def _check_trapping(self, inv_val): r""" Determine which pores and throats are trapped by invading phase. This method is called by ``run`` if 'trapping' is set to True. """ # Generate a list containing boolean values for throat state Tinvaded = self['throat.inv_Pc'] < sp.inf # Add residual throats, if any, to list of invaded throats Tinvaded = Tinvaded + self['throat.residual'] # Invert logic to find defending throats Tdefended = ~Tinvaded [pclusters, tclusters] = self._net.find_clusters2(mask=Tdefended, t_labels=True) # See which outlet pores remain uninvaded outlets = self['pore.outlets']*(self['pore.inv_Pc'] == sp.inf) # Identify clusters connected to remaining outlet sites def_clusters = sp.unique(pclusters[outlets]) temp = sp.in1d(sp.unique(pclusters), def_clusters, invert=True) trapped_clusters = sp.unique(pclusters)[temp] trapped_clusters = trapped_clusters[trapped_clusters >= 0] # Find defending clusters NOT connected to the outlet pores pmask = np.in1d(pclusters, trapped_clusters) # Store current applied pressure in newly trapped pores pinds = (self['pore.trapped'] == sp.inf) * (pmask) self['pore.trapped'][pinds] = inv_val # Find throats on the trapped defending clusters tinds = self._net.find_neighbor_throats(pores=pinds, mode='intersection') self['throat.trapped'][tinds] = inv_val self['throat.entry_pressure'][tinds] = 1000000
def main(): args = getArguments(getParser()) # prepare logger logger = Logger.getInstance() if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # check if output image exists if not args.force: if os.path.exists(args.output): logger.warning("The output image {} already exists. Exiting.".format(args.output)) exit(-1) # load input image input_data, input_header = load(args.input) logger.debug("Old number of regions={}.".format(len(scipy.unique(input_data)))) # cut and relabel along the required dimension"Cutting and relabeling...") dimensions = range(input_data.ndim) del dimensions[args.dimension] __split_along(input_data, dimensions) logger.debug("New number of regions={}.".format(len(scipy.unique(input_data)))) # save result contour volume save(input_data, args.output, input_header, args.force)"Successfully terminated.")
def batch_metrics(unit_list, threshold, t_ref, t_cen): ''' This here function runs metrics on a batch of data. Pass in units from the catalog. ''' from scipy import unique samp_rate = 30000. n_samples = 30 n_chans = 4 # Find common Sessions sessions = unique([unit.session for unit in unit_list]) for session in sessions: units = session.units tetrodes = unique([unit.tetrode for unit in units]) for tetrode in tetrodes: data = load_spikes(session.path, tetrode, samp_rate, n_samples, n_chans) f_p, f_n = metrics(data, threshold, t_ref, t_cen, session.duration) # Doing this because sometimes there is no cluster 0 sometimes f_p.setdefault(1) f_n.setdefault(1) units = [ unit for unit in session.units if unit.tetrode == tetrode] for unit in units: unit.falsePositive = f_p[unit.cluster] unit.falseNegative = f_n[unit.cluster]
def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self): #Generate curve from points for inv_val in self._inv_points: #Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores'Applying capillary pressure: '+str(inv_val)) self._do_one_inner_iteration(inv_val) #Store results using networks' get/set method self['pore.inv_Pc'] = self._p_inv self['throat.inv_Pc'] = self._t_inv #Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm) self._p_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._p_inv),self._p_inv) self._t_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._t_inv),self._t_inv) self['pore.inv_seq'] = self._p_seq self['throat.inv_seq'] = self._t_seq #Calculate Saturations v_total = sp.sum(self._net['pore.volume'])+sp.sum(self._net['throat.volume']) sat = 0. self['pore.inv_sat'] = 1. self['throat.inv_sat'] = 1. for i in range(self._npts): inv_pores = sp.where(self._p_seq==i)[0] inv_throats = sp.where(self._t_seq==i)[0] new_sat = (sum(self._net['pore.volume'][inv_pores])+sum(self._net['throat.volume'][inv_throats]))/v_total sat += new_sat self['pore.inv_sat'][inv_pores] = sat self['throat.inv_sat'][inv_throats] = sat
def _read_sky_logfile(self): #TODO : expand to read errors, msgs etc # read in the whole sky log file, shouldn't be big f = open(self.skylogfile) lines = f.readlines() f.close() dust = [line.split()[1:] for line in lines if line.startswith('dtau_dust')] line = [line.split()[1:] for line in lines if line.startswith('dtau_line')] dust = _sp.array(dust, dtype='float') line = _sp.array(line, dtype='float') transitions = _sp.unique(dust[:,0]) shells = _sp.unique(dust[:,1]) dtau_dust = dict() dtau_line = dict() dtau_tot = dict() for t in transitions: d = [] l = [] for s in shells: d.append( _sp.mean([i[2] for i in dust if ((i[0]==t) * (i[1]==s))]) ) l.append( _sp.mean([i[2] for i in line if ((i[0]==t) * (i[1]==s))]) ) dtau_dust[t] = _sp.copy(d) dtau_line[t] = _sp.copy(l) dtau_tot[t] = _sp.array(d) + _sp.array(l) # create object to store in main class class Tau(object):pass Tau.dtau_dust = dtau_dust Tau.dtau_line = dtau_line Tau.dtau_tot = dtau_tot Tau.transitions = transitions Tau.shells = shells self.Tau = Tau
def __compute_affiliation(label_image, mask_image, bounding_boxes): """ Computes which regions of the supplied label_image belong to the mask_image's foreground respectively background. When a region belongs to both, it is assigned to the foreground if more voxels belong to the foreground than in the background and vice-versa. In the case of equal affiliation, the region is assigned to the background. @return fg_ids, bg_ids """ # simple extraction fg_ids = list(scipy.unique(label_image[mask_image])) bg_ids = list(scipy.unique(label_image[~mask_image])) # decide for overlapping regions whether they are 50 or more in fg or in bg for rid in set(fg_ids) & set(bg_ids): relevant_region_label_image = label_image[bounding_boxes[rid - 1]] relevant_region_mask_image = mask_image[bounding_boxes[rid - 1]] fg_part = 0 bg_part = 0 for affiliation, rid2 in zip(relevant_region_mask_image.ravel(), relevant_region_label_image.ravel()): if rid2 == rid: if affiliation: fg_part += 1 else: bg_part += 1 #fg_part = relevant_region_label_image[relevant_region_mask_image] #bg_part = relevant_region_label_image[~relevant_region_mask_image] if fg_part > bg_part: # if more voxels of region rid in fg than in bg bg_ids.remove(rid) else: fg_ids.remove(rid) # debug line, can be removed if the above code is final if 0 != len(set(fg_ids) & set(bg_ids)): raise Exception('Error making fg and bg ground truth distinct.') return fg_ids, bg_ids
def Capillary_Pressure_Curve(net, fluid, capillary_pressure='capillary_pressure', pore_volume='volume', throat_volume='volume', fig=None): r""" Plot drainage capillary pressure curve Parameters ---------- net : OpenPNM Network Object The network for which the graphs are desired fig : Matplotlib figure object Canvas on which to draw plots """ if type(fluid)==str: fluid = net.find_object_by_name(fluid) try: PcPoints = sp.unique(fluid.get_throat_data(prop=capillary_pressure)) except KeyError: raise Exception('Capillary pressure simulation has not been run') PcPoints = sp.unique(fluid.get_throat_data(prop=capillary_pressure)) Snwp = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Ps = sp.r_[0:net.num_pores('internal')] for i in range(1,sp.size(PcPoints)): Pc = PcPoints[i] Snwp[i] = sum((fluid.get_throat_data(prop=capillary_pressure)[Ps]<Pc)*(net.get_throat_data(prop=throat_volume)[Ps]))/sum(net.get_throat_data(prop=throat_volume)[Ps]) if fig==None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(PcPoints,Snwp,'r.-') ax.set_xlabel('Capillary Pressure') ax.set_ylabel('Fluid Saturation')
def test_set_boundary_conditions_bctypes(self): self.alg.setup(invading_phase=self.water, defending_phase=self.air, trapping=True) Ps = sp.random.randint(0,, 10) self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='inlets') assert sp.sum(self.alg['pore.inlets']) == sp.size(sp.unique(Ps)) self.alg['pore.inlets'] = False self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='outlets') assert sp.sum(self.alg['pore.outlets']) == sp.size(sp.unique(Ps)) self.alg['pore.outlets'] = False self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='residual') assert sp.sum(self.alg['pore.residual']) == sp.size(sp.unique(Ps)) self.alg['pore.residual'] = False flag = False try: self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='bad_type') except: flag = True assert flag flag = False try: self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(bc_type=None, mode='bad_type') except: flag = True assert flag
def filter_introns(introns, genes, options): ### build interval trees of all genes starts and ends chrms = sp.array([_.strand for _ in genes]) strands = sp.array([_.chr for _ in genes]) gene_trees = dict() for c in sp.unique(chrms): for s in sp.unique(strands): gene_trees[(c, s)] = it.IntervalTree() c_idx = sp.where((chrms == c) & (strands == s))[0] for i in c_idx: gene_trees[(c, s)][genes[i].start:genes[i].stop] = i ### match all introns agains trees and remove elements overlapping ### more than one gene on the same chr/strand cnt_tot = 0 cnt_rem = 0 strand_list = ['+', '-'] offset = options.intron_edges['append_new_terminal_exons_len'] for si, s in enumerate(strand_list): for i in range(introns.shape[0]): if introns[i, si].shape[0] == 0: continue k_idx = [] cnt_tot += introns[i, si].shape[0] for j in range(introns[i, si].shape[0]): if len(gene_trees[(s, genes[i].chr)].overlap(introns[i, si][j, 0] - offset, introns[i, si][j, 1] + offset)) == 1: k_idx.append(j) if len(k_idx) < introns[i, si].shape[0]: cnt_rem += (introns[i, si].shape[0] - len(k_idx)) introns[i, si] = introns[i, si][k_idx, :] print('removed %i of %i (%.2f percent) introns overlapping to no or multiple genes' % (cnt_rem, cnt_tot, cnt_rem / float(max(cnt_tot, 1)) * 100)) return introns
def test_linear_solvers(): pn = OpenPNM.Network.Cubic([1, 40, 30], spacing=0.0001) geom = OpenPNM.Geometry.Toray090(network=pn, pores=pn.pores(), throats=pn.throats()) air = OpenPNM.Phases.Air(network=pn) phys_air = OpenPNM.Physics.Standard(network=pn, phase=air, pores=pn.pores(), throats=pn.throats()) BC1_pores = pn.pores(labels=['left']) BC2_pores = pn.pores(labels=['right']) alg_1 = OpenPNM.Algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=pn, phase=air) alg_1.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Dirichlet', bcvalue=1, pores=BC1_pores) alg_1.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Dirichlet', bcvalue=0, pores=BC2_pores)'gmres') alg_2 = OpenPNM.Algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=pn, phase=air) alg_2.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Neumann', bcvalue=-1e-11, pores=BC1_pores) alg_2.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Dirichlet', bcvalue=0, pores=BC2_pores)'cg') alg_3 = OpenPNM.Algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=pn, phase=air) alg_3.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Neumann_group', bcvalue=-3e-10, pores=BC1_pores) alg_3.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Dirichlet', bcvalue=0, pores=BC2_pores) alg_4 = OpenPNM.Algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=pn, phase=air) alg_4.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Neumann_group', bcvalue=-3e-10, pores=BC1_pores) alg_4.set_boundary_conditions(bctype='Dirichlet', bcvalue=0, pores=BC2_pores) alg_4.setup() alg_4.solve() assert round(sp.absolute(alg_1.rate(BC1_pores))[0], 16) == round(sp.absolute(alg_1.rate(BC2_pores))[0], 16) assert round(sp.absolute(alg_2.rate(BC2_pores))[0], 16) == round(sp.absolute(sp.unique(alg_2['pore.''_bcval_Neumann']))[0]*len(BC1_pores), 16) assert round(sp.absolute(alg_3.rate(BC2_pores))[0], 16) == round(sp.absolute(sp.unique(alg_3['pore.''_bcval_Neumann_group']))[0], 16) assert round(sp.absolute(alg_4.rate(BC2_pores))[0], 16) == round(sp.absolute(sp.unique(alg_4['pore.''_bcval_Neumann_group']))[0], 16) assert round(sp.absolute(sp.sum(alg_1.rate(BC1_pores,mode='single'))),16) == round(sp.absolute(alg_1.rate(BC1_pores))[0],16) assert round(sp.absolute(sp.sum(alg_2.rate(BC2_pores,mode='single'))),16) == round(sp.absolute(alg_2.rate(BC2_pores))[0],16) assert round(sp.absolute(sp.sum(alg_3.rate(BC2_pores,mode='single'))),16) == round(sp.absolute(alg_3.rate(BC2_pores))[0],16) assert round(sp.absolute(sp.sum(alg_4.rate(BC2_pores,mode='single'))),16) == round(sp.absolute(alg_4.rate(BC2_pores))[0],16)
def fit_dispersion(counts, disp_raw, disp_conv, sf, CFG, dmatrix1): mean_count = sp.mean(counts / sf, axis=1)[:, sp.newaxis] index = sp.where(disp_conv)[0] lowerBound = sp.percentile(sp.unique(disp_raw[index]), 1) upperBound = sp.percentile(sp.unique(disp_raw[index]), 99) idx = sp.where((disp_raw > lowerBound) & (disp_raw < upperBound))[0] matrix = sp.ones((idx.shape[0], 2), dtype='float') matrix[:, 0] /= mean_count[idx].ravel() modGamma = sm.GLM(disp_raw[idx], matrix, family=sm.families.Gamma(sm.families.links.identity)) res = Lambda = res.params disp_fitted = disp_raw.copy() ok_idx = sp.where(~sp.isnan(disp_fitted))[0] disp_fitted[ok_idx] = Lambda[0] / mean_count[ok_idx] + Lambda[1] if sp.sum(disp_fitted > 0) > 0: print "Found dispersion fit" if CFG['diagnose_plots']: plot.mean_variance_plot(counts=counts, disp=disp_fitted, matrix=dmatrix1, figtitle='Fitted Dispersion Estimate', filename=os.path.join(CFG['plot_dir'], 'dispersion_fitted.pdf'), CFG=CFG) return (disp_fitted, Lambda, idx)
def plot_setup(p): pylab.ylabel("Throughput gain [\%]") pylab.xscale('log', basex=2) pylab.xticks( list(scipy.unique(group['symbols'])), list(scipy.unique(group['symbols']))) plotter.set_markers(p) plotter.set_slave_info(slavename)
def find_neighbor_throats(self,pnums,flatten=True,mode='union'): r""" Returns a list of throats neighboring the given pore(s) Parameters ---------- pnums : array_like Indices of pores whose neighbors are sought flatten : boolean, optional If flatten is True (default) a 1D array of unique throat ID numbers is returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays of neighboring throat ID numbers for each input pore, in the order they were sent. mode : string, optional Specifies which neighbors should be returned. The options are: * 'union' : All neighbors of the input pores * 'intersection' : Only neighbors shared by all input pores * 'not_intersection' : Only neighbors not shared by any input pores Returns ------- neighborTs : 1D array (if flatten is True) or ndarray of arrays (if flatten if False) Examples -------- >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.Cubic(name='doc_test').generate(divisions=[5,5,5],lattice_spacing=[1]) >>> pn.find_neighbor_throats(pnums=[0,1]) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> pn.find_neighbor_throats(pnums=[0,1],flatten=False) array([array([0, 1, 2]), array([0, 3, 4, 5])], dtype=object) """ #Test for existance of incidence matrix try: neighborTs = self.incidence_matrix['lil']['connections'].rows[[pnums]] except:'Creating incidence matrix, please wait') self.create_incidence_matrix() neighborTs = self.incidence_matrix['lil']['connections'].rows[[pnums]] if flatten: #All the empty lists must be removed to maintain data type after hstack (numpy bug?) neighborTs = [sp.asarray(x) for x in neighborTs if x] neighborTs = sp.hstack(neighborTs) #Remove references to input pores and duplicates if mode == 'not_intersection': neighborTs = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborTs)==1)[0]) elif mode == 'union': neighborTs = sp.unique(neighborTs) elif mode == 'intersection': neighborTs = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborTs)>1)[0]) else: for i in range(0,sp.size(pnums)): neighborTs[i] = sp.array(neighborTs[i]) return sp.array(neighborTs,ndmin=1)
def test_no_late_filling(self): mip = op.algorithms.Porosimetry( mip.setup(phase=self.hg) mip.set_inlets('left')) assert len(sp.unique(mip['pore.invasion_pressure'])) > 1 assert len(sp.unique(mip['pore.invasion_sequence'])) > 1 assert len(sp.unique(mip['throat.invasion_pressure'])) > 1 assert len(sp.unique(mip['throat.invasion_sequence'])) > 1
def plot_setup(p): pylab.ylabel("Throughput" + " [" + list(group['unit'])[0] + "]") pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log', basex=2) pylab.xticks( list(scipy.unique(group['symbols'])), list(scipy.unique(group['symbols']))) plotter.set_markers(p) plotter.set_legend_columns(3)
def evaluate_trapping(self, p_outlets): r""" Finds trapped pores and throats after a full ordinary percolation simulation has been run. Parameters ---------- p_outlets : array_like A list of pores that define the wetting phase outlets. Disconnection from these outlets results in trapping. Returns ------- It creates arrays called ``pore.trapped`` and ``throat.trapped``, but also adjusts the ``pore.inv_Pc`` and ``throat.inv_Pc`` arrays to set trapped locations to have infinite invasion pressure. """ self['pore.trapped'] = sp.zeros([self.Np, ], dtype=float) self['throat.trapped'] = sp.zeros([self.Nt, ], dtype=float) try: # Get points used in OP inv_points = sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']) except: raise Exception('Orindary percolation has not been run!') tind = self._net.throats() conns = self._net.find_connected_pores(tind) for inv_val in inv_points[0:-1]: # Find clusters of defender pores Pinvaded = self['pore.inv_Pc'] <= inv_val Cstate = sp.sum(Pinvaded[conns], axis=1) Tinvaded = self['throat.inv_Pc'] <= inv_val # 0 = all open, 1=1 pore filled, # 2=2 pores filled 3=2 pores + 1 throat filled Cstate = Cstate + Tinvaded clusters = self._net.find_clusters(Cstate == 0) # Clean up clusters (invaded = -1, defended >=0) clusters = clusters * (~Pinvaded) - (Pinvaded) # Identify clusters connected to outlet sites out_clusters = sp.unique(clusters[p_outlets]) trapped_pores = ~sp.in1d(clusters, out_clusters) trapped_pores[Pinvaded] = False if sum(trapped_pores) > 0: inds = (self['pore.trapped'] == 0) * trapped_pores self['pore.trapped'][inds] = inv_val trapped_throats = self._net.find_neighbor_throats(trapped_pores) trapped_throat_array = np.asarray([False] * len(Cstate)) trapped_throat_array[trapped_throats] = True inds = (self['throat.trapped'] == 0) * trapped_throat_array self['throat.trapped'][inds] = inv_val inds = (self['throat.trapped'] == 0) * (Cstate == 2) self['throat.trapped'][inds] = inv_val self['pore.trapped'][self['pore.trapped'] > 0] = sp.inf self['throat.trapped'][self['throat.trapped'] > 0] = sp.inf self['pore.inv_Pc'][self['pore.trapped'] > 0] = sp.inf self['throat.inv_Pc'][self['throat.trapped'] > 0] = sp.inf
def get_scan_IF_inds(self, scan_ind, IF_ind) : """Gets the record indices of the fits file that correspond to the given scan and IF. Note that the scans are numbered with 0 corresponding to the first scan in the file i.e., it is not the session scan number.""" # TODO: Should check valid scan IF, and raise value errors as apropriate thescan = self.scan_set[scan_ind] theIF = self.IF_set[IF_ind] # Find all the records that correspond to this IF and this scan. # These indicies *should now be ordered in time, cal (on off) # and in polarization, once the IF is isolated. (inds_sif,) = sp.where(sp.logical_and(self._IFs_all==theIF, self._scans_all==thescan)) ncal = len(sp.unique(self.fitsdata.field('CAL')[inds_sif])) npol = len(sp.unique(self.fitsdata.field('CRVAL4')[inds_sif])) # Reform to organize by pol, cal, etc. ntimes = len(inds_sif)//npol//ncal inds_sif = sp.reshape(inds_sif, (ntimes, npol, ncal)) if self.verify_ordering > 0: # We expect noise cal to be on for every second record. for thecal in range(ncal) : tmp = sp.unique(self.fitsdata.field('CAL')[inds_sif[:,:,thecal]]) if len(tmp) > 1 : raise ce.DataError("Calibration (ON/OFF) not in " "perfect order in file: "+self.fname) # Polarization should cycle through 4 modes (-5,-7,-8,-6) for thepol in range(npol) : tmp = sp.unique(self.fitsdata.field('CRVAL4') [inds_sif[:,thepol,:]]) if len(tmp) > 1 : raise ce.DataError("Polarizations not in perfect order in " "file: "+self.fname) # We expect the entries to be sorted in time and for time to not # change across pol and cal. lastLST = 0 for ii in range(ntimes) : # Sometimes won't have the LST. try : thisLST = self.fitsdata.field('LST')[inds_sif[ii,0,0]] # If 'LST' is missing raises a KeyError in later versions of # pyfits, and a NameError in earlier ones. except (KeyError, NameError) : break if not (sp.allclose(self.fitsdata.field('LST') [inds_sif[ii,:,:]] - thisLST, 0)) : raise ce.DataError("LST change across cal or pol in " "file: " + self.fname) return inds_sif
def centre_of_mass(geometry, vertices='throat.offset_vertices', **kwargs): r""" Calculate the centre of mass of the throat from the voronoi vertices. """ Nt = geometry.num_throats() outer_verts = geometry['throat.vertices'] offset_verts = geometry[vertices] normal = geometry['throat.normal'] z_axis = [0, 0, 1] value = _sp.ndarray([Nt, 3]) for i in range(Nt): if len(offset_verts[i]) > 2: verts = offset_verts[i] elif len(outer_verts[i]) > 2: verts = outer_verts[i] else: verts = [] if len(verts) > 0: # For boundaries some facets will already be aligned with the axis - # if this is the case a rotation is unnecessary and could also cause # problems angle = tr.angle_between_vectors(normal[i], z_axis) if angle == 0.0 or angle == _sp.pi: "We are already aligned" rotate_input = False facet = verts else: rotate_input = True M = tr.rotation_matrix(tr.angle_between_vectors(normal[i], z_axis), tr.vector_product(normal[i], z_axis)) facet =, M[:3, :3].T) # Now we have a rotated facet aligned with the z axis - make 2D facet_2D = _sp.column_stack((facet[:, 0], facet[:, 1])) z = _sp.unique(_sp.around(facet[:, 2], 10)) if len(z) == 1: # We need the vertices arranged in order so perform a convex hull hull = ConvexHull(facet_2D) ordered_facet_2D = facet_2D[hull.vertices] # Call the routine to calculate an area wighted centroid from the # 2D polygon COM_2D = vo.PolyWeightedCentroid2D(ordered_facet_2D) COM_3D = _sp.hstack((COM_2D, z)) # If we performed a rotation we need to rotate back if (rotate_input): MI = tr.inverse_matrix(M) # Unrotate the offset coordinates using the inverse of the # original rotation matrix value[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T) else: value[i] = COM_3D else: print('Rotation Failed: ' + str(_sp.unique(facet[:, 2]))) return value
def run(self, npts=25, inv_pressures=None): r""" Run the algorithm for specified number of points or at given capillary pressures. Parameters ---------- npts : scalar The number of points to obtain on the curve. The points are automatically selected to span the range of capillary pressures using a logarithmic spacing (more points are lower capillary pressure values). inv_pressures : array_like A list of capillary pressures to apply. List should contain increasing and unique values. """ # If no invasion points are given then generate some if inv_pressures is None:'Generating list of invasion pressures') min_p = sp.amin(self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 0.98 # nudge down max_p = sp.amax(self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 1.02 # bump up inv_points = sp.logspace(sp.log10(min_p), sp.log10(max_p), npts) else: # Make sure the given invastion points are sensible inv_points = sp.unique(inv_pressures) self._inv_points = inv_points # Ensure inlets are set if sp.sum(self['pore.inlets']) == 0: raise Exception('Inlet pores have not been specified') # Ensure outlet pores are set if trapping is enabled if self._trapping: if sp.sum(self['pore.outlets']) == 0: raise Exception('Outlet pores have not been specified') # Generate curve from points for inv_val in self._inv_points: # Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores'Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val)) self._apply_percolation(inv_val) if self._trapping:'Checking for trapping') self._check_trapping(inv_val) # Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm) Pinv = self['pore.inv_Pc'] self['pore.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(Pinv), Pinv) Tinv = self['throat.inv_Pc'] self['throat.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(Tinv), Tinv)
def make_plot_twoclass(X,Y,W,kernel): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) fig.clf() colors = "brymcwg" # Plot the decision boundary. h = .2 # stepsize in mesh x_min, x_max = X[0,:].min() - 1, X[0,:].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[1,:].min() - 1, X[1,:].max() + 1 xx, yy = sp.meshgrid(sp.arange(x_min, x_max, h), sp.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = predict_svm_kernel(sp.c_[sp.ones(xx.ravel().shape[-1]), xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].T,sp.vstack((sp.ones((1,X.shape[-1])),X)),W,kernel).reshape(xx.shape) cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z,alpha=.5) plt.axis('tight') plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal') y = sp.maximum(0,-Y)+1 # plot the data plt.hold(True) ypred =[0](X,X,kernel[1]).T) for ic in sp.unique(y): idx = (y == int(ic)).flatten() sv = (Y.flatten()[idx]*ypred[idx] < 1) plt.plot(X[0,idx.nonzero()[0][sv]], X[1,idx.nonzero()[0][sv]], colors[int(ic)]+'o',markersize=13) plt.plot(X[0,idx.nonzero()[0][~sv]], X[1,idx.nonzero()[0][~sv]], colors[int(ic)]+'o',markersize=7) plt.axis('tight') plt.xlabel('$X_1$') plt.ylabel('$X_2$') #plt.title('SVM, Accuracy=%0.2f'%(Y==sp.sign(ypred)).mean()) plt.savefig('./svm_kernel.pdf') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) fig.clf() colors = "brymcwg" for ic in sp.unique(y): idx = (y == int(ic)).flatten() plt.plot(X[0,idx], X[1,idx], colors[int(ic)]+'o',markersize=8) plt.axis('tight') plt.xlabel('$X_1$') plt.ylabel('$X_2$') plt.xlim((x_min,x_max)) plt.ylim((y_min,y_max)) plt.grid() plt.savefig('./svm_kernel_xor_data.pdf')
def add_periodic_connections(self, pores1, pores2, apply_label='periodic'): r""" Accepts two sets of pores and connects them with new throats. The connections are determined by pairing each pore in ``pores1`` with its nearest pore in ``pores2``. For cubic Networks this will create pairings with pores directly across the domain from each other, assuming the input pores are 2D co-planar sets of pores. Parameters ---------- pores_1 and pores_2 : array_like Lists of pores on the opposing faces which are to be linked to create periodicity. apply_label = string The label to apply to the newly created throats. The default is 'periodic'. Notes ----- This method will raise an exception if the input pores do not create fully unique pairs. Specifically, the length of pore_1 and pores_2 must be the same AND each pore in pores_1 must pair up with one and only one pore in pores_2, and vice versa. If these conditions are not met then periodicity cannot be acheived, and an exception is raised. """ logger.debug('Creating periodic pores') if sp.shape(pores1)[0] != sp.shape(pores2)[0]: raise Exception('Unequal length inputs, periodicity not possible') p1 = self['pore.coords'][pores1] p2 = self['pore.coords'][pores2] dist_mat = sptl.distance_matrix(p1, p2) dist_min = sp.amin(dist_mat, axis=1, keepdims=True) [a, b] = sp.where(dist_mat == dist_min) pairs = sp.vstack([pores1[a], pores2[b]]).T # Confirm that each pore in each list is only paired up once temp_1 = sp.unique(pairs[:, 0]) if sp.shape(temp_1) < sp.shape(pores1): raise Exception('Non-unique pairs found, periodicity not met') temp_2 = sp.unique(pairs[:, 1]) if sp.shape(temp_2) < sp.shape(pores2): raise Exception('Non-unique pairs found, periodicity not met') # Add throats to the network for the periodic connections self.extend(throat_conns=pairs, labels=apply_label) # Create a list which pores are connected which self['pore.periodic_neighbor'] = sp.nan self['pore.periodic_neighbor'][pairs[:, 0]] = pairs[:, 1] self['pore.periodic_neighbor'][pairs[:, 1]] = pairs[:, 0]'Periodic boundary pores added successfully')
def convertHDF5_2_VCF(arguments): if not os.path.isfile(arguments.hdata): print "Argument --hdata " + arguments.hdata + " is not a file\n" quit() if os.path.isfile(arguments.vout): print "File in --vout " + arguments.vout + " already exists. Please specify a different file!\n" quit() f = h5py.File(arguments.hdata,'r') raw = f['Genotype/raw'][:] positions = f['Genotype']['position_index'][:] chromosomes = f['Genotype']['chr_index'][:] identifiers = f['Genotype']['identifiers'][:] major_ref = False if "ref_allele" in f['Genotype'].keys(): ref_allele = f['Genotype']['ref_allele'][:] else: major_ref = True print "No reference allele list in HDF5 file! Reference allele is set to the major allele!" f.close() out = open(arguments.vout,'w') snps_one_allele = 0 snps_more_alleles = 0 out.write("##Hyrbid VCF\n") out.write("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n") for i in xrange(raw.shape[1]): stmp = sp.unique(raw[:,i]) snps = [] for s in stmp: nucs = iupac_map_reverse[s] for nuc in nucs: snps.append(nuc) snps = sp.array(snps) snps = sp.unique(snps) if snps.shape[0]<2: snps_one_allele += 1 continue if snps.shape[0]>=3: snps_more_alleles += 1 continue if major_ref==False: ind = sp.where(snps!=ref_allele[i])[0] out.write(str(chromosomes[i]) + "\t" + str(positions[i]) + "\t" + identifiers[i] + "\t" + ref_allele[i] + "\t" + snps[ind][0] + "\t.\t.\t.\n") else: #Use major allele ind1 = sp.where(snps[0]==raw[:,i])[0][0] ind2 = sp.where(snps[1]==raw[:,i])[0][0] minor_index = sp.argmin(sp.array([ind1,ind2])) major_index = sp.argmax(sp.array([ind1,ind2])) out.write(str(chromosomes[i]) + "\t" + str(positions[i]) + "\t" + identifiers[i] + "\t" + snps[major_index][0] + "\t" + snps[minor_index][0] + "\t.\t.\t.\n") out.close()
def _setup(self): sessions = unique([unit.session for unit in self.units]) self._sessions = sessions self._rawdata = dict.fromkeys(sessions) for session in sessions: datadir = expanduser(session.path) # We might might be looking at all the units in this session session_units = [ unit for unit in self.units if unit in session.units ] tetrodes = unique([unit.tetrode for unit in session_units]) data = _load_data(datadir, tetrodes) # Get all the processed behavior data from a Rat object bdata = data['bhv'] rat = bhv.Rat(session.rat) rat.update(, bdata) trial_data = rat.sessions['trials'][0] # Keep only the behavior trials we have neural data for sync = data['syn'].map_n_to_b_masked trial_data = trial_data.ix[[~sync.mask]] # Get the onsets from the neural data samp_rate = 30000.0 n_onsets = data['ons'][~sync.mask]/samp_rate trial_data['n_onset'] = n_onsets for tetrode in tetrodes: units = [ unit for unit in session_units if unit.tetrode == tetrode ] clusters = [ data['cls'][tetrode][unit.cluster] for unit in units ] # Using izip saves memory! packed = izip(units, clusters) # For each trial, we want to grab all the spikes between PG and FG, # plus 30 seconds on either side for unit, cluster in packed: times = _get_times(cluster['peaks'], trial_data) trial_data[] = times # Get rid of all trials that take too long, setting it to 20 seconds delay_limit = 20 delay = trial_data['C in'] - trial_data['PG in'] trial_data = trial_data[delay < delay_limit] self._rawdata[session] = trial_data
def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self, inv_points): # Generate curve from points for inv_val in inv_points: # Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores'Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val)) self._do_one_inner_iteration(inv_val) # Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm) self['pore.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']), self['pore.inv_Pc']) self['throat.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self['throat.inv_Pc']), self['throat.inv_Pc']) if self._trapping: self.evaluate_trapping(self['pore.outlets'])
def set_axis_properties(p,metric,varying_parameter,group): #Set major x-axis label plt.xlabel(xlabel_names[varying_parameter]) #Set x-axis scale xscale_args = xscale_arguments[(metric,varying_parameter)] plt.xscale(xscale_args[0],**xscale_args[1]) #Set x-axis tick labels #Get tick values ticks = list(sp.unique(group[varying_parameter])) #If an item is not in the tick dictionary for the bar plot, add it if pltkind[(metric,varying_parameter)] is 'bar': for item in ticks: if item not in varying_xlabels[varying_parameter].keys(): varying_xlabels[varying_parameter][item] = '$' + str(item) +'$' xlabels = [ varying_xlabels[varying_parameter][item] for item in ticks] if pltkind[(metric,varying_parameter)] is 'bar': p.set_xticks(sp.arange(len(ticks))+0.5) plt.setp(p.set_xticklabels(xlabels), rotation=0) else: plt.xticks(ticks,xlabels) plt.ylabel(ylabel_names[metric]) plt.grid('on')
def makeinputh5(Iono,basedir): """This will make a h5 file for the IonoContainer that can be used as starting points for the fitter. The ionocontainer taken will be average over the x and y dimensions of space to make an average value of the parameters for each altitude. Inputs Iono - An instance of the Ionocontainer class that will be averaged over so it can be used for fitter starting points. basdir - A string that holds the directory that the file will be saved to. """ # Get the parameters from the original data Param_List = Iono.Param_List dataloc = Iono.Cart_Coords times = Iono.Time_Vector velocity = Iono.Velocity zlist,idx = sp.unique(dataloc[:,2],return_inverse=True) siz = list(Param_List.shape[1:]) vsiz = list(velocity.shape[1:]) datalocsave = sp.column_stack((sp.zeros_like(zlist),sp.zeros_like(zlist),zlist)) outdata = sp.zeros([len(zlist)]+siz) outvel = sp.zeros([len(zlist)]+vsiz) # Do the averaging across space for izn,iz in enumerate(zlist): arr = sp.argwhere(idx==izn) outdata[izn] = sp.mean(Param_List[arr],axis=0) outvel[izn] = sp.mean(velocity[arr],axis=0) Ionoout = IonoContainer(datalocsave,outdata,times,Iono.Sensor_loc,ver=0, paramnames=Iono.Param_Names, species=Iono.Species,velocity=outvel) Ionoout.saveh5(basedir/'startdata.h5')
def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self): #Generate curve from points for inv_val in self._inv_points: #Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores'Applying capillary pressure: '+str(inv_val)) self._do_one_inner_iteration(inv_val) #Store results using networks' get/set method self.set_pore_data(prop='inv_Pc',data=self._p_inv) self.set_throat_data(prop='inv_Pc',data=self._t_inv) #Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm) self._p_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._p_inv),self._p_inv) self._t_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._t_inv),self._t_inv) self.set_pore_data(prop='inv_seq',data=self._p_seq) self.set_throat_data(prop='inv_seq',data=self._t_seq) #Remove temporary arrays and adjacency matrices del self._net.adjacency_matrix['csr']['invaded']
def _do_one_inner_iteration(self, inv_val): r""" Determine which throats are invaded at a given applied capillary pressure. """ # Generate a tlist containing boolean values for throat state Tinvaded = self['throat.entry_pressure'] <= inv_val # Find all pores that can be invaded at specified pressure [pclusters, tclusters] = self._net.find_clusters2(mask=Tinvaded, t_labels=True) if self._AL: # Identify clusters connected to invasion sites inv_clusters = sp.unique(pclusters[self['pore.inlets']]) else: # All clusters are invasion sites inv_clusters = pclusters inv_clusters = inv_clusters[inv_clusters >= 0] # Find pores on the invading clusters pmask = np.in1d(pclusters, inv_clusters) # Store current applied pressure in newly invaded pores pinds = (self['pore.inv_Pc'] == sp.inf) * (pmask) self['pore.inv_Pc'][pinds] = inv_val # Find throats on the invading clusters tmask = np.in1d(tclusters, inv_clusters) # Store current applied pressure in newly invaded throats tinds = (self['throat.inv_Pc'] == sp.inf) * (tmask) self['throat.inv_Pc'][tinds] = inv_val # Store total network saturation tsat = sp.sum(self._net['throat.volume'][self['throat.inv_Pc'] <= inv_val]) psat = sp.sum(self._net['pore.volume'][self['pore.inv_Pc'] <= inv_val]) total = sp.sum(self._net['throat.volume']) + sp.sum(self._net['pore.volume']) self['pore.inv_sat'][pinds] = (tsat + psat)/total self['throat.inv_sat'][tinds] = (tsat + psat)/total
def generate_set_partitions(set_): """Generate all of the partitions of a set. This is a helper function that utilizes the restricted growth strings from :py:func:`generate_set_partition_strings`. The partitions are returned in lexicographic order. Parameters ---------- set_ : :py:class:`Array` or other Array-like, (`m`,) The set to find the partitions of. Returns ------- partitions : list of lists of :py:class:`Array` The number of elements in the outer list is equal to the number of partitions, which is the len(`m`)^th Bell number. Each of the inner lists corresponds to a single possible partition. The length of an inner list is therefore equal to the number of blocks. Each of the arrays in an inner list is hence a block. """ set_ = scipy.asarray(set_) strings = generate_set_partition_strings(len(set_)) partitions = [] for string in strings: blocks = [] for block_num in scipy.unique(string): blocks.append(set_[string == block_num]) partitions.append(blocks) return partitions
def unique_rows(arr): """Returns a copy of arr with duplicate rows removed. From Stackoverflow "Find unique rows in numpy.array." Parameters ---------- arr : :py:class:`Array`, (`m`, `n`). The array to find the unique rows of. Returns ------- unique : :py:class:`Array`, (`p`, `n`) where `p` <= `m` The array `arr` with duplicate rows removed. """ b = scipy.ascontiguousarray(arr).view( scipy.dtype((scipy.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[1])) ) try: dum, idx = scipy.unique(b, return_index=True) except TypeError: # Handle bug in numpy 1.6.2: rows = [_Row(row) for row in b] srt_idx = sorted(range(len(rows)), key=rows.__getitem__) rows = scipy.asarray(rows)[srt_idx] row_cmp = [-1] for k in xrange(1, len(srt_idx)): row_cmp.append(rows[k-1].__cmp__(rows[k])) row_cmp = scipy.asarray(row_cmp) transition_idxs = scipy.where(row_cmp != 0)[0] idx = scipy.asarray(srt_idx)[transition_idxs] return arr[idx]
def filter_introns(introns, genes, options): ### build interval trees of all genes starts and ends chrms = sp.array([_.strand for _ in genes]) strands = sp.array([_.chr for _ in genes]) gene_trees = dict() for c in sp.unique(chrms): for s in sp.unique(strands): gene_trees[(c, s)] = it.IntervalTree() c_idx = sp.where((chrms == c) & (strands == s))[0] for i in c_idx: gene_trees[(c, s)][genes[i].start:genes[i].stop] = i ### match all introns agains trees and remove elements overlapping ### more than one gene on the same chr/strand cnt_tot = 0 cnt_rem = 0 strand_list = ['+', '-'] offset = options.intron_edges['append_new_terminal_exons_len'] for si, s in enumerate(strand_list): for i in range(introns.shape[0]): if introns[i, si].shape[0] == 0: continue k_idx = [] cnt_tot += introns[i, si].shape[0] for j in range(introns[i, si].shape[0]): if len(gene_trees[(s, genes[i].chr)].overlap( introns[i, si][j, 0] - offset, introns[i, si][j, 1] + offset)) == 1: k_idx.append(j) if len(k_idx) < introns[i, si].shape[0]: cnt_rem += (introns[i, si].shape[0] - len(k_idx)) introns[i, si] = introns[i, si][k_idx, :] print( 'removed %i of %i (%.2f percent) introns overlapping to no or multiple genes' % (cnt_rem, cnt_tot, cnt_rem / float(max(cnt_tot, 1)) * 100)) return introns
def intron_list_from_annotation(options): ### parse gff-file anno_dict = parse_anno_from_file(options) #intron_lists = sp.zeros((0, 4), dtype='str') intron_lists = [] exon_map = dict() for g, gene in enumerate(anno_dict['genes']): if options.verbose and g > 0 and g % 100 == 0: print '.', if g % 1000 == 0: print '%i/%i' % (g, len(anno_dict['genes'])) chrm = anno_dict['genes'][gene][0] strand = anno_dict['genes'][gene][1] if not chrm in exon_map: exon_map[chrm] = dict() for trans in anno_dict['gene2trans'][gene]: exons = [] for exon in anno_dict['trans2exons'][trans]: exons.append(exon[1:]) exons = sp.array(exons) s_idx = sp.argsort(exons[:, 0]) exons = exons[s_idx, :] for e in range(exons.shape[0] - 1): ### intron_lists = [[chrm, strand, start, stop], [chrm, strand, start, stop], ...] #intron_lists = sp.r_[intron_lists, [[chrm, strand, str(exons[e, 1] + 1), str(exons[e + 1, 0])]]] intron_lists.append( [chrm, strand, str(exons[e, 1] + 1), str(exons[e + 1, 0])]) ### we assume, that an exon cannot occurr twice in the same transcript! ### the value in the dict is a binary encoding, if the left/right end is intronic 10 = 2 means, 5' end is intronic #if len(contig_list) == 1: # exon_map[chrm][][contig_list[exon]] = 0 ### 00 -> should never occurr #elif exon == 0: # exon_map[chrm][][contig_list[exon]] = 2 ### 10 #elif exon == len(contig_list) - 1: # exon_map[chrm][][contig_list[exon]] = 1 ### 01 #else: # exon_map[chrm][][contig_list[exon]] = 3 ### 11 intron_lists = sp.array(intron_lists, dtype='str') ### make intron_list unique tmp, u_idx = sp.unique(row_strings(intron_lists), return_index=True) intron_lists = intron_lists[u_idx, :] return (intron_lists, exon_map)
def changeData(shotlist, data, idx, name='shots2016'): tedata = loadTe() conn = sqlite3.connect(_dbname) unishots = scipy.unique(shotlist) for i in unishots: inp = shotlist == i gen(conn, tedata, data[inp], idx[inp], timelist[inp], int(i), name=name) conn.close()
def snowball_round(G, seeds, myspace=False): """Function takes a base graph, and a list of seeds and builds out the network data by accessing the Google SocialGraph API.""" t0 = time() if myspace: seeds = get_myspace_url(seeds) sb_data = [] for s in range(0, len(seeds)): s_sg = get_sg(seeds[s]) new_ego, pen = create_egonet(s_sg) # Create ego net of seed # Compose new network data into old abse graph for p in pen: sb_data.append(p) if s < 1: sb_net = nx.compose(G, new_ego) else: sb_net = nx.compose(new_ego, sb_net) del new_ego if s == round(len(seeds) * 0.2): # Simple progress output, useful for long jobs = '20% complete' print 'AT: ' + strftime('%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) print '' if s == round(len(seeds) * 0.4): = '40% complete' print 'AT: ' + strftime('%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) print '' if s == round(len(seeds) * 0.6): = '60% complete' print 'AT: ' + strftime('%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) print '' if s == round(len(seeds) * 0.8): = '80% complete' print 'AT: ' + strftime('%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) print '' if s == len(seeds) - 1: print 'NEW NETWORK COMPLETE!' print 'AT: ' + strftime('%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) = + '--> ' # Return newly discovered seeds sb_data = array(sb_data) sb_data.flatten() sb_data = unique(sb_data) return sb_net, sb_data
def plotTransformedData(transformed=None,labels=None,filename="exercise1.pdf"): pl.figure() ind_l = sp.unique(labels) legend = [] for i,label in enumerate(ind_l): ind = sp.where(label==labels)[0] plot = pl.plot(transformed[ind,0],transformed[ind,1],'.',color=plot_color[i]) legend.append(plot) pl.legend(ind_l,scatterpoints=1,numpoints=1,prop={'size':8},ncol=6,loc="upper right",fancybox=True) pl.xlabel("Transformed X Values") pl.ylabel("Transformed Y Values") pl.grid(True) #Save File pl.savefig(filename)
def fit(self, X, y): self._fit_X = X self.classes_, self._fit_y = scipy.unique(y, return_inverse=True) if self.algorithm == "brute": pass elif self.algorithm == "kd_tree": self.tree = KDTree(X, leaf_size=self.leaf_size) elif self.algorithm == "ball_tree": self.tree = BallTree(X, leaf_size=self.leaf_size) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized algorithm: ", str(self.algorithm)) return self
def entropy(values): """A slow way to calculate the entropy of the input values""" values = values.flatten() #calculate the probablility of a value in a vector vUni = sp.unique(values) vlen = len(vUni) lenval = float(len(values)) FreqData = sp.zeros_like(vUni) for i in range(len(vUni)): FreqData[i] = sum(values == vUni[i]) / lenval return -(sum([FreqData[i] * math.log(FreqData[i], 2) for i in FreqData]))
def get_drainage_data(self): r''' ''' if hasattr(self, '_iminv') is False: raise Exception('The \'run\' method has not been called yet') pts = sp.unique(self._iminv)[1:] vol = [] for r in pts: vol.append(sp.sum(self._iminv >= r)) vals = namedtuple('DrainageCurve', ('size', 'volume')) vals.size = pts vals.volume = sp.array(vol) return vals
def run3(shotlist, timelist, idx, name='shots2016', serial=True): conn = sqlite3.connect(_dbname2) unishots = scipy.unique(shotlist) te = loadTe() rzl = genInp() if serial: for i in unishots: print(i) inp = shotlist == i results = weights2(rzl, te, i, timelist[inp]) writeData(idx[inp], results, conn, name) conn.close() else: index = 0 lim = len(unishots) while index < lim: num = 35 if lim - index < num: num = lim - index print(num) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num) output = {} indexout = {} for i in xrange(num): inp = shotlist == unishots[index] if index < lim: indexout[i] = idx[inp] output[i] = pool.apply_async( weights2, (rzl, te, unishots[index], timelist[inp])) index += 1 pool.close() pool.join() results = scipy.array( [output[i].get() for i in output] ) #breakdown the 100 shot chunks and write the data to the sql database #return indexout, results, output print(' ') print('writing to shot: ' + str(inp)) for i in xrange(len(results)): writeData(indexout[i], results[i], conn, name) conn.close()
def test_one_value_one_source(self): rt = op.algorithms.ReactiveTransport(, phase=self.phase) rt.setup(r_tolerance=0.001, max_iter=5000, relaxation_source=1, relaxation_quantity=1) rt.settings.update({'conductance': 'throat.diffusive_conductance', 'quantity': 'pore.concentration'}) rt.set_source('bottom'), propname='pore.reaction') rt.set_value_BC('top'), values=1.0) x = [0.0011, 0.1260, 0.2508, 0.3757, 0.5006, 0.6254, 0.7503, 0.8751, 1.0] y = sp.unique(sp.around(rt['pore.concentration'], decimals=4)) assert sp.all(x == y)
def load_events(options, event_info): event_list = [] for event_type in sp.unique(event_info[:, 0]): (events, _) = cPickle.load( open( os.path.join( options.outdir, 'merge_graphs_%s_C%s.pickle' % (event_type, options.confidence)), 'r')) s_idx = sp.where(event_info[:, 0] == event_type)[0] for e in s_idx: event_list.append(events[int(event_info[e, 1])]) return event_list
def test_largest_sphere_multiple_geometries(self): net = OpenPNM.Network.Cubic(shape=[10, 10, 10], spacing=[5, 5, 5]) net['pore.coords'][net.pores('top')] += [0, 0, -3] geom2 = OpenPNM.Geometry.GenericGeometry(network=net, pores=net.pores('top')) geom2['pore.diameter'] = 1.0 Ps = net.pores('top', mode='not') geom1 = OpenPNM.Geometry.GenericGeometry(network=net, pores=Ps, throats=net.Ts) mod = OpenPNM.Geometry.models.pore_diameter.largest_sphere geom1.models.add(propname='pore.diameter', model=mod, iters=15) assert sp.all(geom2['pore.diameter'] == 1.0) assert sp.all(sp.ceil(sp.unique(geom1['pore.diameter'])) == [3.0, 5.0])
def patch_color_labels(s, freq=[1], cmap='Paired', shuffle=True): ''' color by freq of labels ''' s.vColor = sp.zeros(s.vertices.shape) _, labels = sp.unique(s.labels, return_inverse=True) labels += 1 colr = get_cmap(sp.amax(labels) + 1, cmap=cmap) s.vColor = s.vColor + 1 perm1 = sp.mod(3511 * sp.arange(sp.amax(labels) + 1), sp.amax(labels) + 1) freq = sp.reshape(freq, (len(freq), 1)) if shuffle == True: s.vColor = (1 - freq) + freq * sp.array(colr(perm1[labels])[:, :3]) else: s.vColor = (1 - freq) + freq * sp.array(colr(labels)[:, :3]) return s
def _compress_labels(self, label_array): # Make cluster number contiguous array = sp.array(label_array) if array.dtype != int: raise Exception('label_array must be intergers') min_val = sp.amin(array) if min_val >= 0: min_val = 0 array = array + sp.absolute(min_val) nums = sp.unique(array) temp = sp.zeros((sp.amax(array)+1,)) temp[nums] = sp.arange(0, sp.size(nums)) array = temp[array].astype(array.dtype) return array
def to_continuous_mapping(hyperedges, included=None): """ Convert ids to continuous ids Parameters ---------- hyperedges: list of lists list of lists containing hyperedges included: object, optional assign mapping of elements included in object, else do not take into account Returns ------- mappings: list of dictionaries list of dictionaries in the form {index: id, } or {id: index, } for each partite ids are assigned based on the sorted order of keys_list mappings_range: tuple (start_index, end_index) """ #extract unique ids from hyperedge list if len(sp.array(hyperedges).shape) == 2: #uniform hypergraph keys_list = [ sp.unique(sp.array(hyperedges)[:, i]) for i in range(sp.array(hyperedges).shape[1]) ] else: #non uniform hypergraph keys_list = [] for he in hyperedges: for ind, n in enumerate(he): if ind > len(keys_list) - 1: keys_list.append(set()) keys_list[ind].add(n) keys_list = map(list, keys_list) mappings_index_to_id = [] mappings_id_to_index = [] last_index = 0 for i in range(len(keys_list)): l = keys_list[i] if included != None: l = [el for el in l if el in included[:, i]] mappings_index_to_id.append( dict(zip(range(last_index, last_index + len(l)), sorted(l)))) mappings_id_to_index.append( dict(zip(sorted(l), range(last_index, last_index + len(l))))) last_index += len(l) return (mappings_id_to_index, mappings_index_to_id, (0, last_index - 1))
def plot_scores(data, xcol, ycol, title="Evaluation scores", save_as=None, folder_name='figures', ax=None, legend='brief'): """ Function to plot all the scores from different batch correction methods data: pd dataframe with all the scores xcol: name of the column to plot on the xaxis ycol: name of the column to plot on the yaxis title: plot title """ if (len(sp.unique(data['sample'])) > 1): score_plot = sns.scatterplot(x=xcol, y=ycol, data=data, hue='method', style='sample', legend=legend, ax=ax) else: score_plot = sns.scatterplot(x=xcol, y=ycol, data=data, hue='method', legend=legend, ax=ax) # correct labels xlab = score_plot.get_xlabel() xlab = xlab.replace('_', ' ') ylab = score_plot.get_ylabel() ylab = ylab.replace('_', ' ') score_plot.set(xlabel=xlab, ylabel=ylab, title=title) # move the legend outside the plot if (legend != False): handles, names = score_plot.get_legend_handles_labels() score_plot.legend(handles, names, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) if save_as is not None: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder_name, save_as), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() else: score_plot
def measure_labelling(im, labelling, lis): """Given a one-channel image, a labelling and a map of labels onto logical indices, returns an array with the median value of the part of ``im`` labelled ``l`` stored at location ``lis[l]``.""" labels = sp.unique(labelling) labels = labels[labels != -1] measurements = sp.ndimage.labeled_comprehension(im, labelling, labels, sp.median, float, sp.nan) results = sp.zeros((64, 192)) results[:, :] = sp.nan restricted_lis = lis[:, labels].astype(int) results[restricted_lis[0], restricted_lis[1]] = measurements return results
def _make_seeds(self, sizes): imresults = sp.zeros(sp.shape(self.image)) print('Making seed array') print('0%|' + '-' * len(sizes) + '|100%') print(' |', end='') for r in sizes: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() imseed = self._imdt > r # Trim clusters not connected in invading face(s) imlabels = spim.label(imseed)[0] inlets = [] if sp.shape(self.image)[0] > 1: inlets.extend(sp.unique(imlabels[[0, -1], :, :])) if sp.shape(self.image)[1] > 1: inlets.extend(sp.unique(imlabels[:, [0, -1], :])) if sp.shape(self.image)[2] > 1: inlets.extend(sp.unique(imlabels[:, :, [0, -1]])) inlets = sp.unique(inlets)[1:] imseed = sp.in1d(imlabels, inlets) imseed = sp.reshape(imseed, sp.shape(self.image)) imresults[(imresults == 0) * (imseed)] = r print('|') self._imseeds = imresults
def run(shotlist, timelist, idx, name='shots2016'): conn = sqlite3.connect(_dbname) unishots = scipy.unique(shotlist) te = loadTe() rzl = genInp() for i in unishots: print(i) inp = shotlist == i results = weights(rzl, te, i, timelist[inp]) writeData(idx[inp], results, conn, name) conn.close()
def _get_throat_normal(self, verts): r""" With a Delaunay Tesselation the throat normal is usually the vector connecting neighbouring pores as the throat is defined by the plane which is equidistant from the 2 pores. However, if scaling of pore coordinates and vertices is introduced this will alter the normals so they must be recalculated. The routine is passed a list of shared vertices which define the throat. The normal is calculated by performing a convex hull algorithm to return the vertices in hull order. A coordinate must be lost to do this as order only works in 2D. Then the vectors of 3 neighbouring points are worked out and the cross product is taken to define the normal """ "verts may already be coplanar so check an take the other coords" if len(sp.unique(verts[:, 0])) == 1: verts_2d = np.vstack((verts[:, 1], verts[:, 2])).T elif len(sp.unique(verts[:, 1])) == 1: verts_2d = np.vstack((verts[:, 0], verts[:, 2])).T else: verts_2d = np.vstack((verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1])).T hull = ConvexHull(verts_2d) sorted_verts = verts[hull.vertices] v1 = sorted_verts[1] - sorted_verts[0] v2 = sorted_verts[-1] - sorted_verts[0] normal = sp.cross(v1, v2) return normal
def check_fits(data_path): hdulist =, memmap=False) print hdulist mheader = hdulist[1].header for key in mheader.keys(): print key, '\t', mheader[key] #print mheader['STT_IMJD'] #print mheader['STT_SMJD'] #print mheader['STT_OFFS'] mheader = hdulist[0].header for key in mheader.keys(): print key, '\t', mheader[key] #print mheader['STT_IMJD'] #print mheader['STT_SMJD'] #print mheader['STT_OFFS'] for k in range(1, 2): tbdata = hdulist[k].data fieldlabel = [] for i in range(hdulist[k].header['TFIELDS']): fieldlabel.append(hdulist[k].header['TTYPE%d'%(i+1)]) print fieldlabel #for i in range(len(tbdata)): # print tbdata[i][fieldlabel[k]] for i in range(hdulist[k].header['TFIELDS']): print hdulist[k].header['TTYPE%d'%(i+1)] print sp.unique(tbdata.field(fieldlabel[i])).shape print tbdata.field(fieldlabel[i]).shape print tbdata.field(fieldlabel[i]) print
def plot_drainage_curve(self, pore_volume='volume', throat_volume='volume', pore_label='all', throat_label='all', fig=None): r""" Plot drainage capillary pressure curve """ try: PcPoints = sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']) except: raise Exception( 'Cannot print drainage curve: ordinary percolation \ simulation has not been run') pores = self._net.pores(labels=pore_label) throats = self._net.throats(labels=throat_label) Snwp_t = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Snwp_p = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Snwp_all = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Pvol = self._net['pore.' + pore_volume] Tvol = self._net['throat.' + throat_volume] Pvol_tot = sp.sum(Pvol) Tvol_tot = sp.sum(Tvol) vol_tot = Pvol_tot + Tvol_tot for i in range(0, sp.size(PcPoints)): Pc = PcPoints[i] Snwp_p[i] = sp.sum( Pvol[self['pore.inv_Pc'][pores] <= Pc]) / vol_tot Snwp_t[i] = sp.sum( Tvol[self['throat.inv_Pc'][throats] <= Pc]) / vol_tot Snwp_all[i] = ( sp.sum(Tvol[self['throat.inv_Pc'][throats] <= Pc]) + sp.sum(Pvol[self['pore.inv_Pc'][pores] <= Pc])) / vol_tot if sp.mean(self._inv_phase['pore.contact_angle']) < 90: Snwp_p = 1 - Snwp_p Snwp_t = 1 - Snwp_t Snwp_all = 1 - Snwp_all PcPoints *= -1 if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(PcPoints, Snwp_all, 'g.-') plt.plot(PcPoints, Snwp_p, 'r.-') plt.plot(PcPoints, Snwp_t, 'b.-') r""" TODO: Add legend to distinguish the pore and throat curves """ return fig
def _remove_disconnected_clusters(self): bad_pores = sp.array([],dtype=int) self._pore_map = self.pores() self._throat_map = self.throats() health = self.check_network_health() if health['disconnected_clusters'] == []: self._throat_map = self.throats() self._pore_map = self.pores() else: Np = self.num_pores() Nt = self.num_throats() cluster_sizes = [sp.shape(x)[0] for x in health['disconnected_clusters']] acceptable_size = min([min([50,Np/2]),max(cluster_sizes)]) # 50 or less, if it's a really small network. #step through each cluster of pores. If its a small cluster, add it to the list for cluster in health['disconnected_clusters']: if sp.shape(cluster)[0] < acceptable_size: bad_pores = sp.append(bad_pores,sp.ravel(cluster)) bad_throats = sp.unique(self.find_neighbor_throats(bad_pores)) #Create map for pores if sp.shape(bad_pores)[0] > 0: i = 0 self._pore_map = sp.zeros((Np-sp.shape(bad_pores)[0],),dtype=int) for pore in self.pores(): if pore not in bad_pores: self._pore_map[i] = pore i += 1 #Create map for throats if sp.shape(bad_throats)[0] > 0: i = 0 self._throat_map = sp.zeros((Nt-sp.shape(bad_throats)[0],),dtype=int) for throat in self.throats(): if throat not in bad_throats: self._throat_map[i] = throat i += 1 #Fix the pore transformer try: if sp.shape(bad_pores)[0] > 0: i = 0 old_transform = self._dictionary['pname_transform'] self._dictionary['pname_transform'] = sp.zeros((Np-sp.shape(bad_pores)[0],),dtype=int) for pore in self.pores(): if pore not in bad_pores: self._dictionary['pname_transform'][i] = old_transform[pore] i += 1 except:'Could not update pname_transform. Imported network may not have had it.') pass self.trim(pores=bad_pores)
def reduced_rank_LDA(XTrain, yTrain, XTest, yTest): K = len(sp.unique(yTrain)) N = XTrain.shape[0] p = XTrain.shape[1] PiK = sp.zeros((K, 1)) M = sp.zeros((K, p)) ScatterMatrix = [] for ci in range(1, K+1): inds = sp.nonzero(yTrain == ci) Nci = len(inds[0]) PiK[ci-1] = Nci / N #print XTrain[inds, :] M[ci-1, :] = sp.mean(XTrain[inds[0], :], 0) print PiK print M
def entropy(values): """A slow way to calculate the entropy of the input values""" values = sp.asarray(values).flatten() #calculate the probablility of a value in a vector vUni = sp.unique(values) lenval = float(values.size) FreqData = sp.zeros(vUni.shape, dtype=float) for i in xrange(FreqData.size): FreqData[i] = sum(values == vUni[i]) / lenval return -sum([ FreqData[i] * sp.math.log(FreqData[i], 2) for i in xrange(FreqData.size) ])
def pred_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): y_true = sp.copy(y_true) if len(sp.unique(y_true)) == 2: print 'dichotomous trait, calculating AUC' y_min = y_true.min() y_max = y_true.max() if y_min != 0 or y_max != 1: y_true[y_true == y_min] = 0 y_true[y_true == y_max] = 1 fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_true, y_pred) auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) return auc else: print 'continuous trait, calculating COR' cor = sp.corrcoef(y_true, y_pred)[0, 1] return cor
def test_gets_records(self): for scan_ind in range(2): for IF_ind in range(2): inds = self.FileProcessor.get_scan_IF_inds(scan_ind, IF_ind) IFs = self.IFs_all[inds] scans = self.scans_all[inds] # Verify we got all of them. self.assertEqual(sp.size(inds), npol * ncal * ntimes_scan) # Verify they are all unique. self.assertEqual(len(sp.unique(inds)), npol * ncal * ntimes_scan) # Check that they are all right. wrong_scan = sp.where(sp.not_equal(scans, scan_set[scan_ind])) wrong_IF = sp.where(sp.not_equal(IFs, IF_set[IF_ind])) self.assertEqual(len(wrong_scan[0]), 0) self.assertEqual(len(wrong_IF[0]), 0)
def local_thickness(im): if im.ndim == 2: from skimage.morphology import square dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(im) sizes = sp.unique(sp.around(dt, decimals=0)) im_new = sp.zeros_like(im, dtype=float) for r in tqdm(sizes): im_temp = dt >= r im_temp = spim.distance_transform_edt(~im_temp) <= r im_new[im_temp] = r #Trim outer edge of features to remove noise if im.ndim == 3: im_new = spim.binary_erosion(input=im, structure=ball(1))*im_new if im.ndim == 2: im_new = spim.binary_erosion(input=im, structure=disc(1))*im_new return im_new
def _parse_points(self, shape, points, num_points): # Deal with input arguments if points is None: if num_points is None: raise Exception('Must specify either "points" or "num_points"') points = topotools.generate_base_points(num_points=num_points, domain_size=shape, reflect=True) else: # Should we check to ensure that points are reflected? points = sp.array(points) # Deal with points that are only 2D...they break Delaunay if points.shape[1] == 3 and len(sp.unique(points[:, 2])) == 1: points = points[:, :2] return points