, prior_b)
    a 2-vector containing the sampled values of mu and sigma
    n = len(x)
    prior_mu = prior_normal[0]
    prior_sigma = prior_normal[1]
    prior_a = prior_gamma[0]
    prior_b = prior_gamma[1]

    if trace >= 2:
        print "sampling from normal distribution", "\n"

    v = 1 / (prior_sigma**-2 + n*sigma**-2)
    m = v * (prior_mu / prior_sigma**2 + np.sum(x) / sigma**2 )
    sampled_mu = norm.rvs(loc=m,scale=np.sqrt(v),size=1)

    if trace >=2:
        print "SD: " + str(np.sqrt(v)) +  " computed from\n"
        print "- prior sd: " + str(prior_sigma) + " \n"
        print "- current sd:" + str(sigma)  + " \n" 
        print "- N:" + str(N) + " \n"
        print "mean: " + str(m) + " \n"
        print "previous value of mean:" + str(mu) + " \n"
        print "sampled value of mean:" + str(sampled_mu) + " \n"

    if trace >= 2:
        print "sampling from gamma distribution \n"

    a = prior_a + n / 2
    b = prior_b + np.sum((x-mu)**2) / 2
    sampled_sigma = np.sqrt(1/gamma.rvs(a=a,scale=b,size=1)) ## check appropriate parameterization
    if trace >=2:
        print "sampling from gamma distribution \n"

    if trace>=2:
        print "a: " + str(a)
        print "b: " + str(b)
        print "previous value of sigma: " + str(sigma)
        print "sampled value of sigma:", sampled_sigma
    return np.array([sampled_mu, sampled_sigma])
Exemplo n.º 46
    def __init__(self, list_of_objects):
        A statistical model of selectivity & max spike rate distribution based on:

        Lehky, S. R., Kiani, R., Esteky, H., & Tanaka, K. (2011). Statistics of
            visual responses in primate inferotemporal cortex to object stimuli.
            Journal of Neurophysiology, 106(3), 1097–117.

        This paper shows (with a large passive-viewing IT dataset) that selectivity
        (kurtosis of neuron responses to different images) is lower than sparseness
        (kurtosis of population responses to each image). They propose a simple
        model (see pg. 1112) that explains this difference in terms of heterogeneity
        of spike rate distributions.

        They model these spike rate distributions as gamma functions,  We don't directly use
        Lehky et al.'s distribution of gamma PDF parameters, since probably some of their
        variability was due to stimulus parameters such as size, position, etc. being
        non-optimal for many neurons. We do use their shape-parameter distribution, but we
        use a different scale parameter distribution that approximates that of Lehky et al.
        after being scaled by a realistic distribution of scale factors for non-optimal size,
        position, etc. For derivation of scale factors see kurtosis_fit.py

        Additionally a function is provided to get the max firing rate of the neuron. Once
        parameters of the gamma distribution over the objects is calculated, we take the point at
        which the CDF = 0.99 as the maximum.
        self.type = 'kurtosis'

        self.a = self.__get_distribution_shape_parameter()
        self.b = self.__get_distribution_scale_parameter()

        obj_preferences = gamma.rvs(self.a, loc=0, scale=self.b, size=len(list_of_objects))
        obj_preferences = obj_preferences / self.get_max_firing_rate()

        self.objects = {item: obj_preferences[item_idx]
                        for item_idx, item in enumerate(list_of_objects)}

        # TODO: Remove this code and function, above is a faster way to generate object preferences
        # self.objects = {item: self.__get_object_preference(np.float(np.random.uniform(size=1)))
        #                 for item in list_of_objects}

        self.activity_fraction_measured = \

        # To calculate absolute activity fraction, the stimuli set consists of all objects the
        # neuron responds. Model this by getting firing rates distributed over the entire cdf
        #  with a small step
        rates_distribution_for_cdf = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=1000, endpoint=False)
        rates_all_obj = self.__get_object_preference(rates_distribution_for_cdf)

        self.activity_fraction_absolute = \

        # Calculate the excess kurtosis of the neuron
        self.kurtosis_absolute = 6.0 / self.a
        self.kurtosis_measured = calculate_kurtosis(np.array(self.objects.values()))
Exemplo n.º 47
	def initialize(self, method='student'):
		Randomly initializes parameters.

		if method.lower() == 'student':
			self.scales = 1. / sqrt(gamma.rvs(1, 0, 1, size=self.num_components))
			self.means *= 0.

		elif method.lower() == 'cauchy':
			self.scales = 1. / sqrt(gamma.rvs(0.5, 0, 2, size=self.num_components))
			self.means *= 0.

		elif method.lower() == 'laplace':
			self.scales = rayleigh.rvs(size=self.num_components)
			self.means *= 0.

			raise ValueError('Unknown initialization method \'{0}\'.'.format(method))
Exemplo n.º 48
    def random(cls, L=1, avg_mu=1.0, alphabet='nuc', pi_dirichlet_alpha=1,
               W_dirichlet_alpha=3.0, mu_gamma_alpha=3.0):
        Creates a random GTR model


         mu : float
            Substitution rate

         alphabet : str
            Alphabet name (should be standard: 'nuc', 'nuc_gap', 'aa', 'aa_gap')

        from scipy.stats import gamma
        gtr = cls(alphabet=alphabet, seq_len=L)
        n = gtr.alphabet.shape[0]

        if pi_dirichlet_alpha:
            pi = 1.0*gamma.rvs(pi_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n,L))
            pi = np.ones((n,L))

        pi /= pi.sum(axis=0)
        if W_dirichlet_alpha:
            tmp = 1.0*gamma.rvs(W_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n,n))
            tmp = np.ones((n,n))
        tmp = np.tril(tmp,k=-1)
        W = tmp + tmp.T

        if mu_gamma_alpha:
            mu = gamma.rvs(mu_gamma_alpha, size=(L,))
            mu = np.ones(L)

        gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, pi=pi, W=W)
        gtr.mu *= avg_mu/np.mean(gtr.mu)

        return gtr
Exemplo n.º 49
    def __get_distribution_shape_parameter():
        Get sample shape parameter for the gamma distribution of firing rates over objects.
        See derivation in kurtosis_fit.py.

        :rtype : shape parameter.
        shape_param = np.float(gamma.rvs(4.0, scale=0.5, loc=0, size=1))

        return np.maximum(1.01, shape_param)  # Avoid making PDF go to infinity at zero spike rate.
Exemplo n.º 50
def sampler(i):
   d = epsilon + 1
   while (d > epsilon):

       proposed_mu = np.random.normal(hyper_mu , hyper_sigma , 1) #draw from the prior over the mean
       proposed_tau = gamma.rvs(1. , size = 1)                    #draw from the prior over precision
       x = np.random.normal(proposed_mu , proposed_tau**-.5 , n)  #forward model
       d = rho(data , x)                                          #distance metric
   #print i
   return proposed_mu , proposed_tau
def rprior(size, hyperparameters):
    """ returns untransformed parameters """
    eps = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["eps_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["eps_scale"], size = size)
    w = 1 / gamma.rvs(hyperparameters["w_shape"], scale = hyperparameters["w_scale"], size = size)
    n0 = truncnorm.rvs((hyperparameters["n0_a"] - hyperparameters["n0_mean"]) / hyperparameters["n0_sd"], \
            (hyperparameters["n0_b"] - hyperparameters["n0_mean"]) / hyperparameters["n0_sd"], size = size, \
            loc = hyperparameters["n0_mean"], scale = hyperparameters["n0_sd"])
    r = random.exponential(scale = hyperparameters["r_scale"], size = size)
    K = truncnorm.rvs((hyperparameters["K_a"] - hyperparameters["K_mean"]) / hyperparameters["K_sd"], \
            (hyperparameters["K_b"] - hyperparameters["K_mean"]) / hyperparameters["K_sd"], size = size, \
            loc = hyperparameters["K_mean"], scale = hyperparameters["K_sd"])
    theta = random.exponential(scale = hyperparameters["theta_scale"], size = size)
    parameters = zeros((6, size))
    parameters[0, :] = eps
    parameters[1, :] = w
    parameters[2, :] = log(n0)
    parameters[3, :] = r
    parameters[4, :] = K
    parameters[5, :] = theta
    return parameters
def consume(fruits, filled, gutsize = 15, alfa = 10, delta = 9):
    Como sera a estrutura de sementes ingeridas e tempo de passagem? Pensar depois
    fruits = fruits.item()
    #filled = filled.item()
    hip = (alfa * fruits) / (delta + fruits)
    frac = (1 - filled/gutsize) * gutsize
    amount = int(min(hip, frac))
    time = gamma.rvs(3, scale = 9, size = 1).item()
    return amount, time
Exemplo n.º 53
 def sample_obs_max_hail(self, dist_model_name, num_samples, query=None):
     if query is not None:
         dist_obs = self.matched_forecasts["dist"][dist_model_name].query(query)
         dist_obs = dist_obs.reset_index(drop=True)
         dist_obs = self.matched_forecasts["dist"][dist_model_name]
     max_hail_samples = np.zeros((dist_obs.shape[0], num_samples))
     areas = dist_obs["Area"].values
     for f in np.arange(dist_obs.shape[0]):
         dist_params = dist_obs.loc[f, self.type_cols["dist"]].values
         if dist_params[0] > 0:
             max_hail_samples[f] = np.sort(gamma.rvs(*dist_params,
                                                     size=(num_samples, areas[f])).max(axis=1))
     return max_hail_samples
def perch_time(nind, time_left, shape = 4, scale = 1.25):
    #left = time_left    
    time = gamma.rvs(shape, scale = scale, size = nind)
    if time > time_left:
        time = np.array([time_left])
    #for i in np.arange(nind):   
    #    if time[i] > time_left[i]:
    #        time[i] = time_left[i]
    return time
Exemplo n.º 55
def sample_posterior(Nsample):
    xbar , s = np.mean(data) , np.var(data)
    hyper_t = 1./hyper_sigma**2.
    a_pos = n/2. + hyper_a
    scale_pos  = 1./(1 + n*s/2.)
    m = np.zeros((Nsample))
    t = np.zeros((Nsample))
    for i in range(Nsample):
        t[i] = gamma.rvs(a_pos, loc=0, scale=scale_pos) 
        sigma_pos = (n*t[i] + hyper_t)**-.5
        mean_pos = (n*xbar*t[i] + hyper_mu*hyper_t)/(n*t[i] + hyper_t)
        m[i] = norm.rvs(loc = mean_pos, scale=sigma_pos)
    return m, t
Exemplo n.º 56
def generate_uncertainties(N, dist='Gamma', rseed=None):
    This function generates a uncertainties for the white noise component
    in the synthetic light curve. 
    N: positive integer
        Lenght of the returned uncertainty vector
    dist: {'EMG', 'Gamma'}
        Probability density function (PDF) used to generate the 
        Seed for the random number generator
    s: ndarray
        Vector containing the uncertainties
    expected_s_2: float
        Expectation of the square of s computed analytically
    if dist == 'EMG':  # Exponential modified Gaussian
        # the mean of a EMG rv is mu + 1/(K*sigma)
        # the variance of a EMG rv is sigma**2 + 1/(K*sigma)**2
        K = 1.824328605481941
        sigma = 0.05*0.068768312946785953
        mu = 0.05*0.87452567616276777
        # These parameters were obtained after fitting uncertainties
        # coming from 10,000 light curves of the VVV survey
        expected_s_2 = sigma**2 + mu**2 + 2*K*mu*sigma + 2*K**2*sigma**2 
        s = exponnorm.rvs(K, loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=N)
    elif dist == 'Gamma':
        # The mean of a gamma rv is k*sigma
        # The variance of a gamma rv is k*sigma**2
        k = 3.0
        sigma = 0.05/k  #  mean=0.05, var=0.05**2/k
        s = gamma.rvs(k, loc=0.0, scale=sigma, size=N)
        expected_s_2 = k*(1+k)*sigma**2  
    return s, expected_s_2
Exemplo n.º 57
    def genRandomWebLogs(self):
            Method for generating random web log data.

        self.count += 1
        if self.randomWebLogsWindowOpenedFlag == False:

            self.randomWebLogsWindowOpenedFlag = True # set window opened
            global RandomWebLogsWindow

            def toggleFlag():
                self.randomWebLogsWindowOpenedFlag = False # set window closed

            RandomWebLogsWindow = tk.Toplevel(self)
            RandomWebLogsWindow.minsize(300, 500)
            RandomWebLogsWindow.title("Random web log data")
            RandomWebLogsWindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", toggleFlag)

            x = sp.arange(1, 31 * 24) # 1 month of traffic data
            y = sp.array(200 * (sp.sin(2 * sp.pi * x / (7 * 24))), dtype=int)
            y += gamma.rvs(15, loc=0, scale=100, size=len(x))
            y += 2 * sp.exp(x / 100.0)
            y = sp.ma.array(y, mask=[y < 0])
            sp.savetxt(os.path.join("sample_data", "sample_web_traffic.tsv"), list(zip(x, y)), delimiter="\t", fmt="%s")
            model = TableModel() # create a new TableModel for table data
            table = TableCanvas(RandomWebLogsWindow, model=model, editable=False) # create a new TableCanvas for showing the table
            tableData = {} # dictionary for storing table data
            for k, v in list(zip(x,y)):
                tableData[uuid.uuid4()] = {'Hour': str(k), 'Hits': str(v)}
            table.resizeColumn(0, 100)
            table.resizeColumn(1, 100)

Exemplo n.º 58
def place_field(xmax=100, firing_rate=0.1, baseline=0.0001, **kwargs):
    Creates a 1D Gaussian place field with center pos and
    covariance matrix. The max is scaled to desired firing_rate.
    Baseline gives the baseline firing rate.

    :return pdf: Probability density function
    if 'preloaded' in kwargs:
        pos = kwargs['preloaded'][0]
        var = kwargs['preloaded'][1]
        n_modes = len(pos)
        n_modes = floor(gamma.rvs(3, 0, 1))
        if n_modes < 1.:
            n_modes = 1
        if n_modes > 4:
            n_modes = 4
        pos = random.uniform(1, xmax, n_modes)
        var = random.uniform(1.5, xmax / 10, n_modes)

    gauss_m = list()
    for p, v in zip(pos, var):
        mv = norm(p, v)
        scale = mv.pdf(p)
        gauss_m.append((mv, scale))

    def pdf(arena):
        prob = 0.
        for g in gauss_m:
            prob += g[0].pdf(arena) / g[1]
        prob /= n_modes
        fr = firing_rate * prob + baseline
        return fr

    def info():
        parameters = (pos, var)
        return parameters

    return pdf, info
def run_class(full, target_col, random_state=1234, c_range_alpha=1.99, c_range_size=100):
    svc = LinearSVC()

    pipeline = Pipeline([('svc', svc)])

    c_range = gamma.rvs(size=c_range_size, a=c_range_alpha, random_state=random_state)

    param_dist = {"svc__C": c_range}

    data, target = separate(full, target_col)
    target_c = target > 0

    n_iter = 100
    cv = ShuffleSplit(len(target), n_iter=n_iter, test_size=1/6.0, random_state=random_state)

    total_runs = n_iter
    scorer = verbose_scorer(total_runs)

    search = RandomizedSearchCV(pipeline, param_distributions=param_dist, cv=cv, scoring=scorer,

    search.fit(data, target_c)

    return search