def plot_original_signal_from_intrinsic_mode_functions(sample_frequency, imfs, residue, channel, plotter=plt): ''' :param sample_frequency: :param imfs: :param residue: :param channel: :param plotter: :return: ''' n_rows = len(imfs) data_length = len(imfs[0]) final_signal = scipy.zeros(len(imfs[1])) time_axis = scipy.linspace(start=0, stop=data_length / sample_frequency, num=data_length) for i in range(n_rows): final_signal = scipy.add(final_signal, imfs[i + 1]) final_signal = scipy.add(final_signal, residue) f, axis = plotter.subplots(1, 1) sup_title = "Channel " + channel f.suptitle(sup_title, fontsize=18) axis.plot(time_axis, final_signal) axis.grid()
def __init__(self, fc, c_vel, alp_g, mu_los, mu_nlos, a, b, noise_var, hUAV, xUAV, yUAV, xUE, yUE): dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(sp.subtract(yUAV, yUE)), sp.square(sp.subtract(xUAV, xUE))) ) R_dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(dist), sp.square(hUAV)) ) temp1 = sp.multiply(10, sp.log10(sp.power(fc*4*sp.pi*R_dist/c_vel, alp_g))) temp2 = sp.multiply(sp.subtract(mu_los, mu_nlos), sp.divide(1, (1+a*sp.exp(-b*sp.arctan(hUAV/dist)-a)))) temp3 = sp.add(sp.add(temp1, temp2), mu_nlos) self.pathloss = sp.divide(sp.real(sp.power(10, -sp.divide(temp3, 10))), noise_var)
def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.5): tx_d = sp.add(sp.multiply(sp.subtract(coverage_r, 200), sp.random.uniform(low=low_tx)), 50) tx_angle = sp.multiply(2, sp.multiply(sp.pi, sp.random.rand(1, 1))) self.tx_x = sp.add(origin_x, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.cos(tx_angle))) self.tx_y = sp.add(origin_y, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.sin(tx_angle))) plt.scatter(self.tx_x, self.tx_y, s=20, c='blue', marker='o') plt.annotate(id, (self.tx_x + 10, self.tx_y + 10))
def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.1): tx_d = sp.multiply(coverage_r, sp.random.uniform(low=low_tx)) tx_angle = sp.multiply(0.5, sp.multiply(sp.pi, (sp.random.rand()))) self.tx_x = sp.add(origin_x, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.sin(tx_angle))) self.tx_y = sp.add(origin_y, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.cos(tx_angle))) plt.scatter(self.tx_x, self.tx_y, s=20, c='red') plt.annotate(id, (self.tx_x + 10, self.tx_y + 10))
def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.2): # uav_d = sp.add(sp.multiply(sp.subtract(coverage_r, 100), sp.random.rand(1, 1)), 50) uav_d = sp.add(sp.multiply(sp.subtract(coverage_r, 100), sp.random.uniform(low=low_tx)), 50) uav_angle = sp.multiply(2, sp.multiply(sp.pi, sp.random.rand(1, 1))) self.uav_x = sp.add(origin_x, sp.multiply(uav_d, sp.cos(uav_angle))) self.uav_y = sp.add(origin_y, sp.multiply(uav_d, sp.sin(uav_angle))) plt.scatter(self.uav_x, self.uav_y, s=40, c='red', marker='D') plt.annotate(id, (self.uav_x + 10, self.uav_y + 10))
def european_option_rho(self): "Price of the call option" "the vectorized method can compute price of multiple options in array" numerator = sp.add( sp.log( sp.divide( self.spot_price, self.strike_price, ) ), sp.multiply( ( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2) ), self.time_to_maturity) ) d1 = sp.divide( numerator, [ self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ], axis=0, ) ) d2 = sp.add( d1, -sp.multiply( self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ) ) j = sp.product( [ self.spot_price, self.time_to_maturity, sp.exp( sp.multiply( -self.interest_rate, self.time_to_maturity ) ), ], axis=0 ) c_rho = j * self.bls_erf_value(d2) p_rho = -j * self.bls_erf_value(-d2) return c_rho, p_rho
def oht_alg(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains, d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff, eta, power_UAV, power_cir_UAV): theta_ini = Parameter(value=1 / 0.5) iter = 0 epsilon = 1 theta_sol = 0 iter_phi = [] while epsilon >= 1e-2 and iter <= 20: iter += 1 if iter == 1: theta_ref = theta_ini.value else: theta_ref = theta_sol term_x = sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(sp.subtract(theta_ref, 1), sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains))) term_y = sp.add( sp.multiply(sp.subtract(theta_ref, 1), sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), uav_to_d2d_gains)), sp.divide(1, eta * power_UAV)) a_1 = sp.add(sp.divide(sp.multiply(2, sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(term_x, term_y))))), theta_ref), sp.divide(2, sp.multiply(theta_ref, sp.add(sp.multiply(term_x, term_y), 1)))) b_1 = sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(theta_ref, sp.multiply(term_x, sp.add(sp.multiply(term_x, term_y), 1)))) c_1 = sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(theta_ref, sp.multiply(term_y, sp.add(sp.multiply(term_x, term_y), 1)))) d_1 = sp.divide(sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(term_x, term_y)))), sp.square(theta_ref)) theta = NonNegative(1) t_max = NonNegative(1) obj_opt = Maximize(t_max) constraints = [theta >= 1] constraints.append( t_max <= a_1 - sp.divide(b_1, sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains)) * inv_pos(theta - 1) - mul_elemwise(c_1, sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), uav_to_d2d_gains) * (theta - 1) + sp.divide(1, eta * power_UAV)) - d_1 * theta) t1 = time.time() prob = Problem(obj_opt, constraints) prob.solve(solver=ECOS_BB) theta_sol = theta.value phi_n_sol = sp.multiply((theta_sol - 1) * eta * power_UAV, uav_to_d2d_gains) x_rate = sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, phi_n_sol) term_rate = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), phi_n_sol) + 1 rate_sol_ue = sp.divide(sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(x_rate, term_rate))), theta_sol) iter_maximin_rate = min(rate_sol_ue) term_pow_iter = sp.subtract(1, sp.divide(1, theta_sol)) * eta * power_UAV * sp.add(1, sp.sum( uav_to_d2d_gains)) + power_cir_UAV iter_phi.append(t_max.value) if iter >= 2: epsilon = sp.divide(sp.absolute(sp.subtract(iter_phi[iter - 1], iter_phi[iter - 2])), sp.absolute(iter_phi[iter - 2])) iter_EE = sp.divide(sp.multiply(1e3, sp.divide(sp.sum(rate_sol_ue), term_pow_iter)), sp.log(2)) return iter_EE, theta_sol, iter_maximin_rate
def plot_original_signal_from_intrinsic_mode_functions(sample_frequency, imfs, residue, channel, plotter=plt): n_rows = len(imfs) data_length = len(imfs[0]) final_signal = scipy.zeros(len(imfs[1])) time_axis = scipy.linspace(start=0, stop=data_length / sample_frequency, num=data_length) for i in range(n_rows): final_signal = scipy.add(final_signal, imfs[i + 1]) final_signal = scipy.add(final_signal, residue) f, axis = plotter.subplots(1, 1) sup_title = "Channel " + channel f.suptitle(sup_title, fontsize=18) axis.plot(time_axis, final_signal) axis.grid()
def reflect1(v, u, c): print("Reflect by vector math variant 1:") c = 0 center_ = eT(center(len(v))) print("center_:", center_) print("v:", v) v = scipy.subtract(v, center_) print("v:", v) print("u:", u) print("c:", c) v_dot_u =, u) print("v_dot_u:", v_dot_u) v_dot_u_minus_c = scipy.subtract(v_dot_u, c) print("v_dot_u_minus_c:", v_dot_u_minus_c) u_dot_u =, u) print("u_dot_u:", u_dot_u) quotient = scipy.divide(v_dot_u_minus_c, u_dot_u) print("quotient:", quotient) subtrahend = scipy.multiply((2 * quotient), u) print("subtrahend:", subtrahend) reflection = scipy.subtract(v, subtrahend) print("reflection:", reflection) reflection = scipy.add(reflection, center_) print("reflection:", reflection) return reflection
def european_option_delta(self): numerator = sp.add( sp.log( sp.divide( self.spot_price, self.strike_price ) ), sp.multiply( ( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2)), self.time_to_maturity ) ) d1 = sp.divide( numerator, [ self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ], axis=0, ) ) call_delta = self.bls_erf_value(d1) put_delta = call_delta - 1 return call_delta, put_delta
def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, max_dist, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.2, low_rx=0.5): # def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, max_dist, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.3, low_rx=0.2): tx_d = sp.multiply(coverage_r, sp.random.uniform(low=low_tx)) tx_angle = sp.multiply( 2, sp.multiply(sp.pi, sp.subtract(sp.random.rand(), 1))) self.tx_x = sp.add(origin_x, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.sin(tx_angle))) self.tx_y = sp.add(origin_y, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.cos(tx_angle))) plt.scatter(self.tx_x, self.tx_y, s=20, c='red') plt.annotate(id, (self.tx_x + 10, self.tx_y + 10)) #
def kValues(self,tn,yn,h): #Initialise an empty vector k of the same length as b and init tnew A = self.A b = self.b c = self.c k = [ [0. * i *j for j in range(len(yn))] for i in range(len(b))] tnew = 0 ynew = scipy.zeros(len(yn)) lincombinatie = ynew for i in range(len(b)): tnew = tn + c[i]*h ynew = scipy.zeros(len(yn)) lincombinatie = scipy.zeros(len(yn)) for j in range(i): prod = scipy.multiply(A[i][j]*h,k[j]) lincombinatie = scipy.add(lincombinatie,prod) ynew = scipy.add(yn,lincombinatie) k[i] = scipy.multiply(1,self.ode.f(tnew,ynew)) #k[i] = scipy.multiply(h,self.ode.f(tnew,ynew)) return k
def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, max_dist, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.2, low_rx=0.5): # def __init__(self, id, coverage_r, max_dist, origin_x=0, origin_y=0, low_tx=0.3, low_rx=0.2): tx_d = sp.multiply(coverage_r, sp.random.uniform(low=low_tx)) tx_angle = sp.multiply( 2, sp.multiply(sp.pi, sp.subtract(sp.random.rand(), 1))) self.tx_x = sp.add(origin_x, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.sin(tx_angle))) self.tx_y = sp.add(origin_y, sp.multiply(tx_d, sp.cos(tx_angle))) d2d_d = sp.multiply(max_dist, sp.random.uniform(low=low_rx)) d2d_angle = sp.multiply( 2, sp.multiply(sp.pi, sp.subtract(sp.random.rand(), 1))) self.rx_x = sp.add(self.tx_x, sp.multiply(d2d_d, sp.sin(d2d_angle))) self.rx_y = sp.add(self.tx_y, sp.multiply(d2d_d, sp.cos(d2d_angle)))
def loss_to_pair(self, pair, atg_a, atg_b, pl_exp=4, gamma=1e2): dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(pair.tx_x), sp.add(sp.square(pair.tx_y), sp.square(self.h)))) phi = sp.multiply(sp.divide(180, sp.pi), sp.arcsin(sp.divide(self.h, dist))) pr_LOS = sp.divide( 1, sp.add( 1, sp.multiply( atg_a, sp.exp(sp.multiply(-atg_b, sp.subtract(phi, atg_a)))))) pr_NLOS = sp.subtract(1, pr_LOS) total_loss = sp.add( sp.multiply(pr_LOS, sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)), sp.multiply(sp.multiply(pr_NLOS, gamma), sp.power(dist, -pl_exp))) return total_loss
def loss_to_pair(self, pair, gain=1e-3, exp_factor=sp.random.exponential(1), pl_exp=3): dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(sp.subtract(self.tx_x, pair.rx_x)), sp.square(sp.subtract(self.tx_y, pair.rx_y)))) loss = sp.multiply( gain, sp.multiply(sp.square(exp_factor), sp.power(dist, -pl_exp))) return loss
def step(self,tn,yn,h): """ takes a single time step using the runge-kutta method y_(n+1) = y_n + sum(b_i*k_i) Input: tn -- current time yn -- state at time tn h - size of time step Output: y -- state at time t0+h """ k = self.kValues(tn,yn,h) lincombinatie = scipy.zeros(len(yn)) for i in range(len(self.b)): lincombinatie = scipy.add(scipy.multiply(k[i],self.b[i]*h), lincombinatie) return yn + lincombinatie
def european_option_vega(self): numerator = sp.add( sp.log( sp.divide( self.spot_price, self.strike_price ) ), sp.multiply( ( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2)), self.time_to_maturity ) ) d1 = sp.divide( numerator, [ self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ], axis=0, ) ) val = sp.multiply( sp.multiply( self.spot_price, sp.exp( -sp.multiply( self.dividend_yield, self.time_to_maturity ) ) ), sp.exp(-sp.square(d1)*0.5) ) val = sp.multiply( val, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ) vega = (1/sqrt(2*pi))*val return vega
def reflect_by_householder(v, u, c): print("Reflect by Householder:") print("chord:", v) print("Unit normal vector:", u) center_ = center(len(v)) tensor_ = scipy.outer(u, u) print("tensor_:\n", tensor_) product_ = scipy.multiply(tensor_, 2) print("product_:", product_) identity_ = scipy.eye(len(v)) print("identity_:\n", identity_) householder = scipy.subtract(identity_, product_) print("householder:\n", householder) reflected_voices = scipy.matmul(householder, v) print("reflected_voices:", reflected_voices) translated_voices = scipy.subtract(v, center_) print("moved to origin:", translated_voices) reflected_translated_voices = scipy.matmul(householder, translated_voices) print("reflected_translated_voices:", reflected_translated_voices) reflection = scipy.add(reflected_translated_voices, center_) print("moved from origin:", reflection) print("reflection by householder:", reflection) return reflection
def RMSLE(act, pred): loss = sum((sp.log(sp.add(pred, 1)) - sp.log(sp.add(act, 1))) ** 2) loss = sp.sqrt(loss * 1.0 / len(pred)) return loss
while epsilon >= 1e-2 and iter <= 20: iter += 1 if iter == 1: theta_ref = theta_ini.value else: theta_ref = theta_sol term_x = sp.divide( 1, sp.multiply( sp.subtract(theta_ref, 1), sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, uav_to_d2d_gains))) term_y = sp.add( sp.multiply( sp.subtract(theta_ref, 1), sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), uav_to_d2d_gains)), sp.divide(1, eta * power_UAV)) a_1 = sp.add( sp.divide( sp.multiply( 2, sp.log( sp.add( 1, sp.divide(1, sp.multiply(term_x, term_y))))), theta_ref), sp.divide( 2,
def __init__(self, path, datatype, container=0, sizeTD1=0, process = False, lb = 0, phase = 0, ls = 0, zf = 0, ft_only = [], debug = False, hiper_skip_footer = 0, hiper_skip_header = 3, endianess = "<", maxLoad = 0): """ This reads the data """ #plt.close() if datatype == '': print("No Datatype - Setting it to ntnmr") datatype = "ntnmr" self.carrier = 0 self.allFid = [] self.allFid.append([]) self.sizeTD1 = sizeTD1 self.title = ['no title'] self.vdList = [] self.files = [] #here we store open files so we can close them later self.parDictionary = {} self.debug = debug if self.debug: print("The datatype is {0}".format(datatype)) if datatype == "Hiper": """Hiper EPR Data import for EPR experiments at St Andrews, UK. Note you will have to adjust the skip_footer parameter, depending on the length of the pulse programme that is appended to the data file.""" data = np.genfromtxt(path, skip_header = hiper_skip_header, skip_footer = hiper_skip_footer, delimiter = ",") self.sizeTD1 = 1 timeList = data[:, 0] iData = data[:, 1] qData = data[:, 2] self.sizeTD2 = len(qData) if self.debug: print("sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2) dwellTime = (timeList[1] - timeList[0])*1e-9 self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(1. /dwellTime) if self.debug: print("SweepWidthTD2: ", self.sweepWidthTD2) self.allFid[0].append(iData + 1j*qData) self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2-1)*dwellTime, num = self.sizeTD2) if datatype == "Magritek": #get sweep WidthTD2 based on dweelTime in acqu.par if os.path.isfile(path + "/acqu.par"): f_acqu = open(path + "/acqu.par", "r") count = 0 while True: count += 1 line = f_acqu.readline().strip() if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended dreading acqus file at line ", count) break else: next if len(line[0]) > 1: self.parDictionary[line[0].strip()] = line[1].strip() self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(1./(float(self.parDictionary["dwellTime"])*1e-6)) if self.debug: print("SweepWidthTD2: ", self.sweepWidthTD2) if os.path.isfile(path + "/data.1d"): f = open(path + "/data.1d", "rb") print("Format: ", struct.unpack('<i',[0]) #get this information out of the acqu file. self.sizeTD2 = struct.unpack('<i',[0] print("Size TD2: ", self.sizeTD2) dwellTime = 1./self.sweepWidthTD2 self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2-1)*dwellTime, num = self.sizeTD2) #t just contains floats with the time t = struct.unpack('<' + 'f'*self.sizeTD2,*self.sizeTD2)) data1 = struct.unpack('<' + 'f'*self.sizeTD2*2,*self.sizeTD2*2)) realPart = np.array(data1[::2]) imagPart = np.array(data1[1::2]) self.allFid[0].append(realPart + 1j*imagPart) self.frequency = np.linspace(-self.sweepWidthTD2/2,self.sweepWidthTD2/2, 2048) elif os.path.isfile(path + "/data.2d"): f = open(path + "/data.2d", "rb") print("Format: ", struct.unpack('<i',[0]) #get this information out of the acqu file. self.sizeTD2 = struct.unpack('<i',[0] self.sizeTD1 = struct.unpack('<i',[0] print("Size TD2: ", self.sizeTD2) print("Size TD1: ", self.sizeTD1) dwellTime = 1./self.sweepWidthTD2 self.data1 = struct.unpack('<' + 'f'*(self.sizeTD2*self.sizeTD1*2),*self.sizeTD2*self.sizeTD1*2)) self.realStuff = np.array(self.data1[::2]) self.imagStuff = np.array(self.data1[1::2]) self.complexData = self.realStuff + 1j*self.imagStuff self.allFid[0] = np.split(self.complexData, [self.sizeTD2*(i+1) for i in range(self.sizeTD1-1)]) self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2-1)*dwellTime, num = self.sizeTD2) else: print("No 1D file found.") if datatype == "varian": # read the header file if os.path.isfile(path + "/procpar"): parFile = open(path + "/procpar", 'r') rows = parFile.readlines() lineCounter = 0; for line in rows: if line.find("np ") > -1: nextLine = rows[lineCounter+1] params = nextLine.split(" ") totalComplexPoints = int(params[1]) #np =is R+I self.sizeTD2 = totalComplexPoints/2 elif line.find("acqcycles") > -1: nextLine = rows[lineCounter+1] params = nextLine.split(" ") self.sizeTD1 = int(params[1]) if self.sizeTD1 > 1: self.is2D = True else: self.is2D = False lineCounter = lineCounter+1 else: print("No procpar file found.") # read the binary data file if os.path.isfile(path + "/fid"): specpoints = self.sizeTD2 headerskip_init = 8 headerskip = 7 f = open(path + "/fid", 'rb'); data_array = np.fromfile(f, '>f', -1) if not self.is2D: self.allFid[0] = data_array[(headerskip_init + headerskip)::2] + 1j*data_array[(headerskip_init + headerskip + 1)::2] else: Nacq = (len(data_array) - headerskip_init) / (2 * specpoints + headerskip) if Nacq != self.sizeTD1: print("warning: inconsistent sizes") for n in range(0, Nacq): skipn = headerskip_init + (n+1)*headerskip + n*2*specpoints; realPart = data_array[skipn+0:skipn+2*specpoints:2] imagPart = 1j*data_array[skipn+1:skipn+2*specpoints:2] self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) else: print("No fid file found.") if datatype == 'TopSpinOld': self.f = open(path, mode='rb') self.sizeTD2=1 self.sizeTD1=(int((os.stat(path)).st_size))/8 = struct.unpack('>' + 'i'*(self.sizeTD2*2*self.sizeTD1),*2*self.sizeTD1*4)) for i in range(0, self.sizeTD1): #print i realPart =[i*self.sizeTD2*2:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2:2] imagPart = sp.multiply([i*self.sizeTD2*2+1:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2+1:2], 1j) self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) if datatype == 'TopSpin': if self.debug: print("hi, this is self.debug for the TopSpin datatype") #The acqus file containts the spectral width SW_h and 2*SizeTD2 as ##$TD #The acqu2s file contains TD1 as ##$TD directory = os.path.dirname(path) acqusFile = open(directory + "/acqus", mode='r') self.files.append(acqusFile) if self.debug: print("Importing TopSpin data") #check if acqu2sfile exists, if yes, experiment is 2D! if os.path.isfile(directory + "/acqu2s"): acqu2sFile = open(directory + "/acqu2s", mode='r') self.files.append(acqu2sFile) acqu2File = open(directory + "/acqu2", mode='r') self.files.append(acqu2File) self.is2D = True else: self.is2D = False self.sizeTD1 = 1 if self.debug: print("2D: ", self.is2D) #this could be crafted into a common routine which gives names of parameters #parameters and works the same for e.g., spinsight and topspin if self.debug: print("reading acqus file") count = 0 while True: if self.debug: print("count = ", count) #try: count += 1 line = acqusFile.readline().strip() if self.debug: print(line) if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) > 0: line = line.split(" ") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended reading acqus file at line ", count) break else: next #print line[0] if line[0] == "##$SW_h": #this line might be chopping the last digit off.... #self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(float(line[1][:-1])) self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(float(line[1])) if self.debug: print("SweepWidthTD2: ", self.sweepWidthTD2) elif line[0] == "##$TD": self.sizeTD2 = int(int(line[1])/2) if self.debug: print("sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2) elif line[0] == "##$SFO1": self.carrier = float(line[1])*1e6 if self.debug: print("SFO1:", self.carrier) elif len(line) == 0: break if len(line[0]) > 1: if "@" in line[-1]: #this line contains date, time, some unknown stuff and user, does not work with all bruker files, hence try only" try: self.parDictionary["date"] = line[1].strip() self.parDictionary["time"] = line[2].strip() except: pass elif line[0] == "##$D": delays1 = acqusFile.readline().strip() delays2 = acqusFile.readline().strip() self.parDictionary["d"] = [float(d) for d in delays1.strip().split(" ")] + [float(d) for d in delays2.strip().split(" ")] elif line[0] == "##$L": loopCounters = acqusFile.readline().strip() self.parDictionary["l"] = [float(l) for l in loopCounters.strip().split(" ")] else: if self.debug: print("the catch all else") if len(line) > 1: self.parDictionary[line[0][2:].strip()] = line[1].strip() else: if self.debug: print("skipped too short line") if self.is2D == True: if self.debug: print("reading acqu2s file") count = 0 while True: if self.debug: print("count = ", count) #try: count += 1 line = acqu2sFile.readline().strip() if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended reading acqu2s file at line ", count) break else: next #print line[0] if line[0] == "##$TD" and self.sizeTD1 == 0: self.sizeTD1 = int(line[1]) if self.debug: print("sizeTD1: ", self.sizeTD1) elif len(line) == 0: break if os.path.isfile(directory + "/vdlist"): if self.debug: print("VD File exists!") self.vdList = np.loadtxt(directory + "/vdlist") if self.debug: print("TD2: ", self.sizeTD2) print("TD1: ", self.sizeTD1) print("Carrier:", self.carrier) # if self.is2D: # self.f = open(path + "/ser", mode='rb') # else: # self.f = open(path + "fid", mode='rb')# # dataString =*2*self.sizeTD1*4) # if self.debug: print "len(dataString): ", len(dataString) # self.f.close() # # # here we read the FID data from fid/ser file # # first convert the datasting into a list of numbers: # if self.debug: print "Endianess: ", endianess # = struct.unpack(endianess + 'i'*(self.sizeTD2*2*self.sizeTD1), dataString) if self.is2D: self.f = open(path + "/ser", mode='rb') else: self.f = open(path + "fid", mode='rb') self.files.append(self.f) dataString = np.frombuffer(, dtype = endianess + "i4") if self.debug: print("len(dataString) new: ", len(dataString)) = dataString #this is not how it should be done. if self.sizeTD2 == 0: self.sizeTD2 = int(len( / self.sizeTD1 / 2) dwellTime = 1./self.sweepWidthTD2 self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2-1)*dwellTime, num = self.sizeTD2) # here we create one array of complex numbers for each of the FIDs # i runs overa all fids in a ser file, in case of a fid file i = 0 # TD1 is number of FIDs, TD2 is number of datapoints in each FID if maxLoad > 0: self.sizeTD1 = maxLoad for i in range(0, self.sizeTD1): #print "sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2 #print i realPart =[i*self.sizeTD2*2:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2:2] imagPart = sp.multiply([i*self.sizeTD2*2+1:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2+1:2], 1j) self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) # here we read the experiment title (only the one stored in pdata/1): # could be made to read titles from all pdata folders (if needed) try: pathToTitle = directory + '/pdata/1/title' titleFile = open(pathToTitle, mode='r') self.files.append(titleFile) title = list(titleFile) self.title = [line.strip() for line in title] except: if self.debug: print("No title file.") else: pass #close the files we opened: for item in self.files: item.close() # delete all file handles so that nmrdata objects can be pickled. self.files = [] del self.f if datatype == 'spinsight': chStr = "" # first read the channel, if succesful read the carrier frequency. carrierStr = "carrier string not assigned" self.is2D = False dataFile = path + "/data" print("dataFile is: ", dataFile) self.f = open(dataFile, mode='rb') acqFile = path + "/acq" self.fACQ = open(acqFile) count = 0 while True: count += 1 try: line = self.fACQ.readline().strip().split("=") print(line) if line[0] == "ch1": chStr = line[1] carrierStr = "sf" + chStr elif line[0] == carrierStr: self.carrier = float(line[1][:-1])*1e6 if line[0] == "dw": print("Hellop: ", line[1]) self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(1/float(line[1][:-1])) #print "sweepWidthTD2: ", self.sweepWidthTD2 elif line[0] == "array_num_values_pd" or line[0] == "array_num_values_tau" or line[0] == "array_num_values_pw90X" or line[0] == "array_num_values_tau1": self.sizeTD1 = int(line[1]) self.is2D = True elif len(line) < 2 and count > 10: break except: break #check if file named apnd exists if self.is2D == True: self.sizeTD2 = int((os.stat(dataFile)).st_size)/8/self.sizeTD1 else: self.sizeTD2 = (int((os.stat(dataFile)).st_size))/8 print("sizeTD2 is: ", self.sizeTD2) self.sizeTD1 = 1 print("sizeTD1 is: ", self.sizeTD1) #print "Length 1: ", self.sizeTD1*self.sizeTD2*2 #print "Length 2: ", len(*self.sizeTD2*2*4)) = struct.unpack('>' + 'i'*self.sizeTD1*self.sizeTD2*2,*self.sizeTD2*2*4)) print("Length of data: ", len( for i in range(self.sizeTD1): print(i) realPart = np.array([i*self.sizeTD2:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2]) imagPart = np.array([self.sizeTD1*self.sizeTD2+i*self.sizeTD2:self.sizeTD1*self.sizeTD2+(i+1)*self.sizeTD2]) print("Length realPart: ", len(realPart)) print("Length imagPart: ", len(imagPart)) self.allFid[0].append(realPart + 1j*imagPart) print("sizeTD1: ", self.sizeTD1) self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2-1)/float(self.sweepWidthTD2), self.sizeTD2) if datatype == 'ntnmr': """ File information taken from J. van Becks matNMR, thanks! """ self.f = open(path, mode='rb') """ Length """ self.structureSize = struct.unpack('<I',[0] #SizeTD2 self.sizeTD2 = struct.unpack('<I',[0] #SizeTD1 if sizeTD1 > 0: self.sizeTD1 = sizeTD1 else: self.sizeTD1 = struct.unpack('<I',[0] #SpectralFrequencyTD2/Anregungsfrequenz self.spectralFrequencyTD2 = struct.unpack('<d',[0]*1e6 print('spec TD2 is', self.spectralFrequencyTD2) #SpectralFrequencyTD1 self.spectralFrequencyTD1 = struct.unpack('<d',[0] print("TD1 is", self.sizeTD1) #SweepWidthTD2, SampleRate? self.sweepWidthTD2 = struct.unpack('<d',[0] #SweepWidthTD1 self.sweepWidthTD1 = struct.unpack('<d',[0] #a, Daten im Float32, f und 4 # self.sizeTD1 = 581 #print "The length is", len(*2*self.sizeTD1*4)) = struct.unpack('<' + 'f'*(self.sizeTD2*2*self.sizeTD1),*2*self.sizeTD1*4)) self.f.close() for i in range(0, self.sizeTD1): #print i realPart =[i*self.sizeTD2*2:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2:2] imagPart = sp.multiply([i*self.sizeTD2*2+1:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2+1:2], 1j) self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) print("Data imported, Number of Experiments: ", self.sizeTD1) if process == True: self.process(ls = ls, zf = zf, lb = lb, phase = phase, ft_only = ft_only) if datatype == 'TopSpin4': if self.debug: print("hi, this is self.debug for the TopSpin4 datatype") #The acqus file containts the spectral width SW_h and 2*SizeTD2 as ##$TD #The acqu2s file contains TD1 as ##$TD directory = os.path.dirname(path) acqusFile = open(directory + "/acqus", mode='r') self.files.append(acqusFile) if self.debug: print("Importing TopSpin4 data") #check if acqu2sfile exists, if yes, experiment is 2D! if os.path.isfile(directory + "/acqu2s"): acqu2sFile = open(directory + "/acqu2s", mode='r') self.files.append(acqu2sFile) acqu2File = open(directory + "/acqu2", mode='r') self.files.append(acqu2File) self.is2D = True else: self.is2D = False self.sizeTD1 = 1 if self.debug: print("2D: ", self.is2D) #this could be crafted into a common routine which gives names of parameters #parameters and works the same for e.g., spinsight and topspin if self.debug: print("reading acqus file") count = 0 while True: if self.debug: print("count = ", count) #try: count += 1 line = acqusFile.readline().strip() if self.debug: print(line) if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) > 0: line = line.split(" ") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended reading acqus file at line ", count) break else: next #print line[0] if line[0] == "##$SW_h": #this line might be chopping the last digit off.... #self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(float(line[1][:-1])) self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(float(line[1])) if self.debug: print("SweepWidthTD2: ", self.sweepWidthTD2) elif line[0] == "##$TD": self.sizeTD2 = int(int(line[1])/2) if self.debug: print("sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2) elif line[0] == "##$SFO1": self.carrier = float(line[1])*1e6 if self.debug: print("SFO1:", self.carrier) elif len(line) == 0: break if len(line[0]) > 1: if "@" in line[-1]: #this line contains date, time, some unknown stuff and user, does not work with all bruker files, hence try only" try: self.parDictionary["date"] = line[1].strip() self.parDictionary["time"] = line[2].strip() except: pass elif line[0] == "##$D": delays1 = acqusFile.readline().strip() delays2 = acqusFile.readline().strip() self.parDictionary["d"] = [float(d) for d in delays1.strip().split(" ")] + [float(d) for d in delays2.strip().split(" ")] elif line[0] == "##$L": loopCounters = acqusFile.readline().strip() self.parDictionary["l"] = [float(l) for l in loopCounters.strip().split(" ")] else: if self.debug: print("the catch all else") if len(line) > 1: self.parDictionary[line[0][2:].strip()] = line[1].strip() else: if self.debug: print("skipped too short line") if self.is2D == True: if self.debug: print("reading acqu2s file") count = 0 while True: if self.debug: print("count = ", count) #try: count += 1 line = acqu2sFile.readline().strip() if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended reading acqu2s file at line ", count) break else: next #print line[0] if line[0] == "##$TD" and self.sizeTD1 == 0: self.sizeTD1 = int(line[1]) if self.debug: print("sizeTD1: ", self.sizeTD1) elif len(line) == 0: break if os.path.isfile(directory + "/vdlist"): if self.debug: print("VD File exists!") self.vdList = np.loadtxt(directory + "/vdlist") if self.debug: print("TD2: ", self.sizeTD2) print("TD1: ", self.sizeTD1) print("Carrier:", self.carrier) # if self.is2D: # self.f = open(path + "/ser", mode='rb') # else: # self.f = open(path + "fid", mode='rb')# # dataString =*2*self.sizeTD1*4) # if self.debug: print "len(dataString): ", len(dataString) # self.f.close() # # # here we read the FID data from fid/ser file # # first convert the datasting into a list of numbers: # if self.debug: print "Endianess: ", endianess # = struct.unpack(endianess + 'i'*(self.sizeTD2*2*self.sizeTD1), dataString) if self.is2D: self.f = open(path + "/ser", mode='rb') else: self.f = open(path + "fid", mode='rb') self.files.append(self.f) dataString = np.frombuffer(, dtype = endianess + "f8") if self.debug: print("len(dataString) new: ", len(dataString)) = dataString #this is not how it should be done. if self.sizeTD2 == 0: self.sizeTD2 = int(len( / self.sizeTD1 / 2) dwellTime = 1./self.sweepWidthTD2 self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2-1)*dwellTime, num = self.sizeTD2) # here we create one array of complex numbers for each of the FIDs # i runs overa all fids in a ser file, in case of a fid file i = 0 # TD1 is number of FIDs, TD2 is number of datapoints in each FID if maxLoad > 0: self.sizeTD1 = maxLoad for i in range(0, self.sizeTD1): #print "sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2 #print i realPart =[i*self.sizeTD2*2:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2:2] imagPart = sp.multiply([i*self.sizeTD2*2+1:(i+1)*self.sizeTD2*2+1:2], 1j) self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) # here we read the experiment title (only the one stored in pdata/1): # could be made to read titles from all pdata folders (if needed) try: pathToTitle = directory + '/pdata/1/title' titleFile = open(pathToTitle, mode='r') self.files.append(titleFile) title = list(titleFile) self.title = [line.strip() for line in title] except: if self.debug: print("No title file.") else: pass #close the files we opened: for item in self.files: item.close() # delete all file handles so that nmrdata objects can be pickled. self.files = [] del self.f
def get_sphere_vectors(features): fshape = features.shape features.shape = fshape[0], -1 npoints, ndims = features.shape if npoints < MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS: fmean = features.mean(0) else: # - try to optimize memory usage... sel = features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] fmean = sp.empty_like(sel[0,:]) sp.add.reduce(sel, axis=0, dtype="float32", out=fmean) curr = sp.empty_like(fmean) npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS while npoints_done < npoints: # check if can we overwrite (other process) if path.exists(output_fname) and not overwrite: warnings.warn("not allowed to overwrite %s" % output_fname) return sel = features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] sp.add.reduce(sel, axis=0, dtype="float32", out=curr) sp.add(fmean, curr, fmean) npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS #fmean = features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS].sum(0) #npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS #while npoints_done < npoints: # fmean += features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS].sum(0) # npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS fmean /= npoints if npoints < STD_MAX_NPOINTS: fstd = features.std(0) else: # - try to optimize memory usage... sel = features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] mem = sp.empty_like(sel) curr = sp.empty_like(mem[0,:]) seln = sel.shape[0] sp.subtract(sel, fmean, mem[:seln]) sp.multiply(mem[:seln], mem[:seln], mem[:seln]) fstd = sp.add.reduce(mem[:seln], axis=0, dtype="float32") npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS while npoints_done < npoints: # check if can we overwrite (other process) if path.exists(output_fname) and not overwrite: warnings.warn("not allowed to overwrite %s" % output_fname) return sel = features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] seln = sel.shape[0] sp.subtract(sel, fmean, mem[:seln]) sp.multiply(mem[:seln], mem[:seln], mem[:seln]) sp.add.reduce(mem[:seln], axis=0, dtype="float32", out=curr) sp.add(fstd, curr, fstd) npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS # slow version: #fstd = ((features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS]-fmean)**2.).sum(0) #npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS #while npoints_done < npoints: # fstd += ((features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS]-fmean)**2.).sum(0) # npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS fstd = sp.sqrt(fstd/npoints) fstd[fstd==0] = 1 sphere_vectors = (fmean, fstd) features.shape = fshape return sphere_vectors
#obtain genotype & phenotype for samples with complete phenotype MY = SP.array(Y).transpose() RMY = MY[MY[:, 0] > 0] RY = RMY[:, 0] RY = (RY - RY.mean()) / RY.std() RX = RMY[:, 1:] #train null model for these samples COR = 1. / nf *, RX.transpose()) res = lmm_lasso.train_nullmodel(RY, COR) delta = SP.exp(res[2]) print delta #get fake phenotype FX = MY[:, 1:] FCOR = 1. / nf *, FX.transpose()) D = SP.diag(SP.array([delta] * len(Y[1]))) FY = SP.random.multivariate_normal(SP.array([0] * len(Y[1])), SP.add(FCOR, D)) FY = (FY - FY.mean()) / FY.std() FY = SP.array([FY]) with open("phenotype75.csv", "wb") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(FY.transpose()) #validate fake phenotype, that it has similar delta as we start with res = lmm_lasso.train_nullmodel(FY.transpose(), FCOR) delta = SP.exp(res[2]) print delta
def __init__(self, path, endianess=">", debug=False, maxLoad=0): """This class only takes the following arguments: - path: path to an NMR experiment All other arguments are optional Keyword Arguments: - endianess = ">" - debug = False: set to True to output additional debuging information. - maxLoad = 0: set to an integer value to limit loading and processing to an NMR experiment, an optional argument for endianess""" super().__init__(debug=debug) if self.debug: print("hi, this is self.debug for the RS2D datatype") #The acqus file containts the spectral width SW_h and 2*SizeTD2 as ##$TD #The acqu2s file contains TD1 as ##$TD directory = os.path.dirname(path) acqusFile = directory + "/header.xml" if self.debug: print("Importing RS2D data") with open(acqusFile) as fp: soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, 'lxml-xml') allEntries = soup.find_all("entry") for e in allEntries: keyName = e.key.string keyValue = e.value.value.string res = e.find_all("value", {"xsi:type": "numberParam"}) if len(res) > 0: r = float(e.value.value.string) if r.is_integer(): self.parDictionary[e.key.string] = int(r) else: self.parDictionary[e.key.string] = r self.sizeTD1 = self.parDictionary["ACQUISITION_MATRIX_DIMENSION_2D"] self.sizeTD2 = self.parDictionary["ACQUISITION_MATRIX_DIMENSION_1D"] self.sweepWidthTD2 = self.parDictionary["SPECTRAL_WIDTH"] if self.sizeTD1 > 1: self.is2D = True else: self.is2D = False if self.debug: print("2D: ", self.is2D) if self.debug: print("TD2: ", self.sizeTD2) print("TD1: ", self.sizeTD1) print("Carrier:", self.carrier) with open(path + "/data.dat", mode='rb') as f: dataString = struct.unpack( ">" + "f" * (self.sizeTD2 * self.sizeTD1) * 2, if self.debug: print("len(dataString) new: ", len(dataString)) = dataString if self.sizeTD2 == 0: self.sizeTD2 = int(len( / self.sizeTD1 / 2) self.dwellTime = 1. / self.sweepWidthTD2 self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2 - 1) * self.dwellTime, num=self.sizeTD2) # here we create one array of complex numbers for each of the FIDs # i runs over all fids in a ser file, in case of a fid file i = 0 # TD1 is number of FIDs, TD2 is number of datapoints in each FID if maxLoad > 0: self.sizeTD1 = maxLoad for i in range(0, self.sizeTD1): #print "sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2 #print i realPart =[i * self.sizeTD2 * 2:(i + 1) * self.sizeTD2 * 2:2] imagPart = sp.multiply([i * self.sizeTD2 * 2 + 1:(i + 1) * self.sizeTD2 * 2 + 1:2], 1j) self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) # here we read the experiment title (only the one stored in pdata/1): # could be made to read titles from all pdata folders (if needed) try: pathToTitle = directory + '/pdata/1/title' titleFile = open(pathToTitle, mode='r') title = list(titleFile) self.title = [line.strip() for line in title] except: if self.debug: print("No title file.") else: pass self.shiftPoints = self.parDictionary["DIGITAL_FILTER_SHIFT"]
# This loop for channel realization - Monte Carlos # ############################################################ for Mon in xrange(max_chan_realizaion): d2d_pairs = [] uav = UAV(height) for p in range(max_num_d2d_pairs): # d2d_pairs.append(D2DPair(p, coverage_r, d2d_max, low_rx=0.8)) spread = False while not spread: pair = D2DPair(p, coverage_r, d2d_max, low_rx=0.0, low_tx=0.0) if len(d2d_pairs) == 0: break for existing_pair in d2d_pairs: d1 = sp.sqrt( sp.add( sp.square(sp.subtract(pair.tx_x, existing_pair.tx_x)), sp.square(sp.subtract(pair.tx_y, existing_pair.tx_y)))) if d1 < 150: spread = False break spread = True d2d_pairs.append(pair) for i in xrange(max_num_d2d_pairs): for j in xrange(max_num_d2d_pairs): max_d2d_to_d2d_gains[i, j, Mon] = sp.divide( d2d_pairs[i].loss_to_pair(d2d_pairs[j]), noise_variance) max_uav_to_d2d_gains[i, Mon] = sp.divide( uav.loss_to_pair(d2d_pairs[i], atg_a, atg_b), noise_variance) # print max_uav_to_d2d_gains
test_chan[0:num_d2d_pairs] = uav_to_d2d_gains test_chan[num_d2d_pairs:dimen_input] = d2d_to_d2d_gains.ravel() vec_chan_test = sp.array([test_chan]) X_test = vec_chan_test test_tau_result = nn_model.predict(X_test, verbose=0) test_theta_dnn = 1 / (1 - test_tau_result) phi_n_sol = sp.multiply((test_theta_dnn - 1) * eta * power_UAV, uav_to_d2d_gains) x_rate = sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, sp.transpose(phi_n_sol)) term_rate = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), sp.transpose(phi_n_sol)) + 1 rate_sol_ue = sp.divide(sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(x_rate, term_rate))), test_theta_dnn) maximin_rate_test = min(rate_sol_ue) term_pow_iter = sp.subtract(1, sp.divide( 1, test_theta_dnn)) * eta * power_UAV * sp.add( 1, sp.sum(uav_to_d2d_gains)) + power_cir_UAV iter_EE_test = sp.divide( sp.multiply(1e3, sp.divide(sp.sum(rate_sol_ue), term_pow_iter)), sp.log(2)) EE_sol_test.append(iter_EE_test) tau_sol_test.append(test_tau_result) Maxmin_rate_test.append(maximin_rate_test) # Calculate the total time of solving time_sol = (time.time() - t0)
fmean = sp.empty_like(sel[0,:]) sp.add.reduce(sel, axis=0, dtype="float32", out=fmean) curr = sp.empty_like(fmean) npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS while npoints_done < npoints: # check if can we overwrite (other process) if path.exists(output_fname) and not overwrite: warnings.warn("not allowed to overwrite %s" % output_fname) return sel = train_features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] sp.add.reduce(sel, axis=0, dtype="float32", out=curr) sp.add(fmean, curr, fmean) npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS #fmean = train_features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS].sum(0) #npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS #while npoints_done < npoints: # fmean += train_features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS].sum(0) # npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS fmean /= npoints if npoints < STD_MAX_NPOINTS: fstd = train_features.std(0) else: # - try to optimize memory usage...
def __init__(self, path, endianess="<", debug=False, maxLoad=0): """This class only takes the following arguments: - path: path to an NMR experiment All other arguments are optional Keyword Arguments: - endianess = "<" - debug = False: set to True to output additional debuging information. - maxLoad = 0: set to an integer value to limit loading and processing to an NMR experiment, an optional argument for endianess""" super().__init__(debug=debug) self.files = [] if self.debug: print("hi, this is self.debug for the TopSpin datatype") #The acqus file containts the spectral width SW_h and 2*SizeTD2 as ##$TD #The acqu2s file contains TD1 as ##$TD directory = os.path.dirname(path) acqusFile = open(directory + "/acqus", mode='r') self.files.append(acqusFile) if self.debug: print("Importing TopSpin data") #check if acqu2sfile exists, if yes, experiment is 2D. if os.path.isfile(directory + "/acqu2s"): acqu2sFile = open(directory + "/acqu2s", mode='r') self.files.append(acqu2sFile) acqu2File = open(directory + "/acqu2", mode='r') self.files.append(acqu2File) self.is2D = True else: self.is2D = False self.sizeTD1 = 1 if self.debug: print("2D: ", self.is2D) #this could be crafted into a common routine which gives names of parameters #parameters and works the same for e.g., spinsight and topspin if self.debug: print("reading acqus file") count = 0 # read the acqusFile while True: if self.debug: print("count = ", count) count += 1 line = acqusFile.readline().strip() if self.debug: print(line) if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) > 0: line = line.split(" ") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended reading acqus file at line ", count) break else: next if line[0] == "##$SW_h": #this line might be chopping the last digit off.... #self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(float(line[1][:-1])) self.sweepWidthTD2 = int(float(line[1])) if self.debug: print("SweepWidthTD2: ", self.sweepWidthTD2) elif line[0] == "##$TD": self.sizeTD2 = int(int(line[1]) / 2) if self.debug: print("sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2) elif line[0] == "##$SFO1": self.carrier = float(line[1]) * 1e6 if self.debug: print("SFO1:", self.carrier) elif len(line) == 0: break if len(line[0]) > 1: if "@" in line[-1]: #this line contains date, time, some unknown stuff and user, does not work with all bruker files, hence try only" try: self.parDictionary["date"] = line[1].strip() self.parDictionary["time"] = line[2].strip() except: pass elif line[0] == "##$D": delays1 = acqusFile.readline().strip() delays2 = acqusFile.readline().strip() self.parDictionary["d"] = [ float(d) for d in delays1.strip().split(" ") ] + [float(d) for d in delays2.strip().split(" ")] elif line[0] == "##$L": loopCounters = acqusFile.readline().strip() self.parDictionary["l"] = [ float(l) for l in loopCounters.strip().split(" ") ] else: if self.debug: print("the catch all else") if len(line) > 1: self.parDictionary[line[0] [2:].strip()] = line[1].strip() else: if self.debug: print("skipped too short line") if self.is2D == True: if self.debug: print("reading acqu2s file") count = 0 while True: if self.debug: print("count = ", count) #try: count += 1 line = acqu2sFile.readline().strip() if "=" in line: line = line.split("=") elif len(line) == 0 or count > 1000: if self.debug: print("Ended reading acqu2s file at line ", count) break else: next #print line[0] if line[0] == "##$TD" and self.sizeTD1 == 0: self.sizeTD1 = int(line[1]) if self.debug: print("sizeTD1: ", self.sizeTD1) elif len(line) == 0: break if os.path.isfile(directory + "/vdlist"): if self.debug: print("VD File exists!") self.vdList = np.loadtxt(directory + "/vdlist") if self.debug: print("TD2: ", self.sizeTD2) print("TD1: ", self.sizeTD1) print("Carrier:", self.carrier) if self.is2D: self.f = open(path + "/ser", mode='rb') else: self.f = open(path + "fid", mode='rb') self.files.append(self.f) dataString = np.frombuffer(, dtype=endianess + "i4") if self.debug: print("len(dataString) new: ", len(dataString)) = dataString if self.sizeTD2 == 0: self.sizeTD2 = int(len( / self.sizeTD1 / 2) dwellTime = 1. / self.sweepWidthTD2 self.fidTime = np.linspace(0, (self.sizeTD2 - 1) * dwellTime, num=self.sizeTD2) # here we create one array of complex numbers for each of the FIDs # i runs overa all fids in a ser file, in case of a fid file i = 0 # TD1 is number of FIDs, TD2 is number of datapoints in each FID if maxLoad > 0: self.sizeTD1 = maxLoad for i in range(0, self.sizeTD1): #print "sizeTD2: ", self.sizeTD2 #print i realPart =[i * self.sizeTD2 * 2:(i + 1) * self.sizeTD2 * 2:2] imagPart = sp.multiply([i * self.sizeTD2 * 2 + 1:(i + 1) * self.sizeTD2 * 2 + 1:2], 1j) self.allFid[0].append(sp.add(realPart, imagPart)) # here we read the experiment title (only the one stored in pdata/1): # could be made to read titles from all pdata folders (if needed) try: pathToTitle = directory + '/pdata/1/title' titleFile = open(pathToTitle, mode='r') self.files.append(titleFile) title = list(titleFile) self.title = [line.strip() for line in title] except: if self.debug: print("No title file.") else: pass #close the files we opened: for item in self.files: item.close() # delete all file handles so that nmrdata objects can be pickled. self.files = [] del self.f
coor_ue.append(UE_loc(p, coverage_r, low_tx=0.2)) x_ue.append(UE_loc.coordinate_ue(coor_ue[p])[0]) y_ue.append(UE_loc.coordinate_ue(coor_ue[p])[1]) val_pl = [] chan_array = [] for j in xrange(num_uav): pl_value = [] chan_val = [] for i in xrange(num_ue): xUAV, yUAV, xUE, yUE = x_uav[j], y_uav[j], x_ue[i], y_ue[i] val_pl_tem = Path_loss(fc, c_vel, alp_g, mu_los, mu_nlos, a, b, noise_var, hUAV, xUAV, yUAV, xUE, yUE) pl_value.append(Path_loss.pl_uav_ue(val_pl_tem)) chan_temp = sp.divide(sp.add(sp.randn(1), 1j * sp.randn(1)), sp.sqrt(2)) chan_val.append(sp.multiply(Path_loss.pl_uav_ue(val_pl_tem), chan_temp)) val_pl.append(pl_value) chan_array.append(chan_val) # ## the size of val_pl is (num_uav, num_ue) # ## the size of chan_array is (num_uav, num_ue) Pf = 200 Pr = 100 P_cm = 200 P_0m = 200 P_cir = 9000 Pow_cir = P_cir + num_uav * (P_cm + P_0m)
d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag = sp.subtract(d2d_to_d2d_gains, d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff) # ############################################################ # This code is used to find the initial point for EEmax algorithm # ############################################################ theta_ini = Parameter(value=1 / (1 - 0.5)) phi_n_ini = sp.multiply((theta_ini.value - 1) * eta * sp.divide(power_UAV, num_d2d_pairs), uav_to_d2d_gains) x_rate = sp.matmul(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag, phi_n_ini) term_rate = sp.matmul(sp.transpose(d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff), phi_n_ini) + 1 rate_sol_ue = sp.divide( sp.log(sp.add(1, sp.divide(x_rate, term_rate))), theta_ini.value) # print rate_sol_ue rmin_ref = min(rate_sol_ue) if rmin_ref <= 0.2 * sp.log(2): rmin = rmin_ref else: rmin = 0.2 * sp.log(2) pow_ = NonNegative(num_d2d_pairs) objective = Minimize(sum_entries(pow_) / theta_ini) constraints = [] c1 = d2d_to_d2d_gains_diag * pow_ >= ( exp(rmin * theta_ini) - 1) * (d2d_to_d2d_gains_diff * pow_ + 1) c2 = 1 / theta_ini * pow_ <= (
def kernel_generate_fromcsv(input_csv_fname, input_suffix, output_fname, corrcoef_type = DEFAULT_CORRCOEF_TYPE, nowhiten = DEFAULT_NOWHITEN, variable_name = DEFAULT_VARIABLE_NAME, input_path = DEFAULT_INPUT_PATH, overwrite = DEFAULT_OVERWRITE, ): # add matlab's extension to the output filename if needed if path.splitext(output_fname)[-1] != ".mat": output_fname += ".mat" # can we overwrite ? if path.exists(output_fname) and not overwrite: warnings.warn("not allowed to overwrite %s" % output_fname) return # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- get training and testing filenames from csv print "Processing %s ..." % input_csv_fname csvr = csv.reader(open(input_csv_fname)) rows = [ row for row in csvr ] ori_train_fnames = [ row[0] for row in rows if row[2] == "train" ][:LIMIT] train_fnames = sp.array([ path.join(input_path, fname+input_suffix) for fname in ori_train_fnames ][:LIMIT]) train_labels = sp.array([ row[1] for row in rows if row[2] == "train" ][:LIMIT]) ori_test_fnames = [ row[0] for row in rows if row[2] == "test" ][:LIMIT] test_fnames = sp.array([ path.join(input_path, fname+input_suffix) for fname in ori_test_fnames ][:LIMIT]) test_labels = sp.array([ row[1] for row in rows if row[2] == "test" ][:LIMIT]) ntrain = len(train_fnames) ntest = len(test_fnames) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- load features from train filenames # set up progress bar print "Loading training data ..." pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=ntrain) pbar.start() fvector0 = io.loadmat(train_fnames[0])[variable_name].ravel() featshape = fvector0.shape featsize = fvector0.size # go train_features = sp.empty((ntrain,) + featshape, dtype='float32') error = False for i, fname in enumerate(train_fnames): try: fvector = io.loadmat(fname)[variable_name].ravel() except TypeError: print "[ERROR] couldn't open", fname, "deleting it!" os.unlink(fname) error = True except: print "[ERROR] unkwon with", fname raise assert(not sp.isnan(fvector).any()) assert(not sp.isinf(fvector).any()) train_features[i] = fvector.reshape(fvector0.shape) pbar.update(i+1) pbar.finish() print "-"*80 if error: raise RuntimeError("An error occured (load train). Exiting.") # -- preprocess train print "Preprocessing train features ..." if nowhiten: whiten_vectors = None else: fshape = train_features.shape train_features.shape = fshape[0], -1 npoints, ndims = train_features.shape if npoints < MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS: fmean = train_features.mean(0) else: # - try to optimize memory usage... sel = train_features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] fmean = sp.empty_like(sel[0,:]) sp.add.reduce(sel, axis=0, dtype="float32", out=fmean) curr = sp.empty_like(fmean) npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS while npoints_done < npoints: sel = train_features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] sp.add.reduce(sel, axis=0, dtype="float32", out=curr) sp.add(fmean, curr, fmean) npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS fmean /= npoints if npoints < STD_MAX_NPOINTS: fstd = train_features.std(0) else: # - try to optimize memory usage... sel = train_features[:MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] mem = sp.empty_like(sel) curr = sp.empty_like(mem[0,:]) seln = sel.shape[0] sp.subtract(sel, fmean, mem[:seln]) sp.multiply(mem[:seln], mem[:seln], mem[:seln]) fstd = sp.add.reduce(mem[:seln], axis=0, dtype="float32") npoints_done = MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS while npoints_done < npoints: sel = train_features[npoints_done:npoints_done+MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS] seln = sel.shape[0] sp.subtract(sel, fmean, mem[:seln]) sp.multiply(mem[:seln], mem[:seln], mem[:seln]) sp.add.reduce(mem[:seln], axis=0, dtype="float32", out=curr) sp.add(fstd, curr, fstd) npoints_done += MEAN_MAX_NPOINTS fstd = sp.sqrt(fstd/npoints) fstd[fstd==0] = 1 whiten_vectors = (fmean, fstd) train_features.shape = fshape train_features = preprocess_features(train_features, whiten_vectors = whiten_vectors) assert(not sp.isnan(sp.ravel(train_features)).any()) assert(not sp.isinf(sp.ravel(train_features)).any()) # -- train categories = sp.unique(train_labels) #if categories.size == 2: # categories = [categories[0]] #else: # raise NotImplementedError("not sure if it works with ncats > 2") corrcoef_kernels = {} cat_index = {} for icat, cat in enumerate(categories): if corrcoef_type == 'pos_neg_mean': #print train_features.shape #print train_features[train_labels == cat].shape #print train_features[train_labels != cat].shape corrcoef_ker = train_features[train_labels == cat].sum(0) \ - train_features[train_labels != cat].sum(0) corrcoef_ker /= ntrain elif corrcoef_type == 'pos_mean_neg_mean': corrcoef_ker = train_features[train_labels == cat].mean(0) \ - train_features[train_labels != cat].mean(0) elif corrcoef_type == 'pos_mean': corrcoef_ker = train_features[train_labels == cat].mean(0) else: raise ValueError("corrcoef_type '%s' not understood" % corrcoef_type) corrcoef_ker -= corrcoef_ker.mean() corrcoef_ker_mag = sp.linalg.norm(corrcoef_ker) assert corrcoef_ker_mag > 0 corrcoef_ker /= sp.linalg.norm(corrcoef_ker) assert(not sp.isnan(corrcoef_ker).any()) assert(not sp.isinf(corrcoef_ker).any()) corrcoef_kernels[cat] = corrcoef_ker cat_index[cat] = icat # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- load features from test filenames # set up progress bar print "Testing (on the fly) ..." pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=ntest) pbar.start() # -- test # XXX: code adapted from beta svm_ova_fromfilenames (to review!) pred = sp.zeros((ntest)) distances = sp.zeros((ntest, len(categories))) for itest, fname in enumerate(test_fnames): try: fvector = io.loadmat(fname)[variable_name].ravel() except TypeError: print "[ERROR] couldn't open", fname, "deleting it" os.unlink(fname) error = True except: print "[ERROR] unkwon with", fname raise assert(not sp.isnan(fvector).any()) assert(not sp.isinf(fvector).any()) # whiten if needed if whiten_vectors is not None: fmean, fstd = whiten_vectors fvector -= fmean assert((fstd!=0).all()) fvector /= fstd assert(not sp.isnan(fvector).any()) assert(not sp.isinf(fvector).any()) # corrcoef testv = fvector testv -= testv.mean() testv_mag = sp.linalg.norm(testv) assert testv_mag > 0 testv /= testv_mag for icat, cat in enumerate(categories): corrcoef_ker = corrcoef_kernels[cat] resp =, corrcoef_ker) distances[itest, icat] = resp pbar.update(itest+1) pbar.finish() print "-"*80 if error: raise RuntimeError("An error occured (load test). Exiting.") if len(categories) > 1: pred = distances.argmax(1) #print sp.array([cat_index[e] for e in test_labels]).astype('int') gt = sp.array([cat_index[e] for e in test_labels]).astype("int") perf = (pred == gt) accuracy = 100.*perf.sum() / ntest else: pred = sp.sign(distances).ravel() gt = sp.array(test_labels) cat = categories[0] gt[gt != cat] = -1 gt[gt == cat] = +1 gt = gt.astype("int") perf = (pred == gt) accuracy = 100.*perf.sum() / ntest print distances.shape print "Classification accuracy on test data (%):", accuracy svm_labels = gt # -- average precision # XXX: redo this part to handle other labels than +1 / -1 ap = 0 if distances.shape[1] == 1: distances = distances.ravel() assert test_labels.ndim == 1 assert svm_labels.ndim == 1 # -- inverse predictions if needed # (that is when svm was trained with flipped +1/-1 labels) # -- convert test_labels to +1/-1 (int) try: test_labels = array([int(elt) for elt in test_labels]) if (test_labels != svm_labels).any(): distances = -distances #if not ((test_labels==-1).any() and (test_labels==1).any()): # test_labels[test_labels!=test_labels[0]] = +1 # test_labels[test_labels==test_labels[0]] = -1 #print test_labels # -- convert test_labels to +1/-1 (int) test_labels = array([int(elt) for elt in test_labels]) # -- get average precision c = distances #print c si = sp.argsort(-c) tp = sp.cumsum(sp.single(test_labels[si]>0)) fp = sp.cumsum(sp.single(test_labels[si]<0)) rec = tp/sp.sum(test_labels>0) prec = tp/(fp+tp) #print prec, rec #from pylab import * #plot(prec, rec) #show() ap = 0 rng = sp.arange(0,1.1,.1) for th in rng: p = prec[rec>=th].max() if p == []: p = 0 ap += p / rng.size print "Average Precision:", ap except ValueError: ap = 0 # XXX: clean this test_y = sp.array([svm_labels.ravel()==lab for lab in sp.unique(svm_labels.ravel())] )*2-1 test_y = test_y.T print distances # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- write output file if output_fname is not None: print "Writing %s ..." % (output_fname) # TODO: save more stuff (alphas, etc.) data = {"accuracy": accuracy, "average_precision":ap, "test_distances": distances, "test_labels": test_labels, "test_y": test_y, "svm_labels": svm_labels, } io.savemat(output_fname, data, format='4') return accuracy