Exemplo n.º 1
def best_ziggurats(c, limit=6):
    return [
        list(r) for r in query_rows(
            c, '''SELECT player, place, zig_time
                            FROM ziggurats
                          ORDER BY deepest DESC, zig_time DESC''')
Exemplo n.º 2
def top_combo_scores(c):
  """Returns all the top-scoring games for each unique character combo, ordered
in descending order of score."""
  rows = query_rows(c,
                    game_select_from('top_combo_scores') +
                    " ORDER BY charabbr")
  return xdict_rows(rows)
Exemplo n.º 3
def top_combo_scores(c):
    """Returns all the top-scoring games for each unique character combo, ordered
in descending order of score."""
    rows = query_rows(
        game_select_from('top_combo_scores') + " ORDER BY charabbr")
    return xdict_rows(rows)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def update_db_streaks(self, c):
     # in the full cao db, this is usually around 100 streaks at any given time
     self.db_streaks = dict()
     s = query_rows(
         c, 'SELECT LOWER(player), id FROM streaks WHERE active = 1')
     if s:
Exemplo n.º 5
def player_best_first_last(c, player):
    fields = scload.LOG_DB_SCOLUMNS
    q = [(game_select_from('player_best_games') +
          '''WHERE name = %s ORDER BY sc DESC LIMIT 1'''),
         (game_select_from('player_first_games') + '''WHERE name = %s'''),
         (game_select_from('player_last_games') + '''WHERE name = %s''')]
    q = " UNION ALL ".join(["(" + x + ")" for x in q])
    return xdict_rows(query_rows(c, q, player, player, player))
Exemplo n.º 6
def most_pacific_wins(c, limit=5):
  return xdict_rows(
               game_select_from('wins') +
               # This filters all games where the statistic is unavailable.
               """ WHERE kills > 0
                ORDER BY kills, id LIMIT %s""",
Exemplo n.º 7
def player_get_stats(c, player):
    stats = {}
    rows = query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT charabbr, games_played, best_xl, wins
                            FROM player_char_stats
                           WHERE name = %s''', player)
    for r in rows:
        stats[r[0].lower()] = {'games': r[1], 'xl': r[2], 'wins': r[3]}
    return stats
Exemplo n.º 8
def most_pacific_wins(c, limit=5):
    return xdict_rows(
            game_select_from('wins') +
            # This filters all games where the statistic is unavailable.
            """ WHERE kills > 0
                ORDER BY kills, id LIMIT %s""",
Exemplo n.º 9
def player_get_stats(c, player):
  stats = { }
  rows = query_rows(c, '''SELECT charabbr, games_played, best_xl, wins
                            FROM player_char_stats
                           WHERE name = %s''', player)
  for r in rows:
    stats[r[0].lower()] = { 'games': r[1],
                            'xl': r[2],
                            'wins': r[3] }
  return stats
Exemplo n.º 10
def player_best_first_last(c, player):
  fields = scload.LOG_DB_SCOLUMNS
  q = [(game_select_from('player_best_games') +
        '''WHERE name = %s ORDER BY sc DESC LIMIT 1'''),
       (game_select_from('player_first_games') +
        '''WHERE name = %s'''),
       (game_select_from('player_last_games') +
        '''WHERE name = %s''')]
  q = " UNION ALL ".join(["(" + x + ")" for x in q])
  return xdict_rows(query_rows(c, q, player, player, player))
Exemplo n.º 11
def date_stats(c):
    dates = query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT which_day, games_ended, games_won
                         FROM per_day_stats ORDER BY which_day DESC''')
    result = []

    month = [None]

    def new_month_stat(this_month):
        return {
            'month': this_month,
            'games': 0,
            'players': 0,
            'wins': 0,
            'winners': {}

    def flush_month(month):
        if not month:
        result.append(fixup_month(c, month))

    def inc_month_stats(date, eday, stats):
        this_month = date.strftime('%Y-%m')
        if not month[0] or month[0]['month'] != this_month:
            month[0] = new_month_stat(this_month)
        m = month[0]
        m['games'] += stats['games']
        m['wins'] += stats['wins']
        mwinners = m['winners']
        for wstat in stats['winners']:
            if not mwinners.has_key(wstat[0]):
                mwinners[wstat[0]] = 0
            mwinners[wstat[0]] += wstat[1]

    def record_date(d):
        date = d[0]
        edate = string_date(d[0])
        stats = per_day_stats(c, edate, d[0], d[1], d[2])
        inc_month_stats(date, edate, stats)
        stats['winners'] = fixup_winners(stats['winners'])

    for d in dates:

    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
def top_killers(c):
  deaths = query_first(c, '''SELECT SUM(kills) FROM top_killers''')
  logf = logfields_prefixed('k.')
  rows = query_rows(c,
                    "SELECT t.ckiller, t.kills, " +
                    logf +
                    ''' FROM top_killers t, killer_recent_kills k
                       WHERE t.ckiller = k.ckiller
                         AND t.ckiller NOT IN ('leaving', 'quitting', 'winning')
                       ORDER BY t.kills DESC, t.ckiller''')
  def fix_killer_row(r):
    perc = calc_perc_pretty(r[1], deaths) + '%'
    g = row_to_xdict(r[2:])
    return [r[0], perc, r[1], linked_text(g, morgue_link, g['name'])]
  return [fix_killer_row(x) for x in rows]
Exemplo n.º 13
def top_killers(c):
    deaths = query_first(c, '''SELECT SUM(kills) FROM top_killers''')
    logf = logfields_prefixed('k.')
    rows = query_rows(
        c, "SELECT t.ckiller, t.kills, " + logf +
        ''' FROM top_killers t, killer_recent_kills k
                       WHERE t.ckiller = k.ckiller
                         AND t.ckiller NOT IN ('leaving', 'quitting', 'winning')
                       ORDER BY t.kills DESC, t.ckiller''')

    def fix_killer_row(r):
        perc = calc_perc_pretty(r[1], deaths) + '%'
        g = row_to_xdict(r[2:])
        return [r[0], perc, r[1], linked_text(g, morgue_link, g['name'])]

    return [fix_killer_row(x) for x in rows]
Exemplo n.º 14
def date_stats(c):
  dates = query_rows(c,
                     '''SELECT which_day, games_ended, games_won
                         FROM per_day_stats ORDER BY which_day DESC''')
  result = []

  month = [None]

  def new_month_stat(this_month):
    return { 'month': this_month,
             'games': 0,
             'players': 0,
             'wins': 0,
             'winners': { } }

  def flush_month(month):
    if not month:
    result.append(fixup_month(c, month))

  def inc_month_stats(date, eday, stats):
    this_month = date.strftime('%Y-%m')
    if not month[0] or month[0]['month'] != this_month:
      month[0] = new_month_stat(this_month)
    m = month[0]
    m['games'] += stats['games']
    m['wins'] += stats['wins']
    mwinners = m['winners']
    for wstat in stats['winners']:
      if not mwinners.has_key(wstat[0]):
        mwinners[wstat[0]] = 0
      mwinners[wstat[0]] += wstat[1]

  def record_date(d):
    date = d[0]
    edate = string_date(d[0])
    stats = per_day_stats(c, edate, d[0], d[1], d[2])
    inc_month_stats(date, edate, stats)
    stats['winners'] = fixup_winners(stats['winners'])

  for d in dates:

  return result
Exemplo n.º 15
def all_player_stats(c):
  rows = query_rows(c, '''SELECT name, games_played, games_won,
                                 total_score, best_xl, best_score,
                                 first_game_start, last_game_end
                            FROM players
                           ORDER BY name''')

  def flatten_row(r):
    return [r[s] for s in
            ("total_score name games_played games_won win_perc " +
             "best_xl best_score avg_score first_game last_game").split()]

  res = []
  for r in rows:
    rl = list(r)
    res.append(flatten_row(fixup_player_stats(c, rl)))
  return res
Exemplo n.º 16
def best_players_by_total_score(c):
  rows = query_rows(c, '''SELECT name, games_played, games_won,
                                 total_score, best_score,
                                 first_game_start, last_game_end
                            FROM players WHERE total_score > 500
                          ORDER BY total_score DESC''')
  res = []
  for r in rows:
    rl = list(r)
    games = player_best_first_last(c, rl[0])
    rl[4] = linked_text(games[0], morgue_link, human_number(rl[4]))
    rl[5] = linked_text(games[1], morgue_link, rl[5])
    rl[6] = linked_text(games[2], morgue_link, rl[6])
    win_perc = calc_perc_pretty(rl[2], rl[1]) + "%"
    avg_score = calc_avg_int(rl[3], rl[1])
    res.append([rl[3]] + list(rl[0:3]) + [win_perc] + [rl[4]]
               + [avg_score] + list(rl[5:]))
  return res
Exemplo n.º 17
def top_thing_scorers(c, table, thing):
  games = xdict_rows(query_rows(c, game_select_from(table)
                                + " ORDER BY name, " + thing))
  score_counts = { }

  def inc_count(g):
    name = g['name']
    if not score_counts.has_key(name):
      score_counts[name] = [ ]
    l = score_counts[name]
    l.append(linked_text(g, morgue_link, g[thing]))

  for g in games:

  best_players = score_counts.items()
  best_players.sort(lambda a, b: len(b[1]) - len(a[1]))
  return [[len(x[1]), x[0], ", ".join(x[1])] for x in best_players]
Exemplo n.º 18
def top_thing_scorers(c, table, thing):
    games = xdict_rows(
                   game_select_from(table) + " ORDER BY name, " + thing))
    score_counts = {}

    def inc_count(g):
        name = g['name']
        if not score_counts.has_key(name):
            score_counts[name] = []
        l = score_counts[name]
        l.append(linked_text(g, morgue_link, g[thing]))

    for g in games:

    best_players = score_counts.items()
    best_players.sort(lambda a, b: len(b[1]) - len(a[1]))
    return [[len(x[1]), x[0], ", ".join(x[1])] for x in best_players]
Exemplo n.º 19
def best_players_by_total_score(c):
    rows = query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT name, games_played, games_won,
                                 total_score, best_score,
                                 first_game_start, last_game_end
                            FROM players WHERE total_score > 500
                          ORDER BY total_score DESC''')
    res = []
    for r in rows:
        rl = list(r)
        games = player_best_first_last(c, rl[0])
        rl[4] = linked_text(games[0], morgue_link, human_number(rl[4]))
        rl[5] = linked_text(games[1], morgue_link, rl[5])
        rl[6] = linked_text(games[2], morgue_link, rl[6])
        win_perc = calc_perc_pretty(rl[2], rl[1]) + "%"
        avg_score = calc_avg_int(rl[3], rl[1])
        res.append([rl[3]] + list(rl[0:3]) + [win_perc] + [rl[4]] +
                   [avg_score] + list(rl[5:]))
    return res
Exemplo n.º 20
def winner_stats(c):
  rows = query_rows(c,
                    '''SELECT p.games_won, p.name, p.games_played,
                              p.max_runes, p.best_score, p.total_score, '''
                    + logfields_prefixed('g.') +
                    '''  FROM players p, player_best_games g
                        WHERE p.name = g.name AND p.best_score = g.sc
                          AND p.games_won > 0
                        ORDER BY p.games_won DESC, p.games_played,
                                 p.best_score DESC''')
  results = []
  for r in rows:
    results.append(list(r[0:3]) +
                   [calc_perc_pretty(r[0], r[2]) + '%', r[3],
                    linked_text(row_to_xdict(r[6:]), morgue_link,
                    human_number(calc_avg_int(r[5], r[2]))])
  return results
Exemplo n.º 21
def winner_stats(c):
    rows = query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT p.games_won, p.name, p.games_played,
                              p.max_runes, p.best_score, p.total_score, ''' +
        logfields_prefixed('g.') + '''  FROM players p, player_best_games g
                        WHERE p.name = g.name AND p.best_score = g.sc
                          AND p.games_won > 0
                        ORDER BY p.games_won DESC, p.games_played,
                                 p.best_score DESC''')
    results = []
    for r in rows:
            list(r[0:3]) + [
                calc_perc_pretty(r[0], r[2]) + '%', r[3],
                linked_text(row_to_xdict(r[6:]), morgue_link, human_number(
                human_number(calc_avg_int(r[5], r[2]))
    return results
Exemplo n.º 22
def all_player_stats(c):
    rows = query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT name, games_played, games_won,
                                 total_score, best_xl, best_score,
                                 first_game_start, last_game_end
                            FROM players
                           ORDER BY name''')

    def flatten_row(r):
        return [
            r[s] for s in (
                "total_score name games_played games_won win_perc " +
                "best_xl best_score avg_score first_game last_game").split()

    res = []
    for r in rows:
        rl = list(r)
        res.append(flatten_row(fixup_player_stats(c, rl)))
    return res
Exemplo n.º 23
def top_thing_scorers(c, table, thing):
    # TODO can't this just be done with a count query?
    games = xdict_rows(
                   game_select_from(table) + " ORDER BY name, " + thing))
    score_counts = dict()

    def inc_count(g):
        name = g['name'].lower()
        if not score_counts.has_key(name):
            score_counts[name] = []
        l = score_counts[name]
        l.append(linked_text(g, morgue_link, g[thing]))

    for g in games:

    best_players = score_counts.items()
    best_players.sort(lambda a, b: len(b[1]) - len(a[1]))
    return [[len(x[1]),
             canonicalize_player_name(c, x[0]), ", ".join(x[1])]
            for x in best_players]
Exemplo n.º 24
def gkills(c):
    return kill_list(
        query_rows(c, '''SELECT ghost, victim FROM ghost_victims'''))
Exemplo n.º 25
def winners_for_day(c, day):
  return query_rows(c,
                    '''SELECT player, wins FROM date_players
                        WHERE which_day = %s AND wins > 0
                        ORDER BY wins DESC, player''',
Exemplo n.º 26
def best_ziggurats(c, limit=6):
  return [list(r) for r in
          query_rows(c, '''SELECT player, place, zig_time
                            FROM ziggurats
                          ORDER BY deepest DESC, zig_time DESC''')]
Exemplo n.º 27
def youngest_rune_finds(c, limit=6):
  return query_rows(c, '''SELECT player, rune, xl, rune_time
                            FROM low_xl_rune_finds
                          ORDER BY xl, rune_time LIMIT %s''', limit)
Exemplo n.º 28
def date_stats(c, restricted=False):
    if restricted:
        dates = query_rows(
            c, '''SELECT which_day, games_ended, games_won
                         FROM per_day_stats
                         WHERE which_day > curdate() - interval 1 month
                         ORDER BY which_day DESC''')
        dates = query_rows(
            c, '''SELECT which_day, games_ended, games_won
                         FROM per_day_stats ORDER BY which_day DESC''')
    result = list()
    # TODO: if one of these queries (likely the monthly one) returns a completely
    # empty list, fill in the dates?
    if len(dates) == 0:
        return result

    month = [None]

    def new_month_stat(this_month):
        return {
            'month': this_month,
            'games': 0,
            'players': 0,
            'wins': 0,
            'winners': {}

    def flush_month(month):
        if not month:
        result.append(fixup_month(c, month))

    def inc_month_stats(date, eday, stats):
        this_month = date.strftime('%Y-%m')
        if not month[0] or month[0]['month'] != this_month:
            month[0] = new_month_stat(this_month)
        m = month[0]
        m['games'] += stats['games']
        m['wins'] += stats['wins']
        mwinners = m['winners']
        for wstat in stats['winners']:
            if not mwinners.has_key(wstat[0]):
                mwinners[wstat[0]] = 0
            mwinners[wstat[0]] += wstat[1]

    def record_date(d):
        date = d[0]
        edate = string_date(d[0])
        stats = per_day_stats(c, edate, d[0], d[1], d[2])
        inc_month_stats(date, edate, stats)
        stats['winners'] = fixup_winners(stats['winners'])

    # complex footwork here to fill in empty days
    # note that the order of the query is descending, so we iterate backwards
    cur = dates[0][0].date()
    end = dates[-1][0].date()
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    i = 0
    while cur > end:
        if dates[i][0].date() == cur:
            i += 1
            dt_cur = datetime.datetime.combine(cur,
            record_date((dt_cur, 0, 0))
        cur -= delta

    return result
Exemplo n.º 29
def gvictims(c):
  return kill_list(query_rows(c,
                              '''SELECT victim, ghost FROM ghost_victims'''))
Exemplo n.º 30
def gkills(c):
  return kill_list(query_rows(c,
                              '''SELECT ghost, victim FROM ghost_victims'''))
Exemplo n.º 31
def youngest_rune_finds(c, limit=6):
    return query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT player, rune, xl, rune_time
                            FROM low_xl_rune_finds
                          ORDER BY xl, rune_time LIMIT %s''', limit)
Exemplo n.º 32
def winners_for_day(c, day):
    return query_rows(
        c, '''SELECT player, wins FROM date_players
                        WHERE which_day = %s AND wins > 0
                        ORDER BY wins DESC, player''', day)
Exemplo n.º 33
def gvictims(c):
    return kill_list(
        query_rows(c, '''SELECT victim, ghost FROM ghost_victims'''))