def Sy(self, meas, geom): """Calculate measurement error covariance. Input: meas, the instrument measurement Returns: Sy, the measurement error covariance due to instrument noise """ if self.model_type == 'SNR': bad = meas < 1e-5 meas[bad] = 1e-5 nedl = (1.0 / self.snr) * meas return pow(s.diagflat(nedl), 2) elif self.model_type == 'parametric': nedl = abs(self.noise[:, 0] * s.sqrt(self.noise[:, 1] + meas) + self.noise[:, 2]) nedl = nedl / s.sqrt(self.integrations) return pow(s.diagflat(nedl), 2) elif self.model_type == 'pushbroom': if geom.pushbroom_column is None: C = s.squeeze(self.covs.mean(axis=0)) else: C = self.covs[geom.pushbroom_column, :, :] return C / s.sqrt(self.integrations)
def dmeas_dinstrumentb(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi): """Jacobian of radiance with respect to the instrument parameters that are unknown and not retrieved, i.e., the inevitable persisting uncertainties in instrument spectral and radiometric calibration. Input: meas, a vector of size n_chan Returns: Kb_instrument, a matrix of size [n_measurements x nb_instrument] """ # Uncertainty due to radiometric calibration meas = self.sample(x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi) dmeas_dinstrument = s.hstack( (s.diagflat(meas), s.zeros((self.n_chan, 2)))) # Uncertainty due to spectral calibration if self.bval[-2] > 1e-6: dmeas_dinstrument[:, -2] = self.sample( x_instrument, wl_hi, s.hstack((s.diff(rdn_hi), s.array([0])))) # Uncertainty due to spectral stray light if self.bval[-1] > 1e-6: ssrf = srf(s.arange(-10, 11), 0, 4) blur = convolve(meas, ssrf, mode='same') dmeas_dinstrument[:, -1] = blur - meas return dmeas_dinstrument
def data_dump(self, x, rdn_meas, geom, fname): """Dump diagnostic data to a file.""" Seps_inv, Seps_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_Seps(rdn_meas, geom) rdn_est =, geom) rdn_est_window = rdn_est[self.winidx] meas_window = rdn_meas[self.winidx] meas_resid = (rdn_est_window-meas_window).dot(Seps_inv_sqrt) xa, Sa, Sa_inv, Sa_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_prior(x, geom) prior_resid = (x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt) xopt, coeffs =, rdn_meas, geom) rhoatm, sphalb, transm, solar_irr, coszen = coeffs Ls =[], geom) # jacobian of cost Kb =, geom) K =, geom) xinit =, geom) Sy =, geom) S_hat, K, G = self.iv.calc_posterior(x, geom, rdn_meas) lrfl_est =, geom) cost_jac_prior = s.diagflat(x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt) cost_jac_meas =[self.winidx, :]) meas_Cov =, geom) mdict = {'K': K, 'G': G, 'S_hat': S_hat, 'prior_mu': xa, 'Ls': Ls, 'prior_Cov': Sa, 'rdn_meas': rdn_meas, 'rdn_est': rdn_est, 'x': x, 'meas_Cov': meas_Cov, 'wl':, 'lrfl_est': lrfl_est, 'cost_jac_prior': cost_jac_prior, 'Kb': Kb, 'cost_jac_meas': cost_jac_meas, 'winidx': self.winidx, 'meas_resid': meas_resid, 'prior_resid': prior_resid, 'noise_Cov': Sy, 'xinit': xinit, 'rhoatm': rhoatm, 'sphalb': sphalb, 'transm': transm, 'solar_irr': solar_irr, 'coszen': coszen} savemat(fname, mdict)
def Diagonal(diag): """ DiagonalMatrix makes a diagonal matrix (clearly) with elements equal to the elements of diag. diag: array of elements for diagonal """ return scipy.diagflat(diag)
def diag(ma): """Diagonal matrix with ma on the diagonal. ma needs to be (1, k) or (k, 1). """ EXC._assertVectorOrScalar(asmatrix(ma)) ma = N.mat(ma) return S.diagflat(ma)
def Kb_instrument(self, meas): """Jacobian of radiance with respect to NOT RETRIEVED instrument variables (relative miscalibration error). Input: meas, a vector of size nchans Returns: Kb_instrument, a matrix of size [n_measurements x nb_instrument]""" Kb_instrument = s.diagflat(meas) return Kb_instrument
def __init__(self, config): # Build the instrument model self.instrument = Instrument(config['instrument']) self.n_meas = self.instrument.n_chan # Build the radiative transfer model self.RT = RadiativeTransfer(config['radiative_transfer']) # Build the surface model self.surface = None for key, module, cname in surface_models: module = "isofit." + module if key in config: self.surface = getattr(import_module(module), cname)(config[key]) if self.surface is None: raise ValueError('Must specify a valid surface model') # Set up passthrough option bounds, scale, init, statevec = [], [], [], [] # Build state vector for each part of our forward model for name in ['surface', 'RT', 'instrument']: obj = getattr(self, name) inds = len(statevec) + s.arange(len(obj.statevec), dtype=int) setattr(self, 'idx_%s' % name, inds) for b in obj.bounds: bounds.append(deepcopy(b)) for c in obj.scale: scale.append(deepcopy(c)) for v in obj.init: init.append(deepcopy(v)) for v in obj.statevec: statevec.append(deepcopy(v)) self.bounds = tuple(s.array(bounds).T) self.scale = s.array(scale) self.init = s.array(init) self.statevec = statevec self.nstate = len(self.statevec) # Capture unmodeled variables. bvec, bval = [], [] for name in ['RT', 'instrument', 'surface']: obj = getattr(self, name) inds = len(bvec) + s.arange(len(obj.bvec), dtype=int) setattr(self, '%s_b_inds' % name, inds) for b in obj.bval: bval.append(deepcopy(b)) for v in obj.bvec: bvec.append(deepcopy(v)) self.bvec = s.array(bvec) self.nbvec = len(self.bvec) self.bval = s.array(bval) self.Sb = s.diagflat(pow(self.bval, 2))
def derritz(n,r): global T, phi phi=mat(sp.zeros((n,n))) y=F*r b=sqrt((y.T*y)[0,0]) y=y/b phi[:,0]=y[:,0] for i in range(1,n): j=i-1 y=F*phi[:,j] alpha=y.T*phi for k in range(i): y=y-alpha[0,k]*phi[:,k] b=sqrt((y.T*y)[0,0]) phi[:,i]=y[:,0]/b T=phi.T*F*phi T=sp.diagflat(sp.diag(T))+sp.diagflat(sp.diag(T,1),1)+sp.diagflat(sp.diag(T,-1),-1)
def adj_loglikelihood(xVec, lenSampleRibo, lenSampleRna, X, y, mu, sign): disp = sp.hstack([sp.repeat(xVec[0], lenSampleRibo), sp.repeat(xVec[1], lenSampleRna)]) n = 1 / disp p = n / (n + mu) loglik = sum(nbinom.logpmf(y, n, p)) diagVec = mu / (1 +, disp)) diagWM = sp.diagflat(diagVec) xtwx =, diagWM), X) coxreid = 0.5 * sp.log(sp.linalg.det(xtwx)) ret = (loglik - coxreid) * sign #print "return value is " + str(ret) if isinstance(ret, complex): raise complexException() return ret
def adj_loglikelihood(xVec, lenSampleRibo, lenSampleRna, X, y, mu, sign): disp = sp.hstack( [sp.repeat(xVec[0], lenSampleRibo), sp.repeat(xVec[1], lenSampleRna)]) n = 1 / disp p = n / (n + mu) loglik = sum(nbinom.logpmf(y, n, p)) diagVec = mu / (1 +, disp)) diagWM = sp.diagflat(diagVec) xtwx =, diagWM), X) coxreid = 0.5 * sp.log(sp.linalg.det(xtwx)) ret = (loglik - coxreid) * sign #print "return value is " + str(ret) if isinstance(ret, complex): raise complexException() return ret
def column_covariances(X, uniformity_thresh): Xvert = high_frequency_vert(X, sigma=4.0) Xvertp = high_frequency_vert(X, sigma=3.0) models = [] use_C = [] for i in range(X.shape[2]): xsub = Xvert[:, :, i] xsubp = Xvertp[:, :, i] mu = xsub.mean(axis=0) dists = s.sqrt(pow((xsub - mu), 2).sum(axis=1)) distsp = s.sqrt(pow((xsubp - mu), 2).sum(axis=1)) thresh = percentile(dists, 95.0) uthresh = dists * uniformity_thresh #use = s.logical_and(dists<thresh, abs(dists-distsp) < uthresh) use = dists < thresh C = s.cov(xsub[use, :], rowvar=False) [U, V, D] = svd(C) V[V < 1e-8] = 1e-8 C = models.append(C) use_C.append(use) return s.array(models), Xvert, Xvertp, s.array(use_C).T
def __init__(self, config): '''ForwardModel contains all the information about how to calculate radiance measurements at a specific spectral calibration, given a state vector. It also manages the distributions of unretrieved, unknown parameters of the state vector (i.e. the S_b and K_b matrices of Rodgers et al.''' self.instrument = Instrument(config['instrument']) self.n_meas = self.instrument.n_chan # Build the radiative transfer model self.RT = None for key, module, cname in RT_models: if key in config: self.RT = getattr(import_module(module), cname)(config[key]) if self.RT is None: raise ValueError('Must specify a valid radiative transfer model') # Build the surface model self.surface = None for key, module, cname in surface_models: if key in config: self.surface = getattr(import_module(module), cname)(config[key]) if self.surface is None: raise ValueError('Must specify a valid surface model') # Set up passthrough option bounds, scale, init, statevec = [], [], [], [] # Build state vector for each part of our forward model for name in ['surface', 'RT', 'instrument']: obj = getattr(self, name) inds = len(statevec) + s.arange(len(obj.statevec), dtype=int) setattr(self, 'idx_%s' % name, inds) for b in obj.bounds: bounds.append(deepcopy(b)) for c in obj.scale: scale.append(deepcopy(c)) for v in obj.init: init.append(deepcopy(v)) for v in obj.statevec: statevec.append(deepcopy(v)) self.bounds = tuple(s.array(bounds).T) self.scale = s.array(scale) self.init = s.array(init) self.statevec = statevec self.nstate = len(self.statevec) # Capture unmodeled variables bvec, bval = [], [] for name in ['RT', 'instrument', 'surface']: obj = getattr(self, name) inds = len(bvec) + s.arange(len(obj.bvec), dtype=int) setattr(self, '%s_b_inds' % name, inds) for b in obj.bval: bval.append(deepcopy(b)) for v in obj.bvec: bvec.append(deepcopy(v)) self.bvec = s.array(bvec) self.nbvec = len(self.bvec) self.bval = s.array(bval) self.Sb = s.diagflat(pow(self.bval, 2)) return
def Sa(self): """Covariance of prior distribution (diagonal).""" if self.n_state == 0: return s.zeros((0, 0), dtype=float) return s.diagflat(pow(self.prior_sigma, 2))
def __init__(self, config): '''ForwardModel contains all the information about how to calculate radiance measurements at a specific spectral calibration, given a state vector. It also manages the distributions of unretrieved, unknown parameters of the state vector (i.e. the S_b and K_b matrices of Rodgers et al.''' self.instrument = Instrument(config['instrument']) # Build the radiative transfer model if 'modtran_radiative_transfer' in config: self.RT = ModtranRT(config['modtran_radiative_transfer'], self.instrument) elif 'libradtran_radiative_transfer' in config: self.RT = LibRadTranRT(config['libradtran_radiative_transfer'], self.instrument) else: raise ValueError('Must specify a valid radiative transfer model') # Build the surface model if 'surface' in config: self.surface = Surface(config['surface'], self.RT) elif 'multicomponent_surface' in config: self.surface = MultiComponentSurface( config['multicomponent_surface'], self.RT) elif 'emissive_surface' in config: self.surface = MixBBSurface(config['emissive_surface'], self.RT) elif 'glint_surface' in config: self.surface = GlintSurface(config['glint_surface'], self.RT) elif 'iop_surface' in config: self.surface = IOPSurface(config['iop_surface'], self.RT) else: raise ValueError('Must specify a valid surface model') bounds, scale, init_val, statevec = [], [], [], [] # Build state vector for each part of our forward model for name in ['surface', 'RT']: obj = getattr(self, name) inds = len(statevec) + s.arange(len(obj.statevec), dtype=int) setattr(self, '%s_inds' % name, inds) for b in obj.bounds: bounds.append(deepcopy(b)) for c in obj.scale: scale.append(deepcopy(c)) for v in obj.init_val: init_val.append(deepcopy(v)) for v in obj.statevec: statevec.append(deepcopy(v)) self.bounds = tuple(s.array(bounds).T) self.scale = s.array(scale) self.init_val = s.array(init_val) self.statevec = statevec self.wl = self.instrument.wl # Capture unmodeled variables bvec, bval = [], [] for name in ['RT', 'instrument', 'surface']: obj = getattr(self, name) inds = len(bvec) + s.arange(len(obj.bvec), dtype=int) setattr(self, '%s_b_inds' % name, inds) for b in obj.bval: bval.append(deepcopy(b)) for v in obj.bvec: bvec.append(deepcopy(v)) self.bvec = s.array(bvec) self.bval = s.array(bval) self.Sb = s.diagflat(pow(self.bval, 2)) return
#%% Compute the EKF results from KalmanFilterClass import LinearKalmanFilter2D, Data batch_kalman = [] for i in range(batch_y.shape[0]): deltaT = sp.mean(t[1:] - t[0:-1]) state0 = sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,0,:]) P0 = sp.identity(4)*0.1 F0 = sp.array([[1, 0, deltaT, 0],\ [0, 1, 0, deltaT],\ [0, 0, 1, 0],\ [0, 0, 0, 1]]) H0 = sp.identity(4) Q0 = sp.diagflat([0.0005,0.0005,0.1,0.1]) <<<<<<< HEAD R0 = sp.diagflat([0.07,0.07,0.07,0.07]) ======= R0 = sp.diagflat([7,7,7,7]) >>>>>>> ce7f7d394a400190409def1c7004335ae3bc04a8 data = Data(sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,:,0]),sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,:,1]),sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,:,2]),sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,:,3]),[],[]) filter1b = LinearKalmanFilter2D(F0, H0, P0, Q0, R0, state0) kalman_data = filter1b.process_data(data) batch_kalman.append(sp.vstack([kalman_data.x[1:],kalman_data.y[1:], kalman_data.vx[1:], kalman_data.vy[1:]]).T) xk_batch = sp.stack(batch_kalman) xk_batch - batch_y print('Kalman loss;'.ljust(12), sp.mean(pow(xk_batch[BATCH_SIZE:,:,:] - batch_y[BATCH_SIZE:,:,:],2)))
#%% Compute the EKF results from KalmanFilterClass import LinearKalmanFilter3D, Data3D batch_kalman = [] for i in range(batch_y.shape[0]): deltaT = sp.mean(t[1:] - t[0:-1]) state0 = sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, 0, :]) P0 = sp.identity(6) * 0.0001 F0 = sp.array([[1, 0, 0, deltaT, 0, 0],\ [0, 1, 0, 0, deltaT, 0],\ [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, deltaT],\ [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],\ [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) H0 = sp.identity(6) Q0 = sp.diagflat([0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) R0 = sp.diagflat([6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) filter3d = LinearKalmanFilter3D(F0, H0, P0, Q0, R0, state0) data = Data3D(sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 0]), sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 1]), sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 2]), sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 3]), [], []) filter3d = LinearKalmanFilter3D(F0, H0, P0, Q0, R0, state0) kalman_data = filter3d.process_data(data) batch_kalman.append( sp.vstack([ kalman_data.x[1:], kalman_data.y[1:], kalman_data.z[1:], kalman_data.vx[1:], kalman_data.vy[1:], kalman_data.vz[1:] ]).T) xk_batch = sp.stack(batch_kalman)
def Sa(self): """Pull the priors from each of the individual RTs. """ return s.diagflat(pow(s.array(self.prior_sigma), 2))
M=mat(sp.eye(n)) K=mat(sp.eye(n))*2 K[n-1,n-1]=1. for i in range(n-1): K[i+1,i]=-1. K[i,i+1]=-1. F=K.I lp(M,'mat',title="Mass matrix (=I) M") lp(K,'mat',title="Stiffness matrix K") lp(F,'mat',title="Flex.lity matrix F") # evecs are normalized with respect to M evals, evecs = eigh(K,M) L=mat(sp.diagflat(evals)) lp(L,'mat',title="Eigenvalues Matrix L") lp(evecs,'mat',title="Eigenvectors matrix, \Psi") for r in ( sp.mat((0,0,0,0.,1.)).T,sp.mat((0,0,0,-2.,1.)).T, sp.mat((1,1,1,1.,1.)).T): lp(r.T,'vet',title="Load vector transposed r^T") derritz(n,r) lp(phi,'mat',title="Derived Ritz Vectors matrix \Phi") # lp(T,'mat',title="Tridiagonal DRV matrix, T") Gamma=evecs.T*r # lp(Gamma.T,'vet',title="Modal partecipation factors") Gammh=phi.T*r # lp(Gammh.T,'vet',title="DRV's partecipation factors")
def Sa(self): '''Covariance of prior distribution. Our state vector covariance is diagonal with very loose constraints.''' if self.n_state == 0: return s.zeros((0, 0), dtype=float) return s.diagflat(pow(self.prior_sigma, 2))
def Sa(self): '''Covariance of prior distribution. Our state vector covariance is diagonal with very loose constraints.''' std_factor = 10.0 return s.diagflat(pow(s.diff(self.bounds) * std_factor, 2))
def flatDiags(n): x = sp.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): x += sp.diagflat(sp.ones(n-i)*(i+1),i) return x
def diagFlatThree(n): return sp.diagflat(sp.arange(1,n+1,1))
def totalDiags(n): x = sp.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): x+= sp.diagflat(sp.ones(n-i)/float((i+1)),i) + sp.diagflat(sp.ones(n-i)/float((i+1)),-i) x -= sp.diag(sp.ones(n),0) return x
def write_spectrum(self, row, col, states, meas, geom, flush_immediately=False): """Write data from a single inversion to all output buffers.""" self.writes = self.writes + 1 if len(states) == 0: # Write a bad data flag atm_bad = s.zeros(len( * -9999.0 state_bad = s.zeros(len( * -9999.0 data_bad = s.zeros( * -9999.0 to_write = { 'estimated_state_file': state_bad, 'estimated_reflectance_file': data_bad, 'estimated_emission_file': data_bad, 'modeled_radiance_file': data_bad, 'apparent_reflectance_file': data_bad, 'path_radiance_file': data_bad, 'simulated_measurement_file': data_bad, 'algebraic_inverse_file': data_bad, 'atmospheric_coefficients_file': atm_bad, 'radiometry_correction_file': data_bad, 'spectral_calibration_file': data_bad, 'posterior_uncertainty_file': state_bad } else: # The inversion returns a list of states, which are # intepreted either as samples from the posterior (MCMC case) # or as a gradient descent trajectory (standard case). For # gradient descent the last spectrum is the converged solution. if self.iv.method == 'MCMC': state_est = states.mean(axis=0) else: state_est = states[-1, :] # Spectral calibration wl, fwhm = cal = s.column_stack( [s.arange(0, len(wl)), wl / 1000.0, fwhm / 1000.0]) # If there is no actual measurement, we use the simulated version # in subsequent calculations. Naturally in these cases we're # mostly just interested in the simulation result. if meas is None: meas =, geom) # Rodgers diagnostics lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \ self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom) # Simulation with noise meas_sim =, geom) # Algebraic inverse and atmospheric optical coefficients x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument = rfl_alg_opt, Ls, coeffs = invert_algebraic(,,, x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument, meas, geom) rhoatm, sphalb, transm, solar_irr, coszen, transup = coeffs L_atm =, geom) L_down_transmitted =, geom) L_up =, geom) atm = s.column_stack( list(coeffs[:4]) + [s.ones((len(wl), 1)) * coszen]) # Upward emission & glint and apparent reflectance Ls_est =, geom) apparent_rfl_est = lamb_est + Ls_est # Radiometric calibration factors = s.ones(len(wl)) if 'radiometry_correction_file' in self.outfiles: if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: reference_file = self.infiles['reference_reflectance_file'] self.rfl_ref = reference_file.read_spectrum(row, col) self.wl_ref = reference_file.wl w, fw = resamp = resample_spectrum(self.rfl_ref, self.wl_ref, w, fw, fill=True) meas_est =, geom, rfl=resamp) factors = meas_est / meas else: logging.warning('No reflectance reference') # Assemble all output products to_write = { 'estimated_state_file': state_est, 'estimated_reflectance_file': s.column_stack((, lamb_est)), 'estimated_emission_file': s.column_stack((, Ls_est)), 'estimated_reflectance_file': s.column_stack((, lamb_est)), 'modeled_radiance_file': s.column_stack((wl, meas_est)), 'apparent_reflectance_file': s.column_stack((, apparent_rfl_est)), 'path_radiance_file': s.column_stack((wl, path_est)), 'simulated_measurement_file': s.column_stack((wl, meas_sim)), 'algebraic_inverse_file': s.column_stack((, rfl_alg_opt)), 'atmospheric_coefficients_file': atm, 'radiometry_correction_file': factors, 'spectral_calibration_file': cal, 'posterior_uncertainty_file': s.sqrt(s.diag(S_hat)) } for product in self.outfiles: logging.debug('IO: Writing ' + product) self.outfiles[product].write_spectrum(row, col, to_write[product]) if (self.writes % flush_rate) == 0 or flush_immediately: self.outfiles[product].flush_buffers() # Special case! samples file is matlab format. if 'mcmc_samples_file' in self.output: logging.debug('IO: Writing mcmc_samples_file') mdict = {'samples': states}['mcmc_samples_file'], mdict) # Special case! Data dump file is matlab format. if 'data_dump_file' in self.output: logging.debug('IO: Writing data_dump_file') x = state_est xall = states Seps_inv, Seps_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_Seps(x, meas, geom) meas_est_window = meas_est[self.iv.winidx] meas_window = meas[self.iv.winidx] xa, Sa, Sa_inv, Sa_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_prior(x, geom) prior_resid = (x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt) rdn_est =, geom) rdn_est_all = s.array( [, geom) for xtemp in states]) x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument = Kb =, geom) xinit = invert_simple(, meas, geom) Sy =, geom) cost_jac_prior = s.diagflat(x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt) cost_jac_meas =[self.iv.winidx, :]) meas_Cov =, meas, geom) lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \ self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom) A = s.matmul(K, G) # Form the MATLAB dictionary object and write to file mdict = { 'K': K, 'G': G, 'S_hat': S_hat, 'prior_mu': xa, 'Ls': Ls, 'prior_Cov': Sa, 'meas': meas, 'rdn_est': rdn_est, 'rdn_est_all': rdn_est_all, 'x': x, 'xall': xall, 'x_surface': x_surface, 'x_RT': x_RT, 'x_instrument': x_instrument, 'meas_Cov': meas_Cov, 'wl': wl, 'fwhm': fwhm, 'lamb_est': lamb_est, 'coszen': coszen, 'cost_jac_prior': cost_jac_prior, 'Kb': Kb, 'A': A, 'cost_jac_meas': cost_jac_meas, 'winidx': self.iv.winidx, 'windows':, 'prior_resid': prior_resid, 'noise_Cov': Sy, 'xinit': xinit, 'rhoatm': rhoatm, 'sphalb': sphalb, 'transm': transm, 'transup': transup, 'solar_irr': solar_irr, 'L_atm': L_atm, 'L_down_transmitted': L_down_transmitted, 'L_up': L_up }['data_dump_file'], mdict) # Write plots, if needed if len(states) > 0 and 'plot_directory' in self.output: if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: reference_file = self.infiles['reference_reflectance_file'] self.rfl_ref = reference_file.read_spectrum(row, col) self.wl_ref = reference_file.wl for i, x in enumerate(states): # Calculate intermediate solutions lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \ self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom) plt.cla() red = [0.7, 0.2, 0.2] wl, fwhm = xmin, xmax = min(wl), max(wl) fig = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) meas_est =, geom) for lo, hi in idx = s.where(s.logical_and(wl > lo, wl < hi))[0] p1 = plt.plot(wl[idx], meas[idx], color=red, linewidth=2) p2 = plt.plot(wl, meas_est, color='k', linewidth=1) plt.title("Radiance") plt.title("Measurement (Scaled DN)") ymax = max(meas) * 1.25 ymax = max(meas) + 0.01 ymin = min(meas) - 0.01 plt.text(500, ymax * 0.92, "Measured", color=red) plt.text(500, ymax * 0.86, "Model", color='k') plt.ylabel(r"$\mu$W nm$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$") plt.ylabel("Intensity") plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") plt.ylim([-0.001, ymax]) plt.ylim([ymin, ymax]) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) lamb_est =, geom) ymax = min(max(lamb_est) * 1.25, 0.10) for lo, hi in # black line idx = s.where(s.logical_and(wl > lo, wl < hi))[0] p2 = plt.plot(wl[idx], lamb_est[idx], 'k', linewidth=2) ymax = max(max(lamb_est[idx] * 1.2), ymax) # red line if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: idx = s.where( s.logical_and(self.wl_ref > lo, self.wl_ref < hi))[0] p1 = plt.plot(self.wl_ref[idx], self.rfl_ref[idx], color=red, linewidth=2) ymax = max(max(self.rfl_ref[idx] * 1.2), ymax) # green and blue lines - surface components if hasattr(, 'components') and \ self.output['plot_surface_components']: idx = s.where( s.logical_and( > lo, < hi))[0] p3 = plt.plot([idx],, geom)[idx], 'b', linewidth=2) for j in range(len( z = lamb_est[]) mu =[j][0] * z plt.plot([idx], mu[idx], 'g:', linewidth=1) plt.text(500, ymax * 0.86, "Remote estimate", color='k') if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles: plt.text(500, ymax * 0.92, "In situ reference", color=red) if hasattr(, 'components') and \ self.output['plot_surface_components']: plt.text(500, ymax * 0.80, "Prior mean state ", color='b') plt.text(500, ymax * 0.74, "Surface components ", color='g') plt.ylim([-0.0010, ymax]) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.title("Reflectance") plt.title("Source Model") plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") fn = self.output['plot_directory'] + ('/frame_%i.png' % i) plt.savefig(fn) plt.close()
def Sa(self): '''Covariance of prior distribution. Our state vector covariance is diagonal with very loose constraints.''' return s.diagflat(pow(self.prior_sigma, 2))
plt.grid(which='both') plt.legend() plt.savefig('training_progress1D.png',bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200) #%% Compute the EKF results from KalmanFilterClass import LinearKalmanFilter1D, Data1D batch_kalman = [] deltaT = sp.mean(t[1:] - t[0:-1]) P0 = sp.identity(2)*0.01 F0 = sp.array([[1, deltaT],\ [0, 1]]) H0 = sp.identity(2) Q0 = sp.diagflat([0.0001,0.00001]) R0 = sp.diagflat([1.5,0.01]) for i in range(batch_y.shape[0]): data = Data1D(sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,:,0]),sp.squeeze(batch_x[i,:,1]),[]) state0 = sp.array([0, batch_x[i,0,1]]).T filter1b = LinearKalmanFilter1D(F0, H0, P0, Q0, R0, state0) kalman_data = filter1b.process_data(data) batch_kalman.append(sp.vstack([kalman_data.x[1:], kalman_data.vx[1:]]).T) xk_batch = sp.stack(batch_kalman) print(xk_batch.shape) print('Kalman loss;'.ljust(12), sp.mean(pow(xk_batch[BATCH_SIZE:,:,:] - batch_y[BATCH_SIZE:,:,:],2))) print(xk_batch.shape) #%% Plot the fit plt.figure(figsize=(14,16))
print("For iter %i, learning rate %3.6f" % (itr, learning_rate)) print("Loss ", los) print("__________________") itr = itr + 1 #%% Compute the EKF results from KalmanFilterClass import LinearKalmanFilter1D, Data1D batch_kalman = [] deltaT = sp.mean(t[1:] - t[0:-1]) state0 = sp.array([0, 0]).T P0 = sp.identity(2) * 0.1 F0 = sp.array([[1, deltaT],\ [0, 1]]) H0 = sp.identity(2) Q0 = sp.diagflat([0.005, 0.0001]) R0 = sp.diagflat([0.25, 0.001]) for i in range(BATCH_SIZE): data = Data1D(sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 0]), sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 1]), []) filter1b = LinearKalmanFilter1D(F0, H0, P0, Q0, R0, state0) kalman_data = filter1b.process_data(data) batch_kalman.append(sp.vstack([kalman_data.x[1:], kalman_data.vx[1:]]).T) xk_batch = sp.stack(batch_kalman) print(xk_batch.shape) #%% Plot the fit plt.figure(figsize=(14, 16)) for batch_idx in range(BATCH_SIZE): out_x = sp.squeeze(out[batch_idx, :, 0])