Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self, phase=None, throats=None):
        logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...')
        conduit_lengths = sp.sum(misc.conduit_lengths(network=self._net,
                                 mode='centroid'), axis=1)
        graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=conduit_lengths,

        if phase is not None:
            self._phase = phase
            if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props():
                temp = conduit_lengths*(self._phase['throat.occupancy'] == 1)
                graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp,
        path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph=graph, method='D', directed=False)

        Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 0], ndmin=2)
        Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 1], ndmin=2)
        Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 2], ndmin=2)

        Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px)
        Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py)
        Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz)
        Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz)

        temp = path / Ds

        temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0
        temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 2
def relative_bin_deviation(h1, h2): # 79 us @array, 104 us @list \w 100 bins
    Calculate the bin-wise deviation between two histograms.
    The relative bin deviation between two histograms :math:`H` and :math:`H'` of size
    :math:`m` is defined as:
    .. math::
        d_{rbd}(H, H') = \sum_{m=1}^M
                \sqrt{(H_m - H'_m)^2}
                    \sqrt{H_m^2} +

    - semimetric (triangle equation satisfied?)
    *Attributes for normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-equal histograms:*

    - not applicable 
    h1 : sequence
        The first histogram.
    h2 : sequence
        The second histogram, same bins as ``h1``.
    relative_bin_deviation : float
        Relative bin deviation between the two histograms.
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    numerator = scipy.sqrt(scipy.square(h1 - h2))
    denominator = (scipy.sqrt(scipy.square(h1)) + scipy.sqrt(scipy.square(h2))) / 2.
    old_err_state = scipy.seterr(invalid='ignore') # divide through zero only occurs when the bin is zero in both histograms, in which case the division is 0/0 and leads to (and should lead to) 0
    result = numerator / denominator
    result[scipy.isnan(result)] = 0 # faster than scipy.nan_to_num, which checks for +inf and -inf also
    return scipy.sum(result)
Exemplo n.º 3
def csr3(complex_n):
    ang = sp.angle(complex_n) # sp.arctan(a.imag/a.real) why it does not work?!?!
    r = sp.sqrt(sp.square(complex_n.real)+sp.square(complex_n.imag))
    if (sp.sin(ang/2)>=0): #sin>0
        return sp.sqrt(r)*(complex(sp.cos(ang/2),sp.sin(ang/2)))
        return sp.sqrt(r)*(complex(sp.cos((ang/2)+sp.pi),sp.sin((ang/2)+sp.pi)))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def run(self,phase=None):
        logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...')
        graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=self._net['throat.length'],sprsfmt='csr')

        if phase is not None:
            self._phase = phase
            if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props():
                temp = self._net['throat.length']*(self._phase['throat.occupancy']==1)
                graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp,sprsfmt='csr',prop='temp')

        path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph = graph, method='D', directed = False)

        Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,0],ndmin=2)
        Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,1],ndmin=2)
        Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,2],ndmin=2)

        Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px)
        Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py)
        Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz)
        Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz)

        temp = path/Ds
        #temp = path

        temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0
        temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 5
def relative_deviation(h1, h2): # 18 us @array, 42 us @list \w 100 bins
    Calculate the deviation between two histograms.
    The relative deviation between two histograms :math:`H` and :math:`H'` of size :math:`m` is
    defined as:
    .. math::
        d_{rd}(H, H') =
                \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M(H_m - H'_m)^2}
                    \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M H_m^2} +
                    \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M {H'}_m^2}

    - semimetric (triangle equation satisfied?)
    *Attributes for normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, \sqrt{2}]`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, 2]`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-equal histograms:*

    - not applicable    
    h1 : sequence
        The first histogram.
    h2 : sequence
        The second histogram, same bins as ``h1``.
    relative_deviation : float
        Relative deviation between the two histograms.
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    numerator = math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1 - h2)))
    denominator = (math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1))) + math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h2)))) / 2.
    return numerator / denominator
def tsc(parameters,positions,values):
    values_tsc = sp.zeros((parameters.Ng,parameters.Ng,parameters.Ng))
    cellsize = parameters.boxsize/parameters.Ng

    for position,pvalue in zip(positions,values):
        position = sp.array(position)
        position_cellunits = position/cellsize

        cell_indices = sp.floor(position_cellunits)
        leftcell_indices = cell_indices - 1
        rightcell_indices = cell_indices + 1

        cell_position = cell_indices + 0.5
        leftcell_position = leftcell_indices + 0.5
        rightcell_position = rightcell_indices + 0.5
        particle_cell_distances = sp.absolute(position_cellunits - cell_position)
        particle_leftcell_distances = sp.absolute(position_cellunits - leftcell_position)        
        particle_rightcell_distances = sp.absolute(position_cellunits - rightcell_position)

        weights_cell = 0.75 - sp.square(particle_cell_distances)
        weights_leftcell = 0.5*sp.square(1.5 - particle_leftcell_distances)
        weights_rightcell = 0.5*sp.square(1.5 - particle_rightcell_distances)

        if periodic_boundaries:
            cell_indices = sp.mod(cell_indices,parameters.Ng)
            leftcell_indices = sp.mod(leftcell_indices,parameters.Ng)
            rightcell_indices = sp.mod(rightcell_indices,parameters.Ng)

        indices_x, weights_x = [cell_indices[0],leftcell_indices[0],rightcell_indices[0]],\
        indices_y, weights_y = [cell_indices[1],leftcell_indices[1],rightcell_indices[1]],\
        indices_z, weights_z = [cell_indices[2],leftcell_indices[2],rightcell_indices[2]],\

        for index_x,weight_x in zip(indices_x, weights_x):
            for index_y,weight_y in zip(indices_y, weights_y):
                for index_z,weight_z in zip(indices_z, weights_z):
                    values_tsc[index_x][index_y][index_z] += pvalue*weight_x*weight_y*weight_z/cellsize**3                                    

    return values_tsc 
Exemplo n.º 7
def cosine(h1, h2): # 17 us @array, 42 us @list \w 100 bins
    Cosine simmilarity.
    Compute the angle between the two histograms in vector space irrespective of their
    length. The cosine similarity between two histograms :math:`H` and :math:`H'` of size
    :math:`m` is defined as:
    .. math::
        d_{\cos}(H, H') = \cos\alpha = \frac{H * H'}{\|H\| \|H'\|} = \frac{\sum_{m=1}^M H_m*H'_m}{\sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M H_m^2} * \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M {H'}_m^2}}

    - not a metric, a similarity
    *Attributes for normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, 1]`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 1`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[-1, 1]`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 1`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-equal histograms:*

    - not applicable    
    h1 : sequence
        The first histogram.
    h2 : sequence
        The second histogram, same bins as ``h1``.
    cosine : float
        Cosine simmilarity.
    The resulting similarity ranges from -1 meaning exactly opposite, to 1 meaning
    exactly the same, with 0 usually indicating independence, and in-between values
    indicating intermediate similarity or dissimilarity.
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    return scipy.sum(h1 * h2) / math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1)) * scipy.sum(scipy.square(h2)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def relative_bin_deviation(h1, h2):  # 79 us @array, 104 us @list \w 100 bins
    Calculate the bin-wise deviation between two histograms.
    The relative bin deviation between two histograms \f$H\f$ and \f$H'\f$ of size
    \f$m\f$ is defined as
        d_{rbd}(H, H') = \sum_{m=1}^M
                \sqrt{(H_m - H'_m)^2}
                    \sqrt{H_m^2} +
    - semimetric (triangle equation satisfied?)
    Attributes for normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 0\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 0\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-equal histograms:
    - not applicable 
    @param h1 the first histogram
    @type h1 array-like sequence
    @param h2 the second histogram, same bins as h1
    @type h2 array-like sequence
    @return relative bin deviation
    @rtype float
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    numerator = scipy.sqrt(scipy.square(h1 - h2))
    denominator = (scipy.sqrt(scipy.square(h1)) + scipy.sqrt(scipy.square(h2))) / 2.0
    old_err_state = scipy.seterr(
    )  # divide through zero only occurs when the bin is zero in both histograms, in which case the division is 0/0 and leads to (and should lead to) 0
    result = numerator / denominator
    result[scipy.isnan(result)] = 0  # faster than scipy.nan_to_num, which checks for +inf and -inf also
    return scipy.sum(result)
Exemplo n.º 9
		def __fit(index1, index2):
			from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
			# do the fit
			(cijFitted,intercept,r,tt,stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:,index2-1],stress[:,index1-1])

			if (S.__version__ < '0.7.0'):
				# correct for scipy weirdness - see http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/8
				# This was fixed before 0.7.0 release. Maybe in some versions of 0.6.x too - 
				# will report huge errors if the check is wrong
				stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2)/(numsteps-2))
				error  = stderr/sqrt(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1])))
				# Work out the error ourselves as I cannot get it from
				# stderr and this has been checked with gnuplot's fitter
				fit_str = ((strain[:,index2-1] * cijFitted) + intercept)
				error = sqrt((sum(square(stress[:,index1-1] - fit_str)) / \
			# print info about the fit
			print '\n'
			print     'Cij (gradient)          :    ', cijFitted
			print     'Error in Cij            :    ', error
			print     'Intercept               :    ', intercept
			if abs(r) > 0.9:
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r, '     <----- WARNING'
			# if using graphics, add a subplot
			if options.graphics:
				# position this plot in a 6x6 grid
				sp = P.subplot(6,6,6*(index1-1)+index2)
				# change the labels on the axes
				xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
				ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
				# colour the plot depending on the strain pattern

				# plot the data
			return cijFitted, error
Exemplo n.º 10
def conduit_lengths(network, throats=None, mode='pore'):
    Return the respective lengths of the conduit components defined by the throat
    conns P1 - T - P2

    mode = 'pore' - uses pore coordinates
    mode = 'centroid' uses pore and throat centroids

    if throats is None:
        throats = network.throats()
    Ps = network['throat.conns']
    pdia = network['pore.diameter']

    if mode == 'centroid':
            pcentroids = network['pore.centroid']
            tcentroids = network['throat.centroid']
            if _sp.sum(_sp.isnan(pcentroids)) + _sp.sum(_sp.isnan(tcentroids)) > 0:
                mode = 'pore'
                plen1 = _sp.sqrt(_sp.sum(_sp.square(pcentroids[Ps[:, 0]] -
                                         tcentroids), 1))-network['throat.length']/2
                plen2 = _sp.sqrt(_sp.sum(_sp.square(pcentroids[Ps[:, 1]] -
                                         tcentroids), 1))-network['throat.length']/2
        except KeyError:
            mode = 'pore'
    if mode == 'pore':
        # Find half-lengths of each pore
        pcoords = network['pore.coords']
        # Find the pore-to-pore distance, minus the throat length
        lengths = _sp.sqrt(_sp.sum(_sp.square(pcoords[Ps[:, 0]] -
                                   pcoords[Ps[:, 1]]), 1)) - network['throat.length']
        lengths[lengths < 0.0] = 2e-9
        # Calculate the fraction of that distance from the first pore
            fractions = pdia[Ps[:, 0]]/(pdia[Ps[:, 0]] + pdia[Ps[:, 1]])
            # Don't allow zero lengths
            # fractions[fractions == 0.0] = 0.5
            # fractions[fractions == 1.0] = 0.5
            fractions = 0.5
        plen1 = lengths*fractions
        plen2 = lengths*(1-fractions)

    return _sp.vstack((plen1, network['throat.length'], plen2)).T[throats]
Exemplo n.º 11
def euclidean(h1, h2):  # 9 us @array, 33 us @list \w 100 bins
    Equal to Minowski distance with p=2.
    @see minowski()
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    return math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(scipy.absolute(h1 - h2))))
Exemplo n.º 12
	def get_chisq(self, pops, writeback=False):
		"""Calculate the chi-square goodness-of-fit between the experimental population abundances and the fitted ones.

		pops : ndarray
			The normalized abundances of each lattice+ligand stoichiometries at each of the provided component concentrations.
		writeback : boolean
			Update the experiment's simulated heat attribute (dQ_fit) with the provided Qs?
			The goodness of the fit, as a reduced chi-square.

			This method takes advantage of the fact that ITCSim doesn't inspect the data that is returned by the model, and instead lets the associated experiment handle the goodness-of-fit.
			The only caveat of course is that model must return the same number of lattice+ligand stoichiometries as are present in the experimental results.
			Variances (sigma**2) must have been precomputed as self.PopSigmas (perhaps should be self.PopVariances?)

		assert self.PopIntens.shape == pops.shape

		self.chisq = scipy.sum(scipy.square(self.PopIntens - pops) / self.PopSigmas) / self.PopIntens.size

		if writeback:
			self.PopFits = pops		

		return self.chisq
Exemplo n.º 13
    def learn(self, X, t, tol=0.01, amax=1e10):

        N = X.shape[0]
        a = sp.ones(N+1) # hyperparameter
        b = 1.0
        phi = sp.ones((N, N+1)) # design matrix
        phi[:,1:] = [[self._kernel(xi, xj) for xj in X] for xi in X]

        diff = 1
        while diff >= tol:
            sigma = spla.inv(sp.diag(a) + b * sp.dot(phi.T, phi))
            m = b * sp.dot(sigma, sp.dot(phi.T, t))
            gamma = sp.ones(N+1) - a * sigma.diagonal()
            anew = gamma / (m * m)
            bnew = (N -  gamma.sum()) / sp.square(spla.norm(t - sp.dot(phi, m)))
            anew[anew >= amax] = amax
            adiff, bdiff = anew - a, bnew - b
            diff = (adiff * adiff).sum() + bdiff * bdiff
            a, b = anew, bnew
            print ".",

        self._a = a
        self._b = b
        self._X = X
        self._m = m
        self._sigma = sigma
        self._amax = amax
Exemplo n.º 14
    def errorApproximation(self, ratio, dim=20):


        sumNonzeros = (self.vxm !=0).sum()
        numTest = int(ratio*sumNonzeros)

        elementList = []

        nonZeroTuple = sp.nonzero(self.vxm)

        for x in range(int(numTest)):
            rInt = sp.random.randint(0,nonZeroTuple[0].size)
            randrow = nonZeroTuple[0][rInt]
            randcolumn = nonZeroTuple[1][rInt]

            valElementIndex = [randrow,randcolumn]

        self.modvxm = sp.copy(self.vxm)

        for x in elementList:
            self.modvxm[x[0],x[1]] = 0

        self.modvmx = self.fillAverages(vxm = self.modvxm)
        self.newmodvxm = self.predict(dim,vxm=self.modvxm)

        sqDiff = 0
        for x in elementList:
            sqDiff += sp.square(self.newmodvxm[x[0],x[1]] - self.vxm[x[0],x[1]])
        self.rmse = sp.sqrt(sqDiff/len(elementList))
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: npfs.py Projeto: Laadr/FFFS
    def predict_gmm(self, testSamples, tau=0):
            Function that predict the label for testSamples using the learned model
                testSamples: the samples to be classified
                tau:         regularization parameter
                predLabels: the class
                scores:     the decision value for each class
        # Get information from the data
        nbTestSpl = testSamples.shape[0] # Number of testing samples

        # Initialization
        scores = sp.empty((nbTestSpl,self.C))

        # Start the prediction for each class
        for c in xrange(self.C):
            testSamples_c = testSamples - self.mean[c,:]

            regvp = self.vp[c,:] + tau

            logdet        = sp.sum(sp.log(regvp))
            cst           = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant term

            # compute ||lambda^{-0.5}q^T(x-mu)||^2 + cst for all samples
            scores[:,c] = sp.sum( sp.square( sp.dot( (self.Q[c,:,:][:,:]/sp.sqrt(regvp)).T, testSamples_c.T ) ), axis=0 ) + cst

            del testSamples_c

        # Assign the label to the minimum value of scores
        predLabels = sp.argmin(scores,1)+1

        return predLabels,scores
Exemplo n.º 16
def __fit(index1,index2):
       from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
       print strain
       print stress
       (cijFitted,intercept,r,tt,stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:,index2-1],stress[:,index1-1])
       if (S.__version__ < '0.7.0'):
           stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2)/(numsteps-2))
           error  = stderr/sqrt(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1])))
           fit_str = ((strain[index2-1,:] * cijFitted) + intercept)                
           error = sqrt((sum(square(stress[:,index1-1] - fit_str)) / \
       print 'Cij   ', cijFitted
       print 'Error   ', error
       print 'intercept   ', intercept
       return cijFitted, error
Exemplo n.º 17
 def propup(self, X, eps=1e-8):
     #~ F = self.W.dot(X.T) 
     F = X.dot(self.W.T).T
     Fs = sqrt(square(F) + eps)
     NFs, L2Fs = l2row(Fs)
     Fhat, L2Fn = l2row(NFs.T)
     return F, Fs, NFs, L2Fs, Fhat, L2Fn
Exemplo n.º 18
def objF(x):
	global INDEX
	modelname = 'Model-'+str(INDEX)
	INDEX += 1
	K,e0,n,rth,rz= x
	parts = [7.85e-9,210000.0,.3,K,e0,n,rth,rz]		
	paramFile = open('result.txt','a+')
	paramFile.write('%s %10.6E %10.6E %10.6E %10.6E %10.6E '%(str(INDEX),K,e0,n,rth,rz))
	material = {'part':parts}
	shapes = {'outDimater':72.5,'thick':3.65,'length':145}
	timelist = [.20,.21,.22,.24]
	amps = [.5547,.576,.5824,.5982]
	midpairs = [(.05,.0329),(.1,.2246),(.15,.4013),(.18,.4957)]
	positions = {}
	meshSize = {'pressDie':shapes['thick']*3/0.6,'tube':shapes['thick']/0.6 * 2}
	t = TBFEA(modelname)
	coords = t.getResults()
	npFEA = scipy.array(coords)
	npExp = scipy.array([37.00,37.55,38.53,40.58])
	npres = npFEA - npExp
	return mse
Exemplo n.º 19
def relative_deviation(h1, h2):  # 18 us @array, 42 us @list \w 100 bins
    Calculate the deviation between two histograms.
    The relative deviation between two histograms \f$H\f$ and \f$H'\f$ of size \f$m\f$ is
    defined as
        d_{rd}(H, H') =
                \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M(H_m - H'_m)^2}
                    \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M H_m^2} +
                    \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M {H'}_m^2}
    - semimetric (triangle equation satisfied?)
    Attributes for normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, \sqrt{2}]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 0\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, 2]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 0\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-equal histograms:
    - not applicable    
    @param h1 the first histogram
    @type h1 array-like sequence
    @param h2 the second histogram, same bins as h1
    @type h2 array-like sequence
    @return relative deviation
    @rtype float
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    numerator = math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1 - h2)))
    denominator = (math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1))) + math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h2)))) / 2.0
    return numerator / denominator
Exemplo n.º 20
def correlate(h1, h2):  # 31 us @array, 55 us @list \w 100 bins
    Compute the correlation between two histograms.
    The histogram correlation between two histograms \f$H\f$ and \f$H'\f$ of size \f$m\f$
    is defined as
        d_{corr}(H, H') = 
            \sum_{m=1}^M (H_m-\bar{H}) \cdot (H'_m-\bar{H'})
            \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M (H_m-\bar{H})^2 \cdot \sum_{m=1}^M (H'_m-\bar{H'})^2}
    with \f$\bar{H}\f$ and \f$\bar{H'}\f$ being the mean values of \f$H\f$ resp. \f$H'\f$
    - not a metric, a similarity
    Attributes for normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[-1, 1]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 1\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[-1, 1]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 1\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-equal histograms:
    - not applicable
    @note returns 0 if one of h1 or h2 contains only zeros.
    @param h1 the first histogram
    @type h1 array-like sequence
    @param h2 the second histogram, same bins as h1
    @type h2 array-like sequence    
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    h1m = h1 - scipy.sum(h1) / float(h1.size)
    h2m = h2 - scipy.sum(h2) / float(h2.size)
    a = scipy.sum(scipy.multiply(h1m, h2m))
    b = math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1m)) * scipy.sum(scipy.square(h2m)))
    return 0 if 0 == b else a / b
Exemplo n.º 21
 def jrangesearch(X, Y, epsilon):
     D = distance.cdist(X, Y)
     MD2full = square(D)
     r, c, v = find(D < epsilon)
     dM = np.ones(r.shape)
     dMD2 = MD2full[r, c]
     I = X.shape[0]
     M = sp.csr_matrix((dM, (r, c)), shape=(I, I))
     MD2 = sp.csr_matrix((dMD2, (r, c)), shape=(I, I))
     return (M, MD2)
Exemplo n.º 22
def variogram_data(div=15):
    # Square difference between z-values
    print num * (num - 1) / 2  # check number of pairs
    z_pairs = scipy.array(list(itertools.combinations(zvals, r=2)))
    z_sqdif = scipy.square(z_pairs[:, 0] - z_pairs[:, 1])
    vg = pandas.DataFrame()
    vg['z_sqdif'] = z_sqdif

    # Square distance along x-axis
    x_pairs = scipy.array(list(itertools.combinations(xvals, r=2)))
    x_sqdif = scipy.square(x_pairs[:, 0] - x_pairs[:, 1])
    # Square distance along y-axis
    y_pairs = scipy.array(list(itertools.combinations(yvals, r=2)))
    y_sqdif = scipy.square(y_pairs[:, 0] - y_pairs[:, 1])
    # Linear distance between points
    xy_dist = scipy.sqrt(x_sqdif + y_sqdif)
    vg['xy_dist'] = xy_dist

    vg.to_csv('hw5_variogram_data.csv', index=False)
Exemplo n.º 23
def euclidean(h1, h2):  # 9 us @array, 33 us @list \w 100 bins
    Equal to Minowski distance with :math:`p=2`.
    See also
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    return math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(scipy.absolute(h1 - h2))))
Exemplo n.º 24
def conduit_lengths(network, throats=None, mode='pore'):
    Return the respective lengths of the conduit components defined by the throat conns P1 T P2
    mode = 'pore' - uses pore coordinates
    mode = 'centroid' uses pore and throat centroids
    if throats is None:
        throats = network.throats()
    Ps = network['throat.conns']
    pdia = network['pore.diameter']

    if mode == 'centroid':
            pcentroids = network['pore.centroid']
            tcentroids = network['throat.centroid']
            if _sp.sum(_sp.isnan(pcentroids)) + _sp.sum(
                    _sp.isnan(tcentroids)) > 0:
                mode = 'pore'
                plen1 = _sp.sqrt(
                    _sp.sum(_sp.square(pcentroids[Ps[:, 0]] - tcentroids),
                            1)) - network['throat.length'] / 2
                plen2 = _sp.sqrt(
                    _sp.sum(_sp.square(pcentroids[Ps[:, 1]] - tcentroids),
                            1)) - network['throat.length'] / 2
        except KeyError:
            mode = 'pore'
    if mode == 'pore':
        #Find half-lengths of each pore
        pcoords = network['pore.coords']
        #   Find the pore-to-pore distance, minus the throat length
        lengths = _sp.sqrt(
            _sp.sum(_sp.square(pcoords[Ps[:, 0]] - pcoords[Ps[:, 1]]),
                    1)) - network['throat.length']
        #   Calculate the fraction of that distance from the first pore
            fractions = pdia[Ps[:, 0]] / (pdia[Ps[:, 0]] + pdia[Ps[:, 1]])
            fractions = 0.5
        plen1 = lengths * fractions
        plen2 = lengths * (1 - fractions)

    return _sp.vstack((plen1, network['throat.length'], plen2)).T[throats]
Exemplo n.º 25
def euclidean(h1, h2): # 9 us @array, 33 us @list \w 100 bins
    Equal to Minowski distance with :math:`p=2`.
    See also
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    return math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(scipy.absolute(h1 - h2))))
Exemplo n.º 26
    def calculateELBO(self):
        Z = self.markov_blanket["Z"].getExpectation()
        Wtmp = self.markov_blanket["SW"].getExpectations()
        Ztmp = self.markov_blanket["Z"].getExpectations()
        zeta = self.params["zeta"]
        SW, SWW = Wtmp["E"], Wtmp["ESWW"]
        Z, ZZ = Ztmp["E"], Ztmp["E2"]
        mask = self.getMask()

        # Compute Lower Bound using the Bernoulli likelihood and the observed data
        # lb = self.obs.data*tmp - s.log(1.+s.exp(tmp))
        # lb = s.log(1.+s.exp(-(2.*self.obs-1)*tmp)) # DAMIEN'S suggestion
        # lb[mask] = 0.

        # Compute Lower Bound using the gaussian likelihood with pseudo data
        # term1 = 0.5*s.log(self.params["zeta"])
        # term2 = 0.5*self.params["zeta"]*(self.E-tmp)**2
        # lb = term1 - term2
        # lb[mask] = 0.

        # Compute Evidence Lower Bound using the lower bound to the likelihood

        # calculate E(Z)E(W)
        ZW = Z.dot(SW.T)
        ZW[mask] = 0.

        # Calculate E[(ZW_nd)^2]
        # this is equal to E[\sum_{k != k} z_k w_k z_k' w_k'] + E[\sum_{k} z_k^2 w_k^2]
        tmp1 = s.square(ZW) - s.dot(s.square(Z),s.square(SW).T) # this is for terms in k != k'
        tmp2 = ZZ.dot(SWW.T) # this is for terms in k = k'
        EZZWW = tmp1 + tmp2

        # calculate elbo terms
        term1 = 0.5 * ((2.*self.obs.data - 1.)*ZW - zeta)
        term2 = - s.log(1 + s.exp(-zeta))
        term3 = - 1/(4 * zeta) *  s.tanh(zeta/2.) * (EZZWW - zeta**2)

        lb = term1 + term2 + term3
        lb[mask] = 0.

        return lb.sum()
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _has_converged(self, prev_ranks, ranks):
     ranks = np.array(ranks)
     if self.error_type == "msqrt":
         return (scipy.square(ranks - prev_ranks).sum()/ranks.size)**0.5 < self.tol
     elif self.error_type == "mabs":
         return scipy.absolute(ranks - prev_ranks).sum()/ranks.size < self.tol
     elif self.error_type == "small_value":
         return scipy.absolute(ranks).sum()/ranks.size < self.tol
         raise Exception("Supported error types: msqrt, mabs")
Exemplo n.º 28
 def calcglobalcost_WDTW(self,Wmax,g):
     """ The function calcualtes the weighted DTW version
     Takes max wieght and restriction constant g (the smaller g is the constrained 
     the DTW becomes)"""
     for i in range(1,self.FirstVector_.shape[0]):
     for i in range(1,self.SecondVector_.shape[0]):
     for i in range(1,self.SecondVector_.shape[0]):
         for j in range(1,self.FirstVector_.shape[0]):
Exemplo n.º 29
        def __fit(index1, index2):
            from scipy import stats, sqrt, square

            # do the fit
            (cijFitted, intercept, r, tt,
             stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:, index2 - 1],
                                        stress[:, index1 - 1])

            (vmajor, vminor, vmicro) = re.split('\.', S.__version__)

            if (vmajor > 0 or vminor >= 7):
                error = stderr
                # correct for scipy weirdness - see http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/8
                # This was fixed before 0.7.0 release. Maybe in some versions of 0.6.x too -
                # will report huge errors if the check is wrong
                stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2) / (numsteps - 2))
                error = stderr / sqrt(sum(square(strain[:, index2 - 1])))

            # print info about the fit
            print '\n'
            print 'Cij (gradient)          :    ', cijFitted
            print 'Error in Cij            :    ', error
            print 'Intercept               :    ', intercept
            if abs(r) > 0.9:
                print 'Correlation coefficient :    ', r
                print 'Correlation coefficient :    ', r, '     <----- WARNING'

            # if using graphics, add a subplot
            if options.graphics:

                # position this plot in a 6x6 grid
                sp = P.subplot(6, 6, 6 * (index1 - 1) + index2)

                # change the labels on the axes
                xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
                P.setp(xlabels, 'rotation', 90, fontsize=7)
                ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
                P.setp(ylabels, fontsize=7)

                # colour the plot depending on the strain pattern

                # plot the data
                    strain[0, index2 - 1], strain[numsteps - 1, index2 - 1]
                ], [
                    cijFitted * strain[0, index2 - 1] + intercept,
                    cijFitted * strain[numsteps - 1, index2 - 1] + intercept
                P.plot(strain[:, index2 - 1], stress[:, index1 - 1], 'ro')

            return cijFitted, error
Exemplo n.º 30
def cylinders(shape: List[int],
              radius: int,
              nfibers: int,
              phi_max: float = 0,
              theta_max: float = 90):
    Generates a binary image of overlapping cylinders.  This is a good
    approximation of a fibrous mat.

    phi_max : scalar
        A value between 0 and 90 that controls the amount that the fibers
        lie out of the XY plane, with 0 meaning all fibers lie in the XY
        plane, and 90 meaning that fibers are randomly oriented out of the
        plane by as much as +/- 90 degrees.

    theta_max : scalar
        A value between 0 and 90 that controls the amount rotation in the
        XY plane, with 0 meaning all fibers point in the X-direction, and
        90 meaning they are randomly rotated about the Z axis by as much
        as +/- 90 degrees.

    A boolean array with True values denoting the pore space
    shape = sp.array(shape)
    if sp.size(shape) == 1:
        shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape))
    elif sp.size(shape) == 2:
        raise Exception("2D fibers don't make sense")
    im = sp.zeros(shape)
    R = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(sp.square(shape)))
    n = 0
    while n < nfibers:
        x = sp.rand(3) * shape
        phi = sp.deg2rad(90 + 90 * (0.5 - sp.rand()) * phi_max / 90)
        theta = sp.deg2rad(180 - 90 * (0.5 - sp.rand()) * 2 * theta_max / 90)
        X0 = R * sp.array([
            sp.sin(theta) * sp.cos(phi),
            sp.sin(theta) * sp.sin(phi),
        [X0, X1] = [X0 + x, -X0 + x]
        crds = line_segment(X0, X1)
        lower = ~sp.any(sp.vstack(crds).T < [0, 0, 0], axis=1)
        upper = ~sp.any(sp.vstack(crds).T >= shape, axis=1)
        valid = upper * lower
        if sp.any(valid):
            im[crds[0][valid], crds[1][valid], crds[2][valid]] = 1
            n += 1
    im = sp.array(im, dtype=bool)
    dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(~im) < radius
    return ~dt
Exemplo n.º 31
def chi_square(h1, h2): # 23 us @array, 49 us @list \w 100
    Chi-square distance.
    Measure how unlikely it is that one distribution (histogram) was drawn from the
    other. The Chi-square distance between two histograms :math:`H` and :math:`H'` of size
    :math:`m` is defined as:
    .. math::
        d_{\chi^2}(H, H') = \sum_{m=1}^M
                (H_m - H'_m)^2
                H_m + H'_m

    - semimetric
    *Attributes for normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, 2]`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-normalized histograms:*

    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-equal histograms:*

    - not applicable     
    h1 : sequence
        The first histogram.
    h2 : sequence
        The second histogram.
    chi_square : float
        Chi-square distance.
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    old_err_state = scipy.seterr(invalid='ignore') # divide through zero only occurs when the bin is zero in both histograms, in which case the division is 0/0 and leads to (and should lead to) 0
    result = scipy.square(h1 - h2) / (h1 + h2)
    result[scipy.isnan(result)] = 0 # faster than scipy.nan_to_num, which checks for +inf and -inf also
    return scipy.sum(result)
Exemplo n.º 32
def ASM(glcm):
    '''Calculates Angular Second Moment from a GLCM'''

#    value = 0
#    for r in range(glcm.shape[0]):
#        for c in range(glcm.shape[1]):
#            if glcm[r,c] != 0:
#                value += glcm[r,c]**2

    value = sp.square(glcm).sum()
    return value
    def loss_to_pair(self, pair, atg_a, atg_b, pl_exp=4, gamma=1e2):
        dist = sp.sqrt(
                   sp.add(sp.square(pair.tx_y), sp.square(self.h))))
        phi = sp.multiply(sp.divide(180, sp.pi),
                          sp.arcsin(sp.divide(self.h, dist)))
        pr_LOS = sp.divide(
                    atg_a, sp.exp(sp.multiply(-atg_b, sp.subtract(phi,
        pr_NLOS = sp.subtract(1, pr_LOS)

        total_loss = sp.add(
            sp.multiply(pr_LOS, sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)),
            sp.multiply(sp.multiply(pr_NLOS, gamma), sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)))

        return total_loss
Exemplo n.º 34
def ASM(glcm):
    '''Calculates Angular Second Moment from a GLCM'''

    #    value = 0
    #    for r in range(glcm.shape[0]):
    #        for c in range(glcm.shape[1]):
    #            if glcm[r,c] != 0:
    #                value += glcm[r,c]**2

    value = sp.square(glcm).sum()
    return value
 def calcglobalcost_UDTW(self):
     self.Globalcost_[0, 0] = math.square(self.FirstVector_[0] -
     temp = 0
     for i in range(1, self.FirstVector_.shape[0]):
         self.Globalcost_[0, i] = math.square(
             self.FirstVector_[i] -
             self.SecondVector_[0]) + self.Globalcost_[0, i - 1]
     for i in range(1, self.SecondVector_.shape[0]):
         self.Globalcost_[i, 0] = math.square(
             self.SecondVector_[i] -
             self.FirstVector_[0]) + self.Globalcost_[i - 1, 0]
     for i in range(1, self.SecondVector_.shape[0]):
         for j in range(1, self.FirstVector_.shape[0]):
             self.Globalcost_[i, j] = math.square(self.FirstVector_[j] -
             temp = math.minimum(self.Globalcost_[i - 1, j],
                                 self.Globalcost_[i, j - 1])
             temp = math.minimum(self.Globalcost_[i - 1, j - 1], temp)
             self.Globalcost_[i, j] += temp
Exemplo n.º 36
    def cost(self, v):
        if len(np.shape(v)) == 1: v.shape = (1,len(v))
        use_fw = self.trainfn == 'fpcd'
        use_persist = use_fw or self.trainfn == 'pcd'
        num_points = v.shape[0]
        # positive phase
        pos_h_samples = self.propup(v)
        # negative phase
        nh0 = self.p[:num_points] if use_persist else pos_h_samples[-1][0]
        for i in range(self.n):
            neg_v_samples, neg_h_samples = self.gibbs_hvh(nh0, fw=use_fw)
            nh0 = neg_h_samples[-1][0]
        # compute gradients
        grads = self.grad(v, pos_h_samples, neg_v_samples, neg_h_samples)
        self.p[:num_points] = nh0
	# compute reconstruction error
        if self.trainfn=='cdn':
            cost = np.sum(np.square(v - neg_v_samples[0][1])) / self.batch_size
            cost = np.sum(np.square(v - self.gibbs_vhv(v)[0][0][1])) / self.batch_size
        return cost, grads
Exemplo n.º 37
    def predict_gmm(self, testSamples, featIdx=None, tau=0):
            Function that predict the label for testSamples using the learned model
                testSamples: the samples to be classified
                featIdx:     indices of features to use for classification
                tau:         regularization parameter
                predLabels: the class
                scores:     the decision value for each class
        # Get information from the data
        nbTestSpl = testSamples.shape[0] # Number of testing samples

        # Initialization
        scores = sp.empty((nbTestSpl,self.C))

        # If not specified, predict with all features
        if featIdx is None:
            idx = range(testSamples.shape[1])
            idx = list(featIdx)

        # Allocate storage for decomposition in eigenvalues
        if self.idxDecomp != idx:
            self.vp    = sp.empty((self.C,len(idx)))   # array of eigenvalues
            self.Q     = sp.empty((self.C,len(idx),len(idx))) # array of eigenvectors
            flagDecomp = True
            flagDecomp = False

        # Start the prediction for each class
        for c in xrange(self.C):
            testSamples_c = testSamples[:,idx] - self.mean[c,idx]

            if flagDecomp:
                self.vp[c,:],self.Q[c,:,:],_ = self.decomposition(self.cov[c,idx,:][:,idx])

            regvp = self.vp[c,:] + tau

            logdet        = sp.sum(sp.log(regvp))
            cst           = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant term

            # compute ||lambda^{-0.5}q^T(x-mu)||^2 + cst for all samples
            scores[:,c] = sp.sum( sp.square( sp.dot( (self.Q[c,:,:][:,:]/sp.sqrt(regvp)).T, testSamples_c.T ) ), axis=0 ) + cst

            del testSamples_c
        self.idxDecomp = idx

        # Assign the label to the minimum value of scores
        predLabels = sp.argmin(scores,1)+1

        return predLabels,scores
Exemplo n.º 38
    def updateParameters(self, ix=None, ro=1.):
        Public method to update the nodes parameters
        Optional arguments for stochastic updates are:
            - ix: list of indices of the minibatch
            - ro: step size of the natural gradient ascent

        # Get expectations from other nodes
        W = self.markov_blanket["W"].getExpectations()
        Y = self.markov_blanket["Y"].get_mini_batch()
        tau = self.markov_blanket["Tau"].get_mini_batch()
        mask = [
            self.markov_blanket["Y"].nodes[m].getMask() for m in range(len(Y))
        if "MuZ" in self.markov_blanket:
            Mu = self.markov_blanket['MuZ'].get_mini_batch()
            Mu = self.P.getParameters()["mean"]
            if ix is not None: Mu = Mu[ix]

        if "AlphaZ" in self.markov_blanket:
            Alpha = self.markov_blanket['AlphaZ'].get_mini_batch()
            Alpha = 1. / self.P.params['var']
            if ix is not None: Alpha = Alpha[ix, :]

        # Get parameters of current node
        Q = self.Q.getParameters()
        Qmean, Qvar = Q['mean'], Q['var']
        if ix is not None:
            self.mini_batch = {}
            Qmean = Qmean[ix, :]
            Qvar = Qvar[ix, :]

        # Compute updates
        par_up = self._updateParameters(Y, W, tau, Mu, Alpha, Qmean, Qvar,

        # Update parameters
        if ix is None:
            Q['mean'] = par_up['Qmean']
            Q['var'] = par_up['Qvar']
            self.mini_batch['E'] = par_up['Qmean']
            self.mini_batch['E2'] = s.square(par_up['Qmean']) + par_up['Qvar']

            Q['mean'][ix, :] = par_up['Qmean']
            Q['var'][ix, :] = par_up['Qvar']

            mean=Q['mean'], var=Q['var']
        )  # NOTE should not be necessary but safer to keep for now
Exemplo n.º 39
def cosine(h1, h2):  # 17 us @array, 42 us @list \w 100 bins
    Compute the angle between the two histograms in vector space irrespective of their
    length. The cosine similarity between two histograms \f$H\f$ and \f$H'\f$ of size
    \f$m\f$ is defined as
        d_{\cos}(H, H') = \cos\alpha = \frac{H * H'}{\|H\| \|H'\|} = \frac{\sum_{m=1}^M H_m*H'_m}{\sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M H_m^2} * \sqrt{\sum_{m=1}^M {H'}_m^2}}
    - not a metric, a similarity
    Attributes for normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, 1]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 1\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[-1, 1]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 1\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    @note The resulting similarity ranges from -1 meaning exactly opposite, to 1 meaning
    exactly the same, with 0 usually indicating independence, and in-between values
    indicating intermediate similarity or dissimilarity.
    Attributes for not-equal histograms:
    - not applicable    
    @param h1 the first histogram
    @type h1 array-like sequence
    @param h2 the second histogram, same bins as h1
    @type h2 array-like sequence
    @return cosine similarity (in radiands)
    @rtype float
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    return scipy.sum(h1 * h2) / math.sqrt(scipy.sum(scipy.square(h1)) * scipy.sum(scipy.square(h2)))
Exemplo n.º 40
Arquivo: ps1.py Projeto: jrnold/psc585
def quadratic_utility(x, y):
    """Quadratic utility function


    .. math::

       u(x, y) = - \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - y_i)^2

    u = - sp.square((x - y)).sum()
    return u
Exemplo n.º 41
def pair_dist(rand_pair, sub_files, reg_var, len_time=235):
    """ Pair distance """
    sub1_data = spio.loadmat(sub_files[rand_pair[0]])['dtseries'].T
    sub2_data = spio.loadmat(sub_files[rand_pair[1]])['dtseries'].T

    sub1_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub1_data[:len_time, :])
    sub2_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub2_data[:len_time, :])

    sub2_data, _ = brainSync(X=sub1_data, Y=sub2_data)
    fmri_diff = sp.sum((sub2_data - sub1_data)**2, axis=0)
    regvar_diff = sp.square(reg_var[rand_pair[0]] - reg_var[rand_pair[1]])

    return fmri_diff, regvar_diff
Exemplo n.º 42
 def calcglobalcost_DDTW(self):
     for indx in range(1,derv1.shape[0]-1):
     for indx in range(1,derv2.shape[0]-1):
     for i in range(1,self.FirstVector_.shape[0]):
     for i in range(1,self.SecondVector_.shape[0]):
     for i in range(1,self.SecondVector_.shape[0]):
         for j in range(1,self.FirstVector_.shape[0]):
Exemplo n.º 43
 def get_AIC(self):
     """this method returns the corrected Akaike information
     criterion (Glatting 07).  It is only available after a
     successful fit"""
     if self.rc > 0:
         n = self.fit.size
         aic = n * sp.log(sp.sum(sp.square(self.residuals)) / n)
         +2 * (self.nooffreeparameters + 1)
         +2 * (self.nooffreeparameters +
               1) * (self.nooffreeparameters +
                     2) / (n - self.nooffreeparameters - 2)
         return aic
         return False
Exemplo n.º 44
def rbf_exe(net, x):
    Nin = np.size(x, 0)
    Nmes = np.size(x, 1)
    Nhid = np.size(net.centers, 0)
    V1 = np.zeros((Nhid, Nmes))
    for i in range(Nin):
        temp1 = net.IW[:, i, None].dot(x[None, i, :])
        temp2 = np.multiply(net.IW[:, i, None], net.centers[:, i, None])
        #        temp3 = np.square(temp1-(temp2)*np.ones((1,Nmes)))
        temp3 = np.square(temp1 - temp2)
        V1 = V1 + temp3

    Y1 = np.exp(-V1)
    Y2 = net.OW.dot(Y1)
    return Y2, Y1, V1
Exemplo n.º 45
    def run(self, phase=None):
        logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...')
        graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(
            data=self._net['throat.length'], sprsfmt='csr')

        if phase is not None:
            self._phase = phase
            if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props():
                temp = self._net['throat.length'] * (
                    self._phase['throat.occupancy'] == 1)
                graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp,

        path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph=graph, method='D', directed=False)

        Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 0], ndmin=2)
        Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 1], ndmin=2)
        Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 2], ndmin=2)

        Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px)
        Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py)
        Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz)
        Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz)

        temp = path / Ds
        #temp = path

        temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0
        temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 46
    def calculateELBO(self):
        """ Compute Lower Bound """

        Wtmp = self.markov_blanket["SW"].getExpectations()
        Ztmp = self.markov_blanket["Z"].getExpectations()
        W, WW = Wtmp["E"], Wtmp["ESWW"]
        Z, ZZ = Ztmp["E"], Ztmp["E2"]
        zeta = self.params["zeta"]
        tau = self.markov_blanket["Tau"].getValue() # to-do: not expand
        mask = self.getMask()

        # Precompute terms
        ZW = Z.dot(W.T)
        ZZWW = s.square(ZW) - s.dot(s.square(Z),s.square(W).T) + ZZ.dot(WW.T)

        # term1 = 0.5*tau*(ZW - zeta)**2
        term1 = 0.5*tau*(ZZWW - 2*ZW*zeta + s.square(zeta))
        term2 = (ZW - zeta)*(sigmoid(zeta)*(1-self.obs/self.ratefn(zeta)))
        term3 = self.ratefn(zeta) - self.obs*s.log(self.ratefn(zeta))

        elbo = -(term1 + term2 + term3)
        elbo[mask] = 0.

        return elbo.sum()
Exemplo n.º 47
    def get_AIC(self):
        """this method returns the corrected Akaike information
        criterion (Glatting 07).  It is only available after a
        successful fit"""
        if self._fitted:
            n = self.fit.size
            npar = len(self._parameters)

            aic = n * sp.log(sp.sum(sp.square(self.residuals)) / n)
            +2 * (npar + 1)
            +2 * (npar + 1) * \
                (npar + 2) / \
                (n - npar - 2)
            return aic
            return False
Exemplo n.º 48
    def locgpd(mesh1, mesh2, R_0=None, M_0=None, max_iter=1000, mirror=False):
        # print out which mesh to work with


        # number of vertices
        N = len(mesh1.vertices)
        # V1 and V2 are of size 3 * N
        V1 = mesh1.vertices.T
        V2 = mesh2.vertices.T
        if M_0 is None:
            M_0 = np.ones([N, N])
        # compute distance
        D = distance.cdist(V1.T, np.dot(R_0, V2).T)
        MD2 = square(D)
        # compute initial mappings and correspondences
        P_0, trash = Correspondence.linassign(M_0, MD2)
        # compute loops
        P = P_0
        R = R_0
        d = np.linalg.norm(V1 - np.dot(R, V2 @ P))
        P_prev = sp.eye(N)
        gamma = 0
        i = 0
        while np.linalg.norm((abs(P - P_prev).sum(axis=0)).sum(axis=1)) > 0:
            # norm(P - P_prev)
            i += 1
            P_prev = P
            R_prev = R
            d_prev = d
            # Do Kabsch
            newV2 = V2 @ P_prev
            R = Correspondence.Kabsch(V1.T, newV2.T)
            d = np.linalg.norm(V1 - np.dot(R, newV2))
            # Do Hungary
            gamma = 1.5 * Correspondence.ltwoinf(V1 - np.dot(R, newV2))
            M, MD2 = Correspondence.jrangesearch(V1.T, np.dot(R, V2).T, gamma)
            P, trash = Correspondence.linassign(M, MD2)
            #d = np.linalg.norm(V1 - np.dot(R, V2@P))

            if i > max_iter or abs(d_prev - d) < (0.00001 * d_prev):
                if i % 100 == 0:
                    print("Current error is: ", d)
        return {'d': d, 'r': R, 'p': P, 'g': gamma}
Exemplo n.º 49
    def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False):
        """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`.

        Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`)
            `M` inputs with dimension `D`.
        Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`)
            `M` inputs with dimension `D`.
        ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`)
            `M` derivative orders for set `i`.
        nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`)
            `M` derivative orders for set `j`.
        hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional
            The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative
            with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Hyperparameter
            derivatives are not supported at this point. Default is None.
        symmetric : bool
            Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix.
            Default is False.

        Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
            Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs.

            If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is not None.
        if hyper_deriv is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Hyperparameter derivatives have not been implemented!")
        if scipy.any(scipy.sum(ni, axis=1) > 1) or scipy.any(
                scipy.sum(nj, axis=1) > 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "Matern52Kernel only supports 0th and 1st order derivatives")

        Xi = scipy.asarray(Xi, dtype=scipy.float64)
        Xj = scipy.asarray(Xj, dtype=scipy.float64)
        ni = scipy.array(ni, dtype=scipy.int32)
        nj = scipy.array(nj, dtype=scipy.int32)
        var = scipy.square(self.params[-self.num_dim:])

        value = _matern52(Xi, Xj, ni, nj, var)
        return self.params[0]**2 * value
Exemplo n.º 50
    def print_verbose_message(self, i):
        """Method to print training statistics if Verbose is TRUE"""

        # Memory usage (does not work in Windows)
        # print('Peak memory usage: %.2f MB' % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / infer_platform() ))

        # Variance explained
        r2 = s.asarray(
        r2[r2 < 0] = 0.
        print("- Variance explained:  " + "   ".join([
            "View %s: %.2f%%" % (m, 100 * r2[m]) for m in range(self.dim["M"])

        # Sparsity levels of the weights
        W = self.nodes["W"].getExpectation()
        foo = [s.mean(s.absolute(W[m]) < 1e-3) for m in range(self.dim["M"])]
        print("- Fraction of zero weights:  " + "   ".join([
            "View %s: %.0f%%" % (m, 100 * foo[m]) for m in range(self.dim["M"])

        # Correlation between factors
        Z = self.nodes["Z"].getExpectation()
        Z += s.random.normal(s.zeros(Z.shape), 1e-10)
        r = s.absolute(corr(Z.T, Z.T))
        s.fill_diagonal(r, 0)
        print("- Maximum correlation between factors: %.2f" % (s.nanmax(r)))

        # Factor norm
        bar = s.mean(s.square(Z), axis=0)
        print("- Factor norms:  " +
              " ".join(["%.2f" % bar[k] for k in range(Z.shape[1])]))

        # Tau
        tau = self.nodes["Tau"].getExpectation()
        print("- Tau per view (average):  " + "   ".join([
            "View %s: %.2f" % (m, tau[m].mean()) for m in range(self.dim["M"])

        if 'Sigma' in self.nodes.keys():
            sigma = self.nodes["Sigma"]
            if i >= sigma.start_opt and i % sigma.opt_freq == 0:
                print('Sigma node has been optimised:\n- Lengthscales = %s \n- Scale = %s' % \
                (np.array2string(sigma.get_ls(), precision=2, separator=", "), np.array2string(1-sigma.get_zeta(), precision=2, separator=", ")))

 def Windowed_UDTW(self):
     self.WarpingPath_.append((0, 0))
     i = 0
     j = 0
     while ((i < self.FirstVector_.shape[0])
            or (j < self.SecondVector_.shape[0])):
         if i != self.FirstVector_.shape[
                 0] - 1 and j != self.SecondVector_.shape[0] - 1:
             if math.square(self.FirstVector_[i] - self.SecondVector_[j + 1]
                            ) >= math.square(self.FirstVector_[i + 1] -
                                             self.SecondVector_[j + 1]):
                 if math.square(self.FirstVector_[i + 1] -
                                self.SecondVector_[j]) >= math.square(
                                    self.FirstVector_[i + 1] -
                                    self.SecondVector_[j + 1]):
                     j += 1
                     i += 1
                     self.WarpingPath_.append((i, j))
                     i += 1
                     self.WarpingPath_.append((i, j))
                 if math.square(self.FirstVector_[i] -
                                self.SecondVector_[j + 1]) >= math.square(
                                    self.FirstVector_[i + 1] -
                     i += 1
                     self.WarpingPath_.append((i, j))
                     j += 1
                     self.WarpingPath_.append((i, j))
             if i == self.FirstVector_.shape[
                     0] - 1 and j != self.SecondVector_.shape[0] - 1:
                 while (j < self.SecondVector_.shape[0] - 1):
                     j += 1
                     self.WarpingPath_.append((i, j))
                 if i != self.FirstVector_.shape[
                         0] - 1 and j == self.SecondVector_.shape[0] - 1:
                     while (i < self.FirstVector_.shape[0] - 1):
                         i += 1
                         self.WarpingPath_.append((i, j))
                     i += 1
                     j += 1
     self.Warpindexoffv_, self.Warpindexofsv_ = map(list,
     self.Warpindexoffv_ = npy.array(self.Warpindexoffv_)
     self.Warpindexofsv_ = npy.array(self.Warpindexofsv_)
     for i in self.Warpindexoffv_:
         self.Warpedfv = npy.append(self.Warpedfv, [self.FirstVector_[i]])
     for i in self.Warpindexofsv_:
         self.Warpedsv = npy.append(self.Warpedsv, [self.SecondVector_[i]])
Exemplo n.º 52
def randpairsdist_reg(bfp_path,
    """ Perform regression stats based on square distance between random pairs """
    print('dist2atlas_reg, assume that the data is normalized')
    print('This function is deprecated!!!!!!!!!!')

    # Get the number of vertices from a file
    num_vert = spio.loadmat(sub_files[0])['dtseries'].shape[0]

    # Generate random pairs
    rand_pairs = sp.random.choice(len(sub_files), (num_pairs, 2), replace=True)

    fmri_diff = sp.zeros((num_vert, num_pairs))
    regvar_diff = sp.zeros(num_pairs)

    print('Reading subjects')

    # Compute distance to atlas
    for ind in tqdm(range(num_pairs)):
        sub1_data = spio.loadmat(sub_files[rand_pairs[ind, 0]])['dtseries'].T
        sub2_data = spio.loadmat(sub_files[rand_pairs[ind, 1]])['dtseries'].T

        sub1_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub1_data[:len_time, :])
        sub2_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub2_data[:len_time, :])

        sub2_data, _ = brainSync(X=sub1_data, Y=sub2_data)
        fmri_diff[:, ind] = sp.sum((sub2_data - sub1_data)**2, axis=0)
        regvar_diff[ind] = sp.square(reg_var[rand_pairs[ind, 0]] -
                                     reg_var[rand_pairs[ind, 1]])

    corr_pval = sp.zeros(num_vert)
    for ind in tqdm(range(num_vert)):
        _, corr_pval[ind] = sp.stats.pearsonr(fmri_diff[ind, :], regvar_diff)

    corr_pval[sp.isnan(corr_pval)] = .5

    labs = spio.loadmat(bfp_path + '/supp_data/USCBrain_grayord_labels.mat'

    corr_pval_fdr = sp.zeros(num_vert)
    _, corr_pval_fdr[labs > 0] = fdrcorrection(corr_pval[labs > 0])

    return corr_pval, corr_pval_fdr
Exemplo n.º 53
def chi_square(h1, h2):  # 23 us @array, 49 us @list \w 100
    Measure how unlikely it is that one distribution (histogram) was drawn from the
    other. The Chi-square distance between two histograms \f$H\f$ and \f$H'\f$ of size
    \f$m\f$ is defined as
        d_{\chi^2}(H, H') = \sum_{m=1}^M
                (H_m - H'_m)^2
                H_m + H'_m
    - semimetric
    Attributes for normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, 2]\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 0\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-normalized histograms:
    - \f$d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)\f$
    - \f$d(H, H) = 0\f$
    - \f$d(H, H') = d(H', H)\f$
    Attributes for not-equal histograms:
    - not applicable     
    @param h1 the first histogram
    @type h1 array-like sequence
    @param h2 the second histogram
    @type h2 array-like sequence
    @return chi-square distance
    @rtype float    
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    old_err_state = scipy.seterr(
    )  # divide through zero only occurs when the bin is zero in both histograms, in which case the division is 0/0 and leads to (and should lead to) 0
    result = scipy.square(h1 - h2) / (h1 + h2)
    result[scipy.isnan(result)] = 0  # faster than scipy.nan_to_num, which checks for +inf and -inf also
    return scipy.sum(result)
Exemplo n.º 54
def pair_dist_simulation(rand_pair,
    """ Pair distance """

    # normalize the clinical variable
    reg_var_norm, _, _ = normalizeData(reg_var)

    roi_ind, _ = np.where(roi)

    noise_data = (reg_var_norm - np.min(reg_var_norm)) * np.random.normal(
        size=(len(roi_ind), len_time, len(reg_var)))

    sub_data = np.array(sub_data)
    if sub_data.size > 0:
        sub1_data = sub_data[:, :, rand_pair[0]]
        sub2_data = sub_data[:, :, rand_pair[1]]
        sub1_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub1_data[:len_time, :])
        sub2_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub2_data[:len_time, :])
        sub1_data += noise_data[:, :, rand_pair[0]]
        sub2_data += noise_data[:, :, rand_pair[1]]
        sub1_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub1_data[:len_time, :])
        sub2_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub2_data[:len_time, :])
        sub1_data = spio.loadmat(sub_files[rand_pair[0]])['dtseries'].T
        sub2_data = spio.loadmat(sub_files[rand_pair[1]])['dtseries'].T
        sub1_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub1_data[:len_time, :])
        sub2_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub2_data[:len_time, :])
        sub1_data[:len_time, roi_ind] += noise_data[:, :, rand_pair[0]].T
        sub2_data[:len_time, roi_ind] += noise_data[:, :, rand_pair[1]].T
        sub1_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub1_data[:len_time, :])
        sub2_data, _, _ = normalizeData(sub2_data[:len_time, :])

    sub2_data, _ = brainSync(X=sub1_data, Y=sub2_data)
    fmri_diff = sp.sum((sub2_data - sub1_data)**2, axis=0)

    # Returns SQUARE of the distance
    if len(reg_var) > 0:
        regvar_diff = sp.square(reg_var[rand_pair[0]] - reg_var[rand_pair[1]])
        return fmri_diff, regvar_diff
        return fmri_diff
Exemplo n.º 55
    def calculate_variance_explained(self, total=False):

        # Collect relevant expectations
        Z = self.nodes['Z'].getExpectation()
        W = self.nodes["W"].getExpectation()
        Y = self.nodes["Y"].getExpectation()

        # Get groups
        groups = self.nodes[
            "AlphaZ"].groups if "AlphaZ" in self.nodes else s.array(
                [0] * self.dim['N'])
        # to maintain correct ordering of groups in R2
        unique_groups, idx = np.unique(groups, return_index=True)
        unique_groups = unique_groups[np.argsort(idx)]

        if total:
            r2 = [s.zeros(self.dim['M']) for g in range(self.dim['G'])]
            r2 = [
                s.zeros([self.dim['M'], self.dim['K']])
                for g in range(self.dim['G'])

        for m in range(self.dim['M']):
            mask = self.nodes["Y"].getNodes()[m].getMask(full=True)
            for g in range(self.dim['G']):
                gidx = unique_groups[g]
                gg = groups == gidx
                SS = s.square(Y[m][gg, :]).sum()

                # Total variance explained (using all factors)
                if total:
                    Ypred = s.dot(Z[gg, :], W[m].T)
                    Ypred[mask[gg, :]] = 0.
                    Res = s.sum((Y[m][gg, :] - Ypred)**2.)
                    r2[g][m] = 1. - Res / SS

                # Variance explained per factor
                    for k in range(self.dim['K']):
                        Ypred = s.outer(Z[gg, k], W[m][:, k])
                        Ypred[mask[gg, :]] = 0.
                        Res = s.sum((Y[m][gg, :] - Ypred)**2.)
                        r2[g][m, k] = 1. - Res / SS
        return r2
Exemplo n.º 56
 def funcEval(self, x, data1):
     '''assuming x as a 10X784 matrix and every element in x is a float
     data is a tuple of pixel vectors and its label or what no the vector 
     self.fn = sp.ones(784)  #next two steps are req for calling stack fn
     self.x_temp = x
     map(self.stack, data1[1], ['fn' for i in range(len(data1[1]))])
     self.fn = sp.delete(
         self.fn, (0),
         axis=0)  #deleting the first row (of ones created above)
     fval_large = sp.square(self.fn -
                            data1[0])  #DSX784, where DS is dataset size
     fval_large = fval_large.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)  #DSX1
     fval = sn.measurements.sum(fval_large,
                                index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
     fval = sp.reshape(fval, (10, 1))
     return fval
Exemplo n.º 57
    def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False):
        """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`.

        Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
            `M` inputs with dimension `N`.
        Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
            `M` inputs with dimension `N`.
        ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
            `M` derivative orders for set `i`.
        nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
            `M` derivative orders for set `j`.
        hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional
            The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative
            with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Hyperparameter
            derivatives are not supported at this point. Default is None.
        symmetric : bool
            Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix.
            Default is False.

        Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
            Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs.

            If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is not None.
        if hyper_deriv is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Hyperparameter derivatives have not been implemented!")
        if scipy.any(scipy.sum(ni, axis=1) > 1) or scipy.any(scipy.sum(nj, axis=1) > 1):
            raise ValueError("Matern52Kernel only supports 0th and 1st order derivatives")

        Xi = scipy.asarray(Xi, dtype=scipy.float64)
        Xj = scipy.asarray(Xj, dtype=scipy.float64)
        ni = scipy.array(ni, dtype=scipy.int32)
        nj = scipy.array(nj, dtype=scipy.int32)
        var = scipy.square(self.params[-self.num_dim:])

        value = _matern52(Xi, Xj, ni, nj, var)
        return self.params[0]**2 * value
Exemplo n.º 58
	def european_option_vega(self):
		numerator = sp.add(
				( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2)),
		d1 = sp.divide(
		val = sp.multiply(
		val = sp.multiply(
		vega = (1/sqrt(2*pi))*val
		return vega
Exemplo n.º 59
		def __fit(index1, index2):
			from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
			# do the fit
			(cijFitted,intercept,r,tt,stderr) = stats.linregress(strain[:,index2-1],stress[:,index1-1])

			# correct for scipy weirdness - see http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/8
			stderr = S.sqrt((numsteps * stderr**2)/(numsteps-2))
			error  = stderr/sqrt(sum(square(strain[:,index2-1])))
			# print info about the fit
			print '\n'
			print     'Cij (gradient)          :    ',cijFitted
			print     'Error in Cij            :    ', error
			if abs(r) > 0.9:
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r
				print 'Correlation coefficient :    ',r, '     <----- WARNING'
			# if using graphics, add a subplot
			if options.graphics:
				# position this plot in a 6x6 grid
				sp = P.subplot(6,6,6*(index1-1)+index2)
				# change the labels on the axes
				xlabels = sp.get_xticklabels()
				ylabels = sp.get_yticklabels()
				# colour the plot depending on the strain pattern

				# plot the data
			return cijFitted