Exemplo n.º 1
def write_pae_file(pae_matrix, file_name, range_to_keep=None):

    pae_as_list_of_lists = pae_matrix.tolist()
    if range_to_keep:
        n = range_to_keep.end + 1 - range_to_keep.start
        shape = (n, n)
        pae_1d = []
        for l in pae_as_list_of_lists[range_to_keep.start:range_to_keep.end +
            new_l = l[range_to_keep.start:range_to_keep.end + 1]
            pae_1d += new_l
        assert type(pae_matrix.tolist()[0][0]) == type(float(1))

        shape = tuple(pae_matrix.shape)

        # Flatten it out
        pae_1d = pae_matrix.flatten().tolist()

    # Read in to flex array
    flex_array = flex.float(pae_1d)

    from scitbx.array_family.flex import grid
    flex_grid = grid(shape)

    n, n = shape

    # Reshape the flex array

    # Write out array to text file as json
    residues_1 = []
    residues_2 = []
    distances = []
    for i in range(n):
        ii = i + 1
        for j in range(n):
            jj = j + 1
            distances.append(float("%.2f" % (flex_array[i, j])))

    residue_dict = {
        "residue1": residues_1,
        "residue2": residues_2,
        "distance": distances,
        "max_predicted_aligned_error": 0
    values = [residue_dict]

    text = str(values).replace(" ", "").replace("'", '"')

    f = open(file_name, 'w')
    print(text, file=f)
    print("Wrote json file to %s" % (file_name))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        assert style in ["global", "local", "no_end_gaps"]
        sim_fun_str = similarity_function
        self.similarity_function_call = None
        if (similarity_function is None or similarity_function == "identity"):
            self.similarity_function_call = identity
        elif (similarity_function == "dayhoff"):
            self.similarity_function_call = dayhoff
        elif (similarity_function == "blosum50"):
            self.similarity_function_call = blosum50
        elif (isinstance(similarity_function, str)):
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown similarity_function: "%s"' %
        from six import string_types
        if isinstance(seq_a, string_types):
            seq_a = seq_a.upper()
            seq_b = seq_b.upper()
            seq_a = flex.std_string(seq_a)
            seq_b = flex.std_string(seq_b)

        if masking_a:  #  Gap penalty for insertion scaled by masking_a after
            #   corresponding position in sequence a and scaled by
            #   masking_a for deletion before corresponding position in
            #   sequence a.  Allows increasing mask everywhere
            #   except where you want a gap to occur
            assert len(list(masking_a)) == len(seq_a)
            masking_a = [1] * len(
                seq_a)  #  no masking; standard gap penalty everywhere
        m = flex.float(masking_a)
        super(align, self).__init__(
        self.seq_a = seq_a
        self.seq_b = seq_b
        self.style = style
        self.similarity_function = sim_fun_str
        m, n = self.m, self.n = len(seq_a), len(seq_b)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def createFromText(infile):
        '''Loads rotamer or Ramachandran data from a text file, returning a new object.

        Can pass in either a file handle or a file name'''
        if isinstance(infile, str):
            infile = open(infile, 'r')
        ndt = NDimTable()
        ndt.ourName = re.search(r': +"(.+)"$', infile.readline()).group(1)
        ndt.nDim = int(re.search(r': +(\d+)$', infile.readline()).group(1))
        infile.readline()  # lower_bound  upper_bound  number_of_bins  wrapping
        ndt.minVal = []
        ndt.maxVal = []
        ndt.nBins = []
        ndt.doWrap = []
        ndt.wBin = []
        data_re = re.compile(r': +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)$')
        for i in range(ndt.nDim):
            match = data_re.search(infile.readline())
            doWrap = match.group(4).lower().strip()
            if doWrap == "true" or doWrap == "yes" or doWrap == "on" or doWrap == "1":
            ndt.wBin.append((ndt.maxVal[i] - ndt.minVal[i]) / ndt.nBins[i])
        #print ndt.minVal, ndt.maxVal, ndt.nBins, ndt.doWrap, ndt.wBin
        ndt.lookupTable = flex.float(flex.grid(ndt.nBins), 0)
        if re.search(r'first', infile.readline()): valueFirst = True
        else: valueFirst = False
        #print valueFirst
        s = infile.readline()
        while s:
            fields = s.split()
            if (len(fields) <= ndt.nDim): continue
            if valueFirst:
                val = float(fields[0])
                coords = [float(fld) for fld in fields[1:ndt.nDim + 1]]
                val = float(fields[ndt.nDim])
                coords = [float(fld) for fld in fields[0:ndt.nDim]]
            #print val, coords
            ndt.setValueAt(ndt.whereIs(coords), val)
            s = infile.readline()
        return ndt
Exemplo n.º 4
    def createFromText(infile):
        '''Loads rotamer or Ramachandran data from a text file, returning a new object.

        Can pass in either a file handle or a file name'''
        if isinstance(infile, types.StringTypes):
            infile = file(infile, 'r')
        ndt = NDimTable()
        ndt.ourName = re.search(r': +"(.+)"$', infile.readline()).group(1)
        ndt.nDim = int(re.search(r': +(\d+)$', infile.readline()).group(1))
        infile.readline() # lower_bound  upper_bound  number_of_bins  wrapping
        ndt.minVal  = []
        ndt.maxVal  = []
        ndt.nBins   = []
        ndt.doWrap  = []
        ndt.wBin    = []
        data_re = re.compile(r': +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)$')
        for i in range(ndt.nDim):
            match = data_re.search(infile.readline())
            ndt.nBins.append(   int(match.group(3)))
            doWrap = match.group(4).lower().strip()
            if doWrap == "true" or doWrap == "yes" or doWrap == "on" or doWrap == "1": ndt.doWrap.append(True)
            else: ndt.doWrap.append(False)
            ndt.wBin.append((ndt.maxVal[i] - ndt.minVal[i]) / ndt.nBins[i])
        #print ndt.minVal, ndt.maxVal, ndt.nBins, ndt.doWrap, ndt.wBin
        ndt.lookupTable = flex.float(flex.grid(ndt.nBins), 0)
        if re.search(r'first', infile.readline()): valueFirst = True
        else: valueFirst = False
        #print valueFirst
        s = infile.readline()
        while s:
            s = infile.readline()
            fields = s.split()
            if(len(fields) <= ndt.nDim): continue
            if valueFirst:
                val = float(fields[0])
                coords = [float(fld) for fld in fields[1:ndt.nDim+1]]
                val = float(fields[ndt.nDim])
                coords = [float(fld) for fld in fields[0:ndt.nDim]]
            #print val, coords
            ndt.setValueAt( ndt.whereIs(coords), val )
        return ndt
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_raw_data(self, index=0):
     from scitbx.array_family import flex
     detector_2d_assembled_1 = self._run['detector_2d_assembled_1']
     tag = detector_2d_assembled_1[self._images[index]]
     data = tag['detector_data']
     return flex.float(data[:, :]).as_double()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def event(self, evt, env):
        """The event() function is called for every L1Accept transition.

    For now, log error and set bogus value to allow stuff to continue
    -- must check for the bogosity later

    XXX The dead time of the detector complicates checking how often
    things are updated!  Move this to the ring buffer?

    @param evt Event data object, a configure object
    @param env Environment object

        from pyana.event import Event
        from acqiris_ext import acqiris_integrate, apd_hitfind

        super(mod_ledge, self).event(evt, env)
        if evt.status() != Event.Normal:
            pass  # XXX return -- Never skip because arrays will end up
            # different length, so ignore this?

        # Get the time of the event, in fractional seconds since the
        # epoch.  This is needed for all subsequent history-keeping, and
        # is hence determined first.  XXX Is history-keeping even
        # justified?
        time = cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt)
        if time is None:
            time = float("nan")
            time = time[0] + time[1] / 1e3

        # The repetition rate is currently just used for sanity checking.
        repetition_rate = cspad_tbx.evt_repetition_rate(evt)
        if repetition_rate is None:
            repetition_rate = float("nan")

        # Get the I0.  No need to warn about it here, it will be done once
        # the image is written out.
        I0 = cspad_tbx.evt_pulse_energy(evt)
        if I0 is None:
            I0 = float("nan")

        # Get the FEE energy.  Average the two readings before and after
        # attenuation separately.  XXX What are the units?  It look like
        # it could be mJ?
        fee_before = 0.5 * sum(evt.getFeeGasDet()[0:2])
        if fee_before is None:
            fee_before = float("nan")

        fee_after = 0.5 * sum(evt.getFeeGasDet()[2:4])
        if fee_after is None:
            fee_after = float("nan")

        # XXX Just a check: this is what xtcexplorer does:
        fee_energy = evt.get(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_FEEGasDetEnergy)
        if fee_energy is not None:
            assert (
                evt.getFeeGasDet()[0] == fee_energy.f_11_ENRC
                and evt.getFeeGasDet()[1] == fee_energy.f_12_ENRC
                and evt.getFeeGasDet()[2] == fee_energy.f_21_ENRC
                and evt.getFeeGasDet()[3] == fee_energy.f_22_ENRC

    # For Bill: expect 84240 data points for r0054
    # grep "^BILL_POINT" | cut -d' ' -f2,3,4,5,6 > t.dat
    # gnuplot> m=0.1 ; k=-0.01e-8; f(x) = k * x + m
    # gnuplot> fit f(x) "t.dat" using ($3):($5) via k,m
    if not hasattr(self, '_gmd_seqno'):
      self._gmd_seqno = 0
    gmd = evt.get(key=xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_GMD)
    if gmd is None:
    acq_apd = evt.getAcqValue('SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-1', 0, env)
    if acq_apd is not None and acq_apd.waveform() is not None:
      w = acq_apd.waveform()
      baseline = numpy.mean(w[0:(w.shape[0] / 5)])
      peak = numpy.min(w[(w.shape[0] / 5):w.shape[0]])
      self._gmd_seqno += 1
      print "BILL_POINT %d %s %s %s %s" % (self._gmd_seqno,
                                           repr(peak - baseline))

    # XXX Record injector motion--note that they cannot be added--see
    # Ray's email.
    injector_micos_xyz = cspad_tbx.env_pv3_get(
      ['SXR:EXP:MZM:%02d:ENCPOSITIONGET' % i for i in [1, 2, 3]])
    if injector_micos_xyz is None:
      self.logger.error("No micos injector motor positions")
      injector_micos_xyz = (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan'))

    injector_rough_xyz = cspad_tbx.env_pv3_get(
      ['SXR:EXP:MMS:%02d.RBV' % i for i in [1, 2, 3]])
    if injector_rough_xyz is None:
      self.logger.error("No rough injector motor positions")
      injector_rough_xyz = (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan'))

    # Injector power supplies XXX There is a third PSU, no?
    # The -5kV supply
    # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:VoltageMeasure
    # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:CurrentMeasure
    # The plus 5kV supply
    # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:VoltageMeasure
    # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:CurrentMeasure
    injector_plus_current = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get(
      env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:CurrentMeasure')
    if injector_plus_current is None:
      self.logger.error("No plus-motor current")
      injector_plus_current = -1

    injector_plus_voltage = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get(
      env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:VoltageMeasure')
    if injector_plus_voltage is None:
      self.logger.error("No plus-motor voltage")
      injector_plus_voltage = -1

    injector_minus_current = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get(
      env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:CurrentMeasure')
    if injector_minus_current is None:
      self.logger.error("No minus-motor current")
      injector_minus_current = -1

    injector_minus_voltage = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get(
      env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:VoltageMeasure')
    if injector_minus_voltage is None:
      self.logger.error("No minus-motor voltage")
      injector_minus_voltage = -1

    # The spectrometer motor positions are just used for sanity
    # checking.
    spectrometer_xyz = cspad_tbx.env_spectrometer_xyz_sxr(env)
    if spectrometer_xyz is None:
      self.logger.error("No spectrometer motor positions")
      spectrometer_xyz = (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan'))

        # Get the pulse energy after monochromator, and fall back on the
        # pre-monochromator energy if the former is absent.  Record in
        # list for mean and stddev.  XXX Verify that the wavelength after
        # the monochromator is updated at around 1 Hz.
        # For the publication an offset and scale were calibrated.
        wavelength = cspad_tbx.env_wavelength_sxr(evt, env)
        if wavelength is None:
            wavelength = cspad_tbx.evt_wavelength(evt)
        if wavelength is None:
            energy = float("nan")
            energy = 12398.4187 / wavelength
        self._history_energy.push(time, energy)  # XXX Not necessary?!

    # Laser shutters XXX need to sort out laser numbering XXX Laser
    # power stuff? XXX Position of polarizer/analyser
    shutters = cspad_tbx.env_laser_shutters(env)
    #print "Got shutters", shutters

        # Read out the diode traces from the via the Acqiris.  XXX In any
        # case, the APD and the more sensitive Opto Diode in the monitor
        # tank (i.e. the transmission diode) should be anti-correlated, so
        # check it!  The entire trace always covers 10 us.  XXX Could this
        # be figured out from xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_AcqConfig?
        # XXX This appears to be suboptimal: look at the
        # skewness-transform for the APD to sort this out.
        acq_apd = evt.getAcqValue("SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-1", 0, env)
        acq_apd_integral = float("nan")
        if acq_apd is not None:
            waveform = acq_apd.waveform()
            if waveform is not None:
                # With a 40k-point trace, one should integrate from 18200 to
                # 18400.
                waveform = waveform.flatten()
                nmemb = len(waveform) // 200
                if nmemb > 0:
                    acq_apd_integral = acqiris_integrate(flex.double(waveform), 91 * nmemb, 100 * nmemb, nmemb)

        if evt.expNum() == 208:
            # Opto diode address for L632.
            acq_opto_diode = evt.getAcqValue("SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-1", 1, env)
        elif evt.expNum() == 363:
            # Opto diode address for LB68.
            acq_opto_diode = evt.getAcqValue("SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-2", 2, env)
        acq_opto_diode_integral = float("nan")
        if acq_opto_diode is not None:
            waveform = acq_opto_diode.waveform()
            if waveform is not None:
                # With a 40k-point trace, one should integrate from 16000 to
                # 24000.  With a 20k-point trace, a suitable integration
                # region is bounded by 8000 and 12000.  There is no need for
                # thresholding, because the integral of the Opto Diode will
                # not be used for hit finding.  XXX What are the "misses" we
                # record on the Opto Diode?  XXX The direct beam is completely
                # gone after it hits the sample, because soft X-rays.
                waveform = waveform.flatten()
                nmemb = len(waveform) // 5
                if nmemb > 0:
                    acq_opto_diode_integral = acqiris_integrate(flex.double(waveform), 2 * nmemb, 4 * nmemb, nmemb)

        # Sanity check: verify that the timestamps for the two Acqiris
        # traces are similar enough.
        if acq_apd is not None and acq_opto_diode is not None:
            assert (
                len(acq_apd.timestamps()) == len(acq_opto_diode.timestamps())
                and numpy.any(numpy.abs(acq_apd.timestamps() - acq_opto_diode.timestamps())) < 1e-6

        # self.logger.info("DIODE INTEGRALS: %f %f %f" % (I0, acq_apd_integral, acq_opto_diode_integral))

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    hit_array_apd = apd_hitfind(
      len(acq_apd.waveform()) // 5)
    hit_array_opto_diode = apd_hitfind(
      len(acq_opto_diode.waveform()) // 5)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #  range(len(acq_apd.timestamps())), acq_apd.waveform())
      range(len(acq_opto_diode.timestamps())), acq_opto_diode.waveform()[0, :])

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #  acq_apd.timestamps()[0:len(hit_array_apd)], hit_array)
      acq_opto_diode.timestamps()[0:len(hit_array_opto_diode)], hit_array)

        # Determine whether the beam hit the sample, and register the
        # outcome.  If not using any diodes for hit-finding, every shot is
        # assumed to be a hit.  XXX Unfortunately, this crucial piece is
        # very unreliable.  The threshold for the APD needs to be
        # verified--inspect all the histograms.  XXX hitfind_flags is
        # probable better as a module parameter.
        #    hitfind_flags = 0x3
        hitfind_flags = 0
        hit = False
        if not hitfind_flags:
            hit = True
        elif hitfind_flags & 0x1 and acq_apd_integral > 0.2:
            hit = True

        # Always proceed all the way through (even if some shots have
        # invalid values of e.g. I0) because images are precious.  XXX
        # Must reset counters before returning!  XXX What about skipping
        # all of the above if display is True?
        if self.cspad_img is not None:
            self._nframes += 1

      # The spectrometer should not move!
      t = (self._spectrometer_xyz -
      print "Spectrometer displacement", t

      # Fine/rough motor position deviations from the mean.  See Ray's
      # email.
      t = (self._injector_micos_xyz -
      print "Injector micos displacement", t

      t = (self._injector_rough_xyz -
      print "Injector rough displacement", t

      # Injector motor position means and deviations
      if self._injector_plus_current.size() > 1:
        t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_plus_current)
        print "Injector plus current mean %10e stddev %10e" % \
            (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation())
      if self._injector_plus_voltage.size() > 1:
        t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_plus_voltage)
        print "Injector plus voltage mean %10e stddev %10e" % \
            (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation())

      if self._injector_minus_current.size() > 1:
        t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_minus_current)
        print "Injector minus current mean %10e stddev %10e" % \
            (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation())
      if self._injector_minus_voltage.size() > 1:
        t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_minus_voltage)
        print "Injector minus voltage mean %10e stddev %10e" % \
            (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation())


            # Energy statistics are collected from all shots, regardless of
            # whether they are hits or not.  Since this statistic mentions
            # the frame number, it should be reported first.  XXX The energy
            # should have a really small standard deviation.  Check
            # self._energy.size() and self._history_energy.frequency() XXX
            # verify that it works for one data point.
            (energy_mean, energy_stddev, energy_nmemb, n) = self._filtered_stats(
                lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._energy
            if n > 0:
                self.logger.warning("%d shots have undefined energy" % n)

            (I0_mean, I0_stddev, I0_nmemb, n) = self._filtered_stats(lambda x: not math.isnan(x), self._I0)
            if n > 0:
                self.logger.warning("%d shots have undefined I0" % n)

                "Frame %d: E=%.3f+/-%.3f (N=%d) I0=%.0f+/-%.0f (N=%d)"
                % (self._nframes, energy_mean, energy_stddev, energy_nmemb, I0_mean, I0_stddev, I0_nmemb)

            # Sanity check: unless changed while integrating the frame, the
            # repetition rate should have a standard deviation of zero.
            dt = self._timestamp[-1] - self._timestamp[0]
            rr_mean = rr_observed = rr_stddev = 0
            if dt > 0:
                rr_observed = (len(self._timestamp) - 1) / dt
                rr = filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._repetition_rate)
                if len(rr) > 1:
                    rr_stats = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(rr))
                    rr_mean = rr_stats.mean()
                    rr_stddev = rr_stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
                "Repetition rate: %.3f Hz (observed), %.3f+/-%.3f Hz (expected)" % (rr_observed, rr_mean, rr_stddev)

            # Compare observed and configured exposure time.
            config = cspad_tbx.getConfig(self.address, env)
            exposure_time = 0
            if config is not None and dt > 0 and len(self._timestamp) > 0:
                exposure_time = dt * (len(self._timestamp) + 1) / len(self._timestamp)
                "Exposure time: %.3f s (observed), %.3f s (configured)" % (exposure_time, config.exposureTime())

            # Compute the leading dead time, the time between starting the
            # readout of the previous frame and the arrival of the shot
            # immediately following it.  This is an interesting statistic,
            # no matter what.  XXX Maybe look at its distribution?
            dead_time = 0
            if rr_observed > 0 and hasattr(self, "_previous_readout_time"):
                dead_time = self._timestamp[0] - self._previous_readout_time - 1 / rr_observed
                if math.isnan(dead_time):
                    dead_time = 0
            self.logger.info("Dead time: %.3f s" % dead_time)
            self._previous_readout_time = self._timestamp[-1]

            assert time == self._timestamp[-1]  # XXX ZAP once one run survives it!

            # Flag blank images (i.e. images that had no hits), because
            # these may interesting for background subtraction.
            hits = self._hit.count(True)
            self.logger.info("Hit rate: %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (hits, self._hit.size(), 100 * hits / self._hit.size()))
            if hits == 0:
                self.logger.info("Frame %d is blank" % self._nframes)

            # Get the normalisation factor by summing up I0 for all hits.
            # Invalid and non-positive values of I0 are treated as zeroes.
            # XXX Make this kind of summing a function of its own.
            I0 = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._I0.select(self._hit)))
            I0_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._I0))

            fee_before_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._fee_before))
            fee_after_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._fee_after))

            # Register the template to the image and locate the regions of
            # interest based on the registration parameters.  XXX Should
            # also give contrast: fit 2D-Gaussian to peak and report its
            # standard deviations and fit?
            if self._template is not None:
                gamma = lewis(self._template, self.cspad_img)
                p = flex.max_index(gamma)
                peak = (
                    p // gamma.focus()[1] - self._template.focus()[0] + 1,
                    p % gamma.focus()[1] - self._template.focus()[1] + 1,

                # """
                ### REFERENCE CHECK ###
                from os.path import dirname, isdir, join
                from scipy import io

                mat_dirname = dirname(cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._mat_path, evt, env, frame_number=self._nframes))
                if not isdir(mat_dirname):

                    file_name=join(mat_dirname, "cross-check-%05d.mat" % self._nframes),

                ### REFERENCE CHECK ###
                # """
                # Alternative: position everything with respect to the frame
                # origin.
                peak = (0, 0)

            # XXX Come up with a better way to handle the offsets!  They
            # really do depend on the template, and should therefore be
            # packaged with it.
            self.logger.info("Template registration anchor point (%d, %d)" % (peak[0], peak[1]))

            roi = []
            if evt.expNum() == 208:
                # Regions of interest for L632 (experiment number 208).  XXX
                # Could perhaps migrate the template matching here instead?

                # The left, middle, and right manganese signals.  XXX Extend the
                # rightmost ROI three pixels in upward direction (see runs 145
                # and onwards, also note narrower slit)?
                roi.append((peak[0] + 59, peak[1] - 24, 12, 5))
                roi.append((peak[0] + 61, peak[1] + 28, 12, 4))
                roi.append((peak[0] + 61, peak[1] + 79, 12, 5))

                # Two background regions between the manganese spots, with the
                # same total area as the signal.
                roi.append((peak[0] + 62, peak[1] + 1, 8, 8))
                roi.append((peak[0] + 63, peak[1] + 51, 8, 8))

                # The left and right direct reflections from the Si substrate
                # (i.e. the areas between the zone plates).  These were the
                # features used for template registration.
                roi.append((peak[0], peak[1], 40, 10))
                roi.append((peak[0], peak[1] + 50, 40, 9))

                # Spot between the direct reflections.  XXX What is this?
                roi.append((peak[0] + 1, peak[1] + 23, 22, 13))

                # The horizontal slit, where the direct reflection occurs.  This
                # is fixed.  XXX Verify this!
                roi.append((22, 0, 41, 128))

                # Background stripe, below the manganese spots.  This is fixed
                # to the bottom of the detector.
                roi.append((104, 0, 20, 128))

            elif evt.expNum() == 363:
                # Regions of interest for LB68 (experiment number 363).
                # 0-pixel are active, 255-pixel are inactive
                from scipy.misc import imread

                # Dec 5, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): initial estimates from r0010
        roi.append((peak[0] +  14, peak[1] + 138 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] +  45, peak[1] + 138 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] +  78, peak[1] + 137 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 111, peak[1] + 137 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 144, peak[1] + 137 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 177, peak[1] + 136 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 210, peak[1] + 136 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 243, peak[1] + 136 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 278, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 312, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 344, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 376, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 408, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 442, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))
        roi.append((peak[0] + 475, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25))

                # Dec 6, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): rough estimates
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] +  25, 512,  25)) # bkg
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512,  25)) # oxygen
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 160, 512,  25)) # signal
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 300, 512, 130)) # zeroth order

                # Dec 7, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): overlap between oxygen and
                # signal.  Will loose some signal.
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] +  25, 512,  25)) # bkg
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512,  50)) # oxygen
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 185, 512,  40)) # signal
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 270, 512, 170)) # zeroth order

        # Dec 7 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): binary masks stored in PNG
        # images.

        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] +  25, 512,  25)) # bkg
        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512,  25)) # oxygen

        #roi_image = flex.float(
        #  imread('/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0039-max-mask.png',
        #         flatten=True))
        #roi_image = flex.float(
        #  imread('/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0039-std-mask.png',
        #         flatten=True))
        roi_image = flex.float(
        roi_image = (255 - roi_image)

        #roi.append((0, 0, self.cspad_img.focus()[0], self.cspad_img.focus()[1]))

        roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 270, 512, 170)) # zeroth order

                # Dec 9, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00)
                # """
                roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 25, 512, 25))  # bkg
                roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512, 25))  # oxygen
                # roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 160, 512,  25)) # signal
                roi_image = flex.float(imread("/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0067-max-mask.png", flatten=True))

                roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 240, 512, 180))  # zeroth order
                # """

                    "No regions of interest for %s (experiment number %d)" % (env.experiment(), evt.expNum())

            # Clip the regions of interest to the actual image.  If the ROI
            # does not overlap with the image at all, set its width and
            # height to zero.  XXX Do the integration here as well?
            for i in range(len(roi)):
                if not isinstance(roi[i], tuple):

                r = roi[i]
                if (
                    r[0] + r[2] < 0
                    or r[0] >= self.cspad_img.focus()[0]
                    or r[1] + r[3] < 0
                    or r[1] >= self.cspad_img.focus()[1]
                    roi[i] = (r[0], r[1], 0, 0)

                r = roi[i]
                if r[0] < 0:
                    roi[i] = (0, r[1], r[2] + r[0], r[3])

                r = roi[i]
                if r[1] < 0:
                    roi[i] = (r[0], 0, r[2], r[3] + r[1])

                r = roi[i]
                if r[0] + r[2] > self.cspad_img.focus()[0]:
                    roi[i] = (r[0], r[1], self.cspad_img.focus()[0] - r[0], r[3])

                r = roi[i]
                if r[1] + r[3] > self.cspad_img.focus()[1]:
                    roi[i] = (r[0], r[1], r[2], self.cspad_img.focus()[1] - r[1])

            # Sum up intensities in all regions of interest, and keep track
            # of the actual number of pixels summed.  The common_mode module
            # takes care of dark-subtraction.  XXX Would like to estimate
            # sigma for spot, like in spotfinder/LABELIT.
            I = flex.double(len(roi))
            I_nmemb = flex.int(len(roi))
            for i in range(len(roi)):
                if isinstance(roi[i], flex.float):
                    sel = roi[i].as_1d() < 128
                    I[i] = flex.sum(self.cspad_img.as_1d().select(sel))
                    I_nmemb[i] = sel.count(True)

                if roi[i][2] <= 0 or roi[i][3] <= 0:
                    I[i] = 0
                    I_nmemb[i] = 0
                    I[i] = flex.sum(
                            i_row=roi[i][0], i_column=roi[i][1], n_rows=roi[i][2], n_columns=roi[i][3]
                    I_nmemb[i] = roi[i][2] * roi[i][3]
          # Sanity check: white out the region of interest.
            block=flex.double(flex.grid(roi[i][2], roi[i][3])),

            acq_apd_sum = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._acq_apd_integral.select(self._hit)))
            acq_opto_diode_sum = sum(
                filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._acq_opto_diode_integral.select(self._hit))

            acq_apd_sum_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._acq_apd_integral))
            acq_opto_diode_sum_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._acq_opto_diode_integral))

            # Append the data point to the stream: shots, hits, energy, and
            # I.  XXX OrderedDict requires Python 2.7, could fall back on
            # regular Dict at the price of non-deterministic column order.
            from collections import OrderedDict

            csv_dict = OrderedDict(
                    ("n_frames", self._hit.size()),
                    ("n_hits", hits),
                    ("I0", I0),
                    ("I0_all", I0_all),
                    ("fee_before_all", fee_before_all),
                    ("fee_after_all", fee_after_all),
                    ("energy_mean", energy_mean),
                    ("acq_apd_sum", acq_apd_sum),
                    ("acq_apd_sum_all", acq_apd_sum_all),
                    ("acq_opto_diode_sum", acq_opto_diode_sum),
                    ("acq_opto_diode_sum_all", acq_opto_diode_sum_all),
            for (i, item) in enumerate(zip(roi, I, I_nmemb)):
                key = "roi_" + ("bkg", "oxygen", "manganese", "zeroth_order")[i]
                csv_dict["%s_nmemb" % key] = item[2]

                if isinstance(item[0], tuple):
                    csv_dict["%s_ss_start" % key] = item[0][0]
                    csv_dict["%s_fs_start" % key] = item[0][1]
                    csv_dict["%s_ss_size" % key] = item[0][2]
                    csv_dict["%s_fs_size" % key] = item[0][3]
                    csv_dict["%s_ss_start" % key] = 0
                    csv_dict["%s_fs_start" % key] = 0
                    csv_dict["%s_ss_size" % key] = item[0].focus()[0]
                    csv_dict["%s_fs_size" % key] = item[0].focus()[1]

                csv_dict["%s_I" % key] = item[1]

            # XXX assert that keys match up with what's in the file already?
            # Or exploit the error-reporting mechanism already implemented?
            # Write the header.  XXX How to control the order of the
            # columns?
            if not hasattr(self, "_csv"):
                from csv import DictWriter

                self._csv = DictWriter(self._stream_table, csv_dict.keys())
                self._csv.writerow({key: key for key in csv_dict.keys()})

            # Output the non-normalised image and all other relevant data to
            # a binary MATLAB file.  XXX What if scipy is not available?
            from os import makedirs, path
            from scipy import io

            mat_path = cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._mat_path, evt, env, frame_number=self._nframes)
            if not path.isdir(path.dirname(mat_path)):

                    DIODES=numpy.array((acq_apd_sum, acq_apd_sum_all, acq_opto_diode_sum, acq_opto_diode_sum_all)),
                    HITS=numpy.array((hits, self._hit.size())),
                    I0=numpy.array((I0, I0_all)),
                    ROIS=numpy.array([r for r in roi if isinstance(r, tuple)]),

            # Optionally update the image in the viewer.  See mod_view.
            if self._display:
                from time import localtime, strftime

                # Copy over regions of interest to shared multiprocessing
                # array.  XXX Flip to honour wxPython convention.
                for i in range(len(roi)):
                    if not isinstance(roi[i], tuple):
                    self._roi[4 * i + 0] = roi[i][1]
                    self._roi[4 * i + 1] = roi[i][0]
                    self._roi[4 * i + 2] = roi[i][3]
                    self._roi[4 * i + 3] = roi[i][2]

                time_str = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(evt.getTime().seconds()))
                title = "r%04d@%s: frame %d on %s" % (evt.run(), time_str, self._nframes, self.address)

                # XXX No distance in the Andor experiment.  So don't bother
                # with the fictional beam center, distance, and saturation
                # value?  See also mod_average.endjob()
                img_obj = (
                        BEAM_CENTER=(0, 0),
                        DISTANCE=10,  # XXX Evil kludge to keep dxtbx happy!
                        PIXEL_SIZE=13.5e-3,  # XXX Hard-coded, again!
                        WAVELENGTH=12398.4187 / energy,

                while not self._queue.empty():
                    if not self._proc.is_alive():
                while True:
                        self._queue.put(img_obj, timeout=1)
                    except Exception:  # Queue.Full:

Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_raw_data(self, index=0):
   from scitbx.array_family import flex
   detector_2d_assembled_1 = self._run['detector_2d_assembled_1']
   tag = detector_2d_assembled_1[self._images[index]]
   data = tag['detector_data']
   return flex.float(data[:,:]).as_double()