Exemplo n.º 1
def central_diff_weights(Np,ndiv=1):
    """Return weights for an Np-point central derivative of order ndiv
       assuming equally-spaced function points.

       If weights are in the vector w, then 
       derivative is w[0] * f(x-ho*dx) + ... + w[-1] * f(x+h0*dx)
       Can be inaccurate for large number of points.
    assert (Np >= ndiv+1), "Number of points must be at least the derivative order + 1."
    assert (Np % 2 == 1), "Odd-number of points only."
    ho = Np >> 1
    x = arange(-ho,ho+1.0)
    x = x[:,NewAxis]
    X = x**0.0
    for k in range(1,Np):
        X = hstack([X,x**k])
    w = product(arange(1,ndiv+1))*linalg.inv(X)[ndiv]
    return w
Exemplo n.º 2
def pade(an, m):
    """Given Taylor series coefficients in an, return a Pade approximation to
    the function as the ratio of two polynomials p / q  where the order of q is m.
    an = asarray(an)
    N = len(an) - 1
    n = N-m
    if (n < 0):
        raise ValueError, \
              "Order of q <m> must be smaller than len(an)-1."
    Akj = eye(N+1,n+1)
    Bkj = zeros((N+1,m),'d')
    for row in range(1,m+1):
        Bkj[row,:row] = -(an[:row])[::-1]
    for row in range(m+1,N+1):
        Bkj[row,:] = -(an[row-m:row])[::-1]
    C = hstack((Akj,Bkj))
    pq = dot(linalg.inv(C),an)
    p = pq[:n+1]
    q = r_[1.0,pq[n+1:]]
    return poly1d(p[::-1]), poly1d(q[::-1])