Exemplo n.º 1
def get_performance(task,image_hash,image_fs,model_config,convolve_func):
    stats = ['test_accuracy','ap','auc','mean_ap','mean_auc','train_accuracy']    
    classifier_kwargs = task.get('classifier_kwargs',{})

    split_results = []  
    splits = generate_splits(task,image_hash) 
    filterbank = filter_generation.get_filterbank(model_config)
    for (ind,split) in enumerate(splits):
        print ('split', ind)
        train_data = split['train_data']
        test_data = split['test_data']
        train_filenames = [t['filename'] for t in train_data]
        test_filenames = [t['filename'] for t in test_data]
        assert set(train_filenames).intersection(test_filenames) == set([])
        train_features = sp.row_stack([extract_features(im, image_fs, filterbank, model_config, convolve_func) for im in train_data])
        test_features = sp.row_stack([extract_features(im, image_fs, filterbank, model_config, convolve_func) for im in test_data])
        train_labels = split['train_labels']
        test_labels = split['test_labels']

        res = svm.classify(train_features,train_labels,test_features,test_labels,**classifier_kwargs)


    model_results = SON([])
    for stat in stats:
        if stat in split_results[0] and split_results[0][stat] != None:
            model_results[stat] = sp.array([split_result[stat] for split_result in split_results]).mean()           

    return model_results, filterbank
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_split(config_path,tag,task_query,ntrain,ntest,ntrain_pos = None, universe = None):

    if universe is None:
        universe = {}

    data = DataCollection(config_path = config_path, steptag = tag)
    task_data = list(data.find(task_query))
    task_ids = [x['_id'] for x in task_data]
    N_task = len(task_data)
    nontask_query = {'_id':{'$nin':task_ids}}
    nontask_data = list(data.find(nontask_query))
    N_nontask = len(nontask_data)
    assert ntrain + ntest <= N_task + N_nontask, "Too many training and/or testing examples."
    if ntrain_pos is not None:
        ntrain_neg = ntrain - ntrain_pos
        assert ntrain_pos <= N_task
        assert ntrain_pos <= ntrain
        perm_pos = sp.random.permutation(len(task_data))
        perm_neg = sp.random.permutation(len(nontask_data))
        train_data = [task_data[i] for i in perm_pos[:ntrain_pos]] + [nontask_data[i] for i in perm_neg[:ntrain_neg]]
        all_test = [task_data[i] for i in perm_pos[ntrain_pos:]] + [nontask_data[i] for i in perm_neg[ntrain_neg:]]
        new_perm = sp.random.permutation(len(all_test))
        test_data = [all_test[i] for i in new_perm[:ntest]]
        all_data = task_data + nontask_data
        perm = sp.random.permutation(len(all_data))
        train_data = [all_data[i] for i in perm[:ntrain]]
        test_data = [all_data[i] for i in perm[ntrain:ntrain + ntest]]
    train_labels = sp.array([x['_id'] in task_ids for x in train_data])
    test_labels = sp.array([x['_id'] in task_ids for x in test_data])

    train_features = sp.row_stack([cPickle.loads(data.fs.get(r['_id']).read()) for r in train_data])
    test_features = sp.row_stack([cPickle.loads(data.fs.get(r['_id']).read()) for r in test_data])
    return {'train_data': train_data, 'test_data' : test_data, 'train_features' : train_features,'train_labels':train_labels,'test_features':test_features,'test_labels':test_labels}
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_multi_split(config_path,tag,queries,ntrain,ntest,ntrain_pos = None, universe = None):

    if universe is None:
        universe = {}
    for q in queries:
    data = DataCollection(config_path = config_path, steptag = tag)
    task_data_list = [list(data.find(query)) for query in queries]
    task_id_list = [[(i,x['_id']) for x in X] for (i,X) in enumerate(task_data_list)]
    task_data = ListUnion(task_data_list)
    task_ids = validate(task_id_list)
    task_dist, task_ids = zip(*task_ids)
    task_dist = list(task_dist) ; task_ids = list(task_ids)
    nontask_query = {'_id':{'$nin':task_ids}}    
    nontask_data = list(data.find(nontask_query)) 
    nontask_ids = [x['_id'] for x in nontask_data]
    all_ids = task_ids + nontask_ids
    all_data = task_data + nontask_data
    all_dist = task_dist + [len(queries)]*len(nontask_ids)
    assert ntrain + ntest <= len(all_ids)
    perm = sp.random.permutation(len(all_ids))
    train_ids = [all_ids[i] for i in perm[:ntrain]]
    test_ids = [all_ids[i] for i in perm[ntrain:ntrain + ntest]]
    train_data = [all_data[i] for i in perm[:ntrain]]
    test_data = [all_data[i] for i in perm[ntrain:ntrain+ntest]]
    train_labels = sp.array([all_dist[i] for i in perm[:ntrain]])
    test_labels = sp.array([all_dist[i] for i in perm[ntrain:ntrain+ntest]]) 

    train_features = sp.row_stack([cPickle.loads(data.fs.get(r).read()) for r in train_ids])
    test_features = sp.row_stack([cPickle.loads(data.fs.get(r).read()) for r in test_ids])
    return {'train_data': train_data,
            'test_data' : test_data, 
            'train_features' : train_features,
def Combinations(values, k):
    """This function outputs all possible combinations of k elements from the column vector values"""
    n = len(values)
        values = sp.row_stack(values)
        raise ValueError, "I need a 2d column array"

    if k > n:
        raise ValueError, "k must be <= %d" % n
    elif k <= 0 or k % 1 != 0:
        raise ValueError, "k must be > 0"

    #out = sp.array([],ndmin=2)
    if k == 1:
        return values
        #This loop iterates through all the elements of the values that have at least
        #k elements.  For each element it then calls Combinations(values[i+1:], k-1) which
        #returns combinations of size k-1 for the elements succeeding the current element
        #We do not want to get repeats of combinations
        #print "for i in range(%d)" % (n-(k-1))
        for i in range(n - (k - 1)):
            #Calculate the number of possible combinations (to allow proper concatenation
            #in the recursive call
            numCombs = sp.factorial(n - i) / (sp.factorial(k - 1) *
                                              sp.factorial(n - i - (k - 1)))
            combs = Combinations(values[i:], k - 1)
            ones = values[i] * sp.ones((numCombs, 1))
            #print "ones: %s \t\t combs: %s" % (str(ones.shape), str(combs.shape))
            print combs
Exemplo n.º 5
def PathSPCA(A, k):
    M, N = A.shape
    # Loop through variables
    As = ((A * A).sum(axis=0))
    vmax = As.max()
    vp = As.argmax()
    subset = [vp]
    vars = []
    res = subset
    rhos = [(A[:, vp] * A[:, vp]).sum()]
    Stemp = array([rhos])
    for i in range(1, k):
        lev, v = la.eig(Stemp)
        vp = real(lev).argmax()
        x = dot(A[:, subset], v[:, vp])
        x = x / la.norm(x)
        seto = list(range(0, N))
        for j in subset:
        vals = dot(x.T, A[:, seto])
        vals = vals * vals
        vpo = seto[vals.argmax()]
        Stemp = column_stack((Stemp, dot(A[:, subset].T, A[:, vpo])))
        vbuf = append(dot(A[:, vpo].T, A[:, subset]),
                      array([(A[:, vpo] * A[:, vpo]).sum()]))
        Stemp = row_stack((Stemp, vbuf))
    lev, v = la.eig(Stemp)
    return vars, res, rhos
def Combinations(values, k):
    """This function outputs all possible combinations of k elements from the column vector values"""
    n = len(values)
        values = sp.row_stack(values)
        raise ValueError, "I need a 2d column array"

    if k > n:
        raise ValueError, "k must be <= %d" % n
    elif k<=0 or k%1 != 0:
        raise ValueError, "k must be > 0"

    #out = sp.array([],ndmin=2)
    if k == 1:
        return values
        #This loop iterates through all the elements of the values that have at least
        #k elements.  For each element it then calls Combinations(values[i+1:], k-1) which
        #returns combinations of size k-1 for the elements succeeding the current element
        #We do not want to get repeats of combinations
        #print "for i in range(%d)" % (n-(k-1))
        for i in range(n-(k-1)):
            #Calculate the number of possible combinations (to allow proper concatenation
            #in the recursive call
            numCombs = sp.factorial(n-i)/(sp.factorial(k-1)*sp.factorial(n-i-(k-1)))
            combs = Combinations(values[i:], k-1)
            ones = values[i]*sp.ones((numCombs,1))
            #print "ones: %s \t\t combs: %s" % (str(ones.shape), str(combs.shape))
            print combs
Exemplo n.º 7
 def extract_mode_values_for_ROM(self, eig):
     disp, angles, modedict = self.FindModeShape(eig)
     spring = modedict.bodies[2]
     accel = modedict.bodies[6]
     x_accel = accel['disps']
     x_ddot = x_accel*eig**2
     theta = spring['angles']
     c = row_stack([x_ddot, theta])
     return c
def run_clock(beta_file):
    Function to run clock given the path to a CSV
    file containing the normalised beta values
    probes = np.load("model/probes.npy")
    newx, samples = read_file(beta_file, probes)

    nbeta = np.load("model/nbeta.npy")
    result = scipy.dot(scipy.column_stack((scipy.ones([newx.shape[0], 1]), newx)), nbeta)[:, 0]
    return scipy.row_stack((samples, result.flatten()))
Exemplo n.º 9
def bodes_to_string_matrix(freq, bode_list, labels):
   datalist = [freq]
   labellist = ['freq']

   for bode, label in zip(bode_list, labels):
      dB = bode.dBmag()
      phase = bode.phase
      if label[0] != '_':
         label = '_' + label
      db_label = 'db' + label
      phase_label = 'phase' + label

   data = column_stack(datalist)
   data_s = data.astype('S30')
   labels_m = row_stack([labellist])
   data_out = row_stack([labels_m, data_s])

   return data_out
Exemplo n.º 10
def _RLFindRoots(sys, kvect):
    """Find the roots for the root locus."""

    # Convert numerator and denominator to polynomials if they aren't
    (nump, denp) = _systopoly1d(sys)

    roots = []
    for k in kvect:
        curpoly = denp + k * nump
        curroots = curpoly.r
    mymat = row_stack(roots)
    return mymat
Exemplo n.º 11
def _RLFindRoots(sys, kvect):
    """Find the roots for the root locus."""

    # Convert numerator and denominator to polynomials if they aren't
    (nump, denp) = _systopoly1d(sys)

    roots = []
    for k in kvect:
        curpoly = denp + k * nump
        curroots = curpoly.r
    mymat = row_stack(roots)
    return mymat
Exemplo n.º 12
def _RLFindRoots(nump, denp, kvect):
    """Find the roots for the root locus."""
    # Convert numerator and denominator to polynomials if they aren't
    roots = []
    for k in kvect:
        curpoly = denp + k * nump
        curroots = curpoly.r
        if len(curroots) < denp.order:
            # if I have fewer poles than open loop, it is because i have one at infinity
            curroots = np.insert(curroots, len(curroots), np.inf)


    mymat = row_stack(roots)
    return mymat
Exemplo n.º 13
def _RLFindRoots(nump, denp, kvect):
    """Find the roots for the root locus."""
    # Convert numerator and denominator to polynomials if they aren't
    roots = []
    for k in kvect:
        curpoly = denp + k * nump
        curroots = curpoly.r
        if len(curroots) < denp.order:
            # if I have fewer poles than open loop, it is because i have one at infinity
            curroots = np.insert(curroots, len(curroots), np.inf)


    mymat = row_stack(roots)
    return mymat
Exemplo n.º 14
def teach_database_plusone(GP, X, y, X_t, y_t):
    # Force all data to be numpy arrays
    X, y = sp.asarray(X), sp.asarray(y)
    X_t, y_t = sp.asarray(X_t), sp.asarray(y_t)
    # From a fixed database (X,y), get alpha of some new configurations if added one at a time
    alphas = []
    for i, (X_test, y_test) in enumerate(zip(X_t, y_t)):
        if y_test.size != 1:
            print "ERROR: output space must be 1D. Exiting..."
        # Test configuration is placed at position 0
        X_plus = sp.row_stack((X_test, X))
        y_plus = sp.append(y_test, y)
        ttt = time.clock()
        GP.fit(X_plus, y_plus)
        print "TIMER teach", time.clock() - ttt
    return sp.array(alphas).flatten()
Exemplo n.º 15
def main(f):
    i = sp.arange(1500, 2500 + 200, 200)

    y = []
    with timer() as t:
        for n in i:
            if f == MatrixAdd:
                t.time(f, sp.rand(n, n), sp.rand(n, n))
            elif f == MatrixSolve:
                t.time(f, sp.rand(n, n), sp.rand(n, 1))
                t.time(f, sp.rand(n, n))

    X = sp.row_stack([sp.log(i), sp.ones_like(i)])
    sol = la.lstsq(X.T, sp.log(y))
    print sol[0][0]
    plt.loglog(i, y)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def sample( self, n, words = 100 ):
        """Sample n samples from the topic model with the following process,
        (a) For each document, draw a particular topic
        (b) Draw w words at random from the topic
        # Draw the number of documents to be drawn for each topic
        cnts = multinomial( n, self.weights )

        docs = []
        for (k, cnt) in zip( xrange(self.K), cnts ):
            # For each document of type k
            for i in xrange( cnt ):
                # Generate a document with `words` words from the
                # topic
                docs.append( multinomial( words, self.topics.T[k] ) )

        # Shuffle all of the data (not really necessary)
        docs = sc.row_stack(docs)

        return docs
Exemplo n.º 17
    def teach_database_plusone(self, X, y, X_t, y_t):
        Gaussian Process model fitting, target is to get the correct regression coefficients
        for each of the configurations (X_i, y_i) i \ in t if configuration i were included in the teaching.

        X, X_t : double array_like
            An array with shape (n_samples, n_features) with the input at which
            observations were made.

        y, y_t : double array_like
            An array with shape (n_samples, ) or shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            with the observations of the output to be predicted.

        alpha: an array of regression coefficients with shape (n_samples, ).
        # Force all data to be numpy arrays
        X, y = sp.asarray(X), sp.asarray(y)
        X_t, y_t = sp.asarray(X_t), sp.asarray(y_t)
        # From a fixed database (X,y), get alpha of some new configurations if added one at a time
        alphas = []
        for i, (X_test, y_test) in enumerate(zip(X_t, y_t)):
            if y_test.size != 1:
                print "ERROR: output space must be 1D. Exiting..."
            # Test configuration is placed at position 0
            X_plus = sp.row_stack((X_test, X))
            y_plus = sp.append(y_test, y)
            self.fit(X_plus, y_plus)
        return sp.array(alphas).flatten()
Exemplo n.º 18
    def teach_database_plusone(self, X, y, X_t, y_t):
        Gaussian Process model fitting, target is to get the correct regression coefficients
        for each of the configurations (X_i, y_i) i \ in t if configuration i were included in the teaching.

        X, X_t : double array_like
            An array with shape (n_samples, n_features) with the input at which
            observations were made.

        y, y_t : double array_like
            An array with shape (n_samples, ) or shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            with the observations of the output to be predicted.

        alpha: an array of regression coefficients with shape (n_samples, ).
        # Force all data to be numpy arrays
        X, y = sp.asarray(X), sp.asarray(y)
        X_t, y_t = sp.asarray(X_t), sp.asarray(y_t)
        # From a fixed database (X,y), get alpha of some new configurations if added one at a time
        alphas = []
        for i, (X_test, y_test) in enumerate(zip(X_t, y_t)):
            if y_test.size != 1:
                print "ERROR: output space must be 1D. Exiting..."
            # Test configuration is placed at position 0
            X_plus = sp.row_stack((X_test, X))
            y_plus = sp.append(y_test, y)
            self.fit(X_plus, y_plus)
        return sp.array(alphas).flatten()                                                                                                                    
Exemplo n.º 19
def generate_Pole(cleaned, file_name, scantype, line_count, state_indv, state_angmat, state_xyz, start, stop, start2, stop2):
    line_count = int(line_count)
    start = int(start)
    stop = int(stop)
    start2 = int(start2)
    stop2 = int(stop2)
    khi = cleaned[:,1]
    phi = cleaned[:,2]
    scanning = cleaned[:,8]
    intensity = cleaned[:,9]
    bkg = intensity[intensity!=0].min()

    # Determine azimuth and zenith scanning motors
    if (scanning[::int(line_count)]-khi[::int(line_count)]).sum()!=0:
        azimuth = scanning
        zenith = khi
        stepa = (azimuth.max()-azimuth.min())/(line_count-1)
        stepz = (zenith.max()-zenith.min())/((len(zenith)/line_count)-1)
        fast_phi = 1
        print("Phi is the fast scanning motor.")
    #elif (scanning[::line_count]-khi[::line_count]).sum()==0:
        zenith = scanning
        azimuth = phi
        stepa = (azimuth.max()-azimuth.min())/((len(zenith)/line_count)-1)
        stepz = (zenith.max()-zenith.min())/(line_count-1)
        fast_phi = 0
        print("Khi is the fast scanning motor.")
        #return 0

    # Check data validity
    if ((azimuth[1:]-azimuth[:-1]).sum() == 0) and ((zenith[1:]-zenith[:-1]).sum() == 0):
        status = 0
        status = 1
        # Crop data to desired dimensions
        if ((start!=0) or (stop!=0) or (start2!=0) or (stop2!=0)):
            intensity = crop_data(intensity, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            azimuth = crop_data(azimuth, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            zenith = crop_data(zenith, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            line_count = line_count - start - stop

        #Export data files
        if state_xyz == 1:
            savetxt(file_name + '_ChiPhiInt.txt', column_stack((zenith,azimuth, intensity)), fmt = '%10.8f')

        #Convert to matrix for further processing
        if (azimuth[1] != azimuth[0]):
            azimuth = azimuth[:int(line_count):]
            zenith = zenith[::int(line_count)]
            azimuth = azimuth[::int(line_count)]
            zenith = zenith[:int(line_count):]
        int_matrix = intensity.reshape(int(len(intensity)/line_count), int(line_count))

        if state_indv == 1:
            for i in range(shape(int_matrix)[0]):
                if fast_phi == 1:
                    out_scan = column_stack((azimuth, int_matrix[i,:]))
                    savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" PSI="+str(round(zenith[i],2))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')
                else :
                    out_scan = column_stack((zenith, int_matrix[i,:]))
                    savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" PHI="+str(round(azimuth[i],2))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')

        if state_angmat == 1:
            if fast_phi == 1:
                out_matrix = column_stack((zenith, int_matrix))
                out_matrix = column_stack((zenith, int_matrix.T))
            out_matrix = row_stack((append([0], azimuth), out_matrix))
            savetxt(file_name + '_ChiPhi_matrix.txt', out_matrix.T, fmt = '%10.8f')

        r, theta = meshgrid(zenith, azimuth*pi/180)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
        if fast_phi == 1:
            ax.contourf(theta, r, log10(int_matrix.T+bkg), 25, cmap='jet')
            ax.contourf(theta, r, log10(int_matrix+bkg), 25, cmap='jet')

    return status
Exemplo n.º 20
def glmnetPredict(fit,\
                  newx = scipy.empty([0]), \
                  s = scipy.empty([0]), \
                  ptype = 'link', \
                  exact = False, \
                  offset = scipy.empty([0])):

    typebase = ['link', 'response', 'coefficients', 'nonzero', 'class']
    indxtf = [x.startswith(ptype.lower()) for x in typebase]
    indl = [i for i in range(len(indxtf)) if indxtf[i] == True]
    ptype = typebase[indl[0]]

    if newx.shape[0] == 0 and ptype != 'coefficients' and ptype != 'nonzero':
        raise ValueError('You need to supply a value for ' 'newx' '')

    # python 1D arrays are not the same as matlab 1xn arrays
    # check for this. newx = x[0:1, :] is a python 2D array and would work;
    # but newx = x[0, :] is a python 1D array and should not be passed into
    # glmnetPredict
    if len(newx.shape) == 1 and newx.shape[0] > 0:
        raise ValueError('newx must be a 2D (not a 1D) python array')

    if exact == True and len(s) > 0:
        # It is very messy to go back into the caller namespace
        # and call glmnet again. The user should really do this at their end
        # by calling glmnet again using the correct array of lambda values that
        # includes the lambda for which prediction is sought
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'exact = True option is not implemented in python')

    # we convert newx to full here since sparse and full operations do not seem to
    # be overloaded completely in scipy.
    if scipy.sparse.issparse(newx):
        newx = newx.todense()

    # elnet
    if fit['class'] in ['elnet', 'fishnet', 'lognet']:
        if fit['class'] == 'lognet':
            a0 = fit['a0']
            a0 = scipy.transpose(fit['a0'])

        a0 = scipy.reshape(a0, [1, a0.size])  # convert to 1 x N for appending
        nbeta = scipy.row_stack((a0, fit['beta']))
        if scipy.size(s) > 0:
            lambdau = fit['lambdau']
            lamlist = lambda_interp(lambdau, s)
            nbeta = nbeta[:, lamlist['left']]*scipy.tile(scipy.transpose(lamlist['frac']), [nbeta.shape[0], 1]) \
            + nbeta[:, lamlist['right']]*( 1 - scipy.tile(scipy.transpose(lamlist['frac']), [nbeta.shape[0], 1]))

        if ptype == 'coefficients':
            result = nbeta
            return (result)

        if ptype == 'nonzero':
            result = nonzeroCoef(nbeta[1:nbeta.shape[0], :], True)
            return (result)
        # use scipy.sparse.hstack instead of column_stack for sparse matrices
        result = (scipy.column_stack((scipy.ones([newx.shape[0],
                                                  1]), newx)), nbeta)

        if fit['offset']:
            if len(offset) == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    'No offset provided for prediction, yet used in fit of glmnet'
            if offset.shape[1] == 2:
                offset = offset[:, 1]

            result = result + scipy.tile(offset, [1, result.shape[1]])

    # fishnet
    if fit['class'] == 'fishnet' and ptype == 'response':
        result = scipy.exp(result)

    # lognet
    if fit['class'] == 'lognet':
        if ptype == 'response':
            pp = scipy.exp(-result)
            result = 1 / (1 + pp)
        elif ptype == 'class':
            result = (result > 0) * 1 + (result <= 0) * 0
            result = fit['label'][result]

    # multnet / mrelnet
    if fit['class'] == 'mrelnet' or fit['class'] == 'multnet':
        if fit['class'] == 'mrelnet':
            if type == 'response':
                ptype = 'link'
            fit['grouped'] = True

        a0 = fit['a0']
        nbeta = fit['beta'].copy()
        nclass = a0.shape[0]
        nlambda = s.size

        if len(s) > 0:
            lambdau = fit['lambdau']
            lamlist = lambda_interp(lambdau, s)
            for i in range(nclass):
                kbeta = scipy.row_stack((a0[i, :], nbeta[i]))
                kbeta = kbeta[:, lamlist['left']]*scipy.tile(scipy.transpose(lamlist['frac']), [kbeta.shape[0], 1]) \
                        + kbeta[:, lamlist['right']]*( 1 - scipy.tile(scipy.transpose(lamlist['frac']), [kbeta.shape[0], 1]))
                nbeta[i] = kbeta
            for i in range(nclass):
                nbeta[i] = scipy.row_stack((a0[i, :], nbeta[i]))
            nlambda = len(fit['lambdau'])

        if ptype == 'coefficients':
            result = nbeta
            return (result)

        if ptype == 'nonzero':
            if fit['grouped']:
                result = list()
                tn = nbeta[0].shape[0]
                result.append(nonzeroCoef(nbeta[0][1:tn, :], True))
                result = list()
                for i in range(nclass):
                    tn = nbeta[0].shape[0]
                    result.append(nonzeroCoef(nbeta[0][1:tn, :], True))
            return (result)

        npred = newx.shape[0]
        dp = scipy.zeros([nclass, nlambda, npred], dtype=scipy.float64)
        for i in range(nclass):
            qq = scipy.column_stack((scipy.ones([newx.shape[0], 1]), newx))
            fitk = scipy.dot(qq, nbeta[i])
            dp[i, :, :] = dp[i, :, :] + scipy.reshape(scipy.transpose(fitk),
                                                      [1, nlambda, npred])

        if fit['offset']:
            if len(offset) == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    'No offset provided for prediction, yet used in fit of glmnet'
            if offset.shape[1] != nclass:
                raise ValueError('Offset should be dimension %d x %d' %
                                 (npred, nclass))
            toff = scipy.transpose(offset)
            for i in range(nlambda):
                dp[:, i, :] = dp[:, i, :] + toff

        if ptype == 'response':
            pp = scipy.exp(dp)
            psum = scipy.sum(pp, axis=0, keepdims=True)
            result = scipy.transpose(pp / scipy.tile(psum, [nclass, 1, 1]),
                                     [2, 0, 1])
        if ptype == 'link':
            result = scipy.transpose(dp, [2, 0, 1])
        if ptype == 'class':
            dp = scipy.transpose(dp, [2, 0, 1])
            result = list()
            for i in range(dp.shape[2]):
                t = softmax(dp[:, :, i])
                result = scipy.append(result, fit['label'][t['pclass']])

    # coxnet
    if fit['class'] == 'coxnet':
        nbeta = fit['beta']
        if len(s) > 0:
            lambdau = fit['lambdau']
            lamlist = lambda_interp(lambdau, s)
            nbeta = nbeta[:, lamlist['left']]*scipy.tile(scipy.transpose(lamlist['frac']), [nbeta.shape[0], 1]) \
            + nbeta[:, lamlist['right']]*( 1 - scipy.tile(scipy.transpose(lamlist['frac']), [nbeta.shape[0], 1]))

        if ptype == 'coefficients':
            result = nbeta
            return (result)

        if ptype == 'nonzero':
            result = nonzeroCoef(nbeta, True)
            return (result)

        result = scipy.dot(newx, nbeta)

        if fit['offset']:
            if len(offset) == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    'No offset provided for prediction, yet used in fit of glmnet'

            result = result + scipy.tile(offset, [1, result.shape[1]])

        if ptype == 'response':
            result = scipy.exp(result)

    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 21
if target_properties == 'all':
    target_properties = [k for k in dataset.keys() if k not in ['description', 'idx', 'X']]
    target_properties = [k for k in dataset.keys() if k in target_properties]

# histograms of properties
histograms = [] # sp.empty((len(target_properties), 2))
for i, prop in enumerate(target_properties):
    y = (dataset[prop] - sp.asarray(dataset[prop]).mean()) / sp.asarray(dataset[prop]).std()
    frequency, bins, patches = plt.hist(y, bins=50, normed=True)
    bins_dummy = list(bins)
    bins = ((bins + sp.asarray(bins_dummy)) / 2)[:-1]
    histograms.append(sp.row_stack((bins, frequency)))

for i, h in enumerate(histograms):
    plt.plot(h[0], h[1],'--', label=target_properties[i])
plt.xlabel("normalised property")
legend = plt.legend()

raw_input("Press a key to continue")

# Output space pair distance histograms
histograms = [] 
for i, prop in enumerate(target_properties):
Exemplo n.º 22
    target_properties = [
        k for k in dataset.keys() if k not in ['description', 'idx', 'X']
    target_properties = [k for k in dataset.keys() if k in target_properties]

# histograms of properties
histograms = []  # sp.empty((len(target_properties), 2))
for i, prop in enumerate(target_properties):
    y = (dataset[prop] - sp.asarray(dataset[prop]).mean()) / sp.asarray(
    frequency, bins, patches = plt.hist(y, bins=50, normed=True)
    bins_dummy = list(bins)
    bins = ((bins + sp.asarray(bins_dummy)) / 2)[:-1]
    histograms.append(sp.row_stack((bins, frequency)))

for i, h in enumerate(histograms):
    plt.plot(h[0], h[1], '--', label=target_properties[i])
plt.xlabel("normalised property")
legend = plt.legend()

raw_input("Press a key to continue")

# Output space pair distance histograms
histograms = []
for i, prop in enumerate(target_properties):
Exemplo n.º 23
latticeTypes = {0:"Unknown", 1:"Triclinic", 2:"Monoclinic", 3:"Orthorhombic", \
		4:"Tetragonal", 5:"Cubic", 6:"Trigonal-low", 7:"Trigonal-high/Hexagonal"}

symmetryType = latticeTypes[int(latticeType)]
magnitude = float(cijdat.readline())

for patt in range(1):
     for a in range(0,numsteps):
             pattern =cijdat.readline()
             line1 = cijdat.readline().split()
             line2 = cijdat.readline().split()
             line3 = cijdat.readline().split()
             if a == 0:
                     strain = S.array([float(line1[0]),float(line2[1]),float(line3[2]),2*float(line2[2]),2*float(line1[2]),2*float(line1[1])])
                     strain = S.row_stack(S.array((strain,[float(line1[0]),float(line2[1]),float(line3[2]),2*float(line2[2]),2*float(line1[2]),2*float(line1[1])])))
             (units, thisStress) = espresso.get_stress("MgO_cij__"+str(patt+1)+"__"+str(a+1))
             if a == 0:
                     stress = thisStress
                     stress = S.row_stack((stress,thisStress))

def __fit(index1,index2):
       from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
       print strain
       print stress
       (cijFitted,intercept,r,tt,stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:,index2-1],stress[:,index1-1])
       if (S.__version__ < '0.7.0'):
           stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2)/(numsteps-2))
           error  = stderr/sqrt(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1])))
Exemplo n.º 24
mod_time = state_estimation['mod_time']
mod_out = state_estimation['mod_out']

val_data = state_estimation['val_data']
val_time = state_estimation['val_time']

m = np.size(X, 0)  # number of states
N = np.size(X, 1)  # number of measurements
meas_list = range(N)  # list of measurement indices

x1 = mod_data[0]
x2 = mod_data[1]

bias = netRBF.biases
biases = np.ones((1, len(x1)))
Xeval = np.row_stack((x1, x2, biases)) if bias else np.row_stack((x1, x2))

#netRBF.NhidL = 1
if netRBF.NhidL == 1:
    if not netRBF.distr:
        center_x = np.linspace(min(x1), max(x1), 4)
        center_y = np.linspace(min(x2), max(x2), 4)
        centersx, centersy = np.meshgrid(center_x, center_y)
        size_centers = np.size(centersx)
        centersx = np.reshape(centersx, (np.size(centersx)))
        centersy = np.reshape(centersy, (np.size(centersy)))

        netRBF.centers = np.zeros((3, size_centers)) if bias else np.zeros(
            (2, size_centers))

        netRBF.Nhid = size_centers
Exemplo n.º 25
def evaluate(outfile,feature_certificate,cpath,task,ext_hash):

    conn = pm.Connection(document_class=bson.SON)
    db = conn[DB_NAME]
    perf_fs = gridfs.GridFS(db,'performance')
    perf_coll = db['performance.files']

    feature_certdict = cPickle.load(open(feature_certificate))
    feature_hash = feature_certdict['feature_hash']
    image_hash = feature_certdict['image_hash']
    model_hash = feature_certdict['model_hash']
    image_config_gen = feature_certdict['args']['images']
    model_col = db['models.files']
    feature_fs = gridfs.GridFS(db,'features')
    feature_col = db['features.files']
    stats = ['test_accuracy','ap','auc','mean_ap','mean_auc','train_accuracy']    
    if isinstance(task,list):
        task_list = task
        task_list = [task]
    model_configs = get_most_recent_files(model_col,{'__hash__':model_hash})
    for m in model_configs:
        print('Evaluating model',m) 
        for task in task_list:
            task['universe'] = task.get('universe',SON([]))
            task['universe']['model'] = m['config']['model']
            print('task', task)
            classifier_kwargs = task.get('classifier_kwargs',{})    
            split_results = []
            splits = generate_splits(task,feature_hash,'features') 
            for (ind,split) in enumerate(splits):
                print ('split', ind)
                train_data = split['train_data']
                test_data = split['test_data']
                train_filenames = [t['filename'] for t in train_data]
                test_filenames = [t['filename'] for t in test_data]
                assert set(train_filenames).intersection(test_filenames) == set([])
                print('train feature extraction ...')
                train_features = sp.row_stack([load_features(f['filename'],feature_fs,m,task) for f in train_data])
                print('test feature extraction ...')
                test_features = sp.row_stack([load_features(f['filename'],feature_fs,m,task) for f in test_data])
                train_labels = split['train_labels']
                test_labels = split['test_labels']
                print('classifier ...')
                res = svm.classify(train_features,train_labels,test_features,test_labels,classifier_kwargs)
                print('Split test accuracy', res['test_accuracy'])
            model_results = SON([])
            for stat in STATS:
                if stat in split_results[0] and split_results[0][stat] != None:
                    model_results[stat] = sp.array([split_result[stat] for split_result in split_results]).mean()           
            out_record = SON([('model',m['config']['model']),
            filename = get_filename(out_record)
            out_record['filename'] = filename
            out_record['config_path'] = cpath
            out_record['__hash__'] = ext_hash
            print('dump out ...')
            out_data = cPickle.dumps(SON([('split_results',split_results),('splits',splits)]))

Exemplo n.º 26
def main(input_options, libmode=False):
	def dumpXML(seedname):
		import time
		S.set_printoptions(threshold=S.nan)  #don't skip printing parts of the array
		if os.path.isfile(seedname+"-geomopt1.cml"):
			# we'll inject the data into this file, then
			basefile = seedname+"-geomopt1.cml"
			print "Inserting CML into: "+ basefile
			f = open(basefile, "r")
			tree = etree.parse(f)
			fp = d["{http://www.castep.org/cml/dictionary/}finalProperties"]
			finalproperties = fp.findin_context(tree)
			assert len(finalproperties) == 1
			startnode = finalproperties[0]
		elif os.path.isfile(seedname+"-energy.cml"):
			# we'll inject the data into this file, then
			basefile = seedname+"-energy.cml"

			print "Inserting CML into: "+ basefile
			f = open(basefile, "r")
			tree = etree.parse(f)

			fp = d["{http://www.castep.org/cml/dictionary/}finalProperties"]
			finalproperties = fp.findin_context(tree)
			assert len(finalproperties) == 1

			startnode = finalproperties[0]
			basefile = seedname+"_cij_analysis.cml"	
			print "Outputting CML into: "+ basefile
			# create a header
			CML_NAMESPACE = "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema"
			DC_NAMESPACE ="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"		
			CML = "{%s}" % CML_NAMESPACE
			startnode = etree.Element(CML +"cml", nsmap=NSMAP)
			metadata = etree.Element("metadata")
			metadata.attrib["name"] = "dc:date"
			metadata.attrib["content"] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
			metadata = etree.Element("metadata")
			metadata.attrib["name"] = "dc:creator"
			metadata.attrib["content"] = "MGElastics"
			metadata = etree.Element("metadata")
			metadata.attrib["name"] = "dc:hasVersion"
			metadata.attrib["content"] = str(version)
			metadata = etree.Element("metadata")
			metadata.attrib["name"] = "dc:subject"
			metadata.attrib["content"] = "Analysis file for Cij calculations"
			tree = etree.ElementTree(startnode)
		# now append Cij data
		cijnode = etree.Element("propertyList")
		cijnode.attrib["title"] = "MaterialsGrid: Elastic Properties"
		cijnode.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:elastic_properties"  
		cijProp = etree.Element("property")
		cijProp.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:elastic_stiffness_constants"
		cijProp.attrib["title"] = "Elastic Stiffness Constants"
		cijTensor = etree.Element("matrix")
		cijTensor.attrib["rows"] = "6"
		cijTensor.attrib["columns"] = "6"
		cijTensor.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		cijTensor.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		cijTensor.text = S.array2string(finalCijMatrix.reshape(1,36)[0],max_line_width=1000,suppress_small=True).strip("[] ") 
		sijProp = etree.Element("property")
		sijProp.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:elastic_compliance_constants"
		sijProp.attrib["title"] = "Elastic Compliance Constants"
		sijTensor = etree.Element("matrix")
		sijTensor.attrib["rows"] = "6"
		sijTensor.attrib["columns"] = "6"
		sijTensor.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		sijTensor.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()+"-1"  #this has to be changed - i don't think the '/' is allowed
		sijTensor.text = S.array2string(sij.reshape(1,36)[0],max_line_width=1000,suppress_small=True).strip("[] ") 
		#### Young's Moduli ####
		youngsMod = etree.Element("propertyList")
		youngsMod.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:youngs_moduli"
		youngsMod.attrib["title"] = "Young's Moduli"
		# X
		youngsModValX = etree.Element("property")
		youngsModValX.attrib["title"] = "Young's Modulus X"
		youngsModValX.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:young_x"
		youngsModValXScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		youngsModValXScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		youngsModValXScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		youngsModValXScalar.text = str(youngX)
		# Y
		youngsModValY = etree.Element("property")
		youngsModValY.attrib["title"] = "Young's Modulus Y"
		youngsModValY.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:young_y"
		youngsModValYScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		youngsModValYScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		youngsModValYScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		youngsModValYScalar.text = str(youngY)
		# Z
		youngsModValZ = etree.Element("property")
		youngsModValZ.attrib["title"] = "Young's Modulus Z"
		youngsModValZ.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:young_z"
		youngsModValZScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		youngsModValZScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		youngsModValZScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		youngsModValZScalar.text = str(youngZ)
		#### Poisson's Ratio ####
		poissonMod = etree.Element("propertyList")
		poissonMod.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_ratio"
		poissonMod.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio"
		# XY
		poissonModValXY = etree.Element("property")
		poissonModValXY.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio XY"
		poissonModValXY.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_xy"
		poissonModValXY.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValXYScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		poissonModValXYScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		poissonModValXYScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValXYScalar.text = str(poissonXY)
		# XZ
		poissonModValXZ = etree.Element("property")
		poissonModValXZ.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio XZ"
		poissonModValXZ.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_xz"
		poissonModValXZScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		poissonModValXZScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		poissonModValXZScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValXZScalar.text = str(poissonXZ)
		# YX
		poissonModValYX = etree.Element("property")
		poissonModValYX.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio YX"
		poissonModValYX.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_yx"
		poissonModValYXScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		poissonModValYXScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		poissonModValYXScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValYXScalar.text = str(poissonYX)
		# YZ
		poissonModValYZ = etree.Element("property")
		poissonModValYZ.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio YZ"
		poissonModValYZ.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_yz"
		poissonModValYZScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		poissonModValYZScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		poissonModValYZScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValYZScalar.text = str(poissonYZ)
		# ZX
		poissonModValZX = etree.Element("property")
		poissonModValZX.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio ZX"
		poissonModValZX.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_zx"
		poissonModValZXScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		poissonModValZXScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		poissonModValZXScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValZXScalar.text = str(poissonZX)
		# ZY
		poissonModValZY = etree.Element("property")
		poissonModValZY.attrib["title"] = "Poisson Ratio ZY"
		poissonModValZY.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:poisson_zy"
		poissonModValZYScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		poissonModValZYScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		poissonModValZYScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:dimensionless"
		poissonModValZYScalar.text = str(poissonZY)
		#### Polycrystalline Results ####
		#bulk moduli
		bulkModPL = etree.Element("propertyList")
		bulkModPL.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:polycrystalline_bulk_moduli"
		bulkModPL.attrib["title"] = "Polycrystalline Bulk Moduli"
		bulkModVoigt = etree.Element("property")
		bulkModVoigt.attrib["title"] = "Voigt"
		bulkModVoigt.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:bulk_modulus_voigt"
		bulkModReuss = etree.Element("property")
		bulkModReuss.attrib["title"] = "Reuss"
		bulkModReuss.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:bulk_modulus_reuss"
		bulkModHill = etree.Element("property")
		bulkModHill.attrib["title"] = "Hill"
		bulkModHill.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:bulk_modulus_hill"
		bulkModVoigtScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		bulkModVoigtScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		bulkModVoigtScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		bulkModVoigtScalar.text = str(voigtB)
		bulkModReussScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		bulkModReussScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		bulkModReussScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		bulkModReussScalar.text = str(reussB)
		bulkModHillScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		bulkModHillScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		bulkModHillScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		bulkModHillScalar.text = str((voigtB+reussB)/2)
		#shear moduli
		shearModPL = etree.Element("propertyList")
		shearModPL.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:polycrystalline_shear_moduli"
		shearModPL.attrib["title"] = "Polycrystalline Shear Moduli"
		shearModVoigt = etree.Element("property")
		shearModVoigt.attrib["title"] = "Voigt"
		shearModVoigt.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:shear_modulus_voigt"
		shearModReuss = etree.Element("property")
		shearModReuss.attrib["title"] = "Reuss"
		shearModReuss.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:shear_modulus_reuss"
		shearModHill = etree.Element("property")
		shearModHill.attrib["title"] = "Hill"
		shearModHill.attrib["dictRef"] = "castep:shear_modulus_hill"
		shearModVoigtScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		shearModVoigtScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		shearModVoigtScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		shearModVoigtScalar.text = str(voigtG)
		shearModReussScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		shearModReussScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		shearModReussScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		shearModReussScalar.text = str(reussG)
		shearModHillScalar = etree.Element("scalar")
		shearModHillScalar.attrib["dataType"] = "xsd:double"
		shearModHillScalar.attrib["units"] = "castepunits:"+ units.lower()
		shearModHillScalar.text = str((voigtG+reussG)/2)
			print etree.tostring(startnode,pretty_print=True)
			# wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
	def analysePatterns(strain):

		# these are the IRE conventions, except that integers are 0->5 rather than 1->6
		strainDict = {0:"xx",1:"yy",2:"zz",3:"yz", 4:"zx", 5:"xy"}

		strainsUsed = S.zeros((6,1))

		for a in range(0,S.size(strain)):
			if strain[a] != 0.0:
				print strainDict[a], "component is non-zero"
				strainsUsed[a] = 1
				strainsUsed[a] = 0

		return strainsUsed

	def getCMLStress(file):

		def __castep(dict, term):
			return dict["{http://www.castep.org/cml/dictionary/}%s" % term]
		stress = __castep(d, "stress")

		tree = etree.parse(file)
		stress_xml = stress.findin(tree)
		assert len(stress_xml) == 1
		stressTensor = stress.getvalue(stress_xml[0])
		return stressTensor, stressTensor.unit

	def cMatrix(symmetryType,TetrHigh):
		if symmetryType == "Cubic" :
			return S.matrix([[1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0],
						[7, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0],
						[7, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0],
						[0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
						[0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
						[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4]])

		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal":
			return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0],
						[7, 1, 8, 0,-9, 0],
						[8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
						[9, -9, 0, 4, 0, 0],
						[10, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
						[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
			return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0],
						[7, 1, 8, -9, -10, 0],
						[8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
						[9, -9, 0, 4, 0, -10],
						[10,-10, 0, 0, 4, 9],
						[0, 0, 0, -10, 9, 6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Tetragonal":
			if TetrHigh == "-1":
				print "Higher-symmetry tetragonal (422,4mm,4-2m,4/mmm)"
				return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0],
							[7, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0],
							[8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
							[0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
							[0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
							[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]])
				print "Lower-symmetry tetragonal (4,-4,4/m)"
				return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 11],
							[7, 1, 8, 0, 0, -11],
							[8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
							[0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
							[0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
							[11, -11, 0, 0, 0, 6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Orthorhombic":
			return S.matrix([[ 1,  7,  8,  0,  0,  0],
						[ 7,  2, 12,  0,  0,  0],
						[ 8, 12,  3,  0,  0,  0],
						[ 0,  0,  0,  4,  0,  0],
						[ 0,  0,  0,  0,  5,  0],
						[ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Monoclinic":
			return S.matrix([[ 1,  7,  8,  0,  10,  0],
						[ 7,  2, 12,  0, 14,  0],
						[ 8, 12,  3,  0, 17,  0],
						[ 0,  0,  0,  4,  0,  20],
						[10, 14, 17,  0,  5,  0],
						[ 0,  0,  0, 20,  0,  6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Triclinic":
			return S.matrix([[ 1,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11],
						[ 7,  2, 12,  13, 14,  15],
						[ 8, 12,  3,  16, 17,  18],
						[ 9, 13, 16,  4,  19,  20],
						[10, 14, 17, 19,  5,  21],
						[11, 15, 18, 20,  21,  6]])	

	def get_options():
		# deal with options
		if not libmode:
			p = optparse.OptionParser()
			p.add_option('--xml', '-x', action='store_true',  help="CML mode")
			p.add_option('--castep', '-c', action='store_true', help="CASTEP mode")
			p.add_option('--force-cml-output','-f', action='store_true', help="Force CML output",dest="force")
			p.add_option('--graphics', '-g', action='store_true', help="Show graphics (requires matplotlib)")
			p.add_option('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help="Debug mode (output to stdout rather than file)")

			options,arguments = p.parse_args(args=input_options)
			class PotM_Options:
				xml = True
				graphics = True
				castep = False
				debug = False
			options = PotM_Options()
			taskRe = re.compile(r"(.+)-\w+\.cml")
			arguments = taskRe.findall(input_options[1][0])
			global outfile
			outfile = input_options[0]
		if options.castep and options.xml:
			p.error("options -x and -c are mutually exclusive")
		elif not options.castep and not options.xml:
			p.error("one of -x or -c is required")
		# For some reason, golem/lxml needs to be imported first    
		if options.xml or options.force:
				# import golem, for use globally
				global golem
				import golem
				# import etree, for use globally
				global etree
				from lxml import etree
				# set dictionary, for use globally
				global d
				d = golem.loadDictionary("castepDict.xml")
			except ImportError:
				print >> sys.stderr, "You need to have golem and lxml installed for the --xml option"
		if options.graphics:
				global P
				import pylab as P
			except ImportError:
				print >> sys.stderr, "You need to have matplotlib installed for the --graphics option"
			print "Reading stress data from the .castep files"
			print "Reading stress data from the .xml files"
			print "Don't know where to get the stress data, please use flags --castep or --xml"
		return options, arguments
	options, arguments = get_options()

	# Not sure why the lattice types are enumerated like this, but this is how .cijdat does it...
	latticeTypes = {0:"Unknown", 1:"Triclinic", 2:"Monoclinic", 3:"Orthorhombic", \
		4:"Tetragonal", 5:"Cubic", 6:"Trigonal-low", 7:"Trigonal-high/Hexagonal"}

	# regular expression which matches the whole stress tensor block from a .castep file
	stressRE = re.compile("\s\*+\sSymmetrised\sStress\sTensor\s\*+\n.+\n.+?\((\w+)\).+\n.+\n.+\n.+\n\s\*\s+x\s+([\+\-]?\d+.\d+)\s+([\+\-]?\d+.\d+)\s+([\+\-]?\d+.\d+)\s+\*\n\s\*\s+y\s+[\+\-]?\d+.\d+\s+([\+\-]?\d+.\d+)\s+([\+\-]?\d+.\d+)\s+\*\n\s\*\s+z\s+[\+\-]?\d+.\d+\s+[\+\-]?\d+.\d+\s+([\+\-]?\d+.\d+)\s+\*\n")

	# Get strain tensors
	seedname = arguments[0]

	cijdat = open(seedname+".cijdat","r")
	print "\nReading strain data from ", seedname+".cijdat\n"

	numStrainPatterns = (len(cijdat.readlines())-2)/4 #total for all strain patterns


	# deal with those first four integers
	latticeType,numsteps,TetrHigh,TrigHigh = cijdat.readline().split()
	numsteps = int(numsteps)

	symmetryType = latticeTypes[int(latticeType)]
	print "System is", symmetryType,"\n"
	# get maximum magnitude of strains
	magnitude = float(cijdat.readline())
	print numsteps, "steps of maximum magnitude",magnitude
	# if using graphics, do some initial set-up
	if options.graphics:	
		fig = P.figure(num=1, figsize=(9.5,8),facecolor='white')
		colourDict = {0: '#BAD0EF', 1:'#FFCECE', 2:'#BDF4CB', 3:'#EEF093',4:'#FFA4FF',5:'#75ECFD'}

		for index1 in range(6):
		    for index2 in range(6):
				# position this plot in a 6x6 grid
				sp = P.subplot(6,6,6*(index1)+index2+1)
				# change the labels on the axes
				# xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
				# P.setp(xlabels,'rotation',90,fontsize=7)
				# ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
				# P.setp(ylabels,fontsize=7)
				P.text(0.4,0.4, "n/a")
	print "\n<>---------------------------- ANALYSIS ---------------------------------<>"		
	# initialise 1d array to store all 21 unique elastic constants - will be transformed into 6x6 matrix later
	finalCijs = S.zeros((21,1))
	for patt in range(numStrainPatterns/numsteps):
		print "\nAnalysing pattern", patt+1, ":"
		for a in range(0,numsteps):  
			pattern = cijdat.readline()
			# grab the strain data from the .cijdat file
			line1 = cijdat.readline().split()
			line2 = cijdat.readline().split()
			line3 = cijdat.readline().split()
			# only take from the top right triangle
			# numbering according to IRE conventions (Proc IRE, 1949)
			if a == 0:
				strain = S.array([float(line1[0]),float(line2[1]),float(line3[2]),2*float(line2[2]),2*float(line1[2]),2*float(line1[1])])
				strain = S.row_stack((strain,S.array([float(line1[0]),float(line2[1]),float(line3[2]),2*float(line2[2]),2*float(line1[2]),2*float(line1[1])])))
				# now get corresponding stress data from .castep
				dotCastep = open(seedname+"_cij__"+str(patt+1)+"__"+str(a+1)+".castep","r")	
				stressData = stressRE.findall(dotCastep.read())[0]
				units = stressData[0]
				# again, top right triangle
				if a == 0:
					stress = S.array([float(stressData[1]),float(stressData[4]),float(stressData[6]),float(stressData[5]),float(stressData[3]),float(stressData[2])])
					stress = S.row_stack((stress,S.array([float(stressData[1]),float(stressData[4]),float(stressData[6]),float(stressData[5]),float(stressData[3]),float(stressData[2])])))		
				# now get corresponding stress data from .xml (using Golem)
				dotXMLfilename = seedname+"_cij__"+str(patt+1)+"__"+str(a+1)+"-geomopt1.cml"
				cmlStressData, units = getCMLStress(dotXMLfilename)
				if a == 0:
					stress = S.array([float(cmlStressData[0][0]),float(cmlStressData[1][1]),float(cmlStressData[2][2]),float(cmlStressData[1][2]),float(cmlStressData[0][2]),float(cmlStressData[0][1])])
					stress = S.row_stack((stress,S.array([float(cmlStressData[0][0]),float(cmlStressData[1][1]),float(cmlStressData[2][2]),float(cmlStressData[1][2]),float(cmlStressData[0][2]),float(cmlStressData[0][1])]) ))	


		Both the stress and strain matrices use the IRE conventions to reduce the
		3x3 matrices to 1x6 arrays. These 1D arrays are then stacked to form a 
		Nx6 array, where N=number of steps.
		Note that strain and stress arrays are numbered 0->5 rather than 1->6
		def __fit(index1, index2):
			from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
			# do the fit
			(cijFitted,intercept,r,tt,stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:,index2-1],stress[:,index1-1])

			# correct for scipy weirdness - see http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/8
			stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2)/(numsteps-2))
			error  = stderr/sqrt(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1])))
			# print info about the fit
			print '\n'
			print     'Cij (gradient)          :    ',cijFitted
			print     'Error in Cij            :    ', error
			if abs(r) > 0.9:
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r, '     <----- WARNING'
			# if using graphics, add a subplot
			if options.graphics:
				# position this plot in a 6x6 grid
				sp = P.subplot(6,6,6*(index1-1)+index2)
				# change the labels on the axes
				xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
				ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
				# colour the plot depending on the strain pattern

				# plot the data
			return cijFitted
		def __appendOrReplace(valList,val):
				return sum(valList)/len(valList)
			except NameError:
				return val
		def __createListAndAppend(val):
			newList = []
			return val, newList

		cij = S.zeros(21)
		# Analyse the patterns to see which strains were applied
		strainsUsed = analysePatterns(strain[0,:])

		# should check strains are as expected

		if symmetryType == "Cubic":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4		

				finalCijs[0] = __fit(1,1)                    # fit C11
				finalCijs[6] = (__fit(2,1) + __fit(3,1))/2   # fit C21+C31		
				finalCijs[3] = __fit(4,4)                    # fit C44
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e3 (hexagonal)

					# fit C13 + C23, and add to list (more values coming...)
					cij13 = []
					finalCijs[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 (hexagonal)

					finalCijs[0] = __fit(1,1)                          # fit C11
					finalCijs[6] = __fit(2,1)                          # fit C21
					finalCijs[7] = __appendOrReplace(cij13,__fit(3,1)) # fit C31
					finalCijs[3] = __fit(4,4)                          # fit C44

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e1 (trigonal-high)

					finalCijs[0] = __fit(1,1)                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6] = __fit(2,1)                # fit C21
					finalCijs[7] = __fit(3,1)                # fit C31
					finalCijs[8] = __fit(4,1)                # fit C41
					finalCijs[9] = __fit(5,1)                # fit C51
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e3+e4 (trigonal-high)
					# could recalculate C13/C14/C23/C24/C46 here, but won't just now
					finalCijs[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
					finalCijs[3] = __fit(4,4)                # fit C44
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e1 

					finalCijs[0] = __fit(1,1)                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6] = __fit(2,1)                # fit C21
					finalCijs[7] = __fit(3,1)                # fit C31
					finalCijs[8] = __fit(4,1)                # fit C41
					finalCijs[9] = __fit(5,1)                # fit C51
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e3+e4
					# could recalculate C13/C14/C23/C24/C46 here, but won't just now

					finalCijs[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
					finalCijs[3] = __fit(4,4)                # fit C44
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Tetragonal":			
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 

					finalCijs[0]  = __fit(1,1)               # fit C11
					finalCijs[6]  = __fit(2,1)               # fit C21
					finalCijs[7]  = __fit(3,1)               # fit C31
					finalCijs[10] = __fit(6,1)               # fit C61
					finalCijs[3]  = __fit(4,4)               # fit C44

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e3+e6
					finalCijs[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
					finalCijs[5] = __fit(6,6)                # fit C66
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Orthorhombic":			
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 

					finalCijs[0] = __fit(1,1)                                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], cij12 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,1))  # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], cij13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,1))  # fit C31
					finalCijs[3] = __fit(4,4)                                # fit C44
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e2+e5 

					finalCijs[6] = __appendOrReplace(cij12,__fit(1,2))       # fit C12	
					finalCijs[1] = __fit(2,2)                                # fit C22
					finalCijs[11], cij23 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,2)) # fit C32						
					finalCijs[4] = __fit(5,5)                                # fit C55
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e3+e6 

					finalCijs[7]  = __appendOrReplace(cij13,__fit(1,3))      # fit C13
					finalCijs[11] = __appendOrReplace(cij23,__fit(2,3))      # fit C23
					finalCijs[2]  = __fit(3,3)                               # fit C33
					finalCijs[5]  = __fit(6,6)                               # fit C66
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Monoclinic":			
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 

					finalCijs[0] = __fit(1,1)                                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], cij12 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,1))  # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], cij13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,1))  # fit C31
					finalCijs[3] = __fit(4,4)                                # fit C44				
					finalCijs[9], cij51 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,1))  # fit C51	
					finalCijs[19], cij64 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,4)) # fit C64

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e3+e6 

					finalCijs[7] = __appendOrReplace(cij13,__fit(1,3))       # fit C13
					finalCijs[11], cij23 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,3)) # fit C23
					finalCijs[2] = __fit(3,3)                                # fit C33
					finalCijs[16], cij53 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,3)) # fit C53
					finalCijs[19] = __appendOrReplace(cij64,__fit(4,6))      # fit C46
					finalCijs[5] = __fit(6,6)                                # fit C66
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e2

					finalCijs[6]  = __appendOrReplace(cij12,__fit(1,2))      # fit C12
					finalCijs[1]  = __fit(2,2)                               # fit C22
					finalCijs[11] = __appendOrReplace(cij23,__fit(3,2))      # fit C32					
					finalCijs[13], cij52 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,2)) # fit C52

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e5

					finalCijs[9]  = __appendOrReplace(cij51,__fit(1,5))      # fit C15
					finalCijs[13] = __appendOrReplace(cij52,__fit(2,5))      # fit C25
					finalCijs[16] = __appendOrReplace(cij53,__fit(3,5))      # fit C35
					finalCijs[4]  = __fit(5,5)                               # fit C55
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Triclinic":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1

					finalCijs[0]  = __fit(1,1)                               # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], cij12 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,1))  # fit C21	
					finalCijs[7], cij13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,1))  # fit C31					
					finalCijs[8], cij14 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(4,1))  # fit C41					
					finalCijs[9], cij15 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,1))  # fit C51					
					finalCijs[10],cij16 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,1))  # fit C61					
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e2

					finalCijs[6]  = __appendOrReplace(cij12,__fit(1,2))       # fit C12
					finalCijs[1]  = __fit(2,2)                                # fit C22
					finalCijs[11], cij23 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,2))  # fit C32	
					finalCijs[12], cij24 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(4,2))  # fit C42	
					finalCijs[13], cij25 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,2))  # fit C52	
					finalCijs[14], cij26 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,2))  # fit C62		
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e3

					finalCijs[7]  = __appendOrReplace(cij13,__fit(1,3))       # fit C13
					finalCijs[11] = __appendOrReplace(cij23,__fit(2,3))       # fit C23					
					finalCijs[2]  = __fit(3,3)                                # fit C33
					finalCijs[15], cij34 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(4,3))  # fit C43	
					finalCijs[16], cij35 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,3))  # fit C53	
					finalCijs[17], cij36 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,3))  # fit C63	
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e4

					finalCijs[8]   = __appendOrReplace(cij14,__fit(1,4))      # fit C14
					finalCijs[12]  = __appendOrReplace(cij24,__fit(2,4))      # fit C24
					finalCijs[15]  = __appendOrReplace(cij34,__fit(3,4))      # fit C34
					finalCijs[3]   = __fit(4,4)                               # fit C44
					finalCijs[18], cij45 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,4))  # fit C54	
					finalCijs[19], cij46 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,4))  # fit C64		

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e5
					finalCijs[9]    = __appendOrReplace(cij15,__fit(1,5))     # fit C15
					finalCijs[13]   = __appendOrReplace(cij25,__fit(2,5))     # fit C25
					finalCijs[16]   = __appendOrReplace(cij35,__fit(3,5))     # fit C35
					finalCijs[18]   = __appendOrReplace(cij45,__fit(4,5))     # fit C45
					finalCijs[4]    = __fit(5,5)                              # fit C55
					finalCijs[20], cij56 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,5))  # fit C65	
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e6
					finalCijs[10]  = __appendOrReplace(cij16,__fit(1,6))      # fit C16
					finalCijs[14]  = __appendOrReplace(cij26,__fit(2,6))      # fit C26
					finalCijs[17]  = __appendOrReplace(cij36,__fit(3,6))      # fit C36
					finalCijs[19]  = __appendOrReplace(cij46,__fit(4,6))      # fit C46
					finalCijs[20]  = __appendOrReplace(cij56,__fit(5,6))      # fit C56
					finalCijs[5]   = __fit(6,6)                               # fit C66		
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
			print "Unsupported symmetry type. Exiting"
	if options.graphics:
	if symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal" or symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
		# for these systems, C66 is calculated as a combination of the other Cijs.
		finalCijs[5] = 0.5*(finalCijs[0]-finalCijs[6])
	c = cMatrix(symmetryType,TetrHigh)
	# Generate the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants 
	# - negative values signify a symmetry relation
	finalCijMatrix = S.zeros((6,6))	
	for i in range(0,6):
		for j in range(0,6):
			index = int(c[i,j])
			if index > 0:	
				finalCijMatrix[i,j] = finalCijs[index-1]
			elif index < 0:
				finalCijMatrix[i,j] = -finalCijs[-index-1]
	# Tests
	if symmetryType == "Cubic":
		if finalCijs[3] <= 0:
			print "\n *** WARNING: C44 is less than or equal to zero ***\n"
		if finalCijs[0] <= abs(finalCijs[6]):
			print "\n *** WARNING: C11 is less than or equal to |C12| ***\n"
		if (finalCijs[0]+2*finalCijs[6]) <= 0:
			print "\n *** WARNING: C11+2C12 is less than or equal to zero ***\n"
	print "\n<>---------------------------- RESULTS ----------------------------------<>\n"		
	print "Final Cij matrix ("+units+"):"
	print S.array2string(finalCijMatrix,max_line_width=130,suppress_small=True)
	sij = S.linalg.inv(finalCijMatrix)
	print "\nFinal Sij matrix ("+units+"-1):"
	print S.array2string(sij,max_line_width=130,suppress_small=True)
	# bulkModulus = (finalCijs[1]+2*finalCijs[7])/3  #cubic only
	youngX = 1/sij[0,0]
	youngY = 1/sij[1,1]
	youngZ = 1/sij[2,2]
	format = "%18s : %11.5f %8s"
	print ""
	# print format % ("Bulk Modulus", bulkModulus[0], units)
	# print format % ("Compressibility", 1/bulkModulus[0], "1/"+ units)
	print "\n                          x           y           z"
	print "%18s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %6s" % ("Young's Modulus", youngX, youngY, youngZ, units)

	poissonXY = -1*sij[0,1]*youngX
	poissonXZ = -1*sij[0,2]*youngX
	poissonYX = -1*sij[1,0]*youngY
	poissonYZ = -1*sij[1,2]*youngY
	poissonZX = -1*sij[2,0]*youngZ
	poissonZY = -1*sij[2,1]*youngZ
	print "\n                        xy       xz       yx       yz       zx       zy"
	format = "%18s :  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f"
	print format % ("Poisson's Ratios", poissonXY, poissonXZ, poissonYX, poissonYZ, poissonZX, poissonZY)
	print "\n<>--------------------- POLYCRYSTALLINE RESULTS -------------------------<>\n"		

	# These equations might be valid only for orthorhombic systems - check!
	voigtB = (1.0/9)*(finalCijMatrix[0,0] + finalCijMatrix[1,1] + finalCijMatrix[2,2] ) \
		+ (2.0/9)*(finalCijMatrix[0,1] + finalCijMatrix[0,2] + finalCijMatrix[1,2])
	reussB = 1.0/((sij[0,0]+sij[1,1]+sij[2,2]) + 2*(sij[0,1]+sij[0,2]+sij[1,2]))
	voigtG = (1.0/15)*(finalCijMatrix[0,0] + finalCijMatrix[1,1] + finalCijMatrix[2,2] - finalCijMatrix[0,1] - finalCijMatrix[0,2] - finalCijMatrix[1,2]) \
		+ (1.0/5)*(finalCijMatrix[3,3] + finalCijMatrix[4,4] + finalCijMatrix[5,5])
	reussG = 15.0/(4*(sij[0,0]+sij[1,1]+sij[2,2]) - 4*(sij[0,1]+sij[0,2]+sij[1,2]) + 3*(sij[3,3]+sij[4,4]+sij[5,5]))
	format = "%16s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %6s"
	print "                      Voigt       Reuss       Hill"
	print format % ("Bulk Modulus", voigtB, reussB, (voigtB+reussB)/2, units)
	print format % ("Shear Modulus", voigtG, reussG, (voigtG+reussG)/2, units)
	print "\n<>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<>\n"		
	Here on in is just the XML output
	if(options.xml or options.force):
Exemplo n.º 27
def generate_Timescan(cleaned, file_name, line_count, state_indv, state_matrix, state_fit, start, stop, startX, stopX ):
    line_count = int(line_count)
    start = int(start)
    stop = int(stop)
    startX = int(startX)
    stopX = int(stopX)
    tx = cleaned[:,3]
    ty = cleaned[:,4]
    angle = cleaned[:,8]
    intensity = cleaned[:,9]
    time = cleaned[:,10]
    bkg = intensity[intensity>0].min()
    # Check data validity
    if ((time[1:]-time[:-1]).sum()==0):
        status = 0
        status = 1
            time_corr = loadtxt("time_correction.txt")
            time_corr = 0
        tscan = time + time_corr #manual correction of time

        # Crop data to desired dimensions
        if ((start!=0) or (stop!=0) or (startX!=0) or (stopX!=0)):
                intensity = crop_data(intensity,line_count, start, stop, startX, stopX)
                angle = crop_data(angle,line_count, start, stop, startX, stopX)
                tscan = crop_data(tscan,line_count, start, stop, startX, stopX)
                line_count = line_count - start - stop

        int_matrix = intensity.reshape(int(len(intensity)/line_count), int(line_count))
        angle = angle[:int(line_count):]
        tscan = tscan[int(line_count/2)::int(line_count)]

        if state_matrix == 1:
            out_I = column_stack((tscan, int_matrix))
            out_I = row_stack((append([0],angle), out_I))
            savetxt(file_name + '_matrix.txt', out_I.T, fmt = '%10.8f')

        #if state_indv == 1:
            #for i in range(len(tscan)):
                #out_scan = column_stack((angle, int_matrix[i,:]))
                #savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" Tr="+str(int(tscan[i]))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')

        if state_fit == 0:
            out_Ii = int_matrix.sum(axis=1)
            savetxt(file_name + "_int_I.txt", column_stack((tscan, out_Ii)), fmt = '%10.8f')
            #writes individual files
            if state_indv == 1:
                for i in range(len(tscan)):
                    out_scan = column_stack((angle, int_matrix[i,:]))
                    savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" Tr="+str(round(tscan[i],2))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')

            ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
            ax0.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (sec.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax0.set_ylabel(r"$Scanning\ angle\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.imshow(log10(int_matrix+bkg).T, extent=(tscan.min(), tscan.max(), angle.min(),angle.max()), origin='lower', aspect="auto", cmap='jet')
            ax = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax0)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (sec.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Integrated\ intensity\ (counts)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(tscan.min(), tscan.max())
            plt.plot(tscan, out_Ii)
            outfile = open(file_name+ "_fitparams.txt", "w")
            outfile.write("#translation   area esd   position esd   FWHM esd\n")
            for i in range(len(tscan)):
                p, err = pVfit_param_err(angle,int_matrix[i,:])
                outfile.write(str(tscan[i])+" "+str(pVoigt_area(p))+" "+str(pVoigt_area_err(p,err))+" "+str(p[1])+" "+str(err[1])+" "+str(p[2])+" "+ str(err[2]) + "\n")
                #plt.plot(angle, int_matrix[i,:], 'ok', angle, pVoigt(angle, p), '-r')
                #plt.show() #uncomment to check fits
                #writes individual files (exp + fit)
                if state_indv == 1:
                    out_scan = column_stack((angle, int_matrix[i,:]))
                    out_scan = column_stack((out_scan, pVoigt(angle, p)))
                    savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" Tr="+str(round(tscan[i],2))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')

            fit_p = loadtxt(file_name.split(".")[0]+ "_fitparams.txt")
            ax0 = fig.add_subplot(221)
            ax0.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (sec)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax0.set_ylabel(r"$Scanning\ angle\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.imshow(log10(int_matrix+bkg).T, extent=(tscan.min(), tscan.max(), angle.min(),angle.max()), origin='lower', aspect="auto", cmap='jet')

            ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (sec.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Integrated\ intensity\ (Counts)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(tscan.min(), tscan.max())
            plt.plot(tscan, fit_p[:,1])

            ax = fig.add_subplot(222)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (sec.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Peak\ position\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(tscan.min(), tscan.max())
            plt.plot(tscan, fit_p[:,3])

            ax = fig.add_subplot(224)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (sec.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$FWHM\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(tscan.min(), tscan.max())
            plt.plot(tscan, fit_p[:,5])
    return status
Exemplo n.º 28
def generate_RSM(cleaned, file_name, scantype, line_count, wl, state_log, state_angmat, state_qmat, state_xyz, step, start, stop, start2, stop2, thresh, threshmax):
    line_count = int(line_count)
    start = int(start)
    stop = int(stop)
    start2 = int(start2)
    stop2 = int(stop2)
    phi = cleaned[:,2]
    om = cleaned[:,5]
    offset = cleaned[:,6]
    tth = cleaned[:,7]
    scanning = cleaned[:,8]
    intensity = cleaned[:,9]
    bkg = intensity[intensity!=0].min()
    if threshmax == 0.0:
        threshmax = log10(intensity.max())

    # Check data validity
    if ((om[1:]-om[:-1]).sum() == 0) and ((phi[1:]-phi[:-1]).sum() == 0):
        status = 0
        status = 1
        if state_log == 1:
            intensity = log10(intensity+bkg)

        # Crop data to desired dimensions
        if ((start!=0) or (stop!=0) or (start2!=0) or (stop2!=0)):
            intensity = crop_data(intensity, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            om = crop_data(om, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            offset = crop_data(offset, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            tth = crop_data(tth, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            scanning = crop_data(scanning, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)
            phi = crop_data(phi, line_count, start, stop, start2, stop2)

            line_count = line_count - start - stop

        # Compute Q, Qz for different scanning geometries
        if "PSDFIXED" in scantype:
            inplane = 0
            Qx = 4*pi*sin(scanning*pi/360)*sin((om-scanning/2)*pi/180) / wl
            Qz = 4*pi*sin(scanning*pi/360)*cos((om-scanning/2)*pi/180) / wl

        if "COUPLED" in scantype:
            inplane = 0
            # Check if theta is the scanning motor and correct accordingly
            if (scanning[::line_count]-om[::line_count]).sum() == 0:
                scanning = 2*(scanning - offset)
            Qx = 4*pi*sin(scanning*pi/360)*sin((offset)*pi/180) / wl
            Qz = 4*pi*sin(scanning*pi/360)*cos((offset)*pi/180) / wl

        if "THETA" in scantype and ((phi[1:]-phi[:-1]).sum() != 0):
            inplane = 1
            Qx = (4*pi*sin(tth*pi/360)*sin((scanning-tth/2)*pi/180) / wl)*cos(phi*pi/180)
            Qz = (4*pi*sin(tth*pi/360)*sin((scanning-tth/2)*pi/180) / wl)*sin(phi*pi/180) #Actually correspond to Qy

        # interpolate intensity to a square mesh in reciprocal space
        grid_x, grid_z = mgrid[Qx.min():Qx.max()+step:step,Qz.min():Qz.max()+step:step]
        grid_I = griddata(column_stack((Qx, Qz)), intensity, (grid_x, grid_z), fill_value = 0, method='linear')
        #grid_I[grid_I<=thresh] = nan

        #Export data files
        if state_angmat == 1 and inplane == 0:
            scanning = scanning[:line_count:]
            if ((om[1:]-om[:-1]).sum() != 0):
                om = om[::line_count]
                om = tth[::line_count]
            int_matrix = intensity.reshape(int(len(intensity)/line_count), int(line_count))
            int_matrix = column_stack((om, int_matrix))
            int_matrix = row_stack((append([0], scanning), int_matrix))
            savetxt(file_name + '_angular_matrix.txt', int_matrix.T, fmt = '%10.8f')

        if state_angmat == 1 and inplane == 1:
            scanning = scanning[:line_count:]
            phi = phi[::line_count]
            int_matrix = intensity.reshape(int(len(intensity)/line_count), int(line_count))
            int_matrix = column_stack((phi, int_matrix))
            int_matrix = row_stack((append([0], scanning), int_matrix))
            savetxt(file_name + '_angular_matrix.txt', int_matrix.T, fmt = '%10.8f')

        if state_qmat == 1:
            qx = grid_x[:,0]
            qz = grid_z[0,:]
            out_I = column_stack((qx, grid_I[:]))
            out_I = row_stack((append([0],qz), out_I))
            savetxt(file_name + '_Q_matrix.txt', out_I.T, fmt = '%10.8f')

        if state_xyz == 1:
            if inplane == 0:
                savetxt(file_name + '_QxQzlogI.txt', column_stack((Qx,Qz, intensity)), fmt = '%10.8f')
            if inplane == 1:
                savetxt(file_name + '_QxQylogI.txt', column_stack((Qx,Qz, intensity)), fmt = '%10.8f')

        if state_log == 0:
            grid_I = log10(grid_I+bkg)

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.set_xlabel(r"$Q_x (2 \pi / \AA)$", fontsize=16)
        if inplane == 0:
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Q_z (2 \pi / \AA)$", fontsize=16)
        if inplane == 1:
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Q_y (2 \pi / \AA)$", fontsize=16)
        plt.imshow(grid_I.T, extent=(Qx.min(),Qx.max()+step,Qz.min(),Qz.max()+step), origin='lower', cmap='jet', vmin=thresh, vmax=threshmax)

    return status
Exemplo n.º 29
def extract_and_evaluate_core(split,m,convolve_func_name,task,cache_port):
    classifier_kwargs = task.get('classifier_kwargs',{})  
    train_data = split['train_data']
    test_data = split['test_data']
    train_labels = split['train_labels']
    test_labels = split['test_labels']                
    train_filenames = [t['filename'] for t in train_data]
    test_filenames = [t['filename'] for t in test_data]
    assert set(train_filenames).intersection(test_filenames) == set([])

    existing_train_features = [get_from_cache((tf,m,task.get('transform_average')),FEATURE_CACHE) for tf in train_filenames]
    existing_train_labels = [train_labels[i] for (i,x) in enumerate(existing_train_features) if x is not None]
    new_train_filenames = [train_filenames[i] for (i,x) in enumerate(existing_train_features) if x is None]
    new_train_labels = [train_labels[i] for (i,x) in enumerate(existing_train_features) if x is None]

    existing_test_features = [get_from_cache((tf,m,task.get('transform_average')),FEATURE_CACHE) for tf in test_filenames]
    existing_test_labels = [test_labels[i] for (i,x) in enumerate(existing_test_features) if x is not None]
    new_test_filenames =[test_filenames[i] for (i,x) in enumerate(existing_test_features) if x is None]
    new_test_labels = [test_labels[i] for (i,x) in enumerate(existing_test_features) if x is None]

    if convolve_func_name == 'numpy':
        num_batches = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        if num_batches > 1:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
    elif convolve_func_name == 'pyfft':

        num_batches = get_num_gpus()
        if num_batches > 1:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = num_batches)
            pool = None
        raise ValueError, 'convolve func name not recognized'

    if num_batches > 1:
        batches = get_data_batches(new_train_filenames,num_batches)
        results = []
        for (bn,b) in enumerate(batches):
        results = [r.get() for r in results]
        new_train_features = ListUnion(results)
        batches = get_data_batches(new_test_filenames,num_batches)
        results = []
        for (bn,b) in enumerate(batches):
        results = [r.get() for r in results]
        new_test_features = ListUnion(results)
        print('train feature extraction ...')
        new_train_features = extract_and_evaluate_inner_core(new_train_filenames,m,convolve_func_name,0,task,cache_port)
        print('test feature extraction ...')
        new_test_features = extract_and_evaluate_inner_core(new_test_filenames,m,convolve_func_name,0,task,cache_port)

    #TODO get the order consistent with original ordering
    train_features = sp.row_stack(filter(lambda x : x is not None,existing_train_features) + new_train_features)
    test_features = sp.row_stack(filter(lambda x : x is not None, existing_test_features) + new_test_features)
    train_labels = existing_train_labels + new_train_labels
    test_labels = existing_test_labels + new_test_labels
    for (im,f) in zip(new_train_filenames,new_train_features):
    for(im,f) in zip(new_test_filenames,new_test_features):
    print('classifier ...')
    res = svm.classify(train_features,train_labels,test_features,test_labels,classifier_kwargs)
    print('Split test accuracy', res['test_accuracy'])
    return res
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: svm.py Projeto: yamins81/ecc
def ova_classify(train_features,
    Classifier using one-vs-all on top of liblinear binary classification.  
    Computes mean average precision (mAP) and mean area-under-the-curve (mAUC)
    by averaging these measure of the binary results. 
    train_features, test_features = __sphere(train_features, test_features)

    labels = sp.unique(sp.concatenate((train_labels, test_labels)))
    label_to_id = dict([(k,v) for v, k in enumerate(labels)])

    train_ids = sp.array([label_to_id[i] for i in train_labels])
    test_ids = sp.array([label_to_id[i] for i in test_labels])
    all_ids = sp.array(range(len(labels)))

    classifiers = []
    aps = []
    aucs = []
    cls_datas = []

    signs = []
    for id in all_ids: 
        binary_train_ids = sp.array([2*int(l == id) - 1 for l in train_ids])
        binary_test_ids = sp.array([2*int(l == id) - 1 for l in test_ids])
        res = classify(train_features, binary_train_ids, test_features, binary_test_ids,sphere=False)
    mean_ap = sp.array(aps).mean()
    mean_auc = sp.array(aucs).mean()
    signs = sp.array(signs)
    weights = signs * (sp.row_stack([cls_data['coef'] for cls_data in cls_datas]).T)
    bias = signs * (sp.row_stack([cls_data['intercept'] for cls_data in cls_datas]).T)
    predictor = max_predictor(weights,bias,labels)
    test_prediction = predictor(test_features)
    test_accuracy = 100*(test_prediction == test_labels).sum() / len(test_prediction)

    train_prediction = predictor(train_features)
    train_accuracy = 100*(train_prediction == train_labels).sum() / len(train_prediction)

    cls_data = {'coef' : weights, 
     'intercept' : bias, 
     'train_labels': train_labels,
     'test_labels' : test_labels,
     'train_prediction': train_prediction, 
     'test_prediction' : test_prediction,
     'labels' : labels

    return {'cls_data' : cls_data,
     'train_accuracy' : train_accuracy,
     'test_accuracy' : test_accuracy,
     'mean_ap' : mean_ap,
     'mean_auc' : mean_auc
Exemplo n.º 31

# parameters
baseDataDir = '../data/'

# load data
x = scipy.loadtxt(baseDataDir + 'QuickStartExampleX.dat', dtype=scipy.float64)
y = scipy.loadtxt(baseDataDir + 'QuickStartExampleY.dat', dtype=scipy.float64)

# create weights
t = scipy.ones((50, 1), dtype=scipy.float64)
wts = scipy.row_stack((t, 2 * t))

# call glmnet
fit = glmnet.glmnet(x = x.copy(), y = y.copy(), family = 'gaussian', \
                    weights = wts, \
                    alpha = 0.2, nlambda = 20

glmnetPlot.glmnetPlot(fit, xvar='lambda', label=True)
glmnetPlot.glmnetPlot(fit, xvar='dev', label=True)
any(fit['lambdau'] == 0.5)
coefApprx = glmnetCoef.glmnetCoef(fit, s=scipy.float64([0.5]), exact=False)
Exemplo n.º 32
def main(input_options, libmode=False):
	def analysePatterns(strain):

		# these are the IRE conventions, except that integers are 0->5 rather than 1->6
		strainDict = {0:"xx",1:"yy",2:"zz",3:"yz", 4:"zx", 5:"xy"}

		strainsUsed = S.zeros((6,1))

		for a in range(0,S.size(strain)):
			if strain[a] != 0.0:
				print strainDict[a], "component is non-zero"
				strainsUsed[a] = 1
				strainsUsed[a] = 0

		return strainsUsed

	def cMatrix(symmetryType,TetrHigh):
		if symmetryType == "Cubic" :
			return S.matrix([[1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0],
					 [7, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0],
					 [7, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0],
					 [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
					 [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
					 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4]])

		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal":
			return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0],
					 [7, 1, 8, 0,-9, 0],
					 [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
					 [9, -9, 0, 4, 0, 0],
					 [10, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
					 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
			return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0],
					 [7, 1, 8, -9, -10, 0],
					 [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
					 [9, -9, 0, 4, 0, -10],
					 [10,-10, 0, 0, 4, 9],
					 [0, 0, 0, -10, 9, 6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Tetragonal":
			if TetrHigh == "-1":
				print "Higher-symmetry tetragonal (422,4mm,4-2m,4/mmm)"
				return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0],
						 [7, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0],
						 [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
						 [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
					 	 [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
						 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]])
				print "Lower-symmetry tetragonal (4,-4,4/m)"
				return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 11],
						 [7, 1, 8, 0, 0, -11],
						 [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0],
						 [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
						 [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
						 [11, -11, 0, 0, 0, 6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Orthorhombic":
			return S.matrix([[ 1,  7,  8,  0,  0,  0],
					 [ 7,  2, 12,  0,  0,  0],
					 [ 8, 12,  3,  0,  0,  0],
					 [ 0,  0,  0,  4,  0,  0],
					 [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  5,  0],
					 [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Monoclinic":
			return S.matrix([[ 1,  7,  8,  0,  10,  0],
					 [ 7,  2, 12,  0, 14,  0],
					 [ 8, 12,  3,  0, 17,  0],
					 [ 0,  0,  0,  4,  0,  20],
					 [10, 14, 17,  0,  5,  0],
					 [ 0,  0,  0, 20,  0,  6]])

		elif symmetryType == "Triclinic":
			return S.matrix([[ 1,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11],
					 [ 7,  2, 12,  13, 14,  15],
					 [ 8, 12,  3,  16, 17,  18],
					 [ 9, 13, 16,  4,  19,  20],
					 [10, 14, 17, 19,  5,  21],
					 [11, 15, 18, 20,  21,  6]])	

	def get_options():
		# deal with options
		if not libmode:
			p = optparse.OptionParser()
			p.add_option('--force-cml-output','-f', action='store_true', help="Force CML output",dest="force")
			p.add_option('--graphics', '-g', action='store_true', help="Show graphics (requires matplotlib)")
			p.add_option('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help="Debug mode (output to stdout rather than file)")
			p.add_option('--latex', action='store_true', help="dump LaTeX formatted table to file",dest="latex")
			p.add_option('--latex-nt', action='store_true', help="supress LaaTeX line titles", dest='latex_nt')
			p.add_option('--txt', action='store', help="Append line to text file",dest="txt", type="string")

			options,arguments = p.parse_args(args=input_options)
			class PotM_Options:
				xml = True
				graphics = True
				castep = False
				debug = False
			options = PotM_Options()
			taskRe = re.compile(r"(.+)-\w+\.cml")
			arguments = taskRe.findall(input_options[1][0])
			global outfile
			outfile = input_options[0]
		if options.graphics:
				global P
				import pylab as P
			except ImportError:
				print >> sys.stderr, "You need to have matplotlib installed for the --graphics option"
		return options, arguments
	options, arguments = get_options()

	# Not sure why the lattice types are enumerated like this, but this is how .cijdat does it...
	latticeTypes = {0:"Unknown", 1:"Triclinic", 2:"Monoclinic", 3:"Orthorhombic", \
		4:"Tetragonal", 5:"Cubic", 6:"Trigonal-low", 7:"Trigonal-high/Hexagonal"}

	# Get strain tensors
	seedname = arguments[0]

	cijdat = open(seedname+".cijdat","r")
	print "\nReading strain data from ", seedname+".cijdat\n"

	numStrainPatterns = (len(cijdat.readlines())-2)/4 #total for all strain patterns


	# deal with those first four integers
	latticeType,numsteps,TetrHigh,TrigHigh = cijdat.readline().split()
	numsteps = int(numsteps)

	symmetryType = latticeTypes[int(latticeType)]
	print "System is", symmetryType,"\n"
	# get maximum magnitude of strains
	magnitude = float(cijdat.readline())
	print numsteps, "steps of maximum magnitude",magnitude
	# if using graphics, do some initial set-up
	if options.graphics:	
		fig = P.figure(num=1, figsize=(9.5,8),facecolor='white')
		colourDict = {0: '#BAD0EF', 1:'#FFCECE', 2:'#BDF4CB', 3:'#EEF093',4:'#FFA4FF',5:'#75ECFD'}

		for index1 in range(6):
		    for index2 in range(6):
				# position this plot in a 6x6 grid
				sp = P.subplot(6,6,6*(index1)+index2+1)
				# change the labels on the axes
				# xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
				# P.setp(xlabels,'rotation',90,fontsize=7)
				# ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
				# P.setp(ylabels,fontsize=7)
				P.text(0.4,0.4, "n/a")
	print "\n<>---------------------------- ANALYSIS ---------------------------------<>"		
	# initialise 1d array to store all 21 unique elastic constants - will be transformed into 6x6 matrix later
	finalCijs = S.zeros((21,1))
	errors = S.zeros((21,1))
	for patt in range(numStrainPatterns/numsteps):
		print patt
		print "\nAnalysing pattern", patt+1, ":"
		for a in range(0,numsteps):  
			pattern = cijdat.readline()
			# grab the strain data from the .cijdat file
			line1 = cijdat.readline().split()
			line2 = cijdat.readline().split()
			line3 = cijdat.readline().split()
			# only take from the top right triangle
			# numbering according to IRE conventions (Proc IRE, 1949)
			if a == 0:
				strain = S.array([float(line1[0]),float(line2[1]),float(line3[2]),2*float(line2[2]),2*float(line1[2]),2*float(line1[1])])
				strain = S.row_stack((strain,S.array([float(line1[0]),float(line2[1]),float(line3[2]),2*float(line2[2]),2*float(line1[2]),2*float(line1[1])])))
			# now get corresponding stress data from the output file
                        (units, thisStress) = espresso.get_stress(seedname+
			# again, top right triangle
			if a == 0:
				stress = thisStress
				stress = S.row_stack((stress,thisStress))
		print stress
		print strain

		Both the stress and strain matrices use the IRE conventions to reduce the
		3x3 matrices to 1x6 arrays. These 1D arrays aerror = sqrt((sum(square(stress[:,index1-1] - fit_str)) / \
				             (numsteps-2))/(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1]))))re then stacked to form a 
		Nx6 array, where N=number of steps.
		Note that strain and stress arrays are numbered 0->5 rather than 1->6
		def __fit(index1, index2):
			from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
			# do the fit
			(cijFitted,intercept,r,tt,stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:,index2-1],stress[:,index1-1])

			if (S.__version__ < '0.7.0'):
				# correct for scipy weirdness - see http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/8
				# This was fixed before 0.7.0 release. Maybe in some versions of 0.6.x too - 
				# will report huge errors if the check is wrong
				stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2)/(numsteps-2))
				error  = stderr/sqrt(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1])))
				# Work out the error ourselves as I cannot get it from
				# stderr and this has been checked with gnuplot's fitter
				fit_str = ((strain[:,index2-1] * cijFitted) + intercept)
				error = sqrt((sum(square(stress[:,index1-1] - fit_str)) / \
			# print info about the fit
			print '\n'
			print     'Cij (gradient)          :    ', cijFitted
			print     'Error in Cij            :    ', error
			print     'Intercept               :    ', intercept
			if abs(r) > 0.9:
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r, '     <----- WARNING'
			# if using graphics, add a subplot
			if options.graphics:
				# position this plot in a 6x6 grid
				sp = P.subplot(6,6,6*(index1-1)+index2)
				# change the labels on the axes
				xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
				ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
				# colour the plot depending on the strain pattern

				# plot the data
			return cijFitted, error
		def __appendOrReplace(valList,erList,val):
				return (sum(valList)/len(valList)), (S.sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in erList])/len(erList)**2))
			except NameError:
				return val[0], val[1]
		def __createListAndAppend(val):
			newList = []
			errorList = []
			return val[0], newList, val[1], errorList

		cij = S.zeros(21)
		# Analyse the patterns to see which strains were applied
		strainsUsed = analysePatterns(strain[0,:])

		# should check strains are as expected

		if symmetryType == "Cubic":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4		

				finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1,1)                    # fit C11
				fit_21, fit_21_error = __fit(2,1)
				fit_31, fit_31_error = __fit(3,1)
				finalCijs[6] = (fit_21 + fit_31)/2   # fit C21+C31		
				errors[6] = S.sqrt((fit_21_error**2)/4 + (fit_31_error**2)/4)
				finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4,4)                    # fit C44
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e3 (hexagonal)

					# fit C13 + C23, and add to list (more values coming...)
					finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(1,3))
					finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,3))
					finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 (hexagonal)

					finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1,1)                          # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2,1)                          # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __appendOrReplace(cij13,er13,__fit(3,1)) # fit C31
					finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4,4)                          # fit C44

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e1 (trigonal-high)

					finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1,1)                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2,1)                # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __fit(3,1)                # fit C31
					finalCijs[8], errors[8] = __fit(4,1)                # fit C41
					finalCijs[9], errors[9] = __fit(5,1)                # fit C51
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e3+e4 (trigonal-high)
					# could recalculate C13/C14/C23/C24/C46 here, but won't just now
					finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
					finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4,4)                # fit C44
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e1 

					finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1,1)                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2,1)                # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __fit(3,1)                # fit C31
					finalCijs[8], errors[8] = __fit(4,1)                # fit C41
					finalCijs[9], errors[9] = __fit(5,1)                # fit C51
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	
					# strain pattern e3+e4
					# could recalculate C13/C14/C23/C24/C46 here, but won't just now

					finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
					finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4,4)                # fit C44
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Tetragonal":			
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 

					finalCijs[0],  errors[0]  = __fit(1,1)               # fit C11
					finalCijs[6],  errors[6]  = __fit(2,1)               # fit C21
					finalCijs[7],  errors[7]  = __fit(3,1)               # fit C31
					finalCijs[10], errors[10] = __fit(6,1)               # fit C61
					finalCijs[3],  errors[3]  = __fit(4,4)               # fit C44

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e3+e6
					finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3,3)                # fit C33
					finalCijs[5], errors[5] = __fit(6,6)                # fit C66
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Orthorhombic":			
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 

					finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1,1)                                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], cij12, errors[6], er12 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,1))  # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,1))  # fit C31
					finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4,4)                                # fit C44
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e2+e5 

					finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __appendOrReplace(cij12,er12,__fit(1,2))       # fit C12	
					finalCijs[1], errors[1] = __fit(2,2)                                # fit C22
					finalCijs[11], cij23, errors[11], er23 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,2)) # fit C32						
					finalCijs[4], errors[4] = __fit(5,5)                                # fit C55
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e3+e6 

					finalCijs[7],  errors[7]  = __appendOrReplace(cij13,er13,__fit(1,3))      # fit C13
					finalCijs[11], errors[11] = __appendOrReplace(cij23,er23,__fit(2,3))      # fit C23
					finalCijs[2], errors[2]  = __fit(3,3)                               # fit C33
					finalCijs[5], errors[5]  = __fit(6,6)                               # fit C66
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Monoclinic":			
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1+e4 

					finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1,1)                                # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], cij12, errors[6], er12 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,1))  # fit C21
					finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,1))  # fit C31
					finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4,4)                                # fit C44				
					finalCijs[9], cij51, errors[9], er51 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,1))  # fit C51	
					finalCijs[19], cij64, errors[19], er64 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,4)) # fit C64

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e3+e6 

					finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __appendOrReplace(cij13,er13,__fit(1,3))       # fit C13
					finalCijs[11], cij23, errors[11], er23 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,3)) # fit C23
					finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3,3)                                # fit C33
					finalCijs[16], cij53, errors[16], er53 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,3)) # fit C53
					finalCijs[19], errors[19] = __appendOrReplace(cij64,er64,__fit(4,6))      # fit C46
					finalCijs[5], errors[5] = __fit(6,6)                                # fit C66
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e2

					finalCijs[6], errors[6]  = __appendOrReplace(cij12,er12,__fit(1,2))      # fit C12
					finalCijs[1], errors[1]  = __fit(2,2)                               # fit C22
					finalCijs[11],errors[11] = __appendOrReplace(cij23,er23,__fit(3,2))      # fit C32					
					finalCijs[13], cij52, errors[13], er52 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,2)) # fit C52

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e5

					finalCijs[9], errors[9]  = __appendOrReplace(cij51,er51,__fit(1,5))      # fit C15
					finalCijs[13],errors[13] = __appendOrReplace(cij52,er52,__fit(2,5))      # fit C25
					finalCijs[16],errors[16] = __appendOrReplace(cij53,er53,__fit(3,5))      # fit C35
					finalCijs[4], errors[4]  = __fit(5,5)                               # fit C55
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
		elif symmetryType == "Triclinic":
			if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e1

					finalCijs[0], errors[0]  = __fit(1,1)                               # fit C11
					finalCijs[6], cij12, errors[6], er12 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(2,1))  # fit C21	
					finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,1))  # fit C31					
					finalCijs[8], cij14, errors[8], er14 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(4,1))  # fit C41					
					finalCijs[9], cij15, errors[9], er15 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,1))  # fit C51					
					finalCijs[10],cij16, errors[10],er16 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,1))  # fit C61					
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e2

					finalCijs[6], errors[6]  = __appendOrReplace(cij12,er12,__fit(1,2))       # fit C12
					finalCijs[1], errors[1]  = __fit(2,2)                                # fit C22
					finalCijs[11], cij23, errors[11], er23 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(3,2))  # fit C32	
					finalCijs[12], cij24, errors[12], er24 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(4,2))  # fit C42	
					finalCijs[13], cij25, errors[13], er25 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,2))  # fit C52	
					finalCijs[14], cij26, errors[14], er26 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,2))  # fit C62		
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e3

					finalCijs[7],  errors[7]  = __appendOrReplace(cij13,er13,__fit(1,3))       # fit C13
					finalCijs[11], errors[11] = __appendOrReplace(cij23,er23,__fit(2,3))       # fit C23					
					finalCijs[2],  errors[2]  = __fit(3,3)                                # fit C33
					finalCijs[15], cij34, errors[15], er34 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(4,3))  # fit C43	
					finalCijs[16], cij35, errors[16], er35 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,3))  # fit C53	
					finalCijs[17], cij36, errors[17], er36 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,3))  # fit C63	
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e4

					finalCijs[8],  errors[8]  = __appendOrReplace(cij14,er14,__fit(1,4))      # fit C14
					finalCijs[12], errors[12] = __appendOrReplace(cij24,er24,__fit(2,4))      # fit C24
					finalCijs[15], errors[15] = __appendOrReplace(cij34,er34,__fit(3,4))      # fit C34
					finalCijs[3],  errors[3]  = __fit(4,4)                               # fit C44
					finalCijs[18], cij45, errors[18], er45 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(5,4))  # fit C54	
					finalCijs[19], cij46, errors[19], er46 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,4))  # fit C64		

			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):	# strain pattern e5
					finalCijs[9],  errors[9]  = __appendOrReplace(cij15,er15,__fit(1,5))     # fit C15
					finalCijs[13], errors[13] = __appendOrReplace(cij25,er25,__fit(2,5))     # fit C25
					finalCijs[16], errors[16] = __appendOrReplace(cij35,er35,__fit(3,5))     # fit C35
					finalCijs[18], errors[18] = __appendOrReplace(cij45,er45,__fit(4,5))     # fit C45
					finalCijs[4],  errors[4]  = __fit(5,5)                              # fit C55
					finalCijs[20], cij56, errors[20], er56 = __createListAndAppend(__fit(6,5))  # fit C65	
			elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):	# strain pattern e6
					finalCijs[10], errors[10]  = __appendOrReplace(cij16,er16,__fit(1,6))      # fit C16
					finalCijs[14], errors[14]  = __appendOrReplace(cij26,er26,__fit(2,6))      # fit C26
					finalCijs[17], errors[17]  = __appendOrReplace(cij36,er36,__fit(3,6))      # fit C36
					finalCijs[19], errors[19]  = __appendOrReplace(cij46,er46,__fit(4,6))      # fit C46
					finalCijs[20], errors[20]  = __appendOrReplace(cij56,er56,__fit(5,6))      # fit C56
					finalCijs[5],  errors[5]   = __fit(6,6)                               # fit C66		
				print "Unsupported strain pattern"
			print "Unsupported symmetry type. Exiting"
	if options.graphics:
	if symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal" or symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
		# for these systems, C66 is calculated as a combination of the other Cijs.
		finalCijs[5] = 0.5*(finalCijs[0]-finalCijs[6])
		errors[5] = S.sqrt(0.25*(errors[0]**2+errors[6]**2))
	c = cMatrix(symmetryType,TetrHigh)
	# Generate the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants 
	# - negative values signify a symmetry relation
	finalCijMatrix = S.zeros((6,6))	
	finalErrors = S.zeros((6,6))
	for i in range(0,6):
		for j in range(0,6):
			index = int(c[i,j])
			if index > 0:	
				finalCijMatrix[i,j] = finalCijs[index-1]
				finalErrors[i,j] = errors[index-1]
			elif index < 0:
				finalCijMatrix[i,j] = -finalCijs[-index-1]
				finalErrors[i,j] = -errors[-index-1]
	# Tests
	if symmetryType == "Cubic":
		if finalCijs[3] <= 0:
			print "\n *** WARNING: C44 is less than or equal to zero ***\n"
		if finalCijs[0] <= abs(finalCijs[6]):
			print "\n *** WARNING: C11 is less than or equal to |C12| ***\n"
		if (finalCijs[0]+2*finalCijs[6]) <= 0:
			print "\n *** WARNING: C11+2C12 is less than or equal to zero ***\n"
	print "\n<>---------------------------- RESULTS ----------------------------------<>\n"		
	print "Final Cij matrix ("+units+"):"
	print S.array2string(finalCijMatrix,max_line_width=130,suppress_small=True)
	print "\nErrors on Cij matrix ("+units+"):"
	print S.array2string(finalErrors,max_line_width=130,suppress_small=True)

	(sij, esij, covsij) = CijUtil.invertCij(finalCijMatrix,finalErrors)	
	print "\nFinal Sij matrix ("+units+"-1):"
	print S.array2string(sij,max_line_width=130,suppress_small=True)
	print "\nErrors on Sij matrix ("+units+"-1):"
	print S.array2string(esij,max_line_width=130,suppress_small=True)

	if symmetryType == "Cubic":
		print "  Zener anisotropy index     : %6.5f +/- %6.5f" % (CijUtil.zenerAniso(finalCijMatrix,finalErrors))
	print "  Universal anisotropy index : %6.5f +/- %6.5f" % (CijUtil.uAniso(finalCijMatrix,finalErrors))
	print "  (Rangnthn and Ostoja-Starzewski, PRL 101, 055504)\n"

	(youngX, youngY, youngZ, eyoungX, eyoungY, eyoungZ,
	poissonXY, poissonXZ, poissonYX, poissonYZ, poissonZX, poissonZY,
	epoissonXY, epoissonXZ, epoissonYX, epoissonYZ, epoissonZX, epoissonZY) = CijUtil.youngsmod(finalCijMatrix,finalErrors)
	format = "%18s : %11.5f %8s"
	print "\n                          x           y           z"
	print "%18s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %6s" % ("Young's Modulus", youngX, youngY, youngZ, units)
	print "%18s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f " % ("      +/-      ", eyoungX, eyoungY, eyoungZ)

	print "\n                        xy       xz       yx       yz       zx       zy"
	format = "%18s :  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f"
	print format % ("Poisson's Ratios", poissonXY, poissonXZ, poissonYX, poissonYZ, poissonZX, poissonZY)
	print format % ("             +/-", epoissonXY, epoissonXZ, epoissonYX, epoissonYZ, epoissonZX, epoissonZY)
	print "\n<>--------------------- POLYCRYSTALLINE RESULTS -------------------------<>\n"		
	(voigtB, reussB, voigtG, reussG, hillB, hillG, evB, erB, evG, erG, ehB, ehG) = CijUtil.polyCij(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors)
	format = "%16s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %6s"
	print "                     Voigt         +/-       Reuss         +/-       Hill          +/-"
	print format % ("Bulk Modulus", voigtB, evB, reussB, erB, hillB, ehB, units)
	print format % ("Shear Modulus", voigtG, evG, reussG, erG, hillG, ehG, units)
	print "\n<>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<>\n"		
	S.savetxt(seedname + '_cij.txt', finalCijMatrix)	
	if options.latex:
		CijUtil.latexCij(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors, seedname + '.tex', options.latex_nt)
	if options.txt:
		CijUtil.txtCij(finalCijMatrix, options.txt)
Exemplo n.º 33
def generate_Temp(cleaned, file_name, line_count, state_indv, state_matrix, state_fit, start, stop, startT, stopT):
    line_count = int(line_count)
    start = int(start)
    stop = int(stop)
    startT = int(startT)
    stopT = int(stopT)
    temperature = cleaned[:,0]
    angle = cleaned[:,8]
    intensity = cleaned[:,9]
    bkg = intensity[intensity!=0].min()
    # Check data validity
    if (temperature[1:]-temperature[:-1]).sum() == 0:
        status = 0
        status = 1
        # Crop data to desired dimensions
        if ((start!=0) or (stop!=0) or (startT!=0) or (stopT!=0)):
                intensity = crop_data(intensity,line_count, start, stop, startT, stopT)
                angle = crop_data(angle,line_count, start, stop, startT, stopT)
                temperature = crop_data(temperature,line_count, start, stop, startT, stopT)
                line_count = line_count - start - stop

        int_matrix = intensity.reshape(int(len(intensity)/line_count), int(line_count))
        angle = angle[:int(line_count):]
        temperature = temperature[::int(line_count)]

        #Export data files
        if state_matrix == 1:
            out_I = column_stack((temperature, int_matrix))
            out_I = row_stack((append([0],angle), out_I))
            savetxt(file_name + '_matrix.txt', out_I.T, fmt = '%10.8f')

        # Compute integrated intensity + plotting
        if state_fit == 0:
            out_Ii = int_matrix.sum(axis=1)
            #writes result file
            savetxt(file_name + "_int_I.txt", column_stack((temperature, out_Ii)), fmt = '%10.8f')
            #writes individual files
            if state_indv == 1:
                for i in range(len(temperature)):
                    out_scan = column_stack((angle, int_matrix[i,:]))
                    savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" T="+str(round(temperature[i],2))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')

            ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
            ax0.set_xlabel(r"$Temperature\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax0.set_ylabel(r"$Scanning\ angle\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.imshow(log10(int_matrix+bkg).T, extent=(temperature.min(), temperature.max(), angle.min(),angle.max()), origin='lower', aspect="auto", cmap='jet')
            ax = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax0)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Temperature\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Integrated\ intensity\ (counts)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(temperature.min(), temperature.max())
            plt.plot(temperature, out_Ii)
        # Fit diffraction profiles with a pseudo Voigt + plotting
            outfile = open(file_name+ "_fit_params.txt", "w")
            outfile.write("#temperature   area esd   position esd   FWHM esd\n")
            for i in range(len(temperature)):
                p, err = pVfit_param_err(angle,int_matrix[i,:])
                outfile.write(str(temperature[i])+" "+str(pVoigt_area(p))+" "+str(pVoigt_area_err(p,err))+" "+str(p[1])+" "+str(err[1])+" "+str(p[2])+" "+ str(err[2]) + "\n")
                #plt.plot(angle, int_matrix[i,:], 'ok', angle, pVoigt(angle, p), '-r')
                #plt.show() #uncomment to check fits
                #writes individual files (exp and fit)
                if state_indv == 1:
                    out_scan = column_stack((angle, int_matrix[i,:]))
                    out_scan = column_stack((out_scan, pVoigt(angle, p)))
                    savetxt(file_name + "_Scan"+str(i+1)+" T="+str(round(temperature[i],2))+".txt", out_scan, fmt = '%10.8f')

            fit_p = loadtxt(file_name.split(".")[0]+ "_fit_params.txt")
            ax0 = fig.add_subplot(221)
            ax0.set_xlabel(r"$Temperature\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax0.set_ylabel(r"$Scanning\ angle\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.imshow(log10(int_matrix+bkg).T, extent=(temperature.min(), temperature.max(), angle.min(),angle.max()), origin='lower', aspect="auto", cmap='jet')

            ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Temperature\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Integrated\ intensity\ (counts)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(temperature.min(), temperature.max())
            plt.plot(temperature, fit_p[:,1])

            ax = fig.add_subplot(222)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Temperature\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$Peak\ position\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(temperature.min(), temperature.max())
            plt.plot(temperature, fit_p[:,3])

            ax = fig.add_subplot(224)
            ax.set_xlabel(r"$Temperature\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$FWHM\ (deg.)$", fontsize = 14)
            plt.xlim(temperature.min(), temperature.max())
            plt.plot(temperature, fit_p[:,5])
    return status
Exemplo n.º 34
def main(input_options, libmode=False):
    def analysePatterns(strain):

        # these are the IRE conventions, except that integers are 0->5 rather than 1->6
        strainDict = {0: "xx", 1: "yy", 2: "zz", 3: "yz", 4: "zx", 5: "xy"}

        strainsUsed = S.zeros((6, 1))

        for a in range(0, S.size(strain)):
            if strain[a] != 0.0:
                print strainDict[a], "component is non-zero"
                strainsUsed[a] = 1
                strainsUsed[a] = 0

        return strainsUsed

    def cMatrix(symmetryType, TetrHigh):
        if symmetryType == "Cubic":
            return S.matrix([[1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0], [7, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0],
                             [7, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4]])

        elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal":
            return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0], [7, 1, 8, -9, 0, 0],
                             [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [9, -9, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 9], [0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 6]])

        elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
            return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0], [7, 1, 8, -9, -10, 0],
                             [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [9, -9, 0, 4, 0, -10],
                             [10, -10, 0, 0, 4, 9], [0, 0, 0, -10, 9, 6]])

        elif symmetryType == "Tetragonal":
            if TetrHigh == "-1":
                print "Higher-symmetry tetragonal (422,4mm,4-2m,4/mmm)"
                return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0], [7, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0],
                                 [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]])
                print "Lower-symmetry tetragonal (4,-4,4/m)"
                return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 11], [7, 1, 8, 0, 0, -11],
                                 [8, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0], [11, -11, 0, 0, 0, 6]])

        elif symmetryType == "Orthorhombic":
            return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0], [7, 2, 12, 0, 0, 0],
                             [8, 12, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]])

        elif symmetryType == "Monoclinic":
            return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 0, 10, 0], [7, 2, 12, 0, 14, 0],
                             [8, 12, 3, 0, 17, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 20],
                             [10, 14, 17, 0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 6]])

        elif symmetryType == "Triclinic":
            return S.matrix([[1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], [7, 2, 12, 13, 14, 15],
                             [8, 12, 3, 16, 17, 18], [9, 13, 16, 4, 19, 20],
                             [10, 14, 17, 19, 5, 21], [11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 6]])

    def get_options():
        # deal with options
        if not libmode:
            p = optparse.OptionParser()
                         help="Force CML output",
                         help="Show graphics (requires matplotlib)")
                         help="Debug mode (output to stdout rather than file)")
                         help="dump LaTeX formatted table to file",
                         help="supress LaaTeX line titles",
                         help="Append line to text file",

            options, arguments = p.parse_args(args=input_options)

            class PotM_Options:
                xml = True
                graphics = True
                castep = False
                debug = False

            options = PotM_Options()

            taskRe = re.compile(r"(.+)-\w+\.cml")
            arguments = taskRe.findall(input_options[1][0])
            global outfile
            outfile = input_options[0]

        if options.graphics:
                global P
                import pylab as P
            except ImportError:
                print >> sys.stderr, "You need to have matplotlib installed for the --graphics option"

        return options, arguments

    options, arguments = get_options()

    # Not sure why the lattice types are enumerated like this, but this is how .cijdat does it...
    latticeTypes = {0:"Unknown", 1:"Triclinic", 2:"Monoclinic", 3:"Orthorhombic", \
     4:"Tetragonal", 5:"Cubic", 6:"Trigonal-low", 7:"Trigonal-high/Hexagonal"}

    # Get strain tensors
    seedname = arguments[0]

    cijdat = open(seedname + ".cijdat", "r")
    print "\nReading strain data from ", seedname + ".cijdat\n"

    numStrainPatterns = (len(cijdat.readlines()) -
                         2) / 4  #total for all strain patterns


    # deal with those first four integers
    latticeType, numsteps, TetrHigh, TrigHigh = cijdat.readline().split()
    numsteps = int(numsteps)

    symmetryType = latticeTypes[int(latticeType)]
    print "System is", symmetryType, "\n"

    # get maximum magnitude of strains
    magnitude = float(cijdat.readline())
    print numsteps, "steps of maximum magnitude", magnitude

    # if using graphics, do some initial set-up
    if options.graphics:
        fig = P.figure(num=1, figsize=(9.5, 8), facecolor='white')
        colourDict = {
            0: '#BAD0EF',
            1: '#FFCECE',
            2: '#BDF4CB',
            3: '#EEF093',
            4: '#FFA4FF',
            5: '#75ECFD'

        for index1 in range(6):
            for index2 in range(6):
                # position this plot in a 6x6 grid
                sp = P.subplot(6, 6, 6 * (index1) + index2 + 1)
                # change the labels on the axes
                # xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
                # P.setp(xlabels,'rotation',90,fontsize=7)
                # ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
                # P.setp(ylabels,fontsize=7)
                P.text(0.4, 0.4, "n/a")

    print "\n<>---------------------------- ANALYSIS ---------------------------------<>"

    # initialise 1d array to store all 21 unique elastic constants - will be transformed into 6x6 matrix later
    finalCijs = S.zeros((21, 1))
    errors = S.zeros((21, 1))

    for patt in range(numStrainPatterns / numsteps):

        print "\nAnalysing pattern", patt + 1, ":"

        for a in range(0, numsteps):

            pattern = cijdat.readline()

            # grab the strain data from the .cijdat file
            line1 = cijdat.readline().split()
            line2 = cijdat.readline().split()
            line3 = cijdat.readline().split()

            # only take from the top right triangle
            # numbering according to IRE conventions (Proc IRE, 1949)

            if a == 0:
                strain = S.array([
                    float(line3[2]), 2 * float(line2[2]), 2 * float(line1[2]),
                    2 * float(line1[1])
                strain = S.row_stack(
                         float(line3[2]), 2 * float(line2[2]),
                         2 * float(line1[2]), 2 * float(line1[1])

            # now get corresponding stress data from .castep
             thisStress) = castep.get_stress_dotcastep(seedname + "_cij__" +
                                                       str(patt + 1) + "__" +
                                                       str(a + 1) + ".castep")

            # again, top right triangle
            if a == 0:
                stress = thisStress
                stress = S.row_stack((stress, thisStress))
		Both the stress and strain matrices use the IRE conventions to reduce the
		3x3 matrices to 1x6 arrays. These 1D arrays are then stacked to form a 
		Nx6 array, where N=number of steps.
		Note that strain and stress arrays are numbered 0->5 rather than 1->6
        def __fit(index1, index2):
            from scipy import stats, sqrt, square

            # do the fit
            (cijFitted, intercept, r, tt,
             stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:, index2 - 1],
                                        stress[:, index1 - 1])

            if (S.__version__ < '0.7.0'):
                # correct for scipy weirdness - see http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/8
                # This was fixed before 0.7.0 release. Maybe in some versions of 0.6.x too -
                # will report huge errors if the check is wrong
                stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2) / (numsteps - 2))
                error = stderr / sqrt(sum(square(strain[:, index2 - 1])))
                # Work out the error ourselves as I cannot get it from
                # stderr and this has been checked with gnuplot's fitter
                fit_str = ((strain[:, index2 - 1] * cijFitted) + intercept)
                error = sqrt((sum(square(stress[:,index1-1] - fit_str)) / \

            # print info about the fit
            print '\n'
            print 'Cij (gradient)          :    ', cijFitted
            print 'Error in Cij            :    ', error
            print 'Intercept               :    ', intercept
            if abs(r) > 0.9:
                print 'Correlation coefficient :    ', r
                print 'Correlation coefficient :    ', r, '     <----- WARNING'

            # if using graphics, add a subplot
            if options.graphics:

                # position this plot in a 6x6 grid
                sp = P.subplot(6, 6, 6 * (index1 - 1) + index2)

                # change the labels on the axes
                xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
                P.setp(xlabels, 'rotation', 90, fontsize=7)
                ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
                P.setp(ylabels, fontsize=7)

                # colour the plot depending on the strain pattern

                # plot the data
                    strain[0, index2 - 1], strain[numsteps - 1, index2 - 1]
                ], [
                    cijFitted * strain[0, index2 - 1] + intercept,
                    cijFitted * strain[numsteps - 1, index2 - 1] + intercept
                P.plot(strain[:, index2 - 1], stress[:, index1 - 1], 'ro')

            return cijFitted, error

        def __appendOrReplace(valList, erList, val):
                return (sum(valList) / len(valList)), (S.sqrt(
                    sum([x**2 for x in erList]) / len(erList)**2))
            except NameError:
                return val[0], val[1]

        def __createListAndAppend(val):
            newList = []
            errorList = []
            return val[0], newList, val[1], errorList

        cij = S.zeros(21)

        # Analyse the patterns to see which strains were applied
        strainsUsed = analysePatterns(strain[0, :])

        # should check strains are as expected

        if symmetryType == "Cubic":

            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e1+e4

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                fit_21, fit_21_error = __fit(2, 1)
                fit_31, fit_31_error = __fit(3, 1)
                finalCijs[6] = (fit_21 + fit_31) / 2  # fit C21+C31
                errors[6] = S.sqrt((fit_21_error**2) / 4 +
                                   (fit_31_error**2) / 4)
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44

                print "Unsupported strain pattern"

        elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal":
            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[
                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            ]])):  # strain pattern e3 (hexagonal)

                # fit C13 + C23, and add to list (more values coming...)
                finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(1, 3))
                finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(2, 3))

                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array([[
                    1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
            ]])):  # strain pattern e1+e4 (hexagonal)

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2, 1)  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij13, er13, __fit(3, 1))  # fit C31
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):

                # strain pattern e1 (trigonal-high)

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2, 1)  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __fit(3, 1)  # fit C31
                finalCijs[8], errors[8] = __fit(4, 1)  # fit C41
                # Should be zero? finalCijs[9], errors[9] = __fit(5,1)                # fit C51

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):

                # strain pattern e3+e4 (trigonal-high)
                # could recalculate C13/C14/C23/C24/C46 here, but won't just now

                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44

                print "Unsupported strain pattern"

        elif symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):

                # strain pattern e1

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2, 1)  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __fit(3, 1)  # fit C31
                finalCijs[8], errors[8] = __fit(4, 1)  # fit C41
                finalCijs[9], errors[9] = __fit(5, 1)  # fit C51

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):

                # strain pattern e3+e4
                # could recalculate C13/C14/C23/C24/C46 here, but won't just now

                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44

                print "Unsupported strain pattern"

        elif symmetryType == "Tetragonal":
            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e1+e4

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __fit(2, 1)  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __fit(3, 1)  # fit C31
                finalCijs[10], errors[10] = __fit(6, 1)  # fit C61
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):  # strain pattern e3+e6

                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33
                finalCijs[5], errors[5] = __fit(6, 6)  # fit C66

                print "Unsupported strain pattern"

        elif symmetryType == "Orthorhombic":
            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e1+e4

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], cij12, errors[6], er12 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(2, 1))  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(3, 1))  # fit C31
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e2+e5

                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij12, er12, __fit(1, 2))  # fit C12
                finalCijs[1], errors[1] = __fit(2, 2)  # fit C22
                finalCijs[11], cij23, errors[11], er23 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(3, 2))  # fit C32
                finalCijs[4], errors[4] = __fit(5, 5)  # fit C55

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):  # strain pattern e3+e6

                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij13, er13, __fit(1, 3))  # fit C13
                finalCijs[11], errors[11] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij23, er23, __fit(2, 3))  # fit C23
                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33
                finalCijs[5], errors[5] = __fit(6, 6)  # fit C66

                print "Unsupported strain pattern"

        elif symmetryType == "Monoclinic":
            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e1+e4

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], cij12, errors[6], er12 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(2, 1))  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(3, 1))  # fit C31
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44
                finalCijs[9], cij51, errors[9], er51 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 1))  # fit C51
                finalCijs[19], cij64, errors[19], er64 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(6, 4))  # fit C64

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):  # strain pattern e3+e6

                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij13, er13, __fit(1, 3))  # fit C13
                finalCijs[11], cij23, errors[11], er23 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(2, 3))  # fit C23
                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33
                finalCijs[16], cij53, errors[16], er53 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 3))  # fit C53
                finalCijs[19], errors[19] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij64, er64, __fit(4, 6))  # fit C46
                finalCijs[5], errors[5] = __fit(6, 6)  # fit C66

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e2

                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij12, er12, __fit(1, 2))  # fit C12
                finalCijs[1], errors[1] = __fit(2, 2)  # fit C22
                finalCijs[11], errors[11] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij23, er23, __fit(3, 2))  # fit C32
                finalCijs[13], cij52, errors[13], er52 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 2))  # fit C52

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e5

                finalCijs[9], errors[9] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij51, er51, __fit(1, 5))  # fit C15
                finalCijs[13], errors[13] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij52, er52, __fit(2, 5))  # fit C25
                finalCijs[16], errors[16] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij53, er53, __fit(3, 5))  # fit C35
                finalCijs[4], errors[4] = __fit(5, 5)  # fit C55
                print "Unsupported strain pattern"

        elif symmetryType == "Triclinic":

            if S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e1

                finalCijs[0], errors[0] = __fit(1, 1)  # fit C11
                finalCijs[6], cij12, errors[6], er12 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(2, 1))  # fit C21
                finalCijs[7], cij13, errors[7], er13 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(3, 1))  # fit C31
                finalCijs[8], cij14, errors[8], er14 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(4, 1))  # fit C41
                finalCijs[9], cij15, errors[9], er15 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 1))  # fit C51
                finalCijs[10], cij16, errors[10], er16 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(6, 1))  # fit C61

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e2

                finalCijs[6], errors[6] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij12, er12, __fit(1, 2))  # fit C12
                finalCijs[1], errors[1] = __fit(2, 2)  # fit C22
                finalCijs[11], cij23, errors[11], er23 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(3, 2))  # fit C32
                finalCijs[12], cij24, errors[12], er24 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(4, 2))  # fit C42
                finalCijs[13], cij25, errors[13], er25 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 2))  # fit C52
                finalCijs[14], cij26, errors[14], er26 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(6, 2))  # fit C62

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e3

                finalCijs[7], errors[7] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij13, er13, __fit(1, 3))  # fit C13
                finalCijs[11], errors[11] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij23, er23, __fit(2, 3))  # fit C23
                finalCijs[2], errors[2] = __fit(3, 3)  # fit C33
                finalCijs[15], cij34, errors[15], er34 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(4, 3))  # fit C43
                finalCijs[16], cij35, errors[16], er35 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 3))  # fit C53
                finalCijs[17], cij36, errors[17], er36 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(6, 3))  # fit C63

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e4

                finalCijs[8], errors[8] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij14, er14, __fit(1, 4))  # fit C14
                finalCijs[12], errors[12] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij24, er24, __fit(2, 4))  # fit C24
                finalCijs[15], errors[15] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij34, er34, __fit(3, 4))  # fit C34
                finalCijs[3], errors[3] = __fit(4, 4)  # fit C44
                finalCijs[18], cij45, errors[18], er45 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(5, 4))  # fit C54
                finalCijs[19], cij46, errors[19], er46 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(6, 4))  # fit C64

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])):  # strain pattern e5

                finalCijs[9], errors[9] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij15, er15, __fit(1, 5))  # fit C15
                finalCijs[13], errors[13] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij25, er25, __fit(2, 5))  # fit C25
                finalCijs[16], errors[16] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij35, er35, __fit(3, 5))  # fit C35
                finalCijs[18], errors[18] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij45, er45, __fit(4, 5))  # fit C45
                finalCijs[4], errors[4] = __fit(5, 5)  # fit C55
                finalCijs[20], cij56, errors[20], er56 = __createListAndAppend(
                    __fit(6, 5))  # fit C65

            elif S.all(strainsUsed.transpose() == S.array(
                [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])):  # strain pattern e6

                finalCijs[10], errors[10] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij16, er16, __fit(1, 6))  # fit C16
                finalCijs[14], errors[14] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij26, er26, __fit(2, 6))  # fit C26
                finalCijs[17], errors[17] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij36, er36, __fit(3, 6))  # fit C36
                finalCijs[19], errors[19] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij46, er46, __fit(4, 6))  # fit C46
                finalCijs[20], errors[20] = __appendOrReplace(
                    cij56, er56, __fit(5, 6))  # fit C56
                finalCijs[5], errors[5] = __fit(6, 6)  # fit C66

                print "Unsupported strain pattern"
            print "Unsupported symmetry type. Exiting"

    if options.graphics:
        P.savefig(os.path.basename(seedname) + '_fits')


    if symmetryType == "Trigonal-high/Hexagonal" or symmetryType == "Trigonal-low":
        # for these systems, C66 is calculated as a combination of the other Cijs.
        finalCijs[5] = 0.5 * (finalCijs[0] - finalCijs[6])
        errors[5] = S.sqrt(0.25 * (errors[0]**2 + errors[6]**2))

    c = cMatrix(symmetryType, TetrHigh)

    # Generate the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants
    # - negative values signify a symmetry relation
    finalCijMatrix = S.zeros((6, 6))
    finalErrors = S.zeros((6, 6))
    for i in range(0, 6):
        for j in range(0, 6):
            index = int(c[i, j])
            if index > 0:
                finalCijMatrix[i, j] = finalCijs[index - 1]
                finalErrors[i, j] = errors[index - 1]
            elif index < 0:
                finalCijMatrix[i, j] = -finalCijs[-index - 1]
                finalErrors[i, j] = errors[-index - 1]

    # Tests
    if symmetryType == "Cubic":
        if finalCijs[3] <= 0:
            print "\n *** WARNING: C44 is less than or equal to zero ***\n"
        if finalCijs[0] <= abs(finalCijs[6]):
            print "\n *** WARNING: C11 is less than or equal to |C12| ***\n"
        if (finalCijs[0] + 2 * finalCijs[6]) <= 0:
            print "\n *** WARNING: C11+2C12 is less than or equal to zero ***\n"

    print "\n<>---------------------------- RESULTS ----------------------------------<>\n"
    print "Final Cij matrix (" + units + "):"
    print S.array2string(finalCijMatrix,
    print "\nErrors on Cij matrix (" + units + "):"
    print S.array2string(finalErrors, max_line_width=130, suppress_small=True)

    (sij, esij, covsij) = CijUtil.invertCij(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors)

    print "\nFinal Sij matrix (" + units + "-1):"
    print S.array2string(sij, max_line_width=130, suppress_small=True)
    print "\nErrors on Sij matrix (" + units + "-1):"
    print S.array2string(esij, max_line_width=130, suppress_small=True)

    print "\n<>----------------------------------------------------------------------<>\n"
    if symmetryType == "Cubic":
        print "  Zener anisotropy index     : %6.5f +/- %6.5f" % (
            CijUtil.zenerAniso(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors))
    print "  Universal anisotropy index : %6.5f +/- %6.5f" % (CijUtil.uAniso(
        finalCijMatrix, finalErrors))
    print "  (Rangnthn and Ostoja-Starzewski, PRL 101, 055504)\n"

    (youngX, youngY, youngZ, eyoungX, eyoungY, eyoungZ, poissonXY, poissonXZ,
     poissonYX, poissonYZ, poissonZX, poissonZY, epoissonXY, epoissonXZ,
     epoissonYX, epoissonYZ, epoissonZX,
     epoissonZY) = CijUtil.youngsmod(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors)

    format = "%18s : %11.5f %8s"
    print "\n                          x           y           z"
    print "%18s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %6s" % ("Young's Modulus", youngX,
                                               youngY, youngZ, units)
    print "%18s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f " % ("      +/-      ", eyoungX,
                                            eyoungY, eyoungZ)

    print "\n                        xy       xz       yx       yz       zx       zy"
    format = "%18s :  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f"
    print format % ("Poisson's Ratios", poissonXY, poissonXZ, poissonYX,
                    poissonYZ, poissonZX, poissonZY)
    print format % ("             +/-", epoissonXY, epoissonXZ, epoissonYX,
                    epoissonYZ, epoissonZX, epoissonZY)

    print "\n<>--------------------- POLYCRYSTALLINE RESULTS -------------------------<>\n"
    (voigtB, reussB, voigtG, reussG, hillB, hillG, evB, erB, evG, erG, ehB,
     ehG) = CijUtil.polyCij(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors)
    format = "%16s : %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %6s"
    print "                     Voigt         +/-       Reuss         +/-       Hill          +/-"
    print format % ("Bulk Modulus", voigtB, evB, reussB, erB, hillB, ehB,
    print format % ("Shear Modulus", voigtG, evG, reussG, erG, hillG, ehG,

    print "\n<>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<>\n"

    S.savetxt(seedname + '_cij.txt', finalCijMatrix)
    if options.latex:
        CijUtil.latexCij(finalCijMatrix, finalErrors, seedname + '.tex',
    if options.txt:
        CijUtil.txtCij(finalCijMatrix, options.txt)
Exemplo n.º 35
    return la.lu(A)

def solveSystem(A,b):
    return la.solve(A,b)

# <codecell>

i = sp.arange(1500,2500+200,200)
k = 1
y = []
ans = 0
for n in i:
    with timer(loops =20) as t:
        ans = t.time(addArray, sp.rand(n,n), sp.rand(n,n))
X =  sp.row_stack([sp.log(i), sp.ones_like(i)]).T
sol = la.lstsq(X, sp.log(y))
print sol[0][0]

# <codecell>

i = sp.arange(1500,2500+200,200)
k = 1
y = []
ans = 0
for n in i:
    with timer(loops =20) as t:
        ans = t.time(invArray, sp.rand(n,n))