Exemplo n.º 1
 def diag_Ctilde_o_Sr(self, i):
     if i < self.Cg.getNumberParams():
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCgLc(i)), self.Sr())
         _i = i - self.Cg.getNumberParams()
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCnLc(_i)), sp.ones(self.dim_r))
     return r
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,data,cov_matrix=False,loc=None):
        data : array of data, shape=(number points,number dim)
               If cov_matrix is True then data is the covariance matrix (see below)

        cov_matrix : bool (optional)
                     If True data is treated as a covariance matrix with shape=(number dim, number dim)
        loc        : the mean of the data if a covarinace matrix is given, shape=(number dim)
        if cov_matrix:
            self.n,self.dim=data.shape #the shape of input data
            self.mu=data.mean(axis=0) #the mean of the data
            self.data_t=data-self.mu #remove the mean
            self.evec,eval,V=sl.svd(self.data_t.T,full_matrices=False) #get the eigenvectors (axes of the ellipsoid)
            data_p=dot(self.data_t,self.evec) #project the data onto the eigenvectors
            self.sigma=data_p.std(axis=0) #get the spread of the distribution (the axis ratos for the ellipsoid)
            self.Sigma=diag(1./self.sigma) #the eigenvalue matrix for the ellipsoid equation
            self.B=dot(self.evec,self.Sigma) #used in the ellipsoid equation
            self.Binv=sl.inv(self.B) #also useful to have around
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_sample_nn():
	means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
	cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
	alldata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
	for n in xrange(400):
	      for klass in range(3):
	                input = multivariate_normal(means[klass],cov[klass])
	                alldata.addSample(input, [klass])

	tstdata_temp, trndata_temp = alldata.splitWithProportion(0.25)

	tstdata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
	for n in xrange(0, tstdata_temp.getLength()):
	    tstdata.addSample( tstdata_temp.getSample(n)[0], tstdata_temp.getSample(n)[1] )

	trndata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
	for n in xrange(0, trndata_temp.getLength()):
	    trndata.addSample( trndata_temp.getSample(n)[0], trndata_temp.getSample(n)[1] )

	trndata._convertToOneOfMany( )
	tstdata._convertToOneOfMany( )

	fnn = buildNetwork( trndata.indim, 5, trndata.outdim, outclass=SoftmaxLayer )

	trainer = BackpropTrainer( fnn, dataset=trndata, momentum=0.1, verbose=True, weightdecay=0.01)

	return trainer, fnn, tstdata
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _LMLgrad_lik(self,hyperparams):
        """derivative of the likelihood parameters"""

	logtheta = hyperparams['covar']
            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
        except linalg.LinAlgError:
            LG.error("exception caught (%s)" % (str(hyperparams)))
            return 1E6
        #loop through all dimensions
        #logdet term:
        Kd = 2*KV['Knoise']
        dldet = 0.5*(Kd*KV['Si']).sum(axis=0)
        #quadratic term
        y_roti = KV['y_roti']
        dlquad = -0.5 * (y_roti * Kd * y_roti).sum(axis=0)
        if VERBOSE:
            dldet_  = SP.zeros([self.d])
            dlquad_ = SP.zeros([self.d])
            for d in xrange(self.d):
                _K = KV['K'] + SP.diag(KV['Knoise'][:,d])
                _Ki = SP.linalg.inv(_K)
                dldet_[d] = 0.5* SP.dot(_Ki,SP.diag(Kd[:,d])).trace()
                dlquad_[d] = -0.5*SP.dot(self.y[:,d],SP.dot(_Ki,SP.dot(SP.diag(Kd[:,d]),SP.dot(_Ki,self.y[:,d]))))

            assert (SP.absolute(dldet-dldet_)<1E-3).all(), 'outch'
            assert (SP.absolute(dlquad-dlquad_)<1E-3).all(), 'outch'

        LMLgrad = dldet + dlquad
        RV = {'lik': LMLgrad}
        return RV
Exemplo n.º 5
def orlancz(A, v0, k):
    full orthogonalized Lanczos algorithm (Krylov approximation of a matrix)
            A: matrix to approximate
            v0: initial vector (should be in matrix form) 
            k: number of Krylov steps 
            V: matrix (large, N*k) containing the orthogonal vectors
            H: matrix (small, k*k) containing the Krylov approximation of A
    Author: Vasile Gradinaru, 21.10.2008 (Zuerich)
    from numpy import finfo, sqrt
    reps = 10*sqrt(finfo(float).eps)
    V = mat( v0.copy() / norm(v0) )
    alpha =  zeros(k)  
    beta =  zeros(k+1)  
    for m in xrange(k):
        #vt = A * V[ :, m]
        vt = multMv( A , V[ :, m])
        if m > 0: vt -= beta[m] * V[:, m-1]
        alpha[m] = (V[:, m].H * vt )[0, 0]
        vt -= alpha[m] * V[:, m]
        beta[m+1] = norm(vt)
        # reortogonalization
        h1 = multMv(V.H, vt)
        vt -= multMv(V, h1)
        if norm(h1) > reps: vt -= multMv(V, (multMv(V.H,vt)))
        V =  hstack( (V, vt.copy() / beta[m+1] ) ) 
    rbeta = beta[1:-1]    
    H = diag(alpha) + diag(rbeta, 1) + diag(rbeta, -1)
    return V,  H
Exemplo n.º 6
def lanczos(A, v0, k):
    Lanczos algorithm (Krylov approximation of a matrix)
            A: matrix to approximate
            v0: initial vector (should be in matrix form) 
            k: number of Krylov steps 
            V: matrix (large, N*k) containing the orthogonal vectors
            H: matrix (small, k*k) containing the Krylov approximation of A
    Author: Vasile Gradinaru, 14.12.2007 (Rennes)
    print 'LANCZOS METHOD !'
    V = mat( v0.copy() / norm(v0) )
    alpha =  zeros(k)  
    beta =  zeros(k+1)  
    for m in xrange(k):
        vt = multMv( A ,  V[ :, m])
        #vt = A * V[ :, m]
        if m > 0: vt -= beta[m] * V[:, m-1]
        alpha[m] = (V[:, m].H * vt )[0, 0]
        vt -= alpha[m] * V[:, m]
        beta[m+1] = norm(vt)
        V =  hstack( (V, vt.copy() / beta[m+1] ) ) 
    rbeta = beta[1:-1]    
    H = diag(alpha) + diag(rbeta, 1) + diag(rbeta, -1)
    return V,  H
Exemplo n.º 7
    def LMLdebug(self):
        LML function for debug
        assert self.N*self.P<5000, 'gp2kronSum:: N*P>=5000'

        y = SP.reshape(self.Y,(self.N*self.P), order='F') 
        V = SP.kron(SP.eye(self.P),self.F)

        XX = SP.dot(self.Xr,self.Xr.T)
        K  = SP.kron(self.Cr.K(),XX)
        K += SP.kron(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P),SP.eye(self.N))

        # inverse of K
        cholK = LA.cholesky(K)
        Ki = LA.cho_solve((cholK,False),SP.eye(self.N*self.P))

        # Areml and inverse
        Areml = SP.dot(V.T,SP.dot(Ki,V))
        cholAreml = LA.cholesky(Areml)
        Areml_i = LA.cho_solve((cholAreml,False),SP.eye(self.K*self.P))

        # effect sizes and z
        b = SP.dot(Areml_i,SP.dot(V.T,SP.dot(Ki,y)))
        z = y-SP.dot(V,b)
        Kiz = SP.dot(Ki,z)

        # lml
        lml  = y.shape[0]*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
        lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholK)).sum()
        lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholAreml)).sum()
        lml += SP.dot(z,Kiz)
        lml *= 0.5

        return lml
Exemplo n.º 8
    def newEpisode(self):
        if self.learning:
            params = ravel(self.explorationlayer.module.params)
            target = ravel(sum(self.history.getSequence(self.history.getNumSequences()-1)[2]) / 500)
            if target != 0.0:
                self.gp.addSample(params, target)
                if len(self.gp.trainx) > 20:
                    self.gp.trainx = self.gp.trainx[-20:, :]
                    self.gp.trainy = self.gp.trainy[-20:]
                    self.gp.noise = self.gp.noise[-20:]
                # get new parameters where mean was highest
                max_cov = diag(self.gp.pred_cov).max()
                indices = where(diag(self.gp.pred_cov) == max_cov)[0]
                pick = indices[random.randint(len(indices))]
                new_param = self.gp.testx[pick]
                # check if that one exists already in gp training set
                if len(where(self.gp.trainx == new_param)[0]) > 0:
                    # add some normal noise to it
                    new_param += random.normal(0, 1, len(new_param))


        # don't call StateDependentAgent.newEpisode() because it randomizes the params
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_whitener( A, k ):
    """Return the matrix W that whitens A, i.e. W^T A W = I. Assumes A
    is k-rank"""

    U, D, V = svdk(A, k)
    Ds = sqrt(D)
    Di = 1./Ds
    return U.dot(diag(Di)), U.dot(diag(Ds))
Exemplo n.º 10
def segmented():
    radius = 5 
    sigmaI = 0.02 
    sigmaX = 3.0 
    height = img.shape[0]
    width = img.shape[1]
    flatImg = img.flatten()
    darkImg = flatImg
    brightImg = flatImg
    nodes = img.flatten()
    W = spar.lil_matrix((nodes.size, nodes.size),dtype=float)
    D = sp.zeros((1,nodes.size))
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(width):				
            for k in range(row-radius,row+radius):
                for l in range(col-radius,col+radius):
                        w = weight(row,col,k,l)
                        W[row*width+col,k*width+l] = w
                        D[0,row*width+col] += w		
    D = spar.spdiags(D, 0, nodes.size, nodes.size)

    Q = D - W
    D1 = D.todense()
    Q1 = Q.todense()
    diags = sp.diag(D1)
    DminusHalf = sp.diag(diags**-0.5)
    segQ = sp.dot(sp.dot(DminusHalf, Q1),DminusHalf)
    vals, vecs = la.eig(segQ)
    vecind = sp.argsort(vals)[1]
    theVec = vecs[vecind]

    for i in range(0,height**2):
        if theVec[i] < 0:
            darkImg[i] = 0.0
            brightImg[i] = 0.0
    darkImg = sp.reshape(darkImg, (height,height))
    brightImg = sp.reshape(brightImg, (height,height))
    return darkImg, flatImg, brightImg
Exemplo n.º 11
def MikotaPair(n):
    # Mikota pair acts as a nice test since the eigenvalues
    # are the squares of the integers n, n=1,2,...
    x = arange(1,n+1)
    B = diag(1./x)
    y = arange(n-1,0,-1)
    z = arange(2*n-1,0,-2)
    A = diag(z)-diag(y,-1)-diag(y,1)
    return A,B
Exemplo n.º 12
def MikotaPair(n, dtype=np.dtype("d")):
    # Mikota pair acts as a nice test since the eigenvalues
    # are the squares of the integers n, n=1,2,...
    x = np.arange(1,n+1, dtype=dtype)
    B = diag(1./x)
    y = np.arange(n-1,0,-1, dtype=dtype)
    z = np.arange(2*n-1,0,-2, dtype=dtype)
    A = diag(z)-diag(y,-1)-diag(y,1)
    return A, B
Exemplo n.º 13
def exact_moments( A, w ):
    """Get the exact moments of a components distribution"""

    k = len(w)
    P = A.dot( diag( w ) ).dot( A.T )
    #T = sum( [ w[i] * tensorify( A.T[i], A.T[i], A.T[i] ) for i in xrange( k ) ] )
    T = lambda theta: A.dot( diag( w) ).dot( diag( A.T.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( A.T )

    return P, T    
def main():
    means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
    cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
    alldata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
    for n in xrange(400):
        for klass in range(3):
            input = multivariate_normal(means[klass],cov[klass])
            alldata.addSample(input, [klass])
    tstdata, trndata = alldata.splitWithProportion( 0.25 )
    trndata._convertToOneOfMany( )
    tstdata._convertToOneOfMany( )
    print "Number of training patterns: ", len(trndata)
    print "Input and output dimensions: ", trndata.indim, trndata.outdim
    print "First sample (input, target, class):"
    print trndata['input'][0], trndata['target'][0], trndata['class'][0]
    fnn = buildNetwork( trndata.indim, 5, trndata.outdim, outclass=SoftmaxLayer )
    trainer = BackpropTrainer( fnn, dataset=trndata, momentum=0.1, verbose=True, weightdecay=0.01)
    ticks = arange(-3.,6.,0.2)
    X, Y = meshgrid(ticks, ticks)
    # need column vectors in dataset, not arrays
    griddata = ClassificationDataSet(2,1, nb_classes=3)
    for i in xrange(X.size):
        griddata.addSample([X.ravel()[i],Y.ravel()[i]], [0])
    griddata._convertToOneOfMany()  # this is still needed to make the fnn feel comfy
    for i in range(20):
        trnresult = percentError( trainer.testOnClassData(),
                                  trndata['class'] )
        tstresult = percentError( trainer.testOnClassData(
               dataset=tstdata ), tstdata['class'] )
        print "epoch: %4d" % trainer.totalepochs, \
              "  train error: %5.2f%%" % trnresult, \
              "  test error: %5.2f%%" % tstresult
        out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata)
        out = out.argmax(axis=1)  # the highest output activation gives the class
        out = out.reshape(X.shape)
        ioff()  # interactive graphics off
        clf()   # clear the plot
        hold(True) # overplot on
        for c in [0,1,2]:
            here, _ = where(tstdata['class']==c)
        if out.max()!=out.min():  # safety check against flat field
            contourf(X, Y, out)   # plot the contour
        ion()   # interactive graphics on
        draw()  # update the plot
Exemplo n.º 15
def exact_moments( alphas, topics ):
    """Get the exact moments of a components distribution"""

    a0 = alphas.sum()
    O = topics

    P = 1/((a0 +1)*a0) * O.dot( diag( alphas ) ).dot( O.T )
    T = lambda theta: 2/((a0+2)*(a0 +1)*a0) * O.dot( diag( O.T.dot(
        theta ) ) ).dot( diag( alphas ) ).dot( O.T )

    return P, T    
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_dummy_data():
	means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
	cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
	X = []
	y = []

	for n in xrange(400):
	      for klass in range(3):
	                input = multivariate_normal(means[klass],cov[klass])
	return X, y
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _logDerivsFactorSigma(self, samples, mu, invSigma, factorSigma):
        """ Compute the log-derivatives w.r.t. the factorized covariance matrix components.
        This implementation should be faster than the one in Vanilla. """
        res = zeros((len(samples), self.numDistrParams - self.numParameters))
        invA = inv(factorSigma)
        diagInvA = diag(diag(invA))

        for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
            s = dot(invA.T, (sample - mu))
            R = outer(s, dot(invA, s)) - diagInvA
            res[i] = triu2flat(R)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 18
 def diag_Ctilde_o_Sr(self, i):
     np_r = self.Cr.getNumberParams()
     np_g = self.Cg.getNumberParams()
     if i < np_r:
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCrLc(i)), self.diagWrWr())
     elif i < (np_r + np_g):
         _i = i - np_r
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCgLc(_i)), self.Sr())
         _i = i - np_r - np_g
         r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCnLc(_i)), sp.ones(self.dim_r))
     return r
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _update_cache(self):
        Update cache
        cov_params_have_changed = self.Cr.params_have_changed or self.Cn.params_have_changed

        if self.Xr_has_changed:
            start = TIME.time()
            """ Row SVD Bg + Noise """
            Urstar,S,V = NLA.svd(self.Xr)
            self.cache['Srstar'] = SP.concatenate([S**2,SP.zeros(self.N-S.shape[0])])
            self.cache['Lr']     = Urstar.T

        if cov_params_have_changed:
            start = TIME.time()
            """ Col SVD Noise """
            S2,U2 = LA.eigh(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P))
            self.cache['Sc2'] = S2
            US2   = SP.dot(U2,SP.diag(SP.sqrt(S2)))
            USi2  = SP.dot(U2,SP.diag(SP.sqrt(1./S2)))
            """ Col SVD region """
            A     = SP.reshape(self.Cr.getParams(),(self.P,self.rank),order='F')
            Astar = SP.dot(USi2.T,A)
            Ucstar,S,V = NLA.svd(Astar)
            self.cache['Scstar'] = SP.concatenate([S**2,SP.zeros(self.P-S.shape[0])])
            self.cache['Lc']     = SP.dot(Ucstar.T,USi2.T)

            """ pheno """

        if cov_params_have_changed or self.Xr_has_changed:
            """ S """
            self.cache['s'] = SP.kron(self.cache['Scstar'],self.cache['Srstar'])+1
            self.cache['d'] = 1./self.cache['s']
            self.cache['D'] = SP.reshape(self.cache['d'],(self.N,self.P), order='F')

            """ pheno """
            self.cache['LY']  = self.mean.evaluate()
            self.cache['DLY'] = self.cache['D']*self.cache['LY']


        self.Y_has_changed = False
        self.Xr_has_changed = False
        self.Cr.params_have_changed = False
        self.Cn.params_have_changed = False
Exemplo n.º 20
def GetEigSys(filename,gsfile=None,Nsamp=1,channel=None,wavefile=None,q=None):
    if type(filename)==str:
    if channel==None:
    if 'phasex' in attr.keys():
    for sample,b in enumerate(args):
        for d in b:
    if channel=='groundstate':
        return H
    if wavefile==None:
    for s in range(sc.shape(H)[0]):
    if gsfile!=None:
    print('{0} pair of (H,O) matrices loaded, now diagonalize'.format(sc.shape(H)[0]))
    for s in range(sc.shape(H)[0]):
    print('diagonalization finished')
    return H,O,E,V
Exemplo n.º 21
def ampfit(data, covariance, theory, rank_thresh=1e-12, diag_only=False):
    """Fits the amplitude of the theory curve to the data.

    Finds `amp` such that `amp`*`theory` is the best fit to `data`.

    amp : float
        Fitted amplitude.
    error : float
        Error on fitted amplitude.

    data = sp.asarray(data)
    covariance = sp.asarray(copy.deepcopy(covariance))
    theory = sp.asarray(theory)

    if len(data.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("`data` must be a 1D vector.")

    n = len(data)

    if data.shape != theory.shape:
        raise ValueError("`theory` must be the same shape as `data`.")

    if covariance.shape != (n,n):
        msg = "`covariance` must be a square matrix compatible with data."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if diag_only:
        covariance = sp.diag(sp.diag(covariance))
        print data
        print sp.diag(sp.sqrt(covariance))

    covariance_inverse = linalg.inv(covariance)
    weighted_data = sp.dot(covariance_inverse, data)
    amp = sp.dot(theory, weighted_data)
    normalization = sp.dot(covariance_inverse, theory)
    normalization = sp.dot(theory, normalization)
    amp /= normalization
    error = sp.sqrt(1/normalization)

    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(covariance)
    dof = np.sum(s > rank_thresh)
    resid = data - amp * theory
    chi2 = sp.dot(covariance_inverse, resid)
    chi2 = sp.dot(resid, chi2)
    pte = sp.stats.chisqprob(chi2, dof - 1)

    return {"amp":amp, "error":error, \
            "chi2":chi2, "dof":dof - 1, \
Exemplo n.º 22
def create_dataset():
   '''Create a random dataset to train and test the network on '''
   means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
   cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
   for n in xrange(400):
      for klass in range(3):
   return (trndata,tstdata) 
Exemplo n.º 23
def derivative_matrix(G, grid_spacing=1.0):
    Returns a (G-1)xG dimensional derivative matrix. 
    # Make sure G is a positive integer
    assert(G == int(G) and G >= 2)
    # Create matrix
    tmp_mat = sp.diag(sp.ones(G),0) + sp.diag(-1.0*sp.ones(G-1),-1)
    right_partial = tmp_mat[1:,:]/grid_spacing
    return sp.mat(right_partial)
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_whitener( A, k ):
    """Return the matrix W that whitens A, i.e. W^T A W = I. Assumes A
    is k-rank"""

    assert( mrank( A ) == k )
    # If A is PSD
    U, S, _ = svdk( A, k )
    W, Wt = U.dot( diag( sc.sqrt(S)**-1 ) ) , ( diag( sc.sqrt(S) ) ).dot( U.T )

    # assert( sc.allclose( W.T.dot( A ).dot( W ), sc.eye( k ) ) )
    # assert( sc.allclose( Wt.T.dot( Wt ), A ) )
    return W, Wt
Exemplo n.º 25
def generateClassificationData(size, nClasses=3):
    """ generate a set of points in 2D belonging to two or three different classes """
    if nClasses==3:
        means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
        means = [(-2,0),(2,1),(6,0)]

    cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
    dataset = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=nClasses)
    for _ in xrange(size):
        for c in range(3):
            input = multivariate_normal(means[c],cov[c])
            dataset.addSample(input, [c%nClasses])
    return dataset
Exemplo n.º 26
def gap(data, refs=None, nrefs=20, ks=range(1,11), method=None):
    shape = data.shape
    if refs is None:
        tops = data.max(axis=0)
        bots = data.min(axis=0)
        dists = scipy.matrix(scipy.diag(tops-bots))

        rands = scipy.random.random_sample(size=(shape[0], shape[1], nrefs))
        for i in range(nrefs):
            rands[:, :, i] = rands[:, :, i]*dists+bots
        rands = refs
    gaps = scipy.zeros((len(ks),))
    for (i, k) in enumerate(ks):
        g1 = method(n_clusters=k).fit(data)
        (kmc, kml) = (g1.cluster_centers_, g1.labels_)
        disp = sum([euclidean(data[m, :], kmc[kml[m], :]) for m in range(shape[0])])

        refdisps = scipy.zeros((rands.shape[2],))
        for j in range(rands.shape[2]):
            g2 = method(n_clusters=k).fit(rands[:, :, j])
            (kmc, kml) = (g2.cluster_centers_, g2.labels_)
            refdisps[j] = sum([euclidean(rands[m, :, j], kmc[kml[m],:]) for m in range(shape[0])])
        gaps[i] = scipy.log(scipy.mean(refdisps))-scipy.log(disp)
    return gaps
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _LML_covar(self, hyperparams):

	log marginal likelihood contributions from covariance hyperparameters

            KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
        except linalg.LinAlgError:
            LG.error("exception caught (%s)" % (str(hyperparams)))
            return 1E6

        #all in one go
        #negative log marginal likelihood, see derivations
        lquad = 0.5* (KV['y_rot']*KV['Si']*KV['y_rot']).sum()
        ldet  = 0.5*-SP.log(KV['Si'][:,:]).sum()
        LML   = 0.5*self.n*self.d * SP.log(2*SP.pi) + lquad + ldet
        if VERBOSE:
            #1. slow and explicit way
            lmls_ = SP.zeros([self.d])
            for i in xrange(self.d):
                _y = self.y[:,i]
                sigma2 = SP.exp(2*hyperparams['lik'])
                _K = KV['K'] + SP.diag(KV['Knoise'][:,i])
                _Ki = SP.linalg.inv(_K)
                lquad_ = 0.5 * SP.dot(_y,SP.dot(_Ki,_y))
                ldet_ = 0.5 * SP.log(SP.linalg.det(_K))
                lmls_[i] = 0.5 * self.n* SP.log(2*SP.pi) + lquad_ + ldet_
            assert SP.absolute(lmls_.sum()-LML)<1E-3, 'outch'
        return LML
Exemplo n.º 28
	def initialize(self,data,random=False):
		self.data = data
		self.n_dim = data.shape[1]
		if random:
			mins = sp.zeros(self.n_dim)
			maxes = sp.zeros(self.n_dim)
			sds = sp.zeros(self.n_dim)
			centers = sp.zeros((self.n_components,self.n_dim))
			for i in xrange(self.n_dim):
				mins[i] = min(self.data[:,i])
				maxes[i] = max(self.data[:,i])
				sds[i] = sp.std(self.data[:,i])
				centers[:,i] = sp.random.uniform(mins[i],maxes[i],self.n_components)
			self.comp = sp.ones(self.n_components)/float(self.n_components) + sp.random.uniform(-1./self.n_components,1./self.n_components,self.n_components)
			self.comp /= sp.sum(self.comp)
			covars = sp.array([sp.diag(sds**2) for i in xrange(self.n_components)])
			self.centers = centers
			self.covars = covars
			clust = cluster.KMeans(self.n_components)
			self.centers = sp.copy(clust.cluster_centers_)
			labels = sp.copy(clust.labels_)
			self.covars = sp.zeros((self.n_components,self.n_dim,self.n_dim))
			self.comp = sp.zeros(self.n_components)
			for i in xrange(self.n_components):
				inds = labels == i
				temp = self.data[inds,:]
				self.covars[i,:,:] = sp.dot(temp.T,temp)
				self.comp[i] = sum(inds)/float(self.data.shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 29
    def learn(self, X, t, tol=0.01, amax=1e10):

        N = X.shape[0]
        a = sp.ones(N+1) # hyperparameter
        b = 1.0
        phi = sp.ones((N, N+1)) # design matrix
        phi[:,1:] = [[self._kernel(xi, xj) for xj in X] for xi in X]

        diff = 1
        while diff >= tol:
            sigma = spla.inv(sp.diag(a) + b * sp.dot(phi.T, phi))
            m = b * sp.dot(sigma, sp.dot(phi.T, t))
            gamma = sp.ones(N+1) - a * sigma.diagonal()
            anew = gamma / (m * m)
            bnew = (N -  gamma.sum()) / sp.square(spla.norm(t - sp.dot(phi, m)))
            anew[anew >= amax] = amax
            adiff, bdiff = anew - a, bnew - b
            diff = (adiff * adiff).sum() + bdiff * bdiff
            a, b = anew, bnew
            print ".",

        self._a = a
        self._b = b
        self._X = X
        self._m = m
        self._sigma = sigma
        self._amax = amax
Exemplo n.º 30
def _ar_model_qr(data, p=1):
    """QR factorization for a (multivariate) zero-mean AR model

        data : ndarray
            data with observations on the rows and variables on the columns
        p : int or list
            the model order, how many samples to regress over

    # inits
    n, m = data.shape            # observations, channels
    ne = n - p                   # number of block equations of size m
    np = m * p                   # number of parameter vectors of size m
    K = N.zeros((ne, np + m))  # the lag shifted data matrix

    # compute predictors
    for i in xrange(p):
        K[:, m * i:m * (i + 1)] = data[p - i - 1:n - i - 1, :]
    K[:, np:np + m] = data[p:n, :]

    # contition the matrix and factorize
    scale = N.sqrt(((np + m) ** 2 + np + m + 1) * EPS)
    R = NL.qr(
            scale * N.diag([NL.norm(K[:, i]) for i in xrange(K.shape[1])])

    # return
    del K
    return R
Exemplo n.º 31
def ElasticRod(n):
    # Fixed-free elastic rod
    L = 1.0
    rho = 7.85e3
    S = 1.e-4
    E = 2.1e11
    mass = rho*S*le/6.
    k = E*S/le
    A = k*(diag(r_[2.*ones(n-1),1])-diag(ones(n-1),1)-diag(ones(n-1),-1))
    B = mass*(diag(r_[4.*ones(n-1),2])+diag(ones(n-1),1)+diag(ones(n-1),-1))
    return A,B
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        #print key
        xslice, yslice, zslice = key

        #cut region out of data stack
        dataROI = self.data[xslice, yslice, zslice]

        #average in z
        dataMean = dataROI.mean(2)

        #generate grid to evaluate function on
        X = 1e3 * self.metadata.voxelsize.x * scipy.mgrid[xslice]
        Y = 1e3 * self.metadata.voxelsize.y * scipy.mgrid[yslice]

        #estimate some start parameters...
        A = dataMean.max() - dataMean.min()  #amplitude

        x0 = X.mean()
        y0 = Y.mean()

        startParameters = [A, x0, y0, 250 / 2.35, dataMean.min(), .001, .001]

        #estimate errors in data
        nSlices = dataROI.shape[2]

        sigma = scipy.sqrt(self.metadata.CCD.ReadNoise**2 +
                           (self.metadata.CCD.noiseFactor**2) *
                           self.metadata.CCD.electronsPerCount * dataMean /
                           nSlices) / self.metadata.CCD.electronsPerCount

        #do the fit
        #(res, resCode) = FitModel(f_gauss2d, startParameters, dataMean, X, Y)
        #(res, cov_x, infodict, mesg, resCode) = FitModelWeighted(self.fitfcn, startParameters, dataMean, sigma, X, Y)
        #(res, cov_x, infodict, mesg, resCode) = self.solver(self.fitfcn, startParameters, dataMean, sigma, X, Y)
        (res, ret, cov_x, nIters, resCode) = fitGauss(startParameters, X, Y,
                                                      1.0 / sigma.T.ravel())

        fitErrors = None
            fitErrors = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diag(cov_x))
        except Exception:
        return GaussianFitResultR(res, self.metadata, (xslice, yslice, zslice),
                                  resCode, fitErrors)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def predict(self, hyperparams, Xstar_r, compute_cov = False, debugging = False):
        predict on Xstar
        KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams,debugging=debugging)
        self.covar_r.Xcross = Xstar_r
        Kstar_r = self.covar_r.Kcross(hyperparams['covar_r'])
        Kstar_c = self.covar_c.K(hyperparams['covar_c'])

        KinvY = SP.dot(KV['U_r'],SP.dot(KV['Ytilde'],KV['U_c'].T))
        Ystar = SP.dot(Kstar_r.T,SP.dot(KinvY,Kstar_c))
        Ystar = unravel(Ystar,self.covar_r.n_cross,self.t)

        if debugging:
            Kstar = SP.kron(Kstar_c,Kstar_r)
            Ynaive = SP.dot(Kstar.T,KV['alpha'])
            Ynaive = unravel(Ynaive,self.covar_r.n_cross,self.t)
            assert SP.allclose(Ystar,Ynaive), 'ouch, prediction does not work out'
        Ystar_covar = []
        if compute_cov:
            CU = fast_dot(Kstar_c, KV['U_c'])     
            s_rev = 1./KV['S']
            Ystar_covar = SP.zeros([Xstar_r.shape[0], self.Y.shape[1]])
            printProgressBar(0, Xstar_r.shape[0], prefix = 'Computing perdiction varaince:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 20)
            for i in range(Xstar_r.shape[0]):
                R_star_star = self.covar_r.K(hyperparams['covar_r'], SP.expand_dims(Xstar_r[i,:],axis=0))
                self.covar_r.Xcross = SP.expand_dims(Xstar_r[i,:],axis=0)
                R_tr_star = self.covar_r.Kcross(hyperparams['covar_r'])
                RU = SP.dot(R_tr_star.T, KV['U_r'])
                q = SP.kron(SP.diag(Kstar_c), R_star_star)
                t = SP.zeros([self.t])                
                for j in range(self.t):
                    temp = SP.kron(CU[j,:], RU) 
                    t[j,] = SP.sum((s_rev * temp).T * temp.T, axis = 0)
                Ystar_covar[i,:] = q - t
                if (i + 1) % (Xstar_r.shape[0]/10) == 0:
                    printProgressBar(i+1, Xstar_r.shape[0], prefix = 'Computing perdiction varaince:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 20)
            self.covar_r.Xcross = Xstar_r
        return Ystar, Ystar_covar
Exemplo n.º 34
def stable_cho_factor(x, tiny=_TINY):
       Stable version of the cholesky decomposition
       x - (sc.array) positive definite matrix
       tiny - (double) tiny number to add to the covariance matrix to make the decomposition stable (has a default)
       (L,lowerFlag) - output from scipy.linalg.cho_factor for lower=True
       2009-09-25 - Written - Bovy (NYU)

    return linalg.cho_factor(x +
                             sc.sum(sc.diag(x)) * tiny * sc.eye(x.shape[0]),
Exemplo n.º 35
def invx(X):
    calculates the inverse for X and the determinant of X using SVD decomposition.
    This was used to sanity check the robust cholesky implementation.
    :param X:
    U, S, Vh = sp.linalg.svd(X)

    if min(S) < 1.e-6:
        delta = 1.e-6 - min(S)
        S = S + delta

    Sinv = sp.diag(1. / S)

    logdet = np.sum(np.log(S))

    return sp.dot(U, sp.dot(Sinv, Vh)), logdet
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_real_lu(self):
        """Getting factors of real matrix"""
        umfpack = um.UmfpackContext("di")

        for A in self.real_matrices:

            (L,U,P,Q,R,do_recip) = umfpack.lu(A)

            L = L.todense()
            U = U.todense()
            A = A.todense()
            if not do_recip: R = 1.0/R
            R = matrix(diag(R))
            P = eye(A.shape[0])[P,:]
            Q = eye(A.shape[1])[:,Q]

Exemplo n.º 37
 def _LML_covar(self,hyperparams):
     log marginal likelihood
         KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
     except LA.LinAlgError:
         LG.error('linalg exception in _LML_covar')
         return 1E6
     alpha = KV['alpha']
     L = KV['L']
     lml_quad = 0.5 * (alpha*self.Y).sum()
     lml_det = self.t *SP.log(SP.diag(L)).sum()
     lml_const = 0.5*self.n*self.t*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
     LML = lml_quad + lml_det + lml_const
     return LML
Exemplo n.º 38
def amuse(X, Y, evs=5):
    AMUSE implementation of TICA, see TICA documentation.
    :return:    eigenvalues d and corresponding eigenvectors Phi containing the coefficients for the eigenfunctions
    U, s, _ = _sp.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
    S_inv = _sp.diag(1 / s)
    Xp = S_inv @ U.T @ X
    Yp = S_inv @ U.T @ Y
    K = Xp @ Yp.T
    d, W = sortEig(K, evs)
    Phi = U @ S_inv @ W

    # normalize eigenvectors
    for i in range(Phi.shape[1]):
        Phi[:, i] /= _sp.linalg.norm(Phi[:, i])
    return d, Phi
Exemplo n.º 39
Arquivo: linear.py Projeto: wqren/pygp
    def K(self, logtheta, x1, x2=None):
        if x2 is None:
            x2 = x1
        # 2. exponentiate params:
        # L  = SP.exp(2*logtheta[0:self.n_dimensions])
        # RV = SP.zeros([x1.shape[0],x2.shape[0]])
        # for i in xrange(self.n_dimensions):
        #     iid = self.dimension_indices[i]
        #     RV+=L[i]*SP.dot(x1[:,iid:iid+1],x2[:,iid:iid+1].T)

        if self.n_dimensions > 0:
            M = SP.diag(SP.exp(2 * logtheta[0:self.n_dimensions]))
            RV = SP.dot(SP.dot(x1[:, self.dimension_indices], M),
                        x2[:, self.dimension_indices].T)
            RV = SP.zeros([x1.shape[0], x2.shape[0]])

        return RV
Exemplo n.º 40
    def LML(self,params=None):
        evalutes the log marginal likelihood for the given hyperparameters

        if params is not None:

        KV = self._update_cache()
        alpha = KV['alpha']
        L = KV['L']

        lml_quad = 0.5 * (alpha*self.Y).sum()
        lml_det = self.t *SP.log(SP.diag(L)).sum()
        lml_const = 0.5*self.n*self.t*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
        LML = lml_quad + lml_det + lml_const
        return LML
Exemplo n.º 41
def local_minimization(par, par_indexes, par_fixed, data, verbose=True):
    Minimize the residuals using the Levenberg-Marquard algorithm.

    func = chi2.make_calc_residuals(verbose=verbose)
    args = (par_indexes, par_fixed, data)

        out = opt.leastsq(func,

    except TypeError:
        sys.stderr.write(' -- Error encountered during minimization:\n')
        sys.stderr.write(' ----> {:s}\n'.format(sys.exc_info()[1]))
            ' -- Check that all parameters are correctly initialized.\n')
        writing.dump_parameters(par, par_indexes, par_fixed, data)

    par, pcov, _infodict, errmsg, ier = out

    if ier not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        print(''.join(('Optimal parameters not found: ', errmsg)))

    data_nb, par_nb = len(data), len(par)

    reduced_chi2 = chi2.calc_reduced_chi2(par, par_indexes, par_fixed, data)

    if (data_nb > par_nb) and pcov is not None:
        pcov = pcov * reduced_chi2
        par_err = sp.sqrt(sp.diag(pcov))

        par_err = par

    return par, par_err, reduced_chi2
Exemplo n.º 42
def ElasticRod(n, dtype=np.dtype("d")):
    # Fixed-free elastic rod
    L = 1.0
    le = L/n
    rho = 7.85e3
    S = 1.e-4
    E = 2.1e11
    mass = rho*S*le/6.
    k = E*S/le
    c = math.sqrt(k)
    A = c*(diag(r_[2.*ones(n-1, dtype=dtype),1])-diag(ones(n-1, dtype=dtype),1)-diag(ones(n-1, dtype=dtype),-1))
    B = mass/c*(diag(r_[4.*ones(n-1, dtype=dtype),2])+diag(ones(n-1, dtype=dtype),1)+diag(ones(n-1, dtype=dtype),-1))
    return A, B
Exemplo n.º 43
Arquivo: panel.py Projeto: rwalk/rsk
    def __init__(self, panels, variable_names=None):
        A panel series is a time series of panels. Generally, it should not be constructed directly
        but rather from a builder method such as PanelSeries.from_csv
        :param panels:
        :param variable_names: names for the variables in the series.  The first two names are the names of time and group vars.

        # if the time index is numeric, need to convert to float so that data will be properly sorted
        if all([is_numeric(panel.time) for panel in panels]):
            for panel in panels:
                panel.time = float(panel.time)

        # sort panel by time variable
        self.data = sorted([(panel.time, panel) for panel in panels],
                           key=lambda x: x[0])
        self.times = [time for time, panel in self.data]
        self.variable_names = variable_names

        # verify that we have balanced individuals
        groups = [group.name for group in self.data[0][1].data]
        if not all([
                groups == [group.name for group in panel.data]
                for (_, panel) in self.data
            raise ValueError(
                "Currently, all panels must have the same members in the same order."
        self.groups = groups

        # compute group masks and check variables
        group_counts_mask = []
        _, n_vars = self.data[0][1].data[0].data.shape
        self.n_variables = n_vars
        for (time, panel) in self.data:
            group_sizes = [group.size for group in panel.data]
            var_counts = [group.n_vars for group in panel.data]
            if not all([v == n_vars for v in var_counts]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Must have same number of variables for each individual!")
        self.group_counts_mask = group_counts_mask
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_lowrank_ard(self):

        theta = SP.array(SP.random.randn(1 + self.n_train)**2)
        theta_hat = SP.exp(2 * theta)

        _K = theta_hat[0] * SP.dot(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain.T) + SP.diag(
        _Kcross = theta_hat[0] * SP.dot(self.Xtrain, self.Xtest.T)
        _Kgrad_theta = 2 * theta_hat[0] * SP.dot(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain.T)

        cov = lowrank.LowRankArdCF(n_dimensions=self.n_dimensions,
                                   n_hyperparameters=self.n_train + 1)
        cov.X = self.Xtrain
        cov.Xcross = self.Xtest
        K = cov.K(theta)
        Kcross = cov.Kcross(theta)

        assert SP.allclose(K, _K), 'ouch, covariance matrix is wrong'
        assert SP.allclose(Kcross,
                           _Kcross), 'ouch, cross covariance matrix is wrong'
        assert SP.allclose(_Kgrad_theta, cov.Kgrad_theta(
            theta, 0)), 'ouch gradient with respect to theta[0] is wrong'

        # gradient with respect to parameters of the diagonal matrix
        for i in range(self.n_train):
            Kgrad_theta = cov.Kgrad_theta(theta, i + 1)
            _Kgrad_theta = SP.zeros(Kgrad_theta.shape)
            _Kgrad_theta[i, i] = 2 * theta_hat[i + 1]
            assert SP.allclose(
                Kgrad_theta, _Kgrad_theta
            ), 'ouch gradient with respect to theta[%d] is wrong' % (i + 1)

        # gradient with respect to latent factors
        for i in range(self.n_dimensions):
            for j in range(self.n_train):
                Xgrad = SP.zeros(self.Xtrain.shape)
                Xgrad[j, i] = 1
                _Kgrad_x = theta_hat[0] * (SP.dot(Xgrad, self.Xtrain.T) +
                                           SP.dot(self.Xtrain, Xgrad.T))
                Kgrad_x = cov.Kgrad_x(theta, i, j)
                assert SP.allclose(
                    Kgrad_x, _Kgrad_x
                ), 'ouch, gradient with respect to x is wrong for entry [%d,%d]' % (
                    i, j)
Exemplo n.º 45
def gap_stats0(data, refs=None, nrefs=20, ks=range(1, 20)):
    Compute the Gap statistic for an nxm dataset in data.

    Either give a precomputed set of reference distributions in refs as an (n,m,k) scipy array,
    or state the number k of reference distributions in nrefs for automatic generation with a
    uniformed distribution within the bounding box of data.

    Give the list of k-values for which you want to compute the statistic in ks.


    import scipy
    import scipy.cluster.vq
    import scipy.spatial.distance
    dst = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean

    shape = data.shape
    if refs == None:
        tops = data.max(axis=0)
        bots = data.min(axis=0)
        dists = scipy.matrix(scipy.diag(tops - bots))
        rands = scipy.random.random_sample(size=(shape[0], shape[1], nrefs))
        for i in range(nrefs):
            rands[:, :, i] = rands[:, :, i] * dists + bots
        rands = refs

    gaps = scipy.zeros((len(ks), ))
    for (i, k) in enumerate(ks):
        (kmc, kml) = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(data, k)
        disp = sum([dst(data[m, :], kmc[kml[m], :]) for m in range(shape[0])])
        refdisps = scipy.zeros((rands.shape[2], ))
        for j in range(rands.shape[2]):
            (kmc, kml) = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(rands[:, :, j], k)
            refdisps[j] = sum(
                [dst(rands[m, :, j], kmc[kml[m], :]) for m in range(shape[0])])
        # gaps[i] = scipy.log(scipy.mean(refdisps))-scipy.log(disp)
        gaps[i] = scipy.mean(scipy.log(refdisps)) - scipy.log(disp)
    return gaps
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_complex_int64_lu(self):
        # Getting factors of complex matrix with long indices
        umfpack = um.UmfpackContext("zl")

        for A in self.complex_int64_matrices:

            (L, U, P, Q, R, do_recip) = umfpack.lu(A)

            L = L.todense()
            U = U.todense()
            A = A.todense()
            if not do_recip:
                R = 1.0 / R
            R = matrix(diag(R))
            P = eye(A.shape[0])[P, :]
            Q = eye(A.shape[1])[:, Q]

            assert_array_almost_equal(P * R * A * Q, L * U)
Exemplo n.º 47
def compute_linear_kernel(X, idx=None, jitter=1e-3, standardize=True):
	compute linear kernel

	X           : SNP data [N x F]
	idx         : boolean vector of size F, indicating which SNPs to use to build the covariance matrix
	standardize : if True (default), covariance matrix is standardized to unit variance
	jitter      : adds jitter to the diagonal of the covariance matrix (default: 1e-3)
    N = X.shape[0]
    if idx is not None:
        K = sp.dot(X[:, idx], X[:, idx].T)
        K = sp.dot(X, X.T)
    if standardize:
        K /= sp.diag(K).mean()
    if jitter:
        K += jitter * sp.eye(N)
    return K
Exemplo n.º 48
def gap(data, refs=None, nrefs=20, ks=range(1,11)):
    I: NumPy array, reference matrix, number of reference boxes, number of clusters to test
    O: Gaps NumPy array, Ks input list
    Give the list of k-values for which you want to compute the statistic in ks. By Gap Statistic 
    from Tibshirani, Walther.
    shape = data.shape
    if not refs: 
        tops = data.max(axis=0)
        bottoms = data.min(axis=0)
        dists = scipy.matrix(scipy.diag(tops - bottoms))
        rands = scipy.random.random_sample(size=(shape[0], shape[1], nrefs))
        for i in range(nrefs):
            rands[:, :, i] = rands[:, :, i] * dists + bottoms
        rands = refs
    gaps = scipy.zeros((len(ks),))
    for (i,k) in enumerate(ks):
        k_means_args_dict['n_clusters'] = k
        kmeans = k_means(**k_means_args_dict)
        (cluster_centers, point_labels) = kmeans.cluster_centers_, kmeans.labels_

        disp = sum([dst(data[current_row_index, :], cluster_centers[point_labels[current_row_index],:]) for current_row_index in range(shape[0])])

        refdisps = scipy.zeros((rands.shape[2],))

        for j in range(rands.shape[2]):

            kmeans = k_means(**k_means_args_dict)
            kmeans.fit(rands[:, : ,j])
            (cluster_centers, point_labels) = kmeans.cluster_centers_, kmeans.labels_
            refdisps[j] = sum([dst(rands[current_row_index,:,j], cluster_centers[point_labels[current_row_index],:]) for current_row_index in range(shape[0])])
        #let k be the index of the array 'gaps'
        gaps[i] = scipy.mean(scipy.log(refdisps)) - scipy.log(disp)
    return ks, gaps
Exemplo n.º 49
 def predict(self,hyperparams,Xstar=None,Xstar_r=None,**kwargs):
     predict on Xstar
     if (Xstar_r!=None).all():
         Xstar = Xstar_r
     if (Xstar != None).all():
         self.covar.Xcross = Xstar
     KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
     Kstar = self.covar.Kcross(hyperparams['covar'])
     Ystar = SP.dot(Kstar.T,KV['alpha'])
     # Computing the prediction covariance(should be double checked)
     R_star_star = SP.exp(2 * hyperparams['covar']) * SP.dot(Xstar, Xstar.T)
     v = LA.cho_solve((KV['L'], True), Kstar)
     Ystar_cov = R_star_star - Kstar.T.dot(v)
     return Ystar.flatten(), SP.diag(Ystar_cov)
Exemplo n.º 50
def spectral_decomp(tradeDate, C, rtns, I=10000):
    '''Singular value decomposition, C= covariance or correaltion matrix.'''
    hold_prd = 1

    C = C.loc[tradeDate, :, :]  # covariance panel

    [S, V, D] = svd(C)  # singular value decomposiiton
    A = np.dot(S, np.sqrt(diag(V)))
    z = np.random.randn(
        I, len(C))  # random normals to be correlated throug spectral decomp
    dr = hold_prd * (rtns.iloc[-1, :]) / yr_basis

    # correlated random normals
    X = np.dot(z, A.T)
    X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=C.columns)

    dQ = X + dr

    return dQ
Exemplo n.º 51
    def polymom_all_constraints(self, maxdeg):
        d = self.d
        xis = self.sym_means
        covs = self.sym_covs

        exprs = self.polymom_all_expressions(maxdeg)
        import mompy as mp
        meas = mp.Measure(xis+covs)

        for i in range(self.k):
            means,covs = self.means.T[ i ], sc.diag(self.sigmas[ i ])
            meas += (self.weights[i], means.tolist() + covs.tolist())
        for i,expr in enumerate(exprs):
            exprval = meas.integrate(expr)
            exprs[i] = expr - exprval

        return exprs
Exemplo n.º 52
def ElasticRod(n):
    """Build the matrices for the generalized eigenvalue problem of the
    fixed-free elastic rod vibration model.
    L = 1.0
    le = L/n
    rho = 7.85e3
    S = 1.e-4
    E = 2.1e11
    mass = rho*S*le/6.
    k = E*S/le
    A = k*(diag(r_[2.*ones(n-1), 1])-diag(ones(n-1), 1)-diag(ones(n-1), -1))
    B = mass*(diag(r_[4.*ones(n-1), 2])+diag(ones(n-1), 1)+diag(ones(n-1), -1))
    return A, B
Exemplo n.º 53
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        #print key
        xslice, yslice, zslice = key

        #cut region out of data stack
        dataROI = self.data[xslice, yslice, zslice]

        #average in z
        dataMean = dataROI.mean(2)

        #generate grid to evaluate function on
        X,Y = scipy.mgrid[xslice, yslice].astype('d')

        #estimate some start parameters...
        A = dataMean.max() - dataMean.min() #amplitude
        x0 =  (xslice.start + xslice.stop - 1)/2
        y0 =  (yslice.start + yslice.stop - 1)/2

        startParameters = [A, x0, y0, 1.7, dataMean.min(), .001, .001]

        #print dataMean.shape
        #print X.shape

        #estimate errors in data
        nSlices = dataROI.shape[2]
        #sigma = (4 + scipy.sqrt(dataMean))/sqrt(nSlices)
        sigma = scipy.sqrt(self.ccdReadNoise**2 + (self.noiseFactor**2)*self.electronsPerCount*dataMean/nSlices)/self.electronsPerCount
        #do the fit
        #(res, resCode) = FitModel(f_gauss2d, startParameters, dataMean, X, Y)
        (res, cov_x, infodict, mesg, resCode) = FitModelWeighted(f_gauss2d, startParameters, dataMean, sigma, X, Y)

        #print cov_x
        #print infodict['fjac']
        #print mesg
        #print resCode
        #return GaussianFitResult(res, self.metadata, (xslice, yslice, zslice), resCode)
            fitErrors = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diag(cov_x)*(infodict['fvec']*infodict['fvec']).sum()/(len(dataMean.ravel())- len(res)))
        except Exception as e:
        return GaussianFitResult(res, self.metadata, (xslice, yslice, zslice), resCode, fitErrors)
Exemplo n.º 54
def outlier_removed_fit(m, w=None, n_iter=10, polyord=7):
    Remove outliers using fited data.

        m (:obj:`numpy array`): Phase curve.
        n_iter (:obj:'int'): Number of iteration outlier removal
        polyorder (:obj:'int'): Order of polynomial used.

        fit (:obj:'numpy array'): Curve with outliers removed
    if w is None:
        w = sp.ones_like(m)
    W = sp.diag(sp.sqrt(w))
    m2 = sp.copy(m)
    tv = sp.linspace(-1, 1, num=len(m))
    A = sp.zeros([len(m), polyord])
    for j in range(polyord):
        A[:, j] = tv**(float(j))
    A2 = sp.dot(W, A)
    m2w = sp.dot(m2, W)
    fit = None
    for i in range(n_iter):
        xhat = sp.linalg.lstsq(A2, m2w)[0]
        fit = sp.dot(A, xhat)
        # use gradient for central finite differences which keeps order
        resid = sp.gradient(fit - m2)
        std = sp.std(resid)
        bidx = sp.where(sp.absolute(resid) > 2.0 * std)[0]
        for bi in bidx:
            A2[bi, :] = 0.0
            m2[bi] = 0.0
            m2w[bi] = 0.0
    if debug_plot:
        plt.plot(m2, label="outlier removed")
        plt.plot(m, label="original")
        plt.plot(fit, label="fit")
        plt.ylim([sp.minimum(fit) - std * 3.0, sp.maximum(fit) + std * 3.0])
    return (fit)
Exemplo n.º 55
def solve_mixture_model(model, data):
    Whiten and unwhiten appropriately

    d = model["d"]

    # Get moments
    moments = model.empirical_moments(data, model.observed_monomials(3))
    M2 = zeros((d, d))
    M3 = zeros((d, d, d))

    for i in xrange(d):
        for j in xrange(d):
            xij = sp.sympify('x%d * x%d' % (i + 1, j + 1))
            M2[i, j] = moments[xij]

            for k in xrange(d):
                xijk = sp.sympify('x%d * x%d * x%d' % (i + 1, j + 1, k + 1))
                M3[i, j, k] = moments[xijk]

    k = model["k"]
    # Symmetrize
    M2, M3 = symmetrize(M2), symmetrize(M3)

    assert symmetric_skew(M2) < 1e-2
    assert symmetric_skew(M3) < 1e-2

    # Whiten
    W, Wt = get_whitener(M2, k)
    M3_ = einsum('ijk,ia,jb,kc->abc', M3, W, W, W)

    pi_, M_, _, _ = candecomp(M3_, k)

    # Unwhiten M
    M_ = Wt.dot(M_.dot(diag(pi_)))
    pi_ = 1. / pi_**2
    # "Project" onto simplex
    pi_ = make_distribution(abs(pi_))
    M_ = array([make_distribution(col) for col in M_.T]).T

    return pi_, M_
Exemplo n.º 56
def GetWHIM12(CoordinateMatrix, AtomLabel, proname='u'):
    WHIM descriptors
    nAtom, kc = CoordinateMatrix.shape

    if proname == 'u':
        weight = scipy.matrix(scipy.eye(nAtom))
        weight = GetPropertyMatrix(AtomLabel, proname)
    S = XPreCenter(CoordinateMatrix)
    u, s, v = scipy.linalg.svd(S.T * weight * S / sum(scipy.diag(weight)))

    res = scipy.power(s[2], 2) * nAtom / sum(scipy.power(S * scipy.matrix(u[:, 2]).T, 4))

    return round(float(res.real), 3)
Exemplo n.º 57
 def compute_confusion_matrix(self,yp,yr):
     Compute the confusion matrix
     # Initialization
     n = yp.size
     # Compute confusion matrix
     for i in range(n):
         self.confusion_matrix[yp[i].astype(int)-1,yr[i].astype(int)-1] +=1
     # Compute overall accuracy
     # Compute Kappa
     nl = sp.sum(self.confusion_matrix,axis=1)
     nc = sp.sum(self.confusion_matrix,axis=0)
     self.Kappa = ((n**2)*self.OA - sp.sum(nc*nl))/(n**2-sp.sum(nc*nl))
Exemplo n.º 58
def LearnGraphPredictors(L, X, H, lamb, gamma):
    #Learning the Graph (or Hypergraph)-based attribute predictors
    print('Learning the Graph (or Hypergraph)-based attribute predictors')
    #Generate the Label matrix using edge-vertex incident matrix
    L = sparse.csc_matrix(L)
    X = sparse.csc_matrix(X)
    Y = 2.0 * H - 1.0

    Y = sparse.csc_matrix(Y)
    TempMat = scipy.dot(scipy.dot(X, L), X.T) + lamb * scipy.dot(X, X.T)  #pass
    local = scipy.mean(scipy.diag(TempMat.toarray()))  #pass
    #Learning the predictors by solving the issue as Least Square issue
    (row, col) = TempMat.shape
    I = (TempMat + local * gamma * scipy.eye(row, col)).I  #pass
    I = sparse.csc_matrix(I)
    P = scipy.dot(I, lamb * scipy.dot(X, Y))
    return P
Exemplo n.º 59
    def LMLdebug(self):
        LML function for debug
        assert self.N*self.P<2000, 'gp2kronSum:: N*P>=2000'

        y  = SP.reshape(self.Y,(self.N*self.P), order='F') 

        K  = SP.kron(self.Cg.K(),self.XX)
        K += SP.kron(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P),SP.eye(self.N))

        cholK = LA.cholesky(K)
        Kiy   = LA.cho_solve((cholK,False),y)

        lml  = y.shape[0]*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
        lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholK)).sum()
        lml += SP.dot(y,Kiy)
        lml *= 0.5

        return lml
def annopred_inf(beta_hats, pr_sigi, n=1000, reference_ld_mats=None, ld_window_size=100):
    infinitesimal model with snp-specific heritability derived from annotation
    used as the initial values for MCMC of non-infinitesimal model
    num_betas = len(beta_hats)
    updated_betas = sp.empty(num_betas)
    m = len(beta_hats)

    for i, wi in enumerate(range(0, num_betas, ld_window_size)):
        start_i = wi
        stop_i = min(num_betas, wi + ld_window_size)
        curr_window_size = stop_i - start_i
        Li = 1.0/pr_sigi[start_i: stop_i]
        D = reference_ld_mats[i]
        A = (n/(1))*D + sp.diag(Li)
        A_inv = linalg.pinv(A)
        updated_betas[start_i: stop_i] = sp.dot(A_inv / (1.0/n) , beta_hats[start_i: stop_i])  # Adjust the beta_hats

    return updated_betas