Exemplo n.º 1
	Y = f['LogNcountsMmus'][:]				 # gene expression matrix
	tech_noise = f['LogVar_techMmus'][:]	   # technical noise
	genes_het_bool=f['genes_heterogen'][:]	 # index of heterogeneous(??!??) genes
	geneID = f['sym_names'][:]			# gene names
	cellcyclegenes_filter = SP.unique(f['cellcyclegenes_filter'][:].ravel() -1) # idx of cell cycle genes
	cellcyclegenes_filterCB600 = f['ccCBall_gene_indices'][:].ravel() -1		# idxof cell cycle genes ...
	#ground truth from Hoechst staining
	phase_vec = f['labels'][:].ravel()
	if max(phase_vec)==4:
		phase_vec = phase_vec-1

	KG1 = SP.zeros((Y.shape[0],Y.shape[0]))
	for iph in range(Y.shape[0]):
		for jph in range(Y.shape[0]):
			if SP.bitwise_and(phase_vec[iph]==phase_vec[jph], phase_vec[iph]==1):

	KS = SP.zeros((Y.shape[0],Y.shape[0]))
	for iph in range(Y.shape[0]):
		for jph in range(Y.shape[0]):
			if SP.bitwise_and(phase_vec[iph]==phase_vec[jph], phase_vec[iph]==2):

	KG2M = SP.zeros((Y.shape[0],Y.shape[0]))
	for iph in range(Y.shape[0]):
		for jph in range(Y.shape[0]):
			if SP.bitwise_and(phase_vec[iph]==phase_vec[jph], phase_vec[iph]==3):

	#intra-phase variations in cell size
Exemplo n.º 2
        fnames = sp.array(fnames).reshape(len(fnames)/2, 2)

        pos_items = [(a,b) for a in 'tp','fn' for b in 'tp','fn']
        neg_items = [(a,b) for a in 'tn','fp' for b in 'tn','fp']

        all_items = pos_items + neg_items

        for xitem, yitem in all_items:

            idx, x = d1[xitem]
            idy, y = d2[yitem]
            assert (idx==idy).all()

            sel = sp.bitwise_and(x, y)
            mfnames = fnames[idx][sel]

            nmfnames = len(mfnames)

            if nmfnames <= 0:

            mpath = path.join(output_path, xitem+'_'+yitem)            
            for n, (fname1, fname2) in enumerate(mfnames):
                arr1 = sp.atleast_3d(sp.misc.imread(fname1).astype('float32'))
                arr2 = sp.atleast_3d(sp.misc.imread(fname2).astype('float32'))
                # grayscale?
                if arr1.shape[2] == 1:
                    arr1 = sp.concatenate([arr1,arr1,arr1], 2)
Exemplo n.º 3
        'genes_heterogen'][:]  # index of heterogeneous(??!??) genes
    geneID = f['sym_names'][:]  # gene names
    cellcyclegenes_filter = SP.unique(f['cellcyclegenes_filter'][:].ravel() -
                                      1)  # idx of cell cycle genes
    cellcyclegenes_filterCB600 = f['ccCBall_gene_indices'][:].ravel(
    ) - 1  # idxof cell cycle genes ...
    #ground truth from Hoechst staining
    phase_vec = f['labels'][:].ravel()
    if max(phase_vec) == 4:
        phase_vec[phase_vec == 1] = 2
        phase_vec = phase_vec - 1

    KG1 = SP.zeros((Y.shape[0], Y.shape[0]))
    for iph in range(Y.shape[0]):
        for jph in range(Y.shape[0]):
            if SP.bitwise_and(phase_vec[iph] == phase_vec[jph],
                              phase_vec[iph] == 1):
                KG1[iph, jph] = 1

    KS = SP.zeros((Y.shape[0], Y.shape[0]))
    for iph in range(Y.shape[0]):
        for jph in range(Y.shape[0]):
            if SP.bitwise_and(phase_vec[iph] == phase_vec[jph],
                              phase_vec[iph] == 2):
                KS[iph, jph] = 1

    KG2M = SP.zeros((Y.shape[0], Y.shape[0]))
    for iph in range(Y.shape[0]):
        for jph in range(Y.shape[0]):
            if SP.bitwise_and(phase_vec[iph] == phase_vec[jph],
                              phase_vec[iph] == 3):
                KG2M[iph, jph] = 1
Exemplo n.º 4
                    print "bad file: %s" % (fn)
            RV['K'] = K
            RV['cc_genes_het'] = cc_genes_het

            Ycorr = RV['Ycorr'][:]
            SP.savetxt(out_file_base + '.Ycorr.txt', Ycorr)
            SP.savetxt(out_file_base + '.isConverged.txt', RV['is_converged'])
            #plot variance decomposition
            from scLVM_cfg import *
            indsconv = RV['is_converged'].ravel() == 1
            is_nocc_conv = SP.bitwise_and(indsconv, cc_genes_het.ravel() == 1)
            vars_normConv = RV['varsnorm'][indsconv == 1, :]
            # ['hidden_0', 'biol_noise', 'tech_noise']
            # ==>
            # ['hidden_0', 'tech_noise', 'biol_noise']
            vars_normConv = vars_normConv[:, [0, 1, 2]]
            H2 = 1 - vars_normConv[:, 2]
            out_file_pdf = out_file_base+'.pdf'
            var_plot(vars_normConv, H2, CFG['var_comp_fields'][SP.array([0,1,2])],V_range=SP.linspace(0,1,11),plot_element_count=False,
                     filename=out_file_pdf, normalize=True, figsize=[6,5])
            # var_plot(vars_normConv, H2, CFG['var_comp_fields'][SP.array([0,1,2])],V_range=SP.linspace(0,1,8),plot_element_count=True,
            #         filename=out_file_pdf, normalize=True, figsize=[6,5])
            # calculate average variance components across all genes and visualize
            var_mean = vars_normConv.mean(0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def extract_palm_mask(input_image, sample_spacing=20, debug=False, visual_debug=False, vd_last_step=True):
    centre_xy, inner_circle_radius, outer_circle_radius = detect_palm_circle(input_image, visual_debug=visual_debug and not vd_last_step, debug=debug)
    outer_circle_points = bresenhamCircle(centre_xy[0], centre_xy[1], outer_circle_radius)
    #sorting points in clockwise direction
    outer_circle_points = sorted(outer_circle_points, key = lambda c:atan2(c[0] - centre_xy[0], c[1] - centre_xy[1]))
    spacing = max(int((sample_spacing*len(outer_circle_points))/float(360)), 1)
    #subset the sampling space
    sample_points = []
    for i in range(0, len(outer_circle_points), spacing):
        sample_points.append([outer_circle_points[i][0], outer_circle_points[i][1]])
    if debug:
        print("[DEBUG] extract_palm_mask : outer circle point - %d, sample space - %d and sample points - %d" % (len(outer_circle_points), spacing, len(sample_points)))
    boundary_points = get_boundary_points(sample_points, input_image, debug=debug)
    convex_hull, palm_mask = np.zeros(input_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8), np.zeros(input_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for points in boundary_points:
        convex_hull[points[0], points[1]] = 255
    convex_hull = convex_hull_image(convex_hull)
    palm_mask[convex_hull==True] = 255
    palm_mask[convex_hull==False] = 0
    wrist_point_one, wrist_point_two = wrist_detection(boundary_points)
    palm_mask = scipy.bitwise_and(input_image, palm_mask)
    display_image = np.stack([input_image, input_image, input_image], axis=2)
    #remove the pixel below the wristine
    remove_pixel_below_wrist_line(input_image, wrist_point_one, wrist_point_two)
    #image rotation 
    #slope of wristline and angle of rotation
    m = (wrist_point_two[0]-wrist_point_one[0])/(wrist_point_two[1]-wrist_point_one[1])
    theta = atan(m)*180/pi
    rotation_center = ((wrist_point_one[0]+wrist_point_two[0])/2, (wrist_point_one[1]+wrist_point_two[1])/2)
    #executing rotation with above parameters
    rotated_image, rotation_marix = img_rotation(input_image, theta, rotation_center, debug=debug)
    palm_mask, _ = img_rotation(palm_mask, theta, rotation_center, debug=debug)
    if visual_debug:
        # displaying the palm centre
        rr, cc = circle_perimeter(centre_xy[0], centre_xy[1], 3)
        rr, cc = valid_circle_points(rr, cc, display_image.shape[0], display_image.shape[1])
        display_image[rr, cc] = [0, 0, 255]
        # displaying the palm inner circle
        rr, cc = circle_perimeter(centre_xy[0], centre_xy[1], inner_circle_radius)
        rr, cc = valid_circle_points(rr, cc, display_image.shape[0], display_image.shape[1])
        display_image[rr, cc] = [0, 255, 0]
        # displaying the palm outer circle
        rr, cc = circle_perimeter(centre_xy[0], centre_xy[1], outer_circle_radius)
        rr, cc = valid_circle_points(rr, cc, display_image.shape[0], display_image.shape[1])
        display_image[rr, cc] = [0, 255, 128]
        # displaying the wirst line
        rr, cc = line(wrist_point_one[0], wrist_point_one[1], wrist_point_two[0], wrist_point_two[1])
        display_image[rr, cc] = [255, 0, 0]
        # imgnew = cv2.rotate(img,theta)
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
        ax0.set_title("original input image")
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
        ax1.set_title("rotated image wrt wrist line")
        ax1.imshow(rotated_image, cmap='gray')
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
        ax2.set_title("palm mask with wrist line")
        ax2.imshow(palm_mask, cmap='gray')
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
        ax3.imshow((rotated_image - palm_mask), cmap='gray')
        # wristline_len = np.sqrt(np.square(wrist_point_one[0] - wrist_point_two[0]) + np.square(wrist_point_one[1] - wrist_point_two[1]))
        # ax3.imshow(img_rotation(input_image, theta, (wrist_point_one[0]-wristline_len, wrist_point_one[0]-wristline_len), debug=debug), cmap='gray')
    return palm_mask, rotated_image