Exemplo n.º 1
  def tst_identical(self):

    from dials.algorithms.integration.fit import fit_profile
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from tst_profile_helpers import gaussian

    # Create profile
    p = gaussian((9, 9, 9), 1, (4, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
    s = flex.sum(p)
    p = p / s

    # Copy profile
    c = p.deep_copy()
    b = flex.double(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), 0)
    m = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), True)

    # Fit
    fit = fit_profile(p, m, c, b)
    I = fit.intensity()
    V = fit.variance()

    # Test intensity is the same
    eps = 1e-7
    assert(abs(I - flex.sum(p)) < eps)
    assert(abs(V - I) < eps)

    print 'OK'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
        # HATTNE does never enter this function
        print "HATTNE entering mark1.compute_functional_and_gradients"

        self.model_calcx = self.spotcx.deep_copy()
        self.model_calcy = self.spotcy.deep_copy()

        for x in xrange(64):
            selection = self.selections[x]
            self.model_calcx.set_selected(selection, self.model_calcx + self.x[2 * x])
            self.model_calcy.set_selected(selection, self.model_calcy + self.x[2 * x + 1])

        squares = self.delrsq_functional(self.model_calcx, self.model_calcy)

        f = flex.sum(squares)
        calc_obs_diffx = self.model_calcx - self.spotfx
        calc_obs_diffy = self.model_calcy - self.spotfy

        gradients = flex.double([0.0] * 128)
        for x in xrange(64):
            selection = self.selections[x]
            gradients[2 * x] = 2.0 * flex.sum(calc_obs_diffx.select(selection))
            gradients[2 * x + 1] = 2.0 * flex.sum(calc_obs_diffy.select(selection))
        print "Functional ", math.sqrt(flex.mean(squares))

        return f, gradients
Exemplo n.º 3
  def _beam_direction_variance_list(self, detector, reflections):
    '''Calculate the variance in beam direction for each spot.

        reflections The list of reflections

        The list of variances

    from scitbx.array_family import flex

    # Get the reflection columns
    shoebox = reflections['shoebox']
    bbox = reflections['bbox']
    xyz = reflections['xyzobs.px.value']

    # Loop through all the reflections
    variance = []
    for r in range(len(reflections)):

      # Get the coordinates and values of valid shoebox pixels
      mask = shoebox[r].mask != 0
      coords = shoebox[r].coords(mask)
      values = shoebox[r].values(mask)
      s1 = shoebox[r].beam_vectors(detector, mask)

      # Calculate the beam vector at the centroid
      panel = shoebox[r].panel
      s1_centroid = detector[panel].get_pixel_lab_coord(xyz[r][0:2])
      angles = s1.angle(s1_centroid, deg=False)
      variance.append(flex.sum(values * (angles**2)) / (flex.sum(values) - 1))

    # Return a list of variances
    return flex.double(variance)
Exemplo n.º 4
def r_split(self, other, assume_index_matching=False, use_binning=False):
    # Used in Boutet et al. (2012), which credit it to Owen et al
    # (2006).  See also R_mrgd_I in Diederichs & Karplus (1997)?
    # Barends cites Collaborative Computational Project Number 4. The
    # CCP4 suite: programs for protein crystallography. Acta
    # Crystallogr. Sect. D-Biol. Crystallogr. 50, 760-763 (1994) and
    # White, T. A. et al. CrystFEL: a software suite for snapshot
    # serial crystallography. J. Appl. Cryst. 45, 335–341 (2012).

    if not use_binning:
        assert other.indices().size() == self.indices().size()
        if self.data().size() == 0:
            return None

        if assume_index_matching:
            (o, c) = (self, other)
            (o, c) = self.common_sets(other=other, assert_no_singles=True)

        # The case where the denominator is less or equal to zero is
        # pathological and should never arise in practice.
        den = flex.sum(flex.abs(o.data() + c.data()))
        assert den > 0
        return math.sqrt(2) * flex.sum(flex.abs(o.data() - c.data())) / den

    assert self.binner is not None
    results = []
    for i_bin in self.binner().range_all():
        sel = self.binner().selection(i_bin)
            r_split(self.select(sel), other.select(sel), assume_index_matching=assume_index_matching, use_binning=False)
    return binned_data(binner=self.binner(), data=results, data_fmt="%7.4f")
Exemplo n.º 5
  def tst_with_flat_background(self):

    from dials.algorithms.integration.fit import fit_profile
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from tst_profile_helpers import gaussian

    # Create profile
    p = gaussian((9, 9, 9), 1, (4, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
    s = flex.sum(p)
    p = p / s

    # Copy profile
    c0 = gaussian((9, 9, 9), 1, (4, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
    b = flex.double(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), 5)
    m = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), True)
    c = c0 + b

    # Fit
    fit = fit_profile(p, m, c, b)
    I = fit.intensity()
    V = fit.variance()

    # Test intensity is the same
    eps = 1e-7
    assert(abs(I - flex.sum(c0)) < eps)
    assert(abs(V - (flex.sum(c0) + flex.sum(b))) < eps)

    print 'OK'
Exemplo n.º 6
def r1_factor(self, other, scale_factor=None, assume_index_matching=False, use_binning=False):
    """Get the R1 factor according to this formula

    .. math::
       R1 = \dfrac{\sum{||F| - k|F'||}}{\sum{|F|}}

    where F is self.data() and F' is other.data() and
    k is the factor to put F' on the same scale as F"""
    assert not use_binning or self.binner() is not None
    assert other.indices().size() == self.indices().size()
    if not use_binning:
        if self.data().size() == 0:
            return None
        if assume_index_matching:
            o, c = self, other
            o, c = self.common_sets(other=other, assert_no_singles=True)
        o = flex.abs(o.data())
        c = flex.abs(c.data())
        if scale_factor is None:
            den = flex.sum(c * c)
            if den != 0:
                c *= flex.sum(o * c) / den
        elif scale_factor is not None:
            c *= scale_factor
        return flex.sum(flex.abs(o - c)) / flex.sum(o)
    results = []
    for i_bin in self.binner().range_all():
        sel = self.binner().selection(i_bin)
        results.append(r1_factor(self.select(sel), other.select(sel), scale_factor.data[i_bin], assume_index_matching))
    return binned_data(binner=self.binner(), data=results, data_fmt="%7.4f")
Exemplo n.º 7
  def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    import math

    self.model_mean_x = flex.double(len(self.observed_x))
    self.model_mean_y = flex.double(len(self.observed_x))

    for x in xrange(6):
      selection = (self.master_groups==x)
      self.model_mean_x.set_selected(selection, self.x[2*x])
      self.model_mean_y.set_selected(selection, self.x[2*x+1])

    delx = self.observed_x - self.model_mean_x
    dely = self.observed_y - self.model_mean_y
    delrsq = delx*delx + dely*dely

    f = flex.sum(delrsq)

    gradients = flex.double([0.]*12)
    for x in xrange(6):
      selection = (self.master_groups==x)
      gradients[2*x] = -2. * flex.sum( delx.select(selection) )
      gradients[2*x+1]=-2. * flex.sum( dely.select(selection) )
    if self.verbose:
      print "Functional ",math.sqrt(flex.mean(delrsq))
    self.count_iterations += 1
    return f,gradients
Exemplo n.º 8
def Hn(m):
  m_ = m
  sc = math.log(m_.size())
  s = m_>0
  m_ = m_.select(s.iselection())
  m_ = m_/flex.sum(m_)
  return -flex.sum(m_*flex.log(m_))/sc
      def __init__(OO):

        #OK let's figure stuff out about the multiphoton residual, after fitting with 0 + 1 photons
        # only count the residual for x larger than one_mean + 3*zero_sigma
        x = histogram.slot_centers()
        y_calc = flex.double(x.size(), 0)
        for g in gaussians:
          y_calc += g(x)
        xfloor = gaussians[1].params[1] + 3.*gaussians[0].params[2]
        selection = (histogram.slot_centers()>xfloor)
        OO.fit_xresid = histogram.slot_centers().select(selection)
        OO.fit_yresid = histogram.slots().as_double().select(selection) - y_calc.select(selection)
        OO.xweight = (OO.fit_xresid - gaussians[0].params[1])/(gaussians[1].params[1] - gaussians[0].params[1])
        OO.additional_photons = flex.sum( OO.xweight * OO.fit_yresid )

        #Now the other half of the data; the part supposedly fit by the 0- and 1-photon gaussians
        OO.qual_xresid = histogram.slot_centers().select(~selection)
        ysignal = histogram.slots().as_double().select(~selection)
        OO.qual_yresid = ysignal - y_calc.select(~selection)
        # Not sure how to treat weights for channels with zero observations; default to 1
        _variance = ysignal.deep_copy().set_selected(ysignal==0., 1.)
        OO.weight = 1./_variance
        OO.weighted_numerator = OO.weight * (OO.qual_yresid * OO.qual_yresid)
        OO.sumsq_signal = flex.sum(ysignal * ysignal)
        OO.sumsq_residual = flex.sum(OO.qual_yresid * OO.qual_yresid)
Exemplo n.º 10
  def tst_with_flat_background_partial(self):

    from dials.algorithms.integration.fit import fit_profile
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from tst_profile_helpers import gaussian

    # Create profile
    p = gaussian((9, 9, 9), 1, (4, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
    s = flex.sum(p)
    p = p / s

    # Copy profile
    c0 = gaussian((9, 9, 9), 1, (4, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
    b = flex.double(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), 5)
    m = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), True)
    c = c0 + b

    # Get the partial profiles
    pp = p[0:5,:,:]
    mp = m[0:5,:,:]
    cp = c[0:5,:,:]
    bp = b[0:5,:,:]
    c0p = c0[0:5,:,:]

    # Fit
    fit = fit_profile(pp, mp, cp, bp)
    I = fit.intensity()
    V = fit.variance()

    # Test intensity is the same
    eps = 1e-7
    assert(abs(I - flex.sum(c0)) < eps)
    assert(abs(V - (flex.sum(c0p) + flex.sum(bp))) < eps)

    print 'OK'
Exemplo n.º 11
def circ_mean (t, deg=True) :
  assert (len(t) > 0)
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  if (deg) :
    t = math.pi * (t/180)
  sx = flex.sum(flex.cos(t)) / len(t)
  sy = flex.sum(flex.sin(t)) / len(t)
  return math.degrees(math.atan2(sy, sx))
Exemplo n.º 12
def circ_len (t, deg=True) :
  assert (len(t) > 0)
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  if (deg) :
    t = math.pi * (t/180)
  sx = flex.sum(flex.cos(t)) / len(t)
  sy = flex.sum(flex.sin(t)) / len(t)
  return math.sqrt(sx**2 + sy**2)
Exemplo n.º 13
def r_factor(x,y, use_scale):
    x = flex.abs(x.data())
    y = flex.abs(y.data())
  except Exception: pass
  if(use_scale): sc = scale(x,y)
  return flex.sum(flex.abs(x-sc*y))/flex.sum(x)
 def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
   slope = self.x[0]
   y_intercept = self.x[1]
   y_calc = slope * self.x_obs + y_intercept
   y_diff = self.y_obs - y_calc
   f = flex.sum(flex.pow2(y_diff))
   g = flex.double([
     flex.sum(-2 * y_diff * self.x_obs),
     flex.sum(-2 * y_diff)])
   return f, g
Exemplo n.º 15
 def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
   y_calc = self.compute_y_calc()
   delta_y = self.y_obs - y_calc
   f = flex.sum(flex.pow2(delta_y))
   g = flex.double()
   for funct in self.functions:
     partial_ders = funct.partial_derivatives(self.x_obs)
     for i, partial in enumerate(partial_ders):
       g.append(-2 * flex.sum(delta_y * partial))
   return f, g
Exemplo n.º 16
def scale(x, y):
  assert type(x) == type(y)
  if(type(x) == miller.array):
    x = x.data()
    y = y.data()
  x = flex.abs(x)
  y = flex.abs(y)
  d = flex.sum(y*y)
  if d == 0: return 1
    return flex.sum(x*y)/d
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: npp.py Projeto: xia2/xia2
def npp(hklin):
  from iotbx.reflection_file_reader import any_reflection_file
  from xia2.Toolkit.NPP import npp_ify, mean_variance
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  import math
  import sys
  reader = any_reflection_file(hklin)
  mtz_object = reader.file_content()
  intensities = [ma for ma in reader.as_miller_arrays(merge_equivalents=False)
                 if ma.info().labels == ['I', 'SIGI']][0]
  indices = intensities.indices()

  # merging: use external variance i.e. variances derived from SIGI column
  merger = intensities.merge_equivalents(use_internal_variance=False)
  mult = merger.redundancies().data()
  imean = merger.array()
  unique = imean.indices()
  iobs = imean.data()
  # scale up variance to account for sqrt(multiplicity) effective scaling
  variobs = (imean.sigmas() ** 2) * mult.as_double()

  all = flex.double()
  cen = flex.double()

  for hkl, i, v, m in zip(unique, iobs, variobs, mult):

    # only consider if meaningful number of observations
    if m < 3:

    sel = indices == hkl
    data = intensities.select(sel).data()

    assert(m == len(data))

    _x, _y = npp_ify(data, input_mean_variance=(i,v))

    # perform linreg on (i) all data and (ii) subset between +/- 2 sigma

    sel = (flex.abs(_x) < 2)
    _x_ = _x.select(sel)
    _y_ = _y.select(sel)

    fit_all = flex.linear_regression(_x, _y)
    fit_cen = flex.linear_regression(_x_, _y_)


    print '%3d %3d %3d' % hkl, '%.2f %.2f %.2f' % (i, v, i/math.sqrt(v)), \
      '%.2f %.2f' % (fit_all.slope(), fit_cen.slope()), '%d' % m

  sys.stderr.write('Mean gradients: %.2f %.2f\n' % (flex.sum(all) / all.size(),
                                                    flex.sum(cen) / cen.size()))
Exemplo n.º 18
def scale_down_image(in_image, out_image, scale_factor):
  '''Read in the data from in_image, apply the statistically valid scale factor
  to the data & write this out as out_image; retain the header as we go.'''

  image, header = read_image_to_flex_array(in_image)
  scaled_image = scale_down_array(image.as_1d(), scale_factor)
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  sum_image = flex.sum(image.as_1d().select(image.as_1d() > 0))
  sum_scaled_image = flex.sum(scaled_image.select(scaled_image > 0))
  write_image_from_flex_array(out_image, scaled_image, header)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
     self.a = self.x
     y_calc = flex.double(self.x_obs.size(), 0)
     for i in range(self.n):
         y_calc = y_calc + (self.a[i]) * flex.pow(self.x_obs, i)
     y_diff = self.y_obs - y_calc
     f = flex.sum(y_diff * y_diff / self.w_obs)
     g = flex.double(self.n, 0)
     for i in range(self.n):
         g[i] = -flex.sum(2.0 * (y_diff / self.w_obs) * flex.pow(self.x_obs, i))
     print f
     return f, g
Exemplo n.º 20
def calc_k(fo, fc):
  "scale factor for (fo-k*fc)**2, only similar to factor for abs(fo-k*fc)"
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  k_num = flex.sum(fo * fc)
  k_den = flex.sum(fc * fc)
  assert k_den != 0
  assert k_den**2 != 0
  k = k_num / k_den
  k_d_num = fo * k_den - k_num * 2 * fc
  k_d = k_d_num / k_den**2
  k_d2 = -2 * (k_num * k_den + 2 * k_d_num * fc) / k_den**3
  return k, k_d, k_d2
Exemplo n.º 21
  def _rmsds_core(self, reflections):
    """calculate unweighted RMSDs for the specified reflections"""

    resid_x = flex.sum(reflections['x_resid2'])
    resid_y = flex.sum(reflections['y_resid2'])
    resid_phi = flex.sum(reflections['phi_resid2'])
    n = len(reflections)

    rmsds = (sqrt(resid_x / n),
             sqrt(resid_y / n),
             sqrt(resid_phi / n))
    return rmsds
Exemplo n.º 22
 def process_one_gradient(result):
   # copy gradients out of the result
   dX = result[self._grad_names[0]]
   dY = result[self._grad_names[1]]
   dZ = result[self._grad_names[2]]
   # reset result
   for k in result.keys():
     result[k] = None
   # add new keys
   grads = self._concatenate_gradients(dX, dY, dZ)
   result['dL_dp'] = flex.sum(w_resid * grads)
   result['curvature'] = flex.sum(weights * grads * grads)
   return result
Exemplo n.º 23
 def wR2(self, cutoff_factor=None):
   if cutoff_factor is None:
     return math.sqrt(2*self.objective_data_only)
   fo_sq = self.observations.fo_sq
   strong = fo_sq.data() >= cutoff_factor*fo_sq.sigmas()
   fo_sq = fo_sq.select(strong)
   fc_sq = self.fc_sq.select(strong)
   wght = self.weights.select(strong)
   fc_sq = fc_sq.data()
   fo_sq = fo_sq.data()
   fc_sq *= self.scale_factor()
   wR2 = flex.sum(wght*flex.pow2((fo_sq-fc_sq)))/flex.sum(wght*flex.pow2(fo_sq))
   return math.sqrt(wR2)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _beam_direction_variance_list(self,
        """Calculate the variance in beam direction for each spot.

            detector The detector model
            reflections The list of reflections
            centroid_definition ENUM com or s1

            The list of variances
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Get the reflection columns
        shoebox = reflections["shoebox"]
        xyz = reflections["xyzobs.px.value"]

        # Loop through all the reflections
        variance = []

        if centroid_definition == "com":
            # Calculate the beam vector at the centroid
            s1_centroid = []
            for r in range(len(reflections)):
                panel = shoebox[r].panel
            s1_centroid = reflections["s1"]

        for r in range(len(reflections)):

            # Get the coordinates and values of valid shoebox pixels
            # FIXME maybe I note in Kabsch (2010) s3.1 step (v) is
            # background subtraction, appears to be missing here.
            mask = shoebox[r].mask != 0
            values = shoebox[r].values(mask)
            s1 = shoebox[r].beam_vectors(detector, mask)

            angles = s1.angle(s1_centroid[r], deg=False)

            if flex.sum(values) > 1:
                    flex.sum(values * (angles**2)) / (flex.sum(values) - 1))

        # Return a list of variances
        return flex.double(variance)
Exemplo n.º 25
def check_pixel_histogram_fit(hist, gaussians):
    assert gaussians is not None
    #if gaussians is None:
    ## Presumably the peak fitting failed in some way
    #print "Skipping pixel %s" %str(pixel)
    zero_peak_diff = gaussians[0].params[1]
    if len(gaussians) < 2:
        raise PixelFitError("Only one gaussian!")
    y_obs = hist.slots().as_double()
    x = hist.slot_centers()
    y_calc = flex.double(y_obs.size(), 0)
    for g in gaussians:
        y_calc += g(x)
    residual = y_obs - y_calc

    # check the overall residual
    if flex.max(residual) / flex.sum(hist.slots()) > 0.015:
        raise PixelFitError("Bad fit residual: %f" %
                            (flex.max(residual) / flex.sum(hist.slots())))

    # check the residual around the zero photon peak
    zero_gaussian = gaussians[0]
    selection = ((x < zero_gaussian.params[1] + 1 * zero_gaussian.sigma))
    #if ((flex.max(residual.select(selection))/flex.sum(hist.slots()) > 0.008)
    #or (flex.min(residual.select(selection))/flex.sum(hist.slots()) < -0.0067)):
    #raise PixelFitError("Bad fit residual around zero photon peak")

    # check the residual around the one photon peak
    one_gaussian = gaussians[1]
    selection = ((x > one_gaussian.params[1] - 1.4 * one_gaussian.sigma))  # &
    if selection.count(True) == 0:
        raise PixelFitError("Bad fit residual around one photon peak")
    max_residual_sel = flex.max(residual.select(selection))
    if max_residual_sel > 20 and max_residual_sel > 1.2 * one_gaussian.params[
        raise PixelFitError("Bad fit residual: %f" % max_residual_sel)

    gain = gaussians[1].params[1] - gaussians[0].params[1]
    if 0 and estimated_gain is not None and abs(
            gain - estimated_gain) > 0.5 * estimated_gain:
        print "bad gain!!!!!", pixel, gain
    #elif (one_gaussian.sigma / zero_gaussian.sigma) > 1.9:
    #raise PixelFitError("Bad sigma ratio: %.1f, %.1f" %(one_gaussian.sigma, zero_gaussian.sigma))
    elif gaussians[1].sigma < (0.5 * gaussians[0].sigma):
        raise PixelFitError("Bad sigma: %f" % gaussians[1].sigma)
    elif gain < (4 * gaussians[0].sigma):
        raise PixelFitError("Bad gain: %f" % gain)
    elif gain > (20 * gaussians[0].sigma):  # XXX is 20 to low?
        raise PixelFitError("Bad gain: %f" % gain)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
     self.a = self.x
     residuals = self.datay - self.a[0] * self.datax * self.datax - self.a[
         1] * self.datax - self.a[2]
     f = flex.sum(0.5 * residuals * residuals)
     g = flex.double(self.n)
     dR_da = -self.datax * self.datax
     dR_db = -self.datax
     dR_dc = flex.double(len(self.datax), -1)
     g[0] = flex.sum(residuals * dR_da)
     g[1] = flex.sum(residuals * dR_db)
     g[2] = flex.sum(residuals * dR_dc)
     # self.print_step("LBFGS stp",f)
     return f, g
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _rmsds_core(self, reflections):
        """calculate unweighted RMSDs for the specified reflections"""

        resid_x = flex.sum(reflections["x_resid2"])
        resid_y = flex.sum(reflections["y_resid2"])
        resid_phi = flex.sum(reflections["phi_resid2"])
        n = len(reflections)

        rmsds = (
            math.sqrt(resid_x / n),
            math.sqrt(resid_y / n),
            math.sqrt(resid_phi / n),
        return rmsds
Exemplo n.º 28
    def r_merge_per_batch(pairs):
        """Calculate R_merge for the list of (merged-I, I) pairs."""

        merged_indices, unmerged_indices = zip(*pairs)

        unmerged_Ij = intensities.data().select(flex.size_t(unmerged_indices))
        merged_Ij = merged_intensities.data().select(flex.size_t(merged_indices))

        numerator = flex.sum(flex.abs(unmerged_Ij - merged_Ij))
        denominator = flex.sum(unmerged_Ij)

        if denominator > 0:
            return numerator / denominator
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 29
 def wR2(self, cutoff_factor=None):
     if cutoff_factor is None:
         return math.sqrt(2 * self.objective_data_only)
     fo_sq = self.observations.fo_sq
     strong = fo_sq.data() >= cutoff_factor * fo_sq.sigmas()
     fo_sq = fo_sq.select(strong)
     fc_sq = self.fc_sq.select(strong)
     wght = self.weights.select(strong)
     fc_sq = fc_sq.data()
     fo_sq = fo_sq.data()
     fc_sq *= self.scale_factor()
     wR2 = flex.sum(wght * flex.pow2(
         (fo_sq - fc_sq))) / flex.sum(wght * flex.pow2(fo_sq))
     return math.sqrt(wR2)
Exemplo n.º 30
def enlarge(data,factor,sigma=0.1,full=False):
  n,n = data.focus()
  m = int(n*factor)
  x    = flex.double()
  y    = flex.double()
  vals = flex.double()
  new_data = flex.double( flex.grid(m,m), -9 )
  visited = flex.bool( flex.grid(m,m), False )
  oo = n/2.0
  for ii in range(n):
    for jj in range(n):
      dd = smath.sqrt( (ii-oo)**2.0 + (jj-oo)**2.0 )
      if dd <= oo:
        nx = ii*factor
        ny = jj*factor
        x.append( nx )
        y.append( ny )
        vals.append( data[ (ii,jj) ] )
        new_data[ (int(nx), int(ny)) ] = data[ (ii,jj) ]
        if not full:
          visited[ (int(nx), int(ny)) ] = True

  not_visited = ~visited
  not_visited = not_visited.iselection()
  # now we need to loop over all non-visited pixel values
  for pixel in not_visited:
        nv = -9
        index =  n_dim_index_from_one_dim(pixel, [m,m] )
        nvx  = index[1]
        nvy  = index[0]
        dx   = x-nvx
        dy   = y-nvy
        dd   = (dx*dx+dy*dy)
        ss   = flex.exp( -dd/(sigma*sigma) )
        nv   = flex.sum(ss*vals)/(1e-12+flex.sum(ss))
        new_data[ (nvx,nvy) ] = nv
        visited[  (nvx,nvy) ] = True
        #print nvx, nvy, nv
  not_visited = ~visited
  not_visited = not_visited.iselection()
  #print not_visited.size()
  return new_data
  for ii in range(m):
    for jj in range(m):
      dd = smath.sqrt( (ii-oo)**2.0 + (jj-oo)**2.0 )
      new_data[ (ii,jj) ] = new_data[ (ii,jj) ]/(1+smath.sqrt(dd))
  return new_data
Exemplo n.º 31
    def goodness_of_fit(self):
        """Calculate various goodness of fit metrics (assumes fit has been
        performed already)"""
        a_sq = self.param[0]
        model_y = flex.sqrt(flex.pow2(self.x) + a_sq)
        resid = model_y - self.y
        resid2 = flex.pow2(resid)

        sse = flex.sum(resid2)
        sst = flex.sum(flex.pow2(model_y - flex.mean(model_y)))
        r_sq = 1 - sse / sst
        rmse = sqrt(sse / (self.n_data - 1))

        return {"SSE": sse, "R-square": r_sq, "RMSE": rmse}
Exemplo n.º 32
    def accumulate(self, x, y):
        """Accumulate the `x` and `y` values provided.

          x (list): The list of `x` values to accumulate.
          y (list): The list of `y` values to accumulate.
        assert x.size() == y.size()
        self._n += x.size()
        self._sum_x += flex.sum(x)
        self._sum_y += flex.sum(y)
        self._sum_xy += flex.sum(x * y)
        self._sum_x_sq += flex.sum(flex.pow2(x))
        self._sum_y_sq += flex.sum(flex.pow2(y))
Exemplo n.º 33
 def target(self,vector):
   scales, offsets = self.get_scales_offsets(vector)
   dr = self.get_mean(scales,offsets)
   result = 0
   for jj in xrange(self.n_sets):
     dj =  scales[jj]*(self.means[jj]+offsets[jj])
     vj =  self.vars[jj]*scales[jj]*scales[jj]
     t  =  flex.pow((dj-dr),2)/( 1e-13 + vj )
     if self.n_sets != 2:
       result += flex.sum( t )
       if jj != self.ref:
         vr = self.vars[self.ref]
         result += flex.sum(flex.pow((dj-dr),2)/( 1e-13 + vj + vr ))
   return result
Exemplo n.º 34
 def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
   self.a = self.x
   f = 0.;
   g = flex.double(self.n)
   vector_T = flex.double(len(self.SP),self.x[0]) + self.SP*self.x[1] + self.FP*self.x[2] + 0.5*(
          self.SS*self.x[3] + self.SF*self.x[4] + self.FF*self.x[5])
   vector_lambda = vector_T/self.gain
   f = flex.sum(vector_lambda - (self.KI * flex.log(vector_lambda)))
   inner_paren = flex.double(len(self.SP),1.) - (self.KI/vector_lambda)
   g_list = [flex.sum( deriv * inner_paren ) for deriv in
              [flex.double(len(self.SP),1.), self.SP, self.FP, self.SS, self.SF, self.FF]]
   #self.print_step("LBFGS stp",f)
   g_list[3]=0.; g_list[4]=0.; g_list[5]=0. # turn off the 2nd-order Taylor term
   g = flex.double(g_list)/self.gain
   return f,g
Exemplo n.º 35
            def __init__(OO):

                slots = flex.double(histogram.astype(np.float64))
                slot_centers = flex.double(
                          self.work_params.first_slot_value + len(histogram)))
                x = slot_centers
                y_calc = flex.double(x.size(), 0)
                for g in gaussians:
                    y_calc += g(x)

                #figure a good window for plotting the residual, taken as 5 sigma away from extreme gaussian
                ceilings = [
                    gaussians[n].params[1] + 5. * gaussians[n].params[2]
                    for n in range(len(gaussians))
                ceiling = max(ceilings)
                floors = [
                    gaussians[n].params[1] - 5. * gaussians[n].params[2]
                    for n in range(len(gaussians))
                floor = min(floors)
                #print floors
                #print ceilings
                #print "floor",floor,"ceiling",ceiling
                #xfloor = gaussians[1].params[1] + 3.*gaussians[0].params[2]
                selection = (slot_centers < floor).__or__(
                    slot_centers > ceiling)

                OO.fit_xresid = slot_centers.select(selection)
                OO.fit_yresid = slots.select(selection) - y_calc.select(
                OO.xweight = (OO.fit_xresid - gaussians[0].params[1]) / (
                    gaussians[1].params[1] - gaussians[0].params[1])
                OO.additional_photons = flex.sum(OO.xweight * OO.fit_yresid)

                #Now the other half of the data; the part supposedly fit by the 0- and 1-photon gaussians
                OO.qual_xresid = slot_centers.select(~selection)
                ysignal = slots.select(~selection)
                OO.qual_yresid = ysignal - y_calc.select(~selection)
                OO.qual_y_fit = y_calc.select(~selection)
                # Not sure how to treat weights for channels with zero observations; default to 1
                _variance = ysignal.deep_copy().set_selected(ysignal == 0., 1.)
                OO.weight = 1. / _variance
                OO.weighted_numerator = OO.weight * (OO.qual_yresid *
                OO.sumsq_signal = flex.sum(ysignal * ysignal)
                OO.sumsq_residual = flex.sum(OO.qual_yresid * OO.qual_yresid)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def adjust_errors(self):
    Use the distribution of intensities in a given miller index to compute the error for each merged reflection
        print("Computing error estimates from sample residuals", file=self.log)
        self.scaler.summed_weight = flex.double(self.scaler.n_refl, 0.)
        self.scaler.summed_wt_I = flex.double(self.scaler.n_refl, 0.)

        for hkl_id in range(self.scaler.n_refl):
            hkl = self.scaler.miller_set.indices()[hkl_id]
            if hkl not in self.scaler.ISIGI: continue

            n = len(self.scaler.ISIGI[hkl])
            if n <= 1: continue
            x = flex.double([self.scaler.ISIGI[hkl][i][0] for i in range(n)])
            if self.scaler.params.raw_data.error_models.errors_from_sample_residuals.biased:
                m = flex.mean(x)
                variance = flex.sum((x - m)**2) / n
                variance = flex.mean_and_variance(
                    x).unweighted_sample_variance()  # flex.sum((x-m)**2)/(n-1)

            for i in range(n):
                Intensity = self.scaler.ISIGI[hkl][i][0]  # scaled intensity
                self.scaler.summed_wt_I[hkl_id] += Intensity / variance
                self.scaler.summed_weight[hkl_id] += 1 / variance
        print("Done computing error estimates", file=self.log)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def target(self, vector):
     """Target function for the simplex optimisation"""
     scaled = self.transform(values=self.scl_values, params=vector)
     diff = (scaled - self.ref_values)
     diff_sq = diff * diff
     result = flex.sum(self.weight_array * diff_sq)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 38
  def plot_combo(self, pixel, gaussians,
                         window_title=None, title=None,
                         log_scale=False, normalise=False, save_image=False, interpretation=None):
    histogram = self.histograms[pixel]
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    from xfel.command_line.view_pixel_histograms import hist_outline
    slots = histogram.slots().as_double()
    if normalise:
      normalisation = (flex.sum(slots) + histogram.n_out_of_slot_range()) / 1e5
      print "normalising by factor: ", normalisation
      slots /= normalisation
    bins, data = hist_outline(histogram)
    if log_scale:
      data.set_selected(data == 0, 0.1) # otherwise lines don't get drawn when we have some empty bins
    pyplot.plot(bins, data, '-k', linewidth=2)
    pyplot.plot(bins, data/1000., '-k', linewidth=2)
    data_min = min([slot.low_cutoff for slot in histogram.slot_infos() if slot.n > 0])
    data_max = max([slot.low_cutoff for slot in histogram.slot_infos() if slot.n > 0])
    pyplot.xlim(data_min, data_max+histogram.slot_width())
    pyplot.xlim(-50, 100)
    pyplot.ylim(-10, 40)
    x = histogram.slot_centers()
    for g in gaussians:
      print "Height %7.2f mean %4.1f sigma %3.1f"%(g.params)
      pyplot.plot(x, g(x), linewidth=2)

    if interpretation is not None:
Exemplo n.º 39
 def target(self, dxyz):
     self.move_on = False
     chi_score = 1e30
     if (True):
         for ii in range(50):
             dxyz = self.pdb_obj.beads.relax(self.restraints, dxyz)
             print ii, ' ',
             if (self.pdb_obj.beads.restraint(self.restraints, dxyz) <
                 self.new_xyz = self.pdb_obj.perturb(dxyz)
                 self.move_on = True
     if (self.move_on):
         t1 = time.time()
         self.she_engine.engine.update_coord(self.new_xyz, self.new_indx)
         new_I = self.she_engine.engine.I()
         self.time_she += (time.time() - t1)
         var = self.expt_s
         s, o = she.linear_fit(new_I, self.expt_I, var)
         chi_score = flex.sum(
             flex.pow2((self.expt_I - (s * new_I + o))) / self.expt_s)
         #restraint=self.pdb_obj.beads.restraint(self.restraints, self.new_xyz)
     #tot = chi_score + restraint*self.restraint_weight
     print chi_score
     self.counter += 1
     return chi_score
Exemplo n.º 40
  def single_peak_fit(self, hist, lower_threshold, upper_threshold, mean,
    lower_slot = 0
    for slot in hist.slot_centers():
      lower_slot += 1
      if slot > lower_threshold: break
    upper_slot = 0
    for slot in hist.slot_centers():
      upper_slot += 1
      if slot > upper_threshold: break

    x = hist.slot_centers()
    y = hist.slots().as_double()
    starting_gaussians = [curve_fitting.gaussian(
      a=flex.max(y[lower_slot:upper_slot]), b=mean, c=3)]
   # print starting_gaussians
    #mamin: fit gaussian will take the maximum between starting point (lower_slot) and ending (upper_slot) as a
    if zero_peak_gaussian is not None:
      y -= zero_peak_gaussian(x)
    if 1:
      fit = curve_fitting.lbfgs_minimiser(
        starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot])
      sigma = abs(fit.functions[0].params[2])
      if sigma < 1 or sigma > 10:
        if flex.sum(y[lower_slot:upper_slot]) < 15: #mamin I changed 15 to 5
          # No point wasting time attempting to fit a gaussian if there aren't any counts
          #raise PixelFitError("Not enough counts to fit gaussian")
          return fit
        print "using cma_es:", sigma
        fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser(
          starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot])
      fit = curve_fitting.cma_es_minimiser(
        starting_gaussians, x[lower_slot:upper_slot], y[lower_slot:upper_slot])
    return fit
Exemplo n.º 41
 def target(self, vector):
     scales, offsets = self.get_scales_offsets(vector)
     dr = self.get_mean(scales, offsets)
     result = 0
     for jj in range(self.n_sets):
         dj = scales[jj] * (self.means[jj] + offsets[jj])
         vj = self.vars[jj] * scales[jj] * scales[jj]
         t = flex.pow((dj - dr), 2) / (1e-13 + vj)
         if self.n_sets != 2:
             result += flex.sum(t)
             if jj != self.ref:
                 vr = self.vars[self.ref]
                 result += flex.sum(
                     flex.pow((dj - dr), 2) / (1e-13 + vj + vr))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_with_flat_background():

  from dials.algorithms.integration.fit import ProfileFitter
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  from numpy.random import seed

  # Create profile
  p = gaussian((9, 9, 9), 1, (4, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
  s = flex.sum(p)
  p = p / s

  # Copy profile
  c0 = add_poisson_noise(100 * p)
  b = flex.double(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), 10)
  m = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), True)
  b0 = add_poisson_noise(b)
  c = c0 + b0

  # Fit
  fit = ProfileFitter(c, b, m, p)
  I = fit.intensity()
  V = fit.variance()
  assert fit.niter() < fit.maxiter()

  Iknown = 201.67417836585147
  Vknown = 7491.6743173001205

  # Test intensity is the same
  eps = 1e-3
  assert(abs(I[0] - Iknown) < eps)
  assert(abs(V[0] - Vknown) < eps)
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test_with_identical_non_negative_profiles(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Generate identical non-negative profiles
        reflections, profiles, profile = self.generate_identical_non_negative_profiles(

        # Create the reference learner
        modeller = Modeller(self.n, self.grid_size, self.threshold)

        # Do the modelling
        modeller.model(reflections, profiles)

        # Normalize the profile
        profile = self.normalize_profile(profile)

        # Check that all the reference profiles are the same
        eps = 1e-10
        for index in range(len(modeller)):
            reference = modeller.data(index)
            for k in range(self.grid_size[2]):
                for j in range(self.grid_size[1]):
                    for i in range(self.grid_size[0]):
                        assert abs(reference[k, j, i] -
                                   profile[k, j, i]) <= eps
            assert abs(flex.sum(reference) - 1.0) <= eps
Exemplo n.º 44
def exercise_sim(out, n_dynamics_steps, delta_t, sim):
    e_pots = flex.double([sim.e_pot])
    e_kins = flex.double([sim.e_kin])
    for i_step in range(n_dynamics_steps):
    e_tots = e_pots + e_kins
    print("energy samples:", e_tots.size(), file=out)
    print("e_pot min, max:", min(e_pots), max(e_pots), file=out)
    print("e_kin min, max:", min(e_kins), max(e_kins), file=out)
    print("e_tot min, max:", min(e_tots), max(e_tots), file=out)
    print("start e_tot:", e_tots[0], file=out)
    print("final e_tot:", e_tots[-1], file=out)
    ave = flex.sum(e_tots) / e_tots.size()
    range_ = flex.max(e_tots) - flex.min(e_tots)
    if (ave == 0): relative_range = 0
    else: relative_range = range_ / ave
    print("ave:", ave, file=out)
    print("range:", range_, file=out)
    print("relative range:", relative_range, file=out)
    if (out is sys.stdout):
        f = open("tmp%02d.xy" % plot_number[0], "w")
        for es in [e_pots, e_kins, e_tots]:
            for e in es:
                print(e, file=f)
            print("&", file=f)
        plot_number[0] += 1
    return relative_range
Exemplo n.º 45
def generate_3_profiles():
  from dials.array_family import flex
  p1 = gaussian((40, 9, 9), 1, (10.5, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
  p2 = gaussian((40, 9, 9), 1, (20.5, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
  p3 = gaussian((40, 9, 9), 1, (30.5, 4, 4), (2, 2, 2))
  p1 = p1 / flex.sum(p1)
  p2 = p2 / flex.sum(p2)
  p3 = p3 / flex.sum(p3)
  p1.reshape(flex.grid(1, 40, 9, 9))
  p2.reshape(flex.grid(1, 40, 9, 9))
  p3.reshape(flex.grid(1, 40, 9, 9))
  p = flex.double(flex.grid(3, 40, 9, 9))
  p[0:1,:,:,:] = p1
  p[1:2,:,:,:] = p2
  p[2:3,:,:,:] = p3
  return p
Exemplo n.º 46
    def embed(self, n_dimensions, n_points):
        x = []
        for ii in range(n_points):
            x.append(flex.random_double(n_dimensions) * 100)

        l = float(self.l)
        for mm in range(self.max_cycle):
            atom_order = flex.sort_permutation(flex.random_double(len(x)))
            strain = 0.0
            for ii in atom_order:
                n_contacts = len(self.dmat[ii])
                jj_index = flex.sort_permutation(
                jj_info = self.dmat[ii][jj_index]
                jj = jj_info[0]
                td = jj_info[1]
                xi = x[ii]
                xj = x[jj]
                cd = math.sqrt(flex.sum((xi - xj) * (xi - xj)))
                new_xi = xi + l * 0.5 * (td - cd) / (cd + self.eps) * (xi - xj)
                new_xj = xj + l * 0.5 * (td - cd) / (cd + self.eps) * (xj - xi)
                strain += abs(cd - td)
                x[ii] = new_xi
                x[jj] = new_xj
            l = l - self.dl
        return x, strain / len(x)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def plot_one_histogram(self,
     from matplotlib import pyplot
     slots = histogram.slots().as_double()
     if normalise:
         normalisation = (flex.sum(slots) +
                          histogram.n_out_of_slot_range()) / 1e5
         print "normalising by factor: ", normalisation
         slots /= normalisation
     bins, data = hist_outline(histogram)
     if log_scale:
             data == 0, 0.1
         )  # otherwise lines don't get drawn when we have some empty bins
     pyplot.plot(bins, data, '-k', linewidth=2)
     data_min = min(
         [slot.low_cutoff for slot in histogram.slot_infos() if slot.n > 0])
     data_max = max(
         [slot.low_cutoff for slot in histogram.slot_infos() if slot.n > 0])
     pyplot.xlim(data_min, data_max + histogram.slot_width())
Exemplo n.º 48
  def plot_combo(self, histogram, gaussians,
                         window_title=None, title=None,
                         log_scale=False, normalise=False, save_image=False, interpretation=None):

    from matplotlib import pyplot
    #from xfel.command_line.view_pixel_histograms import hist_outline
    slots = flex.double(histogram.astype(np.float64))
    if normalise:
      normalisation = (flex.sum(slots) + histogram.n_out_of_slot_range()) / 1e5
      print "normalising by factor: ", normalisation
      slots /= normalisation
    slot_centers = flex.double(xrange(self.work_params.first_slot_value,
                                      self.work_params.first_slot_value + len(histogram)))
    bins, data = hist_outline(slot_width=1,slots=slots,slot_centers=slot_centers)
    if log_scale:
      data.set_selected(data == 0, 0.1) # otherwise lines don't get drawn when we have some empty bins
    pyplot.plot(bins, data, '-k', linewidth=2)
    pyplot.plot(bins, data/1000., '-k', linewidth=2)
    #data_min = min([slot.low_cutoff for slot in histogram.slot_infos() if slot.n > 0])
    #data_max = max([slot.low_cutoff for slot in histogram.slot_infos() if slot.n > 0])
    #pyplot.xlim(data_min, data_max+histogram.slot_width())
    pyplot.xlim(-50, 150)
    pyplot.ylim(-10, 40)
    x = slot_centers
    for g in gaussians:
      print "Height %7.2f mean %4.1f sigma %3.1f"%(g.params)
      pyplot.plot(x, g(x), linewidth=2)

    if interpretation is not None:
Exemplo n.º 49
 def check_i_obs_vs_backup(O, work_params):
   print "Current i_obs vs. backup:"
   for im in O.array:
     im.backup.reset_partialities(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     b_obs = im.backup.extract_i_obs_est(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     im.reset_partialities(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     i_obs = im.extract_i_obs_est(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     max_common_size = -1
     max_cb_ci = None
     for s in work_params.lattice_symmetry.group():
       i_obs_cb = i_obs.change_basis(str(s))
       cb, ci = b_obs.common_sets(other=i_obs_cb)
       common_size = cb.indices().size()
       if (max_common_size < common_size):
         max_common_size = common_size
         max_cb_ci = cb, ci
     assert max_cb_ci is not None
     cb, ci = max_cb_ci
     from scitbx.array_family import flex
     num = flex.sum(cb.data()*ci.data())
     den = flex.sum_sq(cb.data())
     if (den == 0): scale = None
     else:          scale = num / den
     print " ", b_obs.indices().size(), i_obs.indices().size(), \
       cb.indices().size(), scale
Exemplo n.º 50
      def target(self, vector):
        """ Compute the functional by first applying the current values for the sd parameters
        to the input data, then computing the complete set of normalized deviations and finally
        using those normalized deviations to compute the functional."""
        sdfac, sdb, sdadd = vector[0],0.0,vector[1]

        a_new_variance, b_new_variance = ccp4_model.apply_sd_error_params(
          vector, a_data, b_data, a_sigmas, b_sigmas)

        mean_num = (a_data/ (a_new_variance) ) + (b_data/ (b_new_variance) )
        mean_den = (1./ (a_new_variance) ) + (1./ (b_new_variance) )
        mean_values = mean_num / mean_den

        delta_I_a = a_data - mean_values
        normal_a = delta_I_a / flex.sqrt(a_new_variance)

        delta_I_b = b_data - mean_values
        normal_b = delta_I_b / flex.sqrt(b_new_variance)

        mean_order = flex.sort_permutation(mean_values)
        scatters = flex.double(50)
        scattersb = flex.double(50)
        for isubsection in range(50):
          subselect = mean_order[isubsection*len(mean_order)//50:(isubsection+1)*len(mean_order)//50]
          vals = normal_a.select(subselect)
          scatters[isubsection] = flex.mean_and_variance(vals).unweighted_sample_variance()

          valsb = normal_b.select(subselect)
          scattersb[isubsection] = flex.mean_and_variance(valsb).unweighted_sample_variance()

        f = flex.sum( flex.pow(1.-scatters, 2) )
        print "f: % 12.1f, sdfac: %8.5f, sdb: %8.5f, sdadd: %8.5f"%(f, sdfac, sdb, sdadd)
        return f
Exemplo n.º 51
 def build_cluster_pair_info(O, other, work_params, reindexing_assistant):
   from scitbx.array_family import flex
   scale_max = work_params.scale_estimation_scale_max
   assert scale_max > 0
   scale_min = 1/scale_max
   miis_i, esti_i = O.miis_perms[0], O.esti_perms[0]
   result = []
   for j_perm in xrange(len(reindexing_assistant.cb_ops)):
     miis_j, esti_j = other.miis_perms[j_perm], other.esti_perms[j_perm]
     i_seqs, j_seqs = miis_i.intersection_i_seqs(other=miis_j)
     if (i_seqs.size() < 2):
       return None
     x = esti_i.select(i_seqs)
     y = esti_j.select(j_seqs)
     if (((x != 0) | (y != 0)).count(True) < 2):
       return None
     num = flex.sum(x*y)
     den = flex.sum_sq(x)
     if (num > den * scale_min and num < den * scale_max):
       scale = num / den
       rms = flex.mean_sq(x*scale-y)**0.5
       result.append(perm_rms_info(n=x.size(), scale=scale, rms=rms))
       return None
   result = perm_rms_list(array=result)
   return result
Exemplo n.º 52
def run(b_iso=10):
    xrs = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None,
    xrs = xrs.set_b_iso(value=b_iso)
    n_real = [100, 100, 100]
    pixel_volume = xrs.unit_cell().volume() / (n_real[0] * n_real[1] *
    map_data_3d = mmtbx.real_space.sampled_model_density(
        xray_structure=xrs, n_real=n_real).data() * pixel_volume
    dist, map_data_2d = maptbx.map_peak_3d_as_2d(
    map_data_2d_exact = flex.double()
    ed = xrs._scattering_type_registry.gaussian("Ca")
    for r in dist:
        map_data_2d_exact.append(ed.electron_density(r, b_iso))
    map_data_2d_exact = map_data_2d_exact * pixel_volume
    assert approx_equal(flex.sum(map_data_3d), 20,
                        0.1)  # Page 556, Int.Tables.
    assert flex.mean(abs(map_data_2d - map_data_2d_exact)) < 1.e-4
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_with_systematically_offset_profiles(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Generate identical non-negative profiles
        reflections, profiles = self.generate_systematically_offset_profiles()

        # Create the reference learner
        modeller = Modeller(self.n, self.grid_size, self.threshold)

        # Do the modelling
        modeller.model(reflections, profiles)

        # Check that all the reference profiles are the same
        eps = 1e-10
        profile = None
        for index in range(len(modeller)):
            reference = modeller.data(index)
            if profile is not None:
                for k in range(self.grid_size[2]):
                    for j in range(self.grid_size[1]):
                        for i in range(self.grid_size[0]):
                            assert abs(reference[k, j, i] -
                                       profile[k, j, i]) <= eps
                profile = reference
            assert abs(flex.sum(reference) - 1.0) <= eps
Exemplo n.º 54
    def compute_functional_and_gradients(self):
        # caculate difference between predicted and observed values
        is_cpp_ = getattr(self.distribution, "interface", "Python") == "C++"
        if is_cpp_:
            predicted = self.distribution.cdf(x=self.x_data)
            predicted = flex.double(self.n)
            for i in xrange(self.n):
                predicted[i] = self.distribution.cdf(x=self.x_data[i])
        difference = predicted - self.y_data

        # target function for minimization is sum of rmsd
        f = flex.sum(flex.sqrt(difference * difference))
        if is_cpp_:
            gradients = self.distribution.gradients(x=self.x_data,
            return f, gradients
        gradients = flex.double(len(self.x))
        for i in xrange(self.n):
            g_i = self.distribution.cdf_gradients(x=self.x_data[i])
            for j in xrange(len(self.x)):
                gradients[j] = gradients[j] + difference[i] * g_i[j]
        gradients = 2.0 * gradients
        return f, gradients
Exemplo n.º 55
    def compute_restraints_functional_gradients_and_curvatures(self):
        '''use the restraints_parameterisation object, if present, to
    calculate the least squares restraints objective plus gradients and
    approximate curvatures'''

        if not self._restraints_parameterisation: return None

        residuals, jacobian, weights = \
        w_resid = weights * residuals
        residuals2 = residuals * residuals

        # calculate target function
        L = 0.5 * flex.sum(weights * residuals2)

        # calculate gradients using the scalar product of sparse vector col with
        # dense vector w_resid
        dL_dp = [col * w_resid for col in jacobian.cols()]

        # calculate lsq approximation to curvatures using weighted dot product
        curvs = [
            sparse.weighted_dot(col, weights, col) for col in jacobian.cols()

        return (L, dL_dp, curvs)
Exemplo n.º 56
  def embed(self,n_dimensions,n_points):
    x = []
    for ii in range(n_points):
      x.append( flex.random_double(n_dimensions)*100 )

    l = float(self.l)
    for mm in range(self.max_cycle):
      atom_order = flex.sort_permutation( flex.random_double(len(x))  )
      strain = 0.0
      for ii in atom_order:
        n_contacts = len(self.dmat[ii])
        jj_index = flex.sort_permutation( flex.random_double( n_contacts ) )[0]
        jj_info = self.dmat[ii][jj_index]
        jj = jj_info[0]
        td = jj_info[1]
        xi = x[ii]
        xj = x[jj]
        cd = smath.sqrt( flex.sum( (xi-xj)*(xi-xj) ) )
        new_xi = xi + l*0.5*(td-cd)/(cd+self.eps)*(xi-xj)
        new_xj = xj + l*0.5*(td-cd)/(cd+self.eps)*(xj-xi)
        strain += abs(cd-td)
        x[ii] = new_xi
        x[jj] = new_xj
      l = l-self.dl
    return x,strain/len(x)
Exemplo n.º 57
def run(b_iso=10):
  xrs = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=pdb_str).xray_structure_simple()
  xrs = xrs.set_b_iso(value=b_iso)
    table = "n_gaussian",
    d_min = 0.,
  n_real = [100,100,100]
  pixel_volume = xrs.unit_cell().volume()/(n_real[0]*n_real[1]*n_real[2])
  map_data_3d = mmtbx.real_space.sampled_model_density(
    xray_structure = xrs,
    n_real         = n_real).data()*pixel_volume
  dist, map_data_2d = maptbx.map_peak_3d_as_2d(
    map_data    = map_data_3d,
    unit_cell   = xrs.unit_cell(),
    center_cart = xrs.sites_cart()[0],
    radius      = 3.0)
  map_data_2d_exact = flex.double()
  ed = xrs._scattering_type_registry.gaussian("Ca")
  for r in dist:
    map_data_2d_exact.append(ed.electron_density(r, b_iso))
  map_data_2d_exact = map_data_2d_exact * pixel_volume
  assert approx_equal(flex.sum(map_data_3d), 20, 0.1) # Page 556, Int.Tables.
  assert flex.mean(abs(map_data_2d-map_data_2d_exact)) < 1.e-4
Exemplo n.º 58
 def check_i_obs_vs_backup(O, work_params):
   print "Current i_obs vs. backup:"
   for im in O.array:
     im.backup.reset_partialities(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     b_obs = im.backup.extract_i_obs_est(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     im.reset_partialities(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     i_obs = im.extract_i_obs_est(work_params, O.miller_indices)
     max_common_size = -1
     max_cb_ci = None
     for s in work_params.lattice_symmetry.group():
       i_obs_cb = i_obs.change_basis(str(s))
       cb, ci = b_obs.common_sets(other=i_obs_cb)
       common_size = cb.indices().size()
       if (max_common_size < common_size):
         max_common_size = common_size
         max_cb_ci = cb, ci
     assert max_cb_ci is not None
     cb, ci = max_cb_ci
     from scitbx.array_family import flex
     num = flex.sum(cb.data()*ci.data())
     den = flex.sum_sq(cb.data())
     if (den == 0): scale = None
     else:          scale = num / den
     print " ", b_obs.indices().size(), i_obs.indices().size(), \
       cb.indices().size(), scale
Exemplo n.º 59
def num_int_triple_int(n1, n2, n3, m, np=1e5):
    r = flex.double(range(int(np + 1))) / np
    f1 = math.zernike_2d_radial(n1, m).f_array(r)
    f2 = math.zernike_2d_radial(n2, m).f_array(r)
    f3 = math.zernike_2d_radial(n3, m).f_array(r)
    result = flex.sum(f1 * f2 * f3 * r) / np
    return result
Exemplo n.º 60
 def build_cluster_pair_info(O, other, work_params, reindexing_assistant):
   from scitbx.array_family import flex
   scale_max = work_params.scale_estimation_scale_max
   assert scale_max > 0
   scale_min = 1/scale_max
   miis_i, esti_i = O.miis_perms[0], O.esti_perms[0]
   result = []
   for j_perm in xrange(len(reindexing_assistant.cb_ops)):
     miis_j, esti_j = other.miis_perms[j_perm], other.esti_perms[j_perm]
     i_seqs, j_seqs = miis_i.intersection_i_seqs(other=miis_j)
     if (i_seqs.size() < 2):
       return None
     x = esti_i.select(i_seqs)
     y = esti_j.select(j_seqs)
     if (((x != 0) | (y != 0)).count(True) < 2):
       return None
     num = flex.sum(x*y)
     den = flex.sum_sq(x)
     if (num > den * scale_min and num < den * scale_max):
       scale = num / den
       rms = flex.mean_sq(x*scale-y)**0.5
       result.append(perm_rms_info(n=x.size(), scale=scale, rms=rms))
       return None
   result = perm_rms_list(array=result)
   return result