Exemplo n.º 1
ymax_prev = 1  # for axis in plot, prev. step
ymin = -0.1  # min limit for y axis

for step in range(ns):
    for p in range(np):
        coin = random.randint(1, 2)  # flip coin
        if coin == HEAD:
            positions[p] += 1  # one unit length to the right
        elif coin == TAIL:
            positions[p] -= 1  # one unit length to the left

    # Statistics
    mean_pos = numpy.mean(positions)
    stdev_pos = numpy.std(positions)

    pos, freq = compute_histogram(positions, nbins, piecewise_constant=True)

    # Extend x axis limits?
    if min(positions) < xmin: xmin -= 2 * numpy.sqrt(ns)
    if max(positions) > xmax: xmax += 2 * numpy.sqrt(ns)

    # "Intelligent" choice of y axis limits:
    # estimate ymax on the y axis from 1.1*max(freq)
    # (1.1 to get some space), do not change ymax
    # unless it deviates more than 0.1 from the previous
    # value, and let ymin = -0.1*ymax.

    ymax = 1.1 * max(freq)  # axis for freq
    if abs(ymax - ymax_prev) < 0.1:
        # Do not change axis
        ymax = ymax_prev
Exemplo n.º 2
import sys
N = int(sys.argv[1])
m = float(sys.argv[2])
s = float(sys.argv[3])

import numpy as np
samples = np.random.normal(m, s, N)
print np.mean(samples), np.std(samples)

import scitools.std as st
x, y = st.compute_histogram(samples, 20, piecewise_constant=True)
st.plot(x, y, hardcopy='tmp.eps',
        title ='%d samples of Gaussian/normal numbers on (0,1)' % N)

Exemplo n.º 3
    np = int(sys.argv[1])  # number of particles
    ns = int(sys.argv[2])  # number of steps
except IndexError:
    np = 2000
    ns = 200

# Draw from 1, 2
moves = numpy.random.random_integers(1, 2, size=np*ns)
# Transform 1 to -1 and 2 to 1
moves = 2*moves - 3
moves.shape = (ns, np)

positions = numpy.zeros(np)
for step in range(ns):
    positions += moves[step, :]
    mean_pos = numpy.mean(positions)
    stdev_pos = numpy.std(positions)
    print mean_pos, stdev_pos

nbins = int(3*numpy.sqrt(ns))    # no of intervals in histogram
pos, freq = compute_histogram(positions, nbins,

plot(positions, numpy.zeros(np), 'ko3',
     pos, freq, 'r', 
     axis=[min(positions), max(positions), -0.01, 1.1*max(freq)],

Exemplo n.º 4
import sys

N = int(sys.argv[1])
m = float(sys.argv[2])
s = float(sys.argv[3])

import numpy as np

samples = np.random.normal(m, s, N)
print np.mean(samples), np.std(samples)

import scitools.std as st

x, y = st.compute_histogram(samples, 20, piecewise_constant=True)
st.plot(x, y, hardcopy="tmp.eps", title="%d samples of Gaussian/normal numbers on (0,1)" % N)
Exemplo n.º 5
As uniform_numbers1.py but the histogram is plotted both as a piecewise
constant curve and a piecewise linear curve. The number of bins is
read from the command line.
import sys
N = int(sys.argv[1])
nbins = int(sys.argv[2])

import numpy as np
# Vectorized generation of random numbers
samples = np.random.random(size=N)

import scitools.std as st
x1, y1 = st.compute_histogram(samples, nbins, piecewise_constant=True)
x2, y2 = st.compute_histogram(samples, nbins, piecewise_constant=False)
st.plot(x1, y1, 'r', x2, y2, 'b')
st.title('%d samples of uniform numbers on (0,1)' % N)

Exemplo n.º 6
import sys
N = int(sys.argv[1])

import numpy as np
# Vectorized generation of random numbers
samples = np.random.random(size=N)

# Plot histogram
import scitools.std as st
x, y = st.compute_histogram(samples, nbins=20)
st.plot(x, y, title='%d samples of uniform numbers on [0,1)' % N)

Exemplo n.º 7
# Exercise 8.20
# Author: Noah Waterfield Price

from time import time
from scitools.std import plot, compute_histogram

def diff_eq(x, a, c, m):
    xn = (a * x + c) % m
    yn = float(xn) / m
    return xn, yn

def rand_gen(a, c, m, N=10, x=time()):
    r = []
    for i in range(N):
        x, y = diff_eq(x, a, c, m)
    return r

a = 8121
c = 28411
m = 134456
N = 1000000
random_nos = rand_gen(a, c, m, N)
x, y = compute_histogram(random_nos, nbins=50)
plot(x, y, title='%d samples of psuedo-random numbers generated on (0, 1)' % N)