Exemplo n.º 1
def laserScan2D(width, height, delta, peakArea, fileName):
    # Scans an area with given width and height at a
    # step rate of delta. peakArea is int value for
    # the location of peak with a scale from 0 to 10,000

    startTime = time.clock()
    h = 0
    w = 0
    n = 0
    m = 0

    x = np.arange(0, width + delta, delta)
    y = np.arange(0, height + delta, delta)
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x)
    tValues = np.zeros((np.size(x), np.size(y)))
    vValues = np.zeros((np.size(x), np.size(y)))

    # set up scope
    scanRange = 1000
    scope = vi.instrument("TCPIP::")
    sRead.setParam(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange)

    # get motor and zero location
    motor = mC.setupMotor()

    while w <= width:
        h = 0
        m = 0
        while h <= height:
            mC.moveTo(motor, w, h)
            x, y = sRead.getData(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange)
            t, v = findPeak(x, y)
            tValues[n, m] = t
            vValues[n, m] = v
            h = h + delta
            m = m + 1
        w = w + delta
        n = n + 1

        # Estimates Time Left
        timeLeft = (width - w) / w * (time.clock() - startTime) / 60
        print "Est. Time Left " + np.str(timeLeft) + "min"
    mC.moveTo(motor, 0, 0)

    # Contour Plot of Time
    makePlot2D(X, Y, tValues, fileName + " Time")

    # Contour Plot of Voltage
    makePlot2D(X, Y, vValues, fileName + " Voltage")

    # File Output
    np.savez(fileName + ".npz", X=X, Y=Y, tValues=tValues, vValues=vValues)

    # Time Taken Calc
    timeTaken = (time.clock() - startTime) / 60  # in min
    print "Time Taken " + np.str(timeTaken)
    return timeTaken, tValues
Exemplo n.º 2
def laserScan1D(width, height, delta, peakArea, fileName):
    # Scans an area with given width and height at a
    # step rate of delta. peakArea is int value for
    # the location of peak with a scale from 0 to 10,000

    startTime = time.clock()
    h = 0
    w = 0
    n = 0
    m = 0

    x = np.arange(0, width + delta, delta)
    y = np.arange(0, height + delta, delta)
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x)
    tValues = np.array([[]])
    vValues = np.array([[]])

    # set up scope
    scanRange = 240
    scope = vi.instrument("TCPIP::")
    sRead.setParam(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange)

    # get motor and zero location
    motor = mC.setupMotor()

    while w <= width:
        h = 0
        m = 0
        while h <= height:
            mC.moveTo(motor, w, h)
            t1, v1 = sRead.getData(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange)
            t2, v2 = sRead.getData(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange)

            t = [np.average([t1[x], t2[x]]) for x in range(len(t1))]
            v = [np.average([v1[x], v2[x]]) for x in range(len(v1))]

            if h == 0 and w == 0:
                tValues = [t]
                vValues = [v]
                tValues = np.append(tValues, [t], axis=0)
                vValues = np.append(vValues, [v], axis=0)
            h = h + delta
            m = m + 1
        w = w + delta
        n = n + 1

        # Estimates Time Left
        timeLeft = (width - w) / w * (time.clock() - startTime) / 60
        print "Est. Time Left " + np.str(timeLeft) + "min"
    mC.moveTo(motor, 0, 0)

    # File Output
    np.savez(fileName + ".npz", X=X, Y=Y, tValues=tValues, vValues=vValues)

    # Plot of Time vs Voltage
    makePlot1D(tValues, vValues, fileName)

    # Time Taken Calc
    timeTaken = (time.clock() - startTime) / 60  # in min
    print "Time Taken " + np.str(timeTaken)
    return timeTaken, tValues, vValues