Exemplo n.º 1
    def describe_simulation(self, save=False):
        """ This function plots the simulation of a von Mises distribution for different values of n """

        n = [10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000]
        x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 300)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5), sharey=True)
        i = 0

        for val in n:
            ax[i].hist(self.results, bins=200, density=True, color='grey')
                       vonmises.pdf(x, self.kappa, loc=self.mu),

            if self.proposal == 'uniform':
                ax[i].plot([-np.pi, np.pi],
                           2 *
                           [vonmises.pdf(x, self.kappa, loc=self.mu).max()],

            elif self.proposal == 'cauchy':
                y, x = np.histogram(wrapped_cauchy(mu=self.mu,
                                    bins=np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1_000),
                y_, _ = np.histogram(von_mises_cauchy(mu=self.mu,
                                     bins=np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1_000),
                ax[i].plot((x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2,
                           (y_ / y).max() * gaussian_filter1d(y, sigma=10),

            ax[i].set_ylim([0., None])
            ax[i].set_xticks([-3.14, 0., 3.14])
            ax[i].title.set_text(f'n = {val:.1e}')
            i += 1

        ax[0].locator_params(axis="y", nbins=4)

            f'von Mises  (\u03BC = {self.mu:.3f},  \u03BA = {self.kappa:.3f},  proposal = {self.proposal})'
        plt.legend(prop={'size': 8})

        if save:
            fig.savefig('Graphs/describe_simulation_' + self.proposal + '.png')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __calcPFrame(self, kappa_ver, kappa_hor, tau, theta_rod):
        # computes kappas
        kappa1 = kappa_ver - \
                 (1 - np.cos(np.abs(2 * self.frames))) * \
                 tau * \
                 (kappa_ver - kappa_hor)
        kappa2 = kappa_hor + \
                 (1 - np.cos(np.abs(2 * self.frames))) * \
                 (1 - tau) * \
                 (kappa_ver - kappa_hor)

        # for every frame orientation, calculate frame influence
        P_frame = np.empty([len(theta_rod), self.frame_num])
        for i in range(self.frame_num):
            # the context provided by the frame
            P_frame0 = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod - self.frames[i], kappa1[i])
            P_frame90 = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod - np.pi / 2 - self.frames[i],
            P_frame180 = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod - np.pi - self.frames[i],
            P_frame270 = vonmises.pdf(
                theta_rod - np.pi * 3 / 2 - self.frames[i], kappa2[i])

            # add convolved distributions to P_frame
            P_frame[:, i] = P_frame0 + P_frame90 + P_frame180 + P_frame270

        return P_frame
Exemplo n.º 3
def angular_linear_pdf(x,
    from scipy.stats import kappa4, vonmises
    # 1. Speed
    k, h, scale, loc = speed_params
    x_pdf = kappa4.pdf(x, h, k, loc=loc, scale=scale)
    x_cdf = kappa4.cdf(x, h, k, loc=loc, scale=scale)
    # 2. Direction
    alpha_pdf = np.sum(
        [vonmises.pdf(alpha, k, loc=u) * w for k, u, w in vonmises_params],
    alpha_cdf = np.sum(
        [vonmises.cdf(alpha, k, loc=u) * w for k, u, w in vonmises_params],
    # 3. Connection
    phi = 2 * pi * (x_cdf - alpha_cdf)
    phi_pdf = np.sum(
        [vonmises.pdf(phi, k, loc=u) * w for k, u, w in connection_params],
    if cartesian == True:
        pdf = div0(2 * pi * x_pdf * alpha_pdf * phi_pdf, x)
        pdf = 2 * pi * x_pdf * alpha_pdf * phi_pdf
    return pdf
Exemplo n.º 4
    def makeProbTable(self):
        nFrames = np.size(self.theta_frame,0)
        nRods = np.size(self.theta_rod,0)

        #compute kappas
        kappa1 = self.kappa_ver-(1-np.cos(np.abs(2*self.theta_frame)))*self.tau*(self.kappa_verself.kappa_hor)
        kappa2 = self.kappa_hor+(1-np.cos(np.abs(2*self.theta_frame)))*(1-self.tau)*(self.kappa_verself.kappa_hor)

        #for every frame orientation, compute:
        for i in range(0,np.size(self.theta_frame,0)):

            # the context provided by the frame
            P_frame1 = vonmises.pdf(self.theta_rod-self.theta_frame[i],kappa1[i])
            P_frame2 = vonmises.pdf(self.theta_rod-np.pi/2-self.theta_frame[i],kappa2[i])
            P_frame3 = vonmises.pdf(self.theta_rod-np.pi-self.theta_frame[i],kappa1[i])
            P_frame4 = vonmises.pdf(self.theta_rod-3*np.pi/2-self.theta_frame[i],kappa2[i])

            P_frame = (P_frame1+P_frame2+P_frame3+P_frame4)/4

            # the otoliths
            P_oto = vonmises.pdf(self.theta_rod,self.kappa_oto)

            # cumulatitve response distribution per frame
            cdf[i,:]=np.cumsum(np.multiply(P_oto, P_frame))/np.sum(np.multiply(P_oto, P_frame))

        #save cdf as lookup table
def vm4_pdf(x,
            l1, l2, l3, l4,
            k1, k2, k3, k4,
            a1, a2, a3, a4, c):
    return a1*vonmises.pdf(x, k1, l1) + \
           a2*vonmises.pdf(x, k2, l2) + \
           a3*vonmises.pdf(x, k3, l3) + \
           a4*vonmises.pdf(x, k4, l4) + c
def verif(kappa):
    largeur = largeur95(kappa)
    xx = [180.0 * i / 1000 - 90 for i in range(1000)]
    yy = [
        vonmises.pdf(x * 2 * np.pi / 180, kappa) / vonmises.pdf(0, kappa)
        for x in xx
    plt.plot(xx, yy)
    plt.vlines([-largeur / 2, largeur / 2], 0, 1, color='red')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def frame(self):
        # Aocr is normally a free parameter (the uncompensated ocular counterroll)
        Aocr = 14.6 * np.pi / 180  # convert to radians and fixed across subjects

        factor = len(self.a_oto) * len(self.b_oto) * len(self.sigma_prior)

        for i in range(len(self.kappa_ver)):
            for j in range(len(self.kappa_hor)):
                for k in range(len(self.tau)):
                    for l in range(self.n_head):
                        for m in range(self.n_frames):
                            # the frame in retinal coordinates
                            frame_retinal = -(self.frames[m] - self.head[l]
                                              ) - Aocr * np.sin(self.head[l])
                            # make sure we stay in the -45 to 45 deg range
                            if frame_retinal > np.pi / 4:
                                frame_retinal = frame_retinal - np.pi / 2
                            elif frame_retinal < -np.pi / 4:
                                frame_retinal = frame_retinal + np.pi / 2

                            # compute how the kappa's changes with frame angle
                            kappa1 = self.kappa_ver[i] - (1 - np.cos(
                                np.abs(2 * frame_retinal))) * self.tau[k] * (
                                    self.kappa_ver[i] - self.kappa_hor[j])
                            kappa2 = self.kappa_hor[j] + (
                                1 - np.cos(np.abs(2 * frame_retinal))) * (
                                    1 - self.tau[k]) * (self.kappa_ver[i] -

                            # probability distributions for the four von-mises
                            P_frame1 = vonmises.pdf(-self.rods + frame_retinal,
                            P_frame2 = vonmises.pdf(
                                -self.rods + np.pi / 2 + frame_retinal, kappa2)
                            P_frame3 = vonmises.pdf(
                                -self.rods + np.pi + frame_retinal, kappa1)
                            P_frame4 = vonmises.pdf(
                                -self.rods + 3 * np.pi / 2 + frame_retinal,

                            # add the probability distributions
                            P_frame = (P_frame1 + P_frame2 + P_frame3 +
                            P_frame = P_frame / np.sum(
                                P_frame)  # normalize to one

                            P_frame = np.tile(P_frame, factor)
                            P_frame = P_frame.reshape(self.dims[:3] +
                            self.P_frame[:, :, :, i, j, k, l, m] = P_frame

        self.P_frame = self.P_frame / (np.prod(self.dims) / self.n_rods)
        self.P_frame[np.isnan(self.P_frame)] = 1e-307
Exemplo n.º 8
def plot_vmf_fit(x, mu, kappa, scale, index, title):
    subplot = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1 + index)
    plt.hist(x, bins=8, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled')
    domain = np.linspace(vonmises.ppf(0.01, kappa), vonmises.ppf(0.99, kappa),
    plt.plot(domain, vonmises.pdf(domain, kappa=kappa, loc=mu, scale=scale))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def partial_transform(self, traj):
        """Featurize an MD trajectory into a vector space via calculation
        of soft-bins over dihdral angle space.

        traj : mdtraj.Trajectory
            A molecular dynamics trajectory to featurize.

        features : np.ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            A featurized trajectory is a 2D array of shape
            `(length_of_trajectory x n_features)` where each `features[i]`
            vector is computed by applying the featurization function
            to the `i`th snapshot of the input trajectory.

        See Also
        transform : simultaneously featurize a collection of MD trajectories
        x = []
        for a in self.types:
            func = getattr(md, 'compute_%s' % a)
            _, y = func(traj)
            x.extend(vm.pdf(y, loc=self.loc,
                            kappa=self.kappa).reshape(self.n_bins, -1, 1))
        return np.hstack(x)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_von_mises_featurizer_2():
    trajectories = MinimalFsPeptide().get_cached().trajectories
    # test to make sure results are being put in the right order
    feat = VonMisesFeaturizer(["phi", "psi"], n_bins=10)
    _, all_phi = compute_phi(trajectories[0])
    X_all = feat.transform(trajectories)
    all_res = []
    for frame in all_phi:
        for dihedral_value in frame:
                                  loc=feat.loc, kappa=feat.kappa))


    # this checks 10 random dihedrals to make sure that they appear in the right columns
    # for the vonmises bins
    n_phi = all_phi.shape[1]
    for k in range(5):
        # pick a random phi dihedral
        rndint = np.random.choice(range(n_phi))
        # figure out where we expect it to be in X_all
        indices_to_expect = []
        for i in range(10):
            indices_to_expect += [n_phi * i + rndint]

        # we know the results in all_res are dihedral1(bin1-bin10) dihedral2(bin1 to bin10)
        # we are checking if X is alldihedrals(bin1) then all dihedrals(bin2)

        expected_res = all_res[rndint * 10:10 + rndint * 10]

        assert (np.array(
            [X_all[0][0, i] for i in indices_to_expect]) == expected_res).all()
Exemplo n.º 11
def density(x, data, kappa):
    denom = np.exp(kappa) / vonmises.pdf(0., kappa)
    N = len(data)
    p = 0.
    for z in data:
        p += np.exp(np.cos(x - z) * kappa) / denom / N
    return p
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_VonMisesFeaturizer_describe_features():

    feat = VonMisesFeaturizer()

    rnd_traj = np.random.randint(len(trajectories))

    features = feat.transform([trajectories[rnd_traj]])

    df = pd.DataFrame(feat.describe_features(trajectories[rnd_traj]))

    for f in range(25):
        f_index = np.random.choice(len(df))

        atom_inds = df.iloc[f_index].atominds
        bin_index = int(df.iloc[f_index].otherinfo.strip('bin-'))

        dihedral_value = md.compute_dihedrals(trajectories[rnd_traj],

        feature_value = [
            vm.pdf(i, loc=feat.loc, kappa=feat.kappa)[bin_index]
            for i in dihedral_value

        assert (features[0][:, f_index] == feature_value).all()
Exemplo n.º 13
def prob_vonmises(x, kappa, loc):
#    print "kappa, loc: ", kappa, loc
#    p = vonmises.pdf(x*pi/180.0,kappa, loc=loc)
#    p = vonmises.pdf(x,kappa, loc=loc)
    p = np.array([vonmises.pdf(x+m,kappa, loc=loc) for m in [-2*pi,0,2*pi]])
    p = np.amax(p,axis=0)
    return p
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_von_mises_featurizer_2():
    trajectories = MinimalFsPeptide().get_cached().trajectories
    # test to make sure results are being put in the right order
    feat = VonMisesFeaturizer(["phi", "psi"], n_bins=10)
    _, all_phi = compute_phi(trajectories[0])
    X_all = feat.transform(trajectories)
    all_res = []
    for frame in all_phi:
        for dihedral_value in frame:
                vm.pdf(dihedral_value, loc=feat.loc, kappa=feat.kappa))


    # this checks 10 random dihedrals to make sure that they appear in the right columns
    # for the vonmises bins
    n_phi = all_phi.shape[1]
    for k in range(5):
        # pick a random phi dihedral
        rndint = np.random.choice(range(n_phi))
        # figure out where we expect it to be in X_all
        indices_to_expect = []
        for i in range(10):
            indices_to_expect += [n_phi * i + rndint]

        # we know the results in all_res are dihedral1(bin1-bin10) dihedral2(bin1 to bin10)
        # we are checking if X is alldihedrals(bin1) then all dihedrals(bin2)

        expected_res = all_res[rndint * 10:10 + rndint * 10]

        assert (np.array([X_all[0][0, i]
                          for i in indices_to_expect]) == expected_res).all()
Exemplo n.º 15
def mixture_model_pdf(x,
    """Returns a probability density function for a mixture model.
    x : A list (or other iterable object) of values for the x axis. For example
        `range(-180, 181)` would generate the PDF for every relevant value.
    precision: The precision (or kappa) parameter. This is inversely related to
               the standard deviation, and is a value in degrees.
    guess_rate: The proportion of guess responses (0 - 1).
    bias: The bias (or loc) parameter in degrees.
    An array with probability densities for each value of x.

    x = np.radians(x)
    pdf_vonmises = vonmises.pdf(x=x,
    pdf_uniform = uniform.pdf(x, loc=-np.pi, scale=2 * np.pi)
    return pdf_vonmises * (1 - guess_rate) + pdf_uniform * guess_rate
Exemplo n.º 16
    def partial_transform(self, traj):
        """Featurize an MD trajectory into a vector space via calculation
        of soft-bins over dihdral angle space.

        traj : mdtraj.Trajectory
            A molecular dynamics trajectory to featurize.

        features : np.ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            A featurized trajectory is a 2D array of shape
            `(length_of_trajectory x n_features)` where each `features[i]`
            vector is computed by applying the featurization function
            to the `i`th snapshot of the input trajectory.

        See Also
        transform : simultaneously featurize a collection of MD trajectories
        x = []
        for a in self.types:
            func = getattr(md, 'compute_%s' % a)
            _, y = func(traj)
                vm.pdf(y, loc=self.loc,
                       kappa=self.kappa).reshape(self.n_bins, -1, 1))
        return np.hstack(x)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def partial_transform(self, traj):
        """Featurize an MD trajectory into a vector space via calculation
        of soft-bins over dihdral angle space.

        traj : mdtraj.Trajectory
            A molecular dynamics trajectory to featurize.

        features : np.ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            A featurized trajectory is a 2D array of shape
            `(length_of_trajectory x n_features)` where each `features[i]`
            vector is computed by applying the featurization function
            to the `i`th snapshot of the input trajectory.

        See Also
        transform : simultaneously featurize a collection of MD trajectories
        x = []
        for a in self.types:
            func = getattr(md, 'compute_%s' % a)
            _, y = func(traj)
            res = vm.pdf(y[..., np.newaxis], loc=self.loc, kappa=self.kappa)
            #we reshape the results using a  Fortran-like index order,
            #so that it goes over the columns first. This should put the results
            #phi dihedrals(all bin0 then all bin1), psi dihedrals(all_bin1)
                np.reshape(res, (1, -1, self.n_bins * y.shape[1]), order='F'))
        return np.hstack(x)
Exemplo n.º 18
def prob_vonmises(x, kappa, loc):
#    print "kappa, loc: ", kappa, loc
#    p = vonmises.pdf(x*pi/180.0,kappa, loc=loc)
#    p = [vonmises.pdf(x*pi/180.0 + m,kappa, loc=loc) for m in [-2*pi, 0, 2*pi]]
    p = [vonmises.pdf(x + m,kappa, loc=loc) for m in [-2*pi, 0, 2*pi]]
    p = max(p)
    return p
Exemplo n.º 19
    def describe_kappa(self, save=False):
        """ This function plots the density of a von Mises distribution for different values of kappa """

        kappa = [0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.5, 4, 20]
        x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 300)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(13, 7))
        i = 1

        ax[0, 0].plot([-np.pi, np.pi], 2 * [1 / (2 * np.pi)], 'r-', lw=1)
        ax[0, 0].set_ylim([0., None])
        ax[0, 0].set_xticks([-3.14, 0., 3.14])
        ax[0, 0].locator_params(axis="y", nbins=4)
        ax[0, 0].title.set_text(f'\u03BA = {0}')

        for val in kappa:
            if val != 0:
                ax[i // 3, i % 3].plot(x,
                                       vonmises.pdf(x, val, loc=0.),
                ax[i // 3, i % 3].set_ylim([0., None])
                ax[i // 3, i % 3].set_xticks([-3.14, 0., 3.14])
                ax[i // 3, i % 3].locator_params(axis="y", nbins=4)
                ax[i // 3, i % 3].title.set_text(f'\u03BA = {val}')
                i += 1

        fig.suptitle('von Mises (\u03BC = 0)')
        if save:
Exemplo n.º 20
def invmievonmises_pdf(theta, kappa, nu, lambda_, loc):
    alpha1 = i1(kappa) / i0(kappa)
    # inverse transformation by Newton's method
    inv_theta = inv_trans_APF(theta, loc, lambda_, nu)
    C = (1 - nu * alpha1)
    p = vonmises.pdf(inv_theta, loc=0, kappa=kappa) / C
    return p
Exemplo n.º 21
    def partial_transform(self, traj):
        """Featurize an MD trajectory into a vector space via calculation
        of soft-bins over dihdral angle space.

        traj : mdtraj.Trajectory
            A molecular dynamics trajectory to featurize.

        features : np.ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            A featurized trajectory is a 2D array of shape
            `(length_of_trajectory x n_features)` where each `features[i]`
            vector is computed by applying the featurization function
            to the `i`th snapshot of the input trajectory.

        See Also
        transform : simultaneously featurize a collection of MD trajectories
        x = []
        for a in self.types:
            func = getattr(md, 'compute_%s' % a)
            _, y = func(traj)
            res = vm.pdf(y[..., np.newaxis],
                         loc=self.loc, kappa=self.kappa)
            #we reshape the results using a  Fortran-like index order,
            #so that it goes over the columns first. This should put the results
            #phi dihedrals(all bin0 then all bin1), psi dihedrals(all_bin1)
            x.extend(np.reshape(res, (1, -1, self.n_bins*y.shape[1]), order='F'))
        return np.hstack(x)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def describe_mu(self, save=False):
        """ This function plots the density of a von Mises distribution for different values of mu """

        mu = [-np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2]
        x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 300)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5), sharey=True)
        i = 0

        for val in mu:
            ax[i].plot(x, vonmises.pdf(x, self.kappa, loc=val), 'r-', lw=1)
            ax[i].set_ylim([0., None])
            ax[i].set_xticks([-3.14, 0., 3.14])
            i += 1

        ax[0].title.set_text(f'\u03BC = -\u03C0/2')
        ax[1].title.set_text(f'\u03BC = 0')
        ax[2].title.set_text(f'\u03BC = \u03C0/2')

        ax[0].locator_params(axis="y", nbins=4)

        fig.suptitle(f'von Mises  (\u03BA = {self.kappa})')
        if save:
 def query_model(self,x):
     if self.models:
         best = np.argmin(self.bic)        
         logprob, responsibilities = self.models[best].score_samples(normalize([x]))
         return np.exp(logprob)[0]/self.max_pdf
         return vonmises.pdf(to_rad(x,self.period), kappa=self.kappa, loc=to_rad(self.circ_mu,self.period), scale=1)/self.max_pdf
Exemplo n.º 24
def rose_plot(ang, **kwargs):
    if 'ax' in kwargs:
        ax = kwargs.pop('ax')
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', plt.rcParams.get('figure.figsize')))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
    if kwargs.get('pdf', False):
        from scipy.stats import vonmises
        theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1801)
        radii = np.zeros_like(theta)
        kappa = kwargs.get('kappa', 250)
        for a in ang:
            radii += vonmises.pdf(theta, kappa, loc=np.radians(a))
            radii += vonmises.pdf(theta, kappa, loc=np.radians(a + 180))
        radii /= len(ang)
        bins = kwargs.get('bins', 36)
        width = 360 / bins
        if 'weights' in kwargs:
            num, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.concatenate((ang, ang + 180)),
                                          bins=bins + 1,
                                          range=(-width / 2, 360 + width / 2),
                                          weights=np.concatenate((kwargs.get('weights'), kwargs.get('weights'))),
                                          density=kwargs.get('density', False))
            num, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.concatenate((ang, ang + 180)),
                                          bins=bins + 1,
                                          range=(-width / 2, 360 + width / 2),
                                          density=kwargs.get('density', False))
        num[0] += num[-1]
        num = num[:-1]
        theta, radii = [], []
        arrow = kwargs.get('arrow', 0.95)
        rwidth = kwargs.get('rwidth', 1)
        for cc, val in zip(np.arange(0, 360, width), num):
            theta.extend([cc - width / 2, cc - rwidth * width / 2, cc,
                          cc + rwidth * width / 2, cc + width / 2, ])
            radii.extend([0, val * arrow, val, val * arrow, 0])
        theta = np.deg2rad(theta)
    if kwargs.get('scaled', False):
        radii = np.sqrt(radii)
    ax.fill(theta, radii, **kwargs.get('fill_kwg', {}))
    if kwargs.get('show', True):
    return ax
Exemplo n.º 25
def prob_vonmises(x, kappa, loc):
    #    print "kappa, loc: ", kappa, loc
    #    p = vonmises.pdf(x*pi/180.0,kappa, loc=loc)
    #    p = vonmises.pdf(x,kappa, loc=loc)
    p = np.array(
        [vonmises.pdf(x + m, kappa, loc=loc) for m in [-2 * pi, 0, 2 * pi]])
    p = np.amax(p, axis=0)
    return p
 def _vm_gauss(self, x, amp, kappa, loc):
     if kappa <= 10:  # Use vonmises
         g = vonmises.pdf(x, kappa, loc)
         g = amp * g/max(g)
     else:  # Use regular gaussian - vonmises can't handle large kappa
         sigma = np.sqrt(1/kappa)  # This is true for kappa approx > 10
         g = amp * np.exp(-(((x-loc)**2) / (2*sigma**2)))
     return g
Exemplo n.º 27
 def pdf_random_rotation(self, x, v, mu, kappa, n):
     Gives back the probability of observing the vector x, such that its angle with v is coming from a Von Mises
     distribution with k = self.kappa and its length coming form chi squared distribution with the parameter n.
     v = v/LA.norm(v,2)
     x = x/LA.norm(x,2)
     ang = sum(v*x)
     return (.5/np.pi)*(chi2.pdf(n*LA.norm(x,2),n)*n)*(vonmises.pdf(ang, kappa))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def plot(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
        if type(obj) is Group:
            ang, _ = obj.dd
            weights = abs(obj)
            self.title_text = obj.name
            ang = np.array(obj)
            weights = None
        if 'weights' in kwargs:
            weights = kwargs.pop('weights')

        if self.axial:
            ang = np.concatenate((ang % 360, (ang + 180) % 360))
            if weights is not None:
                weights = np.concatenate((weights, weights))

        if self.pdf:
            theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1801)
            radii = np.zeros_like(theta)
            for a in ang:
                radii += vonmises.pdf(theta,
                                      loc=np.radians(a % 360))
            radii /= len(ang)
            width = 360 / self.bins
            if weights is not None:
                num, bin_edges = np.histogram(ang,
                                              bins=self.bins + 1,
                                              range=(-width / 2,
                                                     360 + width / 2),
                num, bin_edges = np.histogram(ang,
                                              bins=self.bins + 1,
                                              range=(-width / 2,
                                                     360 + width / 2),
            num[0] += num[-1]
            num = num[:-1]
            theta, radii = [], []
            for cc, val in zip(np.arange(0, 360, width), num):
                    cc - width / 2,
                    cc - self.rwidth * width / 2,
                    cc + self.rwidth * width / 2,
                    cc + width / 2,
                radii.extend([0, val * self.arrow, val, val * self.arrow, 0])
            theta = np.deg2rad(theta)
        if self.scaled:
            radii = np.sqrt(radii)
        fill_kw = self.fill_kw.copy()
        self.ax.fill(theta, radii, **fill_kw)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_von_mises_featurizer():
    dataset = fetch_alanine_dipeptide()
    trajectories = dataset["trajectories"]

    featurizer = VonMisesFeaturizer(["phi"], n_bins=18)
    X_all = featurizer.transform(trajectories)
    n_frames = trajectories[0].n_frames
    assert X_all[0].shape == (n_frames,
                              18), ("unexpected shape returned: (%s, %s)" %

    featurizer = VonMisesFeaturizer(["phi", "psi"], n_bins=18)
    X_all = featurizer.transform(trajectories)
    n_frames = trajectories[0].n_frames
    assert X_all[0].shape == (n_frames,
                              36), ("unexpected shape returned: (%s, %s)" %

    featurizer = VonMisesFeaturizer(["phi", "psi"], n_bins=10)
    X_all = featurizer.transform(trajectories)
    assert X_all[0].shape == (n_frames,
                              20), ("unexpected shape returned: (%s, %s)" %

    dataset = fetch_fs_peptide()
    trajectories = dataset["trajectories"][0]
    #test to make sure results are being put in the right order
    feat = VonMisesFeaturizer(["phi", "psi"], n_bins=10)
    _, all_phi = compute_phi(trajectories[0])
    X_all = feat.transform([trajectories])
    all_res = []
    for frame in all_phi:
        for dihedral_value in frame:
                vm.pdf(dihedral_value, loc=feat.loc, kappa=feat.kappa))


    #this checks 10 random dihedrals to make sure that they appear in the right columns
    #for the vonmises bins
    n_phi = all_phi.shape[1]
    for k in range(5):
        #pick a random phi dihedral
        rndint = np.random.choice(range(n_phi))
        #figure out where we expect it to be in X_all
        indices_to_expect = []
        for i in range(10):
            indices_to_expect += [n_phi * i + rndint]

        #we know the results in all_res are dihedral1(bin1-bin10) dihedral2(bin1 to bin10)
        # we are checking if X is alldihedrals(bin1) then all dihedrals(bin2)

        expected_res = all_res[rndint * 10:10 + rndint * 10]

        assert (np.array([X_all[0][0, i]
                          for i in indices_to_expect]) == expected_res).all()
Exemplo n.º 30
def _swap_pdf(x_target,
    x_target = np.radians(x_target)
    pdf_vonmises_target = vonmises.pdf(x=x_target,
    pdf_vonmises_non_targets = [
                     loc=np.radians(bias)) for x_nontarget in x_nontargets
    pdf_uniform = uniform.pdf(x_target, loc=-np.pi, scale=2 * np.pi)
    return (pdf_vonmises_target * (1 - guess_rate - swap_rate) + swap_rate *
            sum(pdf_vonmises_non_targets) / len(pdf_vonmises_non_targets) +
            pdf_uniform * guess_rate)
 def _pdf(self, x, *lks):
     print 'lks', lks
     locs, kappas= lks[:len(lks)/2], lks[len(lks)/2:]
     print 'x', x
     print 'locs', locs
     print 'kapps', kappas
     #return np.sum([vonmises.pdf(x, l, k) for l, k in zip(locs, kappas)], 0)
     ret = np.zeros_like(x)
     for l, k in zip(locs, kappas):
         ret += vonmises.pdf(x, l, k)
     return ret / len(locs)
Exemplo n.º 32
def vonCoordinates(mu, kappa, size, alpha):
    tRads = numpy.random.vonmises(mu, kappa, size)
    tPdf = vonmises.pdf(tRads, loc=mu, kappa=kappa)
    tInterval = vonmises.interval(
        alpha, loc=mu, kappa=kappa
    )  #Endpoints of the range that contains alpha percent of the distribution
    tCdf = vonmises.cdf(tInterval, loc=mu, kappa=kappa)
    tDegs = numpy.degrees(tRads)
    tmpArray = tools.coordinatetools.pol2cart(tDegs, dictGen['stimDist'])
    coordList = zip(tmpArray[0], tmpArray[1])
    return (coordList, tPdf, tCdf)
Exemplo n.º 33
def invsevonmises_pdf(theta, loc, kappa, lambda_):
    def normalized_constraint_inv_se(kappa, lambda_):
        def f(theta, kappa, lambda_):
            return ((1 - (1 + lambda_) * np.cos(theta) / 2) * vonmises.pdf((theta) - (1 - lambda_) * np.sin(theta) / 2, kappa=kappa, loc=0))
        return quad(f, -np.pi, np.pi, args=(kappa, lambda_))[0]

    # inverse transformation by Newton's method
    C = np.vectorize(normalized_constraint_inv_se)(kappa, lambda_)
    theta_trans = inv_trans_se(theta, loc, lambda_)
    p = vonmises.pdf(theta_trans, loc=loc, kappa=kappa) / C
    return p
Exemplo n.º 34
def jonespewsey_pdf(theta, loc, kappa, psi):
    def molecule(theta, loc, kappa, psi):
        d = np.power(np.cosh(kappa * psi) +
                     np.sinh(kappa * psi) * np.cos(theta - loc), 1/psi)
        return d
    if np.any(np.abs(psi) < 1e-10):
        p = vonmises.pdf(theta, kappa=kappa, loc=loc)
        m = molecule(theta, loc, kappa, psi)
        C = 2 * np.pi * lpmv(0, 1/psi, np.cosh(kappa*psi))
        p = m / C
    return p
Exemplo n.º 35
    def __makeProbTable(self):
        # the rods I need for the cumulative density function
        theta_rod = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 10000)

        # allocate memory for the probability table
        self.prob_table = np.zeros([self.rod_num, self.frame_num])

        # the distribution of the otoliths
        P_oto = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod, self.kappa_oto)

        # compute kappas
        kappa1, kappa2 = self.__computeKappas()

        # for every frame orientation, calculate frame influence
        for i in range(self.frame_num):
            # the context provided by the frame
            P_frame0 = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod - self.frames[i], kappa1[i])
            P_frame90 = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod - np.pi / 2 - self.frames[i],
            P_frame180 = vonmises.pdf(theta_rod - np.pi - self.frames[i],
            P_frame270 = vonmises.pdf(
                theta_rod - np.pi * 3 / 2 - self.frames[i], kappa2[i])

            # initialize convolved distributions as P_frame
            P_frame = P_frame0 + P_frame90 + P_frame180 + P_frame270

            # cumulative response distribution per frame
            cdf = np.cumsum(P_frame * P_oto) / np.sum(P_frame * P_oto)

            # reduce cdf to |rods| using spline interpolation
            cdf_continuous = splrep(theta_rod, cdf, s=0)
            cdf = splev(self.rods, cdf_continuous, der=0)

            # add lapse probability to distribution
            PCW = cdf

            # add probabilities to look-up table
            self.prob_table[:, i] = PCW
def test_VonMisesFeaturizer_describe_features():
    feat = VonMisesFeaturizer()
    rnd_traj = np.random.randint(len(trajectories))
    features = feat.transform([trajectories[rnd_traj]])
    df = pd.DataFrame(feat.describe_features(trajectories[rnd_traj]))

    for f in range(25):
        f_index = np.random.choice(len(df))

        atom_inds = df.iloc[f_index].atominds
        bin_index = int(df.iloc[f_index].otherinfo.strip('bin-'))

        dihedral_value = md.compute_dihedrals(trajectories[rnd_traj],

        feature_value = [vm.pdf(i, loc=feat.loc, kappa=feat.kappa)[bin_index]
                         for i in dihedral_value]

        assert (features[0][:, f_index] == feature_value).all()
Exemplo n.º 37
def PlotPDF():
  mu = 0.0
  kappa_list = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0]

  data = []
  for kappa in kappa_list:
    x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
    if kappa == 0.0:
      y = 1 / (2.0 * np.pi) * np.ones(len(x))
      y = vonmises.pdf(x, kappa)

    data.append(([x, y, "$\kappa = {0}$".format(kappa)]))

  plt.axis([-np.pi, np.pi, 0.0, 1.2])
  plt.ylabel('Probability Density Function (PDF)')
  fig = plt.gcf()
def fit_curve(xfit,fit_type,param):
    if fit_type == 'n':
        yfit = mlab.normpdf(xfit ,param[1], param[2]) # mu, sigma
    elif fit_type == 'v':
        yfit = vonmises.pdf(xfit, kappa=param[1], loc=param[2], scale=param[3]) # kappa, circ_mu, circ_sd
    return yfit