Exemplo n.º 1
def analyzeTrack(diaList):

    nTrackPts = len(diaList)

    (t, ra, dec, ssmId)= getTrackDias(diaList)

# check to see whether this is a real track

    ssmId = np.array(ssmId)
    bad = np.where(ssmId != ssmId[0])
    if len(bad[0]):
        trackOK = False
        trackOK = True
# fit quadratics in t to ra and dec

    raFit = np.polyfit(t,ra, 2)
    raFitPts = np.polyval(raFit, t)
    raChisq = np.sum((raFitPts - ra)**2)/nominalAstroErr**2
    raChisqProb = st.chisqprob(raChisq, nTrackPts)
    decFit = np.polyfit(t,dec, 2)
    decFitPts = np.polyval(decFit, t)
    decChisq = np.sum((decFitPts - dec)**2)/nominalAstroErr**2
    decChisqProb = st.chisqprob(decChisq, nTrackPts)
#    print raChisq, decChisq, raChisqProb, decChisqProb
# calculate the chisq for each fit, assuming for the moment, fixed error
# in each ra and dec measurement of 0.1"

# calculate the chisq probability

    return (trackOK, ssmId[0], t, ra, dec, raChisqProb, decChisqProb)
Exemplo n.º 2
def lmSarma(ols, w, spDcache):
    LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (15) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [Anselin1996a]_


    ols         : OLS_dev
                  Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    sarma       : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the LM sarma test.


    first = (spDcache.utwyDs - spDcache.utwuDs) ** 2 / \
        (w.n * spDcache.j - spDcache.t)
    secnd = spDcache.utwuDs ** 2 / spDcache.t
    lm = first + secnd
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 2)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 3
def lmErr(reg, w, spDcache):
    LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (9) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [Anselin1996a]_


    reg         : OLS_dev, TSLS_dev, STSLS_dev
                  Instance from a regression class
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache    : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    lme         : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the LM error test.

    lm = spDcache.utwuDs**2 / spDcache.t
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 4
def rlmErr(ols, w, spDcache):
    Robust LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (8) of Anselin et
    al. (1996) [Anselin1996a]_

    NOTE: eq. (8) has an errata, the power -1 in the denominator should be inside the square bracket.


    ols         : OLS_dev
                  Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    rlme        : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the Robust LM error test.

    nj = ols.n * spDcache.j
    num = (spDcache.utwuDs - (spDcache.t * spDcache.utwyDs) / nj) ** 2
    den = spDcache.t * (1. - (spDcache.t / nj))
    lm = num / den
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 5
def rlmLag(ols, w, spDcache):
    Robust LM lag test. Implemented as presented in eq. (12) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [Anselin1996a]_


    ols             : OLS_dev
                      Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w               : W
                      Spatial weights instance
    spDcache        : spDcache
                      Instance of spDcache class


    rlml            : tuple
                      Pair of statistic and p-value for the Robust LM lag test.

    lm = (spDcache.utwyDs - spDcache.utwuDs) ** 2 / \
        ((ols.n * spDcache.j) - spDcache.t)
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 6
def lmErr(reg, w, spDcache):
    LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (9) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [Anselin1996a]_


    reg         : OLS_dev, TSLS_dev, STSLS_dev
                  Instance from a regression class
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache    : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    lme         : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the LM error test.

    lm = spDcache.utwuDs ** 2 / spDcache.t
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 7
def extractChiSquare(fluxarr, errarr, binwidth):
    if min(fluxarr) * binwidth < 5:
        b_fluxarr, b_errarr = binflux(fluxarr, errarr)
        binwidth = 2 * binwidth
        b_fluxarr = fluxarr
        b_errarr = errarr
    # Find the weighted average flux
    #print "binwidth:",binwidth
    #print b_fluxarr, b_errarr
    countsum = 0.0
    weightsum = 0.0
    for i in range(len(b_fluxarr)):
        countsum += b_fluxarr[i] / (b_errarr[i]**2)
        weightsum += 1 / (b_errarr[i])**2

    avgrate = countsum / weightsum
    chisq_sum = 0.0
    #print "Avg count:",avgrate
    #print avgflux
    for i in range(len(b_fluxarr)):
        chisq_sum += ((b_fluxarr[i] - avgrate)**2) / (b_errarr[i])**2
        #print chisq_sum,(b_fluxarr[i])*60,(b_errarr[i])*60
    #print "chisq sum:", chisq_sum
    chisq_pval = st.chisqprob(chisq_sum, len(b_fluxarr))
    return chisq_pval
Exemplo n.º 8
def rlmLag(ols, w, spDcache):
    Robust LM lag test. Implemented as presented in eq. (12) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [1]_


    ols             : OLS_dev
                      Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w               : W
                      Spatial weights instance
    spDcache        : spDcache
                      Instance of spDcache class


    rlml            : tuple
                      Pair of statistic and p-value for the Robust LM lag test.

    .. _ Anselin, L., Bera, A. K., Florax, R., Yoon, M. J. (1996) "Simple
       diagnostic tests for spatial dependence". Regional Science and Urban
       Economics, 26, 77-104.
    lm = (spDcache.utwyDs - spDcache.utwuDs) ** 2 / \
        ((ols.n * spDcache.j) - spDcache.t)
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 9
def lmSarma(ols, w, spDcache):
    LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (15) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [1]_


    ols         : OLS_dev
                  Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    sarma       : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the LM sarma test.

    .. _ Anselin, L., Bera, A. K., Florax, R., Yoon, M. J. (1996) "Simple
       diagnostic tests for spatial dependence". Regional Science and Urban
       Economics, 26, 77-104.

    first = (spDcache.utwyDs - spDcache.utwuDs) ** 2 / \
        (w.n * spDcache.j - spDcache.t)
    secnd = spDcache.utwuDs ** 2 / spDcache.t
    lm = first + secnd
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 2)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 10
def rlmErr(ols, w, spDcache):
    Robust LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (8) of Anselin et al. (1996) [1]_

    NOTE: eq. (8) has an errata, the power -1 in the denominator should be inside the square bracket.


    ols         : OLS_dev
                  Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    rlme        : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the Robust LM error test.

    .. _ Anselin, L., Bera, A. K., Florax, R., Yoon, M. J. (1996) "Simple
       diagnostic tests for spatial dependence". Regional Science and Urban
       Economics, 26, 77-104.
    nj = ols.n * spDcache.j
    num = (spDcache.utwuDs - (spDcache.t * spDcache.utwyDs) / nj) ** 2
    den = spDcache.t * (1. - (spDcache.t / nj))
    lm = num / den
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 11
def extractChiSquare(fluxarr,errarr,binwidth): 
   if min(fluxarr)*binwidth < 5: 
   # Find the weighted average flux 
   #print "binwidth:",binwidth 
   #print b_fluxarr, b_errarr
   for i in range(len(b_fluxarr)): 

   #print "Avg count:",avgrate  
   #print avgflux 
   for i in range(len(b_fluxarr)): 
      #print chisq_sum,(b_fluxarr[i])*60,(b_errarr[i])*60 
   #print "chisq sum:", chisq_sum       
   return chisq_pval 
Exemplo n.º 12
def rlmLag(ols, w, spDcache):
    Robust LM lag test. Implemented as presented in eq. (12) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [Anselin1996a]_


    ols             : OLS_dev
                      Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w               : W
                      Spatial weights instance
    spDcache        : spDcache
                      Instance of spDcache class


    rlml            : tuple
                      Pair of statistic and p-value for the Robust LM lag test.

    lm = (spDcache.utwyDs - spDcache.utwuDs) ** 2 / \
        ((ols.n * spDcache.j) - spDcache.t)
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 13
def rlmErr(ols, w, spDcache):
    Robust LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (8) of Anselin et
    al. (1996) [Anselin1996a]_

    NOTE: eq. (8) has an errata, the power -1 in the denominator should be inside the square bracket.


    ols         : OLS_dev
                  Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    rlme        : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the Robust LM error test.

    nj = ols.n * spDcache.j
    num = (spDcache.utwuDs - (spDcache.t * spDcache.utwyDs) / nj)**2
    den = spDcache.t * (1. - (spDcache.t / nj))
    lm = num / den
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 14
def lmSarma(ols, w, spDcache):
    LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (15) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [Anselin1996a]_


    ols         : OLS_dev
                  Instance from an OLS_dev regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    sarma       : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the LM sarma test.


    first = (spDcache.utwyDs - spDcache.utwuDs) ** 2 / \
        (w.n * spDcache.j - spDcache.t)
    secnd = spDcache.utwuDs**2 / spDcache.t
    lm = first + secnd
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 2)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 15
def lmErr(reg, w, spDcache):
    LM error test. Implemented as presented in eq. (9) of Anselin et al.
    (1996) [1]_


    reg         : OLS_dev, TSLS_dev, STSLS_dev
                  Instance from a regression class
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance
    spDcache    : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class


    lme         : tuple
                  Pair of statistic and p-value for the LM error test.

    .. _ Anselin, L., Bera, A. K., Florax, R., Yoon, M. J. (1996) "Simple
       diagnostic tests for spatial dependence". Regional Science and Urban
       Economics, 26, 77-104.
    lm = spDcache.utwuDs ** 2 / spDcache.t
    pval = chisqprob(lm, 1)
    return (lm[0][0], pval[0][0])
def uniform_dist_pvalue(dist):
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson's_chi-square_test#Discrete_uniform_distribution
    Ei = dist.sum() / dist.size
    Oi = dist
    chi2 = ((Ei - Oi) ** 2 / Ei).sum()
    dof = dist.size - 1
    pvalue = chisqprob(chi2, dof) 
    return pvalue 
Exemplo n.º 17
def makePrunedSubtrees(remainingAttributes, examples, attributeValues,
                       className, defaultLabel, setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q):
    Creates a classification tree Node and all its children. This returns a Node, which is the root
    Node of the tree constructed from the passed in parameters. This should be implemented recursively,
    and handle base cases for zero examples or remainingAttributes as covered in the book.    

        remainingAttributes (list<string>): the names of attributes still not used
        examples (list<dictionary<str,str>>): list of examples
        attrValues (dictionary<string,list<string>>): list of possible values for attribute
        className (str): the name of the class
        defaultLabel (string): the default label
        setScoreFunc (func): the function to score classes (ie classEntropy or gini)
        gainFunc (func): the function to score gain of attributes (ie entropyGain or giniGain)
        q (float): the Chi-Squared pruning parameter
        Node or LeafNode
        The classification tree node optimal for the remaining set of attributes.
    # Import statement
    from scipy.stats.stats import chisqprob

    # Trivial cases
    if not examples:
        return LeafNode(defaultLabel)
    if not [e for e in examples[1:] if e[className] != examples[0][className]]:
        return LeafNode(examples[0][className])
    if not remainingAttributes:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    # Non-trivial case
    attr = max(
        key=lambda x: gainFunc(examples, x, attributeValues[x], className))
    attrCount = getAttributeCounts(examples, attr, attributeValues[attr],
    classCount, chiSq, root = getClassCounts(examples,
                                             className), 0, Node(attr)

    for i in attributeValues[attr]:
        for j in classCount:
            if j not in attrCount[i]: attrCount[i][j] = 0
            fExp = sum(attrCount[i].values()) * float(classCount[j]) / sum(
            chiSq += (attrCount[i][j] - fExp)**2 / fExp

    if chisqprob(chiSq, (len(attrCount) - 1) * len(classCount) - 1) > q:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    for v in attributeValues[attr]:
        root.children[v] = makePrunedSubtrees(
            [a for a in remainingAttributes if a != attr],
            getPertinentExamples(examples, attr,
                                 v), attributeValues, className,
            getMostCommonClass(examples, className), setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q)
    return root
Exemplo n.º 18
def linreg(timesteps,fluxarr,errarr): 
   #Turn into numpy array 
   timesteps_a = numpy.array(timesteps)
   fluxarr_a = numpy.array(fluxarr)
   errarr_a = numpy.array(errarr)

   fitfunc=lambda p, x: p[0]+p[1]*x 
   errfunc=lambda p,x,y,e: (y-fitfunc(p,x))/e 
   err = errfunc(p_res,timesteps_a,fluxarr_a,errarr_a)
   chisq=sum([abs(x)**2 for x in err])
   return p_res[0],p_res[1],chisq,chisq_pval 
Exemplo n.º 19
def analyzeTrack(diaList):

    nTrackPts = len(diaList)

    (t, ra, dec, ssmId) = getTrackDias(diaList)

    # check to see whether this is a real track

    ssmId = np.array(ssmId)
    bad = np.where(ssmId != ssmId[0])
    if len(bad[0]):
        trackOK = False
        trackOK = True

# fit quadratics in t to ra and dec

    raFit = np.polyfit(t, ra, 2)
    raFitPts = np.polyval(raFit, t)
    raChisq = np.sum((raFitPts - ra)**2) / nominalAstroErr**2
    raChisqProb = st.chisqprob(raChisq, nTrackPts)

    decFit = np.polyfit(t, dec, 2)
    decFitPts = np.polyval(decFit, t)
    decChisq = np.sum((decFitPts - dec)**2) / nominalAstroErr**2
    decChisqProb = st.chisqprob(decChisq, nTrackPts)

    #    print raChisq, decChisq, raChisqProb, decChisqProb

    # calculate the chisq for each fit, assuming for the moment, fixed error
    # in each ra and dec measurement of 0.1"

    # calculate the chisq probability

    return (trackOK, ssmId[0], t, ra, dec, raChisqProb, decChisqProb)
Exemplo n.º 20
def mcnemar2(tup):
    Input args:
       a, b, c, d- frequencies
       pvalue of test.
    a = tup[0]
    b = tup[1]
    c = tup[2]
    d = tup[3]
    chi2testval = float(abs(b-c) **2)/ (b + c)
    df = 1
    pvalue = chisqprob(chi2testval,df)
    return pvalue
Exemplo n.º 21
def dofitSCP0401(datfile='HST_SCP_0401.sncosmo.dat',

    # TODO : read in the redshift, etc from the header.

    # read in the obs data
    sn = ascii.read(datfile,

    # define SALT2 models and set initial guesses for z and t0
    salt2ex = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2-extended')
    salt2ex.source.set_peakmag(0., 'bessellb', 'ab')
    x0_AB0 = salt2ex.get('x0')
    x0_from_mB = lambda m: x0_AB0 * 10**(-0.4 * (m))
    salt2ex.set(z=1.713, t0=53090.0, x0=x0_from_mB(26.14), x1=0.2, c=-0.1)
    # salt2ex.set( z=1.33, t0=56814.6, hostebv=0.05, hostr_v=3.1 )

    # Do a bounded fit :
    #res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc( sn, salt2ex, ['z','t0','x0','x1','c'],
    #                           bounds={'z':(1.712,1.714),'t0':(t0-dt0,t0+dt0),
    #                                   'x1':(-5.,5.), 'c':(-0.5,3.0) })
    res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc(sn,
                              salt2ex, ['z', 't0', 'x0'],
                                  'z': (1.712, 1.714),
                                  't0': (t0 - dt0, t0 + dt0)

    x0 = fit.get('x0')
    mB = -2.5 * np.log10(x0 / x0_AB0)
    distmod = mB - -19.19  #  MBmodel from Rubin et al 2013
    deltamuLCDM = distmod - dm(z)
    print("mB = %.2f" % mB)
    print("dist.mod. = %.2f" % distmod)
    print("Delta.mu_LCDM = %.2f" % deltamuLCDM)

    chi2 = res.chisq
    ndof = res.ndof
    pval = chisqprob(chi2, ndof)

    print("chi2/dof= %.3f" % (chi2 / float(ndof)))
    print("p-value = %.3f" % pval)

    return (sn, fit, res)
Exemplo n.º 22
def linreg(timesteps, fluxarr, errarr):
    #Turn into numpy array
    timesteps_a = numpy.array(timesteps)
    fluxarr_a = numpy.array(fluxarr)
    errarr_a = numpy.array(errarr)

    fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1] * x
    errfunc = lambda p, x, y, e: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) / e
    p0 = numpy.array([0.001, 0.001])
    p_res, success = leastsq(errfunc,
                             args=(timesteps_a, fluxarr_a, errarr_a))
    err = errfunc(p_res, timesteps_a, fluxarr_a, errarr_a)
    chisq = sum([abs(x)**2 for x in err])
    chisq_pval = st.chisqprob(chisq, len(timesteps))
    return p_res[0], p_res[1], chisq, chisq_pval
Exemplo n.º 23
def log_reg(timesteps, fluxarr, errarr):
    log_fluxarr = []
    for x in fluxarr:
        if (x < 0):
            print "Flux less than zero?"

    log_err = numpy.log(1 + (errarr / fluxarr))
    #log_err=errarr / fluxarr

    fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1] * x
    errfunc = lambda p, x, y, err: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) / err
    pinit = [fluxarr[0], -1]
    out = leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(timesteps, log_fluxarr, log_err))
    outf = open("fit.csv", 'w')
    chisq = 0
    binwidth = timesteps[2] - timesteps[1]

    for i in range(len(timesteps)):
        fit = float(math.e**(out[0][0] + out[0][1] * timesteps[i]))
        fit_count = fit * binwidth
        actual_count = fluxarr[i] * binwidth
        # With Gehrels' weighting
        error = (1 + math.sqrt(fluxarr[i] * binwidth + 0.75)) / binwidth
        pred_error = (1 + math.sqrt(fit * binwidth + 0.75)) / binwidth
        #print error, pred_error, fit_count, actual_count
        if pred_error > errarr[i]:
            #if pred_error > errarr_a[i] and actual_count < 10:
            #print pred_error,errarr_a[i],actual_count,fit_count
            chisq += ((fluxarr[i] - fit) / pred_error)**2
            error_used = pred_error
            chisq += ((fluxarr[i] - fit) / errarr[i])**2
            error_used = errarr[i]
            str(timesteps[i]) + "," + str(fluxarr[i]) + "," + str(error_used) +
            "," + str(errarr[i]) + "," + str(fit) + "\n")
    r_chisq = chisq / len(timesteps)
    chisq_pval = st.chisqprob(chisq, len(timesteps))
    return out[0][0], out[0][1], r_chisq, chisq_pval
Exemplo n.º 24
def akTest(iv, w, spDcache):
    Computes AK-test for the general case (end. reg. + sp. lag)


    iv          : STSLS_dev
                  Instance from spatial 2SLS regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance 
   spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class

    mi          : float
                  Moran's I statistic for IV residuals
    ak          : float
                  Square of corrected Moran's I for residuals::
                  .. math::

                        ak = \dfrac{N \times I^*}{\phi^2}

    p           : float
                  P-value of the test

        * Code in as Nancy
        * Compare both
    mi = get_mI(iv, w, spDcache)
    # Phi2
    etwz = np.dot(iv.u.T, (w.sparse * iv.z))
    a = np.dot(etwz, np.dot(iv.varb, etwz.T))
    s12 = (w.s0 / w.n)**2
    phi2 = (spDcache.t + (4.0 / iv.sig2n) * a) / (s12 * w.n)
    ak = w.n * mi**2 / phi2
    pval = chisqprob(ak, 1)
    return (mi, ak[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 25
def akTest(iv, w, spDcache):
    Computes AK-test for the general case (end. reg. + sp. lag)


    iv          : STSLS_dev
                  Instance from spatial 2SLS regression
    w           : W
                  Spatial weights instance 
   spDcache     : spDcache
                  Instance of spDcache class

    mi          : float
                  Moran's I statistic for IV residuals
    ak          : float
                  Square of corrected Moran's I for residuals::
                  .. math::

                        ak = \dfrac{N \times I^*}{\phi^2}

    p           : float
                  P-value of the test

        * Code in as Nancy
        * Compare both
    mi = get_mI(iv, w, spDcache)
    # Phi2
    etwz = np.dot(iv.u.T, (w.sparse * iv.z))
    a = np.dot(etwz,np.dot(iv.varb,etwz.T))
    s12 = (w.s0 / w.n)**2
    phi2 = ( spDcache.t + (4.0 / iv.sig2n) * a ) / (s12 * w.n)
    ak = w.n * mi**2 / phi2
    pval = chisqprob(ak, 1)
    return (mi, ak[0][0], pval[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 26
def log_reg(timesteps,fluxarr,errarr): 
   for x in fluxarr: 
      if (x < 0): 
         print "Flux less than zero?" 

   log_err=numpy.log(1+(errarr / fluxarr)) 
   #log_err=errarr / fluxarr 
   fitfunc=lambda p,x: p[0]+p[1]*x 
   errfunc=lambda p,x,y,err:(y-fitfunc(p,x))/err 
   for i in range(len(timesteps)): 
      # With Gehrels' weighting 
      error = (1+math.sqrt(fluxarr[i]*binwidth+0.75))/binwidth
      pred_error = (1+math.sqrt(fit*binwidth+0.75))/binwidth
      #print error, pred_error, fit_count, actual_count 
      if pred_error > errarr[i]:  
      #if pred_error > errarr_a[i] and actual_count < 10:  
         #print pred_error,errarr_a[i],actual_count,fit_count 
   return out[0][0],out[0][1],r_chisq,chisq_pval 
Exemplo n.º 27
def dofitSCP0401( datfile='HST_SCP_0401.sncosmo.dat', z=1.713,
                  t0=53080.0, dt0=50.0 ) :

    # TODO : read in the redshift, etc from the header.

    # read in the obs data
    sn = ascii.read( datfile, format='commented_header', header_start=-1, data_start=0 )

    # define SALT2 models and set initial guesses for z and t0
    salt2ex = sncosmo.Model( source='salt2-extended')
    salt2ex.source.set_peakmag( 0., 'bessellb', 'ab' )
    x0_AB0 = salt2ex.get('x0')
    x0_from_mB = lambda m : x0_AB0 * 10**(-0.4*(m) )
    salt2ex.set( z=1.713, t0=53090.0, x0=x0_from_mB(26.14), x1=0.2, c=-0.1 )
    # salt2ex.set( z=1.33, t0=56814.6, hostebv=0.05, hostr_v=3.1 )

    # Do a bounded fit :
    #res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc( sn, salt2ex, ['z','t0','x0','x1','c'],
    #                           bounds={'z':(1.712,1.714),'t0':(t0-dt0,t0+dt0),
    #                                   'x1':(-5.,5.), 'c':(-0.5,3.0) })
    res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc( sn, salt2ex, ['z','t0','x0'],

    x0 = fit.get( 'x0' )
    mB = -2.5*np.log10(  x0 / x0_AB0 )
    distmod = mB - -19.19 #  MBmodel from Rubin et al 2013
    deltamuLCDM = distmod - dm(z)
    print( "mB = %.2f"%mB )
    print( "dist.mod. = %.2f"%distmod)
    print( "Delta.mu_LCDM = %.2f"%deltamuLCDM)

    chi2 = res.chisq
    ndof = res.ndof
    pval = chisqprob( chi2, ndof )

    print( "chi2/dof= %.3f"% (chi2/float(ndof) ) )
    print( "p-value = %.3f"% pval )

    return( sn, fit, res )
Exemplo n.º 28
def correlationStatistics(predictions, observations, obsError, predError):

	predictions = numpy.array(predictions)
	observations = numpy.array(observations)

	correlation = numpy.corrcoef(predictions, observations, rowvar=0)
	correlation = correlation[1][0]

	if predError != 0:
		obsError = math.sqrt(obsError*obsError + predError*predError)

	#Assuming the observations have an error that is normaly distributed with deviation obsError
	#Checks if the errors are actually distributed around the fit-line with this deviation
	#Technically returns the probability that the observed distribution of errors comes from the supposed distribution
	errors = observations - predictions
	squaredErrors = numpy.square(errors)
	mse = numpy.mean(squaredErrors)
	chisquared = mse*len(squaredErrors)/(math.pow(obsError, 2))
	chisquaredProb = stats.chisqprob(chisquared, len(squaredErrors) - 1)
	degreesOfFreedom = len(squaredErrors) - 1
	reducedChisquared = chisquared/degreesOfFreedom

	return (correlation, chisquared, reducedChisquared, chisquaredProb)
Exemplo n.º 29
def makePrunedSubtrees(remainingAttributes,examples,attributeValues,className,defaultLabel,setScoreFunc,gainFunc,q):
    Creates a classification tree Node and all its children. This returns a Node, which is the root
    Node of the tree constructed from the passed in parameters. This should be implemented recursively,
    and handle base cases for zero examples or remainingAttributes as covered in the book.    

        remainingAttributes (list<string>): the names of attributes still not used
        examples (list<dictionary<str,str>>): list of examples
        attrValues (dictionary<string,list<string>>): list of possible values for attribute
        className (str): the name of the class
        defaultLabel (string): the default label
        setScoreFunc (func): the function to score classes (ie classEntropy or gini)
        gainFunc (func): the function to score gain of attributes (ie entropyGain or giniGain)
        q (float): the Chi-Squared pruning parameter
        Node or LeafNode
        The classification tree node optimal for the remaining set of attributes.
    #YOUR CODE HERE (Extra Credit)
    if len(examples) == 0:
        node = LeafNode(defaultLabel)
        return node

    #all examples have the same classification
    classificaitionAllSame = True
    tocheck = examples[0][className]
    for example in examples:
        if example[className] != tocheck:
            classificaitionAllSame = False
    if classificaitionAllSame == True:
        node = LeafNode(tocheck)
        return node

    if len(remainingAttributes) == 0:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    maxA = None
    maxGain = -99999999999
    for attr in remainingAttributes:
        if gainFunc(examples,attr,attributeValues[attr],className) > maxGain:
            maxGain = gainFunc(examples,attr,attributeValues[attr],className)
            maxA = attr

    # chi-square check
    mydict = getAttributeCounts(examples, maxA, attributeValues[maxA], className)
    anotherdict = {}
    for key in mydict.keys():
        subsum = 0
        for item in mydict[key].keys():
            subsum = subsum + mydict[key][item]
        anotherdict[key] = subsum #class count

    classCounts = getClassCounts(examples, className)
    dev = 0
    for key in mydict.keys():
        chii = 0
        for item in mydict[key].keys():
            pi = mydict[key][item] * 1.0
            pih = (classCounts[item] /  (len(examples) * 1.0)) * anotherdict[key]
            chii = chii + (pi - pih) * (pi - pih) / pih
        dev = dev + chii
    v = len(attributeValues[maxA]) - 1

    if chisqprob(dev, v) > q:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))
    # add subtree
    newNode = Node(maxA)
    newRemain = []
    for remAttr in remainingAttributes:
        if remAttr != maxA:

    mostCommon = getMostCommonClass(examples,className)
    mydict = {}
    for value in attributeValues[maxA]:
        newExamples = getPertinentExamples(examples,maxA,value);
        subtreeNode = makePrunedSubtrees(newRemain, newExamples, attributeValues, className, mostCommon, setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q)
        mydict[value] = subtreeNode
    newNode.children = mydict
    return newNode
Exemplo n.º 30
def makePrunedSubtrees(remainingAttributes, examples, attributeValues,
                       className, defaultLabel, setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q):
    Creates a classification tree Node and all its children. This returns a Node, which is the root
    Node of the tree constructed from the passed in parameters. This should be implemented recursively,
    and handle base cases for zero examples or remainingAttributes as covered in the book.    

        remainingAttributes (list<string>): the names of attributes still not used
        examples (list<dictionary<str,str>>): list of examples
        attrValues (dictionary<string,list<string>>): list of possible values for attribute
        className (str): the name of the class
        defaultLabel (string): the default label
        setScoreFunc (func): the function to score classes (ie classEntropy or gini)
        gainFunc (func): the function to score gain of attributes (ie entropyGain or giniGain)
        q (float): the Chi-Squared pruning parameter
        Node or LeafNode
        The classification tree node optimal for the remaining set of attributes.
    #YOUR CODE HERE (Extra Credit)
    if len(examples) == 0:
        node = LeafNode(defaultLabel)
        return node

    #all examples have the same classification
    classificaitionAllSame = True
    tocheck = examples[0][className]
    for example in examples:
        if example[className] != tocheck:
            classificaitionAllSame = False
    if classificaitionAllSame == True:
        node = LeafNode(tocheck)
        return node

    if len(remainingAttributes) == 0:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    maxA = None
    maxGain = -99999999999
    for attr in remainingAttributes:
        if gainFunc(examples, attr, attributeValues[attr],
                    className) > maxGain:
            maxGain = gainFunc(examples, attr, attributeValues[attr],
            maxA = attr

    # chi-square check
    mydict = getAttributeCounts(examples, maxA, attributeValues[maxA],
    anotherdict = {}
    for key in mydict.keys():
        subsum = 0
        for item in mydict[key].keys():
            subsum = subsum + mydict[key][item]
        anotherdict[key] = subsum  #class count

    classCounts = getClassCounts(examples, className)
    dev = 0
    for key in mydict.keys():
        chii = 0
        for item in mydict[key].keys():
            pi = mydict[key][item] * 1.0
            pih = (classCounts[item] /
                   (len(examples) * 1.0)) * anotherdict[key]
            chii = chii + (pi - pih) * (pi - pih) / pih
        dev = dev + chii

    v = len(attributeValues[maxA]) - 1

    if chisqprob(dev, v) > q:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    # add subtree
    newNode = Node(maxA)
    newRemain = []
    for remAttr in remainingAttributes:
        if remAttr != maxA:

    mostCommon = getMostCommonClass(examples, className)
    mydict = {}
    for value in attributeValues[maxA]:
        newExamples = getPertinentExamples(examples, maxA, value)
        subtreeNode = makePrunedSubtrees(newRemain, newExamples,
                                         attributeValues, className,
                                         mostCommon, setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q)
        mydict[value] = subtreeNode
    newNode.children = mydict

    return newNode
Exemplo n.º 31
def makePrunedSubtrees(remainingAttributes, examples, attributeValues,
                       className, defaultLabel, setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q):
    Creates a classification tree Node and all its children. This returns a Node, which is the root
    Node of the tree constructed from the passed in parameters. This should be implemented recursively,
    and handle base cases for zero examples or remainingAttributes as covered in the book.

        remainingAttributes (list<string>): the names of attributes still not used
        examples (list<dictionary<str,str>>): list of examples
        attrValues (dictionary<string,list<string>>): list of possible values for attribute
        className (str): the name of the class
        defaultLabel (string): the default label
        setScoreFunc (func): the function to score classes (ie classEntropy or gini)
        gainFunc (func): the function to score gain of attributes (ie entropyGain or giniGain)
        q (float): the Chi-Squared pruning parameter
        Node or LeafNode
        The classification tree node optimal for the remaining set of attributes.
    #YOUR CODE HERE (Extra Credit)
    # base case
    if len(examples) == 0:
        return LeafNode(defaultLabel)

    label = examples[0][className]
    same_label = True
    for example in examples:
        if example[className] != label:
            same_label = False
    if same_label:
        return LeafNode(label)

    if len(remainingAttributes) == 0:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    # recursive step
    # find best attribute
    not_assigned = True
    best_info_gain = 0
    best_attr = 0

    for attr_name in remainingAttributes:
        local_info_gain = gainFunc(examples, attr_name,
                                   attributeValues[attr_name], className)
        if not_assigned:
            best_info_gain = local_info_gain
            best_attr = attr_name
            not_assigned = False
            if local_info_gain > best_info_gain:
                best_info_gain = local_info_gain
                best_attr = attr_name

    # chi-square
    dict_1 = getAttributeCounts(examples, best_attr,
                                attributeValues[best_attr], className)
    dict_2 = {}

    for key in dict_1:
        count = 0
        for i in dict_1[key]:
            count += dict_1[key][i]
        dict_2[key] = count

    class_count = getClassCounts(examples, className)

    dev = 0
    for key in dict_1:
        chi = 0
        for i in dict_1[key]:
            p_actual = dict_1[key][i] * 1.0
            p_expect = class_count[i] / (len(examples) * 1.0)
            p_expect *= dict_2[key]
            p_diff = p_actual - p_expect
            chi += p_diff**2 / p_expect
        dev += chi

    if chisqprob(dev, len(attributeValues[best_attr]) - 1) > q:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    # add subtree
    root = Node(best_attr)

    remaining_attributes = list(remainingAttributes)

    for attr_value in attributeValues[best_attr]:
        subset_examples = getPertinentExamples(examples, best_attr, attr_value)
        child = makePrunedSubtrees(remaining_attributes, subset_examples,
                                   attributeValues, className,
                                   getMostCommonClass(examples, className),
                                   setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q)
        root.children[attr_value] = child

    return root
Exemplo n.º 32
def makePrunedSubtrees(remainingAttributes, examples, attributeValues,
                       className, defaultLabel, setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q):
    Creates a classification tree Node and all its children. This returns a Node, which is the root
    Node of the tree constructed from the passed in parameters. This should be implemented recursively,
    and handle base cases for zero examples or remainingAttributes as covered in the book.    

        remainingAttributes (list<string>): the names of attributes still not used
        examples (list<dictionary<str,str>>): list of examples
        attrValues (dictionary<string,list<string>>): list of possible values for attribute
        className (str): the name of the class
        defaultLabel (string): the default label
        setScoreFunc (func): the function to score classes (ie classEntropy or gini)
        gainFunc (func): the function to score gain of attributes (ie entropyGain or giniGain)
        q (float): the Chi-Squared pruning parameter
        Node or LeafNode
        The classification tree node optimal for the remaining set of attributes.
    #YOUR CODE HERE (Extra Credit)
    if len(examples) == 0:
        node = LeafNode(defaultLabel)
        return node
    same = True
    firstattrval = examples[0][className]
    for example in examples:
        if example[className] != firstattrval:
            same = False
    if same == True:
        node = LeafNode(firstattrval)
        return node
    if len(remainingAttributes) == 0:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))
    argmax = None
    gainmax = -maxint
    for attr in remainingAttributes:
        if gainFunc(examples, attr, attributeValues[attr],
                    className) > gainmax:
            gainmax = gainFunc(examples, attr, attributeValues[attr],
            argmax = attr

    attrdict = getAttributeCounts(examples, argmax, attributeValues[argmax],
    dicta = {}
    for key in attrdict.keys():
        subsum = 0
        for item in attrdict[key].keys():
            subsum += attrdict[key][item]
        dicta[key] = subsum
    classcnt = getClassCounts(examples, className)
    dev = 0
    for key in attrdict.keys():
        chii = 0
        for item in attrdict[key].keys():
            pi = float(attrdict[key][item])
            pih = (classcnt[item] / float(len(examples))) * dicta[key]
            chii += (pi - pih) * (pi - pih) / pih
        dev += chii
    v = len(attributeValues[argmax]) - 1
    if chisqprob(dev, v) > q:
        return LeafNode(getMostCommonClass(examples, className))

    root = Node(argmax)
    newremainattr = list(remainingAttributes)
    for value in attributeValues[argmax]:
        cur = getPertinentExamples(examples, argmax, value)
        root.children[value] = makePrunedSubtrees(
            newremainattr, cur, attributeValues, className,
            getMostCommonClass(examples, className), setScoreFunc, gainFunc, q)
    return root
Exemplo n.º 33
def dofit(datfile='nebra_bestphot.dat',
    # TODO : read in the redshift, etc from the header.

    from .colorcolorfig import SubClassDict_SNANA
    # read in the obs data
    sn = ascii.read(datfile,

    if model == 'Ia':
        # define SALT2 models and set initial guesses for z and t0
        if noUV:
            salt2ex = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2')
            salt2ex = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2-extended')
        salt2ex.source.set_peakmag(0., 'bessellb', 'ab')
        x0_AB0 = salt2ex.get('x0')
        salt2ex.set(z=z, t0=t0, x1=0.1, c=-0.2)
        # salt2ex.set( z=1.33, t0=56814.6, hostebv=0.05, hostr_v=3.1 )

        # Do a bounded fit :
        # salt2res, salt2fit = sncosmo.fit_lc( sn, salt2, ['z','t0','x0','x1','c'], bounds={'z':(1.28,1.37),'t0':(56804,56824)} )
        varlist = varlist = ['z', 't0', 'x0']
        bounds = {'z': (z - dz, z + dz), 't0': (t0 - dt0, t0 + dt0)}
        if x1 is not None:
            bounds['x1'] = (x1 - 1e-6, x1 + 1e-6)
            bounds['x1'] = (-5, 5)
        if c is not None:
            bounds['c'] = (-0.5, 3.0)

        res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc(sn, salt2ex, varlist, bounds)

        x0 = fit.get('x0')
        z = fit.get('z')
        mB = -2.5 * np.log10(x0 / x0_AB0)
        distmod = mB - MBmodel
        deltamuLCDM = distmod - dm(z)
        print("mB = %.2f" % mB)
        print("dist.mod. = %.2f" % distmod)
        print("Delta.mu_LCDM = %.2f" % deltamuLCDM)

        chi2 = res.chisq
        ndof = res.ndof
        pval = chisqprob(chi2, ndof)

        if ndof > 0:
            print("chi2/dof= %.3f" % (chi2 / float(ndof)))
            print("p-value = %.3f" % pval)
            print("chi2/dof= %.3f/%i" % (chi2, ndof))
            print("p-value = %.3f" % pval)

        print("z = %.3f" % fit.get('z'))
        print("t0 = %.3f" % fit.get('t0'))
        print("x0 = %.3e" % fit.get('x0'))
        print("x1 = %.3f" % fit.get('x1'))
        print("c = %.3f" % fit.get('c'))

    elif model.lower() in ['cc', 'ib', 'ic', 'ii', 'ibc', 'iip', 'iin']:
        # remove the blue filters from the sn data
        bandlist = sn['filter'].data
        igood = np.array([band.lower().startswith('f1') for band in bandlist])
        sn = sn.copy()[igood]

        # define a host-galaxy dust model
        dust = sncosmo.CCM89Dust()
        version = '1.0'

        if model.lower() == 'cc': classlist = ['Ib', 'Ic', 'IIP', 'IIn']
        elif model.lower() == 'ii': classlist = ['IIP', 'IIn']
        elif model.lower() == 'ibc': classlist = ['Ibc']
        else: classlist = [model]

        # find the best-fit from each CC sub-class
        chi2list, reslist, fitlist = [], [], []
        for snclass in classlist:
            for modname in SubClassDict_SNANA[snclass.lower()]:
                Av = 0.2
                modkey = (sncosmo.Source, modname, version)
                if modkey not in sncosmo.registry._loaders: continue
                ccmodel = sncosmo.Model(source=modname,
                ccmodel.set(z=z, t0=t0, hostr_v=3.1, hostebv=Av / 3.1)
                # Do a bounded fit :
                res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc(sn,
                                          ['z', 't0', 'amplitude', 'hostebv'],
                                              'z': (z - dz, z + dz),
                                              't0': (t0 - dt0, t0 + dt0),
                                              'hostebv': (0.0, 1.0)

                chi2 = res.chisq
                ndof = res.ndof
                pval = chisqprob(chi2, ndof)

                print("%s  chi2/dof= %.3f  p=%.3f" %
                      (modname, chi2 / float(ndof), pval))
                chi2list.append(chi2 / float(ndof))
        ichi2min = np.argmin(chi2list)
        res, fit = reslist[ichi2min], fitlist[ichi2min]
    else:  # 'nugent-sn91bg'
        # remove the blue filters from the sn data
        bandlist = sn['filter'].data
        igood = np.array([band.startswith('f1') for band in bandlist])
        sn = sn.copy()[igood]

        # define a host-galaxy dust model
        dust = sncosmo.CCM89Dust()
        version = '1.0'

        Av = 0.2
        altmodel = sncosmo.Model(source=model,
        altmodel.set(z=z, t0=t0, hostr_v=3.1, hostebv=Av / 3.1)
        # Do a bounded fit :
        res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc(sn,
                                  ['z', 't0', 'amplitude', 'hostebv'],
                                      'z': (z - dz, z + dz),
                                      't0': (t0 - dt0, t0 + dt0),
                                      'hostebv': (0.0, 1.0)

        chi2 = res.chisq
        ndof = res.ndof
        pval = chisqprob(chi2, ndof)

        print("%s  chi2/dof= %.3f  p=%.3f" % (model, chi2 / float(ndof), pval))

    return (sn, fit, res)
Exemplo n.º 34
def dofit( datfile='HST_CANDELS4_bush.sncosmo.dat', z=1.76, dz=0.53,
           t0=55803.1, dt0=25.0, x1=None, c=None,
           model='Ia', noUV=True, debug=False) :

    # TODO : read in the redshift, etc from the header.

    # read in the obs data
    sn = ascii.read( datfile, format='commented_header', header_start=-1, data_start=0 )

    if model == 'Ia' :
        # define SALT2 models and set initial guesses for z and t0
        if noUV :
            salt2ex = sncosmo.Model( source='salt2')
        else :
            salt2ex = sncosmo.Model( source='salt2-extended')
        salt2ex.source.set_peakmag( 0., 'bessellb', 'ab' )
        x0_AB0 = salt2ex.get('x0')
        salt2ex.set( z=z, t0=t0, x1=0.1, c=-0.2 )
        # salt2ex.set( z=1.33, t0=56814.6, hostebv=0.05, hostr_v=3.1 )

        # Do a bounded fit :
        # salt2res, salt2fit = sncosmo.fit_lc( sn, salt2, ['z','t0','x0','x1','c'], bounds={'z':(1.28,1.37),'t0':(56804,56824)} )
        varlist = varlist = ['z','t0','x0']
        bounds={  'z':(z-dz,z+dz), 't0':(t0-dt0,t0+dt0) }
        if x1 is not None:
            salt2ex.set( x1=x1 )
            bounds['x1'] = (x1-1e-6,x1+1e-6)
            varlist.append( 'x1' )
        else :
            bounds['x1'] = (-5,5)
            varlist.append( 'x1' )
        if c is not None:
            salt2ex.set( c=c )
        else :
            bounds['c'] = (-0.5,3.0)
            varlist.append( 'c' )

        res, fit = sncosmo.fit_lc( sn, salt2ex, varlist, bounds )

        x0 = fit.get( 'x0' )
        z = fit.get( 'z' )
        mB = -2.5*np.log10(  x0 / x0_AB0 )
        distmod = mB - MBmodel
        deltamuLCDM = distmod - dm(z)
        print( "mB = %.2f"%mB )
        print( "dist.mod. = %.2f"%distmod)
        print( "Delta.mu_LCDM = %.2f"%deltamuLCDM)

        chi2 = res.chisq
        ndof = res.ndof
        pval = chisqprob( chi2, ndof )

        if ndof>0:
            print( "chi2/dof= %.3f"% (chi2/float(ndof) ) )
            print( "p-value = %.3f"% pval )
        else :
            print( "chi2/dof= %.3f/%i"%( chi2, ndof) )
            print( "p-value = %.3f"% pval )

        print( "z = %.3f"% fit.get('z') )
        print( "t0 = %.3f"% fit.get('t0') )
        print( "x0 = %.3e"% fit.get('x0') )
        print( "x1 = %.3f"% fit.get('x1') )
        print( "c = %.3f"% fit.get('c') )

    elif model.lower() in ['cc','ib','ic','ii','ibc','iip','iin']:
        # remove the blue filters from the sn data
        bandlist = sn['filter'].data
        igood = np.array( [ band.startswith('f1') for band in bandlist ] )
        sn = sn.copy()[igood]

        # define a host-galaxy dust model
        dust = sncosmo.CCM89Dust( )
        version = '1.0'

        if model.lower()=='cc' : classlist = ['Ib','Ic','IIP','IIn']
        elif model.lower()=='ii' : classlist = ['IIP','IIn']
        elif model.lower()=='ibc' : classlist = ['Ib','Ic']
        else : classlist = [model]

        # find the best-fit from each CC sub-class
        chi2list, reslist, fitlist  = [],[],[]
        for snclass in classlist :
            for tempnum in range( 1, 10 ):
                Av = 0.2
                modname = snclass.lower() + '.%02i'%tempnum
                modkey = ( sncosmo.Source, modname, version )
                if modkey not in sncosmo.registry._loaders : continue
                ccmodel = sncosmo.Model( source=modname, effects=[dust],
                                         effect_names=['host'], effect_frames=['rest'])
                ccmodel.set( z=z, t0=t0, hostr_v=3.1, hostebv=Av/3.1 )
                # Do a bounded fit :
                res, fit  = sncosmo.fit_lc(
                    sn, ccmodel, ['z','t0','amplitude','hostebv' ], debug=debug,
                            'hostebv':(0.0,1.0) } )

                chi2 = res.chisq
                ndof = res.ndof
                pval = chisqprob( chi2, ndof )

                print( "%s  chi2/dof= %.3f  p=%.3f"%(modname, chi2/float(ndof), pval  ) )
                chi2list.append( chi2/float(ndof) )
                reslist.append( res )
                fitlist.append( fit )
        ichi2min = np.argmin( chi2list )
        res, fit = reslist[ichi2min], fitlist[ichi2min]
    else : # 'nugent-sn91bg'
        # remove the blue filters from the sn data
        bandlist = sn['filter'].data
        igood = np.array( [ band.startswith('f1') for band in bandlist ] )
        sn = sn.copy()[igood]

        # define a host-galaxy dust model
        dust = sncosmo.CCM89Dust( )
        version = '1.0'

        Av = 0.2
        altmodel = sncosmo.Model( source=model, effects=[dust],
                                 effect_names=['host'], effect_frames=['rest'])
        altmodel.set( z=z, t0=t0, hostr_v=3.1, hostebv=Av/3.1 )
        # Do a bounded fit :
        res, fit  = sncosmo.fit_lc(
            sn, altmodel, ['z','t0','amplitude','hostebv' ], debug=debug,
                    'hostebv':(0.0,1.0) } )

        chi2 = res.chisq
        ndof = res.ndof
        pval = chisqprob( chi2, ndof )

        print( "%s  chi2/dof= %.3f  p=%.3f"%(model, chi2/float(ndof), pval  ) )

    return( sn, fit, res )